City of Dubuque Civility AccordTHE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA CIVILITY ACCORD March 7, 2011 1 -On the morning of January 8, 2011, gunshots fired in Tucson, Arizona, reverberated through all of America. A federal judge and a nine - year -old girl were among the six people killed that day in Tucson, and Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, the target of the shooting rampage, was among the 14 more who were wounded. The pain inflicted on them and their families is shared by people across our nation. Regardless of what the motives behind the tragedy in Tucson might have been, it occurred in an atmosphere in which public discourse is often confrontational and lacking in civility. We in Dubuque should use this event as a point of departure, to recommit ourselves to building a more civil society in which each person is respected and public and political discourse are aimed at the betterment of our community, nation, and its people and not the destruction of those with whom we disagree. As President Barack Obama said in the January 12 memorial service for the Tucson victims, "only a more civil and honest public discourse can help us face up to our challenges as a nation." We believe that because mayors and city council members are the elected leaders closest to the people, restoration of civility must begin with us. We are in a unique position to have a positive impact on behavior — individual and collective — and to lead by example. While the tragedy in Tucson is the impetus for this Accord, it represents a commitment that must live on in every elected official in our nation from this day forward. The City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, in order to restore civility to our communities and through them to our nation, pledge our commitment to the following principles for civility: • Respect the right of all citizens to hold different opinions; • Avoid rhetoric intended to humiliate, de- legitimatize, or question the patriotism of those whose opinions are different from ours; • Strive to understand differing perspectives; • Choose words carefully; • Speak truthfully without accusation, and avoid distortion; • Speak out against violence, and incivility in all of their forms, whenever and wherever they occur. We further pledge to exhibit and encourage the kinds of personal qualities that are emblematic of a civil society: gratitude, humility, openness, and passion for service to others, propriety, kindness, caring, faith, sense of duty, and a commitment to building a more civil society. Roy D. Buol Mayor Ric W. Jones Council Member At -Large David T. Resnick Kevin J. Lynch Council Member At -Large Council Member First Ward Karla A. Braig Joyce E. Connors Council Member Second Ward Council Member Third Ward THE UNITED STATES CONFERENCE OF MAYORS CIVILITY ACCORD January 19, 2011 On the morning of January 8, 2011, gunshots fired in one of our nation's great cities reverberated through all of America. A federal judge and a nine- year -old girl were among the six people killed that day in Tucson, and Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, the target of the shooting rampage, was among the 13 more who were wounded. The pain inflicted on them, their families, and the entire Tucson community is shared by people across our nation. Regardless of what the motives behind the tragedy in Tucson might have been, it occurred in an atmosphere in which public discourse is often confrontational and lacking in civility. We should use this event as a point of departure, to recommit ourselves to building a more civil society in which each person is respected and public and political discourse are aimed at the betterment of our nation and its people and not the destruction of those with whom we disagree. As President Barack Obama said in the January 12 memorial service, "only a more civil and honest public discourse can help us face up to our challenges as a nation." We believe that because mayors are the elected leaders closest to the people, restoration of civility must begin with us. We are in a unique position to have a positive impact on behavior — individual and collective — and to lead by example. While the tragedy in Tucson is the impetus for this Accord, it represents a commitment that must live on in every mayor in our nation from this day forward. Through The U.S. Conference of Mayors, we, the mayors of America's cities, in order to restore civility to our communities and through them to our nation, pledge our commitment to the following principles for civility: • Respect the right of all Americans to hold different opinions; • Avoid rhetoric intended to humiliate, de- legitimatize, or question the patriotism of those whose opinions are different from ours; • Strive to understand differing perspectives; • Choose words carefully; • Speak truthfully without accusation, and avoid distortion; • Speak out against violence, prejudice, and incivility in all of their forms, whenever and wherever they occur. We further pledge to exhibit and encourage the kinds of personal qualities that are emblematic of a civil society: gratitude, humility, openness, passion for service to others, propriety, kindness, caring, faith, sense of duty, and a commitment to doing what is right. The immediate need is to help our citizens through this difficult period. Our long term responsibility is to work with them to build that civil society. ,A onio R. Villaraigosa Michael . Nutter Burnsville or of Los Angeles Mayor of Philadelphia t President Second Vice President Robert E. Walkup Mayor of Tucson / 4,/ TOpi Cochran CEb and Executive Director .T. PAXIS Institute PAUth it!I' 111 - [ 1P.1( E' I1('.1;2!1 I).)P)t)Itlt'4, P.O..31205 Il ICSON, A7. 85751 l ISA pP 520,2 )9.6770 tP 520.2P).6822 • www.paxtallk_rom intOol)axis.c oni National leaders in promoting science into practice through research, services, publications, media and training Potential Community and National Benefits of the Mayors' Civility Accord The Mayors' Accord (presented by Mayor of Tucson) intends to reduce incivility in daily life in America's cities and towns. Such incivility has increased in every corner of America, according to 78% of Americans polled' — regardless of political party, religion, culture or ethnicity. Highly regarded scientists in the United States have widely studied such incivility, and have proved that increasing civility in homes, schools, businesses, organizations, and communities has positive benefits on education, health, safety, business, politics and the economy. The Benefits of Civility. A mayors' accord for civility in politics, in community, in neighborhoods, in businesses, in schools, and in homes has the potential to inspire the following proven scientific benefits as examples: • Improved language and cognitive development in children. • Improved employee behavior and business success. • Increased academic achievement, high school graduation and college entry. • Reduced school and community vandalism costs and discipline problems. • Reduced need for costly special education. • Reduced prevalence of costly ADHD, without medications. • Reduced violent injuries by and from students. • Improved health among students and adults. • Reduced lifetime major psychiatric disorders and improved behavioral health. • Reduced lifetime criminal violence.' • Reduced felony offenses and relapse of current drug offenders. • Reduced lifetime suicidal behaviors.' 8 • Reduced lifetime alcohol, tobacco and illegal drug addictions in children, teens and adults. When citizens negative ruminations about such incivility decrease, the US economy rebounds. The notion that civility is good for family, business and community health ought not to come as a surprise. The idea is embodied in every religious faith. For example, the New Testament commands that we should do unto others, as we would have others do unto us. That is the Golden Rule. The Dangers of Incivility. Incivility, insults, threats, name - calling, or degrading and humiliating comments have no proven benefits for improving public safety, public health, -24 common defense or economic wellbeing. Organized incivility has widespread adverse consequences in a free society. There are studies that show such behaviors provide short-term gain for the perpetrators, but not for the greater common good. When incivility is consciously invoked as a political strategy, it has another name: propaganda —used by the right or left across the world for evil. A Practical Science of Increasing Civility and Reducing Incivility. Every mayor knows that his or her community can grow and prosper when civility rules. Civility does not preclude spirited, even pointed discussions, debate, or challenges. Our Founding Fathers were spirited and passionate. Our Founding Fathers valued Reason, which is strengthened by civility and diminished by incivility and irrationality. The proposed accord will utilize the best peer- reviewed science to promote civility in American communities. As the Founders were scientists of everyday events, we must be everyday scientists for improving the wellbeing, safety, health, freedom and security of every one of our citizens —young or old, Republican or Democrat, Liberal or Conservative, rich or poor, recent or new to America, Black, White, Red, Yellow something in between. We are all Americans. A Call To Action. As mayors we can lead by example and moral persuasion to enlist fellow citizens, families, neighborhoods, school boards, county officials, businesses, state officials, faith leaders, advocacy organizations, local media and others to adopt, reinforce and spread proven practices that increase civility and decrease incivility. 1 References Cited 1. Marks J. "The American Uncivil Wars" U.S. News & World Report, 1996:68. 2. Bradshaw CP, Zmuda JH, Kellam S, Ialongo N. Longitudinal Impact of Two Universal Preventive Interventions in First Grade on Educational Outcomes in High School. Journal of Educational Psychology 2009;101(4):926 -37. 3. Mayer GR, Butterworth T, Nafpaktitis M, Sulzer - Azaroff B. Preventing school vandalism and improving discipline: A three -year study. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis 1983;16(4):355. 4. van Lier PAC, Muthen BO, van der Sar RM, Crijnen AAM. 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Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment 2001;21(2):89 -96. 13. Petry NM, Peirce JM, Stitzer ML, Blaine J, Roll JM, Cohen A, et al. Effect of Prize -Based Incentives on Outcomes in Stimulant Abusers in Outpatient Psychosocial Treatment Programs: A National Drug Abuse Treatment Clinical Trials Network Study. Arch Gen Psychiatry 2005;62(10):1148 -56. 14. Petry NM, Petrakis I, Trevisan L, Wiredu G, Boutros NN, Martin B, et al. Contingency Management Interventions: From Research to Practice. Am J Psychiatry 2001;158(5):694 -702. 15. Petry NM, Roll JM, Rounsaville BJ, Stitzer M, Blaine J, McCarty D, et al. Serious adverse events in randomized psychosocial treatment studies: Safety or arbitrary edicts? Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 2008;76(6):1076 -82. 16. Petry NM, Simcic F, Jr. Recent advances in the dissemination of contingency management techniques: Clinical and research perspectives. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment 2002;23(2):81 -86. 17. 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Criminal Justice and Behavior 2010;37(9):1030 -40. 22. Augustin T, Glass TA, James BD, Schwartz BS. Neighborhood psychosocial hazards and cardiovascular disease: The Baltimore Memory Study. American Journal of Public Health 2008;98(9):1664 -70. 23. Lim S, Cortina LM, Magley VJ. Personal and workgroup incivility: Impact on work and health outcomes. Journal of Applied Psychology 2008;93(1):95 -107. 24. Reio TG, Jr., Ghosh R. Antecedents and outcomes of workplace incivility: Implications for human resource development research and practice. Human Resource Development Quarterly 2009;20(3):237 -64. 25. Porath CL, Pearson CM. The cost of bad behavior. Organizational Dynamics 2010;39(1):64 -71. 2 CITY OF TUCSON OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ROBERT E. WALKUP February 14, 2011 Mayor Roy Buol 50 West 13th Street Dubuque, IA 52001 SUBJECT: US Conference of Mayors' Civility Accord Dear Mayor: I want to personally thank you for signing the US Conference of Mayors' Civility Accord. We believe that a renewed commitment to civility in our professional and personal lives is an appropriate response to the tragic events of January 8, 2011. As President Obama said, "only a more civil and honest public discourse can help us face up to the challenges of our nation in a way that would make [the victims] proud." I encourage you to share the Civility Accord with your City Council and encourage it to adopt its own. You can also share the attached information regarding the quantifiable, scientific studies that have measured the value of civility to a community with local agencies in your city if it can assist them in their efforts. The Paxis Institute is a national leader in the study of the costs and benefits of certain behaviors to societies. Its work is widely recognized and respected, and it is provided to you as a reference. Additionally, I hope you will wear the enclosed lapel pin. This "civility" pin will demonstrate your commitment to civility to your community. Thank you for joining me in this important effort. I truly believe that America's Mayors can lead the way yet again to improve our cities and our nation. Robert E. Walkup Mayor CITY HALL • 255 W. ALAMEDA • P.O. BOX 27210 • TUCSON, AZ 85726 -7210 (520) 791 -4201 • FAX (520) 791 -5348 www.cityoftucson.org