1977 Index Council ProceedingsOFFICIAL. PROCEEDINGS of CITY COUNCIL '~ of the CITY OF DUBUQUE IOWA FOR THE YEAR 1977 F i CITY OFFICERS FOR THE YEAR 1977 COUNCILMEN EMIL STACKIS, MAYOR JAMESE.BRADY THOMAS A. TULLY, JR. WALTER A. PREGLER RICHARD WERTZBERGER City Clerk.............. ......... ...... ..LEOF.FROMMELT City Solicitor.... . . . . .. ..... . . . . . ... ........... . R. N. RUSSO Assistant City Solicitors.................. WILLIAM G. BLUM BARRY A. LINDAHL CITY MANAGER GILBERT D. CHA VENELLE Assistant City Manager................ GENT WITTENBERG Administrative Assistant. .. . ... .... . GERALD J. KOPPES 7/29 Z. D. HANTELMANN 8/1 Personnel Director.. ... ...... . . . . . .. MICHAEL ROHRET 2/15 Program Planner..... ..... ...... ... .... . PAULINE J. JOYCE Finance Director................ .... .......A. G. HEITZMAN Deputy Finance Director. .. ......... .... . . . . . . GERALD HIRD Director of Public Works.............. FRANCIS A. MURRAY City Engineer.. ...... ... ........... .... . MICHAEL A. KOCH Supt. of WaterWorks.... ... .... ...... ......... .J.J.HAIL4/1 M. W. WILLIAMS 8/3 Street Commissioner. . ..... . .... . ... .. MERLE FELDERMAN Community Development Director. ... . . DANIEL DITTEMORE Dock Commission Manager. ... . .. . . ... . . . . . . SHIRLEY LANG Supt. of Parks...... ....... ......... .... . RICHARD KRAMER Building Department Commissioner. . . . . . . . . RICHARD FEYEN Electrical Inspector. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EDWARD O. ALBER 11/4 ROBERT McCARTEN 1117 Plumbing Inspector..... .. ... . . .. . ALVIN "BUD" ANDERSON Chief of Fire Department. ... . . . . . ... . .. ROBERT N. DUNPHY Coordinator, Office of Disaster Services....... ROBERT GOOCH Chief of Police Department. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ROBERT J. O'BRIEN City Assessor..........................JAMES J. GREGORY Director of Recreation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TERRY TRUEBLOOD Health Director.. . . . . . .. ... . KENNETH K. HAZLET M.D. 6/30 ARTHUR J. ROTH JR. 7/1 Sanitary Officer........ .............. ...LAVERNE GOERDT Food & Restaurant Inspector. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . REX BRAMMER Library Director. . . . . . . ..... . . . . . . ... WILLIAM G. FULLMER Airport Manager. ...... . .. .... . . . . .. . . . . . . ..... JEFF MOLID Human Rights Director and E.E.O. Officer. . MATHIAS LORENZ Regular meetings of the City Council are held on the First Monday of each month at 7:30 p.m. 1977 INDEX-BOOK 107 SUBJECT A Jan. 3-Amer. Trust & Savings Bank named depository. ............. " 17-Agenda, Council material for same to be submitted to Clerk's Office on or before noon on the Wednesday preceeding a scbed. uled Council Meeting. """""""""""""""""'" " 17-Award, Grant. Iowa Arts Council advising City recipient of same. .................................................... " 17 - "Alien Address Report Montb", January proclaimed same..... " 17-ANNEXATION to the City. results submitted by Commission- erofElections............................................ " 17-American Interinsurance Excbange. representing Carl A. Kane, notice of personal property damage claim. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13,617 " 17-Allison Henderson Pavilion, Iowa TOPS objecting to fee in- crease at same............................................ 15,62 " 17-American Legion Auxiliary requesting to conduct Poppy Day SaleouMay27&28tb..................................... " 17 -Autbority, County-City of Dubuque, dissolution of same....... " 17-AUDIT SERVICES. for the Downtown Urban Renewal Project No. Iowa R-15, authorizing the execution of a contract for same witbO'Conuor,Brooks & Co................................ " 17-Audresen, Tbomas granted Beer-Liquor License & Cigarette Liceuses...............................................33, 132,325 Feb. 7-"American Heart Montb" montb of February................. 43 " 7 -Airport Commission submitting minutes of their meetings...../ ...........m~____~~____a 7 - Advisory Commission submitting minutes of their meetings. . . .... - -............43,118,134.150,203,252,401.426,452, 531, 555, 603 7 -Annexation of Henschel's Black Forest requested hy Richard Henschel. ................................................ 7 -Audit Report of Transit System for City of Dubuque for years ending June 30, 1975 and June 30,1976, submitted_........... 7-Amling, Rick relative to Unit Pricing. -. ....... ........ ._-... 7-AGREEMENT between DOT and City relating to grant offer to pay the State's share of the Master Plan Study for Dubuque MUNICIPAL AIRPORT approved.......... ....-........... " 21-Art Ass'n. custodians of 1976 Series of Bicentennial Frank Lic- ciardi paintings........................................... " 21-Adult Entertainment establishment, City Attorney relative to same. """"""""""""'-""""""""""""" " 21-Ambassadors, Dubuque. submitting entry in 1977 Ia. Commu- nity Betterment competition. """'-""""""""""" " 21- Annexing 52.264 acres in Henschel's Black Forest requested by Richard & Mildred Henschel. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... 82, 101 " 21-Annexing 0.78 acres in Henschel's Black Forest requested by David & Florence Willoughby. ...... """"""""""'" " 21- Annexing .814 acres in Henschel's Black Forest requested by Harold & Darlcne Conzett Jr............................... " 21-Annexing 5.423 acres in Harwood Place requested by 1st Nat'!., Theisen Bldg. Co.. and Merl Goerdt et ux. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 103. 209 " 21- Avon Park, Park Board approving plan of same and application for Federal Funds. ..................-.................105, 192, 238 " 21-AGREEMENT between the City and DOT for installation of Advance Railroad Crossing Signs, anthorizing execution of same............... ...................................... " 21-Acquisition of right-of-way for roadway projects (Northwest Arteriall from Joseph & Ruth Siegert....................... " 21-AGREEMENT between Dock Commissioners and Dubuque Sand & Gravel Co.. approved......................._....... 110,124 " 21-AGREEMENT between Dock Commissioners and Robert's River Rides Inc. approved............................. .110, 124, 138 " .21-ApartmentLtd..ThegrantedLiquorLicense.........__.... 112 Mar. 10-Adult Entertainment Establishments, Ordinance requested for same...............,..................................-.. 119 " 10-Airport Commission to investigate "Fly for Hire" practice at Airport................................. .............120,150,177 ~~.~. Page 10 10 10 15 19 29 82 43 62 86 88 94 97 102 102 106 106 119 1977 INDEX-BOOK 107 SUBJECT INDEX-BOOK 107 SUBJECT 1977 Page 6-Albert, Dick, granted Cigarette License. ...............,.... 283 6-Adams, Charles F., granted Cigarette License................ 284 6-American Snack, Inc., granted Cigarette License... ..-....... 284 6-Arvanitis,GeorgeK.,grantedCigaretteLicense.............. 285 6-American Legion granted Liquor License & Cigarette License. 286, 324 " 15-Application approval and authorizing submission of application for a Low-Rent HousingProgram.. -........................ 287,289 " 20-Audit of Water Utility and Parking and Sewage Facilities Funds to be performed by O'Connor Brooks and Co. and State Auditor tbe balance of financial funds for City for period of 7-1-76t06-30-77........................................... 294,345 " 20 - Air Siren in 900 Block of Kane Street, objections to same- . . . . . 306 " 20-Andresen, John, Granted Cigarette Licenses............ ..... 324 " 20-Aquinas Institute of Theology granted Cigarette License..... 324 " 20-Anthony,PauIE"grantedCigaretteLicense................. 324 " .20-A.Y.McDonaldMfg.grantedCigaretteLicense............. 325 " 20-A & P Granted Cigarette License & Beer Permit.......... 325,445,476 " 29-AGREEMENT, authorizing the execution of same with the Chi- cago Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad Co. and DOT re- lating to reconstruction of railroad crossings on 16th, 15th & 14th Streets.............................................. " 29-Agreement by and between Dubuque Airport Commission and theTri-StateFliteServiceslnc.,approved....... ............. " 29-Area "C" Development Study Commission, appointment to same............................."""""""""""" 330 " 29-Airport Zoning Commission, appointments to same........... 330 " 29-Advisory Commission, appointments to same. ..... ...... .330, 479,501 "29-Aliendorf,Don,appointedtoTVCableCommission........... 330 " 29-Alfredo, William appointed to TV Cable Commission.......... 330 " .29-Abitz, Don appointed to TV Cable Commission.............. 330 July 5-Arbor Oaks Block 7 water construction permit submitted by DEQ. .................................................... 5-Adams, Mrs. Merl, objecting to outside organizations soliciting in City..................... ....................,......... 5-Arthofer, Don, Notice of car damage claim..... .............. 5-American Diabetes Assn., requesting to conduct Bike-A-Thon onSept.25............................................... 5-Asbury Springs No. I, approving plat of portion of same. (HenkeIl.................................................. 5-ANNEXATION requested by Theisen Building Company, Inc. 5-ANNEXATION requested by Manternach Development Co... 5-AGREEMENT with Iowa DOT to use FAUS Funds for right of way land acquisition for Siegert property.................... 5- Application for participation in Section 8 Existing Housing Pro- gram for 100 units to be submitted to HUD................... " 18-Andresen, Thomas, expressing thanks for assistance in produc- ingF.I.S.T................................................ " 18-ANNEXATION requested by Elinor Ann Cody Ginder........ " 18 - Archdiocese of Dubuque. P & Z approving plats for same. . . . . . " 18-Asbury Spriugs Subd. No. I, approving plat of portion of same. " 18-ANNEXATION requested by Frederick C. and Janell Timmer- man. ............ ,....................................... " 18-AGREEMENT for Financial Assistance through the Land and Water Conservation Fund for a proposed Avon Park Project. " 18-AGREEMENT providing for Block Grant Funds to be used for relocation of sewer and water lines at the Civic Center........ " 18-AGREEMENT with DOT for FAUS Funds for Signalization of 20th Street from Central to Elm. ........................... Aug. l-"ApprenticeshipMonth"monthofAugust................... " I-Avenarius, William J" requesting to connect to city water at 140AquinSt............................,................. 409,433 I-Agreement with Computer Consulting Services, Inc" authoriz- ingexecutionofsame................................... 1- Application for 100 Unit same for Existing Housing. . . . . . . . . . . 1 - Agreement between City of Dubuque and Iowa DOT relating to the paving of South Locust from Railroad Avenue to Dodge St. " lo-Alpha Phi Omega (Loras College) requesting to distribute tags and accept contributions on March 19, 1977 to "Shamrocks for DystrophyDrive"........................."""""""" " 10-AGREEMENT between Dock Commissioners and Robert Kehl approved. .................:..........................110,124,138 " 10-Annual Performance Report of certain Community Develop- ment Block Grant Documents available. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128 " 10-Annexing 38.10 acres of land in M.L. 324 requested by Manter- nach Development Company. .............................. 129 " 21- Ambassadors, Dubuque, endorsed as sponsors of the 1977 Iowa Community Betterment Program........................... 147 Apr. 4-Ad Hoc Preservation Advisory Board, relative to Ordinance for same..................................................... 157 4- "Application for District Regulations", Ordinance providing for same..................................................... 162,207 4-Advisory Commission being opposed to proposed closing times in Parks.................................................. 165 4-Apel, Fred, Park Board Member, relative to the closing of parks at earlier time............................................ 4-AGREEMENTS with Illinois Central Gulf Railroad and Chica- go, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad for construction of a force main from tbe Terminal St. lift station to the Wastcwat- erTrentmentPlant.........................""""""" . 4-AGREEMENT witb Dock Commission and Dubuque Barge & FleetingCompanysubmitted............................... 172,187 "18-"ArtsinDUbuqueWeek"April24t030th.................... 176 18-ANNEXATION of Lot 2 of I of! ofBeverly Pines, requested by CharlesD.Spahn.......................................... 186 18-ANNEXATION of portion of Schrup Subd. in Section I Table Mound Township requested by I,ouis J. and Rita M. Jaeger.... 187 18-Avon Park, acquisition of certain rea! property for the develop- mentofsame............................................. 192,265 18-Astgen, Thomas M" granted Beer Permit & Cigarette License. ......................................................198,325,423 27 - AGREEMENT with Sheriff and Dubuque County to hold same harmless from any claims arising out of deputization of persons for City Parks and Airport Facilities........................ May 2-Andresen, Tom, relative to movie production ofF.J.S.T........ " 2-Apel Edward, Sidewalk Bond submitted................ ,... . 2-ANNEXATION of portions of Table Mound Township as re- quested by D. James and Patricia Edwards.............. '.... . 2-Asbury Springs Sub. No.4, approving final plat of same....... 2-AGREEMENT with City and Dubuque County relating to maintenance of prisoners confined in the I,aw Enforcement Cen- ter...................................................... . " 16-Ambassadors, Dubuque, advising of receipt of $500.00 and re- questingtopassontoTransitBoard.. ... ............ ..,..... 16-AGREEMENT with Dubuque Chips, Inc. covering certain city owncdrealestate......................................... 229,260 16-Actuaria! Report of Police and Fire Retirement System sub- mitted to Commissioner of Insurance...........'" ,...,..... 234 16-Adult Day Care Center, release of funds for same..... 237, 263,333,390 16-Avon Park, Dittemore advising of application for Federal Assis- tance. ................................................ " 16-Annual Contributions Contract, authorizing execution of same for Section 8 Existing Housing Assistance Payments Program. " 16-AGREEMENT between the City and the Old Creamery Theatre Company of Garrison, Iowa to provide certain theatrical performances in 5 Flags Theatre. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . June 6-Audit for Community Development Block Grant Funds.... .... " 6-Alta Vista St. Curb & Gutter Replacement Project from Kirk- wood St. to Vernon St"constructionofsame...... ... .277. 308, 344,567 6-Audit report from State for period of 7-1-75 to 6-H6 submit- ted. ..................................................... 282 6-Asbury Springs Sub. No.2, approving plat of portion of same... 282 6-Abernathy, Glen granted Cigarette License......... ........, 283 123 165 169 186 200 204 205 215 217 219 223 238 241 244 272 Page 329 329 332 332 336 337 346 360 361 364 366 371 384 386 387 389 388 390 394 401 420 420 421 1977 INDEX-BOOK 107 SUBJECT " 15- Arendt, Edward John, notice of personal injury claim. " 15-ANNEXATION requested by Marvin C. & Alice L. Meeker and Richard W.Anthony....................................... " 15-Anthony, Richard W. and Marvin C. & Alice 1,. Meeker request- ingannexation............................................ " 15--ANNEXATION requested by Joseph F. & Ruth M. Siegert and Edward Tschiggfric of approx. 75.018 acres. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " .15-AmvetsPost#3grantedLiquorLiccnse.................... Sept. 6-Airport Commission advising of vacancy and recommending reappointment of Jerry Kopischke. .......... ............... 6-Audits for Iowa Parking Facilities and Municipal Sewage Dis- posal Works and Facilities submitted by City Manager.... .... 6-"Agricultural Land Tax Credits" submitted by City Manager. 6-ASAP, City Manager submitting contract between same and Police Dept.............."............................... 6-A & H Development Co" approving final plat submitted by .same...,......,....,.................................... 473,509 " .14-AirportCommission,appointmentstosame,................ 479 " 19 - Advisory Commission relative to roadside dumping. . . . . . . . . . . 480 " 19-Annnal Financial Report for City, ending 6-30-77, proof of publi- cation. .........................................,......... " 19 - Appel Frederick Roo Notice of property damage claim. . . . . . . . . " 19-Advisory Commission endorsing concept of City Youth Commis- sion......................................................487,502 " 19-ANNEXATION requested by Henry L. & Lois Callan of por- tion of "Henschel's BlackForest".................. ......... Oct. 3-Aquin St., DEQ submitting water main extension construction permit. ...................................... ............ 3-Amcs, Bobbe, resigning from Community Development Com- mission. .......................................,........ 3-Abitz, Donald R., unahle to serve on Cable Commission......... 3-ANNEXATION, Notice of Suit filed by W.C. Neumeister rela- tivetosame............................................... 3-ANNEXATION requested by Raymond A. & Bertha H. Ney... 3-ANNEXATION requested by Thomas A. Luksetich and Elean- orJ.Rafoth............................................... 522 " 17-Adult Entertainment Ordinance, estahlishing same........... 533,561 " 31 ~ANNEXATION, Dale Stierman required to do same in order to connect to City's sanitary sewer............................ 549,570 " 31- Ambulance, Fire Chief Dunphy requesting to go to bid for new oneofsame............................................... Nov. 7 -' "American Education Week" Nov. 13th to 19th. ......... ..... 7-Advisory Council on Historical Preservation of Washington D.C., relative to Marshall.Roosevelt Park Improvements. . . . . . 7 - Audit, Financial, submitted by City Manager for Water Dcpart- mentforperiodof7-1-76t06-30-77... ........................ 7 -Audit, Financial, of Housing Authority for period of March I, 1976toJunc30,1977submittcd..."""".....", """." 7 - A & H Deveiopment Inc. requesting vacation and disposal in ac- cess street running from Roosevelt St. westerly in Peil's Sub. " 21-Architect, authorizing hiring of same for future use of Trenkle Property......,......,............. ".. .'....,..... " 21-Audit, Financial, for Transit System for period of July I, 1976 to June30,1977submitted.................................... 578 " 21-Automobiles, Parking and Storing of same in R-District. .. .... 581, 618 " 21-Airport Commission requesting to purchase snow removal equipment............ ............... " 21-AmendingBudgetforfiscalyearI978......."...", ... " 21- Advisory Commission requesting number of public hearings be held by the City Council to provide citizen input regarding 561 Freeway and Dubuque-Wisconsin Bridge. ............... . Dec. 5-Admiral Sheehy Drive, Navy League recommending road be- tween Schmitt Memorial Marker and Schmitt Harbor be named same. .................................................... 5-A. Y. McDonald Mfg. Co. in favor of no more than 5 minutes waiting time at railroad crossings. . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 430 435 435 442 446 453 455 455 455 481 481 496 504 504 504 505 521 554 555 556 556 o,R 563 578 085 593 599 603 604 [ - I ~- 1977 INDEX-BOOK 107 SUBJECT 5-Affirmative Action Program, City Manager submitting same. 5-American LaFrance awarded bid for Fire Apparatus.......... 5-Ambulance Bids, proof of publication... ...,.. ............... 5-Annual Report of Actual Use of General Revenue and Antire- cession Fiscal Assistance Funds, proof of publication. . . . . . . . . . 5-Anderson, Evelyn A" granted Liquor License................ " 19-Arbor Oaks, Notice of Appeal by Iowa Northwestern Develop- ment Co.,regardingdenialofplatforsame... ..... ........... " 19-Adams, Gregory J" Jeffrey T. Maggio, Terry Steiner granted Cigarette and Liquor Licenses........................ ...... 627,628 Page 604 604 604 607 610 617 ~~'-_. --- 1977 INDEX-BOOK 107 SUBJECT Page B Jan. 3-Brady, James E., appointed MayorProTem.................. 3-Black History Day, Week or Month, Emanuel Pieterson Histori- caISorietyrequestingsame................................ 3,88 3-Birch Acres on Fremont, D.E.Q. submitting sewer construction permitforsame........................................... 3-Birch,MarshaIl,refundon CigarettePermit........... ...... 3-Barton, Richard J" refund on Cigarette Permit............... 3-Bailey, Edward, refund on Cigarette Permit. & Liquor License. 3-Bradley, Donald F., granted Cigarette Permit & Liquor Li- cense...............................................7,198,396,628 " 17-BUS OPERATORS Exams conducted on January 12,1977, re- sults submitted by Civil Service Commission. ................ 11,247 17 - Bartman, Theodore C., refund on unexpired Cigarette & Liquor Liceose. ................................................. 15,98 17-Becker, Marie Bertha, granted Beer-Liquor License and Cig- aretteLicense. .........................................33, 111, 325 " 17-Burke, Josephine, granted Beer-Liquor License.............. 33 Feb. 7 - Boundary Changes, City Development Board, submitting a manual clarifying the process of corporate same. . . . . . . . . . . , . . 7 - Bast, Art, Notice of property damage claim. . . .. .. . . . . .. . . . .. 7-Berberich, Ed,relative to Unit Pricing................ ....... 7 - Bonds, Streets, providing for issuance of same to pay for as- sessed cost of Jackson St. from 22nd St. to Diamond St. ....... 7 -Bonds, Streets, providing for issuance of same to pay for as- sessed cost of Jackson St. from 12th St. to 22nd St............ 69 7 - Bleile, Gary, granted Cigarette & Beer Permit & Refunds. . . 84, 85, 487 7 -BUDGET Recommendations for Fiscal Year 1978 and estimate for Fiscal Year 1979 submitted by City Manager...........,.. 86 21-Bicentennial paintings by Licciardi, Art Asso. to be custodian of same. . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . 88 " .21-Beecher,Richard,denialofcardamageclaim................ 91 " 21-Blake,Ambrose,Noticeofcardamageclaim.................. 91 " 21-Baker, Virginia Ann granted Cigarette and Beer License.. .111, 324, 445 " 25-BUDGE1" Setting date for public hearing. .............. .115,117,133 " 25-Building Construction Codes with particular reference to water mains and laterals to be examined........................... 116 Mar. 10-BUDGET for Fiscal Year ending June 30, 1978 adopted........ 117, 133 " 10 -Burlington Northern Railroad, relative to lease with Dock Com- mission&RobertKehl.....................................124 " 10-Brant, Carl N., granted Liquor License & Cigarette License & Refunds. .............................................132,324,463 "21-"BasketbaIlRecognitionWeek",March21,1977.............. 134 21-Bastian, Sue, relative to W.R.A. situation with Men's Recrca- tiouAss'n................................................ 21-Brashaw, Clair, appointed to Heating, Ventilating, Air-condi- tioningandRef.Bd........................................ " 21-Bush, Robert K. appointed to Heating, Ventilating, Air-condi- tioningandRef.Bd........................................ " 21-Brady, Councilman, relative to target areas for Loan & Grant Program. ................................................ Apr. 4-Berger, DanieL relativc'!o freeze-up of sewer line near home at 1279ThomasPlace........................................ 150,176 18-Blackburn, Carl Joseph Aetna Casualty & Surety Company, Sidewalk Construction Bond submitted...................... 177 18-Beverly Pines, Charles D. Spahn requesting annexation of por- tion. ..................................................... 186 " 18-Bertsch, Attorney, reiative to leasing of West side of Dove Har- borbyConti-Carriers...................................... 186 " 18-Breitbach, Timothy, acquiring land from same for Avon Park.. 193,265 May 2-BUDGET, as to the proposed use of Revenue Sharing Funds, proofofpublication........................................ 206 2- Burgess, Fred, objecting to rezoning of Equestrian Heights. . . . 206 2-Boards and Commissions to meet at least once a month at 4:00 P.M.orlater.............................................. 3 4 4 4,62 212 1977 INDEX-BOOK 107 SUBJECT Page 43 45 62 2-Bowman, Dwaine D" granted Beer Permit and Cigarette Li- cense.................................................219,243,326 2-Bisping, Herbert F" granted Beer Permit & Cigarette License. 219, 396 " .16-"Burglary Prevention Month" June, 1977................... 221 , 16 - Boardman, Kay requesting help and relief from cat nuisance. . . 221 " 16-Bar X Inc., granted Liquor License & Cigarette License....... 244,325 " 26-Behlmer, Wilbur appointed to Board of Heating, Ventilating, Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration...................... ,..246 June 6-Blosch, Carl, Sidewalk Construction Bond submitted.......... 254 6-Bocek, James, Notice of car damage claim.lBy Henry Voelsl.... 254,402 6-BUDGET, amending FY'77 and fixing date of hearing......... 271.306 6-Beecher Oil Co. granted Cigarette Licenses and Beer Permits 121....................................................283,285,423 6-Billikas, William H" granted Cigarette License & Liquor Li- cense....................................................283,501 6-Birch Oil Co. Inc., granted Cigarette License & Refund........ 283,463 6-Beidler, Dave, granted Cigarette License and refund.......... 284,306 6-Big G Steak House Inc. granted Cigarette License & Beer Per- mit........................,.............................284,544 6-Burger King granted Cigarette License...................... 284 6-Blakeman, Ron, granted Cigarette License & Liquor License... 284,327 6 - Board of Health, City Council as act as same for City of Dubu- que. ..................................................... " 15-Basten, Willa, relative to more housing for larger families need- ed. ...................................................... " 20-BoardofHealthMeeting................................... " 20 - Bieberman, Louise, petitioning for suspension of taxes. . . . . . . . " 20-Bodish, Ann, petitioning for suspension for taxes............. " 20-Bradley, Helen Moo petitioning for suspension oftaxes......... " 20-Board of Zoning Adjustment, James H. Richard resigning from same..................................................... 294 " 20- Birch Acres, Planning & Zoning approving portion of same. . . .. 299, 375 " .20-Baumhover,Dennis,re,oningrequest...................... 301,375 " 20-BONDS, Parking Facilities Revenue, fixing a date for the initia- tion of proceedings for same........................ 311, 346, 398, 433 " 20-Bastian, Jack granted Cigarette License & Liquor License..... 324,529 " 20-Brown Publishing, William C., granted Cigarette License...... 324 " 20-Bauer, Daniel W.,granted Cigarette License. """""""" 325 " 20-Baum, William J" granted Cigarette License & Liquor License & Refund. ............................................325, 501, 511 " 20-Bleile, Gary L., granted Cigarette License................... 325 " 20-BPOE granted Cigarette License & Liquor License........... 326,611 " 20-Broughton,Robert granted Cigarette License................ 326 " 20-Burke, Josephine A., granted Cigarette License.......... .... 326 " 29 - Beauchamp, Helen, appointed to Advisory Commission. . . . . . . . 330 " .29-Bonnett,Daveappointedt05FlagsCommission............. 330 " 29- Biasi, George appointed to Historical Preservation Commission. 330 July 5-Bahl,IdaE.,objectingtoraisingofparkingfees............... 333 " 5-Buses off in nighttime and inaugurate services on Sunday, re- quested by Mrs. Lucy Osterhaus............................ 333 5-Breitbach, Atty. Donald, representing Pat Klossner, requesting beauticians be ailowed in OR-I zoning.................... 335,575, 605 5-Brady, Councilman requesting removal of stop signs at Kerper & 16th Streets, to make Kerper Blvd. a thru street. . . . . . . . . . .. 337, 379 5-Bike-A-Thon to be held on Sept. 25th, requested by American DiabetcsAssn............................................ 337,556 5-Bicycle race requested hy Dubuque Bicycle Club on Sept. 5th. 338 5-Breitbach, Atty. Donald, representing Thomas J. and Ruth E. O'Mailey, objecting to paving of Wilbur St. and assessment.... 339,481 5-BUDGET, amending proposed amendment for Fiscal Year 1978. 363, 607 5 - Bishop Buffet, Inc" granted Cigarette License. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 368 5-Book Nook, Inc" granted Cigarette License. ................. 368 "18-BUDGETfor5FlagsCivicCenter,submittingsame.......... 372 " .18-Bowen, Mr. relative to completion of Civic Center............ 372 " 18-Burchett, Mr. relative to completion of Civic Center....... .... 372 " 18-BIDDING for Civic Center to for one contract. ............... 373,399 81 287 289 290 294 294 294 124 134 135 135 146 333 186 ~ - " 18-Brady, Councilman suggesting creation of a residential parking sticker in Downtown Residential Districts..............."" " 18-Brady, Councilman, suggesting proposed revision to conditional usepermits............................................... " 18-Bartmann, Atty., retained by Richard Jaspcret ux for accident involving their son..,...........:...........""""""" " 18-Brandt, Alfred granted Cigarette License & Liquor ¡'¡cense... Aug. I-Behnke, Arthur, Notice of Expiration of Right of Redemption on property sold to same.................."""""""'"403 1- Bartels, Beulin, Notice of Personal injury claim. . . . . . . . . . . . ,. . 403 l-"Birch Acres" Planning & Zoniug approving rezoning of same. 406, 456 " 15-Board of Adjustment, Theresa Cicciarelli resigning from same. 427 " 15-Bertsch, Atty" relative to rezoning request by H.R.W. Assoc.. 428,449 " 15-BONDS, Hospital Facility First Mortgage refunding and im- provement revenue same to be issued for Finley Hospital. . 428, 468, 488 " 15-Bartmann, Attorney representing Richard & Dianne Tuthill, Notice of motorcycle claim. ."...................,......... " 15-Bock, Earl J" objectifig toinstallation of traffic signals at 20th & Elm St. .;;"............................................. " 15-Bainbridge, James granted Liquor License. .,. ............... " 31-Bendt, Elizabeth, in favor of blocking Keyway Dr............. Sept. 6-Building Codes, United Ass'n. of Journeymen & Apprentices of the Plbg. & Pipe Fitting Industry, urging continuance of en- forcementofsame......................................... 6-Buelow, C. J" relative to proposed Ordinance requiring City in- spection prior to sale of real estate......................"" 6-Brown, Robert Henr" & Letha Pearl, approving final plat sub- mittedbysame........................................... " 14 - Board of Zoning Adjustment, appointments to same. . . . . . . . . . . " 14-Britt, Paul L"appointed toTransitBoard.......... .......... " 19-Biasi, C. George relative to "Buyer Notification Ordinance" .... " 19 - Backes, Jos" appointed to Housing Rehab. Commission. . . . . . . . Oct. 3-BONDS, SEWER, providing for issuance of same for W. 32nd St. Sewer................................................ " 17-Birch, Adeline, notice of personal injury claim............. ... " 17-Building Commissioner submitting first draft of Ordinance re- commending the establishment of a committee to review hous- ing code standards and enforcement procedures. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 535 "17-Bradley,Elmer,finalplatapprovedbyP&Z................. 542 " 17 - Birkett, Elizabetb B., granted Cigarette and Liquor Liceuse. .. 543, 545 " 17 - Blum, Alvin appointed to Housing Rebab. Commission. . . . . . . . 545 Nov. 7 -Briggs, Robert F" Jr., notice of claim with Iowa Industrial Com- missioner. ............................................... 7 - Brandenberg, Mollie, Notice of settlement allowed.. . . . . . . . . . . . " 21- Brady, Councilman, advising of campaign contribution received .fromMrs.Kronfeldt...................................... 575 " 21- "Buena Vista Court" (Licht! approving final plat of same. . . . . . . 585 " 21- "Birch Acres" P & Z approving final plat of portion of same. . . . 587 " 21-BUDGET, amending Fiscal Year 1978....................593,607,616 "21-Bidforfirepumpertobcreturnedunopened................. 597 Dec. 5-Building Code Board of Appeal, James A. Schwers resigning from same.................""""""""""""""", " 19-BRIDGE & FREEWAY, alternatives submitted for same...... " 19-"Birch Acres"P & Z approvingrezoningonportionofsamc...., " 19 - Building Code, State, approving same to be referred to interest- edOrganizations..........................................624 19-Bertolini, Angelina A., granted Cigarette and Liquor Licenses. 627, 628 1977 INDEX-BOOK 107 SUB1ECT Jan. 3-CityCouncil,RegularSession............................... " 3-City Manager, Gilbert D. Chavenelle appointed same.......... 3-City Manager' advising all employees under his power have been reappointed................................. ......... 3-Chavenelle, Gilbert D., personal bond submitted.............. 3-Council vacancy to be filled by a special election.......... 4, 15, 3-Clark, Julia Nell, granted Cigarette Permit & Liquor License.. 3 - Conzett, Wm. A., appointed to Dock Commission. . . . . . . . . . . . . " 17-City Council, Special Session............................... " 17-"ChamberofCommerce Appreciation Week" Jan. 24to28..... " .17-CivicCenterplanssubmitted.............................. " 17 -Counc ) Agenda material to be submitted to Clerk's Office ou or before noon on the Wednesday preeeeding a scheduled Council Meeting. .. .. . . . . .. .. .. . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . .. . . " 17 -County Highway Dept. advising vacating portion of Robin Hood Drive. ......... ................,.................. ....... " 17-Commissioners of Elections submitting results of Annexation Election held on December 28, 1976. ........................ " 17 -Civil Service Commission submitting results of BUS OPERA- TORS examinations conducted on January 12, 1977. .......... 11,247 " 17 -City Manager relative to Kenneth Palm purchasing certain city property located on the northerly side of Kaufman Ave. just westofGrandviewAve.................................... 11 " 17-Conti-Carriers and Terminals Inc" relative to leasing of Dove Harbor. ...,...........................................12,34,186 " 17-Claims for month of November, 1976, proof of publication...... 12 " 17 - City Attorney, relative to purchase of real estate in Industrial Island by Thermo King Sales & Services of Dubuque, Inc. . . . c. 12, 178 " 17 -Council Proceedings for month of November, 1976, approved as printed................................................... 12 " 17 -Conditional Use Permit, Planning & Zoning relative to issuance of same.................................................. 13,46 " 17-City Manager. Ass't., submitting ordinances covering Plumb- ing, Electrical, Heating, Ventilating, Air-Conditioning & Refrig- eration................................................... 14,47 " 17 - Cable Advisory Commission requesting Ordinance establishing Commission. ............................................. 15,93 " 17 - Cigrand, Greg objecting to response and negatism from Cable TV. ..................................................... " 17 - Community Development Commission requesting adoption of Community Development Block Grant Budget for FY '78. . . . . . " 17 -Community Development Block Grant Projects, requesting re- lease of activity for same. (Rehabilitation and Emergency Home Repair)................................................... 17 " 17-County-CityofDubuqueAuthority,dissolved................ 19,622 " 17 -City Manager, Ass't" relative to purchasing of necessary land in the urban renewal project area by the City for the site of the 5FlagsCivicCenter....................................... 19 " 17 -City of Dubuque RECONSTRUCTION OF JACKSON STREET FROM 22ND ST. TO DIAMOND STREET Complet- .~..................................................... ~n " 17-City of Dubuque RECONSTRUCTION OF JACKSON STREET FROM 12TH TO 22ND STREET completed. . . . . . . . . 30, 63 " .26-CityCouncil,SpeciaISession...................,.......... 34 " 26-Conzett, Wm" Dock Commissioner, relative to leasing of Dove HarborbyContiCarriers.................................. 34,186 "31-CityCouncil,SpeciaISession.................,...,!......... 35 " 31-City Attorney submitting opinion relative to Conflict of Inter- est for former Mayor Alvin E. Lundh............... ......... 7CityCouncil,RegularSession................... ............ 7 - City Development Board submitting manual clarifying the pro- cess of corporate boundary changes. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . 7 - Cedar Lake Addition, water construction permit submitted. . . . Page 1977 INDEX-BOOK 107 SUBJECT 374 c 375 375 396 429 437 446 448 454 454 473 479 479 480 501 514 533 557 557 605 612 619 Feb. Page 2 2 149-A 7,611 8 9 9 9 10 10 11 12 15 16 19 36 43 43 43 INDEX-BOOK 107 SUBJECT Page 1977 7-Church Women United, forming group known as "Transitions to Freedom".............................................. 7 -City Manager snbmitting reports for month of December, 1976. 7 ~Claims for month of December, 1976 proof of publication....... 7 - City Manager relative to request of Miller and Takos in the mat- tcrofiandinthe4thSt.area................................ 44,89 7 -Council Proceedings for month of Sept., 1976, approved as printed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . 7 - City Manager, Ass't. submitting matching resolution for Basic Law Enforcement Training................................ . 7-CONSTRUCTION OF WASTEWATER TREATMENT FA- CILITIES CONTRACT I TERMINAL STREET FORCE MAIN.:...............................................83, 99,168 .7-Clancy,RitagrantedLiquorLicense....................... 86 " 17 -City Manager submitting BUDGET Recommendation for Fiscal YearI978alsoestimateforFiscaIYearI979................. . " .21-CityCouncil,SpeciaISession.............................. " 21-Community Development Commission submitting minutes of their meetings. ............88,118,134,252,371,401,452,480,574,615 " 21-City Manager relative to vacation of portion of Terminal St. for Sinclair Marketing Inc. .................... ........."..... " 21-Conditional Use Permit issued to Hillcrest Family Services to operate a group home at 561 Jefferson St.................... " 21-City Manager relative to extension of alley on N. Algona re- quested by Roger Dolan................................... . " 21- City Manager relative to Revenue Sharing Funds expenditures. " 21-City Attorney relative to adult entertainment establishments. "21-Council'sSalary,establishingsame..................,....... " 21-City Engineer recommending installation of sign by Dubuque Yacht Basin............................................. . " 21-Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul & Pacific R.R. requesting quit claim deed for portion of railroad depot property. . . . . . . . . . . . . . " 21-Colts Drum & Bugle Corps requesting to be designated as Du- buque's Municipal Marching Unit..................."""" " 21-CODE OF ORDINANCES, providing for distribution. ..... ... " 21-Conzett, Harold & Darlene, requesting annexation of .814 acres in Henschel's Black Forest. ............................. ... " 21- Community Development Block Grant application submitted. . . " 21-Community Development submitting an application for a Bureau of Outdoor Recreation Grant for development of Avon park.................................................105,192,238 " 21-City Engineer advising of participation with DOT for installa- tion of warning signs for railroad crossings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " 21- Community Development Director advising of circumstances on property of Joseph & Ruth Siegert relating to proposed North- West Arterial............................................ . " 21-City Manager relative to matching funds for IBM Typewriter and Rotary Card File for police Department. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108 " 21-Cedar Lake Addition, approval of final plat of portion..... .... 110,113 " 21-City Manager relative to plastic pipe for Cedar Lake Addition.. 110 " .25-CityCouncil,SpeciaISession.............................. 113 " 25-City Attorney, relative to using of plastic water pipes in Cedar Lake Addition. ........................................... " 25-Code of Ordinances be sold without binders............ ...... Mar. 7-CityCouncil,RegularSession............................... " la-City Council, Adjourned Regular Session.,.................. " 10- .ChamberofCommcrce,relativetoproposcdbudget........... " la-City Manager submitting reports for month of January, 1977... " 10-Claims for month of January, proof of publication............. " 10-Civii Service Commission submitting second list of applicants eligible for appointment to POl,ICE DEPARTMENT......... " lo-Councii Proceedings for months of Oct. & Nov. 1976, approved as printed......................,.........,............. .. " la-Community Development Funds release of same for Emergency Home Repair Project and Washington Tool Library...... ..... 43 44 44 44 83 86 88 89 89 89 90 94 94, 164 95 97 97 101 102 104 106 106 113 116 117 117 117 119 119 119 120 124 1977 INDEX-BOOK 107 SUBJECT Page " 10-Community Development Funds release of same for Urban Rc- newaIProject............................................. " 10-Community Development Funds release of same for Street Tree Planting and Miscellaneous Public Improvements, includ- ing street, alley èurb repair and replacement. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " 10-Community Development Block Grant Annual Performance Re- .portavailable............................................ 128 "IO-CETA,authorizingMayortosigncontractwithsame......... 129 " 10-Community Development Director advising that plans for a North Fork Catfish Creek Watershed Project be abandoned.., 129, 167 " .12-CityCounciiAdjournedSpeciaISession................... 133 "21-CityCouncil,SpeciaISession............................... 134 " 21-City Manager advising of award received from Iowa Develop- ment Commission as result of participation in the 1976 Iowa Community Betterment Program........................... " 21-City Manager recommending appointments of Clair Brashaw aud Robert K. Bush to Heoting, Ventilating, Air-conditioning andRef.Bd............................................... " 21-Council Proceedings for month of December, 1976, approved as printed.......,........................................... 135 " 21-City Manager relative to Mrs. Willard Farr's concern over read- ingwatermeters.......................................... 136 " 21-City Manager relative to salary conciliatiou agreement between the City of Dubuque and Dock Manager Shirley Lang. . . . . . . . . 136 " 21-Civic Center Commission to be formed for management for 5 ,FlagsCivicCcnter.................................137,228 247,297 " 21-Conti Property-Bell St. Property, fencing of the area referred to Dock Commission. ........................................ 138 " 21-City Manager recommending vacating portion of Water Street toMulgrewOilCo.asrequested............................140 " 21-City Manager requesting approval of parking rates for the Lo- cust St. & Iowa St. Municipal Parking Ramps............ .140, 152, 210 " 21-Chan, Homan requesting refund on Beer-Liquor License....... 143 " 21-Civic Center, City granted deeds from 5 Flags Center Fund to constructsame............................................ 143 " 21-Community Development Block Grant funds released for Re- moval of Architectural barriers project. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145 " 21- City Manager, relative to making application to Iowa DOT for. Federal Funding of highway construction projects requiring right-of-way projects. ..................................... 147 " .30-CityCouncil,SpeciaISession.............................. 149 Apr. 4-CityCouncil,RegularSession............................... 149-A " 4-Catfish Creek Bridge Repair on U.S. #52 & U.S. #20, advised by DOT. .................................................... 151 4-City Manager submitting reports for month of February, 1977. 151 4-Claims for month of February, 1977, proof of publication....... 151 4-Community Development Commission, requesting Donald Deich appointment to same representing Advisory Commission. 151 4-ClosingtimeofParks,opposition to same................ .165,178,231 4-City Manager submitting agreements with Illinois Central Gulf Railroad and Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad for construction of force main from the Terminal St.lift station totheWastewaterTreatmentPlant......................... 168 4-Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad, agreement with same to construct a force main from the Terminal Street Lift Station to the Wastewater Treatment Plans.............. 169 4-CENTRAL AVENUE LIGHTING FROM 9TH STREET TO 12THSTREET........................................169, 188, 213 4-CONSTRUCTION OF INTERCONNECTION OF 14TH STREET AND THE INTERSECTION OF 16TH & ELM STREETS TO THE C.B.D. SYSTEM. .................. .170, 189, 213 4-CONSTRUCTION OF MAIN STREET LIGHTING FROM FIRST STREET TO FOURTH STREET. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . .............................171, 191, 203,213,224,272,310,393, 436 14-CityCouncil,SpeciaISession...............................175 " .18-CityCouncil.SpeciaISession.............................. 176 125 126 135 135 1977 " 18-Cable TV Commission submitting minutes oftheir meetings... 176,203 18-Conditional Use Permits issued for 3485 Windsor, 2900 Jackson, 1875 University, advised by Zoning Administrator............ 176 'l8-City Manager relative to sewer line freezing at Daniel Berger residence..................""""""""""""'".... " 18-Conlon Construction Co., Sidewalk Construction Bond sub- mitted. .................................:................ 18-Clemeus, Attorney, representing Newt regarding leasing of Dove Harbor. .......................................,.... 18-Community Development Director submitting report for devel- opment of proposed Lower Main Street Lighting Project...... " 27-CityCouncil, Special Session..................."""""" 27 -City Attorney submitting proposed form of Agreement of in- demnity to hold Sheriff and Dubuque County, Iowa harmless from claims arising out of deputization of persons for City Parks and AirportFacilities.......... ....... ..,. ........ ......... May 2-CityCouncil,RegularSession.......... ........,.. ........., " 2 - City Manager submitting reports for month of March, 1977. . . . 2-Claims for month of March, 1977,proofofpublication.......... 2-City Manager commending transfer of Special Assessment Ac- counts to the Special Assessment Reserve Account. . . . . . . . . . . 2-Community Development Block Grant Funds accepted for pro- cessingbyFederalGovernment............... .....,.,...... 2-Commissions and Boards to meet at least once a month at 4:00 P.M. or later........................................... ... 2-Carlsen, Terry, relative to Northwest Arterial Higbway....... " 16-CityCouncil,SpecialSession............................... 16-Corps of Engineers advising of application by Robert Kehl for construction of a building along shore & mooring facilities in the Ice Harbor. .............................................. 221 16-Cedar Cross Road, DEQ submitting water main extension per- mitforsame..............................................221 16-Cat Nuisance, Kay Boardman requesting help and relief from same. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221 16-Council Proceedings for month of January, 1977, approved as printed................................................... 223 16 -Chamber of Commerce Certificate of Insurance submitted. . . . . 224 16-City Manager relative to objections from residents of Sunset RidgeSubd...............................................224 16-Chapman, Thomas V. denial of personal injury claim.......... 226 16-Civic Center Commission establishing same. .............228,247,261 " 16-CONSTRUCTION OF COOPER STREET STEPS........ 239,262,309 " 16-CONSTRUCTION OF EXPANSION OF IOWA STREET PARKING RAMP. ....................................242,266, 366 16-Corner Tap Ltd., granted Cigarette License and Liquor Li- cense.............................................,...243,244,324 16-Cremer Grocery Co" granted Beer permit and Cigarette Li- cense.................................................243,283,445 "26-CityCouncil,SpeciaISession............................... 246 June I-CityCouncil,SpeciaiSession............................... 249 " I-Contract, approving and providing for the Execution of the Fifth Amendatory same amending Contract No. Iowa R-15 ILG) by and between tbe City of Dubuque, Iowa and the United States of America................................."""" 6-CityCouncil,RegularSession.............................. . 6-Civil Service Commission, resignations from same............ 6-City Manager submitting reports for month of April, 1977..... 6-Claims for month of April, 1977proofofpublication........... 6-Connectionsfor Water Service, increased.... ................ 6-City Employees to live within City Limits requested by Council- man Pregler.............................................. 262,453 6-Community Development Block Grant Funds released by pro- ject (Removal of Architectural Barriers for An Adult Day Care Center). ................................................. 6-Community Development Commission recogniziug the West End Neigbborhood. ....................................... INDEX-BOOK 107 SUBJECT Page 176 177 186 191 200 200 203 204 204 205 206 212 216 221 249 252 253 253 253 253 263 265 6-City Manager submitting proposed amendmeuts to BUDGET due to employee expense covered by CET A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-Community Development Block Grant Funds, providing for auditofsame............................................. 6-Comprehensive Planning Assistance Program, authorizing to enter into contract for same................................ 6-City Manager, Ass't" relative to matching grant from N.E. Ia. Area Crime Commission for Law Enforcement Training. . . . . . . 6-City Manager relative to FAUS funds for signalization of 20th St.fromCentraltoElm.................................... 6-CONSTRUCTION OF ALTA VISTA ST. CURB & GUTTER REPLACEMENT PROJECT FROM KIRKWOOD STREET TO VERNON STREET. ...............................277,308,344 6-Cedar Cross Road, providing for improvement of same with a 14 inch stone baseanddoublesealcoat....... ................... 6-City Manager submitting State Audit report for 7-1-75 to 6-30-76. .................................................. 6-CITY OF DUBUQUE 1977 ASPHALT PAVING PROJECT NO.!.......... ...................... .............280,338, 412, 625 6-Canfield Hotel, Inc" granted Cigarette License............... 283 6-Carpenter Co. E.R" granted Cigarette License........... .... 283 "15-CityCouncil,SpeciaISession............................... 287 " 15-Community Development approving application and authoriz- ing submission of application for a low-rent housing program. 287, 289 " 15-City Council to act as Board of Health for the City of Dubuque, Iowa, ... ....... .......................................... " .17-CityCouncil,SpeciaISession.............................. " .20-CityCouncil,SpeciaISession.............................. " 20-Civil Service Commission submitting results of POLICE PRO- MOTIONAL EXAMS. .................................... " 20-Civil Service Commission submitting results of FIRE PROMO- TIONALEXAMS. ........................................ " 20-City Manager requesting approval to engage O'Connor Brooks & Co. to audit Water Utility and Parking & Sewage Facilities Funds, and State Auditor the balance of financial funds for City for7-1-76t06-30-77.....................................294 " 20-City Manager recommending Thomas Graham be allowed to rent 8th Street Pavilion.................................... " 20-City Manager advising city fleet of automobiles to be reduced hy fifteen vehicles as recommended at budget time. . . . . . . . 295. 306, 402 " 20-Community Development Director submitting final report of Landscape Architecture Department of Iowa State University. " 20-Conti Carriers & Terminals Inc. claiming damages by reason of agreement with Dubuque Barge and Fleeting Service Co. . . . . . " 20-CONSTRUCTION OF 11th St. and Jefferson Park Steps com- pleted................................................... . " 20-City Manager submitting resolution authorizing Mayor to sign contract closing out documents for the FY '76 concerning Title VI of Comprehensive Employment and Training Act. (CETAI. " 20-City Manager advising of allocations from Public Works Act... " 20-City Garage, submitting an application for certain funds under Title I of Public Works Employment Act of 1976 for expansion of same. ................................................. " 20-Construction of 17th Street Storm Sewer, suhmitting an appli- cation for certain.funds under Title I of the Puhlic Works Em- ployment Act of1976 for same.............................. " 20-Construction of Edwards Sanitary Sewer Line, authorizing the execution and suhmi"ion of a Local Puh'ic Works Capital De- velopment and Investment Program application for same. . . . . . " 20 -Construction of RET Sanitary Sewer Line, authorizing the Exe- cution and Submission of a Local Public Works Capital Develop- ment and Investment Program Appliration for same.......... " 20-City Hall Renovation, authorizing the execution and submission of a Local Public Works Capital Development and Investment Program application for same... ......... ............... 1977 INDEX-BOOK 107 SUBJECT Page 271 272 272 275 277 279 282 287 289 292 293 293 295 295 296 307 310 313 314 315 319 319 320 --- 1977 INDEX-BOOK 107 SUBJECT Page 1977 Page , '20 - CONSTRUCTION OF CITY OF DUBUQUE 1977 CURB RE- PLACEMENT PROJECT.......................... 321, 343, 383, 411 " 20 - CONSTRUCTION OF PEDESTRIAN CURB RAMPS. . . . . 322, 342, 383 " 20-Clark Oil & Refining Corp. granted Cigarette License......... 324 " 20-C.K. o!Dubuque, Inc. granted Cigarette License.... ......,... 324 " 20-Clark,Mike,grantcdCigaretteI,iccnse...................... 324 " 20-Crane Enterprise granted Cigarette License & Liquor License. 325. 573 " 20-Creslanes granted Cigarette License and Liquor License...... 325,327 " 20-Carousel Snack Bar granted Cigarette License........,""" 326 " 20-Clancy, Rita granted Cigarette License............."""'" 326 " 20-Clarke College granted Cigarette License & Beer Permit...... 326,597 "29-CityCouncil,SpeciaISession............................,.. 329 " 29-City Manager relative to DOT sponsoring program of railroad crossing improvements throughout Iowa. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 329 " 29-Commnnity Development Commission appoiutments to same. ......................................................330,501,545 " 29-Chambers, Harry appointed to Airport Zooing Commission..,. 330 July 4-CityCouncil,RegularSession............................... ,331 " 5-City Council, Adjourned Regular Session. ................... 332 5 -Conticarriers aud Terminals Inc. requesting to extend the term of their lease dated July 25, 1962toJuly24,1982.............. 5-City Manager submitting reports for department heads for May, 1977. ............................................... 5-City Manager recommending denial of request of U of D to post direction signs in the City.................................. 5-City Manager relative to petition of Mrs. Darlene Gavin con- cerningdogs.............................................. 5-Chicago and Northwestcru Transportation Co. relative to rail- road crossing accident case of Agnes and Robert Wagner...... 5-Coffman, Alva, objecting to assessment of Lowell Street...... . 5-Cherokee Drive, objecting to paviug of same. ...... ....,..... 5-Cullcn, J.P. & Son Construction Corp. awarded contract for ex- pansiou ofJowa Street Parking Ramp. .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION submitting results of FIRE DEPARTMENT ENTRANCE EXAMS..................... " 13-CityCouncil,SpeciaiSession............................... " 18-CityCouncil,SpcciaIScssion............................... " 18-ClaimsformonthofMay,1977,proofofpublication............ " 18-Couucil Proceediugs for months of February and March, 1977, approved as printed....................................... " 18-Civic Center expected to be completed late Fall 1978 or early partofI979........................,................",.., " 18-County Extension Director, James Meek, requesting appoint- ment of 3 people to represent City establishing of temporary countyiand use policy commissions................. ......... " 18-City Manager recommending study for Downtown Urban Re- " 18-~~;;al ~~':!.~:7' ;~~~~~;i~g' 'c~;;~id~~~ti;~' i~" ~;~~¡~iti;~' ';f 373 Trenkle property. ........................................ 374,425 " 18-City Manager recommending appointment of Dr. Scott as Mcd- icaIConsultant............................................ " 18-City Manager submitting street maintenance payment from DOT for period of July 1, 1977 thru Juue 30, 1978............. " 18-Conditional Use Permits, Councilman Brady suggesting pro- posed revision. ........................................... " 18 -City Manager recommeuding REBID on Curb Replacement Pro- ject. .........,..... ..................................... " 18-Community Development Block Grant project, finding of No Significant Effect on the Environment for relocation of Fire En- gine House 1. ..,.........' ............................385. 454, 623 " 18-Conservation Commission approving assistance through the Land and Water Conservation Fund for Avon Park........... 389 " 18-Community Development Block Grant Funds to be used for Adult Day Care Project. ..... ................... ...390,490, 505, 540 " 18-CONSTRUCTION OF FIVE FLAGS CIVIC CENTER.,... ......................... ........................392,399,412,473 INDEX-BOOK 107 SUBJECT " 18-CE1'A authorizing the Mayor to sign a contract for the Admin- istration and Operation of same, under Title II of PL 93-203. . . . 392 " 18-CONSTRUCTION OF SUNSET RIDGE DRIVE ASPHALT " 18- ~~u~~~~~~d' Ú"..~. p~iic';"~~;~i~i~~~i~ ';~~~~~i~d i~; ~~;;;~.~38, 470,~~¿ "19-CityCouncil,SpeciaISession............................... 398 " 19-Channer Newman Security Co. and Associates awarded bid for Parking Facilities Revenue Bonds 1977 Series................ Aug. .I-CityCouncil,RegularSession.............................. " I-City Cars, Councilmao Pregler submittiug policy decision on useofsame............................................... I-Carew, Atty. Allan J., representing Mrs. Carl A. Clark, object- ingto widening University Ave............................. I-Cole, Frederick and Charlotte, settlement of persoual injury claim. .............. ........... ................ .......... 1- Cherioli, Hugh et ux, purchasing portion of 16 foot wide alley from N.P.L. of Putnam Street to S.P.L.of28th Street......... I-City Manager advising of transfer of CDBGF from Urban Re- newal Land Project Iowa R-15 Land Purchase to Program Ad- ministration Fund......................................... I-Comiskey Park Tennis Court Reconstruction Project, directing transfer of CDBGF from Comiskey Park Improvement Project to same. ................................................. 1- Computer Consulting Service, Inc" authorizing execution of a contractwithsame........................................ I-City Manager submitting agreement between City and Ia. DO'f relating to paving of South Locust from Railroad Avenue to Dodge Street. ............................................ 420 I-CONSTRUCTION OF 20TH ST. TRAFFIC SIGNALS FROM CENTRAL AVE. TO ELM ST.......................... 421, 436, 470 1- Church of Nativity granted Beer Permit and refund. . . . . .. . . .. 423, 511 I-Civil Service Commission submitting results of POLICE DE- PARTMENTEXAMS..................................... 424 I-City Manager requesting to discuss purchase & sale of real estate.................................................... 425 " .15-City Council, Special Session.............................. 426 " 15-CicciareIli, Theresa, resigning from Board of Adjustment...... 427 " 15-City Manager submitting reports of Department Heads for June,1977................................................ "15-ClaimsforJune,1977,proofofpublication.................... " 15-City Manager recommending denial of petition of Jerry Gehrke et ux requesting vacation of portion of Wilderness Road. . . . . . . " 15-Clarke-Loras Homecoming Committee requesting homecoming parade on October 8th. .................................... " 15-Carleton, Terry L. et ai, requesting Flora Pool stay open rather than closing for hour at 5:00P.M............................ . " 15-City Manager directed not to enter into negotiations or sale of Industrial Property until policy with reference to Freeway has been established. ......................................... " 15-City Attorney r~commending sale of Easterly 123 feet of Lots 17 & 18 in Jaeger's Subd. to Robert N. and M. Regina Defendi. 15-City Solicitor directed to commence Eminent Domain Proceed- ingsonTrenkleProperty.................................. 446,478 .23-CityCouncil,SpeciaIScssion.............................. 447 " .31-CityCouncil,SpeciaISession.............................. 448 " 31-City Manager submitting capability to finance report for recon- struction of Kennedy Road................................. Sept. 5CityCouncil,RegularScssion............................... " 6-City Council, Adjourned Regular Session.................... 6-Conzett, Wm. A" representing Robert Walser, requesting vaca- tion of alley between 11th & 12th bounded by Jackson, Wash- ingtoo,llth&12thSts..................................... 6-Civil Service Commission submitting resnlts of GARAGE AU- TOMOTIVEMECHANICSExams......................... . 6-Civil Service Commission submitting results of HEATING IN- SPECTORIExams......................... .............. 329 333 334 334 334 336 338 338 367 369 370 371 372 372 372 373 374 374 375 383 389 398 401 402 402 403 405 415 416 419 427 427 428 432 433 436 440 449 451 452 453 453 453 INDEX-BOOK 107 SUBJECT 6-Council Proceedings for montb of April, 1977, approved as printed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-City Manager submitting reports of Department Heads for Ju- ly, 1977. ................................................. 6-Claims for month of July, 1977,proofofpublication............ 6-City Manager submitting Audits for Iowa Parking Facilities and the Municipal Sewage Disposal Works and Facilities. ..... 6-City Manager submitting "Agricultural Land Tax Credits".... 6-City Manager recommending vacating portion of Ruth St. to Wm.Meyers.............................................. 6-City Manager submitting agreement between Police Depart- mentandASAP................... ........................ 6-City Attorney to receive additional funds for Finley Hospital BondIssue...............................................463 6-City Manager submitting Street Finance Report for period of ~~~~~~~.............................. ~ 6-City Manager approving Patrol Investigator Program......... 466 6-Community Development recommending cancellation of public hearing relative to application of 100 housing units, rejected. . . 467 6-Construction of TENNIS COURTS AT FLORA PARK........ 469,520 .6-CityHalllmprovementsapproved......................... 469,493 "12-CityCouncil,SpeciaISession............................... 478 12-City Manager to negotiate with Mr. Staley of Integra-Built Inc. to develop option agreement relating to Downtown Urban Re- newaILand...............................................478 "14-CityCouncil,SpeciaIScssion............................... 479 14-Civil Service Commission, Carolyn Farrell resigning from same. 479 14-Civil Service Commission, appointmentments to same......... 479, 501 14-County Land Use Policy Commission, appointments to same. .. 479 " 14-Cyberski, Charles appointed to Cable Commission............ 479 "14-Conlon,MarnaappointcdtoYouthServicesBoard............ 479 " .19-City Council, Adjourned RegularSession................... 480 "19-"CarFrceDay"Sept.29th................................. 480 19-Civil Service Commission submitting results of Exams for POLICE DEPARTMENT.................................. 481 19-City's Annual Financial Report ending June 30, 1977, proof of publication. .............................................. 481 19-City Youth Commission, requesting formation of same........ 486 " 19-CONSTRUCTION OF INTERCEPTOR SANITARY SEWERS. 492 " 19-CITY HALL WINDOWS REPLACED. .......... ...493, 517, 535, 547 " 19-CONSTRUCTION OF SEVENTEENTH STREET STORM SEWER..............................................494,519,539 " 19-CONSTRUCTION OF WEST 32ND STREET SANITARY SEWER............................."""""""""'" 495,512 19-Callan, Henry L. & Lois requesting annexation of portion of "Henschel'sBiackForcst".................................. 496 19-CONSTRUCTION OF 12" Fremont Water Main & 16" Cedar Cross Water Mains.....................""""""""'" 498,516 19-CONSTRUCTION OF SCHMITT HARBOR MUNICIPAL BOAT RAMP. ....................................499, 524, 535, 568 Oct. .3-CityCouncil,RegularSession.............................. 503 3-Conditional Use Permits granted for E. 22nd St., Asbury Rd. and Broadway and Hill St........................"""""503 3-Cable Commission advising that Douald R. Abitz is unable to ac- cept appointment. ........................................ 504 3-Claims for month of August, 1977, proof of publication......... 505 3-City Manager advising speed signs to be posted on J.F.K. Road. 505 3-City Attorney authorizing to file notice of appeal relative to an- nexation. .................................... ......... 505 3-CONSTRUCTION OF EXPANSION OF CITY GARAGE.. 523.535.553 3-City Manager relative to location and design public hearing for Kennedy Road widening project from Highway #20 to Asbury. 525 17-CityCouncil,SpeciaIScssion...............................531 " 17 -Council Proceedings for month of May, 1977, approved as printed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1977 Page 454 454 454 455 455 455 455 481 503 531 1977 INDEX-BOOK 107 SUBJECT " 17 -City Manager relative to Downtown Ass'n. request for back- ground music............................................. " 17 -City Manager submitting reports of Department Heads for August, 1977. ............................................ " 17-City Manager relative to requests of Duccinni and Fuerst for vacation of portion of Roosevelt Street.... .................. " 17 - Community Development Commission advising Ron Hixon no longer resident of W. 11th St. Neighborhood................. " 17 - City Solicitor to check on Beer & Liquor Law, "R" & "X" Rated Movies. .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. " 17-Cronin, Mrs. Robert F. req.uestiug stop sign at corner of Gold Street and Merchants Lane. ....... """""""""""" " 17-City Manager requesting to present up-date on Public Works Project. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " 17-City Manager to continue negotiations on Trenkle Property, Hampton Property and N.E. Iowa Development Property..... " 21-City Council,Special Session............................... " 21-CANVASS, of Primary Election held Oct. 18, submitted....... " 31-CityCouncil,SpeciaISession............................... " 31- Cullen and Son Construction, award contract for Municipal Gar- age Addition.............................................. "31-CETA,approvingprogram................................. Nov. .7-CityCouncil,RegularSession.............................. 7 - "Children With Learning Disabilities Week" Nov. 6 thru 12.... 7 - City Assessor submitting stipulations of settlement agreed upon by Fischer Realty and Fischer & Co. Inc. on Fischer Bldg. &ArcadeBldg............................................ 7 -City Manager submitting Finaucial Audit for Water Depart- mentforperiodof7-1-76t06-30-77.................. """'" 7 -City Manager submitting Department Head reports for month ofSept.1977.............................................. 7 -Claims for month of Sept. 1977, proof of publication........... 7-CONSTRUCTION OF THE SOUTH FORK SANITARY IN- TERCEPTOR SANITARY SEWER. .......................569,589 "21-CityCouncil,SpeciaISession............................... 574 " 21-Clemens, Gloria, relative to allowing beauticians in OR-I Zoning. 575 " 21-Council Proceedings for month of June, 1977, approved as printed.................................................. . " 21-CANV ASS for General Election held Nov. 8, 1977, results sub- mitted. .................................................. " 21-City Manager submitting Department Head reports for month ofOct.1977............................................... " 21-City Manager approving petitions of Sacred Heart Church and Sherryl E. Peterson allowing traffic lights at Windsor and E. 22nd St. ..................... . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . .. . .. .. " 21-City Manager recommending appointment of James C. Davis to Plbg.Board............,.................................. " 21-County-City Authority, appointments to same................ " 21-City ManagerrelativetouseofTrenkleProperty......... .... " 21- Combs, John E., requesting vacation of portion of Lexington St. " 21-City Manager relative to expenditure of Antirecessionary and General Revenue SharingFunds............................ " 21-City Council, Special Session, (6,30 P.M.)...................... " .29-CityCouncil,SpeciaISession.............................. Dec. 5-CityCouncil,RegularSession............................... " 5-City Manager submitting Affirmative Action Program. ....... 5-City Manager submitting Water Dept. report for October, 1977. 5-Claims for month of Oct. 1977, proof of publication. ........... 5- City Manager relative to use of Revenue Sharing Funds. . . . . . . " 19-CitYCouncil;SpeciaISession............................... " 19-City Manager submitting alternatives received from DOT con- cerning Freeway........................ .................. " 19-Civil Service submitting results of ELECTRICAL INSPEC- TORI Exams............................................. " I9-City Manager recommending public hearing be held on suspen- sion of liquor lirense for Wm. Lammer d/b/a The Ritz Lounge. Page 532 532 532 533 534 535 535 545 546 546 549 554 554 555 555 556 556 556 556 576 576 577 577 577 577 578 584 593 598 599 603 604 604 605 608 612 614 616 616 INDEX-BOOK 107 SUBJECT 1977 " 19-Community Development Block Grant Funds to be transferred to "Operation Paintbrush"Project. ......................... " 19-City Attorney recommending to repurchase Block 14, Dubuque Downtown Plaza from R. Hampton Co" Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " 19-City Manager directed to prepare documents and advertise re- maining proposals for Urban Renewal Property INOT AP- PROVED}. ............................................... Page 623 629 631 1977 INDEX-BOOK 107 SUBJECT D Jan. 3-Dub. Bank & Trust Co. named depository..... ..... .........2 " 3-DOT commending for increased planning & construction of Freeway520.............................................. 3-D.E.Q. submitting sewer construction permit for Birch Acres on Fremont. ................................................ 3-Dolan, Donald D. & Masako, notice of personal injury claim.... 3-Dix, Wm. J. and David H. Hoffman granted Cigarette Permit & LiquorLicense..........................................7, 8,325 3-Dock Commission, appointments to same. ................... 8 " 17 - Dock Commission submitting minutes of their meetings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9,88, 118, 150, 176, 221, 252, 292, 371, 401, 426, 452, 503, 531, 555 " 17-Dubuque Chips Inc" Sydney E. Miller, by Takos Realty re- questing to purchase Market Square. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11, 44, 89, 229, 258 " 17 -Dove Harbor, relative to ContiCarriers and Terminals Inc. pur- chasingsame...........................................12, 34,186 " 17 -Dubuque Yacht Basin requesting to construct sign in the medi- an of Kerper Blvd. corner of 18th Street.......... ........... " 17 -Daugherty, Wm. requesting stop sign at Walnut & W.l1th Sts. " 17 - Dissolution of County-City of Dubuque Authority. . . . . . . . . . . . . " 26-Dock Commissioners, relative to leasing of Dove Harbor by Conti-Carriers. ..............................."........... Feb. 7 - Dubuque Metropolitan Area Transportation Study IDMA TS) submitting minutes of meetings.............. ....... .43, 118, 150, 203 7 -Development Board, City, submitting manual clarifying the pro- cess of corporate boundary changes. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . 7 - DEQ submitting water construction permits for McClain Subd. and Cedar Lake Addn. .................................... 7 - Dodge Street from Bluff St. to Devon Dr" establishing speed limitonsame............................................. 7-DilIon,Pat,relativetoUnitPricing......................... . 7 - Duehr, Genevieve of TOPS Clubs, objecting to fee increases at Allison-Henderson Building. ............................... 7 -Dolan, Roger, requesting extension of alley on 1800 block of N. Algona................................................... 62,89 7-DOT and City, approving AGREEMENT with same relating to grant offer to pay the State's share of Master Plan Study for the Dubuque MUNICIPAL AIRPORT. ......................... " 21-DEQ submitting permits of Wastewater Treatment Plant and Hansel IndustriaIPark..................................... " 21-DEQ acknowledging Wastewater Treatment Facility Progress Report................................................... 89,204 " 21-Dubuque Plumbing & Heating Co., General Liability Policy sub- mitted. .................................................. " 21-Dearborn, Ray, Notice of personal injury claim. .............. " 21-Decker, Jeffrey J., accident with Pamela Lightfoot, Eronomy Fire & Casualty Co., submitting notice of claim. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " 21- Dunn, Edna, relative to XXX Theatres, and requesting Zoning Ordinance governing same. """""""""""""""" " 21-Dubuque Ambassadors submitting entry in Iowa Community Betterment competition. .................................. " 21- DOT, City Engineer advising of participation with same for in- stallation of warning signs for railroad crossings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . " 21-Dock Board approving lease and agreement between Commis- sion and Dubuque Sand & GraveICo......................... 110,124 " 21-Dock Board approving lease and agreement between Commis- sion and Robert's River Rides Inc. and Robert Kchl....... .111, 124, 138 Mar. 10-DEQ submitting water supply inspection report and Water Main Extension Permit and Sewer Extension Permit for Met- tel-Byrne Addn. .......................................... " 10-Dubuque Stone Products Co., General Liability Policy submit- ted. ..................................................... " 10-Deich, Donald E" requesting consideration not to raise Downtown Parking Fees................................... 14,95 15,122 19,622 Page 34 43 43 61 62 62 86 88 89 91 91 94 97 106 118 119 120 1977 INDEX-BOOK 107 SUBJECT " IO-Do~weiler, Delos objecting to rezoning of Block 21A in Key Knolls Sub. .............................................. " 10-Dubuque Marina, Inc" granted BecrPermit.................. " 21-Dock Manager Lang agreeing salary conciliation with City..... " 21-Duhuquc County Ass'n. for Retarded Citizens Inc. requesting to block oif Main St. between 4th & 5th Streets for display....... " 21-DOT, making application with same for Federal Funding of highway construction projects requiring right-of-way purchase. " 21-Dubuque Ambassadors as sponsors for the 1977 Iowa Commu- nity Betterment Program. ........................... ...... " 21- Deich, Don, requesting City consider charging a fee for dumping sewage into the Sanitary Sewer pumping station at Terminal St. by septic tank contractors. .....'.... ................... Apr. 4-DOT advising of Catfish Creek Bridge Repair on US 52 and US 20. ..............,........ .....,........................ 4-DEQissuing construction permit for construction of sanitary sewertoRobertKehl...................................... 151 4-Deich, Don, be appointed Community Development Comm..... 151 4-Diverterson Washington Street, relative to same............. 152,252 4- "District Regulations, Applications for same," Ordinance pro- viding for. ...............................................162,207 4-Deich, Don, relative to early closing of parks................. 165 4-D.A.V. requesting to conduct a Forget-Me-Not Drive.......... 165 4-Dubuque Craft League requiring use of Washington Park to .conductinvitationalartandcraftshow..................... 165 4-Dock Commission submitting proposed lease and agreement with the Dubuque Barge and FleetingCompany...... ........ 172,186 4 - Dubuque Barge & Fleeting Company, Dock Commission approv- ingleaseandagrcementwithsame..........................172,186 4-Dock Commission approving plans as submitted by Interstate Power Co. for expansion of Whittier Street line crossing muni- cipalproperty............................................ 172 4-Dubuque Yacht Basin Inc. granted Cigarette and Liquor Li- ,cense.................................................172 174,396 " 18-DEQ submitting inspection report of Wastewater Treatment Facility. .............................. ................... " 18-DEQ advising of change in material standard required for public water supply projects using polyvinyl chloride (PVCI pressure pipe. .................................................... " 18-Dorweiler, Delos, requesting Noise Ordinance enforcement.... May 2-DEQ submitting water main extension permit for Richards Road.................................................... . 2 - Dueland, Ronald ct al objecting to construction of sanitary sew- er on Sunset Ridge........................................ 2-DeWay, Larry, relative to production of movie F.I.S.T......... 2-Downtown Ass'n. requesting to sell food in Town Clock area on May 7th. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-Downtown Ass'n. requesting to conduct annual garage sale on May 21st in Town Clock Pia". ........................... 2-Dittemore, Dan relative to selection of alignment alternatives for the Northwest Arterial......,.......................... " 16-DEQ submitting water main extension permit for Cedar Cross Road................ ..................................... " 16-Duhuque County Ass'n. for Mental Health requesting Council's favorable concensus toward their organi"tion by voting in fa- voroftheir budgetrequest................................. " 16-Duschcr, Mrs. Lavon request for reclassifying Lot 34 of O'Neill's Riverview denied by Planning & Zoning............. " 16-Dock Commission relative to Richard Kieffer's request for hoat- ing public. .................................... . . . . . . . . " 16 - Dubuque Ambassadors advising of check received and request- ingtopassontothcTransitBoard.......................... . " 16-Dittemore, Dan, submitting report on reconstruction of the MadisonSt.Steps......................................... " 16-Duhuque Chips, Inc" agreement and lease covering certain city ownedrealestate...................., ......... Page 122 131 136 137 147 147 148 151 165 172 177 177 186 204 204 204 212 212 215 221 221 222 223 223 223 229 1977 INDEX-BOOK 107 SUì3:iECT " 16-Dittemore, Dan, advising of approval of funds for third year Community Development Block Grant Program. ............. " i6 - Dittemore, Dan, advising of completion of Adult Day Care acti- vity................................................. "'" " 16-Dittemore, Dan, advising of application for Federal Assistance " 16-~i~t¿~~~t~~Ld~;;i~'~ ~ï~~~is~d' ~~~t~~;if~~' ih~ 'S~~Ù~~' å 238 Existing Housing Assistance Payments Program. . . . . . . . . . . . . 241 " 16-Duhuque Golf & Country Cluh granted Liquor License.....,.. 244 " 16 - D.B.Q. granted Liquor License & Cigarette License. . . . . . . . . .. 244, 368 June 6-Duhuque Community Schools Transportation, Notice of per- sonalpropertyclaim....................................... 254 6-DOT, three year street construction program submitted to same...........................................,......... 276 6 - Dubuque Packing Co. granted Cigarette License & Beer Permit. 283, 423 .6-Dnnne,WilliamF.,grantedCigaretteLicense............... 284 " 20-DEQ issuing water main and sanitary sewer construction per- mitsforAsburySpringsSuh.4............................ 292 " 20-Dog Ordinance enforcement, Darlene Gavin relative to same., 293 " 20-Donovan, Blanche, petitioning for suspension of taxes. ..... 294 " 20-Duhuque Municipal Airport granted Cigarette License..... 324 "20-DonutHutLtd.grantedCigaretteLicense.121..... ""'" 324 " 20-Dubuque Mining Co. granted Cigarette License. ... ....... 324 " 20-Dittmar, Rudolph granted Cigarette License....... ...... 325 " 20-Dodge House Motel granted Cigarette License... ,.......... 325 " 20-Donovan,MelvinL"grantedCigaretteLicense.. """""" 325 " 20-Dunbar, J. D., granted Cigarette License. ................... 325 " 20-Design Center Inc., granted Cigarette License 121 & Liquor Li- cense....................................................325,628 " 20-Duhuq"e Golf & Country Club granted Cigarette License...... 325 " 20-DubuqueMariua,Inc.,grantedCigarettcLicense........."" 326 " 20 - DOT sponsoring program of railroad rrossing improvements. . . 329 July 5-DEQ submitting water construction permits for Equestrian Heights, Highland Park Estates and Arbor Oaks Block 7....... 332 5-Diabetes, American Assn., requesting to conduct Bike-A-Thon on Sept. 25th............................................. 337 5 - Duhuque Bicycle Club requesting bicycle race on Sept. 5th. . . .. 338, 556 5- Davis Ave., requesting not to pave same until it can he widened. 338. 339 5-DA VIS A VE. deleted from City of Dnbuquc 1977 Asphalt Pav- ingProjectNo.1.......................................... 339,340 5-DOT, suhmitting agreement authorizing use of FAUS Funds for land acquisition for right-of-way ISiegert Farms!. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 363 5-Dolter's Food Inc.. granted Cigarette License................ 368 " 18-DEQ submitting water main extension permit for Timber Ridge Subd"................................................... 371 " 18-Dubuquc Area Development Ass'n. IDADAI requesting partici- pation from the City for market study of the Downtown Area. """""""""""""""""""""""........373,585.599 " 18-DOT suhmitting street maintenance payment for July I, 1977 thruJune30,1978.......................,................. " .18-Dix.MarilynK.,Noticeofcardamageclaim,................ " 18-Decker, Jeffrey Joseph, Notice of car arcident. by Pamela and DaleLightfoot.............................. "'" ..... " 18-Dcll, Dorothy objecting to widening of University Ave..... " 18-DOT submitting agreement for FA US Funds for signalization of 20thStreetfromCentraltoElm...................... 394 " 18-Deputy City Clerk, Mary A. Davis appointed same.. '. 397 Aug. I-DMATS suhmittingminutes of meetings................. 401, 452, 503 I-Duhuque Supply Co. relative to period lighting on Main Street hetweenlst&4thStreets...................,....,.. "" 409 1 - DOT, execution of agreement between City and same relating to the paving of South Locust from Railroad Avenue to Dodge Street. .................... .. "" """"""", " 15-Dubuque County Engineer advising of public hearing on vaca- tion of Garnet Avenue...... ""'" 371 374 375 375 382 421 426 Page 236 237 " 15-DEQ issuing water main extension construction permits to Ter- race Estates, Stone Hill Community Block 6 Phase I and Lots 30-53inHawkeycEstates.,................ ........,.". " 15-Dcich, Donald E., requesting traffic stop signs on White St, north and wuth at 26th St...... ...."".. . .,......, " 15-Duggan,TimrelativetoMainStreetLighting.............." " 15-Defendi, Robert N, and M. Regina, approving sale of Easterly 128 feet of Lots 17 & 180fJaeger'sSubd.tosame", .......... " 31-Dorweiler. Delos A., submitting purchase agreement to Atty. Bertsch for all property owners needed for Kennedy Rd. widen- ing lexcluding 2105 Kennedy Rd.!... .........,.........",. Sept. 6-"Dubuque Symphony Orchestra Week" Sept. 11th thru 17th... " 6-DEQ submitting water main extension construction permit for TheisenAddition......,............"""""............. 6-Dubuque Electric Motor Service requesting to purchase Lot 2 of Lot 4 of Block I ofindustrial Islaod............ 453, 478, 500, 526, 541 6-Doylc, James J., by Dubuque Bank & Trust Co.. Notice of prop- ertydamagcclaim..." ...,......,.......,.,."......... 6-Dubuque Women's Club requesting to ciosc Alpine St, for PicketFcnceShow.......", ...,..................,.." 6-Docothy, Bob, relative to land available in Industrial Island com- plex. ...,......... ....,.................. " .19-"DiabetesBikeRideDay"Scpt.25th...........,........." " 19-DEQ submitting water main extension construction permit for Knoh Hill...............,.........................", .. " 19-Dumping by roadside, Advisory Commission cclative to same.. " 19-DUBUQUE DISPOSAL renewing option with City for City Gar- age Building".......,.................".............. " 19-Dcrby, Mark requesting formation of City Youth Commission. " 19-Dcich. Don, requesting focmation of City Youth Commi"ion,.. " 19-Downtown Ass'n. requesting to install background music sys- temforthcPlaza................. ......' . ....487,532,582 Ort. 3-Dock Commission to investigate property for parking of Rob- crt'sRiverRides... ..,........................ .".., 3-DEQ submitting water main extension construction pormit for Aquin St. ...... ........ ....... '.. ................. , ,..,.. 3-DEQ submitting inspection report for Wastewater Treatment Plant, recommending deficiencies be corrected. ..504,532,555,578, 616 3-Duccinni, John W. requesting vacation and purchase of vacated portion of Roosevelt St. abutting Lots 75 & 77....... , ........ 511. 582 3-Dorwciler, Delos A. requesting J.F.K. Rd. be blocked off with barrels at 2105 Kennedy Rd. ...... .... ............ ,........ 3-DOT, application with same for widening Kennedy Road from Highway#20toAsburyRoad...........,.... ........ " 17-"DubuqueGirls Club Wcek"Oct.30toNov,5,........,....... " 17 -Dock Commission, Wayne Moldenhauer resigning from ,.me.. " 17 - DEQ submitting construction permit for 5 Flags Sewer and Water Relocation Extension.........,.........",.... ... " 17-Dubuque Chapter of National Fedccation of the Blind of Iowa di,.pproving of fund raising program as requested previously. " 17-Dubuque Area Sheltered Workshop, transferring CDBGF to same........... ........, ......... ............,..... ,.,.,. " 31-Dunphy, Fire Chief requesting to go to bid for new modular type ambulance............ . ............. .". . Nov. 7 -Dubuque County Auditor advising of sale of various County owned properties within the City.. ................. ........ 7 - Durrant Group Inc., relative to expansion of Library Building. " 21-DEQ submitting construction permit for RET Corp. and South ForkInterceptorScwers...................,., ...... "21-Davis,JamcsC..appointedtoPlbg.Board......, ,......... " 21- Dubuque Area Development Ass'n. relative to macket potential for shopping center in Urban Renewal Land. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , ., 585. 599 " 29-Deich, Don, relative to Advisory Commission proposing public hearings beheld by City Council relative to 561 Freeway and Dubuque-Wisconsin Bcidgc........... " 29-Dock Commission, appointments to same. 1977 INDEX-BOOK 107 SUBJECT Page 427 433 486 440 449 452 452 456 462 478 480 480 480 481 486 486 503 504 511 525 531 531 531 533 540 554 557 564 576 577 599 600 1977 INDEX-BOOK 107 SUBJECT Dec. 5-DEQ submitting water main extension construction permit to EmhassyWest............................................ " . 5-Dubuque Metal Trades Council requesting consideration of their endorsement...................................... ... 5-Dubuque Twine Co., in favor of no more than 5 minutes waiting time at railroad crossings. ................................. 5- Deich, Don, of opinion that 1972 Freeway Report is invalid. . . . . 5-DOT continuing study on design and location of bridge........ 19-DOT, Iowa submitting concept for proposed Freeway 561...... ,~:~c------ Page 603 604 604 611 611 615 1977 INDEX-BOOK 107 SUBJECT Page E 3Emanuel Pieterson Historical Society requesting proclamation for Black History Day, WeekorMorith...................,... 3-ELECTJON, J. J. Waltz requesting same to fill vacancy on Council........................................,..,..4.15, 149-A " 17-ELECTION RESULTS for ANNEXATION to the City...,... 10 " 17 -E.C.I.A. advising of availability of Federal Funds for park de- velopment................................................ 11 " 17 - Electricians' Registration and Electrical Ordinances, amending same.................................""".."..."..14,52,55 " 17 - Eulgem, Clarence, requesting traffic lights at Hill & Dodge St. . 15 " 17 -ELECTION for Councilman to be held at earliest practicable ,timc...................................................15 149-A " 17-Emcrgency Home Repair for Hill Neighborhood, requesting fundsforsame............................................ Feb. 21- Economy Fire & Casualty Co" subrogation interest between Jeffrey J.Decker and their claimant Pamela Lightfoot........ Mar. 10~E.C.I.A. advising of City's per capita assessment to be consider- edinbudget.............................................. 119 " IO-Erschen, Alice granted Liquor License & Cigarette License.... 132, 396 " 10-Eagles, Fraternal Order of, granted Liquor License & Cigarette License. .................................................132,326 " 21- Edwards Concrete Contractors, Sidewalk construction bond submitted. ............................................... 135 " 21- Easement to the City by Richard Henschel ct ux approved. . . . , 146 May 2-Eleventh St. Neighborhood Assn. relative to First House Tour. 203 " 2-Eagle Point Park, no incoming vehicles allowed after 10 P.M... 204,231 2-Equestrian Heights, relative to rezoning requested hy Swifts. ..................................................206,241,256,270 2-Edwards, D. James and Patricia, requesting annexation of por- tions of Tahle Mound Township. ........................214,408, 457 2-Evening Optimist Club granted Beer Permit & Refund........ 219,261 "16-"ERADayinDuhuque,Iowa"MayI6,1977.................. 221 " 16-Egelhof Casper Funeral Home General Liahility policy submit- ted. ..................................................... 224 " .16-ExcessCastrophePolicycertificateofinsurancesubmitted... 224 " 16-EXPANSION OF IOWA STREETPARK'INGRAMP......... 242,266 June .6-EskaCompanygrantedCigaretteLicense.................. 283 " 6-Eagles Supermarkets granted Cigarette Licenses 131 & Beer Permit. ..................................................284,572 " 20 - Eisenbraun, Rosella, petitioning for suspension of taxes. . . . . . . 294 " 20-Employees, City, objecting to removal of City Vehicles........ 306 " 20-Expansion for Greenhouse Potting House, authorizing execu- tion and resuhmission of local public works capital development and investment program application for same. ............... 314, 444 " 20-Expansion of City Garage, authorizing execution and resubmis- sion of local public works capital development and investment program application for same. ..................314,443,523, 535, 553 " 20-Expansion of Iowa Street Parking Ramp, submitting an appli- cation for certain funds under Titic I of the Public Works Em- ploymentActofI976forsame.............................. 316,447 " 20-Environmental Review of Certain Public Works Projects. au- thorizingsamc............................................ " 20-Edwards Sanitary Sewer Line, authorizing the execution and submission of a Local Public Works Capital Development and Investment Program application for same. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " 20-Ellis, Victorina, granted Cigarette License................. " 20-Endcr,Robert C. granted CigaretteLicense.............. " 29-Ellis, Charles appointed to TV Cable Commission.......... ... July 5-Equestrian Heights, water construction permit submitted by DEQ. ................................,.......... 5-Eddy, Dick,objcctingto paving of Cherokee Dr"...... ..... " 18-Economic Development Administration, proposal to cover sub- mitting of proposal of same for Public Works Project.... ..... Aug. I-Existing Housing, approving application for 100 Units......... Jan. 3,88 11 17 91 316 318 325 325 a30 332 339 372 420 1977 INDEX-BOOK 107 SUBJECT Page 424 603 616 617 630 --~~ --~--- --~~- 1- Electrical Rates increase, City Attorney to investigate same. . . " 15-Eminent Domain Proceedings on Trenkle Property, City Solici- .tortostartsame...............................,......... 446 Oct. 3-ELECTION, Primary, to he held to fill three council seats..... 527,546 "21-"EpilepsyMonth"monthofNovember................ "'" 546 Nov.7-"EmbassyWcst"finalplatapproved............. ",..... 565 " 21-ELECTION, GENERAL, Canvass submitted for same......,. 576 " 21- E.C.I.A. relative to joining the Regional Housing Authority. . .. 589, 599 " 29-Egelhof, Charles L" appointed to Dnck Commission.... ...... 600 Dec. 5-Einck,Rev.,invocationgivenbysame....................... 603 5-Emhassy West, water main extension construction permit suh- mittedbyDEQ..........................................., " 19-ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR I, Civil Service submitting results of same. ............,...........................,........ " .19-Eyres,Kimberly,Noticcofcardamageclaim........"...... 19-Employment, Retirement, Services & Housing, prohihitcd prac- ticesforsame.....,............................... INDEX-BOOK 107 SUB:JECT 1977 Jan. 3-Frommelt,Leo F" appointed City Clerkforyear.............. 3-FirstNat.BankofDubuquenameddepository............... . 3-Five Flags Building Committee submitting minutes of their meeting. ................................................. .....3,43,88,118,134,176,203,221,292,332,371,401, 480, 555,574,603 3-Freeway 520 planning & constructing, DOT commended for same..................................................... 3-Friedman, Richard, resigning from P & Z Commission........ 4 3-Fondell & Sons Inc., requesting to excavate between Elm & Washington. ....................,.............,.......... " 17-Friedman, Richard, recipient of Service Award............... " oO17-FiveFlagsCivicCenterplanssubmitted................... " 17-Five Flags Building Committee resignations................. " 17 - Five Flags Building Committee appointments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " 17 -Federal Funds available for Park Development and land acquisi- ~..................................................... 11 " .17-Finn,Patrick,Noticeofcardamageclaim................... 12,225 " 17 -Five Flags Center Fund, anthorizing the, repurchase of certain land in the Downtown Urban Renewal Project, Iowa R-15, from same. ......................................,............. Feb'. 7 -Fransen. Lorraine, granted Liquor & Cigarette License. ...... " 21-"FreedomWeek"weekofFebruaryI7...................... " 21-Feyen, Building Commissioner advising of conditional use per- mit issued to Hillcrest Family Services to operate a group home at56IJeffersonSt........................................ 89 " 21- First Nat'!. Bank ct al requesting annexation of Harwood Place. 103 Mar. 10-Friedman, Richard, relative to insurance program for the City. 117 " 10-Farr, Mrs. Willard relative to reading of water meters...,.... 118,136 " 10 - "Fly for Hire" practice at Airport to be investigated by Airport Commission...........................................120,150,177 " 10-Fraternal Order of Eagles granted Liquor & Cigarette Licenses. 132, 326 " 21-Five Flags Bldg. Committee recommending management of new Civic Center be operated by a new Five Flags Civic Center Commission. ............................................. 137,206 " 21-Federal Funding of highway construction projects requiring right-of-way purchase, approving application to DOT for same. " 30-Fact Finders report on negntiations with General Drivers Local Union 421 considered...................................... Apr. 4-Fox, Robert, relative to existence of a Chapter of the German- AmcricanNationaICongress,.............................. 150 4-Fens, Ronald J" granted Liquor & Cigarette Licenses......... 174,283 4-Ford, Mary Kathryn, granted Liquor & Cigarette Licenses.... 174,325 4-Fact Finders report on Police Force negotiations gn to arbitra- tion. ..................................................... 4-Fondell & Sons Inc., General Liability Policy submitted....... May 2-"FosterChiidrenWeek"MayI5ththru21st.................. " 2-Five Flags Commission, requesting make-up ofsame.......... " 16-Fuerst, Richard,denial of personal injury claim............... " 16-Fire and Police Retirement System Actuarial Report submitted to Commissioner of Insurance. ............................. " 26-Foster, Mary Alice reiative to funding for Operation New View. June 6-5 Flags Executive Committee advising of repair of air condition- ing. ..................................................... 6 - Folsom, Mary Coo Notice of personal injury claims. . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-Faust, Steven, Original Notice and Petition before Iowa ¡ndns- trial Commissioner....................................... . 6-F.A.U.S. Funds providing for same for signalization of 20th St. from Central to Elm St............,,""""""""'" 277,295,394 6 - Ferring, Adelia A. granted Cigarette License & Beer Permit. .. 283, 476 6-Fairway Ford Sales, Inc., granted Cigarette I,icense & Refund. 284, 584 6-Fleckenstein, Ray granted Cigarette License............. .... 284 " 20-Fire Promotional Exams, Civil Service submitting results of same. ..................... Page 19,143 86, 325 88 147 149 175 177 203 206 226 234 246 252 254 254 293 1977 INDEX-BOOK 107 SUBJECT Page " 20 - Flora Park Tennis Courts, Reconst,uction, authorizing the Exe- cution and Submission of a Local Public Works Capital Develop- ment and Investment P,ogcam Application for same.......... ","""""""""""""'" ..........,317,469,492,520,539 20-FDR Park Improvements, authorizing the execution and sub- mission of a Local Public Wocks Capital Development and In- vestment P,ogram Application for same. .... . 320 2O-Fenelon, Ken. granted Cigacette License. .......... ....... 325 '" 20-Fischer Bowling I,anes granted Cigarette License.., 325 " 29-Five Flags Commission, appointments to same..." 330 " 29-,'aulkner, Thomas appointed 10 TV Cable Commission........ . 330 July 5-Fcderal Highway Administcation authorizing to use FAUS Funds for land acquisition fo' eight of way of Siegert Facm..... 363 5-Fischer and Co., gcanted Liquor License.....,.... ,....... 368 5-FIRE DEPARTMENT ENTRANCE F,XAMS suhmittcd by CivilSecviccCommission.....................,., ........ " 13-Fi,c Fighters negotiations, discussion on same. ......,... ,. " 18-Five Flags Civic Center Commission submitting minutes of theirmeetings..........,.........371,401,426.452,480,5:J1,555.615 " 18-"F.I.S:r." productions, expressing thanks for consideration.... 371 " 18-Five Flags Center Bldg. Committee submitting BUDGET for 5 FlagsCivicCentec.,....... """""""""""""" " 18-Floca Pack Tennis Courts, Duhuque Tennis Ass'n. expressing thanks for renovation of same. , ...., ,. ...... ,.......,.... " 18-Foye Street, Wm. Krueger cequcsting street light on same.... " 18-Fire Honse Relocation, Community Development Block Grant Project......... ................... ...... .385,416,454.553,623 Aug. I-Frangos,JohnP"grantedheerpcrmit............,. ...... 423 " 15-Five Flags Civic Center Fund Executive Committee submitting minutesofthci,mectings...........,.............. ......, " 15 - Fitscher. Mike, celativc to keg heer in City Parks. . . . . . , . . . . . . " 15-Felderman, Thomas D. & Richard Smith ,cquesting to pu,chase lots at 550W. 8th St.... ...... .......................427,619 " 15-Finley Hospital submitting funds toward City expense incurred celativc to proposed 'cvenue hond issue. .. ... ,........, ..... 428 " 15-FINLEY HOSPITAL, relative to issuing of Hospital Facility First Mortgage Refunding and Improvement Revenue Bonds IThe Finley Hospital Project) Series 1977...... ...........428,468, 488 " 15-Flora Pool. objections to closing for houc at 5:00P.M....... ... 433 " 15-Fceyman, Virgil relative to rainwater ,unoff at Parkway St.... 433 Sept. 6 - Finance Director requesting new position of Account Clerk I. . . 453 " 6-Finley Hospital to remit additional funds to City Attorney for .Bondissue.............................................., 463 6-Fitzgibbons, Neldia J., granted Liquor License & Cigarette Li- cense. ..,................................................ 477,500 " 14-Farrell, Carolyn B.V.M, submitting resignation from Civil Ser- vice Commission...............,.......................... 479 " 14-Frommelt. Paul, appointed to Playground & Recreation Com- .mission,................................................ 479 " 19-Finley Hospital relative to storm sewc, problems at Parkway.. 487,503 19-Financial Repo,t for Fice & Police Retirement System for fiscal year ending June 30, 1977 approved..... ........... ......... 492 19-Fremont & Cedar C,oss Rd" construction of same............ 498,516 Ort. 3-Fish, Rob challenging membership on Historic Preservation Commission. .................... ...................... 504 3-Fuerst, Richard requesting vacation of lot between Lot 155 in Hamm'sSubd.andRooseveltSt............................ 510,532 3-Federal Highway Administration. application to same for wi- dening Kennedy Road from Highway #20 to Asbury Road...... 525 " 17 - Finley Hospital requesting zoning change on Lot 18 of Finley Home Addn. .............................................534,562 " 17 - Freeport Construction awarded contract for 17th Street Storm Sewer. ............................,.......... .... 540 " 17 - Fairway Ford Sales, Inc. granted Cigarette License. . . . . . . . . . . 543 Nov. 7 -Financial Audit for Water Department for period of July I, 1976 thru June 30. 1977 submitted by City Manager....... 556 369 :no 372 373 382 426 427 1977 INDEX-BOOK 107 SUBJECT Page 1977 INDEX-BOOK 107 SUB.IECT 7 -Financial Audit'!or Housing Authority for period of March I, 1976 to June 30, 1977 submitted by City Manager............. 556 7 -Freiburger, Mrs. James, Notice of Truck damage claim........ 557 7-Fullmer, Bill relative toexpausion ofLibrary Bldg...........; 564 "21-FirePumperBidtobereturnedunopened................... 597 " 21-FireApparatus,proofofpublication......................... 604 Dec. 5-FREEWAY, objections to same heingintown................ 605,612 "5-Fuhrmau,Russell,Noticeofcardamageclaim................ 605 " 19-FREEW A Y & BRIDGE, alternatives submitted for same...... 612 " 19-FREEWAY,petitions heingin favor of same in town.......... 612 19-Fitzpatrick, Leo H" Notice of personal property claim......... 618 G Jan. 17-Grant Award, Iowa Arts Council advising City recipient of same.................................................... . Feb. 7-Guenther,Brian,Noticeofpersonalinjurydaim.,............ 7 - Graham. Thomas E., requesting work session with Council and theDowntownMerchantsAss'n...................... ..... " .21-"GirIScoutWeek"March6tbthruI2th..................... " 21-Goerdt, Merl et al requesting annexation of portion of Harwood Place.............................,......................103,209 Mar. 10-Goerdt Merl F. et ai, Notice from District Court advising of pe- tition on file by 1'hrop Finance Corp. against same............ 121 " 10-Guidelines for concentrated Rehabilitation Loan and Grant Pro- gram submitted...............,...................... .128,146,274 " 21- Guccione, Joe, relative to Robert Hampton's request to dispose of his interest in Certain Urban Renewal Land. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " 30-General Drivers Local Union 421, Far! Finders report on nego- tiations with same ronsidered. ........... .................. Apr. 4-German-American National Congress, Robert Fox, relative to same............................,....................... . 4-Grandview Drug Inc., granted Beer Permit and Cigarette Li- censc"""""""""""""""""""".........173,283,445 May 2-"GirlsCluhWeek"MaY9toI3th............................ 203 " 16-GeislerBrothersrefundontwopermits.................."" 231 June 6-Graham, Thomas E. requesting to rent building at 8th & Town .ClorkPlaza..........................................,... 261,295 6-Giese Sheet Metal Co. requesting refund on unused air condi- .tioningpermit.....................,.........,........... 262 6 - General Cinema Corp of Iowa granted Cigarette License. . . . . . 283 6 - Grobstick, Robert W. granted cigarette license. , . , . , , . . . . . . . . 283 6-Glynn, John F" granted Cigarette License & Liquor License... 285,424 " 20-Gavin, Darlene, relative to enforcement of Dog Ordinance..... 293 " 20-Gehrke, Jerry, requesting vacation of portion of Wilderness Rd. 306, 428 " 20-Gilmore, Regina Cooper, accepting deed from same for Cooper .Place Steps..................,........................... 309 " 20-Greenhouse Potting House, submitting an appliration for cer- tain funds under 1'itlc I of the Public Works Employment Act of .1976forsame............................................ 314,444 " 20-Giunta,Marco,grantedCigaretteLicense.................... 324 " 20-Groves-Kelco Inc. granted Cigarette License & Beer Permit... ......................................................325,445,544 " 20-Gordon, Lorraine granted Cigarette License & Liquor License. 325, 628 " 20-Grahow, Ralpb, granted Cigarette License & Beer Permit. 325, 423, 501 " 20-Ginter, Donna granted Cigarette License.................... 326 " 29-Gayman, Vaughn appointed to 5 Flags Cnmmission........ 330 July 5-G-K Corp" Sidewalk Construction Bond filed................. " 5-Glennon, Joel R. and Mary J" objecting to paving of Davis Ave. 5-General Revenue Sharing Funds to he used toward construction oflowa St. Parking Ramp.........................,........ 362,402 " 18-Gudenkaul, Lloyd B" authorized to construct reinforced con- crete wall between Adair and Dexter St. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 378, 407, 431 " 18-Grandview Ave., prohibiting heavy vehicles on same..,....... 380 " 18-Ginder, Elinor Ann Cody requesting annexation tn City....... 384 Aug. 15-Garnet Ave., Dubuque County Engineer advising of vacation of same. """""""'" . ......................, """" "15-Grant,JamesW.,noticcofcardamagcclaim...... .... " 15-Gore, Jim, relative to Main Street Lighting.........,........ Sept. 6-Garage Antomotive Mechanics Exams results. Civil Service Commission submitting same. ..... """"", """"""" " 14-Graumann, Walter appointed to Civil Serviee Commission IWithdrawnl........................,.....................479,501 " 14-Grippcn, Ralph, appointed to Youth Servic", Board...... .. 479 " 19-Gagne, Donald, relative to purcbase of huilding by Blind Soci- ety. """""" ....,................, Oct. 3-"Gourmet Cooking Days" Oct. 11th & 12th.................. " 3-Gilliam. Charles, relative to Parkway Storm Sewer Problem.. 334 :139 426 429 436 453 481 503 503 Page 10 45 62 88 121 135 149 150 309 1977 INDEX-BOOK 107 SUBJECT Page 3-Gorsuch, John, Notice of personal property damage claim...... " 17 - Graham, Thomas, relative to leasing building in '¡'own Clock Plaza. ................................................... " ..17-Glazewski,MaryJ"Noticeofpersonalinjuryclaim......... " 17 - Gold Street and Merchants I,ane, Mrs. Robert F. Cronin re- questing stop sign at same..,.........,....,............... Nov. 7 -Gurman, Rev. Mark, invocation given by same................ " 21-GENERAL ELECTION, Canvass submittedforsamc,........ " 21-Gocdken, Ray, appointed to County-City Authority.... ....... " 21-Galle,Paul,NoticeofCardamageclaim......,............... " 29- "Growth Center" of East Central Governmental Ass'c. District, Dubuquedesignated.....,......................,.......... Dec. 5-Generai Revenue and Antirecession Fiscal Assistance Funds, Annual Report of Actual Use of same, proof of publication..... 607,616 505 532 533 535 555 576 577 579 599 1977 INDEX-BOOK 107 SUBJECT Page H Jan. 3-Hird, Gerald, personal bond submitted. ..................... 3-Hanson, Gary J"refund on Cigarette Permit........ ...... ... 3-Hill Street Community Development Area, Projects approved ,forsame....:.................,......................5,16 44,104 3-Hoffman, David H. & Wm. J. Dix granted Cigarette Permit & ,LiquorLicense..........................................7 8,325 " 17 - Housing Rehabilitation Commission submitting minutes of their meetings... .......9,88,118, 149-A, 292, 332, 426, 480, 501, 531,555,615 " 17 -Human Rights Commission submitting minutes of their meet- ings........................................9,118,134,176,203,252 " 17 - Highway Dept" County, vacating portion of Robin Hood Dr. . . . 10 " 17 -Heating, Ventilating, Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Code Ordinance, amending same................................. 14,49 " 17 -Heiderscheit, John J" granted Beer Permit & refund, Cigarette .refund.................................................. 32,186 Feb. 7 - Housing Commission submitting minutes of their meetings. . . . "'....................m~M__~___a 7-Hostert, Antoinette, Notice of card am age claim.............. 45 7-Hutchinson, N. R., notice of property damage ciaim........... 45 7 -Henkel, Lucille G., Notice of personal injury claim. ........... 45, 177 7 - Historical & Architectural significance, governing uses in area, OrdinancesubmittedbyP&Z...........................45, 98,157 7-Heitzman, Wes, requesting 428-30 W. 4th St. and 391 W. Bluff St. be included within designated historical district in 4th St. ~.................................................. ~. 7 -Henschel, Richard & Mildred, requesting annexation of portion of Henschel's BlackForcstSubd......................... .82,101,255 7 - Human Rights Commission, appointments to same. . . . . . . . . . . . 86 " 21-Hansel Industrial Park water main and sewer extension per- mitssubmittedbyDEQ.........................,.......... 88 " 21-Hillcrest Family Services granted conditional use permit to operate a group home at 561 Jefferson St. .. ....,............ 89 " 21- Handicapped Parking, requests for Ordinance for same. . . . . 97, 120, 230 " .21-Heinen, Douglas refund on Cigarette License................ 98 " .21-Heiar,Merlin,refundonLiquorLicense.................... 98 " 21- Harwood Place annexing portion of same to City. . . . . . . . . . . . .. 103, 209 " 21- Housing Assistance Plan reviewed hy Housing Commission. . . . 104 " 21-Helle Suhd" final plat approved. (Martin & Kathy Helle)....... 108 " .21-Hansel,JeffrelativetoPlasticPipeinCedarLakeAddn...... 110 Mar. IO-Halliburton, Louise H. requesting Adult Entertainment Ordi- nance. .............. . . . . . . .. . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " 10-Hawkeye Security Insurance Co., behalf of Paul C. & Sheri O'Brien, notice of claim................................... . " IO-Heinemann, Eugene relative to lease between Dock Bd. & Rob- ert Kehl.................................................. " 10 - Housing Rehabilitation Commission submitting proposed guide- lines for concentrated Rehabilitation Loan & Grant Program. . . ......................................................128,146,274 " 10-Heinz, Ted J. granted Cigarette and Beer License........ .130.131,285 " 21-Hampton, Robert, relative to proposal to dispose of his interest in certain Urban Renewal Land............................. 135 " 21-Heating, Ventilating, Air-Conditioning & Ref. Board, appoint- mentstosame""""""""""""'...................135,246 " 21-Heitzman Construction Co" Sidewalk Construction Bond sub- mitted. ..................... ....,...... ............... ... " 21- Henschel's Black Forest request foe rezooing, public hearing by P&~............................................... " 21-Hahlen, Stephanie M. ct ai, requesting recognizatioo of West End Neighborhood Assn. with City and Community Develop- ment.. .............. ................ .................. " 21- Hamilton Glen Apartments, RET Corp. requesting sewer ser- vices to same..... ..................................... "21-Hcnschel'seasementtotheCityapproved... ............. " 21-Hennen. LaVern granted beer permit... """"""""'" 88 119 121 124 135 135 137 137 143 146 148 - - ~ Apr. 4-Hartung, Mark, Hempstead student, requesting rebuttal with Councilman'Tully regarding school spirit. ........,.......... 151 4-Hcnkels, Mr" relative to sculpture and residents program..... 151 4-Housing Rehab. Commission requesting appointments........ 151 4-Hammel, Greg J" Sidewalk Construction Bond submitted...... 151 4-Historical Preservation Ordinance presented and established.. 157,158 4-Human Rights Commission submitting draft of amendments to the Human RightsOrdinance......... ...................... 164,181 4-Henschel's, approving plat of Lots I and 2, each in Block 6 in TimberRidgeAddition.................................... " 18-Hunger Walk to be conducted on April 24th, requested by Steven Wainwright. ...................................... " 18-Hardie Advertising, Frank, requesting refund on unused per- mit. .............................. ....................... 186 " 18- "Highland Farm" approving plat of portion of same........... 194,232 May 2-HuronProductions(F.J.S.T.lrelativetostartofmovie......... 204 " .2-Hutter,Dave,objectingtorezoningofEquestrianHeights.... 206 " 16 - Historic Committee, W. 11th St" submitting names for same. .. 221, 246 " 16-Historic Preservation Commission, Ad Hoc Preservation Advi- sory Board submitting list of names for same. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " 16 - Hilkin, Thomas Coo notice of car damage claim. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " 16-HandicappedParking, providing for same............"""" " 16-Highland Farm, portion of same, plat approved............... " 16-Housing Assistance Payments Program Section 8, execution of revised contract.............."""""""""""'".... " 26-Heating, Ventilating, Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Board, Wilbur Behlmer appointed to same. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . June 6-Historic Preservation Board no objection to demolition permit of a garage at 1296 Prairie St......... ............... ....... 6-Harris, Raymond E., resigning from Civil Service Commission. 6-Housing Commission advising of acceptability of a Section 8 New Construction Project sponsored by HOMZ Partners. . . . .. 253, 381 6 - HUD submitting audit report for Urban Renewal Program Iowa R-15for period of October I, 1969 to December 31, 1976........ 6-Hcnschel, Richard C. requesting installation of street lights on RichardsRoad...............................,............ 6-Hackbarth, Dennis E" refund on unused garage building per- mit. ..................................................... 6-Housing Code Enforcement, Councilmen Pregler & Tully rela- tivetosame...........................................273,372,563 6-Holiday Oil Dist., Inc. granted CigaretteLicense(51......'..... 283 6-Hancock, William granted Cigarette License. ................ 284 6-Hillary, Bert granted Cigarette License & Liquor License..... 284,628 6-HolidayInnMotelgrantedCigarctteI,icense................. 284 6-Health Officer, relative to Frederick Tippe abating housing vio- lations...................................................286.290 6-Henschel, Richard requesting sewer money for Valentine Drive. 286 " 15-Health Board of the City of Dubuque, City Council to act as same. .................................................... " 15-Hingtgen, Doris relative to application for Low-Rent Housing Program................................................. " .20-HealthDirector,ArtRothappointedsame.................. " 20-Hardie, Frank to purchase N'h of Lot 122 in East Dubuque Addn....................."""""'" ............... 294 " 20-Henkels, Dolores, Notice of personal injury claim......... .... 296 "20-Hilkin,ThomasC"Noticeofcardamageclaim................ 296 "20-Howard,Loretta,Noticcofpersonalinjuryclaim... .......296,335 " 20-Hooser, R.et aI, objecting to air siren in 900 Block of Kane St... 306 " 20-Heinz, Vivian granted Cigarette License and Beer Permit.. 324, 327,423 " 20-Hartig Drug Company granted Cigarette License 141 & Beer Permits. .........................................324, 423,529,597 " 20-Hennen, LaVern, granted Cigarette License & Beer Permit.... 325,445 " 20- Heron, Inc. granted Cigarette I,icense & Liquor License. . . . . . . 325 " 20-Harris, Patricia relative to low fair market rental rate allowed under Section 8 existing in Dubuque. . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . " 29 - Historical Preservation Commission. appointments ,"me. . 1977 INDEX-BOOK 107 SUB:iECT 29-Hammel, Wm., appointed to Rehabilitation Commission. """ 29-Hahlen, Ron appointed to Community Development Commis- sion........,............................................ . 29-Haverland, Gary appointed to 5 Flags Commission............ J'uly 5-Health Dept. of State submitting inspection report on San Jose SwimmingPool........................................... 5-Highland Park Estates water construction permit suhmitted by DEQ. .................................................... 5-Hixon, Ronald L" requesting extension of existing Light Indus- trial District to include property at 2512-14 Elm St. . . . . . . . . . . . 335 5-Hamilton, Wayne V"Noticeofcardamageclaim.............. 336,429 .5-Hermes,PeterB"Noticeofpersonallnjuryclaim............ 336 5-Hynes, James Coo requesting posting 5 ton gross weight limit on KellyLane............................................... 5-Helling,Joeetal, heingin favor of paving Lowell St........... 5-HUD advising of availability of additional contract authority for Section 8ExistingHousingunits.............. ...... ........ " 18-Hill Neighborhood Ass'n. expressing appreciation forrecogniza- tion. ..................................................... " 18-Housing Commission relative to Housing Code Enforcemcnt... " 18-Herrig, Wm., requesting separate contracts in bidding of Civic Center. .................................................. " 18-Health Consultant, Dr. Edward Scott, appointed same......... " 18-Henkel, Gerald & Shirley, approving portion of Asbury Springs Subd.No.lforsame....................................... Aug.15-Hawkeye Estates Lots 30-53, DEQ submitting water main ex- tension construction permit for same............. ........... " 15-H.R.W. Assc., Planning & Zoning relative to rezoning request ofsame...............................................428,449,605 " 15-Highway Crossings, Ordinance to regulate same. INO ACTION TAKEN). ................................................ 432 " 15-Hempstead High School requesting homecoming parade on Sept. 30. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . " 31-Halcn Stephanie, representing West End Neighborhood Assn. being in favor of blocking Keyway Dr........... ............. Sept. 6-Hamer, Rev. Walter, invocation given hy same............... " 6-Historical Preservation Commission submitting minutes of their meetings............................................ 452,531 6 - Housing Commission requesting appointments to same. . . . . . . . 453 6-HEATING INSPECTOR I Exams, Civil Service Commission submitting results of same................................. 453 6-Hall, Deborah Ann, Notice of Personal injury claim. .......... 456 6-Hickey, Leo, requesting parking consideration at 1099 Iowa Street on behalf of Senior Citizens Square Dancers. . . . . . . . . . . . 462 6-Housing Units, 100, application rejected.............. ""'" 467 " .14-Housing Commission, appointments to same................ 479 14 - Hingtgen, Doris M.. appointed to Housing Commission. . . . . . . . 479 19-"Huntingand Fishing Day" Sept. 24th.............. ......... 480 19-Holy Trinity Parish granted Beer Permit & Refund........... 501,564 Oct. 3-"HalioweenTrickOrTreatNight"Oct.3Ist.................. 503 " 3-Housing Commission advising of selection of Charlotte Kelly as Chairperson, Doris Hingtgen, Representative and Douglas Pearce as Vice Chairperson. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. . .. . '" 504 " 17 -Housing subsidy program. Project Concern for Elderly and Re- tired Inc., expressing concern over same. . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 -Hixon, Ron no longer member of W. 11th St. Neighborhood.... 17 -Hos, William relative to Adult Entertainment Ordinance...... 17 -Healy, Joseph, relative to Adult Entertainment Ordinance..... 17 - Housing Code standards and enforcement procedures, Building Commissioner submitting first draft of Ordinance for same. '" 535, 581 " 17-Huston, Duane R. and Janet L., plat submitted by same, ap- provedbyP&Z........................................... 543 " 17-Helling, Anthony A. & Bette 0., granted liquor license...... 545 " 17 -Hampton Property, City Manager to negotiate on same,....... 545,628 17 -Housing Rehab. Commission, appointments to same.......... 545 Page 166 185 224 226 230 232 241 246 253 253 253 261 261 287 289 291 328 330 INDEX-BOOK 107 SUBJECT Page 330 330 330 332 332 338 338 365 371 372 372 374 388 427 433 448 452 531 533 534 534 INDEX-BOOK 107 1977 SUBJECT " 21-Historical Preservation Commission relative to windows for Ci- ty Hall. ..,...... ................. ............,., .....,.,. Nov. 7 - Housing Authority Financial Audit for period of March I, 1976 to June 30, 1977 submitted by City Manager.. ....,. "21-Hennagir,BonitaA..Noticcofsewerclaim.",....... ..... " 21- Hawkeye Estates IHefell approving final plat of same. . ' , . . . . . Dec. 5-Holiday Oil Distributing Inc., accepting Warranty Deed from samcforlandinG.R.WcstDuhuque..... ,.....' ..,..", ,.... " 19-High-Land Farm, P & Z approving final plat of portion of same. " 19-Housing, Retirement. Services & Employment, prohibited prac- ticesforsame.................... ...,... ,..' Page 547 556 579 591 608 627 6BO 1977 INDEX-BOOK 107 SUBJECT Page Jan. 17 - Iowa Arts Council advising City recipient of a grant award. . . . . . "17 - Iowa TOPS objecting to increase of fees for use of Allison Hen- de",ooPavilion........................................... " 17 - Iowa Commission for the Blind, granted Cigarette License. . . . . Mar. 10-Iosurance Program, Richard Friedman, relative to same for Ci- ~................................................. " .12-"IowaAgriculturalDay,"March21,1977.................... " 21- Iowa Commission for the Blind requesting refund on Cigarette License. ..,.............. ........,..................... Apr. 4-Ihm, Gerald, requesting to construct septic system in 1200 biock KellyLane.................................,...........,. 4-IIlinois Central Gulf Railroad, agreement with same to con- struct a force main from the Terminal Street Lift Station to the Wastewater Treatment Plan. ...... ... ......,.....,... ..... 4-Interconnection of 14th Street and the intersection of 16th and Elm Streets to theC.B.D. System. ...... ........,.......170, 180. 213 4-Interstate Power Co., sobmitting plans for expansion of the Whittier Street line crossing municipal property........,.... 172 " 18-Iosurance Dept. of Iowa submitting certificate of authority to MerchantsMutuaIBondingCo......,................. 176 May 16- "Insurance Women's Week" May 15 thru 21.................. 221 " 16-IOWA STREET PARKING RAMP EXPANSION........ 242,266.366 June 6-Iowa Street Parking Ramp, changing bid date for same........ 267 " 6-Iowa DOT, three year street construction submitted to same. .. 276 6-Impcrial Lanes, Inc. granted Cigarette License & Liquor Li- cense. ......................,............................ 284,446 " 20-Iowa Street Parking Ramp, Expansion, submitting an applica- tion for certain funds under 'fitle I of the Public Works Employ- mentActofI976forsame.................................. 316,447 " 20-IowaInngrantedCigaretteLicense..,...................... 324 " 20-IowaOilCo.grantedCigaretteLicense...................... 325 July 5-Iowa Street Parking Ramp, General Revenue Sharing Fnnds to be used for same......................,................... 362,385 Aug. I-Iowa Northwestern Development Co. offering to sell 12 acres of real estate adjaceot to Arhor Oaks Sub. ..............., ..... I-Iowa Northwestern Development Co. requesting not to rezone portionofBirchAcres......,................,......,...... 1- Inns ofIowa, Ltd" relative to rezoning request. . . , . . . . . . . . . . . Sept. 6 - Inspection prior to sale of real estate, objections to same. . . . . . . " 12-Integra-Built Inc" City Manager to negotiate with same to de- velop an option agreement relating to Downtown Urban Renew- aIProperty...................,...........................478,598 "19-IntcrceptorSanitarySewers,constructionofsame...., .... 492 " .19-InnsofIowa,Ltd.grantedLiquorLicense................,.. 501 Nov. 21-Iowa Northwestern Development Co. by Atty. Sprengclmeyer requesting approval of two plats covering next phase of Arbor Oaks....................................,. ............585,617 Dec. 19-Iowa DOT submitting concept for proposed Freeway 561...... 615 " 19~Iowa Northwestern Development Co.. submitting Notice of Ap- peal regarding denial of plat of Block 7 of Arbor Oaks Sub. . 10 15 31 117 133 143 165 169 172 402 406 407 454 617 1977 INDEX-BOOK 107 SUBJECT Page Jan. 17 -J.F.K. Road, Planning & Zoning relative to OR-I"a" zoning on same."..,. ..,........................................ 13 17-JACKSON STREET. reconstruction of same from 22nd St. to Diamond St., completed.................. ,...... ,....." 30.71 17 -JACKSON STREET, reconstruction of same from 12th to 22nd Sts"completcd,........,.................."""""",.. Fcb, 7 -JFK Fast Foods Inc., granted Beer Permit & Cigarette License, " .21-"JayceeJel1yWcek"MarchI3thru20..."".",.,.,....... Apr. 4-Justmann. C. Robert. relative to sculpture and residents pro- gram..........,........,................................ . 4-Johnson Bros. Corp. awarded contract for construction of Ter- minal Street Force Main Wastewater Treatment Faci1ities PhaseIIContractI.............,....................,.. 4-Jungblut, Dixie granted Liquor License & Cigarette License & Refund. ......"..........,....,.,....................174.368,564 18-Jaeger. Louis J. and Rita M. requesting annexation of portion of Schrup Subd.inSection I Table Mouod Township...... .... 187 "18-"JaegerHeights"partofplatapproved,.... ....,....,' 195 May 2-Jach,JimR"grantedBeerPermit&Refund.",..."........ 219,511 "16-"JobsforStudentsMonths"MaythruAugust.........,...... 221 " 16-Jones. Jack C., General Liability policy submitted......,..... 224 Juoe 6-J.F.K. Road. objections to rezoning from R-I to OR-1 Residen- tial District. ...,. ,........, ,...... ,.......,..". ..... 6-J,D.Strcet&Co,Inc"grantedCigaretteI,icense,... ....,. 6-JRC Inc" granted Liquor License.............""""""" " 20-Jahnke, Walter et ux. rezoning request denied by Planning & Zoning.,................,...........................,.,.,302 " 20- "Jaeger Heights Subd." rezoning portion of same annexed to Ci- ty..................................,..., .............303.376 20 - Jones, Clarence R., granted Cigarette I,icenRC & I,iquor License & Refunds." ......" .....,..,.. ..........,......, ....325, 368. 463 20-JoTer Inc. granted Cigarette License and Liquor License...... 325,327 20-Junnie's & Chuck's Sport Center granted Cigarette License... 326 July 5-Jennic, Wm., advising of water property nn his property near .LongJohnSilverpropcrty...........................,.." 333 5-Jasper, Mrs. Richard, on behalf of Donald Jasper, Notice of per- sonalinjuryclaim.................. ..............336.375 "18-JayceestotransferBcerPermit..,..................." ' 397 Aug. 15-"Jerry Lewis Muscuiar Dystrophy Telethon Weekend" Sept, .4th&5th......,.................,.........,............. 426 "31-Jozefowicz,MikeetalohjectingtoclosingofKeyway.."...., 448 Sept. 6-Jorgensen, Garry, relative to City F:mployecs living within City limits. .......................,...............".......... 453 6-J.F,K. Rd. speed limit sign posting requested by M.J. O'Ncill... 454,505 0<01. 17 -Johnson. Dennis. Alderman from Rockford, submitting model obscenity law passed by Rockford City Council. .,.... ,.. , ' " , 533 " 17 -Jaeger, Louie requesting street lights in "Jaeger Heights Subd."........,........."........,.""""""'" . 535 Nov. 7 -Jentz. Janis E., granted Cigarette and I,iquor I,iccnses. ' , , ,." 572, 573 21-John Deere Insurance Co" notice of claim filed by Kathleen Plush and Wm. Welter for accident caused hy defective stop sign at intersection ofJ,oras & Auburn....... ..".... ... 579 21-Jullcn Walk requesting to put Christmas decorations on lower MainSt.lights... ...,.. 584 30,63 85, 396 88 151 168 1977 INDEX-BOOK 107 SUBJECT Page K 261 283 286 Jan. 3-Key City Bank & Trust Co. named depository......... ....... 2 " 3-Kraft,Steven,grantedCigarettePermit..................... 7 3-Kachevas, Inc. granted Liquor License and Cigarette License. 8, 324, 628 3-Kies, Donald granted Liquor License & Cigarette License..... 8,324 3-Kisting, Andrew appointed to Library Board.. """"""'" 8 " 17 -Kane, Karl A. by American Interinsurance Exchange, notice of personal property damage claim............................ 13,617 Feb. 7 -Kronfeldt, Michael F., Notice of property damage claim. ...... 45 " 7 - Kirchberg, Gerald granted Liquor License & Cigarette Liceuse. 86, 326 " 21-Kieffer, Janaan M" notice of personal injury claim............ 92 Mar. 10-Kuch, Roy A. & Marie L" Settlement of personal iujury claim.. 120 " 10 - Kehl, Robert, Dock Commission approving lease with same. 111, 124, 138 " 10-Kessler, Thomas K, granted Beer Permit & Cigarette License. ......................................................131,396,445 " 21-Kluck M.P. & Son, Inc. Sidewalk Construction Bond submitted. 135 " 21- Kehl, Robert J" granted the right to construct a sanitary sewer to the Roberts River Rides in the extension of East 2nd St. . . .. 138, 151 Apr. 4-Koppes, Administrative Ass't., advising of Youth in Govern- mentdays................................................ 150 4-Kirchen, Ralph L., requesting repair of Mayfair Court......... 165 "18-Kiefer,Richard,relativetoclosingofparks.................. 179 " 18-Kersch, Jeannie A" granted Cigarette and Liquor License. 197, 198, 368 " 18-Knights of Columbus granted Liquor License & Cigarette Li- cense....................................................198,324 May 2-Kieffer, Richard, relative to concern at Schmitt Harbor Ramp. ......................................................212,223,314 2-Kaufmann, Don, requesting float be put in Schmitt Harbor..... 212 " .16-Krumrey,Rev.George,invocationgivenbysame............ 221 " 16-Kehl, Robert to construct building along shore in Ice Harbor... 221 " 16-Klauer, JoAnn H" granted Liquor License & Cigarette License. 244, 324 June .6-Klohn,Rev.Franklln,invocationgivcnbysame.............. 252 6-Kehl,Robert J. granted Cigarette License................ ...284 6-Kiefer,Joseph granted Cigarette License.................... 284 6-Klauer, James J. & Robert D. granted Cigarette License & Li- quorLicense.............................................. 284,424 6-Kopples Market, Inc" granted Cigarette License & Beer Li- cense.................................................284,445,476 6-Kress, Sandra J. granted Cigarette License. ....... .......... 285 " 15-Kohnen,Karl, relative to low fair market rental rate....... ... 289 " 15-Koethe, Erv" relative to application for Low-Rent Public Hous- ing. ..................................................... 289 " 20-Klauer, Robert D., representing residents on Lawndale St., rel- ative to breaking up ofstreet............................... 292,334 " 20 - K & K RIg. requesting refund on unused heating permits. . . . . . 306 " 20-Kratzer, Larry, granted Cigarette License & Liquor License. ......................................................324,424,529 " 20-Krajnovich, Elizabeth, granted Cigarette License & Liquor Li- cense. ...................................................326,327 " 20-K-MartgrantedCigarettcLicense.......................... 326 " 20-KWICK Foods Texåco granted Cigarette License............. 326 " 29-Kelly, Phil appointed t05FlagsCommission........... ....... 330 " 29-Kirkwood, Louis appointed to Historical Preservation Commis- sion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. .. .. . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . 330 July 5-Klossner, Ms. Pat, P & Z recommending denial of rezoning re- quest by same OR for OR-I to include beauticians............. 335,574 5-Kerper Blvd., Councilman Brady requesting removal of stop signatsameandI6thStreets............................... 337,379 5-Kel1y Lane residents requesting 5 ton gross weight limit on same..................................................... 338 5-Koeller, Hazel E., granted Liquor License & Cigarette License. ......................................................368,422,596 5-Kuhle, Francis granted Cigarette License.................... 368 " .18-Kel1y Lane prohibiting heavy vehicles on same.............. 380 "18-Krueger,Wm.K"rcquestingstreetlightonFoyeSt.......... 382 289 330 338 INDEX-BOOK 107 SUBJECT Page 1977 Aug. 1- Kruse, Edward, reiative to parking stickers on Central Ave. . . . " I-Kunsch, Rev. Wm. C" invocation given bysame......,........ " 15-Keg Beer in City Parks, objections to not allowing same....... " 15-Kiwanis Club requesting to conduct "Peanut Sale" on Sept. 23. " 15-Knights of Columbus request to conduct "Tootsic Roll Cam. paign"onSept.16thtoI8th................................ " 31-Kessler,Martha ctal objecting to closing of Keyway.......... " ..31-KeywayDr"relativetoclosingsame...................... " 31-Kenncdy Road; City Manager submitting capability to finance report for reconstruction of same.................. ...."... Sept. 6-Kopischke, Jerry, Airport recommending reappointment of same on Airport Commission............................... 453,479 " 12-Klauer request for consideration in Area B of Industrial Island. 478 " 19-Knob Hill, DEQ submitting water main extension construction permit for same........................................... 480 " 19-Kloft, Donald requesting to purchase W53' of Lot I of Sub. 809 A. McDaniels S.ub.located on Arlington St................... " 19-Kopp,GenegrantedCigaretteLicense...................... " 19-Kurt, Chas. apointed to Housing Rehab. Commssion........... " 19-Kaufman, Elaine appointed to Housing Rehah. Commission.... Oct. 3-Karnik, Rev. George, invocation given by same............... 3 - Krieg, Betty, challenging membership on Historic Preservation Commission. ............................................. 3-Kennedy Road widening, notice for location and design publi.c hearing. .................................................525,574 17 - Krieg, Betty appointed to Community Development Commis- sion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . .. .. . . . . 545 " 17-Kiebcl, Jane appointed to Community Development Commis. sion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 545 " 31- "Knob Hill" and "Knob Hill Grove" approving plats for same. .(Dugganl................................................ 551 Nov. 7 - Kisting, Andrew relative to Library Building expansion. . . . . . . 564 " 21- Kronfeldt, relative to allowing beauticians in OR-I Districts. . . . 575 " 21-Kenline,BettyJane,Noticeofpersonalinjuryclaim........... 579 " 21-Kintzinger, Atty" representing David Maiers relative to ap- proval of two plats for Arbor Oaks Subd. . . . . . . . . . . . .. ...... 585 401 426 427 433 433 448 448 449 487 500 501 501 503 504 1977 INDEX-BOOK 107 SUB:ïEëT Page Jan. 3-Library Board, appointments to same....................... 8,292 "17-Lundh,AlvinE"resigningfrom5FlagSBldg.Comm.......... 9 " 31- Lundh, Alvin E" submitting statement for the benefit of the .record for resignation..................................... 35 Feb. 7-Law Enforcement Training, providing for matching funds for same. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 7 - Lucky Stores granted Beer Permits (3). . .. . . . .. .. . .. . . . . . . .. 85, 423 7 - Larsen, Beverly Granted Liquor License & Cigarette License & Refund. ............... ............................86, 284, 585, 622 7 - Loney, David appointed to Human Rights Commission. . . . . . . . 86 " 21-Licciardipaintings, ArtAss'n.tobecustodianofsame.... "'" 88 " 21-Lightfoot, Pamela, by Economy Fire & Casualty Co., involving accident with client and JeffreyJ.Decker.................... 91 " 21- Lakeman, Mrs. Ellen, notice of property damage claim. . . . . . . . 92 Mar. IO-LeagueofWomen Voters relative to proposed budget......... 117 " .IO-Lange,Dallas,Noticeofpropertydamage................... 121,152 " 10-Loras College requesting to distribute tags and accept contri- butions on March 19, 1977 and to conduct "Shamrocks for Dys- trophy Drive"............................................. " IO-Labor Negotiations services of Mr. Steven B. Rynecki, Public Works Director Murray relative to same.................... . " 21-Lang, Dock Commissioner, salary conciliation agreement be- tween same and City.............,........................ 136 " 21-Leute, Bernice, Notice of personal injury claim............ ...137,455 " 21-Liquorin Parks, prohibiting the use of same............. .138,165,179 Apr. 4-Loras College requesting to conduct fireworks on April 30, 1977. 165 " 4--LEASE & Agreement between Dock Commission and Duhuque Barge&FleetingCompanYSubmitted....................... 172,187 " 18-Leonard Oil Co., granted Beer Permit & Cigarette License. 198, 284, 445 " 18-Lona'sInc.,grantedLiquerLicense....................."" 198 May 2- "Life Insurance Education Week" May 11 to 18th. ............ 203 " 2-Luber, Lloyd P., Sidewalk hond submitted. .................. 204 " 16-Lukens, Joe. Sidewalk construction bond suhmitted........... 224 " 16-Lease and Agreement with Dubuque Chips, Inc., covering cer. taincityoWnedrealestate................................. 229,260 " 26-Langfield, D. H., relative to funding for Operation New View... 246 June 6-Link, Elsie, ohjecting to Washington Street Diverters......... 252 " 6 - Link, James F., objecting to rezoning J.F.K. Rd. from R-I to OR. 1. ....................................................... 261, 302 6-LTD ConÅ¡truction Co. requesting refund on unused huilding permits.................................................. 261 6 - League of Women in favor of Housing Code Enforcement. . . . . . 273 6-Law Enforcement Training, matching funds provided for same. 275 6-Leppert, Sandra granted Cigarette License.................. 284 6-Loras College granted Cigarette License & Beer Permit....... 284,597 6-Lucas, Michael J" Jr. granted Cigarette License & Liquor Li- cense. .................................................,. 285,573 " 15-Low-Rent Housing Program, relative to approving application and authorizing submission of application for same. . . . . . . . . . .. 287, 289 " 20-Lawndale St" residents of same, relative to breaking op of street.................................................... 292,334 " 20-Lange, Elsie E., petitioning for Suspension of taxes...... """ 294 " 20 - LuGrain, William, Sidewalk Construction Bonds submitted. . . . 295 " 20 - Landscape Architecture Dept. of Iowa State University submit. ting final repert of same by Community Development Director. "20-Lange,JamesgrantedCigaretteLicense........... .... " 20-Lenstra, Thelma granted Cigarette License.................. " 20-Love, Kenneth J., granted Cigarette License & Liquorc Li. cense...............................,....,...............326,368 " 20-Lammer, William H. granted Cigarette License.............. 326 " 20-Lona'sInr.,grantedCigaretteLicense....................... 326 " 20-LibraryBoard,apPointmentstosame.......................330,425 " 29-Lundh, Martha appointed to Historical Preservation Commis- sion.... .................. 35 123 130 295 324 324 330 1977 INDEX-BOOK 107 SUBJECT July 5-Long Johu Silver property causing water problems for Vincent RolingandWm.Jenui..................................... 5-LEASE, Conticarriers and terminals, Inc. exercising their op- tion to extend term of same dated July 25, 1962 to July 24, 1982. 5-Leytem, John Notice of personal property damage claim....... 5-Lowcll Street assessments, objections to same............... 5-Lundin, Eloise V" objecting to paving of Cherokee Drive...... 5-Leasing of city-owned property by various Boards and Commis- sions, City Attorney submitting opinion of same. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18-Lipper, George, relative to market study of the Downtown Area............................."""""""""'" ... " 18-Lundh, Architect AI, recommending purchase of Trenkle Building................................................. . " 18-Lightfoot, Pamela and Dale, notice of suit vs. Jeffrey Decker. (autoaccidentl............................................ " 18-Lattner, Lyle, et al objecting to widening of University Avenue. Aug. 1- "Light the Way for Handicapped People" Sept. lOth. . . . . . . . . . . " 1- Lions Club requesting to conduct circus on Aug. 29th, 1977. . . . . 5- Lane, Wm. H" objecting to excessive noise from motorcycles on KaufmannAve............................................ " 15-Lorice, Inc" by Small Claims Court of expenses incurred for clearing downtown land......................... ,...... .... " 15-Leach, David 0" granted Cigarette Licenses.... .,....... .... Sept. 6-Law Enforcement Trainiug Program approved. (Fingerprin- ting). .................................................... " 19-Luther, Frieda, appointed to Civil Service Commission. ....... " 19 - Lenning, Larry appointed to Community Development Commis- sion............................"""""""""""'" . Oct. 3-Lutsetich, Thomas A. and Eleanor J. Rafoth requesting annexa- tion. ..................................................... 3-Location and Design public hearing for widening of Kennedy Road from Highway #20 to AsburyRoad..................... Nov. 7 -Library Board to discuss expansion of present building... ..... " 21-Lexington Street, John E. Combs requesting vacation of por- tionofsame.............................................. " 21- Licht, approving final plat for same (Buena Vista Courtl. . . . . . . " 21-LAND LEASE, Integra-Built Inc" presenting same relative to land in Urban RenewaIArca................................ Dec. 5-Leitner, Harold, objecting to Freeway being in town.......... " 5-Lipper. George, relative to statement from DOT ou bridge & Freeway. ................................................ " 19-Lammer, Wm., dlhla The Rit, Lounge, City Manager recom- mending public hearing be held on suspeusion of liquor license forsame.................................""""""'" " 19-Lampe. Lynn, Notice of Truck Damage claim............,.... 19-Loras College requesting installation of lights at intersection of LorasBlvd. & Alta Vista Street................... .......... Jan. 3-Mayor, Emil Stackis, appointed same for calendar year 1977... 3-Mayor Pro Tern, James E. Brady appointed same............. 3-Main St. Lighting, proof of publication, indicating no significant effect on environment for said project..... .................. 3- Mihalakis et al and Schwartz et ai, couveying "Block 2 in River FrontSubdivisionNo.2"tosame............... ............. 3 - Mohr, Albert E., granted Cigarette Permit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " 17 - Merritt, Jackie, relative to plans for Five Flags Civic Center. . . " 17-MilIer, Sydney E" by Takos Realty, requesting to purchase MarketSquare......................................10,44, 89,220 " 17 - Market Square, Sydney E. Miller of Dubuque Chips Inc" re- questing purchase of same..................... 11, 44, 89, 220, 228, 258 " 26-Moldenhauer, Wayne, Dock Commissioner, relative to leasing of Dove Harbor by Conti Carriers........................... 34,186 Feb. 7 -Mills, Janaan E" on behalf of daughter Jennifer, personal injury claimdenied............................................45 7 - Milbrandt, Paul, relative to unit pricing and Unit Price Codes. . 7 - Master Plan Study for the Dubuque Municipal Airport, approv- ing agreement between DOT and City for same. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-Melson, Eric appointed to Human Rights Commission......... " 21-"MinorityDay"MarchI7,1977............................. " 21-Maas, Mrs. Elizabeth,noticeofpersonal injury claim.......... " 21- Marting, Mrs. relative to Committee on Decency on Adult En- tertainment.............................................. 94 "21-Mayor'sSalary,cstablishingsame.......................... 94,i63 " 21-MilIer, Beverly R" granted Cigarette & Beer License...... 111,324,445 Mar. 10-Mettel-Bryne Addn" Water Main & Sewer Extension permits issued. . . , . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. . . . . . . .. . " 10-Municipal Government Task Force to report on their findings in MayorJune......,....................................... " 10-Manders, Ronald, Notice of personal injury claim............. " 10-March of Dimes, requesting Walk-A-Thon on April 17, 1977.... " 10-Manternach Development Company requesting voluntary an- nexation of approx. 38.10 acres of land in portions of M.L. 324 andrezoningrequest....................... ....... .129,209, 257, 275 " 21-MulgrewOil Co" requesting to vacate portion of Water Main... 140,156 Apr. 4-Merritt,Dan,relativetoHempsteadschooispirit............. 151 " 4-Mayfair Court, Ralph Kirchen requesting repair of same....... 165 4-MAIN STREET LIGHTING FROM FIRST STREET TO FOURTH STREET....... 171, 191, 203, 213, 224, 272, 310, 393, 409, 436 "18-Mettel,JohnP"No.2,Subd.approvingpartofsame.......... 194 " 18-Moeller, Joyce, granted Liquor & Cigarette Licenses.......... 198,326 " 18-Marco'sInc.grantedLiquorLicensc.....................198 May 2-"MentaIHealthMonth"monthofMay....................... " 2- Muenster. Mrs. Cecelia, Notice of personal injuries claim. . .... 2-Meriwether, Bruce relative to parking ramp rate increases. ... 2-MilIer, Sydney requesting vacation of alley in South Park Hill Addn. and El Ru Place. ................................212,381, 405 2-Myers, Dr. Robert, granted Beer Permit & Refund............ 219,511 " 16-Mcntal Health requesting concensus toward their organi"tion by voting in favor of their budgetrequcst.................... " 16- "Marilyn Place" approving plat for portion of same...... ...... " 16-Madison St. Steps reconstruction report submitted by Dan Dit- temore. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . .. " 16-Memorial Day Committee to conduct parade on May 30, 1977... " 26-Mcrritt, Jackie. requesting 5 members on 5 Flags Executive Committee. .....,.................... ............... June 6-May's Drug granted Cigarette License. ..................... " 6 - Merchants Hotel granted Cigarette License. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 - Meyer, Herman granted Cigarette License. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 - Meyer, Kermit granted Cigarette License. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 - Mihalakis, Shirley granted Cigarette License & Liquor License. .......... ..........,..............................,.284,628 6-Miraclc Car Wash Inc. granted Cigarette License............. 284 Page M 1977 INDEX-BOOK 107 SUBJECT 333 333 336 338 338 369 373 374 375 382 401 409 427 430 444 467 501 501 522 525 564 584 585 598 605 611 616 617 621 Page 7 7,284 9,372 62 86 86 88 91 118 120 121 122 203 206 210 221 233 223 232 247 284 284 284 284 6-Millman, Norene J. granted Cigarette License & Liquor License.......................................,.......284,286,628 6-Murphy, James D. granted Cigarette License................ 284 6-Mescher, VincentW"grantedCigaretteLicense.............. 284 "20-Mihm,Bernard,petitioningforsuspensionoftaxes............ 294 " 20-Masurek, Evelyn, petitioning for suspension of taxes.......... 294 " 20-Marshall Park Improvements, authorizing the execution and submission of a Local Public Works Capital Development and Investment Þrogram Application for same................... 320 " 20-Mihalakis, John granted Cigarette License & Liquor License... 324,529 " 20-Montgomcry Ward & Co. granted Cigarette License. ....... .. 324 " .20-Marc'sBigBoygrantedCigaretteLicense.................. 325 " 20-Meyer, Catherine M., granted Cigarette License & Beer Per- mit.....................................................,325,327 "20-Miller,Neil,Inc.grantcdCigaretteLicense... ............. 325 " 20-Mr.SteakgrantcdCigaretteJ;jcense.......,................ 325 " 20-Morett, Merlin granted Cigarette License................... 326 July 5-Municipal Government Reorganization Task Force submitting recommendations of their findings. ....... ............... 5-Martin, M. J., Notice of car damage claim.................... 5-Meyer, William, requesting vacation of Sly 150' of Ruth St. located west of Broadway and Southerly off King Street. . . . . . . ..................................................337,455,484.507 5-Mt. Calvary Cemetery Ass'n. requesting to delay paving Davis Ave.untilitcanbewidened................................ 338 5-Manternach Development Co., requesting annexation of ap- prox.1.4acres.......................................,.... 361 5-Murphy, Orville, granted Cigarette License & Liquor License.. 368, 529 " 18-Meek, James, County Extension Director, requesting appoint- ment of 3 people to represent City for establishing temporary countylandusepolicy.,..................,...,............ " 18-Medical Consultant, Dr. Edward Scott appointed same for City of Dubuque............................................... Aug. I-Miller, Karl "Doc",settlementofcardamagesclaim........... " I-Main Street Lighting Project, directing the transfer of CDBGF from the Contingency Fundstosame........................ 416 1- Mettel-Byrne Addn. P & Z approving final plat of same. . . . . . . . 419- " 15-"Mentally Handicapped Health Week" Sept. 12th.....,....... 426 " 15-l4atous. Edward, Notice of property damage claim............ 430. 557 " 15-Meeker, Marvin C. & Alice L. and Richard W. Anthony re- questing annexation..............................,."..... " 15-Moratorium on disposal of City owned reai estate, declaring sameIFAILEDI........................................... " 15-Marty,Milton J" granted Cigarette License.................. Sept. 6-Miller, Wm" relative to Present Building Codes.............. " 6-Mettel-Byrne Addn., P & Z approving final plat of portion of same..................................................465 6-Marshall and Roosevelt (FDRI Park Improvements. .......... 6-Moncrief, Sandra L.,granted Liquor License.. ............... " 19-Mayor's Industrial Committee relative to proposal from Dubu- que Electric Motor Service Inc. to purchase property..... , .... 500,526 Oct. 17-Moldenhauer, Wayne A., resigning from Dock Commission.., 531 " 17 -Marting, Mrs. relative to Adult Entertainment Ordinance. . . . . 533 " 17 - Merchants Lane and Gold St., Mrs. Robert F. Cronin requesting stop sign at same,......................................... " 17-Mettille, Deborah appointed to Youth Services Bureau.. ..... "31-Merfeld,P&Zapprovingfinalplatsforsame........ ,.. Nov. 7 -Marshall-Roosevelt Park Improvements, Advisory Council on Historical Preservation of Washington, D.C., relative to same.. 7 -Manders, Donald, Notice of Car Damageclaim................ " 21-Maus, Alvin H.. requesting yield sign at northeast corner of TressaandSt.GeorgcStreets............ ., ,......... " 21-Maiers, David L., relative to approval of two plats in Arbor Oaks Sub................................................ . Dec. 5-Metal Trades Conncil of Dubuque requesting consideration of their endorsement. . . 1977 INDEX-BOOK 107 SUBJECT Page 333 336 338 373 374 403 435 436 444 454 469 477 535 545 549 556 557 584 585 604 1977 INDEX-BOOK 107 SUBJECT Page 5-Mulgrew Oil Co. favoring no more than 5 minutes waiting time atrailroadcrossings........................................ 5-March of Dimes requesting to conduct.Mothcrs March in Jan- uary,1978................................................ " 19-Murray, Puhlic Works Director submitting alternatives for Bridge &Freeway......................................... Dec. 19-Murphy, Charles J., et al objecting to Freeway being in town... " 19 - Mississippi Valley Investmènt Co. requesting to connect to city sewer for the Terrace Court Mobile Home Park at 2330 Rock- dale Road. ........................,...................... " 19-Maggio, Jeffrey T" Terry Steiner, Gregory J. Adams, granted Cigarette and Liquor Licenses.............. ..............627,628 604 606 612 613 622 1977 INDEX-BOOK 107 SUBJECT Me Feb. 7 -McClain Suhd., water constructio', permit submitted by DEQ.. 43 Mar. 21- McClain Sub" notice of public hearing by Planning & Zoning. .. 120, 136 " 21-McCormick, Robert W., Notice of Claim for services rendered.. 137,225 Apr. 18-McCoy, Robert T., by Julien Walk, in favor of Urban Renewal lightinginLowerMainarca................................ 191 May 2 - McCarthy, Leo A" relative to rezoning of Equestrian Heights.. 206, 256 June 20-McClain, Earl, denial of request by same for rezoning.......... 301 " 20-Mclntyre, Jim, granted Cigarette License and refund; also Li- quor License. .........................................326,382, 433 Sept.14-McFarland, John J" appointed to Board of Zoning Adjustment. 479 " 19-McDaniels Sub. located on Arlington St., Donald Kloft re- questing to purchase W53' of Lot I of Sub. 809 in same. . . . . . . . . Nov. 7 -McMullin, Norman relative to expansion of Library Building... Dec. 5-McGinnis, Joseph N. and David J. Wetter, granted Liquor License.. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. .. . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . Page 487 564 611 1977 INDEX-BOOK 107 8UBJEëT N Jan. 17 - Neuhaus, Gerald W., Notice of sewer hackup claim. . . . . . . . . 13, 402,456 Feb. 7-Nebel,Roger&Carol,sewerclaimclosed.................... 44 " 7-Nigg, Randall, to make trip to Waterloo on behalf of Civic Center. .................................................. " 21- "National Engineers Week" February 22 to 28th.............. " 21-N.E. Iowa Crime Commission submitting a matching fund scbedule. ................................................ " 21-Northwest Arterial right-of-way, relative to acquisition of right- of-way from Joseph & Ruth Siegert................. .106, 215, 363, 571 Mar. 10-National Foundation March of Dimes requesting to conduct a Walk-A-ThononAprilI7,1977..............................122 " 10-North Catfish Creek Water Shed Project be abandoned....... 129,167 Apr. 18-Noise Enforcement requested by Delos Dorweiler...,........ 186 May 2-Northwest Arterial, Planning & Zoning relative to alignment alternatives for same...................................... 215,363 2-Nielsen, Gary Lee, granted Beer Permit and Cigarette License. ......................................................219,243,326 June 6-Nash Finch Co. granted Cigarette License & Beer Permit...... 284, 572 " 6-Nesteby, Charles granted Cigarette License & Refund. ""'" 284, 463 " .20-NachtmanTireCo"grantedCigaretteLicense.............. 326 July .5-Newton,DaleS.,Noticeofpersonalinjuryclaim............. 336 " 13-NegotiationswithFirefighters,discussionofsamc......."'" 370 " .18-Nigg, Mr. relative to completion of Civic Center............. 372 Aug. 1- Neighborhood Parks Acquisition and/or Development, authoriz- ing request for reiease of funds for same..................... 418 I-Noonan, Stephen granted Liquor License & Cigarette License & Refund. ........................................424,444, 535, 564 " 15-Nesler,James C.,Noticeofpropertydamageclaim............ 430 " .15-Nemmers,KaygrantedBeerPermit....................... 445 Sept.14-Neil, Colin P"appointed to Advisory Commission............. 479 " 14-Norman, William H., appointed to Advisory Commission...... 479 " 19-N.E. Area Crime Commission, appointments to same.......... 501,529 " 19-Nederoff, Dale appointed to N.E. Area Crime Commission. IRescindedJ............................................... 501,529 Oct. 3-Nash, Ruth, challenging memhership on Historic Preservation Commission. ............................................. 3-Neumeister, W. Coo Notice of suit againt City Development Board, City Development Committee and City relative to An- nexation. ................................................ 3-Ney, Raymond A. & Bertha H" requesting annexation......... " 17-Nemmers,KaygrantedBeerPermit........................ " 17-N.E. Iowa Development Property, City Manager to negotiate on same. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. " 17 -Nash, Ruth appointed to Community Development Commission. 545 ......................................................... " 17 - Nied, Byron F" appointed to Youth Services Bureau. . . . . . . . . . Nov. 21-Naffier, Rev. Vernon H"invocationgiven by same............ " 21-Naughton, Atty. relative to allowing heauticians in OR-I Districts. ................................................ Dec. 5-Navy League of U.S. recommending road between Schmitt Memorial Marker and Scbmitt Harbor be named Admiral SheehyDrive............................................. 5-Nash, Ruth, endorsing plat for transportation submitted by Richard Worm. ........................................... 545 545 574 575 603 605 Page 87 88 90 418 504 505 521 544 1977 INDEX-BOOK 107 SUBJECT 0 Jan. 17-0R-I"a" zoning, Planning & Zoning relative to same on J.F.K. Rd. ...................................................... " 17-0rdinance No. 1-77 amending and changing Ordinance No. 32-75, known as the "Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Dubuque, Iowa" repealing Section 4-109.4 of Article IV, thereof, and enacting a new Section 4.109.4 of Article IV, thereof, to provide for the issuance of Conditional Use Permits for certain limited Commercial activities, in areas or structures of Historical or Architectural Significance within the OR-I Of- ficeResidentiaIDistrict.................................... " 17 -Ordinance No. 10-77 Autborizing the Dubuque Yacht Basin Inc. toconstructasign........................................, " 17-0rdinance No. 2-77 An Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 48-70 known as the Plumbing Ordinance by repealing Sections 11, 13, 19, 22 and 14 thereof and fe-enacting these sections as revised in lieu thereof; to provide for; an apprentice registration fee to increase permit fees, license fees, and license examination fees; requiring a permit and fee for tbe installation, changing, replacing, or repair of all private water mains and services; and doubling permit fees for work commenced before first obtaining a required permit. ........................................ " 17 -Ordinance No. 3.77 An Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 9-62 known as the Heating, Ventilating, Air-Conditioning, and Re- frigeration Code, by repealing Section 1.8.4, 1.9.6, 1.9.13, 1.10.2 and 1.10.4 thereof fe-enacting these sections as revised in lieu thereof; providing for an increase in permit fees, certificate of registration fees, certificate of competence fees, certificate of competency examination fees and requiring double permit fees when required permits are not obtained prior to commencing said work....,......................................... ... " 17 -Ordinance No. 4-77 An Ordinance revising Ordinance No. 30-72 known as the Electricians' Registration Ordinance by repealing Ordinance No. 30.72 in its entirety and re-enacting the following in lieu thereof; to provide for the examination and registration of Electrical Contractors, Journeymen Electricians, and Main- tenance Electricians, and the collection of fees, and to establish an Electrical Examining Board and to provide penalties for violations hereof. ......................................... " 17-0rdinancc No. 5.77 An Ordinance revising No. 31-72 known as the Electrical Ordinance by repealing Ordinance No. 31-72 in its entirety and fe-enacting the following in lieu thereof; to provide for the adoption of an electrical code by reference; regulating the practice materials, and fixtures used in the installation, maintenance, extension, and alteration of all wiring, fixtures, appliances. and appurtenances in connection with various elec- trical systems; to provide for the enforcement of the code by creating the office of electrical inspector, the appointment of an electrical inspector, the issuing of electrical permits, the collcc. tion of permit fees, to establish an electrical appeals board and toprovidepenalticsforviolationshcrcof.................... . " 17-0rdinance No. 8-77 An Ordinance creating and establishing a TV.FM Cable Advisory Commission......................... " 17 -O'Connor, Brooks & Co., authorized to enter into a Contract for AUDIT SERVICES for Downtown Urban Renewal Project, ProjectNo.IowaR-15...................................... Feb. 7 - "Office Education Week" week of February 6 to 12........... 7 -Ordinance No. 6-77 An Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 33-49 known as the "Traffic Code of Dubuque, Iowa", as amend. ed, by repealing subsection 6 of Section 8.1 thereof and enacting a new subsection 6 to Section 8.1 in lieu thereof establishing a speed limit on Dodge Street from Bluff Street to Devon Drive. . Page 13 13,46 14,96 14,48 14,49 14,52 14,55 15,93 29 43 61 INDEX-BOOK 107 SUBJECT 7-0rdinance No. 7-77 An Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 33.49 known as the "Traffic Code of Dubuque, Iowa" as amend- ed by adding a new subsection 113 to Schedule VI thereof to prohibit parking of motor vehicles on the South side of Wooten Street from Hill Street to McClain Street and on the north side from McClain Street eastwardly for a distance of 165 feet...... 62, 92 7-0rdinance No. 9-77 An Ordinance to require the disclosure of retail distrihutors of retail uuit prices of consumer commodities; to prescribe the duties of Director and to provide penalty for violation hereof........................................... 62,95 " 21-0rdinance No. -77 An Ordinance amending and changing Or. dinance No. 32-75 known as the "Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Dubuque, Iowa" to enact a new Section 5-108 of Article V thereof, to set forth provisions therein providing for regulation, requirements and the definition of Adult Enter- tainment Establishments. ................................. 94 " 21-0rdinance No. 19.77 An Ordinance fixing and establishing the salarYfortheMayoroftheCityofDubuque,Iowa... .......... 94,163 " 21-0rdinance No. 20.77 An Ordinance fixing and establishing the salary for the members of the City Council of the City of Dubu- que,Iowa................................................. 94,164 Mar. la-O'Brien, Paul & Sheri, by Hawkeye Security Insurance Co. Notice of Claim........................................... 121 " 1O-0rdinance No. 11-77 An Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 33-49 known as the "Traffic Code of Dubuque, Iowa", as amend- ed hy adding a new subsection 32 to Section A of schedule 111 thereof to provide that eastbound and westbound vehicles on west 11th St. must stop before entering the intersection of Walnut St................................................ 122 " 21-0rdinance No. 21-77 An Ordinance repealing Section 27-37 of the Code and enacting a new Section in lieu thereof to prohibit the use of liquor in parks; repeal Section 27-55 and enact a new Section in lieu thereof governing use of bicycles, motorcycles etc. in city parks; repeal Section 27-62 and enact a new Section in lieu thereof to provide for open season and hours in city parks.................................................138,165,179 " 21-0rdinance No. 12-77 An Ordinance granting Robert J. Kehl the right to construct a sanitary sewer to the Roberts River Rides in the Extension of East Second Street and providing the terms and conditions thereof..................................... 139 " 21-0rdinauce No. 17-77 An Ordinance vacating a portion of Water Street running from the S.P.L. of Dodge St. to the S.P.L. of Lot 2 of Lot 17 of Dubuque Harbor Addn. ....................... 140, 156 " 21-0rdinance No. 14-17 An Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, Iowa. providing for the repeal of Subsection IbJof Section 25-220 of the Code of Ordinances, City of Dubuque, Iowa and enacting a new Subsection Ihl of Section 25-220 in lieu thereof to establish speed limits generally in the City of Dubuque................. 141, 152 " 21-0rdinance No. 28-77 An Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, providing for the repeal of Section 25-307 of the Code of Ordinances, City of Dubuque, Iowa, and enacting a new Section 25-307 in lieu thereof to provide time and fee schedule for specific parking lots in the City of Dubuque. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141, 153, 210 " 21~Ordinance No. 15-77 An Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, Iowa providing for the repeal of Section 25.304 of the Code of Or- dinances, City of Dubuque, Iowa, and enacting a new Section 25.304 in lieu thereof designating the various municipally owned parking lots in the City of Dubuque......,................ ..141,153 " 21-0rdinance No. 29.77 An Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, providing for the repeal of Section 25.327 of the Code of Ordinances, City of Dubuque, and enacting a new Section 25-327 in lieu thereof to provide fee schedule in the respective parking meter districts in the City of Dubuque. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .141, 154, 211 1977 Page 1977 INDEX-BOOK 107 SUBJECT Page " 21-0rdinance No. 16-77 An Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, providing for the repeal of Section 25-326 of the Code of Ordinances, City of Dubuque, Iowa and ènacting a new Section 25-326 in lieu thereof to provide for the establishment of three parking meter districts in the City of Dubùque. . . . . . . . . . . . . ., 142, 154 " 21-0rdinance No. 13-77 An Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 55-76 by striking tbe third paragraph of the preamble thereof and enacting a new third paragraph in lieu tbereof to strike Sec- tion 366.7 therefrom and insert in lieu thereof Section 380.8.... Apr. 4-0'Dowd, Patrick, Sidewalk Construction continuation bond sub- mitted. .................................................. 4-0rdinance No. 18-77 An Ordinance establishing a Historic Pres- ervation Commission for the City of Dubuque, Iowa, and pro- viding for the establishment of Historic Preservation Districts, and defining powers and duties in association therewith. . . . . . . 4-0rdinance No. 26-77 An Ordinance amending and changing Or- dinance' 32-75 known as the Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, by enacting a new Section 1-103, "Application of District Regulations", of Article I, to provide for the uniform application of regulations to each class or kind of structure orland within eacbdistrict........................ 162,207 4-0rdinance No. 27-77 An Ordinance amending and changing Or- dinance No. 32-75 known as the Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Dubuque, Iowa so as to reclassify .58 acres in powers Place from R-2 Residential District Classification to R-3 Residential District Classification................... ...,.... 163,208 4-0swald,Louisetalobjectingtonewclosingtimeofparks...... 165,179 " .18-0'Brien,PoliceChief,relativetoclosingtimeofparks........ 179 " 18-0rdinance No. 22-77 An Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, Iowa providing that the Code of Ordinance, City of Dubuque be amended by repealing certain Section of Chapter 21 and enac- ting and adding new Sections to Chapter 21 (HUMAN RIGHTS)................................................. " I 8 -Ordinance No. 23-77 An Ordiuance of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, providing for the repeal of Section 25-269 of the Code of Ordinances, City of Dubuque, Iowa, and declaring same to be null and void and of no effect. (Parking on streets that are cleaned). ................................................. " 18 -Ordinance No. 24-77 An Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, Iowa providing for the repeal of Section 25-270 of the Code of Or- dinances, City of Dubuque, Iowa and declaring same to be null and void and of no effect. (Restricted parking spaces).......... " 18-0rdinance No. 25-77 An Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, providing for the repeal of Section 25-272 of the Code of Ordinances, City of Dubuque, Iowa and declaring same to be null and void and of no effect IDriving on private property without consent of owner prohibited).... ......... ....... .... " 18-0'Brien, Police Chief, relative to enforcemeut of Noise Or- dinance. ................................................. " 18-0hncsorge, Karen and Kayla Smith granted Liquor Liceuse & Cigarette License......................................... 198,325 May 2-0'Connor, Rev. John, invocation given by same..............' 203 2-0rdinance No. 34-77 An Ordinance amending and changing Or- dinance No. 32-75, known as the "Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Dubuque, Iowa". which amendment shall zone. and classify territory recently annexed to the City of Dubuque, Iowa. in "Harwood Place", in a C-3 Arterial Business Co¡nmercialDistrict.......................,...,........... 209,254 2-0rdinance No. 36-77 An Ordinance amending and ehangicg Or- dinance No. 32.75, known as the "Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Dubnque, Iowa" which amendment shall zone and classify territory recently annexed to the City of Dubuque, Iowa, known as the Manternach Property on Peru Road, in resi- dentialdistrictclassifications............................... 209,257 142 151 158 181 184 184 185 186 INDEX-BOOK 107 SUBJECT Page 2-0rdinance No. 35-77 Au Ordinance amending Zoning Ordinance to rezone' and classify recently anuexed property in Henschel's Black Forest in an R-I Residential District Classification....... 212,255 2-0'Dowd, Patrick, Construction Co" awarded contract for Inter- connection of 14th St. and the intersection of 16th & Elm St. to theC.B.D.System..............,.......................... 214 " 16-0peration New View to discuss funding allocations............ 223,246 " 16-0'Connor, Francis J., relative to objections to Sunset Ridge Subd,.................................................... 224 " 16-0rdinance No. 30-77 An Ordinauce authorizing Paul J. Uhlrich to construct steps at 729'h Lincoln Ave...................... 227 " 16-0rdinance No. 40-77 An Ordinance providing that Code of Or- dinances he amended by addiag a new chapter to be numbered 12'h creating a Civic Center Commission............. 228, 247,261,297 " 16-0rdinance No. 37-77 An Ordinance vacating the alley between Wall and Pine Sts. extending westerly from Market Square and terminating at Cypress St.................................. 228,258 " 16-0rdinance No. 31-77 An Ordinance of the City of Duhuque, Iowa, providing that the Code of Ordinances, City of Dubuque, Iowa be amended by revising Section 25-88 of said Code to pro. vide that overweight and overlength Illinois trucks to legally pick up and/or deliver in Dubuque pursuant to Authority of Sec. 321.457 of Code........................................... 229 " 16-0rdinance No. 32-77 An Ordinauce of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, by adding a new Division 6 to Article VIII of Chapter 25 thereof to establish specially designed parking places for the handicapped in the City of Dubuque, Iowa. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230 " 16-0rdinance No. 33-77 An Ordinance of the City of Duhuque, Iowa, providing that the Code of Ordinances, City of Dubuque, Iowa be amended by adding a Section to be uumbered 27-63 pro- hibiting motor vehicles to enter Eagle Point Park after 10:00 o'clockP.M............................................... 231 " 16-Old Creamery Theatre Company of Garrison, Iowa agreement with same and City for performances in 5 Flags Theatre. . . . . . . 244 June 6-"Operation Friendship Week", July 12th to 20th........... '" 252 6-0rdinance No. 38-77 An Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, providing that the Code of Ordinances of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, be amended by providiug for the repeal of Sec. tion 21-80 of the Code of Ordinauces of the City of Duhuque, Iowa and declaring same to be null and void. (Notice of com- plaint to state commission; Civil Rights Commission). . . . . . . . . . 260 6-0tting, Eugene A. granted Cigarette License & Liquor License. .......................................,................. 284,327 " 6-0sco Drug Inc. granted Cigarette License & Beer Permit...... 284, 628 " 6-0'Neill, William granted Cigarette License & Refund......... 284, 585 " 15-0rdinance No. 39-77 An Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, Iowa providing that the Code of Ordinances of the City of Dubuque, Iowa be amended by adding a Section to be numbered Section 2-9 providing that the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa shall be and act as the Board of Health of the City of Dubuque, Iowa..................................................... 287 " 20-0gaard, Gertrude, petitioning for suspension of taxes......... 294 " 20-0rdinance No. 00-77 An Ordinance amending and changing Or- dinance No. 32-75 known as the "Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Dubuque, Iowa so as to reclassify Lot 13 and Lot 14 of Block I and a portion of Lot 2 of I of I and a portion of Lot 2 of Lot 15 Birch Acres from R-3 to R-2 Rèsidential Class- ification. IWITHDRAWNI.................................. 300,375 " 20-0rdinance No. 48-77 An Ordinance amending and changing Or. dinance No. 32-75 known as the "Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Dubuque, Iowa" so as to reclassify Lot I of the Suh. of Lot I of Lot I of Lot I of Lot I of Lot I in "Clarence Polfer Place" in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, from C.3 Arterial Business Commercial District Classification to OR-I "a" Office- Residential District Classification. (Baumhoverl. ............. 301,375 1977 INDEX-BOOK 107 SUBJECT " 20-0rdinance No. 00-77 An Ordinance amending and changing Or- dinance No. 32-75, known as the "Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Dubuque, Iowa", so as to reclassify I,ot I, Lot 11, Lot 12, and Lot 19 of McCláin Subd. in the City from R.I Residential District Classification to R-3 Residential District Classification.IDENIEDI................................... " 20-0rdinance No. 00-77 An Ordinance amending and changing Or- dinance No. 32-75, known as the "Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Dubuque, Iowa" so as to reclassify Lot 2 of Lot I of Lot 4 and Lot 2 of Lot I of Lot 7, of the NE'¡, Sec. 16, T89N, R2E of the 5th P.M.IJahnkel IDENIED!. ........ ...... " 20-0rdinance No. 50-77 An Ordinance amending and Changing Or- dinance No. 32-75 known as the "Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Dubuque, Iowa", so as to reclassify Lots 9 through 19 of "Jaeger Heights Subd" from R-4 Residential to R-2ResidentiaIDistrictClassification.......................303,377 " 20-0rdinance No. 49-77 An Ordinance amending and changing Or- dinance No. 32-75, known as the "Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Dubuque, Iowa" which amendment shall zone and classify Lot 20 and Lot 21 of "Jaeger Heights" and Lot 2 of the Sub. of Lot 2 of Lot 2 in "Schrup's Subdivision" recently an- nexed in an R.2 Residential District Classification. . . . . . . . . . . .. 303, 376 " 20-0rdinance No. 41-77 An Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, providing that the Code of Ordinances, City of Dubuque, Iowa be amended by revising subsection Ibl of Section 25-209 of said Code, providing that vehicles stop before entering those streets or parts of streets designated as Through Streets. . . . . . " 20-0'Dowd, Patrick, completion of 11th St. & Jefferson Park Steps. ......................................................... " 20-0'Dowd, Patrick, awarded contract for Construction of Cooper Place Steps............................................... 309 " 20-0'Hara, Richard granted Cigarette License............... ... 324 " 20-0xberger, Rutb granted Cigarette License & Liquor License... 324,445 " 20-0eth,Peter J., granted Cigarette License.................... 325 " 20-0'Hara, Jobn & Patrick granted Cigarette License............ 326 July 5-0'Bricn,Mrs.Kathryn,objectingtoraisingofparkingfees..... 332 " 5-0sterhaus, Mrs. Lucy, suggesting taking busses off in nighttime and inaugurate service on Sunday........................... 333 5-0'Malley, Thomas J. and Ruth E., represented by Atty. Donald Breitbach, objecting to paving of Wilbur St. and assessment. .. 339, 481 5-0'Dowd, Patrick Too awarded contract for construction of Alta Vista St. Curb and Gutter Replacement. ... .................. 5-0'Connor to audit transactions of the Water Utility, Parking and Sewage Facilities for ;>eriod of July I, 1976 thru June 30, 1977. .......................................,............ " 18-0'Brien, Rev. of Nativity Church, invocation given by same.... " 18-0'Brien, Tim relative to market study of the Downtown Area.. " 18-0rdinance No. 57-77 An Ordinance authorizing Lloyd S. Gudenkauf to construct a reinforced concrete wall between Ad- air &DexterSt................ ........................378, 407, 431 " 18-0rdinance No. 51-77 An Ordinance authorizing Paul Peckosh to construct an ornamental Iron Fence. . . .. . . . : .. . .. .. .. . . . . . . . " 18-0rdinance No. 52.77 An Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, providing that the Code of Ordinances, City of Dubuque, Iowa be amended by revising subsection 21 and subsection 41 of Section 25.209 of said code; providing that vehicles stop before entering those streets or parts of streets designated as through street lEast 16th St. and KerpcrBlvd.I....................... " 18-0rdinance No. 53-77 An Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, providing that the Code of Ordinances, City of Dubuque, Iowa, be amended by revising Section 25-162 of said Code; pro- viding that heavy vehicles be prohibited on Certain Streets IGrandview Ave. and Kelly Lanel. ... ....................... " 18-0rdinance No. 55.77 An Ordinance vacating a 16' wide alley run. ning from N.P.L. of Putnam St. to the S.P.L. of 28th Street within the EI-Ru Place and South Park Hill Subdivision........ 381,405 Page 481 INDEX-BOOK 107 SUBJECT Page 1977 302 " 18-0rdinance No. 56-77 An Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, providing that the Code of Ordinances, City of Dubuque, Iowa, be amended by revising Appendix A thereof, also known as the "Zoning Ordinances and Zoning Map of the City of Dubu- que, Iowa", which amendment shall establish a "Planned Unit Development" designation on M.L. 323 and M.L. 324 and O'Neills' Rivervicw Addn.(HOMZI.......................... Aug. I-Ordinance No. 54-77 An Ordinance amending and changing Or- dinance No. 32.75, known as the "Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Dubuque, Iowa" so as to reclassify portions of Mineral Lot 100 from OR.I Office Resideutial District Classifica- tion to C.4 General Commercial District Classification (Pfohl). 337,404 I-Ordinance No. 58-77 An Ordinance amending and changing Or- dinance No. 32-75 known as the "Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Dubuque, Iowa" so as to reclassify certain property in "Birch Acres" Subdivision from R-3 Residential District Classification to R-2 Residential District Classification. 408, 457 I-Ordinance No. 60-77 An Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, providing that the Code of Ordinance, City of Dubuque, Iowa, be amended by revisiug Appendix A thereof, by repealing Section 4-114.2 thereof, and by enacting a new Section 4-114.2 in lieu thereof providing for principal permitted uses in the C-3 Arterial Business Commercial District IInns of Iowal. . . . . . . . .. 407, 459 I-Ordinance No. 61-77 An Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, providing that the Code of Ordinances, City of Dubuque, Iowa, be amended by revising Appendix A thereof, also known as the "Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Dubu- que, Iowa" by reclassifying portions of L. H. Langworthy's Addn. from R-4 Residential District to C-4 General Commercial DistrictClassification.IWindersl............................408,460 I-Ordinance No. 59.77 An Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, providing that the Code of Ordinances, City of Dubuque, Iowa be amended hy revising Appendix A thereof, also known as the "Zoniug Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Dubu- que, Iowa", by reclassifying portions of the Edwards' Property known as Patricia Anne Subd., from AG Agricultural District to R.2 Residential District and R-4Residential District Classifica- tion.IEdwardsl............................................ 409,457 " 15-0rdinance providing that the Code of Ordinance, City of Dubu- que, Iowa, be amended by enacting a new Section 32-1 to regulate Highway Crossings. INO ACTION T AKENI. . . . . . . . . " 31-0'Brien, Police Chief relative to blocking Keyway Dr.......... Sept. 6-0'Neill, M. J" relative to posting sign on J.F.K. Rd. indicating specdlimit...............................................454,505 6-0rdinanre No. 67.77 An Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, providing that the Code of Ordinances, City of Dubuque, Iowa, be amended by revising Appendix A thereof, also known as the "Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Dubu- que, Iowa" by reclassifying portions of property on the west side of the 2300 Block of Central A venue from C-3 Local Service Commercial District to C-3 Arterial Business Commercial Dis- trictClassificationITegelerl................................ 461,505 6-0rdinance No. 68.77 An Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, providing that the Code of Ordinances, City of Duhuque, Iowa, be amended by revising Appendix A thereof, also known as the "Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Dubu- que, Iowa" by reclassifying portions of Mineral Lot 237 and Mineral Lot 243 from AG Agricultural District Classification to C.3 Arterial Business Commercial District Classification. ITheisen property). ""....... ...........................462,506 " 19-0ption, DUBUQUE DISPOSAL, to renew same for City Garage.............................. ""............. 302 381 304 307 333 345 432 448 345 371 373 378 379 380 1977 INDEX-BOOK 107 SUBJECT Page " 19-0rdinance No. 62-77 An Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, Iowa providing that the Code of Ordinances, City of Dubuque, Iowa, be amended by revising subsection 10ofParking Meter District C of Section 25-326 of said Code to limit parking to 10 hours at anyone time on Fifth Street from Iowa Street to Locust Street. " 19-0rdinance No. 63-77 An Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, providing that the Code of Ordinauces, City of Dubuque, Iowa, be amended by revising subsection (bl of Section 25-210 of said code, providing that vebicles stop before entering those in- tersections designated as Stop Intersections. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " 19-0rdinance No. 64-77 An Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, providing that the Code of Ordinances, City of Dubuque, Iowa, be amended by revising subsection 4 of Parking Meter District B of Section 25-326 of said code to limit parking to 120 minutes at anyone time on the west side of Iowa Street from West Ninth Street to WestFourthBtreet............ ........ " 19-0rdinance No. 69-77 Vacating a portion of Ruth St. abutting Lots 1-2 and Lots 13-15 in King's Grove Addn. in the City of Dubuque. ................................................ 485,507 " 19-0rdinance No. 00-77 An Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, providing that the Code of Ordinances, City of Dubuque, Iowa, be amended by revising Section 25-257 of said Code; pro- viding that a vehicle displaying a valid parking sticker to park a motor vehicle upon those streets or portions of streets designated as two hour time zones and shall be exempt from subsection lal and Ib) of Section 25-257. (NOT ADOPTED)...... 485,507 " 19-0rdinance No. 00.77 An Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, providing that the Code of Ordinauces, City of Dubuque, Iowa, be amended by adding a section to be numbered 25-333, providing for a vehicle displaying a valid parking sticker to park a motor vehicle upon the streets of the City of Dubuque in park. ing meter districts A, Band C and shall be exempt from the pro- visions of Section 25-327 and Section 25-328 INOT ADOPTED).. 485, 507 " 19-0rdinance No. 65-77 An Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, providing that the Code of Ordinances, City of Dubuque, Iowa, be amended by revising subsection 9 of Parking Meter District C of Section 25-326 of said Code to limit parking to not longer than ten hours on both sides of Fourth Street between Locust Street and Bluff Street and on the north side between Iowa Street and LocustStreet...................... ........ " 19-0rdinance No. 66-77 An Ordinance of tbe City of Dubuque, Iowa, providing that the Code of Ordinances, City of Dubuque, Iowa, be amended by revising subsection 7 of Parking Meter District B of Section 25-326 of said code to limit parking to 120 minutes at anyone time on both sides of East Fourth Street bet. ween White and Central and on the south side of West Fourth Street between Central Ave. and Locust Street.............. Oct. 3-0rdinance No. 72-77 An Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, providing that the Code of Ordinances, City of Dubuque, Iowa, be amended by revising Appendix A thereof. by reclassi- fying portions of the Dubuque Development, Inc" property from AG Agricultural District to R-2 and R.3 Residential District Classifications ISiegert & Tschiggfrie)...... ............. .... 509,559 3-0rdinance No. 7J.77 An Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, providing that the Code of Ordinances, City of Dubuque, Iowa, be amended by revising Appendix A thereof by reclassi- fying the Anthony Property on Roosevelt Road from AG Agricultural District to R-2 Residential District Classification (A&HDevelopmentl...................................... 509,559 3-0rdinance 70-77 An Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, providing that the Code of Ordinances, City of Dubuque, Iowa be amended by revising Appendix A thereof, by reclassifying the Tschiggfrie-Horsefield Property on Dodge Street from AG Agricultural District to C-3 Arterial Business District Classification. ............................................ 510,558 " 17 -Obscenity law passed by City of Rockford, Ill. submitted. . . . . 533 482 482 484 485 486 INDEX-BOOK 107 SUBJECT Page 1977 " 17-0rdinance No. 73-77 An Ordinance of tbe City of Dubuque, Iowa, providing that the Code of Ordinances, City of Dubuque, Iowa, be amended by revising Appendix A thereof by enacting a new Section 5.108 of Article V, thereof, providing for regula- tion requirements and the definitiou of Adult Entertainment Establishments. .......................................... 533,561 " 17-0rdinance No. 74-77 An Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, providing that the Code of Ordinances, City of Dubuque, Iowa, be amended by revising Appendix A thereof by reclassi- fying Lot 18 of the Finley Home Addition from R-3 Residential District Classification to ID Institutional District Classification (Finley Hospital). .........................................534,563 "17-0'Hara,J&P,Inc.grantedBeerPermit..................... 544 Nov. 17 -Ordinance No. 75-77 An Ordinance approving release of interest in Lot 20fl of I of20fl of7 in Peil's Sub. and sold to A & H De- velopment Inc. ...........................................563,579 " 17-0rdinance No. -77 An Ordinance providing that the Code of Ordinances be amended by adding a Section to be numbered 20-30 creating a Housing Code Committee for the purpose of re- viewing and recommending to the City Manager and City Coun- cil Housing Code Standards and enforcement procedures. . . . .. 563, 581 " 21-0ur Redeemer Lutheran Church opposing J.F.K. Road Im- provement. .............................................. 574 " 21-0'Rourke, Tatiana, Notice of settlement for personal injury claim. ................................................... 578 " 21-0rdinance No. 78-77 An Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, providing that the Code of Ordinances, City of Dubuque, Iowa, be amended by revising Appendix A tbereof, by reclassi- fying portions of Henschel's Subd. from AG Agricultural Dis- trict to R-I Residential District Classification. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 581, 618 " 21-0rdinance No. An Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, providing that the Code of Ordinances, City of Dubuque, Iowa, be amended by revising Appendix A thereof, by repealing Section 4-104.4 41 of Article IV and enacting a new Section 4-104.441 of Article IV in lieu thereof, to provide for parking and storage of automobiles in R-Districts as a Conditional Use. INOTADOPTEDI......................................... 582,618 " 21-0rdinance No. 76-77 Authorizing Downtown Association to con- struct a Public Address System in Town Clock Plaza. . . . . . . . . . 582 " 21-0rdinance No. 77-77 An Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, providing that the Code of Ordinances, City of Dubuque, Iowa, be amended by adding a new subsection 12 to Section E of Section 25-210 and by adding a new subsection 11 to Section F of Section 25-120 of said Code, providing that vehicles stop before entering those intersections designated as Stop intersections. . " 21-0peratiou Friendship requesting to solicit funds in front of li- quor stores on New Year's Eve. """""""""""""" Dec. 5-0rdinance No. An Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, providing that the Code of Ordinances, City of Dubuque, Iowa, be amended by revising Appendix A thereof, also known as the "Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Dubu- que, Iowa" by repealing Section 4-109.2 thereof, and by enacting a new Section 4-109.2 thereof, providing for Principal permitted uses in the Or-I Office Residential District (Beauticians, cosme- tologists and barbers). (NOT ADOPTED in 19771. . . . . . . . . . . . . . " 19-0rdinance - An Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, Iowa pro-, viding that the Code of Ordinances, City of Dubuque, be amend- ed by revising Appendix A thereof, by reclassifying portion of "Birch Acres" from R.3 Residential District to R-2 Residential District Classification. (Adopted in 1978).......... ........... " 19-0rdinance No. - An Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, providing that the Code of Ordinances, City of Dubuque, Iowa, be amended by revising Appendix A thereof, by reclassifying portions of property in Coriell's Dubuque Addition from R-4 Residential District to OR-I Office.Residential District ISmith & Feldermanl. (Adopted in 19781. ............................. 578 584 584 605 619 620 1977 INDEX-BOOK 107 SUBJECT Page " 19-0rdinance"- An Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, pro- viding that the Code of Ordinances, City of Dubuque, Iowa, be amended by revising Appendix A thereof, by enacting a new Section 8-102.1 and Section 8-103.4 in lieu thereof to change the number of affirmative votes required for approval of amend- ments by the Planning & Zoning Commissiou, following a public hearing. (Adopted in 19781.................................. " 19-0rdinance - An Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, pro- viding that the Code of Ordinances, City of Dubuque, Iowa, be amended by revising Appendix A thereof, to euact a new Sec- tion 3-104.1 of Article III in lieu thereof, to establish provisions for limiting the number of buildings, sttoctures, and uses on a zoning lot in residential or office-residential districts. (Adopted in 19781. ................................................. " 19- "Operation Paintbrush," CDBGF to be transferred to said Proj- ect...................................................... . " 19-0rdinance No. 79-77 An Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, providing that the Code of Ordinances, City of Dubuque, Iowa, be amended by enacting a new Section 21-41 in lieu there- of to provide for Sex and Age Categories as to exception to Re- tirement plans; Enacting a new Section 21-48 in lieu thereof to add age category as to when prohibited practices, as to accom- modations or services, shall apply; Enacting a new Section 21-56 to add age category relating to prohibited practices as to em- ployment; Enacting a new Section 21-64 in lieu thereof to add age category relating to prohibited practices as to housing. . . " 630, 631 620 621 623 1977 INDEX-BOOK 107 SUBJECT p Jan. 3-Pregler, Walter A" appointed to fill unexpired term of Alvin E. Lundh,asCouncilman....................................I, 149-A 3-Pease, Kenneth R., submitting copy of resignation of Wesley Schlotzhauer Jr. from the Library Board..... .... """""" 3-Planning & Zoning Commission appointments................ " 17-Pregler, Walter A., recipient of Service Award............... " 17-Playground & Recreation Commission submitting minutes of theirmeetings............................................ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9, 88, 118, 134, 149-A, 203, 252, 332, 401, 452, 503, 555, 603 " 17 -Palm, Kenneth to purchase certain city property located on the northerly side of Kaufman Ave. just west of Grandview Ave. 11, 63, 100 " 17-Planning & Zoning relative to OR-I"a" zoning classification ou J.F.K.Road............................................... 13 " 17 -Planning & Zoning relative to provide for and authorizing issu. anceofConditionaIUsePermits............................ 13,46 " ..17-PlumbingOrdinance,amendingsame...................... 14,47 Feb. 7 -Planning & Zoning Commission suhmitting minutes of their meetings...................................43,88,118,134, 150,176,203,221,252,292,332,371,401,426,452,531, 555, 574, 603, 615 7 -Public Notice of finding of no significant effect onthe Environ- ment for project identified as the Hill St. Community Develop- mentarea................................................ 44 7 -Planning & Zoning submitting Ordinance to establish provision governing uses in areas of historical or architectural signifi- cance. ................................................... 45,157 7 - Pregler, Walter resigning from Community Development Com- mission. ................................................. 86 " 21- Parking for Handicapped, request for Ordinance for same. . . 97, 120, 230 " 21- Park Board approving plan of Avon Park and application for FederaIFunds............................................ " 21-Planning & Zoning approving final platofHelie Subd.......... " 21-Planning & Zoning recommending approval of final plat of por- tion of Cedar Lake Addition........ """""""""""" " 21-Plastic Water Main pipe, relative to installation in Cedar Lake Addn. ................................................... 110,113 " 21-Petitgout, Charles E. Jr., granted Cigarette License.......... 111,284 Mar. 10-POLICE DEPT., Civil Service Commission submitting second list of applicants eligible for appointment to same............. 119 " 10-Planning & Zoning advising of public hearings on rezoning reo quests by McClain and Powers Land Development Co. 120, 136, 163, 301 " IO-ParkingFees Downtown, requests not to raise same.......... 120,332 "IO-Priest,John,NoticeofCardamageclaim..................... 121 " 10-Planning & Zoning recommending approval of plat of Subd. of Lot 3 of "Stone Hill Community Subdivision No.I."........... " 10-Public Service Employment Program under Title VI of PI, 93-203, authorizing the Mayor to sign a contract for administra- tionandOperationofsame................................. " 10-Public Works Director Murray relative to labor negotiations services with Mr. Steven B.Rynecki.... ..................... " 21-Pennel, Captain Barbara, of Salvation Army, invocation given bysame.................................................. " 21-Planning & Zoning advising of public hearings for rezoning reo quests of Theisen Bldg. Co. and Richard Henschel, Harold Con- zettandDavidWilioughby................................. 137 " 21- PARKS, prohibiting the use ofliquor in same. .. . . . . . . . . . . 138, 165, 179 " 21-PARKING RAMPS, City Manager requesting approval of park- ingratesincrease......................................140,152.210 " 21-Parking Rates for parking lots and parking meter districts in- crease............................................141,152,210,481 " 21- Planning & Zoning approving plat of Lot C and Lot D of Terrace Heights Subd. on Peru Road. IManternachl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Apr. 4-Powers, Eldon, in favor of Washington Street Diverters. ...... " 4-Preservation, Historical, Ordinance for same submitted....... Page 3 8,247 9 13 44 105 108 110 119 123 128 130 134 144 152 157 1977 INDEX-BOOK 107 SUBJECT Page 4-Planning & Zoning relative to Ordinance including "Application of District Regulations".................................... 162 4-"Powers Place"requestingrezouingou .58 acre parcel......... 163,208 4-Park Board submitting resolution adopting proposed amend- meuts to the Park Board Ordinance...................... 164, 178, 231 4-Pusateri, Michael, refund on Cigarette License & Liquor Li- cense....................................................165,232 4-Planning & Zoning approving plat of Lots I and 2,each in Block .6in"TimberRidge.Addition"IHenschell.................... 166 4-Palmcr,Richard E. granted BeerPermit......... ....... ..... 173,445 4-POLICE Labor Force negotiations fact finders report go to ar. bitration. ................................................ " 18-uPerforming Arts Month" month of May...... """"""'" " 18-Plastic Pipe allowed for public water supply projects.......... " 18-Plauaing & Zoning approving plat for property lying south of Kane Street and uorth of Kaufmann Ave. on the southerly ex- tensionofMesaDrive...................................... " 18-Planning & Zoning approving plat of part of "Highland Farm" located on south side of West 32nd St. north of Arbor Oaks..... " 18-Planning & Zoning approving plat of part of John P. Mettel Subd.No.2............................................... " 18-Planning & Zoningapprovingpartof"JaegerHeights"........ May 2-Park Board recommending no incoming traffic into Eagle Point ParkafterIOP.M......................................... 204 2-Palm,Cletus,SidewalkBondsubmitted...................... 205 2-Planning and Zoning relative to rezoning request of Thomas & Gerald Swift for Equestrian Heights. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206, 240, 256, 270 2-Planning & Zoning recommending rezoning of "Harwood Place" to C-3Arterial Business Commercial. ....................... 209 2 - Planning & Zoning recommending rezoning of parcels of proper. ty owned by Manternach Development Company. . . . . . . . . . . .. 209, 275 2-Planning & Zoning being against establishment of R-I District and favors permanent continuation of Agricultural Zoning ou portions of Henschel's Black Forest......................... 2-Planning & Zoning approving plat of Lot 2-2-2 of M.L. 263 and Asbury Springs Subd. No.4. ISchnorenberg and Powers). . . . . . 2-Prisoners, agreement with City and Dubuque County relating to maintenance of same confined in the Law Enforcement Cen- ter...................................................... . " 16-Planning & Zoning recommending denial of request of Mrs. Lavon Duscher to reclassify Lot 34 of O'Neill's Rivcrview Addn. " 16-Planning & Zoning advising of rezoning requests from Richard & Marian Bissell, Dennis Baumhover, "Birch Acres", Wm. & Virginia Jahnke and "Jaeger Heights"....................... 222,301 " 16 - Peterson, Lloyd L., settlement of personal injury claim. . . . . . . . 225 " 16-Pedretti, Harlan,noticeofcardamageclaim.................. 226 " 16-ParkingforHandicapped,providingforsame........ ......... 230 " 16-Planning & Zoning approving plat of portion of Highland Farm Subd................................................... .. " 16-Planning & Zoning approving plats of portions of "Marilyn Place". .................................................. " 16-Police and Fire Retirement System acturial report submitted to CommissionerofInsurance................................. 234 " 16 - Parking Ramp, Iowa Street, Expansion of same. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 242, 366 " 16-Pohleu, George Wm., granted Beer Permit and refund......... 243,382 " 26-Pihart, Lester appointed to Planning & Zoning Commissiou.... 247 June 6-Planning & Zoning relative to rezoning requests of Ed Winders, C.P.PfohlandHOMZPartners............................ . 6-Peoples Natural Gas submitting annual operating report for yearI976................................................. 6-Pregler, Councilman requesting Ordinance requiring all City Employees to live within City limits.... ..................... 6-Pcrsonnel Director, relative to City Employees living within Ci- tylimits.................................................. 6-Planning & Zoning approving final plats of "Timber Ridge" Ad. dition. ................................................... 175 176 177 193 194 194 195 212 217 219 222 232 233 253 253 262 262 267 1977 INDEX-BOOK 107 SUB:iECT 6-Pregler, Councilman, relative to Housing Code Enforrement... 6-Planning & Zoning approving plat of portion of Asbury Springs .Subdivision No.2 (Powers)................................ 282 6 - Palmer Drug Co. granted Cigarette License. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 284 6-Paradiso, Thelma granted Cigarette License & Liquor License. 284, 327 6-Parochctti, David granted Cigarette License & Liquor License, 284, 396 6 - Pride Service, Inc" granted Cigarette Licenses. (21. . . . . . . . . . . . 284 6-Ponderosa Steak House granted Cigarette License............ 284 " 20-Police Promotional Exams, Civil Service Commission submit- .tingresultsofsame................................,...... 293 " 20 - Planning & Zoning approving plat of portion of "Birch Acres". . 299 " 20-PolferPlace,Clarence,relativetorezoningofsame........... 301,375 " 20 - Planning & Zoning recommending denial of rezoning request of EarIMcClain...............,.................,........... " 20-Planning & Zoning recommending denial of rezoning request of Walter Jahnke.,............................,........... .. " 20 - Planning & Zoning recommending approval of rezoning for por- tion of "Jaeger Heights" Suhd..........,................,.. " 20-Peoples Natural Gas requesting to excavate at 1606 Rhomberg Ave. .................................................... " 20-Petrakis Park for Rock Concert, requested hy Sertoma Club... " 20-Parking Facilities Revenue Bonds, fixing a date for the initia. tionofproceedings for same. """"'" ......... ...311,346, 398, 433 " 20-Public Works Act, City Manager advising of allocation from same. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 313 " .20-PublicWorksProjects,listingpriorityofsame.............. 317 " 20 - Pedestrian Curh Ramps, construction of same. . . . . . . . . . . . 322, 342, 383 " 20-Piekenbrock, Roger granted Cigarette Lircnse & Liquor Li- cense. .......,.......................................,. ,324,446 " 20-Polfer, Joseph, granted Cigarette License. ....,........,.... 325 " 20-Plumley, Donald granted Cigarette License & Refund......... 326, 463 " 29-Pierce, Merlyn appointed to 5 Flags Commission.............. 330 " 29-Pratt, Mike appointed to Historical Preservation Commission,. 330 July .5-Peterson,Rev.Lee.invocationgivenbysame............... 332 " 5 - Planning & Zoning recommending denial of rezoning request of Ms. Pat Klossner for OR-I zoning to include beauticians.... 335,574,605 5-Planning & Zoning relative to rezoning request of Ronald L. Hixon................................................... . 5-Planning & Zoning Approving rezoning request of C. P. Pfohl at corner of 19th St. and Washington Street. """" ... ......" 5-Pfeiler, Merlin J. & Rose M" ohjecting to paving of Davis Ave. 5-Planning & Zoning approving plat of Lots I and 2 of 2 of 2 of 2 of AsburySpringsSuh.No.1................................. " 18-PeoplesNaturaIGasadvisingofrateincrcase.........,...... " 18-Publir Works Project, submission of proposal to the Economic Development Administration............................... " 18-Parking Sticker in Downtown residential districts. Councilman Bradysuggestingsame......, ............. ........ .374,401, 485, 507 " 18-Peckosh, Paul, authorized to construct an ornamental Iron -~, .................................... " 18-Planning & Zoning approving plats in Tabic Mound Township for Archdiocese of Dubuque. """"" ........... ... ..... " 18 - Planning & Zoning approving piat of portion of Asbucy Springs Subd.No.1.......................... ................... " 18~Project Concern requesting funds to cover cost of adaptation of St. John's Episcopal Church to be used as Adult Day Care Cen- ter...,. ..........................."........... Aug. I - Pregler, Councilman relative to use of City Cars. . . . . . . . . . . . . . " 1- Planning & Zoning recommending rezoning of Birch Acres. . . , . 1- Planning & Zoning relative to rezoning request of Ions of Iowa. 1- Plaoniog & Zoning approving rezoning request of T. Edwin Winders. """"" . , . .. . .. . .. ... ... """""""" I-Planning & Zoning approving rezoning request of D. James & Patricia Edwards property (Patricia Anne Subd.I.........,. 1 - Planning & Zoning approving final plat of "Terrace Estates First Addition" IManternachl. . 386 387 390 402 406 407 408 408 414 301 Page 273 302 303 306 306 335 337 339 346 372 372 378 1977 INDEX-BOOK 107 SUBJECT Page I-Program Administration Funds, directing the transfer of CDBGF from the Urban Renewal Land Project Land Purchase to same. """""""""""""""""""""""'" I-Planning & Zoning recommending final approval of Lots 2 thru 18 of Block 17inMettel-ByrneAddition...................... I-Paving of South Locust from Railroad Avenue to Dodge Street, authorizing agreement between City and Iowa DOT for same. . I-Plumley, Donald granted Cigarette License.................. I-POLICE DEPARTMENT Exams, Civil Service Commission submitting results of same................................. 424 I-Pease, Kenneth appointed to Library Board.........,........ 425 " 15-Parks, Keg Beer in same, objections to not allowing........... 427 " 15-PeoplesNaturaIGasadvisingofrateincrease................ 427 " 15-Planning & Zoning, relative to rezoning request of H.R.W. .... 428,449 " 15-Parkway St., residents objecting to runoff of rainwater from Finley Hospital. ...............".. ....................433, 487, 503 Sept. 6-Police Department and ASAP, City Manager submitting con- tractbetweeusame........................................ 6-Planning & Zoning relative to permitted uses in C-3 Arterial Business Commercial District.............................. 6-Planning & Zoning relative to rezoning request of west side of 2300 Block of Central Avenue. (Tegelerl. .................... 6-Planning & Zoning recommending rezoning request of Theisen. 6-Parking consideration at 1099 Iowa St., requested by Senior Citizens Square Dancers. .................................. 6-Planuing & Zoning approving final plat of portion of "Mettel- ByrneAddn."............................................. 6-Patrol Investigator Program approved...................... 6-Planning & Zoning approving final plat of Rosedale Addn. IWillmesl. ................................................ 6-Plauning & Zoning approving final plat at intersection of As- bury Rd. and Judson Drive. (Baptist Church!................. 6-Planning & Zoning approving final plats in Peil's Suhd.located on west side of Roosevelt road north of Mt. Calvary Cemetery. " 14-Playground & Recreation Commission, appointments to same. " 14-Pregler, Walter appointed to County Land Use Policy Commis- sion.................................................... .. " .19-"PetResponsibilityWeek"Sept.18tht024th................ " 19-POLICE DEPARTMENT Exams, Civil Service Commission submittingsame.......................................... " 19-Peoples Natural Gas requesting to excavate at 1918 & 1926 Rhomherg Ave. .......................................... " 19-Police & Fire Retirement Systems for fiscal year ending 6-30-77, Financial Report approved................ ................. " 19-Planning & Zoning approving final plats of Stone Hill Commu- nity. ................... ..............,........ ,... ....... Oct. 3-"Property Identification Month"Month of October............ 3-Planning & Zoning approving rezoning request of Duhuque De- velopment Co. (Siegert & Tschggfrie)........................ 3 - Planning & Zoning approving rezoning request of A & H Devel- opment. ...............,................................. 3-Planning & Zoning approving rezoning request on Tschiggfrie & Horsefield property on Dodge Street. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 510 3-PRIMARY ELECTION to be held to fill three Council Seats... 527,546 3-Planning & Zoning approving final plat of the subdivision of Lot I o!Lot I of Lot2 of Lot I of Lot I of Lot I of Lot 2 of Mineral Lot 220 in Section 34, T89NR2E........ ........ ............ " 17-Project Concern for Elderly and Retired Inc.. concern over strict code enforcement on the City's Housing subsidy program. " 17-PeoplesNatural Gas advising of rate increase............. ... " 17 -Pregler, Councilman recommending probibiting sale of alcoholic beverages in establishments providing live entertainment in reference to Adult Entertainment Ordinance proposed. . . . . . . . " 17-Planning & Zoning relative to rewning request of Finley Hospital for Lot 18ofFinleyHomeAddn..................... 415 419 421 422 455 459 461 462 462 465 466 471 472 472 479 479 480 481 487 492 497 503 508 509 527 531 533 533 534 1977 INDEX-BOOK 107 SUBJECT " 17-Public Works Project, City Manager requesting to present up- date on same............................................. . " 17 - Planning & Zoning approving final plat of Elmer Bradley et ax. " 17 -Planning & Zoning approving plat of Lots I & 2 of the Subd. of Lot 6 of Asbury Springs Subd. No.3 (Huston)................. " 31-Plaza 20 relative to traffic prohlem at their west entry (Devon Dr.). ..................................................... " 31-Planning & Zoning approving two final plats for Merfeld....... " 31-Planning & Zoning approving final plats for "Knob Hill" aud "Knob Hill Grove"......................................... 550 Nov. 7-Placke, Rose, Notice of personal injury claim.............. ... 557 7 -Peterson, Sherryl E" requesting traffic lights at corner of Windsor&E.22ndSt...................................... 564,577 7 - Planning & Zoning approving plat of Siegert Farm. . . . . . . . . . . . 565 7 -Planning & Zoning approving plat of "Embassy West"......... 565 " 21-Peoples Natural Gas advising of rate increase................ 574 "21-ParkinWestEnd,requestedbyWestEndNeighborhood...... 574 " 21-Planning & Zoning to amend Zoning Ordinance to allow heauti- ciansin OR-I Zouing........ ............................ ... " 21- Plumbing Board, James C. Davis appointed to same. . . . . . . . . . . " 21-Pregler, Councilman relative to impatience shown by DEQ toward Sewage Plant and Dubuque Packing Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " 21-Planuing & Zoning approving rezoning of "Henschel's Subd.".. " 21-Planning & Zoning approving Ordinance allowing parking and storage in automobiles on property in an R-District. . . . . . . . . . . " 21- Planning & Zoning approving final plat of "Buena Vista Court" ILichtl. ........... ,...................................... " 21-Planning & Zoning approving final plat of "Louis H. Walter Placell. .................................................. " 21- Planning & Zoning approving final plat of portion of "Birch Acres". .................................................. " 21-Planning & Zoning approving final plat of Hawkeye Estates IHefeli. .................................................. " 21-Planning & Zoning approving portion of final plat of "Timber Ridge Addn." ............................................ " 21-Planning & Zoning approving correction plat for Lot 4 of Block I ofRiverFrontSubd.No.5.............. ................ .... Dec. 5-Peoples Natural Gas advising of rate increase................ 5-Planning & Zoning advising of denial of Weitz rezoning request. 5-Planning & Zoning approving final plat of "Prairie Heights" Suhdivision Iwest side of Roosevelt Rd. east of Stone Hill Com- munityproperty!. IA & HI.................................. 5-Planning & Zoning directed to check Stonehill Street alignment to conform with Prairie Heights plat........................ " 19- "PEOPLE" organization objecting to Freeway being in town... " 19-Pregler, Walter resigning from County Temporary Land Use Planning Commission.............. """""""""""" " 19-Planning & Zoning approving rezoning of portion of "Birch Acres". .................................................. " 19-Planning & Zoning approving rezoning request of Richard Smith and Thomas Felderman. ............................. " 19-Planning & Zoning approving changing the number of affirma- tive votes needed for their approval at their public hearings. . . . " 19-Planning & Zoning approving an Ordinance to establish provi. sions for limiting the number of buildings, structures, and nses on a zoning lot in residential or office-residential district. . . . . . . " 19-Planning & Zoning approving final plat of portion of "Takos Place". .................................................. " 19 - Planning & Zoning approving final plat of portion of High-Land Farm. ................................................... 616 619 Page 535 542 543 549 549 576 577 578 581 581 585 587 587 591 594 595 604 606 608 610 612 619 620 621 627 627 1977 INDEX-BOOK 107 SUBJECT Page R I 4 4 Jan. 3-Russo, R. N" appointed City Solicitor for year........ ......,. 3~Roling, Gilbert, sidewalk continuation bond submitted. ....... 3-Rupp, James K., refund of Cigarette Permit.................. 3-Rehabilitation Loan & Grant Program in Hill Street Commu- nity Development Project Area approved. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5, 17 17 ~Robin Hood Dr" vacating portion of same by County Highway Dept. .."... '."""""""""""""" ......"........ 10 " 17 -Radabaugh, Mrs. Vaughn notice of personal injuries claim. .... 13 " 17-Renier, James, relative to establishing TV-FM Cable Commis- sion................................""""""""""" 15 " 17 -Reisdorf, Joseph, refund on unexpired Cigarette License & Li- quorLicense.............................................. 15,62 17 -Repurchasing of certain land in the Downtown Urban Renewal Project, Iowa R-15, from the Dubuque Five Flags Center Fund. 20 17-RECONSTRUCTION OF JACKSON STREET from 22nd to DiamondSts"completed................................... 30,71 17-RECONSTIitJCTION OF JACKSON STREET from 12th to 22ndSts.,completed....................................... 30,63 Feb. 17 - Revenue Sharing Funds, Public Hearing. . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 44 " 21-Russo, Paul relative to Art Ass'n. to be custodian of Licciardi paintings. .. . . . . . .. .. . . . . . .. .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . , .. .. . . . " 21-Rnsso, RN" Iowa Official Bond submitted........... ........ " 21-Revenue Sharing Funds expended report.................... 21-Radabaugh, Susan, settlement of personal injury claim. . . . . . . . 21-Ricketts,KarIP"NoticeofCardamageclaim........ ......,.. 21-Railroad Crossing warning signs, City Engineer advising of par- ticipation with DOT for installation of same. .............,... 21-Robert's River Rides Inc., Dock Commission approving lease with same................""""""""""""""""111,124 Mar.IO-"RedCrossMonth"forMarch..............................117 " 10-Richardson, Charles, Notice of personal injury claim.......... 121,617 " .10-Roling,DenisJ.,NoticeofCardamageclaim................ 122 10-Rynecki, Mr. Steven, Public Works Director Murray relative to Labor Negotiations services of same...... .......,...... .... 21-Richards, James, request for street light on Boyer St. approv- ed. ......,......................,.................,' .. 21-RET Corp. requestiog sewer services to Hamilton Glen Apart. ments. ................................................... " 21-Release of Funds for Certain Community Development Block Grant Project. (Removal of architectural barriers). . . . . . . . . . .. 144, 333 21-Rehabilitation loan and Grant Program and providing ruies for administration of said program, guidelines approved for same. 146, 274 21-Right-of-way purchase, approving application to the DOT for Federal Funding of highway construction projects requiring same.......................""""""""""""""" 147 Apr. 4-Ruff,Carol,Noticeofpersonalinjuriesclaim................. 152 " 4-Rosensweig, Duane, requesting vacation of alley between King andBroadwayStreets..................................... " 18-"Respectfor Law Week" May I to 7th....... ..."........... " 18-Rossiter, Paul in favor of Urban Renewal Style lighting for Main St. ................................................. May 2-Revenue Sharing Funds, proposed use of same, proof of publica- tion. ..................................................... " 16-Reconstruction of the Madisoo St. Steps report submitted by Dan Dittemore.................................""""'" 223 " 16-Rehabilitatiou Loans and Grants Interim Assistance, authoriz. ing submission of request for release of funds for same. . . . . . .. 235, 295 " 16-Riverside Bowl Inc" granted Liquor License. ................ 244 June 6-Ratterman, John, objecting to rezoning in Equestrian Heights. 256 6-Rlchards Road, installation of street lights requestiog by Hen- schel. .................................................... 6-Rezoning of J.F.K. Rd. from R.I to OR-I Residential, objections. 6-Ring, Richard J"granted Cigarette License. .............. ... 6-Riverside Bowl granted Cigarette License.......... 88 89 90,117 90 91 106 130 136 143 165 176 191 206 261 261 284 284 1977 INDEX-BOOK 107 SUBJECT " 20 - Roth, Art, appointed as Health Director of Board of Health. . . . " 20-Rosedale Addn., Lot 51, Roman Szymanski requesting to pnr- chasesame............................................... " 20-Ricken,Leoua,petitioningforsuspeosionfortaxes............ " 20-Roth, Josephine, petitioning for suspension for taxes.......... " 20-Richard, James H., resigning from Board of Zoning Adjustment. " 20-Rawson, Tom relative to plat approval of Birch Acres. ........ " 20-Rock Concert in Petrakis Park requested by Sertoma Club..... " 20-Reconstruction of Flora Park Tennis Courts, authorizing the ex- ecution and submission of a Local Public Works Capital Devel- opment and Investment Program Application for same. . . . 317, 492, 539 " 20-RET Sanitary Sewer Line, authorizing the execution and sub- missiou of a Local Public Works Capital Development and In- vestment Program Applicationforsame..................... 319 " 20-Renovation of City Hall, authorizing the execution and submis- sion of a Local Public Works Capital Development and Invest- mentProgram application for same. ........................320,493 " 20-R & S Enterprises granted Cigarette License.. .............. 324 " 20-Revelle, Patricia, granted Cigarette License & Liquor License. 324, 396 " 20-Roy, Sally Jo, Granted Cigarette License & Liquor License. 324, 396 " 20-Ramada Inn granted Cigarette License. ..................... 324 " 20-Randall's Foodarama granted Cigarette License (2) and Beer Permit. ..........................................324, 367,423,476 "20-RegaI8InngrantedCigaretteLicense....................... 325 ," 20-Roshek's Dept. Store granted Cigarette Liceuse.............. 326 " 20-Roeth, Dolores granted Liquor License & Cigarette Liceuse... 327,368 " 29-Railroad crossings, DOT sponsoring program for improvements of same.................................................. 329 " 29-Rehabilitation Commission, appointments to same............ 330 " 29-Recreation Commission, appointments to same............... 330 " 29-Rosenow, Ed, appointed to Rehabilitation Commission. ....... 330 " .29-Rutan,Mrs.FredappointedtoLibraryBoard............... 330 " 29-Reynolds,Rex appointed to TV Cable Commission.. ...... .... 330 " 29-Renier, James appointed to TV Cable Commission............ 330 " 29-Russo, Paul appointed to Recreation Commission. ............ 330 " 29-Rossiter, Paul appointed to Historical Preservation Commis- sion..................................................... . " 29-Reilly, Tom appointed to Historical Preservation Commission.. July 5-Roling, Vincent advising of water problem on their property near Long John Silver property................... ...... .... 5-Ryan's Car Wash requesting refund on Beer Permit........... 5-Revenue Sharing funds to be used for construction of Iowa Street Parking Ramp...................................... 362,384 5-Ritz Lounge granted Liquor License... """""""""'" 368 5-Russo, Attorney submitting opinion as to leasing of city-owned property by various Boards and Commission. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " .18-Redmoud,Mrs.Ronald,Noticeofsewerlineclaim............ " 18-Relocation of Fire Engine I, Community Development Block GrantProject............................................. " 18-Relocation of sewer and water lines at Civic Center from Block Grant Funds. ................ """"""'" :.390, 402, 441, 490,511 Aug. I-Ruppert, Rev. Robert, invocation given bysame.. ............ 401 " .15-RevenueBonds,issuingofsameforFinleyHospital.......... 428 Sept. 6-Rohner,Mike,NoticeofmotorcycIedamageclaim........,.... 456 " 14-Ryan,James E. appointed to Advisory Commission........... 479 " 14-Rohret, Michael, appointed to Youth Services Board.......... 479 " 19-"RespectLifeWeek"Oct.2toOct.8th....................... 480 " 19-Roadside dumping, Advisory Commission relative to same..... 480 " 19- Report, City's Annual ending 6-30-77, proof of publication. . . . . . 481 " 19-Roby, Mark, requesting formation of a City Youth Commission. 486 " 19-REPLACEMENT OF WINDOWS IN...CITY HALL... 493,517,535,547 "19-RamadaInnPlace,approvingplatoísame.................... 499 " 19-Richman, Richard, granted Liquor License & Cigarette License. 501, 528 Page 291 294 294 294 294 299 306 319 330 330 333 338 369 375 385 1977 INDEX-BOOK 107 SUBJECT 1977 INDEX - BOOK 107 SUBJECT Page Oct. 3-Robert's River Rides, Dock Comm. to investigate property for parking. ................................................. 503 3-Rafoth, Eleanor J. and Thomas A. Luksetich requesting anuexa- tion. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . 522 " 17 -Rockford, City of, submitting model obscenity law by their city. 533 " 21-Rims Realty Inc" accepting Deed from same for Trenkle Prop- erty. .................................................... 548 Nov. 21-RET Corp. Sewer, DEQ submittiug construction permit for same................"""""""""""""""""'" 576 " 21-Regional Housing Authority, E.C.J.A. relative to joining same. 589, 599 Dec. 5-Railroad Crossings, favoring no more than 5 minutes waiting time at same........................""""""""""" 604 5-Ruan Transport Corp" favoring no more than 5 minutes waiting time at railroad crossings.................................. 604 5-Richman, Barbara J., granted Cigarette and Liquor Licenses... 610,611 " 19-Ritz Lounge, The, Wm. Lammers d/b/a; City Mauager recom- mending public hearing be held on suspension of liquor license for same......................"""""""""""'"... " 19-Retirement, Services, Employmeut and Housing, prohibited practices for same..................""""""""""'" RESOLUTIONS Jan. 3-Resolution No. 1-77 Appointing Walter A. Pregler to fillunex- pired term of Alvin E. Lundh on the City CounciL......... 3-Resolution No. 2-77 Providing for the appointment of a City Manager, City Clerk, and City Solicitor for the City of Dubuque, Iowa; Providing for their bonds, and fixing their salaries....... 3-Resolution No. 3.77 Designating "The Telegraph Herald" as the Official Newspaper of the City of Dubuque, Iowa. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-Resolution No. 4-77 Naming Amer. Trust & Savings Bank, Dub. Bank & Trust Co., First Nat. Bank of Dubuque and Key City Bank &TrustCo.asdepositories............................ 3-Resolution No. 5,77 Commending Iowa DOT for Increased Plan- ning and Construction of Freeway 520. .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . 3-Resolution No. 6-77 Authorizing Publication of Notice of Envi- ronmental Review Findings for Certain Community Develop- ment Block Grant Projects. IRehabilitation Loan & Grant Pro. gram and Emergency Home Repair Program in Hill St. area). . . 3-Resolution No. 7-77 Fixing the Date of the Public Hearing for Neighborhood Improvement Plans for the Hill Neighborhood Community Development Project Area. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-Resolution No. 8-77 Accepting delivery of Warranty Deed con- veying Block 2 in "River Front Subdivision No.2" by Mihalakis and Schwartz............................................. 3-Resoiutions No. 9-77, 10-77, 11-77 Granting Cigarette and Li- quorLicenses............................................. " 17 -Resolution No. 12-77 Directing the County Auditor, as Commis. sioner of Elections, to call a special election to fill the office of City Councilman at the earliest practicable time. . . . . . . . . . . . . . " 17-Resolution No. 13-77 Approving the Neighborhood Improve- ment plan for the Hill Neighborhood Community Development Project.................................................. . " 17 -Resolution No. 14-77 Authorizing submission of a request for re- lease of activity for Certain Community Development Block Grant Projects IRehabilitation Loan & Grant Program and Emergency Home Repair Program for Hill St.). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " 17-Resolution No. 15-77 Ordering tbe Dissolution of the County- City of Dubuque Authority................................. " 17 - Resolution No. 16-77 Authorizing the repurchase of certain land in the Downtown Urban Renewal Project, Iowa R-15, from the Dubuque Five Flags Center Fund. .......................... " 17-Resolution No. 17-77 Authorizing the release of Dubuque Five Flags Center Fund from the purchase of certain land in the Downtown Urban RenewaIProject,IowaR-15................ " 17 - Resolution No. 18-77 Authorizing the City of Dubuque to retain and redevelop certain lands within the Downtown Urhan Re- newal Project, Project No. Iowa R-15. (For the Civic Center). .. " 17 -Resolution No. 19-77 Authorizing the City of Dubuque to retain and redeveiop certain lands within the Downtown Urban Re- newal Project, Project No. Iowa R-15. (For Right of Way Pur. poses). ................................................... " 17 -Resolution No. 20.77 Authorizing the execution of a contract for Audit Services for the Downtown Urban Renewal Project, Pro- jectNo.lowaR.15...... .............. ............ ......... " 17-Resolution No. 21-77 Final Estimate for the reconstruction of Jackson Street from 22nd to Diamond Street. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " 17 -Resolution No. 22-77 Accepting Improvement and directing the Clerk to publish notice for the reconstruction of Jackson St. from 22nd to Diamond St................. ........ .......... " 17-Resolution No. 23.77 Final Estimate for the reconstruction of Jackson Street from 12th to 22nd Stroet.............. ....... " 17 -Resolution No. 24-77 Accepting improvement and directing the Clerk to publish notice for the reconstruction of Jackson St. fromI2thto22ndSt....................................... " 17 -Resolutions No. 25.77, 26-77, 27-77, 28-77, 29-77 Granting Cigar- ette.BeerandLiquorLicenses.............. ...... .......... 616 630 ~~.~~------_.~. Page 7,8 15 16 17 19 20 21 22 26 29 30 30 31 31 31,32 1977 INDEX-BOOK 107 SUBJECT Page Feb. 7 -Resolution No. 30-77 Approving the sale of Lot 2 of 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 of M.L., 342 iu the City of Dubuque to Ken Palm in amt. of $750. 7 -Resolution No. 31-77 Schedule of Assessments for Jackson St. from 12th St.t022udSt...... .............,. .......... ..... 7-Resolution No. 32-77 Providing for the issuance of Street Im- provement Bonds for the Purpose of Providing for the Payment of the assessed cost of the improvement and reconstruction of Jackson St. from 12th St. to 22ud St......................... 7 -Resolution No. 33-77 Schedule of Assessment for Jackson St. from 22nd St. to Diamond St........ ........................ 7 -Resolution No. 34-77 Providing for the issuance of Street Im- provement Bonds for the purpose of providing for the payment of the assessed cost of the improvement and reconstruction of Jackson St. from 22nd St. to Diamond St. .. .. . . . . . .. . . .. . . .. . 7 -Resolution No. 35-77 Matching Resolution for Basic Law En- forcementTraining. .......... ....... """'" ............. 7 -Resolution No. 36-77 Preliminary Estimate for construction of Wastewater Treatment Facilities Contract I Termiual St. ForceMain............................................... 7-Resolution No. 37-77 Necessity for Improvement for Terminal Street Force Main Wastewater Treatment Facilities Phase II .ContractJ............................................... 83,99 7 -Resolution No. 38-77 Fixing date of hearing for Terminal St. Force Main Wastewater Treatment Facilities, Phase II Con- tract!...............................'..................... 84 7 -Resolutions No. 39-77, 40-77, 41-77, 42.77, 43-77 Granting Cigar- ette,Beer&LiquorLicenses.............................84, 85,86 7 -Resolution No. 44-77 Approving agreement between DOT and City relating to grant offer to pay the State's share of the Mas- terPlauStudyforMunicipaIAirport........................ 86 " 21-Resolution No. 45-77 Designating structures on hereinafter de- scribed property as Historically and Architecturally Signifi- cant, pursuant the Requirements of Ordinance 1-77. (City Lot ~..................................................... ~. " 21-Resolution No. 46-77 Decision of Council upou objections to plans, specs" form of contract and cost of improvements for Ter- minal St. Force Main Wastewater Treatment Facilities Phase II,ContractJ............................................. " 21-Resolution No. 47-77 Ordering Construction of Terminal St. ForceMain............................................... " 21-Resolution No. 48-77 Approving disposal of interest of land in M.L.342 toKen Palm. .......... ....,.. ......... ........... " 21-Resolution No. 49-77 Providing for the Distribution of the Code of Ordinances oft he City of Dubuque, Iowa....... ........ .... " 21-Resolution No. 50-77 Annexing 52.264 acres of land in Hen- schel's Black Forest to City. IRichard Henschel)............... " 21-Resolution No. 51-77 Annexing 0.78 acres of land in Henschel's Black Forest to the CityIWilloughbyl...... .................. " 21-Resolution No. 52-77 Annexing .814 acres of land in Henschel's Black Forest to the City IConzettl........................... " 21-Resolution No. 53-77 Annexing 5.423 acres of land in "Harwood Place" to the City. lIst Nt'1. Bank, Theisen Bldg. Co. and Merl F. Goerdtetux.!............................................. " 21- Resolution No. 54-77 Authorizing the filing of an application for a Community Development Block Grant for the City of Dubu. que. ..................................................... " 21-Resolution No. 55-77 Authorizing submission of a request for funds for acquisition and development for outdoor recreation IA von Park! under the Land and Water Conservation Fund Pro- gram............................... ......... ,............ 21-Resolution No. 56-77 Authorizing the execution of an agreement between the City of Dubuque and the Iowa Department of Transportation for the installation of advance Railroad Cros- sing Signs................................................ 63 63 69 71 81 83 83 84 86 99 100 100 101 101 102 102 103 104 105 106 1977 INDEX-BOOK 107 SUBJECT " 21-Resolution No. 57.77 A Resolution of Assurances regarding fu- ture acquisition of right-of-way for roadway projects on the Fed. eraIAidUrbanSystem.................................... " 21-Resolutiou No. 58-77 Authorizing to institute proceedings for acquisition of a portion of Joseph F. & Ruth M. Siegert property. " 21-Resolution No. 59-77 Matching Resolution providiug for funds for Dubuque Records Equipment... ....... .................. " 21-Resolution No. 60-77 Approving the plat of Helle Subdivision in the City of Dubuque, Dubuque County Iowa. (Martin & Kathy Hellel. ................................................... " 21-Resolutions No. 61-77, 62-77, 63-77, 64-77, 65-77 Granting Cigar- ette,BeerandLiquorLicenses.............................. 111,112 " 21-Resolution No. 2-18-77 Approving lease between the Board of Dock Commissioners and Dubuque Sand & Gravel Co. (DOCK BOARD RESOLUTION!................................... 110,124 " 21-Resolution No. 2-18-77 Approving lease between Board of Dock Commissioners and Robert's River Rides Inc. IDOCK BOARD RESOLUTIONl...........................................111,124 " 25-Resolution No. 66-77 Approving the plat of Blocks I through 7, 8 and 11 in Cedar Lake Addition in the County of Dubuque, Iowa. 110, 114 " 25-Resolution No. 67-77 Setting the date of public héaring on the Fiscal Year 1978 Budget for the City of Dubuque, Iowa........ Mar. 10-Resolution No. 68-77 Approving plat of the Subd. of Lot 3 of "Stone Hill Community Subdivisiou No. I" in the City of Dubu- que, Iowa.............................................. ... " 10-Resolution No. 69-77 Approving lease agreement by and be- tween the Board of Dock Commissioners of the City of Dubu- que, Iowa and Dubuque Sand & Gravel Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " la-Resolution No. 70-77 Authorizing submission of a request for release of funds for certain Community Development Block Grant Projects. (Emergency Home Repair Project and Wash- ingtonTooILibraryl....................................... " 10-Resolution No. 71-77 Authorizing submission of a request for re- lease of funds for certain Community Development Block Grant Project (Urban Renewal Project Iowa R-15 Land Purchase!.... " IO~Resolution No. 72-77 Authorizing submission ofa request forre- lease of funds for certain community Development Block Grant Projects (Street Tree Planting and Miscellaneous Public Im- provements, including street, alley curb repair and replacement and Washington TooILibraryrepairl....... ................. " la-Resolution No. 73-77 Authorizing publication of notice of avail- ability for public inspection certain Community Development Block Grant Documents.................................... " 10-Resolution No. 74-77 Authorizing the Mayor to sign a contract for the Administration and Operation of a Public Service Em- ployment Program under Title VI of PI. 93-203............... " 10-Resolutiou No. 75-77 Annexing territory in M.L. 324 containing approx. 38.10 acres of land to the City. (Manternach Develop- ment Co. I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. .. . . . . .. .. .. . .. . . . .. . .. " la-Resolutions No. 76-77, 77-77, 78-77, 79-77, 80-77 Granting Cigar- ette, Beer and Liquor Licenses...... ""............... .130,131,132 " 12-Resolution No. 81-77 Adopting the Annual Budget for the Fiscal yearendingJune30,1978..................................117,133 " 21-Resolution No. 82-77 Approving lease agreement by and be. tween the Board of Dock Commissioners of the City of Dubu- que,Iowa,andRobertKehl....... .......... ........... ..... " 21- Resolution No. 83-77 Approving the plat covering vacated Wat- er St. fròm the S.P. ,. of Dodge St. to the S.P.L. of Lot 2 of 17 in Dubuque Harbor Addn. """............................. " 21-Resolution No. 84-77 Accepting delivery of deeds from the Civic Center. """""""""""""........................ " 21-Resolution No. 85-77 Approving Plat of Lot C and Lot D ofTer- race Heights Subd. on Peru Road in the City of Dubuque, Iowa. (Manternach!. """"""""""........................ " 21-Resolution No. 86-77 Authorizing submission of a request for Release of Funds for Certain Community Development Block -c~~ Page 106 107 108 108 115 123 124 124 125 126 128 128 129 138 140 143 144 1977 INDEX-BOOK 107 SUBJECT Grant Project (Removal of architectural barriers in the down- townarea.I............................................'" " 21-Resolution No. 87-77 Approving guidelines for the concentrated Rehabilitation Loan & Grant Program and providing Rules for administration of said Program.... c........................ " 21-Resolutiou No. 88-77 Accepting grant of easemeut dated March 3, 1977 to the City by Richard C. Henschel & M(ldred L. Hen- scheL........................................:.......... . " 21-Resolution No: 89-77 Authorizing Mayor to execute right-of-way assurance statement regarding application to Iowa DOT for Federal Funding of highway construction projects. . . . . . . . . . . . " 21-Resolution No. 90.77 Endorsing the Dubuque Ambassadors as sponsors for the 1977 Iowa Community Betterment Program for theCityofDubuque....................................... " 21-ResolutionsNo. 91-77, 92-77 Granting BeerPermits....... .... Apr. 4-Resolution No. 93-77 Approving 'the disposal of interest of Lot IA of Dubuque Harbor's Addition to Mulgrew Oil Company.... 4- Resolution No. 94-77 Approving the plat of Lots I and 2, each in Block 6 in Timber Ridge Addition in the City of Dubuque. (Hen- schell. """"""""""""""""""""""""'" 4-Resolution No. 95-77 Repealing Resolution No. 169-76 and in- structing that plans for a North Fork Catfish Creek Watershed Project be abandoned............................ .......... 4-Resolution No. 96-77 Awarding Contract for the Terminal Street Force Main Wastewater Treatment Facilities Phase II Contract I. (Johnson Bros. Corp.)........ ...... .............. 4-Resolution No. 97.77 Authorizing the execution of an agreement with Illinois Central Gulf Railroad for construction and main. teuance of the Terminal Street Force Main. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-Resolution No. 98-77 Authorizing the execution of an agreement with Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad for con- struction and maintenance of the Terminal Street Force Main. 4-Resolution No. 99-77 Approval of preliminary plans and specs. for construction of Central Ave. Street Lighting from 9th StreettoI2thStreet...................................... 4-Resolution No. 100-77 Necessity for Improvement for construc- tion of Central Ave. Street Lighting from 9th Street to 12th Street...................................................169,188 4-Resolution No. 101-77 Fixing Date of Hearing for construction of Central Ave. Street lighting from 9th Street to 12th Street. . 4-Resolution No. 102-77 Approval of plans and specs" for intercon- nection of 14th Street and the intersection of 16th and Elm Streets to the C.B.D. System............................... 4-Resolution No. 103-77 Necessity for Improvement for intercon- nection of 14th Street and the intersection of 16th & Elm StreetstotheC.B.D.System............................... 170,189 4-Resolution No. 104-77 Fixing Date of Hearing for interconnec- tion of 14th Street and the intersection of 16th & Elm Streets to theC.B.D.System......................................... 4-Resolution No. 105-77 Setting for public hearing proposed lease with Dock Commission and Dubuque Barge and Fleeting Ser- vice Company............................................ . 4-Resolutions No. 106-77, 107-77, 108-77, 109-77, 110.77, Granting the issuance of Cigarette, Beer and Liquor Licenses....... 172, 173, 174 " 18-Resolution No. 111.77 Approving proposed amendments to the Park Board Ordinance. ............ ........................ " 18-Resolution No. 112-77 Approving lease agreement between the Board of Dock Commissioners and Dubuque Barge and Fleeting Service Company. ........................................ " 18-Resolution No. 113.77 Extending the territorial limits to include Lot I of Lot 2 of Schrup Subdivision and Lot 2 of Lot 2 of Schrup Subd. (Jaegerl. ........................................... " 18-Resolution No. 114.77 Decision of Council upon objections to plans, specs., form of contract and cost of improvements for con- struction of Central Ave. Street Lighting from 9th St. to 12th k...................................................... Pnge 144 146 146 147 147 148 157 166 167 168 169 169 169 170 170 171 172 178 187 187 188 " 18-Resolution No. 115-77 Ordering Construction for Central Ave. Street Lighting from 9th St. to 12th St... """""""" .... " 18-Resolution No. 116-77 Decision of Council upon objections to plans, specs., form of contract and cost of improvements for in- terconnection of 14th Street and the intersection of 16th & Elm StreetstotheC.B.D.System............................... " 18-Resolution No. 117-77 Ordering Construction for the intercon- nection of 14th Street and the intersection of 16th & Elm Street totheC.B.D.System...................................... " 18-Resolution No. 118-77 Preliminary Estimate and approval of plans and specs. for coustruction of Main Street Lighting from 1st St. to 4th St........................................... 191,203 " 18-Resolution No. 119-77 Necessity for Improvement for construc- tion of Main Street Lightiug from 1st St. to 4th St........ .191, 203,213 " 18-Resolution No. 120-77 Fixing Date of Hearing for construction of Main Street Lighting from 1st St. to 4th St........... '...., 192,203 " 18-Resolution No. 121-77 Authorizing the acquisition of certain real property for the development of Avon Park............ ...... " 18-Resolution No. 122-77 Approving plat of the Subdivision of Lot I of Lot I of Lot I of Mineral Lot 339 (Equestrian Heights!. . . . . " 18-Resolution No. 123-77 Approving the plat of Lot I and Lot 2 of Lot I of Lot I of Lot I of Lot I of Lot 2 of Lot I of Lot I of Highland Farm IW. 32nd St. north of Arbor Oaks Subd.I....... " 18-Resolution No. 124-77 Approving the plat o/Lot I of Lot I o/Lot 3and Lot 2 of Lot I of Lot 3 of John P. Mettel Subd. No.2...... " 18-Resolution No. 125-77 Approving the plat of Lot 20 aud 21 each of "Jaeger Heights" in the City of Dubuque.................. " 18-Resolution No. 126-77 Authorizing publication of Notice of avail- ability for Public Inspection Certain Community Development BlockGrantDocuments.................................... 196 " 18-Resolutions No. 127-77, 128-77, 129-77, 130-77, 131-77 Granting Cigarette, Beer and Liquor Licenses. .......................197,198 " 27-Resolution No. 132-77 Approving agreement between the City and Sheriff of Dubuque County, Iowa relating to indemnifica- tion and holding harmless. IAirport!..................... .... May 2-Resolution No. 133-77 Awarding Contract for Central Ave. St. Lighting from 9th St. to 12th St. toTri-StatePavingCo........ 2-Resolution No. 134-77 Awarding Contractfor interconnection of 14th St. and the intersection of 16th & Elm to the C.B.D. System toPatrickO'DowdConst.Co............................... 2-Resolution No. 135-77 Approving annexation of approx. 25.482 acres in Table Mound Township as requested by D. James and Patricia Edwards. ........................................ 2-Resolution No. 136-77 A Resolution identifying Alternative Alignments for a Proposed Northwest Arterial Roadway, to be subjected to further study and evaluation according to a Corri- dor Location Study authorized by Resolution No. 423-75....... 2-Resolution No. 137-77 Resolution approving the plat of Survey of Lot 2-2-2 of M.L. 263, in the City of Dubuque, Iowa. ISchnor- enberg). ................................................. 2-Resolution No. 138-77 Resolution approving the plat of Asbury Springs Subd. No.4 in the City of Dubuque, Iowa. (Powers!.... 2-Resolutions No. 139-77, 140-77 Directing the issuance of Beer Permits. ................................................. 2-Resolution No. 141-77 Approving agreement entered into by the City of Dubuque, Iowa and Dubuque County, Iowa relating to the maintenance of prisoners confined in the Law Enforcement Center for violation of City Ordinances. ......... ."........ ... " 16-Resolution No. 142-77 Approving a plat of a portion of a vacated alley described as 30 foot wide alley from Market Square to the I.C.R.R. right-of.way in Block 18 of Duhuque Harbor Improve- ment Company's Addn. abutting the south part, Lots I through 8 inclusive, the south part of Lot 14, Lots 15 thru 22 inclusive, andMarketSquare,eachinBiockI8........ """""""'" 1977 INDEX-BOOK 107 SUBJECT Page 189 190 190 192 193 194 195 195 200 213 214 215 216 217 217 219 219 228 1977 INDEX-BOOK 107 SUBJECT Page " 16-Resolution No. 143-77 Approving proposed Lease by and be- tween the City of Dubnque as Lessor and Dubuque Chips, Inc. as Lessee..............:............................... ... " 16 - Resolution No. 144-77 Approving Plat of Subdivision of Lot lof Lot I of Lot I of Lot I of Lot I of Lot 2 of Lot I of Lot I of Highland Farm, Dubuque County, Iowa, now in the City of Du- buque, Iowa. ............................................. " 16-Resolution No. 145-77 Resolution approving the plat of Lot I of Súb. of Lot I; Lot 2 of Sub. of Lot I; Lot I of Sub. of Lot 2; and Lot 2 of Sub. of Lot 2; all in "Marilyn Place" on Kaufmann Ave. in the City. (Rotbenberger)................................. " 16-Resolution No. 146-77 Approving the Plat of Lot I of Suh. of Lot I of Lot I: Lot 20fSub. of Lot I of Lot I; Lot I of Sub. of Lot I of Lot 2; and Lot 2 of Sub. of I of 2; all in "Marilyn Place" on Kauf- mann Ave.IRothenbergerl. ..... """"""""""""'" " 16-Resolution No. 147-77 Approving actuarial report of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, Police Retirement System and Fire Retirement SystemasofJUlyl,1976................................... " 16-Resolution No. 148.77 Requesting Financial Settlement of the Downtown Urban Renewal Project, Project No. Iowa R-15. . . . . " 16-Resolution No. 149-77 Authorizing submission of a request for Release of Funds for certain Community Development Block Grant Projects. IRehabilitation Loans and Grants Interim As- sistancel. ................................................ " 16-Resolution No. 150-77 Authorizing the Execution of a Commu- nity Development Block Grant Agreemeut with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. . . . . . . . . . . . . " 16-Resolution No. 151-77 Authorizing Publicatiou of Notice of En- vironmental Review Fiudings for certain Community Develop- ment Block Grant Project. (Adult Day Care Center operated by ProjectConcern).......................................... " 16-Resolution No. 152.77 Authorizing submission of a Request for Fnnds for Development for Outdoor Recreation (Avon Parkl under the Land aud Water Conservation Fund Program....... " 16-Resolution No. 153-77 Preliminary Estimate for coustruction of Cooper Street Steps...... """""" """""""""'" " 16-Resolution No. 154-77 Necessity for Improvement for construc- tionofCooperStreetSteps................................. 240,262 " 16-Resolution No. 155-77 Fixing Date of Hearing for construction of Cooper St. Steps........................................ " 16-Resolution No. 156-77 Autborizing Execution of Annual Contri. butions Contract. ......................................... " 16-Resolution No. 157-77 Preliminary Estimate for Addition of 300 Parking Spaces and Related Facilities at the Iowa St. Parking Ramp. ................................................... " 16-Resolution No. 158-77 Necessity for Improvement for Iowa Street Parking Ramp...................................... 242,266 " 16-Resolution No. 159.77 Fixing Date of Hearing for Iowa Street ParkingRamp............................................ " 16-Resolutions No. 160.77, 161-77, 162-77, 163-77, 164-77 Granting Cigarette Licenses, Beer Permits and Liquor Licenses. . . . . . . . " 16-Resolution No. 165-77 Authorizing the execution of a Rental Agreement between the City of Dubuque, Iowa and the Old Creamery Theatre Company of Garrison, Iowa. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " 16-Resolution No. 180-77 Approving plat of Equestrian Heights Sub.No.1.ISwiftl......................................... 241,270 June I-Resolution No. 166.77 Approving and providing for the Execu. tion of the Fifth Amendatory Contract Amending Contract No. Iowa R-15 ILGI by and between the City of Dubuque, Iowa and the United States of America.. ........ ...:....:.... ........ I-Resolution No. 167.77 Requesting financial settlement of the Downtown Urban Renewal Project, Iowa R-15..........,..... 6-Resointion No. 168-77 Approvin'g disposal of interest of the City for Lot IA of vacated álley in Blk. 18 of Dubuque Harbor 1m. provement Company's Addition from Market Square to the r.C.R.R.R.O.W. to Dubuque Chips Inc.. ............. ......... 229 232 233 233 234 234 235 236 237 239 240 240 241 242 242 243 244 249 249 259 1977 INDEX-BOOK 107 SUBJECT 6-Reiolution No. 169-77 Approving lease and agreement between City of Dubuque and Duhuque Chips, Inc... ...... ""'" ..... 6-Resolution No. 170-77 Decision of Council upon objections to plans, specs. etc. for construction of Cooper Place Steps. . . . . . . 6-Resolution No. 171-77 Ordering Construction for Cooper Place Steps. ................................................... 6-Resolution No. 172-77 Authorizing suhmission of a request for Release of Funds for certain Community Development Block Grant Projects IRemoval of Architectural Barriers for an Adult DayCareCenterl......................................... 6-Resolution No. 173-77 Recognition of a Neighborhood Organiza- tion for memhership on the Community Development Commis- sion IWestEnd Neighborhood)...... ........................ 6-Resolution No. 174-77 Accepting the warranty deed from Tim- othy K. & Mary Vincentia Breitbach for real estate to be used as a park project under the Community Development Program... 6-Resolution No. 175-77 Decision of Council upon objections to plans, specs" etc. for addition of 300 Parking Spaces at Iowa Street Parking Ramp...................................... 6-Resolution No. 176-77 Resolution changing the hid date for pro. posals for construction of an Addition to the Iowa Street Park- ingRamp................................................. 6-Resolution No. 177-77 Approving plat of the subdivision of Lot A, Block 5in Timhcr Ridge Addition in the City............... 6-Resolution No. 178-77 Approving plat of Block 7 in Timber Ridge Addition........................................... 6-Resolution No. 179-77 Approving the plat of Block 7 in Timber Ridge Addition in the City. (Henschel). ...................... 6-Resolution No. 180-77 Approving the plat of Equestrian Heights Sub.No.I(Swiftl.......................................... 6-Resolution No. 181.77 Directing the City Clerk to publish Pro- posed Amendments to the Fiscal Year 1977 Budget and Date of Public Hearing.......................................... .. 6-Resolution No. 182-77 Authorizing the execution of a Contract for Audit Services for the 1st and 2nd Year Community Devel- opment Block Grant Funds under Grant Agreements B-75-MC- 19-0004 and B-76-MC-19-0004 with the Department of Housing and Urhan Development. ..... ............................. 6-Resolution No. 183-77 Authorizing the City Manager to enter in. to a contract for Consultant Assistance in the Section 701 Com- prehensive Planning Assistance Program. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-Resolution No. 184-77 Establishing a Housing Code Enforce- ment. .................................................... 6-Resolution No. 185-77 Amending Resolution No. 87-77 so as to change income requirements and grant limits for concentrated RehabiIitationGrants...........,.......................... 6-Resolution No. 186-77 Matching Resolution to provide for Law EnforcementTraining..................................... 6-Resolution No. 187-77 Approving the plat of the Subdivision of Lot 1-1-1 of the NW'/, of the SW'/, of Section 12, T89N,R2E 5th P.M.IManternachl......................................... 6-Resolution No. 188-77 Approving a Tentative Three Year Street Construction Program and submitting same to the Iowa Department of Transportation......... ..................... 6-Resolution No. 189-77 Directing the Clerk to publish notice of approval of "Location and Design" for funding on the signaliza- tionof20th St. from Central to Elm. ........................ 6-Resolution No. 190-77 Approving preliminary plans, specs. etc. for construction of Alta Vista Street Curb and Gutter Replace. ment Project from Kirkwood Street to Vernon Street. ........ 6-Resolution No. 191-77 Necessity for Improvement for Alt. Vista Street Curb and Gutter Replacement. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 277, 308 6-Resolution No. 192-77 Fixing Date of Hearing for Alta Vista StreetCurb&GutterReplacement......................... 278 6-Resolution No. 193-77 Ordering Construction for Alta Vista Street Curb & Gutter Replacement. ........................ 278 Page 260 262 263 263 265 265 266 267 268 268 268 270 271 272 272 273 274 275 275 276 277 277 1977 INDEX-BOOK 107 SUBJECT Page INDEX-BOOK 107 SUBJECT 1977 Page 6-Resolution No. 194-77 Authorizing the installation of concrete curb and gutter with asphalt paving on Windsor AVe. from Da- vis Ave. to the northerly property line of Stone HilI Community Subdivision No. 1........................................ .. 6-Resolution No. 195-77 Approving the improvement of Cedar Cross Road with a 14 inch stone base and double sealcoat. . . . . . 6-Resolution No. 196-77 Approving the schedule of proposed as- sessments for the City of Dubuque 1977 Asphalt Paving Project No.I..................................................... 6-Resolution No. 197-77 Approval of preliminary estimate, plans, etc. for 1977 Asphalt Paving Project No. 1. """"""""'" 6-Resolution No. 198.77 Necessity for Improvement for 1977 AsphaltPavingProjectNo.I............................... 280,340 6-Resolution No. 199-77 Fixing Date of Hearing for 1977 Asphalt Paving Project No. 1.......................... ...'......... 6-Resolution No. 200-77 Approving the plat of Lots I, 2 and 3 of the Subdivision of Lots 7 and 8 in Block I of Asbury Springs Sub.No.2(Powerseta])................................... 6-Resolution No. 201-77 Approving plat of portions of subdivi- sions of M.L. 106, Railroad Addn" East Dubuque No.2, and va- cated Maple Street north of 18th Street IDubuque Packing Co. I. 6-Resolutions No. 202-77, 203-77, 204-77, 205-77, 206-77, Granting Cigarette, Beer and Liquor Licenses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 283, 284, 285, 286 " 20-Resolution No. 207-77 Board of Healtb authorizing and directing the structure known as 311 S. Locust Street ILot 4 of Lot 239 Union Addn. in the Cityl to be dismantled and removed. ITuck- er). ..................................................263,290,570 " 20-Resolution No. 208.77 Amending the current budget for the Fis- cal Year ending June 30, 1977 (as amended last November I, 19761.................................................... . " 20-Resolution No. 209-77 Accepting Improvement for Eleventh Street Steps and Jefferson Park Steps...................... . " 20-Resolution No. 210-77 Final Estimate for Eleventh Street Steps and Jefferson Park Steps. ................................. " 20-Resolution No. 211-77 Decision of Council upon objections to plans, specs. etc. for Alta Vista Street Curb & Gutter replace- mentProject............................................. " 20-Resolution No. 212-77 Awarding Contract for the Cooper Place StepstoPatrickT.O'Dowd..... ....... ..................... " 20-Resolution No. 213-77 Accepting the deed for North 'h of Lot 39 and Lots 40 and 41 in "Cooper Heights" as conveyed by Regina CooperGilmore........................................... " 20-Resolution No. 214-77 Authorizing Mayor to sign the contract close out documeots for the FY 1976 Title VI Public Service EmploymentProgram(CETA)........................... ... " 20-Resolution No. 215-77 Approving the Statement of Actual and Projection of revised 1976 Net Revenue before debt service re- quirements and report on revised parking fees and Expansion ofiowaStreetRamp.................................... ... " 20-Resoiution No. 216-77 Fixing a date for the initiation of proceed- ings for the issuance of $850,000. Parkiug Facilities Revenue Bonds, 1977, Series, of the City of Dubuque, Iowa............. " 20-Resolution No. 217-77 Authorizing the execution and resubmis- sion of a Local Public Works Capital Development and Invest- ment Program Application lEx pans ion of the Greenhouse Pot. ting Housel. ................. , , ...... '. """ , , ... "" " 20-Resolution No. 218-77 Authorizing an Environmental Review of Certain Public Works Projects... ......... .................. " 20-Resolution No. 219-77 Authorizing the listing of Public Works Projects in order of priority. ............................... " 20-Resolution No. 220-77 Authorizing the execution and submis- sion of a Local Public Works Capital Development and Invest- ment Program application (Reconstruction of Flora Park Tennis Courts!.............. ..... ....................... . " 20-Resolution No. 221.77 Authorizing the execution and suhmis- sion of a Local Public Works Capital Development and Iavest- ment Program Applicatioa (Schmitt Harbor Public Boat Ramp). " 20-Resolutioa No. 222.77 Authorizing the Execntion and submis. sion of a Local Publir Works Capital Development and Invest- ment Program application (Construction of Edwards Sanitary SewerLinel.................................,............ " 20-Resolution No. 223-77 Authorizing the Execution and submis. sion of a Local Public Works Capital Development and Invest. ment Program Application (Construction of RET Sanitary Sew. cr Linel. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " 20-Rcsolution No. 224.77 Authorizing the Execution and suhmis- sion of a Local Public Works Capital Development and Iavest- ment Program application (FDR Park Improvementsl. . . . . . . . . " 20-Resolution No. 225-77 Authorizing the execution and submis. sioa of a Locai Public Works Capital Developmeat and invest. ment progcam application IMarshall Park Improvements)...... " 20-Resolution No. 226-77 Authorizing the execution and submis. sion of a Local Public Works Capital Development and invest. ment program application IRenovation of City Hall). .... .,... . " 20-Resolution No. 227.77 Preliminary Estimate for Curb Replare- mentProjert..............................."....,..,.... " 20-Rcsolution No. 228.77 Necessity for improvement for City of Dubuque 1977 Curb Replacement Project....... " . , ...... 321, 343 " 20-Resolution No. 229-77 Fixing Date of Hearing for 1977 Curb Re. placement Project......,.................... ........... " 20-Resolution No. 230-77 Ordering Construction for 1977 Curb Re- placementPcoject......................................... " 20-Resolution No. 231.77 Preliminary Estimate for construction of Pedestrian Curb Ramps.......,.........................,.. " 20-Resolution No. 232-77 Necessity for Improvement for Pedestri- an Curb Ramps........................................... 322,342 " 20-Resolution No. 233-77 Ordering Construction for Pedestrian CurbRamps.............................................. " 20-Resolution No. 234-77 Fixing Date of Hearing for construction of Pedestrian Curb Ramps... ...... ........"...., ......... " 20-Resolutions No. 235-77, 236.77, 237-77, 238.77, 239-77, Granting Cigarette, Beer and Liquor Licenses. . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . 324, 325. 326, 327 " 20-Resolution No. 240-77 Authorizing tbe exerution and resubmis- sion of a Local Public Works Capital Development and Invest- ment Program Application !Expansion of City Garage). . . . . " 20-Resolution No. 241-77 Authorizing the execution and resubmis- sion of a Local Public Works Capital Development and Invest. ment Program Application IConstruction of the 17th St. Storm Sewer!. ...................,................",........... " 20-Resolution No. 242-77 Authorizing the Execution and resubmis. sion of a Local Public Works Capital Development and Invest. ment Program Application (Expansion of Iowa Street Parking Rampl. ............................ .............., ....... " 29-Resolution No. 243-77 Authorizing the execution of an agree. ment with the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul & Pacific Railroad Company and DOT relating to the reconstruction of railroad crossings on 16th, 15th & 14th Streets. ...................... " 29-Resolution No. 244-77 Approving the Lease Agreement by and between the Dubuque Airport Commission and the Tri.State I'liteScrvicesInc....... ............................... July 5-Resolution No. 245-77 Amending Resolution No. 198-77 by delet. ing Davis Avenue from City of Dubuque 1977 Asphalt Paving Project No. 1......"..............,......... ..... .. 5-Resolution No. 246.77 Decision of Council to overrule all objec. tions received for City of Dubuque 1977 Asphalt Paving Project No.1. ............. "" . ,........ """"""""""" 5-Resolntion No. 247.77 Ordering Construction for City of Dubu- que 1977 Asphalt Paving Project No.I....... 279 318 279 280 318 280 319 281 319 282 320 283 321 321 321 306 322 307 322 307 323 308 323 309 309 314 310 315 310 316 311 329 311 316 329 317 340 317 341 341 1977 INDEX-BOOK 107 SUBJECT 5-Resolution No. 248-77 Decision of Council upon objections to plans, specs" form of contract and cost of improvements for con- structionofPedestrian Curb Ramps...................... 5-Resolution No. 249-77 Decision of Council upon objections to plans, specs., form of contract and cost of improvements for Curb Replacement Project................................. 5-Resolution No. 250-77 Awarding Contract to Patrick T. O'Dowd Construction Co. for the Alta Vista St. Curb and Gutter Re- placement Project from Kirkwood St. to Vernon St............ 5-Resolution No. 251-77 Approval of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, for the Water Utility, Parking and Sewage Facilities for fiscal period of July I, 1976 thru June 30, 1977. ........... ......... 5-Resolution No. 252-77 Authorizing and providing for the issu- ance and securing the payment of $850,000 Parking Facilities Revenue Bonds, 1977 Series, of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, un- der the provisions of Sections 384.80 et seq. of the Code of Iowa as amended for the purpose of defraying the cost of acquiring additional off.street motor vehicle parking facilities in and for said City....,............... 'Y""""""""""""'" 5-Resolution No. 253-77 Directing the advertisement and sale of $850,000 Parking Facilities Revenue Bonds, 1977 Series, of the CityofDubuque,Iowa..................................... 5-Resolution No. 254-77 Approving the annexation of 0.77 acres as requested by Theisen Building Company, Inc........ """'" 5-Resolution No. 255-77 Approving the annexation of approx. 1.4 acres as requested by Manternach Development Company..... 5-Resolution No. 256-77 Authorizing a puhlic hearing for the Ex- penditure of certain General Revenue Sharing Funds. ........ 5-Resolution No. 257.77 Directing the City Clerk to publish pro. posed amendment to the Fiscal Year 1978 Budget and Date of Public Hearing............................................ 5-Resolution No. 258-77 Authorizing to enter into an agreement with tbe Iowa DOT subject to terms and conditions as set forth in Agreement No. 77-F-I04 for the purchase of parcel of right-of. way.. ........................, ..... ............ .......... 5-Rcsolution No. 259.77 Authorizing City Manager to sign for fi- nancial forms required pursuant to the Contract No. KC-9004E for Section 8 Existing Housing Program and authorizing City Manager to appoint the Director of the Development of Commu- nity Development to sign forms in his place.................. 5-Resolution No. 260-77 Authorizing Mayor to sign proposed ap. plication for the City's participation in a Section 8 Existing HousingProgramforIOOunits..., ..... ............. ........ 5-Resolution No. 261.77 Awarding Contract to J.P. Cullen & Son for addition of 300 Parking Spaces to Iowa Street Parking Ramp. ........................... ...... ....... ....... .... 5-Rcsolutions No. 262-77, 263-77, 264-77, 265-77, 266.77 Grantiog Beer, Liquor and Cigarette Licenses........................ 367,368 18-Resoiution No, 267-77 Approving plat of a portion of a vacated 16' wide alley from the N.P.L. of Putnam St. to S.P.I,. of 28th St. ofEI-Ru Place and South Parkhill Place...................... " 18-Resolution No. 268.77 Awarding Contract for construction of Pedestrian Curb Ramps to Tri-State Paving Company... ....., " 18-Resolution No. 269-77 Approving annexation of approx. 2.37 acres on south side of U.S. Highway #20 and cast of Ramada Inn as requested by Elinor Ann Cody Ginder......... ,. .. ...... " 18-Resolution No. 270-77 Amending the Current Budget for the Fiscal Year ending June 30, 1978 11 st Amendment!. . . . . . . . . . . . " 18-Rcsolution No. 217-77 Authorizing publication of Notice of En vi- ronmental Review Findings for Certain Community Develop- ment Blork Grant Project IAcquisition of site for relocation of FircF,ngineHouseNo,1.I.................................. " 18-Rcsolution No. 272.77 Approving plat of portion of Sertion 11, Table Mound Township (Archdiocese of Dubuque). ... . ,. " 18-Resolutioo No. 273.77 Approving plat of portion of Section 11, Table Mound Township lying on south side of Old Highway 151, west and south of Mt. Olivet Cemetery in Key West (Archdio- ceseofDubuque).......................................... " 18-Resolution No. 274.77 Approving the plat of Lot I and Lot 2 of2 of 2 of 2 of Asbury Spriugs Subdivision No. I in the City of Du- buque(Henkcll............................................ 346,388 " 18-Resolution No. 275-77 Approving annexation of Lot 2 of Lot I of Sub. of M.L. 504 as requested by Frederick C. and Janell Tim- merman. ICorrectedin 19781................................ " 18-Resolution No. 276-77 Authorizing and directing the Mayor to act on behalf of the City by accepting a project agreement for Federal Financial Assistance through the Land and Water Con- servation Fund for a proposed Avon Park Project. . . . . . . . . . . . . " 18-Resolution No. 277-77 Directing the transfer of Community De- velopment Block Grant Funds from the contingency fund to the Adult Day Care Center Project............................. " 18-Resolution No. 278.77 Authorizing Publication of Notice of Pub- lic Hearings for the purpose of amending use of Community De. velopment Block Grant Funds for relocation of water and sani- tary sewer lines in Urban Renewal Land Area for $60,000. . . . . . " 18-Resolution No. 279-77 Authorizing the Mayor to sign a contract for the Administration and Operation of a Public Service Employment Program under Title II of PI 93.203 (CET AI. . . . . . " 18-Resolution No. 280-77 Preliminary Estimate for construction of Main Street Lighting from 1st to 4th Street............... ... " 18-Resolution No. 281-77 Necessity for Improvement for construc- tion of Main Street Ligbting from 1st to 4th Street. . . . . . . . . . .. 393, 410 " 18-Resolution No. 282.77 Fixing Date of Hearing for construction of Main Street Lighting from 1st to 4th Street. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " 18-Resolution No. 283-77 Authorizing the execution of Agreement between City of Dubuque and Iowa DOT relating to the signali- zation of 20th Street from Central to Elm St.............. .... " 18-Resolution No. 284-77 Approving the schedule of proposed as. sessments for the Asphalt Paving of Sunset Ridge Drive. . . . . . . " 18-Resolution No. 285-77 Preliminary Estimate of plaus and specs" etc. for construction of Sunset Ridge Drive Asphalt Paving. . . . " 18-Resolution No. 286-77 Necessity for Improvement for construc- tion of Sunset Ridge Dr. AsphaltPaving..................... 395,439 " 18-Resolution No. 287.77 Fixing Date of Hearing for construction bfSunset Ridge Dr. Asphalt Paving......................... " 18-Resolutions No. 288-77, 289.77, 290-77 Granting Cigarette and LiquorLicenses........................................... " 18-Resolution No. 291-77 Preliminary approval of plans, specs" etc. for construction of Five Flags Civic Center located at 4th, 5th, Locust and Main Streets................................... " 18-Resolution No. 292-77 Providing for appointment of Deputy Ci- ty Clerk. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. " 19-Resolution No. 293-77 Providing for the sale and award of $850,000 Parking Facilities Revenue Bonds, 1977 Series, and ap- proving and authorizing the agreement of such sale and award IChannerNewman Securities Co.I................. "'" ..... " 19-Resolution No. 294-77 Necessity for Improvement for construc- .tionof5FlagsCivicCenter........,....................... 399,412 " 19-Resolution No. 295-77 Fixing Date of Hearing for construction of5FlagsCivicCcnter,.................................... 400 Aug. I-Resolution No. 296-77 Approving disposal of interest of vacated alley in South Park Hill and El-Ru Place to Millers and Cheriolis. ..................................,............. I-Resolution No. 297-77 Decision of Council upon objectioos to plans, spers" form of contract and cost of improvements for Main Street Lighting from 1st to 4th St.. ......... "'" ...... I-'Resolution No. 298-77 Ordering Construction for construrtion of Main Street Lighting from 1st to 4th St. .......... """"'" I-Resolution No. 299-77 Awarding Contract for 1977 Curb Re- placement Project to 'I'ri.StatePavingCo.................... I-Resolution No. 300.77 Awarding Contract for 1977 Asphalt Pav- ingProject No.1 to Tri.StatePavingCo................. Page 343 344 345 345 346 359 360 361 362 363 365 365 366 366 381 383 384 385 385 386 1977 INDEX-BOOK 107 SUBJECT Page 387 389 389 390 391 392 393 393 394 394 394 395 396 399 397 398 405 410 411 411 412 1977 INDEX-BOOK 107 SUBJECT I-Resolution No. 301.77 Decision of Council upon objections to plans, specs., form of contract and cost of improvements for FivcFlagsCivicCenter......................,............. 1- Resolution No. 302-77 Ordering Construction for Five Flags Civ. ic Center. . . . . . . , . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. I-Resolution No. 303-77 Approving the final plat of Terrace Estates 1st Additioo in the City of Dubuque. IManternachl..... I-Resolution No. 304-77 Directing the transfer of Community De. velopment Block Graot Funds from the Urban Renewal Land Project Iowa R-15 Land purchase to the Program Administra. tionFund............,.................................... I-Resolution No. 305-77 Directing the transfer of Community De- velopment Block Grant Funds from the Comiskey Park 1m. provement Project to the Comiskey Park Tennis Court Recon. structionProject.......................................... 1- Resolution No. 306.77 Directing the transfer of Community De- velopment Block Grant Funds from the Contingency Fund to the Main Street Lighting Project........................... I-Resolution No. 307-77 Authorizing submission of request for re- lease of funds for certain Community Development Block Grant Projects(FireEngincHouse#II.........................,.. . I-Resolution No. 308-77 Authorizing submission of a request for release of funds for certain Community Development Block Grant Projects INeighborhood Parks Acquisition and/or Devel. opment). ......... , .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . .. . I-Resolution No. 309-77 Authorizing the execution of a contract with Computer Consulting Service, Inc................. ..... I-Resolution No. 310-77 Authorizing publication of notice of public hearing and setting date of public hearing to consider citizen in- put on implementation of Section 8 Existing Housing Program forIOOunits.............................................. I-Resolntion No. 311-77 Authorizing execution of agreement be- tween City of Dubuque Iowa and Iowa Department of Transpor. tation relating to the paving of South Locust from Railroad AvcnuetoDodgeStreet.................................,. I-Resolution No. 312-77 Preliminary Estimate and approval of plans etc.. for construction of 20th Street Traffic Signals from CentraIAve.toElmSt............................."...... 1- Resolution No. 313-77 Necessity for Improvement for ronstruc- tion of 20th Street Traffic Signals from Central Ave. to Elm St. 421, 437 I-Resoiution No. 314-77 Fixing Date of Hearing for the 20th Street Traffic Signals from Central Avenue to Elm Street, . . . . 422 I-Resolutions No. 315-77, 316-77, 317.77, 318-77. 319.77 Granting Cigarette, Beer and Liquor Licenses, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 422, 423, 424 I-Resolution No. 320.77 Authorizing City Attorney to investigate rate increases requested by Interstate Power Company.... .., 15-Resoiution No. 321-77 Fixing a date of hearing on prop°,"dHos. pital Facility First Mortgage Refunding and Improvement Rev- enue Bonds IThe Finley Hospital Project) Series 1977......... " 15-Resolution No. 322-77 Amending a resolution en¡;tled "A Reso- lution authorizing and providing for the issuance and securing the payment of $850,000 Parking Facilities Revenue Bonds, 1977 Series, of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, under the provisions of Sections 384.80 et seq. of the Code of Iowa, as amended, for the purpose of defraying the cost of acquiring additional off. street motor vehicles parking facilities in and for said City..... " I5-RESOLUTION Declaring moratorium on disposal of City real estate(FAILEDI....................... """""""" " 15-Resolution No. 323-77 Approving annexation of Lot 2 of the NE'/, of SE'¡, Sec. 12 T89N R2E as ..quested by Marvin C. & Alice ,. Meeker and Richard W.Anthony..........,......... " 15-Resolution No. 324-77 Awarding Contrac.t for Main St. I,ighting fromlstSt.t04thStreet.............. """"""""" " 15-Rc'ì,Ool~tion No. 3~5-77 Dedsion of Council upon objections to plans, specs., etc. for 20th St. Traffir Signals from Central Ave. to Elm St.. ....... ";" . ...............,.... Page INDEX-BOOK 107 SUBJECT 1977 413 " 15-Resolution No. 326.77 Ordering Construction for 20th St. Traffic Signals from Central Ave. to Elm St.............. '.""""" " 15-Resolution No. 327.77 Dedsion of Council upon objections to plans, specs" etc. for Sunset Ridge Dr. Asphalt Paving..... . " 15-Resolution No. 328.77 Ordering Construction for Sunset Ridge Dr. Asphalt Paving..........................,............. ." 15-Resolution No. 329-77 Waiving any and all rights to Easterly 123 feet of Lots 17 and 18 in Jaeger's Subd. to Robert N. and M. ReginaDefendi............................,.............. " 15-Resolution No. 330-77 Authorizing publication of Notice of Envi- ronmental review findings for certain Community Development Block Grant Project !Relocation of Sanitary Sewer Lines and Water Mains in Urban Renewal Land Area.!. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " I5-Resolution No. 331-77 Directing the transfer of CDBGF from the Urban Renewal Project Purchase Project to the relocation of sanitary sewer lines and water mains project. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " 15-Resolution No. 332-77 Approving voluntary annexation by Joseph F. & Ruth M. Siegert as Owners Contract Sellers and Edward Tschiggfrie Owner Contract Purchaser located in Sec. 20 T89N R2E,approx. 75.018acres....... ,.... ... """"'" " 15-Resolution No. 333-77 Authorizing the execution of a Grant Agreement with the Economic Development Administration for the 17th Street Storm Sewer. ................,.. """"'" " 15-Resolution No. 334-77 Authorizing the execution of a Grant Agreement with the Economic Development Administration for the ExpansionofCityGarage.... ................ ......., " 15-Resolution No. 335-77 Authorizing the Execution of a Grant Agreement with the Economic Development Administration for theGrechousePottingHouse............ ............., ... " 15-Resolutions No. 336.77. 337-77, 338.77, 339.77, 340-77, Granting Cigarette, Beer and Liquor Licenses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 444, 445, 446 " 23-Resolution No. 341-77 Authorizing the execution of a Grant Agreement with the Economic Development Administration for expansion of Iowa Street Parking Ramp. '" ....... ...... ,... Sept. 6-Resolution No. 342-77 Authorizing additional fees to be paid to City Attorney for services rendered in connection with Finley HospitaIBondIssue..,.................................... 6-Resolution No. 343-77 Approving Official Report of Municipality for Municipal Streets and Parking for 1976. ........ ...."., ,. 6-Resolution No. 344-77 Approving the plat of Lots 2 thru 18 in Block 17, Mettel.Byrne Addition in the City IMettel Realtyl.... 6-Resolution No. 345-77 Matching Resolution to provide funds for 2PatroIInvestigators..................................... 6-Resolution No. 346-77 Matching Resolution to provide funds for Law Eoforccment Training (FBI Fingerprinting School). ...... 6-Resolution No. 347.77 Authorizing City Staff to develop a tradi- tional Public Housing proposal for consideration by the City CounciloftheCityofDubuque............. ,...... ........ '. 6-Resolution No. 848.77 Adjourning Public Hearing on the propos- al to issue not to exceed $10,750,000. Hospital Farility First Mortgage Refunding and Improvement Revenue Bonds IThc Finley Hospital Project! Series 1977, of the City of Dubuque, Iowa.. "" """""'" """"""""""', ""'" .. 6-Rc>0Iution No. 349.77 Authoriziog the execution of a Grant Agreement with the Economic Development Administration for construction of Tennis Courts at Flora Park. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-Resolution No. 350.77 Authorizing the execution of a Grant Agreement with the Economic Development Administration for Marshall and Roosevelt (FDRI Park Improvements. . . . . . .. .. 6-Resolution No. 351-77 Authorizing the execution of a Grant Agreemènt with the Economic Development Administration for City Hall Improvements............,.,.................... 6-Resolution No. 852-77 Awarding Contract to Tri.State Paving Co. for Sunset Ridge Dr. Asphalt Paving Project.... .... , "'" 6-Rcsolution No. 353-77 Awarding Contract to Tri-State Paving Co. for 20th Street Traffic Signals from Centfál A ve. to Elm St. 413 414 415 416 416 416 418 420 420 421 '421 422 424 428 433 436 435 436 438 469 470 471 ~ Page 438 439 440 441 441 442 442 443 443 444 447 464 464 465 466 467 467 468 469 469 1977 INDEX-BOOK 107 SUBJECT 6-Resolution No. 354-77 Approving plat of the Subdivision of Lot I ofLot I of Lot I of Lot 10 ofRosedale Addition No.2 is platted as Lot 1 and Lot 2 ofI,ot I of Lot I of Lot I of Lot I ofI,ot 10 of Rosedale Addn.No.2fWilImcsl.... .................., ....., 6-Resolution No. 355-77 Approving plat of the Subdivision of Lot 2-1.1.¡'¡.2 of Mineral Lot 263 in the City of Dubuque, Iowa. IIntcrsection of Asbury Rd. and Judson Dr.I....."......"... 6-Rcsolution No. 356-77 Approving the plat of I,ots I & 2 of the Subdivision of Lot 2-1-1-2-1.7 of Peii's Subd. in City of Dubuque. (Brown)..............................................,.'. 6-Resolution No, 357.77 Approving the plat of Lots 1 & 2 of the Subdivision of Lot of Peii's Subd. in City. IA & H DevelopmentCo.!................................ .,.." 6-Resolution No. 358-77 Awarding Contract to Conlon Construc- tion Co. for expansion of 5 Flags Civic Center.., ...,.......... 6-Resolution No. 359-77 Preliminary plans, specs" etc.. for 5 Flags Sanitary Sewer and Water Mainrelocations........... , ...... 6-Re.solution No. 360-77 Necessity for improvement for 5 Flags Sanitary Scwérand WaterMainrelocntions,................. 475,490 6-Resolution No. 361-77 Fixing Date of Hearing for 5 Flags Sani- tary Sewer and Water Main relocations........ ....,......... 475 6-Resolutions No. 362.77, 36:J-77, 364-77, 365.77, Granting Beer .and Liquor Licenses..................................... , 475,477 " 19-Resolution No. 366.77 Approving vacating of Ruth Street abut. ting Lots 1.3 and 13-15 in King's Grove Addition in City of Du. buque. . ,......... .......... , ,.. .. , ..........,........ '... " 19-Resolution No. 367-77 Authorizing and providing for the ig,u- ance of $10,525.000 Hospital Facility First Mortgage Refunding and Improvement Revenue Bonds (1'hc Finley Hospital Project! Series 1977 of the City ofDuhuque. Iowa.,..., , ..... ....... " 19-Resolution No. 368.77 Authorizing publication of Notice of Puh. lic Hearings for the purpose of Amending use of CDBGF ISid- ing, Rc-roofing, and insulation of Dubuque Area Sheltcrcd Workshop!. ..........................,................... " 19-Resolution No. 369.77 Decision of Council upon objeetions to plans specs" etc. for the relocation of sanitary sewe]' and water mainforthe5Flags.,."..........................,....... " 19-Resolution No. 370-77 Ordering Construction for the relocation of sanitary sewer and water main for the 5 Flags. . . . . . . . . , , . , , 19-Resolution No, 371.77 Approving Financial Report for City of Dubuque Fire & Police Retirement Systems for fiscal year end. ing6.30-77......,..........,.............................. 19-Resolution No. 372-77 Authorizing the execution of a Grant Agreement with the Economic Development Administration for construction of Interceptor Sanitary Sewers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " 19-Resolution No. 373-77 Preliminary Estimate, plans. specs.. etc. for reconstruction of Flora Park Tennis Courts. ... . . . . . . . . . " 19-Resolution No. 374.77 Necessity for Improvement for rccon. struction of Flora Park Tennis Courts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . .. 493. 520 " 19-Resolution No. 375-77 Fixing Date of Hearing for reconstruction ofFioraParkTennisCourts,............ ........,.... " 19-Resolution No. 376.77 Preliminary Estimate for Repla<'ement of windows in the City Hall........... ............ . .. " 19-Resolution No. 377-77 Necessity for Improvement for rcplacr- mentofwindowsintheCityHall................... .....,493.517 " 19-Resolution No. 378.77 Fixing Date of Hearing for replacement of windows in City Hal i............ ............... ..... " 19-Rcsolution No. 379-77 Preliminary estimate ctc, for construc. tion of 17th Street Storm Sewer. ... ... .,., ,........, ""'" " 19-Resolution No. 380.77 Ncccg,ity for Improvement for coostruc. tionofl7thStreetStormSewer.....,....,..... ,.........490.019 " 19-Resolution No, 381.77 Fixing Date of Hearing for construrtion ofl7t.hStreetStormSewer....................... ...... " 19-Resolution No. 382.77Fi1m1 Estimar€-(òr West 32nd Sf. Saoi. tary Sewer. Page 471 472 473 473 474 474 475 484 488 490 491 491 492 492 492 493 493 494 490 495 49(; 1977 INDEX-BOOK 107 SUBJECT " 19-Resolution No. 383-77 Accepting Improvement and directing Clerk to publish notice for West 32nd St. Sanitary Sewer...... " 19-Resolution No. 384.77 Approving ANNEXATION of Lot 2 of Lot I of Lot I of Lot I of Lot I of "Henschel's Black Forest" ICal- Ian!. ..................................................... " 19-Resolution No. 385-77 Approving plat of the subdivision of Block 6 and Block 7 in "Phase One of Stone Hill Community Subdivi- sion No.1"..........................................,..... " 19-Resolution No. 386-77 Approving plat of Block 8 in "Phase One of Stone Hill Community Subdivision No.1"........... ....... " 19-Resolution No. 387-77 Preliminary Estimate of specs" plans etc. for construction of 12" Fremont Water Main and 16" Cedar CrossWaterMains........,............................... " 19-Resolution No. 388.77 Necessity for Improvement for Fremont Ave. and Cedar Cross Road water mains.....,..,.........,.. 498,516 " 19-Resolution No. 389-77 Fixing Date of Hearing for Fremont Ave. and Cedar CrossRoad water mains.. ......,...... ........... " 19-Resolution No. 390-77 Authorizing the execution of a Grant Agreement with the Economic Development Administration for Schmitt Harhor Municipal Boat Ramp,.. .................... " 19-Resolution No. 391-77 Approving Plat of Ramada Inn Place.... " 19-Resolutions No. 392.77, 393-77, 394-77, 395-77, 396-77 Granting Cigarette, Liquor and Beer Licenses......"................ 500,501 Oct, 3-Resolution No. 397-77 Approving the sale of vacated portion of Ruth Streettò William Meyers. .................. .......... 3-Resolution No. 398-77 Awarding Contract for relocation of 5 Flags Sewer and water main to Tschiggfrie Excavating Co..... 3-Resolution No. 399-77 Approving Schedule of Assessment for West 32nd St. Sanitary Sewer Extension. :...,.............. 3-Resolution No. 400-77 Providing for the issuance of Sewer Bonds for the purpose of providing for the payment of the as- sessed cost of West 32nd St. Sanitary Sewer. ................ 3-Resolution No. 401.77 Decision of Council upon objections, plans, specs., etc. for Water Lines on Fremont Avenue and CedarCrossRoad.......,................................. 3-Resolution No. 402-77 Ordering Construction for water lines on Fremont Avenue and Cedar Cross Road......,.............. 3-Resolution No. 403-77 Decision of Council upon objections, plans, specs., etc. for Replacement of windows in City Hall. . . . . 3-Resolution No. 404-77 Ordering Construction for Replacement of windows in City Hall. ......... """""'" ............. 3-Resolution No. 405-77 Decision of Council upon objections to plans, specs" etc. for construction of the 17th Street Storm Sewer. ........,........"...,............,.............. 3-Resolution No. 406-77 Ordering Construction for 17th Street StormSewer............................................. 3-Resolution No. 407.77 Decision of Council upon objeetions to plans, specs., etc. for reconstruction of the Flora Park Tennis Courts. .................................,..... ........ 3-Resolution No. 408-77 Ordering Construction for reconstruction ofFloraPark'fennisCourts...........,.................. 3-Resolution No. 409-77 Approving annexation request of Ray. mondA. & BerthaH.Nejo.................................. 3-Resolution No. 410.77 Approving annexation request of Thomas A. Luksetich and ElcanorJ. Rafoth.. ........,'...... ........ 3-Resolution No. 411.77 Preliminary Estimate for expansion ofCi- ty of Dubuque Municipal Garage. ....... '. ............ .,. 3-Resolution No. 412-77 Necessity for Improvement for expansion of Municipal Garage......,.. ............,.............523,536 3-Resolution No. 413.77 Fixing Date of Hearing for expansion of MunicipaIGarage.............,....................,...... 3-Resolution No. 414-77 Preliminary Estimate for Schmitt Harbor MunicipaIBoatRamp...................................... 3-Resolution No. 415-77 Necessity for Improvement for Schmitt HarborMuniripaIBoatRamp........... ...........524,537 Page 496 496 497 498 498 498 499 499 508 512 512 514 516 517 518 518 519 520 521 521 521 522 523 523 524 1977 INDEX-BOOK 107 SUB:iECT 3-Resolution No. 416.77 Fixing Date of Hearing for Schmitt Har- horMunicipaIBoatRamp.................................. 3-Resolution No. 417-77 Directing City Clerk to publish Notice for Location and Design Publir Hearing for proposed widening of Kennedy Road from Highway #20 to Asbury Road. . . . . . . .. . . . 3-Resolution No. 418-77 Approving the sale of land in River Front Subdivision #5 to Dubuque Electric Motor Service. . . . . . . . . . . . 3-Resolution No. 419.77 Notifying Commissioner of Elections that primary election is to he held to fill three seats on the City Council. ................................................. 3-Resolution No. 420-77 Approving plat of the Subdivision of Lot I of Lot I of Lot 2 of Lot I of Lot I of Lot I of Lot 2 of Mineral Lot 220 in Section 34, T89N R2E. ........... .... ............ 3-Resolutions No. 421-77, 422.77, 423-77, 424.77, 425.77, Granting Cigarette, Beer and Liquor Licenses. """"""" ... """ " 17 -Resolution No. 426-77 Decision of Council upon objections to plans, specs., etc. for expansion of City Garage. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " 17-Resolution No. 427-77 Ordering Construction for expansion of City Garage.............................................. " 17-Resolution No. 428.77 Decision of Council upon objections to plans, specs., etc. for Schmitt Harbor Municipal Boat Ramp.... " 17 -Resolution No. 429-77 Ordering Construction for Schmitt Har. bor Municipal Boat Ramp. ................................. " 17-Resolution No. 430-77 Awarding Contract to Tri-State Paving for the Flora Park Tennis Courts............................ " 17 -Resolution No. 431-77 Awarding Contractfor the 17th St. Storm Sewer to Freeport Construction Co. """"""'" ... ...... " 17-Resolution No. 432-77 Directing the transfer of CDBGF from the Rehabilitation Loans and Grants Project to a Project to be known as the residing and insulation of the Dubuque Area Shel- teredWorkshopProject................................... " 17 -Resolution No. 433-77 Authorizing the purchase of the Trenkle Property................................................. " 17-Resolution No. 434-77 Approving disposal of interest in River Front Subdivision No.5 to Dubuque Electric Motor Service Inc. " 17 - Resolution No. 435-77 Approving plat of the Sub. of Lot I of Lot I of Lot I of Lot I of Lot I of Southwest One-Quarter of Southwest One-Quarter. Section 28 T89N, R2E IElmer Bradley!. " 17 -Resolution No. 436-77 Approving final plat of Lots I & 2 of the Subd.ofLot60f AsburySpringsSubd.No.3(Hustonl......... " 17-Resolutions No. 437.77, 438-77, 439-77, 440-77, 441-77 Granting Cigarette, Beer and Liquor Licenses. . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . 543, 544, 545 " 21-Resolution No. 442.77 Awarding Cootract to Zephyr Aluminum for replacement of windows in City Hall. ...... ...... .....,..538,547 " 21-Resolution No. 443.77 Accepting Warranty Deed from Rims Realty, Inc. for purchase ofTrenkle property....., .... ....... " 31-Resolution No. 444-77 Approving the plat of the Subd. of Lot 2 of Lot 2 of Lot I of Lot I of Mineral Lot 278, Section 33, T89N R2E.IMerfeldl............".............................. " 31-Resolution No. 445.77 Approving the plat of Subd. of Lot 2 of Lot 2 of Lot 2 of Lot I of Lot 1 of M.L. 278 in Section 38; and of the Suhd. of Lot 2 of Lot I of Lot I of Lot I of M.L. 222 and Lot I of Lot I of Lot I of Lot 2 of Lot I of Lot I of Lot I of Lot 2 of M.L.220inSec.341'89NR2EIMerfcldl.......... """'" " 31-Resolution No. '446-77 Approving plat of the Subdivision of Lot 12,Block7in"KnobHiIl"..................,."....... '" " 31-Resolution No. 447.77 Approving plat of Block 8 and Block 9 each in "Knob Hill" in the City of Dubuque, Iowa IDugganl. . . . . " 31-Resolution No. 448.77 Approving vacation of Utility E",cmcnt inSt.GeorgeSubd.intheCity.......".... .... ""'" " 31-Resolution No. 449.77 Authorizing the arquisition of certain real property for the Development of a site for rcloeation of Engine HouseNo.1........................."... """""'" " 31-Resolution No. 450.77 Awarding Contract to J.P. Cullen & Son for Municipal Garage Addition.. Page INDEX-BOOK 107 SUBJECT 1977 525 Nov. 7 -Resolution No. 451-77 Approving plat of the Subdivision of Lot 1 of SE 'I, of SE '/, Sec. 20 and of the Subd. of Lot 2 of NE 'I, of BE'I, Sectioo 20 T89N R2E ISiegert Farm), . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 -Resolution No. 452-77 Approving the plat of Blocks I & 3 of Em. bassyWestSubdivision.................................. 7 -Resolution No. 453-77 Final Estimate for Alta Vista Street Curb and Gutter ReplaccmentProject............................ 7-Resolution No. 454-77 Accepting Improvement for Alta Vista St. CUI'b & Gutter Replacement Project. """'" .... '...... 7-Resolution No. 455-77 Awarding Contract to Tschiggfrie Exca- vating Co. for Alta Vista St. Curb & Gutter Replacement Proj. cct....................................."............... . 7-Resolution No. 456-77 Authorizing and directing Water De- partment to relocate conflicting watermains to proposed 17th St,StormSewer,......................................... 7 -Resolution No. 457.77 Preliminary Estimate fnr construction of the South Fork Sanitary Sewer............................. 7 -Resolution No. 458.77 Necessity for Improvement for construc- tion of the South Fork Sanitary Sewer............. .......... 569, 589 7 -Resolution No. 459-77 Fixing Date of Hearing for South Fork Sanitary Sewer...........................,....,........ .. 7 -Resolution No. 460-77 Ameoding Resolution No. 207-77 regard. inglegaldescriptionat311St.Locust.............. . .. 7 -Resolution No. 461-77 Authorizing the acquisition of certain de. scribed real estate for Right-Of.Way for a Northwest Arterial RoadwayISiegertl........"...........,...............,... 7-Resolutions No. 462.77, 463-77, 464-77, 465-77, 466.77 Granting Cigarette, Beer & Liquor Licenses.... .. ........ ......571, 572. 573 " 21-Resolution No. 467-77 Authorizing disposition of 40 feet long and 50 feet wide in Peil's Suhd. to A & H Development Co. Inc.. " 21-Resolutions No. -77 Approving plats in Arbor Oaks.INOT Ap. PROVED). ..............................,................ " 21-Resolution No. 468-77 Approving the plat of "Buena Vista Court" in Section 2, Dubuque Township, Dubuque County, Iowa.ILichtl.........................,.......,....,...,... " 21-Resolution No. 469.77 Approving the plat of the subd. of Lot 2 of Lot I of Lot I of Lot 1 o!Lot 2 of "Louis H. Walter Place."..... " 21-Resolution No. 470-77 Approving plat of Lot I and Lot 2 of Lot 1 of Lot I of "Birch Acres" and Lot I and Lot 2 of the Subdivision o!Lot 15 of Block I in "Birch Acres". ............. ........... " 21-Resolution No. 471-77 Approving plat of Lots I thru 8 of Block 2 in "Birch Acres"..............................,........... " 21-Resolution No. 472-77 Decision of Council upon objections, plans, etc., for construction of South Fork Sanitary Sewer. .... " 21-Resolution No. 473.77 Ordering Construction of South Fork San- itarySewer............................................ " 21-Resolution No. 474-77 Awarding Contract for South Fork Bani. taryScwertoTri-StatePavingCo............,..... . . " 21-Resolution No. 475.77 Approving the plat of Hawkeye Estates in the City of Dubuque. (HefeIl... ... """""""""""" " 21-Resolution No. 476.77 Directing the City Clerk to publish pro- posed amendment to the Fiscal Year 1978 Budget and Date of Public'Hearing...................................... . " 21-Resolution No. 477-77 Approving the plat of Timber Ridge Ad. dition, Subdivision of Lot I of Lot A, Bloà 5 in the City (Hen. ",hell. ...,....................,.......................... " 21-Resolution No. 478.77 Approving Correction Plat of Lot 1 and Lot 2 of Lot 4 of Block I in River Front Subdivision No.5 in City of Dubuque, Iowa...... """""""""""""""" " 21-Resolutions No. 479.77, 480.77, 481-77. 482-77 Granting Liquor and BecrLieenses...... .............. ...............596.597 " 29-Resolution No. -77, Approving the Article of Agreement and Memhcrship on the Eastern Iowa Regional Housing Authority under the direction of ECIA.INOT ADOPTED!.. . 589, 599 525 526 527 527 528 536 537 537 538 539 539 540 540 541 542 543 548 549 550 550 551 552 553 554 Page 565 566 567 567 568 569 569 570 570 571 580 585 586 587 588 588 590 590 591 591 593 594 595 1977 INDEX-BOOK 107 SUBJECT " 29-Resolution No. .77 Appointing Commissioners to the Eastern Iowa Regional Housing Authority from the City of Dubuque, Iowa.(NOTADOPTEDI................................... 589,599 Dec. 5-Rcsolution No. 483-77 Approving Permanent Transfer of Funds, 606 5-Resolution No. 484.77 Amending the CURRENT BUDGET for the Fiscal Year ending June 30, 1978 (as amended last on July 18,1977)................................................. . 5-Resolution No. 485-77 Accepting Warranty Deed from Holiday Oil Distributing.........................................,. 5-Resolution No. 486-77 Approving the plat of "Prairie Heights Subd."(A&HI............................................. 5-Resolutions No. 487.77, 488-77, 489-77 Granting Cigarette & Li- quorLicenses............................................. 610,611 " 19 - Resolution No. 490.77 Selecting a preferred Concept for propos- ed Freeway 561 in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, and requesting the Iowa Department of Transportation to prepare an environ. mental assessment thereof. IAlternative #2 & #51. . . . . . . . . . . . . " 19-Resolution No. 491-77 Providing for the dissolution of the Coun- ty-City of Dubuque Authority. .................... ......... " 19-Resolution No. 492-77 Directing the transfer of Community De- velopment Block Grant Funds from various other completed projects to a project to be designated "Operation Paintbrush." " 19-Resolution No. 493-77 Directing the transfer of CDBGF from various other completed projects and contingency account to Relocation of Engine House #1 Projcct...................,... " 19-Resolution No, 494-77 Referring the State Building Code to in- terestedorganizations...................................., " 19-Resolution No, 495-77 Final Estimate for Sunset Ridge Drive AsphaltPavingProject..................................., " 19-Resolution No. 496.77 Accepting and directing the Clerk to pub- lish Notice for Sunset Ridge Dr. Asphalt Paving Project..... " 19-Resolution No. 497-77 Final Estimate for City of Dubuque AsphaltPavingProjectNo.1......,.................... , " 19-Resolution No. 498-77 Accepting Improvement and directing the Clerk to publish Notice for City of Dnbuque 1977 Asphalt PavingProjectNo.1.........................,.........,... " 19-Resolutiou No. 499.77 Approving the plat ofLot I, Lot 2 and Lot 3 of "Takos Place" a Subd. of Lot B of Lot I of Lot I of M.L. 179 in the City.................. ...................... ........ " 19-Resolutiou No. 500-77 Approving the plat of Lots A and B of Lot 2 of Lot I of Lot I of Lot I of Lot I of Lot I of Lot 2 of Lot I of LotlofHigh-LandFarm......................"........... " 19-Resolutions No. 501-77, 502-77, 503-77, 504.77, 505-77 Granting Cigarette, Liquor & Beer Licenses.......................... " 19-Resolution No. 506-77 Accepting the offer to sell Block 14, Dubu- que Downtown Plaza to R. Hampton and Company, Inc. ... Page 205 INDEX-BOOK 107 SUBJECT Page 1977 s 607 Jan. 3-Stackis, Emil, appointed Mayor for calendar year 1977......... " 3-Schlotzhauer, Wesley Jr" resigned from Library Board....... 3-Schwartz et al and Mihalakis et al conveying "Block 2 in River FrontSubdivisionNo.2"tosame...,........................ 7 3-Supermarket Corp., granted Cigarette Permit & Liquor Li. cense...............................................7,326,424,628 3-Sacco, Betty N., appointed to Planning & Zoning Commission.. 8 " 17 -Service Awards presented to Richard Friedman and Walter A. Pregler. ...........,..................................... " 17 -Stackis, Emil appointed to Five Flags Bldg. Comm............ " 17 -Swift, Thomas p" relative to purchase right of way bordering their property south of 1491-93 Bluff Street. ....... .......... " 17-Sadler, Margarct,Dcnialofpersonaliujuriesclaim............ " 17 - Smith, Steve, granted Beer.Liquor License & Cigarette Li- cense. .................................................. Feb. 7 -Steger, Lonnie, Notice of property damage......... ...... .. 7-Schmitz, Rick, relative to UnitPricing....................... 7 .-Sinclair Marketing Inc" requesting vacation of portion of Ter- minaISt...............................................62, 89,373 7 -Street Bonds, providing for the issuance of same to pay for as- sessment of Jackson St. from 12th St. to 22nd St. ............. 69 7 -Street Bonds, providing for the issuance of same to pay for as- sessment of Jackson St. from 22nd St. to Diamond St.......... 81 " 21-Salary for Mayor and Council, establishing same. ... ...... ,94,163, 164 " 21-Siegert, Joseph et ux, relative to acquisition of right-of-way for proposed North-West Arterial. .....,.............. .106, 215, 363, 571 Mar. 10-Schadlcs, Joseph L" refund on Cigarette License............. 123 " .10-Schulte,AlbertJ"refundonCigaretteLicense.............. 123 " 10-Stone Hill Community Subdivision No.1, Lot 3 plat approved.. 123 " .21-"Senior Citizen's Recognition Month," month of May......... 134 "21-SoftballComplex,W.R.Arelativetosame.................... 134 " 21-Schroeder,Kathryn,Noticeofpersonalinjuryclaim........... 137 " 21-Sewcr, constructed to Roberts River Rides granted to Robert J. Kehl.....................................................138,151 " 21-SpeedLimitsestablishedintheCity............:............141,152 " 21-Sewer Services to Hamilton Glen Apartments requested by RETCorp................................................ 143 " 21-Schumacher. Earl, granted beer permit & Cigarette License. .. "............,...........................,.......... 148,284,423 " 21- Sewage dumpiug in Sanitary Sewer pumping station at Termin. al St. by septic tank contractors, recommending to charge by DonDeich...................................,............ Apr. 4-Sculpturc and residents program, C. Robert Justmann relative to same. ...,.................... . . . . . . . . .. , . . . . . . . . . .. . . 4-Stackis, Mayor, relative to diverters on Washington Street.... 4- Septic system, Gerald Ihm requesting to construct same in 1200 block Kelly Lane.......................................... 165 4-St. Patrick's Church Inc" granted Beer Permit and refund..... 173,382 " 18-Schwers Construction Co" Sidewalk Construction Bond submit- ted. ..................................... ,............... " 18-Smith. F.N. Construction Co" General Liability Policy submit- ted. ..................................................... " 18-Srhrup,Thomas,relativctociosingofparks................., " 18-Spahn, Charles D.. requesting annexation of Lot 2 of I of I RcverlyPines.......................................... " 18~Smith Kayla and Karen Ohnesorge granted Liquor License & Cigarette License........................,...........,.... 19 8,325 " 27 - SHERIFF and Dubuque County, agreement with same to hold same harmle" from any claims arising out of deputization of persons for City Parks and Airport Facilities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200 May 2-Sunset Ridge Sanitary Sewer. objections to installation of same. 204, 224 " 2 - Special Assessment Accounts transferred to Special Asessmcnt Reserve A..,ount.. ..... 608 609 615 10 12 33, 324 45 62 622 623 69 623 624 624 625 625 625 626 627 627 148 629 151 152 177 177 179 186 1977 INDEX-BOOK 107 SUBJECT Page 2 - Swift, 'fhomas & Gerald, relative to rezoning request of Eques- trian Heights. .................. ..................206. 240,256, 270 2-Smith, Jane E., Noticeofcardamageclaim...... ....,........ 206 2 - S"hmitt Harbor Ramp, Richard L. Kieffer concerned over same. 212, 223 " 16-Setter, Dave, advising of receipt of $500. hy Dubuque Ambassa. dors. ..........,............................"", .. " 16-Schromcn, Kenneth, sidewalk ronstruetion bond submitted.... " 16-Shivc Hattery & Associates requesting installation of street lights on Pasadena Dr............. ,.'"",.............. " 16-Section 8 Existing Housing Assistance Payments P"ogram, Dit- temore advising of revised contract for same. . . . . . . . . . . " 26-Sanders, Donald appointed to Planning & ~oning Commission. June 6-Section 8 new constructiun project sponsored by HOMZ Part. ners of Madison, Wise., arcepted by Dubu~ue's Housing Com. mission,..",......".".. ..... .................".253.381 6-S"hulte, Robert J.. General Liability insurance cc"tificate sub- mitted. ...........,.........,,'......,........... ,.. 6-Section 701 Comprehensive Planning Assista""e Program. au- thorizing City Manage" to enter into contract for same... ., ..' 6-Street Construction Program for three years submitted to DOT. """.. .,.........."... ",... ......,..... 276 6-Signali"tion of 20th Street from Central and Elm.. F.A.ILS. funds,........."..........,............".., ..,...277.295,894 6-Statc Audit report for 7-1.75 to 6.30.76 submitted by City Man. age"""......,..........."..,...."........,..." 282 6-S"hnee, Steven T. granted Cigarette ¡'¡cense & Liquor Li. ccnsc,........."......................""" .284,477.611 6-Sheppley&Co.W.S.,grantedCigarcttcLkcnsc.... .... 284 6-Schneller, Mathias A., granted Cigarette License,. ...... 284 6-Sears.Rochuck Co.. g"anted Cigarette License.... .... 284 6-Sirloio Stockade Inc. granted Cigarette I,icense.. 284 6-Stewa"t, Gary granted Cigarette License,..... ...... 284 6-Sutter, Josepb granted Cigarette ¡'¡censc......, '",.,...... 284 " 20-Stucker. Leland P., requesting to fill position on Libcary Board. 292 " 20-Szymanski, Roman, requesting to purchase Lot 51 in Rosedale Addn. ...."........',............,..........., " 20-S"hromen. Ken, General I,iability Policy suhmitted. ,... ..... " 20-S"hucller, Dolores. settlement of personal injury claim.,...... " 20-Schwers. James. no oh,jections to Fremont access coming out on LotI5inBirchAcrcs..,................... .. aDO " 20-S"hrup'sSubdivision,rezoningpartofsame...,."",........303,376 " 20-Sertoma Club requesting a Rock Concert in Petrakis Park on ~~...... ....................",......... ~ " 20-Seventeenth Street Storm Sewer, Construrtion of sume, sub. mitting an application for certain funds under Title I of Public Works Employment ActofI976forsame.........,...,.. .315, 443, 495 " 20-Schmitt Harbor Public Boat Ramp, authodzing the execution and submission of a Local Public Works Capital Development and Investment Program Application for same.. . 318,499 " 20-Schurbon, Pamela granted Cigarette License."..... ,. 324 " 20-Sfikas, Pete granted Cigarette I,icensc & Liquor Lirense.. . 324,421 " 20-Schueller. Rita granted Cigarette License., 325 " 20-Siefkcr, Jaek granted Cigarette License..."".. 325 " 20-Shanahan, Frands J. granted Cigarette License,... 325 " 20-Stampfer's Dept. Store granted Cigarette License... 325 "20-SunnyCrestManorgrantcdCigarettcI,icense........ ,.., 320 " 20-Spiegelhaltcr, Melvin A.. g,'anted Cigarette and Liquor Li. censc...........""........".......,.... .325.446 ., 20-Slowey.Dennis.grantedCigarettc¡'¡censc..........,. .... 325 " 20-Savary, John L.. granted Cigarette License & I,iquor License. 325, 327 ., 20-Stecklein. Kenneth, gcanted Cigarette License.., , ,...,..... 325 " 20-Schollmcycr, Paul granted Cigarette & Liquor LÜ,cnses., . 326, a27 " 20-Sand, Donald, granted Cigarette & LiquorLicenses... . 326,327 " 20-Spielman, Helen appointed to Advisory Commission....".... 330 " 29-Schroeder, Rev. Karl appointed to Library Board, r",cinded... 330,425 " 29-Stockcr, Leland appointed to Library Board" "... ... a30 223 224 232 241 247 254 272 282 294 295 296 306 " 29-Solomon, Charlotte appointed to Historical Preservation Com. mission. .........................................,....... July 5-San Jose PooI.!State Dept. of Health submitting inspection rcportonsame............................................ 5-Soliciting, Mrs. Merl Adams ohjecting to outside organizations doingsamcinCity............"........................... 5-Scheckel, Allen & Kathleen objecting to paving of Davis Ave... 5-Sands, Gene, objecting to paving of University Ave........... 5-Schwarz, James, objecting to paving of Lowell St. due to uo ac. cess to Lowell St.................................,.....". 5- Section 8 Existing Housing, HUD advising of availability for ad- ditional..................................................365 5-Securities Building Corp. granted Beer Permit............... 367 5-Smith, Lowrie E" granted Cigarette Permit & Liquor License. 368, 573 " 18-Shoars, Neva, expressing appreciation for recognizing Hill Neighhorhood. """"""""""""""""""""'" " 18-Si'clair withdrawing their request for vacation of portion of Terminal Street to allow relocation of an asphalt truck loading rack. ........................,........................... " 18-Schrup, Nick, relative to market study of the Downtown Area. " 18-Scott, Dr. Edward, appointed as Medical Consultant for City.., " 18-Strcct maintenance payment from DOT for period of July I, 1977thruJune30,1978submitted..."...................... 374 " 18-Sunset Ridge Drive Asphalt Paving Project.......... 394, 438,470,624 " 18-Spielman, Helen granted Cigarette License & ¡'¡quor License & Refund. ..............................................396,545,622 " 19-5peer, Paul D. Associates Inc" recommending Parking Facili. ties Revenue Bonds be sold to Channer Newman Securities Co. Aug. 1- Senior Citizen Recognition Month, Esther Tauke relative to same. """..........,.' ............... ......... .......... I-Schroeder, Gary R., Notice of sewer damage claim. ....... .... I-Sprenglcmeyer, Attorney requesting not to schedule hearing for rezoning of Birch Acres....... ,...........,. ... ......... 1- Schwers, James relative to rezoning of Birch Acres. . . . . . . . . . . I-Sertoma Club requesting to sell light bulbs on Sept. 10th...... I-St. Anthony Messenger reqnesting to solicit subscriptions to their magazine.............. ............................ 1- Smith, F. N" requesting to excavate in Admiral St. . . . . . . . . . . , 1- Section 8 existing housing program for 100 units, approving ap- .plication for same.................................,...... 420 I-St. Columbkille Church granted Beer Permit & refund. ....... 423,487 " 15-Stone Hill Community Block 6 Phase I, DEQ submitting water main extension construction permit for same. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 427 " 15-Smith, Richard & 'l'homas Felderman requesting to purrhase lotsat550W.8thSt.....,................................. 427.619 " 15-Schroeder, Dorothy M.,Noticc of Card am age claim....... 430 " 15-Scheuring, Jeanette, notice of personal injury claim........... 430 " 15-Sprengelmcycr, J. A. et ai relative to rainwater runoff on Park- waySt.fromFinleyHospital...,........................... 433 " 15-Siegert, Joseph F. & Ruth, and Edward Tschiggfrie requesting .anncxationofapprox.75.018acres......................... 422,509 " 31- Smith, Donna requesting barricade proposal for Keyway Dr. . . 448 Sept. 6-Schulz. Eric A" relative to proposed Ordinance on Building Codes. ............................",................454,504,616 6-Senior Citizens Sqoare Dancers requesting parking considera- tionatI099IowaSt...... .......,....................... 6-Sistcr Agn., requesting parking considecation at 1099 Iowa St., on behalf of Senior Citizens Square Dancers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-Street Finance Report for period of June 30, 1976 to June 30, 1977. submitted by City Manager........................... " 16-Staley, Mr., of Integra.Built Inc.. City Manager to negotiate with same relating to option agreemeot for Downtown Urban renewal property, ...................................... " 14 - Scherrer. Helen M" appointed to Bd. of Zoning Adjustmeot. . . . " 14-Stewart, Tcrryl K, appointed to Advisory Commission........ " 14- Stackis, Emil appointed to County Land Use Policy Commission. 1977 INDEX-BOOK 107 SUBJECT Page 330 332 332 338 338 339 371 373 373 374 398 401 403 406 406 409 409 409 427 433 462 462 464 478 479 479 479 " 19-5chockemoehl, AI, requesting formation of City Youth Commis- sion...............,..................................... . " 19-5EVENTEENTH STREET STORM SEWER, CONSTRUC- TION OF SAME. .....................................494, 519. 539 " 19-5anitary Sewer for W. 32nd St. completed................... 495 " 19-5tone Hill Community Subd. No. I, Planning & Zoning approv- ingfioalplatofsame....................................... " 19-5chmidt, Judith, appointed to Advisory Commission.......... " 19-5awvel, Bob, appointed to Housiog Rehab. Commission... Oct. 3-Sail Boat Inc" operation of same to hechecked................ 3-Senior High School requesting Homecoming parade on Oct. 14. 3 - Sacred Heart School requesting traffic signals at intersection of E.22ndSt.and Windsor Ave........................., ,.510, 577, 604 3- Seventh Day Adventist requesting to conduct their Ingathering program from Oct. 5th to Oct. 31st.. ........................ 3- Steffen, Thomas et ai, objecting to. assessment of 32nd St. Sew- er. ....................,........................,........ 3-SEWER BONDS, providing for the issuance of same for W. 32ndSt.Scwer............,............................... 514 3-Schmitt Harbor Muoicipal Boat Ramp widening.....,..... 524, 535. 568 3-Sheldon, Linda, granted Liquor License aod Cigarette License. 529, 543 " 17-Schultz, Eric, submitting reports relative to building defects and improper zoning uses...................."............ 532,578 "17-Smyth,LiIlianA.,Noticeofpersonalinjuryclaim........,. 533 " 17 -Salvation Army requesting to sell Annual Christmas War Cry. 535 " 17-Schmidt, Judith appointed to Community Development Com- .mission................................................. 545 " 31- Stierman, Dale, requesting to connect to sanitary sewer and an- nexation. .................................,.,...,........ 549.570 " 31-St. George Subd., approving vacation of Utility Easement in ,same..................................................,. 552 Nov. 7 -State Building Code Commissioner relative to visit of same.... 556 "7-SiegertFarm.P&Zapprovingplatofsame.................. 565 7 - South Fork Sanitary Sewer, construction of same. . . . . . . . . .. .. 569, 589 " 21- Sendt, Duane, relative to allowing beauticiaus in OR-I District. 575 " 21- South Fork Sanitary Sewer, DEQ submitting construction per- mitforsame..........,............................... " 21-Sand, Eugene, Noticeofcardamageclaim.,.................. " 21- St. George and Tressa Streets, "Yield" sign requested at north- east corner............................................. .. " 21":Shopping Center, Dubuque Area Development Ass'n" relative to same in Urban Renewal Land. ........,..................585,599 " 21-Sprengclmeyer, Atty" requesting approval of 2 plats in Arbor OaksSubd.....................................,.......... Dec. 5-Shcehy Drive, Admiral, Navy League recommending road be- tween Schmitt Memorial Marker and Schmitt Harbor be named same.................................................... . 5-Schwers, James A" resigning from Building Code Board of Ap- peals........."......................................... ' 5-Stonehill Street alignment to conform with Prairie Heights plat,P&Ztochecksame................................... 5-State Bnilding Code, providing for same to be referred to inter- ested Organizations. ..........................,........... " 19-5tciner, 1'erry, Jeffrey T. Maggio, Gregory J. Adams granted Cigarette and Liquor Licenses.............................. 627.628 " 19-5ervices, Retiremc.nt, Employment &.Housing, prohibited prac. ticesforsame.................................... 1977 INDEX-BOOK 107 SUBJECT Page 487 497 501 501 503 510 511 512 545 576 579 584 585 603 605 610 624 630 INDEX-BOOK 107 SUBJECT 1977 Page T Jan. 3- "The Telegraph Herald" designated official newspaper.. " 17 -1'ransit Board submitting minutes of their meetings.. . . . . . . . . . ,. ... .,...... ........ .....9, 88, 134, 176,221,252. 332,426, 503, 603 " 17 -Takos Realty, behalf of Sydney E. Miller ofDubuque Chips Inc., requesting purchase of Market Square. ,............. ..10,44, 89. 220 " 17 - Thermo King Sales & Service of Dubuque, City Attorney rela- tive to same purchasing real estate in Industrial Island. . . . . 12, 178, 225 " 17-TV-FM Cable Commission requesting Ordinance to establish Commission. ............................................. 15,93 " 17 - TOPS Club objecting to fee increase for use of Allison Hender- son Pavilion,............................................. 15,62 " 17 - Thompson's Food Markets Inc" granted Beer Permit & Cigar- ette License. ... ............... ............ 32, 111, 324, 368, 423, 597 Feb. 7 -Transit System submitting Audit Report for years ending June 30, 1975 and June 30, 1976. ........ ......................... 7-"Transitions to Freedom" group formed by Church Women United. .................................................. 7 - Terminal St" Sinclair Marketing Inr. requesting vacation of portionofsame........................................,62. 89,373 7-Thompson's Food Market refund on overcharge on Class "C" BeerPermit...........,................,................. 63 7-TERMINAL ST. FORCE MAIN FOR WAS'fEWATER TREATMENT FACILITIES CONTRACT I........,........ 83,99 7-Tabak, Sol appointed to Human Rights Commission........... 86 " 21- Theisen Bldg. Co" ct al requesting annexation of portion of Har- wood Place........,......,...................... .....103,209.254 " .21-The Apartments Ltd. granted LiquorLicense............... 112 Mar. 10-Tscvas. Father, Invocation given by same....,............... 117 " 10-Thorp Finance Corp. vs. Merl F. Goerdt etal, Notice of petition. 121 " 12-TaxAskingsreduccdinamt.of$168,901........,....,......... 133 " 21- Timmerman Construction Cn" Sidewalk Construction Bond sub- mitted. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . .. .. . . . . , . . . . 135 " 21- Theisen Bldg. Co. et ai, notice of public hearing by Planning & Zoning. ..................................,.............,. 137,254 " 21 - Terrace Heights Suhd., plat of Lot C and Lot D of same on Peru Rd"approved............",.............................. 144 " 21- Target Areas for Rehabilitation Loan and Grant Program, Councilman Bradyobjectingtosame.................. ..... 146 Apr. 4-Thackcr,Len,rclativctoUnitedFund....................... 149-A " 4-TV Advisory Commission submitting names for appointment.. ..........................................,.......150,222.246,463 4 - Timber Ridge Addition, approving plat of Lots I and 2, each in Block6insame...........................,............,.. , " 18-Tully, Councilman, requesting City Attorney to investigate re- funds on permits......................................... . May 2-Tri.State Paving, awarded contract for Central Ave. St. Lightingfrom9thSt.toI2thSt............................. 213,272 " 16-Tigges, Richard H., granted Cigarette and Liquor Licenses. 243,244, 325 " 16-Tegcler, Earl J. Granted Beer Permits (21 & Cigarette Licenses 131............................... ...... .......243,284,445.597 June 6-TeleprompterCorp.,Bondsubmitted....................,... 253 6 - Tohin, Tom, objecting to rezoning in Equestrian Heights. . . . . . 256 6-Tucker, Benjamin, structure owned by same to be dismantled (3I1S.Lorustl.........,..................................263,290 6 - "Timber Ridge" Addition final plat approved. (Henschell. . . . . . 267 6-Tully, Councilman relative to Housing Code Enforcement.. 273 6 - Terrace Heights Mobile Home Park property rezoned. . . . . . . . . 275 6-Tschiggfrie, Ray granted Cigarette License.................. 284 6-Transcalle. Inc. granted Cigarette License...... ........ 284 6 - Tressel, Allen C. granted Cigarette License. . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 285 6.- Tippe. Frederick, Health Officer celitive tn same abating hoi"ing violatinns,........."......",.....".......,.............286.291 " 20-Tri.Statc Paving Co., Sidewalk Construction Bond submitted.. 295 " 20-Tale n Ale granted Cigarette License and Liquor License.., . 325,327 43 43 63 135 144 166 186 " 20-'I'rausch Baking Co. granted Cigarette License............... " 20-TacoJohngrantedCigarettcLicense........................ " 29-Triangle Investments requesting Class "B" Beer Permit aad Cigarette License. ...............,....................329,367.368 " 29-Tri.State Flite Services Inc., approving lease by and between theAirportCommissionandsamc........................... 329 " .29-TVCablcCommissionapPointmentstosamc................ 330,479 July 5-Teleprompter submitting financial statements for year ending Dec. 31, 1976..... ...................................... 5-Thcisen Building Company, Inc. annexation requested. ....... 5-Turner, Jerry & Mary, granted Cigarette License............ " 18-Timber Ridge Suhd" DEQ submitting water main extension permitforsame.,..,...............................,...,.. " 18-1'ennis Courts at Flora Park, Dubuque Tennis Ass'n. expressing thanks for renovation of same. ............ ""',"""""" " 18-Trenkle Property. City Manager requesting consideration in ac- quisitionofsame.,.................................,...... 374.425 " 18-Takos, Realtor Peter, relative to purchase of 'l'renkle Building. 374 " 18-Tri.Statc Softball Tournament refund on Beer Pcrmit......... 382 " 18-Tri"State Paving awarded contract for Pedestrian Curb Ramps. 383 " 18 - Timmerman, Frederick C. and Janell, requesting annexation. . . 389 Aug. I-Tauke, Esther, relative to support for Senior Citizens Recogni. tion Month. .............................................. I-Tri.State Paving Co., awarded contract for City of Dubuque 1977 Curb Replacement.................,.................. I-'I'ri-State Paving Co. awarded contract for City of Dubuque 1977AsphaltPaving..",...........................,...... 1- "Terrace Estates First Addition" IManternachl final plat ap- proved......,.,.......................................,.. I-Transfer of CDBGF from Urban Renewal Land Project pur- chase to the Program Administration Fund...... .......,. 415 1- TRENKLE PROPERTY, offer to buy same. . . 425, 446, 478. 540, 545, 548 " 15-Terrace Estates Subd., DEQ suhmitting water main extension .construction permit for same.........""................. 427 " 15-Tuthill, Richard & Dianne, represented by Atty. Bartmann, No. ticeofmotorcycledamages....... ......,................. 429 " 15-Thermo King negotiations to he abandoned. ................. 436,478 " 15-Tri-Statc Paving Co. awarded contract for Main Street Light- ing. .............................,...........,...,....... 436 " 15-Tschiggfrie, Edward and Joseph F. & Ruth M. Siegert request. ing annexation of approx. 75,018 acres. ....... .......... .442. 509, 558 Sept. 6-Theisen Addn., DEQ suhmitting water main extension con- structionpermitforsame............................... 452 6-Tegelcr, Edward requesting zoning rhangc of west side of 2300 Block of Central Avenue................................ .461,505 6 - Theisen property, P & Z recommending rezoning of same. , . , .. 462, 506 6-Tri-Statc Paving Co, awarded contract for Sunset Ridge Dr. As- phaltPaving.. ...,....................,... ........,. 6-Tri-Statc Paving Co. awarded contract for 20th St. Traffic Sig- nalsfrom Central Ave. to Elm Street. ......, ", ..... ... 6-Topeka Inn Management Inc., granted liquor license.. .... " 14-TransitBoard,appointmentstosame........................ " 14-Tully, Thomas Jr" appointed to County Land Use Pnliry Com. mission. """""""'" .,...... """""', "'" ... " 14-Tauke, Esther, appointed toHousingCommission............, " 19-Tri.State Independent Blind Society, pnrcha,e of building at 1098Jacbon..... .........,.................,...,.... " 19-Thompson. Ièdna, appointed to CommllOity hevelnpment Com. mi"ion. . .. . .. .. . , , , , .. .. . . .. . , .. . , , , " """"" , Oct. 3-Tschiggfric Excavating Co., awarded contcact for relocation of sanitary sewer and water main for the 5 Flags Civic Center. , , , " 17-Tri-State Paving awarded contract for Flora Park Tennis Courts reconstcuction. ...,.....................,.......... Nov. 7 -Tschiggfric Excavating Cn., awarded contract for Schmitt Hal" borBoatRamp..",........,.... 7 - T & M Inc. granted Liquor License. . 1977 INDEX-BOOK 107 SUBJECT Page INDEX-BOOK 107 SUBJECT 325 326 1977 333 360 368 371 " 21-Transit System, Financial Audit for same for period of July I, 1976 to Juoe 30, 1977submitted... ....., .......... .......... " 21-Tressa & St. George Streets intersection, "Yield" sigo rcquest- edatsame.,.............,........................,....... " 21- Tri-State Paving Co. awarded contract for South Fork Sanitary 'Sewer. .........................,........,............... " 21- "Timber Ridge Addn." approving portion of final plat for same. " 21-Town Clock Inn. Inc" awarded liquor license...... ......... Dec. .5-Transferoffunds,providingforsame........,.............. " 19-Telepcomptcr requesting complete transcript of records and proceedings relatiog to recent action taken by Human Rights Commission. ..,..............., ..'..............,..,... " 19-"Takos Place," Planning & Zoning approving final plat of por- tionofsame....................,... 373 401 411 412 414 427 436 452 470 471 477 479 479 479 480 501 512 ,539 568 578 Page 578 584 591 594 596 606 617 627 1977 INDEX-BOOK 107 SUBJECT Page u Jan.' 17 - Urban Renewal Projed area, purchasing of ncce"ary land in "me by the City for the site of the 5 Flags Civic Center. ,. .... 19, 148 " 17 - Urban Renewal Project, Project No. Iowa R-15, authorizing the cxecntionofarootractforAuditServicesfor"mc...... ...29,253 Feb. 7 - Unit prices for coosumer rommodities. requiring the disclosure byretaildistributorsofretail"mc..............,... ..",62,94 Mar, 21- U of D requesting to post direction signs on routes leading to .the University Campus........,................,.,....... 143,334 " 30- Uoion, General Drivers. Fact Finders report on negotiations .with same considered.............................,....... 149 May 16- Uhlrich, Paul L" authorized to construct steps at 729 Liucoln Ave.. '..,............................................ 227 " 16- Unifiration Church rcquestiog to solicit IDENIEDI......... . 232 " 16- Urban Renewal Project, financial settlement requested. ... ... 234,249 .June 20- Ungs, Leo, submitting names petitioning or suspension of taxes for 2nd halfofJ976andfirsthalfofI977.........,. " .20- Univeristy of Duhuque granted Cigarette License. ...,..,..., July 25- Udelhofen, objeding to method used in granting conditional use , .: permit to Area R<'Ridential Care on Broadway At. . , ..... ... , - 5- University Ave.. objections to paving of same and widening.... ...., ",..,.............. .... .."........338.339,382.402 " J8- Urban Renewal Land downtown, City Manager re<'ommcnding study of same,.........,.,.,....."......,.......... .." Aug. 1- United Cerebral Palsy requesting to solicit funds week of Sept. 18th... .................... . ..... " .15-"UnionLabeIWeek"Sept,5.1O........,............,..,... Sept. 6- United Ass'n, of Journeymen & Apprentices of the Plgd. & Pipe Fitting Industry lorging continuance of enforcement of the BuildingCodes,........................,........ Oct. 31- Utility Easement in At. George Suhd" vacating same.... " , ... Nov. 21- Urban Renewal Land, Dnhuqnc Mea Development A,,'n. .relative to market potential for same......"."......,..... 585,599 Dec. 19- Urban Rcncwal Property. City Manager directed to prepare docnmcnts and advcctise remaining proposals for samc. (NOT APPROVED\. 149 294 325 3:38 373 409 426 454 552 6B1 1977 INDEX-BOOK 107 SUBJEC'f Page v Jan. 3- Vreeland, Mary J.. granted Cigarette Permit & Refund. .....7,325, 163 "17-VacatingportionofRobinHoodDr"byCountyHighwayDept, 10 Feb. 7- V.F.W. requesting to conduct Poppy Sale days on May 13 & 14, 62 " 7 - Vacating portion of Terminal St" requested hy Sinclair MarketingInc.......... .......,..... ..... .....62. 89,373 Mar, 21- Vacating portion of Watec Street as requested by Mulgrew Oil Co..,..........,. """"""'..........'...........140.156 Apr. 4- Vacating portion of alley between King & Broadway Streets, reo quested hy Duane Roscnweig..... ."" ,.............. 165 " 18- Van Duclman, Carl A.. grauted Beer Permit & Cigarettee License & Refund........ .."...,............"..,....198,325,564 May 2- Vacation of portion of alley located in South Park Hill Addn. and El Ru Place, as requested hy Sydney Miller.. ,....... ... , .212,381. 405 " 16-Vacating of alley between Wall and Pine Streets from Market Square and terminating at Cypress St. ...... , ..., ,.. . .... 228,258 June 6-Vinccnt,BriangrantedCigaretteLicense.................... 284 " 20-Vehicles,City.tobereducedbyfiftecn................."...295.306 " 20- Vacating portion of Wilderness Rd" requested by Jeny Gehrke................................"..... ...306,428 " .20-VilIagelnngrantedCigarctteLicense.......,...".......,. 325 July 5- Vacating Sly 150' of Ruth St., requested by William P. Meyers,. "...........,....".."......................,...337.455,484.507 5- Vandermillen, Joe. objecting to paving of Cherokee Delve..... 339 Aug. 1- Voels. Henry for James Bocek, settlement for rar damages.,... 254,402 " 15- Vacation of Garnet Ave.. Dubuque County Engineer advising of same.,.............................,.."............ ., Sept. 6-Vacating alley between 11th & 12th bounded by .Jackson. Washington, 11th & 12th Sts" requested by Robert Walser. represented hy Wm. Conzett Atty. """ .." " 19- Vreeland. M~ry J., refund on Liquor License.......,...,...., Oct. 3- Vacating lot he tween Lot 155 in Hamm's Snhd., requested hy Richard Fuerst, '" ............,..... "",......,...510,532 B- Vacating portion of Roosevelt At. abutting Lots 75 & 77 reo quested h,vJohn W. Dnccinni....... ,.... """'" .,...511.5:12 " :-\1- Vacation of 1Jtility Easement in St. George Suhd.. approving same.. . ...... Nov. 21 - Vacation of portion of Lexington St" reqncsted hy John Combs, 165 426 458 487 552 584 1977 INDEX-BOOK 107 SUBJECT Page w Jan. 3- Waltz, J. J. requesting special Eledion to fill vaeancy on the Council due to resignation of Alvin E. Lundh............ , .... " 17 - Walnut & W. 11th Sts" Wm. Daugherty requestin" stop sign at same................................."""""""""" 15,122 " 26- Woodward, Wm" Dock Commissionees, relative to leasing of Dove Harbor by Conti Carriers. ....... ............" .... Feb. 7 - Wooten Streets, prohibiting parking on portion of same. ... " 7 - Warehouse Market, relative to Unit Pricing................ ,. 7-WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACIUTIES CONTRACT I TERMINALST.FORCEMAIN........................,83, 99,168 " 21- Wastewater Treatment Plaot, operation permit submitted by DEQ. .................................................... " 21- Willoughby, David ct ux, requesting annexation of 0.78 acres in Henschel'sBiackForest...............................,.... " 21- White, John, relative to installation of plastic water main pipe inCedarLakcAddn..........,......................... 110 " 21- Windsor, Richard B" granted Beer Permit & Cigarette Permit. 111.324 Mar. 10-Washington Tool Library, funds for repair of same. , "........ 127 " 10- Water meters, Mrs. Willard Farr relative to reading of same... 118, 136 " 10- Walnut St.. eastbound & westbound vehicles on W, 11th St. must stop befnre entering intersection of same, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122 " 10- Waik.A-Thon on March 17,1977 requested by March ofDimcs.. 122 " 10- W.R.A. relative to situation with Men's Recreation Ass'n...... 123,134 " 10-WilI-CograntedBeerPermit............................131,324,445 " 21- West End Neighborhood Ass'n. requesting recognization with City and Community Development".,.................. . 137,265 " 21- Water Street, vacating portion of same to Mulgrew Oil Co. .... 140, 156 Apr. 4- Washington Street Divcrters, Mayor Stackis relative to same.. 152 " 4- Whittier Street, Interstate Power Co. submitting plans for ex. pansionofsamc,................................,..... "18-Westermcier,Guy,rclativetoparkclosing..,.....,... .... " 18- Wainwright, Steven requesting to conduct a Hunger Walk on April 24, 1977,... ..,........,....................,..... " 18- Walk, Julien by Robert T. McCoy. favoring Urhan Renewal StylelightingforLowerMainStrect... ........."" ........ May 16-Wcst 11th St. submitting names for consideration on Historic Committee. .........................................,',., 221,246 " 16- Walgreen Co., granted Beer Permit & Cigarette License.., 243, 284, 445 June 6- Washington St. Diverters, Elsie I,ink objection to same.. 252 6- Water Service Connections increased. . , ,... ,.......... ..... 253 6- Windsor Ave. from Davis Ave. to the northerly property line of Stone Hill Community Subdivision No. I, providing for improve. mentofsame...................................... .. 279 6- Weber, Alice B" granted Cigarette License & Beer Permit., .,. 284, 285 " 15-Watters, Wm.. relative to application for the Low.Rent Housing Program. .........,.........,...., .....', " 20- Woolworth's Store granted Cigarette License....,. " 20- Warcco System of Iowa granted Cigarette License., " 20-Wong.Chuck N" granted CigarettcLiccnse........."....... " 20 - Willenborg, Barney granted Liquor License & Cigarette Li- cense.... ....................... ..............."...327,368 " 29- Wcr¡'berger. Richard appointed to Area "C" Development StndyComm......................,.."",."...... .. " 29- Waller, Robert appointed to Airport Zoning Commission.. " 29- Wahlert, R. H.. appointed to 5 Flags Commission, ...,.,.. July 5- Wood, Wm., Chairman of Municipal Government Reorganiza- tion T.,k Force submitting findings of their study. ........ ,. 333 5- Wagner, Robert and Agnes, relative to railerossing accident... 336 5-WilburSt.,objectionstopavingst.. ................ .339,481 5.- Wodrich, Ruth Adele, objecting to paving of Wilhur St. .. , ., , , 339 5- Weber, James. objecting to taking of 4' from the south side of University Ave................ ........................339,382 " 18- Water and sewer lines relocation for Civic Center funds from BlockGrantFunris.......... ,>190,402,441,490 34,186 61,92 62,94 88 102 172 179 185 191 289 325 326 326 330 330 380 1977 INDEX-BOOK 107 SUBJECT Page Aug. I-Winders, T. Edwin, P & Z recommending rezoning request of same..................................................... 408,460 1- Women's Recreation Assn. Inc" granted Beer Permit & Refund. .........................................................423,511 15- Washington Park entered in the National Register of Historic .Places.........,........................................ 427 " 15- Wilderness Road, Jerry Gehrke et ux requesting vacation of .portion of same............................."........... 306,428 " 15- Wiliging, Mary et al, requesting street light for lower end of700 BlockofMontcrestSt...................................... 433 " .31-Wagner,Hubertetal,objcctingtociosingofKeywayDr...... 448 " 31- West End Neighborhood Assn" favor blocking Keyway Dr..... 448 Sept. 6- Waiscr, Robert. represented by Wm. Conzett, requesting vaca. tion of alley hetween 11th & 12th bounded by Jackson, Wash- ington,l1th&12thSts.................................,... 6-Welu, Jody, Notice of Claim for car damages................. 6- Wahlert High School requesting homecoming parade on Oct. 13th. .........,.......................................,.. 462 6 - Wilimes, P & Z approving final plat for same in Rosedale Addo. 471 " 14- Wheelock, Kerry L" appointed to Advisory Commission....... 479 " 14- Wertzbergcr, Richard Jr" appointed to Housing Commission.. 479 " 19 - Windows in City Hall, replacement of same. . . . . .. . . . . 493. 517, 535, 547 " .19-West32ndStreetSanitarySewercompleted................ 495,512 " 19- Water Mains for Fremont & Cedar Cross Road, construction... 498. 516 Oct. .3-"WhiteCancSafetyDay"Oct.15th.....,................... 503 3- W. 11th St. Neighborhood objecting to persons serving on His- toricPreservationCommission.......................... 504 3- Wastewater Treatment Plant, inspection report submitted by DEQ......,...............................,..504,532,556,578,616 3- W. 11th St. Neighborhood in favor of pre-sale inspection of real property. ......................................... .... 504 3- Wertzberger. Richard, appointed to N.E. Iowa Crime Commis. sion............... ............,......................, " 17 - Winter. Karen appointed to Community Development Commis- sion........... ........................................ Nov. 7 - Water Department, Financial Audit for period of July I, 1976 to June 30, 1977, submitted by City Manager. ......... ... , ..... 7 - Watters, Wm., appointed to Rehabilitation Commission. ... ... 7 - Water Department authorized and directed to relocation con- flicting watermains to the proposed 17th Street Storm Sewer. . " 21- West End Neighhorhood requesting Park in their area. . , ..... Der. 5-WeitzrezoningrequestdeniedbyP&Z..................... 5- Wetter, David J. & Joseph N. McGinnis granted I,iquor License. ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 453 456 504 529 545 556 556 569 574 606 611 t-- 0 ,...; ~ 0 E-< §5i;J 12 ¡x:¡;; rz1 ¡:::¡ ~ <-- <-- ~ t-- 0 ,...; ~ 0 E-< §5i;S 1 2 ¡x:¡;; rz1 ¡:::¡ ~ £1 ~ """ :; ¡:j:;:¡ g ~~'" "'~O ~~~ <--~ "'~ ~~ ~~ . . 0 e-'~ :~': . c ,:: ,« . '~ 0 :~f." ~" :~. i!L ~ :'Ë .: :;;: "':» ,;; . "" "g >~ "' :-" >- ~ :"g 03 ::.= .« Ji : Jj <3 '0 c5« -~"" *-o~ ';~:Eæc5 Hg §-~ggH.".:~ >-"'>-:00, >-"':>->->-0, I I I I I I I I ~ ~ "':0; ;:!:;:;;:; ~ ~ ~ ~~ &" .; å ¡:, 0; ~ '" .g ~ = " "0 0 ¡ij 0 0 0 ~ x ~ i I ;j 0 ." ~ J ~ ~ " .., 1977 INDEX-BOOK 107 ~-- SUBJECT z .July 5-Zwnrk. Atty. Joseph, requestinK 5 ton Kross weiKht limit on Sept. 14- ~i%l~;;~~~;h~;d ;,¡'p~i~t;dt~ r:ivil S;;~¡,:~ ë~';';';i';si~~::: -". ~~~ Ort. 17-Zcphyr Âlumioum Products awarded rontraet for replacement of City Hnll Windows. . !i~8. ,\47 PaKe Regular Session, January 3, 1977 CITY COUNCIL Regular Session, January 3,1977. Co...cll Met at 7:30 P.M. (C.S.T.) Present - Councllmon Brady, Slackls, Tully, Wertzbergor. City Man- ager Gllbort D. Chavonello. Mayor Pro Tern Stackis of the year 1976 called the meeting to order and stated that service thereof had been duly made and this is the REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING of the City Cuuncil, and also the first meeting of the year 1977, called for the purpose of acting upon such business as may properly come before the meeting. Councilman Tully moved that Coun. cilman Emil Stackis be elected to serve as Mayor for the ensuing fiscal year of 1977. Seconded by Councilman Wertz. berger. Carried by the following vote: . Yeas - Councilmen Brady, Stackis, Tully Wertzberger. Nays - None. City Clerk Leo F. Frommelt adminis- tered the oath of office to Mayor Emil Stackis who took his place in the Mayor's chair at the Council table. 'RESOLUTION NO. 1-77 WHEREAS, Councilman Alvin E. Lundb, has heretofore submitted his I resignation from bis office of City Councilman which resignation has been accepted with regrets, and tbat said resignation is effective December 31, 1976: and WHEREAS, on this date a vacancy exists iu the office of the City Council- man of the City of Dubuque, Iowa and same should be filled in order that the orderly precesses of government may be pursued; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RE- SOLVED by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa: Section 1. That Walter A. Pregler be and he is hereby appointed City Coun- cilman of the City of Dubuque, Iowa for the balance of the unexpired term of the said Alvin E. Lunöh unless a special election is sooner held to fill the office for tbe remaining balance of the unex- pired term. Passed, adopted and approved this 3rd day of January, 1977. Emil Stackis Mayor Thomas A. Tully Jr. Richard Wertzberger Walter A. Pregler Councilmen ATTEST: Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Councilman Tully moved adoption of the resolution. Seconded by Council- man Wertzberger. Carried by the foI- lowing vote: Yeas - Mayor Stackis, Cuuncilmen Pregler, Tully, Wertzberger. Nays - Councilman Brady. City Clerk Frommelt swore in newly appointed Councilman Pregler. Coun- cilman Tully moved that Councilman Brady be elected to serve as Mayor Pro Tern for the year 1977. Seconded by Councilman Wertzberger. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Stackis, Councilmen Brady, Pregler, Tully, Wertzberger. Nays-None. RESOLUTION NO. 2-77 Providing lor the appointment ola City Manager, City Clork, and City Solicitor for tho City 01 Dubuque, Iowa: Providing tor tholr bondo, and IIxlng tholr salarlo.. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa: That the following officers be ap- pointed, subject however, to the right of the Council to declare such oflices vacant or remove the officers therefrom at the pleasure of tbe Council with or without cause, and to be paid the com- pensation provided in the current bud. get and that the City Manager provide a bond in the amount of $5,000, and the City Solicitor provide a bond in the amount of $1,000 at their own expense and that the City Clerk be covered under the blanket Honesty bond of the City. City Manager. Gilbert D. Chavenelle City Clerk """'" LeoF.Frommelt City Solicitor ........... R.N. Russo Passed, adopted and approved this 3rd day of January 1977. Emil Stackis Mayor Thomas A. Tully Jr. Ricbard Wertzberger James E. Brady Walter A. Pregler Councilmen ATTEST: LeoF.Fremmelt City Clerk Councilman Tully moved adoption of the resolution. Seconded by Council- man Wertzberger. Carried by tbe fol- lowing vote: Yeas - Mayor Stackis. Councilmen Brady, Pregler, Tully, Wertzberger. Nays - None. Mayor Stackis swore in Gilbert D. Chavenelle as City Manager. Leo F. Frommelt as City Clerk and R.N. Russo -- -- -- --- -.