Zoning Text Amend Off St Parkin Planlling Services Department City Hall 50 West 13th Street Dubuque, Iowa 52001-4864 (563) 589-4210 office (563) 589-4221 fax (563) 690-6678 TDD P Janllin g@cityofdubuque.org THECITYOF c:-~ D~ ~ck~ May 10, 2004 The Honorable Mayor and City Council Members City of Dubuque City Hall- 50 W. 13th Street DubuquelA 52001 RE: Applicant: Description: Text Amendment City of Dubuque To amend the C-5 Business District to coincide with the Greater Downtown Urban Renewal District regarding regulation of off-street parking. Dear Mayor and City Council Members: The City of Dubuque Zoning Advisory Commission has reviewed the above-cited request The application, staff report and related materials are attached for your review. Discussion Associate Planner Kyle Kritz, representing the City, spoke in favor of the request He noted that the proposed text amendment replaces language regarding parking regulations for the C-5 Downtown District that currently refers to the 1965 Urban Renewal Plan. In essence, part of the C-5 District regulations were contained in another document The proposed amendment consolidates all regulations affecting the C-5 District into the Zoning Ordinance. There were no public comments. The Zoning Advisory Commission discussed the request, noting that the amendment will simplify the process for persons looking for regulations that affect the C-5 District Recommendation By a vote of 6 to 0, the Zoning Advisory Commission recommends that the City Council approve the request A simple majority vote is needed for the City Council to approve the request Respectfully submitted¡) gA-~~dl)(I. Eugene i3ird, Jr., Chairperson -ytIt- Zoning Advisory Commission Attachments SeNiƓ People Integrity Re'ponsibility Innovation Teamwork D~ ~ck~ City of Dubuque Planning SelVices Department Dubuque, IA 52001-4864 Phone: 563-589-4210 Fax: 563-589-4221 PLANNING APPLICATION FORM 0 Variance DRezoning DConditional Use Permit DPlanned Disbict DAppeal DPreliminary Plat DSpecial Exception DMinor Final Plat DLimited Setback Waiver I:iiQText Amendment DSimpie Site Plan DMinor Site Plan 0 Major Site Plan 0 Major Final Plat DSimple Subdivision DAnnexation DTemporary Use Permit DCertificate of Economic Non-Viability DCertificate of Appropriateness DOther: Please tvpe or orint legibly in ink Property owner(s): Phone: Address: City: State:- Zip: Fax Number: Mobile/Cellular Number: Applicant/Agent: Citv of DubuQue Phone: 563.589.4210 Address: Citv Hall. 50 W. 131!1 St. City: DubUQue State: --1A- Zip: 52001 Fax Number: 589.4221 Mobile/Cellular Number: Site location/address: N/A Existing zoning: C-5 Proposed zoning: ~ Historic District: N/A Landmark: ~ Legal Description (Sidwell parcel ID# or lot number/block number/subdivision): N/A Total property (lot) area (square feet or acres): N/A Desaibe proposal and reason necessary (attach a letter of explanation, if needed): Revise (-5 Business District to incorooorate off-street carkina reaulations from Urban Renewal District. CERTIACATION: I/we, the undersigned, do hereby certify that: 1. The information submitted herein is true and correct to the best of my/our knowledge and upon submittal becomes public record; .Fees are not refundable and payment does not guarantee approval; and All additional required written and graphic materials are attached. 2. 3. Pro~rty Owner(s): 1~ ~ r~ Applicant/Agent: I ,¡. - Date: Date: FOR OFFICE USE Fee: Received by: DSite/sketch plan DConceptual De lopment Plan DDesign review project description DFloor plan LICATION SUBMmAL CHECKLIST Date: Docket: Dphoto DImprovement plans DPlat DOther: Du~ ~<k~ Vici n ity Map Applicant: City of Dubuque Description: Amend C-5 Business District in conjunction with modifying the Greater Downtown Urban Renewal District regarding regulation of off-street parking. . C-5 Zoning District D Zoning boundaries D~ ~~~ MEMORANDUM April 28, 2004 FROM: Zoning Advisory Commission Kyle L. Kritz, Associate Planner 711. r TO: SUBJECT: Text Amendment to C-5 Business District The proposed text amendment revises the C-5 Business District to incorporate off-street parking regulations from the 1965 Downtown Urban Renewal District. The C-5 District is a small zone around the Town Clock, from 10th Street to 4th Street between Locust Street and Iowa Street. Since 1965, off-street parking in the C-5 District has been regulated by the Urban Renewal District. The new Greater Downtown Urban Renewal District, which was approved by the City Council on April 19, 2004, replaced the 1965 urban renewal district. The proposed text amendment would place those same regulations for off-street parking into the C-5 Business District. Currently, Paragraph G of the C-5 District refers back to the 1965 Urban Renewal Plan. The only specific change from the 1965 Urban Renewal regulations is deletion of the language requiring "consolidated loading facility." This provision was important when the areawas being redeveloped, but now that the majority of the property has been fully developed, it would no longer be applicable to this area. Planning staff recommends the Zoning Advisory Commission review the enclQsed information and recommend approval of the text amendment that incorporates off-street parking regulations from the 1965 Urban Renewal Plan in the C-5 Business District. KLKlmkr Attachments Prepared by: Laura Carstens. Citv Planner Address: 50 W. 13th 51. Citv Hall Telephone: 589-4210 ORDINANCE NO. 32-04 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 3-3.5(G)(E) OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE CODE OF ORDINANCES BY REVISING THE OFF-STREET PARKING REQUIREMENTS IN THE C-5 BUSINESS DISTRICT. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section 1. That Section 3-5.5(G)(E) of the Code of Ordinances is hereby amended by revising the off-street parking requirements in the C-5 Business District as follows: (G) Parking Requirements. (1 ) .".& required by the downtown yrban renewal 3lan Surface off-street parking lots are prohibited in the C-5 Business District, unless approved by the City. Underground and aboveground parking garages are allowed provided they are an integral part of a new building. (E) (2) Temporary surface parking lots are allowed as part of a construction or redevelopment project. Section 2. The foregoing amendment has heretofore been reviewed by the Zoning Advisory Commission of the City of Dubuque, Iowa. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect immediately upon publication, as provided by law. Passed, approved and adopted this 17th day of May, 2004. Terrance M. Duggan, Mayor Attest: Jeanne F. Schneider, City Clerk ~ ."..-----/ (//)} 'hßd4/~vPad~c/ Jeanne F. Schneider, City Clerk APPENDIX A-ZONING § 3-3 (G) Parking requirements. See Section 4-2 of this Ordinance; except that a twenty five (25) percent reduction shall be allowed in the C-4 District. (H) Signs. See Section 4-3 of this Ordinance. 3-3.5. C.5 Business District. (A) General purpose and description. The C-5 District is intended to be applied to a very limited downtown business core and the city's urban renewal area. The development within this business core shall be encouraged by permitting a wide variety of uses and very liberal bulk regulations and parking requirements. (B) Principal permitted uses. The following uses shall be permitted in the C-5 District. (1) Railroads and public or quasi-public utilities including substations-[ 4 7]. (2) Residential uses above the Íll"St floor only-[6]. (3) Housing for the elderly and persons with disabilities-[3]. (4) Noncommercial art galleries-[13]. (5) Museumllibraries-[13]. (6) Schools of private instruction-[4]. (7) Private clubs-[20]. (8) General offices-[14]. (9) Medical office/clinic-[36]. (10) DentaJ/medicallab-[8]. (11) Personal services-[14]. (12) Barberlbeauty shops-[16]. (13) Motel-[24]. (14) Gas station-[18]. (15) Laundry/drycleaner-[19]. (16) Shoe repair-[18]. (17) Retail sales/service-[17]. (18) Indoor restaurant-[20]. (19) Bar/tavern-[20]. (20) Automated gas station-[18]. (21) Service station-[21]. (22) Supermarket-[17]. (23) Tailoring/alterations-[18]. (24) Furniturelhome furnishing-[27]. Supp. No. 21 3709 (25) Appliance sales/service-[27l (26) Catalog center-[23]. (27) Carry-out restaurant (not including drive-in}-[28]. (28) Artist studio-[5]. (29) Photographic studio-[23]. (30) Business services-[29]. (31) Hotels-[30]. (32) Auditoriums/assembly halls-[20]. (33) Indoor theater-[48]. (34) Banks/savings and loans, and credit unions-[31]. (35) Indoor amusement center-[23]. (36) Indoor recreation facilities-[37]. (37) Printinglpublishing-[32]. (38) Parking structures-[N/A]. (39) Sports arenas-[26]. (40) Department stores-[17]. (41) Convention center-[20]. (42) Regional shopping center-[43]. (43) Vocational school-[45]. (44) Business/secretarial school-[45]. [] Parking group - See Section 4-2 of this Ordinance. (C) Accessory uses. The following uses shall be permitted as accessory uses as provided in Section 4 of this Ordinance: (1) Any use customarily incidental and subordinate to the principal use it serves. (D) Conditional uses. The following conditional uses are permitted in the C-5 District, subject to the provisions of Section 5 of this Ordinance and are the minimum requirements for application to the Board of Adjustment for a conditional use permit: . (1) Group day care center provided that: (a) Forty (40) square feet of indoor floor area (excluding halls and bathrooms) is provided per child in areas occupied by cribs; (b) Thirty five (35) square feet of § 3-3 DUBUQUE CODE (c) indoor floor area (excluding halls and hathrooms) is provided per child in areas not occupied by cribs times the licensed capacity; Seventy five (75) square feet of fenced outdoor recreation space is provided per child using the space at a given time; Such facility shall provide for the loading and unloading of children so as not to obstruct public streets or create traffic or safety hazards; All licenses have been issued or have been applied for awaiting the outcome of the Board's decision; No gronp day-care center may be located within the same structure as any gas station, bar/tavern, automated gas station or gas station; Signage for a single-family home location shall be limited to one nonilluminated wall- mounted sign not to exceed four (4) square feet in area; and The parking group require- ments can be met-[S]. (d) (e) (0 (g) (h) (E) Temporary uses. The following uses shall be permitted as temporary uses in the C-5 District; (1) AD.y use listed as a permitted use within the district of a limited duration as established in Section 2-5.3 and as defined in Section S of this Ordinance. (F) Bulk regulations. Front yard setback: 0 feet (20 feet for garages facing street) Side yard setback: 0 feet Rear yard setback: 0 percent lot depth Supp. No. 21 (H) Signs. See Section 4-3 of this Ordinance. 3-3.6 CS Commercial Service and Wholesale District. (A) General purpose and description. The CS District is intended to provide areas for a variety of business services, office uses, limited industrial activity and major wholesale operations. The CS uses are primarily characterized by large storage space requirements, high volume truck traffic and low volume customer traffic. Special emphasis shall be placed on selection of areas to be granted CS classification. It is intended that the CS District is one that provides a transitional zone that can be used between industrial and commercial uses and in cases where topography establishes a transitional area due to physical limitations between industrial and higher density residential development. (B) Principal permitted uses. The following uses shall be permitted in the CS District: ./ (1) Railroads and public or quasi-public utilities including substations-[47]. (2) General office-[14]. (3) Medicalldentallab--[S]. (4) Personal services-[I4]. (5) Off-street parking lot-[N/A]. (6) Furniture/home furnishing-[27]. (7) Appliance sales and service-[27]. (S) Furniture upholsteryirepair-[IS]. (9) Business services-[29]. (10) Office supply-[I9]. (11) Vending/game machines sales and service--[I9]. (12) Mail-order houses-[23]. (13) Lumberyards/building material sales-[I9]. (14) Construction supplies, sales and service-[I9]. 3710 1965 DOWNTOWN URBAN RENEWAL DISTRICT 2. PIÞ.NNING AND DESIGN CRITERIA: The planning criteria to be used to guide the physical development of the Town Clock, Old Main and Upper Main Subare.as are those standards. and guidelines contained within the City of Dubuque's Zoning Ordinance and other applicable local, state and federal codes and ordinances. Additionally, the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation and Guidelines for Rehabilitatinq Historic Structures shall be used to guide the exterior modifications of existing properties and the construction of new facilities and structures financed in whole or in part by the City of Dubuque. Said projects shall be reviewed by the Historic Preservation Commission for compliance with the above referenced standards. The off-street parking/loading and signage requirements established for the redevelopment and development of Town Clock, Old Main and Upper Main subareas are as follows: .- - Off-street parking facilities shall be prohibited in that eight block area bordered by Ninth and Fifth Streets, Locust and Iowa Streets except by special approval. Conditions for such use shall be the maximum us.e of land. Access to and from parking shall be designed as to minimize interference with both pedestrian and auto traffic. All proposals for off street parking use shall be subject to the review and approval of the City of Dubuque. Special service drives for each bui1ding are not required. Access to adequate off-street loading facilities such as a service .alley or court shall be required for each use. Consolidated loading facilities serving entire blocks or portions of blocks shall be provided wherever 5 r c-~,~, -:=;¿~'-=-, ,C...-,:'--. --- .practicable. Off-street parking may be permitted in that five block area bordered by Tenth and Fourth Streets, Iowa Street and Central Avenue. Off-street parking is not required of uses containing less than twenty thousand (20,000) square feet of gross floor area. Those uses containing twenty thousand (20,000) square feet or more of gross floor area shall provide one parking space for each additional one thousand (1,000) square feet of gross floor area up to twenty thousand (20,000) square feet. For each additional five hundred (500) square feet of gross floor area in excess of twenty thousand square feet, one additional parking space shall be provided. Off-street parking may be permitted in that two block area bordered by Fifth and Fourth Streets, Iowa and Locust Streets. Off-street parking spaces shall be provided as required in each request for development proposals, provided that parking spaces shall not be required for uses containing less than fifty thousand (50,000) square feet of gross floor area. Those uses containing fifty thousand (50,000) square feet of gross floor area or more shall provide one parking space for each three thousand (3,000) square feet of gross floor area up to fifty thousand (50,000) square feet. For each additional two thousand (2,000) square feet of gross floor area in excess of fifty thousand (50,000) square feet, one additional parking space shall be provided. Off-street loading spaces shall be provided as required in each for development proposals, provided that no less than one off-street loading berth shall be provided for each one hundred thousand (100,000) square feet of gross floor area. Consolidated loading facilities serving entire blocks, or portions of blocks, should be provided wherever applicable. Access to such facilities should be provided from a screened alley or court. Siqnaq~: All signage shall be developed in accordance with the sign regulations set forth in the City of Dubuque's.Zoning Ordinance. Overheàd Utility Lines: No new overhead utility lines shall be installed within this subare'a where underground placement is feasible. 2) Old Main Subareas: Off-Street ParkinqlLoadinq: 6