Crissy Drive 2285 22$5 Crissy Drive 0 —Glenn Carris Const. Co, Erect S,F,Frame Nellg,B.P. 93 3 -18-60 11,000.00 0. David Pollock C. Bullock Garages i I Erect non -att gar SF Fr Dwllg.B.P.868 10/3/74 1,900.00 B of A Petn for Vac Art 11 sec 4 (c) to allow detached gar. 15' behind curb. DENIED Docket 41 -74 0 -Don- Westhoff C- Topline Home Improve. siding ,soffit,fascia,casings,SFfrm BP19926 3/26/92 $3975.0C it 2285 Crissy L_OrTon_blesthoff C-Top-Line t/o reroof, SF & garage, 3 sd SF BP29934 5/17/95 2764.00 1