1998 Index Council ProceedingsOFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS of the CITY COUNCIL of the CITY OF DUBUQUE IOWA For the Year 1998 ClTYOFFICERSFORTHEYEAR1998 MAYOR TERRANCE M. DUGGAN COUNCIL MEMBERS Council Member at Large ................................................ DANIEL NICHOLSON Council Member at Large .................. , .................................... ANN MICHALSKI First Ward ............................................................................... JOHN MARKHAM Second Ward ................................................................................ ROY D. BUOL Third Ward ........................................................................... JOSEPH ROBBINS Fourth Ward ........................................................................... DIRK VOETBERG .City Clerk .................................................................................. MARY A. DAVIS LEGAL DEPARTMENT Corporation Counsel ...................................................... BARRY A. LINDAHL City Solicitor ...................................................................... WILLIAM G. BLUM Assistant City Attorney .................................................... JAMES A. O'BRIEN CITY MANAGER MICHAEL C. VAN MILLIGEN Administrative Services Manager .......................................... PAULINE JOYCE Assistant City Manager ............................................................ TIM MOERMAN Airport Manager ........................................................................ KEN KRAEMER Building Safety Manager ...................................... DAVID SHURTS TIL 2-16-98 Building Safety Manager - Acting ...........STEVEN K. NEYENS FROM 2-17-98 City Assessor ............................................................................. FRANK FROST Community/Economic Development Manager ...................... JAMES BURKE Finance Director ..................................................................... DUANE PITCHER Fire Chief ............................................................................. E. DANIEL BROWN Housing Services Manager ....................................................... DAVID HARRIS Human Rights/EEO Director .................... ELIZABETH CREGER (TIL 4-22-98) Human Services Manager ........................................................... RANDY PECK Library Director *. ................................................................. THOMAS MORAN Leisure Services Director .............................................................. GIL SPENCE Operations and Maintenance Manager ............................... ~. .......... DON VOGT Planning Services Manager .............................................. LAURA CARSTENS Police Chief .......... ~ ........................................................................ JOHN MAUSS Public Health Supervisor .......................................... MARY ROSE CORRIGAN Public Works Director/City Engineer ..................................... MICHAEL KOCH Waste Water Plant Manager ................................................. PAUL HORSFALL Water Plant Manager ............................................................. ROBERT GREEN Regular Meetings of the City Council are held on the First and Third Mondays of each month at 7:00 p.m. INDEX-BOOK 128 1998 SUBJECT PAGE A AIRPORT COMM. SUBMITTING MINUTES: (115)(2/2)(2116)(4/6)(5/18)(6/1)(813} ................................. 1,28,44,139,190,202,274 A & B Tap, Frickies LC, 2600 Central, Cig. Per. & Liq. Lic.; Cig. Per.(1~19)(6~15) ............................. 13,223 Abandoned buildings, Nuisance Ord.(5/4) .............. 180 Abandoned or vacant buildings status report.(8/17) ..... 296 Abandonment of alley between 775 Hill & 759 Hill, Mary Ransdell coacem.(11/2) ............................ 387 Abandonment of private on-site Sewage Treatment & Disposal System upon availability of public sewer.(4/6) 140 Abatement Procedure for Emergencies.(5/4) ............ 181 Abraham, Edward, applicant, Investment Oversight Comm.(7/20) ...................................... 263 A.C. Pfohl Place, portion, approval of survey plat.(lO/5) .. 343 Accessibility Rehab, CDBG Funds.(5/4) ................ 171 Accident investigation policy by Police DepL, Atty M. Sullivan objectin g.(7/6)(7/20) .................... 247,267 Accreditation Award to Police Dept.(8/17) .............. 293 Ace General Con. Cot., awarded contract, Bunker Hill Golf Course Wastewater Pump Station,(12F/') ........ 455 Acquisition Agreements, Clarke Dr, ROW properties. (1/19) ....................................... 10,11,12 ADA Curb Ramp Pro.(8/3)(12/21) .................. 282,,473 ADA Improvement Pro. -Airport Restroom Remodeling. (9/21)(10/49) .................................. 337,377 Adams, Clyde & Carole, Claim referred to Ins.(1/5) ......... 1 Adams, Dave, Sign Regulations in C4 & C5 Dis.(3/16) .... 114 Address, Census Program, Local Update, Census 200g.(3/2) ......................................... 90 Administrative Services Mgr. Pauline Joyce, Authorized for Stock Sale Transacfions.(111~6) .............. 413.414 Admiral's Hi-Hat, D. Meyer, 253 Main St. Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic. (6/15)(9/2~1) ...... : ............................ 223,334 Advanced Data Comm., agreement- reimbursement of costs for grading a site proposal.(9/8) ................ 313 Advanced Data Comm. - disposal of Lot4 & lot 5 of BIk 2 of Dbq, Technology Park to ADC Properties & Advanced Data Comm.(1015)(11116) ........................ 361-364,422 Advocate, Family, Program, Section 8 Prog.(4/6) ........ 153 Aerostar Dr., Alpine Heights Mobile Home Park development access objections.(11116)(1217} .. 429,448,449 Affordable Housing Program Funds -appJication to Federal Home Loan Bank.(10/5} ............................ 346 African-American History Month, Procl.(2/2) ............. 28 Agreement, Areal. Transit Union.(6/15) ................. 219 Agreement, Amended, White Water Creek Bridge.(4/20).. 160 Agreement amended, Lease, Dubuque Arboretum - Marshall Park.(lOlS}(10119) .................. 358,37zl,375 Agreement, amended, McLeodUSA.(5/I$) .............. 192 Agreement -Assessment, TIF Obligations, TFM Co. - Jack Thompson,(3/2) ............................... 96 Agreement, City & County, Winter Maintenance. (11/16) ........................................... 405 Agreement - CEBA Loan, $150,000, wf Dbq Data Services Co.(11/16) ........................................ 416 INDEX - BOOK 128 ~998 SUBJECT PAGE A Agreement - Dbq. Fighting Saints with Five Flags Civic Center.(9121) ..................................... 330 Agreement - Dbq. Police Prot. Assn.(6/15) .............. 218 Agreement - Employment of City Manager, Seventh Amendment.(6/1) ................................. 202 Agreement Extension of Joint City - County Law Enforcement Center Building.(7/6) .............................. 241 Agreement - Firefighters.(10/19) ....................... 370 Agreement, 2~1.5 acres of land with CMC Heartland Partners.(7/20) ................................... 267 Agreement, Processing & Marketing of Recyclables, BFI, 2nd Amend.(4/6) .................................. 153 Agreement, R.I.S.E. Funding with LA Dept. of Trans., new street in Dbq. Ind. Center west.(6/15) ............. 218 Agreement for reimbursement of costs for grading a site proposal for purchase by Advanced Data Comm. (9/8) .......................................... 3'12,313 Agreement, ROW Purchase, Walnut St. - F. Roger Murray, Walnut St. Retaining Wa11.(8/17) ............... 295 Agreement for Sale & Private Devel. of Lot 3, BIk 1 of Dbq. Technology Park.(8/24) .................. 306,307 Agreement, Trail Pro. - IDOT, Northern Levee Path.(5/18) . 191 Agreement- Grant, Riverwalk Pro.(11/2} ................ 387 Agreement, Grant, Rocco Buda Jr. Park.(4/20) ......... 160 Agreement - Grant with IDOT, Recreational Trail Funds, Mississippi Riverwalk.(11/2) ......................... 387 Agreement - International Union of Operating Engrs.(6115) 219 Agreement, Lease, Sixth Amendment wf DRA.(312) ........ 90 Agreement - Lease with Tri-State Modelers, portion of Roosevelt Park.(514) ................................ 169 Agreement, License, with Seneca Environmental Services inc. - monitoring wells on ROW at 801 Jackson.(918) .... 313 Agreement, License, with Seneca Environmental Services inc. - monitoring wells on ROW at 1387 Dodge.(2/16] ..... 47 Agreement, License, with Seneca Environmental Services Inc. - monitoring wells on ROW at 105 Locust St.(2/16) ... 48 Agreement, Loan, & Notice, $2,800,000 Parking Rev. Capital Loan Notes.(2/16) ................................... 50 Agreement - Loan, City & Bishop's Block Ltd. Partners;' ip.(12/2'1) ................................. 479 Agreement Mem. - YMCA- Iowa Inn - Stout Place Apts. (1119) ............................................... 9 Agreement - Mem. of Understanding, City & Dbq. Visiting Nurse Assn., Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program.(9/21} .......................... 333 Agreement - Memorandum, Issuance of $2,650,000 Pollution Control Refunding Revenue Bonds - Interstate Power Co. (10/19) ............................................ 381 Agreement, memorial stone in cul de sac, end of S. Grandview in memory of D.J. Bockenstedt.(11/16) ...... 405 INDEX - BOOK 1998 SUBJECT PAGE A Agreement of Police & Immigration & Naturalization Services to provide fingerprinting services for INS.(312) ......... 90 Agreement - Para-Transit Project Concern, with Keyline. (11/`16) ........................................... 415 Agreement - Proposal for Sale & Devel. of portion of Dbq. Technology Park -Advanced Data Comm.(11/16) ........ 422 Agreement, Prorate for CEBA Award, Cartegraph Systems, 1nc.(1/5) ............................................ 2 Agreement- supplemental, IDOT & City, Cable Car Square Historic Lighting Pro. (11/16) ................. 406 Agreement - Terminating Lease with Marshall Park wf Tri-State Veterans' Memorial Assn.(6/15) ............. 228 Agreement wf Dubuque County Extension Office - Neighborhood Support Grant`(10/5) ................... 346 Agreement with G.M.S. Inc, George Stephenson, Bunker Hill Golf Course.{3/2) ......................... 61 Agreement with Hillcrest Family Services, use of Murphy Park for Lighting Display.(6/15) ..................... 217 Agreement with HUD, Federal Grant funds.(8/17) .... 297,298 Agreement with Humane Society.(7/6) ... .............. 248 Agreement with IDOT, Reconstruction of First St.& Locust St. Intersection.(11/16) ................. ;; .......... 430 Agreement with Lisa Sesterhenn, Healthy Dbq. 2000.(8/17) 296 Agreement with National Prescription Administrators, administration of Prescription Drug Benefit Prog.(5/18}. 195 Agreement, Radford Rd. reconstruction; Amended Agree. (1/`19)(4/6) ...................... 12,152 Agreements - Collective Bargaining.(6/15) .......... 218,2t9 Agraementa, North End Neighborhood Bike & Hike Trail at 32nd St.(8/3) .................................... 275 Agreements - Purchase of Services, various agencies. (416) ............................................. 144 Agreements with Railroad Co., sanitary sewer construction. (7/6) .. ~ .......................................... 240 Agricultural Safety, Letter of Support, National Education Center.{3/2) ........................................ 90 AIDS Awareness Day Pr0clam.(11t16) .................. 405 AIDS Preventative Health Program, funding- IA Dept. of Public Health.(11/16) ............................... 416 Air Conditioning, Heating & Ventilating - Ord. changing fees, license, examination.(8/17) ......................... 300 Airmen Day, Tuskegee, Proc1.(2/16) ..................... 44 Airport Comm. interview of applicants; appointment of T. Stanton; interview of Block, Goodin, Hartman, McMahon & Wachtel. (1119)(212)(912't) .................... 13,34,334 Airport Comm., resignation ofJ. Markham.(ll5) ........... 2 Airport, Eminent Domain Proceedings, property.(6/`1) .... 202 Airport Inn, E. Schwartz, 574 E. 16th, Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic. (6/15)(7/2:0) ................................... 223,263 Airport, FAA Notice, Class E Airspace.(4/6) ............ 14'1 Airport Restroom Remodeling -ADA. (9/21)(10/19)... 337,377 INDEX - BOOK 128 '1998 SUBJECT PAGE A Airport Road from U.S. 61 to FBO/TermJnal - Speed limits & Parking Restrictions.{5/4) ....................... 181,182 Allabough, Rev. Woody of Third Presby. Church, gave Invocation.{10/5) ................................. 341 Alley abutting 2215 Marion St., vacated & sold to Terry & Sue B rown.(3/16){4/6) .......................... 132,133,150 Alley access to Days Inn, Dbq. Lodging, vacation of portions of McClain St.(7/20) ............................... 262 Alley between 755 Hill & 759 Hill, tv1. Ransdell concern for possible abandonmenL(1112) ...................... 387 Alley between Central & White from 8th to 9th, vacating & sale to Wm. Hendricks, Feed & Seed.(1/19)(2/2) ..... 22-24,35 Alley between Main St. & Freeway - Bishop Block, disposing of IDOT property to Bishop Block & Mehrt's. (11/16)(12/7) .................................. 431,453 Alley East of CyCare Plaza, HBO & Co. construct Radiator Plattorm.(10119) .................................. 380 Alley north of Euclid Ave. from Jackson to Central, vacating, Swiss Valley.(6/15} ............................. 233,234 Alley, R. Bertling requesting vacation & purchase near 295 S. Hill SL{7/6} ....................................... 240 Alley vacating between S. Grandview Ave. & York St. at S. Hill St., Richard & Cheryl Bertling. (9/8)(9/21) ............................ 325-327,334,335 Alley way behind Lots 17, 18 & t9.. R. White vacation of Cornell St. (11/16)(12f7){12/21 ) ............... 413,462,477 Alliant - Interstate Power, S. Mosiman objecting to overhead electrical distribution on Clarke Dr. (4/20)(5118) ................................... 163,198 Allison Place, vacation of property E of Finley Hospital, S from Delhi to College St.(6/15) .................... 217 Allocation of CDBG monies by HUD.(ll5) ................. 2 Alpine Heights Mobile Home Park zoning by Tschiggfrie, objections, discussions.(11/16){12/7} ......... 429,448.449 Alpine St., 175, Joe & Melissa Compton, appeal Historic Pres. Comm. decision, Lead Paint.(8/17) ..... 300 Alta Place Storm Sewer Extension.(12/7) ........... 464,465 Alta Vista Street - 1997 Asphalt Paving Pro.(11/16) ....... 411 Alter Trading Corp., appeal of salvage license, (9/8)(1015)(11/2)(11/16) ............... 326,327,351,390,418 Alternative Services, inc., Family Self Sufficiency Program Contract; amendment.(4/20)(10/5) ................ 163,342 Althaus, Dennis A., Family Mart Inc., 3201 Central, Beer Per. (9/8) ............................................ 314 Althaus, Harry & Mary, Alpine Heights Mobile Home Park zoning.(11116)(12/7) ............................ 429,448 Althaus, Jean A., Family Beverage Center, 3400 Central, BE Beer Per.(7/6) ................................ 242 Always Buckle Children in the Backseat~ Proclamation - Morning Optimists. (9/21) .......................... 329 INDEX; BOOK 128 1998 SUBJECT PAGE A Alzheimer's Disease Public Awareness Month Proclam. (11/2) ............................................ 386 Amended Annual Contributions Contract, Section 8 Housing Vouchers Prog.(3/16) ...................... 106 Amendment, 1996 PC Concrete Paving Pro - Clarke Dr. adding water conn.(l/19) ............................ 14 Amendment, Sixth, to Lease Agree; wf DRA.(3/2} ........ 90 Amendment to Annual Contributions, Section 8 Housing Vouchers & Certificates.(3116) .................. 108,109 Amendment, Annexation Zoning Policy; Study. (4120)(514)(11124) ........................... 166,175,434 Amendment to Annual Action Plan, CDBG Funds. (12/7) ........................................ 446,447 Amendment to City Manager Employment Agree.(6/1) .... 202 Amendment to FY 98 Budget.(4/20)(5/4) ............ 167,174 Amendment to Roosevelt Road Sanitary Sewer Assessment Pro.(12J7) ........................................ 444 Amendments changed for Sidewalk Project - Pennsylvania Ave. (8/3) ..................................... 280,261 American Family Ins., claim referred to Ins.(1/19) .......... 7 American Family Ins., Subrogation ~ J. Welch claim.(1/5) ... 1 American Heart Walk Day Procl.(10/19) ............... ;. 366 American Legion Post #6, Refund on Cig. Per.; Poppy Days; Cig. Per.; request for concrete pad in Mamhall Park to park military equip; fabric canopy awning authorized. (416)(5116)(6115)(10119)(1217} .......... 140,190;224,367,459 American Tower Building, demolition discussion.; temporary injunction prohibiting demolition by J. Whalen. (7120)(813)(9121) ............................ 267,274,333 American Trust & Savings Bank, demolition'of American Tower Bldg.; named depository, City of Dubuque monies.(7120)(813)(9121)(11116) ........... 267,274,333,414 America's River Project by Dbq. Historical Soc. & Chamber, presentation, nomination; importance of federal funding.(l119)(4120) ...................... 5,7,160 Amphitheater - Star Brewery, App. for Recreation Infrastructure Funds to IA DNR.(8/24) ................ 305 Amoco Foedshop, JFK., Mutgrew Oil, 1701 John F. Kennedy, Cig. Per.; Beer Per.(6/1}(7/6) .................... 205,242 Amoco Foodshop, Mulgrew Oil, 1450 Lores, Cig. Per.; Beer Per.(6/1)(8/17) ................................. 204,298 Amoco - Plaza 20 Food Shop, Mulgrew Oil, 2600 Dodge, Beer Per.(10/19) .................... ; .................. 374 Andrews, Helen, Claim; referred to Ins.(4/2g)(5/4) .... 159,169 Angel Invest., Cesey's General Store~ 2699 Rockdale Rd., Cig. Per.; Beer Per.(6/1)(12/21) .................. 205,477 Animal Control Activity, contract with NACA to evaluate. (12/7) ............................................ 438 Animals, Nuisance Abatement; License Ord. changes&impoundmentfeeschanged.(5/4)(716) .. 180,248 INDEX - BOOK 128 1998 SUBJECT PAGE A Annex Building Rehab Project-Operations & Maintenance Dept-(12/21) ..................................... 472 Annexation of property NE of City's corporate limits - E of Hales Mills Road - Asbury.(9/21) .................... 330 Annexation of property W of City's limits.(9/8) ........... 309 Annexation request of 1.15 city-owned land West side of Seippel Rd.(1015)(10119)(1112) ........... 359,375,386,387 Annexation requested by Frommelt Hasler, Inc. by A. Frommelt - property E of U.S. Hwy 52 & adjacent to North of Dbq. City Limits.(5118)(6115)(716) ........... 191,231,244 Annexation, Senate File 2005, Legislators.(4/20} ......... 163 Annexation Study presented by City Staff., request from Asbury, boundaries.(11124) ........................ 434 Annexation study by Asbury.(2/16) ..................... 48 Annexation to Asbury, adjacent to Hales Mills Rd., requested by Clement Hilby's.(11/16) ...~ ..................... 413 Annexation to Asbury, property W of City's Corporate limits.(10/19) ..................................... 367 Annexation to Asbury, W of City of Asbury - E portion of Seippel Road Ext.(12/7) ........................... 447 Annexation Zoning Policy, amendment.(4/20)(5/4) . .. 166,175 Annual Action Plan, CDBG Funds, Prog. Year 24. (1119)(219)(314)(514) ................... 19,43,102,103,185 Annual Action Plan, Use of CDBG Funds, amendment. (1217) ........................................ 446,447 Annual Contributions. Section 8 Housing certificates, amend.(3116) .................................. 108,109 Annual Contributions, Section 8 Housing vouchers, amend.(3/16) .................................... 108 Annual Performance & Evaluation Report.(10/19) ........ 370 Antennas & towers, text amendment to zoning Ord., regulations.(12/21) ................................ 480 Anterless Deer, Bow & Arrow Hunting permitted around Dbq. (6115) ........................................... 226 Apartments Ltd Corp., Dbq. Mining Co., 555 JFK, Liq. Lic.; Cig. Per.; OutdoorSer.(2116)(6115}(7120) ........ 49,223,263 APEX-PH REPORT, Dbq. County, Goals & objectives. (7/20) ........................................... 259 Appeal by Joe & Melissa Compton, Historic Pres. Comm. for lead paint.(8/17) .................................. 300 Appeal ofAIter Co.'s salvage license.(9/8)(10/5) . 326,327,351 Appeal of Jorja Moore, Rehab Loan.(9/8) ............... 316 Application for Historic Resource Develop. Program Funding to conduct an Historic Pres. Survey.(5/4) ............ 172 Application thru IDOT, construction of Mississippi Riverwalk. (6/15) ........................................... 220 Application to DNR, Recreation Infrastructure, River's Edge Plaza.(8/24) ................................. 305 Abatement & Prohibition of Nuisances, Ord.(5/4} .... 178-188 Application to Federal Home Loan Bank of Des Moines, Affordable Housing Prog. Funds.(5/4) ............... 172 INDEX ~ ~K ~25 1998 SUBJECT PAGE A Application to RISE Funding to relocate an existing RR spur line on Kerper Blvd.(6/15) .......................... 221 Appointments to Enterprise Zone Commission - established, change of structure; revised Ord.; change of representatives, appointments. (416)(716)(1112)(11116){12i7) ........... 153,248,398,424,459 Appreciation Certificate, thank you by K. Stevens.(4/6) ... 140 April 1998, Printed Council Proceedings approved.(7/6) .. 239 Aquin Ave. & Ruby Ave., Urban Renewal of Swiss Valley. (5/18)(6/15) ................................... 194,228, Aragon Tap, M. Woodman, 1103 Iowa, Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic. (611)(11/16) ................................... 204,418 Aramark Corp., Farmland, 701 E. 16th, Cig. Per.(6/15) .... 223 Aramark Education Services, Loras College, Liq. Lic. (4/20) ............................................ 164 Arbor Day Challenge Grant, approvaL(4/6) .............. 141 Arbor Day Proclamation.(4/20) ........................ 159 Arboretum Assn., Dbq., Amend Lease Agree. - Marshall Park.(1015}(10119} .......................... 358,374,375 Ambulance Billing Service, Requeet for Proposals.(10/19) 372 Arby's Q-Matt, Arcon Inc., 10 Main, Beer Per.; Cig. Per. (3/16)(6/15) ................................... 113,223 Architect S. Ulstad, Heron Pond Wetlands Nature Trail Pro.(6/1) ......................................... 202 Architects -Steve Ulstad & Brian Guthelnz, team - Gateway Landscape Design.(7/20) ..................... 262 Architects, Update of Highway 20 Landscape Pro. (7/20) ........................................ 258,282 Arcon Inc., Arby's Q-Mart, 10 Main, Beer Per.; Cig. Per.(3116)(6115) ................................ 113,223 Area Solid Waste Agency, Sewer Line to Landfill.(1/19) .... 14 Arensdorf, Pam, Instant Replay Bar & Grill, 1602 Central, Cig. Per.(7/6)(12/7) ............................. 242,448 Argot, Inc., LaMesa Mexican, 2700 Dodge, Llq. Lic.(9/8) .. 314 Att Museum - Amended & Restated Urban Renewal Plan for Downtown Urban Renewal Dis.(10/19) ................ 376 Asbury, 1670, rezonieg from OR & R1 to C2, R. Leytam, (11/16)(12/7) ............................... 428,429,451 Asbury AMOCO Foodshop, Mulgrew Oil Co,, 3300 Asbury Rd., tobacco sales violation; Cig. Per.; Beer Per.(312)(3116)(611)(918) ................... 100,115, 204,314 Asbury annexation, adjacent to Hales Mills Rd., requested by Clement Hilby's.(11/16) .......................... 413 Asbnry annexation, property W of City's Corporate Iimita.(10/19) ...................................... 367 Asbury an nexation, property W of City of Asbary - E portion of Seippel Rd ExL{12/7) ............................ at47 Asbury Fast Stop, 3300 Asbury, tobacco sales violation; Beer Per.(3/2)(3/16)(918) .......................... 100,115,314 Asbury Plaza, Phase I, accept, of easements.(4/6) ....... 143 7 INDEX - BOOK 1998 SUBJECT PAGE A Asbury Rd. 2570, Zoning, significant change.(10/19) .... 368 Asbury Road & Chaney, corner from PR to OS. (10/19)(1112) ................................. 383,391 Asbur,j Road 2400 block, rezonmg PR to OS, request of Marty McNamer.(6/l 5)(7~6) ................... 230,243 Asbury Road, 4100, from AG to C2 & C2, requested by Tim & Sara Hilby.(12J21) .............................. 479 Asbury Road, South of, & W of NW Arterial, rezoning from AG & C3 to PUD with PC & PR, QHQ Properties - Mike Quagliano.(12/21) ................................. 480 Asbury, south of, -Area 13, future land use recom mendations.(10/5) ........................... 357 Asbury, town, Agreement, Radford Rd. reconstruction, amended Agreements.(1/19)(4/6) ................. 12,152 Asbury * voluntary annexation of property West, requested by C. Uskavitch, Jr.(10/19) ......................... 367 Asbury's annexation study; volunta~ annexation of property west of City's limits.(2/16)(918}(9/21) ........... 48,309,330 ASIA Motors, [nc. or SYED ALi, Claim; SettlemenL [7/20)(8/17) ................................... 260,294 Asian Gourmet, 113 W. 11th, Beer/Wine Lic.{8/3) ......... 279 Asphalt Paving Pro. 1997.(1015)(11/16)(12/21}, 343,410,411,47'1 Asphalt Paving Pro. 1998.(5/4)(6/1) ............. 188,189,208 Assessment Agreement, Issuance of Urban Renewal Tax Increment Revenue Obligations - Morrison Bros Co~ (11/2) .......................................... 401 Assessment Appeal by McGraw Hill Co., Voluntary Settlement.(12~) ................................. 438 Assessment of change, 777 Edwards Rd.(6/15) ........ 217 Assessment of Sign. Change, oak Meadows Concept. Devel.. J. Stock.(4/6) .............................. 140 Assessment Roosevelt Road SanitarySewer.amend. (12/7) ........................................... 444 Assessments, 1996 Concrete Paving Pro. - Clarke Dr.(3/2) 61 Assessments, 1997 PC Concrete Paving Pro. -W. Third & Spruce St.(12/7) .................................. 439 Assessments, 1998 Sidewalk Project- Pennsylvania Ave., discussion, request for amendments, amending Pro. (8/3) ......................................... 280,281 Assessments, Cedar Cross Rd., Fremont Ave. & N, Cascade Rd.{2/2) ................................ 31,32 Assessments, Fremont Ave. Sanitary Sewer Exf~(10/5) ... 344 Assessments, Kelly Lane - Pego Ct. Sanitary Sewer Ext. ~ Phase 11.(4/20) ............................ 162-153 Assessments, Kelly Lane & Pego Court Sanitary Sewer Ext.(11116) .................................... 409,410 Assessments, Louise & Louella Sanitary Sewer & Watarmain Ext.(11/16) ............................. 407 Assessments, Radford Rd. Reconstruction from Pennsylvania Ave. to Chaveneile Rd.(2/2) .......... 36,37 INDEX 1998 SUBJECT PAGE A Assistance Program - Local Housing Pre-Application, IA Dept. of Economic DeveL, not to submit Pre-Application for Housing activity.(10/5) .......................... 341 Assistant City Manager Tim Moerman, on City Enterprise Zone Comm.; excluded from Ord. disallowing appointment to any Comm.(12/7)(12/21} .......... 459,479 AT & T merger of TCI Cablevision of Dbq.(9/8)(11/16). 3'13,415 Atlantic & Custer Street Storm Sewer Improve. (1119){2/16)(8/3} ........................... 20,50,51,278 Atlast Fluid Co., renovation, Downtown Rehab Loan to Don Junk.{3116) ....................................... 112 Audit Inspection Report, DNR Industrial Pretreatment.(9/S) 309 Audit, Open, Funding, FY 97, response to HUD.(2116) .. ~.. 48 Audits, FY 1997 Financial, Parking Facilities, Solid Waste Agency, & Comp. Financial Report.(2/2) .............. 32 Audubon Elementary School Family Technology Center, Cp2 Funds Awarded.(8/3) .............................. 288 August Printed Council Proceedings approved.(10/5) .... 341 Authors - Local, by Cindy Kohlmann, presentation to City for Librery.(12/21) .................................... 471 Auto Salvage - Roger Kunde's, rezoning request for property near Water Poll. Control Plant. (11/2)(12/7)('12/21) ...................... 398,458,478,479 Auto Truck Plaza, 16th St., Mulgrew Oil, 12'15 E. 16th, Cig. Per.(6/1) ..................................... 204 Award - Accreditation, Police Dept.(8I'17) .............. 293 Award of Cp2 Funds - Community Partnership Prog.(5/4) . 182 Awareness, Lead Hazard - Outreach Grant Funds.(6/15) .. 220 Awning, fabric canopy, American Legion, 1309 Delhi. (12/7} ............................................ 459 INDEX - BOOK 128 1998 SUBJECT PAGE B BOARD OF HEALTH MEETINGS (1/19)(7/20)(8/24)(11/2)(12/7) ....................................... 6,259,304,385,435 BUNKER HILL BUILDING SUBCOMMITTEE SUBMITTING MINUTES: (9/8)(9/21)(12/7) ................... 308,329,436 B & W Properties by V. Bechen, Claim; denial. (5/18)(6/15) .................................... 190.216 Babcock's Addn., disposing of Lot 37A - alley abutting 2215 Marion to Terry & Sue Brown.(4/6) ........... 150,151 Babcock's Addn., Vacating alley abutting 2215 Marion St. to Terry & Sue Brown.(3/16)(4/6) ............. 132,133,151 Backing-in parking Diagonal parking on Fourth & Fifth Sts.(11/6)(12/7) ................................ 427.459 Bakke, Rod, applicant to Civic Center Comm.; appointed. (6/15)(7/6) ..................................... 224.243 Banks -financial institutions named as depositories of City's funds.(11/16) ................................. 414 Bar X, Michael's, L & M Wharf Inc., Cig. Per.; Beer Per. (12/21) ........................................ 476,477 Bargaining Agreements, City Employees.(6115) ...... 218,219 Bargaining Agreement, Firefightera.(10/19) ............. 370 Barking dogs, objection, D. Rampson.(514) .............. 178 Barrington Lake, final plat approved for Todd & Candace Dalsing.(10/19) .................................... 367 Bartalotta, Dorothy C., in support of Loras Park.(3/4) ..... 101 Baseball - Rising Stars/Independent League Days, Proclam.(6/1) ..................................... 202 Basket Expressions, M. Dolter, 474 Bluff St., Wine Per. (7120) ............................................. 263 Battered Women's Shelter, YWCA, release of mortgage. (3/16)(4/6) ................................. 137,138,151 Bauer, Bernice M., B'Z Dart InA, 431 Rhomberg, Liq. Lic.; Cig. Per.(6/15)(7/6) ................................. 224,242 Bauerly, Jim, applicant Zoning Bd. of Adjustment; reappointed.(4/6)(4/20) .......................... 146,164 Bauerly, Jim, resignation from ZBA.(6/15) ............... 222 Bauerly, Kathy, applicant for Comm. Devel. C.; housing testing corn merits.(2/16)(3/2)(3/4) ............. 49,50,91,102 Beadle, Dan, petition for Stop Sign at Forest Lane & Glen Oak; Stop sign approved.(5/4)(813) ........... 170,286,287 Beason, Atty Curtis, for Alter Trading Corp., suspension of Alter's Salvage Lic. {10/6)(11/2) .................. 351,390 Bechen, Vicki, Claim for B & W Properties.(5/18) ......... 190 Becker & Sons Stone, awarded contract for Rocco S. Buda Jr. Park.($/15) ..................................... 226 Beecher Co., Robert F., BE Beer Per.; 1691 Asbury Rd. (5118)(611) ..................................... 194,205 Beidler, Dennis, Claim.(8/3) ........................... 274 INDEX - BOOK 128 1998 SUBJECT PAGE B Bennett, John, applicant, Environ. Steward. Comm.; appointed.(10/6)(10/19) ...................... ~.. 347,374 Bennett, Nelda, Old Shang Lounge, 1091 Main, Cig. Per.;Liq. Lic.(6/1)(10/19) ................................ 205,374 Bergfeld, Kenneth G. & Janet M., deed accepted from them for property in Dbq. County.(3116) ................... 107 Berry, Lisa, petition requesting Residential Parking Per. Dis. for 12th St. & 1200 block of Jackson St. (5/~18) ..... Bertling, Richard & Cheryl., vacation & purchase of alley near 295 S. Hill St-(716)(918)(9121) .............. 240,325,334,335 Best Western - Dubuque Inn, Liq. Lic.(2/2) ............... BFI, contract for recycling, 2nd amend.(4/6) ............. 153 Bickel Rev. Kenneth, Pastor of First Congregational United Church of Christ, Gave lnvocetion.(12121) ............ 47t Bi~t to iowa League of Cities to host convention in Sept. of 2000.(2/2) ...................................... 38 Bidding of Steamboat Restoration Project,(10/5) ........ 342 Biedler, Dennis J. - Firetar suit against & City.(5/18) ..... : 190 Bieretube - Europa Haus Rest., M. Moeller, 1301 Rhomberg, Liq. Lic.{'10/5) ..................................... 347 Bies Dr., rezoning, R1 to R2.(2/16) ...................... 54 Big 10 Mart, Molo Oil Co 9th & Central, Cig. Per.; Beer Per.(6/1)(12/21 ) ................................ 205,477 Big 10 Mart, Molo Oil Co., 2100 JFK, Beer Per.(2/16) ....... 49 Big 10 Mart, Molo Oil Co., 1875 JFK, Cig. Per.; Beer Per. (6/1)(11/2) ................................ 205,390 Big Brother - Big Sister Awareness Week, Proc1.(2/16) .... 44 Bike & Hike Trail - Easements for property owners to North End Neighborhood Trail, 22nd St. to 32nd St, (7/6)(7/20) ................................. 254,265,266 Bike Trail, Application to IDOT for construction.(6/16) .... 220 Bike Trail, J. Kivlahan objection, their property fronts on JFK Rd,(6/1) .......................................... 209 Bike trail, Grant Agreement for Northern Levee Path;(5/18) 191 Billboards, Off-premise, S. Hardie objecting to prohibition. (3/16) ............................................ 115 Billing for Fire Sprinkler Service, new Ord.{3/4) .......... 104 Billing service for Ambulances.(10/19) ................. 372 Billy Buck's, B. Meyer, 521 E. 22nd, Cig. Per.; l_iq. Lic. (6/15)(12/7) ................................... 223~448 Birch, David, Claim; forwarded to Northwest Devel. (7/6)(8/3) ..................................... 239,275 Birch, Nancy, - Sassy's, refund on Liq. Lic.(1/19) .......... 8 Bird, Eugene, Jr., appointed to Zoning Adv. Comm.(6/'lS). 224 Bisenius, Boa, applicant, Housing Comm.; reappointed. (8/3)(8/17) .................................... 279,299 Bishop Block, disposal of former IDOT property - part of W. First St. & the Alley between Main St. & Freeway. (11/16)(12/7) ........................... 431,432,453,454 Bishop's Block Ltd. Partnership, execution of Loan Agree. between City & them.(12/21) ........................ 479 INDEX- BOOK 128 1998 SUBJECT PAGE B Bittinger, Ray, ROW purchase on Clarke Dr.(1/19) ......... 10 Bjornstead. Pastor Greg, Chaplain of Luther Manor, Gave Invocation.(5/18) ................................. 190 Black, Wm. M. - Handicap Accessibility, Cp2 funds; Supplemental Agree. wf IA Dept. of Transportation for Steamboat Restoration Pro.(514)(813)(918)(1015) ......................................... 182.277,308,342 Blasen, Joe, Claim; referred to Ins.(416)(514) ......... 139,169 Blasting, Uniform Fire Code.(918) ...................... 317 Blau, Kathy, applicant for Human Rights Comm.(12/21) ... 477 Blind - White Cane Safety Day Proclam.(10/5) ........... 341 Block Grant Funds, Public Input on expending FY 97 & FY 98 funds.(11/16) ..................................... 433 Blocker, R. J., Applicant for Airport Comm.(9/8){9/21). 314,334 Blong, Shirley, Claim; referred to Ins.(8/3)(8/17) ...... 274,293 Bluffs Trail Project, Historic [STEA Grant Application. (9/21) ........................................... 332 Board of Appeals Building Code, applicant Tim Pancratz. {4/6} ............................................ 146 Board of Review, Voluntary Settlement of assessment appeal by McGraw-Hill Co.(12/7) .......................... 438 Board of Supervisors requesting City vacate Eight St. between Iowa & Central.(12/7) ...................... 461 Boards - Council Members appointments to Dbq. In Future, DRA, GDDC, & Operation: New View.(1/19)(12/7) .... 15.461 Boards or Commissiens, City employees not eligible. (5118)(611) ................................ 196,197,212 Boat Docks in Ice Harbor, Grant applieation.(2/16} ........ 44 Bockenstedt, Daniel J., memorial stone at end orS. Grandview. (11/16) ................................ 405. bodine's, J. Detainer, 1445 Central, Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic. (6/15}(7120} ................................... 223,263 Boffe[[, Joshua, Claim; referred to Ins.(11/2)(11/16)... 386,405 Boge, Steve, Claim; settlement.(3/16)(5/18) .......... 106,190 Bonds, Parking Revenue Bonds, Dale of some and redemption of outstanding.(2/18) ................... 57a Bonds - Stonehitl Care Center Project - defeasance of Padre Pie Health Care Center Series 1996.(9121) ............ 331 Bonds - Sale of $2,650,000 - Interstate Power Co. Project, to refinance certain pollution control facilities.(11/16) . 419-422 Bonfires re: Uniform Fire Code adopted.(9/8) ............ 317 Bennett, David, resignation from Five Flags Comm.(4/6) .. 140 Bonnie Court Plat of Fremont Heights approved.(5/18) ... 192 Booth St., N., 35, rezoning from OR to OS -YMCA YWCA property.(12/21) .................................. 479 Borgstahl, Sherilynn S., Claim; Referred to Insurance. (7/6)(7/20) .................................... 239,260 Borrow money from Dbq. Met. Area Solid Waste Agency for purpose of extending a Sewer Line to Landfill.(1/3} ....... 3 Botsford, Ken & Angle, Alpine Heights Mobile Home Park. (12/7) ........................................... 448 INDEX :~OOK ~128 1998 SUBJECT PAGE B Boultinghouse, Gil, retirement from Cable TV Regulatory Comm.(Il/2) ...................................... 389 Bow & Arrow Hunting of Deer near City, new Ord.(6/15) .. 226 Bradford, Para, applicant for Historic Pres. Comm. -W. 11th area; appointed.(6/15)(7/6) ................. 224,243 Bradley Family Subd., NW Corner of Chaney & Asbury from PRto OS.(11/2) ................................... 391 Brannon, Michael, applicant for Civic Center Comm.; appointed.(6/15)(7/6) ........................... 224,243 Breaktime Bar, Kalmes, M., 1097 Jackson St.., Liq. Ltc.; Cig. Per.(5/18)(6/1) ................................. 194,205 Breitbach, Jerry, Claim; referred to Ins.(2/2)(2/16) ...... 28,44 Brenner, Ludwig, Claim; referred to Ins.(2/16)(3/2) ..... 44,60 Brestrup, Klm, - A & B Tap, refund on Cig. Per.(1/19) ....... 8 Brew Pub, Dbq., 500 E. 4th, Beer Per.(5/4) .............. 173 Bockes, Ruth, Iowa State True Value, objecting to two-way conversion of 4th, 5th, Main & Iowa Streets.(5/4); ...... 176 Brewery Amphitheater, Star, Recreation Infrastructure Grant application to IA DNR.(8/24) ........................ 305 Bridge over Catfish Creek, reconstruction, approval of ProjectAgree. FederalAid participation,(9/21) ........ 330 Bridge over Miss. River, four lane, federal funding, letter to Congress. J. Nussle.(4/6} ........................... 145 Bridge Restaurant, Liq. Lic.(11/16) ..................... 418 Bridge - White Water Creek, amended agree.(4/20) ....... 160 Bridgestone/Firestone Co., License Agree. between City & Montgomery Watson Americas Inc.- monitoring wells at 395 W. 7th St.(12/21) ............................. 475 Bries, Jerome & Susan, Easement Grant for North End Neighborhood Trail.(8/3) ......................... ;. 275 Brimeyer, Rita, Alpine Heights Mobile Home Park.(12/7) .. 448 Bromberg, Barry & Cathy, Alpine Heights Mobile Home Park.(12F/) ....................................... 448 Brosnan, Kfisty, Claim; Referred to 1ns.(7/20)(8/3) ... 260,274 Brown, Terry & Sue, re: vacation of alley abutting 2215 Marion St.(3/16}{4/6) ........................ 132,133,151 Brown, William N., Claim; Referred to Portzen. (10/19)(11/16) ................................. 366,405 Browning, Ferris industries of Iowa, 2nd amend.(4t6) .... 153 Brunskill Rd., 3055, R. Mills requeet to rezone; denial; (3/16) ............................................ 131 Brunswick & 28th St., Nathan & Nicole Hoffmann, vacation of property.(7/6) ................................... 240 Brunswick St. (& 28th St.) from Strauss St., - John Horn's requesting vacation & purchase of portion. (8/17)(12/7)(12/21) ...................... 294,462~463,478 Brunswick St. ~ Lot A, re: plat approval of Survey of Lot 1, Lot 2 & Lot A of Pinard PL(5/18) ........................ 191 Bryant St., speed limits.(3116} ......................... 129 Bucholz, Wayne, of IDNR, re: screening requirements for Roger Kunde's request for auto salvage.(11/2) ........ 398 INDEX - BOOK 128 1998 SUBJECT PAGE B Buckle Children in the Backseat Proclamation.(9121) ..... 329 Buda, Rocco S., Park - Loras Blvd., gift at budget time for development; grant agree.; construction. (314)(4120)(5118) ............................ 101,160,197 Budan, Thomas, J., Claim by State Farm; referred to Ins u rance.(l119){2/2) .............................. 7,28 Buddy Poppies Proclam.(5/4) ......................... 169 Budget Dept. Hearings etc.(2/18)(2/23) .............. 57b, 58 Budget for FY 1999: amendment. (1/19)(2/2)(219)(314)(3116)(416)(4120)(514)(10119) ...................... 19,39,43,101,112,153,167,174,378,379 Budget, FY 1998 Capital & Operating Carryovers & amendment.(10/5) ................................ 359 Budget~ FY 2000, Policy Guidelines.(10/5) ............... 347 Budget - Projector for Computer presentations.(4/20) .... 163 Buelow, Michael, aD0licant, Environ. Steward. Comm.; reappointad.(10/5)(10/19} ....................... 347,374 Buesing &Assoc. for McNamer, vacation of '10' utility easement along NPL, Fremont Hgts.(l/5) ............... 2 Buettel's Subd., approval of acquisition plat of Part of Lot 1.(1/19) ....................................... 12 Building Code Board of Appeals, applicant Tim Pancratz. (416) ........................................... 146 Building improvements to Operations & Maintenance Dept.'s Main Garage & Annex Buildings. (716)(813)(1212'1) ......................... 253,283,283,472 Building materials -Nuisance Abatement Ord.(5/4) ....... 179 Building Regulations - new Ord. & Moratorium for Permit Issuance for Work in US 20 Corridor - Dodge St. (5/4)(10119) ................................... 177,379 Buildings, abandoned, unoccupied, dangerous etc., - Nuisance Ord.: Vacant-Status Report.(5~4)(8~17) .. 180.296 Buildings to front on public or approved Street~ new Zoning Ord.(3116) ................................. 127 Bulk Storage Tank - Uniform Fire Code.(9/8) ............ 317 Bullock, Father Scott, Gave Invocation.{3/2) .............. 60 Bunker Hill Golf Course, G. Stephenson, Beer Per.; Cig. Per. (2/16)(6/1) .................................... 49,205 Bunker Hill Golf Course Wastewater Pump Station & Force Main Pro.(11/2)(12/7) .......................... 399.455 Bunker Hill Golf Course Operating Agree. with G.M.S. - George Staphenson, Golf Pro.(3/2) .................... 61 Buol, Roy, sworn in as Mayor Pro-Tem; DRA Board of Directors.(9/8)(12/7) ............................ 308,461 Burbach. Carl, requesting deletion of his property from sidewalk assessments on Pennsylvania Ave.; requesting vacation of storm sewer easement in Sunset Park7th Addn.(8/3)(1112)(11/16)(1217) .. 280,386,429,430,453 Burbach. Michelle, of Walker Shoes, opening of Town Clock Plaza.(3/4~ ................................. 101 INDEX ~B0~K '1~8 1998 SUBJECT PAGE B Burden, N., Ave., J. Sanner requesting total reconstruction of street.(11/16) ................................... 413 Burger, Larry, of Speer Financial Inc. Parking Rev. Refunding Capital Loan Notes.(?J18) ........................... 57a Burke-Manthey, Ms, Historic Pres. Commissioner, seat declared vacant.(10/5) ............................. 342 Burning - Open etc., Uniform Fire Code.(9/8) ............ 317 Button's 2nd Addn., Lot 2, Plat of proposed vacated Watermain, Storm Sewer & Sanitary Easement. (716}(7/20) .................................... 256,264 Burton's Second Addn., vacation of portion requested by D. Herbst by Arty Setter; changing sewer assessment fee also & disposal of property etc. (1119)(4/6)(4/20)(7120) ..................... 8,156,'164,264 Bus Facility, Office, HVAC Improvements.(5/4) .......... 186 Business & Social Research part of Loras College - conduct 3rd Rental Unit Survey.{10/19} ...................... 372 Business Development~ Small, Northeast Iowa.(3/2) ...... 89 Business Growth Inc - ECIA - Loan of $45,000 to Dbq. Data Services Co.(1'1/16) ................................ 417 Business Growth, Inc. ~=ClA - Proceed with Loan from City of Dubuque's EDA Revolving Loan Fund, $;200,000 to Cartegraph Systems.(10/5) ......................... 358 Business Services, include sign painting under Zoning designation.(3/2) ................................... 95 Butler, Nanci, Claim; referred to Ins.(10/6)(10/19) .... 341,366 Butterfield Rd., vacation & disposal of portion to Kenneth & Blanche L. Joheson.(~l/19)(3/2) .................. 24,25,92 B'Z Dart Inn, B. Bauer, 431 Rhomberg, Liq;/ic. (61'15)(716) .................................... 224,242 INDEX - BOOK 128 1998 SUBJECT PAGE C CARNEGIE STOUT PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD SUBMITTING MINUTES: (1/19)(212)(4/20)(6/1)(7/6)(10/5) ....... 7,28,159,202,239,341 CIVIC CENTER- FIVE FLAGS COMM. SUBMITTING MINUTES: (115)(212)(611)(813)(1015)(1112) ........ 1,28,202,329,341,386 CIVIL SERVICE COMM. SUBMITTING MINUTES: (2/2)(3/2)(4/6)(4120)(6/15)(7/6)(8/3)(9/21)(10119)(12f7) ..................... 28,60,139,159,216,239,274,329,366,436 CITY COUNCIL, Regular Sessions. (115)(1119)(212)(2116)(312}(3116)(416)(4120)(514)(5118)(611)(6115} (716)(7120)(813)(8117)(918)(9121)(1015)(10119)(1112)(11116)(1217) (12/zl) .... 1,7,28,44,60,106,139,169,169,190,202,216,239,260,274,293, 308, 329,340,366,386,405,436.471 CITY COUNCIL, Special Sessions. (1119)(212)(219)(2118)(2123}(2f26)(314)(3116)(5126)(611)(7120)(8124} (10/5)(11/24)(12/15) ........ 5,27,43,57,57a,58,59,101,105,199,258,305,340,434,467 CITY COUNCIL, Closed Sessions. (1119)(212)(219)(2118)(2123)(2126)(3116)(416)(4120)(514}(5118)(5/26) (6/1)(6/15)(7/6)(7/20)(8/3)(8/17)(9/8)(9/21)(10/5)(10119)(11/2) (11/16)(11/24)(12/7)(12/15)(12/21 ) 26,27,43,57,58,59,138,156,168,189,198,200,215,238,257,272, 291,302,328,338,341,384,404,433,434,466,470,481 CABLE TV REGULATORY COMM. SUBMITTING MINUTES: (115)(212)(416)(4120)(716)(1015)(12J21) . 1,28,139,159,239,341,471 CABLE TELEPROGRAMMING COMM. SUBMITTING MINUTES: (1/19)(4/20)(5/18)(7/6)(7120)(9/21)(10/19)(12f7) ............................ 7,159,190,239,260,329,366,436 CLOSED SESSIONS OF CITY COUNCIL: (1119)(212)(219)(2118)(2123)(2126)(3116)(416)(4120)(514)(5118)(5126) (611)(6115}(716)(7120)(813)(8117)(918)(9121)(1015)(10119)(1112) {11/16) (11/24)(12/7} (12/15)(12/21 ) ... 26,27,43,57,58,59,138,156,168,189,198,200,215,238,257,272, 291,302,328,338,341,384,404,433,434,466,470,481 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ADVISORY COMM. SUBMITTING MINUTES: (115)(212)(514)(813)(1112) ................. 1,28,169,274,386 CITIZENS WITH DISABILITIES PARKING REVIEW COMMITTEE SUBMITTING MINUTES: (1217) ........................................... 436 C & J Inc, Windsor Tap, 2401 Windsor Ave., Liq. Lic. (5/4) ............................................ 174 Cable Act. Section 626, Preliminary Consideration Proceedings, discussions - Section 626.(11/16) ....... 415 INDEX: BOOK ~28 1998 SUBJECT PAGE C Cable Car Square Historic Lighting Pro.(!1/16) .......... 406 Cable Communications Franchise, approve AT & T & TCI merger change.(11/16) ......................... 415,416 Cable Regulatory Comm. applicant Craig Schaefer, appointed.(1015)(lOI19) ......................... 347,374 Cable Regulatory Corem~ retirement of member G. Boulting ho use.(l'l/2) .............................. 389 Cable - TCI intent to merge with AT & T.(9/8) ............ 313 Cable Teleprogramming Comm. applicant Kelly Sebastian; appointed.(7120)(813) ........................... 263,279 Cable TV Div., Dept. Budget Hearing.{2/23) .............. 58 Cable TV - TCI of Iowa, Inc., annual report.(4/6) .......... 139 Cabling - Infrastructure, contract to Comm. Engrg. Co.(1/19) 12 Cairns Iris Thermal imaging Unit for Fire Dept., donated by Jaycees & other organizations.(!/19) .................. ~15 Call types for Police Dept., Comparative Staff report. (8/3) ............................................. 279 Campers, RV's parking, objection by S. Plumley on current Ord. (7/20) ........................................ 261 Canopy construction, 1309 Delhi for American Legion. {12/7) ........................................ 459,460 Canopy construction at 140 W. 9th St. for Firstar Bank. (1/19) ............................................. t5 CAPER - Consolidated Annual Performance & Evaluation Report for 7-1-97 thru 6-30-98.(10/19) ................ 370 Capital & Operating Budget Carryovers, FY 1998.(10/5)... 359 Capital Improvement Program, Dbq. Racing Assn. 1999. (11/2) ............................................ 390 Capital Improvement Program.(212)(314} .......... 39,101,'102 Capital Improvements Projects schedule, DRA expenditures. (2/16) ............................................. 45 Capital Loan Notes, Parking Revenue, issuance~ $2,800,000. (2/2)(2/18) ..................................... 38,57a Car, noise from radios, Ord. prohibiting.(5/4) ............ 183 Car parts, Nuisance abatement Ord.(5/4) ............... 179 Care Management Proposal request of Police & Fire job related claims.(9/8) ................................ 313 Carnegie Stout Public Library, budget amend., purchase IA Communications Network equip, for classroom.(4/6)... 153 Carnegie Stout Public Library ,Board of Trustees, resignation of Piper Kuhljuergen.(3/16) ......................... 106 Carr, Patti, Highway 20 Land Use Plan.(1112) ............ 397 Carstens, Gary, Mgr. of Lifetime Center, requesting financial help.(9/21 ) ................................ 335 Cartegraph Systems, Inc., CEBA; CEBA Lean Agree. etc; property in Dbq. Technology Park. (115)(716)(1015)(12115) ................. 2,248,357,358,467 Carter Road, Housing DeveL by Renaissance, Application for Federal Assistance.(10/19) ......................... 372 INDEX -BOOK '128 1998 SUBJECT PAGE C Casanova, Joseph S., Dispose of interest in real property by granting ingress/egress Easements for certain owners adjacent to North End Neighborhood Bike/Hike Trail from 22nd St. to 32nd St.(716){7120) ................... 254,266 Casey's General Store, 4003 Peru, tobacco violation; Cig. Per.(312}(3116)(611) ......................... 100,115,205 Casey's General Store, 2699 Rockdale, Cig. Per.; Beer Per. (6/1)(12/21) ................................... 205,477 Caseys General Store, The Monday Co., 4003 Peru Rd., Beer Per.(9/8) ......................................... 314 Casino, Diamond Jo, fireworks display.(3/16) ............ 112 Casino - Greyhound Park, opposition to Senate File #2026. (1/19) ............................................. 13 Casino - Greyhound Park - Reroofing Pro.; Cig. Per, (4/6)(611) ...................................... 141,205 Cas[no - Dbq. Greyhound Park - Parking Lot, extra work order okayed; constracfiom(9/21 )(12/7) ................ 330,456 Castrogiovannia, Joe, Yardarm, 1201 Shiras, Cig. Per. (7/20) ........................................... 263 Cat license fees changed, impoundment fees changed. (7/6) ............................................ 248 Catfish Creek, Praject Agree., Federal Aid Participation to reconstruct bridge.(9121) .......................... 330 Catfish FestivaL, Hawthorne St., D. Ginter, Beer Per.(6/15) . 223 Catherine & West Locust St. Steps restoration} - ISTEA Grant Application for Historic Bluffs Trail Pro.(9/21) ... 332 Cavanaugh, Ran, of Westmark, objecting to sidewalk on S. side of property.(8/3) ............................. 280 Cavanaugh, Jana, Claim; referred to Ins.(918)(9121) ~.. 308,329 CDBG Agree. with U.S. Dept. of Housing & Urban Devel.(8/17) ..................................... 298 CDBG, Consolidated Annual Performance & Evaluation Report.(10/19) ................................... 370 CDBG Funds., Environmental Notice & Release of Funds for YMCA/YWCA Building Corp. Special Needs Locker F~ooms Pro.(8117) ................................. 297 CDBG Funds - Prog. Year 24, Annual Action Plan; Amend. (1119)(219)(314)(514)(1217) ........ 19,43,102,103,185,446,447 CDBG Funds Released etc.(514)(813) ...............182,288 CDBG Funds ~ Lead Paint Hazard Control Grant.(6/1) ..... 203 CDBG Loan - release of mortgage for YWCA Battered Women's Shelter.(4/6) ............................. 151 CDBG Program, HUD's allocation $1,409,000.00 for FY.(ll5) . 2 CDBG Projects - Environ. Notice & Release of Funds. (514) ..................................... 170,171,182 CEBA application for Dubuque Data Services.(9/8) ....... 312 CEBA application for Swiss Valley Farms.(10/19) ........ 372 CEDA Award for Cartegraph Systems, Inc. (115){716)(1015) ............................ 2,248,357,358 INDEX- BOOK 'i28 1998 SUBJECT PAGE C CEBA Loan of $150,000 between IA Dept. of Economic Development, Dbq. Data SerVices & City & authorize ECIA Business Growth Inc. - loan of $45,000 too Dbq. Data Services.(ll/16) ................................... 416 Cedar Cross Amoco, TBTB Inc., Beer Per.; Cig. Per. (2/16)(6/1) ..................................... 49~205 Cedar Cross, Fremont Intersection Reconstruct. Pro.(2/2) . 30 Cedar Cross Rd. & Center Grove, petitions from M. Shumacher-sidewalk installation,(4/20) .............. 166 Cedar Cross Road, 1095, S of, (behind Tri~State Golf} zoning amendment to allow mini-warehouse & storage facility, P. Tobin.(2/16){3/2) ....................... 54,93 Cedars Restaurant & Lounge, 2155 Southpark, Liq. Lic. (3/2) .............................................. 91 Ceiling Heights, - Amend. to Housing Code.(1/19) ..... '17-19 Census Addresses Program update for Census 2000.(3/2). 90 Census Tracts, designation of six -downtown, - Officer Next Door Prog.('l119) ............................... 10 Center for Public Ministry Court Case dismissed K. O'Rourke, (1/~9) ............................................. ~2 Center Grove Rd. & Cedar Cross, petition - M. $chumacher - sidewalk installation.(4/20) ......................... 166 Central & Iowa St. - requested vacation of Eighth St. by County Super. to deed to County.(12/7) .............. 461 Central & White Sts., vacating & disposing of alley between 8th & 9th Sts. to Wm. Hendricks (Feed & Seed).(1/19) 22-24 Central Ave., 3510, north of Swiss Valley Farms, vacation requested of Nicolet Ave. (I/19){3/16) .............. 8,106 Central Market Dis., parking restricted.(4/20) ............ 163 Central Tap, inc. 1046 Central, Liq. Lic.; Cig. Per. (4/20)(6/1) .................................... 164,205 Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Finance reporting.(9/2"J) ................................... 329 Certificate of Appreciation for Human Rights Comm., Kathy Stevens note of appreciation.(4/6) ................... 140 Certificate of Economic Hardship - American Tower Bldg. (7/2O) ............................................ 267 Cer'rJficate of Registration, Electrical, Ord. changed.(8/17) 301 Certification of City's population, to State Treesurer.(3/2).. 61 Certified Local Government Funding to conduct a Historic Preservation SurVey.(11/16) ........................ 406 Chamber Convention & Visitors Bureau - marketing Study funding requested.(4/6) ............................ 155 Chamber of Commerce Convention & Visitors Bureau - Purchase of Services Agree.(4/6) .................... 144 Chamber of Commerce, presentation of "America's River."(1/19) ........................................ 5 Chaney & Asbury Rd,PR to OS, rezoning.{10/19)(11/2) 383,391 Chapman, Kristina, Oky Deky Foods #14, ~1050 University Cig. Per.; Beer Per.(6/15)(7/6) ................... 223,242 Chavenelle Dr. construction, Phase I.(5/26) ............. 199 INDEX-BOOK 128 1998 SUBJECT PAGE C Chavenelle Rd., & SW Corner of Highway 32 - NW Art., Revised Land Use Plan for Dbq. Industrial Center Phases I & [L..amend PUD designation.(10/19)(11/2) .... 384,39'1-396 Chavenelle Rd. to N City limits - Radford Rd. prohibition of parking.(2/2) ....................................... 37 Chavenelle Road Extension, E from Seippel Rd. into New West Side Ind. Park - County Farm.(212)(5126) .. 33,199 Chestnut & Dell Street Storm Sewer Pro..(12/7) .......... 465 Chi-Chi's Inc. Mexican Rest., 800 Wacker, Liq. Lic.(2/2) .... 34 Chicago, Central & Pacific RR Co. - Sanitary Sewer Lateral for County Farm Ind. Site Sanitary Sewer Pro.(7/6) .... 240 Child Care Referral & Information & Referral - Purchase of Services Agree.(4/6) .............................. '144 Child Care Resource & Referral, CDBG, Environ. Notice & Release of Funds.(5/4) ............................ 171 Child Health Clinic, Maternal, letter of support - VNA.(4/20) 158 Childhood Lead Poisoning -Application for Lead-based Paint Hazard Control Grant.(5118] ................... 192 Childhood Lead Poisoning Funding contract.(7/20) ...... 262 Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Prog. Contract Amend.(3/2} .................................... 88,89 Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Prog.(9/21) ...... 333 Children in the Backseat- Always Buckle, Proclam.(9/21) 329 China delegation invited by Mayor to Dubuque.(312) ....... 90 Christmas Lighting Display by Hillcrest, Agree., use of Murphy Park.(6/15} ............................. 217 Church of the Nativity, skateboarding & rollerblading concerns set out by Pastor.(6/1) .................... 209 Covenants for Dubuque Technology Park.(6/1)(6/15) . 209,227 Cigarette -Tobacco Compliance checks, grant - Police.(2/2) 33 CIP Program.(212)(314} ......................... 39,101,102 Cisterns, - Nuisance Ord.(5/4) ......................... 180 City - County Law Enforcement Center Building Agree. (7/6) ............................................ 241 City Employees, Collective Bargaining Agreements & for non-bargaining unit employees.(6/15) ............ 218,219 City employees not being eligible for appointment to any committee, board or commission.(5/18)(6/1) ... 196,197,212 City Enterprise Zone Comm., new addition Ch. 15 of City Code;procedure governing loans, change.(416)(1112)153,398 City Hall Remodeling Pro., First Floor.(2/2) ............... 29 City Manager Van Milligen, appointed to DRA; reappointed to GDDC; explained faulty Severe Weather Warning Siren; Seventh Amend. to Employment Agree.; Annual Performance & Evaluation Report; appointment process for City Enterprise Zone Comm.; reappointed to DRA Bd.; disallowing non-eligibility for Manager's & Assistant Mgr.'s appointments to various boards. (1119)(514)(5118)(611)(10119)(1217)('12121) ........................... 15,177,198,202,370,459,461,479 INDEX - BOOK 128 1998 SUBJECT PAGE C City of Dubuque Five Flags Center, 405 Main, Liq. Lic. (7~20) ............................................ 263 City Officers to execute Stock Sale Trensactions.(11/16) . 413 Civic Center Comm., applicant S. Sesterhenn; appointed. (416)(4/20) ...................................... 146,164 Civic Center Comm., applicants Rod Bakke, Michael Brannon - reappointment of Bakke & Brannon. (6/15)(716) .................................... 224,243 Civic Center Comm., D. Bonnett resignation.(4/6) ........ 140 Civic Center Comm., Grant Application for State Historic Site Preservation for Five Flags Theater Renovation.(9/8)... 311 Civic Center Div., Arena Partition Wall Improve. Pro. (3/2)(4/6) ................................... 97,149,150 Civic Center Division, Dept. budget hearing.(2/18) ....... 57b Civil Penalty of $300 against businesses for tobacco violations.(11/16) .................................. 433 Civil Service Commissioners terms changed to four years. (312)(3/16) ............................... 96,97,128,129 Civil Service Comm. interview of applicants Duehr, K[uesner & Rawson & Scoggin; reappointments of Duehr, Kluesner, & Rawson.(3/16)(4/6) .................. 114,146 Civil Rights, Iowa, housing tests requested.(3/16} ....... 112 Civil Service Comm. certifying Computer Programmer hiring list.(4/6) .................................... 141 Civil Service Comm. certifying Computer Programmer position; certifying Public Safety Dispatcher; certifying Medical Officer; Laborer, Computer Programmer, Engineering Assistant, Sanitation Driver. (4/6)(6115)(8/3) ......................... 141,216,217,276 Civil Service Comm. certifying Stock Clerk hiring list.(4/20) 159 Civil Service Comm. certifying Maintenance Worker hiring list.(4/20) ......................................... 160 Civil Rights Commission - Iowa, Cooperative Agree.(9/8) . 313 Civil Service Corem. certifying Equipment Operator II. (10/19) ........................................... 366 civil Service Comm. certifying Park Ranger.(7/6) ........ 239 Civil Service Comm. certifying Mechanic.(9/21) .......... 330 Civil Service Comm. certifying Truck Driver pesition.(12F/) 436 CK of Dubuque, Country Kitchen, 3187 University, Beer Per.(4/20) ......... ~ .............................. 164 Claims & Suits to City, referred to Legal Staff for investigation & report. (1/5)(1119) (2/2)(2/16)(3/2)(3/16)(416)(4120)(514)(5118)(611 )(6/15)(7/ 6)(8/3)(8/17)(918)(9121)(1015){10/19}(11/2)(11/16)(1217)(12/21) ................................... 1,7,28,44,60,106,139, 159,169,'190202,216,239,274,293,306,329,341,366,366,495, 436,471 Claims - injury of police & fire, Proposal for Care Management.{9/8) ................................. 313 INDEX - BOOK 128 1998 SUBJECT PAGE C Claims - Proofs for various months. (115)(2/2)(3116)(416)(5118)(6115)(716)(813)(9121)(10119}(1217) (12/21) ..... 1,28,106,139~190,216,239,274,329,366,436,471 Clarke College, 1550 Clarke Dr., Liq~ Lic.(8/17) ........... 299 Clarke Dr. - 1996 PC Concrete Paving Pro.. #2, amendment to include water service connections; accept.; final assessments to property owners.(1/19)(3/2) .... 14,19;60-68 Clarke Dr., 980, rezoning from R1 to CS etc., denied.(2/16) . 54 Clarke Dr. ROW bought from various owners~{lllg) .... 10,11 Clarke Dr., S. Mosiman, objecting to overhead electrical distribution systems.(4120)(5118)(611) ......... ~63,198;213 Clarke Dr., Storm Sewer Modifications. (813)(918)(11116) ......................... 288,289,3~6,412 Clarke, Stephen, appreciation for working with Human Rights Dept.(9/8) ........................................ 309 Class E Airspace areas, FAA rulemaking.(4/6) ........... 141 CLG Grant Program Funding to conduct a Historic Pres. Survey.(11/16) .................................... 406 Clifford Enterprises, LC - Dempsey's & Molly's Pub & Grub, 395 W. 9th, Liq. Lic.; Cig. Per.(6/1)(6/15) ........... 206,223 Closing of Venture Stores, Inc. at 255 JFK Rd.(5/4) ....... 173 Clubhouse, The, M. Spiegelhalter, 2364 Washington, Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic.; Cig. Per.(3/2)(6/1) ............... 90,91,205 CMC Heartland Partners, purchase Agree. for 21.5 Acres; acceptance of Deed of property in Kerper Blvd. Ind. Park. (7/20)(12/7) ................................. ;. 267;444 CNA Commercial Insurance, claim of J. Olsen referred to Sproule's Ins.(4/20) ............................... 159 Cochran; David, applicant for Housing Comm. (813)(8/17} .................................... 279,299 Code Supplement No. 36 adopted; No. 37 adopted. (5/4)(10/19) ................................... 170,371 Collective Bargaining Agreements for Dbq. Police Protective Assn., Transit Union; Operating Engrs. & Non Bargaining Employees; With Firefighters.(6/15)('10/19) .... 218,219,370 Combined Notice re: Environment & Release of Funds for CDBG Projects.(514) ........................... ~[70,171 Comelec Services, objecting to sidewalk assess, for Radford Rd. Reconstruction Pro~(3/2) ; ................ 91 Comm. Economic Betterment Account Loan - Swiss Valley. (10/19) .......................................... 372 Comm. Economic Betterment Account Loan - Cartegraph Systems, Inc.(1/5)(7/6) ............................ 2,248 Comm. Economic Betterment Account - CEBA - Loan - Dubuque Data Systems.(918) ....................... 312 Commisslen or board, city employees not eligible; (5/18)(6/1) ................................ 196,197,212 Commitment Letter for Loan to Jorja Moore.(12/7) ... 445,446 Commitment Letter - Loan for Iowa [nn Project - Stout Place Apartments, L.P.(12_/21) ........................... 476 INDEX - BOOK 128 998 SUBJECT PAGE C Committees, Boards or Commissions, City employees not eligible; Mgr. & Ass't Mgr. eligibles(6/1)(12/21) ..... 212,479 Communication Engineering Co., Contract awarded for Infrastructure Cabling; complete Network Electronics project for City's computer system.(1/19)(3/2) ....... 12,89 Communications Network - IA, ICN, purchase of equipment for library.(4/6) .................................... 153 Community Based Task Force, assistance by Nat'l Crime Prevention Council.(2116) ........................... 53 Community Devel. Block Grant Funds Program Year 24, Annual Action Plan.(1~19)(219)(314)(5~4) .. 19,43,102,103,185 Community Development Block Grant Loan - release of mortgage for YWCA Battered Women's Shelter.(416) ... 151 Community Development, Ch. 15 of City Code, new Enterprise Zone Comm. added; procedure governing loans, change.(4/6)(1112) ............................. 153,398 Community Development Comm. interview of applicants; appointment of Jim. Giesen; interview of Sr. Lynn M. Fangman; appointment of Fangman; interview ef Dan Shireman for Census Tr. 5. (2/16)(3/2)(6/1)(6/15)(11/2) .............. 50,91,206,224,390 Community Development Week, ProcL(4/6) ............. 139 Community Partnership Prog, Cp2, Revised guidelines; Time Extension for Completion of transferring title on property, Dbq. County Habitat for Humanity; CDBG, Environ. Notice & Release of Funds; Awarding of funds for FY 99; awarded offundforFY199g.(2/2)(4/6)(5/4)(8/3) .. 32,145,171,182,288 Community School Board reque, st to participate as a sponsoring organization for public dialogues.(7/6} ..... 241 Community School Dis. Project- Long Range Planning advising of volunteer planning rep's.(9/21) ........... 333 Community Schools dedication of a school owned sanitary sewer.(11116) ..................................... 413 Community Theater Week, Pr0cl.(4/6) .................. 139 Compassionate Friends Days Proclam.(12/7) ........... 436 Compensation package, Non-bargaining employees.(6/15) 219 Comprehensive Stermwater Plan - H.D.R. Engineering as consultsnt.(11/16) ................................. 427 Compton, Joe & Melissa, of 175 Alpine, appeal of Historic Pres. Comm.'s decision, siding & lead paint.(8/17) ..... 300 Computer company, CEBA applications etc~(1/5)(7/6) .. 2,248 Computer presentations; purchase of projector.(4/20) .... 163 Computer Programmer position individuals certified by the Civil Service Comm.(4/6)(8/3) ....................... 141 Computer system of City, Communication Engineering co. to complete Network Electronics project(3/2) ............ 89 Concrete Co., Mole Ready Mix requesting use of City water near WalMart(5/18} .......... ; ..................... 192 Concrete Pad requested for American Legion to set military equipment on.(10/19) .............................. 367 INDEX - BOOK 128 1998 SUBJECT PAGE C Concrete Paving Pro. #2, 1996 - Clarke Dr., amendment to include water service conn.; accept. (1/19) .......... 14,19 Concrete Paving Pro., 1997 P.C., acceptance & Preliminary Schedule of Assess.; Final Assessments.(10/19)(12/7) .............. 368,369,439-443 Concrete Paving Pro., 1998, Creston St., Marquette PI. & Glenwood Ct.(312)(416)(514) ................ 98,147,'148,185 Concrete Products, IA, Claim.(3/2)(9/8) .............. 60,308 Condemnation proceedings for Riverwalk Project- Plastic Center (The Fischer Co.).(9/8) ...................... 320 Concession Building, Ice Rink Warming House in Flora Park.(918)(lOIS) ................................ 323,349 Concession Agree. terminated with JD, BS & SW Ltd. for McAleece Park.(12/7) ............................ 437,438 Conference - Convention, bid for year 2000 League of Cities; confirmation of bid.(2/2)(4/6) ............... 38,141 Congress - importance of funding for America's River Pro.(4120) ........................................ 160 Connection fee to sewer for D. Herbst, changing of assessment fee.(7120) ............................. 264 Connolly Construction awarded contract for U.S. Hwy 20 Water Main Est. Pro.(8/3) .......................... 283 Consideration Proceedings - Pml., Section 626 of Cable Act.(11116) ....................................... 415 Construction of U.S. Highway 20 Water Main Ext. Pro. (7/20) ........................................... 267 Consultant for Transportation System Design.(9/21) ..... 330 Consultation of HUD with City employees, report.(1/19) ..... 8 Contract amendment - Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program.(3/2)(7/20) .......................... 88,89,262 Contract, Infrastructure Cabling to Communication Engineering Co.(1/19) ............................... 12 Contract, VNA re: Healthy Dbq. 2000 Plan.(l119) .......... 12 Contract with Nat'l Crime Prevention Council.(2/16) ....... 53 Contract with BFI, 2nd amendment for processing & marketing of recyclables.(4/6) ...................... 153 Contract with ISU Extension Services for Uptown Recreation Prog.(5/4) ........................................ 172 Contract with IIW for Kerper Blvd. Ind. Park.(5/18) ........ 193 Contract with Webb Alliance, services to enhance customer relations for Housing Dept.(10/5) ........... 357 Contract with Plastic Center, Fischer Co. to purchase property for Riverwalk Pro.(10/19) .................. 381 Contract with IA DepL of Inspections & Appeals for inspections & licensing of various food esteblish.(12/7) 438 Contract with National Animal Control Assn. NACA -evaluate Animal Control Activity.(12/7) ................. ; ..... 438 Contributions Contract, Annual, for Section 8 Housing, amended.(3/16) ................................... 108 Convention & Visitors Bureau, Purchase of Services Agree, (416) ............................................ 144 24 INDEX, BoOK 1998 SUBJECT PAGE C Convention & Visitors Bureau, funding help for marketing Study, Chamber.(4/6) .............................. 155 Convention & Visitors Bureau, Quarterly Report. (1/19)(4/20)(8/3)(10/19) .................... 7,159,274,368 Convention bid for year 2000 League of Cities; confirmation.(212)(4/6) .......................... 38,141 Conversion of one-way streets (Main, Iowa, 4th, 5th) to two-way streets.(9/21 ) (11/16) ................. 335,411,412 Conveyances, non motorized, fined for being in Town Clock Plaza area,(5/18) .................................. 196 Cook, Drew, awarded Louise & Louella Lane Sanitary & Watermain Ext.(4/6) ................................ 149 Cook, Jeremy, Claim; referred to Ins.(8/3)(8/17) ...... 274,293 Cooperative Agree. - Iowa Civil Rights Comm.(9/8) ....... 313 Cooperative Agree. - tA Dept. of Transportation, Reconstruction of intersection of First St. & Locust St.{11/16) ......................................... 430 Cooperative Winter Maintenance Agree. between City & County.(1 IF16) .................................... 405 Copeland, Carol A., applicant for Housing Comm. (8/3)(8/17) .................................... 279,299 Copper Kettle. 2098 Jackson St,, Liq. Lic.(11/16) ........ 418 Corey Development, Ltd., vacation of portion of Hwy #32, NW Arterial for them.(7/6)(7/20) .................. 252,265 Cornell St., vacation of portion & adjacent alley between 16th & 17th Sta., Ron White,(ll116)(12F/)(12/21). 413,461~462,477 Corner Tap, The, P. Broessel, 2093 Washington; Liq. Lic. (5/18) ........................................ 194 Corporate Center Economic DeveL Tax Increment Dis. (Dbq.) to be closed out.{11/2)(11/16) ................ 398,425,426 Corridor- Hwy 20, Land Use recommendations.(10/19)... 384 Cost reimbursement for grading site for Advanced Data Comm.(9/8) ....................................... 313 Council approval no longer required for fireworks displays.(9/8) ..................................... 316 Council Proceedings, detailed - approved as printed for months: November 97; December 97; January & February 1998; March t998; April & May 1998; June 1998; July 1998, Aug. 1998, Sept. 1998; October 1998. (2/16}(312)(5/4)(6/15)(716)(7120)(9/8)(1015)(10/19)(12/21) .................... 44,60,169,216,239,260,308,341,366,471 Council Proceedings, Proofs of Publication. (115)(1/19)(3/2)(3/16)(4/6)(5118)(6/1)(6/15)(7120)(8/17)(9/8) (1015)(11/2)(12/21) ....... 1,7,60,106,139,190,202,216,260,293,308,341,386,471 Country Club, Dbq. Golf&, Cig. Per.(8/17) .............. 298 Country Kitchen, CK of Dubuque, 3187 University, Beer Per.(4/20) ........................................ 164 Country Steppers, petition, Lifetime Senior Center funds.(9/21) ...................................... 335 INDEX - BOOK 128 1998 SUBJECT PAGE C County Bd. of Supervisors, Joe Robbins on REAP Comm. (6/15) ........................................... 226 County Bd. of Supervisors - Law Enforcement Center Bldg. Agree.(7/6) ....................................... 241 County Bd. of Supervisors requesting City vacate Eighth St. between iowa St. & Central Ave. & deed to them.(12/7). 461 County (Dbq.) - APEX-PH report~ approval of goals & objectives - Health Bd.(7/20) ....................... 259 County Extension Neighborhood Support Grant - North End Neigh borhood.(7/6)(l 0/5) ....................... 241,346 County Fair Week, Proclam.(7/20) ...................... 260 County Farm - extension of Chavene[le Rd. E from Seippel.(2./2) ....................................... 33 County Farm, Interceptor Sewer Extension.{6/1) ......... 207 County Farm Ind. Site Sanitary Sewer Pro. - Easement Agree. RR's.(7/6) ................................. 240 County Farm, N of, zoning reclassification from AG to PUD - Dbq. Industrial Center West etc.; Grading Pro., Sanitary Sewer Pro.; Sewer Interceptor Ext. (2116)(3116)(514)(5126) ............. 55,115-125,187,188,199 County - Final plat approval of property adjacent to Barrington LakeforTodd&CandaceDalsing.(10/19) .. 367 County Historic Society - Ryan House, 1375 Locust, Liq. Lic. (12/21) .......................................... 477 County -IDOT resurfacing, U.S. 61 from Jackson Cry. Line to City.(1/5) ..................................... 2 County, Quit Claim Deed, portion of Seippel Rd. place. (6/1) ............................................ 204 County, Winter Maintenance Agree. wf City,(11/16) ....... 405 County Sheriff claim; forwarded to Ins.(1/5)(1/19) ........ 1,7 Court case of Center for Public Ministry's - K. O'Rourke, dismissed.(1/19) .................................... 12 Cox's Addn. property, - Dupaco Credit Union - voluntary foreclosure claim.(916) ............................ 308 Cp2 Funds. Wm. Black Handicap Accessibility Pro..(8/3).. 277 Cp2 Pro., CDBG, Environ. Notice & Release of Funds; Awarding of funds for FY 99.(5/4) ............... 171,182 Cp2 Pro., Time Extension for Completion of transferring title on property, Dbq. County Habitat for Humanity.(4/6) .. 145 Cp2 Program, Comm. Partnership, revised guidelines; award of Comm. Partnership Program Funds for FY 1999; YMCA/YWCA Building Corp. Special Needs Locker Rooms Pro.(2/2)(813)(8/17) .......................... 32,288,297 Crabb, Timothy B., applicant for Housing Comm. (8/3)(8/17) .................................... 279,299 Crewford, Merrill, Cable Fr. Adm, notifying of Gil Boulfinghouse retiring off RegulatoryComm.(11/2) .. 389 Crawford, Operating Engr. Rep., re: Alpine Heights Mobile Home Park comment.(12/7) ................. 448 Creger, Elizabeth, Human Rights, -Iowa Civil Rights Comm. for housing testa.(3/16) ........................... 112 26 INDEX ~ BOOK 128 1998 SUBJECT PAGE C Creslanes Bowling, Crescent Elec., 255 S~ Main, Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic.(611)(6/15) ............................. 205,224 Creston St., part of 1998 P.C. Concrete Paving P; (312)(416)(514) ........................... 98,147,148,185 Crime Prevention Council, National, assist Comm. Based Task Force.(2/16).; ................................. 53 Crime Property - Ordinance etc.(10/5} .............. 353-355 Criminal records check for housing applicants, concern to Legislators.(2/'[6) ................................ 46 CROP Walk Day in Dubuque, Proclamation.(9/21) ........ 329 Cue Master Ltd., 900 Central, Liq; Lic.;Cig. Per.; tobacco violation penalty - hearing. (312)(611)(11116)(1217) .................... 91,205,433,458 Culbertson, Joseph, Claim; referred to 1ns.{312){3116) . 60,106 Curb Ramp Installation at 17th SL; project tabled. (10/5)(11/2) ................................ 359,360,397 Curb Ramp Pro. -ADA -1998.(7/6)(813)(12/21). 255,256,262,473 Curb Ramps, CDBG - Release of Funds & Environ. Notice.(5/4) ....................................... 171 Curb Ramps - Sidewalk Inspection Route.(8/3)(9/8) ........................................ 289,290,3t4,315 Curb Ramps, Washington St. from 14th to 30th St.(8/3)... 290 Curtis & State St. Storm Sewer Reconstruction Pro. (1119)(2/16)(918) .............................. 22,51,310 Custer & Atlantic Streets Storm Sewer Im prove. Pro. (1119}(2116)(8/3) .............................. 20,50,278 Customer relations for Housing DepL, contra~ with Webb Alliance.(10/5) ............................... 357 CyCare Plaza, alley east, HBO & Co. to construct a platform.(10/19) ................................. 350 INDEX- BOOK128 1998 SUBJECT PAGE D D B & T - Dubuque Bank & Trust Co., authorized depository for City funds.(11/16) .............................. 414 D;B.Q. Inc., Shot Tower Inn, 380 Locust, Liq. Lic.(5/18) .... 194 DAL Building Corp., erection of fabric canopy awning at American Legion at 1309 Delhi.(12/7) ............. 459,460 Dalsiag, Todd & Candace, final plat approval in Barrington Lake area.(10/19) ................................. 367 DAMA Corp., Rainbow Lounge, 36 W; 4th St., Liq. Lic. (10119) .......................................... 374 Damaged Trees or plant materials - Nuisance Abatement Ord.(5/4) ......................................... 180 Dangerous Building or Structure - Ord - Prohibition & Abatement of Nuisances.(5/4) .................... 179 Dangerous buildings or structures - Nuisance Abatement Ord.(5/4) ......................................... 180 Daniels St., property N of and E of B[es Dr., from R1 to R2.(3/2) ........................................... 92 Darby; Peter; Claim; settlement,(2/2)(2/16) ............ 28,44 Dart Inn, B'Z, Liq. Lic;; Cig. Per.(6/15)(716} ........... 224,242 Data Court, street in Dbq. Technology Park; RISE Grant etc;; CEBAApplication.(5118)(6116}(918) ........ 196,227,311,312 Daykin, Klm, Update on Hwy 20 Landscape Pro.(7/20) .... 258 Days Inn, 1111 Dodge, Liq. Lic.; request for vacation & sale of alley & portions of McClain St.(3/2)(7/20) ......... 91,262 Days Inn access, IDOT excess ROW to City.(11/2) ........ 388 Debt prepayment for DRA from June, 1998 thru 12-1998. (5/4) ............................................ 170 December 1997 Financial Reports.(1/19) .................. 7 December 1997 Printed Council Proceedings approved. (3/2) ..................................... ; ........ 60 DeCovis, Lillian, her property on Clarke purchased as ROW. (1/19) ............................................. 11 Deed from Kenneth Bergfe!d property in the County.(3/16) 107 Deed from Wm. Siege~s property in the County.(3/16) ... 107 Deed from Plastic Center for Riverwalk Pro.(11/2) ........ 389 Deed, Warranty for Pinard Park from R. J. Frank.(7/20) .... 261 Deeds for ROW on Clarke Dr.(1/19) ................. 10,11 Deer problem, Pearl & Noel Stecher, concerns.(1/5) ........ 2 Deer Management Plan around Dubuque - Envir. Steward. Comm.; new Ord.(6/1)(6/16) ................. 203,204,226 Defeasance of Padre Plo Health Care Center Series 1996 Bonds.(9/21) ..................................... 331 Defense Award, 1998 Public Interest.(10/5) .............. 347 Deferred Compensation Plan, amended ICMA.(10/19) ..... 371 Deggenhardt, Laura Lee, Claim; Denial.(7/6)(7/20) .... 239,261 Delaney, Jean, Claim referred.(lt5) ....................... Delhi St., - now added as a "Through Street,'(8/3) ........ 287 Delhi St., 1309, American Legion, fabric canopy constructed. (12/7) ........................................... 459 Delinquent Sewer, Garbage & Refuse Collection Accounts certified to Treasurer for collection.(12/21) ........ 474,475 Dell St. Storm Sewer Project.(12/7) ..................... 465 Demmer, Jeff, Bodine's, Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic.(6/15){7/20) 223,263 Demolition of American Tower Bldg., discussion; temporary injunction by John Whalen.(7126)(813) ............ 267,274 INDEX, BOOK 128 1998 SUBJECT PAGE D Dempsey's & Molly's Pub & Grub, 395 W. 9th, Liq. Lic.; Cig. Per.(611)(6115) ................................. 206,223 Departmental PreL Budget Hearings.(2123} .............. 58 Depositories named for City's monies.(11/16) ........... 414 Dept. of Economic Devel., structure change of Enterprise Zone Comm.(16)(716)(1112)(11116)(1217) 153,248,398,424,459 Dept. of Public Health, Contract, Funding Local Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Preg.(7/20) ............... 262 Deputy Finance Director Gerald Hird authorized to sell stocks.(11/16) ................................. 414 Design Center Inc, Julien Inn, 200 Main St., Liq. Lic. (12/7) ............................................ 448 Detectors -Smoke in Rooming Units, Ord. amending Housing Reg. (5~4) ................................ 184 Denny's Lux Club, Beverly A. Larsen, 3050 Asbury, Liq. Lic.; Cig. Per.; penalty for tobacco violation. (5118)(611)(11116)(12i7) .................. 194,205,433,458 Detention basins, Nuisance Abatement Ord.(5/4) ........ 180 Detarman, Thom, Chair of Human Rights Comm., Gave Annual Report for 1998; applicant for Human Rights Comm.(12121) ................................. 471,477 Deutsch, Wayne, Sign Painting Services, Bus[ness Services to include. (3/2) ............................ 95 Diamond Jo Casino, fireworks request.(3/16) ........... 116 Development Agreement with ADC Properties & Advanced Data-Comm. Inc.(1016) ............................. 361 Diabetes Day - Dollars Against, Proclam.(6/15) .......... 216 Diagonal Parking on both Fourth & Fifth St., information; Angle Parking.(11/16)(12/7) ..................... 427,459 Dialogues - public, request from School Bd. for Long Range Planning Adv. Comm. to be Sponsor etc.; Long Range Comm. reps etc.(7/6)(9/21) ...................... 241,333 Diamond Jo Casino Portside, Greater Dbq. Enter. Co., 400 E. 3rd, Liq. Lic.; Cig. Per.(4/6)(6/15) ................. 146,223 Diamond Jo Portside, Dbq. River. Enter., Liq. Lic.(7/20}... 263 Dickinson, Rick of GDDC, verbal status on projects; agreement with City staff re.' prohibition of oft-premise signs; status report; Landscaping construction etc. (1119)(3116)(7120)(9/8) ................ 15,115,260,322,323 Digital Drive re: street in Dbq. Technology Park; Yield Sign on this & Lake Eleanor Rd.(5118)(6115)(813). 196,227,285,286 Digital telecommunications - Loan to McLeodUSA, objection by U.S; West.(3/16} ............................ ;... Digman, Eldon, American Tower Bldg; demolition.(7/20).. 267 Disabilities - Housing assistance, appl|cation to HUD for Mainstream Pre.(6/15) ............................. 222 Disaster Services Div., Budget Hearing;(2/23) ............ 58 Discussions - public, request from School Bd. for Long Range Planning Adv. Comm. to be sponsor etc.(7/6) ... 241 INDEX - BOOK 128 1998 SUBJECT PAGE D Diseased or damaged trees or plant materials - Nuisance Abatement Ord.(5/4) .............................. 180 Dismissal of Court Case - Center for Public Ministry - K. O'Rourke.(1/19) .................................... 12 Disorderly conduct. Loitering Ord.{10/5) .............. 356 Dispatcher, Public Safety, individuals certified by C.S. Comm.(6/15) ..................................... 216 Disposal of City Lot 303A by IDOT.(1/5) ................... 2 Disposal of interest in alley between Central & White St, from 8th to 9th St. to Wm. Hendricks - Hendricks Feed & Seed.(1/19)(2/2) .............................. 23,24.35 Disposal of portion of Butterfield Rd. to Kenneth & Blanche Johnson.(1/19) .................................. 24,25 Disposal of vacated Nicolet Ave. to Swiss Valley Farms Co. (3/16) ........................................... 135 Disposal of City interest in Lot 80A of Linehan Park Addn, - Nicolet Ave. to Swiss Valley Farms.(3/16)(4/6) ..... 136,150 Disposal of City interest ia Lot 37A of Babcock's Add n. - alley abutting 2215 Marion St. to Terry & Sue Brown. (3/16)(4/6) .................................... 133,151 Disposal of City's interest in Lot 2 of Burton's 2nd Addn. to Donald J. Herbst.(416)(4/20) .................. 156,164 Disposal of Utility Easement in Fremont Heights - Martin McNamer's.(4120)(5/4) ......................... 167,175 Disposal of 642 University Ave. to Rick Steuer. (6/1)(6/15) .................................... 213,225 Disposal of City interest in Lot 58A, Lot 92A & Lot 105A in Linehan Park Addn.(6/15) ......................... 234 Disposal of City-owned property near Jackson St. & Euclid Ave. to Swiss Valley Farm.(6/15)(7/6) ......... 232,245,246 Disposal of property in Dubuque Technology Park to McLeodUSA Network Services, Inc.(615)(7/20). 235,268-271 Disposal of utility easement in Riverfront Subd. to Hodge Transit Warehouse Co.(716) ........................ 245 Disposal of 40 x 100' Watermain, Storm Sewer & Sanitary SewerEasementinLot2ofBurton's2ndAddn.(7/6)., 257 Disposal of portion of Hwy 32, NW Arterial to Corey Deve[ (7/6)(7/20} ................................ 252,264,265 Disposal of property re: ingress/Egress Easements for North End Neighborhood Bike & Hike Trail from 22nd to 32ad St. (7/6) ............................................ 254 Disposal of easement, Lot 2, Burtons 2nd Addn. & change ofassessmentconnect[onfee, DonaldHerbst.(7/20) .. 264 Disposal of Lot 12A in Stewart Subd. (alley between S. Grandview, York St. & S. Hill St. to Richard & Cheryl C. Bertling.(9/8)(9/21) ......................... 326,334,335 Disposal of vacated portion of Kirkwood St., formerly Union Ave. - portion of A. P. Woods Addn. to Nelson & Mona Klavitter.(1015)(10/191 ................... 360,361,375,376 INDEX - BOOK 128 1998 SUBJECT PAGE D Disposal of City's Interest in portion(s) of various Blocks of Dubuque Harbor Co. to Bishop Block & Mehrl's etc. (11/16)(12/7) ........................... 431,432,453,454 Disposal of City Interest in former IDOT property, part of W. First St. & alley between Main St. & Freeway - Bishop Block.(12/7) ...................................... 453 Disposal of City Interest in Lot 72A of Westview Subd., John & Margaret Horn - 28th St. & Brunswick St. (f2/7)(12/21) ............................... 463,464,478 Disposal of City's interest in Lots 24A & ?.4B of Morgan's Subd - vacated portion of Cornell St. & alley between 16th & 17th to Ron White.(12/21) ........................... 477 Disposition of Certain Urban Renewal Property - ADC Properties & Advanced Data Comm.(10/5) ............ 361 Ditch, Drain or storm water detention basins re: Ord. re: Prohibition & Abatement of Nuisances.(5/4) ........... 180 DNR, Iowa - Recreation Infrastructure Grant Application for Star Brewery Amphitheater.(6/24) ................ 305,306 DNR, clarification requested by R. Kunde for screening requirements forautosalvage-Julien Dbq. Dr.(11/2) .. 398 DNR - Deer Management Plan; new Ord.(6/1)(6/15) 203,204,226 DNR - REAP Grant, Application for Resource Enhancement & Protection Funds, Miss. Riverwalk Pro.(8/3) ........... 278 DNR - Recreation Infrastructure Grant App. for River's Edge Plaza.(8/24) ....................................... 305 DNR submitting Industrial Pretreatment Audit Inspection Report.(916) ....................................... 309 Dodge St., 1387, Monitoring Wells Lic. Agree.(2/16) ....... 47 Dodge St- - U.S. 20 & NW Arterial, protected turn signal request by M. Kleinschradt,(312)(4120)(lOIS) ..... 96,163,342 Dodge St. - Highway 20 Corridor - Land Use Planning Pro.; Moratorium on Building Permits; recommendation by Long Range Planning; revised Land Use Plan. (5/4)(11/2} .................................... 177,397 Dodge St. - Highway 20 corridor, moratorium on issuance of building permits.(5/4)(lO/19) .................... 177,379 Dodge St. - U.S. Highway 20 Water Main Extension Project. (7/20)(8/3) ................................. 267,282,283 Dodge St. & Hill SL, IDOT property excess ROW to City. (11/2) ........................................ 388,389 Doerr, Dick, objecting to Alpine Heights Mobile Home Park. (12/7) ............................................ 448 Dog Gone, Inc., Dog House, 1646 Asbury, Liq. Lic. (1/5)(10/f 9) ..................................... 3,374 Dog House, 1646 Asbury, Liq. Lic.(1/5)(19/19) ......... 5,374 Dog Licenses, fees changed, impoundment fees changed. (7/6) ............................................. 248 Dolan, Brendan, Youth Corp. Counsel.(4/6) ............. 139 Dollars against Diabetes Day, Proclam.(6/15) ........... 216 Dolter, Mildred M., Basket Expressions, 474 Bluff, WB Wine Per4{7/20) ......................................... 263 INDEX - BOOK 128 1998 SUBJECT PAGE D DOT - FAA - Class E Airspace, rulemaking etc.(4/6) ...... 141 Downtown Census Tracts designation as a revitalization area - Officer Next Door Preg.(l/19) ................... 10 Downtown Rehab. Loan to Security Partners, L.P.(2/16) ... 53 Downtown Rehab. Loan to D. Junk for renovation of At[asr Fluid Co.(3/16) ................................... 112 Downtown Rehab Loan, Duaine H. & Jane M. Greenfield. (6/1) ............................................ 203 Downtown Rehab Loan Program, Capitalization.('l 1/16)... 427 Downtown Rehab Loan to Stout Place Apts., Letter of Corn mitment & Additional Actions.(12/21 ) ............ 476 Downtown Urban Renewal Dis. amendment, Dbq. Museum of Art.(10/19) .................................... 376 DP, A, appt. of J. Markham to replace A. Michalski; reappointments of Mgr., Mayor & R. Buol & J. Markham. (1/19)(12/7} .................................... 15,461 DRA, Letter of support for renovation of St. Mark's Comm. Center.(2/2) ....................................... 34 DP, A, request approved.{2/16) .......................... 45 DP, A, Capital Improvements Projects Schedule.(2/16) ...... 45 DP, A, Kennel Compound grade & pave project. (2Yl6)(11116} ................................... 45,413 DRA - Lease Agreement~ Sixth Amend.(3/2)(7/6) ...... 90,240 DRA request to prepare principal on debt for 6/98 thru 12198. (514) ............................................ 170 Draff EA - Decision No. 23 -Sur[ace Transportation Bd submitting notification of erreta.(12/7) ............... 445 Dregonboat Proclam.(9/8) ............................ 308 DREAMS Housing Rehab Services, CDBG Funds.(5/4} .... 171 DREAMS Program, 2618 Jackson.(9/21) ................ 332 Dredging Contract - Kerper Blvd. Industrial Park.(9/8} .... 320 Dredging Project - 1997 Harbor Maintenance.(10/19) . 369,370 Drew Cook & Sons, Inc., awarded contract for the Louise & LouellaLaneSanitarySewer&WatermainExt.(4/6) ... 149 Drexler, David & Ann, Claim; referred to Ins..(6/1)(6/15) 202,216 Driscoll, Mark, Youth Council Member.(4/6} ............. 139 Dreessler, Debra, Claim; Denial.(9121)(10/5} ......... 329,341 Drug Benefit Program for City Employees - Agree. wf National Prescript. Adm.(5/18) ...................... 195 Drug Sale, Use or Distribution - Loitering Ord.(10/5} ..... 356 Drummer, Raydora, applicant for Human Rights Comm.; appointed.(1/19)(2/2)(2/16) ..................... 14,34,50 Drummond, Richard, Claim; denial.(7120)(8/3) ....... 260,275 Dubert, Father Jim, Assoc. Pastor of Nativity, Gave Invocation.(9/21 ) ................................. 329 Dubuque Arboretum Assn., amendment to Lease Agree. re: Marshall Park.(10/5)(10/19) .................. 358,374,375 Dubuque Area Labor Management Council, Purchase of Services Ag ree.(4/6) .............................. ~144 Dubuque Bank & Trust Co., authorized depository for City funds.(11/16) ..................................... 414 INDEX- BOOK 128 1998 SUBJECT PAGE D Dubuque Brew Pub, 500 E. 4th St., Beer Per.(5/4) ........ 173 Dubuque Chamber of Commerce Convention & Visitors Bureau - Purchase of Services Agree.(4/6) ............ 144 Dubuque Corp. Center Economic Develop. Dis. & Terminating Economic Develop. Plan with Respect to Said Dis. (11/16) ........................................... 426 Dubuque Corporate Center Economic Devel. Dis, Tax Increment Financing Dis, repealed etc.; (11/2)(11/16) ............................... 398,425,426 Dubuque Corporate Center Economic Devel. Dis.,, Ord. No. 22-91 which established the Tax Increment Financing Dis. (11/15) ........................................... 426 Dubuque County - US 61 from Jackson Cty Line, resurfacing project.(1/5) ........................................ 2 Dubuque County Historical Society - Ryan House, 1375 Locust, Liq. Lic.(12/21) ............................. 477 Dubuque Data Services Co., $45,000 Loan, from Economic Devel, Adm. Revolving Loan Fundo(11/16) ........ 416,417 Dubuque Discount Gas, Inc, L. Streinz, 4110 Dodge, Cig. Per. & Beer Per.; Cig. Per.(3116)(6115) ................ 113,223 Dubuque Fighting Saints, usage of Five Flags Center. (9/21) ............................................ 330 Dubuque Golf & Country Club, Cig. Per.{8/17) ........... 298 Dubuque Greyhound Park & Casino, Kennel Improvements. (2/16)(11/16) ................................... 45,413 Dubuque Greyhound Park & Casino, support of more slot machines.(2/16) ................................ 46 Dubuque Greyhound Park & Casino Reroofing Pro. (4/6) ............................................. 141 Dubuque Greyhound Park & Casino Loading Dock Improve- ment Pro.(4/6) .................................... 142 Dubuque Greyhound Park, Cig. Per.(6/1) ............... 205 Dubuque Greyhound Park - Parking Lot Construction. (11/2)(12/7) ................................ 398,456~457 Dubuque Historic Improvement Co., The Redstone Inn., 504 Bluff, Liq. Lic.(3/t6) ............................ Dubuque in Futuro, appointment ofT. Duggan as rep.; rezoning - revised Land Use Plan for Dbq. Industrial Center Phases ~ & II at SW Corner of Hwy 32 - NW Arterial & Chavenelle Rd.(1/19)(11/2) .................... 15,391-397 Dubuque industrial Center Phases I & II at SW Corner of Hwy 32 - NW Art, & Chavenelte Rd., amend PUD designation, (10/19)(11/2) .................................. 38~,391 Dubuque Industrial Center South Site Grading Project- Claim from Iowa Concrete Products So. for monies due from Sproule Construction; claim from IA Concrete Products Co.(312)(918)(11/2) ........................... 60,308,386 Dubuque Industrial Center South ~ Utility Installation; name change to Dubuque Technology Park.(4~6)(5~16) 142,143,196 INDEX- BOOK 128 1998 SUBJECT PAGE D Dubuque Industrial Center West - County Farm - from AG to PUD; Grading Pro.; Sanitary Sewer Pro.; Grading Pro.; Sewer Ext.; new street - RiSE funding; 1.15 annexed area added to this area.(2/16)(3116){514)(5126)(611)(6115)(1112) ....................... 54,115-125,187,188,199207,218,387 Dubuque inn Best Western, 3434 Dodge, Liq. Lic.; Cig. Per. (2/2)(6/1) ....................................... 34,205 Dubuque - Jackson Counties Habitat for Humanity re: extension of time for completion of Comm. Partnership Program -cp2 Pro..(4/6) ........................... 145 Dubuque Jaycees, Beer Per.{9121) .................... 334 Dubuque Lodge #355 - Order of Moose, 1166 Main, Liq. Lic. (4/6) ............................................ 146 Dubuque Lodging, Inc., Days Inn, 1111 Dodge, Liq. Lic.; request for vacation & sale of alley & portions of McClain St.(3/2)(7/20) ................................... 91,262 Dubuque Logistics, Easement, North End Neighborhood Trail, from 22nd St. to 32nd SL(716)(7120) .......... 254,266 Dubuque Bank & Trust Co. Lease, Riverside Bowl, Inc. (8/17) ........................................... 296 Dubuque Main Street Ltd. requesting limited parking in Central Market area.(4/20) .......................... 163 Dubuque Metropolitan Area Solid Waste Agency, Loan Agree. for extending Sewer Line to Landfill.(1/19) ....... 14 Dubuque Metropolitan Area Solid Waste Agency, sewer line to Landfill.(1/5) .................................. 3 Dubuque Metropolitan Area Solid Waste Agency, tipping fees & budget; audit reporL(llS)(2/2) ............... 2,32 Dubuque Mining Co., Apartments Ltd., 555 JFK, Liq. Lic.; Cig. Per.; Outdoor Service.(2116)(6115)(7120) ....... 49,223,263 Dubuque Museum of Art, Amended & Restated Urban Renewal Plan for Downtown Dubuque Urban Renewal Dis.; Letter of Commitment & Add'lActions Downtow~ Rehab Loan.(10/19)(11/16) ..................... 376.417 Dubuque Racing Assn., appt. of J. Markham to replace A. Michalski.(l119) ................................. 15 Dubuque Racin~ Assn., Letter of sa pport for renovation of St. Mark's Comm. Center.(2/2) ..................... 34 Dubuque Racing Assn., CIP Projects Schedule.(2/16) ..... 45 Dubuque Racing Assn., - Greyhound Park, Kennel Compound grade & pave Project.(2116)(11/16) ..... 45,413 Dubuque Racing Assn., Dbq. Greyhound Park & Casino, 1855 Greyhound, Liq. Lic.(3/2) ........................... 91 Dubuque Racia~ Assn., Lease Agree., Sixth Amend, (3/2)(7/6) ...................................... 90,240 Dubuque Racing Assn. request to prepare principal on debt for 6/98 thru 12/98.(5/4) ........................... 170 Dubuque Racing Assn. 1999 Capital Improvement Prog. (11/2) .......................................... 390 Dubuque Religious Center Inc. 923 Main, Wine Lic.(2/16)... 49 34 INDEX ~ BOOK i28 1998 SUBJECT PAGE D Dubuque Regional Airport Restroom Remodeling - ADA Improvements Pro.(9/21)(10/19) ................. 337,377 Dubuque Riverboat Entertainment, Diamond Jo Portside, Liq. Lic.(7/20) ..................................... 263 Dubuque Stamping Co., re: North End Neighborhood Bike & Hike Trail Easement etc.(716)(7120)(8/3) ........ 254,266,275 Dubuque Storage & Transfer, ReCap Co., North End Neighborhood Bike & Hike Trail Easement. (7/6)(7120} .................................... 254,266 Dubuque Technology Park, land North of, future land use racom mendafions.(10/5) ........................... 357 Dubuque Technology Park - name of former Dubuque Industrial Center Park; covenants adopted; final plat approved & revised covenants; disposal of property to McLeodUSA etc.; Site Grading project; McLeodUSA Network Services Proposal in compliance with terms of offering for disposition of Lot 3, Blk 1; proposal of McLeodUSA Network Services in compliance with terms of offering for Disposition of Lot 3, BIk 1, Dbq. Technology; claim by Iowa Concrete Products etc.; RISE Application for Data Court; CEBA Application for Data Court; Suit re: Sproule grading etc.; Roadway Improvement Pro.; disposal of portion to ACD Properties & Advanced Data Comm.; RISE Funding - IDOT, Data CL development; determining Proposal of Advanced Data Comm is in compliance; disposing of property to Horizon Devel. Group, LLC & Cartegraph Systems. (5118) (6/1)(6/15)~/20)(813)(S/24) (9/8)(10/5)(1112)(11/16)(12/15) .o 196,209,227,235, 268-271,272,251,306,308,311,350,351,361- 364,389,422;467 Dubuque Visiting Nurse Assn., Mem. of Understanding, Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program. (9/21) 333 DubuqueFest/Very Special Arts Week Proclam.; Beer Per. to Donna Ginter.(5/4) .......................... 169,173 Dubuque's Comprehensive Stormwater Plan, consultant - HER Engrg.('11/16) ................................. 427 Duehr, Merle, applicant for Civil Service Comm.; appointed. (3/16)(4/6) .................................... 114,146 Duggan, Chuck, applicant to Park & Rec. Comm. (6i15)(716) .................................... 224,243 Duggan, Mayor, clarification of lack of enforcement - False & Fraudulent Reports - lack of insurance & Police not citing etc.(9/21)(10/5) .......................... 335,358 Duggan, Mayor supporting more slot machines at Dbq. Grayhound Park& Casino.(2/16) ..................... 46 Duggan, Mayor, sworn in; rep. to Dbq. In Futuro; appointed to Enterprise Zone Comm.; reappointed to GDDC Board; voting delegate at NLC Conf.; appointed to DRA Board. (115)(1119)(416)(514}(1015)(1217} ........ 1,15,155,177,342,461 Dann, Catherine, BVM, nominated for Iowa Women's Hall of Fame.(5/4} ..................................... 169 35 INDEX- BOOK 128 1998 SUBJECT PAGE D Dupaco Comm. Credit Unit - foreclosure for property in Cox's Addn.(9/8) ................................. 308 Dupaco Community Credit Union, Authorized depository for City's funds.(11/16) ............................ 414 INDEX- BOOK 128 1998 SUBJECT PAGE E ELECTRICAL CODE BOARD SUBMITTING MINUTES: (312)(514)(7120)(813)(8117)(11116) .................................. 60,169,260,274,293,405 ENTERPRISE ZONE COMMISSION SUBMITTING MINUTES: (5/18) ............................................ 190 ENVIRONMENTAL STEWARDSHIP ADVISORY COMM. SUBMITTING MINUTES: (2/2)(5/18)(7/6)(9/8)(10/5)(12/7)(12/21) .............................. 28,190,239,308,341,436,471 E. 28th St., 475 - R2 to CS Comm. & Wholesale Dis. (2/2) ...................... :: ...................... 35 E. Fourteenth St., Arty D. Settar for D. J. Herbst, requesting purchase.(5/18) ................................... lgl Eagle Country Market ~018, 300 S. Locust, Cig. Per.; Beer Per.; tobacco violation penalty; hearing. (6/1)(10/19)(11/16)(12/7) ................. 205,374;433,458 Eagle Country Market #130, 1800 Elm, Cig. Per.;Beer Per. (6/1)(10/19) ................................... 205,374 Eagle Country Market #320, 2050 JFK, Cig. Per.; Beer Per.(6/1)(10/19) ................................ 205,374 Eagle Food Center at 2050 JFK., tobacco violation; Beer Per. (3/2)(3/16)(10/19) ........................... 100,115,374 Eagle Point Assoc. - Tollbridge inn, 2800 Rhomberg Ave., Liq. Lic.(9/8) ...................................... 314 Eagle Point Water Plant Office Window Wall Replace. Pro.(2/2) .................................. 30 Eagle Point Water Plant - Vacuum Filter Building Electrical Room.(11116)(12/7) ............................ 428,458 Eagle Window & Door Co., RISE App. for RR Economic Develop. Pro. for Relocation of Existing Spur Line.(6/15} 221 Eagles Club, #566, 1175 Century Dr., Liq. Lic.; Cig. Per. (3116)(6115) ................................... 114,222 Easement - 10' Wide utility - Fremont Heights to McNamer's. (5/4) ............................................. 175 Easement Agreements with RR Co. re: Sanitary Sewer Construction.(7/6) ................................ 240 Easement, utility, disposal, Hodge Transit Warehouse Co. (7/6) ............................................ 245 Easement Agreement for North End Neighborhood Bike & Hike TreiI at 32nd St from Haberkorn Auto.(8/3) ...... 275 Easement - storm sewer, vacate portions in Sunset Park Seventh Addn.(12/7) .............................. 4t53 Easement, Sanitary Sewer, 12801 Nightengale Lane, eminent domain powers.(12/7) ............................. 460 Easements, acceptance for public utilities for first phase of Asbury Plaza.(4/6) ................................ ~J43 Easements, North End Neighborhood Trail. (716)(7120) ....... .......................... 253,254,265 East 14th St., requested purchase of S side of E. 14th for P. Mihalakis.(5/4} .................................... 169 East 28th St. from R2 to CS Dis., rezoning.(l119) .......... 20 /" 37 INDEX- BOOK 128 1998 SUBJECT PAGE E ECIA Business Growth Inc. - loan from Economic Develop. Adm. Revolving Loan Fund of $45,000 to Dbq. Data Services.(11/16) ............................... 416,417 ECIA Business Growth, Inc., Loan of $200,000 to Cartegraph Systems.(1015) ................................... 358 Econofoods #471, Nash Finch Co., Beer Per.; Cig. Per. (2116)(611) ..................................... 4S,205 Economic Development Area - property (~ Swiss Valley Farms.(3/16) .................................. 136,137 Economic Development Programs, CDBG Funds.(514) 170-172 Economic Development, IA, Enterprise Zone Comm. structure change.(7/6) ............................. 248 EDA Revolving Loan Fund of $45,000 to Dbq. Data Services Co.(11/16) ....................................... 417 Erie, Dane F. Claim; Referred to Ins.(7/20)(8/3) ....... 260,275 Education Center for Agricultural Safety, Letter of Support. (3/2) .............................................. 90 Edwards Rd., 777, Assessment of Change.(6115) ......... 217 Edwards Road, property East& West of & South of Kelly Lane, final plat approval, James & Pat Edwards.(12/7) 437 Egress Easements to property owners adjacent to North End Neighborhood Bike & Hike Trail from 22nd St. to 32nd St. (7/6){7/20) ................................... 253,265 Eberhart, Deacon Diane Wasson, of St. Luke's Methodist, Gave Invocation.(8/3) ............................ 274 Eighth St. reopening discussion, also Town Clock Plaza etc. (314) ........................................... 101 Eighth St., vacate, County Supervisors, block between Iowa St. & Central Ave. - deed.{12/7) .................... 461 EippeHe, Kevin, Historic Pres. Comm., Compton's appeal of 175 Alpine St.(8/171 ............................. 300 Electrical Code Board applicant Elaine Re[ss; appointment. (3/2)(3116) ..................................... 91,114 Electrical Distribution systems on Clarke Dr., objection by Steve Mosiman.(4/20)(611) ...................... 163,213 Electrical Room - Vacuum Filter bldg. at Eagle Point Water Plant.(11/16)(12/7} ........................ 428,458 Electricians, testing program changes.(8/17) ............ 300 Electronics - Network for City computer, - Communication Engineering Co.(3/2) ................................ 89 Eligibility for Boards & Commissions, not for City employees, (5/18) ........................................... 196 Elliott, Dr. Dave, Alpine Heights Mobile Home Park.(12F/) . 448 Elm St., 2275, N, rezoning, R2A to CS, Todd Schmitz. (12121} .......................................... 480 Elm St., between 22nd & 24th St., Quit Claim Deed for Union Pacific RR Co.(3/16) ............................ 106,107 Elm St. properties, removed from 1998 Concrete Paving Pro.(4/6) ......................................... 147 INDEX - BOOK 128 1998 SUBJECT PAGE E Elmwood Green Subd. - 800 Blk of Kane, Joe & Ruth Graham requesting changes; request to eliminate portion of sidewalks; ROW Encroachment for Elmwood Green Subd.; - install plantings - Lobo Lane. (4/20)(5/4)(6Yl) ......................... 163,177,209,210 EmergencyAbatement, Nuisance Ord.(5/4) ........ 178-181 Emergency Services Div., FY99 Budget Hrg.(2/23) ....... 58 Eminent Domain powers of City - Sanitary Sewer Easement at ~12801 Nightengale, Kevin & Diane Torrey.(12F/) ... 460,461 Eminent Domain Proceedings for property near Airport. (6/1) ...................................... ; ...... 203 Employees salaries published, proof; not being eligible for appointment to any Board or Commission; Ord. amended to not allow any employee to be on Bal. or Comm.; Wage plan & compensation package for Non-bargaining unit employees.(3~2)(5/18)(6~1)(6~15) ........... 60,196,212,219 Employment Agree. with City Manager M. Van Milligen, Seventh Amend.(6/1) .............................. 202 Empowerment Board- Letter of Support, Bd. of Health Chairperson.(8/17) ................................ 292 End of Summer Bash, Proclamation.(9/8} ............... 308 Enforcement of Ordinance procedure, Legal Dept`(7/6)... 248 Engineering Assistant I, Certified by Civil Service Comm. (S/3) ............................................. 276 Engineering consultant S. Ulstad, Heron Pond Wetlands Nature Trial Pro.(6/1) ............................... 202 Engineering Div. Budget discusstan comments.(3/4) ..... 101 Engineering Services with IIW Engrs. for Kerper Blvd. Industrial Park.(5/18) ............................... 193 Engineers as consultant for develop, of Dbq's Comprehensive Stormwater Plan - HER Engrg.(11/16).. 427 Enke Investment Co. - Cedars Rest. & Lounge, 2155 Southpark.(3/2) .................................... 91 Enterprise Zone Certification, Filing of Application with IA Dept` of Economic Devel. - support of Swiss Valley Farms Co. Expansion Pro.(3/16) .......................... 130 Enterprise Zone Commission established; change of structure; revised Ord.; change of representatives etc.(4/6)(7/6)(11/2)(1t/16)(12/7) ....... 153,248,398,424,459 Entrepraneurahip Training Program- Contract for services with NE iowa Small Business Development Center.(3/2) . 89 Environmental Protection Agency, Storm Water Regs.(5/4} 172 Environmental Review & Notice of Intent to Request Release of Funds re: iowa Inn - YMCA - Stout P1.(1/19) ........... 8 Environmental Review & Release of Funds for YMCAIYWCA Building Corp. Special Needs Locker Rooms Pro.(8/17) 297 Environmental Review - & Release of Funds re: Lead Based Paint Hazard Reduction Grant Prog.(3/16) ............ 110 Environmental Review & Release of Funds for Community DevelopmentBleekGrantPro.(5/4) .............. 170-172 INDEX - BOOK 128 998 SUBJECT PAGE E Eovironmenta! Review & Release of Funds for Local Housing Assistance Prog.(4/6) ............................. 144 Environmental Review & Release of Funds for HOME Investment Partnership Prog.{3/16) ................. 111 Environmental Steward Ship Comm. applicants K. Gustafson - Youth, J. Bennett, M. Buelow, S. Schneider; appointment of Gustafson for Youth, J. Bennet & reappointment of M. Buelow.(10/5)(10/19) ......... 347,374 Environmental Stewardship Adv. Comm. interview of applicants; appointment of C. Post.(2/16)(3/2) ....... 50,91 Environmental Stewardship Adv. Comm. - Deer Management Plan.(6/1)(6/15) ............................ 203,226,227 Environmental Stewardship Adv. Comm., study of proposed hog lot confinements.(9/21} ........................ 330 Enzler, Jerry, update, riverfront & riverwalk project.(1/19) .. 5 Eppler, Klm, Claim.(12/7) ............................. 436 Equipment in Town Clock Plaza, Ord.- improper use.(5118} 196 Equipment Operator position, certified by Civil Service Comm.(10/19) ................................. 366,367 Erickson, David, Lucky 13. 385 E. 13th, Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic. (6115)(8/17) ................................... 223,299 Euclid Ave., N of 3510 Central, vacation requested by Swiss Valley; approval of plat & disposal of property near Jackson St. & Euclid Ave.; vacation of alley etc. (3116)(6115)(716) .................... 106,232,233,245,246 Europa Haus Rest. & Bierstube, M. Moeller, 1301 Rhomberg, Liq. Lic.(10/5) .................................... 347 Evaluation Report & Annuat Performance, for City Manager Van Milligen.(10119] ............................... 370 Evarts, Elizabeth. Claim; referred to Ins.(12/7)(12121} . 436.471 Examinations, License & Registration fees for Electricians, for Heating, Venting & Air Cond. applicants.(8/17).. 300,301 Expansion of Downtown Urban Renewal Dis., amend, to Urban Renewal Plan.(10/19) ........................ 376 Expenditures for 1998, DRA submitting Capital Improve. Projects Schedule etc.(2/18) ......................... 45 Extension of Chavenelle Rd. E from Seippel into new Industrial Park West - old County Farm.(2/2) ........ 33 Extension of South Fork interceptor Sewer.(6/1) ......... 21~1 Extension of Joint County & City Law Enforcement Center Building A.g tee.(7/6) ............................... 241 Extension of Trail - North End, completion date changed, Support Grant.(7/6) ............................... 241 Extension Services - ISU, summer rec classes for Uptown Recreation Prog.(5/zt) ............................. 172 Exterior surfaces, painting, Housing Code Amend.(1/19) ... 17 INDEX - BOOK 128 1998 SUBJECT PAGE F FIVE FLAGS CiViC CENTER COMMISSION SUBMITTING MINUTES: (115)(212}(312)(416)(514)(611)(716}(813)(916)(1015)(1112)(1217) ............... 1,28,60,139,169,202,239,274,308~341,386,436 F & H Enter., Fat Tuesday's, 1121 University, Liq. Lic. (9/21) ............................................ 334 FAA - Dept. of Trans. ru[emaking for Class E Airspace. (4/6) ............................................. 141 Faces and Voices - Human Relations 98, Proclamation for Event.(l'l/2) ...................................... 386 Fair Housing Month Procl.(4/6) ........................ 139 Fair Week, Dbq. County, Proclam.{7/20) ................ 260 False & Fraudulent Reports re: insurance etc., Mayor Duggan requesting clarification of Code.(9/21)(10/5) ....... 335,356 Family Advocate Program implementation - Section 8 Housing; reauthorize funds to extend program for 1999. (4/6)(10/5) .................................... 153~342 Family Beverage Center, 3400 Central, Cig. Per.; Beer Per. (6/1)(7/6) ..................................... 205,242 Family Mart, Inc., 3201 Central, Cig. Per.; Beer Per. (6/1)(9/8) ..................................... 205,31z~ Family Self-Sufficiency - FFS Program Cont. with Alternative Services, Inc.; CDBG Funds etc.; Contract with Alternative Services etc.(4/20)(514)(10/5)... 163,171,342 Fatuity Technology Center - Audubon School, Cp2 funds. (8/3) ............................................. 286 Fangman, Sr. Lynn Marie, applicant to CD Comm.; appointed. (6/1)(6/15) .................................... 206,224 Farmers Market area, parking restrictions.(5/4) .......... 177 Farming - National Education Center for Agricultural Safety - Letter of Support.(3/2) .............................. 90 Farmland, 701 E. 16th, Cig. Per.(6f15) .................. 223 Fat Tuesday's, 1121 University, tobacco violation; Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic.(312)(3116)(611)(9t21) ............. 100,115,205,334 FDL Foods, 701 E. 16th St., Cig. Per.(6/1) ............... 205 FDL vs IBP, summary Judgement by Atty. Les Reddick. (9/21) ............................................ 333 February 1998, Printed Council Proceedings approved as printed.($/4) .................................... 169 Federal Aid Participation to reconstruct bridge over Catfish Creek- Manson Road Bridge.(9/21) .............. 330,331 Federal Assistance for a Rental Housing Devel. on Carter Rd. - Renaissance.(10/19} .............................. 372 Federal Assistance for renovation of the Iowa Inn,(10/19) . 373 Federal Funding for 4 lanes of traffic on U.S. #20 bridge over Mississippi River.(416) ............................. 145 Federal funding importance for America's River pro. - legislators.(4/20) .................................. 160 Federal Grant Funds, Agree. wf HUD,(8/17) ......... 297,298 Federal Home Loan Bank of Des Moines - Application for Housing Program Funds.(5/4) ....................... 172 Federal Home Loan Batik for Affordable Housing Program Funds.(1015) ...................................... 346 Fees & requirements for permits issued by Fire Dept., Ord. changing.(9/8) ................................ 317 INDEX - BOOK 128 1998 SUBJECT PAGE F Fees changed for examination, license & registration for Electricians, Plumbers, and Mechanical.(8/17) ....... 300 Fees changed for'Fire Sprinkler Service Rates.(3/4) ...;.. 103 Fees changed, Water Rates for all users.(3/4)(4120)... 103,165 Fees raised for Dog & Cat Licenses, also impoundment fees. (7/6) ......................................... 248-250 Fees - tipping; for Landfill, Dbq. Met. Area Solid Waste Agency.(1/5) ... ...................................... 2 Felderman, J.L., applicant - Library Bd.; appointed, (3/16)(4/6) .................................... 114,146 Felderman, Pat, Claim; referred to Ins.(8117)(9/8) ..... 293,308 Fencing or trees requested by P. Tobin, rezoning of Cedar Cross Rd. property.(3/2) ............................ 93 Fenelon Point Subdivision, plat of survey approval.(2/16) ,. 44 Fenschel, Robert & Catherine, comments ~ 1998 Sidewalk Assess. for Pennsylvania.(8/3) .................. 279,280 Field, Barbara for Hartig Drug Co., tobacco violation.(12/7) 458 Fifteenth St. Steps Reconstruction Pro.(10119) ........... 369 Fifth St. - Diagonal parking.(11/16)(12/7) ............ 427,459 Fifth St. East, 155, Inter-State Contractors & Building Supply Owner L. Lugrain - concerns (~ area.(12/7) .......... 438 Fifth St., Fourth; Main & Iowa, conversion to two-way traffic.(4/6)(9/21)(lO/5)(11116) ..... 155,156,335,351,411,412 Fifth Street to two-way Traffic, conversion.(5~4)(9~21) . 176,335 Fighting Saints, Five Flag~ Center Usage Agree;(9/21) .... 330 Final Assessments for 1997 PC Concrete Paving Project - Spruce St. & W. Third.(12/7) ..................... 439-443 Final Plat for property East & West of Edwards Rd. & South of Kelly Lane.(12/7) ............................... 437 Final Plat in Dubuque County adjacent to Barrington Lake - Todd & Candy Dalsing.(10/19) ...................... 367 Final Plat of Dubuque Technology Park.(6/15) ........... 227 Final Plat of portion of Furuseth's Subd.'s(8/17) ......... 294 Final Plat of portion of Leib Subd.(11/16) ............... 414 Final Plat of property in Siegert's 2nd PI. - Wrn. & Janet Siegert.(10/19) ................................... 367 Final Plat on portion of Old Mill Subd.(11/2) ............. 387 Final Schedule of Assessments for Louise & Louella Sanitary Sewer & Watermain.(11/16) ..................... 407,408 Finance Dept, - Ambulance Billing Service - RFP's.('i0/19) 372 Finance Dir. D. Pitcher authorized to execute stock sale transactions(Il/16) ............................... 414 Finance Dir., Quarterly investment Report.(4/20)(8/3) . 159,274 Finance Div., department budget hearing.(2/18) ......... 57b Finance Report, FY 1998 Street,(9/8) ................... 311 Finance Reporting, Certificate o[Achievement for Excellence.(9/21) ................................. 329 Financial Audits 1997 and financial report.(2]2) ........... 32 Financial Report for May.(6/15) ........................ 216 Financial Report for Sept. 1998.(10/19) ................. 366 Financial Institutions authorized for City monies.(11/16) .. 414 INDEX - BOOK 128 1998 SUBJECT PAGE F Financial Report for FY ending 6-30-98.(12/7) ........... 436 Financial Reports for various months. (1/t 9)(2/16}(3/16)(4/20)(6/15)(7/20)(813)(8/17)(9/21 )(10/19) (12/2'1) .......... 7,44,106,159,216,260,274,293,329,366,471 Financing Package for CarteGraph Systems.(10/5) ...... 357 Financing -Tax Increment - Downtown Rahab Loan to Security Partners.(2/16) ............................. 53 Financing - Tax Increment - Swiss valley Economic Devel. Dis. Urban Renewal Plan.(6/15) ...................... 228 Fine imposed for improper use of conveyances in Town Clock Plaza.{5118) ................................. 196 Fingerprinting services for Immigration Services by Police. (3/2) .............................................. 90 Finley Addition, 1670 Asbury Rd. rezoning from OR & RI to C2.(12/7) ......................................... 451 Finley Hospital, vacating of Allison P1.(6/15) ............ 217 Fire Code adoption, 1997, & related changes.(918) ....... 317 Fire Dept., Ambulance Billing Service RFP's.(10/19) ..... 372 Fire Dept. purchase - Cairns Iris Thermal Imaging Unit. (1/19) ............................................. 15 Fire Dept. "Medical Officer'~ certification by Civil Service Comm.(6/15) ...................................... 217 Fire Hazards - Nuisance Ord.(5/4) ..................... 180 Fire Job Related injury claims, Request for Proposal for Care Management etc.(918) .............................. 313 Fire Sprinkler Service, new Ord. - charges etc.(3/4) ...... 104 Firefighters, Collective Bargaining Agree. (10/19) ... 370,371 Firestone Co., Bridgestone - monitoring wells.(12/21} .... 475 Fireworks display, Ord. change requiring Council approval for displays.(9/8} .............................. 316,317 Fireworks request by Dbq. Golf & Country Club.(4/6) ..... 140 Fireworks request by Dbq. Diamond Jo Casino.(3/16) .... 112 Fireworks request by Firstar Bank for 12/31.(10/5} ....... 342 Fireworks request by KDTH & KAT-FM for 7/3.(8/3) ...... 276 First St. & Locust St. Intersection Reconstruction Pro. (11/16)(12/7) ............................... 430,431,457 First St. - W., & Alley between Main & Freeway - Bishop Block, plat of proposed vacated Street & Alley - former IDOT property; vacation etc.(11/16)(12/7) ......... 431,453 First Time Home Buyer Prog~(5/4) ..................... 171 Firstar Bank, canopy constructed at140 W. 9th St.(l119) 15,16 Firstar Bank, M. O'Meara, requesting approval of Zoning text amend, re: freestanding signs.(3/2) ................... 95 Firstar Bank, vs Dennis Biedler & City of Dbq. - foreclosure, (5/18) ............................................ Firstar Bank Iowa vs D. Biedler & City, Claim.(8/3) ....... 274 Firstar Bank requesting permission for Fireworks on 12/31. (1015) ............................................ 342 Firstar Bank, depository for City monies.(11/16) ......... 414 Fiscal Officers of City to execute Stock Sale transactions. (11/'16) ........................................... 413 43 INDEX - BOOK 128 1998 SUBJECT PAGE F Fischer Bowling Lanes, Plastic inc., 880 Locust, Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic.(6/15) ................................. 223,224 Fischer Co., Plastic Center, condemnation of property for Riverwalk.(9/8) ................................ 320 Fitzjerrels, Mark, Claim; settlement,(7/20)(9/21) ...... 260,330 Fitzsimmons, Arty Paul, for L Lugrain, owner of inter-State Contractors & Building Supply, concerns for property at 155 E. 5th St.(12/7} ................................ 438 Five Flags Center Arena Partition Wall Improvement Pro. (3/2)(4/6) .................................... 97,98;149 Five Flags Civic Center Comm. resignation of D, Bonnett; applicant Steve Sesterhenn.(4/6) ............. ;.. 140,146 Five Flags Civic Center Comm., applicants Rod Bakke, Michael Brannon - reappointment of Bakke & Brannon. {6/15)(7/6) .................................... 224,243 Five Flags Center, 405 Main, Liq. Lic.(7/20) .............. 263 Five Flags Center submitting year end report.(9/21) ...... 329 Five Flags Center Usage Agree. with Dbq. Fighting Saints. (912t) ........................................... 330 Five Flags Center staff hospitality, appreciation by IA Physical Therapy Aesn.(11/16) ..................... 416 Five Flags theater renovation- Grant request to State Historic Site Preservation Prog ram.(9/8) ............. 311 Five Point Mart, 405 Rhomberg, Cig. Per.; Beer Per. (6/1)(9/21) .................................... 204,334 Five Year Capital Improvement Program.(2/2)(3/4). 39,101,102 Five Year Street Construction Program; inclusion of N. Burden requested etc.(3/2)(12/21) .............. 97,475 Fleet Service, National, Claim referred to Ins.(3/16) ....... 106 Flexsteel, Alpine Heights Mobile Home Park rezoning. (12/7) ........................................... 448 Flood Disaster Relief Grantee Perf. Report, Submission. (12/7) .................... . ...................... 445 Flora Park, Warming House for Ice Rink & Concession Bldg. (9/8)(10/5) .................................... 323,349 Flynn, Tom, State Senator, City's opposition to Senate File 2026.(3/2) .................... ; ................. 61 Fonck, Carolyn K., Refund on Liq. Lic.(2/2) ............... 28 Fondell Construction, awarded contract for Curtis & State St. Storm Sewer Improve.{2/16) ....................... 52 Food establishments, contract with IA Dept. of inspections & Appeals for inspections & Licensing,(12/7) ........... 438 Food preparation re: Housing Code amendment.(1/19) , 17-19 Food Service Establishments, State contract for inspections.(7/6) ............................ ~ .... 241 Force Main Project - Bunker Hill Golf Course Wastewatar Pump Station pro.(11/2) ........................... 399 Forest Lane & Glen Oak St, intersection, Stop Sign request; installation, etc.(5/4)(8/3) .................... 170,286,287 Foster Grandparent Program, Purchase of Service Agree. (4/6) ............................................ 144 INDEX- BOOKI28 1998 SUBJECT PAGE F Four lane bridge over Mississippi River, federal funding; (4/6) ............................................. 146 Four Mounds Foundation, Grant application, State Historic Site Preservation Program.(9/8) ..................... 310 Fourteenth St., E., Atty D. Setter for D.J. Herbst, request to purchase property.(5118) ........................... 191 Fourteenth St., E., request for property purchase by L; Pfeiler, Atty for P. Mihalakis.(5/4) .................... 169 Fourth, Fifth, Main & Iowa - conversion to two-way traffic.(4/6)(9/21 )(10/5)(11/16) ...... 155,156,335,351,411,412 Fourth St. - Diagonal parking.(11116)(12/7) .......... 427,459 Fourth Street to two-way Traffic, conversion. (5/4)(9/Z1) .................................... 176,335 Franchise~ TCI Cablevision of Dbq. Inc., merge with AT & T. (9/8)(11/16) ................................... 313,415 Frank, Robert Jr., sold real estate on Pinard to City; accept Warranty Deed.(3~2)(7/20) ........................ 61,261 Fraternal Order of Eagles, #568, 1175 Century, Cig. Per. (6/15) ............................................ 222 Fraudulent & False Reports, Mayor Duggan requesting clarification of Code.(9121)(1015) ................. 335,358 Freddy's King of Clubs, J. LuGrain, 1902 Central~ Cig. Per. (7/6) ............................................. 242 Freestanding identification - monument signs in C4 & C5 Business, Zoning amend.(2/16)(3/2) ............... 54,95 Freeway & Main St,. alley between, disposing of former IDOT property; vacation.(11/16)(t 2/7) ................. 431,453 Freiburger, Karen, requesting rezoning at SE corner of Rev Violet Dr. & Sunny Slope Dr., denied.(11116) ........... 418 Fremont & Cedar Cross Intersection Reconstruction. (2/2)(3/2) ....................................... 30,60 Frcmont Ave., speed limits.(3/16) ...................... 129 Fremont Avenue Sanitary Sewer Extension Pro. (1015)(1112) ................................ 344,345,386 Fremont Heights, Lot 1, BIk 4, re: M. McNamer requesting vacating of 10' utility easement etc.(llS)(4120)(514) 2,167,175 Fremont Heights, Lot Gl, plat of Bonnie Court, approved. (5/18) ............................... : ............ 192 Frey, Jeremy, Claim; referred to Ins.(1112)(11116) .... 386,405 Frickies L.C., Inc., A & B Tap, 2600 Central, Cig. Per. & Liq. Lic.; Cig. Per.(l119)(6115) ........................ 13,223 Friends - Compassionate, Proclam.(12/7) ............... 436 Fringe area parking by downtown workers, request by A. Michalski for further study.(5/18) .................... 192 Frommelt, Andy, Alpine Heights Mobile Home Park. (1~/7) ........................................ 448-451 Frommelt Hasler, Inc. by A. Frommelt, re: annexation of property to City - N. of City; objections etc. to rezoning for Alpine Heights Mobile Home Park. (51~8)(6115)CII6)(11116){11116)(~217). 191,231,244,429,448-451 Frommelt~ Liz, Youth City Clerk.(4/6) ................... 139 INDEX - BOOK 128 1998 SUBJECT PAGE F FSS - Family Self-Sufficiency Prog. Con. with Alternative Services Inc.(4120) ................................ 163 Funding - Childhood Lead Poisoning.(7/20} ............. 262 Funding - Federal, 4 traffic lanes, U.S. 20 bridge over Miss. River.(4/6) .................................. 145 Funding for Dubuque Lifetime Center. (9121)(1015)(10119) .......................... 335,358,367 Funding - Recreational Trails with IDOT for Northern Levee Path,(5/18) ....................................... 191 Funding Trust Agreement with Norwest Bank Iowa.(3/16) . 131 Funds allocation for CDBG Program by HUD.(1/5) .......... 2 Funds applied for to HUD for Lead Poisoning Prevention & Lead Hazard Awareness Outreach Grant.(6/15) ....... 220 Funds, Cp2, Award of Community Partnership Prog.(5/4) . 182 Funds, FY 97 & FY 98 Block Grant, Public input on expending same.(11/16) ........................... 433 Funds - Historical Resource Devel. Program for Interpretive Signs along Heritage Trail Extension.(4/20) 160 Funds reauthodzed to extend Family Advocate Program for FY 1999.(10/5) .................................... 342 Funds released for Local Housing Assist. Pro.{416) ...... 144 Funds released for Wm. M. Black Handicap Accessibility Pro.(8/3} ......................................... 277 Funds released for YMCAIYWCA Bldg. Corp. Special Needs Locker Rooms Pro.(8/'17) .......................... 297 Funds released - Lead Based Paint Hazard Reduction Grant Program & HOME Invest. Partnership Prog.(3116} .. 110,111 Funds requested for Sister City by J. Walters.(7/6} ....... 247 Funds requested of DRA for renovation of St. Mark's.(212) . 34 Furniture Liquidators, Going out of Business Lic. Ext. (7/20) ........................................... 262 Furst, Amanda. Youth City Council Member.(4/6} ........ 139 Furuseth's Third Subd., approval of Subd. Plat of Lots 1 & 2; and Lots 1 thru 9 Fourth Subd.(8/17) ................ 294 Future Land Use in Area 13 (W & N of Dbq, Ind. Center W, S of Asbury), racom mendations.{10/5} ................ 357 FY 1998 Capital & Operating Budget Carryovers.(10/5) ... 359 FY 1999, Awarding of Cp2 Program Funds.(5/4) .......... t82 FY 2000 Budget Policy Guidelines.(10/5) ................ 347 FY 2001 & FY 2002~ CDBG Funds Lead Paint Hazard Control Grant,(6/1) ....................................... 203 FY 97 & FY 98 Block Grant Funds for Law Enforcement Center.(12/7) ..................................... 452 FY 97 & FY 98 Block Grant Funds. public hearing for input of expending same.(11/16} ......................... ~t33 FY 97 Financial Audits and comprehensive financial report.(2/2) ........................................ 32 FY 97 Open Audit Funding, response to HUD.(2/16) ....... 48 FY 98 Street Finance Report.(9/8) ...................... 311 FY 99 Budget Documents.(l119}(2/2)(3116) ........ 19,39,112 INDEX - BOOK 128 1998 SUBJECT PAGE F FY 99 State Funds, Public Health Nursing Services - Senior Health & Home Health CareAide Programs.(4/20) 158 47 INDEX - BOOK 128 1998 SUBJECT PAGE G G & J Inc., Windsor Tap, 2401 Windsor Ave., Cig. Per. (6/15) ............................................. 223 G.M.S. Inc. - G. Stephenson, Operating Agree. with Bunker Hill Golf Course.{3/2) ................................ 61 Galaxies Inc, Dennis & Linda Murray, 3203 Jackson, Beer Per.; Liq. Lic.; Refund on Beer Per.; Cig. Per. (2/16) (3/16)(4/20)(7/6) ..................... 49,114,160,242 Galloway, Henry, claim referred to Ins.(2/2) ............... 28 Gang affiliation - Prohibiting Loitering, new Ord.(10/5) .... 356 Garage & Annex Buildings, Operations & Maintenance Dept., Building Improve. Pro.(7/6) .......................... 253 Garage at Park Maintenance Headquarters - Six Bay Garage Pro.(9/8)(10/5) ............................. 321,348,349 Garbage accounts, & sewer & refuse, delinquent to County Treasurer for collection.(12/21) ............... 474 Garbage Containers, Housing Code amend.(1/19) ......... 17 Gas unloading at service stations etc. - Uniform Fire Code. (9/8) .............................................. 317 Gaskins, Elizabeth L., Claim; referred to Ins.; claim. (3/16)(4/6)(11/16) ........................... 106,139,405 Gasper, Bill, private streets policy & related text amendment.(3/16) .................................. 126 Gateway Landscape Project, selection orS. Ulstad & Brian Gutheinz Studio Team.{7/20) ..................... 258,262 GDDC, D. Voetberg & D. Nichotson, Council appointments. (1/19) .............................................. 15 GDDC - Purchase of Services Agree.(4/6) ............... 144 GDDC -R. Dickinson giving report.(1/19)(7/20) ........ 15,260 Geisler Brothers Co., contract awarded for Operations & Maintenance Building Improve. Pro.(8/3) .............. 284 George, J. Subdivision, Sanitary Sewer Improve.(6/15) 219,220 Gerhard, Curtis, Knickers Saloon, 2186 Central, Liq. Lic. (716) .............................................. 243 Gibbs, James E., applicant to Long Range Planning Comm.; appointed.(6/15)(7/6) .................... 224,243 Giese Co., easement re: North End Neighborhood Bike & Hike Trail from 22nd to 32nd St.(7/6)(7/20) ..... 254,265,266 Gau, Mike, for others, objecting to 1998 Sidewalk Project - Pennsylvania Ave.(8/3) ............................. 280 Giesen, Jim, applicant to Corem. Devel. C.; appointed. (2/16)(3/2) ................................... 49,50,91 Giesler, Janice, objecting to rezoning requested for corner of Red Violet Dr. & Sunny Slope Dr.(11/16) ............... 418 Gitlenwater, Timothy, Claim; referred tolns.(9/8)(9/21) 308,329 Ginter, Donna, Catfish Festival, Beer Per.(6/15) .......... 223 Ginter, Donna, DubuqueFest, 7th & Locust, Beer Per. (5/4) .............................................. 173 Ginter, Donna, Riverfest, Beer Per.(8/17) ................ 298 Ginter, Donna, West Dbq. Tap, 1701 Asbury, Liq. Lic.(4/20) 164 Girl Scout Week, Procl.(3/2) ............................ 60 INDEX - BOOk 128 1998 SUBJECT PAGE G Gladwin, Kevin, ROW conveyance of property to City. (1/19) ............................................. 11 Glen Oak St. & Forest Lane, Stop Sign requested by D. Beadle; approved.(5/4)(8/3) ..................... 170,286 Glendale Addition No. 3, portion of Lot 231, 2618 Jackson, purchase for DREAMS program;(9121) ............... 332 Glendale Addn., easements for adjacent property owners to North End Neighborhood Bike & Hike Trail from 22nd St. to 32nd St.(7/6)(7/20) ........................ 253,254,265 Glenwood Ct., re: 1998 Concrete Paving Pro. (312)(4/6)(5/4) ............................. :. 98,147,185 Glew, Steven J. Sticky Fins Beach, 1005 Main, Liq. Lic. (7120) ............................................ 263 GMRI, Inc., Olive Garden Italian, 3350 Dodge, Liq. Lic.(4/6) 146 GMS Inc, Bunker Hill Snack Shop, Cig. Per.(6/1} ......... 205 Godfather's Pizza, Rigel Corp., 1575 JFK Road, Beer Per. (10/19) ........................................... 374 Goetzinger, James W., Goetz's, 2776 Jackson, Liq. Lic.; Cig. Per.(2/16)(7/6) .................................. 49,242 Goetz's, 2776 Jackson, Liq. Lic.; Cig. Per.(2/16)(7/6) .. 49,242 Going Out of Business License Sale, extension of License for Furniture Liquidatora.(7/20) ...................... 262 Golf& Country Club, fireworks request; Cig. Per, (4/6)(8/17) .................................... 140,298 Golf Coarse - Bunker Hill, Wastewater Pump Station & Force Main Pro.(11/2)(12/7) ........................... 399,455 Golf Course, Bunker Hill, Operating Agree. with G.M.S. Inc. - G. Stephenson.(3/2) ................................ 61 Golf- Tri State, 1095 Cedar Cross Rd., Cig. Per.(6/1) .... : 205 Goodin, Rick C., applicant to Airport Comm.; appointed. (9/8)(9/21) .................................... 314,334 Goodmann, Nick, in support of Loras Blvd. Park.(3/4) .... 101 Goodwill industries, Claim; settlement.(3/16)(4/6) .... 106,140 Gottschalk, Lynn, objecting to 1998 Paving Pro.(4/6) ..... 147 Government Officials sued by E. Gaskins.(11/16) ........ 405 Grade & Pave Project for E. portion of Kennel Compound at DRA.(2/! 6) ...................................... 45 Grading cost reimbursement agreement for site proposed by Advanced Data Comm.(9/8) ...................... 313 Grading project, Dbq. industrial Center West. (5/4)(5/16) .................................... 187,199 Grading project at Dbq. industrial Center South, Iowa Concrete Products claim against Sproule Construction. (3/2)(11/2) ..................................... 60,386 Grading project completion, Site, for Dbq. Technology Park. (7/20) ........................................ 271,272 Graham, Ben, for Graham~'s Stere, opening of Town Clock Plaza.(314) ........................................ 101 Graham, Joe & Ruth, changes at Elmwood Green Subd. - 800 Kane St.; allowing ROW encroachment & plantings on LoBe Lane.(4120)(611 ) ....................... 163,209,210 INDEX- BOOK 128 1998 SUBJECT PAGE G Graham, Joe, comments (~ conversion of downtown streets to two-way; request to eliminate portion's of sidewalk installation in Elmwood Green devel.(5/4) ........ ~ 176,177 Grand Tap, The, J. Kohl, Liq. Lic~(9/21) ...... ~ .......... 334 Grandview Ave, S., Agreement for Memorial Stone placement for Dan Bockenstedt.(~J f/16) .............. 405 Grandview Milk House, S. Michel, 620 S; Grandview, Cig. Per.; Beer Per.; Refund - Cig. Per.(6115)(813) ... 223,276 Grandview Milkhouse, Haun's, Cig. Per.; Beer Per. (7120) ...................................... ;. 262,263 Granger Creek area, Long Range Planning Comm. wants publicinputforfuturelanduses.(514) ............... 170 Granger Creek Interceptor Lift Station construction. (9/8)(10/5) ................................ 324,325,348 Granger Creek Recreational Trail, grant application. (12/21) .......................................... 473 Grant Agree - CDBG funds from HUD.(8/17) ............ ~ 298 Grant Agreement, IDOT, for Mississippi Riverwalk Recreational Trail.(11/2) ........................... 387 Grant agreement for Heritage Trial Pro.(5/18) ............ 191 Grant agreement for Heritage Trail Interpretive Signs. (4/20) ........................................... 160 Grant agreement for Rocco Buda Jr, Park.(4/20) ......... 160 Grant application for Granger Creek Recreational Trail. (12121) ........ ............ ...................... 473 Grant application - Arbor Day Challenge.(4/6) ........... 141 Grant application for the Historic Bluffs Trail Project - Hodgdon St. & Catherine/West Locust St. step restoration. (9/21) ........................................... 332 Grant application for Transient Boat Docks in Ice Harbor. (2/16) ............................................. 44 Grant application to Four Mounds Foundation - State Historic Site Preservation Prog.(9/8) ........................ 310 Grant application to IA DNR for River's Edge Plaza.(8/24) . 305 Grant application to IA DNR for Star Brewing Amphitheater. (8/24) ........................................... 305 Grant application to State Historic Pres. Office, to conduct a Survey.(11/16) .................................. 406 Grant ~ Homeowner Historic Pres. Prog. to allow multi-family reaidences to be eligible for loan.(6/1) ......... : ..... 203 Grant - HUD, Lead Based Paint Hazard Control Grant. (5/18)(6/1)(6/15) ............................ 192,203,220 Grant- Neighborhood Support, Dbq. County Extension Office & North End Neighborhood CounciL(10/5) ........... 346 Grant, North End Neighborhood Council, change of completion date.{7/6) .............................. 24'I Grant - Police, for tobacco compliance checks.(2/2) ....... 33 Grant project schedule extension to McLeodUSA.(12/7) .. 445 Grant - Proof, Lead Based Paint Hazard Reduction Prog. (4/6) ............................................ 139 INDEX- BOOK 128 1998 SUBJECT PAGE G Grant Renewal request to Local Law Enforcement Block Grant Program.(8/3) ....................... ......... 279 Grantee Pei'~ormance Report - Flood Disaster Relief for period 8-19-97 thru 8-19-98.(12/7) .................... 445 Grunt' application to IDOT RISE Prog., for extension of Chavenelle Rd. E from Seippel Rd. into West Side Industrial Park at County Farm.(2/2) ........................... 33 Grass cutting at Dbq. Arboretum, Lease Agreement change for Marshall Park etc.(10/5) ......................... 358 Grawe, Jason, Claim; settlement.(12/7)(12/21) ....... 436,472 Greater Dbq.. Devel. Corp., R. Dickinson give report.(1/19). 15 Greater Dubuque Devel. Corp., Council appoint.; R. Dickinson report; Purchase of Services Agree.; reappointment of City Mgr. & Mayor & Nicholson & Voetberg to Board.(l119)(416)(514) ............. 15,144,177 Greater Dubuque Enter. Co. - Diamond Jo Portside, 400 E. Third.(4/6) ........................................ 146 Green Bay Packer Sunday II Proclam.(l/19) ............... 7 Green Thumbers, awarded contract for Landscaping of Dbq. Technology Park.(10/5} ........................ 350 Greenfield, Duaine & Jane, Rehab Loan for Downtown. (6/1) ........................................... ;. 203 Greyhound Park & Casino - Parking Lot.(1112)(12/7) . 398,456 Greyhound Park & Casino, City ownership, opposing Senate File.(1119) ................................... 13 Greyhound Park & Casino Parking Lot improvements - approval of extra work order.(9/21) .................. 330 Greyhound Park & Casino, DBQ Racing Assn., 1855 Greyhound, Liq. Lic.(3/2) ............................ 91 Greyhound Park & Casino Loading Dock improvement Pro.(416) ......................................... 142 Greyhound Park & Casino Reroofing Pro;(4/6) .......... 141 Greyhound Park & Casino, Kenne~ improvements at DRA. (2/16)(11/16) ................................... 45,413 Ground Round, 59 JFK. Rd., Liq. Lic.(11/16} ........... ; 418 Groups of three or more, Ord. Prohibiting Loitering. (t015) .............................. ~. ........... 356 Gustafson, Katie, Youth applicant for Environ. Steward. Comm.; appointed.(10/5)(10119) ................. 347,374 Gutheinz, Brian, Update on Hwy 20 Landscape Pro. (7/20) ........................................ 258,262 INDEX - BOOK 128 1998 SUBJECT PAGE H HEALTH BOARD MEETINGS (1/19)(4/20)(7/20)(8/17)(8/24)(11/2)(1217) ................................ 6,158,259,292,304,385,435 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMM. SUBMITTING MINUTES: (1/5)(212)(3/2)(6/15)(8/17)(9/8) .......... 1,28,60,2'16,293,308 HOUSING CODE APPEALS BD. SUBMITTING MINUTES: (212)(4120)(716)(9121)(1112) ............. 28,159,239,329,386 HOUSING COMM. SUBMITTING MINUTES: (115)(312)(416)(6115)(716)(918)(1015)(12121} ............................. 7,60,139,216,239, 308,341,471 HOUSING COMM. TRUST FUND SUBMITTING MINUTES: (3/2)(4/6)(6/1)(7/6)(10/5)(11/16).. ;... 60,139,202,239,341,405 HUMAN RIGHTS COMM. suBMITTING MINUTES: (1/5)(212)(3/2)(4/6)(4/20)(5/18)(7/6)(9/8)(10119)(11/2)(12/7) ................... 1,28,60,139,159,190,239,308,366,386,436 Haberkorn, Dave & Mary, Easement Agree, North End Neighborhood Bike & Hike Trial.(8/3) ................. 275 Haberkorn, Violet, Claim; Referred to Ins.(1/5)(1/19) ...... 1,7 Habitat for Humanity - ext. of time to transfer title of property.(4/6) ...................................... 145 Hales Mills Road property east of, voluntary annexation to Asbury.(9/21) ...................................... 330 Hales Mills Road, property adjacent, annexed to City of Asbury, requested by Hilby's.(11/16) .................. 413 Halferty, James, Claim.(11/16) ......................... 405 Hammerheads Bar& Billiards, 2095 Kerper; Liq. Lic.(2/16) ~ 49 Handan, China; Key presented by D. Landis to City.(7/6) .. 239 Handicap Accessibility project- Wm. M Black, Environ. Notice & funds released etc.(813) ..................... 277 Hansen Communication -objecting to sidewalk assess, for Radford Rd. Reconstruction.(3/2) ..................... 91 Hansen, John & Thelma, 2920 Elm, Easement, North End Neighborhood Bike & Hike Trail from 22nd to 32nd St. (7/6)(7/20) ..................................... 254,266 Hanten-Koos Place, final plat of Edwards Rd. - Jim Edwards.(12/7) .................................... 437 Nanus, Rev. Jerome, Arch. of Dubuque, Gave Invocation. (I/S) ................................................ 1 Happy Joe's Ice Cream/Pizza, 855 Century Dr., J. & P. O'Hara, Beer Per.(10/19) ................................... 374 Happy's Place, P..M.S.T. Inc. 2322 Rockdale, Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic.(7/6)(9/21) .................................. 242,334 Harbor ~ Dbq, Co. Addn., dispose of portion of interest to Bishop Block & Mehrl's.(11/16)(12/7) ......... 432,453,454 INDEX - BOOK 128 1998 SUBJECT PAGE H Harbor, Ice, Grant app. - Transient Boat Docks.(2/16) ...... 44 Harbor Maintenance Dredging Pro. 1997.{10/19) ..... 369,370 Hardle, Steve, Frank Hurdle Adv., off-premise bigboards.(3/16) ................................... 115 Harrman, Steve, update on Riverwatk etc.(Iii9) ........... $ Harry, Jeff& Julie, Claim; referred to Ins.(8/3)(9/17) .. 274,293 Hartig Drug Co., 157 Locust St., Cig. Per.(611} ........... 205 Hartig Drug Co., 2225 Central Ave., Cig. Per.(6/1) ........ 205 Hartig Drug Co., 2255 JFK Rd., Cig. Per.(6/1) ............ 205 Hartig Drug Co., 7th & Town Clock, Cig. Per.; Civil Penalty assessment for tobacco violation. (611)(11116)(1217) ........................... 205,433,456 Hartman, David, applicant for Airport Com. (1119)(212)(918)(9121) ...................... 13,34,314,33,f Hartman, Gerda Preston, objecting to salvage yard on Julien Dbq. Dr. - Roger Kunde.(12/7) ............... ........ 458 Hasler, Frommelt, Inc. by A. Frommelt, Pres., requesting annexation for 102 acres of property E of US 52 to the North; rezoning.(5118)(6115)(716)(1217) ... 191,231,244,450,451 Haun's Grandview Milkhouse, C. Haun, 620 S. Grandview, Cig. Per.; Beer Per.(7/20) ....................... 262,263 Hawthorne St., Eagle Point Water Plant, Vacuum Filter Bldg. Electrical Room.(11/16) ............................ 428 Hayes, Cheryl, in support of Loras- Bluff Park.(314) .;... 101 Hazard Control Grant - Lead Paint, CDBG Funds for FY 2001 & 2002.(6/1) ................................. 203 Hazardous Waste, Nuisance Ord.(5/4) ................. 179 Hazards, Health, Housing, Nuisance Oral.(5/4) .......... 160 HBO & Co., construction of radiator Platform in alley E of CyCare Plaza.(10/19} ............................... 380 Health Clinic, Maternal Child, Letter to VNA.{4/20) ....... 158 Health Dept. - Animal Control Activity evaluated by NACA. (12/7) ............................................ 438 Health Dept. of State, contract, Local Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Prog.(7120) ................... 262 Health hazards - Nuisance Ord.(5/4) ............... 179,180 Health - IA Dept. of Public Health, HIV/AIDS Prevention Program & VNA to do; contract for local AIDS Preventative Health Program.(3/16)(11/16) .................... 109,416 Health Leadership Institute, Iowa, Council Member Michalski authorized to attend.(S/24) ................... ; ...... 304 Healthy Dubuque 2000, VNA Contract; agreement with Lisa Sesterhenn.{l119)(8/17) ................. 12,296 Hearing on appeal - Alter Trading Corp.'s Salvage Lic.(1015)(1112)(11116) ....................... 351,390,418 Hearings on Tobacco Licensees - assessments for violations.(12/7) ................................... 458 Horizon Development Group, sanitary sewer easement at 12801 Nightengale Lane.(12/7) .................. 460,461 Heart Month Proclam.(2/2) ............................. 28 Heart Walk Day - American, Proclam.('J0/19) ............ 366 53 INDEX- BOOK 128 1998 SUBJECT PAGE H Heartland Housing initiative - HHI - awarding of Housing Trust Funds.(9/8) ................................. 320 Heartland Partners, CMC, deed of property located in the Kerper Blvd. industrial Park.(12/7) .................. 444 Heartland Partners, CMC, Purchase Agree. for 21,5 acres. (7/20) ........................................... 267 Heathcote, Gen,- Lifetime Center's financial needs. (9/21) ........................................... 335 Heating, Venting & Air Conditioning permits & licenses, Ord. changing.(8/17) .............................. 300 Heiberger, Patricia, Claim.(7/6) ........................ 239 Heiderscheit, Jack, not objecting to rezoning behind Tri-State Golf to allow P. Tobin to put mini-warehouse & storage facility.(3/2) ........................................ 93 Helle, Marty, requesting rezoning of property N of Daniels St. & E of Bies Dr. from R1 to R2.(3/2) .................... 93 Helmke, Rev. Kenneth of Wartburg, Gave Invocation.(4/20) 159 Helping Services of NE Iowa, Inc., Pumhase of Service Agree.(416) ....................................... 144 Hempstead Driveway to be left as is....1998 Sidewalk Assess. on Pennsylvania Ave.(8/3) ......................... 280 Hempstead High School - Fireworks by Firstar Bank.(10/5) 342 Hendricks, Wm, of Feed & Seed, vacating of Alley between Central & White from 8th to 9th.(1/19)(212)... 24,34 Hensley, Bob, of Venture Stores, closing of store.(5/4} .... 173 HER Engineering, consultant for Dbq.'s Comprehensive Stormwater Plan.(11/16) ........................... 317 Herbst, David & Linda~ re: disposal of property in Dbq; Harbor Co. Add; - Part of W. First St. & alley between Main ST. & Freeway- Bishop Block.(11/16)(12/7) 432,454,455 Herbst, Donald, by Arty. Setter, vacation & purchase of Burton's 2nd Addn.(l119)(416)(4120) ......... 8,156,164,165 Herbst, Donald J., by Atty. Setter, requesting purchase of · City property at E. 14th St.(5/18) .................... 191 Herbst, Donald, vacate & dispose of 40' x 100~ of Burton 2nd Addn.; sewer connection fee changed;(7/6}(7/20) .. 257,264 Heritage Rivers Initiative Nomination.(1/19) ............... 7 Heritage Trail Funding with IDOT for Northern Levee Path. (5/18) ........................................... 191 Heritage Trail Interpretive Signs, Grant.(4/20) ............ 160 Heritage Trail, property purchase, Leffer of Understanding with Union Pacific HR.(2/2) ........................... 29 Herman, Rosemary, Claim referred to ins.(1/5} ............. 1 Heron Pond Wetlands Nature Trail Pre., S, Ulstad Architects selectad.(6/1 ) .................................... 202 Herrig, John, objecting to housing rental unif testings(3/4) '102 Hi-Hat, Admiral's, D. Meyer, 253 Main, Cig, Per.; Liq. Lic. (6/15)(9/21) ................................... 223,334 Hickey, Sara A., Claim.(12/21) ......................... 471 Highway 20 & Northwest Arterial, Mary Kleinschrodt's petitionforleftturnsignaL(312)(4/28)(lO/5) ...;. 96;163,342 INDEX- BOOK 128 1998 SUBJECT PAGE H Highway 20 Corridor- Land Use Planning Proc.; Moratorium on Building Permits; recommendation by Long Range Planning' adoption of Highway20 Land Use Plan.(514)(lOI19)(1'l/2) ................... 177,379,384,397 Highway 20 Landscape Project Update; selection of S. Ulstad & B. Gutheniz, design of Gateway.(7/20) .......... 258,262, Highway 20 Water Main Extension Pro.(7120)(813). 267,282;283 Highway 32, NW Arterial, clarification of ROW as transferred to State.(10/5) ..................................... 342 Highway 32 - N W A~, SW Corner, & Chavenelle Rd., Revised Land Use Plan for Dbq. Industrial Center Phases I & II, amend PUD designation.(10/19) ..................... 384 Highway 52, E of, N of City limits, 102 acres, request for annexation by Frommelt Hasler etc. (5/18)(6/15)(7/6) ............................ 191,23'1,244 Highway 61/151, Long Range Planning requesting input on future land use.(5/4) ............................... 170 Hike & Bike Trail - North End Neighborhood from 22nd St. to 32nd St., Ingress/Egress Easements. (716)(7120)(813) ......................... 254,265,266,275 Hilby, Clement & Jeannine, property adjacent to Hales Mills Rd., annexed to Asbury.(11/16} ...................... 413 Hilby, Tim & Sara, rezoning request at 4100 Asbury. (12/21) ........................................... 479 Hill Street Plaza Inc., Oky Doky #8, 535 Hill, Beer Per. (2/16) ............................................. 49 Hilt St., speed limits established.(3/16) ................. 129 Hilt St. - South - Disposing of City interest - Lot 12A in Stewart Subd. to Richard & Cheryl Berfling$.(9/8) ...... 326 Hill St., & Dodge, Days inn area, conveyance of Property to City. (11/2) ................................... 388,.389 Hill St., possible abandonment of alley between 775 & 759, Mary Ransdell, concern.(11/2) ....................... 387 Hillcrsst Family Services, WIC Services; Cp2 funds; Ag reement for Use of Murphy Park for Lighting Display. (4/20)(8/4)(8/15) ............................ 158,182,217 Hird, Gerald, Deputy Finance Dir., authorized to execute stock sale transactions.(11/16) ...................... 414 Hirsch, Dale A., Claim; referred to Ins.(8/3)(8/17) ..... 27zf,293 Hirsch, Rev. Lorans, Pastor, Word of Life, Gave Invocation. (6/15) ............................................ 216 Hirsch, Richard W., Fat Tuesday's, 1121 University, Cig. Per.(6/1) ..................................... 205 Historic Bluffs Trail Project - Hodgdon St. & Catherine/West Locust Step Restoration etc- Application for Statewide Enhancement Funding to IDOT.(9/21) .................. 332 Historic Improvement Co., Dubuque, The Redstone Inn, Liq. Lic.(3/16) ..................................... 114 Historic Lighting Pro. - IDOT Supplemental Agree. for Cable Car Square.(11/16) ................................ 406 INDEX - BOOK 1;28 1998 SUBJECT PAGE H Historic Preservation Comm., American Tower Bldg.; injunction against demolition.(7120)(8/3) .......... 267;274 Historic Preservation Comm. advising Ms; Burke-Manthey no longer on Comm.(10/5) ............................ 342 Historic Preservation Comm., appeal by Joe & Melissa Compton of 175 Alpine.(8/17) ................. ; .... 300 Historic Preservation Comm., applicant P. Bradford & G. Naughton; appointment of Bradford & Naughton. (6/15)(7/6) .................................... 224;243 Historic Preservation Grant Prog.- Homeowner, allow multi- family residence to be eligible for loan.(6/1) .......... 203 Historic Preservation Grant - to conduct a survey.(111'16) . 406 Historic Preservation Office, State, Mem. of Agree. - YMCAJIowa Inn Pro..(l/lg) ............................ 9 Historic Preservation Programs - CDBG Funds.(5/4) ...... 171 Historic Preservation Survey - Submission of Application for Historic Resource Devel. Program Funding.(5/4) ...... 172 Historic Preservation Week 1998, Proclam.(5/4) .......... 169 Historic restoration - William M. Black.{10/5) ...; ........ 342 Historic Site Preservation Prog. - State, Four Mounds Foundation.(9/8) .................................. 310 Historic Site Preservation Program for renovation at Five Flags Theater.(918) ......................... 311 Historical Dis. 2nd Neighborhood Ornamental Railing Pro.(4/20) ..................................... 166;167 Historical Dis. - Retaining Wall Railing Pro., 1998. (5/18) .. 195 Historical Resource Devel. Program Funds for Interpretive Signs along Heritage Trail Extension.(4/20) .......... 160 Historical Society - Dbq. County, Ryan House, Liq. Lic., 1375 Locust.{12/21) .................................... 477 Historical Society, Dbq. County, Presentation of "America's River;" Cp2 funds; Application to IDOT; for Miss~ Riverwalk Pro. (1/19)(5t4)(6/15) .................. 5,182,220 Historical Society of State, St. Luke's Methodist Church, - nomination for National Register.(1/19)(3/2)(5/18) . 8,61,190 HIV - AIDS Prevention Program with VNA; contract for local AIDS Preventative Health Program.(3/16)(11/16) .... 109,416 Hoch, Rev. Dr. Ann, Assistant Dean of UD., Gave Invocation. (10/19) .......................................... 366 Hodgdon St. & Catherine/West Locust St., ISTEA Grant Application for Historic Bluffs Trail Pro.(9./21) ......... 332 Hodge Transit Warehouse Co., public utility easement - Riverfront Subd.(6/15)(7/6) ...................... 231,245 Hoerner, Mildred, Claim; referred to Ins.(716)(7/20).. ~ 239, 260 Hoffman, David, White House Tap, 450 W. Locust, Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic.(6/15)(12/21) ....................... 223~477 Hoffman House, 3100 Club, WCB Hotels, Liq. Lic.(12/21) .. 477 Hoffmann, Nathan & Nicole, property vacation at 28th & Brunswick.(7/6) .................................. 240 Hoffmann, Paul, applicant for Park & Rec. Comm.; reappointed.(6/15}(7~6) ......................... 224,243 INDEX ' BOOK 128 1998 SUBJECT PAGE H Hog Lot confinements in the County - Environmental Stewardship Adv. to study.(9/21} .................... 330 Hogan, Darlene, Claim; referred to les.(5/4)(5/18} .... 169,190 Hctiday Inn Dbq. Five Flags, Kinseth Hotel Corp.; 450 Main, Liq. Lic.; Cig. Per.; refund on Cig. Per.; Liq. Llc. (115)(611)(716)(12121) ...................... 3,205,239,477 Holiday Lighting Display by Hillcrest, usage of Murphy Park. (61'15) ............................................ 217 Holiday Oil Co., '1401 Central, Refund on Cig. Per.(12121) . 472 Holiday Oil Co, P.O.P.'s Gas, 1685 JFK Rd., Cig. Per.; Cig. Refund.(6/15)(12/21) ........................... 223,472 HOME Investment partnership funding application. (2/2)(3/16)(4/6) .............................. 29,111,139 Home Care Aides re: FY 99 State funds.(4/20) ........... Homeowner Historic Pres. Grant Prog., amend, to allow multi-family residences to be eligible for loan.(6/'1) ..... 203 Homeownership Rehabilitation, CDBG funds.(5/4) ...... 171 Homeownership Week, National, Proclam.(6/1} .......... 202 Hooligan's Sports Bar & Grill, JD BS & SW LTD, 2600 Dodge, Liq. Lic.;(6/15) .................................... 224 Hoctigan's Sports Bar & Grill, ID J, Plaza 20 Shopping Center, Liq. Lic.(12./7) ..................................... 448 Hootan, Rev. Mel, Pastor of Grandview Heights Baptist Church.(6/1) ...................................... 202 Horizon Development Group, LLC & Cartegraph Systems, disposal of property in Dbq. Technology Park.(12115) .. 467 Horn, John & Margaret~ vacate & purchase portion of 28th & Brunswick from Strauss.(8117)(1217)(12121) .. 294,463,478 Horsfield Construction award contract for Atlantic & Custer Storm Sewer Improve,; awarded contract for Radford Road Reconstruction; claim of C. Kress referred to them; awarded contract for Reconstruction of First St. & Locust St. lntersection.(2/16)(4/6)(8/17)('12/7} 51,'152,293,457 Hosch, Charlie, Claim; forwarded to Tschiggfries. (6/15)(7/6) .................................... 216,239 Hospice Month Proclam.(11/2) ........................ 386 Hospital Services, collection of sales tax amounts, opposing Senate File 2092, legislative letter.(2/16) ............... 46 Hospitality of Dubuque, appreciation by M. Mandel of IA Physical Therapy Assn.(l 1/16} .................... 416 Hotel inspections, State contract.(7/6) ................. 241 House of China, 170 JFt~, Liq. Lic.(7/20) ................ 263 Housing Advisory Trust Fund applicant John Walsh; reappointed.(918)(9121) ......................... 314,334 Housing applicants criminal records check concern, Legislative letters.(2/16) ............................. 46 Housing Assistance Program Pre-Application -IA Dept. of Economic Develop. - City not invited to submit(10/5) .. 341 Housing Assistance Program re: Environ. Notice & Release of Fu ntis.(4/6)(5/4) ............................. 144,169 INDEX- BOOK 128 1998 SUBJECT PAGE H Housing Code amendments, Garbage, Trash, Sanitary Con., Exterior surfaces etc.(l/19) .................. 17-19 Housing Code Appeals Bd., interviews & appointment of Kinsella, Schaub & E. Swift; interview;, interview of applicant Thomas G. Swiff.(l119)(212)(2116)(312) . 13,34,50,91 Housing Comm. interview of applicants & appointments of J. Steele, B. Bisenius, J. Stock and Thomas P; Swift 11. (8/3)(8/17) .................................... 279,299 Housing Dept., customer relations, contract with Webb Alliance.(10/5) .................................... 357 Housing hazards, accumulations of dirt, debris - Nuisance Ord.(5/4) ......................................... 180 Housing Loans - Homeowner Historic Pres. Grants for multi- family residences.(6/1) ............................ 203 Housing Mainstream assistance, App. to HUD.(6/15) 221,222 Housing Planning & Administration Services & Staff, CDBG Funds.(5/4) ................................ 171 Housing Program Funds, affordable, Application to Federal Home Loan Bank of Des Moines.(5/4) ............... 172 Housing Programs: CDBG funds.(5/4)(5/18) ......... 171,190 Housing Regulations - Ch. 26 of City Code, re: Smoke Detectors.(5/4) ................................... 184 Housing Rehab. Programs - CDBG Funds.(514) .......... 171 Housing - Renewal Of Section 8 Program amendments - Annual Contributions Contract. - Housing Vouchers; Housing Certificates etc.(3/16) .................. 108,109 Housing rental unit discrimination testing. (3/4)(3/16} ................................ 101,102,112 Housing Trust Funds awarded to Heartland Housing initiative (HHI).(9/8) .............................. ; ........ 320 Housing Trust Funds to Heartland Housing Initiative (HHI). (9/8) ............................................ 320 HUD, Annual Performance & Evaluation Report - CAPER. (10/19) .......................................... 37O HUD application for Mainstream Housing Pro.(6/15} ...... 222 HUD Federal Grant Funds, CDBG Agree. (8/17) ...... 297,298 HUD Funding, Human Rights Dept(10/5) ............... 342 HUD - Handicap Accessibility project -Wm. M Black, Environ. Notice & funds released.(8/3) ....................... 277 HUD, Annual Consultation with City.(1/19) ................ 8 HUD, CDBG allocation of $1,409,000.(1/5) ................. 2 HUD, Lead Based Paint Hazard Control Grant. (5/18)(6/15) ................................... 192,220 Hughes, Atty Al, Nativity Church problem for rollerblading & skateboarding problems.(6/1) .................... 209 Human Relations 98 - Faces & Voices, Proclam,(11/2) .... 386 INDEX - BOOK 128 1998 SUBJECT PAGE H Human Rights Comm., interview & appointment of E. Jackson & Musafa Ozcan; appointment of Raydora Drummer; Diane Tekippe not able to serve as a Commissioner; interviews of K. Kincaid, M. O'Shea, & K. Stevens; appointment of M. O'Shea; interviews of Kathy Blau, Rev. Kris Kincaid; Thom Determan, Katherine Stevens, Ruby Sutton, (1/19)(212)(2/16)(8/3)(9/8)(9/21)(12/21) .............................. 13,14,34,50,277,314,334,477 Human Rights Comm., annual report.(1~5)(12/21) ...... 1,471 Human Rights Comm. Certificate of Appreciation for K. Stevens - Thank you from her.(4/6) .................. 140 Human Rights Comm. dept. budget hearing -final.(314)... 101 Human Rights Dept. Budget, monies deducted by Council for rental housing testing.(3/4) ......................... 102 Human Rights Dept. -appreciation by S. Clarke for working as intern.{9/8) ..................................... 309 Human Rights Dept?s receipt of HUD funds.(10/5) ....... 342 Human Rights Dir. E. Creger, re: communication to IA Civil Rights Comm. for City housing tests here.(3/16) ...... 112 Humane Society, Purch. of Services Agree.(716) ......... 248 Hunting of Deer in City, new Ord.(6/15) ................. 226 HVAC Improvements of Keyline Trensit.(5/4}(6/l) .... 186,209 HVAC portion of Code amended -fees, licenses, examinations etc.(8/17) ............................ 300 Hwy 32 aka NW Arterial, SW Corner, & Chaveneile Rd., Revised Land Use Plan for Dbq. Industrial Center Phases I & 2.(11/2) ......................................... 391 Hwy 32 aka NW Arterial, plat approved & vacate portion - Corey Develop.(7/6)(7120) .................... 251,252,264 Hwy 386, SE & E of Hwy 52, rezoning of property for Alpine Heights Mobile Home Park - Frommelt Hasler Inc. - 102 acres to be annexed; rezoning. (5118)(6115)(716)(1217) ................... 191,231,244,449 Hwy 52, E of, Frommelt Hasler Inc. - 102 acres to be annexed; rezoning.(5118)(6115)(716)(1217) .. 191,231,244,449 HyVee Food Store Inc. 3500 Dodge, Cig. Per.; Liq. L[c.; tobacco violation assessment. (611)(6115)(11116)(1217) .................. 205,223,433,458 59 INDEX- BOOK 128 1998 SUBJECT PAGE INVESTMENT OVERSIGHT ADV. COMM. SUBMITTING MINUTES: (2116)(5118)(8117)(1112) .......................................... 44,190,293,386 IA Dept. of Transportation, disposing City Lot 303A, corner of alley, 4th St. & Central Ave.(1/5) ........................ 2 IA Dept. of Transportation, letting of ACC resurfacing project on U.S. 61 within Dbq. County from Jackson County Line.(1/5) ........................................... 2 IA Dept. of Transportation vs City - Claim re: Notice of Appeal for Improvements of U.S. 61 & U.S. 20.(212) ............. 28 iBP vs FDL, summary judgement by Atty. Les Reddick. (9/21) ............................................. 333 Ice Harbor, Transient Boat Docks, grant app.(2/16) ........ 44 Ice Rink Warming House - Concession Building at Flora Park.(918)(10/5) ............................ 323,324,349 ICMA Deferred Compensation Plan, approval of amended plan;(10/19) ....................................... 371 ICN - IA Communications NebNork classroom, equipment purchase at Library.(416) ............................ 153 Identification Signs - freestanding, Ord. amendment allowing in C4 & C5.(3/2) ..................................... 95 Idle Hour, Jeannie A. Kersch, 1555 Central, Liq, Lic. (4/6) .............................................. 146 IDOT Disposing City Lot 303A, corner of alley~ 4th St. & Central Ave.(1/5) ..................................... 2 IDOT, letting of ACC resurfacing project on U.S. 61 within Dbq. County from Jackson County Line.(1/5) ............ 2 IDOT vs City - Claim re: Notice of Appeal for Improvements of U.S. 61 & U.S. 20.(212) ............................... 28 IDOT RISE Program, Grant application for extension of Chavenelle road E from Seippel Rd. into new West side Industrial Park - County Farm.(2/2) .................... 33 IDOT - Notice - Open Forum Public Hearing: IA 32 - Northwest Arterial from John F Kennedy Rd.(5/4) ................ 173 IDOT re: extension of NWArt*, John Kivlahan's objection to trail going thru his property,(6/1) .................... ; 209 IDOT RISE Grant for new street in Dbq. Industrial Center West.(6ll 5) ........................................ 218 IDOT application for construction of Mississippi Riverwalk. (6/15} ............................................. 220 IDOT re: replacement of Manson Road Bridge, Project Agree. (9/21) ............................................. 330 IDOT re: Supplemental Agree. for Steamboat - Wm. M. Black, Restoration.(10/5) .................................. 342 IDOT Grant Agree. for Recreational Trail Funds for Mississippi Riverwalk Recreational Trail.(11/2) ......... 387 IDOT - excess ROW at Dodge &Hill for Days Inn Access, conveyance of property.(11/2) ................... 388,389 IDOT, Project Agree., for RISE Funding re: Data Court. (11/2) ............................................. 389 60 INDEX - BOOK 128 1998 SUBJECT PAGE IDOT - Supplemental Agree. Cable Car Square Historic Lighting Pro.(11/16) ............................... 406 IDOT - Cooperative Agree., Reconstruction of First St. & Locust St. Intersection.(11116) ...................... 430 IDOT Property- former, part of W. First & alley between Main St. & Freeway- Bishop Block, plat appreved & disposed of to Bishops Block Ltd. & R. Mehrl.(11/16)(12/7) ..... 432,453 IDOT - grant application for Granger Creek Recreational Trail.(12J21) ...................................... 473 IIW contract, re: Design & Engrg. Services for Kerper Blvd. Ind. Park.(5/18) .................................... 193 IIW Engineers, rezoning property at SW Corner of Key West Dr. & Maquoketa Dr.(11/16) ......................... 429 Immigration & Naturalization Services, Police provide fingerprinting services.(3/2) ......................... 90 Impoundment of Animals, Fee increased.(7/6} ....... 248-250 Imprevements in our com m ur~ity, legislators review.(4/20) 163 in Futuro, K. Krieg, accepting Ord. Revised Land Use Plan for Dbq. Industrial Center Phases I & II at SW Corner of Hwy 32 (NW Art.) & Chavenelie Rd.(1112) ............. 391 Industrial Center South, claim - Iowa Concrete Products Co. - Sproule.(3/2)(9/8) .......................... 60,308 Industrial Center West - land lying W & N & S of City of Asbury, future land use recommendations etc.(10/5) ... 357 industrial Center West, rezoning from AG to PUD with PI.; Grading Pro.; Sanitary Sewer Pro.; new Street - IDOT Rise GranL(3116}(514)(5/26)(6115) .......... 115,187,188;199,218 Industrial Park at Former County Farm, RISE Grant application.(2/2) .................................... 33 Information and Referral Services, CDBG Funds etc.(5/4). 171 Information Services Div. Department Budget Hearing. (2/23) ............................................. 58 Infrastructure Cabling awarded to Communication Engrg. Co, (1/10) ............................................. 12 Infrastructure Improvements - Neighborhood, CDBG funds; (5/4) ............................................. 171 Ingress and Egress Easements for property owners near North End Neighborhood Bike & Hike Trail from 22nd to 32nd St.[716)(7120) .......................... 254,265,266 injunction against demolition of American Tower Bldg. - byJ. Whalers.{813} ................................. 274 injury of police & fire, Proposal for Care Management.(9/8) 313 Inspection Report- DNR, ind. Pretreatment Audit.(918) . .. 309 Inspections & Appeals, IA Dept. for inspections & Licensing of various food establishments.(12/7) ................ 438 Installation of Sidewalks in various locations in City, direction etc.(4120)(918) ......................... 166,313 Installation of Traffic Signats at 17th & White Sts.(7f6) .... 242 INDEX- BOOK 128 1998 SUBJECT PAGE Instant Replay, P. Arensdorf, 1602 Central, Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic.{7/6)(12/7) ................................. 242,448 Inter*State Contracts & Building Supply - L. Lugrain, concerns ~ his property at 155 E. Fifth St.{12/7) ...... 438 Interceptor Lift Station construction at Granger Creek. (9/8) ............................................ 324 Interceptor Sanitary Sewer Repair Pro. - Keyway.(2/16) ... 52 Interceptor Sewer Extension - County Farm.(514) ......... 158 Interceptor Sewer Extension Pro., South Fork. (6/1)(11/2)(12/7) ......................... 213,214,400.456 International Dragonboat Festival, Proclam.(g/8) ......... 308 Interpretive Signs - Grant for Heritage Trail.(4/20) ........ 160 Intersection of Cedar Cross & Fremont Rd. Pro.(212)(312) 30,60 Intersection of Jones St. & South Main Intersection~ modifications~(5/18) ............................... 195 Intersection reconstruction, First St. & Locust. (11/16)(12/7) .................................. 430,457 Interstate Power Co., -electrical distribution systems on Clarke Dr. objection by Steve Mosiman.(4120)(5118) 163,198 Interstate Power Co. Project - issuance of $2,650,000 Pollution Control Refunding Rev. Bonds. (10/19)(11/16) ................................ 381,419 Intimidation re: Ordinance Prohibiting Loitering.(10/5) .... 356 investigation by Police Dept. of Accidents, Arty M. Sullivan objecting to current procedure; results of Study etc. (716)(7/20){11116) ........................... 247,267,427 Investment Oversight Comm., applicants E. Abraham, G. Ruden; reappointment of G. Ruden.(7/20)(8/3) ..... 263,279 investment Reports, quarterly. (1119)(416)(4120)(813)(1015)(10119) .... 7,139,159,274,341,366 Investment summary, monthly report.(4t6) .............. 139 invitation to China delegation to Dubuque in June, 98.(3/2). 90 IOCO Speede Shoppe #2. Iowa Oil Co. 2335 University, Cig. Per.; Beer Per.(611)(7120) .................... 205,263 lOC{3 Speede Shoppe fl3, rowa Oil Co. 1998 Jackson, Cig. Per.; Beer Per.(611)(7/20) ........................ 205,263 IOCO Speede Shoppe #33: Iowa Oil Co., 3200 Central, Beer Per.; Cig. Per.(1/5)(6/1) .......................... 3, 205 IOCO Speede Shoppe #93, 2150 Twin Valley Dr., Cig. Per.; Beer Per.(611)(12/7) ............................ 205,447 IOCO Speede Shoppe #93, Iowa Oil Co., 3270 Dodge, Beer Per.(10/19} ....................................... 374 Iowa & Central Ave., vacate Eighth St. requested by County Supervisors.(12]7} ................................ 461 Iowa City Manager's Assn. Deferred Compensation Plan, approval of amended.(10/19) ....................... 371 iowa Civil Rights Comm., request to conduct housing rental unit tests in Dbq.(3/16) ............................ 112 iowa Communications Ne{work classroom, purchase of equipment for library. ............................. 153 INDEX ~ BOOK ;128 1998 SUBJECT PAGE Iowa Community Health Leadership Institute, Council Member Michalski authorized to participate.(8/24) ..... 304 Iowa Concrete Paving Products Co., Dbq. Industrial Center, Suit*(9/8) .................................. 308 Iowa Concrete Products Co., claim - Sproules.(3/2) ....... 60 iowa Dept* of Economic Devel., re: Enterprise Zone for Swiss Valley.(3/16) ...................................... 130 Iowa Dept* of Economic Devetapment~ City not invited to submit Local Housing Assist.. Prog. Pre-Application for housing activity.(10/5) ............................. 34~i Iowa Dept. of Economic Devel., Enterprise Zone Comm. structure change.(7/6) ............................. 248 Iowa Dept. of Inspections & Appeals - contract for inspections & licensing of various food establishments. (12/7) ............................................ 438 Iowa Dept. of Public Health, funding of AIDS Preventative Program;(11/16) ................................... 416 Iowa Dept. of Public Health, funding a Local Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program.(7/20) ................ 262 Iowa Dept. of Transportation - Grant application for Granger Creek Recreational Trail.(12J21) ..................... 473 Iowa Dept. of Transportation -Notice ~ Open Forum Public Hearing: IA 32 - NW Artedal from JFK Rd.(5/4) ......... 173 Iowa Dept. of Transportation, RISE Funding, new Street in Dbq. Industrial Center West*(6/15) ................... 218 Iowa Dept. of Transportation, application for construct[on of Mississippi Riverwalk.(6115) ........................ 220 Iowa DNR, Grant Application, Mississippi Riverwalk Pro. (8/3) ............................................. 278 Iowa DNR, Grant Application, River's Edge Plaza.(8/£4) .. 305 Iowa DNR, Recreation Infrastructure Funds, Star Brewery Amphitheater.(8/24) ............................... 305 Iowa DNR Rep. Wayne Buchholz, screening requirements for Roger Kunde's Auto Salvage, J. Dbq. Dr..(fll2) ........ 398 Iowa Highway ~L32, NW Art., plat approval & vacation to Corey DeveL(7/6) .................................. 251 Iowa Housing Corp.'s Application for Federal Assistance for Renovation of Iowa Inn endorsed.(10/f9) ............. 373 Iowa Inn Dept. of Transportation, Supplemental Agree. for Steam boat, Wm. M. Black Restoration.(10/5) .......... 342 iowa Inn - YMCA, 125 W. 9th St., publication of a Combined Notice of Finding of Not Significant Impact & Release of Funds; this as Stout Place Urban Revit, Area; Mem. of Agreement - Historic Pres.; Proof etc.; endorse iowa Housing Corp's Application for Federal Assist. for Renovation etc.; Loan Commitment Letter -Stout Place Apartments. (1119)(212)(312)(3116)('i0119)(12121).. 8,9,15,28,68,112,373,476 63 INDEX - BOOK 128 1998 SUBJECT PAGE iowa League of Cities, submission of bid to host annual conference in Sept. 2000; confirmation of hosting. (212)(416) ....................................... 38,141 Iowa Oil Co., IOCO Speede Shoppe #33, 3200 Central, Beer Per.; Cig. Per.(llS)(611) ........................... 3,205 Iowa Oil Co., IOCO Speede Shoppe, #93, 2150 Twin Valley Dr., Cig. Per.; Beer Per.(6/1)(12/7) ................... 205,447 iowa Oil Co., IOCO Speede Shoppe #3, 1998 Jackson, Cig. Per.; Beer Per.(6/1){7/20) ........................ 205,263 Iowa Oil Co., IOCO Speede Shoppe #93, 3270 Dodge, Beer Per.(10119) ....................................... 374 Iowa Oil Co., IOCO Speede Shoppe #2, 2335 University, Cig. Per.; Beer Per. (611)(7/20) ................... 205,263 Iowa Physical Therapy Assn. appreciation for Dubuque & Five Flags hospitality.(11/16) ....................... 416 iowa Potato & Produce House, G. Waddell, 2600 Dodge, Cig. Per.(6/15) .................................... 223 Iowa, Cartegraph Comm. Economic Betterment Account UCC Security Agree. etc.(l/5) ......................... 2 Iowa St., Main St., Fourth, Fifth, Traffic Signal Installation & conversion to two-way traffic; change of Parking Meter areas etc..(416)(514)(9121)(1015}(11116) .............................. 155,176,335,351,352,411,412 iowa State Historical Society, St. Luke's Methodist Church in National Register of Hist. Places.(5/18) .............. 190 iowa State University Extension Service -summer recreation for Uptown Rec. Prog,(5/4} ......................... 172 ~owa Street True Valley, Pres. R. Bockes objecting to two-way conversion of Iowa, Main, 4th & 5th Sts.(5/4) ......... 176 Iowa Women's Hall of Fame, nomination of Sr. Catherine Dunn.(5/4) ....................................... 169 Isenhart, Rhodes "Bud," speaking on aid given to Swiss Valley; spoke on various issues.(5118)(7120) ....... 194,272 Issues List for Legislataras.(8/17) ...................... 296 ISTEA Grant Application for Historic bluffs Trail Project - Hodgdon St. & Catherine/West Locust St. step restoration, (9/21) ........................................... 332 INDEX BboK 128 1998 SUBJECT PAGE J J. George, Lot 2, Accepting Sanitary Sewer.(6/15) ....... 220 Jackson, Evelyn, applicant for Human Rights C.; appointed. (1/19)(2/2) .................................... 13,14,34 Jackson, Kelly, requesting rezoning of 473 E. 28th from R2 to CS.(2/2) ........................................... 35 Jackson, Shelley, Claim; Referred to Ins.(7120)(8/3) ., 260,275 Jackson St., 1200 block, request for Residential Parking Permit Dis. by L: Berry.(5/18) ........................ 191 Jackson St., 2618, acquire real estate from S. A. Shaw. (9/21)(12]7) ................................... 332,443 Jackson St. ROW, vacate 10' x 40' for Swiss Valley etc.; vacation of Euclid Ave. & alley N from Jackson St. to Central & disposing to Swiss Valley. (5/18)(6/15)(7/6) ......................... 194,232,233,245 Jacobsen, James T., supporting Loras Park.(314) ........ 101 Jansen, Devan, by S, Schubert, Claim; Referred to Citylns.(3/2)(3/16) .............................. 60,106 January 1998, Financial Report; Council proceedings approved.(2/16)(5/4) ............................. 44,169 Jaycees & other erg. donation of Cairns Kris for Fire D.(1/19) 15 Jaycees, Dubuque, Town Clock Plaza, Beer Per. (5/18}(9/21) ................................... 194,334 JD, BS & SW Ltd. - McAleece Rec Complex, 1 Admiral Sheehy Dr., Beer Per.; Cig. Per.; termination of concession agreement for McAleece Park. (4120}(6/15)(12/7) ........................ 164,224,437,438 Jena Inc, 1101 Rhomberg, Oky Dky Foods #15, Cig. Per.; Beer Per.(611}(6/15) ............................ 205,223 JFK Amoco Foodshep, Mulgrew Oil, 1701 JFK Rd., Cig. Per.; Beer Per.(6/1)(7/6) ............................. 205,242 JFK Road in County- plat approval of Sanders P1.(1/19) .... 9 JFK Road - John Kivlahan's objection of location of bike trail on their property.(6/1) .......................... 209 JFK School parents, staff, traffic concerns.(7/6) ......... 240 Johnson, Chris, Claim; referred to Ins.(10/19)(11/16) . 366,405 Johnson Controls, Inc., settlement from them re: Library Air Conditioner.(9/21) .............................. 333 Johnson, Kenneth & Blanche, portion of Butterfield Rd. S of Carter Rd. (Mettel-Link Addn) to them.(1/19)(3/2) ..... 25~92 Jones, Claudia, Dr. of Main St. Ltd., re: parking restrictions at Central Market"(5/4) .............................. 177 Jones St. & S. Main Intersection - modifications.(5/18) 195,196 Jorja's Rest" & Lounge, 890 Iowa, Cig. Per.; appeal of Rehab Loan.; Letter of Commitment for Loan. (6/1)(9/8)(12/7) .......................... 204,316,445,446 Journeyman Plumber's License, fees & examination etc. changed.(8/1 &0 ................................... 300 Joyce, Pauline, Adm. Ser. Mgr., authorized to execute city stock sales.(11/16) ................................. 414 65 INDEX- BOOK 128 998 SUBJECT PAGE J Julien Dubuque Dr., request by Roger Kunde for Auto Salvage Yard, zoning, discussion, controversy. (11/2)(12/7)(12/21) ....................... 398,458,478.479 Julian Inn, Design Center, Inc. 200 Main, Liq, Lic.(12/7) ... 448 July Financial Reports; July Printed Councfl Proceedings approved.(81'17)(918) ................ 293,308 June, 1998, financial reports.(7/20) ..................... 260 June, 1998 thru Dec. 1998, re: DRA request to prepay principal of loan etc.{5/4) .......................... 170 June Printed Council Proceedings approved.(7/20) ...... 260 Junk, Don, renovation of Atlast Fluid Co., Downtown Rehab. Loan.(3/16) ...................................... 112 Junk or Salvage material re: Ord. - Nuisance Abatement. (5/4) ........................................ 179,180 Junk Yard - Auto Salvage for Roger Kuade on Julian Dubuque Dr., rezoning problem for Auto Salvage PI, on Julian Dbq. Dr.(f112)(1217)(12121).. 398,458.459,478,479, INDEX -BOOK t28 1998 SUBJECT PAGE K K.C.'s Downtown Auto Cntr., ;205 Locust, Beer Per.; Cig~ Per. (3/2)(6/~) ...................................... 90,205 K-Mart Corp., 2600 Dodge, Cig. Per.; Penalty for tobacco violation: Hearing etc.(6/1)(11/16)(12/7) ........ 205,433,458 Kahn Family Enterprises, Refund on Liq. Lic.(9/8) . ~ ..... 309 Kalloway, Mary E., Claim; Referred to Ins.(8/17}(9/8).. 293,308 Ka[mes Breaktime, M. Kalmes, 1097 Jackson, Liq. Lic.; Cig. Per.(5118)(611} ................................. 194,205 Kamp, Anthony, Refund on Cig. Per.(3/2) ................ 60 Kamp, Mary Lou, Noonan's Tap, 1618 Central, Liq; Lic. (4/6) ............................................. 146 Kane, Atty. Brian, for Plastic Center, Inc, requesting delay of condemnation proceedings for Riverwalk Center.(9/8) . 320 Kane~ Brian, Arty for Fenschel's, 1998 Sidewalk Assess. - Pennsylvania Ave. from Vizaleea to Embassy West Dr. (8/3) ............................................. 279 Kane, Brian, Atty. for J. & R. Siegert, objecting to Radford Road Reconstruction Pro.(3/2) ....................... 91 Kane St., 800 block, re: Joe Graham's requesting changes be made at the entrance to EImwood Green Subd.(4/20)... 163 Kaufmann, 1666, D. Leppert to purchase nearby property. (7/20) ............................................ 261 Kaufmann at North Grandview Ave., property vacating Watermain, Storm Sewer & Sanitary Easement in Lot 2 of E~urton's 2nd Addn.(7/6) ......................... 256 Kaune, Jim, for Table Mound Mobile Home Park, requesting rezoning of property at corner of Key West Dr. & Maquokete Dr. from PR to C2.(12/7) .................. 451 KDTH & KAT-FM, Fireworks display request.(8/3) ........ 276 Kelley, Nell E., Claim; Referred to Ins.(1/5)(1/19) ......... 1,7 Kelly Heights Subd., plat approval of Lots 1 of 4 & 2 of 4.(8/17) .......................................... 295 Kelly Lane & Pego Ct. Sanitary Sewer Ext. Phase II Pro. (4/20)(5/18)(11/16)(12/21) ......... 161,162,190,409,410,471 Kelly Lane - Proof of final assess, filing etc,(l/1) ........... 1 Kelly Lane Sanitary Sewer Project - Phase I1, amending Preliminary Schedule of Assessmente.(12/7) .......... 438 Kelly Lane~ South of, East & West of Edwards Road, final plat for Jim Edwards.(12/7) ............................. 437 Kelly's Subd., disposal of 642 University Ave. to Rick Steuer. (8/15) ............................................ 224 Ken-Mo Farms, Inc., property damage claim settlement. (4/6) ............................................ 1490 Kennedy, Patrick & Patricia, requesting to de-annex their propertyS of Nightengale Lane.(4/6) ................ 151 Kennedy School parents, principal & staff, traffic concerns, action taken etc.(7/6)(8/3) .................... 240,285,291 Kennel compound at Greyhound Park, approval of Grade & Pave project.(2/16) ................................. 45 Kennel improvements at Dbq. Greyhound Park & Casino.(2/16)11/16) ............................. 45,413, Kerper Blvd. Industrial Park - IIW Engineers & Surveyors, contract.(5/18} .................................... 118 Kerper Blvd. - relocation of RR spur line for Eagle Window & Door Expansion.(6~15) ............................. 221 INDEX- BOOK 128 998 SUBJECT PAGE K Kerper Blvd. Indust. Parking Dredging - Grading Contract finalization.(9/8) .................................. 320 Kerper Bird. Industrial Park, property from CMC Heartland Partners to City.(12/7) ............................. 444 Kersch, Jeannie A., Idle Hour, '1555 Central, Liq. Lic. (4/6) ............................................ 146 Key Club Week Proclam.(11116) ....................... 405 Key Corners Storm Sewer Extension Pro.(12/21) ..... 480,481 Key West Dr., 10901 & 10913, rezoning from AG to R1, requested by City.(6/15) ........................... 230 Key West Dr. & Maquoketa Dr. rezoning from PR to C2 as requested by IIW Engrs. & Table Mound Mobile Home Park.(11/16)(12/7) ........................ 429,451 Keyline - Project Concern Para-Transit Agree. for FY beginning 7-1-98 & ending 6.30-99.(11/16) ........... 415 Keyline Transit Facility - HVAC Pro.(6/4)(6/1) .... 186,208,209 Keyway Interceptor Sanitary Sewer Repair Project. {1/19)(2J16)(12/7) .......................... 21,52,443,444 Kids Day America/Dubuque Day, Proclam.(5/4) .......... 169 Kids World Pizza Place Fun Cnt., Beer Per.(3/2) ........... 90 Kienska, Nick, Youth Council Member.(4/6) ............. 139 Kienzle, Kevin, Claim; settlement.(813)(8117) ......... 274,294 Kincaid, Rev. Kris, applicant for Human Rights Comm. (918)(9121){12121) ........................... 314,334,477 King, Martin Luther Jr. Day Proclam.('l15)(12121} ....... 1,471 King of Clubs, Freddy's, ~1902 Central, Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic.; Penalty for Tobacco Violation; Hearing. (716)(8117)(11116)(1217) ................... 242,299,433,458 Kingsley, Dennis & Karen, Claim Referred to Ins.(1/19) ..... 7 Kinsella, Wm., applicant for Housing Code Appeals Bd.: reappointed.(l/19)(2J2) .......................... 13,34 Kinseth Hotel Corp., Holiday Inn Dbq. Five Flags, 480 Main, Liq. Lic.; Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic.(115)(611){12121) ...... 3,205,477 Kirch, Shirley, Claim: denial.(8/3)(8/17) ............. 274,293 Kirk'wood Street, formerly known as Union Ave., vacated & disposed ofto Nelson & Monica Klavitter. (1015)(10119) ........................... 360,361,375,376 Kivlahan. John & Doris, objecting to bike trail location on their property on JFK Rd.(6/1) .................. 209 Klavitter, Nelson, Claim; referred to Ins.(2/16)(3/;~) ...... 44,60 Klavitter, Nelson & ~lonica, portion of Kirkwood St. -formerly known as Union Ave. to them.(10/5) .............. 360,361 Kleinschrodt, Mary, requesting protected turn signal at NW A~t. & Hwy. 20.(312)(4126)(1015) ............ 96,163.342 Klinkhammer, Mark, disposing of City Interest in 24A & 24B of Morgan's Subd. - vacating portion of Cornell St. & adjacent alley between 15th & 17th St.(12/7) .......... 462 Kluck Construction awarded contract for 1998 Sidewalk Assess. - Pennsylvania Ave. from Vizaleea to Embassy West Dr.(9/6) ..................................... 309 IN DEX: 28 1998 SUBJECT PAGE K Kluesner, Lores, applicant to Civil Service Comm.; reappoin ted.(3116)(4/6) ......................... 114,146 Knabel, Lance L., Claim; forwarded to Tschiggfrie. (7/6)(8/3) ..................................... 239,275 Knicker's Saloon, C. Gerhard, 2186 Central, Cig. Per. (6/15) ............................................ 223 Knights of Columbus #510, 781 Locust, Liq. Lic.(4/6) .... 146 Koch, Thomas, Paul's Tavern, 176 Locust, Liq, Lic.; Cig. Per. (6/15) ........................................ 224,223 Kohl, James & Janet, The Grand Tap, 802 Central, Liq. Lic. (9/21) ............................................ 334 Kohlmann, Cindy, for local authors, presentation to library.(12/21) ..................................... 471 Kohnen, Larry & Nancy, re: Alpine Heights Mobile Home Park.(12/7) ....................................... 448 Konichek, Daniel & June, 1998 Sidewalk Assess - Pennsylvania from Vizaleea to Embassy West Dr. (8/3) ......................................... 279,280 Kotz, Walter, objecting to 1998 Concrete Paving Assess. - Marquette P1.(4/6) ................................. 147 Kramer Park Dr., rezoning of SW corner of Key West Dr. & Maquoketa Dr. from PR to C2.(12/7) .................. 452 Kramer, Patrick J, Claim; Referred to Renaissance Devel, Co.(tl/2)(11/16) ............................... 386,405 Kreraer, Betty, Pipe Inn, 555 JFK Rd., Cig. Per.(6/1) ...... 205 Kress, Christine A., Claim; referred to Horsfield Con. (813)(8/17) .................................... 274,293 Kress, Jenny, Claim; denial.(2/16)(3/2) ............... 44,60 Kressig, Gerald, refund on Cig. Lic.; refund on Liq. Lic. (1/19)(212) ....................................... 8,19 Kreul, Joan, Claim; Referred to tns.{11/2}(11116) ..... 386,405 Krieg, Katie, will go as an At Large Bd. member of Dubuque In Futuro & Mayor will take her Council spot; signed as Pres. of Dbq. In-Futuro for revised Land Use Plan for Dbq. Industrial Center Phase~ I & II at SW Corner of Hwy 32 (NW Art. & Chavenelle Rd. etc.(1119)(1112) .......... 15,391-397 Kruse, Rev. David, of Faith United Methodist Church, Gave Invocation.(5/4) .............................. 169 Kruser, Courtney, Claim; Referred to Ins. (9/8)(9/21) .................................... 308,329 Kreser, Lynn A., K.C's Downtown Auto Cntr., 205 Locust, Beer Per.; Cig. Per.(3/2)(6/1) ..................... 90,205 Kuhljuergen, Piper, resigned from Library Bd. of Trustees. (3/16) ............................................ 106 Kunde, Roger, rezoning problem for Auto Salvage PI. on Julien Dbq. Dr.(ll/2)(12f7)(12/21) .. 398,458,459,478,479, KWIK Food Mart at 2297 University, Tobacco Violation; Beer Per.(3/2)(3/16)(11/2) ......................... 100,115,390 KWIK Trip lnc, Tobacco Outlet Plus, #504, 806 Wacker, Beer Per.; Cig. Per.(5/4)(6/1) ......................... 173,205 INDEX- BOOK 128 1998 SUBJECT PAGE K Kwik Stop Food Mart, Rainbo Oil, 4039 Pennsylvania, Cig. Per.; Beer Per.(6/15)(12/7) ................... 223,447 Kwik Stop Food Mart, Rainbo Oil, 2297 University, Cig. Per. (6/15) ........................................... 223 Kwik Stop Food Mart, Rainbo Oil. 2255 Kerper Blvd., Cig. Per.; Beer Per.(6/15)(8/17) ....................... 223,298 Kwik Stop Food Mart, Rainbo Oil Co.. 2360 Central Beer Per. (9/21) ........................................... 334 Kwik Stop Food Mart, Rainbo Oil, 2320 Hwy 61, Cig. Per. {6/15) ........................................... 223 Kwik Trip Inc., 806 Wacker, Cig. Per.(6/15) .............. 205 Kwik Stop Food Mart, Rainbow Oil, Loras & Central, Cig. Per.(12/7) ........................................ 447 Kwik Stop Food Mart, 1685 JFK Road. Rainbo Oil Co., Cig. Per.; Beer Per.(12/7) .............................. 447 INDEX - BOOK 128 1998 SUBJECT PAGE L LIBRARY BOARD SUBMITTING MINUTES: (1119)(2/2)(4120)(6/1)(7/6)(10/5)(11/16)(12/7) ............................ 7,28,159,202,239,341,405,436 LONG RANGE PLANNING COMM. SUBMITTING MINUTES: (115)(5/4){6/15}{7/6)(8,'17)(9/21 )(10/5) ............................... 1,169,216,239,293,329,341 L & M Wharf, inc., Michael's Bar X, 2616 Windsor, Cig. Per.; Beer Per.{12/21) ............................... 476,477 Label - Union, Week, Proclam.(9/8) .................... 308 Laborer - Civil Service Comm. certifying individuals.(8/3) . 276 Lake Eleanor Road, re: final plat for nearby Dbq~ Technology Park; Yield sign on this & Digital Dr.(6/15}(8/3) . 227,285,286 Lake Ridge Dr., named, final plat approval of Woodland Ridge Subd.(6/1) .................................. 211 LaMesa Mexican Res., Argot, Inc. 27000 Dodge, Liq. Lic. (9/8) ............................................. 314 LaMotte St. & Kramer Park Dr. - rezoning of corner of Key West Dr. & Maquoketa Dr. from PR to C-2 for Table Mound Mobile Home Park.(12JT) ....................... 451,452 Land Use for Area 13 & 14 - Long Range Planning Adv. submitting recommendations.(10/5) ................. 357 Land Use for Dbq. Industrial Center Phase I & II - SW Corner of Hwy 32 - NW Art. & Chavenelle Rd.(10/19)(11/2) . 384,391 Land Use Planning/Process for Hwy 20 Corridor - Dodge St. between Bluff St. & Cherokee Dr. (514)(10119)(11/2) ........................... 177,384,397 Landfilt, extensionofSewerline.(llS)(1/19) ............ 3,14 Landfill -tipping fees, Dbq. Metropolitan Area Solid Waste Agency.(1/5) ........................................ 2 Landis, Dick, presenting City of Handan Key to Dbq,(7/6) . 239 Landlords' Addn., re: opposing housing rental unit testing.(3/4) ...................................... 101 Landowners, sharpshooters for deer in City discussion. (6/1) ............................................. 204 Landscape Project for Highway 20 otc.(7/20) ............ 258 Landscaping of Dubuque Technology Park.(9/8)(10/5) 322,350 Langevin, Martyn, Claim; denial.(11/2)(12/7) ......... 386,436 Langman Construction, Rock Island, IL, awarded contract for County Farm Interceptor Sewer Ext,(6/1) ............. 207 Langworthy District of Historic Pres. Comm., vacancy. {10/5) ............................................ 342 Lanners, Don & Shirley, rezoning for Alpine Heights Mobile Home Park.(12/7) ........................... 448 Looser, John, objecting to Alpine Mobile Home Park. (11/16) ........................................... 429 Lamen, Beverly A., Denny's Lux Club, 3050 Asbury, Liq; Lic. Cig. Per.; Civil Penalty assessment for tobacco sales violation - hearing. (5/'18)(6/1)(11/16)(12/7) .................. 194,205,433,458 LaValle, Bethany, Youth City Manager.(4/6) .............139 Law Enforcement Block Grant Prog. - Grant Renewal Request,(8/3) ..................................... 279 INDEX - BOOK 1:28 1998 SUBJECT PAGE L Law Enforcement Building Agree. Exten.(7/6) ........... 241 Law Enforcement Center, Special Vehicle Parking.(10/5). 353 Law Enforcement Center, spending cf FY 97 & FY 98 Block Grant Funds.(12/7) ................................ 452 Lead Based Paint Hazard Reduction Program; Application for Grant.(3116)(416)(51'18) ......... 110,139,192 Lead Hazard Application to HUD.(6115) ................. 220 Lead Paint Hazard Abatement Pro.: CDBG Funds etc. (5/4)(6/1) ...................................... 171,203 Lead Poisoning Funding, Childhood, contract with IA Dept. of Public Health.(7/20) ............................... 262 Lead Poisoning Prevention Program Contract Amend.; to HUD a Local Lead Hazard Application.{312)(61151 . 88,89, 220 Lead Poison|rig Prevention Program, Childhood, Mem. of Understanding with Dbq. Visiting Nurse Assn.(9121)... 333 Leadership Institute - Iowa Community Health, C. M. ~lichalski authorized to attend.{8/24) ................ 304 Leadership Training, CDBG Funds.(5/4) ................ 171 League of Cities - D. Nicholson appointment to NLC Transportation and Communications Steering Comm. for 1998; D. Nicholson to be voting delegata.(3/2)(918) .. 89,313 League of Cities, IA request to hold annual conference in Sept. of 2000; confirmation.(212)(416} .............. 38,141 Lease Agreement - City and Dubuque Racing Assn. - Sixth amend.(312)(7/6} ........................... 99,240 Lease Ag reement wf Tri-State Modelers for a section of Roosevelt Park.{5/4) ............................ 169 Lease Agree. terminated for Marshall Park by Tri-State Veterans' Assn.(6/15) ............................. 228 Lease Agree. Amendment wf Dbq. Arboretum Assn. for section of IVJarshall Park.(lO15)(lOI19) ........ 358,374,375 Leases to Dbq. Bank & Trust, assignment of 3 Riverside Bowl Inc. ones.(8117) ................................... 298 Lee's 76 West. L. Potter, Sr., 408 W. Locust, Beer Per.(2/16) 49 Legion, American, Post 6, refund on Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic.; concrete pad for excess military eq uipment; canopy construction at 1309 Delhi, Ord. (4/6)(6/15)(10/19)(12/7) ................... 140,224.367,459 Legislative Issues for 1999 list.(8/17) ................... 296 Legislator Jim Nussle. letter of appreciation re: funding for 4 lane bridge on US 20 over Miss. River.(4/6) ......... 145 Legislators, federal funding for America's River pro.(4/20) 160 Legislators, federal, letters -"American Heritage Rivers Initiative Nomination."(1/19) ........................... 7 Legislators invited to review City improvements.(4/20) .;. ~J63 Legislators, letters of interest to City.(2/16) ............... 48 Legislators, copies of various letters etc.(3FI6) ......... 110 Legislators, Criminal records check - Housing.(2/16) ...... 46 Legislators, letter opposing Senate File 2092, Hospital Services Tax reduction.(2/16} ........................ 46 Legislators, Senate File 2005.(4/20) .................... 163 72 INDEX- BOOK 128 1998 SUBJECT PAGE L LeGrand, Renee, Claim; Referred to Insurance. (11/16)(12/7) .................................. 405,436 Leib, Randy, final plat approval of portion of Leib Subd. Salem St.(11/16) ............................... 414,415 Lefb Subdivision, final plat approval of portion.(11/16) 414,415 Leifker, David, claim re: Jan/ce McClain, referred to Ins. (11/16) ........................................... 405 Leik, Kenneth & Sue Ellen, Easements, North End Neighborhood Bike/Hike Trail from 22nd to 32nd St. ~716)(7120) .................................... 254,265 Leonard, Msgr. Wm., Gave Invocation.(11/16) ........... 405 Leppert, Dave, request to purchase of property near 1666 Kaufmann.(7/20) .................................. 261 Lepsch, David, Claim.(11/16) ......................... 405 LeSandrini, Janet, Claim; referred to Ins. (11/16)(12/7) .................................. 405,436 Letter of Commitment, Downtown Rehab Loan to Dbq. Museum of Art.(11/16) ............................. 417 Letter of Commitment, Downtown Rehab Loan to Security Partnera.(2/16) ..................................... 53 Letter of Commitment, Rehab Loan to Jorja Moore.(12/7) ............................................. 445,446 Letter of Commitment & Additional Actions re: Downtown Rehab Loan to Stout Place apartments, L.P.{1~J21) .... 476 Letter of Support - Local Empowerment Bd.(8/17) ....... 292 Letter of support from City Health Bd. to Hillcrest Family Services for WIC Services etc.(4/20) ................. 158 Letter of Understanding with Union Pacific RR re; purchase of Trail property.(2/2) ............................... 29 Letter to J. Nussle, appreciation for federal funding for 4 lane bridge on US 20 over Miss. River.(4/6) ........... 145 Levee Path - Northern, IDOT Grant Agree. for Recreational Trails Funding.(5/18) ............................... 191 Lex, Lavern G., Claim.(6/15) .......................... 216 Leytem, James, Easements, North End Neighborhood Bike/Hike Trail from 22nd to 32nd St.(7/6)(7/20) .... 254,266 Leytem, Lois, Claim; referred to Ins.(12/7)(12/21) .... 436,471 Leytem, Robert, rezoning request for 1670 Asbury from OR & R1 to C2.(11/16)(12/7) .......................... 428,451 Library Air Conditioner, settlement of claim from Johnson Controls.(9/21) .................................... 333 Library Board of Trustees, resignation of P. Kuhljuergen.(3/16) ................................. 106 Library Board of Trustees, interview of applicants; appointment ofJ. L. Felderman.(3/16)(4/6) ........ 114,146 Library - Carnegie Stout, purchase of equipment for IA Communications Network-ICN Classroom.(4/6) ....... 153 Library- presentation by Cindy Kohlmann on behalf of local authors.(12/21) ............................... 471 Lice - Pediculosis Control Plan approved.(12/7) ......... 435 INDEX- BOOK 128 1998 SUBJECT PAGE L License Agreement with Montgomery Watson Americas Inc, to install Monitoring Wells en Public ROW at 3957th St. (12/21) .......................................... 475 License Agreement with Seneca Environ. Services Inc. - Monitoring Wells at 801 Jackson St.(9/8) ............ 313 License Agreement with Seneca Environ. Services Inc. Monitoring Wells at 1387 Dodge.(2/16) ................. 47 License Agreement with Seneca Environ. Services Inc. - Monitoring Wells at 105 Locust.(2/16} ................ 48 License fees increased for dogs & cats, & impoundment fees.(7/6) ........................................ 248 License of Alter Trading Corp., appeal of City Manager's suspension otc.(9/8) .............................. 326 License Penalties re: Tobacco violations.(3/2)(3/16) .. 100,115 Licenses for Sulk Storage etc. - Uniform Fire Code.(9/8) .. 317 Licenses for Electrical, Mechanical & Plumbing individuals, change in testing program & fees etc.(8/17) .......... 300 Licht, Ron, traffic concerns for Aerostar, Alpine Heights Mobile Home Park.(12/7) ........................... 448 Liebe St., easements etc. to North End Neighborhood Hike & Bike Trail.(7/6) ............................. 254 Lifetime Center, G. Carstens, requesting $50,000; Manager response; appreciation for help; (9121)(1015)(10119) .......................... 335,358,367 Lift Station....Granger Creek interceptor, Pro.(10/5) ...... ; 348 Lighting Display - Hilicrest, Agree. for Murphy Park usage. (6/15) ........................................ 217,218 Lighting Project - Cable Care Square Historic.(11/16) ..... 406 Linehan Park Addn, Nicolet Ave., disposing of City Interest to Swiss Valley Farms Co.(3116)(4/6)(6115)(7/6) ......................................... 136,150,234~245 Link, Joseph of Dbq. Schools, dedication of school owned sewer to City.(11/16) .............................. 413 Link, Leo, Claim; Referred to Ins.(1/5)(1/19) ............. 1,7 Lipper, Nathan, Youth Mayor.(4/6) ..................... 139 Liquor Depot, 1620 JFK Rd., Timothy J. Quagliano, Beer Per.; Cig. Per.(5/18)(6/1 ) ............................. lg4,205 Lizard's Pub & Grub, 1401 Elm, Cig. Per.(llS) .............. 3 Loading Dock improvement, Dbq. Greyhound Park& Casino.(4/6) ...................................... 142 Loan Agree., Dbq. Metro. Solid Waste Agency, Sewer Extension to Landfill.(l119) .......................... 14 Loan Agree~ of $150,680 with Dbq. Data Services Co. (11/16) .......................................... 416 Loan Agreement between City & Bishop's Block Ltd. Partnership.(12/21) ............................... 479 Loan Agreement for $240,000 wf Cartegraph Systems. (10/5) ........................................... 357 Loan Agreement re: $2,8000,000 Parking Rev, {212)(2/16)(312) ................................ 38,50,68 . · INDEX - BOOK 128 1998 SUBJECT PAGE L Loan available, Homeowner Historic Pres. Grant Program - to multi-tamily residence.(61'l) ....................... 203 Loan - CDBG, Release of Mortgage for YWCA Battered Women's Shelter.(4/6) ............................. 151 Loan Commitment letter for Iowa Inn Project - Stout Place Apartments, L.P.(12/21) ............................ 476 Loan - Downtown Rehab to Duaine & Jane Greenfieid.(6/l) 203 Loan from EDA of $45,000 to Dbq. Data Services.(11/16) . 417 Loan Notes, Parking Revenue Capital. (2/2) .............. 38 Loan of $300~000, Rehab, to Dubuque Museum of Art, old Peoples Gas Bldg.(Il/16) ....................... 417 Loan Program - Capitalization of the Downtown Rehab. - $425,000 in uncommitted tax increment financing revenues from Downtown Urban Renewal Dis. to Downtown Rehab. Loan Program.(11/16) ............. 427 Loan, rehab to D. Junk for renovation of Aflast Fluid Co. (3/16) ............................................ 112 Loan, rehab to Security Partners, L.P., Tax increm. Fin. (2/16) ............................................. 53 Loan to McLeodUSA for digital telecommunications, objection by US West.(3116} ........................ 130 Loan, rehab to Joda Moore.(12/7) ................. 445,446 LoBianco, Deacon Tim, of St. Patrick's, Gave Invocation. (1'i/2) ............................................ 386 LoBo Lane, Ord. authorizing plantings within ROW for Joe Graham's4(6/1) ................................ 209 Local #758 ~ Intern'l Union of Operating Engrs, Agree. (6/15) ............................................ 219 Local AIDS Preventative Health Prog.(11/16) ............ 416 Local Empowerment Board, Letter of Support.(8/17) ..... 292 Local Housing Assistance Program, Notice re: Environment & Release of Funds; Pre-Application for Housing Activity.(416)(514)(lO/5) .............. 144,169,341 Local Lead Hazard Application to HUD.(6/15) ........... 220 Locker Rooms, Special Needs at YMCA, Cp2 Funds released. (813)(8117)(9121) ........................ 288,296,297,329 Locust St. & First St. Intersection Reconstruction. (1t/16)(12/7) ............................... 430,431,457 Locust St., 105, Monitoring Wells, Seneca Environmental Services Inc.(2/16) .................................. 48 Locust St., West, 715, from R-2A to C-1 Dis., Pat Mohr request.(5/18)(611) ............................. 197,206 Lodging Inc, Dbq., - Days Inn, vacation of portions of McClain St. & alley.(7/20} ................................... 262 Loitering prohibited in or near a public place under circumstances re: intimidation, disorderly conduct etc. (10/5} ............................................ 356 Long, Angle, Claim; settlement.(7120)(813) .......... 260,275 Long Range Planning Adv. Comm. re: Stout Place Urban Revit. Area - Iowa Inn.(1119) .......................... 15 INDEX - BOOK 128 1998 SUBJECT PAGE L Long Range Planning Adv. Comm. re: approval of CIP. (3/4) ............................................ 101 Long Range Planning Adv. Comm., pul~lic input requested for areas along Middle Rd., Seippel Rd., Granger Creek & Highway611151.(5~4) ............................. 170 Long Range Planning Adv. Comm. applicants James E. Gibbs & Gordon Mills; reappoietment of Gibbs & Mills.(6/15)(7/6) ............................. 224,243 Long Range Planning Adv. Comm., request from School Bal., sponsoring organization for series of public dialogues; Commissions volunteered as reps re: Dbq. Community School Dis. Pro.(7/6)(9/21) ...................... 241,333 Long Range Planning Adv. Corem., recommendations for future land use in Areas 13 & 14.(10/5) ............... 357 Long Range Planning Adv. Comm., finding of expansion of Downtown Urban Renewal Dist. etc.(10/19) ........... 376 Long Range Planning Adv. Comm., recommendations for Hwy 20 - Dodge St. Study corridor etc.(10/19)(11/2). 384,397 Long Range Planning Comm. member on Enterprise Zone Comm.(Il/2) ................................ 398 Lotus AMOCO Foodshop, Mu[grew Oil, 1450 Loras, Cig. Per.(6/1) ........................................ 204 Lores Blvd., 414,416,422,434, zoning change from R4 to OR, requested by Ruth & Russ Nash.(3/16)(4/6) .... 132,146,147 Loras College Campus, Aramark, 1450 Alta Vista, Liq. Lic.; Field House & Alumni Campus Center - Liq. Lic. (4120)(10/8) ................................... 164,347 Lores College Center for Business & Social Research, third ann ual City-wide "rental u nit survey."(10/19) ..... 372 Loras Park - Tot Lot development etc.- Rocco Buda Park. (3/4)(4/20)(5/18) ............................ 101,160,197 Lots and Buildings to front on Public or approved private Streets~ new zoning amend.{3/161 ............ 127 Louella & Louise St. Sanitary Sewer & Water Main Pro.(3/16)(4/6)(11/16)(12/21) .. 133-135,148,149,407,408,471 Louise & Louella St. Sanitary Sewer & Water Main Pro.(3/16)(416)(11/16)(12/21) .. 133-134,148,149,407,408,421 Lounge, The, 481 Locust, Liq. Lic.; Cig. Per.{1/19)(6/15) 13,223 Love, Phillip R., The Lounge, 481 Locust, Liq. Lic.; Cig. Per. (1/19)(6/15) .................................... 13,223 Loyal Order of Moose, #355, Liq. Lic.(4/6) ............... 146 Lucky 13, D. Frickson, 385 E. 13th, Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic. (6/15)(8/17) ................................... 223,299 Lucy, Nick, for US West, objection to loan to McLeod [JSA. (3/16) ........................................... 130 Ludwig, Lawrence & Katherine, objecting to Alpine Mobile Home Park.(11/16)(12~7) ........................ 429.448 LuGrain, Joan, Freddy's King of Clubs, 1902 Central, Cig. Per.(7/6) ..................................... 242 76 INDEX .BOOK 1~8 1998 SUE~JECT PAGE L Lugrain, Louis, owner of lnter-Stata Contractors & Building Supply, concerns re: streets at 155 E. Fifth St.(12/7) ... 438 Legal Dept., current procedure for Ordinance enforcement; staff intern C. Stockel expressing thanks.(7/6)(8/17) 248,294 Lux Club, Denny!s, 3050 Asbury, Liq. Lic.; Cig. Per; Civil Penalty assessment for tobacco sales violafion-hearing.(5118)(611)(11116)(1217).. 194,205,433,458 Lyness, Karen, applicant to Park & Rec. Comm.; reappointed; speaking to Hwy 20 Landscape Pro.(6/15}(7/6) .... 224,243 77 INDEX- BOOK 128 1998 SUBJECT PAGE M MECHANICAL BOARD SUBMITTING MINUTES: (1/19)(7/20) ..................................... 7,260 M M & H Corp., Treasure Chest Gift Shop, 400 E. 3rd, Cig. Per;(6/1) ........ ; ........................... 2O5 M. M. & H., Silver Dollar Cantina, 342 Main, Liq. Lic.{5/18) . 194 MacDonald, Steve, Claim; referred to Ins.(9/8)(9/21) .. 308,329 Mahoney, Jack, of McLeodUSA, re: loan for digital communications.(3/16) ............................ 130 Main St. & Freeway - Alley between, disposing of former IDOT property to Bishop Block & Mehrl's.(11/16)(12/7) ... 431,453 Main St. & Jones St. Connector, Change of Stop Sign at Intersection.(5/18) ....................... '195,196 Main St. Assn., re: opening Town Clock Plaza.(3/4) ....... 101 Main St., Dubuque, Purchase of Services Agree.(4/6) ..... 144 Main St., Iowa St., 4th & 5th Sts., Traffic Signal installation - 2 way traffic. (416)(514)(9121)(1015)(11116) .... 155,156,176,335,351,411,412 Main St. Ltd., restricted parking in Central Market area.(4120) ....................................... 'i63 Mainstream Program, Section 8 Housing.(6115) .......... 221 Maintenance, Cooperative Winter with County - reads. (11/16) .......................................... 405 Maintenance Dredging Project- 1997 Harbor.(10/19) . 369,370 Maintenance Headquarters - Park * Six Bay Garage construction.(918)(lOIS) ......................... 321,348 Maintenance Inspections -changing Ord. re: Electrical. (8/17) ........................................... 301 Maintenance Worker, certification of list by Civil Service Corem.(4/20) ..................................... 160 Management Plan for Deer problem in City.(6/1) .... 203, 204 Manager - City Manager Van Milligen, appointed to DP, A; reappointed to GDDC; explained faulty Severe Weather Warning Siren; Seventh Amend. to Employment Agree.; Annual Performance & Evaluation Report; appointment process for City Enterprise Zone Comm.; reappointed to DRA Bd.; disallowing non-eligibility for various Boards & Commissions. (1/19)(5/4)(5/18)(6/1)(~10/19)(t 2/7)(12/21 ) ........................... 15, t77,198,202,370,459,461,479 Mandelt, Michael, Ex. Dir. of Physical Therapy Assn., appreciation for hospitality of City & Five Flags.(llFI6) 416 Mangeno, Angela, Positively 14th St., 140'1 Elm, Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic.(6/15)(10/5) ............................ 223,347 Mangeno, Dorothy, objecting to 1998 Paving Prog.(4/6)... 147 Manson Road Bridge replacement, Project Agree. with IDOT. (9/2'1) ........................................... 330 Manure - Ordinance, Prohibition & Abatement.(5#f) ...... 180 Maquoketa Dr. & Key West Dr., SW Corner, from PR to CZ, rezoning.(ll/16)(12/7) .......................... 429,451 Mobile Home Park - rezoning requested by Ed Tschiggfrle near Terrace Heig hts;(11/t 6)(12/7) ........... 429,448,449 Marburger, Fred, Claim; referred to lns.(7/20)(8/17) ... 260,293 78 ',~: INDEX -BOOK 128 1998 SUBJECT PAGE M March 31, 1998, Finance reports; Claims & Revenues; Council Proceedings approved as printed. (4120)(5118)(6115) ........................... 159,190,216 Marco's, Inc., 2022 Central, Liq. 1_ic.(4/6) ................146 Marion St., alley abutting, Ord. vacating for Terry & Sue Brown.(3/16)(4/6} ................... t32,133,134,150,151 Marie's Italian Rest., T & M, Inc. 1298 Main St., Liq. Lic. (12/7) ............................................ 448 Market - Farmers, parking restrictions.(5/4) ............. 177 Marketing services with BFI for recycling etc.(4/6) ....... 153 Marketing Study with Chamber of Commerce Convention & Visitors Bureau.(4/6) ............................. 155 Markham, John, sworn in as Council Member First Ward; resignation from Airport Comm.; appointed to DP, A Board.(1/5)(12/7) ............................... 1,2,461 Marks, Curtis J., Claim referred to Ins.(2/16) .............. 44 Mama Ridge Estates #2, accept improvements.(3/16) .... 109 Marquette Place, part of 1998 Concrete Paving Pro. (3/2)(416)(514) ............................... 98,147,185 Marshall Park - Amend Lease Agree. - Dbq. Arboretum Assn. (10/5)(10/19) ............. . .................... 358,374 Marshall Park, termination of Lease Agree. with Tri-State Veterans' Assn.(6/15) .............................. 228 Martens, Mrs. Wm. J., 3055 Branskill rezoning.(3/16) ..... 131 Marti, Beckie R., Claim; referred to les.(3/16)(4/6) .... 106,139 Martin AutoMagic, 2175 Central, tobacco violation; Cig. Per. (312)(3116)(611} ............................. 100,115,205 Martin Luther King Day Proclam. (1/5) .................... 1 Martin Oil of Dubuque, Pride Service, 280 Locust, Cig. Per. (6/1) ............................................. 205 Marxen, Janet, Pres. of Library Bd., re: Piper Kuhljuergen resigning from Bd.(3/16} ........................... 106 Maryville Construction Co. Inc., awarded contract for Park Maintenance Six-Bay Garage construction pro. (10/5) ............................................ 349 Master Plumber's license -fees etc. changed.(8/17) ...... 300 Mastin, Jean, Alpine Heights Mobile Home Park rezoning. (12/7) ............................................ 44a Maternal Health, Letter of Support for WIC Services.{4/20) 158 Mathewson, Jeff, Claim; referred to Ins.; referral to Insurance.(416)(4~20)(813) .................... 139,159,275 Mathewson, Jeffrey, Claim, Referral to Tschiggfrie.(716)(7/20)(813) ................... 239,260,275 Mathy Construction - River City Paving - awarded contract for 1998 Asphalt Paving Pro.(6/1) ....................... 208 Mauer, Marion, Claim.(6/15) ........................... 216 May 1998 Financial Report; May Printed Council Proceedings approved; Claims & Revenues Proof for May. (6115)(7/6) .................................... 216,239 79 INDEX- BOOK 128 1998 SUBJECT PAGE M Mayor Duggan, clarification of lack of enforcement re: False & Fraudulent Reports - lack of insurance & Police not citing etc.(9121){10/5) .......................... 335,358 Mayor Duggan, Mayor, sworn in; rep. to Dbq. In Future; appointed to Enterprise Zone Comm.; reappointed to GDDC Board; voting delegate at NLC Conf.; appointed to DRA Board. (115)(1119)(416)(514}(1015)(1217) ...... 1,15,155,177,342,461 Mayor Duggan, supporting more slot machines at Dbq. Greyhound Park & Casino.(2/16) ...................... 46 Mayor inviting China delegation to Dbq. in June.(3/2) ...... 90 Mayor Pro-Tern. Ann E. Michalski.(l/5) ................... 1 Mayor Pro-Tern Roy Buol.(9/8) ......................... 308 Mechanic position certified by Civil Service Comm.(9/21) . 330 Mechanical competency testing program & fees changed. (8/17) ............................................. 300 Medical Associates Health Plan, subrogation claim for Sara Hickey.(12121) ..................................... 471 Medical Officer position certified by Civil Service Com. (6/15) ............................................. 217 Meehan, Richard, Cia[m; referred to Winger Const. (2/16}(3/2) ....................................... 44,80 Meeting, public, construction of NW Art - Iowa 32 from JFK Rd. & N thru U.S. 52/Iowa 3.(5/4) .................. 173 Mehri, Robert & Jane, disposal of property in Dbq. Harbor Co. Add.(11/16)(12/7) ........................... 432,454,455 Melchert, Warren L, Claim; referred to Ins.(918)(9/21) . 308,329 Membership of Entarprise Zone Comm.(4/6) ........ 153-155 Memorandum of Agree. YMCA - Iowa Inn Pro - Stout Place Apts.(Ill9) ..................................... 9 Memorandum of Agreement -$2,650,000 Pollution Control Refunding Revenue Bonds - Interstate Power Co. Pro. (10/19) ............................................ 381 Memorandum of Understanding with Dbq. Visiting Nurse Assn. - Childhood Lead Poisoning Pro.{9/21) .......... 333 Memorial Stone for Daniel Bockenstedt at end of S. Grandview.(11/16) .................................. 405 Mental Health Month, Proclam.(5/4) .................... 169 Mental Retardation Awareness Month, Procl.(3/2) ......... 60 Mercy Health Services, claim by National Fleet Services. (3/2) ............................................... 60 Mercantile Bank of Waterloo, IA, designated as City depository of funds.(11/16) .......................... 414 Merger of TCi Cablevision of Dubuque with AT & T. (9/8)(11/16) .................................... 313,415 Met. Area Solid Waste Agency - Sewer Line to Landfill. (1/19) .............................................. 14 MetteI-Link Addn., Lot lA BIk 3, Butteffield Rd. disposing to Kenneth & Blanche Johnson.(1/19)(3/2) ......... 25,92,93 Metz, Thomas, Claim; forwarded to contractor, Northwest Develop. Inc.(9121)(1015) ........................ 329,341 8O INDEX- BoOK 128 1998 SUBJECT PAGE M Meyer, Bill, Billy Bucks, 521 E. 22nd., Cig. Per.(6/15) ..... 223 Meyer, Donald, Admiral's Hi-Hat, 253 Main, Cig. per.(6/15) 223 Meyers, C., Tott's Tap, 3457 Jackson, Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic. (6/15)(7/20) ................................... 223,263 Michael's Bar-X, L & M Wharf, Inc. 2616 Windsor, Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic..(12/21) ........................... 476,477 Michalski, Ann E., sworn in as Mayor Pro-Tem; replaced by J. Markham on DRA; on Enterprise Zone Comm.; authorized to attend IA Community Health Leadership Institute. (1/5)(1/19)(4/6)(8124) ....................... 1,15,155,304 Michel, S., Milk House, 620 S. Grandview, Cig. Per., Beer Per.; Refund on Cig. Per.; Refund on Beer Per. (6/15)(8/3)(9/8) ............................. 223,276~309 Mickey's Pub, Wm. McDonald, 600 Central, Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic.; Cig. Per.(212)(7~6) .......................... 34,242 Middle Road - Seippel Road, re: future land uses.(5/4) . .. 170 Mihalakis, Phillip, Atty. L. Pfeiler, requesting purchase of a portion of Pine St. running between 12th & 14th St.(10/5) 342 Mihalakis, Phillip, request to purchase property S of E. 14th. (5/4} ............................................. 169 Military equipment- Am. Legion Post #6 requesting concrete pad for placement.(10/19) .......................... 367 Milk Hous~ on Grandview, Haun's, 620 S. Grandview, Beer Per.(7/20) ........................................ 263 Milk House on Grandview, S. Michel, 620 S. Grandview, Cig. Per.; Beer Per.; Refund on Cig. Per.; Refund on Beer Per.; tobacco violation penalty, hearing. (6115)(813)(918)(11116)(1217) ........... 223,276,309,433,458 Miller & Schroeder Financial of Minn. MN, sale of Parking Rev. Bonds to them.(2J18) .......................... 57a Miller, Beverly, Sid's Bev. 2727 Dodge, Cig. Per.; Beer Per.(6/1)(8/17) ................. : ............... 205,298 Miller, Harold E., Claim; settlement.(12/7)(12/21) ..... 436,472 Miller, Leroy A., Whitey's Bar-X, 2616 Windsor, Liq: Lic. (9/21) ............................................ 334 Miller, Pamela, supporting Lotus - Bluff Park.(3t4) ....... 101 Millius, James & Jodi, Claim; settlement.(8117)(9/8) .. 293,308 Mills, Gordon, applicant to Long Range Planning Comm.; appointed.(6/15)(7/6) ........................... 224,243 Mills, Randy, 3055 Brunskill rezoning(3/16) ............. 131 Mineral Lot, Easements. for North End Neighborhood Hike & Bike Trail, 22nd to 32nd St,(7/6)(7/20);.. 254,265,266 Mines of Spain linking with Heritage Trail, Grant Agree. with IDOT for Northern Levee Path; .(5/16) ................ 191 Mines of Spain, part of, future land use etc.(10/5) ........ 357 Mini-park, purchase of property on Pinard St. from R. Frank.(3/2) ...................................... 61 Mini-warehousing, amend PUD to allow for P. Tobin. (2/16)(3/2) ...................................... 53,93 Mining Co., Dbq., Apartments Ltd., 555 JFK, Liq. Lic.; Cig. Per.; Outdoor Set.(2116)(6115)(7120) ............ 49,223,263 INDEX - BOOK 128 1998 SUBJECT PAGE M Mississippi River walk - Grant Agree. for Recreational Trails Funding with IDOT for Northern Levee Path.(5/18) ..... 191 Mississippi Riverwalk & Amenities Project - presentation of America's River; Update presentation of Riverwaik; Application for Trails Funding to IDOT; REAP Grant to IA DNR; IDOT Grant Agree. for funds. (1119)(611)(6115)(813)(1112) .............. 5,201,220,278,387 Mississippi Riverwaik, federal funding for 4 lanes of traffic on U.S. 20, - letter of appreciation to Congress. Nussle. (4/6) ............................................ 145 Modeler's, Tri-State, Lease Agree., Roosevelt Park section. (5/4) ........................................... 169 Moeller, Marie, Europa Haus & Bierstube, 1301 Rhomberg, Liq. Lic.(l 0/5) .................................... 347 Moerman, Tim, Assistant City Manager, on City Enterprise Zone Comm.; excluded from Oral. disallowing appointment to any Comm. etc.(12/7)(12/21) ....... 459,479 Mohr, Pat, re: 715 W. Locust rezoning, P,2A to Cl. (5/18)(6/1) .................................... 197,206 Molly's Pub & Grub -Dempseys, Clifford Enterprises, Liq. Lic.; Cig. Per.(6~1)(6~15) ..................... 206,223 Molc, Bob, re: zoning amendment to allow freestanding signs. (3/2) ........................................ 95 Molo Oil Ce, Big 10 Mart & Car Wash, 1875 JFK, Cig. Per.; Beer Per.)6/1)(11/2) ............................ 205,390 Molo Oil Co., Big 10 Mart, 9th & Central, Cig. Per.; Beer Per. (6/1)(12/21) ................................... 205,477 Molo Oil Co., Big 10 Mart, 2100 JFK, Beer Per.{2/16) ....... 49 Molo Oil Co. opposing Auto Salvage Yard - R. Kunde, on Julien Dbq. Dr.(12/7) .............................. 459 Molo Ready Mix Concrete, request from Molo Ready Mix Concrete to use City Water.(5/18) ................... 192 Monastery objecting to hog lot in County - our Environ. Stewardship Comm. studying issue.(9/21) ........... 330 Monday Co., The, Caseys General, 4003 Peru, Beer Per. (9/6) ............................................ 314 Monitoring Wells at 105 Locust. Seneca Environmental Services Inc.(2116) .................................. 48 Monitoring Wells at 1387 Dodge, Seneca Environmental Services Inc.(2/16) .................................. 47 Monitoring Wells at 395 W. 7th St., Monitoring Watson to install.(12/21) .................................... 475 Montgomery Watson, monitoring wells at 395 W. 7th St, (12/21) .......................................... 475 Monument -freestanding signs, allowed in C5 Business Dis.(2/16) .......................................... 54 Moore, Jorja, Jorja's Res. & Lounge, 890 Iowa St., Liq. Lic.; appealing denial of Rehab Loan; Letter of commitment for Loan.(6/1)(9/8)(12/7) ...... 206,316,445,446 Moose Lodge, 1166 Main, Liq. Lic.(4/6) .................146 Moracco Inc., 1413 Rockdale Rd., Liq. Lic.(12/7) ......... 448 INDEX, BooKi28 1998 SUBJECT PAGE M Moran, Douglas, objecting to sidewalks - Radtord Road Reconstruction Pro.(312) ............................ 92 Moratorium on issuance of building permits in Highway 20 Corridor.(514)(lOI19) ......................... 177,379 Morgan's Sub - portion of Cornell St. & adjacent alley between 16th & 17th St. - to Ronald White. (t2/7)(12/21) .................................. 462,477 Morning Dove Lane, final plat approval of Lots '1-9 of Furuseth's Fourth Subd.(8/17) ...................... 294 Morris, Dr. Joel W. & J. Link of Dbq. Schools, dedication of school owned sanitary sewer.(11/16) ................ 413 Morrison Bros. Co., Urban Renewal Tax increment Revenue Obligations, & Assess. Agree.(11/2)(11/16} ........ 401,423 Morse Electric Co,, awarded contract for Operations & Maintenance Dept. Building Improvements.(8/3) ......... 284 Mortgage released for YWCA Battered Women's Shelter. (3/16)(4/6) .................................... 137,151 Mosiman, Steve & Delores, objecting to interstate - Aliiant placing overhead electrical distribution systems on Clarke Dr.(4120)(5118)(611) .................... 163,198,213 Motor Truck Routes - new Ord. (514) ............... '183,'184 Motorist - uninsured -false &fraudulent reports.(10/5) ... 358 Muir, Michael, Firstar Agree., Canopy on bldg.(l/19) ...... 16 Mulgrew Oil, 16th St. Auto/Truck, 1215 E. 16th, Beer Per.; Cig. Per.(514)(61'1) .................................. 173,204 Mulgrew Oil Co., Asbury Amoco Foodshop, 3300 Asbury, Cig. Per.; Beer Per.(6/1)(918) .................... 204,314 Mulgrew Oil Co., JFK Amoco Foodshop, 1701 JFK Rd., Cig. Per.; Beer Lic.(6/1)(7/6) ..................... 205,242 Mulgrew Oil Co., Loras AMOCO Foodshop, 1450 Loras, Cig. Per.; Beer Per.(6/1)(8/17) ....................... 204,298 Mulgrew Oil Co., Plaza 20 Amoco Foodshop, 2600 Dodge, Cig. Per.; Beer Per.(6/1)(10/19) .................. 205,374 Multi-family residences, amendment to Homeowner Historic pres. Grant Pro. to allow.(6/1) ....................... 203 Municipal infraction Penalties, new Ord.(8/3) ............ 286 Murphy, Elizabeth M., claim referred to Ins.(1/5) ........... 1 Murphy, L., Murph's South End Tap, 55 S. Locust, Cig. Per. (6/1) ............................................. 205 Murphy Park, Hillcrest Family Services Agreement for usage for holiday lighting etc.(6/15) .................. 217 Murph's South End Tap, L. Murphy, 55 S. Locust~ Cig. Per. (6/1) ............................................. 205 Murray, F. Roger, accept property for Walnut St. Retaining Wall & conveyance of properly to City.(8/'17) .......... 295 Museum of Art, Amended & Restated Urban Renewal Plan for Downtown Dbq. Urban Renewal Dis.(10/'19) ........... 376 Museum of Art, requeet for $300,000 Loan thru City's Tax Increment Financing Funds Downtown Rehab Loan Program to remove Peoples Gas Building at 70`1 Locust St.(11/16) ......................................... 417 INDEX - BOOK 1:28 1998 SUBJECT PAGE M Music noise etc. from car radios. Ord. prohibiting. (5~4) ............................................ 183 INDEX - BOOK i28 1998 SUBJECT PAGE MC McAleece Rec Complex, JD B$ & SW Ltd, 1 Admiral Sheehy, Beer Per;; Termination of Concession Agree. (4/20)(12/7) ................................... 164,438 McAninch Corp. of Des Moines, awarded contract for Grading Dbq. industrial Center West etc.(5/26) ........ 199 McCann, Donna; re: Alpine Heights Mobile Home Park. (12/7) ............................................ 448 McCann'$ IOCO, 690 W. Locust, Beer Per.; Cig. Per. (5/4)(6/1) ..................................... 173,205 McClain, Janice, Claim; referred to les.(11/2){11/16).. 386,405 McClain, Pat, Claim; referred to Ins.(7/6)(7120) ....... 239,260 McClain Street, request for vacation & sale, Days Inn. (7120) ............................................ 262 McCullough, Shawn & Mary, Claim.(5/18) ............... ~190 McDermott, Wm. J., Claim; denial.(11/~16)(1217) ...... 405,436 McDonald, Dan, for Chamber of Commerce, in support of opening Eighth St.from Locust to Central.(3/4) ........ ~10~1 McDonaldi Wm., Mickey's Pub, 800 Central, Cig. Per.(7/6). 242 McEvoy, Jim, in support of Lotus Park.(3/4) ............. 101 McLeodUSA, loan for digital telecommunications; Amended Agreement; Disposing of property in Dbq. Technology Park to McLeodUSA; purchase of Lot 12 BIk 2; Urban Renewal Area; determining proposal is in compliance with terms of Offering for disposition of Lot 3, BIk 1; accepting the proposal for sale & private development of Lot 3 of Blk 1, Dbq. Technology Park, Determining Proposal of McLeodUSA Services Is in compliance with terms of offering for disposition of Lot 3, BIk I - Dbq. Technology Center.; approving Agree. for same etc.; extension of project schedule. (3116)(5118)(6/15)(7/20)(6/24)(~12/7) ............................. 130,192,235,268,306,307,445 McFadden, Dick for Litlian, objecting to Radford Rd. reconstruction assess.(2/2)(312) ................... 36,92 McFadden, Walter, objecting to Radford Rd. reconstruction project-(3/2) ....................................... 92 McGraw-Hill Companies, Voluntary Settlement by Board of Review.(12/7) ..................................... 438 McHugh, Sr. Delores Mary, BVM, rezoning of Alpine Heights Mobile Home Park; objecting to Auto Salvage rezoning for Roger Kunde on Julien Dbq. Dr.(12/7). 446,459 McMahon, Thomas F., applicant to Airport Comm. (1/19)(2J2)(9/8)(9/21) ...................... 13,34,314,334 McNamer, M., vacation of portion of utility easement in Fremont Hgts.; request to rezoning 2400 Block of Asbury Rd. from PR to 0S.(1/5)(4/20)(5/4)(6/15)(7/6) ...................................... 2,167,175,230,243 85 INDEX- BOOK 128 1998 SUBJECT PAGE N N. Boo;~h St., 35, YMCA-YWCA area, rezoning requested. (12/21) .......................................... 479 N. Burden St. residents requesting reconstruction of their street in Five Year program.(11/16)12/21) ......... 413~475 NACA - assist in evaluation of Animal Control Activity. (12/7) ........................................... 438 Nagle, Jeff, appreciation for assistance for W. Third P.C. Concrete Paving aesistance etc.(l 0/19) .......... 368 Nagle, Robert, applicant for Zoning Adv. Comm. (6/1)(6/15) .................................... 206,224 Name change of Dbq. Ind. Center South - to Dubuque Technology Park.(5/18) ............................ 196 Noise from vehicles, Ord; prohibiting etc.(5/4) ........... 183 Nash Finch Co., Econofoods ¢f471, 3355 JFK, Beer Per. (2/16) ............................................. 49 Nosh, Ruth, in support of Loras Park; requesting rezoning for 414,416,422, 434 Loras Blvd.(314)(3/16) .... 101,132,146 National Animal Control Aesn., assist in evaluation of Animal Control Activity.(12/7) ............................. 438 National Crime Prevention Council contract, assist community based task force.{2/16) .................... 53 National Education Center for Agricultural Safety, letter of Support.(3/2) ...................................... .90 National Fleet Service Inc. for Mercy Health Services~ Claim; referred to Ins.(312)(3116) ......................... 60,106 National League of Cities, D. Nicholson's appt- to NLC Transportation & Communications Steer Committee; Mayor Duggan as voting delegate with D. Nicholson as alternate. (3/2)(10/5) ..................................... 89,342 National Prescription Adm. - Prescription Drug Benefit Prog.{5/18) ....................................... 195 National Register of Historic Places, St. Luke's Methodist Episcopal Ch u rch.(l/19)(3/2)(5/18) .............. 8,61,190 Nativity Catholic Church Pastor Fr. Wayne Ressler re: rollerblading & skateboarding problems on church property.(6/1) .................................... 209 Nature Trail Pro. - Heron Pond, S. UIstad Architect.(6J1)... 202 Naughton, Gall, applicant for Historic Pres. Comm.; reappointed.(6115)(716) ......................... 224,243 Nauman, Donald J, Ctaim; referred to Ins.(8/3)(8117) . 274,293 Neighborhood Infrastructure Improvements- CDBG funds. (5/4) ............................................ 272 Neighborhood Ornamental Railing Project - 2nd.(4120),. 1998 Neighborhood Park Improvements - CDBG funds,(5/4) ... 272 Neighborhood Sidewalk Pro.(5/4) ...................... 171 Neighborhood Step/Wall Repair & Handicap Curb Ramps. (5/4) ............................................ 171 Neighborhood Support Grant ~ North End.(?/6)(10/5) . 241,346 Neighbor's Inc., 1899 Rockdale, Liq. Lic.(3/16) ........... 114 Nesler, Bob, support of Lores Park.(3/4) ................ 101 Network Electronics Project for city's Computer System, - Communication Engineering Co.(3/2) ................ 89 Network Services - McLeod, re: Dbq. Technology Park to them; in compliance with disposition Lot 3, BIk 1. (6/15)(8/24) ................................... 235,306 86 INDEX ' B0~K ~28 1998 SUBJECT PAGE N Nevada St. - addition of stops signs there, Forest Lane & Glen Oak Sts.(813) ............................. 286,267 Nicholson, Dan, Sworn in as Council Member At Large; appointed to Operation: New View board; appt. to Nat'l League of Cities Transportation & Communication Comm.; voting delegate at iowa League of Cities. (115)(1119)(312)(918) .......................... 1,15,89,313 Nicolet Ave., Swiss Valley Farms requesting vacation & purchase.(1119)(3116)(416) ................. 8,135,136,150 Nightengale Lane, 1280, sanitary sewer easement requested by Horizon Devel.(12/7) ........................ 460,461 Nightengale Lane - property south of, Pat Kennedy's requesting severance of annexation.(4/6) ............. 151 Ninth & Locust Sts., American Tower Bldg. demolition discussion.(7/20) .................................. 267 NLC, Mayor Duggan as voting delegate & D. Nicholson as alternate.(10/5) .................................... 342 NLC Transportation & Communications Steering Comm. - appointment of D. Nichoison.(3/2) .................... 89 No Parking on Woodland Drive, near J.F. Kennedy School. (6/3) ............................................. 285 No Significant impact on Environment for Lead Based Paint Hazard Reduction program.(3/16) .................... 110 Nomination -American Heritage Rivers Initiative.(1/19) ..... 7 Nomination of Catherine Dunn, BVM, for Iowa Women's Hall of Fame.(5/4) ..................................... 169 Non-bargaining employees, Wage Plan & Comp~ pkg,(6115) 219 Nonmotorized vehicles - improper uses, esp. in Town Clock Plaza - Ord.(5118) ............................ 196 Noonan's Tap, M. L. Kamp, Liq. Lic.;Cig. Per.(4/6)(6/15)~146,223 North End Neighborhood Council- Dbq. County Extension Neighborhood Support Grant.(716)('10/5) .......... 241,346 North End Neighborhood Hike & Bike Trail Easements. (716}(7120)(813) ..................... 253,254,265-267,275 North End Neighborhood Trail Project. (716)(7120)(813)(8117)(9121)(10119) ......................... 254,255,265-267,275,299,337,376 Northeast iowa Small Business Devel. Center- Entrepreneurship Training Program.(3/2) .............. 89 Northern Levee Path - Grant Agree. for Trail Pro. IDOT. (5/18) ............................................ 191 Northwest Development, claim of D. Birch to them; claim of T. Metz to them.(813)(lOIS) ...................... 275,341 Norton, Luanne, 1998 P.C. Concrete Paving Pro.(4/6) .... 147 Norwest Bank Iowa, redemption of Parking Rev. Bonds; FundingTrestAgrae.(2118)(3FI6) ................ 57b,13'1 Notice - Environ. & Release of Funds, Local Housing Assist. Prog.(4/6) .................................. 144 Notice: Environ. Impact & Release of Funds for CDBG Pro.(514) ..................................... 170-172 INDEX - BOOK 128 1998 SUBJECT PAGE N Notice of Appeal for improvements of Primary Rd. U.S. 61 & U.S. 20.(2/2) ........................................ 28 Notice of Intent to Request Release of funds etc. for HOME Investment Partnership Prog., proof.(212)(31~6)(416) ........ ............................................. 29,111,139 Notice of proposed rulemaking for Class E Airspace areas - DOT - FAA.(4/6) .................................. 141 Notice of Subrogation of Claim of J. Welch by American Family Ins.(1/5) ...................................... 1 Notice - Service of Notice, Crime Property, New Ord.(10/5} 354 Ninth St., 140 W., Canopy for Firstar Bank Authorized.(1/19) 15 Notification of errata to Draft EA - Decision No, 23, Surface Transportation Board.(t 2/7) ........................ 445 November, 1997, Council proceedings approved; Alzheimer's Disease Public Awareness Month Proclam.(2116)(1112) ............................. 44,386 November, 1998, Financial Reports.(12/21) .............. 471 Noxious Substances, Nuisance Ord.(5/z[) ............... 179 Nuisances ~ Ord. - Prohibition & Abatement.(5/4) ..... '178-180 Nurses Week Proclam.(5/4) ........................... 169 Nursing Services, public health.(4/20) .................. 158 Nussie, Jim, Congress. - federal funding for 4 lane bridge over Mississippi River.(4/6) .................. 145 NW Arterial & Highway 20, request for protected turn signal by M. Kleinschrodt.(3/2)(4120}(lOIS) ...... 96, 163,342 NW Arterial, John Kivlahan objecting to trail taking their property on JFK Rd.(6/1) .......................... 209 NW Arterial - IA Hwy 32, vacate portion for Corey Devel. (7/6)(7/20} ............................. 251,252,264,265 NW Arterial - IA Hwy 32, ROW transferred to State.(10/5) .. 342 NW Arterial - SW Corner & Chavenelle Rd., Revised Land Use Plan for Dbq. Industrial Center Phase I & I1. (10119)(11/2) .................................. 384,391 INDEX- BOOK 128 1998 SUBJECT PAGE Oak Meadows Concept. Deve[. Plan -Jim Stock, Assess. of Slg nificant C hange.(4/6) ............................ 140 Oberbroeckling Place, final plat approval for portion, Ron & Joan Oberbroeckling.(6/15) ................... 217 Obstructions etc. - Nuisance Ord.(5/4) ; ................ 180 October, 1998, Printed Council Proceedings approved. (12/21) ........................................... 471 OCWEN Federal Bank FSB, Claim.{7/6) ................. 239 Officer Next Door Program, six downtown census tracts as a revitalization araa.(1/19) ............................ 10 Oky Doky #1, TFM Co., 250 W. 1st, Cig. Per.; Beer Per.; Cig. Per.(5/4)(5~18)(6~15) ......................... 173,194,223 Oky Doky #2, TFM Co. 50 W. 32nd St., Beer Peri; Cig. Per. (5/18)(6/15) ................................... 194,223 Oky Doky #6, TFM Co., 1256 Iowa, Cig. Per.; Beer Per. (6/15)(8/17) ................................... 223,298 Oky Doky Food #8, 535 Hill SL, Beer Per.; Cig. Per. (2/16)(6/1) ..................................... 49,205 Oky Doky Foods #14, K. Chapman, 1050 University, Cig. Per.; Beer Per.(6/15)(7/6} .................... 223, 242 Oky Doky #15, Jena Inc. 1101 Rhomberg Ave., Cig; Per.; Beer Per.(611)(6115) ................................. 205,223 Oky Doky #21, Trans-Miss, 2010 Kerper, Cig. Per.; Beer Per. (6/1)(8/17) .................................... 205,298 Old Mill Subdivision; final plat approvaL('ll/2} ........... 367 Old Shang Lounge, N. Bennett, 1091 Main, Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic. (6/1)(10/19) ................................... 205,374 Olive Garden Italian Rest., GMRI Inc., 3350 Dodge, Liq. Lic. (4/6) ............................................. 146 Olsen, Joseph, claim referred to Sproule Con. Co.(4/26) .. 159 One Flight Up Inc., 46 Main St.~ Liq. Lic.; Cig. Per. (10/5}(10/19) .................................. 347,373 One-Way traffic changed to two-way on Iowa St., Main St., Fourth St. & Fifth St.(9/21)(16/5) ................. 335,351 Open Burning prohibition, Uniform Fire Code.(9/8) ...... 317 Open Forum Public Hearing at Hempstead, proposed construction of Iowa 32 - NW Art. from JFK thru US Hwy 52 & Iowa 3.(5/4) ..................................... 173 Operating Agreement with G.M.S. Inc. - G. Stephenson for Bunker Hill Golf Courae.(3/2) ......................... 61 Operating Engineers Local g758, Agreement,(6/15) ...... 219 Operation: New View, appt. of J. Robbins & D. Nicholson. (1/19) ............................................. 15 Operation: New View, Purchase of Services Agree.(4/6) .. 144 Operation Paintbrush, CDBG Funds etc.(5/4} ........... 171 Operation Upkeep, CDBG Funds etc.(5/4) .............. 171 Operations & Maintenance Dept. Maintenance Garage & Annex Buildings Pro.(7/6)(8/3)(12/21) .......... 253,283,472 Ordinance enforcement current procedure by Legal Dept. (7/6) ............................................. 248 INDEX- BOOK 128 1998 SUBJECT PAGE Ornamental Railing, 1998 Historical District Retaining Wall Railing Project.(4/20) .............................. 166 Offing, Father Paul, Pastor of Holy Ghost Church, Gave Invocation.(12/7) ................................. 436 Outdoor Warning Siren System construction pro..(9/8) ... 321 Ozcan, Mustafa, applicant for Human Rights Comm.; appointed.(l119)(212) .......................... 13,14,34 O'Brien, Adele, objecting to rezoning at NW Corner of Chaney& Asbury.(1112) ........................... 391 O'Connor, Atty. John, American Trust & Savings Bank, for demolition of American Tower Bldg.(7/20) ........... 267 O'Connor, Kathteen M., Claim; denial.(4/6)(5118) ..... 139,190 O'Hara, J & P, Inc., Happy Joe's Ice Cream/Pizza, 855 Century Dr. Beer Per.(10/19) ............................... 374 O'Malley, Willis & Elizabeth, objecting to Pennsylvania Sidewalk Pro.(8/3) ............................. 279,280 O'Meara, Mike, of Firstar Bank, requesting approval of text amend, re: Freestanding identification signs.(3/2) ....... 95 O'Rourke, Karen, Center of P. Ministry, case dismissed. (1/19) ............................................. 12 O'Shea, Marry, applicant for Human Rights C.; appointed. (1119)(212}(2116)(918)(9121) ............ 13,14,34,50,314,334 INDEX' BOOK i28 1998 SUBJECT PAGE ORDINANCES 1-98 Authorizing Firstar Bank to construct a canopy on their building at 140 W. 9th St.(1/19) .................... 15,16 2-98 Amending portion of Ch. 26 of City Code re: HOUSING CODE amendments re: Garbage containers, Sanitary Facilities, Food Preparation, Ceiling Heights, painted surfaces.(1/19) ..................................... 17 3-98 Vacating alley between Central & White St. from 8th to 9th St.(1119) ..................................... 23 4-98 Vacating W 5' of Butterfield Rd. S of Carter.(1/19) .... 25 5-98 Amending Zoning Map by reclassifying property, 475 E. 28th St. (3 lots S of 28th St.) from R-2 to CS. (f/19)(2/2) ...................................... 20,35 6-98 Amending Section 32-262(D) of the Code Prohibiting Parking on portions of Radford Rd.(2/2) ............... 37 7-98 Amending Zoning Map reclassifying property N of Daniels St., E of Bies Dr. from R1 to R2 for M. Helle. (2/16)(3/2) ...................................... 54,93 8-98 Amending Zoning Map, amending Ord. No. 77-95, regulation for property S of 1095 Cedar Cross Rd. as PUD with PC-forP. Tobin.(2116)(312) ................... 54,93 9-98 Amending Zoning Ord. by adopting a new Section 3- 3.2(B)(23) re: Business Services to include Sign Painting. (2/16)(3/2) ...................................... 53,95 1 0-98 Amending the Code by adopting a new Section 44-201 (a), Fixing Water Rates for Residential, Commercial, and Industrial and all other uses - (later amended see Ord. No. 24-98).(3/4) .................................... 103 11-98 Amending the Code by adopting a new Section 44-202 Fire Sprinkler Services.(3/4) ......................... 104 12-98 Establishing Stout Place Area as an Urban Revitalization Area.(l119)(312)(3116) .............. 15,68,112 13-98 Amending Zoning Oral, adopting new Section 4-3.11 Schedule of Sign Regulations for C4 & C5 Zoning - to allow freestanding -monument signs in C5 Bus. Dis. (2116)(312)(3116) ............................... 54,95,114 Amending Zoning Map by reclassifying property at 950 Clarke Dr. from R~I to CS - DENIED by Council.(2/16) .... 54 14-98 Amending Zoning Map by reclassifying property located E & W of Seippel Rd. & N of County Farm from AG to PUD.(2116)(3116) .............................. 55,115 15-98 Amending Ch. 42, Subdivision Regulations, by amending Sections 42-1, 52-14(d)(2) and 42-20(a) re: Definitions, Review Process & Streets.(3/16) .......... 126 16-98 Amending Zoning Ord. by adopting a new Section - Lots & Buildings to Front on Public or approved Private Streets.(3/16) ..................................... 127 9! INDEX- BOOK 128 1998 SUBJECT PAGE ORDINANCES 17-98 Enacting a new Section 2-181 establishing the terms of office of Civil Service Commissioners by changing the term of office for Civil Service Commissions. (3/2}{3/16) ..................................... 97,129 18-98 Amending Code by revising Subsection (C) of Sec. 32- 231 providing for establishment of Speed Limits on Fremont Ave., Hill St. & Bryant St.(3/16) .............. 129 19-98 Vacating alley abutting 22~15 Marion St. (for Brown's). (3/16) ........................................... 132 20-98 Vacating Nicolet Ave. (for Swiss Valley).(3/16) ..... 136 21-98 Amending Ch. 44, Utilities, Section 44-55 Abandonment of private on-site sewage treatment and disposal system upon availability of public sewer.(3/2)(3/16)(4/6) ........................ 97,112,140 Amending Zoning Map by reclassifying property at 3055 Brunskill Rd. from RI to CS. & Wholesale Dis. - DENIED.{3/16) .................................... 131 22-98 Amending Zoning Map by reclassifying property at 414, 416, 422 & 434 Loras Blvd. from R4 to OR - for Nash's. (3/16)(4/6) .................................... 132,147 23-98 Amending Ch. 15 Community Development of the Code by adding a New Article V Enterprise Zone Comm. & providing for the composition, duties, organization and procedures for such Comm.(4/6) ................... 153 24-98 Amending the Code by Repealing Section 44-201(a) Fixing Water Rates for Residential & Industrial Uses. (4/20) ........................................... 165 25-98 Adopting a new Section 2-3in lieu thereof of the City Code re: Annexation Zoning Policy.(4/20)(5/4) . 166,175 26-98 Amending the City Code by revising Article I1 Central Market Establishing Sec. 31-23.'10 providing for restricted parking in the Central Market Area.(5/4) .............. 177 27-98 Amending Ch. 11 - Buildings & Building Regulations by repealing Sec. 11-58.1 & adooting a new one establishing a six month Moratorium on the issuance of Permits for Work in the U.S. 20 Corridor.(5/4) ...... 177,178 28-98 Amending City Code by adding a new Ch. 23 for the Prohibition & Abatement of Nuisances.(5/4) .......... 178 29-98 Amending the City Code providing for the Establishment of Speed Limits on Airport Rd.(5/4) .... 181 30-98 Amending Section 32-262(D) of the Code Prohibiting Parking on Designated Streets or Portions thereof, adding Airport Rd.(5/4) ................................... 182 31-98 Amending Ch. 32, Motor Vehicles & Traffic, of the City Code, by enacting a new Sectior 32-62 Vehicular Noise, (5/4) ............................................ 183 INDEX' BOOK 128 1998 SUBJECT PAGE ORDINANCES 32-98 Amending Ch. 32, Motor Vehicles & Traffic by deleting Sec. 32-163 Motor Truck Routes & adopting a new Sec. 32- 163 Entitled "Motor Truck Routes" in lieu thereof.(5/4) . 183 33-98 Amending the City Code, Ch. 26, Housing Regulations by Amending Sec. 26-1(c) re: Scope & Application by adopting a new Paragraph; repealing Sec. 26-10.(n)(3)1. re: Smoke Detectors in Class B Units & Adopting in lieu thereof a new Sec. 26-10.(n)(3)1. re: Smoke Detectors in Rooming Units.(514) ............................... 184 34-98 Amending City Code providing for a change of the Stop Sign at the intersection of Jones St. Connector & Main St. (5/18) ...................................... 195 35~98 Amending Ch. 21 Motor Vehicles & Traffic, of the City Code, Subsection 32-250 use of Ceri'ain Nonmotorized Vehicles, Conveyances & Equipment on Town Clock Plaza in other laces providing for scheduled fine for violations etc.(5/18) ........................................ 198 36-98 Amending Zoning Map by reclassifying property at 715 West Locust from R-2A Alternate Two-Family Residential Dis. to C-1 Neighborhood Commercial Dis.(5/18)(6/1) ................................. 197,206 37-98 Authorizing Joseph & Ruth Graham to Install Plantings within the Public Right of Way of Lobo Lane. (6/1) ............................................. 209 38-98 Amending Sec. 2-42(h) of City Code Providing that City Employees are not eligible for appointment to Committee, Boards & Commissions by adding a provision that a Committee, Board or Commission Member Employed by the City Shall be Deemed Removed from Such Office.(611) ................................... 212,213 39-98 Amending Sec. 33-7 of the City Code Prohibiting Hunting with Bow & Arrow by Allowing Hunting with Bow & Arrow of Anterless Deer by Persons Licensed by the Iowa Dept. of Natural Resources & issued a Permit by the City during a Designated Hunting Season.(6/15) ........... 226 40-98 Providing that General Property Taxes levied & collected each year on all property with Swiss Valley Economic DeveL Dis. be paid to a Special Fund. (6/15} ........................................ 228,229 41-98 Vacating Euclid Ave. from Jackson St. to Central Ave. - Swiss Valley Pro.(6/15) ............................ 232 42-98 Vacating an Alley North of Euclid Ave. from Jackson St. to Central Ave. - Swiss Valley Pro.(6/15} ........... 233 43-98 Vacating Portion of Jackson St. - for Swiss Valley. (6/15} ........................................ 233,234 z~-98 Amending Zoning Map by reclassifying property in 2400 Block of Asbury Rd. (N of Clarke Dr. & Asbury Rd.) from Pr to OS - for Marty McNamer.(6FI5)(716) ..... 230,243 93 INDEX. BOOK 128 1998 SUBJECT PAGE ORDINANCES 45-98 Amending Zoning Map by reclassifying property at '!0901 & 10913 Key West Dr. from AG to R1. (6/15)(7/6) ................................... 230,244, 46-98 Amending City Code by increasing Fee in Sec. 7-23(a) - Impounded Dogs & Cats from $20.00 to $25.00 if first violation within one year and if more than first to $35.00 and requiring license at 3 mos. of age for Dogs & Cats and raising fee for neutered Dogs & Cats to $8.00 and non- neutered Dogs & Cats to $18.00 effective Dec. 1, 1998. (7/6) ......................................... 248,249 47-98 Vacating a Portion of Iowa Highway 32, known as IA Hwy 32.(7/6) ................................... 252 48-98 Amending City Code by Deleting Parts of Woodland Dr. from Subsection (d) of Section 32-262 & adding PaKs of Woodland Dr. to Subsection (d) of Section 32-262 providing for Prohibiting of Parking;(8/3) ....... : ............. 285 49-98 Amending City Code by Modifying Subsection (b) of Section 32-216 thereof Providing for the Addition of a Yield Sign on Lake Eleanor Rd. & Digital Dr.(8/3) ........... 286 50-98 Amending the Code of Ord. Section 1-16 "Violations, Penalties, & Alternative Relief" by increasing the Civil Penalties Provided Therein for Municipal Infractions. (3/3) ............................................ 286 5'1-98 Amending the Code of the City Code by Modifying Subsection (b) of Section 32-214 thereof Providing for the Addition of Stop Signs on Forest Lane & Glen Oak St. & Nevada St-(813} ................................... 287 52-98 Amending Section 32-262(D) of the City Code Prohibiting Parking on Designated Sts. or portions thereof addingcertainportionsofForestLane.((813) ......... 287 53-98 Amending the City Code by adding Delhi St. to Subsection (b) of Section 32-213 providing for the designation of Through Sts.(8/3) .................... 287 54-98 Amending Sec. 37-2 of the City Code (Ch. 37 Plumbing} by amending Table No. 20-B Establishing Fees for Examination, License & Registration.(8/17) ........ 300 55-98 Amending Sec. 24-2 of the City Code - Ch. 24 Heating, Air Cond., & Ventilating by amending Sec. 308 (B) Certificate of Competency & by amending Table N. 3-B Establishing Fees for Examination, License & Registration.(8/17) ............................. 300,301 INDEX- BOOK 128 1998 SUBJECT PAGE ORDINANCES 56-98 Amending Sec. 18-2 of the City Code (Ch. 18 Electricity) by amending Sec. 82-5(F) relating to Monthly Maintenance Inspections, by Amending Section 83-4, relating to Examination Required: Application Fee; Reexamination Upon Failure of Examinations; and by Amending Table No. 13-B, Establishing Fees for Examinations & fees for Certificates of Registration. (8117) ............................................ 301 57-98 Amending Ch. 19, Fire Prevention & Protection by adopting the Uniform Fire Code, 1997 Edition etc. (9/8) ......................................... 317-320 58-g8 Vacating the Alley Between S. Grandview Ave. & York St. at South Hill St.{918) ............................ 325 59-98 Amending the City Code by modifying Section 32-174 providing for the Change in designation of One-Way Traffic on Iowa Street, Main Street, Fourth Street and Fifth Street`(9/21 )(10/5) ............................. 335,351 60-98 Amending Section 32-282 of City Code, Parking on portions of streets by deleting Iowa, St. West side from First St. to a point 70 ' S of Second St. & E side from 4th St. to 10th.(9/21)(1015) ............................ 335,352 6'l-98 Creating Parking meter district byadding portions of iowa St. between 4th & 10th Sts.(9/21)(~10/5} ....... 335,352 62-98 Amending the City Code by Enacting a new Section 32-277 entitled "Reserved Law Enforcement Vehicle Parking."(10/5) .............................. ; ..... 353 63-g8 Amending Ch. 33, Offenses & MiscellaneousProvisions of the City Code by Adding a New Article VI entitled "Crime Property" by enacting a new Section 33-101 entitled "Definitions" by enacting a new Section 33-102 entitled "Specified Crime Property Prohibited" by enacting a new Section 33-103 entitled "preenforcemeet Procedure," by enacting a new Section 33-104 entitled "Procedure for Enforcement" by enacting a New Section 33-15 entitled "Notice" by enacting a new Section 33-106 entitled "Service of Notice" and enacting a new Section 33-107 entitied"EffectofNctice".(lO/5) ................... 354,355 64-98 Amending the City Code by adopting a new Section 33-16 Prohibiting Loitering for Intimidation, Disorderly Conduct, Drug Sale, Drug Use or Drug Distribution. (10/5) ............................................ 356 65~98 Vacating a Portion of Kirkwood Street formerly known as Union Ave.(10/5) ................................ 360 66-98 Amending Ch 11 (Buildings & Building Regulations) of the City Code by amending Section 11-58.1 By Establishing a Twelve-Month Moratorium on the Issuance of Permits for Work in the U.S. 20 Corridor.(lO/19) .............. 379,380 INDEX- BOOK 128 1998 SUBJECT PAGE ORDINANCES 67-98 Authorizing HBO & Company to Construct a Radiator Platform.(10/19) .................................. 380 68~98 Amending Zoning Map by reclassifying property at W Corner of Chaney & Asbury Roads from PR to OS Office Services Dis.(lOI19)(1112) ....................... 383,391 Amending Zoning Map by reclassifying property located at SE corner of Sunny Slope Dr. & Red Violet Dr. from R2 to R3 - REZONING DENIED.(10/19}(ll/f6) ............ 383,418 69-98 Amending Zoning Ord. by adopting a Revised Land Use Plan for the Dubuque Industrial Center Phase I and Il located at the SW corner of Highway 32 (NW Art.) & Chavenelle Rd, & by repealing Section 2 of Ord. No. 49-80, Ord. 39-082, Sec. 2 of Ord. 6-89 & Ord. 88-90.(10/19) ... 384 70-98 Amending Ch. 15 of City Code by adopting a new Article V Enterprise Zone Corem., providing for the composition, duties, organization & procedures. (11t2)(11116) .................................. 398,424 71-98 Repealing Ord. No. 22-91 which established the Tax Increment Financing Dis. for the Dbq. Corporate Center Economic Devel. Dis.(11/2) ........................ 398 72-98 Amending Zoning Map by reclassifying property East of Hwy 52 & SE of Highway 386 from AG to PUD with Planned Dis. designation & adopting a Conceptual Devel. Plan. - Ed Tschiggfrie's Alpine Heights Mobile Home Park.(11116)(12/7) .......................... 429,449-451 73-98 Amending Zoning Map of City by reclassifying property at 1670 Asbury Rd. from OR Office & R-1 Single Family Res. Dis. to C-2 Neighborhood Shopping Dis. ' (11116)(12/7) .............................. 428,429,451 74-98 Amending Zoning Map by reclassifying property at SW Corner of Key West Dr. & Maquoketa Dr. from PR to C-2 Neighborhood Shopping Center. - requested by IIW Engrs. (11116)(12/7) .............................. 429,451,452 75-98 Amending Zoning Map by reclassifying property at 2162 Rockdale Rd. from AG to R-1.(11/16)(12/7) .... 429,452 76-98 Vacating a part of West First Street and an Alley East of Main St, from Locust St. Connector to West First St. (l?J"/) ........................................... 453 77-98 Authorizing DAL Building Corp. to construct Fabric Canopy Awning at 1309 Delhi, American Legion: (12/7) ........................................ 459,460 78-98 Vacating a Portion of Cornell St. and adjacent alley between 16th & 17th Sts.(12/7) ..................... 461 79-98 Vacating Portions of 28th St. & Brunswick St.(12/7} 463 INDEX- BO°K 128 1998 SUBJECT PAGE ORDINANCES 80-98 Amending Section 2-42(8) of the City Code Providing that City Employees are Not Eligible for Appointment to Any Committee, Board or Commission of the City by Exempting the City Manager and the Assistant City Manager Therefrom.(12/21) ......................... 479 Amending Zoning Map by reclassifying property at 4100 Asbury Rd. from AG to C2 & C3 as requested by Tim & Sara Hilby.{12/2~1) ................................. 479 Amending Zoning Map by reclassifying property at 35 North Booth St. from OR Residential Dis. to OS Office Service Dis. & rezone property west & east of the YMCA-YWCA Building from R~I Single Family Dis, to OS Office Service Dis.(12/21) ....................................... 480 Amending Zoning Map by reclassifying property located N of 2275 Elm St. - Lot 2 of Ambling Subd, from R-2A to CS & Wholesale Dis.(~12/21 ) .............................. 480 Amending Zoning Map by reclassifying property S of Asbury Rd. & W of the NW Arterial from AG & C3 with conditions to a PUD with a PC & PR zoning designation,(12/21) ...... 480 Amending Appendix A of the City Code by adding Section 4-9 to establish regulations for towers & antennas,(12/2~I) . 480 INDEX- BOOK 128 1998 SUBJECT PAGE P PARK AND RECREATION COMM. SUBMITTING MINUTES: (115)(212)(312)(3116)(416)(5118)(611)(7120)(813)(8117}(918)(9121) (11/16)(12/7)(12/21} ..... 1,28,60,106~139,190,202,260,274,293,308,329.405,436,471 PARKING REVIEW COMMITTEE FOR CITIZENS WITH DISABILITIES SUBMITTING MINUTES: (12/7) ......... 436 PLUMBING BOARD SUBMITTING MINUTES: (5/18)(8/17)(12/7) ........................... 190,293,436 P.C. Concrete Paving Pro. # 2, Clarke Dr., amendment, acceptance.(1/19) ................................ 14,19 P.C. Concrete Paving Pr. #2, 1996, Proof.(4/6) ........... 139 P.C; Concrete Paving Pro. 1998, Creston, Glenwood Ct. & Marquette P1.(312)(416}(514) ................... 98,147,185 P.C. Concrete Paving Pro. 1997, W. Third St. & Spruce St. acceptance of project.(10/19)(12/7) ........ ;. 368,439-443 P.J.'s Tap, Peggy Schaller, 500 Rhomberg, Liq. Lic.(7/6) .. 243 P.M.S.T. inc., Happy's P{ace, 2322 Rockdale, Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic.(716)(9121) ................................. 242,334 P.O.P.'s Gas, Holiday Oil, 1401 Central Ave., Cig. Per. (6/15) ........................................... 223 P.O.P?s Gas, Holiday Oil Co. 1685 JFK Rd., Cig. Per:(6/15) 223 Paar, Jeffrey S., applicant for Airport Comm.(1/19)(2/2) . 13,34 Pacholke, Rev. David, Finley Hospital, Invocation.(1/19) .... 7 Padre Pin health Care Center Series 1996 Bonds - defeasance.(9/21) ................................. 331 Paint Hazard - Lead Based, Reduction Grant Prog. (3116)(416)(5118) ............................ 110,139,192 Pancratz Construction -Tim. J., contract for Ice Rink Warming House - Concession Building.(10/5) ........ 349 Pancratz, Tim, applicant to the Building Code Board of Appeals; appointad.(3116)(4/6) ................... 114,146 Papin, Paul, applicant to Plumbing Bd.; appointed. (2/16)(3/2) ...................................... 50,91 Park & Recreation Corem. applicants: C. Duggan, P. Hoffmann, K. Lyness, M. Sullivan, P. Hoffmann; reappointments of K. Lyness, M. Sullivan & P. Hoffmann. (6/15)(7/6) .................................... 224,243 Park Construction - Valentine Park.(6/15)(7/6) ... 230,231,246 Park Division, dept. budget hearing; Council budget hearing.(2/18)(3/4) ............................. 57b,101 Park - Flora, Warming House - Concession Building Pro. (10/5) ........................................... 349 Park * Loras Blvd. - Rocco Buda. (314)(4120)(5118)(6115) .................... 101,160,197,225 Park Maintenance Headquarters - Six Bay Garage. (918)(1015) ................................ 321,348,349 Park - mini, property of R. Frank on Pinard St.(312)(7120) ................................................. 61,261 Park Ranger certified by Civil Service Comm.(7/6) ........ 239 Park Ranger position, certified by Civil Service Comm. (7/6) ......................................... 239,240 Parker, Cheryl, Loras BluffPark.(3/4} .................. 101 INDEX- BOOK i28 1998 SUBJECT PAGE P Parking changed on Forest Lane, addition of Stop Sign etc. (8/3) ............................................. 287 Parking - Diagonal, Back-in, Fourth & Fifth St. (11/16)(12/7) .................................. 427,459 Parking Div., dept. budget hearing.{2/18) ............... 57b Parking Facilities, FY 1997 Financial Audits etc.(2/2) .. ~.. 32 Parking Facilities Rehab. Repairs.(10/5) ............ 345,346 Parking Lot Improvements - Dbq. Greyhound Park & Casino. (9/21)(12/7) ................................... 330,456 Parking lots of churches, problems with rollerblading & skateboarding.(6/1 ) ................................ 209 Parking Meter changes, Dbq. Downtown Urban Renewal Dis.(9/8} .......................................... 327 Parking Meter District - adding portions of Iowa St. between Fourth & Tenth Sts. (due to new 2-way traffic) & deleting portions of Iowa St, West Side from First St. (10/5) ............................................ 352 Parking Prohibited on portions of Radford Rd.(2/2) ....... 37 Parking, downtown workers parking in fringe areas, requestforfurtherexamination byC.M. Michalski.(5/18) 192 Parking restricted 9n Woodland Dr. in response to concern by parents etc. around J.F. Kennedy SchooL(8/3) ...... 285 Parking restrictions around Farmer's Market.(514) ....... 177 Parking restrictions on newly relocated Airport Rd. from US 61 to FBO/terminal area.(5/4) ................. 181,182 Parking Revenue Bonds, refunding.(1/19)2t18) ....... 19,57a Parking Revenue Capital Loan Not~.5 - tax exemption certificate.(212){2J16)(2118)(3t2)(3116) ..... 38,50,57a,68,131 Partition wall - Five Flags Center Arena.(3/2)(4/6) ..... 97,149 Partnership Program Funds, Community, Awarding for Audubon Family Technology Center & YMCA Building - Locker Rooms.(813) ............................... 288 Patzner, Terry, Claim.(2/'16) ............................ 44 Paul's Tavern, T. Koch, 176 Locust, Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic. (6/15) ........................................ 223,224 Pave E. portion of kennel compound for DRA.(2/16) ...... 45 Paving Pro, #2, Clarke Dr., amend., accept.{1/19) ...... 14,19 Paving Pro. 1996, #2, Proof etc.(4/6) ................... 139 Paving Pro., 1997, W. Third & Spruce St., finalization of Concrete Paving Pro.(10/19)(12/7) ........... 368,439-443 Paving Pro. - 1997 Asphalt.(11/18) ................. 410,411 Paving Pro. 1998, Creston, Glenwood Ct. & Marquette Pi. (312)(416)(5/4) ............................... 98,147,185 Peace Officers Week & Memorial Day, Proclam.(5/4} ..... 169 Peary, LeDelvin, Progressive Ins. subrogation claim for D. Lepsch.(11/16) .................................... 405 Pedicalosis - lice, Control Plan, approved by Bd. of Health. (12/7) ............................................ 435 Pego Ct. & Kelly Lane Sanitary Sewer Ext. Phase II, finalization of project.(4/20)(5~18} ............. 161,162,190 INDEX - BOOK 128 1998 SUBJECT PAGE P Pego Ct. & Kelly Lane Sanitary Sewer Ext. Phase I ? finalization of projecL(11/16} .................... 409,410 Penalties - businesses for tobacco violations.(11/16) ..... 433 Penalties - Municipal Infractions.(8/3} .................. 286 Penalties re: abatement remedies, Nuisance Ord. (5/4) ... 181 Penalty of $300 for various establishments - tobacco violations.(11/16) ................................. 433 Penn Place & Hempstead driveway, leave at present grade, Sidewalk reconstruction on Pennsyl. Ave.(8/3) .... 280,281 Pennsylvania Ave. from Vizaleea to Embassy West Dr., 1998 SidewalkAssessments.(716)(813)(918) ..... 250,279-281,309 Pennsylvania Ave. to Radford Rd. - Reconstruction of Radford Road.(1119)(2/2)(312)(3116)(416) .................. ............................... 12,36,40,60,91,127,128,152 Peoples Gas Co. building at 7th & Locust, now Museam of Art, Rehab Loan.(11/16) ........................... 417 Pepperlain, Judy, of US West, re: McLeodUSA Ioan.(3116). 130 Performance & Evaluation Report for CDBG Program - CAPER.(10/19) .................................. 370 Permit Issuance for Building, Moratorium, on Hwy. 20 Corridor.(514) .................................... 177 Permits in Highway 20 Corridor, moratorium extended. (10/19) .......................................... 379 Personal Injury accident, false & fraudulent information, consideration by Council etc.(9121)(1015) ......... 335,358 Peru Rd. -access for Alpine Heights Mobile Home Park. (12/7) ........................................... 449 Pests, Nuisance Ord.(5/4) ............................. 180 Petarsen, Jean, objecting to Deer Hunting.(6/15) ......... 226 Petition - 250 signatures, for skating area for skate boarding & rollerblading.(5/4) ............................... f70 Petition - 60 signatures, Stop Sign at Comer of Forest Lane & Glen Oak. ST.(514} ................................ 170 Petition from Country Steppers etc., Lifetime Center funding.(9/21) .................................... 335 Petition from M. Schumacher -sidewalks on Cedar Cross & Center Grove Rd.(4/20) ............................ 166 Petition, J. Sanner, total reconstruction of N. Burden Ave.; Mgr. recommending inclusion in 5 Year Street Preg. (11/16)(12/21) ................................. 413,475 Petition objecting to proposed rezoning at 980 Clarke Dr. from RI Dis. to CS & Wholesale Dis.(2J'16) .............. 54 Petition objecting to sidewalks along Radford Road Reconstruction Pro.(312) ............................ 91 Petition -opposition to housing rental unit testing.(3/4)... '101 Petition, protected turn signal at NW Art. & Highway 20, submitted by M. Kleinschrodt.(312)(4120)(lOI5) . 96,163,342 Petition - Roger Kunde's proposed Auto Salvage business on Julien Dubuque Dr. (11/2)(12/7)(12/21) .. 398,458,478,479 100 INDEX- BOOK 'j28 1998 SUBJECT PAGE P Petition requesting Residential Parking Permit Dis. from 12th St. from White to Washington & 1200 block of Jackson St. (5/18) ............................................ 191 Petition -American Tower Bldg.(7/20) .................. 267 Petitions -Alpine Heights Mobile Home Park rezoning. (11116) ........................................... 429 Pfeiler, Atty. Louis P., for P. Mihalakis, purchase of portion of Pine St. between 12th & 14th.(10/5) .................. 342 Pfeiler, Atty. Louis P., for P. Mihalakis, purchase of property on S. of E. 14th St.(5/4) ............................. 169 Pfohl PI., plat of survey for portion.(1015) ............... 343 Preenforcement Procedure-new Ord, regarding Crime Property etc.(10/5} ................................. 354 Philanthropy Day Proclamation.(11/2) .................. 386 Phone Co. - loan to McLeodUSA, objection by US West; disposing of Dbq. Technology Park to McLeodUSA Network Services; purchase of different lot in Dbq. Technology Park.(3116)(6115)(7120) ........ 114,235,264,268 Physical Therapy Assn., by M. Mandel, appreciation for Five Flags Staff& Dbq. hospitality.(11/16) ............ 416 Pillard, Jeff, objecting to Aerostar Dr. being access for Alpine Heights Mobile Home Park.(12/7) .............. 448 Pinard Pi. surveyplatapprovaL(5118) .............. 190,191 Pinard St. property of R. Frank for mini-park.(312)(7120) 61,261 Pine St., portion, request for purchase by Arty Pfeiler for P. Mihalakis.{10/5) ................................... 342 Pipe Inn, B. Kremer, K. Mall, Cig, Per.(6ll) .............. 205 Pirc- Anstotter, Julia, Alpine Heights Mobile Home Park rezoning.(11116)(12/7) .......................... 429,448 Pitcher, Duane, Finance Dir., authorized to execute stock sale transactions(Il/16) ................................ 414 Pitka, Madolein, Rev. Assoc. Pastor of Rockdale & Center Grove Church, Gave Invocation.(3f16) ................ 106 Pizza Hut #1,320 E. 20th, Beer Per.(6/1) ................ 206 Pizza Hut #2, Prospect Pizza, 2075 JFK Rd., Beer Per. (6/1) ............................................. 206 Planning Advisory Comm. future land use in Areas 13 & 14. (10/5) ............................................ 357 Planning process for Land Use for Highway 20 Corridor ~ Dodge St. between Bluff& Cherokee.(5/4) ............ 177 Planning Services Dept. report on Program Service Review.(2-/16) ...................................... 49 Plantings okayed within ROW of Lobe Lane - Elmwood Green Subd. - Joe & Ruth Graham.(6/1) .............. 209 Plastic Center Inc., Fischer Bowling Lanes, 800 Locust, Liq. Lic.; condemnation proceedings against them for Riverwalk properties etc.; approve contract with them for Riverwalk Pro.; Warranty Deed for Riverwalk Pro. (6115)(918)(10119)(1112) .................. 224,320,381,389 Plat of Sanders PI. - JFK Road in County, Mike Sanders. (1/19) .............................................. 9 101 INDEX - BOOK 128 1998 SUBJECT PAGE P Plat of vacated alley between Central Ave. & White St. from 8th to 9th approved.(1/19) ........................... 22 Plat of vacated Butterfield Rd. approved.(1/19) ........... 24 Plat of survey of Fenelon Point Subd. approved.(2/16) ..... 44 Plat of survey of Lot 1 & 2 & Lot 2 of 2 of Tamarack S.E. Second Subd. (2J16) ................................ 45 Plat - Easement for Private Drives & Public Utilities for Phase lA of Asbury Plaza.(4/6) .................... 143 Plat of Lot G1 (Bonnie Court) of Fremont Heights, approved. (5/18) ........................................... 192 Plat of Woodland Ridge Subd. approved.(6/1) ........... 211 Plat approval of Furuseth's Subd.(8/17) ................ 294 Plat approval of Kelly Heights Subd.(8/17) .............. 295 Plat approved of ROW of IA Highway 32 - NW Arterial, for Corey Devel.(7/6) .............................. 251,252 Plat of proposed vacated Alley between S. Grandview & York St. at S. Hill St(918) ............................... 325 Plat approved, vacated street & alley between Main St. & Freeway- Bishop Block, former IDOT property.(11/16) . 431 Plat approved for property E and W of Edwards Rd. & South of Kelly Lane.(12F/) ............................... 437 Plat of proposed vacated portion of 28th St. & Brunswick St. (12/7) ........................................... 462 Plaza 20 Amoco Foodshop, Mulgrew Oil, 2600 Dodge, Cig. Per; Beer Per.(6/1)(10/19) ...................... 205,374 Plumbers' Testing etc., fees changed for exam, lic. & registration.(8/17) ................................. 300 Plumbing Board applicant J. Schwartz; appointed; interview of P. Papin; Papin appointed; applicant Leonard Rhomberg; appointment of Rhomberg. (1119)(212)(2116)(312)(4120)(514) ....... 14,35,50,91,164,174 Plumbing Ord., changing fees of examination, license & registration.(8117} ................................ 300 Plumley, Sandra J. objecting to RV Parking Ord. & sidewalk necessity.(7/20) ................................ 261 Poetry Month Proclamation.(3/16) ...................... 106 Poisoning - Lead, Prevention Program; Application to HUD.(3/2)(6115) ............................ 88,89,220 Police, grant for tobacco compliance checks.(2/2) ........ 33 Police, National Crime Prevention Council to assist Comm. Based Task Force.(2/161 ...................... 53 Police Dept. Preliminary Budget Hearing.(2/231 ........... 58 Police Dept. & Immigration & Naturalization Service, Agree. to provide fingerprinting services.(312} ................ 90 Police Protective Assn. Dbq., Collective Bargaining Agree. (6/15) .......................................... 218 Police Dept - Law Enforcement Building Center Agree. wf County.(7/6) .................................. 241 Police Dept. policy of investigating accidents, Arty M. Sullivan requesting review; Mgr.- results of Study.(716)(7/20)(11116) .................... 247,267,427 102 INDEX - BOOK 128 1998 SUBJECT PAGE P Police Dept.- Accreditation Award; Comparative Staffing & Call Types report by Mgr.(8/17)(8/3) .............. 293,279 Police & Fire job Related Injury claims - Proposal for Care Management etc.(9/8) .............................. 313 Police - Mayor requesting clarification for lack of enforcement re: False & Fraudulent Reports. (9/21)(10/5) ................................... 335~358 Police Dept. - Reserved Law Enforcement Vehfcle Parking. (10/5) ............................................ 353 Police Dept. - Crime Property prohibited Preenforcement Procedure, Procedure for Enforcement Notice etc.(10/5} 354 Police - Law Enforcement Center, FY 97 & FY 98 Block Grant Funds.(12/7) ...................................... 452 Policy Guidelines, FY 2000 Budget.(10/5) ............... 347 Policy of Police Dept., investigation of accidents, Arty Mark Sullivan requesting reconsideration; Mgr. submitting Study results.(716)(7120}(11116) ..................... 247,267,427 Pollution Control Refunding Revenue Bonds -Interstate PowerCo.=$2,650,O00.('lOI19)(11116) ........ 381,419-422 Poppy Days, Proclam.(5/18) .......................... 190 Population of City, certification to State Treasurer.(3/2) .... 61 Pop's Gas, tobacco violation penalty; Resistance & Plea of Not Guilty.(11/16)(12/7) ......................... 433,458 Portzen Construction awarded 1998 ADA Curb Ramp Pro.; awarded portion of Operations & Maintenance Dept. Bldg. Improve. Pro.; awarded contract for Granger Creek Interceptor Lift Station; Awarded Contract for Dbq. Regional Airport Restroom Remodeling & ADA Improvements; claim of Wm. Brown forwarded to them. (813)(10/5)(10/19)(~ 1116) .......... 282,283-285,348,377,405 Positively '14th St., A. Mangeno, 140'1 Elm, Cig. per.(6/15) . 223 Post, Cindy, applicant to Environmental Stewardship C.; appointed.(2t16)(312) ............................. 50,91 Potato & Produce House, Beer Per.(1/19) ................ 13 Pothoff, Ronald J., Alpine Heights Mobile Home Park rezoning,(11/16)(l 2/7) .......................... 429,448 Po~tebaum, Bea M. Claim forwarded to Pottzen.(2/2) ...... 28 Potter, Lee W. - Lee's 76 West, 408 W. Locust, Beer Per. (2/16) ............................................. 49 Pregler, Walt, demolition of American Tower Bldg.(7/20) .. 267 Preliminary Consideration Proceedings in accordance with Sec. 626 of Cable Act, begin discussion s with TCI's rep's - procedural issues.(11/16) .......................... 415 Premier Bank of Dubuque, authorized depository of City funds.(11/16) ................................. 414 Prescription Drug Benefit Preg. Agree. with National Presc. Adm., Drug Plan for City Employees.(5/18) ...... '195 Pretreatment Audit Inspection report, Industrial, DNR.{918) 309 Preventative Health Contract - AIDS, IA dept. of Public Health. ('11/16) ........................................... 416 103 INDEX - BOOK 128 1998 SUBJECT PAGE P Prevention Program for Childhood Lead Poisoning. (3/2)(6/15) .................................. 88,89,220 Prevention Program for HIV/AIDS, Health -VNA.(3116) .... 109 Pride Service Station, Martin Oil, 2176 Central, Cig. Per. (6/1) 2O5 Prier, Mark A., Claim; Referred to Ins.(8/17)(9/8) ...... 293,308 Printed Council proceedings for Nov. 97; Jan. & Feb. 98; March 98; April & May 98; June 98; JUlY 98; Aug. 98; Sept. 98; October 1998. (2/16)(5/4) (6/15)(7/6)(7/20)(9/8)(10/5)(10/19)(12/21 ) ....................... 44,169,216,239,260,308,341,366,471 Private Drives & Public Utilities for Phase IA of Asbury Plaza.(4/6) ....................................... 143 Private on-site Sewage treatment & disposal system, abandonment, Ord. amend.(3/2) ...................... 97 Private Sewer Facilities, Ord., Abatement of Nuisances (6/4) ............................................ Private Streets Policy and related Text Amendment.(3/16). 126 Problem Properties Management, CDBG Funds released. (5/4) ............................................ 171 Procedure for Enforcement, Ord., Crime Property etc. (10/5) ........................................... 354 Procedure of Legal Dept. for Ordinance enforcement.(7/6) 248 Procedures governing loans from Enterprise Opportunity Program, change.(11/2) ............................ 398 Proceedings of Council presented for approval - Nov. 97; Jan. & Feb. 98; March 98; April & May, 1998; June 1998. (2/16)(5/4)(6/15)(7/6)(7/20) ............. 44,169,216,239,260 Process - review for Subdivision Regulations etc.(3/16)... 126 Professional Social Work Centennial Month, Procl.(3/2) .... 60 Program, Local Update of Census Addresses.(3/2) ........ 90 Program Year 24, CDBG, Annual Action Plan. {1/19)(2/9)(5/4) ............................... 19,43,185 Programmer - Computer, Civil Service certification.(6/3) ., 276 Progressive Insurance Claim.(12/7) .................... 436 Prohibiting Loitering in or near a public place, new Ordinance.(10/5) .................................. 356 Prohibition and abatement of Nuisances.(5/4) ....... 178-160 Prohibition of parking changed on portions of Iowa St. (due to reversal of one;way streets etc.)(~ 0/5) ............. 352 Prohibition of parking, portions of Radford Rd., both sides from Chavenelle Rd. to NL.(2/2) ....................... 37 Project Agreement re: Federal Aid Participation to reconstruct bridge over Catfish Creek;(9/21 ) ......... 330 Project Concern Inc. Week, Proclamation.(10/5) ......... 341 Project Concern ParaTransit Agree. with Keyline.('11116) .. 415 Projector for Computer presentations, purchase.(4/20) ... 163 Promissory Note, Loan Agree, Solid Waste Agency for Sewer Line to Landfill.(1/19) .......................... 14 Proofs of Environmental NOtice & Release of Funds for Housing Assist. Prog.(5/4) ......................... 169 104 INDEX - BOOK 428 1998 SUBJECT PAGE P Proofs of FY 99 Budget notices etc.(3/4) ............... 101 Proofs of publication, various Council proceedings. (115)(1119)(312)(3116)(416)(514)(5118)(6115)(7120)(813)(8117)(918) (9/21)(12/7)(12/21} ..... 1,7,60,106,139,169,190,216,260,274,293,308,329,436,471 Proofs of published City Employees salaries.(3/2) ........ 60 Property purchases, ROW, on Clarke Dr.(l/19) ........... 10 Property disposal - IDOT, City Lot 303A - corner of alley between 4th & Central.(1/5) ........................... 2 Property at 2215 Marion St., Ord. vacating alley & selling to Terry & Sue Brown.(3116)(4/6) .............. 132,150,151 Property in Dubuque County from Kenneth G. & Janet M. Bergfeld to City.(3/16) .............................. 107 Property in Dubuque County from Wm. Siegert & Janet Siegert to City.(3/16) ............................... 107 Property on Elm St. to the City by Union Pacific RR Co. along Elm between 22nd & 24th St.(3116) ................... 107 Property purchase requested by Atty. D. Setter for D.J. Herbst, on E. 14th St.(5/16) ......................... 191 Property of John Kivlahan's, bike trail fronting on JFK; (6/1) ............................................. 209 Property disposal, 642 University, to Rick Steuer.(6/15} ,. 225 Property disposal in Dbq. Technology Park to McLeodUSA Network Services Inc.(6/15)(7/20) ............. 235,264,268 Property E of Finley Hospital, Allison PI., S of Delhi to College St., vacation.(6/15) ......................... 217 Property disposal - utility easement to Hodge Transit Warehouse Co. * portion of Riverfront Subd.(7/6) ..... : 245 Property easements, North End Neighborhood Bike & Hike Trial from 22nd St. to 32nd St(716)(7120)(813) ... 254,265,275 Property - Purchase Agreement for 21.5 acres with CMC Heartland Partners (7/20)(12/7) .................. 267,444 Property accepted from F. Roger Murray for Walnut St, Retaining Wa11.(8/17) ............................. ;. 295 Property - Crime * Ord. outlining eta.(10/5) .............. 353 Property at Dodge & Hill St., conveyance to City * IDOT, Days Inn area.(11/2) ............................... 389 Property accidents, investigation by Police, Mgr. study. (11/16) ........................................... 427 Property at 2618 Jackson from Sheryl Ann Shaw.(12/7) .. 443 Proposal for Care Management of Police & Fire Job related injury claims.(9/8) ................................. 313 Proposed Annual Action Plan, use of CDBG Funds, Prog. Yeer 24.(1/19) ...................................... 19 Prorate agreement for CEBA Award, Cartegraph Systems. (1/5) ............................................... 2 Prospect Pizza Ltd., Pizza Hut #2, 2075 JFK Rd., Deer Per. (6/1) ............................................. 206 Prospect Pizza Ltd., Pizza Hut #1,320 E. 20th, Deer Per. (6/1) ............................................. 206 105 INDEX - BOOK 128 1998 SUBJECT PAGE P Public Dialogues, Dbq. Schools & Long Range Planning Adv. to participate.(7/6) ................................ 241 Public Entity Risk Services of Iowa - Claims referred to them. (1/5)(1/19)(2/2)(2/16)(3/2)(3/16)(4/6)(4/20)(5/4)(5/18)(6/1)(6/15) (716)(8/3)(8/17)(9/8)(9/21)(10/5)(10FI9)(1217)(12/21) .... 1,7,28,44,60,106,139,159,169,190,202,216,239,274,293,308, ..................................... 329,341,366,436,471 Public Health Planning Model, County, approved.(1/19) ..... 6 Public Health funding - local AIDS Preventative Health Prog.t11116) ..................................... 416 Public Improvement Agreement wf Asbury re: Radford Rd. P, econstruction.(1/19) ............................... 12 Public Input on spending of FY 97 & FY 98 Block Grant Funds for Law Enforcement Center.('J217) .................. 452 Public Interest Defense Award, 1998.{10/5) .............. 347 Public Meeting, construction of NW Art - IA Hwy 32 from JFK E & N thru U.S. 52/Iowa intersection.(5/4} ........ 173 Public Ministry - Center for, K. O'Rourke, Court case dismissed.(1/19) .................................... 12 Public Places - prohibiting loitering in or near there, new Ord.(10/5) ................................... 356 Public Safety Dispatcher, certified by Civil Service Comm. (6/15) ........................................... 216 Puffn Snuff, Molo Oil Co. 2013 Central, Cig. per.(6/1) ..... 205 Puls. Ernest W., Claim; Referral to Ins.(1119)(212) ........ 7,28 Pump Station - Bunker Hill Golf Course Wastewater & Force Main Pro.(11/2)(12/7} ........................... 399,455 Purchase Agreement for 21.5 acres with CMC Heartland Partners.(7/20)(12/7) ........................... 267,444 Purchase of property, ROW, on Clarke Dr.(1/19) ......... 10 Purchase of Services for various agencies.(4/6) ......... 144 Purchase of property on E. 14th, requested by D. J. Herbst. (5/18) ........................................... 191 Purchase of Services Agree. wf Humane Society.(7/6) .... 248 Purchase of property on Pine St. by Atty. Pfeiler for L. Mihalakis.('10/5) .................................. 342 Pusateris. 2400 Central. Liq. Lic.(2/2) .................... 34 Pyrotechnics, Blasting, Fireworks etc. - new Un~form Fire Code.(9/6) .................................... 317-320 106 INDEX - BoOK 128 1998 SUBJECT PAGE Q QHQ Properties - Mike Quagliano, rezoning of South of Asbury Road & W of NW Arterial from AG & C3 to PUD with a PC & PR.(12/21) ............................. 480 Quade, Ernie, objecting to Radford Rd. reconstruction project-(3/2) ........................................ 92 Quagliano, Mike -QHQ Properties, rezoning of South of Asbury Road & W of NW Arterial from AG & C3 to PUDF with a PC & PR.(12/21) ............................. 480 Quagliano, Timothy J., Liquor Depot. BE Beer Per.; Cig. Per. (5118)(611) .................................... 194,205 Quarterly Investment Report for 7-'1-98 to 9-30-98.(10/19) . 366 Quarterly Report of City 4-1 to 6-30.{8/3) ................ 274 Quit claim deed acceptance for property at Union Pacific RR Co. - along Elm St. between 22nd & 24th St.(3/16} ...... 106 Quit claim deed from Dubuque County - property on Seippel Road etc.(6/~) ..................................... 204 Quit Claim Deed from ]DOT for excess ROW at Dodge & Hill St. for Days inn access road.(11/2) ................... 388 INDEX - BOOK '!28 1998 SUBJECT PAGE R Racing Assn., Dbq. - Greyhound Park & Casino, Liq. Lic. (3/2) .............................................. 91 Racing Assn., 1999 Capital Improvement Prog~(11/2) ..... 390 Radford Road, prohibiting parking on certain portions, Chavenelle Rd. to NCL.(2/2) .......................... 37 Radford Road Reconstruction from Pennsylvania to Asbury.(1/19)(2/2)(3/2)(3116)(4/6) 12,36,40,60,91,127,128,152 Radiator Platform constructed alley east of CyCare Plaza for HBO & Co.(10/19) ................................. 380 Radiologic Technology Week Prociam.(1112) ............ 386 Radios from cars, re: Vehicular Noise Ord.(5/4) .......... 183 Railing Pro. - 1998 Historical Dis. Retaining Wall. (4120) ........................................ 166,167 Railroad - RR property~ re: Trail purchase.(2/2) ........... 29 Railroad - Union Pacific, property on Elm St. to City.(3/16). 107 Railroad spur line on Kerper Blvd., RISE Funding to relocate for Eagle Window & Door;(6/15) .................... 221 Railroad Co., Sanitary Sewer Lateral for County Farm Ind. Site Sanitary Sewer Pro.{7/6) ....................... 240 Rainbo Oil Co., Kwik Stop, 2360 Central, Cig. Per.; Beer Per. (6/15)(9121) ................................... 223,334 Rainbo Oil Co., Kwik Stop, 2297 University, Cig. Per.; Beer Per.(6/15)(11/2) ................................ 223,390 Rainbo Oil Co., Kwik Stop, 2320 Hwy 61, Cig. Per. (6/15) ........................................... 223 Rainbo Oil Co., Kwik Stop, 4039 Pennsylvania, Cig. Per.; Beer Per.(6/15)(1217) ....................... 223,447 Rainbo Oil Co., Kwik Stop, 2255 Kerper; Cig. Per.; Beer Per. (6/15)(8117) ................................... 223,298 Rainbo Oil Co. Kwik Stop Food Mart, 1685 JFK, Cig. Per.; Beer Per.(12/7) ................................... 447 Rainbow Lounge, DAMA Corp. 36 W. 4th St., Liq. Lic. (10/19) .......................................... 374 Rainbow Oil Co. Kwik Stop Food Mart, Loras & Central, Cig. Per.(12/7) ........................................ 447 Ramp, Curb, 1998 ADA Project.(8/3)(12/21) .......... 282,473 Ramps - Curb, - Sidewalk Inspection Routes.(8/3)(9/8) 289,314 Ramps ~ Curb, Washington St. from 14 to 30th. (8/3)(9/8) ...................................... 290,314 Ramps - Parking - Rehab Repairs Pro.(10/5) ......... 345,346 Rampson, Dean, objecting to barking dogs.(5/4) ........ : 178 Ransdell, Mary, settlement of claim.(1/5) .................. Ransdell, Mary, concern of abandonment of alley bebNeen 775 Hill & 759 Hi11.(11/2) ........................... 387 Rapp, Christine, Claim; settlemect.(4/6){6/1) ......... 139,202 Rath, Dennis F., Alpine Heights Mobile Home Park rezoning. (11/16)(12/7) .................................. 429,448 Rath, Florence, Claim; Referred to Ins.(6/1)(6/15) ..... 202,216 Rats & Mice etc., Nuisance Ord.(5/4) ................... 180 Rawson, Tom, applicant Civil Service Corem.; reappointed~ (3/16)(4/6) .................................... 114,146 RaySan Crop., Bridge Res., 31 Locust, l_iq. Lic.(11/16) .... 4'J8 REAP Committee, Joe Robbins appointed.(6/15) ......... 226 INDEX - BOOK 128 1998 SUBJECT PAGE R ReCap Co. of Dbq. Storage & Transfer re: Ingress & Egress Easement - North End Neighborhood Bike & Hike Trail. (716)(7120) .................................... 254,266 Reconstruction of Radford Rd. from Pennsylvania to Asbury. (1/19)(2/2)(3/2)(3/16)(4/6) ........ 12,36,40,60,91,'127,128,152 Reconstruction of First St. & Locust St. intersection. (11/16)(12/7) .................................. 430,457 Records check, criminal, for Housing applicants.(2/16) .... 46 Recreation Div., Department budget hearing.(2/18) ...... 57b Recreation Infrastructure Grant Application to IA DNR, River's Edge Plaza & Star Brewery Amphitheater. (8/24) ........................................ 305,306 Recreation Programs, Neighborhood, CDBG Funds.(5/4) . 171 Recreation Vehicles, parking, objection by S. Plumley. (7/20) ............................................ 261 Recreational vehicle parking on private property, S. Plumley protesting Ord.{7120) ............................... 26t Recreational Trail - Granger Creek, grant appiicafion. (12121) ........................................... 473 Recycling & marketing services with BFI~ Agrae.(4/6) .... 153 Red Ribbon Week Proclamation.(10/19) ................ 366 Red Violet Dr. & SE corner of Sunny Slope Dr., rezaning request from R2 to R3 -for Freiburger, denied. (10/19)(11/16) .............................. 383,384,416 Reddick, Atty Les, re: IBP vs. FDL, judgment summary. (9/21) ............................................ 333 Redemption of Outstanding Parking Rev. Bonds.(21t 8)... 57a Redstone Inn, 504 Bluff, Liq. Lic.(3/16) ................. 114 Refunding of Parking Revenue Bonds.(lllg)(2FIS) .... 19,57a Refunding of Revenue Bonds - Interstate Power Co. (10119)(11/16) ................................. 381,419 Refuse accumulation, Nuisance abatement Ord.(5/4) ..... 179 Refuse Collection, Delinquent Sewer, Garbage, assessments. (12/21) ........................................... 474 Refuse - Garbage Storage, Housing Code Amend.(l119) ... 17 Regan, Karan, Claim; Denial.(514}(5116) ............. 169,190 Regional Transit Authority - claim of C. Wallace referred to them.(8/17) ....................................... 293 Registration for Various Licenses - Electrical, Mechanical, Plumbing etc.(8/17) ............................ 300-302 Regulations for Signs, amended to allow freestanding & monument etc,(2/16) ................................ 54 Regulations for Subdivision - Definitions, Review process & Streets - amended Ord.(3/16) ....................... 126 Regulations of Housing -amended.(5/4); ............... 184 Rehab Loan denial appealed by Jorja Moore of Jorja's Restaurant & Lounge.(9/8) .......................... 316 Rehab Loan, Downtown, to Security Partners.(2/16} ...... 53 Rehab Loan to Dbq. Museum of Art,(11116) ............. 417 Rehab Repairs to the Parking Facilities - Ramps etc. (10/5) ........................................ 345,346 109 INDEX - BOOK 128 1998 SUBJECT PAGE R Rehabilitation Loan - TIF to Duaine & Jane Greenfield.(6/1) 203 Rehabilitation Grants, CDBG Funds.(5/4) ............... 171 Rehabilitation Loan to Don Junk for renovation of Atlast Fluid Co.(3/16) ........................................ 112 Rehabilitation Loan Program, $425,000 in uncommitted tax increment financing revenues.(11/16) ............... 427 Reinholt, Joan, Claim; referred to Ins.(10/5)(10/19) ... 341,366 Reiss, Elaine, applicant to Electrical Code Bd.; appointed.(3/2)(3/16) ............................ 91,114 Release of 40' by 100' Watermain, Storm Sewer & Sanitary SewerEasementleLot2ofBurton's2ndAddm(716) .. 257 Release of Funds for Home Investment Partnership Program.(3/16) ................................... 111 Release of Funds for Local Housing Assist. Prog.(4/6) .... 144 Release of Mortgage for the YWCA Battered Women's Shelter.(3/16) ................................. 137,138 Relighting System - Operations & Maintenance Dept. Building Improve. Pro.(12/21) .............................. 472 Religious Center, Dbq., 923 Main, Wine Lic.(2/16) ......... 49 Remedies - Penalties - Nuisance Ord.(5/4) .......... 178-181 Remodeling of Airport, Restroom, ADA Improve. (9121)(10119) .................................. 337,377 Remodeling of City Hall, First Fleor.(212) ................. 29 Renaissance Corp. awarded contract for the Curb Ramps - 1997 Sidewalk Inspection Route; awarded contract for the Curb Ramps on Washington St. from 14 to 30th St.. consideration of awarding contract for 17th St. Curb Ramp Installation; claim of P. J. Kramer forwarded to them; awarded contract for Vacuum Filter Bldg. at Eagle Point Water Plant.(918)(1112)(11116}(1217) ........ 315,397,405,458 Renaissance Development's App for Federal Assist. for Rental Housing Devel. on Carter Rd.(10/19) .......... 372 Renewal of Section 8 Program Annual Contributions Contract.(3116) ................................... 108 Renfro, Pamela K., applicant for Transit Bal. of Trustees; appointad.(7/6)(7/20) ........................... 243,264 Renovation of Five Flags Theater - Grant Request to State Historic Site Preservation Prog.(918) ................ 311 Rental Housing DeveL on Carter Rd., Renaissance DeveL application for Federal Assist.(10/19) ................ 372 Rental Rehab Loan Program etc. - CDBG Funds.(5/4) ..... 171 Rental Unit discrimination, testing process addressed at Budget hearing.(3/4)(3/16) ................ 101,102,112 Rental Unit Rehabilitation - CDBG Funds.(5/4) ........... 171 Rental Unit Survey - Loras College Center for Business & Social Research.(10119) ........................... 372 Rental Units, Smoke Detectors, Ord. Change.(5/4) ....... 184 Report, annual of Human Rights.(ll5) .................... Report by HUD on annual consultation.(1/19) .............. 8 Report by Investment Oversight Corem.(8/3) ............ 274 110 INDEX - BOOK 428 1998 SUBJECT PAGE R Report by J. Walters, Sister City Relationship etc.(7/6) .:. 247 Report by R. Dickinson of GDDC, various projects. (1/19)(7/20) .................................... 15,260 Report, FY 1998 Street Finance.(91S) ................... 311 Report of Convention & Visitors Bureau. (1119)(4120)(8/3)(10119) .................... 7,159,274,366 Report of Planning Services Dept. on Program * Service Review.(2/16) ...................................... 49 Report of Substance Abuse Services Center.(1/19)(8/3) 7,274 Report of Swiss Valley Farms.(1/19) ..................... 7 Report ofTCI - Cable, of Iowa.(4/6) ..................... 139 Report - Quarterly Investment. (1/19)(4/6)(4/20)(8/3)(10/5)(10/19) ..... 7,139,159,274,341,366 Report - Vacant Building Status.(8/17) ................. 296 ReporLs - City's Quarterly.(8/3) ........................ 274 Reports - False & Fraudulent, personal injury etc. (9/21)(10/5) ................................... 335,358 Representatives & Senators - U.S: re: America's River project.(4/20) ..................................... 160 Representatives for City Enterprise Zone Comm.(11/16) .. 424 Reroofing project, Greyhound Park & Casino.(4/6) ....... 141 Rescinding Res.. No. 88-91, Dbq. Corporate Center Economic Level Dis. & terminating the Economic DeveL Plan.(11/2) 398 Reserved Law Enforcement Vehicle Parking, new Ord. (10/5) ............................................ 353 Residential Parking Permit Dis. - L Beery requesting it for 12th St. & 1200 block of Jackson.(5/18) .............. 191 Residential Property Tax Exemption Application, approval of late ones.(2/16) .................................. 47 Residential Rehabilitation Programs, CDBG Funds.(5/4).. 171 Rescinding Res. No; 474-98 & approving Annexation of 1.15 city owned property.(11/2) ...................... 386 Resolution Rescinding Res. 88-91 establishing Dbq. Corporate Center Economic Devel. Dis. & terminating the Economic Devel. Plan.(11/2) ........................ 398 Resolution Rescinding Res. No. 474-98 & approving Annexation of 1.15 city owned property.{11/2) ......... 386 Ressler, Father Wayne, - rollerblading & skateboarding problems at churches.(6/1) ......................... 209 Restau rants - continuation of state contract for inspections etc.(7/6) .......................................... 241 Restaurants - IA Dept. of inspections & Appeals, contract for licensing etc.(12f7) ................................ 438 Restoration Pro.- Steamboat- Wm. M. Black.(10/5) ...... 342 Restroom Remodeling - Airport, ADA Improvements. (9/21)(10/19) .................................. 337,377 Resurtacing Project on US 61 with Dbq. County from Jackson County Line northerly.(1/5) ........................... 2 Retaining Walt Railing Pro., - 1998 Historical Dis. (4/20)(5/18) ................................ 166,167,195 Retardation Awareness Month - Mental, Procl.(3/2) ....... 60 111 INDEX - BOOK 128 1998 SUBJECT PAGE R Retired & Senior Volunteer Prog. - Purchase of Services.(4/6) .................................... 144 Retirement funds -ICMA Deferred Comp. Plan, amended. (10/19) .......................................... 371 Revenue Bonds, Interstate Power, Refunding. (10/19)(11/16) ................................. 381,419 Revenue Bonds, Parking, Refunding.(1/19)(2/18) ...... 19,57a Revenues, summary proof for various months. (1/5)(2/2)(3/16)(4/6)(5118)(6/15)(716)(8/3)(9/21 )(10/19)(12/7) (12/21) ..... 1,28,106,139/190,216,239,274,329,366,436,471 Review Process for Streets - Subdivisions.(3/16) ........ 126 Revitalization area - designation of six downtown census tracts - Officer Next Door Program;(1/19) ............... 10 Reynolds, Melvin A., Claim; referred to Ins. (11/16)(12/7) .................................. 405,436 RFP's for ambulance billing service.(10/19) ............. 372 Rhomberg, Father Thomas, Gave Invocation,(7/6) ....... : 239 Rhomberg, Leonard, applicant for Plumbing Bd.; appointed. (4/20)(5/4) .................................... 164,174 Richey, Dennis, Claim; settlement.(715){7/20) ........ 239,261 Richter, Tod, re: Town Clock plaza reopening.(314) ....... 101 Rates, Water, New Ord.(3/4}(4/20) .................. 103,165 Ries, Erin, Claim; settlement.(7/6)(8/3) ............. 239,275 Riget Corp.'s, Godfather's Pizza, 1575 JFK Rd., Beer Per. (10119) .......................................... 374 Right of Way transferred to State for Highway 32.(10/5) ... 342 Ripgrow Valley Comm., petition re: Roger Kunde'$ rezoning request for Julien Dubuque Dr. Auto Salvage Yard.(12/7) 458 RISE application for Data Court - Dbq. Technology Park; Agreement with IDOTetc.(918)(1112) .............. 311,389 RISE Funding for new Street in Dbq. Ind. Center West. (6/15) ........................................... 218 RiSE Funding to relocate an existing RR spur line on Kerper Blvd. for Eagle Window & Door.(6115) ............... 221 RiSE Program, iDOT, grant application, for road extension into old County Farm, new ind. Park.(2/2) ..... 33 Rising Stars/Independent League Days; Proclam.(6/1) .... 202 River - American Heritage Initiative Nomination.(1/19) ...... 7 River City Paving, Div. of Mathy Co., awarded contract for 1998 Asphalt Paving; awarded contract for Phase II of Valentine Park Pro.(6/1)(7/6) .................. 208,246 River Project - America's - Mississippi, presentation etc.; update & presentation of Riverwalk.(l119)(6/1) .. 5,201 Riverboat, Diamond Jo Casino; Cig. Per.(6/1) ............ 223 Riverboat, Greater Dbq., Cig. Per.(6/1) .................. 205 Riverboat, Diamond Jo Portside, Liq. Lic.(7/20) .......... 263 Riverfest, D. Ginter, 7th & Town Clock Pi.; Beer Per. (8/17) ........................................... 298 Riverfront Subd. No. 2, public utility easement across City property for Hodge Transit Warehouse. (6/15)(7/6) .................................... 231,245 112 INDEX - BOOK 128 1998 SUBJECT PAGE R Riverside Bowl Inc., 1800 Hawthorne St., Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic. (6/15) ........................................ 223,224 Riverside Bowl, Inc. leases to Dbq. Bank & Trust Co.(8/17) 296 Riverwalk, Miss., & Amenities Pro.; presentation & update at Work Session; App. for Trails Funding to IDOT; REAP Grant from DNR; condemnation proceedings with Plastic Center - Fischer Co.; contract approved with Plastic Center for Riverwalk Pro.; IDOT for Rec. Trail Funds. Agree.; Warranty Deed for Plastic Center. (1119)(611)(6/15)(813)(918)(10119)(1112) ........................... 5, 201,220,278,320,381,357,389 River's Edge Plaza, DNR Grant Application -Recreation Infrsstr uctu re.(8/24) ............................... 305 Road in Dbq. Industrial Center West, IDOT RISE funding. (6/15) ............................................ 218 Road Maintenance Agreement with County.{11/16) .. 405,406 Roadway Improvement Project at Dubuque Technology Park.(9121)(lO/5) ............................ 336,350,351 Robbins, Joe, Sworn in as Council Member Third Ward; on Enterprise Zone Comm.; on REAP Comm. (115)(416)(6115) ............................... 1,155,226 Robbins, Mary, Claim; forward claim to Tschiggfrie's. (7/6)(7/20) ................................. 239,260,261 Rocco Buda Park Construction. (314)(4120)(5119)(6115) ................... 101,160,197,225 Rockdale, 2155, request denied for zoning change by J. Stager & J. George.(9121) ........................... 336 Rockdale, 2162, rezoning from AG to R1.(11/16)(12/7) 429,452 Roethig, Robert, Claim; Referred to Ins.(3/16)(416) 106,139,140 Roger's Auto Salvage, - Roger Kunde, re: rezoning of property on Julien Dbq. Dr. (11/2)(12/7)(12/21) ...................... 398,456,459,478 Rollerbladers, petition for area.(5/4) ................... 170 Rollerblading & skateboarding problems at Nativity Church & others; update for development of park for this. (6/1)(6/15) .................................... 209,218 Rooming Units -Smoke Detectors -Housing Reg. amendment.(5/4) .................................. 184 Rooney, Michael, Claim, denial.(2/2) .................... 26 Roosevelt Park, Lease Agree. with Tri-State Modelers. (5/4) ............................................. 169 Roosevelt Road Sanitary Sewer Project Assessments, amending fina~ Schedule.(12/7) ..................... 444 Roskopp (Winter), Tara, Claim .(514)~7120) .......... 169,260 Roth, Janaan, Alpine Heights Mobile Home Park rezoning. (12/7) ............................................ 448 Roth, Judy, Claim; referred to Ins.(4120)(514) ........ 159,169 Routes - Trucks prehibited.(514) ................... 183,184 ROW encroachment for Elmwood Green Subd.(6/1) ...... 209 ROW on Clarke Dr., warranty deeds for purchases.(1/19) .. 10 113 INDEX ~ BOOK 128 1998 SUBJECT PAGE R ROW purchase for Walnut St. from F. Roger Murray, for Walnut St. Retaining WalL(8/17) .................... 295 RSVP - Retired & Senior Volunteer Prog. - Purchase of Services.(4/6) .................................. 144 RTA - claim of C. Wallace referred to them.(8/17} ......... 293 Ruby St. & Aquin Ave., - Swiss Valley Farms Urban Renewal Dis.(5118)(6FIS) ............................ 194,228-229 Ruden, Gary, applicant for Investment Oversight Comm.; reap pointed.(7/20) (6/3) ......................... 263.279 RV Campers etc., parking on private property, S. Plumley protesting Ord.(7/20) .............................. 261 Ryan House, Dubuque County Historical Soc., Liq. Lic. (12121) ......................................... 477 114 INDEX- BOOK 128 4998 SUBJECT PAGE RESOLUTIONS 1-98 Authorizing & Directing Mayor to Execute a UCC Security Agreement Financing Statements Prorate Agreement wf State of IA for Cartegraph Co. Economic Bettarment Account (CEBA) Loan.(ll5) ....... 2 2-98 Issuance of Cig. Per., Lizard's Pub& Grill.(1/5) ........ 3 3-98 Issuance of Beer Per., IOCO Speede Shoppe ~L33, 3200 Central ......................................... 3 4-98 Issuance of Liq. Lic., D. Weber, Ten Pin Tap, & Kinseth Hotel - Holiday Inn Dbq. Five Flags.(1/5) ................ 3 5-98 Of Intent to Borrow $988,750 from the Dbq. Met. Area Solid Waste Agency - Sewer Line Ext. to Landfill.(1/5) ...; 3 6-98 Authorizing Publication of a Comb. Notice - Finding: No Sign. Impact on Environment & Release of Funds, Iowa Inn - YMCA - Stout Place Apts.(l/19) ............... 8 7-98 Approving the Mem. of Ag ree. for YMCA - iowa Inn Pro. - (Stout PI. Apts.). & Auth. Mayor to sign.(1/19) ...... 9 8-98 Approving the Plat of survey of Lot I & 2 of Sanders PI. in County.(1/19) ..................................... 9 9-98 Adopting Supp. No. 35 to City Code.(1/19) ........... 10 10-98 Accept. Property on Clarke Dr. -ROW from R. Bittinger.(l/19) ..................................... 10 11-98 Accept. Property on Clarke Dr. - ROW from L. DeCovis.('l/19) ..................................... 11 12-98 Accept. Property on Clarke Dr. - ROW from K. Gladwin. (1/19) ............................................. 11 13-98 Accept. Property on Clarke Dr. - ROW from C. McMahon,(l/19) .................................... 11 14-98 Approv. Acquisition Plat of Part of Lot 1 of Buettell's Subd.(l/lg) ........................................ 12 15-98 Approving Public improve. Agree. with Asbury: Radford rd. Reconstruction from Pennsylvania Ave. to Asbury Rd.(1/19) ................................... 12 16-98 Issuance of Cig. Per. to A & B Tap.(1/19) ........... f3 17-98 issuance of Beer Per. to G. Waddell Jr. - IA Potato & Produce Hs.(1/19) .................................. 13 18-98 issuance of Liq. Lic. to Frickies LC - A & B Tap, D. Zirkeibach - Zirk's, P. Love-The Lounge.(1/19) ......... 13 19-98 Auth. Mgr. to enter into a Loan Agree. & Execute a Promissory Note with Dbq. Met. Area Solid Waste Agency to extend Sewer Line to LandfilL(l/19) ................ 14 20-98 With Respect to Adoption of Amend. to Res. of Nec. No. 203-96 1996 PC Concrete Paving Pro. #2 - Clarke Dr;(Water Service Conn.)(1/19) ......................... 14 21-98 Accept. improve. - 1996 PC Concrete Paving Pro.#2 Clarke Dr.(1/19) .................................... 19 22-98 Final Estimate - 1996 P.C. Concrete Paving Pro. #2 - Clarke Dr.(1/19) .................................... 19 23-98 Approve PreL Schedule of Assess, - 1996 Concrete Paving Pro. #2, Clarke Dr.(1/19) .............. 19 24-98 Prel. Approval of Plans & Specs. for Atlantic Custer Sts. Storm Sewer Improve.(1/19) ............... 20 25-98 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans & Specs. for Atlantic Custer Sts. Storm Sewer Improve.(1/19) ............... 20 26-98 Ordering bids for the Atlantic & Custer Sts. Storm Sewer Improve.(1/19) ............................... 20 11_5 INDEX - BOOK 128 1998 SUBJECT PAGE RESOLUTIONS 2?-98 Prel. Approval of Plans & Specs. for Keyway Intercept. Sanitary Sewer Repair Pro.(1/19) ............. 21 28-98 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans & Specs. for Keyway Intercept. Sanitary Sewer Repair Pro.(1/19) ..... 21 29-98 Ordering bids for the Keyway Interceptor Sewer Repair Pro.(1/19) ................................... 21 30-98 Preliminary approval of Plans and specs. - Curtis & State St. Storm Sewer Reconstruction.(1/19) ........... 22 31-98 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans & Specs, - Curtis & State SL Storm Sewer Reconstruction.(1/19) ........... 22 32-98 Ordering bids - Curtis & State SL Storm Sewer Reconstruction.(1/19) ............................... 22 33-98 Approve Plat of Proposed Vacated Alley between Central & White St. from 8th to 9th SL{1/19) ............ 22 34-98 Disposing of City Interest in Alley between Central Ave. & White St. from 8th to 9th St. to Hendricks Feed & Seed.(1/19) ........................................ 24 35-98 Approve Plat of proposed vacated Butterfield Rd. (1/19) . .. 24 36-98 Disposing of City Interest - Lot lA BIk 3 of MetteI-Link Addn.{l/19) ........................................ 25 37-98 Authorizing Mayor to execute an App. to participate in Iowa Home Investment Partnership Prog.{2/2) .......... 29 38-98 Accept Improvement for City Hall Remodeling Pro. - First Floor.(2/2) ..................................... 29 39-98 Final Est. for City Hall Remodeling Pro. 1st F1.{2/2) 29,30 40-98 Accept. Improve. for Eagle Point Water Plant Office Window Wall Repl. P£o..{2/2) ................... 30 41-98 Approve Final Est. for Eagle Point Water Office Window Wall Replace.{2/2) ........................... 30 42-98 Adopting Final Assess. Schedule for Cedar Cross - Fremont Intersection Reconstruction Pro.(2/2) ....... 30~32 43-98 Approving Revised Guidelines for Comm. Partnership Prcg. (cp2).(2/2) .................................... 32 44-98 Endorsing Sub. of a Revitalize Iowa's Sound Economy {RISE) App. to IA Dept. of Transportation for Ext. of Chavenelle Rd. E from Seippel Rd. into new West- side Industrial Park at Former County Farm.(2/2) ........ 33 45-98 Issuance of Cig. Per.(2/2) ......................... 34 46-98 Issuance of Liq. Lic.{2/2) ......................... 34 47-98 Disposal of City Lot 280A to Hendricks Feed & Seed between Central & Iowa between 8th & Ninth.(2/2) .... 36,36 48-98 Final Assess. Schedule for reconstruction of Radford Rd. from PennsyL Ave. to Chavene[le Dr. (2/2) ....... 36,37 49-98 Fixing Date for a Meeting on Authorization of a Loan Agree. & issuance of Not to Exceed $2,800,000 Parking Rev. Capital Loan Notes, Series 1998.{2t2) ............. 38 50-98 Setting Date of P. Hearing on FY 1999 BudgeL(2/2) .. 39 51-98 Setting Date of Public Hearing on Five Year Capita] Improve. Prog.{2/2) ................................. 39 52-98 Prel. Approval of Plans & Specs. - Radford Rd. Reconstruction Pro.(2/2) ............................. 40 53-98 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans & Spec~. - Radford Rd. Reconstruction Pro.(2/2) ................. 40 INDEX - BOOK 128 1998 SUBJECT PAGE . RESOLUTIONS 54-98 Res. of Necessity for Radford Rd. Recon. Pro. (2/2) .............................................. 40 55-98 Fixing Date of Hearing on Res. of Nec. for Radford Rd. Reconstruction Pro..(2/2) ........................ 41 56-98 Approving Prel. Schedule of Assess. for the Radford Rd. Reconstruction Pro.(2/2) ................. 41 57-98 Approving the Plat of Survey of Lot 1-2 and Lot 2-2 of Fenelon Point Subd.(2/16) ........................... 44 58-98 Approving the Survey Plat of Lot l& 2 & Lot 2-2 of Tamarack S.E. Second Subd.(2/16) ................... 45 59-98 Approving Resid. Property Tax Exemption application submitted by property owners in recognized Urban Revit Areas & Authorizing the Transmittal of approved applications to City Tax Assessor.(2/16),. ............. 46 60-98 Approving Residential Property Tax Exemption app's submitted after Legislated Filing Date by property owner in a recognized Urban Revit. Areas and authorizing the transmittal of the approved applications to City Tax Assessor.(2/16) .................................... 47 61-98 Authorizing Lic. Agree. between City & Seneca Environmental Services lac to install Monitoring Wells on public ROW at 1387 Dodge St.(2/16) .................. 47 62-98 Authorizing License Agree. between City & Seneca Environmental Services Inc. to install Monitoring Wells on Public ROWat 105 Locust St.(2J16) ................... 48 63-98 issuance of Cig. per.(2/16) ....................... 49 64-98 Issuance of Beer Per.(2/16) ....................... 49 65-98 issuance of Liq. Lic.(2/16) ........................ 49 66-98 Instituting Proceedings to take Add'l Action for Authorization cf Loan Agree. & issuance of Not to exceed $2,800,000 Parking Rev. Capital Loan Notes, Series 1998. (2/16) ............................................. 50 67-98 Adopting Plans & Specs. for Atlantic & Custer St. Storm Sewer Improvement Pro.(2/16) .............. 50 68-98 Awarding contract for the Atlantic & Custer St. Storm Sewer Improve. Pro. to Horafield Con. Ce.(2/16) ........ 51 69-98 Adopting Plans & Specs. for Curtis & State St. Storm Sewer Recon. Pro.(2/16) ....................... 51 70-98 Awarding Con. for Curtis & State St. Storm Sewer Recon. Pr. to Fondell Construction Ser.(2/16) .......... 52 71-98 Adopting Plans & Specs. for Keyway Interceptor Sanitary Sewer Repair Pro, (2/16) ..................... 52 72-98 Awarding Contract - Keyway Interceptor Sanitary Sewer Repair Pro to Tschiggfrie Exc.(2/16) ............ 52 73-98 Authorizing a letter of Commitment & Additional Actions concerning a Downtown Rehab. Loan to Security Partners, L.P.(2/16) ................................. 53 74-98 Fixing Date for Meeting on Proposition of issuance of not to exceed $104,000 in Urban Renewal Tax Increment Revenue Obligations & Execution of an Assess. Agree. TFM Co.(2/16). ..................................... 55 75~98 Directing Sale of $2,515,000 Parking Rev. Refund Capital Loan Notes.(2/18) ........................... 57a INDEX. BOOK 128 1998 SUBJECT PAGE RESOLUTIONS 76-98 Authorizing the Redemption of Outstanding Parking Revenue Bonds of the City dated 5-15-90 & directing Notice be given.(2/18) ............................. 57a 77-98 Of Intent to Acquire Real Estate at 28f9 Pinard St. from R. Frank.(3/2) ............................... 64 78-98 Adopting Final Assess. Schedule for 1996 P.C. Concrete Paving Pro.. #2 - Clarke Dr. from W. Locust to Heeb St.(312) .................................... 61-68 79-98 Approving & Authorizing a Form of Loan Agree. & Authorizing and Providing for the issuance the payment of of $2,515,000 Parking Rev. Refunding Capital Loan Notes, Series 1998. (3/2) ................................ 68-88 80-98 Authorizing the City Manager or his designee to Sign a Contract Amend. with the IA Dept. of Public Health forfunding a Local Childhood Lead Poisoning Preventio~ Program.(3/2) ...................................... 89 81-98 approving a Contract for Services with the NE Iowa Small Business Develop. Center to provide an Entrepreneurship Training Pro.(312) ................... 89 82-98 Approving Sixth Amendment to Lease Agreement between the City of Dubuque, Iowa, and the Dubuque Racing Assn., LTD.(312) ............................. 90 83-96 Issuance of Cig. Per. to The Clubhocse.(3/2) ........ 90 84-96 Issuance of Beer Per. to Kids World Pizza.(312) ...... 90 85~98 Issuance of Liq. Licenses.(3/2) .................... 91 86-98 With respect to Adoption of Res. of Necessity proposed for the Radford Rd. Reconstruction Pro.(3/2) .. 92 87-98 Approving sale of property Lot lA BIk 3 of MetteI-Link Addn, Buttarfield Rd. to Kenneth A & Blanche L. Johnson.(312) ...................................... 92 88-98 Authorizing the Execution of an Assessment Agree. with John F. Thompson & TFM Co.(3/2) ................ 96 89-98 Approving Tentative Five Year Street Construction Pro.(3/2) ......................................... 97 90-98 Preliminary approval of Plans & Specs. for Five Flags Center Arena Partition Wall Improve.(3/2) ......... 97 91-98 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans & Specs. for Five Flags Center Arena Partition Wall Improve.(3/2) ......... 97 92-98 Ordering bids - Five Flags Center Arena Partition Wa][ Im prove.(3/2) ................................. 97 93-98 Prel. Approval of Plans & Specs. for 1998 PC Concrete Paving Pro. -Creston, Marquette PI. & Glenwood Ct.(3/2) ................................. 98 94-98 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans & Specs. for 1998 PC Concrete Paving Pro.(3/2} .................... 98 95-98 Res. of Necessity for 1998 Concreta Paving Pro.(3/2) 99 96-98 Fixing Date of Hearing- 1998 Concrete Paving Pro. (3/2} .............................................. 99 97-98 Approving Prel. Schedule of Assess. for 1998 Concrete Paving Pro. - Creston, Marquette PI., & Glenwood Ct.(3/2) 99 98-98 Adopting Annual Budget, as amended, for FY ending 6-30-99.{3/4) ..................................... 102 99~98 Adoption of Five Year Capital Improvement Prog., as amended.(314) ................................. 102 100-98 Approving the 1999 Annual Action Plan Budget for the use of Program Year 24 CDBG Funds.(314) .......... 103 118 INDEX - BOOK 128 1~{] SUBJECT PAGE RESOLUTIONS t01-98 Accepting a Conveyance of Property on Elm Street to the City.(3/16) .................................. 107 102-98 Accepting the Deed to Certain Real Estate Located in Dbq County, IAfrom Kenneth & Janet Bergfeld. (3116). 107 103-98 Accepting the Deed to Certain Real Estate located ia Dbq. County, IA from Wm. Siegert & Janet Siegert.(3/16) '107 104-98 Authorizing Execution of an amended Annual Contribufions Contract for Section 8 Housing Vouchers, Prog. No. IA087-V00020 - Replacing Prog. No. IA05-ED87- 008.(3/16) ........................................ 108 105-98 Authorizing Execution of a Renewal Annual Contributions Contract for Section 8 Existing Housing Certificates - various programs.(3/16) ................ 109 106-98 Accepting Improvements in Mama Ridge Estates 2.(3/16) .......................................... 109 107-98 Approving Agreements with IA Dept. of P. Health for funding a Local HIV/AIDS Prevention Program and Dbq. Visiting Nurse Aesn. to carry out the HIV/AIDS Prevention Prog.(3/16) ....................................... 109 108-98 Authorizing Publication of a Combined Notice of Finding of No Significant Impact on the Environment & Notice of Intent to Request Release of Funds for the Lead- Based Paint Hazard Reduction Grant Prog.(3/16) ...... 110 109-98 Authorizing Publication of a combined Notice of Finding of No Significant Impact on the Environment & Notice of intent to Request Release of Funds for the Home Investment Partnership Program.(3/16) ............... 111 110-98 Authorizing a Letter of Commitment & Additional Actions Concerning a Downtown Rehab Loan to Don D. Junk.(3/16) ....................................... 113 111-98 Issuance of Cig. Permit to Dbq. Discount Gas.(3116) 113 112-98 Issuance of Beer Permits.(3/16} ................. 113 113-98 Issuance of Liq. Licenses.(3/16) ............ 113,114 114-98 Adopting Plans & Specs. for the Radford Rd. Reconstruction Pro.{3/t6) .......................... 128 115-98 With Respect to the Adoption of the Res. of Necessity Proposed for the Radford Rd. Reconstruction Pro.(3/16) ........................................ 128 116-98 Ordering bids for the Radford Rd. Reconstruction Pro~(3/16) ........................................ 128 117-98 Authorizing a Letter of Commitment and Additional Actions, Loan to McLeodUSA.(3/16) ................. 130 118-98 Authorizing Filing of Application with IA Dept. of Economic Development requesting Enterprise Zone Certificafion.(3/16) ................................. 130 119-98 Approving the Funding Trust Agree. dated 3-1-98 & authorizing its execution.(3/16) ...................... 131 120-98 Approving Plat of proposed vacated alley abutting 2215 Marion St. (for Terry & Sue Brown)(3/16) ......... 132 121-98 Disposing of City Interest in Lot 37A of Babcock's Addn. in the City to Terry & Sue Brown.(3/16) ......... 133 122-98 Prel. Approval of Plans & Specs, for the Louise & Louella Sanitary Sewer & Watermain Extension.(3/16).. 133 123-98 Fixing Date of Hearing for Louise & Louella Sanitary Sewer & Watermain ExL(3/16) ....................... 133 119 INDEX - BOOK 1;28 1998 SUBJECT PAGF RESOLUTIONS 124-98 Res. of Necessity for the Louise & Louella Sanitary Sewer & Watermain Ext.(3/16) ..................... 134 125-98 Fixing Date of Hearing on Res. of Nec. for Louise & Louella Sanitary Sewer & Watermain Ext.(3/16) .... 134 126-98 Approving Prel. Schedule of Assess.{3/16) ....... 135 127-98 Ordering bids for the Louise & Louelis Sanitary Sewer & Watarmain Ext.(3/16) ..................... 135 128-98 Approving Plat of Proposed Vacating Nicolet Ave.(3/16) ....................................... 135 129-98 Disposing of City Interest in Lot 80A of Linehan Park Addn.(3/16) ...................................... 136 130-98 Res. of Necessity Finding that property surrounding Swiss Valley Farms co. is an Economic Development Area and that the Redevelopment of Said area is ~ecessary ia the interest of the Residents of the City.(3/16) ........ 137 131-98 Accepting Improve. for the Dbq. Greyhound Park & Casino Reroofing Pro.(4/6) ......................... 141 132-98 Final Estimate for the Dbq. Greyhound Park & Casino Rereofing Pro.(4/6) ............................... 141 133-98 Accepting Improve. for the Dbq. Greyhound Park & Casino Loading Dock Improve.(4/6) ................. 142 134-98 Final Estimate for the Dbq. Greyhound Park & Casino Loading Dock Improve.(416) ....................... 142 135-98 Accepting Improve. for the Dbq. Industrial Center South Sewer & Watar Utility Im prove.(4/6) ............ 142 136-98 Final Estimate for the Dbq. Industrial Center South Sewer & Water Utility Improve. - Phase I.(4/6) ........ 143 137-98 Approving the Construction for Improvement Plans & Easement Plat for Private Drives & Public Utilities for Phase lA of Asbury Plaza.(4/6} .................. 143 138-98 Authorizing Publication of a Combined Notice of Finding of No Significant Impact on the Environment and Notice of Intent to Request Release of Funds for the Local Housing Assistance Program.(4/6) .................. 144 139-98 Approving a Time Extension for Completion of the Community Partnership Prog. - Cp2 Project of Dubuque County Habitat for H u manify.{4/6) ................... 145 140-98 Issuance of Beer Permits.(4/6) .............. 145,146 141-98 Issuance of Liquor Licenses.(4/16) .............. 146 142-98 Adopting Plans & Specs. for the 1998 P.C. Concrete Paving Pro..(4/6) .................................. 147 143-98 With Respect to the Adoption of the Res. of Necessity proposed for the 1998 P.C. Concrete Paving Pro. (Marquette, Place, Creston St. & Glenwood). (4/6) ......................................... 147,148 144-98 Ordering bids for the 1998 P.C. Concrete Paving Pro. [Marquette, Place, Creston St. & Glenwood).(4/6) . 148 145-98 Adopting Plans & Specs. for the Louise & Louella Sanitary Sewer & Watermain Ext.(4/6) .............. 148 146-98 With Respect to the Adoption of the Res. of Necessity for the Louise & Louella Sanitary Sewer & Watermain Ext. (4~6) ............................. 148 147-98 Awarding Contract for the Louise & Louella Lane Sanitary & Watermain Ext.(4/6) .................... 149 120 INDEX - BOOK 128 /~ t~ SUBJECT PAGE RESOLUTIONS 148-98 Adopting Plans & Specs. for the Five Flags Center Arena Partition.(4/6) .................. ~ ............ 149 149-98 Awarding contract Five Flags Center Arena Partition Wall Replacement.(4/6) ................. 149,150 150-98 Disposing of Lot 80A of Linehan Park Add. ~ vacated Nicolet Ave. to Swiss Valley.(4/6) .................... 150 151-98 Disposing Lot 37A of Babcock's Addn. - alley near 22~15 Marion St. to Terry & Sue Brown.(4/6) ....... 151 152-98 Authorizing the Release of the Mortgage for the YWCA Battered Women's Shelter.(4/6) ..................... 151 153-98 Awarding contract for the Radtord Road Reconstruction to Horsfield Con.(4/6) ................ 152 154-98 Approving Amended Public Improvement Agreement with the City of Asbury re: Reconstruction of Radford Rd. from Pennsylvania Ave. to Asbury Rd.(4/6) ........... 152 155-98 Instituting Eminent Domain proceedings re: ROW & Easements for the Radford Road Reconstruction Pro. (4/6) ............................................. 152 156-98 Authorizing the Second Amend. to City of Dbq. Agreement for Processing & marketing cf Recyclables.(4/6) .................................. 153 157-98 Confirming the Membership of the City of Dubuque, IA Enterprise Zone Comm.(4/6) ................... ; .... 155 158-98 Preliminary Approval of Plans & Specs. for the Traffic Signal Installation for conversion of Fourth, Fifth, Main & Iowa Sts. to Two-Way Tragic.(4/6) ................... 155 159-98 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans & Specs. for the Traffic Signal Installation for conversion of Fourth, Fifth, Main & Iowa Sts. to Two-Way Traffic.(4/6) ............. 155 160-98 Ordering bids for the Traffic Signal installation for the conversion of Fourth, F~h, Main & Iowa Sta. to Two-Way Traffic.(4/6) ....................................... 156 161-98 Res. of Intent to Dispose of interest in Lot 2 of Barton's 2nd Addn. in the City to Donald J. Herbst`(4/6) 156 162-98 Application for Historical Resource Development Prog. Funds for interpretive Signs along the Heritage Trail Extansion.(4/20) .................................. 160 163-98 Accepting Improve. for the Water Pollution Control Plant Phase III Contract 2-95 Improve.(4/20) .... 161 164-98 Final Est. for the Water Pollution Control Plant Phase Ill Contract2-95.(4~20) .............................. 161 165-98 Accepting Improvement for the Kelly Lane - Pego Ct. Sanitary Sewer Ext.- Phase 11.(4120) .................. 161 166-98 Final Estimate for the Kelly Lane - Pego Court Sanitary Sewer Ext` - Phase 11.(4/20) .................. 161 167-98 Adopting Final Assessment Schedule for Kelly Lane - Pego Court - Sanitary Sewer Ex/(4/20) ............... 162 168-98 issuance of Cig. Per.(4/20} ..................... 164 169-98 Issuance of Beer Permit`(4/20) .................. 164 170-98 Issuance of Liquor Lieenees;(4/20) .............. 164 171-98 Approving disposing of Lot 2 of Burton's 2nd Addn. - to Donald J. Herbst.(4/20) .......................... 165 172-98 Prel. Approval of Plans & Specs. for the 1998 Historical Dis. Wall Railing Pro.(4/20) ................ 166 121 INDEX- BOOk 128 1998 SUBJECT PAGF RESOLUTIONS 1~,73-98 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans & Specs, for the 1998 Historical Dis. Wall Railing Pro.(4/20) ................ 166 174-98 Ordering bids for the 1998 Historical Dis. Retaining Wall Railing Pro.(4/20) ............................. 167 175-98 Directing the City Clerk to publish proposed Amend. to the FY 1998 Budget and Date of Public Hearing.(4120) .................................... 167 176-98 Res. of Intent to Dispose of Interest & Retease an Existing 10' Wide Utility Easement on Lot 1, BIk 4 Fremont Heighta.(4/20) .................................... 167 177-98 Adopting Supplement No. 36 to the Cit Code.(5/4) . 170 178-98 Authorizing Publication of a Combined Notice of Finding ol Not Significant Impact on the Environment and Notice of Intent to Request Release of Funds and Certain CDBG Project.(5/4} ................................ 170 179-98 Authorizing Sponsorship of an Application to the Federal Home Loan Bank of Des Moines for Affordable Housing Program Funds.(5/4) ...................... 172 180-98 Approving the Submission of an Application for Historic Resource Development Program Funding to Conduct an Historic Pres. Survey.(5/4) .............. 172 181-98 Issuance of Cigarette Per.(5/4) .................. 173 182-98 Issuance of Beer Per.(5/4) ...................... 173 183-98 Issuance of Liq. Lic.(5/4) ....................... 174 184-98 Amending FY 1998 Budget.(5/4) ................. 174 185-98 Approving disposal of 10' Utility Easement in Fremont Heights to Martin McNamer's.(5/4) .......... 175 186-98 Adopting Plans & Specs. for the Traffic Signal Installation for Fourth, Fifth; Main & iowa Sts. to Two*Way Traffic.(5/4) ................... ~ .................. 176 187-98 Awarding contract to Westphal & Co. for the Traffic Signal installation for 4th, 5th, Main & Iowa Sts. to two-way traffic.(5/4) ............................... 176 188-98 Authorizing the Award of Community Partnership Program - cp2 Funds for FY 1999.(4/5) ............... 182 189-98 Awarding contract for the 1998 P.C. Concrete Paving Pro - FY 1999 - Marquette PI., Creston, & Glenwood Ct. (5/4) ............................................ i85 190-98 Adopting the 1999 Annual Action Plan for the use of Program Year 24 CDBG Funds.(5/4) ............... 185 191-98 Prel. approval of Plans & Specs. for the HVAC Improvements to Keyline Transit Facility,(5/4) ....... ; 186 192-98 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans & Spec. for HVAC Improvements in Office Area of Keyline Transit.(5/4)..; 186 193-98 Ordering bids for the HVAC Improvement in Office Area of Keyline Transit.(5/4) .................. 186 194~98 Prel. approval of Plans & Specs. on Dbq: Ind. Center West Grading Prog.(5/4), .................... 187 195-98 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans & Specs. for the Dbq, Industrial Center West Grading Plans & Chavenelle Rd.(5/4) ................... :. .................... 187 196-98 Ordering Bids for Dbq. Ind. Center West 6fading Plans & Chavenelle Dr. Con. - Phase I.(5/4) ........... 187 197-98 Preliminary approval of Plans & Specs. for the County Farm Sewer Interceptor Ext.(514) .................... 188 122 INDEX - BOOK i28 1998 SUBJECT PAGE RESOLUTIONS 198-98 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans & Specs. for the County Farm Interceptor Sewer ExL(5/4) ............. 188 199-98 Ordering bids for the County Farm Interceptor Sewer Extenaion.(5/4) .................................... 188 200-98 Prel. Approval of Plans & Specs. for the 1998 Asphalt Paving Pro.(514) ................................... 188 201-98 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans & Specs. for the 1998 Asphalt Paving P.(5/4) ............................. 189 202-98 Ordering bids for the 1998 Asphalt Paving Pr. (S/4) ............................................. 203-98 Approving the Plat of Survey of Lot 1, Lot 2 & Lot A of Pinard PL(5/18) ................................... 191 204-98 Grant Agreement for Recreation Tails Funding wf the IDOT for the Northern Levee Path,(5/18) ........... 191 205-98 Approving Plat of Lot G1 (Bonnie Court) of Fremont Heights in the City.(5/18} ........................... 192 206-98 Authorizing the Mayor to Execute an Application for a Lead-Based Paint Hazard Control Grant(5/18) ........ 192 207-98 Approving a Contract for Design & Engineering Services with IIW Engineers & Surveyors, P.C. for Kerper Blvd. Industrial Park.(5/18) .......................... 193 208-98 Accepting Improvement for the Water Pollution Control Plant Phase III 1-95 Improvements.(5/18) ...... 193 209-98 Final Estimate for the Water Pollution Control Plant Phase Iii 1-95 Improvements.(5/18) ................... 193 2t0-98 Issuance of Beer Per.(5/18) ..................... 193 211-98 issuance of Liq. Lic.(5/18) ...................... 194 212-98 Approving the Urban Renewal Plan for Swiss Valley Economic Devel. Dis.(5/18) ......................... 194 213-98 Rescinding Res. No. 172-98 Preliminary Approval of Plans & Specs. for the 1998 Historic Dis. Retaining Wall Railing Pro.(5118} .................................. 195 214-98 Prel. Approval of Plans & Specs. for the Rocco Buda Park.(5/18) ....................................... 197 215-98 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans & Specs. for the Rocco Buda Park.(5/18) ............................ 197 216-98 Ordering bids for the Rocco Buda Park.(5/18) .... 197 217-98 Adopting Plans & Specs. for the Dbq. Ind. Center West Grading Plans & Chavenelle Dr. Con. - Phase 1.(5126).., 199 218-98 Awarding Contract for the Dbq. Ind. Center West Grading Plans & Chavenelte Dr, ConsL - Phase L(5/26) . 199 219-98 Institute Eminent Domain proceedings for property near Akport(6/1) .............................. 202,203 220-98 Authorizing a Letter of Commitment & Action - Downtown Rehab Loan, Duaine & Jane Greenfield.(611) 203 221-98 Accepting the Deed to Real Estate in Dubuque County, IA. -Seippel Rd. PL(6/1) ..................... 204 222-98 Issuance of Cig. Per. to Jorja's.(611) ............. 204 223-98 Issuance of Cig. Permits - Renewals to many businesses.(6/1) ......................... 204,205 224-98 issuance of Beer Per.(611) ...................... 206 225-98 Issuance of Class "C" Liq. Lic.(611) ............. 206 226-98 Adopting Plans & Specs. for County Farm Interceptor Sewer ExL(6/1) .................................... 207 123 INDEX - BOOK 128 1998 SUBJECT PAGF RESOLUTIONS 227-98 Awarding Contract for County Farm Interceptor Sewer ExL(6/1) ......................................... 207 228-98 Adopting Plans & Specs. for the 1998 Asphalt Paving Pro.(6.1) .................................. 208 229-98 Awarding Contract for the 1998 Asphalt Paving Pro.(6/1) ......................................... 208 230-98 Adopting Plans & Specs. for the HVAC Improvements - Keyline Transit Facility Office.(6/1 ) ................ 208 231-98 Awarding contract for HVAC Improve. - Keyline Transit Facility Office.(6/l) ......................... 208 232-98 Approving Final Plat of Woodland Ridge Subd. (6/1) ............................................ 211 233-98 Dispose of City-owned property at 642 University - P. Mohr.(6/1) ..................................... 213 234-98 Prel. Approval of Plans & Specs. for the South Fork Interceptor Sewer Ext (6/1) ......................... 213 235-98 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans & Specs. for South Fork Interceptor Sewer Ext. Phase 1t.(6/1) ........... 213 236-98 Ordering bids for the South Fork Interceptor Sewer Ext. Phase 11.{611) ................................ 214 237-98 Eminent Domain proceedings for ROW for South Fork Interceptor Sewer Ext - Phase 11.(6/1) .......... 214 238-98 Approvin~ the Final Plat of Lots 1 & 2 of Oberbroeckling PI. located in Dbq. County.(6/15) .... 217 239-98 Approving an Agree. for RISE Funding with IDOT, Develop. of a New Street in Ind. Center West(6/15) .... 218 240-98 Agreement between City & Dbq. Police Prot Assn.(6/15) ...................................... 218 241-98 Agree. between City & International Union of Operating Engrs. Local #758.{6/15) .................. 219 242-98 Agree. between City & Amalgamated Transit U nion, Local ~L329.(6/15) ........................... 219 243-98 Approve Wage Plan & Compensation Package for Non-Bargaining Unit Employees.{6/15) ............. 219 244-98 Accepting Sanitary Sewer on Lot 2 of J. George Pt(6/15) ......................................... 220 245-98 Authorizing City Mgr. to submit a Grant Application to HUD for Lead Poisoning Prevention & Lead Hazard Awareness Outreach Grant Funds.(6115) ............. 220 246-98 Application for Recreational Trails Funding to IDOT for Mississippi Riverwalk Pro.(6/15) ............ 220 247-98 Endorsing Subm. of a RISE Application for a RR Economic Devel. Pro. for relocation of Existing Spur Line to Assist the Retention Expansion of Eagle Window & Door Co.(6/15) ........................................ 221 248-98 Authorizing Mayor to execute an Application to Participate in Section 8 Housing Mainstream Pro.(6/15) 22~ 249-98 Issuance of New Cig. Per. to Eagles Club.{6/15) ... 222 250-96 Issuance of Cig. Per.'s to various outlets.(6/15) .... 223 251-98 Issuance of Bear Permits.(6/15) ................. 223 252-98 Issuance of Liq. Lic.(6/15) .................. 223.224 253-98 Approving the Disposal of City-owned property E 1/2 of N '~/2 of Lot 12 of Kelly's Sub. - 642 University Ave. to Rick Steuer.(6/15) .......................... 225 124 INDEX. 1998 SUBJECT PAGE RESOLUTIONS 254-98 Adopting Plans & Specs. for construction of Rocco Buda, Jr. Park.(6/15) ......................... 225 255-98 Awarding contract for construction of Rocco S. Buda, Jr. Park to Becket & Sons Stone,(6/15) ............... 226 256-98 Approving Final Plat of Dbq. Technology Park. (6/15) .................................. ; ......... 227 257-98 Terminating Lease Agree. of Section of Marshall Park with Tri-State Veterans' Memorial Assn.(6/15} ..... 228 258-98 Prel. Approval of Plans & Specs. for the Valentine Park Construction Pro.(6115) ........................ 230 259-98 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans & Specs. for Valentine Park Con.(6/15) ....................... .~,. 230 260-98 Ordering bids for the Valentine Park Con. Pro. (6/lS) ............................................ 231 261-98 Of intent to Dispose of City Interest by Grant of Public Utility Easement over S 20' of Lot 12, BIk 4 of Riverfront Subd. No. 2 & W 14.5' of Lot 11, BIk 4 of Riverfront Subd. No. 2;(6/15) ........................ 231 262-98 Approving Plat of Proposed Vacated Portion of Jackson St(6/15) .................................. 232 263-98 Approving Plat of Proposed Vacated Euclid Ave. & Alley North of Euclid Ave. from Jackson St. to Central Ave.(6/15) ........................................ 232 26z~-98 Disposing of City interest in Lot 58A; Lot 92A & Lot 105A in Linehan Park Addn.(6/15) .................. . 234 265-98 Approving Min. Requirements, comp. criteria, offering procedures for disposition of certain Urban Renewal Property; (2)Determining that the proposal submitted by McLeodUSA Network Services, Inc. Satisfies the offering requirements & declaring the intent of the City to Enter into the Devel. Agreement with McLeodUSA Network Services, Inc. in the event that no competing proposals are submitted; and (3) soliciting competing propcsals.(6/15) 235 266-98 Rescinding Res. No. 82-98 & Approving Sixth Amend. to Lease Agree. - Dbq. Racing Assn. Ltd;(7/6) ......... 240 267-98 Approving Three Easement Agree. - Chicago, Central & Pacific RR Co. re: Construction of Sanitary Sewer Lateral for County Farm Ind; Site Sanitary Sewer Pro.(7/6) ...;. 240 268-98 Approving the Extension of the Joint County - City Law Enforcement Center Bldg. Agree;(7/6) ......... ;.. 241 269-98 Accepting Improvement for the 17th & White St. Traffic Signa[ Install.(7/6) ........................... 241 270-98 Final Estimate for 17th & White SL Traffic Signal Install.(7/6) ....................................... 242 271-98 Issuing Cig. Renewals.(7/6) ................... 242~ 272-.98 Issuing Beer Permits.(7/6) ...................... 242 273-98 Issuing Liq. Licenses.(7/6) ................. 242,243 274-98 Annexing Certain Property to City - 102 acres of Frommelt Hasler Inc. N of City Limits.(7/6) ............ 244 275-98 Disposal of interest in utility easements on Lots 11 & 12 of BIk 4 of Riverfront Subd. No. 2 to Hodge Transit Warehouse.(7/6) .................................. 245 276-98 Sale of property Lot 58A, Lot 92A & Lot 105A in Linehan Park Addn. to Swiss Valley Farms.(716) ...... 246 125 INDEX- BOOK 128 998 SUBJECT PAGE RESOLUTIONS 277-98 Adopting Plans & Specs. for Valentine Park Pro. (7/6) ............................................ 249 278-98 Awarding Contract of Phase 11 Valentine Park Pro. to River City Paving.(7/6) ............................. 246 279-98 Adopting Plans & Specs. for the South Fork Interceptor Sewer Ext. - Phase IL(7/6) ............... 247 280-98 Awarding Contract for the Southfork Interceptor Sewer Ex/- Phase II to W. C. Stewart-(7/6) ........... 247 281-98 Authorizing the Filing ora Comm. Economic Betterment Account (CEBA) Application - Cartsgraph Systems, Inc.{7/6) ................................. 248 282-98 Prel. Approval of Plans & Specs. for the 1998 Sidewalk Assess. - Pennsylvania Ave. from Vizaleea to Embassy West Dr.(7/6) ............................ 250 283-98 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans & Specs. for the 1998 Sidewalk Assess. - Pennsylvania Ave. from Vizaleea to Embassy West Dr.(7/6) ............................ 250 284-98 Resolution of Necessity 1998 Sidewalk Assess. - Pennsylvania Ave. from Vizaleea to Embassy West Dr. (7/6) ......................................... 250 285-98 Fixing Date of Hearing on Res. of Necessity for the 1998 Sidewalk Assess. - Pennsylvania Ave. from Vizaleea to Em bassy West Dr.(7/6) .......................... 250 286-98 Approving PreL Schedule of Assessments 1998 Sidewalk Assess. - Pennsylvania Ave. from Vizaleea to Embassy West Dr.(7/6) ........................... 250 287-98 Approving Plat of Excess ROW of Iowa Hwy 32 aka Northwest Arterial.(7/6) ........................... 251 288-98 Disposing of City Interest in Lot A of Lot 1-1-'l-~l of NW 1/4 of SW 1/4 of Section 16, T89N, P,2E, 5th P.M.(7/6) .. 252 289-98 Preliminary Approval of Plans & Specs. - Operations & Maint- Dept. Building Improve. Pro.(7/6) .............. 253 290-98 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans & Specs. Operations & Maint- Dept. Building Improve. Pro.(7/6) ............ 253 291-98 Ordering bids for Operations & Maint- Dept. Building Improve. Pro.(7/6) ................................. 253 292-98 Of Intent to Dispose of Interest in Real Property by Granting Ingress/Egress Easements for property owners adjacent to North End Neighborhood Bike/Hike Trail from 22nd St. to 32nd St.(7/6) ........................... 254 293-98 Pre. Approval of Plans & Specs. - North End Neighborhood Trail Pro.(7/6) ...................... 255 294-98 Fixing Date of Hearing - North End Neighborhood Trail Pro.(7/6) .................................... 255 295-98 Ordering Bids - North End Neighborhood Trail Pro.(7/6) ......................................... 255 296-98 Prel. Approval of Plans & Specs. for 1998 Curb Ramp Construction Pro.(7/6) ............................. 255 297-98 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans & Specs. 1998 Curb Ramp Construction Pro.(7/6} ....................... 256 298-98 Ordering bids -~1998 Curb Ramp Construction Pro.(7/6) ......................................... 256 299-98 Approving Plat of Proposed Vacated Waterma[n, Storm Sewer & Sanitary Easement in Lot 2 of Burton's 2nd Addn.(7/6) ....................................... 256 126 INDEX - BObK '128 1998 SUBJECT PAGE RESOLUTIONS 300-98 Of Intent to Dispose of Interest & Release a 40' by 100' Watermain, Storm Sewer & Sanitary Sewer Easement in Lot 2 of Button's 2nd Addn.(7/6) ........................ 257 301-98 Accepting the Deed to Certain Real Estate in Dbq~ County, IA from Robert J. Frank.(7/20) ............... 261 302-98 Approving the Plat of Survey of Lot I & Lot 2 of Yager PL(7/20) .......................................... 261 303-98 Authorizing the City Manager or designee to Sign a Contract with IA Dept. of Public Health for funding a Local Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Prog.{7/20) ..... 262 304-98 Issuing Cig. per. to Haun's Milkhouse.{7/20) ...... 262 305-98 Issuing Cig. Per. to Yardarm.(7/20) .............. 263 306-98 Issuing Beer Permita.(7/20) .................... 263 307-98 Issuing Liq. Lic.(7/20) ......................... 263 308-98 Disposal of easement on Lot 2 of Burton's 2nd Addn. to Donald J. Herbst.{7/20) .......................... 264 309-98 Sale of property on Hwy #32 aka NW Arterial to Corey Devel.(7120) ...................................... 264 310-98 To Dispose of Interest in Property by Granting Ingress/Egress Easements for Certain Property Owners adjacent to NE Neighborhood Bike/Hike Trail from 22nd St. to 32nd St.(7/20) .................................. 265 311-98 Prel. Approval of Plans & Specs., Construction of US Highway 20 Water Main Extension Pro.(7/20) .......... 267 312-98 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans & Specs. Construction of US Highway 20 Water Main Extension Pro.(7/20) ........................................ 267 313-98 Ordering bids for Construction of US Highway 20 Water Main Extension Pro.{7/20) .......... 268 314-98 Approving Min. Requirements, Comp. Criteria Offering Procedures for Disposition of Certain Urban Renewal Property etc.. - Dbq. Technology Park to McLeodUSA Network Services Inc.(7/20) ......................... 268 315-98 Prel. Approval of Plans & Specs. for Dbq. Technology Park - Site Grading Completion.{7/20) ................ 271 316-98 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans & Specs. - Dbq. Technology Park - Site Grading Completion;(7/20) ..... 272 317-98 Ordering bids - Dbq. Technology Park- Site Grading Completion.(7/20) ................................. 272 316-98 Accepting a Conveyance of Property on 32nd St. to the City from Dbq. Stamping & Manufacturing.(8/3) .... 275 319-98 Accepting Grant of Easement & Ease. Agree. North End Neighborhood Bike & Hike Trial at 32nd St.(8/3) . .. 275 320-98 Authorizing Publication of a Combined Notice of Finding of No Significant Impact on the Environment & Notice of Intent to Request Release of Funds for Wm. M. Black Handicap Accessibility Pro.(8/3) ............... 277 321-98 Application for Resource Enhancement and Protection Funds to IA Dept. of Natural Resources for the Mississippi RNerwalk Pre.(8/3) ...................... 278 322-98 Accepting Improvement for the Atlantic& Custer Street Storm Sewer Improve.(8/3) ......... ........... 278 323-98 Final Estimate for Atlantic & Custer St. Storm Sewer Reconstruction.(8/3) ............................... 278 127 INDEX ~ BOOK 128 1998 SUBJECT PAGE RESOLUTIONS 324-98 Issuance of Beer Wine Lic.(8/3) ................. 279 325-98 Adopting Plans & Specs. for 1998 Sidewalk Assess.(8/3) .................................... 280 326-98 With Respect to Adoption of Res. of Necessity Proposed for the 1998 Sidewalk Asses. - Pennsylvania Ave. from Vizaleea to Embassy West D r.(813) ............ 280 327-98 Ordering bids for the '1998 Sidewalk Assess. - Pennsylvania Ave., Vizaleea to Embassy West Dr.(8/3). 28'1 328-98 Adopting Plans & Specs., Dbq. Technology Park - Site Grading Completion.(8/3) ...................... 281 329-98 Awarding Contract for the Dbq. Technology Park - Site Grading Complefion.(8/3) ...................... 28'1 330-98 Adopting Plans & Specs. for the 1998 Curb Ramp Construction.(8/3) ................................ 282 331-98 Awarding Contract for the 1998 ADA Curb Ramp Pro.(8/3) ......................................... 282 332-98 Adopting Plans & Specs. for the Water Main Ext. Pro., U.S. Hwy 20.(8/3) ............................. 282 333-98 Award of Contract for the Water Main Ext. Pro.. U.S. Hwy 20.(8/3) ..................................... 283 334-98 Adopting Plans & Specs., Operations & Maintenance Dept. Building Improve.(8/3) ........................ 283 335-98 Awarding Contract, Operations & Maintenance Dept. Building Improve. to Portzen Con.(8/3) .............. 283 336-98 Awarding Contract, Operations & Maintenance Dept. Building Improve. to Geisler Bros. Co.(8/3) ........... 284 337-98 Awarding Contract, Operations & Maintenance Dept. Building Improve. to Morse Elec. Co.(8/3) ............ 284 338-98 Awarding Contract, Operations & Maintenance Dept. Building Improve. to Portzen Con.(8/3) ........... 284,285 339-98 Authorizing the Award of Comm. Partnership Prog., Cp2 Funds for FY 1999.(8/3) ........................ 288 340-98 Prel. Approval of Plans & Specs. for Storm Sewer Modifications on Clarke Dr,(8/3) .................... 288 341-98 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans & Specs. for the Storm Sewer Modifications on Clarke Dr.{8/3) ........ 289 342-98 Ordering bids for the Storm Sewer Modifications on Clarke Dr.(8/3) ................................. 289 343-98 Preliminary Approval of Plans & Specs. for the 1997 Curb Ramps - Sidewalk Inspecfions.(8/3) ........... 289 344-98 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans & Specs. for the 1997 Curb Ramps - Sidewalk Inspection Route.(813) ....... 289 345-98 Ordering bids for the 1997 Curb Ramps - Sidewalk Inspection Route.(8/3) ............................ 290 346-98 Preliminary Approval of Plans & Specs. for the Washington Street from 14th to 30th Si Curb Ramp Installation.(8/3) .................................. 290 347~98 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans & Specs. for the Washington St. from 14th to 30th St. Curb Ramp Installation.(8/3) .................................. 290 348-98 Ordering bids for the Washington Street from 14th to 30th St. Curb Ramp Installafion.(8/3) ................ 291 349-98 Approving the Subd. Plat of Lots 1 & 2 of Furuseth's Third Subd. ia Dbq. County, IA.(8/17) ................ 294 128 INDEX, Bo~K ~i28 1~i98 SUBJECT PAGE RESOLUTIONS 350-98 Approving the Final Plat of Lots 1-9 of Furuseth's Fourth Subd. in Dbq. County.(8/17) .................. 294 351-98 Approving the survey Plat of Lots I of 4 and 2 of 4 of Kelly Heights Subd. in the City.(8/17) ................. 295 352-98 Accepting an Agreement for ROW Purchase for Walnut St.(8/'17) ................................... 295 353-98 Accepting a Conveyance of Property on Walnut St. to the City.(8/17) ..................................... 295 354-98 Authorizing the Assignment of Certain Leases between the City & Riverside Bowl, Inc. to Dubuque Bank and Trust Co.(8/17) ................................ 296 355-98 Authorizing Publication of a Combined Notice of Finding of No Significant Impact on the Environment & Notice of Intent to Request Release of Funds for the YMCA/YWCA Building Corp Special Needs Locker Rooms Pro.(8/17) ........................................ 297 356-98 Authorizing Execution of a Community Development Block Grant Agreement with the U.S. Dept. of Housing & Urban Devel.(6/17) ................................. 298 357-98 Issuance of Cigarette Permit.(8/17) .............. 298 358-98 Issuance of Beer Per.(8/17) ..................... 298 359-98 Issuance of Liq. Lic.(8/17) ...................... 298 360-98 Rescinding Res. No. 293-98 Preliminary Approval of Plans & Specs. for North End Neighborhood TraiL(8/17) 299 361-98 Application for Recreation Infrastructure Funds to the IA Dep[ of Natural Resources for the River's Edge Plaza.(8124) .................................. ; .... 305 362-98 Application for Recreation Infrastructure Funds to the IA Dept. of Natural Resources for the Star Brewery Amphitheater.(8/24) ..................... ; ......... 305 363-98 Determining that the Proposal of McLeodUSA Network Services, Inc. is in compliance with the Terms of Offering for Disposition of Lot3, BIk 1, Dbq. Technology Park. (8/24) ............................................ 306 364-98 Accepting the Proposal for Sate & Private Development of Lot3 of BIk 1, Dubuque Technology Park, in the City of Dubuque, IA approving Agreement for Same, and Authorized Actions to Implement said Agree.(8/24) 307 365-98 Amending Res. No. 1-97 reapproving the Final Plat of Sunnyslope Estates Phase 4, Being a Subd. of Lot W, in the CRy.(9/8) ...................................... 309 366-98 Awarding Contract for the 1998 Sidewalk Assessments - Pennsylvania ave. from Vizaleea to Embassy West Dr.(9/8) ............................ ~ 309 367-98 Accepting Improvement for the Curtis & State Street Storm Sewer Reconstruction.(9/8) ................... 310 368-98 Final Estimate for the Curtis & State Street Storm Sewer Reconstruction.(9/8) ......................... 310 369-98 To Authorize Mayor to Sign Grant Application of Four Mounds Foundation to the State Historic Site Preservation Prog.(9/8) ................................ ;; ...... 310 370-98 To Approve Grant Application for State Historic Site Preservation Program for Five Flags Theater Renovation. (9/8) ............................................. 311 129 INDEX- BOOK 128 SUBJECT PAGE RESOLUTIONS 371-98 Approving the City of Bubuque Fiscal Year 1998 Street Finance Repor*-(8/3) ........................ 311 372-98 Endorsing the Submission of an Immediate Opportunity Revitalize Iowa's Sound Economy (RISE) to IDOT to construct Data Court in Dbq. Technology Park. (9/8) ............................................ 311 373-98 Authorizing the Filing of a Community Economic Betterment Account - CEBA Application on Behalf of Dubuque Data Services,(9/8) ....................... 312 374-98 Authorizing License Agreement between the City of Dubuque and Seneca Environmental Services to Install MonitoringWellsonPublicROWatS01 Jackson.(9/8) . 313 375-98 issuance of Beer Permits.(918} .............. 313,314 376-98 Issuing Liq, Lic.(918} ........................... 324 377-98 Adopting Plans & Specs for the 1997 Curb Ramps - Sidewalk Inspection Routa.(9/8) .................... 314 378-98 Awarding Contract for the Curb Ramps - 1997 Sidewalk Inspection Routa.(9/8) .................... 315 379-98 Adopting Plans & Specs. for the Washington St. from 14th to 30th St_ Curb Ramp Installation,{9/8) .......... 315 380-98 Awarding Contract for the 1998 ADA Curb Ramp Pro. (9/8) ............................................ 315 381-98 Adopting Plans & Specs, for the Storm Sewer Modifications on Clarke Dr.(9/8) .................... 316 382-98 Awarding Contract for the Storm Sewer Modifications on Clarke Dr.(9/8} ................................. 316 383-98 Accepting Improve. for the Kerper Blvd. Industrial Park Grading Pro.(9/8) ............................. 320 384-98 Authorizing the Corp. Counsel to Institute & Conduct Condemnation Proceedings for Riverwalk Pro.(9/8) ... 320 385.98 Authorizing the Corp. Counsel to Institute & Conduct Condemnation Proceedings for the Riverwalk Pro.(9/8) 320 386-98 Preliminary Approval of Plans & Specs. for the Outdoor Warning Sire Systam.(9/8) ................. 321 387-98 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans & Specs. for the Outdoor Warning Siren System.(9/8) ................ 321 388.98 Ordering bids for the Warning Siren System.(9/8).. 321 389-98 Prel. Approval of Plans & Specs. for the Six Bay Garage Construction Pro. - Park Maintan. Headquarters. (9/8} ............................................ 322 390-98 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans & Specs. for the Six-Bay Garage Construction Pro. - Park Mainten. Hdqtrs. (9/8} ............................................ 322 391-98 Ordering bids for the Six-Bay Garage Construction Pro,(9/8) ........................................ 322 392-98 PreL Approval of Plans & Specs. for the Landscaping of Dq, Technology Park.(9181 ....................... 322 393-98 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans & Specs. for the 394.98 Ordering bids for the Dbq. Technology Park ~ Landscaping Pro,(9/8) ............................. 323 395-98 PreL Approval of Plans & Specs. for the Ice Rink Warming House - Concession Pro.(9/8} .............. 323 396-98 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans & Specs. for the [ce Rink Warming House - Concession Building Con Pro.(9t8) ......................................... 323 130 INDEX- BOOK '128 1998 SUBJECT PAGE RESOLUTIONS 397-98 Ordering bids for the Ice Rink Warming House - Concession Building Construction Pro.{9/8) ........ ;. 324 398-98 Prel. Approval of Plans & Specs, for the Granger Creek Interceptor Lift Station.(9/8) ................... 324 399-98 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans & Specs. for the Granger Creek Interceptor Lift Station.(9/8) .; ......... 324 400-98 Ordering bids for the Granger Creek Interceptor Lift Station.(9/8) ................................... 325 40t-98 Approving Plat of Proposed Vacated Alley between S. Grandview & York St. at S. Hill St.(9/8) ............... 325 402-98 Disposing of City Interest in Lot 12A in Stewart Subd. to Richard & Cheryl Betting.(9/8) .................... 326 403-98 Of Necessity Finding that the Downtown Dubuque Urban Renewal Die. is an area Meeting the Definitions of Blight & Economic Develop. of Said Area is Necessary in the Interest of the Residents of the City.(9/8) ........ 327 40498 Approving Pro.. Agree. with the IA Dept. of Transportation re: Replacement of the Manson Road Bridge.(9121) ..................................... 330 405-98 Providing for the Redemption of Certain Outstanding Elderly Care & Housing Revenue Bonds, Series 1996 (Stonehill Care Center Pro.) & Approving the Execution of an Escrow Agree. and Other documents related thereto.(9/21) ..................................... 331 406-98 Approving the Submittal of an Application for Statewide Enhancement Funding to the Iowa Dept. of Trans. for the Historic Bluffs Trail Pro.(9121) .......... 332 407~98 Of Intent to Acquire real estate at 2618 Jackson St. in the City, S 1/2 of Lot 231 in Glendale Addn. No. 3 in the City re: recorded plat.(9121) ............................. 332 468-98 Approving a Memorandum of Understanding Between City & Dbq. Visiting Nurse Assn. & Authorize City Mgr. to execute the Agrae.(9/21} ........................... 333 409-98 Issuance of Beer Per.(9/21) ..................... 333 410-98 Issuance of Liq. Lic.(9/21) ...................... 334 411-98 Sale of property (alley between S. Grandview &York St.)- Lot IZA to Richard & Cheryl Battling.(9/21) ....... 335 412-98 Prai. Approval of Plans & Specs; for Dbq. Technology Park - Roadway Improve. Pre.(9121) .................. 336 413-98 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans & Specs. for Dbq. Technology Park - Roadway Improve. Pro.(9121) .. 336 414-98 Ordering bids for the Dbq. Technology Park - Roadway Improve. Pro.(9/21) ....................... 336 415-98 Prel. Approval of Plans & Specs. for the Dbq. Regional Airport Remodeling & ADA Improve.(9/21) ............ 337 416-98 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans & Specs. for Regional Airport Remodeling & ADA Improve.(9/21) ............ 337 417-98 Ordering bids for the Regional Airport Remodeling & ADA Improve.(9/21 ) ................................ 337 418-98 Prel. Approval of Plans & Specs. for the North End Neighborhood Trail Pro.(9/21 ) ................... 337,338 131 INDEX - BOOK 128 1998 SUBJECT PAGE RESOLUTIONS 419-98 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans & Specs. for the North End Neighborhood Trail Pro.(9/21) ............ 338 420-98 Ordering bids for the North End Neighborhood Trail Pro.(9/21) ................................... 338 421-98 Authorizing a Supplemental Agree. with IDOT for Steamboat Restoration Project.(10/5) ................ 342 422-98 Approving Plat of Survey of Lot 3-1-2-A & Lot 3-1-2~B of A.C. Pfohl Place in the City,(10/5) ................. 343 423-98 Accepting Improvement for the 1997 Asphalt Paving Pro.. - FY 1998.(10/5) .............................. 343 424-98 Final Estimate for the 1997 Asphalt Paving Pro, - FY 1998,(1015) ....................................... 343 425-98 Approving Preliminary Schedule of Assess,{10/5) . 343 426-98 Accepting Improve. Frement Ave. Sanitary Sewer Extension.(1015) ............................ 344 427-98 Final Estimate - Fremont Ave. Sanitary Sewer Ext(10/5) ........................................ 344 428-98 Adopting Final Assess. Schedule - Fremont Ave. Sanitary Sewer Ext.(10/5) ...................... 344 429-98 Accepting Improve. for the Parking Facilities Rehab, Repaira,(10/5) ............................. 345 430-98 Final Estimate for the Parking Facilities Rehab. Repaira.(10/5) .................................... 346 431-98 Authorizing Sponsorship of an Application to Federal Home Loan Bank of Des Me/nes for Affordable Housing Program Funds.(10/5} ........................ 346 432-98 Recommending Approval & Execution of a Neighborhood Support Grant with the Dbq, County Extension Office & North End Neighborhood Council, (10/5) ........................................... 346 433-98 Authorizing issuance of Liquor Lic.(10/5) ........ 347 434-98 Rescinding Res. No. 386-98 Preliminary approval of Plans & Specs. for an Oatdoor Warning Siren System.{10/5) .................................... 347 435-98 Adopting Plans & Specs, for the Granger Creek Interceptor Lift Station.{10/5) ...................... 348 436-98 Awarding Contract - Granger Creek Interceptor Lift Station to Portzen Con.(10/5} .................. 348 437-98 Adopting Plans & Specs, - Six Bay Garage Construction at Park Maintenance Hdqtrs.(10/5) ..... 348 438-98 Awarding Contract for the Six-Bay Garage at Park Maintenance Hdqtrs,(10/5} ................... 349 439-98 Adopting Plans & Specs. for the Ice Rink Warming House/Concession Building Pro. Pro. (10/5) ......... 349 440-98 Awarding Contract for the construction of an Ice Rink Warming House/Concession Building,(10/5) ........ 349 441-98 Adopting Plans & Specs. for the Landscaping of Dbq. Technology Park.(10/5) ............................ 350 442-98 Awarding Contract for Landscaping of the Dubuque Technology Park to The Green Thumbers.(10/5) ...... 350 132 INDEX- BOOK i28 1998 SUBJECT PAGE RESOLUTIONS 443-98 Adopting Plans & Specs. for the Dubuque Technology park- Roadway Improvement Pro.(10/5) .............. 351 444-98 Awarding Contract for the Dubuque Technology Park Roadway Improvement Pro.(10/5) ................... 351 445-98 Authorizing the Execution of a Community Economic Betterment Account Loan Agreement for $240,000 with Cartegraph Systems, Inc.(10/5) ...................... 357 446-98 Authorizing ECIA Business Growth, Inc, to Proceed with a Loan From the City of Dubuque's Portion of the EDA Revolving Loan Fund of Two Hundred Thousand Dollars ($200,000) to Cartegraph Systems, Inc.(1015) .......... 388 447-98 Declaring City Council Intent to Amend the Lease Agreement with Dubuque Arboretum Association for Section of Marahall Field.(1015) .............. ; ....... 358 448-98 Directing the City Clerk to Publish Proposed Amendment to the Fiscal Year 1999 Budget and Date of Public Hearing.(10/5} .............................. 359 449-98 Preliminary Approval of Plans & Specifications for Curb Ramp Installation - 17th St. Area.(10/5) ....... 359 450-98 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans & Specifications for Curb Ramp Installation - 17th St. Area.(10/5) .......... 359 451-98 Ordering bids for the Curb Ramp Installation - i7th St, Area.(1015) ....................................... 360 452-98 Disposing of City Interest in a Vacated Portion of Kirkwood Street, Formerly Union Avenue in Dubuque, IA. (10/5) ............................................ 361 453-98 Approving Min. Requirements, Competitive Criteria, Offering Procedures for disposition of Certain Urban Renewal Property - ADC Properties, L.C. & Advanced Date- Comm. Inc.(10/5) .................................. 361 454-98 Approving the Subdivision Plat of Lot 1 & Lot 2 of Dalsing PI. No. 2 in Dubuque County.(10/19) .......... 367 455-98 Approving the Final Plat of Lots 1, 2, 3 & 4 of Siegert's 2nd PI. in Dubuque County.(10/19) ........... ........ 367 456-98 Accepting Improvement for the 1997 P.C. Concrete Paving Pro. FY 1998.(10/19) ......................... 368 457-98 Final Estimate for the 1997 P.C. Concrete Paving Pro. - FY 1998.(10119) .................................. 368 458-98 Approving Preliminary Schedule of Assessments for 1997 P.C. Concrete Paving Pro. - FY 1998.(10/19) ... 369 459-98 Accepting Improvement for the 15th Street Steps Reconstruction Pre.(10/19) ......................... 369 460-98 Final Estimate for the 15th Street Steps Reconstruction Pro.(10119) ......................... 369 461-98 Accepting Improvement for the 1997 Harbor Maintenance Dredging Pro.(10/19) ................... 369 462-98 Final Estimate for the 1997 Harbor Maintenance Dredging Pro.(10/19) ............................... 370 463-98 Authorizing the Submission of a Consolidated Annual Performance & Evaluation Report (Caper) for 7-1-97 thru 6-30-98.(10119) .................................... 370 133 INDEX - BOOK '128 1998 SUBJECT PAGE RESOLUTIONS 464-98 Approving the Agree. between City & Dbq. Professional Fireflghters Assn, Local fl~353 & Authorizing the Mayor to sign the Agree.(10/19) ................. 371 465-98 Approving the Amended ICMA Retirement Corp. Deferred Compensation Plan & Trust(10/19) ......... 371 466-98 Adopting Supplement No. 37 to the Code of Ordinances of the City.(10/19) ...................... 371 467-98 Authorizing the Filing cfa Community Economic Betterment Account (CEBA) Application on Behatf of Swiss Valley Farms.(10/19) .............................. 372 468-98 Authorizing the City Council to Endorse Renaissance Development's Application for Federal Assistance for a Rental Housing Development on Carter Road.(10/19).. 372 469-98 Authorizing the City Council to Endorse the Iowa Housing Corporation's Application for Federal Assistance for Renovation of the Iowa Inn.(10/19) ............... 373 470-98 Issuance of Cig. Per.(10/19) ................ ; ....373 471-98 Issuance of Beer Per.(10/19) ................ 373,374 472-98 Issuance cf Liq. Lic.(10/19) ..................... 374 473-98 Approving an Amendment to the Lease Agree. with Dbq. Arboretum Assn.(lO/19) ...................... 375 474-98 Annexing Certain Property to the City - 1.15 acres.(See later Res. No. 481A-98 for rescinding of this Res.)(10/19) ...................................... 375 475-98 Disposal of interest in property on Kirkwood St. (formerly Union Ave.) - Nelson & Mona Klavittar.(16/19) 376 476-98 Approving the Amended and Restated Urban Renewal Plan for the Downtown Dubuque Urban Renewal Dis. {10/19) .......................................... 376 477-98 Adopting Plans & Specs. for the Dubuque Regional Airport Remodeling & ADA Improvements.(10/19) ..... 377 478-98 Awarding Contract for the Dbq. Regional Airport Restroom Remodeling & ADA Improvements to Portzen Construction Co.(10/19) ........................... 377 479-98 Adopting Plans & Specs. for the North End Neighborhood Trai[ Pro.(10/19) ..................... 378 480-98 Awarding Contract for the North End Neighborhood Trail Pro. to Tschiggfrie Excavating Co.{10/19) ........ 378 481-98 Amending Budget for FY Year Ending June 30, 1998 - FY 1999.(10119) ................................... 379 482-98 Regarding issuance of Not to Exceed $2,650,000 in amt of Pollution Control Refunding Revenue Bonds - Interstate Power Co. Pro.(10/19) ................. 381-383 481A-98 Rescinding Resolution No. 474-98 and Approving Annexation of Certain Property to the City of Dubuque, IA. (11/2) ........................................... 366 462A Grant Agreement with IA Dept. of Transportation for Recreational Trail Funds for Mississippi Riverwalk Recreational Trail.(11/2) ........................... 387 134 1998 SUBJECT PAGE RESOLUTIONS 483-98 Rescinding Res. No. 345-97 & reapproving the Final Plat of Lots I thru 6, inclusive, & Lot A of Old Mill Subdivision.(11/2) ............................. 387,388 484-98 Accepting a Conveyance of Property at Dodge & Hill Streets to the City.(11/2) ............................ 389 485-98 Accepting a Conveyance of Property from Plastic Center, Inc. to the City.(11/2) ........................ 389 486-98 Approving An agreement for R.I.S.E. Funding with the IA Dept. of Transportation re: Development of Data Court in the Dubuque Technology Park.(11/2) ........... ; .... 389 487-98 issuance of Beer Permits.(11/2) ................. 390 488-98 issuance of Liquor Lic~(11/2) ................... 390 489-98 Res. of City Pertaining to Adoption of the Highway 20 Land Use Plan.(11/2) ............................ 397 490-98 PreL Approval of Plans & Specs. for Dbq. Greyhound Park & Casino - Parking Lot.(1112} ................... 398 491-98 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans & Specs. for the Dbq. Greyhound Park & Casino - Parking LoL(11/2) ........ 399 492-98 Ordering Bids for the Dbq. Greyhound Park & Casino - Parking Lot.(1112) ............................. ~.. 399 493-98 Prel. Approval of Plans & Specs. Dunker Hill Golf Course Wastewater Pump Station & Force Main Pro,(1112) ........................................ 399 494-98 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans & Specs; for the Bunker Hill Golf Course Wastewater Pump Station & Force Main Pro.(11/2) .................................... 399 495-98 Ordering bids for the Bunker Hill Golf Course Wastewater Pump Station & Force Main Pro.(11/2).. ;.. 400 496-98 Prel. Approval of Plans & Specs, for the South Fork Interceptor Sewer Ext. - Phase 111.(1112) .............. 400 497-98 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans & Specs. for the South Fork Interceptor Sewer Ext. - Phase 111.(t1/2) ..... 400 498-98 Ordering bids South Fork Interceptor Sewer Ext. Phase 111.(11/2) .................................... 401 499-98 Eminent Domain proceedings instituted for acquisition of property for the South Fork Interceptor Sewer Extension.(1112) ............................ 401 500-98 Fixing Date for a Meeting on proposition of Issuance of Urban Renewal Tax Increment Revenue Obligations & Execution of an Assessment Agreement re: Morrison Dros, Co.(~ 1/2) ........................................ ; 401 50'1-98 Fixing Date for a Meeting on Proposition of issuance of Urban Renewal Tax Increment Rev. Obligations & Execution of an Assessment Agree. - Swiss Valley Farms Co.('1112) ......................................... 403 502-98 Approving Cooperative Winter Maintenance Agree. with the County.{11/16) ........................ 405,406 503-98 Authorizing a Supplemental Agree. with IDOT- Historic Cable Car Square Historic Lighting Pro.(llH6} ........ 406 INDEX - BOOK 128 1998 SUBJECT PAGE RESOLUTIONS 504-98 Approving the Submission of an Application for Certified Local Government Funding to Conduct a Historic Preservation Survey.(11/16) ........................ 406 505-98 Accepting Improvement for the Louise & Louella Sanitary Sewer & Watermain Ext.(Il/16) ............. 407 506-98 Final Estimate for the Louise &Louella Sanitary Sewer & Watermain Ext.(11/16) ........................... 407 507-98 Adopting the Final Assess. Schedule for Louise & Louella Sanitary Sewer & Watermain Ext. (11/16)... 407,408 509-98 Accepting Improvement for the Kelly Lane - Pego Court Sanitary Sewer Ext.(Il/16} .................... 409 510-98 Final Estimate for the Kelly Lane - Pego Court Sanitary Sewer Ext.(Il/16) ......................... 409 511-98 Adopting the Final Assess. Schedule for the 1997 Asphalt Paving Pro.. - FY 1998.(11/16) ............ 410.411 512-98 Accepting Improve. for the Traffic Signal Installation for Conversion of 4th, 5th, Main & Iowa Sts to Two-Way Traffic.(11/16) .................................... 412 513-98 Final Estimate for the Traffic Signal Installation for Conversion of 4th, 5th, Main & Iowa Sts. to Two-Way Traffic.(11/16) .................................... 412 514-98 Accepting Improvement for the Storm Sewer Modification on Clarke Dr.(11/16) ................... 412 515-98 Final Estimate for the Storm Sewer Modification on Clarke Dr.(11/16) ................................. 412 516-98 Accepting Improve. for the Dubuque Greyhound Park & Casino Kennel Improvements.{11/16) .............. 413 517-98 Final Estimate for the Dbq. Greyhound Park Kennel Improvements.{11/16) ............................. 413 518-98 Authorizing Certain Designated Fiscal Officers of the City of Dubuque to Execute Stock Sale Transactions on behalf of the City.(11/16) ........................... 413 519-98 Resolution Naming Depositories -Financial Institutions, for City funds.{11/16) ................... 414 520-98 Approving the Final Plat of Lots 1 thru 4, inclusive of Leib Subd.(11/16) ................................. 414 52,1-98 Res. Consenting to Change of Control of Cable Communications Franchise.(11/16) ................. 415 522-98 Approving the AIDS Preventative Health Contract between IA Dept. of Public Health & City & Authorizing City Manager to sign a Contract with IA Dept. of Public Health for Funding a Local AIDS Preventative Health Prog,(11/16) ..................................... 416 523-98 Authorizing the Execution of a Community Economic Betterment Account Loan Agree. for $150,000 with Dubuq L~e Data Services Co.(11/16) .................. 416 524-98 Authorizing ECIA Business Growth, Inc. to Proceed with a Loan from the City of Dubuque's of the EDA Revolving Loan Fund of $45,000 to Dubuque Date Services Co.(11/16) ....................................... 417 136 IND ' BOOK i28 1998 SUBJECT PAGE RESOLUTIONS 525-98 Authorizing a Letter of Commitment & Additional Actions Concerning a Downtown Rehabilitation Loan to Dubuque Museum of Art(fill6) ..................... 417 526-98 Issuance of Liquor Lic.(11116) .................. 418 527-98 Authorizing the Issuance & Sale of $2,650,000 Variable Fixed Rate Demand Pollution Control Refunding Revenue Bonds - Interstata Power Co. Project - Series 1998, to refinance costs to Interstate Power Co. of certain pollution control facilities etc.(11/16) .............. 419-422 528-98 Determining that the Proposal of Advanced Data- Corem is in compliance with the Terms of Offering for Disposition of Lots 4 & 5 of Block 2 of the Dubuque Technology Park.(11/16) .................. ~ ........ 422 529-98 Accepting the Proposal for Sale & Private DeveL of Lots 4 & 5 of Block 2 of the Dbq. Technology Park in the City Approving Agree. for same & Authorizing Actions to !mplement Said Agree.(11/16) ....................... 422 530-98 Authorizing the Execution of an Assessment Agree. with Morrison Bros. Co.(1t/16) ...................... 423 531-98 Authorizing the Execution of an Assess. Agree. with Swiss Valley Farms Co.(11/16) ...................... 424 532-99 Rescinding No. 88-91 Establishing the Dbq. Corporate Center Economic DeveL Dis, & Terminating the Economic Devel. Plan with respect to said Dis.(11/16) ........... 426 533-99 Authorizing Additional Capitalization of the Downtown Rehabilitation Loan Pro.(11/16) ..................... 427 534-98 PreL Approval of Plans & Specs. for the Vacuum Filter Building at Eagle Point Watar Plant(Il/16) ........... 428 535-98 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans & Specs. for the Vacuum Filter Plant Electrical Room at Eagle Point Water Plant(11/'16) ...................................... 428 536-98 Ordering bids for the construction of a 400 sq. ft. room at the Vacuum Filter Building at 1902 Hawthorne - Dbq. Water Plant.(11/16) ............................ 428 537-98 Of Intent to Dispose of Interest & Vacate a Portion of Two Ten Foot Wide Storm Sewer Easements Over Lots 14 & 15 of BIk 2 of Sunset Park Seventh Add.(11/16) ...... 430 538-98 Approving Cooperative Agree., IDOT, reconstruction of Intersection of First & Locust St(11/16) ............ 430 539-98 Prel. Approval of Plans & Specs. for Reconstruction of First & Locust Street Intersecfion.(11/16) ............. 430 540-98 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans & Specs. for Reconstruction of First & Locust Sts. Intersection. (11/16) ........................... ; ............... 431 54'J-98 Ordering bids for the Reconstruction of First St. and Locust St. lntereection.(11/16) ................... 431 542-98 Approving Plat of Proposed Vacated Street & Alley - between Main St. & Freeway ~ Bishop Block.(11/16) ... 431 543-98 Advising of City's Intent to Dispose of City's Interest in Lot lA, lB & IC of BIk 1 of Dubuque Harbor Co, Add. to Robert & Jane Mehrl & Dave & Linda Herbst(11/16) .... 432 137 INDEX - BOOK 128 1998 SUBJECT PAGE RESOLUTIONS 544-98 Advising of City's intent to dispose of City's interest in Lot 3A & 3B of BIk 1 of Dubuque Harbor Co. Addn. to Robert & Jane Mehrl.(11116) ........................ 432 545-98 Approving Final Plat of Edwards Rd. (Lot A} & Lots 1 & 2 of Hanten*Koos P1.(12/7) ....................... 437 546-98 Terminating Concession Agreement for McAleece Park & Recreation Complex - JD, BS & SW, LTD.(1217). 438 547-98 Amending Preliminary Schedule of Assessments for Kelly Lane Sanitary Sewer Pro., Phase I[(12/7} ........ 438 548-98 Adopting Final Assessment Schedule for 1997 PC Concrete Paving Pro. - Spruce St. & W. Third;(12/7) 439-443 549-98 Accepting conveyance of Real Estate at 2618 Jackson St. - S 1/2 of Lot 231 in Glendale Addn. No. 3.(12/7) .... 443 550-98 Accepting Improvement for the Keyway Interceptor Sanitary Sewer Repairs.(12/7) ...................... 444 551-98 Final Estimate for the Key Interceptor Sanitary Sewer Repairs.(12/7} .................................... 444 552-98 Accepting a Conveyance of Property in the Kerper Blvd. Industrial Park from CMC Heartland Partners to the City.(12/7) ....................................... 444 553-98 Amending Final Schedule of Assessments for the Roosevelt Street Sanitary Sewer Pro..(12/7} .......... 444 554-98 Authorizing the Submission of a Flood Disaster Relief Grantee Performance Report for 8-19-97 & concluding 8-19- 98 & Authorizing Return of Grant Balance.(12/7) ...... 445 555-98 Authorizing a Letter of Commitment & Additional Actions re: Downtown Rehab Loan to Jorja Moore.(12/7) . 446 556-98 Approving an Amendment to the FY 1998 Annual Action Plan for use of CDBG Funds.(12F/) ........... 446 557-98 Approving an Amendment to the 1999 Annual Action Plan by Incorporating CDBG Fends for FY 98 (7-6-97 thru 6- 30-98 in FY 99 (7-1-98 thru 6-30-99),(12F/) ............ 447 558-98 Authorizing issuance of Cigarette Per.(12/7) ...... 447 559-98 Authorizing issuance of Beer Permits;(12/7} ...... 447 560-98 Authorizing issuance of Liq. Lic.(12/7) ........... 448 561-98 Approving disposal of Interest in property of 4' x 35' Storm Sewer Easements on Lots 14 & 15 of Sunset Park Seventh Addn, to Carl J. Burbach.(12/7) ............. 453 562-98 Approving Sale of Property - Lots 1AA, lB & 1 C of BIk 1 of Dbq. Harbor Co. Addn to Bishops Block Ltd. Partnership. & Robert & Jane Mehrl & David & Linda Herbst.(12/7) ..................................... 454 563-98 Approving sale of property of Lots 3A & 3B of BIk 1 of Dbq. Harbor Co. Addn to Robert & Jane Mehrl & to Bishop's Block Ltd. Partnership;(12/7) ............ 454,455 564-98 Adopting Plans & Specs; for the Construction of the Bunker Hill Golf Course Wastewater Pump Station & Force Main.(12/7) ....................................... 455 565-98 Awarding contract for the Bunker Hill Golf Course Wastewater Pump Station& Force Main to ACE General Construction Corp:(12f7) .......................... 455 138 INDEX - BOOK 128 1998 SUBJECT PAGE RESOLUTIONS 566-98 Adopting Plans & Specs. for South Fork Interceptor Sewer Ext. - Phase 111.(12/7) ............... 456 567-98 Awarding Contract for Southfork Interceptor Sewer Ext. - Phase III to Steward Construction Co.(12/7) 456 568-98 Adopting Plans & Specs. for Dbq. Greyhound Park & Casino - Parking Lot.{12/7} ....................... 456 569-98 Awarding Contract for Dbq. Greyhound Park & Casino Parking Lot to the Westphal & Co. 1nc.(12/7) .... 457 570-98 Adopting Plans & Specs. for Reconstruction of FirstS/& Locust St. Intemection.(12/7) .............. 457 571-98 Awarding Contract for the Reconstruction of First St, & Locust St. lntemection.(12/7) ...................... 487 572-98 Adopting Plans & Specs. for the construction of a 400 Sq. foot room located to Vacuum Filter Bldg, at Eagle Point Water Plant.(12/7) ............................ 458 873-98 Awarding on contract for new Vacuum Filter Plant Electrical Room to Renaissance of Dbq. Corp.(12/7) ... 458 574-98 Approval of institution of eminent domain proceedings for acquisition of a public sanitary sewer easement across Lot 1-2-2-1-1 of Mineral Lot 278, subject to terms accepted by Horizon Development.(12/7) , 460,461 575-98 Approving Plat of Proposed Vacated Portion of Cornell St. & Adjacent Alley between 16th & 17th Sts. {12/7) ............................................ 461 576-98 Disposing of City Interest in Lot 24A & Lot 24B of Morgan's Subd. to Ronald r. White.(12/7) ............. 462 577-98 Approving Plat of Proposed Vacated Portions of 28th St. & Brunswick St.(12/7) ................... 462,463 578-98 Disposing of City Interest in Lot 72A of Westview Subd.(12F/) ....................................... 463 579-98 & 580-98 Resolution Numbers not assigned. 581-98 Preliminary approval of Plans & Specs. for the Alta Place Storm Sewer Extension.(12/7) ................. 464 582-98 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans & Specs. for the Alta Place Storm Sewer Ext.(12/7) ....................... 464 583-98 Ordering bids for the Alta Place Storm Sewer Ext.(12/7) ......................................... 465 584-98 Preliminary approval of Plans & Specs. for the Chestnut& Dell St. Storm Sewer Ext(12/7} ........... 465 585-98 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans & Specs. - Chestnut & Dell St. Storm Sewer Ext.{12/7) ........... 465 586-98 Ordering bids for Chestnut & Dell St. Storm Sewer Ext.(12/7) ......................................... 465 587-98 Approving the Min. Requirements, Competitive Criteria, etc. & determining that the proposal submitted by Horizon Devel. Group LLC satisfies the Offering requirements & Declaring the intent of the City to Enter into Development Agree. with Horizon Develop. Group LLD & Cartegraph Systems.(12/15) ; ....................... 467 139 INDEX - BOOK 128 1998 SUBJECT PAGE RESOLUTIONS 5S8-98 Accepting improvement for Operations & Maint Dept. Annex Bldg. Rehab Pro.(12/21) ................ 472 589-98 Final Estimate for the Operations & Maintenance DeFt. Annex Bldg. Rehab Pro.(12/21) ..................... 472 590-98 Accepting Improve. for the Operations & Maintenance Dept. Relighting Pro.(12/21) ........................ 472 591-98 Final Estimate for the Operations & Mainten. Dept. Relighting Pro.(12/21) ............................. 473 592-98 Accepting Improve. for the 1998 ADA Curb Ramp Pro.(12/21) ....................................... 473 593-98 Final Estimate for the 1998 ADA Curb Ramp Pro.(12/21} ....................................... 473 594-98 To Submit a Grant Application to IDOT for Recreational Trail Funds for the Granger Creek Recreational Trail.(12/21) .......................... 473 595-98 Authorizing the City to Collect Delinquent Garbage & Refuse Collection Accounts in accordance with Section 40- 37 & 40-35(d} of the Code.(12/21) ................... 474 596-98 Authorizing Collection of Delinquent Sewer Accounts With Section 44-83 & 44-86 of City Code.(12/21 ) ....... 475 597-98 Authorizing License Agree. between the City & Montgomery Watson Americas lnc~ to Install Monitoring Wells on Public ROW at 395 7th St.(12/21) ........... 475 598-98 Authorizing reissuance of a Letter of Commitment & Additional Actions concerning a Downtown Rehab Loan to Stout Place Apts.(12J21) ........................... 476 599-98 issuance of Cig. Per. to Michael's Bar X.(12121) .... 476 600-98 Issuance of Beer Per.(12/21) ................ 476,477 601-98 Issuance of Liq. Lic.(12/21) ..................... 477 602-98 Approving Sale of property - Lot 24A of Morgan's Subd. to Ronald R. White.(12/21) ................. 477,478 603-98 Approving sale of Lot 72A of Westview Subd. to John R. & Margaret B. Horn.(~12121) ...................... 478 604-98 Preliminary Approval of Plans & Specs. for Key Comers Storm Sewer Ext(12/21} ................... 48~ 605-98 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans & Specs. for Key Corners Storm Sewer Ext.(12121) ................... 481 606-90 Ordering Bids for Key Corners Storm Sewer Ext.(12121) ....................................... 48~ 140 INDEX- ~O6K 'i~8 1998 SUBJECT PAGE S Sacco, Inc., Lizard's Pub & Grub, 1401 Elm, Cig. Per.(1/5}... 3 Safety-Agricultural, National Education Center, Letter of SupporL(3/2) ...................................... 90 Saints - Dbq. Fighting, Five Flags Center Usage Agree. (9/21) ............................................ 330 Salaries of city employees published.(3/2) ............... 60 Sale & Private Develop. of Lot 3 of Blk 1, Dbq. Technology Park.(8/24) ....................................... 306 Sale of Parking Rev. Refunding Capital Loan Notas.(2/18} 57a Sale of vacated alley near 2215 Marion St. to Terry & Sue Brown.(3/16) ...................................... 132 Salem St., Subdivision plat of portion of Leib Subd.(11/16) 414, Sales of Stock, executed, Fiscal Officers designated. (11/16) ........................................... 413 Sales Tax on Hospital Services, reduction, letter objecting. (2/16) ......... ; ................................... 46 Seneca Environmental Services, Inc., monitoring Wells on Public ROW at 1387 Dodge St. & 105 Locust St.(2/16) 47,48 Salvage License of Alter Trading Corp., suspension & appeal; Hearing etc. (918)(1015)(1112}(11116) .......... ; 326,327,351,390,391,418 Salvage material or junk- Nuisance Ord.(5/4) ........... 179 Salvage Yard - Roger Kunde's Auto, relocation to Julien Dbq. Dr. rezoning, problems.(1112}(12/21) ............. 398,478 Sanders Pl., plat, JFK Road in County.(1/19) .............. 9 Sanitary Facilities in Rooming Units, Housing Code amend. (1/19) ............................................. 17 Sanitary Sewer Repairs - Keyway Interceptor. (1/19)(2/16)(12/7) ......................... 21,52,443,444 Sanitary Sewer objection by L. McFadden re: Radford Rd. Reconstruction Pro.(3/2) ............................ 92 Sanitary Sewer & Water Main construction for Louise & Louella St.(3/16)(4/6)(11/16) ....... 133~134;148,149,407,408 Sanitary Sewer Extension - Kelly Lane & Pego Court, Phase 11.(4/20)(5/18) ............................... 161,162,190 Sanitary Sewer Project - Dbq. Ind. Center West. (514) . 187,188 Sanitary Sewer Improvements in J. George Subd. (6/15) ........................................ 219,220 Sanitary Sewer Lateral for County Farm Ind. Site Sanitary Sewer Pro.(7/6) ............................... 240,241 Sanitary Sewer Easement, Lot 2 Burtons 2nd Addn., to D. J. Herbst.(7/6)(7/20) .............................. 257,264 Sanitary Sewer Extension Pro. - Fremont Ave. (10/5)(11/2) ................................ 344,345,386 Sanitary Sewer of Dbq. Comm. Schools, offered to be dedicated to City.(11/16) ... ........................ 413 Sanitary Sewer Assessment, amendment, Kelly Lane Phase i~.(12;7) ........................................... 438 Sanitary Sewer Easement on property at 12801 Nightengale Lane, use of City's eminent domain powers.(12/7) . 460i461 Sanitary Sewer line to service Woodland Ridge Sub. etc. (12/7) ........................................ 460,461 Sanitary Sewer Project - amendment to Roosevelt Road Assessment,(12F/) ............................ 444,445 INDEX- BOOK 128 1998 SUBJECT PAGE S Sewer Ext.- Sanitary, Kelly Lane & Pego Ct. Ext` Phase I?? (11/16) ....................................... 409,410 Sanitation Driver, Civil Service Certification.(8/3) ......... 276 Sanitation inspections, State contract, food service hotel & vending machines.{7/6) ........................... 241 Sunnet, John, 624 N. Burden, requesting total reconstruction ofN. Burden.(11116) ............................... 413 Sarducci's, Papa, 1895 JFK., Beer-Wine Lic.(6/1) ......... 206 Sassy's, N. Birch, refund on Liq. Lic.(1/19) ................ 8 Schaefer, Craig, applicant to TV Cable Regulatory Com. (10/5)(10/19) .................................. 347,374 Schaefer, D. Michael, of Firstar, canopy at 140 W. 9th Sts.(1/19) ....................................... 15,16 Schal[er, Peggy A., P.J.'s Tap, 500 Rhomberg, Liq. Lic. (716) ........................................... 243 Schaub, Robert, applicant for Housing Code Appeals Bd.; reappointad.{1/19)(2/2) ........................... 13,34 Schedule of Capital Improvements Pro.. - DRA.(2/16) ..... 45 Schedule of Final Assessments for 1996 P.C. Concrete Paving Pro. #2 - Clarke Dr.(3/2) .................... 61-88 Schedule of Final Assessments for Louise & Louella Sanitary Sewer & Watermain Ext`(11/16) .................... 407 Scherbring, Carl, applicant to Zoning Board of Adjustment; Applicant to Zoning Adv. Comm.; applicant to ZBA. (416)(4120)(611)(6115)(7120)(813} .. 146,164,206,224,263,279 Schmit, Robert, applicant for Comm. Devel. Comm. (?J16)(312) ................................... 49,50,91 Schmitz, Todd, rezoning of 2275 Elm.(12121) ............ 480 Schneider, Sarah, applicant for Environmental Stewardship Comm.(2116)(312)(1015)(10119) .............. 50,9,347,374 School Board, Public Dialogues, involvement of Long Range Planning Comm.(7/6) .............................. 241 School District Project - Long Range Planning Adv. Commissioner notification etc.(9/21) ................... 333 School Superintendent in support of Economic Devel. Dis. for Swiss Valley.(5/18) ......................... 194 Schools - Dubuque ownea, Dr. J. Morris, dedication of school owned sewer to City.(11/16) ................. 413 Schroeder & Miller Financial of Minneapolis, MN, bidder for Parking Rev. Refunding Cap. Loan Notes.(2/18) ...... 57a Schubert, Sandra for Devan Jansen, Claim.(3/2) ......... 60 Schultz, Eric, request Sidewalk Assess. Project on Pennsylvania be delayed.(8/3) ..................... 280 Schultz, Jim &Pat, requesting funds for Lifetime Senior Center.(9/21) ..................................... 335 Schumacher. Mary, petition for sidewalk on Cedar Cross & Center Grove Rd.(4/20) ............................ 166 Schuta, James A., DAL Building Corp., erection of a fabric canopy at American Legion.(12/7) ............. 460 Schwartz, Ethel, Airport inn, 574 E. 16th St., Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic.(6/15)(7/20) ................................ 223.263 142 INDEX; BOOK ~28 1998 SUBJECT PAGE S Schwartz, Jeff, applicant for Plumbing Bd.; appointed. (1119)(212) ...................................... 14,35 Scoggin, Gary, applicant to Civil Service Comm. (3/16)(4/6) .................................... 114,146 Scope & application of Housing Regulations, new Ord. (514) ............................................. 164 Sebastian, Kelly, applicant to Library bd.; applicant to TV Cable Teleprogramming Comm.; appointed to Teleprogrammtag Comm.(3116)(416}{7120)(813) ............ ........................................ 114,1zt6,263,279 Section 8 Housing, amendment to Annual Contributions Contract - Housing Vouchers.(3/16) .................. 108 Section 8 Housing Mainstream Program.(6/15) .......... 221 Section 8 Program -Annual Contributions Contract - Housing Certificates.(3/16) ................................. 109 Section 8 Program -Family Advocate Prog.(4/6) ......... 153 Security Partners, L.P., Letter of Commitment & Downtown Rehab Loan etc. -Tax Increm. Financing,(2116) ......... 53 Seippel Road, property E & W & N of County Farm, rezoning from to PUD etc.(2/16)(3/16) ...................... 55,115 Seippel Rd. areas, future land use requestad:(5/4) ....... 170 Seippel Rd. - re: Quit Claim Deed accepted from Dbq. County. (6/1) ............................................. 204 Seippei Rd., W side, voluntary annexation of 1.15 acres. (10/5) ............................................ 359 Seippel Road Extension - easterly portion, City of Asbury advising of voluntary annexation of property lying west of the City of Asbury.(12/7) ............................ 447 Self-Sufficiency - Family; CDBG funds etc.(5/4) .......... 171 Self-Sufficiency Program - Family - Contract with Alternative Services.(10/5) .................................... 342 Senate File #2026 re: Greyhound Park ownership; Senator Tom Flynn acknowledging oppesifion.{1/19)(3/2) ..;. 13,61 Senate File 2005 on annexation, letters to legislators. (4/20) ............................................ 163 Senate File 2092, opposition, re: Sales Tax on Hospital Services.(2/16) ..................................... Senators, & U.S. Representatives, federal funding for America's River Pro.(4/20) .......................... 160 Seneca Environmental Services, monitoring Wells at 501 Jackson.(918) ..................................... 313 Senior Center - Lifetime, petition for financial help to continue operations.(9/21)(10/5)(lg/19) ...... ~. 335,358,367 Senior Health & Home Care Aide programs, - State Dept. of Health funds.(4/20) .............................. 158 September, 1998 Printed Council Proceedings approved. (10/19) ........................................... 366 September 30, 1996, Financial Report.(10/19} ........... 366 Septic systems, requirement to connect to City sewer, etc.; Nuisance 0rd.(312)(3116)(416)(514) .......... 97,112,140~180 Sertoma Candy Days, Proclam.(514} ................... 169 143 INDEX - BOOK 128 1998 SUBJECT PAGE S Service of Notice, Ord. - Crime Property etc.(10/8) .... 353-355 Service Station Operation - Unloading of Tankers etc., New Ord.(918) ......................................... 317 Sesterhena, Lisa, Agreement for Healthy Dbq. 2000 Prog. (8/17) ........................................... 296 Sesterhenn, Steve, requesting opening of Eighth St. to Iowa & Centrel etc.; applicant to Civic Center C.; appointed. (314)(416)(4120) ...... ; ...................... 101,146,164 Setter, Atty., for D. Herbst, vacation & purchase of Lot 2 of Button's 2nd Add. (1119)(416)(4126)(7120) . 8,156,164,165,264 Setter, David - Atty, for D. J. Herbst, request to purchase E. 14th St. property.(5/10) ............................ 191 Setter, Atty., for D. Herbst, requesting waiving of sewer connection fee.(7/20) .............................. 264 Settlement of an assessment appeal by McGraw Hill Co. (12/7) ........................................... 438 Sefflement Stipulation of a tax assessment appeal by Tru Properties, Inc.(10119) ............................. 367 Seventeenth & White Sts., Traffic Signal Installations. (7~6) ......................................... 241,242 Seventeenth St. & Sixteenth St. - vacating portion of Cornel! St. & Adjacent Alley, P~ White. (11116}(12/7)(12121) ..................... 413,461,462,477 Seventeenth St. Area -Curb Ramp Installation Pro., tabled etc.(Il/2) ........................................ 397 Seventeenth St. - Curb Ramp Installation.(10/5) .......... 359 Seventh Amend. to City Mgr.s' Employment Agree.(611) .. 202 Seventh St., 395, Monitoring wells installed.(12/21) ....... 475 Severance of annexation request by P. Kennedy for property S of Nightengale Lane.(4/6) ........................ 151 Severe Weather Warning Sirens, problems, explanation; new Project; rescinding & new pro. (5118)(918)(1015)(11116) ~ .................. 198,321,347;427 Sewage treatment - abandonment of private ones, City connection required.(312)(3116)(416) ........... 97,112,140 Sewer ? - Comprehensive Stormwater Plan, H.D.R. Engineering as consultant(Il/16) .................. 427 Sewer & Water Main construction for Louise & Louella St. (3116)(416)(11116) .................... 133,134,148,149,407 Sewer Accounts - delinquent, also garbage & refuse, to County Treasurer for collection.(12/21 ) .............. 474 Sewer - Bunker Hill Wastewatar Pump Station & Force Main Pro.(11/2)(12/7) ............................ 399,400,455 Sewer connection fee for D. Herbst, requesting to be waived. (7/20) ........................................... 264 Sewer Ext. ~ Sanitary, Kelly Lane & Pego Ct. Ext. Phase I[. (4120) ........................................ 161,162 Sewer Ext. -South Forklntarceptor Pro.(6/1) ~... 213,213,214 Sewer Ext. - South Fork Interceptor Pro. II1. (11/2}(12/7) ............................... 400,401,456 Sewer Ext. - South Fork Interceptor Pro. 11.(7/6) .......... 247 144 INDEX - BOOK 128 1998 SUBJECT PAGE S Sewer lmprovement~, Storm, for Atlantic & Custer Sts. (1/19)(2/16) ..................................... 20,50 Sewer Interceptor Ext. - County Farm (Dbq. Ind. Center West). (5/4)(6/1) ..................................... 188.207 Sewer Line to Landfill extension.(l15)(l/19) ............ 3,14 Sewer Modifications - Storm, Clarke Dr. (813)(918)(11116) ........................ 288,289,316,4~12 Sewer of School system, offered to be dedicated to City. (11116) ........................................... 413 Sewer Reconstruction - Storm, State St. & Curtis. (1/19)(2/16)(9/8) .............................. 22,51.310 Sewer Repairs, Sanitary, Keyway Interceptor. (1/19)(2/16)(12/7) ......................... 21,52,443,444 Sewer -Sanitary, Assessment, amendment, Kelly Lane Phase 11.(12/7) ........................................... 438 Sewer, Sanitary for Fremont Ave. Extension Pro. (1015)(1112) ................................ 344,345,386 Sewer, Sanitary, for J. George Subd.(6/15) .............. 219 Sewer - Sanitary Project - amendment to roosevelt Road Assessment.(12/7) ........................... 444,445 Sewer - Storm, Chestnut & Dell Sts.(12/7) ............... 465 Sewer - Storm, Ext.- Alta Place.(~12/7) .................. 465 Sewer - Storm, Project - Chestnut& Dell St.(12/7) ........ 465 Sewer system connection required - abandonment of private sewage treatment.(312)(3116)(416) .............. 97,112,140 Sewers - Granger Creek Interceptor Lift Station Pro.. (9/8)(10/5) ................................. 324,325,348 Sexual Assault Awareness Month Procl.(416) ........... 139 Shang, Old, Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic.(6/1)(10/19) ........ 205,374 Sharkey, Carol, objecting to radford Rd. Reconstruction Pro. (3/2) .............................................. 92 Sharpshooter discussed for removal of deer in City.(6/1) . 204 Shaw, Sheryl Ann, sell her property at 2618 Jackson St. to City; conveyance acceptad.(9/21)(12/7) ........ 332,443 Sheahan, Patrick, Claim; referred to Ins.(9/21)(10/5).. 329,341 Shelter for Battered Womens' - YWCA, release of mortgage. (3/16)(4/6) .................................... 137,151 Sheriff's Office, Dbq. County, Claim; Referred to Ins. (1/5)(1/19) ........................................ 1,7 Sheriff's Office re: Eighth Street reopening concerns.(3/4) 101 Shireman, Dan, appointed to Comm. Devel. Comm. for Census Tr. 5 ..................................... 390 Shot Tower Inn, D.B.Q. Inc., 380 Locust St. Liq. Lic.(5/18) . 194 South Main & Jones SL Intersection - modifications.(5/18} 195 Sidewalk - request for elimination of portion in EImwood Green Sub., Joe & Ruth Graham.(5/4) ........ 177 Sidewalk Inspection Route, Curb Ramps - Project.(813}(9/8) ........................................... 289,314,3154 Sidewalk obstructions etc.- Nuisance Ord.(5/4) .......... 180 Sidewalk Prog, - CDBG Funds eta.(5/4) ................. 171 145 INDEX - BOOK 128 1998 SUBJECT PAGE S Sidewalks construction. 1998 Pro., Pennsylvania Ave. from Vizaleea to Embassy West Dr.(716)(813)(918) ..................................... 250,251,279-281,309 Sidewalks in various locations, direction as to installation; petition by M. Schumacher for installation on Cedar Cross & Center Grove Rd.; response etc.(4/20)(9/8} ...... 166,313 Sidewalks, objections to for Radford Reconstruction Pro. (3/2) ........................................... 91,92 Sidewalks, S. Plumiey objecting to lack of all owners to have them; response etc.(7/20)(9/8) .............. 260,313 Sid's Beverage inc., B. Miller, 2727 Dodge, Cig. Per.; Beer Per.(6/1)(8/17) ................................. 205,298 Siegert, Joseph & Ruth, objecting to Radford Rd. Reconstruction Pro.(3/2) ............................. 9~ Sieged, Wm. & Janet, Deed accepted from them for their County property.(3/16} ............................ 107 Siegert, Wm. & .Janet, final plat approval of Siegert's 2nd Place.(10/19) .................................. 367.368 Sign Painting, amend Zoning Ord. re: Business Services. (2116)(312) ...................................... 53,95 Signals, Traffic, at NW Art. & US 20, request of M. Kleinschrodt for protected turn.(3/2)(4/20) .......... 96,163 Signal - traffic, installation for conversion of Fourth, Fifth, Main & iowa Sts.(5/4) .............................. 176 Signals, Traffic, at 17th & White Sts.(7/6) ............ 241,242 Signals - Traffic, installation, for 4th, 5th, Main & Iowa Streets, to two-way traffic.(416)(5/4)(9/2'1 )(10/5)(11/16) .............................. 155,156,176,335,351,411,412 Signs, Interpretative, along Heritage Trail Extension, Grant. (4/20) ........................................... 160 Signs, - Sign Regulations - allowance of freestanding & Monument in C4 & C5 Bus. Dis.(2/16)(312)(3~16) . 54,95,114 Silver Dollar Cantina, M.M. & H., 342 Main, Liq. Lic.; Cig. Per. (5/18)(6/1) ................................... 194,205 Singh, Mastan, Claim; referred to Ins.(416)(4/20) ..... 139,159 Single Room Occupancy Rehab - CDBG Funds etc.(5/4) .. 171 Siren - Outdoor Warning System Pro. (918)(1015)(11116) ........................... 321,347,427 Siren problem - Severe Weather, explanation; Pro.. (5118)(918)(1015)(11116) ................... 198,321,347,427 Sister City activities, Jeff Walters requesting funds, [7/6) .. 247 Site Grading Completion - Dbq. Technology Park. (7/2g)(8/3) ............................. 271,272,281,282 Site Grading Pro. - Dbq. Industrial Center South - Sproule Construction re: Iowa Products Claim etc.(3/2)(7/20). 60,271 Six Bay Garage at Park Maintenance Hdqtrs. (9/8)(10/5) ............................. 321,322,348,349 Sixteenth & Seventeenth St. - vacating portion of Cornell St. & Adjacent Alley, R. White. (11/16)(12F/)(12121) ..................... 413,461,462,477 INDEX , BOOK 1998 SUBJECT PAGE S Sixteenth St. Auto/Truck Plaza, Mulgrew Oil, 1215 E. 16th, Beer Per.; Cig. Per.(5/4)(6/1} .................... 173,204 Sixth Amendment to Lease Agree. between City & Dbq. Racing Assn.(312) .................................. 90 Skateboarding & Rollerblading on church properties, objections Nativity Church & Fr. Ressler.(6/1) ......... 209 Skateboarding area, petition for same; Manager updating on development of park etc.(514)(6115) .............. 170,218 Skating area for skate boarding & roller blading, petition for same.(5/4) ........................................ 170 Slot Machines, 45 add'l, at Dbq; Greyhound Park & Casino Park.(2/16) ........................................ 46 Small Business Development - NE iowa - entrepreneurehip training progrem.(312) ............................... 89 Smoke Detectors in Rooming Units, Housing Ord.(5/4) .. 184 Smother~, Curran, Claim; Denial.{7/20)(8/17) ........ 260,293 Snow removal, Lease Agree. Amend. Dbq. Arboretum Assn. for Marshall Park.(10/5) ............................ 358 Snow removal, road maintenance, Cooperative Winter Agree. with County.(11/16) ............................ 405,406 Social Security Month Proclamation.(9/8) ............... 308 Social Work Centennial Month, Procl.(3/2) ............... 60 Software Co. - Cartegraph Systems, CEBA App.(716) ..... 248 Solarz, Charlotte A., Claim; referred to Ins.(6/I)(6/15}. 202,216 Solid Waste Agency re: tipping fees at Landfill.(1/5) ....... 2 Solid Waste Agency re: landfill, extension of sewer line. (115)(1119) ....................................... 3,14 Solid Waste Agency, Financial Audits etc.(2/2) ........... 32 Solid Waste, Nuisance Abatement Ord. etc.(5/4) ......... 179 South End Tap - Murph's, L. Murphy, 55 S. Locust,(6/1) .. 205 South Fork Interceptor Sewer Ext. Pro.(6/1} ......... 213, 214 South Fork Interceptor Sewer Ext. Pro. II; (7/6) .......... 247 South Fork interceptor Sewer Ext, - Phase IlL (11/2)(12/7) ................................ 400,401,456 South Grandview & S. Hill St. & York St., Alley, request by Bertlings to vacate & purchase etc. {7/6)(9/8)(9/21) ......................... 240,325,326,334 South Grendview cul de sac, Agreement to piece a memorial stone in grass circle at end for D, Bockenstedt.(11/16) . 405 South Hill St. 295, & S. Grandview & York St,, R. Bertling requesting vacating & purchasing. (7/6)(9/6)(9/21) ......................... 240,325,326,334 Special Sessions of City Council. (1119)(219)(2115)(2123)(2126)(314)(3116)(5126}(7120)(8124)(10f5) (11/24)(12~15) ......... 26,43,57,57a,58,59,101,lO5,19g,258,305,34o,434,467 Special Vehicle parking at Law Enforcement Center.(10/5) 353 Speed limits for Airport Rd. from US 61 to FBO/Terminal Area.(5/4) ........................................ 161 Speed limits for Fremont Ave., Hill St. & Bryant St.(3/16).. 129 Speede Shoppe #17, IOCO, 159 Twin Valley, Cig. Per.(6/1) 205 INDEX - BOOK 128 1998 SUBJECT PAGE S Speede Shoppe #2, lOGO, 2335 University, Cig. Per.(6/1) .. 205 Speede Shoppe #33, IOCO, 3300 Central, Cig. Per.(6/1) ... 205 Speede Shoppe #93, IOCO, 3250 Dodge, Cig. Per.(6/1) .... 205 Speer Financial, Inc., accept bid of Miller & Schroeder Financial Inc. for Parking Rev. Refunding Capital Loan Notes.(2/18) ...................................... 57a Spiegelhalter, Melvin, The Clubhouse, 2364 Washington, Cig. Per. Liq. Lic.; Cig. Per. (312)(611) ............... 90,91,205 Splinter, Susan, Claim; referred to Ins.(9121)(1015) .... 329,341 Sprinkler, Fire, Service, new Ord. of charges etc.(3/4) ..... 104 Sproule Construction Co.'s insurance CNA, claim of J. Olsen referred to them.(4/20) ............................. 159 Sproule Construction - Iowa Concrete Products claim for materials supplied at Dbq. Industrial Center South Site Grading Pro.; claim re: grading of Dbq. Ind. Center South.(312)(918)(1112) ........................ 60,308,386 Spruce St. & W. Third, finalization of '1997 P.C. Concrete Paving Pro.(10/19)(12/7) .................... 368,439-443 Spur Line - RR, relocate RISE App. re: Eagle Window & Door Co.(6115) ........................................ 221 St. Luke's Methodist Church, National Reg. of Historical Places.(l119)(312)(5118) ........................ 8,61,190 St. Mark Comm. Center renovation, DRA funds; Support - Proclamation.(212)(7120) ......................... 34,260 St. Matthew Lutheran Church, Claim; settlement.(3t16) ... 106 Staffing -comparative. for Police Dept.(8/3) ............. 279 StagnantWater Nuisance Ord.(5/4) .................... 180 Stamping Co. - Dbq., Easements, North End Neighborhood Bike & Hike Trail from 22nd to 32nd Sts. (716)(7120)(813) ............................. 254,266,275 Standby Fee re: Fire Dept., New Ord.(9/8) ............... 317 Stanton, Terrance, applicant for Airport Corem.; appointed. (1/19)(?J2) ...................................... 13,34 Star Brewery Amphitheater, Recreation Infrastructure Funds. (8/24) ........................................... 305 Stark, Rite J., deer problem comment`(6/15} ............. 226 Starkey, Daniel, Claim.('12/21) ......................... 471 Starlight Dr., extension of Sewer Line to landfill.(1/5) ...... 3 State contract for food service establishments, hotel & vending machine sanitation inspections.(7/6) ........ 24t State Farm Ins. re: T. Budan, Subrogation Notice claim; Referred to Ins.(1/19)(2/2) .......................... 7,28 State funding for Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevent Prog.(7/20) ....................................... 262 State Historic Pres. Office, application for grant to conduct a survey.(11/16) .................................. 406 State Historic Site Preservation Prog. for Five Flags Theater Renovation.(9/8) .................................. 311 State Historical Funds for interpretive Signs along Heritage Trail Ext`(4/20) ................................... 160 148 INDEX - BOOk 128 1998 SUBJECT PAGE S State Historical Soc. -St. Luke's Methodist Episcopal Church - National Register of Historic Places. ('i119)(312)(5118) ............................... 8,61,190 State Historical Society Preservation Program - Grant App. - Four Mounds Foundation.(9/8) ...................... 310 State of Iowa - Cartegraph Comm. Economic Betterment Account - UCC Security Agree. - Financing Stata.(l/5) .... 2 State of Iowa funds for public health nursing services - senior Health & home care a[de progrems.{4/20) ....... 158 State - ROW clarified & transferred for Hwy 32 - NW Art. (10/5) ............................................ 342 State St. & Curtis Storm Sewer Reconstruction. (1/19)(2/16)(9/8) .............................. 22,51,310 Steamboat Restoration Pro.. - Supplemental Agree. with IDOT -William M. Black. (1015) ........................... 342 Stecher, Pearl & Noel, deer prob)em concerns.(1/5} ........ 2 Steel Siding ever Lead Paint appeal to Historic Pres. Comm. by J. Compton,s on Alpine St.(8/17) .................. 300 Steele, Jane A., Applicant for Housing Comm.; reappoiated.(8/3)(SFI 7) ......................... 279,299 Steffen, Charles E., Tony's Place, 1701 Central, Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic.; Cig. Per.(2/16}(6/1) ......................... 49,205 Steffen, Eugene, Oky Doky #15, 1101 Rhomberg, Cig. Per.(6/1) ......................................... 205 Steffen, John, Claim; deniaL(2/2)(2/16) ............. :. 28~44 Steger, John & J. George, 2'155 Rockdale rezoning denial.(9121) ...................................... 336 Step -Wall Program - Neighborhood, CDBG Funds.(5/4).. 171 Step restoration - West Locust St., ISTEA Grant Application for Historic Bluffs Trail Pro.(9/2'l) .................... 332 Stephenson, George, Bunker Hill, Beer Per.; Operating Agreement with Bunker Hill.(2/16)(3/2) ............. 49,61 Steps -Fifteenth Street, Reconstruction Pro.(10/19) ...... 369 Steuer, Rick, purchase of 642 University.(6/15) ...... 224,225 Stevens, Kathy re: rental unit houeing testing; appreciation of Certificate of Ap preciation.(3/4)(4/6) ........... 101,140 Stevens, Katherine V., applicant for Human Rights Comm. (9/8)(9/21)(12/21) ........................... 314,334,477 Stewart Construction awarded contract for the Southfork Interceptor Sewer Ext. - Phase 111.(12/7) ............... 456 Stewart Subd., (S. Grandview, S. Hill & York St. - alley) Disposing of City Interest in Lot 12 A, to Richard Bertlings's.(7/6)(9/8)(9/21 ) ......... ;: .... 240,326,334,335 Sticky Fins Beach Bar, S. Glew, 1005 Main, Liq. Lic.(7/20). 263 Stiles, Jeff, applicant to Zoning Adv. Comm., reappointed; as rep. of Comm. re: report on rezoning for Alpine Heights Mobile Home Park.(6/1)(6/15)(12/7) ............ 206,224,448 Stock Clerk iist~ certification by Civil Service Com.(4/20).. 159 Stocki Jim; re: zoning assessment to Oak Meadows Conceptual Devel. Plan; applicant to Housing Comm.; reappointed.(4/6)(S/3)(SFI7) .................. 140,279,299 149 INDEX- BOOK 128 1998 SUBJECT PAGE S Stock Sales executed, Fiscal Officers designated.(11/16) . 413 Stockel, Chad. Legal staff intern, expressing Thanks.(8/17) 294 Stonehill Care Center Project - redemption of Bonds etc. - Padre Plo Health Care Center Series.(9/21) ........... 331 Stonehill Care Center Week Proclam.(7/20) .............. 260 Stonehil[ Community Assn., Claim; settlement. (5/18)(6/15) ................................... 190,216 Stoner, Katherine, TKF Foundation - gift for development of Rocco S. Buda, Jr. Park on Loras Bird.(3/41 .......... 101 Stop intersection changed at Jones St. Connector & Wain St.{5/18) ................................. 195,196 Stop Sign req ~ested for Forest Lane & Glen Oak St. (5/4)(8/3) .................................. 170,286,287 Storage & Transfer, Dbq., Easements, North End Neighborhood Bike & Hike Trail from 22nd to 32nd Sta. (7/6)(7/20) ................................... 254,266 Storage Facility & Mini-warehousing, amend PUD to allow. (2/16)(3/2) ...................................... 53,93 Storage of sewage, - Nuisance Ord.(5/4} ................ 180 Storage Tanks (Bulk) License.(9/8) ..................... 317 Store closing of Venture, 255 John F. Kennedy Rd.(5/4)... 173 Storm Sewer, Dispose of interest of 40 x 100', Button's 2nd Addn. to D. J. Herbst.(716)(7120) ..................... 257 Storm Sewer Easement in Sunset Park 7th Addn., Carl Burbach requesting vacation.(11/2)(11/16)(12/7) 386,430,453 Storm Sewer Extension - Alta Place.(12/7) .......... 464,465 Storm Sewer Extension - Key Corners.(12/21) ....... 480,481 Storm Sewer Improve. for Atlantic & Custer Sts. (1/19)(2116)(8/3) .............................. 20,50,278 Storm Sewer Modifications on Clarke Dr. (8/3)(9/8)(11/16) ......................... 288,289,316,412 Storm Sewer Reconstruction, State St. & Curtis. (1/19)(2116)(9/8) .............................. 22,51,310 Storm Sewer~ vacation at Kaufmann at North Grandv[ew. (7~6) ............................................ 256 Storm Water Detention basins - Nuisance Ord.(5/4) ...... 180 Storm Water Regulafions~ proposed - Environ. Protect. Agency.(5/4) ..................................... 172 Stormwatar Plan - H.D.R. Engineering as consultant. (11/16) ......................................... 427 Stout Place Apartments - Iowa Inn, YMCA etc. Mem. of Agree.; Ord. Urban Revit. Dis. designation etc.; Proof; Letter of Commitment & Additional Actions. (1119)(212)(312)(3116)(121211 ............ 9,15,28,68,112,476 Strauss St. - Brunswick & 28t~., John Horn's requesting to vacate & purchase portion.(8/17)(12/7) ......... 294,463 Street Dept. - Building Improvements to Operations & Maintenance Dept.'s Main Garage & Annex Bldgs. (716)(813)(12121) ............................ 253,283,472 Street development in Dbq. Technology Park for Advanced Data Comm's 1998-99 Development.(9/8) ............ 312 150 1998 SUBJECT PAGE S Street development in Dbq. Industrial Center West, Agree. for RISE Funding.(6FIS} ............................... 218 Street Finance Report for FY 1998.(9/8) ................ 311 Street Program, Five Year.(312) ......................... 97 Street Program for 1998 - Marquette PI, Creston St. & Glenwood (312)(4f6) ........................... 98,147 Streets, Private, Policy and related Text amendment. (3/16) ~126 Streets, Code amend, re: Lots & Buildings to front on public or private streets.(3/16) ...................... 127 Streff, Chad A., Whiskey River, 1064 University, Liq. Lic.; Cig. Per.(4120)(6/1 } ................................. 164,205 Streinz, Libby, Dbq. Discount Gas, 4110 Dodge, Cig. Per., Beer Per.; Cig. Per.(3116)(6115) .................. ~113,223 Strom, Mary, applicant to Library Bd.(3/16)(4/6) ...... 114,446 Study- Annexation.(11/24) ........................... 434 Study - Police Dept. Policy on investigations of accidents. (11116) ........................................... 427 Subdivision Plat of Lot 1 & 2 of Dalsing PL No. 2 in Dbq. County.(10/19) .................................... 367 Subdivision Plat of portion of Leib Subd. - Salem St. (11/16) ........................................... 414 Subdivision Regulations, amend, of Code.(3/16) ........ 126 Submission of application for Historic Resource DeveL Preg. Funding - Historic Pres. Survey.(5/4) ............ 172 Substance Abuse Services Center, Report. (1119)(514)(813)(1112) ...................... 7,169,274,386 Substance Abuse Services Center, Purchase of Services Agree.(4/6) ....................................... 144 Sullivan, Atty. Mark, questioning Police Policy for accident investigations.(716)(7120) ............... 247,267 Sullivan, Mark, applicant to Park & Rec. Comm.; update on Highway20 Landscape Pro.(7/6)(7/20) . ~ ........ : 243,258 Summer Bash ~ End of, Proclamation.(9/8) .............. 308 Summer Recreation Classes for Uptown Rec. Program. - tSU Extension Services.(5/4) ........................... 172 Sunny Slope Dr. & Red Violet Dr. rezoning request from R2 to R3.(10/19)(11/16) .................. ; ...... 383,384,418 Sunnyslope Estates, objecting to sidewalk assess, for Radford Rd. Reconstruction Pro.(3/2) ................. 91 Sunnyslope Estates Phase 4, final plat etc.(9/8} ......... 309 Sunset Park 7th Addn., Storm Sewer Easement vacation requested by Carl Burbach.(l'l/2)(11/16}(12/7) .. 386,430,453 Sun's Corp., Yen Ching Res. 926 Main, Liq. Lic.(1112) .... 390 Supervisors of County requesting City vacate Eighth Sf~ between Iowa St. & Central & deed to County.(12/7) .... Supplement No. 35 to Code; No. 36 adopted; No. 37 adopted. (1119)(514)(10119} ............................ 10,170,371 Supplemental Agreement between IDOT & city re: Cable Car Square Historic Lighting Pro.('11/16) ................. 406 Support Grant ~ Neighborhood with Dbq. County E~xtension Office & North End Neighborhood CounciL(10/5) ...... 346 151 INDEX -BOOk 128 1998 SUBJECT PAGE S Support of Sale of Buddy Poppies by VFW.(5/4) ......... 169 Surface Transportation Board submitting notification of errata to Draft EA (Decision No. 23) .................. 445 Survey Plat of Tamarack S.E. 2nd Subd. approved.(2116)... 45 Survey plat of portion of Pinard P1.(5/18) ................ 190 Survey Plat of Yager Place, approval.(7/20) ............. 261 Survey Plat of Lots 1 of 4 & 2 of 4 of Kelly Heights Subd. (8/17) ........................................... 295 Survey, resubmission of application to State Historic Pres. Office for grant.(11/16) ............................ 406 Sutton, Ruby, re: rental unit housing testing; applicant for Human Rights Comm.(314)(12/21} ............. 101,477 Swensen, Jack, objecting to Radford Rd. Reconstruction Pro. (3/2) .............................................. 92 Swift, Edward A., applicant for Housing Code Appeals Bd.; reappointed.(1/19)(2/2) ........................... 13,34 Swift, Thomas G., applicant for Housing Code Appeals Bd. (2116)(312) ...................................... 50,91 Swift, Thomas P. II, applicant for Housing Comm.; appointed to unexpired term.(8/3)(8/17) .................... 279,299 Swiss Valley Economic Development Dis. - Urban Renewal Plan etc.(5118)(6115) ............................ 194,228 Swiss Valley Farms, Audit report.(1/19) ................... 7 Swiss Valley Farms, vacation & sale of Nicolet Ave. (1119)(3.116)(416} .......................... 8,135,136,150 Swiss Valley Farms, vacation of Euclid Ave. N of 3510 Central.(3/16) .................................... 106 Swiss Valley Farms, Expansion project - Enterprise Zone certification; Urban Renewal Dis, established etc. (3/16) .................................... 130,136,137 Swiss Valley Farms - disposing of City owned property near Jackson St. & Euclid by City to them.(6/15) ........ 232,234 Swiss Valley Farms, disposal of property in Linehan Park Addn. to them.(7/6) ............................... 246 Swiss Valley Farms - CEBA application filed.(10/19) ...... 372 Swiss Valley Farms Co., Tax Increment financing. (1112)(11/16) ........................... 402,403,423,424 SYED ALI, Claim.(7120) ............................... 260 152 INDEX - BOOK :i28 1998 SUBJECT PAGE T TRANSIT BD. OF TRUSTEES SUBMITTING MINUTES: (3/2)(416)(611}(8117)(1112) ..................................... 60,139,202,293,386 TV CABLE REGULATORY COMM. SUBMITTING MINUTES: (115)(212)(416)(4120)(7~6) ................. 1,28,139,159,239 TV CABLE TELEPROGRAMMING COMM. SUBMITTING MINUTES: (1/19)(4/20)(5/18)(7/6)(7/20) ............. 7,'159,190,239,260 T & M inc., Mario's Italian Rest., 1298 Main. Liq. Lic.(12/7) . 448 Table Mound Home Park -Jim Kaune, rezoning of SW Corner of KeyWest Dr. & Maquoketa Dr. from PRto C2. (11/16)(12/7) .................................. 429,451 Tabor, Paul, Environ. Stewardship Comm. re: Deer Management Plan.(6/15) ............................ 226 Tamarack S.E. 2nd Subd., plat approval.(2/16) ........... 45 Tank Vehictes re: Uniform Fire Code etc.{9/8) ....... 317,318 Tax Assess. Appeal filed by Tru Properties, lnc., Stipulation of Settlement.(10/19) ............................... 367 Tax exemption applications for Urban ReviL Area owners, also late ones approved.{2/16) .................... 46, 47 Tax exemption certificate & continuing Disclosure Certificate, Parking Revenue Refunding Capital Loan Notes.(3/2) ... 68 Tax Increment Dis. of Dubuque Corporate Center - closed out recommendation.(11/2)(11/16) ............... 398,426 Tax Increment Financing, Downtown Rehab Loan to Security Partners, LP.(2FI6) .................................. 53 Tax Increment Financing for TFM - Jack & Tom Thompson, First St. property.(2/16)(3/2) ....................... 55,96 Tax Increment Financing Dis. - Swiss Valley Economic Devei. Dis.(6/15) ................................... 228 Tax increment Financing for Morrison Bros. Co, (1'1/2)(11/16) .................................. 401,423 Tax increment Financing Funds Downtown Rehab Loan Program, renovate Peoples Gas Building at 7th & Locust for Dbq. Museum of Art.(11/16) ...................... 417 Tax Increment Financing Revenues from Downtown Urban Renewal Dis., allocated to Downtown Rehab Loan Prog. (11/16) .......................................... 427 Tax Increment Financing revenues from Downtown Urban Renewal Dis. toDowntown Rehab Loan Preg. (11/16) ... 427 Tax Increment Financing to TFM Co.(2/'16)(3/2) ........ 55,96 Tax increment Revenue Obligations - Swiss Valley Farms. (11/2)(11/16) ............................... 403,423,424 TBTB lnc, Cedar Cross Amoco, 1010 Cedar Ct. Rd., Beer Per.; Cig, Per.(2/16)(6/1) ......................... 49,205 TCI Cablevision of Dbq., merge with AT & T; change in control etc.(9/8)(11/16)(11/16) ................. 313.415,415 153 INDEX- BOOK 128 1998 SUBJECT PAGE T TCP - Town Clock Plaza - reopening etc.; Ord. ~ improper use for nonmotorized vehicles.(3/4)(5/18). 101,196 Technology Park - Dubuque, new name for Dubuque Industrial Center South; Covenants; final plat approval; sale of portion to McLeodUSA Network Services; now McLeodUSA purchasing different lot; Site Grading etc.; traffic control; construction of Landscaping etc.; Roadway Improvements; Sproule Cons. excavation contract claim etc.; RISE application for Data Court/Dbq. Technology Park; Landscaping Pro.; Roadway Improve.; portion sold to ADC Properties - Advanced Data-Corem.; IDOT RISE Funding to development of Data Court.; Disposition of Lots 4 & 5 of BIk 2 - Advanced Data Comm.; disposition of property - development of Agreement with Horizon Devel. Group & Cartegraph Systems. (5/18)(6/1 )(6/15)(7/20)(8/3)(9/8)(9/21 )(10/5)(11/2)(11/16)(12/15) ................................. 196,209,227,235,264,268. 271,272,281,285,308,311,322,336,350,351,361,389,422,467 Tekippe, Diane, notification of not on Human Rights Comm. (8/3) ............................................ 277 Telecommunications - digital - Loan to McLeodUSA, objections by US West.(3/16) ....................... 130 Telephone Co.. Council giving Loan to McLeodUSA; objections by US West.(3/16) ....................... 130 Ten Pin Tap, D. Weber, 601 Rhomberg, Liq. Lic.; Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic.(115)(716)(12121) ....................... 3,242,477 Termination of Concession Agreement for McAieece Park & Recreation Complex with JD. BS & SW Ltd.(12/7) ..... 438 Terms for Civil Service Commissioners changed. (312)(3116) .................................. 96,97,129 Testing for housing rental units by Human Rights dept. etc. (3/4)(3/16) ................................ 101,102,112 Testing program for licensing of electricians, plumbers & mechanical competency - changes.(8117) ............ 300 Text amendment to Zoning Ord., regulations for towers & antennas.(12/21) ................................ 480 TFM Co., First St area, Tax increment Financing. (2/16)(3/2) ...................................... 55,96 TFM Co., Oky Doky #1,250 W. 1st St. Cig. Per.; Beer Per. (5/4)(5/18) .................................... 173,194 TFM Co., Oky Doky #Z 51 W. 32nd, Beer Per.(5/18) ....... 194 TFM Co., Oky Doky #6, 1256 Iowa, Cig. Per.; Beer Per.(6115)(8~17) ........................... 223.298 Thanks offered by Legal Staff Intern, C. Stockel.(8/17) .... 294 Theater - Five Flags, Renovation, Grant App. for State Hist. Site Preservation Pro.(9/6) ......................... 311 Theatre Week, Community, Procl.(4/6) .................. 139 Thermal imaging Unit - Cairns Iris, for Fire Dept.(I/19) ..... 15 Thibeau, Regina, re: Roger Kunde's proposed auto salvage yard on Julien Dbq. Dr.(12F/) ....................... 459 154 INDEX 1998 SUBJECT PAGE T Third St. -W., & Spruce St., finalization of 1997 P.C. Concrete Paving Pro,(10119) ................................. 368 Thirty-One Hundred Club - Hoffmann House, Liq. Lic. (12/2t) ........................................... 477 Thirty-second Street - Easement Agree. for North End Neighborhood Bike & Hike Trail.(8/3) .................. 275 Thompson, Jack and Tom, TFM, re: Tax Increment Financing for First & Locust St. property.(2116)(312) ........... 55,96 Through Street -Adding Delhi St to Code as that.(8/3) ... 287 TIF - financing for TFM, Jack & Tom Thompson - First St. property.(2116)(312) .............................. 55,96 TIF - Funded Rehab Downtown Loan to Duaine & Jane Greenfield.(6/1) ................................... 203 Time extension for Completion of Comm. Partnership Program - cp2 - Dbq. County Habitat for Humanity.(4/6). 145 Tipping fees at Landfill, Dbq. Met. Area Solid Waste Agency. (ilS) ............................................... 2 Title transfer on Habitat for Humanity property, extension of time.(4/6) ......................................... 145 TKF Foundation - gift for Loras Park - to be named Rocco S. Buda Jr. Park.(3/4) ................................ 10t Tobacco Outlet Plus, Kwik Trip, Inc., 806 Wacker, Beer Per.; Cig. Per.(5/4)(6/1) .............................. 173,205 Tobacco Sales violations, various business, hearing, penaltiee.(3/2)(3116)(11116)(1217) .......... 100,115,433,458 Tobacco sales compliance checks - Grant, Police.(2/2) .... 33 Tobin, Pat, requesting zoning allow mini-warehousing & storage facility.(2/16)(3/2) ....................... 53,93-95 Toilbridge Inn, Eagle Point Asso. 2800 Rhomberg, Liq. Lic. (9/8) ............................................. 313 Tony's Place, C. Steffee, 1701 Central, Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic.; Refund on unexpired Liq. Lic.; Cig. Per. (2/16)(4/20}(6/1 } ............................. 49,160,205 Torrey, Kevin & Diane, re: Horizon Devel. requesting assistance for sanitary sewer easement, 12801 Nightengale Lane.(12/7) ................................... 460,461 Tot lot on Lores Blvd. - Rocco Buda Jr. Park - grant Agreement etc.; Constructions(314)(4120)(5118) .. 101,160,197 Tott's Tap, 3457 Jackson, Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic. - Outdoor $er.(6/15)(7120) ............................... 223,263 Tower Building - America - dismissal of case of Whalen vs City.(9/21) ........................................ 333 Towers & Antennas, Text Amendment to Zoning Ord. (12~21) ........................................... 480 Town Clock Inn, Liq. Lic.(2/16) ......................... 49 Town Clock Plaza, reopening etc.; Ord. - improper use for nonmotorized vehicles.(3/4)(5/18) ............... 101,196 Traffic change - Stop sign requested for Forest Lane & Glen Oak & Nevada St., approved & adding Delhi as "Through Street.."(5/4)(8/3) .............................. 170,286 Traffic changes, Motor Truck Routes - new Ord.(5/4) . 183,184 155 INDEX - BOOK 128 1998 SUBJECT PAGE T Traffic concerns around Kennedy School; Ord. - Woodland Dr. change in parking.(7/6)(8/3) .................. 240,285 Traffic control Ord. at Dbq. Technology Park.(8/3) ........ 285 Traffic light change requested for protected turn signal, by M. Kleinsch rodt et al at NW Art. & Hwy 20 - WalmarL (312)(4120)(1015} ............................. 96~163,342 Traffic - Noise from vehicles, new Ord. prohibiting.(5/4) ... 183 Traffic Signal Installation at 17th & White.(7/6) ....... 241,242 Traffic Signal Installation for conversion of 4th, 5th, Main & Iowa Streets to two-way traffic. (416)(514)(9121)(1015)(11116) .... 155,156,176,335,351,411,412 Trail - Application to IDOT for Mississippi R[verwalk Pro. (6/15) ........................................... 220 Trail - Northend Neighborhood, Easements, Project. (716)(7120)(8117)(9121)(10119) ...... 254,255,265,299,337,378 Trail Pro., Historic Bluffs, ISTEA Grant Application - Hodgdon St. & Catherine/West Locust.(9/21) .................. 332 Trail, re: purchase of property, Union Pacific RR Co.; objection by John Kivlahan re: bike trail on JFK Prop. (2/2)(6/1) ...................................... 29,209 Training Program - Entrepreneurship - NE Iowa Small Bus. Deve]. Center.(312) .................................. 89 Tranel, Matthew- 2 Claims; settlement.(9/8)(10/5) .... 308,341 Transient Boat Docks in Ice Harbor, Grant app.(2/16); ..... 44 Transit Board of Trustees, applicant Pamela Renfro; appointad.(716)(7120) ........................... 243,264 Transit Dept - Keyline, HVAC Improvements.(5/4)(6/1) 186,208 Transit - Para, Agreement with Project Concern.(11/16) ... 415 Transit Union, Local #329, Agreement.(6/15) ............ 219 Transportation & Communication s Steering Comm. of National League of Cities - D. Nicholson appointed.(3/2) . 89 Transportation Board -Sun'ace, notification of errata to Draft EA (Decision No. 23).(12/7) ......................... 445 Transportation System Design - RFP for consultant to assist Innovation Zone Comm.(9/2'J) ...................... 330 Trappist Monastery objecting to hog lots - our Environ. Stewardship Comm. studying issue etc.(9121) ........ 330 Trash, Garbage, re: amendments to Housing Code:(1/19} .. 17 Treanor, Clifford F., Claim; Denial.(918)(9121) ........ 308,329 Treasure Chest Gift Shop, Cig. Per.(6/1) ... ............. 205 Tri-State Golf Center, property behind, zoning amend, for P, Tobin to allow mini-warehouse & storage facility; Cig. Per.; Beer Per. (312}(611)(8117) ................ 93,205,298 Tri-State Modelers - Lease Agreement for portion of Roosevelt Park.(514) .............................. 169 Tri-State Veterans' Memorial Assn., termination of ~ lease~(6/15) ...................................... 227 Trick or Treat Proclamation.(9/21) ...................... 329 Tru Properties, Inc., Stiputati0n of Settlement - Tax Assess. AppeaJ.(10/19) ................................... 367 INDEX , BOOK 128 998 SUBJECT PAGE T Truck Driver position, certified by Civil Service Comm. (12/7) ........................................ 436,437 Truck Plaza -Sixteenth ST., Mulgrew Oil, Cig. Per.(6/1) ..: 204 Truck Routes, new Ord.(5/4) ..................... 183,184 Trucks prohibited from driving offthe truck routes.(5/4} .. 183 Trust Agreement with Norwest Bank, Iowa re: Parking Rev. Bonds.(3/16) ................................. 131 Tschiggfrie Excavating, awarded contract for Keyway Interceptor Sanitary Sewer Repairs; claim of Tom Uthe & Charlie Hosch forwarded to them; claim of Mary K. Robbins forwarded to them; claim of Jeff Matthewson forward to them; awarded contract for Storm Sewer ModE. on Clarke Dr.; awarded contract for North End Neighborhood Trail Pro.; Alpine Heights Mobile Home Park development near Peru Rd. - Aerostar Dr; area.; Alpine Heights Park devel. (2116)(716)(7120)(813)(918)(10/19)(11116)(1217) .... ; .................. 52,239,260,275,316,378,433,448,449 Turn signal, protected, requested by M. Kleinschrodt et al, at NW Art. & Hwy. 20, W entrance of WalMarL (3/2)(4/20)(1015) ............................. 96,163,342 Tuskegee Airmen Day, Proc1.(2/16) ..................... 44 TV Cable Regulatory Comm. applicant Craig Schaefer; reappointed.(lOlS)(lOItg) ....................... 347,374 TV Cable Teleprogramming Comm. applicant Kelly Sebastian; appointed.(7120)(813) ................. 263,279 Twelfth St. from White to Washington & 1200 block of Jackson, requeet for Residential Parking Permit Dis. (5/18} ............................................ 191 Twelve Hundred block of Jackson &Twelfth St. from White to Washington Streets - request for Residential Parking Permit.(5/16) ...................................... 191 Twenty Eighth SL, request by John Horn's to vacate & purchase portion of Brunswick from Strauss. (8/17)(12/7}(12/21) ................. ; .... 294,462,463,478 Twenty Second SL to 32nd St., re: Easements, North End Neighborhood Bike & Hike Trail.(716) ................. 254 Twenty-Eight St. & Brunswick, Nathan & Nicole Hoffmann, vacation of property.(7/6) ........................... 240 Two way traffic conversion of 4th, 5th, Main & iowa Streets; changing parking also. (416)(514)(9121)(1015)(11116) . 155,156,176,335,351,352,411,412 157 INDEX- BOOK 128 1998 SUBJECT PAGE U UCC Security Agree. - Financing - with State for Cartegraph CEBA Loan.(1/5) ..................................... 2 U.S. 20 Bridge over Mississippi River, 4 lane, Cong. Nusste.(4/6) ...................................... 145 U.S. 20 & NW Arterial, request for protected turn signal by M. Kleinschrodt.(3/20}(4/20) ..................... 96,163 U.S. Highway 20 Water Main Extension Pro. (7/20)(8/3) ................................. 267,268,282 U.S. 20 Corridor, Moratorium on Building Permits.(10/19) . 379 U.S. 52 E of, property of Frommelt Hasler, 102 acres request by them for City annexation.(6/15) ............. 231 U.S. 61 resuffacing project in county.(1/5) ................ 2 U.S. 61 & U.S. 20 for improvements.(2/2) ................. 28 U.S. West, objection to loan to McLeodUSA.(3/16) ....... 130 Ulstad Architects - design & engineering consultant for Heron Pond Wetlands Nature Trail Pro.; update on Hwy 20 Landscape Pro.; selection as Arch.(6/1)(7/20).. 202.258,262 Uniform Fire Code 1997 adoption.{918) ................. 317 Uninsured motorist re: false & fraudulent reports. (9121)(10/5) .................................... 335,358 Union Ave., formerly, now portion of Kirkwood St. to Nelson & Mona Klavitter.(10/5)(10119) ................ 360,361,376 Union Label Week, Proclamation.(9/8) .................. 308 Union Pacific RR Co., approval of Letter of Understanding re: Trail property.{2/2) ............................... 29 Union Pacific RR Co. property-along Elm St. between 22nd & 24th St. - Quit Claim deed.(3/16) ................ 106,107 United Way Campaign Time Proclam.{8/3) .............. 274 University Ave., 642, disposal to Rick Steuer. (6/1)(6/15) ................................. 213,224,225 Unused Building materials - Nuisance Abatement Ord. (5/4) .............................................. 179 Update on Hwy 20 Landscape Pro.(7/20) ................ 258 Uptown Recreation Program, constract with ISU Extension Service.(5/4) ....................................... 172 Urban Revit. Area Plan for Stout Place- Iowa Inn, old YMCA. (1119)(312) ....................................... 15,68 Urban Renewal Tax Increment Revenue Obligations, - TIF to TFM Co.(2/16)(3/2) ............................. 55,96 Urban Renewal Dis. - include expansion of Swiss Valley Farms.(3116)(5/18) .............................. 136,194 Urban Renewal, McLeodUSA Network Services.(7/20) .... 268 Urban Renewal Plan for Downtown Dubuque Urban Renewal Dis., amendment, re: Museum of Art.(10/19) ........... 376 Urban Renewal Tax Increment Revenue - Swiss Valley Farms Co.(11/2) .......................................... 403 Urban Renewal -Assess. Agree. with Morrison Bros. Co.(11/16) ......................................... 423 Urban Revit. Areas, property tax exemptions etc.(2/16) . 46,47 Urell, Jim, applicant for Zoning Bal. of Adjustment; appointed.(7/20)(8/3) ........................... 263,279 158 INDEX- Book 428 998 SUBJECT PAGE U Uskavitch, Charles, Jr. - notification of voluntary annexation to Asbury.(10/19)(11/16) ........................ 367,413 Uthe, Tom, Claim; forwarded to Tschiggfrie.(6115)(716) 216,239 Utilities - acceptance of easements for first phase of Asbury Plaza.(4/6) ........................................ 143 Utility Easement vacation & sale of property in Riverfront Sub. to Hodge Transit Warehouse.(716) ............... 245 Utility Easement vacation in Fremont Hgts. for McNamer. (115)(4120)(514) ............................... 2,167,175 Utility installation - Dbq. Industrial Park South.(4/6) ...... 142 159 INDEX- BOOK 128 1998 SUBJECT PAGE V Vacant Building Status Report.(8/17) ................... 296 Vacate 10'x 40' of Jackson St. ROW re: Swiss Valley Urban Renewal Pro.(5/18) ...... ..................... 194 Vacate portion of iowa Highway #32 - NW Arterial - Corey Investment.(7/6) ............................... 251,252 Vacate portions of Storm Sewer Easement in Sunset Park Seventh Addn., Carl Burbach.(12/7) .................. 453 Vacated alley between S. Grandview Ave. & York St. at South Hill St. to Richard Bertling.(9/8) ...................... 325 Vacating utility easement Fremont Hgts, for M. McNamer. (1/5) ................................................ 2 Vacation of portion of Burton's 2nd Addn., for D. Herbst, Atty. Setter.(l119)(7/6) ......................... 8,256,257 Vacating portion of Butterfield Rd. S of Carter Rd. for Kenneth & Blanche Johnsom(l/19) ................. 24,25 Vacation of Nicolet Ave. N of Swiss Valley Farms for them.(1/19)(3/16) ............................. 8,135,136 Vacation & disposal of Lot 280A to Hendricks Feed & Seed Co. - alley between Central & White.(212) ............... 35 Vacation of Euclid Ave. - N of 35f6 Central for Swiss Valley. (3/16) ............................................. 106 Vacation of Allison Place, E of The Finley Hospital, S from Delhi St. to College St.(6/15) ......................... 217 Vacated portion of Jackson St., plat approved and vacated Euclid Ave. & Alley North, plat approved, vacated Euclid Ave. from Jackson to Central.(6/15)(7/6) ....... 232,245,246 Vacation & purchase of alley near 295 South Hill St. for R. Bertling.(716) ...................................... 240 Vacation of property at 28th & Brunswick, Nathan & Nicole Hoffmann.(7/6) ..................................... 240 Vacating Water Main, Storm Sewer & Sanitary Easement in Lot 2 of Button's 2nd Office - corner of Kaufmann Ave. at North Grandview Ave., D. Herbst.(7/6) ............. 256,257 Vacation of portions of McClain St. & alley, access to Days Inn.(7/20) ......................................... 262 Vacation of portions of 28th & Brunswick, for John R. & Margaret B. Horn.(8/17)(12/7) ................ 294,462;463 Vacation of portion of Kirkwood St. formerly known as Union Ave., for Nelson & Mona Klavitter etc.(10/5) ., 360,361 Vacation of part of storm sewer easement in Sunset Park 7th Addn.(11/2) ....................................... 386 Vacation of portion of Cornell St. including alley between 16th & 17th requested by Ronald R. White. (11/16)(12~7) ................................... 413,461 Vacation of a part of West First St. & Alley East of Main St. from Locust St. Connector to West First to Bishop Block & Mehrl's.(11/6)(12/7) ......................... 431,432,453 Vacation of Eighth St. between iowa & Central, requested by County Bd. of Supervisors.(12/7) ..................... 461 160 ~ ~ INDEX - BOOK 128 1998 SUBJECT PAGE V Vacuum Filter Building Electrical Room at Eagle Point Water Plant.(11/16)(12/7) ............................. 428,458 Valentine Park Construction Pro.(6115)(7/6) ...... 230,231,246 Van Milligen, City Mgr., appointed to DP, A; reappointed to GDDC; explained faulty Severe Weather Warning Siren; Seventh Amend. to Employment Agree.; Annual Performance & Evaluation Report; appointment to DRA Board; disallowing non-eligibility for appointment to various Boards & Comm. (1119)(514)(5118)(6/1)(10119)(1217)(12/21) .............................. 15,177,198,202,370,461,479 Van Ostrand, Scott, objecting to 1998 Concrete Paving Pro.(4/6) ......................................... 147 Vehicle Parking at Law Enforcement Centar.{10/5) ....... 353 Vehicle parts etc., Ord. - Nuisance abatement.(5/4) ...... 179 Vehicles - conveyances, non motorized, in Town Clock Plaza, fine imposed.(5/18) ................................ 196 Vehicular Noise - Ord. amending prohibiting.(514) ....... 183 Vending machine sanitation inspections, State contract. (7/6) ............................................. 241 Ventilating ~ Air Conditioning & Heating etc., Ord, changing. (8/17) ............................................ 300 Venture Stores, closing notification.(5/4)(7/6) ....... 173,240 Vermin & Pests, Nuisance Ord.(5/4) .................... 180 Veterans Memorial Assn. Tri-State, termination of Lease for Marshall Park.(6/15) ........................... 227,228 Viertel, David, Claim; referred to fesurance.(9/8)(9/21) 308,329 Vietnam Veterans Week, Proclam.{7/20) ................ 260 Violations, new Ord. for Municipal Infraction Penalties. (8/3) ............................................. 286 Visiting Nurse Assn., contract of Services; contract for HIV/AIDS Prevention Pro.; letter of support for Maternal Child Health Clinic.(l/19)(3FI6)(4/20) ........... 12,109,158 Visitors & Convention Bureau, re: funding to fund Marketing Study.(416) ...................................... 155 Visitors Bureau & Convention, quarterly report. (11t9){4120)(.813)(10119) .................... 7,159,274,366 Vizaleea to Embassy West - Pennsylvania Ave. 1998 Sidewalk Assesaments.(9/8) ........................ 309 VNA, contract of services.(1/19) ........................ 12 VNA, Contract for HIV/AIDS Prevention Prog. (3/16) ...... 109 VNA, letter of support- Maternal Child Health Clinic.(4/20) 158 Voetberg, Dirk, Council Member, appt. to GDDC.(l/19) .... Vogl, Father Robert, Gave Invocation.(4/6) .............. 139 Vogt, Joseph & Sherri, Alpine Heights Mobile Home Park.(12/7) ....................................... 448 Voluntary Settlement of an assessment appeal by McGraw- Hill Co. - Board of Review.(12/7) ..................... 438 Vondal, Lanette A., Claim; referred to Ins.(3/2)(3/f6) ... 60,~106 Voucher, Housings, Amended Annual Contributions Contract for Section 8.(3/16) ........................ 108 INDEX- BOOK 128 1998 SUBJECT PAGE V Voting Delegate at NLC Conf. - Mayor & Nicholson (Alt). (1015) ....................................... 342 162 INDEX - BOOK 128 1998 SUBJECT PAGE W W. 9th St., 140 W., Canopy authorization for Firstar. ('i/f9) ............................................. 15 W. Locust, 715, zoning change from R-2A to C1, requested by P. Mohr.(5/18) ..................................... 197 W. Third & Spruce Streets, finalization of 1997 P.C. Concrete Paving Pro.(10/19)(12/7) ........................ 366,439 W.C. Stewart Construction, awarded contract for South Fork Interceptor Sewer Ext. - Phase 11.(7/6} ................ 247 Wachtel, James C., applicant for Airport Comm, (1119)(212)(918)(9121) ...................... 13,34,314,334 Wadde]l, Jr. George, ia Potato & Produce Hs., Beer Per.; Cig. Per.(1/19)(6/15) ........................ 13,223 Wage Plan & Compensation Package for Non-Bargaining Unit Employees.(6/15) ............................ 219 Wagner, Aimee, Claim; Referred to Ins.(813)(8/17) .... 274,293 Wal~Mart #2004, 4200 Dodge, Cig. Per.(6/1) ............. 205 Walgreen Co., 555 JFK - Kennedy Mall, Cig. Per,(6/1) ..... 205 Wall Improvements - Five Flags Arena Partition, Pro.(4/6). 149 Wail Railing Pro. - 1998 Historical Dist. Retaining Wall. (5118) ............................................ 195 Wail - Walnut St. Retaining, ROW from F. Roger Murray. (8/17) ............................................ 295 Wallace, Christee A., Claim; Referred to Regional TransitAuthority.(7120)(8117) .................... 260,293 Wallace, Janaan & Claude, re: t998 Concrete Paving Pro. (416) ............................................. 147 Walmart west entrance, request for protected turn signal. (312) .............................................. 96 Walnut St. Retaining Wall, Agree. for ROW for Walnut St., F. Roger Murray.(8/17) ............................. 295 Walnut Tap, C. J. Weiner, 709 University, Cig. Per.; Liq. Li~ (6/1)(7/20) .................................... 205.263 Walsh, John V., applicant for Housing Advisory Trust Fund; reappointad.(918)(9121) ................... 314.334 Walters, Jeff, Sister City funding & activities.(7/6) ........ 247 Wand, Steve, Hammerhead Bar/Billiards, 2095 Kerper~ Cig. Per.(6/15) .................................... 223 Wareco ~662, 700 Rhomberg, Beer Per.; Cig. Per. (4/6)(6/1) .................................... 146.205 Warming House & Concession Building at Flora Park. (916)(10/5) ................................. 323,324,349 Warning Siren problem; Outdoor Warning Siren System Pro.; Whelen Warning System from Feeler's Inc. of N. Liberty. (5118)(916)(1015)(11116) .................. 198,321,347,427 Warranty Deed from Plastic Center, Inc. for Riverwalk Pro.(1112) ........................................ 389 Warranty Deeds for ROW on Ciarke Dr.(l119) .......... 10-12 Washington Street Curb Ramps, from 14th to 30th St. (813)(9/8) ................................. 290,291,315 Washington Tool Library, Purchase of Services Agree.; ReleaseofCDBGfunds.(416)(514) ................ 144,t71 Waste Agency - Metropolitan Area Solid Waste Agency - Extension of Sewer to Landfill, Loan etc.(115)(1119) ... 3,14 INDEX BOOK 128 1998 SUBJECT PAGE Wastewater Plant -Water Pollution Control Plant's Phase Imprcvements,(5/18) ............................. 193 Wastewater Compliance Evaluation Inspection from Environmental Pro. Div.(9/21) ...................... 333 Wastewater Pump Station construction at Bunker Hill Golf Course.(11/2)(12/7) ........................ 399,400,455 Water hookup requested by Molo Ready Mix Concrete near Walmart.(5/18) ................................... 192 Water Main Extension Pro., U.S. 20.(7/20)(8/3) ... 267,282,283 Water Main, Storm & Sanitary Sewer, vacated Kaufmann Ave. at North Grandview Ave., for D. Herbst.(716) ....... 256,257 Water Plant (Eagle Pt.) Window Wall Replacement Pro. (212) .............................................. 30 Water Plant - Eagle Pt., Vacuum Filter building Electrical Room. (11/16)(12/7) ............................ 428,458 Water Pollution Control Phase III Improve. Pro.(5/18) ..... 193 Water Pollution Control Plant, - Environ. Protection Div. - Wastewater Compliance Evaluation report.(9/21) ...... 333 Water Rates changed for Residential, Commercial & Industrial etc.(3/4)(4/20) ........................ 103,165 Water, standing, stagnant, Nuisance Ord.(5/4) ........... 180 Water -Storm Water Regulations.(5/4) .................. 172 Water -Stormwater, Corn prehensive Plan, H.D.R. Engrg. (11/16) .......................................... 427 Watermain Extension Pro., Louise & Louella SL (3/16)(4/6)(11/16) ........................ 133,148,407,408 Waterman & Lane, Atty for Alter Trading Corp. - appeal re: Alter's Salvage Lic.(9/8) ........................... 326 Watson, Marcia, in support of Loras park; objecting to housing rental unit tesfing.(3/4) .................... 101 Watters, Bill re: Lifetime Center's financial needs.{9/21)... 335 WCB Hotels, inc. Hoffman House/3100 Club, Liq. Lic. (12/21) .......................................... 477 Weather Siren Warning problem; construction of Warning System; rescinding & preliminary approval once again; Whelen Warning System from Feeler's Inc. of N. Liberty.(5118)(9/8)(lOIS)(11116) ............ 198,321,34'/',427 Weather Warning Siren System Pro., Outdoor. (9/8)(10/5) .................................... 321.347 Weaver Enterprises, Papa Sarducci's, 1895 JFK Rd.(6/1).. 206 Webb Alliance Contract of $4,800 for services to enhance customer relations for Housing Dept.(1015) ........... 357 Weber, Dolores G., Ten Pin Tap, 601 Rhomberg, Liq. Lic.; Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic.(115)(716)(12121) .................. 3,242,477 Weiner, C. J., Walnut Tap, 709 University, Cig. Per. (6/1)(?/20) .................................... 205,263 Weinhold, Rev. Bob, St. Paul Lutheran Church. Invocation. (2/16)(9/8) .................................... 44.308 Weitz, Larry, supporting text amendment re: freestanding identification signs in C5 zoning dis.(3/2)(3/16) .... 95,114 164 INDEX - BOOK '128 1998 SUBJECT PAGE W Welbaum, Father Craig, of St. John's Episcopal, Gave Invocation.(8/17) .................................. 293 Welch, James, - Claim, American Family Ins. Group - subrogation.(1/5) .................................... 1 Wells, monitoring, 801 Jackson St., License Agree. with Seneca Environmental Services.(9/8) ................ 313 Wells, monitoring at 105 Locust, Seneca Environmental Services Inc.(2/16) .................................. 48 Wells, monitoring, at 1387 Dodge - Seneca Environmental Services Inc.(2/16) .................................. 47 Wells, monitoring, at 395 7th St., - Monitoring.(12/21) ..... 475 Welsh, Jerome, Claim; Referred to Ins.(3116)(4/6) .... 106,140 Welu, Dave of Welu Printing, changes in proposed plans for Curb Ramp Installation at 17th St*(1112) .............. 397 Wells, Diane, speed limits on Fremont.(3/16) ............ 129 West Dubuque Tap, D. G!nter, 1701 Asbury, Liq. Lic.; transfer of Liquor Lic. to parking lot at 5th, 6th & Main.(SFI7) .... 299 (4/20) ............................................ 164 West First St. & alley between Main St. & Freeway - Bishop Block to Bishop Block & Mehrl's.(ll/16}(12/7) ..... 431,453 West Locust Mar~ Lee Poffer, 408 W. Locust, Cig. Per. West Locust St. Step restoration - ISTEA Grant Application for Historic Bluffs Trail Pro. etc.(9/21) ................ 332 West side Industrial Park at former County Farm, PJSE Grant application to IDOT.(2/2) ............................ 33 Westhoff, Jeff, Dir. Computer Operations, re: Radiator Plafform constructed at CyCare Plaza.(10/19) ..... 380,381 Westmark Co., Ren Cavanaugh, objecting to Sidewalk Assess. on Pennsylvania.(8/3) ...................... 280 Westmark, Leo & Geraldine, Claim; denial; appeal denial of claim.(8/17)(9/21)(10/19) ..................... 293,329,366 Westphal & Co., awarded contract for Traffic Signal Installation for conversion of 4th, 5th, Main & Iowa Sta. to 2 way traffic; awarded contract for Dbq. Greyhound Park & Casino -Parking Lot_(5/4)(12J7) ................ 176,457 Weatview Subd., Lot 72A, John & Margaret Horn, vacating of portions of 28th St. & Brunswick St*(12/7)(12/21) .. 463,478 Whalen, John, M.D., offer for American Tower Bldg.; temp. injunction against demolffion permit; dismissal of law case.(7/20)(813)(9121) ........................ 267,274,333 Wharf, L & M, Michael's Bar X, 2616 Windsor, Liq. Lic. (12/2,1) ........................................... 477 Wheelhouse, The, Dbq. Yacht Basin, 1630 E. 16th, Liq. Lic.; Cig. Per.(4/20)(7/6) ............................. 164~242 Whelen Warning System from Feeler's Inc. of N. Liberty, IA - Outdoor Weather Warning Systam.(11/16) ............ 427 Whiskey River, C. Streff, 1064 University, Liq. Lic. White Cane Safety Day, Proclam.(10/5) ................. 341 165 INDEX - BOOK 128 1998 SUBJECT PAGE W White, Dick, Alpine Heights Mobile Home Park rezoning; (12/7) ........................................... 448 White House Tap, D. Hoffman, 450 W. Locust, Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic.(6/15)(12/21) ............................... 223,477 White, Mike, Hwy. 20 Landscape Pro.(7/20) .............. 258 White, Ronald R., vacation of Cornell St. - portion of Morgan's Subd., including alley, between 16th & 17th Sts. {11/16)(12F/)(12121) ..................... 413,461,462,477 White St, & Central, alley between, 8th to 9th Sts., vacating & disposing to W. Hendricks - Feed & Seed.(1/19) ...... 22-24 White St. & Seventeenth St. Traffic Signal Installation. (7/6) ......................................... 241,242 White Water Creek Bridge, amended agree.(4/20) ........ 160 Whitey's Bar - X, L. Miller, 2616 Windsor, Liq. Lic.(9/21) ... 334 WIC Services - Support letter to Hillcrest.(4/20) .......... 158 Wickert, Rev. Victor, Pastor of Hope Evangelical Church, Gave Invocation.(7/20) ..................... 260 Wildlife Ridge, final plat approval of Lots 1-9 Furuseth's Fourth Subd.& Lots 1 & 2 of Furuseth's Third Subd. (8/17) ........................................... 294 Willems, Sara, Youth Council Member.(4/6) ............. 139 William M. Black Handicap Accessibility, Cp2 funds; Environment Notice & Release of Funds; Steamboat Restoration Pro.(514)(813)(918)(1015) ....... 182,277,308,342 Window & Door Co. - Eagle, RISE Application for relocation of existing Spur Line.(6/15) ........................ 221 Water Service Connections - amendment to 1996 PC Concrete Paving Pro. No. 2.(1119) ..................... 14 Window Wall Replacement Pro. - Eagle Pt. Water P1.(2/2)... 30 Windsor Tap, C & J Inc., 2401 Windsor, Liq. Lic.; Cig. Per. (514)(6115) .................................... 174,223 Winger Const., R. Meehan claim referred to them.(3/2) ..... 60 Winger, Tara Roskopp Hakert, Claim; referred to insurance.(514)(7120)(813) ................... 169,260,275 Winter Maintenance Agreement with County - Roads. CI1716) .......................................... 405 Wolbers, Brianna, Youth Council Member.(4/6) .......... 139 Wolbers, Sheila, claim referred to Ins.(1/5) ................ 1 Wolff, Larry, support of Radford Rd. Reconstruction Pro - with sidewalks.(3/2) ................................. 92 Women's Hall of Fame, IA, nomination of St. Catherine Dunn.(SZ4) ......................................... 169 Women's Shelter- Battered, YWCA, Release of Mortgage.(3/16)(416) ............................ 137/151 Woodard, Iona, Corps Ofcr~ of Salvation Army, Invocation. (212) .............................................. 28 Woodland Dr. change in parking etc., response to J.F. Ken nedy School traffic problems;(8/3) ............... 285 Woodland Ridge Subd., extension of sewer easement, requested by Horizon Devel. for 12801 Nightengale, - Kevin & Diane Torrey, owners.(12F/) ................ 460 166 INDEX - BOOK 128 1998 SUBJECT PAGE W Woodland Ridge Subd., final plat approval.(6/1) ......... 211 Woodman, Myra, Central Tap, 1046 Central, Cig. Per. (6/1) ............................................. 205 Workers downtown parking in fringe areas, Council Member Michalski requesting examination of problem.(5/18) ... 192 Wulfkekuhle, Phil, objecting to housing rental unit testing.(3/4) ...................................... 101 INDEX - BOOK '128 1998 SUBJECT PAGE X 168 INDEX- BOOK 128 1998 SUBJECT PAGE Y Yacht Basin, Dbq., The Wheelhouse, f630 E. 16th, Liq. Lic.; Cig. Per.(4/20)(7/6) ............................. 164,242 Yager Place, Approval of Survey Plat.(7/20) ............. 261 Yard waste re: Nuisance Abatement Ord.(5/4) ........... 179 Yardarm Restaurant- Bar, 1201 Shires, Liq. Lic.; Cig. Per. (3116)(7120) ....................... ~ ........... 114,263 Yen Ching, Sun's Corp. 926 Main, Liq. Lic.(lf/2) ......... 390 Yield Sign on Lake Eleanor Rd. & Digital Dr. - Dbq. Technology Park.(8/3) .: ........................... 285 YMCA (old) -lowa Inn - Stout Place, 125 W. 9th St., redevelopment, Environmental Notice & Release of Funds; Mem. of Agree. - CDBG program requirements; Urban Revita Area.(1/19) (2/2)(3/16) .................. 8,15,28,112 YMCA/YWCA, 35 N. Booth St. rezoning property West & East of YMCA-YWCA from R1 to OS.(12/21) ............... 479 YMcA/YWCA Building Corp. - Special Needs Locker Rooms - Cp2 Funds; combined notice of Environmental impact - request for release of funds. (813)(8117)(9121) ........................ 288,296,297,329 York St. at South Hill St., vacate & dispose of alley betwean them & $. Grendview for Richard Bertling. (716)(918)(9121) ............................. 240,325,334 Young, Raymond, Claim; settlement.(4/6) .......... 139,140 Youth in Government officere.(4/6) .................... 139 YWCA Battered Women's Shelter, release of mortgage. (3FI6)(4/6) ................................. 137,~138;151 169 INDEX - BOOK 128 998 SUBJECT PAGE Z ZONING ADVISORY COMMISSION SUBMITTING MINUTES: (1/19) (312)(716)(7120)(8117)(9/21 )(10/19)(12/7)(12/21 ) ......................... 7,60,239,260,293~329.366,436,471 ZONING BOARD' OF ADJUSTMENT SUBMITTING MINUTES: (115)(212)(312)(3116)(4120)(6115){7120)(9121)(10119)('11116)(12121) ................... 1,28,60,106,159,216,260,329,366,405,471 Zasada, Jeff, appreciation for traffic change near Kennedy School.(8/3) ...................................... 291 Zelinskas, Sue, re: Miss. Riverwalk project etc.(l/19) ....... 5 Zephyr Aluminum paid for Eagle Pt. Water Office Window Wall ReplacemenL(212) .............................. 30 Zirkelbach, Dennis T., Zirk's, 1689 Elm, Liq. Lic.{1/19) ..... '13 Zirk's, 1689 Elm, Liq. Lic.(1119) ......................... 13 Zoning Adv. Comm. applicants Eugene Bird, Robert Nagle~ Carl Scherbring & Jeff Stiles; appointment of Eugene Bird Jr. & JeffStiles..(611)(6115) ...................... 206,224 Zoning Adv. Comm., 777 Edwards Road change.(6/15) ... 217 Zoning Adv. Comm. denial by them & set for Hearing, reclassifying of property at SE corner of Sunny Slope Dr. & Red Violet Dr.(10/19) .............................. 383 Zoning Adv. Comm., reclassh~ying property at NW Corner of Chaney& Asbury Rd. from PR to OS.(10/19)(11/2}.. 383,391 Zoning Adv. Comm., approval to amend PUD designation for property in Dbq. Industrial Center - Chavenelle Rd. (10119) .......................................... 384 Zoning Adv. Comm., final plat of Lots 1-4 of Leib Subd. - Salem St.-R. Leib.(l"i/16) .......................... 414 Zoning, plat approval of Sanders PI.- JFK in County.(1/19) .. 9 Zoning, E. 28th from R2 to CS.(1/19)(2./2) .............. 20,35 Zoning, plat approval of Fenelon Pt. Subd.(2/16) .......... 44 Zoning, plat approval of Tamarack S.E. 2nd Subd.(2/16} ... 45 Zoning, amend, of Ord. 77-95 re: S of 1095 Cedar Cross Rd. (2/16)(3/2) ...................................... 54,93 Zoning, Sign Regulations - allowance of freestanding monument signs in C5 Bus. Dis.(2/16)(3FI6) ........ 54,114 Zoning requested, but denied, for 980 Clarke Dr.(2/16) ..... 54 Zoning amendment re: Business Services to allow sign painting, (2/16) ..................................... 53 Zoning, Bies Dr. from RI to R2.{2116) .................... 54 Zoning amendment to allow a mini-warehousing & storage facility, requested by P. Tobin.(2/16) ................... 53 Zoning from AG to PUD - Dubuque Industrial Center West - E & W of Seippel Rd. & N of Cty Farm.(2/16)(3/16) .. 54,55,115 Zoning - 3055 Brenskill Rd. request by Randy Mills; denied.(3/16) ..................................... 131 Zoning Comm., assessment of Sign. Change on proposed change to the Oak Meadows Conceptual Devel. Plan for Jim Sfack.(4/6) ................................... 140 170 INDEX. BOOK 1998 SUBJECT PAGE Z Zoning Board of Adjustment interview of applicants, J. Bauerly & C. Scherbring; appointment of J. Bauerly; resignation of J. Bauerly; interview of C. Scherbring & J. Urell; appointment of J. Urell. (416)(4/20)(6115)(7120)(813) ............ 146,164,222,263,279 Zoning change at 414,416,422, 434 Lores from R4 to OR, as requested by Ruth & Russ Nash.(3/16)(4/6).. 132,146,147 Zoning - annexation text amendment; etd. adopting new Sec. 2-3.(4120)(514) ................................. 106,175 Zoning ~ survey plat approval of Pinard P..(5/18) ......... 190 Zoning - 715 W. Locust from R2A to C1, - P. Mohr. (5118)(611) .................................... 197,206 Zoning, reclassifying of 2400 block of Asbury Rd. from PR to OS - Marty McNamer.(6/15)(7/6) .... 230,243 Zoning approval for 10901 & 10913 Key West Dr. from AG to R1 -in County.(6~15)(716) ....................... 230,244 Zoning, plat approval, Lots 1 & 2 of Oberbroeckling Place in Dbq. County.(6/15) ................................ 217 Zoning - RV Parking etc., objection by S. Plumley.(7/20) .. 261 Zoning, plat approval of part of Yager P1.(7/20) .......... 261 Zoning, plat approval of Furuseth's Third Subd. - Lots 1 & 2; plat approval of Fureseth's Fourth Subd. - Lots 1-9. (8/17) ............................................ 294 Zoning Ord. - installation & repair of sidewalks - response to citizen concerns etc.(9/8) ........................... 313 Zoning denial for 2155 Rockdale.(9121) ................. 336 Zoning significant change for property at 2570 Asbury Rd.(10/19) ........................................ 368 Zoning, final plat approval of Siegert's Second PI. for Win. & Janet SiegerL(10/19) ............................... 367 Zoning at 2162 Rockdale from AG to R1.(11/16)(12/7) 429,452 Zoning problem re: Roger Kunde's Auto Salvage Yard at Julien Dubuque Dr., problems eto.(11/2}(12/7)(12/21) .................................... 398,458,459,478,479, Zoning - SW Corner of Key West Dr. & Maquoketa Dr. from PR to C2, requested by IIW Engrs.(11/16}{12/7) .... 429,451 Zoning - 1670 Asbury Rd., from OR & R1 to C2 as requested by R. Leytem.(11116) ............................... 428 Zoning change frem AG to PUD with a PR of property at Hwy 52 N, as requested by E. Tschiggfrie for Alpine Heights Mobile Home Park.(11/16)(12/7) .............. 429,448,449 Zoning change for 4100 Asbury from AG to C2 & C as requested byTfm & Sara Hilby.(12/21) ................ 479 Zoning change requested at 35 North Booth from OR to OS - YMCA-YWCA Building.(12/21) ....................... 479 Zoning of 2275 Elm St. from R2.A to CS as requested by Todd Schmit~(12/21) ................................... 480 Zoning, reclassifying property South of Asbury Rd. & W of the NWArterial from AG & C-3 to PUD with a PC & PR, requested by QHQ Partners, Mike Quagliano.(12/21) . .. 480 171 INDEX- BOOK 128 1998 SUBJECT PAGE Z Zoning text amendment, regulations for towers & antennas. (12/21) .......................................... 480 172