Davis Avenue 1011 1 1011 Davis Avenue 0; A. E. Realty 0o, Erect Masonry Educational Bldg B.P. 412 6/15/73 207,000.00 0- Hills & Dales Child Development Center C -Owner install new window BP 4691 7/27/82 $450.00 Board of Adjustment Docket 19 -83 for Conditional Use Permit to allow expansion of residential care facility Approved 6/16/83 0 -A.E. Realty Co. C- Richard & Sons Const. alter. to inter. masnry care facility BP 8773 6/21/85 $ 8000.00 1011 Davis U -Hills & Uales Child Uevel. Lenter U -lim Pancratz Lonst. inter. alter. for bathing room expansion, care facility — BPT9963 4TT792T32, b00T60 0 11 i 1- 1- s-- &-D-a1 es- • . a - - -E- iii -ese -Roo# i ng -- reroof center BP27964 2/20 /95 $35,733.00 0 -Hills & Dales C- Gerardy Const. remodel bathfiii; concrete work, child cen e 79 -- -2420/9 -5- -$9-875 - 00