Dodge Street 1471 1471 Dodge St. 0 -Homer Golden C- Leonard Smith Eredt S.F.Brick Veneer Dwelling.B.P. 307 6 -22 -48 4,800.0C B.of A. Petn to establish Bldg. line Est. 40 fruit Dodge St. Docket No. 32 -48 B.of A. Petn. to aibdiviae lot with less then required area. Denied Docket No. 52 -49 8 -25-49 B.of A. Petn. to waive lot area requirement for erection of dwellg. Denied Docket No. 37 -53 0- Harold Rucks C- Carris Const.Co. - -Add to rear of S.F.Br.Ven Dwellg.B.P. 34 2 -8 -60 4000.00 1471 Dodge St. 0- Harold Rucks 0 Rafoth Furnace & Sheet Metal Works Addition to rear of Br.Ven. Office Bldg, B.P. 649 6 -7-66 7,000.00 B of A pert to Art IV, Sec. 2J, to waive sign area. Denied 11 -19 -71 Docket # 72 -71 B of A pert to Art IV, Sec 2J, to waive sign area, reconsidered after appeal by applicant. Granted on 11 -30-71 Docket - #78-71 B of A pet For a var from the requirements of Sec 4-109.6 And Art IV to allow erection of second story add 8'6" from the west property line. Granted Docket 6 -76 1471 Dodge Street 0- Goodman - Ernsdorf C- Timmerman Const Add to fr bus bldg B.P. 482 1 June 76 30,000.00 0,11omi ni c Condman/Mi ke Ernsdorf C -Geo, W_estercamp erect add to brk & frm comm. bldg. BP 5192 11/22/82 S 267$$0 — 0- -GeadrOra -n r� Rncc remove all exist. signage - place 4x4 elect. sign on pole BP 6730 3/30/84 .::: - - . . A. • a—Sign Co. remove exist. wall sign & re. . - , . BP 1'?0582 7/30/86 1471 Dodge 0 -IDOT C- American Demolition demolish frm comm. bldg BP20282 5/22/92 N/A