Minutes Park & Rec 5 11 04 . . PRESENT: ABSENT OTHERS: MINUTES APPROVED; VOTE: RESTRICT EQUIPMENT CAPABLE OF TAKING A PHOTOGRAPH, FROM REST ROOMS AND LOCKER ROOMS; VOTE: LEASE A SECTION OF JACKSON PARK TO HOFFMANN- SCHNEIDER FUNERAL HOME; VOTE: REQUEST TO SELL A SECTION OF GAY PARK; VOTE: PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING Tuesday, May 11,2004 4:30 p.m., Snack Bar, Bunker Hill Golf Course Tom Blocklinger, Kim Daykin, Chuck Duggan, Paul Hoffmann, Gary Harjehausen and Tom Schrobilgen Karen Lyness Staff present: Gil Spence, Pat Prevenas, John Hail and Eileen Trimble It was moved by Harjehausen, seconded by Blocklinger, to approve the minutes of the April 13, meeting. The motion passed unanimously. Leisure Services Manager Gil Spence explained that with cell phones now being able to take pictures, use of them in rest rooms and locker rooms has become an issue. We thought the Iowa legislature was going to address this issue but they did not. Staff would like to ban use of camera cell phones in rest rooms and locker rooms. !.! was moved Qy Daykin, seconded Qy SchrobilQen. !Q restrict the use Qf .1illY equipment capable Qf takinq .ê. photo in rest rooms and locker rooms. The motion passed unanimously. Mr. Spence told commissioners that Jim Schneider contacted him several months ago and wanted to buy a piece of Jackson Park to expand parking for the funeral home. Staff did not want to sell any portion of the park but agreed to lease a 22' x 128' section, pending City Council approval. The area would add twelve parking places plus two places for the disabled, and the new parking spaces would be available for public use any time there was not a funeral or wake going on. Staff does not feel leasing this area would have a significant impact on the park. The City Council approved a lease for $800 per year, pending action by the Historic Preservation Society. If the commission opposes the lease, staff will communicate that to the City Council. !.! was moved Qy Hariehausen, seconded Qy Daykin. !Q approve the lease with Hoffmann-Schneider Funeral Home for .ê. 22' 2f 128' section Qf Jackson Park. The motion passed unanimously. ' Mr. Spence received a request from Jeffrey and Julie Ann Chase to purchase a piece of Gay Park to build a house on Kane Street, and this piece will make the property more suitable for the home. This piece of the park is a wooded hillside and not used for any park purposes; both neighbors support the sale. Commissioner Hoffmann asked if we would add height to the softball field backstop or move it because he was concerned about balls going down into the back yard of the home. Mr. Spence said he would discuss this with Mr. and Mrs. Chase. continued ~~ , REQUEST TO SELL A PART OF SOUTHERN PARK; VOTE: PARK DIVISION REPORT: RECREATION DIVISION REPORT: OTHER BUSINESS: ADJOURN; VOTE: May 11, 2004 meeting page two !.! was moved Qy DuQQan, seconded Qy Blocklinqer, !Q approve the sale Qf .ê. portion Qf §.§.y Park !Q Jeff and Julie Ann Chase, pendinQ ManaQer Spence discussinQlresolvinq foul ball situation with Mr. and Mrs. Chase. The motion passed unanimously. The Planning Services Department was contacted about purchasing two lots on Southern Avenue to build a single-family home. Mr. Spence explained that this is the area where we planted trees for development of a park. Funds are budgeted in FY 2008 for play equipment. Mr. Spence looked at the area, and if we want to create a park with play equipment, these two lots are the only place suitable. Staff does not support the sale because it would take valuable park property and prevent us from developing much of a park. !.! was moved Qy SchrobilQen, seconded Qy DuQQan !Q deny the request !Q sell .ê. portion Qf Southern Park. The motion passed §:.h with BlocklinQer, Daykin, DuQQan, Hariehausen and Schrobilqen votinQ ~ Hoffmann votinQ no. Park Division Manager John Hail shared the following: ~ Boy Scouts had a successful pancake breakfast. ~ We have two new fee collectors this year; pavilion reservations are going well. ~ Reservations are being taken at Miller-Riverview Park; did not flood this spring. ~ Greenhouse operation is doing fine; lots of plantslflowers to plant. ~ We are behind on mowing but hopefully will catch up by Memorial Day. Recreation Division Manager Pat Prevenas shared the following: ~ Golf rounds for April were up 18% from last year, 22% if you include the no charge; highest in four years. ~ We had 170 softball teams registered, up 12 from last year, highest since 1998; volleyball has 55 teams, down 3 teams from last year, but that's not surprising with all the competition. ~ Preschool swi m lessons are almost all full. We added hours for lap swimming and waterwalking - added 7:00 to 8:00 a.m. at Flora Monday through Friday and 11 :00 a.m. to noon Saturday and Sunday at both pools. Commissioners up for reelection: Terms for commissioners Harjehausen, Hoffmann and Lyness expire June 30, 2004. Staff will send them forms to fill out and return to the City Clerk's office. It was moved by Hoffmann, seconded by Harjehausen, that the meeting be adjourned at 5:05 p.m. The motion passed unanimously. Chairperson Attest