Elm Street & 24th 24th & Elm Sts. 0-Morrison Bros. C -Giese Sheet Metal Co. Reroof Br. Bus Bldg. B.F. 614 6 -1-66 450.00 Reroof Brk_Mfg Bldg B.P. 1021 12/10/73 8,525.00 0- Morrison Bros. C- Richard Anthony Const. interior remodeling, relocate gar. door, comm. bldg. BP 8013 12/7/84 $2500.00 0- Morrison Bros. C- Koerperich Const. reroof part of brk/masnry mfg. bldg. BP 9890 4/21/86 $5200.00 24th & Elm Morrison Bros. .......... Board of Adjustment Docket 51 -86 for variance for rear yard setback to allow construction of an addition on —the alley - line— Approved-- 1- 0/2126 0-Morrison Bros. C -Dick Koerperich Const. erect 40x50 frm add. storage bldg,indust.bldg. BP 11525 — 47 1 /87 - $217000.00 - 0=tdor_rison_Brns C= .lne-E3Je�Canst apply siding to portion, soffit, comm. bldg BP18156 3/1/91 $15UU.OU - i - Morrtsun Bras. �onlun�onst. demolisufir damaged _portion of stl mfg hlr RP34954_ 5/30/96 n/a 24th & Elm 0-Morrison Bros. C -Owner add wall to define wood shop, indust. BP41035 11/8/99 $6400 -:00 ------ - - - - --