Minutes_Historic Preservation Commission 3 2 11THE CITY OF Dub DUB�� E ��jjl► Masterpiece on the Mississippi 2007 MINUTES HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION EDUCATION TASK FORCE Wednesday, March 2, 2011 Conference Room B, City Hall CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 1:02 p.m. D l Commissioners Present: Chairperson Michael Knight and Commissioner Bob McDonell. Commissioners Excused: David Klavitter. Staff Members Present: Laura Carstens, David Johnson and Craig Nowack. AFFIDAVIT OF COMPLIANCE: Staff presented an Affidavit of Compliance verifying the meeting was being held in compliance with the Iowa Open Meetings Law. MINUTES: Motion by McDonell, seconded by Knight to approve the minutes of the January 5, 2011 meeting as submitted. Motion carried by the following vote: Aye — McDonell and Knight; Nay — None. HISTORIC PRESERVATION PROGRAMMING: The Task Force and staff discussed historic preservation programming opportunities with Cable TV Division Manager Craig Nowack. The Task Force and staff agreed the initial program should present an introduction and overview of the City's Historic Preservation Program. The program should cover incentives and benefits. The program also should include a segment which describes the process for design review. The Task Force suggested a Historic Preservation Commission meeting be taped and a design review applicant be interviewed. The Task Force suggested before and after images of the home also be included. Staff Member Nowack noted the introduction to Historic Preservation Program would be similar to other introductory programming on City Channel 8. He noted the biggest constraint is time. He explained summer is the best time to work on programming because an intern is available to assist, and the season is the best time to film. He suggested including before, during and after images of a project. The Task Force stated the program can feature residential, commercial, and institutional projects, but requested the program focus on residential. The Task Force suggested the program feature the average applicant with typical, simple, down -to -earth projects. They noted the project interview should be with someone other than a Commissioner. Staff Member Carstens suggested an interview may be better with a Commissioner or someone who has done a project and is already familiar with the process. Minutes — Historic Preservation Commission Education Task Force March 2, 2011 Page 2 The Task Force requested the program note the City of Dubuque's historic rehabilitation efforts. The Task Force also suggested the introductory segment of the program address state and historic tax credits as financial incentives. Staff Member Nowack suggested two shows. He stated one show would focus on the basics and benefits of historic preservation, and the second would focus on process. The Task Force felt the introduction process and benefits of historic preservation should be presented together. The Task Force noted the program should be short and concise, and promote awareness and education. The Task Force felt the program should serve as an avenue to connect people to City staff and resources. The Task Force and staff discussed having Chairperson Knight hosting the program. The Task Force and staff agreed staff would provide an outline for the script. The Task Force and staff agreed on a program with three segments. The program would be an introduction to historic preservation with an overview segment, process segment, and impacts of historic preservation segment, which would highlight previous projects. The Task Force and staff agreed the Cable Television staff could videotape meetings and work underway from a design review application approval to include in the program. The Task Force reiterated the importance of smaller, typical homes in historic districts, rather than larger mansion -style properties. Staff noted the programs can be viewed on the City of Dubuque website once they are produced and encoded by Cable Television. The Task Force requested that staff have a draft outline prepared for the April Task force meeting, and the outline can be forwarded to the Historic Preservation Commission for the April 21 meeting. Staff and the Task Force discussed the frequency that the program will run on City Channel 8. Staff Member Nowack noted that it is random. He suggested the Task Force consider short historic preservation featurettes. He explained they are one to two minute spots that run more frequently than programming. The Task Force and staff noted the 2011 Ken Kringle Awards as a possible featurette. The Task Force reviewed other options for featurettes. The Task Force and staff agreed to prioritize the 15 minute three segment Historic Preservation program and the 2011 Ken Kringle Awards featurette. The Task Force requested the Historic Preservation Commission be polled for other featurette ideas at the March 17 meeting. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting adjourned at 2:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, David Johnson, Assistant Planner Adopted