Minutes Human Rights 5 10 04 DUBUQUE HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION MINUTES OF May10,2OO4 Judy Giesen called the meeting of the Dubuque Human Rights Commission to order at 4:18 p.m. on Monday, May 10, 2004, in Conference Room 2 at the City Hall Annex. Roll Call: Present: Absent: Staff: Sarah Davidson Penny Ehlinger Patricia Foster Evelyn Jackson Corrine Murray Bill Ross Judy Giesen Lou Oswald Vincent Vanden Huevel Kelly Larson Bill Blum Carol Spinoso APproval of Minutes Commissioner Ross moved to approve the April 12, 2004 meeting minutes as submitted. Commissioner Murray seconded. All in favor. Review Plan of Action for Established Goals 1) Welcoming New ReSidents -Carine, Patricia Commissioner Murray reported that the brown bag luncheon meetings continue. The next meeting is scheduled for May 21. They have completed the small group sessions on health issues. They are now planning to invite various service agencies to explain the services they offer. 2) Human Rights in the Schools - Evelyn, Lou No report given. 3) Sexual Orientation - Bill, Judy, Vince Commissioner Ross reported that they are continuing the educational process by contacting various organizations, and members of the City Council. A mass e-mail will be sent to Chamber members. Prior to approaching the City Council, the group will evaluate any feedback to see where they stand. 4) Disability AwarenesslEducation - Penny, Lou, Sarah Commissioner Davidson reported that they met with Kelly for clarification on proceeding with complaints. They will utilize both the state and local agencies based on a casErby-case evaluation. The group will also seek to broaden subcommittee membership once they are ready to begin the surveys. Caseload Report Carol summarized the April Caseload Report. There were fifty-three intakes, three new cases were filed, ten cases are currently in investigation, four cases in backlog, two cases in mediation, four cases are in administrative review, no cases is in ALJ review, and four cases were closed. The case synopsis involves race discrimination in the area of employment. ChairPerson's Report Commissioner Giesen reported that she is working with a subcommittee of the Resurrection Social Concems Committee to evaluate the needs and accessibility of their facility. Judy and Bill will be speaking to the City of Dubuque Management Team Tuesday, May 11. Judywill talk about the Commission's four goals, and Bill will focus on the sexual orientation project. Judy stated that she relayed last month's Commission action regarding ethnic balance in community boards and commissions to the anonymous citizen that had contacted her. He understood commissioner concems, and seemed please that they would proceed with the TH article in July. Director's Report Kelly provided a written report highlighting past and future initiatives. June Commission Meetina Commissioners agreed to move the June 14 meeting to June 7. Staff and three commissioners will be in Washington, DC, attending HUD training the week of June 14. New Business Adiournment Commissioner Ross moved and Commissioner Jackson seconded to adjoum the meeting. All in favor. 1M """'" adj,"""", at 5 ,2Sp.m. M. . ' Minutes approved as submitted: ~ Minutes approved as corrected: .'------ ... .,--