1975 Index Council ProceedingsOFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE IOWA FOR THE YEAR 1975 CITY OFFICERS FOR THE YEAR 1975 COUNCILMEN C. ROBERT JUSTMANN, Mayor JAMES E. BRADY DONALD R. MEYERS 7/21/75 to 11/4/75 AiLVIN E. LUNDH ALLAN T. THOMS 7/19/75 EMIL STACKIS THOMAS A. TULLY, JR. 11/10/75 City Clerk ..""..""....".".""..."".""""""."""..."LEO F. FROMMELT City Solicitor ".""""""".""".""".""""""".""""""."""""R. N. RUSSO Assistant City Solicitors .""".""".".""".""".WILLIAM G. BLUM JOSEPH P. ZWACK 3/15/75 BARRY A. LIND1\HL 8/1/75 CITY MANAGER GILBERT D. CHAVENELLE Assistant City Manager """""".""""""".FRANCIS A. MURRAY Administrative Assistant """"."""."""""""".".GERALD J. KOPPES Personnel Director """""".""..."""""""".".WALTER K. BOCKES Program Planner """""""""."""."""""""""""PAULINE J. JOYCE Finance Director .""""""""""".""""."".""""""""A. G. HEITZMAN Deputy Finance Director .""""""""".""""""""""GERALD HIRD City Engineer """"""""""""""."""".""".""..."."".JOHN L. WHITE City Assessor ."".""""""""""""""""."""."""JAMES J. GREGORY Chief of Fire Department ."""."""""""""..ROBERT N. DUNPHY Chief ofpolice ""."""".""."""""""".""""""....ROBERT J. O'BRIEN Civil Defense Director """".""".""""""BEN J. O'LEARY 3/31/75 ROBERT GOOCH 4/16/75 Sup't. of Water Works """""."".""" "..."" ".""" ""."".".".J. J. HAIL Street Commissioner ................................"..MERLE FELDERMAN Director of Recreation "",, " " " ""RICHARD J. SLATTERY 4/4/75 TERRY TRUEBLOOD 4/7/75 Planning Director """""""".""""""""."""D1\NIEL DITTEMORE Building Commissioner .""""""""""""""""...DONALD J. BANDY Electrical Inspector .""""""."""""""""""""EDWARD O. ALBER Health Director ".."""""."""""""."KENNETH K. HAZLET, M.D. Health Administrator """"""""""""""."""".""""""."."A. J. ROTH Sanitary Officer """""..."""""""""""..""".."...LAVERNE GOERDT Food and Restaurant Inspector ..........."...............REX BRAMMER Plumbing Inspector "".."".........."."......."......RlCHARD J. FEYEN Library Director .."......"........""....".."".."WILLIAM G. FULLMER Supt. of Parks "....."....."...."....."......"".......""..RlCHARD KRAMER Airport Manager ...""..."...".""."."......"........."........."JEFF MOLID Community Development Director ...".......GENT WITTENBERG Regular meetings of the City Council are held on the First Monday of each month at 7:30 P.M. ~-.- 1975 INDEX-BOOK 105 SUBJECT A Jan. 6-American Trust & Saviugs Bank, appointed official depository for City Funds "".""."""".".".".""""."..." 6-Approviug Audit of city Financial condition for 1974 and ftrst half 1975 """""""""""""""""""""""""""" 6-Area "C"-Development Study Committee, list of names for same, suhmitted by Dock Commission .............." ¡¡:""'Alien Address Report Month," month of January so proclaimed' "..."..".""""."......"..".."..""."""..""..".......... 6-Adams CompanY, being opposed to proposed Fourth Street Redevelopment Plan ".......""""""",......""."". 4 13-Agenda for Council, su¡¡gesting streamlining same 16,297, 341 13--American Legion AuxilIary, requesting to sell poppies on May 23rd & 24th """""""""""""""""""""""""" 20 13-Andresen, Thomas. Granted Class "C" (Commercial Beer & Liquor License """""""""""""""""""""" 22 14-Agreements. Memoranda of, City Manager authorized to execute same with various employee - group organizations """...."."".......""""."""."""....""."".",,24, 90, 135 14-Advisory Committee, by Dave Clemens, reporting on various proposals to honse City Government ""..."". 20-Annie Waller's Snb., reclassifying portions of to Local Business "A" District. (Table Mound Park, Inc,) """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Feb. 3-Advisory Commission, submitting minutes of their meetings. "".""."".."".....".""."""".".""."".."""."""."",,58, 93, 127, W7, 208, 243, 308, 339, 356,515, 565,603, 633 3~Airport Commission, submUting minutes of their meet. ings. 58,78,111,120,154,208,309, 349, 450, 476, 538, 603,622 3-Area 'One Vocational Technical School, organizational meeting for those interested in services to senior citizens """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 3-Alpha Phi 'Omega of Loras College, requesting to distribute tags to support "Shamrocks for Dystro- phy" Drive on March 15, 1975 "".....""".""..........""" 10-AGREEMENT, revised, with Paul D. Speer and Assoc. for service in connection with sale of City Revenue & General Obligation Bonds, submitted -by City Manager """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 10...,Application with the Depl. of Transportation, for a grant under the Urban Mass Transportation Act of 1964 as amended for purchasing new buses......."... ........"""..."""""..".".""."""."."".".......""..."""...73, 110, 336,370 24-Avenarius, Julie Kay, Notice of personal injuries 'Claim 81, 169 24...,AGREEMENT between Iowa Highway Comm. and the City; giving City 50% of cost of r~paving Dodge st. with asphalt from Biuff to Grandview and -building deceleration lane at Devon Dr. intersection ...."""" 24-Amalgamated Transit Union Division, agreeing to pay plan during period of January 1, 1975 through June 30, 1976 """""""""""""""""""""""""".".""".".."""... Mar. 3~Admiral Street & Hillcrest Road, Mettel ReaJ.ty & Investment Co" requesting to install street lighting 3-AP~~tu'::::¡; Lid::"Tiië:'g':äiïiëd"ëïä;;;";;ë;;"êc~;;¡m~rdäi) 95, 101 Beer & Liquor License """""""""""""""""""""""""" 97 10-Annexation policy, formal. requesting adoption of same "......""....."""""......""""".""""."""..".".""."..."".103, 120 lO-Ames, Bobbe. relative to formal annexation policy adoption "...."""".""""........."."""...."""......""".....""".. 103 10-Adams, Eliza, requesting bus service be added on Sunday mornings "."."..."....""".......""""...""""....."".. 110, 314 17-Army 'Corps of Engineers, channei maintenance' dredg. ing upper Mississippi River from Guttenberg, Ia., to Saverton, Mo. ......""......"."""."..""""""..""".......". 111 17-Air Pollution Control, submitted ,by Illinois D.O.T., 24-AP:;:I~~';;a~~,ssl'à~';;äik"ë'~;;ši¡:;;~,iï~iïïJ~;;d"š;;.¡;m;tt~~ 139, m Apr. 7-Army 'Corps of Engineers submitting flood plan report for Mississippi River 43, 85 ~ JC'. . Page 2 2 3,51 3 22 25 59 59 69 88 90 111 128 1975 INDEX-BOOK 105 -- SUBJECT HJ75 INDEX-BOOK 105 SUBJECT Page 7-Ag"eement, Intergovernmental, for the creation of the Dubuque Metropolitan Solid Waste Agency; sub- mitted by City Engineer ........................................129.149, 625 7-Annual Finance Report for 1974 submitted by Finance Director ............................................................................ 7-A-1 Plumbing, Cooling & Heating Co., Notice of Bank- 7-Asb~lic& ~':;o~la~~l~~~e':sëëÜöiï:"F¡:ëd"JF"š¡iïhöid'ët ai, (50 signers) requesting parking be limited to one side on Woodlawn North approx. 300'........................ 7-Agreement between City & Iowa State Highway Comm. relating to the installation of traffic contrqi signals for school crossings at various locations wtthin the City (Number. 74-T.{]37) ................................136, 188,230, 262 7-Agreement, righ(..of-entry, to aiiow construction of sidewalks along the floodwall, with U.s. Army Corps of Engineers """""""""""""""""""""""""""" 14-Albert, Dick, relative to beautification ........................ 14-Ad hoc advisory Comm. preservation for historical structures to be established ""'...........................,....... 14-Agreement, Project, with Iowa D'ÛT for study on proposed North-West Arterial Roadway.................... 21~Ahlers. Cooney, Dorweiier, Allbee, Haynie & Smith, attorneys representing Bethany Home, in a pro- posed bond issue ....................................................154, 180, 224 21-Advisory Commission, appointments made .to ............ ............................................................163, 164, 321, 347,427, 619 21-Alfredo, William Jr., Granted Class "C" (Commercial) Beer & Liquor License .................................................... 162 25-Allendorf, Don, appointed to Cable-TV Advisory Com- mission .............................................................................. 25-Alfredo, William. appointed to Cable.TV Advisory Commission ...................................................................... 28-Area 'One Vocational-Technical School looking for garden plots .....:.............................................................. 26-Astgen, Thomas Granted Cigarette License and granted Class "c" Beer Permit ........................................170,17-1, 295 May 2--Althauser St., included in 1975 Asphalt Paving Project No.1....................................................................:............. 177 5-Asbury Road, included in 1975 Asphalt Paving .Project No.1 (DELETED) ....................................................177,225, 226 5-Agreement, and Reiocation Easement secured from Illinois Central Gulf Railroad Co. in connection with the installation of South Dubuque Interceptor Sanitary Sewer ................................................................ 5-Airport 'Commission authorized to file application with D'ÛT-FAA for purchase of crash-fire rescue equip- ment. (Project No. 8-18-0023-0175) ........................ 12-Advisory Commission submitting results of survey of attitudes and priorities of citizens of the City........ 12-AGREEMENT, LEASE, with Loras For SAN JOSE Pool and Handball Courts ....................................202. 207, 480 19-Airport, Municipal, requesting approval of local funds for share of cost of constructing a 3" asphalt mat on North-South Runway.............................."........ 213, 236 19-AlRPORT, Approving and Accepting of Grant Offer from Adm. of FAA to o.btain Federal Aid in Devel- opmentofDubuque Municipal Ah'port. IPFoject No. 8-19-0028-01) ...................................................................... 213 19-American Legion Granted Class "c" (Commercial) Beer & Liquor License ............,.......................218. 242,296, 338 27~AGREEMENT with Inns of Iowa. Ltd., for frontage road to serve facility known as a Ramada I!Ì)1 at intersection of Division St. & Highway #20 """""" 235 27-AIRPORT COMMJ;SSlONRESOLUTIDN-Reque.l.ing City Council to proceed with issuance, and sale of $125,000. General Obligation Bonds for Improve- ments to airport ..;;...........:............................................236, 272 27-A & P, Granted Cigarette License and granted Class "c" Beer permit ..............................,....;..........................238, 437 June 2-Advisory Comm. in favor of combining, Park Board and Recreation Commission into one Board ...,'........ Page 250 2-Andresen, Thomas 'Eo, Granted Cigarette License ........ 2-Amundson, Rouaid T., Granted Class "c" (Commercial) Beer & Liquor License """""""""""""""""""""""" 9-Auditor of State, statement for year ending Dec. 31, 1973, amt. of property tax paid to cities and towns in Dubuque County........"...,..".."......................:........... 253 9-Amending the Budget as ap,proved by Ordinances 1-74 and 38-74 .......................................................................... 256, 313 9...,Ambassadors, Dubuque, sponsors for the 1975 Iowa Community -Betterment Program ......................"........ 265 9-Adams, Ronald. Granted Cigarette License ....,............... 266 16-Auditor, (County), se,(tJement of sale of property at 850 Montcrest ..................................,............................. 16-AGREEMENT, Primary Road. Extension Maintenance and 'Operation, for period of July 1, 1975 to June 30, 1976 .................................,.......................................... 16-Airport report for year 1974 submitted ........................ 16-Airport Commission, 'Ordinance establishing same for the City of Dubuque, fixing the powers and duties of said commission ....................".................................. '" 16-Arlen's, Clarence Place¡.apprOving plat of Lots 1:13 inclusive, all in Wes Ridge Addition in the City.... 16-AGREEMENT, 28E, City to ,become a member of the Dubuque County Law 'Enforcement Telecommunica- tions Plan under same .................................................... 16-Arvanitis. George K, Granted Cigarette License .....:.. 23-Application for a temporary Solid Waste Disposal , Pmject Permit submitted ............................................ 23-cAndresen, John C., Granted Cigarette License (2)........ 22--Adams, Charles, Granted Cigarette LicenSe .................... " 23-Aquiuas Institute School of Theology, Granted Cigar- , ette License ....................."...,....................".............".... 3O-CAmericanLegion, Granted Cigarette License """""""" 3O-C.-\partìnent ¡;'A; Granted Cigarette License .................... July 21-Affirmati"e Action Program, Judy McCoy questioning , first report on same ............:....................................... ,,'I 26-",Mfirmative Action Program" submitted by City M I)lagement .................................................................:.. Aug. 4-Amundson, Ronald T.; aud Ricbard D. Winsor, Granted ". 11-ASb<;;:r~~ai'.~c~~~lesi"'óf"äss'eš;;;;¡ënï~"öf"tëäï':ë'stäië " l1-'AsburyBicentennial Flag presentation to be held Øn Aug. 21, 1975 """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ."" ll~Ad"isory Commission, TV, requesting clarification , of Ordinance No: 8'7'5 pretainlng to Commercial Rates on television .............................:.......................... 12--Avenarius, Richard. requesting to purchase portion of an alley abutting Lot 1 of 1 of Lot 11 in Althauser Sub. ....................................................................442, 453,556, 593 16-AmVets Post #3, Granted Class "c" '(Commercial) Beer & Liquor License ............................................................ 447 Scpl. 2~Ambulance, Modular Type, City Manager recommend. ing ,bids for same """""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 6-Adams Company, opposing 4th SI. Peninsula area re- development """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 8-Advisory 'Commission submitting recommendatJdns concerning river pollution and shigellosis ............ 8-Agricultural Land Tax Credit List for 1975 as sub- 1!litted by the City Assessor, submitted by City Manager """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 15-Albrecht Acres, Dubuque County Ass'n for Retarded Citizens expressing thanks for contributions made to building and programs of same """"""""'........... 15-Accessibility to City Hail by handicapped presented 29-Arbor Oaks Subd., Iowa Northwestern Development Corp. requesting instailation of seven street lights in same ............................................................................496. 526 29-Asbury Springs Subd. No.1, approving plat of same. (Powers and Kaiser) ........................................................507, 548 Oot. 7-A~eement & Le'ase, Dubuque Disposal Co., requesting to renew same for property at 14th & Elm Streets 515 130 130 133 136 142 142 145 164 164 167 177 187 193 199 213 235 :1 Ii II II tUlI 1 Þ...~-- ., ...~~~i!4(!""i~:ft,......:.: 244 251 278 278 278 280 290 291 295 303 303 304 304 318" 318 350 356 425 429 429 4:15 454 484 487 468 475 475 7-ARTICLES 'ÛiF AGREEM.E¡NT for the Dubuque Metro. politan Area Transportation Study submitted 'by thø City Engineers ..."""...".....""",......"."..."......"..515,526, 571 7-Accidents, w'ben the apparent total prope~ty damage is $250.00 or mo're to be reported to the office of tl¡e c'bief of Police ....""..........".."....".."""""",...517,527, 538 7-Ambulance, purcl¡ase of same, 'bid awarded to Environ- mental Safety Products """""""""""""""""""""""" 519 13~Amling; Loras, relative to Ordinance on Unit Price Coding ......."......,...."..""..""."....."....",...""..."""......""... 526 IS-Asbury ad.. residents of 1660 and 1690 of same,being cognizant of recent new zoning ordinance for thøir propeDty at same address "...,....",.."""....",528,578, 622 20-Application of the City & County for a flood plain information study aiong Catfish Creek and Little Maquoketa River, approved by National Resources Council """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""'" 2D-A & P Store 'on A.bury Rd., Donald Schute appealing ~ame tociean premises surrounding their property 27-Alrport, 'State Governor presenting a State 'Flag for same """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 554 27-Annexation to .the City, requested by Kopper-Powers Ford ",...."......,...""",.......,.."""""""""............"."....,..:"", 559, 633 Nov, 3-A & W Restaurant, ohjections to same being made into Drive-In Restaurant ............,.."".".......""""....".."...".." 10-American Legion Post #6 requesting to conduct Vet- eran's Day Ceremonies """""""""""""""""""""""" 17-Annexation. formal, League of Women Vaters stressing the need for same """""""""""""""""""""""",.....,, 24-Armory for National Guard, requesting ,land for con. struction of same ,..""",.."..........."";...,...""..."..,,..,.., :Ó~c, I-Agenda, Council, requesting same to,bepnblished in preceding Sunday's newspaper, suggested >by Ad- visory Commission ...."."..."..,.........";""""""..".."..,..,, 60S, 626 8-A"C.O,G. and County Supervisors to share services of E.'û:O, and include study of County Haman Rights ColIÌmission'..,;"....."..""...........".....",."."....""".."..""".. B--AGREEMENT,proposed, between Bowen'Kanazawa Partnership and Five. Frags Civic Center Fund .... 6-A,lbert, Richard F" appointed to Community Ðevelop- ment Commission .....,'....:......."...""",.....'....""""""""", 6-Ames, Bobbe J;, appointed to Community Ðevelopment Commission """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 15-Abi!;z, >Don, appointed to Cable TV Advisory Commission 22-"Alian Address Report Month" prociaimed for month of January, 1976 '"il INDEX-ROOK 105 'SUBJECT i! 1975 II Page 1975 INDEX-BOOK 105 SUBJECT B 526 Jan, 6-Building 'Department, Inspectors of,requesting review of the City Pay Plan "."""..",.."..,.."....".."......".."."" 3, 23 6-Bracouier Inc" objecting to pavingofE, 7th St, in regards to 4th street Redevelopment Pian ..",..",...." 4 notice to the City fo'r indemnity for damages 6-Blades, Alta Jane, objecting to and serving formal notice to the City for indemnity for damages sustained as result of operation of sanitary land fill on Gantz propevties "............."""".."'",..""""......."""....,, 6-Boardman, Mrs, Arthur lIt (Catherine), Settlement of Claim """"'.....",.."",.."".""..""""...."",...."""...."....."", 6-BONDS, STREET ]M!PBO'VEMENT, issued for provid- ing for the payment of assessed cost of 1973 Con- crete Sidewalk Project ""..""""""....."...".....,.."".."" 6-Burke, Josephine, granted Class "C" (Commercial) Beer & Liquor License and Cigarette License,....", 13, 304 13-Barrett, Mary E" Notice of personal injuries Claim,.., 17 13-Bonds, Industrial Revenue, Approving of fee schedule whenever and as often as any corporation shallre- quest the 'City to finance any project by the issu- ance of same ..."..",...."..",..,..""......,.....,..".................19,144, 180 13-Beadle, Loras and Leta A" owners of property at 1085, 1091, 1095 White 81. and 56, 72 & 74 E. 11th 81., buildings to be dismantled and removed ,..".........., 13~Berger, Dave, reappointed to the youtl¡ Services ",..", 13-Bellucci, J<>Ann, appoi1\ted to the Yout,h Services "".." 14-Bockes, Walter, Personnel Manager, ,tò negotiate with union that did not agreø to contract .......",..:,....",.., 20-Brockman, Mrs, Ralph, Notice of personal injuries claim 2D-Building Trades Employers Assn" ~uggestions for im- provement of the .propo~ed code """""""""""""" 2D-Building Code for the City, An Ordinance revising and re,establishing same """""""""""""""""""""" 26, 351 Feb, 3-Becker Report, l'he, suhmittedby City 'Management.... 57 " 3-Block Grant Funds, meetings tø be,. held relative to same, and proposed uses òf same ..",.."..",.."",..,58, 79, 125 3-Bridge, Iowa-Wisconsin, Coancilman Thoms to"com- l0-B0:J'~~aJ~p::;~o~t':¡qn~~~~o::[;,~eiiäií~ë' '~¡¡ä;:gë 63 of Law Enforcement Center """""""""""""""""""" 65, 131 lO-Billington, II!:ary, retain '(he 4th St. Neighborhood,..,ß6, 79,' 125 10-Bonds, City Revenue & General Obligation, City'Man- ager submitting revised agreement with PaurD. ~fe;~,;,~ ~,~~~~'",~~~..~,~~~i55,,~~;,~~~,~~,~~~~~,,~i,~,,~~'~ 10-Buses, purchasing new, application made to D,O,T. by Dubuque Transit System ....,..,..,....,...."",..,72; 110, 336, 370 24-Bechen, Mrs, HaroId, COpy of letter from Allan L, Donielson, V,S. Attorney, rêla.tive to pornography 78 24-Bahl, John, reference to rehabilitation """""""""""""" 79 24-Bulk Transfer Notice, relative to .business of Inter- continental Coffee Service of -Dubuque; re coffee machines """.............",........,..""..,..,..".".............."..,..". 24-BUDGET ESTI'MATE SUM,MA.RY for July 1, 1975 to June 30, 1976, submitte Man- ager,ate of Hearing "............" , 118, 119, 126 24-Bogarth, relative ,(0 Casual Day Proposal ,..,89 Mar, 1D-Busses, 0 to possible removal of same during the summertime """....",.."....."......""",..........."...".."... 10O, 118 " 10-Bradley, Brian E" Notice of Car Damage Claim ........ 101 1D-Buesmer, Glenda, relative ,to fireworks display reClaest . ,of Loras College """""""""""""""""""""""'"""""", 103, 112 1D--Bahl, 'Shawn et ai, requesting e.ta'blishment of Girl's Center ,......"......".."....""..".."..",.."....".""..",....""""...... 10-Bertsch, Robert, Atty, fo'r Janlin Plastic Co" request- ing removal of certain conditions in resolution and deed relative to their property."..""..",........"""".. 1(14. 189 1D-Bartmann, Ted, Granted Cigarette License .................... . lö7 10-Brant, Carl N" Granted. Class "c" (Commerciai) Beer & iLiquor License andCLgarettê License ",....""".., 108, 250 I 536 538 568 580 584 594 614 614 619 619 629 633 \ Page 4 5 10 21 22 22 24 26 26 63 i19 81 103 1975 INDEX---BOOK 105 SUBJECT I =, 17-Baumgartner, Ruth, objectîng to raise in Cable TV rates 24-Building Inspector, Dubuque Homebuilders & Associ- ates objecting to proposai .(0 eliminate additional 24-Behnke, Vernon, recommending funds shouldbe'Üsed to payoff the Urban Renewal debt """"""""",..", '!" 24-Beautification Committee requesting to solicit funds, materia! and manpower to meet goals of."Beautify Dubuque Month" "",;";".."""..,.."""",,,,122; 127, 142,161, 350 Apr, 14-Base'ball Week - April 13 thru 19 """""""",,""""""" 142 " 14-Brice, Petrides and Associates øf 'WateÍ'ioo' to 'be , consultants for proposed North-West Arterial road- , way """""""""""""""""""""",..,;;",..'"",145, '146, 154,587, 596 .J' 21~Brady, Councilman, apPointed to 'Metropolitan' Area, Solid Waste Agency """""",..""""""""i:,;""""""""",:, 149 21-BETHA!NY HOME, proposed bond 'issue, to be repre- sented'by A.ttys: Ablers;Ggoney:'Dorwe.i!er, Allbee", , Haynie & Sl)1ith..""...":,;";"""",',..""",,,',':,,,;l54, 180,224, 485 21-Bicentennial Committee, relative'C¡o plan of action and City's cómmitme]}tto participate in thellext year 21-BO~~d ~rez~~lnii"'Ádj';i~i~i~¡:"";;t~Þötiiim~iiK"'iiiädë 21~Board of Appeals.Building Code,' apl)oin\¡nents J;!1ade ,,' . ",."""",.."",;"""""":"""",,;,;;..:,,..,;:,;;..,L,183, 164, 321, 438, 619 25-B!sping, HerhertF,,'Gi'ånted Çlas,s:"ß""i\eerPermit'" 165 28-Barr"Ms,¡;haro~, SUbmittîl1:¡frepgrtsÞf the&tu~~~~~~ 26-Bisg¡~i~'iI~r'b~~¡t~fg~g~¡f oe~ìtltJ:!epartment 167 reciassification 'of Lot.1Ð Subd: ,',..;""""":..":""""",:,:"":,...;:,:,.",;;"..,~,,:,,...,,,,,,110 223, 299 i'Æáy 12-lIiasi, Karl, .relative '. 701 Program ..""",;", '198 ." 12--Broken SPUr . ¡Commercial) Beer i' , : Si'Liquor . 195, 21)2,203, 206 ... 19_1Ieecb.er Co: 'BiierPebj\its (2) """1,,,-, 217 '~'" 22-Bratly, Ü>un . .. , '",.."",,219, 239 ",' '27~Ba"ter;Elát rel1ce- 222 27-cBloUj]}\ . ..'. -". IÌssl lative to- : ,~eatmentÞlants; l'rese""tin~ö.utdgor pylon fljl¡(,fo,r , c1,¡y Hdll ",...."""""""""""..""",..",',;;""""".."',.."..",,,.... 222 ", 27-'<l\\\I\'7]\'!1>QI1,Int:".ç¡rante!i,gi¡¡*:et~e.},ifenSe ~nd;GI?1!SC: . ".. . 'C (CommercIal) Beer ,& ¡;;lquor LICense """""""" 241, 295 JUI\e 2-,Blue Cross-Blue.. Shield' 'for' Virginia Hos, Notice o-t' . :".......:"""..,:"""..~i""..""",:.."."""""""""""",:", 246 9-B . ING saÌl1èas 'approv'e!i ,by 'Ûntinan- .and 38-74, :",':::¡';'¡;",..;..,L"",:¡;L";",:;:,..¡"",..,,, 258, 313 9-;1Jauer, ,DanieLW, ,and ,Marilyn. K..,Granted'\JigaretJ¡e , ' ;9-':kec~~'i,n~~bê":t'L::;G~~iit~d,,{iigá;:ëiï:'Li~ë~¡'è"á¡;;j':tïäš , 268 9-Bir~h~í~~~!ó':~~iëdi:ë¡gäréïië"Ü~ëiïšë"::::::::::::::'.::::::::: ~~ 9-Board of,Supervisord and CitYCó1,!ncii jointly req¡je~.t- ingrowa Natural Resources C9Upcii approve ap- p icationforflood plain information study' under .. provisions of See, 206, Public Law 8.6-645,:.."..",...., '" 16--.<B'ONÐS, AIRPORT -GENERAL "ÛBEr-GATI'ON',' sale 6f .. same...";"""""":",:,..."",..,....""....,....,...."""""",,......,,,.... 16-Bcecher Co" Granted Cigarette Licenses (2) "..,......"..".., '16~Bisbop Subur,ban Buffet, -ç;ranted Cigare,tte.. Licen$e 23~Bát!"ry.powered cars,1nvestigá,t""feåsibility',..,..:.."",-"",, 2iJ":'Bersley, :Otis & Rosella, suspension of real estáte..taxes 23-Biebermán, Louise, -;susp'lUsiol!of real "statê'táJ¡Jis 23-Bûettcher:Donald"G. '&"Eleanor E,;si,spensio1Ì 'öf real estate taxes """""""'....,...... """ "'.."'.."""...., .... 23-,Jjradley, Helen M,,' suspension of real estate taxes 23-II!>wman, Sandra, Notice of personal injuries' claim ".. 23-Bailey; Edward, Granted Cigarette License """".,..,:,,' 23 .n; .Richard, ;..Grånted .;,Cigarette Licensé "":;i,'",,,.. ~3 ~t:a~tiI~~;tigc,~:f:.;~~~~gi1~tiê'Üë~iïsë 23 'Oil Co" Granted "Cigarette. 'Lice¡¡Se <"....,:"",.., :,2iJ-cBunkerHiIUPro Shop; Granted Cigarette t,iiiens"'..,..", ," ," page 111 118 119 1159 163 270 272 295 295 297 298 298 298 298 299 304 304 304 304 3Ò4 304 ".. ..jÞ~- l\jiG, ".."" ~ INDEX-'-BOOK 105 , ' , STJBJECT i J 23-.->Burger King, Granted, Cigarette, Licen.se ,.."....;,:",,"'.. '23-'Bender, Jske, Granted Cigarette License ,','",;,';:,.."..", 23-.Bailey, Edward, A" -Granted Class "C" '(Commercial) .' Beer & LiquQrLicense ..",.."",..""".."..,;"""...""", 23:-Buss, GarY &, Thelma Paradiso, Gra¡tted, Class "C" (CoJ;!1merCÌal), Bee~ S, Liquor Lic.ense "..""",;:,;"""", 30";"'Baum, William J" Granted ,Cigarette License "",..:..... 3D-llridge, Maria¡¡,.. G~an.ted Cigarette License """""" 3D-Broughto'¡¡,IIobert, Granted Cigarette 'License ""....".. 3D-Bisanz, Robert p,; appninted to Playground & Recrea- tion Commission """",""';""""""""""""""""""""""" 30-Blum, Dorothy,appointed ,to Playground & Recrea- tion ComJ;!1ission"":"..""""..".."""";"""".."",;"""",,,, JulY 7~B'Û'NiJS, STREET J!1\I{PR'OVEMENfl', to be issued fpr the' assessed cost of City of Dubuque 1974 Asphalt Paving Project No, 1""..".."..,;""..,..""""..",..,..""""',,, . 332 21-Burke, Do¡¡ald J, and Erma Po, Notice of car damage. claim ....""""...."'.."""""""...."";.."""";.."""""",.."",,,,,, 350, 476 21-Bus stops,Pr<>hibiting ,the parking of Mótor Vehicles. in same """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""',,,..'. 351 21-Bitter, Joseph J" submitting Correction Resolution for Hawkeye Estates {Hefel) """'..,,""""';:""'m'.."""";~.. 353, 545 26-Bruçe, JeanM" Notice of personal injuries 'claim ""'",, 357,494 28-Bertsch, R<>bert, represeuting Loras College andU of D, relative to' Institutional District section of pro- posed Zoning 'Ordinance """...";"".."""""""""""""",, 28~lIike-A-Thon, promoting. same to raise ..funds for Diabetes On Oct. 5th"""",....."""""...."""""""...." 26-Bjsping, Herbert, GrantedCigaret!e License "'.."",,, Aug, 4-lIicentennial Committee .advising of planned visit of tugboat "Sergeant Floyd" """""""""..,..",..,:,.."""",.. 4-BUDGET, transferring appropriated unexþènded items from budg"t perio,d of Jan, 1, 1974cJune 30, 1915 to FY '76""";;""':"':""""""""""""";":"""""""""""'" 422 4-:ißUDGET, Amending Fiscal year 1976 same. ",..""",423, 459 4-Bisenius, <David R, appointed to Low-Rent Housing' . Commission """"""""",;",.."""""".."....""..",..."",..,..,..' 427 ll-Bridge, Julien Dubuque, pai¡¡tin¡¡ same red, white and blue' """""".....""",.."""......"""..430, 443, .449, '492, 525,536, 5'56 11-Buechel, ,Louts., Ge¡¡eral Liability Policy submitted .... 432 ll-Bainbridge, James R.,Granted Class "C" (Commercial) . Beer & Liquor License """,..",..""";.."""""""..""",,, 16-Blosh, Carl, Sidewalk Construction Bond submitted Sept. 2-Barr, Sharon, relative to o.btainin¡¡ sewer.in County for residents of Old Miil Road and Manson Road ,:....""" 2-Brandenburg, Mollie, Notice of Suit for personal in- juries """"",......""""""""....""""",'.."""'"....""".."....",,, 2-Bardon, steve, requesting to rebuild Petrakis Ball Park on City Island """""""""""""""""""""""""""" 2-Billikas, Wiiliam N" Granted Ciass "c" (Commercial) Beer & Liquor Lncense and Cigarette License",..,.. 250, 463 8-Bcrtsch, Atty, R~bert, reprcsenting 4th St. property owners, opposm¡¡ redevelopment of area ...""".."", 465 15-Be.autification Committee, requestin¡¡ support on cash awards ..,..""..",...."..""...."""""",.."""""".."""",..."""", 476, 495 15--Bcrwanger Boiler Shop, inc" approving application of same to purchase land in Block 6, River Frout Subd, No, 3, due to name error made in 1968 ...."" 483" 497 15--BONDS, [owa Health Care Facilities First Mortgage Revenue, {Bethany Home Project), authorizing the issuance of $1,750,000, in ag¡¡re¡¡ate principal amount Oct. 7--Biasi, Karl, relative to establishing D.M.A.T.S. """" 7-Berendcs, Floyd D" requesting vacation of Jansen Street abuttin¡¡ his property""..""""""",..""",.."""" 517, 5'79 7-Bethany Home, vacating portion of High Bluff Street to same ",...."""...."""""...."""""....",..""...."""",..""..,522, 534 7-Britt, Paul L" appointed to Transit Trustees Board 523 13-Brady, -Councilman, requestin¡¡ to advise D,'Û,T, to stand for a tri-color bridge until a City referendum could ,be held Page 304 304 306 306 318 318 318 321 321 360 362 37-2 373 438 441 450 454 461 485 515 525 1975 INDEX-BOOK 105 SUBJECT 13~unker Hill being used for snowmobiles, reque'sted ,by Mayor Justmann ,....,..................,........,......,......,....,..,......526, '56'5 2Q-Boatd of Zoning Adjustment to study Ordinance No, 32"75 for revision, to provide direct mail notifica- tion to people affected ,by. rezoning of adjacent property.....,......,............,...."..,..,........,..............,....,..,...... 20~Bries, Rev.. suhmitting name of Alois Vog,(as repre- sentative for Girls Club to serve on the Commun- ity Development Block Grant Program ,.................., 27~Beauchamp, Lynn & Mary Jo, objecting to alley being enclosed ,by neighbors ......,......,..,........,..........,............,.. 556, 593 27-Building Code, Dubuque Glass Co, Inc" requesting clarification of various parts ..............",...."....,........ 556 27-Bargaining Representative for the City of Dubuque, City Manager or his designee to act as same .." 560 Nov, 3-Board of -supervisors"Council, joint meetings to be held 565 " 3-Becker, Wm.. & Sons Stone Co.. General -Liability Policy submitted .............,..,....,........,..........,............,...., 3--Britt, Paul L" Iowa Official Bond. submitted ,.................., 3-Boge, Cyril, requesting zoning change on property in Finley's Addn, ............,....,....,..,......................,........,..,.., 3--Big "G" Steak House, Granted Class "B" Beer Permit 1Q-Bridge, Marian, refund on unexpired pOrtion of Cig- arette License ......................,..............,....,..............,........ 24-Braconier, Inc" awarded contract for construction of city of Dubuque 12" Water Main Project over the 16th Street Bridge between Area "C" and Kerper Blvd..........,..,........,....,..,......,..............................,......,....,.. Dee, I-BONDS, -Street Improvement, providing for issuance of same for purpose of providing for payment of as- sessed cost of City of Dubuque 1975 Asphalt Paving Project No, 1 ,....,......,........,:.."....,.......,..,...."........""""'" 8~Bowen"Kanazawa Partnership, proposed agreement he- tween same and Five 'Flags Civic Center Fund sub- mitted ......,..,........,....,..,..,................,..,....,........................, 3--Baum, Wiliiam, granted Class "B" Beer Permit ............ 8-Bisenius, David E" appointed to Community Develop- ment Commission ....,......,....,....,..,........,..,........,..,.........., 6-Billington, 'Mary Ellen, appointed to Community De- velopment Commission ..,......,......,....,.......................... 15-Beverly Pines in Table Md, Twp.. Ðonald R. Legan requesting annexation of part of same to the City 23--Bisanz, Earl et ux, ohjecting to installation of street light on lot line as petitioned for by st, John's Cemetery Ass'n, Page 537 537 566 566 568 574 580 597 608 614 618 619 619 624 637 ,y 1975 INDEX-BOOK 105 SUBJECT Page C Jan, 6-City 'Council, Regular Session ........,....,............,......,........" " 6-Chavenelle, Gilbert D" appointed City Manager for year 197,5 ....,........,..,..............,........,......,.................,.......... 6-City Manager, advising the Council of his appointment of all personnel under his supervision and controi shall be paid salaries in accordance with proposed expenditures for period January 1, 1975 through June 30, 1975 ..,................,......,........,..,..,..,......,............ 6~Chavenelle, Gilbert D" Personal Bond submitted ,....", '6~City Solicitor advising renegotiations have been made with Thennolyne Co, ............,..............."........,......,...... 6-CITY OF DUBUQUE 1973 CONCRETE SIDEW AiLK J>ROGRAiM, Schedule of Assessments ....,....,.............. 6-Clarke College granted Class "B" Beer Permit ....,......, 13-City Council, Special Session ,......,..,......,..,....,..............,.., 13-City Manager recommending instaliatiou of two light fixtures along Meadow Wood Drive, petition of Richard Construction Co, .....,......,..........,..........,......,.. 13~City Manager recommending installation of five Ugh! fiJctureson Knoh Hill Dr, and Duggan Dr" petition of John J, Duggan ..,..................,..,............,.............. 13-City Manager, reference to petition of Mr, & Mrs, Robert L, Morris concerning lig.hting of a church parking lot in Knob Hill Sub, area ....,........,........",.., 13-Council Proceedings for months of September & Octo- ber, 1974, approved as printed ......,..,............,...., 16 13-Council Agenda, suggesting streamUning same ........16,297, 341 13~Community Development Funds, Councilman Lundh requesting status position of same ,............,..,........", 20, 79 13-Cremer, Larry, appointed ,(0 the Youth Services ............ 22 14-City Council, Adjourned Special Session ................,.., 24 14-City Manager advising settlements have been reached by majority of the group organizations for proposed wage & benefit program for January 1, 1975 thru June. 3O, 1976 ..............,............,....,......,..,......,..............,.., 14-Clemens, Dave, Chrm, of Advisory Committee, various proposals to house City Government ....".........,.... 20-City 'Council, Special Session ................,..,......,..........'.. 2Q-CEDAR STREET liIFT STATION VALVE AND SLU- ICE GATE MOÐIFICATION. 1974, completed by Fondell and Sons, Inc, ..,......,..",....,...............,,""""'" 2o-Gity Manager submitting resolution authorizing Mayor to sign a contract for PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT with State Office for Planning & Programming ......,....' 46, 369 27-City Council, Special Session ......,......,......,............,..,....,.. 50 27~City Manager advising no proposals received for de- veloFment of privately-owned housing, pursuant to SectiOn 23 of U$, Housing Act of 1937 ......,..........,,' 51, 233 27-Communi,ty Development, implement of a program for rehabilitation of existing housing for same, (Project No, Iowa 87.2) ..,..,....,....................................,....51, 75, 99, 186 27-"Citizens for Decency Thru Law" protesting massage parlors ........,....;..........,..............................,............52, 78,568, 586 27-City Manager suhmitting reports for month of Decem- ber, 1974 ....,................."............................,....................,.. 52 27-City Manager advising of lease space increases for Dept, of Community Development and Planning & Zoning ......,..,....,..............,....,...........,............,.................... 53 27~City Spirit Grant, application for same to the National Endowment for the Arts ..........................,................, 54 Feb, 3-City Council, Regular Session ,............,.....................,"" 57 " 3--City Management, swbmitting "The Becker Report",.., 57 3-Cable, 'TV, objections to rate increase ....57,64,81, 82,111, 324 3-Ciaims for month of December, 1974, proof of publica- tion ..................,..,....,......,..,......................,........,....,........., 3-City Manager recommending increased lighting in Gay SI. area playfield ....................,......,..........,......,.............. " 3-CER'I1lFICATE OF COM!PLETION for Dubuque County (County-City Law Enforcement Center Building), submitted by Urban Renewal 3 3 5 6, 7 13 15 15 16 16 24, 90 25 ,26 45 53 59 59 60 3<-Clancy, 'Rita, Granted Class "c" (Commerciai) Beer & Liquor License and Cigarette License ..........,..", 62, 425 1D--City Council, Special Session ..,.."",.."........;..;,.."""..""", 64 lO~Cable .TV, by Atty, Leo A, McCarthy I submitting', ' .pmposals for service if rate increase IS granted 64, 77, 81 lO~CouncitProceedings for months of November &, oDe. .ember, 1974, approved as printed ".."""...,....,........, 10-'-CountY'GityAuthority, report for year 1974, submitted .by City Manager ,.."...."....",..".."""""""""..",..""..".., 10~ounty.City Authority have charge of maintenance of Law, Enforcement Center, requested by County Bt>ard of 'Supervisors """",..""""".."..,....""".."",.."", 65, 131 10-Callaghan, Margaret, concerned for zoning changes for group homes .."",..",...."..",..".."","""""""""""""" la-City Manager submitting revised Agreement with Paul D, Speer & Assoc, for service in connection with sale of City Revenue and General 'Ü'bligationBonds 10-City 'Manager, Ass'l., submitting resolution authorizing Clerk to. publish Notice of Hearing for purchase of new. buses and Transportation familitles ......""...." 10-Gity Manager, Ass't" submitting a resolution to he~r- .ing committees stating the position of the City . Councii relative to LOCAL OPTION TAXATION 75 lo--Gitizens involvement in the Community Development ".."....",..,..""..""""".."""""""""",.."",75, 79, 118, U9,125, 326 14-City Council, Special Session 4:00 P,M, (C,D,T,) "",..,,'" 77 14--Gitizen's task force be appointed for procurement of monies from State for funding Sewage Treatment Plant rather than" lobbyist ,..,....""",.."",....,..,..77,298, 317 24-City 'Council, Special Session ..,.."""",.."""""..",.."..,...." 78 2~ommission to ,be formed concerning demoiition per- mits, ..",..""""""..,..".."....""....",..",..""'"",..".."""",..,,, ~Council of Organized Neighborhoods & 'Others recom- mending Block Grant Program 'be used for rehabil- itation of neighborhoods, "....."""....".."""".."""..,.... 79, 125 24--County Hospital Board of Trustees, rquesting share of Community Development Funds to construct second access road "".."""..,........"".."".."..",.."........",......"""", 80 24-City Attorney, relative to Hampton Contract ...."",..,81, 95, 104 24-Cody, John J" Notice of personal injuries Claim ,....,.. 81 24-Coffee Machines, Bulk Transfer Notice, relative to business of Intercontinental Coffee Service of Du- buque ,.....",..""..",....,.."""..,...."""".."..",.."....",,""""'" 24-Glark, Walter, requesting rate reduction on annual in- come for household for Cable Service, should be higher ...."....,.."""....",....""".."","',...."""""..,......""'",,, 24--Clinton Federal Savings & Loan Assn" by Thomas Leiboid, requesting rezoning of City Lots 623 & 624, .(EUKS Property) ..."",..........""..",........"",87, 121, 156, 209 24-CityManager snbmitting agreement between Iowa Highway Comm, and the city; giving City 50% of cost of repaving Dodge St, with .asphalt from Bluff to Grandview and building deceleration lane at Devon Dr, intersection """.............""",...."",;""....".. 24-CityManager submitting BUDGET ESTIMATE SUM- IMARY for fiscal year July 1, 1975 to June 30, 1976 24-Casual Day Proposal, Local Unions proposals to same 2~ity Manager advising agreements made with majority of Unions "..,.."":".."""..",..",...."""'...."""....,..."",..,,..,, Mar, 3~ity Council,'Regular Session ..,.....""""",..".."""".."",.." 3-Conrad, Mrs, Warren, requesting traffic control system' or device at the intersection of 24th & Jackson Sts, 94, 283 3~01t 45 <Drum & Bugle Corps, consideration for funds at City,County,State or FederalleveJ, under Crime Prevention Program or Community Development 1 O~Ci t:r8~~~il:' s¡;ëëiäï "šëšsiö';; "::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: lo-Gasket Co" Dubuque, objecting to diverters on Wash- ington Street """",.."",..""";".."..,....,..""..""""".."..",,, la-City Engineer, relative to Thruput'S property n~"t to the fioodwall "..""""....",.....,..",.."""",.."""""""..""".., INDEX-'-BOOK 105 SUBJECT 1975 Page 64 65 68 69 .72 79 81 82 88 88 89 89 ,93 94 '99 .99, 1-18 100 1975 INDEX-BOOK 105 SUBJECT / 10~ENSUS. SPEcrAL, to ,be conducted in the City during September, 1975 ,..",...."...."......",.........",..........",101,538, 575 lO-Gity Manager submitting reports of Finance Director, Health Dept" Water Supl., and Treasurer, list of claims for. January, 1975 """,......"""",...",..""""...." lO-City Manager recommending street lighting on Hill- . crest Road and Admiral Street, requested by lVIettel Investment Co" in Mettel-Byrne Addition ......""" lO~ity Manager submitting resolution relative to delin- quent list of 'Garbage & Refuse collection Accounts lO-Gity Manager, Ass't" submitting application for grant and matching . resolution for police/School Liaison Officer Program ".."..""""""",..,.."....",.."...."""""..", 17-"City Council, Special Session """""......"..".."".."..,.."",.. 17-Glaimsfor January, 1975, proof 'of publication .....", 17-City Manager submitted City of DubuqUe, Iowa Water Department Audit Report ending December 31,1974 17'-City Soiicitor advising acquisition of the landfill area (Gantz property) has been completed ....,;"'......"", 24-City Council, Adjourned Special Session ".."....""",....", 24-Collins, Maura, objecting to possibie removal of busses in summertime """,.."..""..,.."..",...."....""..,..,.."......"", 24-Ghamber of Commerce, submitting budget recom- mendations """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 24-City Manager submitting reports of Finance Director, Treasurer, Health Depl., Water Supt.. list of claims for February, 1975 ......"..'..",...."".."..",..""....",..".. 24-City Manager submitting Parking Facilities and Mu- nicipal Sewage Disposal Works and Facilities audit reports' for yeâr el)ding December 31, 1974 """.. 25-Æity 'Council, Special Session """""..;...."",..,....:.."",.., Apr, 7~CityCòuncil, Reguhr Session """""""""""""""""""""" ." 7-City Eugineer submitting an Tntergovernriieutal Agree- ment for creation of Dubuque Metropolitan Solid Waste Agency ,..",....""....",..,...."""......,;"..""";"",,,129,149, 625 7-Civil Service Commission submitting certified list of , 2nd ten people who passed Bus Driver' exams on October 9, 1973 ...",..""",....".."""..""...",..,....""""...."" 129 . 7~laims for month of February, 1974, Proof Qf Pub- lication "..""""""",......"""",..,..,;......",.."..."...."",..""".. 129 7'-Cook, Diane, Notice of Car Damage. Claim ",..",......",..,130, 254 7~0Ie, Frederick, Notièe of personal injuries claim ...." 130 7~ity' Solicitor recommending maintainence of Law Enforcement center stay às is, NOT under control of County,City Authority""""",..".."""..".."":"""",, 7-Crestt>¡1Street and Glenwóo,d 'Cour,t, relative 'tò drain, age pro'bl~ms that exist in, area """"".......""":.."""",, 7-City Manager submittin,g agreement between: City & tn- . terna.¡iòual Union of 'Operating' Engineers, Local NQ, 758 concerning 'wageS and' benefits forperiiJd ' of January 1, '1975 thru June 30; 1976 ..""..""..""" l~ity Council,Special Session ";"",;"..,:.."""..:....,..,..,,.. 14-City Engineer submitting list of streets for the 1975 Street program' ,..:"....",..........."",....""......",.."..".......... 14-Conlon Construction 'Co" Sidewalk Construction Bond iSubmitted """"".."..".."....'"".."",...;,..,..,..""'",..""..",,, 14-CityMana~èr, relative ,to s~lling ,or dispensing of optical Items and equipment at the Medical As- 14--0h:::.~:;e~f'~~';;.~~~~~~YreïäÜve"t~'ï;ëäüiÜië'~ïi~¡;":::::::: 140, ~~~ 14-ceas, Wm,G, & Company, underwriter and purchaser of Hospital Facility First ,Mortgage Revenue Bonds (The Finley Hospital Project,) """"",....".."..";,:"..",, 14--City ;Manager recommending firm of )3rice, Petrides and 'Assoclates of Waterloo ,be selected as consult- ant for the study of proposed North-West Arterial. . 21-Cit;0~~:~~il,;'š~~~i~ï"s~;;;i~n":::::::':::::::::::::::::::,::::;::::::::::: 145, ~~ 21-County Board of SuperviSörs signing tntergovernl1lent. at Agreement creating the.. Dubuque MetropoIÜ¡m". C Area Solid Waste Agency w1ththe City of Dubuque Pa,ge 101 1111 105 105 110 111 112 114 118 118 119 120 120 1?5 127 129 1~1 133 135 139 140 140 144 1;0 ~ I[ II Ii 1975 INDEX-BOOK 105 SUBJECT Page INDEX-'-BOOK 105 SUBJECT 1975 Page' 21-Cancer Day, National, proclaimed for September 8, 1975 "",..............."",.."".....""""......"......."""..,,""""""'" 21--Catholic Mothers Study Clubs, reiative to -beautification 21-Council Proceedings for months of January and Febru- ary, 1975, approved as printed ..""....'..""""",..,......... 155 21-City Manager, relative ,to Vicki Howard petition for traffic controi on Woodworth Street "",..........,........155, 174 21~City Manager, relative to 'beautification on Kerper Blvd, .Median ",.."........""....""..,....""""",..,.."....,.."....,.. 21~City Manager submitting reports of Water Supl., Treas- urer, Health Dept, Finance Director, and list of claims for month of March, 1975 ........,....".."....."""" 21-City Manager submitting policy statement permitting fireworks dispiay in City,.."..".."""",...."""..",....""..,.. 21-CODE OF ETIDCS, for the Public Service of the City, snbmitted by City Manager (REJECTEJD) .."....,..".., 21~ity Manager recommending four way stop at inter- section of Hillcrest Road and Keyway Drive "" 157, 158 21-City Manager advising 1973 Storm Sewer Improvement completed ,.."",....",.."..".."",..".."",....,...."..""",..",..".. 25---0City Council, Adjourned Special Session (4:30 P,'M,) 25-Cable-TV Advisory Commission formed & appoint- ments "",.."....,...."",..,.."..""""..".."".."""",.."...."..,164,195, 629 25~Conzett, William, appointed to Cable-TV Advisory Commission "....",..,..",..",..",....",..",..,.."""....,..,.."...."" 28~ity Council, Special Session "....",......".."".."..""....,..,... 28~City-County Health Dept, Merger, reports submitted ,....,....,..,....""",..",......",...."""......."",..",......"..",...., 167,297, 340 28~laims for month of March, 1975, proof of publication 168 28-City Manager,relative to proposed heliport at Mercy Medical Center ,........,......"..,.."""..,'..",...."..,..........".."" 26-Clark, Marcia K., Notice o! Car damage claim "....",.., May 5-City Council, Regular Session "..,..".."....",..",.."""....", " ~Cable TV advising deletion of, sports programming considered by F,C,C, ""..""..",..,....",....""..,..",..""",.. 5-Council Proceedings for month of March, 1975, ap- proved as printed ..",.."..""..,......"......"",..,'"""",......".., 5-CITY OF DUBUQUE 1975 ASPHALT PAVING PROù'- ECT NO, 1 .........."""",,177, -178, '179, 180, 225, 300,585, 604 5~herry St. alley, part of 1975 Asphalt Paving Project 5-ceiJ1¡c~te"~f'ë~m¡;iëïi~;;"ëxëëüi'~'ii'f~~'F~åiïêhjšë'Ïiëäi: 177, 226 ty Interstatè Corporation, Canfield, Inc" Investment ['lanning, Inc" oR & S Enterprises, Inc" Renier Piano & Organ Co" Inc.. and Fiscber, Inc, ".."....., 5-Canfield Hotel, Inc" Certificate of Comple.tionexe- cuted, ..,..""",...."...."..",..""..,..,.."..",....",....,.....,..",....,.. 5-Community Development Block Grant Application to the U,S, Depl. of HUD "..""",.."""......"..""......,......" 185, 190 5-City Manager, Ass'l., submitting, resolution providing funds from City's General Fund for a grant for fire equipment at Airport ,..'..".."...........",.."",..,............'..' 12-City Council, Special Session """""""""""""""""""""" 12-Corps of Engineers, relative to study of upper Missis- sippi River small craft locks ,...."..........."",.."..",.....,.. 12-City Manager submitting 701 C'ÛMPREHENSlVE PLAN- NINGAS'SiiSTANCE PROGRAM GRANTS, ""..",..,198, 210 12-Clemens, David L" representing client living in vicinity of 20th & Elm Sts" concerning a service station not conforming to proper regulations """""""""""""..".. 200 l~larke-Loras, requesting Homecoming Parade on Oct, 11, 1975 """"""""""""""""""'..,..,.......,....",......"""""" 200, 496 12-"Cherry Valley" Subd" final plat approved, «Louis J, Jaeger) "....""".."""..,.."",..""".."""",..,.."",..,.."..""""" 12-Cosic, Ivan, Granted CigarE\tte License ," l~City Council, Special Session (4:30 P,M,) 19-City Council, Special Session "",..,..",.."" 19-City Manager, recommending not selling property on Rosedale to Mr, Par~er 19-City Manager submitting reports of Finance. Director, Water Supt" :¡Iealth'pept" Treasurer, and list of claims for month 9f Aprii, '19.75,.."..""".......",...,.."" 22-City Councii Special,Se$SÌan (5:00 P:M,) ".."",....',......", -,27-City Council, SpeciaL'Session .."",.."..".....",..",..""""...." .. /27...+Corps of Engilleers, concerning. dredging in connection with maintaining 9 foot channel.,......"".."...,'....",...." 27-City Manager submitting annual statement for -1974 of Peoples íNaturalGas Div, ,..,',......."..".."..",..,....""""...... 27-Claims for month. of April, .1975, proof a£. publication 27-Clark, Senator Dick, impressed with Beautification Projec<t ,..",..""".......,...."",..,........""...........'..""....",......, 27-Coyle,Michael, approving of paving of Rockdale Rd, objecting to method of assessment June 2~CityCouncil,Regular' Session ..",'";"",....,...."",..".."..,...,,, 2-County., Health Depl., meeting On, upgrading of the wastewater treatment ,plant """""-;,..".."".."""....:..,,.. 2-Clemens, Dave, 'block off 'Ûeth Court on June 6th"".." ~ivil Service Commission submitting results of Promo- tionalExams for, Captain and Sergeant.JJetective on ,the Police Deparhnent,. """""""""""""""""""""" 2-Civil Service Commission su'bmittingresults of Promo- tional Exams for Ambulance/Driver Attendant on 2-C'ivlP~s:"~i~e D6~~;,;y:~n"'š~¡;;;¡ïiï¡;;g"~ëšüï¡s"'~f"Eìi: trance Exams and Agility Tests, for the 'Fire, De- ~artment ""......;",'"",.."......",..,......,....""".."..""",..",.......' ~iVll Service Commission submitting result<! of En- trance Exams.. and 'PhysicaL' Qualification test for., Police, Department ":")..""".."""',;,..,'..,..""""",,..,,,,..... 245 ~ONSTIIUCTIOíN ,OF REPLACEMENT OF CITY HALL., , ELECTRIC SERVIOE AND 'ASSOCIATED EQUIP- ... MEmo ..";..".."""...."",.."",..";.."",.."......,..",,,..,,....,248, 286, 314 2-COfót~J~~~~~~¥ðf¡'XLl~~,~,~~2J.281, '3'¡¡¡ ~ánfield Hotel, GrantØd Cigarette License,. ......."..""..,.. ' 250 2-ÇilyCouncil, Specia!.Sessiön """""""""""""""""""""" 253 2-'tfa!)le TV Commission, submittrng minutes".of. their meetings ";"..",.."":,..,..",;,:,.",..";,;,:"",..",:,,,,,;~,,,:",,253, 300, 356 9-dîìyManager recommel'ldirig st~ect lightinlf9'n'V~len' , tine ',Dr, ..'",;""..",:;;""..";"":,;""";"""..,...""",,,,,,,;,;....", 253 9,..,.,C'iwManager subnìi.tljng annual report .for 1914: 'of Du- . , " ','b.uque County, MunidpalC¡Vir DefétlSeAgency ,," 9-CHARTE)R FOR THE CITY. on' ,existing form ôf"Gov- 'etnment (iIome Rule) ',.......""..:"'"..""""..""..",.",.."",, 9-Ci¡Y'M'anager, Permanent ttangfer of _'M'> . 9~IT\"Û'F DUBUQUE 1974 ASPHAUT 'EJGT NO,2 - mvEJR1ì'RONT'SUE 9-CityMana.ger sdbmittini(threeyear'Stree'¡ CoÎ1slruè- lion Program,'¡o receive shaDe of .the 'State GaS0line Tax Refunds ",.."""..""""",..""..""""""..",.."""",;"..", 9-<:lTY 'QF DoUBUQUE 1974 AsphaH 'Paving .Project No,"! "....",..",..",..,..,.."""",..",...,.."",....266, 267, 328,329, 332 9-City Council and Board of Supervisors jointly request- ~~fcaW;;V; f~;t~~"Jd~~~~~~~~ôr<;::~n~~ ,1J'¡;V~n:; , provisions of 'See, 206, (Public Law 86-645) """...." 16~ity Council, Special Sessiôn'(1:00,P,M,-AirportBonds) 16-City Council, Special Session' ;,..",......;",......,..,.."....,...."" 16--County Auditor, settlement of sale of property at Mont. crest."..........".";..",..,..",..",..,.."..",,,"""""""""""""""""".. l~ivil Servièesuhmitting results of examsgivem for Promotionals on Fire De-partment;' Ass't,Chief- Division, Ass't, Chief-Training 'Officer,. Fire Mar- shall'Üapl. Inspector, Captains, E"quipment Qper- aters~ and Lieutenants "",....",........ 16-Citv Ma itting 'General iRevenue Shar- 'iM ort for the period 'of July 1; .' ,{ 1975 thru June 30, 1976 ;"""""""""""""""""".."""'" 27Q, äj,s 16~'onstruction of '!.J1'Q1IVEiRSITY AVENUE PEDE$TRJ!!AN ' OROSSWA1.K .....,............""........,~..,......""",.."..."..,289, 327, 344 154 154 155 155 155 157 160 164 164 167 168 166 173 173 175 182 183 193 197 197 200 201 203 206 207 209 209 219 221 221 221 221 222 226 243 243 244 244 244 245 253 256 267 263 264 270 ~~ 276 27.9 19'75 INDEX-BOOK'105 SUBJECT Page 1 75 INDEX"":BOOK ",105 -- SUBJECT Page 16-eCity to become a member of the' Dubuque County , Law Enforcement Telecommunications Plan under a ,21JE AGREEJMÐNT,;"",..",;...........""",.."","';';;;"""" 16-Citlh~ag¡~lc~~~~~~,*gE~~g~ð'¡IJ"~e g-J,: ,TElR OOMMUNJ!CA'l'IONS PLAN ,..""......;"..;,..:;:;""" 16-Creslanes Bowling, Inc"Granted Class "C" '(Commer- cial) Beer & Liquo.r, License ....:",....""",...."""".",..", 16-Cremer, Ralph J" Granted Cigarette License ..",.."""", 16-Creslanes, Granted Cigarette. License. ,;....."""....,..",..", 16~City Solicitor. attend hearing on Legion Beer.Liquor , ,License ,.."""",..,..""..".."".""""",.."""....",..""""",.....,, 296 23~ity council, Special .Session .."..""",..;".......,....."";",, 297 23-Cars, battery-powered, investigate feasibility of same 297 23~ity Manager suhmitting.reportsand claims for month of ,May, 1975 """";:;""......,;,:..",..,:"..",..",..,;,:;',:,..""....,, 298 23-Coliectol' of Accounts for. the county submitting' peti- tions for suspension of, real 'éstàté taxes ;"..";:..,,.., 298, 540 2&-.Country Kitèhen, Granted Cigarette License """"",..", , 303 23-Chaldér, Florence .¡¡;" Granted Cigarette License ..""...." 304 23~Crane, Leonard H.,.,Granted Cigarette License "";"",,, 304 30-'City, Council, Speclal Session";;...."..".."..".".......",..,..",, 308 3D-Chamber of Commerce, .1975'76 Chamber Program .." 308 30-Chicago Stations, poòrreception on Cable TV",.':;",... 308, 324 30-Chamber of Commer,ce opposing River Front Indus- ,trial Parkdmmediately north of Lock & Dam No, 11 309 3D-Claims for month of 'May, 197,5, Proof of Publieatibn"" 309 3o-Gontract for the PHASE n.CONTRACT n TREAT- MENT PLAN'Ì.' IMPR'ÛVEMIJNtrSCONTRACT IT B 3o-Gorbett, Earl G"Granted Cigarette License ""..""""""" 30~osic, Ivan, Granted Cigarette License ,.."""""",.."..., 30~atousel Snack Bar, Granted Cigarette'LÏeense ,;"..",,;, ~larJte College, Granted :Cigarette License ":",.."""",..... 3D-Cremer, Ralph J" Granted Class ".c"ißeerP€rnüt '"""" 7-CityCouncil, RegularS"sSiGn """""""""""""",::";,.,,,,,..... 7~ity Manager recommending installation of.2 street lights on 'Wes!more, Dr, ' "",.."....,....:";,:,..,..".."",,,.., 7-city :M:anager, relative to jlaéation of TowerSt, to :. 7"-Çar~~;~:~,~' :C'iïiiä¡;ië":i;;"rëëë¡v.ë"'ë¡;¡ë~gò"'si'åïi;;nš 323 on Cable TV ,;..:"".."",...""""",:..",..""..,;"""......",..:".. 324 7~ity Manager, relative' to Rehabilitatian PJ:'Ogramun- der tile Community Development Black G~ant,324, 345, 363 7-£00E:§àc:~~iW, '~l~"ã~Y~te~~~~~~esf[~g~~tte f:;¡'m~cÎ COOPElR PARK ",;'""..""""""""..,:;;"""""""""""""""", 7-City Manager recommending one 'hour parking meters on ,1st SI. betweenlM'ust & Main "",..,..";,.."...;,..""",, 7~ity 'Manager, Ass't., submitting Matohing Resolution to, provide GUy Funds for' the purpose of palice training ,....""..",.."""..."",...."""",.."""";""..""..:....,,.., 7~ii ss'I.', submitting resohitìon to continue in Mini.ASAP for July 1, 1975 thru 976..""""""......."..""....",..",.."..":""""",..",,, 7~ity:M:l!nager, As.'I., adyising of receipt of capital grant ,contract for purchasing "ewbuses and equip- ment, """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 336, 370 l~ity ,CoùncÌl, Special SeSsion """,""""""""""""'.."",..... 339 14-"Coast Guard Day" Proclaimed for August 4, 1975"".... 339 14-Civil8ervice Commission ,submitting name of Kevin L, McTague as passing written e"am and agility ,test for théPOiúIOE DEPARTMENT "",......"""",..""....., 14-'-City Manager' recommending denial of Fred Sinhoid petition requesting no parking on on.e mde of Woodlawn "...."""....""",...".."::",.."""""",..,..:,..""",,.., l~ity Manager recommendingdertial of Delos Dorwêiler , petition for refund for mowing weeds """"""'.."""'" l~ity Manager submitting 'Ordinance' making 24th ~ Jackson Sts,/a four wsy stop intersecUon, ';'.",.".."" 1'i-City Manager, recommending awarding contraet to . Moldt Electric Service, Inc" for construction of Uni- versity Ave, Pedestrian Crosswalk, 11,91 % under estimate" ,..".""".'"....,..",.............,......"""......",.....""",.... 21~ity Council, Special Session ..""";,.."....".."""...."."",,,; 21-City Manager, Ass'I."submitting"ordinance providing for SWWMING POOLS, ",......"..,..,..",.."........,....,:..",.. 0, 351 28~CityCouncil, Special Session ;,.."'";:;",."":;,;,.,.....,,,,....,..,, 366 :6-Cit~p~~~~~~, ~~oc;:i~{i,7i' ,f,~,':...~~;~~~!"~~",~~~~~:,,,~~~~: 28~ity Manager submitting reports of City.Treasurer, Water Supl., Finance Director"Health,Dept" List of ,Claims for month of June, 1975..."".."......;".."..,....",.. 26-City Manager submitting "Affirmative Action Pro- gram" for period of July I, 1975 thru June 30, 1976 28-COMMUMTY DEVElJOPMENT, COMMIS'SiI'ÛN; estab. lishing same and appointments ,......,....",,363, 5H,619, 629 28-Comprehensive Employment and Training Act,T1tle II Funds for CIty, Fiscal Year.1976, City ,to be Pro- gram Agent for same...",..""",..""""....""",;"""".."", 369, 471 29-Clark Oil Co" ,Granted Cigarette License ,..".."'..",..,..,,.. 372 Aug, 4-City Council, Regula~ Session """""""""""",""""""'" 373 " 4-City Manager recommending street lights on Kehl Court (A, H, OethSuM,) ",..""""..",....;.....".."..",..""", 4-City Manager relative to listing 'J¡jb Openings """""""" 4-CITYOF ÐUBUQUE 1974 Concrete Paving w/lntegral ft;£I.z°~~~ler~,;!¡, tI~n¡~t~:še~W~ ~Fcï&1~t~tra~J Bluff Streets~contract No, 1; Traffic Signals and Signing ......,....;...."";,.."...."""",..":,;""..""",.."..",.,,;,,..,, 421, 422 4-City Manager, Ass'I.," sublnitting' resolution transfer- ring 'appropriated une~pended items from budget period of Jan, I, 1974-June, 30, 1975 to FY'76 ~it~~f~~gë;::"Ašs"ï::"š~¡;¡;;iitiiiii';:ëš~iüïi;;ii"'ä;;¡ëii'diiiii 422 Fiscal Year 1976 BUtDGET """"";"",;""""",',..,....,)...,, 423, 458 4-Ced-Jo Wholesale Dist" Inc" Granted Cigarette License 425 ll~Ci.ty Council, Special'8ession """""""""""""""""""""" 429 l1~anoe Trip honoring JEAiNMAiRIE CARDINAL; pro- posed same .."..",..""..",..",.."),.."",..,..""".."......"",,......, 11-CityAssessor submitting stipulations in protest of assessmen(g of real, estate for N,W, , Mutual Life (Penney's Store), Asbury Square Inc" and Pillsbury Co, "......,..""".."....,..""..".."",..,.."",..,......""",......"..,'",.. ll~Claims for month 'of JUne, 1975, Proof of Publication 11-City 'Manager,Ass't., submitting repo"t on use ' of Rev- enue Sharing funds for period of J\lly 1, 1974, to June 30, 1975 ,......."""".."""........""",..:""""..".."...."".. 430, 458 11-Civil Service Commission submitting results of exam, inations given for positions of BUS OPERATOR, BUILDING INSPECTOR' 'l AND HEATING IN- SPECTORI .."..,.."..,:"..,...."""".."",.."""",...."..""",,"'.., ll-City Manager submitting 1974 and first Six months of 1975 Street Finance Report """;,;"..",..",....",,..,........ ll-Cosley James A" appointed to, El""trical Board of Ap- ,peals "..""""",..""..".."""""..""""""",....""".."",.."""",. ll~itizens TransportatianCommittee, appointments to l~Cit:ag'o"un'ëiC's¡;'ëëiåï"sèšsi~iî"::::::::::'::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: . :¡g 18~onservation Board, Dubuque County, applying for a permit to perform maintenance dredging of 'boat channel from Mud,Lake Boat Ramp to main chan. 18~ 0 r~ ~ it ~ fS:~!S:' ~~ ~a~d e¡; ÿ , 'K ë ï..;¡ ë Jÿ , ii äiï' M ë rob ä iî iš on Sept.. 13, 1975'..........",....",....""....""""""..,..".."",.. 1ß.o.-Ca'¡'¡e TV Advisory Commission, minutes of meeting of 8-4-75 reconSIdered """""""""""""""""""""""""""" 16-City Lottery ,consideration to finance Wisconsin Bridge presented by State Representative Tom Gilloòn .." Sept. l-,--City Council Regular Session' ..,....""",.........""".."....", " 2-cCity Council, Adjourned Regular Session ", " ,,;' 291 292 294 295 295 /) 316 318 318 318 311i 319 323 323 324 300 335 336 340 340 342 342 344 348 356 356 356 418 418 429 429 430 431 435 438 441 443 447 447 449 449 ¡III III INDEXc;:,1300K 11)5 SUBJECT ¡-975 .Pa,ge INDEX-"BOOK '105 SUBJECT 1975 Page 493 493 2~Couchman,.GaylordMr,~ tribwte to same"..."..""""""..i,449, 473 2-CountyHealth Dept" relative to obtairling sewer in County for residents of Old Mill Road and Manson Road . ,...."""""",..."""""""""""""""""",...""""",."'..",, 450 2-City Manager. .submitting reports for month of July, 2-Ci~:~:i~~i!~:Åiff~'~~: :~~~~~:~::: ~~ :~~~~~~~~i~~~:~~: ::~ 2-City,Boards and , Commissioners dinner ,to be held, 'Culver .main. speaker ,.."..",..""...."...."""""""..",.."", 452, 493 2~City,'Manager recommending denial of Frank & Del~ berl.1\'!iller. petition to vacate portions of Daniels Street """".."..."",.."""""",..""""",..""""""""""""""," 2~City. Manager .recommending denial of Rick Donath petition """"""""""""""","""""".."""...."".......,...."""" 2-,City Mànager recommending denial of Wayne Motor Sales petition ""..,..",.."",...."".."...."",...."",..".."..,..,..", 2-City Manager recommending denial of Richard Aven- arius petition",...."",..""",.."....""""",.."..".."...."""""", 2-Chapman, Miohael J", Sidewalk Construction Bond submitted ":"..",..""":",.."""""""".."",..,..",..,..""""",,,, 2-City Manager recomlj)ending installation of 21 street iights .alongCen,tral, between 22nd and Diamond Street ".."",..""",....,.."",....":"".."",.."""""".."..".......,,, 2-C1ty Manager recommending bids on a new Modular 2-'-Cit~lI¥:n~'::~~:<;:;~ ë~d¡nii' ii "iiô'i1r' 'pärkiiiïi' 'öii" ;;;ëäi side of Maple Street, between EasL 17th & 18th Streets "",......,...."..,.."""",.,..:..",..""".."""""".."""".."" 8-City Council, Special Session"..".."""..,....".."",.."",.."", 8-Carew, Allan, representing' 4th 81. owners,' opposing redevelopment of area."""",:""...."..,.."",.."",...."..""", 8-Council Proceedings for months of May and June, 1975, approved as printed ,:"""""..""..,...."..".."....".."""", 6-CIaims for. month of July, 1975, Proof of Publication 8-CityManager submitting ,agricuiturallàfid,' tax credit 6-Ch';;~; ~Xll~~7~u'b'., s~~~ti~~~~e~i%:U~w~~rÌ!ïšïåïiä: tion of two street lights on extension. of Lori SI. located within same ......"""",......"""",..,....,......,..",.. 470, 476 8-CONSTRUCTION 'OF 5th'STREETPARIKING LO.T, on UrbaniRenewal property "",....,.."""""""""...."..,,472,498, 517 15-CityCouncil, Special Session ,..",..",.."......"".."..."""" 475 15~Ciark, Senator Dick, advising of Federal Orientation workshop-....""".."""..,....,....",....""....""",.."""",.."".." 15-City Hall, .Accessibility to same by handicapped pre- sented '..",..""""",..".."...."..",....",....".."."..".."""..".."", 15-City Manager recommending installation of two street iights on Lori Street ".."...",..,..",....".."...."..,..,.."....""" 15-Caldwell, 'Mrs, Kenneth '11., Notice of personal i;i1juries claim"....,....""""..""""".."..,...."".....""""""....",..""....... 15--Gi t ~:: ß~:{i: y'~~ T ~ t ~¡ ~~ ~ [~r"r~~~J~'?'::;~ ~ e~e~li~ 'â 15--Gronin, 'Rosemary, requesting ,lnstalMion ,of ,street light at interseotion of Foye .:St" Gold st" & .Mer- chants Lane ""............""..""..""",....,.."".."""........",.., 4!79, 492 15-Construction of SAN JO$E SWlMMilNiG POOL PARK. ING LOT AM> kCCESS SIDEJWkl1K """,,480, 500,528, 529 15-Cicciarelli, Theresa, appointed to Z'oning Board of Adjustment "....",...,...."",..,.."",...."",.."..:"..""""""",.., 15-Connelly: James 'F" appointed to Zoning Board of Adjuatment "",.."........"""""......""..".....",.......",...,.."", 15--Gurb Cuts for .the handicapped discussed ,.."....""""", 29--Gity'Council, Special Session """""""""""""""""""""" 29.,-Council of Neighborhoods, submitting candidate nOm- inàtions for the Housing RehabiIitationCommission 2g--cit~u~~~~~'if t~e~h:~ti~1icfa\tYpa~I::,k d~~;:m~l; :b~ sence from the City..""............""",.."....".......",..",.. 29~City Manager recommend,ing installation 'Of street light 'at intersection of O<>ld Street',"d 'Merchants Lane 29~Curtis Straub Co" Policies submittelk"..""...."..,...""".. 29-Ciaims for month of August, 197å, proof of pwbiication 29--Gity Manager submitting reports for ,the month of August, 1975.."..,.."..."",..,..,..""""",...............""""""", 29-City Manager submitting audit report for Youth Serv- ices Program for period of Oct 1972 thru June 30, 1975 """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 29~Community Block Grant Program, use of same for San Jose Swimming Pool"""""",.""..."",......"...."""",....", 501, 528 6-City Councii, Regular Session ..",...",.."",....",..,..".....",.." M5 7-City Councii, Adjourned Regular Session "....",........""", 515 7--Gouncii of Neighborhoods submitting minutes of their meetings "....",....,.."...."".."""....'....".."""""...."..",,"..... 7-Conzett, Wm" Atty" requesting correction of easement error on Lot 12 in Block 2 in Sunset Park Subd, No, 3 """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 7~City Engineer submitting Articles of Agreement, estab- lishing the Dubuque Metropolitan Area Transporta- tion Study (D;M,A.T,S,) """""""""""""""""""""""" 51'5, 526 7~City Manager, Ass'!., recommending moving Dept, of Community Development to gain more space """" 516 7-Coakley, Loras D" Notice of car damage Claim "",....", 516 7-Chidiey, AI, appointed to, Rehabiiitation Housing Com- mission """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 13-City Council, Special Session "...."......"..."..",.."...."...."" 13-Caradco, 'Mayor Justmann indicating a desire ,to pro- mote their welfare ",..".."",......",.."........."....."..""..." 13-City Manager recommending installation, of ' seven street lights in Arbor Oaks subdivision """""""""" 13-City Manager reiative to property at 744 West 8th Avenue """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""'" 13~City Manager, Ass'.t" submitting resolution .authorizing City Clerk to pubiish notice for release of HUD Funds for San Jose Swimming Pool Parking Lot and Access Walk, ",..""""..""".."....""..""",.."........" 13--Gonstruction of EAST 16th SmREET WATER MAIN EXTENSION ACThO'SS THE EAST 16th STREET BmDGE TO AREA "C" OF INiDUSTRIAL PARK """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 531,569, 597 17-City Council, Special Session (4:30 p,1\'!, G.D,T,) ,...."".., 534 20-City Councii, Special Session """"".."....""'........"..",,, 536 2o-Clark, James C" objecting to painting tri-color bridge 536 20~Catfish Creek & Little Maquoketa River, application of City & County for Flood plain information study along same, approved by National Resource Council 20-City Manager snbmitting, reports of City Treasurer, Finance Director,Water Supt" Health Dept,; also list of claims for mopth of September, 1975 """""" 20~City Manager, reiativeto Madison Street Steps "..,....... 20-City Manager requesting to delegateCounciiman Stackis, as voting representative of City at Annual Qongress of Cities """""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 537 :20--GENSUS, City Clerk au(.horized to advertiae for citi- zens who may have, been missed ,.."..."",....""....",53'8, 575 20~Chapman, Thomas V"Notice of personal injuries claim 538 20--GETA VI, resolutionawthorizing the 'Mayor to sign a cøntract for the administration and operation of a Public Service Employment Program TITLE VI OF PL 93-303 "",..",.......,...."",..,..::",...",.."..",..".."....""".." 20--Ghan, Homan T" Granted Class "C" (Commercial) Beer & Liquor f-icense "'"...."....",..............".."..".."...." 24-City Council, Special Session (4:30 P,M, C,D,T,) ......"".. 24-CITY OF DUBUQUE MUNICIPAL PRIMARY ELEC- TION, HELDOCTÜ!BER 21,1975, results ..",......"",.." 27~City Council, Special Session '"....""..............",..""...... 27-Clemeus. Dave, relative to Five Flags Corp, submiiting costs for .proposed Civic Center ..",..",...."..""""",....", 27-Continuum, Dubuque Arts Council suggesting return of original'model ....""".........",.."":.."""......,..,,,......,.... 27-City Manager advising of possibilities of hosting League ,of Iowa Municipalities Convention in 1976 illllll.1 I 450 _Oct, 452 453 453 453 453 454 454 454 464 464 467 46'8 463 475 475 476 478 478 489 489 490 491 491 492 492 493 493 515 515 523 524 524 526 527 529 536 536 537 545 550 552 552 554 554 555 555 27-Claims for month of September, 1975, proof of pub. licaltion """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 27-Git).,S~~~:~f ðgri~t~~~tf:-~~~t~~~~ ~:~~sse1ff~:t'~;}'~: 27-Gity Manager, Ass'l., advising of recognition of Neigh. 'borhoöd-'Ûrganizations for membership on,(he Com. n\ûnity Development Commission "....".."""""""",..", 27-'-City 'Manager, or' his' designee,' to', act' as official bargaining representative for the City of Dubuque 27-Chalder, Florence E"Grànted Class "c" Beer Permit Nov, 3--City Council, Regular Session """"""""",,"""""""""""" " 3-Gouncil.Board of SupervisorS, joint meetings to be held 3-Gouncil Proceedings for month of July', '1975, approved as printed ,..",..:...."".."",.......,.."",.."..",..""""""..".."" 3--City Manager, relative to petition of Merwyn Ellis to repair alley on Finley SI. """""""""""""""""""""" 3L-CER'I1!F]CATE 'ÛiF OOMPLETION foo-Ecumemca] HousiUg, Inc" aútMrizingthe execution of same 3-Corridor Location for the Mississippi River'Dickeyvilie Road project in Grant County, Wiscon!in, proposed form of resolution for same submitted "..",....".."", 3--Crane Enterprises, Iuc" Granted Class "c" (Com. merciâl) Beer & Liquor License ...",.."""""...." 10-Gity Council, Special Session """..";".."""..,..",.....,,,.., lO-ŒTY OF DUBUQUE MUNIŒPAL ELECTION HEW NOV, 4, 1975, results "'......."".."""....",.."..""",,,".. 10-City Manager recommending installation of street lights on' Pasadena Dr,' ....,.."....'.."........"..""'...."",..,, 10-City recommending vacation of section of D, Berendes """""""""""""" lO-'-Ch of personal injuries ciaim lO-Construciion' of CON'l1RkCT J'lI BOUrn' DUBUQUE SANIITARY JNTERQEPTOR SEWER HUD.WS. lOWA-99 """""""",..""....""""........",....",...."..""",580,597, 610 17-City Council, Special Session """""""""""""""""""" 583 17-Gouncil Proceedings for month of August, 1975, ap, proved as printed """""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 17-City Manager, Ass'I.,' suhmitting amended copy of Flood Hazard Boundary Map """""""""""""""""""" 17-CO!R:R!liD'ÛR LOCkTION STUDY of thè North'West Arterial. contract with Brice,Petrides Associates, Engineers, for same, submitted by ,City Manager.." 587, 596 17-Chidester, Shirley L" Granted Class "C" (Commercial) Beer & Liquor License "...,..,......",.."""....,.."""",..",, 589 24-City Council, 'Special Session ",.......",.."'..,..",,..,........'..,.. 590 24-City Solicitor submitting report relating to regulation and pr<>hj'bition to obscenity and pornography the State has arrogated ........"",.."",..",;,..",...........""",....., 24-City Solicitor submitting findings concerning alley in vicinity 'of 1010 Althauser S!. "..""..";"""..""..",..,,.. Dec, 1-Gity Council, Regular Session """""""""""""""""""""" .. 1-Gouncil Agenda be printed in preceding Sunday's newspaper, requested by Advisory Commission .." 603, 626 8-City Council, Special Session """""""..,..,..""..""".."""" 613 8~City Manager submitting progress report on employ- ment (CETA-TITLE VI) """""""""""""""""""""""" 6-City Manager submitting reports of Finance .Director, Treasurer, Water Supl., Health Dept" list of claims , for Octo'her, 1975 """""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 6-Claims for month of October, 1975, proof of 'PUblicalion 8-Gandie Light Committee 'Of Plymouth ct" Victoria PI. and Diane -Court requesting to conduct candle light tradition ".."..""""""""""""""",.."""",..",..".."""""".., l~ity Council, Special Session """""""""""""""""""""" 15-Gounty Conservation Society, Dubuque, proposed five 15-Cit;e~¿II~i1~~ ~~~~f~~gC~~:,'::~~si~.:taW~:~~e~e~öiiiñg 621, 633 of property in the 1600 Block on Asbury,.."",..".." 622 15-Cable TV Advisory requesting appointment of an addi. .tional member to their Commission with more tech- nical e"pertise """""""""""""""""""""""""'",...."".. 623, 629 Iii 1975 INDEX-BOOK 105 SUBJECT II Ii II Page 1975 INDEX"'-BOOK 105 "StJBJEèT '" 556 557 15-Creston Street residents requesting to turn out street lights 'on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day ......"".. 15~Çity Manager, Ass'!. submittingresölutiön providing for matching funds for Juvenile Justice Conference j Training Project """.."......".."""",.."..."""........",..,;... 15-Clty Solicitor submitting resolution. approving agree. ment known as the Intergovernmental Agreement creating the Dubuque Metropilitan Area Solid Waste' AgencY....""..",..,..".....",.."....""",......",...,..""" 15-G,hjdester, Shirley L" Granted Cigarette License ..""" 15-Clarke College granted Class "B" Beer Permit """" 19-City Council,Special Session (4:30 P,M,) "....,..".,....",.." 22-City, Council, Special Session """""",,""""""""""""""'" 22-Civil Service Commission submitting results of written exam given for the position of WATER PLANT 'OPERATOR """"""""""""""".."""""...".,..""..""...""" 22-Civil Service ,Commission submitting results of written exam given for ,t,he position of HEATING IN- SPECTOR I..""..""...",.."",..,.."."......".."..",........""",.., 22-Gity Manag~r submitting reports of City Treasurer, ' Finance Director, Water Supl., Health Depl. and list of claims paid, for month 'Of November, 1975 .." 2~ity Manager submitting resolutions establishing and declaring the, work period for employees engaged in 'Law Enforcement and Fire Protection .."..,;"""" 559 560 562 565 565 566 566 572 572 574 576 576 578 579 579 583 583 591 593 603 613 614 614 616 621 Page 624 625 625 626 627 631 632 632 633 635 639 --~, Jan, 6~Dubuque'B'ânk & '!'rust Company, appointed official dépository for City Funds",..,........".."..,...""""",..".., 6-Dock Commission submitting, list .of names for Area "c" -Deveiopment Study' Committee "..".."",..,..""""" 13~Dubuque Hardwoods, opposing proposed development plan of 4thSt, area...."..",....",.."....",....,..........."".."", 13-Duggan Dr,. and Knob,Hill,Dr" five light fixtures to 'be installed'onsame, petiti<>n of John J, Duggan of 11-18-74 ',..".."",..,.."""",....".."",....""..,""""""""""" 16 13-Demkier, Harold B, and Dorothy, deeding Lot A of East 28'ofWest 50' of West 100' of Lot '2 of M, L, 179 to same ,..,.....",.."""""",.."....""".."".."..""""""'" 17 2~Deininger,.George, in favor of proposed Building Code Ordinance ",...."""""..""",....",.."....,.."...."",...."".."..", 26 27-DEQ submitting èopy, of Guidelines for review of . Federixlly Funded Hi¡¡hway projects ,....,..".."",..,.." 50 27~Dubuque Ambassadors,. relative to Iowa Community Bett~rment Contest' ,........",.."...",...."""""",......",.."".. 50 27-DòckCommission, congratulating U:S, Corps of Engi- , neers fotsuccessful two hundred ye,ars of operation 50 27-DòckCommisslon" relative to construction of wharf and dock facilities' in Dove Harbor >by Thruput 51, 100, 127 27-Dept, of C6,mmilnity'Development, no proposals re- ceived for development of privately-owned housing, pursuant to Section 23 of U,S, Housing Act of 1937 27-Dept, of Community Development, rental space lease increased "..",..,.."........,..,......"",.."",..""..""..,..,",....,,'" Feb, ~Dock Commissioners submitting minutes of their meet- ings ""....."",...."",............"",....",,58, 78, 127, 167, 197, 221, 325, 340, 357, 440, 449, 464, 467, 491, 524,555, 621 3-D,A,V, Unit #6, requesting to sell Forget-Me.Nots on August 1 & 2, 1975 ...."",.."....""....,...."".."....",..",.. 59 3-Dubuque County (County,City Law Enforcement Cen- ter Buiiding), certificate of completion submitted by Urban Renewal"""",......,.."",......,.."..":...",..""",,, 3-Davis, Joseph F" and James J, Sutter, Granted Cigar- e,tte License ...."",.."""""..."..,..",....,.."....",...""...".."" 3-D,O,T" Councilman Thoms to communicate with same relative to proposed Iowa-Wisconsin Bridge ".."...." lO~Dnbuque Stone Products Co" General Liability Policy submitted "..""..""""..",..""""..""",....."",..""""""",..", IO-Demolition Permit within certain areas, Ninety Day waiting period required for issuance of same 52, 66, 79, 142 l~Dnbuque Area Development Assoc" represented by Wm, ~ruse, submitting report on their association 24-Dept, of Environmental Quality extending construction permit No, 74-81-S for one year on SOUTH DUBU- QUE SANITARY INTERCEPT'ÛR SEWER ,..",.."""" 24-Donielson, Allen L" U.s, Attorney, copy of letter from to Mrs, Harold Beohen, relative to pornography 24-Dodge Street, Pat J, Tierney, etal, requesting parking area on same """"""""""""",,"""""""""""""""""""" Mar, 10-Dubuque Casket Co" objecting to diverters on Wash- ington street """""""""""""""",""""""""""""""""'" 99, 118 IO-DU~~1'::'1ni'°~J~ta~:njn fd~v~fJ~;g:~t ~¡ti;e~òu¡f~g Assistance Plan ....,..........."""......"..""""""..""....",..,.... 99 l~De'Molay Week proclaimed for week of March 16th thru 23rd ""................,..",.."".."""""....""'"..,,"""',,"',,..,""',.. 110 l~Delmoni, Arturo, recipient of the John Deere and Du- buque Arts council Award presented ......'....".."", 110 17-Dittmar, George R, Notice of Suit for bodily injuries"" 113, 246 24-Dubuque Home>builders & Associates objecting to proposal to eliminate the additional buiiding in- spector """...."",....""""".."",....."".....'..""..,.."..""....,," 24-Democratio Central Committee, ~equesting formal annexation policy 1!!75 INDEX-BOOK 105 SUBJECT D Page 2 3 15 51 53 60 62 63 64 75 78 78 80 99 118 120 24-Dubuque Sports Unlimited" permission to sell Du- que Packer Fan Club Cards and buttons in Town Clock 'Square on April 12th ..",....",.."",....""""",.."" 122 24-nay, Bob, relative to beautification "",....,..""""....122,142, 350 '~þr, 7.~Dorwei1er, Delos, ~elativeto Lot 10, Block 3 of Mettel , .' Link Addn, (corner of Kennedy & Carter Rd,)........ 7-Dept, of HæJW advising of participation with HUD in implementation of Housing & Community 'Develop- ment Act """",...."...."",..,.."",..",..,.."",.....,..""",....."...., 7-Dubuque Municipal Airport, Granted Cigarette License 7~Dubuque Sports Unlimited, Inc" Granted Class "B" Beer Permit ",..'..'"..'...."""",.."..""......""....""..,....",.., 7-Dubuque Jâycees, Granted Class "B" Beer Permit ".. 14-Dubuque County Co'nservation Society, relative to beautifica.tion ....."".."...."""",..",..""""".."..,...."",..,...." 14-Dubuque Sports Unlimited, week of Aprii 13 thru 19, "Baseball Week" ......'..""'""""""..,..""""..".."",..,,,...., 21-Durrant, Deininger, Dommer, Kramer & Gordon, arch- itectures, relative to rezoning of City Lots 623 & 624 (Elks Property) ......"...."'......".........."",'....,..,..,,,.... 28-DæJQ submitting report of investigation of the Waste- water Treatment Plant """"""".."",..""""""".."",167, 174, 450 May 5-Dubuque County Historieal Society, relative to street light standards from Central Ave"Lower Main SI. and Washington Park """""""""""""""""""""""""" ~D'ÛT, 'proposed rules relating to "Or.ganization," "Negotiated Contractor Selection" and "Airport De- velopment Program" ..,.."".."....""""'..",....""'.."..,,,,.. 5-Deegan, Edward E" requesting forgiveness of ,balance due on Grandview Ave, assessment ..""""........",'.. ~Dana Drive & South Way, Westchester, Inc" request- ing street lights for same """""""""""""""""""" 5-Dodge Street widening, 1975 Asphalt Paving Project No, 1 """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 12-DOT, Railroad Transportation, relative to rules on Railroad Division procedures """""""""""""""""""" 12-D'EJQ submitting survey report of Ctiy Water Supply 12->Dittemore, Dan, relative to benefits of 701 program " 12-DiVEJRTE&!!, Washington Street, to be, included in 1975 Street Program ..""......""""",..""..,200, 214,' 261,285, 544 12-Dubuque Golf & Country Club granted Class "A" (Club) Beer & Liquor License and Cigarette License 204, 29'5 19-DBQ Inc.. 'Shot Tower Inn, Granted Class "c" (Com- ' mercia!) Beer & Liquor License """""""""""""""" 218 June 2-Dorweiler, (Delos A:, relative to' changes in proposed zoning ordinance ",.."""""""""..,'.."""""".."".."""..,,, 9~Dubuque Ambassadors, sponsors for the 1975 Iowa Community Betterment Program ...."......"'...."""..",,, 9-'-DubuqueMunicipal Airport, Granted Cigarette License 9-Design Center Inc" Granted Cigarette License' .."....,;" 16-DOT, Primary Road Extension Maintenance &' Opera- tion Agreement for period of' July 1, 1975 to June 30, 1976 ..",..""",..."",..,.."......,..,..,..".."......".."" 2'78 16-Driscoll, -Dennis J" Notice of car damage claim ...."" 28d, 494 16-Dubuque Packing Co.. Granted Class "c" Beer Permit snd Cigarette License ",.."""",....,.."..,..'.."'.."..,......",,, 29~, 295 16~Dittemore, Dan, attend hearing on Legion Beer- Liquor License """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 296 23-Dubuque Industrial Bureau, fill in portion of Missis- sippi River north of Lock & Dam, opposed >byCoun- ty Conservation Society"......""""...."....,..""...."",.."" 297, 309 23-Donovan, Blanche, suspension of real estate taxes ........ 298 23-Depl. of Environmental Qnality, submitting temporarY permit application for use of a sanitary, disposal project """""""""""""""""""".........."",....""...."""".., 23-Donovan, M, L" Granted Cigarette License ..",.......".. 23-Dunbar, Jack, Granted Cigarette License """""""""" 23-Dunne, William F" Granted Cigarette License ........,.., 3~Dorothy, Bo,b, relative to North Dubuque Industrial River Front Concept 1975 INDEX-BOOK 105 SUWiECT, Page 128 129 136 137 137 142 142 156 173 174 176 176 177 197 197 198 243 265 ~g $03 3Q3 3d3 3(Î4 309 INDEX-BOOK 10g- SUB\TEC1L ,p'¡¡g~- 19.7~ 30~Dorweiler, Delos,'" refund for mowing of weéds, requested ,..",.."""",...."....,"..........,;,.."...."..":,..,..".."..,, 314, 342 30-Dubuque Lumber Company, 'vacation ofL<>t 1 of Lot , lAin the Town 'of EaglePoinl, in the City of Du" 30-D'B~~~~~:,~;a';,¡ëii"ëigä;:ëÜ'ê"'Liêë~~:' ,,~,~,::..,~~::..,~~~: 334, ~~~ ~g=E~~::'t'\ÝI~uf,~~h G~~¡'~da'gjgdar~if:rri~e;.i;e~,~~,,:::::::: ~~~ 30-DubuqueCounty Nursing l:!ome,. Gra!lted ,Cigarette 30-Du ;~~~~s~à;:¡'¡;ä',)iiê"': (J;;: än ïê'ii' 'dii!i',ëïië' 'Licëiï,ë'" I""" 30-4>avis, Carl, appointed to AdVisory Commission 30-Deich"Don, appointed to Advisory Commission ..'"....,.. 30-4>ehl,.J\obert, appointed to Advisory Commission "".... July 7-Dubuque Yacht Basin, IncI,Granted Cigarette License " 14-4>EQ approving sanitary and' functional features for Water Main Extension for Table 'Mound Mobile 'Home park Project ..""",........""".."......,....",.........."", 14-DeChristöpher, M, Jack, &'Dimald p, Shanley, Granted Sunday Sales Permits .",.,........",.."..",.."..,1",...."...."", :M6 21-,"pOTsllbmitting gr,mt approval .for Teleprompter to ... . ,'" to,install underground system on Wacker Drive .... 356, 418 28-4>igman Realty Ass'n., relative to proposed ZonIng , , ," 'Ordinance ......""",...."":1",...."..,:....,.."..",..".,:,..:..",..,,.. 359 ~t:ß:f:o~î~:~~~~: i~j~U~: ¡~Þi~~6~~~ ~6::m~ . ~~8 ~Dorweiier, Delos, reiative to. propos~dZoning 360 28~Dubuque Board of Re'altors, relative ,to 'proposed Zoning 'Ordinance '"""":...."""""";....,.."......,.."..,,,..,,...:, 360 28~Dubuqueland þampers Club ,~t ai, relative \0 RV Sec. tion of propo~~d 'Zoning Ordinance ..""""",1,..,..,;""...." 360 Aug, 4-Dubuque-Wisconsin Bridge Project, repOrt '..given on same",..,.."",..",;..,.."..":".."".,;:....":""""""",:""",,,,....., ". 4-Uyrland,Representative, ,"thanks" .expressed;to' same :' for funds obtáiríed for WasteWater Treatm~nt 'Plant ". 4-Dock Commissioners recommending vacation of Tower ¡;;Street to Fischer Industries """"",.."'..".."""...."..",: 418 4-DOT relative 'to lettering of a Safety Enhancement , projeet ...;,:",;,:..":",:,;!",..,;,;¡)"",;,:,:..:,..""""..,:..;,;,,,;...." 418 '4-Daniels Street, Frank E. and' Delbert 'G, Miller re- ;, qu~sting'vacation,ofa portion of same ,....",'......:".. 421, 452 ,.4-Dubu'que'Jaycees,Granted Class"B" BeeI"Perm!JL,...." 426 11-Donatl1;'Rick, requesting to pur<has'e Lot'I30 :in 1;0", ' nox Subdivi~ion ';:":""..";..:;:..,;""'"..",:,;"",,,,:.i:,..;,..,,..,, 454, 453 " 11-4>ubuq'te çornrn!llJity~~hool reljue$ti!lg aerial-display, ;i of fIreworks on Sept. 19, 1975 """"""""""',""""""" 435 " lS--DOT of State of Iowa, petitioning same to repaint the ' DlIhuque-East Dubuque Bridge red, white and blue """""";,;,.."""",:,;,:"..,>,..",."""",-,....",,,..,;:,......,443,' 449, 492, 556 Sept. 2--Dock' Commissioners, submit~ingE, ,4th at.' Peninsula Program stsging.£ormat ",..,;,..",:"""""",'";,;....,..,..,, 449 ~tedericks, Deloris, A;., "'l'f<>tice of "personal property damage claim ,....".."""""""",.."....:,¡,....."":"..,;;"",..,,,,454, 493 6-Dock Commission endorsing Victor Gruen proposal' for Fourth Street Peninsul'a """"..""..,..,..",;..";....,,,.. 464 8-Dorothy, Bob, submitting statement of DAIDC; 'relative , to rMevelopment of 4th Stre~t, Area ".."..,1.".."..,.." 8-Dock Commission submitting Resolution '9-3.75, recom- mendlng;certain imprOvements as Phaset of a comprehensive development program for the East , Fourth 'Street Peninsula' are", """...,.."""..,.."""....", 8-Dubuque Sports Uniimited; Ioc",refund on Class ,'B" l¡;"';pw:J~~e ~~~\~ Ass;i'fö;:"ii;äiä;:iiåif'()Ïilžëns':;;;;¡;;:ë,s: " 'ing thanks for contributions Inade to building and programs 'of Aibrecht Acres ..",..""",...,..,.."..",.. 15-Drum& BugleC<>rps ,complimented on their hehavi<>r while visiting City of North Tonawa)lda, 'l'few York 29-D,EQ approving sanita~Yand fUl),ctionalfeaturesrwater , main extension, Keystone . Drive, ,Sunset Park III ,Block 6, and Sunrise Heigbts, Block 15 "..":,:......,,,.', 318 318 321 321 321 337 341 360 373 417 " ," 465 " 465 470 475 475 491 2~DEQ sllbmitting reports of chemical analyses<>f",at-e~- samples collected from wells 1, 2, 3 and 4 and the plant effluent.,as ßubmittéd by Water Dept, ,:..,.."", 29--Deininger, George E" submitting resignation' from Transit Board 'of Trustees ".....""..""""",.."",.......""" 29-Dubuque Sports Unlimtted,Inc" ,requesting solution to' parking situation at petrakis Ball Park """"",""" Oct, 7~Duhuque .Disposal, Co, requesting to renew Lease, & Agreement on property at 14th & Elm streets, ft<>m' 1-1~75 to 1'1'76 ".."....",.."",...."..""""".....""""...".....", 7-illubuljue.Metropo¡itaIJ¡ Area Transporltation, Study (D,M,AoT's,), Articies of Agreernentestablishing same, submitted ,by City Engineer """..""""""",,515,526, 571 7-4>ept. of Community Development requesting to move in order to gain more. space .".."",.."....""."".'",..""", 516 13-Dock Commission submitting lease proposed'to be entéred into b~tween Dubuque Barge & Fieeting Service Co. and, the Dock Commission ";,......,,........ 524, 558 13~Daughters of the American Revoiution, Julien Du. buque Chapter, opposing painting the bridge tri- color ..""""",..,..",..""..""",..",....""..""""..""...."....,,...., 13-D,E,Q, suhmitting, statement of policy to all owners of Waste Disposal System and persons intending to construct or expend Waste DisposallSystems ...."...." 525 lS--Dillon, 'Pat, relative to Ordinance on unit price coding 526 13-Dempsey, Janet, Notice of sewer back-up ciaim """" 527, 592 lS--Dook Board, defining the Powers and Duties of same, amending 'Ordinance No, 181, (NOT AD'OPTED IN 1975) "........,..,......"......."""..""..",..""""...."""",......""..,527, 540 2Q-D,O,T, expressing appreciation for hospitality extended to Legislative Visitation Committee while in City, Oct. 6th & 7th ",......",..",....,....""""",..."...."",......""", 2Q-Determan, Tom, requesting week of Oct, 19th thru 24th be proclaimed "United Nations Week" """""" 27-Doyle, Sister Joan, invocation given by same """""" 27-illllbuque Community School District Bond Referen~ dum, affirmative vote on same """""""""""""" 27-Dubuque Arts Council suggesting return of original model of Continuum """""""""""""""""""""""""" 27~Dubuque Conserv",tion Society opposing to Industrial Bureau's proposal to fill in portion of 'Mississippi Pool ábove Lock & Dam #11 """""""""""""""""" 27-illubuque Glass Co, Inc" requesting ciarification of various .parts of Building Code """""""""""'"""""", 27-D,M,A,T;S, advising Wisconsin D,O,T, submitting copy od' draft Envirol1mental Impact Sitatemeá:tt for proposed improvement of U.'S, #6I-15r' from Dickeyville, Wisc, to new City Island Bridge ap- proach ..,""............,"",....,....""....,....""..,....,.."......"......", 27-Dlane Court and Victoria Place, residents of same re- questing erection of two street lights in area """""" Nov, 3-"Duhuque Bicentennial Center Recognition Day" pro. claimed for Nov, 7 """""""""""""""""""""""""""" 3-4>ix, Rev, Wm, L" relative to Public Nuisance 'Ordinance 3-Dittemore, Daniel, submitting proposed Resolution endorsing the corridor location for the .Mississippi River'Dickeyvilie Road project in Grant County, Wisconsin "....,..""..."...."""""".."..""...""""",,..,.......,.. 572 lO-Dubuque Metropolitan Solid Waste Agency submitting minntes of theic meetings '"...."...."".."'.....""".."..,,,.. 578, 583 17-Dubuque Amhassadors presenting Community Awards received from the State of Iowa """""""""""""""" 583 17-D,O,T, advising painting of Julien Dubuque Bridge will be standard green color """""""""""""""""" 24-DEQ approving sanitary & functional features of 250' 6" water main extension of'St, George Sub, #2 "" 24-DEQ submitting proposed Walter Quality Management Plan for the Northeastern Iowa Basin "...,..,........", 590, 621 24-Daffron, CoI, Wayne, on behalf of Nat'l Guard. re- questing ,ground for the construction of a new National Guard Armory 1975 .'INDEX:c'ßOOKi05 SUBJiIDCT ~'~áge 491 492 496 515 525 536 538 554 554 555 556 556 556 557 565 569 583 590 594 Dee, I-Dubuque Area Chamber of Commerce and Downtown Merchants Bureau for Christmas decoration, Cer- tification of Insurance submitted ..""....,.."",..""",..." I-Davis, David, appointed to Human Rights Commission 6-DEQ submitting copy of "Wastewater Treatment Plant Sludge Ðisposal" """......"..",......"""..,....""""...."..,..,,' 6-Dock Commission requesting reappointment of Wm, McEilhiney to same """""",..,.."""".."",..",.."",""..".., 8-Dock Board, appointments to same "..".."",.."......"....", 15-Dock Commission submitting proposed five year lease with Dubuque County Conservation Society"""".." 621, 633 15-Duil, Sharon Lee, regarding to McAleece Recreation Prollosal and flood wail monument proposed rec- reatlOnal sight ,.............""....""....""",.."'".."""""..".." 15-Dubuque Electric Motor Service Inc, objecting to pro- posed zoning between 14th & 12th SI. "......"""""" 15-Dubuque Community Distriot, approving dedication of drainage by same ".."...."'""........"",.."""""..",...., 15-Design 'Center Inc" granted Class "B" (Hotel-Motel) Beer & Liquor License ",..".."""""""",.."...".."""...., 22-DEQ approving sanitary and functional features for water main on Keily's Bluff Properties "....",...."".., 22-DEQ advising of sending a construction permit to Francis Keily for sanitary sewer extension in St, George Subd, INDEX-BOOK 105 SUB\TECT 1975 Page 603 612 613 616 619 623 624 624 628 632 632 Fe,b, 24-Ellio,((, Frank & Ruth, Notice of Personal Property damages '......,..""...."""....'"........,..........",..".."..",....",..' 24-Elks Property, Clinton Federal Savings & Loan Assn" ,by Thomas Leibold, requesting rezoning of City Lots 623 & 624 ......""..,.."",..,..,........"..",..,....",,87, 121,156, 209 Mar, 1Q.-"Earth nay", Wahlert Ecology Students expressing in- terest in same on April 22nd ""....,..""",.."""..""......,: " lO~Elliott, Ðeiores B" Granted Class "0" (Commerciai) Beer & Liquor License ....".......",......".."""'..........",,, 17-Eagles, Fraternal 'Order of, #568, Granted Class "C" '(Commercial) Beer & Liquor License and Cigarette license "".."",...."".."...............,..,..,.."""..""",..",...."....,116, 3,18 17-Erschen, Alice, Granted Class "C" (Commercial) Beer & Liquor License """"""""""""".."....",""""""""""'" 116 24-Engling, Carl D" Notice of car damage claim ....".."" 121, 199 Apr, 7-East Centrol Intergovernmental Ass'n" relative to problems emanating from distribution of funds of the Housing & Community Deveiopment Act ....127,198, 210 " 25-Ellis, Charles, appointed to TV Cable Commission "...." 164 " 28-Eimer's Florist, Riohard D, Mills et ai, inquiry to nO sidewalk on the east side of 'White Street in the 2800 block """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" May 5-Edison Stree>!, included in 1975 Asphalt Paving Project No, 1 ..,.."",..""..",......,.."......,.."""".."..",..""..,.."..,.."" 5-East Fourteenth St.. included in 1975 Asphalt Paving Project No, 1 """""""""""""""""'"......"........".."",..".. 5-"Existing Housing Project No, Iowa 87-2, execution of an annual contributions ,contract and General De- pository Agreement for same .............."..,..""........", 186, 234 5-Easement and Agreement, Relocation, secured from rIiinois central Gulf Railroad Co, in connection with installation of South Dubuque Interceptor San- itary Sewer """""""""""""""""",.........,....".."",.."".." 19~gelhof Funeral Home (Parking Lot) General Liability Policy submitted ..",.."............,.."....",..".."....,.........".., 27-Edmonds, T" proposing closing Grandview entrance of Murphy Park ""'.."......"...."",..,..,........"'....""..,..",,,,.. June 9-Embodying ,the existing form of Government on July 1, 1975, Ordinance adopting a Charter for the City on same "....",......",....,.."..".."",....".."..""""..,..""",.."" 9-Elks Lodge #297, requesting transfer of beer-liquor aiso granting new license ..........."..".."..........".."......, 269, 628 16-Ellis, Victoria, Granted Cigarette License ............".."...... 295 '16-Eoder, Robert C" Granted Cigarette License .."""..".." 295 23-Elk's Club Lodge #297, Granted Cigarette License ,.."", 304 30-Elliot, Delores, Granted Cigarette License ""......""'...., 318 3Q.-Ehlinger, Thomas, Granted Cigarette License "'....",,, 318 3Q.-Eska Co, Inc" Granted Cigarette License """""""""" 318 July 7-Erschen, Alice, Granted Cigarette License "",....""", 337 Aug, 4-Esmoil, James, appointed to Advisory Commission "" 427 " l1~ast Central Intergovernmental Ass'n" relative to Iowa DOT Hearing """""""""""""""""""""""""""" 429 ll-Ehlinger, Cleon, Notice of Car Ðamage Claim "",..,432, 477 ll-Electrical Board of Appeals and Electrical Board of Examiners, appointments made to same ..",......, 438 IS-Elliott, Mike, expressing thanks relative to courtesies extended aboard the River Rogue """""""""""""""" 440 Sept, 2-East <lth st, Peninsula Pl'ogram staging format pre- sented by Dock Commissioners ..........."........"""""..", 449, 464 " 15-Ellis, Merwyn R, requesting repair of alley 'between Asbury & Finley St, """""""""""".."",........".."....", <179, 566 " 15-Eovironmental Review Finding, authorizing publioa- tion of Notice of same for the San Jose Swimming Pool and Access Walk """""""""'........""....""",..""".. Oct. 7-Eulberg, Sr.. Mary Thomas, Notice of personal injuries claim """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""".........." 7-Environmental Safety Products awarded bid for new ambulance 1975 INDEX-BOOK 105 SUBJECT E / Page 81 99 108 170 177 177 187 210 221 256 440 482 516 519 7-Ernst, Daniel P.. Mty" requesting certain real estate in T, MêCraney's2ndAddn" portion of High ¡Biuff Street, he vacated fBethany Home) ,..""".........."""'" 13-"Ecumentcal Tower Week" proclaimed week of Nov, 2 thru 9th "'..,.."..,..",..",......",..,""....,....,......"""..,,"',,.. 524, 565 13-East 16~h 'Street Water Main Extension across the East 16th Street Bridge to Area "C" of Ihdustrial Park ""....,..",.."..,..,..",..,..,..""..",..""'".."..,,..,..,,",..,..,,"" 531,569, 597 24-ELECTION, City of Dubuque's Primary held 'Ûctoher 21, 1975'resuits """""..",.."""""..,....""..",...."....,.."..,.., 27-Environmental Impact Statement for proposed im- provement 'of D.s, #61-151 from nickeyville, Wise, to new City Island Bridge approach, copy of same submitted by Wisconsin D:O,T, "",.."",..""",.."....,.. 556, 573 27-Eleventh Street Assoc" membership on the Community development Commission """,....,..,.."...."",..""',,....," Nov, 3--Ecumenical Tower completed by Ecumenical Hous- ing, Inc, "",..",.."",..""...."....,.."",....,.."""",..,"""""""" la-ELECTION, City of Dubuque's Municipal held Nov, 4, 1975, results .."",.."""""..,.."......"..""....,.."""..",...." 17-Eberhardt, Auleen, invocation given ,by same ".."",.., 24-Equal Employment Opportunity 'Officer, hiring of same, untii June 30, 1976, under OETA Program Dee, 8-East Central Intergovernmental Ass'n, relative to de- velopment 'of the Stone Hiie Development Corp, "" 8-Eska Co, requesting refund on unexpired portion of Cigarette License ".."....,.."".."....."",.."'.."",'"..".."'".., 15-Ehlinger, Thomas W" refund on unexpired portion of Cigarette License ",..,.."'""..,.."....""......"..",,"',..,"""'" 1975 INDEX~BOOK 105 SUBJECT Page 521 552 559 571 576 583 591 613 617 624 1f175' INDEX-BOOK 105 SDBJEÓT ' Page F Jail, 6-Frommelt, Leo F" appoillted City Clerk for the year 19/75 ,...."..",....",.."..".."""'"..""..""..""'.."""""",,,..,,.. ,6-Fjrst N~ij'onal Bank, appointed official d~~ository , 5-~oI%h.C¿:Je;¡U~~~e~;;ïö¡;;;¡;;n:fpiäii:":¡;r'òpijs;;d;"ö¡;¡;'ÖŠ¡: lionS to same ..""""..,..""",..,..",;....",....""..4, 15, 59, 464, 613 13-Five Flags Center-Ice Rink proposal be considered, , suggested by Playground & Recreation Commission 15 13-Fischer Companies ohdecting to proposed priva~e road between flood waii and cold storage plant """""""" 13-Fikany Diann, reappointed to the Youth Services .." 20-FirePrevention Code, for the City of Dubuque, Iowa, Ordinance for same ,..,..'..,...."",.."..",.."",..".."",...... 2a-Fire Zones in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, creating and establishing same ..""..,..,..""..""",..,.."..",..,........""",.., 2a-Fltzgibbons, Neldia Jane, refund on unexpired portIon Qf Cigarette License and refund on unexpired ,beer license """"""""""""""""""""","""""""""""""""""'" 44, 45 2a-Fond,eii and Sons, Ino., completion of Cedar Street Lift Station Valve and Sluice Gate Modificatron, 1974 ..""...."..'.."....,.."",..,..,..,.."......""......"'.."..'""""...... 4'5 20-FINLEY HOSPiTAL BROJ!ECT, Series A, Hospital , Facility First Mortgage Revenue Bonds "'..,...."'..,,... """"....",..""..".."",..,......"...."..,..",..,19, 46, 47, 48, 68,143, 194 27-Fischer Realty Co" advising lease rental spaces for Depl. of Community Development and, Planning Zoning offices increased ""...."""'.."...."..,~""""""'.."" F¡¡b, 8-Farmer, National 'Outstanding Young Congress, for 1976, Jaycees ,bidding for Same ,..",...."",..""""",.." 3--Fransen, Lorraine A" Granted Class "C" (Commercial) ßeer 8,;, Liquor License and Cigarette License ,....." 62, 303 1D--Fischer Companies, requesting vacation of portion of Tower Street'between 6th & Waii Streets, in Du- buque Harbor Improvelllents Comp'any's Addn, ,;""""""""""..,..""",...."",..,.."..""..",,65, 112, 221, 247, 323, 418 " la-Fourth Streel; Neighborhood, be retained, requested " byMar¥ Billington """,..,.."",..""""",..""",....",.."..66, 79, 125 10-;F~deral IIi¡¡hway Administration, appro:v:a( of ,school Signallmifrovement Project under Federal TOP'lCS , , ' 'Program, "Location & Design Study" """".."..",..",.. 70, 136 24-Fjrefighters Association, ProfessIonal, agreeing to pay , plan for period of January 1, 1975 tJ¡rough June 30, 1976 ..""""..".."...."",.."""",.."""..",.."""""",......".. Mar, ,'3HFoothill Road & Keyway Drive, four way stop at intersection, requested by Donald D, Weydert, et al 95, 158 10-Floodwaii, concern of Thruput's property next to,same 100, 127 la-Fireworks display, requested by Loras Coiiege Student Senate for Aprii 25, 1975 .."""",..,......",.."""""",.."" 103, 112 17-Front Street, Dubuque Lumber Co., requesting portion .. of same to build a warehouse "..113, 221, 197, 318,334, 362 17-Fens, Mrs, Adele, requesting refund on unexpired portion of Cigarette License ...."""..:"""""",..",..,...." 114 17~Fraternal Order of Eagles #568, Granted Class "C" (Commercial) Beer & Liquor License and Cigar- ette License """""""""""""""""""'....",.."".."....",......, 116, 318 " ~t~~~os~ ~~~~\ì'1~0~:a'h~~~a~i~a~e'it~ei1c;;iï~;;"äiïiï'ëïäsš 120 "C" (Commercial) Beer & Liquor License "",.."", 122, 138 24-Ford, Mary Kathryn, Granted Class "C"(Commercial) Beer & Liquor License """""""""""""""""""""""" 123 Apr, 7-Flood plan information report swbmitted by Army Corps of Engineers ......",....,....,...."..".."""....,....",..",.. 7~Federal Aviation Administration advisIng of proposed heliport for Mercy Medical Center ",..".."..""""....... 129, HiS 7-Finance Director submitting 1974 Aonual Finance Report for the City",..",....,....""..",.."..........""""....".. 130 7-Fuerst, 'Richard S" ,Notice of personaUnjuries éJaim 130 1 2 16 22 36 '37 4'5 53 59 90 114 128 7-Fioodwall, Right-of-entry agreement with U,S, Army Corps of Engineers to allow construction of side- walks along same """""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 14-Fondell & Sons Inc" General Liability Policy snbmitted 14-Faust, Barb, relative ,to beautifica'tion ..'""......."....",..'.. 14-Faus Project, known as North-West Arterial, execution of agreement between City and Iowa State Hlghway Comm, for same "",..,..""'....,.."".......,.."",.."..,.."",,.... 14-Friedman, Leona R, Granted Class "C" (Commercial) Beer & Liquor License """""""""""""""""""""""""" 21-Fiteworks 'Display P'olicy Statement,permitting fire- works in the City, submitted by City Manager "" 21-Fuerste, Wm" relative to rezoning of Lots 623 & 624 (Elks property) ..""""",..,...."....""",..,..,..",......""",..,..,, 25--Faulkner, Thomas, appointed to Cable-TV Advisory Committee' ,..,..",..",..""...."""...,....",........,..".....",....,..,.. May 5--Frick, Mrs, Frederic D" Notice 'Of car damage claim " 5-Fengler St" included in 1975 Asphalt Paving Project No, 1 ..",..",....,",......",......""""",..""""..""",.."........,...... 5--Francbise 'Realty Interstate Corporation, Certificate of Completion executed """""""""""""""""""""""" 5-Fischer & Co" Incorporated Certificate of Completion executed ....".."......""""",..,..,..",....".."......",.."..""""..", 5-Fir"crash rescue equipment, Airport Comnrlssion authorized to file application with D'ÛT-FAA for purchase of same (project No, 8018.0028-0175)"..".. 19-Freund, George, reiative to San Jose swimming Pool 19-Far~~¡Le~:¡,'i{ M',"Ñ;';ii~ë"öf"ëär"'iiä;;¡äiië"ä;¡'ii'pë;:söiïäi injuries claim ..""...."..,..""""""......",..,......""...."..,.."" 27-Flores, Gerald L" approving 'of paving of Paul Street 27-Frontage Road to serve facility known as a Ramada Inn at intersecUon of Division st, and Hlghway #20, agreement with Inns of Iowa,Ltd" for same ..""..,....""", June 2-Fenelon, Patrick, Granted Cigarette License ...."..'....""", " 9-Form of Government, ,Existing, Ordinance adopting a Charter for the City on same on Jnly I, 1975 """""" 9--F'UNDS, approval of permanent transfer of same ,.."", 9-FiScher Realty Co" Granted Cigarette License...",.."...... 9-Férring, Theodore J" Granted Cigarette License """" 16-Five Flags Corporation requesting ,to purchase total block of URiBAN RENEWAL LAND next to, Or- phenm Theatre ,..".."....""....,...."",.."".."""",284, 367,458, ,507 16-Flynn Company, lac" awarded contract for Washington Street Traffic Diverters """""""""""""""""""""""" 285 16-'Fischer Bowling Lanes, Granted Class "c" (Commer- cial) Beer & Liquor License and Cigarette License.... 268, 294 16-Fens, Ronald J" Granted Cigarette License ",.."",'..,.. 295 16-Ftommelt Industries presented Bicentennial Flag to City,......",....",....",..,.."......."""",...."".."..""",...."""""" 23-Fleckenstein, 'Ray, Granted Cigarette License """""" 23-Fuerst, Richard A., o'bjecting to swimming pool rate increase "....""",.."""...."..,.."""......",...."""..".."....,..",, 30-Five Flags concept, changing to a Veterans .Memorial Hâll Complex ",..,.."""c".."...."...."""",...."..",..",,,.......... 39-Finiey Hospital, in favor of hospitals being permitted ,to sell optical goods and supplies ...."........"..,.."........, 30-Ford, Mary K, Granted Cigarette License """""""""" July 7-Fink, D" objecting to Cable TV service """""""""""""" " 14-Fischer Inc" Sidewalk' Construction Bond snbmitted , 28'-Friedl, Msgr.. of LorasColiege, relative to InstituUonal District section of proposed Zoning Ordinanse .... Aug, ~Frommelt, Paul, relative to one block of street near Flora Park"b~ng used as a race track "'...."........,,, 4-Folger, William, appointed to Playground & Recrea- tion Commission ......,..,..,..""....:"......".........."",...."..,.... 11-Frangos, John Peter, Granted Class "B"'Beer Permit 18-Fairgrounds, Recreation Department to check possible use of same for infield or track for recreational facilities 1975 INDEX-BOOK 105 --~- SUBJECT Page 136 140 142 146 148 155 156 164 17'5 177 182 185 193 207 211 225 235 250 256 257 268 268 285 297 304 309 309 3-10 318 324 340 360 418 427 436 447 Sept, ~Fourth Street Peninsula frogram staging format sub- mItted 'by Dock CommIssIOners """""""""""""""""" 449 2-Fire Fighters Ass'n, to be certified as bargaining representative of the Fire Fighter employees ....450,484, 639 8-Fischer COmpanies, 'Opposing 4th SI. Peninsula Area redevelopment ,............,..,....,.."......"....""",..""......,..,..,.. 15-Federal 'Orientation workshop to be held, advised ,by Senator Clark ......,"',..........,....,",......",...."......,....,........,.. 15-Ferring, Theoidore, Granted Class "B" Beer Permit 29-Frommeit, City Clerk, to sign official City papers dur- ing absence 'Of City Manager from the City..,..,...... Oct, 13~Feye, Karl, -Notice of personal injuries claim """""""" " 20-Friedl, Rev, Francis, invocation given by same """""" 20~Flo'Od piain information study along Catfish Creek and Little Maquoketa River, application 'Of City & County for same, approved by National Resources Council ',..",....,....,............".."".."..,....",...."..,..",............, 20-Floodwall, An Ordinance prohibiting the driving, park- ing or storing of motor vehicles in, on or over the earthen dikes of same ..,..".........."......,.."........"...."..,.., 20-Freiburger, Harriet E" requesting suspension of taxes 27-Five Flags Corp, submitting items of cost in lump sum for work concerning the proposed Civic 'Center ....,.., 27-Fourth Street Neighborhood Assoc" membership on the Community Development .commission ,......,.... 27-Ford Leasing Deveiopment Co, & Kopper..powers Ford Inc" requesting annexation to 'the City..",..""",...." Nov, 17-Flood Hazard Boundary Map, amended, submitted ,by Ass't. City Manager "..",........"..,..",......"",..",...."..,.. " 24-Frommelt, Paul and Frommelt Industries objecting to zoning for massage parlors ..........."",....",..".."..,..",,.... Dee, 8-Five Flags Civic Center Fund submitting proposed agreement between Bowen-Kanazawa Partnership and same ..,.."......,..,....,.."..,..",......""....,...."..,....,....,......" 8-First Baptist Church requesting rezoning of property at corner of Judson Dr, & Asbury Rd, (Seventh Step Foundation) "..".."......",..",....",....,..,..,......,....,...."..,....,.. 8-Fisch, Robert F" appointed to Community Develop- ment ,Commission """"""""" "....""........"......,.."...... "", 15-Fondeli & Sons lac" Casualty Insurance Policy sub- mitted ..,...."..,....,....,........,....,.."......",..,.."..,..",..,..........", 22-Federal Funds be utilized to establish position of Riv- er/Stream Poliution Technician ,....,..",........"..,........ 22-Fjre Protection employees, establishing and declar- ing work period of same 19~5 INDEX-BOOK 105 SUBJECT -"" , Page 464 475 489 492 527 536 536 539 540 554 559 559 584 590 614 616 619 622 633 640 Jan, 13-Guzzle, R~bert, appointed to the Youth Services """.. " 14-General Drivers Union, by Mt, Owen Riley, objecting to way of vote on resolution passed concerning union contracts "..,..",....""",..........."""""..,",..",.....,",.. " 27~rant, City Spirit, application for same to the National EndowmeÍ1'! for the Arts ..".............",.."",..""...."..", Feb, 3-Gay Street playfield area, City Manager recommend- ing increased lighting in same """,....",...."""......".." l~General Casualty Co" on behaif of Isidore Zimmer, Notice of personal injury claim ....."..",........,....,.."" 10-Group Homes rezoning, concerns for same "..""".......... lO-General 'Obligation & Revenue Bonds, City Manager submitting revised agreement with Paul D, Speer & Assoc, for service in connection with sale of same 24-G,A.I,N" Girl's Center, Rose Maric Montgomery, re- questing financial support for same ",,79, 103, 113, 119, 125 24-Grau, John, relative to Mini"Programg, for Block Grant Program .."",......""""..""",........"""",.."'"..,..,,.., 24-Gordon, J, M, Etal, objecting to prop'Osed cable TV rate il1crease ...."..".."".."",..,...."........"...."",...."""....,.. 24-General Drivers & Helpers Union, agreeing to pay plan for period of January 1, 1975 to June 30, 1976 Mar, lO-Gantz property, Robert Watters requeg,ting to rent iand abutting same ",.."....".........................",..,..........., lO-Ganbage & ,Refuse collection, Delinquent list submitted lO-Girls Center, requesting establishment thereof ....... " " , 17-Giese Sheet Metal Co" Notice of Claim for iabor and material furnished on Waste Water Treatment Plant to Goerdt Construetion Co, ..".."",.."..,.."...." 113, 557 17-Gantz property, acquisition of the landfill area com- pleted ""..",.............."""",.....",..,..",.."..,",.."....,......,...... Apr, 7-Guideline, Inc" Human Rights Comm, submitting status statement on 'Matt Lorenz relative to involvement in same .."...."....,......"",...."...."....,.."...."..,....."....,......".. 7-Gienwood Court and Creston street, drainage problems that exist in said area ,..'"".."..........,.."......,...."'"..",.... 14-Goodman, Dominic W" submitting resignation as member of Park Board, effective April 9, 1975 139, 161, 202 14~Grau, John, relative to beautification "...."""",...".." 142, 350 14-Gibbs, Jim, relative to beautification ...""",.............. 142 21-Goerdt construction Co" completion of 1973 Storm Sewer Improvement ..""",....,..""",......,........""....,..,""" 160 21-Guy, Gerald, appointed to Board of AppealsoBuliding Code """,...."",...."",.."..",.."....,...."...."""",........"".."..,," 163, 619 May 5-Grandview Ave" included in 1975 Asphalt Paving Proj- ectNo, 1..,..""..".......""..,....,.."",..""""..."""""""""""" 177 5-Grant No, B-7~MC.19-004 submitted to HUD to exe- cute a Community Development Block Grant Agree- ment """..""",..",..,..,..""............"..",.."...."...""....",....." 190, 233 19-GRANT OFFER, approving same from Adm, of F,A,A, for purpose of obtaining Federal Aid in Develop- ment of Municipal Airport, Project No, 8-19-0028-01 27-Gansemer, Margery, objecting to proposed improve- ments of Asbury Road ........""......",.."",.."..",..""...., 27-Gross, Pat, objecting to paving of Paul Street "'....,,,.. 27-Griesinger,Mel, objecting to paving of Paui Street .... 27-Grimes, Virginia, objecting to paving of Paul street ..., 27-Great A & P Granted Cigarette License "",.........."..'".. June 2-Grabow, Ralph J" Granted Cigarette License and Class "C" Beer Permit "..........,.."",..,......",....".."..".......",.... 250, 437 2-Grandview Ave, & Dodge Street, Traffic Lights 249, 287, 315 9-Graudview Drug Store, G""nted Cigarette License ......" 268 16-General 'Revenue Sharing-iPlanned Use Report for the period July I, 1975-Jnne 30, 1976 ......",...............".. 279, 313 16~Ginter, Donna M.. refund on unexpired portion of Beer.Liquor License ,......""........,.."..",....."",..........""", 16~George, Frank & John, Granted Cigarette License ..".... 1975 INDEX-BOOK 105 SUBJECT G 16~iynn, John F" Granted Cigarette License and Class "B" Beer License .."........"..,..",......"..,......"..........,........ 295, 562 16-Gordon, Lorraine, Granted Cigarette License and Class "C" Beer & Liquor License ......"..........",...............,..,295, 628 23-Glab, Buron A, & Inez F" suspen~ion 'Of real, estate taxes 298 ~~1t=gfbi;~ ~:¿~êa;,n~;. Wi~~¿~d M~~:Í1r;f:r,L~bj~~ting"iö 304 saie of optical goods in "Hospital Medical Zone" .... 30-Giunta, 'Marco, Granted Cigarette License "..,.........., July 7-Gllmore, Regina Cooper, donating property to approach W, 5th st" Steps, requesting to be named COOPER PARK """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 7-Gruber, Mr" relative to Cooper Park "..",....,................ 7-Glynu, Beverly A.. refund on unexpired portion of Class "C" Beer & Liquor License ..,........"......,........ 28-Giroux, Dr.. of Clarke College, relative to Institu- tional District section of proposed Zoning Ordinance Aug, 11-G,ilchrist, Dave, relative to needs of the Dubuque Symphony",.."....".........,.."",.......,..""..",..".."..........".., " 11-Grothe, Wm" appointed to Electrical Board of Appeals 11-Gatrel, Koa, appointed to Board of Appeal-Building Code ......,.........,...."..,......"..,....".."",..,'..'....'..'.."",......".. 438 18--Gansemer, Matthew J" Notice ofpersonai injury claim 442, 477 18-Gilloon, Tom, State Representative, presenting con- sideration of -City Lottery to finance new Wisconsin Bridge """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Sept 2-Grabow, Ralph J" Granted Class "C" Beer Permit ".. " 8-Gruen, Victor, proposal, Dock Commission endorsing same ..",.. "'...."",,, "".... ""...... "......"",..............'".."....".., 8-Guideline, Inc" Sidewalk Construction Bond submitted 29-Graves, John, o.bjecting to painting bridge red, white and blue """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 29-Gre¡¡ory, James, relative to tax structure & revalua- tIOns of properties in City..",..........".."....,........."....", 29-Ganshirt, John F" relative to tax structure & revalua- tions of properties in City"......",.."............,....",..",.... Oct. 7-Grau, John, relative to formation of Community De- velopment Commission ..""'..."....'......,..,......,..'..,,'....,, 13-Giroux, Dr, Robert, invocation given by same "..'"..'...... 13-Groninga, John, requesting reconsideration to paint Julien Dubuque Bridge tri-color """""""""""""""" 13~rau, John, requesting blocking off Alice Street on Oct. 26th ...."........,.."..,....."....""""....""""..""...."",........ 13-Groves Kelco, Inc" dib/a Nabors Drug, granted Class "C" Beer Permit ......."""'......"......""...............".."..",,, 27-Governor of the State of Iowa, presenting a State Flag for AIrport """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 27-Goerdt Construction Co.. claims against same settled 27Gurney, Bert & Assoc, , sub-contract claim against M, F, Goerdt Construction Co.. has been settled """""""" 27-Ganahl, Kenneth, appointed to Rehabilitation Commis- sion """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 27-Garnett, Donald D" appointed to Rehabilitation Com- mission ..""""""""""""""""""""""""""""'"""""""",,, Nov, 24-Gudenkauf, Lloyd S, requesting relief from Zoning Ordinance relative to extension of roof lines ,..,.... Dee, 8~ruwell, Willis R" appointed to Community Develop- ment Commission """""""""""""""""""""""""""""" " 8--Gorman, Ted J.. appointed to Community Development Commission """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 8-Goetzinger, James D" appointed to Community Devel- opment Commission Page 22 25 54 59 65 68 69 79 82 90 103 105 103 114 127 133 177 213 225 225 225 225 239 284 295 1975 INDEX~BOOK 105 SUB\JECT Page 310 318 324 324 326 360 430 438 447 462 464 468 492 513 513 5I5 524 525 528 532 554 557 557 563 563 594 619 619 619 INDEX~BOOK 105 SUBJECT Page 1975 1975 INDEX-BOOK 105 SUBJECT Page Jan, 6-Hird Gerald, City Treasurer, Personal Bond submitted " 6-Hutton, Ciaribel, Settlement of Claim .."...."..............".. I_Hammer, Dave attorney for Finiey Hospital, relative to proposai' to obtain Industrial Revenue Bonds for same """""""""""""""""",,""""""""""""""""""" 19, 46 13-HumanRights CommissIon appointments made ........"" 22, 612 13-Hansen, Veronica, appointed to the Human Rights Commission .."..,......."""..,....,..",..""".."......"""....,..""" 22 20-Holz, Mrs, 'Oswald, Notice -of personai injuries ciaim.... 26, 211 20-Hospital Facility First Mortgage Revenue Bonds Series A. (Finley Hospital) .................."""............"......46, 68,143, 194 20-Heiderscheit, John ,T., Granted Class "C" Beer Permit 48 27-Haniey, Vera, Notice of personal injury claim ".."...", 52, 210 27-"Heritage of Dubuque," contained within Interim Ord- inance, submitted by Plsnning & Zoning ..,........, 52, 6,6 Feb, 3-IIampton, Mr, Robert, extension for the construction of Ramada Motor Inn Lodge .."..",..,......,,57, 81, 95,104, 270 3-Hirsch, John R., Granted Class "C" (Commerciai) Beer & Liquor License "........'""",......"........,......"...., 62 lO-Human 'Rights Commission, workshop session dealing with discrimination in area -of credit, (Senate File 1265 Civil Rigbts Act 1965 as amended) ..............".... 64 10-Human Rights Commission, submitting minutes of their meetings 64, 100, 127, 173, 253, 339, 417, 565,583, 603 24-Historicai Society, reference to funds for rehabllita- tion "......,......"..'"..""..'",..........."""""........"............"",.. 79 24-Hospital Board of Trustee, Dubuque County, request- ing share -of Community Development Funds to construct a .second access road ....".."",..,......""" 80 Mar, 3-Hardin County Board of Supervisors, requesting reacti- vation of the 1-520 Program .."..".........."................".. 93, 100 3->Howard, Mrs, Vicki, requesting speed laws on Wo-od- worth Street ,..".............."......,........,......"..........,..",..,95,155, 174 3~Hillcrest Road & Admirai Street, Mettel Realty & Investment Co, requesting to instail street lighting in same "....",..,.........",....""""........"'......"",.."..""..",,.... 95, 101 1Q.--Hansei & Seipp, Assessing garbage & refuse coilection charges """""""""""""""""""""..",......,...."",...."..,,..,.. 105 lO-Housing Assistance Plan, Dubuque County Assn" for retarded Citizens, Inc" offering their assistance in the development of same """"........"....,..'.."",......, 99, 475 lo-Hardie Advertising Inc" Frank, requesting rezoning from Single Family to Busiuess Classification (3100 Block on University) """""""""""""""""""""""""" lO-Hoffman, David, Granted Cigarette License .."....""".. 24-Heitzman Construction Co" Sidewalk Construction Bond submitted ........,...."""..'....".."""..'..".."""".."....", 24-Hansen, J, W, Construction Co" Sidewalk Construc- tion Bond submitted ........"..""",........,......,....,.."....".. 24-Higiey-Meyer Electric Co" General Liability Policy submitted """""""""""""""""""""""""""""'"",.."...." 121 24-Heinz, Albert, Oky Doky #7, 'Granted "c" Beer Permit 123 Apr, 7-Human Rigbts Comm, submitting status statement on Lorenz rela'iive to invoivement.in Guideline Inc, ".. 127, 361 7-Housing & Community Development Act, East Central Intergovernmental Assn, submi.tting problems rela- tive to emanating of funds of the Housing & CommunHy Development Act .."......".....",........129,198, 210 7-Heliport, proposed for Mercy Medical Center submitted by FAA ...."",....................,....,..,.."..........,........"""......,..129, 168 7-IIennen, LaVerne Nicholas, Granted Class "c" Beer Permit """",,""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 137 14-Herburger, Jerry, relative to ,beautification ....""............ 142 14-Heitzman, 'Wilma, relative to 'beautification ..,....,.."........ 142 14-Historical preservation advisory group to be established 142 21-Hilicrest Road and Keyway Drive intersection made a four way stop 21->Henschel, Richard C" approving plat -of Blocks ,I, 2& 3 in Timber Ridge Addn, for same, correction of Resolution 386-74 ",........,""..,........"....,..""..,........"", 159, 444 21-Hentges, Dorothy, Granted Class "C" (Commercial) Beer, & Liquor License "...."""..",....",..........""",.., 162 ", 21-Hagen, Howard '0" appointed to Advisory Commission 163 ,( 21->Herrig, William, appointed Board of Appeals"Building Code "...",..,....",......".."..",....,..""".."",......"",......,.."".., 163 28->Health Dept" City'County, Merger of same, reports of study committee ,.."......",......"........"..",.."""..,167,297, 340 28-Howell, Dr" relative to City-County Health Dept, , Merger "',.."..",..,",..",.."..,.."....".."..""",...."..,...."..,.."" 167 28->Heating, Ventilating, Air-Conditioning and Refrigera- tion Board, appointments made to same by City Manager ....,....".."....,.."".."....."",..,..,.."..".."....""...."".. May 5->Historical SocIety of Dubuque County, relative to street light standards from Central Ave" Lower Main St, and Washington Park ,...."""...."......................""....",,, 5--HUD, authorizing publication of Notice of Submission of ,the Community Development Block Grant appli- cation to the same ..""..,........",..",.."..",..",....,...."""" 185, 233 5->Hillcrest Builders requesting vacation of existing storm sewer easement in Lot C Block 12 in Key Knolls Subdivision "...""""..".."..,..........",..",.........."",, 192 19-Historic Preservation Advisory Board, recommending brick be used on building constructed by Clinton Federal Savings & Loan Building (Elks) """""""" 209 19-Hutchinson, Virgil Lee, Notice of car damage claim".. 211, 298 1Q.--Hall, John F" Granted Class "C" (Commercial) Beer & Liquor License and Cigarette License' """""""" 218, 346 27-Haupert, Frances M" Notice of personal property claim 223, 3,25 27-!Hansel, Dick, objecting to proposed improvement on Asbury Rd, "..",...........""..,.."...."""""..,......"""..........".. 27->Heitzman, H, F" objecting to closing of 'Cherry Street alley,.."............",....",.......",......""...."..",......",.."""""..", 27~Hartig, Granted Cigarette Licenses (4) '"......"....",....""" June2-..Heaith Dept, County, meetiug on upgrading of waste- water trewtment plant "..",........",..""""",......".........".. " 2-Houselog, Geraid, delapidated condition of the duplex at 7-54-56 W, 8th Ave, "..,.."............,....,..,....",....",245,492, 527 2-Hos, Virginia by Blue Cross.Blue Shield, Notice of Claim .."..",.."............,.."',......".."",....",......"'..",,......,,,.... 246 9-Hensehel, Richard, street lighting requested -on Val- entine Dr, """"",...."...... '.."'......,,.. """""""""" ",'.. ""'" 9-Heiar, Merlin & Eileen, objecting to Washington S(, Diverters "'".....,..""",..,.."',..,....,........",.."",....",,,..,..,....,, 9-H & W Motor Express Co" objecting to Washington Diverters ,..""...."""..,"".."......"..,.."....."....",....,......"..",, 9-HUD, authorizing the execution of a Proclaimer Certifi- cate for Submission to the U,S, Department of same 265 9-Heiderseheit, John J" Granted Cigarette License ..,...., 268 16->Heinz, Vivian, Granted Cigarette License and Class "C" beer permit .."......,...."..,...."..,....,..",........""...."""......,295, 355 16-Hirsch, Carl, Granted Cigarette License """""""""""" 295 23-Hardee's of Dubuque, Granted Cigarette License ..,,'.., 303 23->Hancock, William, Granted Cigarette License ........"'..,,, 304 30-Hospital Medicai District, amending Zoning Ordinance pertaining to same ..,...."........"".."....,....""....".."",..", 30-Hammer, Dave, for Finiey Hospital in favor of hos- pitais being permitted to sell optical goods and supplies ,......,......""......"..,........ ".. " ".. ""...........""",......, 30-Hennen, LaVern, Granted Cigarette License ......,....",.. 30-Holiday 'Oil Distributors, Granted Cigarette Licenses (5) 30->Habeger, Anthony, 'Granted Cigarette License .."..."....,.. 30-Hillary, Bert, Granted Cigarette License "",'.."'....,..,,.... 3~Ioliday Inn Motel, Granted Cigarette License ...."",......, July 14-Human Rights Comm, advising official from HUD made inspection; office couid function as downward def- feral agency for federal housing compiaints .."..,..,.. 14-Headington, Mary, appointed to Advisory Commission H 62 103 107 120 121 158 168 178 192 225 226 239 243 253 260 260 310 310 318 318 318 318 318 339 347 14-Hammer, Audrey, requesting Teleprompter Cable TV print r.eturn' .address on envelopes ""....""",..""", 21-iHawkeye Estates, correction resolution for same (HEFEJL) "",..",.."..,..""".."".."....,..""".................,..,..",.. 21-Health Dept" State of, submitting reports on mainten- ance and operation of City swimming pools "......"" 3'56 28~Henkei, Paul J" Notice of 'Properly 'Damage Ciaim.... 357, 615 2IJ-Haught, W, L, reiative to ,RV section of proposed Zoning Ordinance """""""""............",.."....."..",..",,"'" Aug, 4-Historic Preservation Advisory Committee, property at 110'114 West 12th Street of no historically value.." 4-Hingtgen, Doris M" appointed to Low-Rent Housing commission ,..,.."""""",..,...."...;",.."",......",.......""..",.., 4-Healey, Paui, appointed to Youth Services Board of Directors ..."..";,..""..""...."....,......",..,.."....",..,..",....,,.., 11-Helling, Joe, relative to p.aving of Paul street ",......"".., 11-Æanson, Neil 0" relative to RV section of Zoning Ordi- nance """""",..,......"",.."...."..".."""........,..,..,.."".."',,..,.. 11-Human Rights Direotor requesting adoption of an amendment repealing Section 303 of the Human Rights Ordinance to inciude judicial review"""".." 11-Hirsch, John R" Granted Cigarette License "",.."",.." 11-Hutton, James B" appointed to Electrical Board of Examiners "....,..""""""".."...."........,..",.."....,......,"""'" 16-Historic Preservation Advisory Board, relative to Klein Estate requesting demolition of a building at 332 Bluff Street "..",....".."......",......""",..,..,..........,..,..""",441, 450 Sept. 2--Hea,thDept, of County, relative to obtaining sewer in County for residents of Old Mill Road & Manson Road ",.."..,..".."...."""",....,..",.."",..""....,......",..,""",...... 450 2--Howell, Dr" relative to ohtaining sewer in County for residents of Old Mill Road and Manson Road ..""...,.. 450 15-Handicapped, accessibility to City Hall for same pre- sentedand curb cuts ........"",.."".."..",...."..".."....""" 475, 490 15-iHaigh, Dorothy, requesting instaUation of two stop sigus at southwest & northeast corners of 15th & Maple Street ,..".."""".."""..""...."..""""....""..",.."...." 15-Hearth Lounge, refund on unexpired portion of Cigar- ette License "..",.."........"",....""..."....",....",......"....,.." 29-Hail, Water Plant Supt" submitting procedure of test- ing wells and advisin¡¡ department has been ahle to meet all DEQ r.eqUlremenis ""..",..",.."............".." 29-iHalioween Parade on oct, 30, 1975, requested by Y's Men Club """,..,.."..""",........""",.."...."...""..,"".. 497 29-'-JIillcrest Road to he dedicated when demand is made" 509, 547 29-Holy Trinity Catholic Church granted Ciass "B" Beer P.ermit ,.."..",.."",.."""""......""""",.."""""'"..,..,, 512, 540 29-Hentges, Dorothy R, Granted Class "C" '~Commercial) Beer & LIquor License and Cigarette License ,.., 318,512 Oct, 7-iHeiar, Merlin F" Grsnted Class "C" (Commercial) Beer & Liquor License and Cigarette License ,.., 318, 521 7~High Bluff Stveet, vacating portion of right-of-way of same for Bethany Home """""""",,""""""""""""""" 521, 534 7-Highway #20 Overpass, City aUocate $250,00 toward the purchase of sign over same ,..".."..........",.."..".. 523 7-Hin,gtgen, Donald, appointed to Rehahilitation Hous- mg Commission ",..""..,..",.."""......"..,.."""..",..",.."""" 7-HoJ1, Waiter, appointed to RehaJ>ilitation Housing Commission """.."""""....",.....,.......""",..",........",.."".., 13-Harrison, Jim, relative to 'Ordinance on Unit Price coding ..,..,..""".."..""..""..,...."",'",..,",..",.."......",....,..,,' 13-iHousing Inspector relative to property at 744 West Sth Avenue ".."""""""..,.."..,..""""",......"";,.."",.."",, 13-Hempstead Student Government requesting .(0 conduct Homecoming Parade on 'Oct, 24, 1975 ......",...."""..", 13-HUD Funds, authorizing submission of a request for Release of same for the San Jose Swimming Pool Parking Lot and Access Walk ..""....""",.."", 13-"HandgunControl Proceedings" referred .(0 Advisory Commission INDEX.-BOOK 105 ~- SUBJECT 1975 Page 20-'-JIoliand, Les, members of D,'Û,T, expressing apprecia- tion for hospitality e"tended to Legislative Visita- tion Committee while in the City, Oct. 6th & 7th 20-Hawkeye Estates, Attorney Joseph J, Bitter requesting vacation of the plat of same to 'begin process of corrections, (REFEL) '".."......"""""",..".."".........",..", 2~Helling, Anthony A, & Bette 0" Granted Class "B" (Motel"Hotel) Beer & Liquor License and Cigarette License "',..""..."....""..".."..,...."..,..""""..",..""""..,..,.... 303, 550 2~Hempstead Speech Arts Class expressing apprecia- tion for being able to attend Council meetings......" 554 27-Hamby, Mrs, Jack N" relative to painting Julien Dubuque Bridge "..,.."..""",.......""".."",.."",....""",..,, 556 27-'Hess, John E" appointed to Civil Service Commission 563 Nov 3-Hoekstra, John J" requesting refund on unused Build- ' ing Permit ......""...."..",..".........""",..,...."..".."""..."..", " 3~Hartig Drug Company, Granted Class "c" Beer Permit {4) ,..".."..""".."........,..,....,..""'"....",.."......"",..",..",..,,,,... " 17-Hogan & Hartson submitting certificate of compliance to 'FCC, on behalf of Teleprompter-Cable Com- munications Corp, ".."'"..,..",......""......,......"..""",.."",,, Dee l-'-JIa¡¡er, H, K. objecting to fumes and noise from diesels ' III building between 1st & 2nd Sts, and Locust and Bluff Sts, (Wenzel) "",...."",..",..".."""",....,.."""....",..,, 611, 614 I-Henkes, Robert, o'bjecting ,to diesel repairs being made in building at 1st & 2nd Sts, and Locust & Bluff sts, (Wenzel) .........,....""......",..,....""",.."..,..",........"",.. 612, 614 6-Henry, John, of 4th 81. Peninsura Area submitting General Development Plan for the area """""""""" 613 8-Hughes, Alfred E" Attorney, representing Dubuque Pack Co" relative to garage at 124 Bluff Street {Wenzel property) """"""""""""...."..".."",.."""""....",614, 632 8-Hardie Advertising Inc" Frank, requesting refund IJ-Ha~:,~ug~~~gJE::~~t g~~~t~~~iå'Sit;;ë;;"'ëëö;¡;;nërëiä¡¡ 616 Beer & Liquor License ",......,..",.."..".."",...."...."...." 619 8-iHerrig, William, appointed to Board of Appeals- Building Code ..",..",....,..",..",...."".."",..".."",..".."",.. 619 8-Hilgert, Charles W" appointed to Community Devel- opment Commission ""....".....""....""..",.."",......."..""" 8-Hixon, Ronald L" .appointed to Community Develop. ment Commission "....".."..""......,.."""""......",.."""".." 6-Huff, Sue, appointed to Community Development Com- mission "....,.."..."......"..,....,..",.."...."".."..",.."",..".."",.. 15-Hillary, Bert, granted Class "C" (Commercial) Beer & Liquor License 350 353 1iI75 INDEX-BOOK 105 SUBJECT 360 419 427 427 429 430 4'32 436 438 450 479 480 491 523 523 526 527 528 529 533 Page 536 545 568 574 583 613 619 619 619 628 1975 INDEX-BOOK 105 SUBJECT Page Jan, 6-Inspectors of the Building Department requesting re- view of the City Pay Plan ,...."....",....",.."",......,...."", 3, 23 13-Jce Rink-Five Flags Center, proposai bc considered, suggested by Playground & Recreation Commission 1'5 13-Industrial Revenue Bonds, Approving of fee schedule whenever and as often as any corporation shall request the City to finance any project by the is- suance of same ,..",..,..".............."..,......",....................," 19, 144 27-Iowa State Highway Commission, designating project Numbers F-520-8 & F-529-9 for location approval for corridor hearing at Epworth ......................",......",.. Fe]), 3-Iöwa-Wisconsin BrIdge, Councilman Thoms to com- municate with D,O,T, ,.."......""",.."",........"",.".."....... lO-Iowa State Hig,hway Commission, approval of the "Location & Design ,Study Report" for School Signal Improvement Project under Federal TQ:PICS Pro- gram ,...."",.."..,..,.."....""""..,....",..".........,70, 136, 188,230, 262 24-Iowa State Highway,Comm" agreement between same and the City, giving the City 50% of cost of repav- ing Dodge 81. with asphalt from Bluff to Grand- view and building deceleration lane at Devon Dr, intersection ".."..""...........",.."........"",..",...............,...." 88 24-International Union of Operating 'Engineers, relative to Casual Day Proposal,....,................,......""..""",...." 89, 135 Mar, 3-1-520 Program, reactivation of same requested hy Hardin County Board of Supervisors """""""""""" 93, 100 " 17-Illinois D,O,T.. relative to Air pollution Control 112,139, 168 Apr, 7-Intergovernmental Agreement for the creatiou of the Dubuque Metropolitan Solid Waste Agency sub- mitted by City Engineer ...,..""".....".."".."..".."..,129,150, 625 14-1binger, T, Robert, relief of conditions to his iand on Industrial Park ,.."..",......,..,..,..",......,..""....,..".."""""" May 5-Investment Planning, Inc.. Certificate of Completion executed "...."""..""........",..",..".."",......,.."..,.."..........," 5-Illinois,Centrsl Gulf Railroad Co.. Reiocation Easement and Agreement secured . from same in connection with the installation of the South Dubuque Inter- ceptor Sanitary Sewer ,.."..........,.."..".........",..'"'",,...... 27~Inns of Iowa, LId" agreement with same for frontage road to serve facility known as, a Ramada Inn at intersection of Division Street and Highway #20 "" June 2--Interstate power Co" requesting a Utilities Accom- mo'dation Permit """"""""",,""""""""""""""""""""" 9-Interstate Power Go" application to discharge into the Mississippi River ......,..,........",....""......"",......,...."",.." 9-Imperial Bowling Lanes, Granted Cigarette License ".. 16-Iowa, State of, DOT, Primary Road Extension Mainten- ance & Operation Agreement for period of July 1, 1975 to June 30, 1976 """""",,""""""""""""""""""" 23-Inns of Iowa, Ltd" block off Mercer Drive on June 28, 1975 "....."",..""""",..""..".."..."""......".."..,""',....," July 26-Imperial Lanes, Inc" Granted Class "C" CCommercial) Beer & Liquor License ....""""",.."".."..",..,..",......"",... Sept, 29-Iowa Northwestern Development Corp, requesting in- stallation of seven street iights in Arbor Oaks SuM, "",........"..,...."....."...."""'"..,....."..,..,.......",,..,"""" 496,526 " 29-Inns of Iowa, Ltd"Granted Class "B" (Hotei or Motel) Beer & Liquor License and cigarette license .."........ 512, 581 Oct. 7~Insurance Women of Dubuque, relative to proclaiming last week of Octnber as "Safety on the Streets Week" .."......."""""",..".."....."""........""""....,""",,........ 517 " 27-Iowa Depl. of Transportation property and Kopper- powers Ford, Inc" property annexed to the City.... 560, 633 Dee, S--Interstate Power Co.. williug to cooperate in turning off .treet iights concerning candle light traditions at Christmas time ......,....""",....,......""..........""....",...... 't-"Ise~~i~m~~~d'iJo;;;,,;l~;;io':ipointed to Community De- 50 63 88 139 183 187 235 247 253 268 278 300 371 517 616 619 19,75 INDEX-BOOK 105 SUBJECT Pa,ge Jan, 6-Justmann, C, Robert, appointed -Mayor for the year 1975 " 2o-"Jungwirth's Morocco" reclassified as Single Family Residence District .."..",..",........,..".."...."",.."........".." 44, 86 " ~7-JFK Fast Foods, Inc" Gunted Class "B" Beer Permit 55 Feb, '3-Jaycees, bidding to host the National Outstanding Young Farmer Congress for 1976, """"....""..."....,.. 59 Mar, 3-Jackson SI. & 24th Sts.. Mrs, Warren Conrad request- ing traffic control system or device at intersection of same .."".....""".."..",....".."""""",..,.."""..,....""..,94, 283, 342 " 1Q--Janlin Plastic Co" by Atty, Rnbert Bertsch, requesting removal of conditions in resolution and deed rela- tive to their property .."..""........,.."....,..""""",..,104,139, 158 Apr, 7-John Deere Dubuque Works submitting appiication to dredge approx, 70,000 cubic yards material from their intake and discharge channels ",.."........,......" 128, 298 7-Jaycees, requesting to host a circus on July 4, 1975.... 133 7-Juergens, Louis requesting refund on unexpired por- tion of Cigarette License .."...".."....,....'""............"", 133 7-Jaycees, Granted Class "B" Beer Permit ..,..",137, 370,426, 443 14-Jaycees to renovate Washington Park '..""......."",..", 143 21-Johnson, Walter, Vice-Pres" Thermolyne, reiative to beautification on Kerper Blvd, Median "",.....",.., May 5-Juiien Motor Inn, relative to Iowa Truck Assn, Con- vention """"""""""""""""""""" """" ,.......""....".."...", 12-Joyce, Pauline, submitting set of computerized facts of citizens' survey"",..",........,..",...."........"""..........""" 12~Jaeger, Louis, approvai of final plat of "Cherry Valley" 27-Jaeger, Louis, General Lirubility Poiicy submitted """" June2-J & RC Inc" Granted Class "C" (Commercial) Beer & Liquor License and Cigarette License "..".."..252,303, 326 " 23-JFK Fast Foods, Inc" Granted Cigarette License """" 303 3Q--Jaeger, Ron, for Finiey, in favor of hospitàis ,being permitted to sell optical goods and supplies ...."",.., 3Q--Jones, Janet appointed to Advisory Commission, "..".. July 28-Jones, Janet, supporting proposed Zoning 'Ordinance .... Aug, 4-Jackson-Rand Corp" Notice of Claim to M, F, Goerdt Construction Co" for work done on Cedar Street Lift Station """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 418, 557 4-Job Openings Listing, City Manager relative to same .... 419 4-Jones, Janet, appointed to Transit Board and official bond submitted """""..,......""......"..,..,....".."..",..,:..".... 427, 441 11-Juiien Dubuque Bridge, painting same red, white and blue ",........""........",......"......430, 443, 449, 492, 525,536, 556 18-Jaycees Jaynes, requesting to park the Wisconsin Breast -Detection 'Mobile Unit in downtown 'Mall area on Sept, 5th "................"".."......""..""....""....,...., 443 Sept, 8-Jaeger, Louis J" requesting installation of two street lights on extension of Lori Street in Cherry Valley Sub, "",.."..."...."...........".....,",....,....",..""..,.....",....",..".. 470, 476 15-Justmann, Mayor, requesting up-date on Metropolitan Solid Waste Agency action; Landfill bonds for is- suance Sept, 15, 1975, and set date of compietion to return phased portions of Area "C" for recrea- tional use .."""'"..,.."....,",.."...."........".."",...."......,,..,.. 15-Jenkins, Lorraine M" settlement of personai injuries claim ,..",.."..,..""""""..,..""'"....."........."""",....,..,,,,......, Oct. 7-Jansen Street, Floyd D, Berendes requesting vacation of same abutting his property......",..,...."..",...."......, 517, 579 13-Justmann, Mayor, indicating a desire to promote Caradco's welfare ,.."..,....""'"...."""..""..,..,..""",,,,....,.. 524 13-Justmann, Mayor, relative to Bunker Hili ,being used for snowmobiles ......"",........""......".............. 526, 565 59 155 176 199 200 221 310 321 360 443 476 494 INDEX~BOOK 105 SUBJECT 1975 Nov, 3-Justmann, Mayor, reiative to joint Supervisor.çouncil meetings ...."....""....,....""..",..""",....""..,.."'"......,",,...... 3-Jaeger, Louis, requesting review of denial of Building Permits in Tower Heights .."...."....""....",........".."',,.. 10-Judson, Dr, & Asbury .ad, intersection of same, ohjec- tions to rezoning same 'for ,seventh Step Foundation 24-Justmann, Mayor, submi.ting report on gift of 'Emerald Neeklace '(Catfish Creek) ,....",......",..""....""',..",..,,...," Dee, 22-Jack Jones Escavating requesting to excavate at 2300 'Rhomberg Ave, ..",..""..,......" "....,......"....,"""" "....".. 22-J,F:K. Fast Foods, Inc" Granted Class "B" Beer Permit Page 565 568 579 591 637 641 1975 INDEX-iBOOK 105 SUBJECT Page K / Jan 6-Key City Bank ,& Trnst Company, appointed depository , for City Funds ,..",..""",..,..,...."",..'....'""..,..""'"",..",,, 6-Kretschmer Tredway Co.. not included in area of proposed Redevelopment of Fourth Street area, ob- jecting to repaving of 7th St, """""""""""""""""""" 6-Kennedy Construction Co, requesting rezoning of prop- erty located between Kaufmann & Kane st, ",.."",.. 6-Kies, Donald,' granted Class "C" (Commercial) Beer & Liquor License and Cigarette License "'....""......." 13, 303 13-Knob Hill Drive and Duggan Drive, five iight fixtures to be instailed on same, petition of John J, Duggan of 11-18-74 ..",.."..,..""'"",'....",..",..,..",.."..""",....".."",, 16 Feb, l<>--,Kirchberg, GeraldC" Granted Class "C" (Commercial) Beer & Liquor License and Cigarette License "...." 74, 303 l<>--,Karr, Robert J" Granted Class "C" (Commercial) Beer & Liquor License """..";".."..,....""""".."....""",....,,..,.. 10-Kruse, Wm, of Dubuque Area Development Associa- tion, submiVting report on their association ""...."" 24-Kortmeyer, Mrs, Leona, settlement of personal injury ciaim """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Mar, ~Keyway Drive & Foothill Road, four way stop requested at ,by Ronald D, Weydert et ai"",.."...."",..,.."..".., 95, 158 " 24-Kluck, M, p, & Sons, Inc" Sidewalk Construction Bond submitted "..""............,....,..""""""",..,.........".."", 121 Apr, 7-Kerper Blvd" Walter' Pregler recommending beau- tific.tion of median strip on same ...."......"".."",,127,155, 583 7~Konrardy, Sheila, Settlement of ¡:>ersonal injury claim 130 7-Kisting, James, relative to dramage problems that exist in Glenwood Court and Creston Street ....,,'...., 14-Koppes, Alan, Notice of personal injuries claim ..,..""", 21-Keily, Mrs, Wendy and Samantha, Notice of personal injury claim """""""""""""""""""..".."......""..,......,.. 156,210 21~Klohn. Father, relative to demolition permit to demol- ish house at 1458 Locust St" for SI. John's Episco- pal Church """""""""""""""""""..",....,.........,....""...... 159 21-Klauer, Robert E" Granted Class "C" (Commercial) Beer & Liquor License and Cigarette License ........ 162, 318 21-Knights of Columbus Council #510, Granted Class "C" (Commercial) Beer & Liquor License "...."..,......"".., 162 28-Kramer, Judy A" dismissal of suit filed in District Court """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 169 28-KDTH, requesting permission to have a fireworks dis- play on July 4, 1975 at Petrakis Park ............"......".. 170, 176 May 5-Key Knoils Subdivision, Hillcrest Builders requesting vacation of existing storm sewer easement in Lot C Block 12 """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""'"""", 192 12-Kamm, Chuck, conducting of Council meetings and actions taken at same .."'..""""..,..""..,............"....",.." 197 19-Kringle, Leo J" requesting to purchase porthm of Lot 1 in A, McDaniels Sub, (Arlington Street) "..208, mo, 345, 423 19~Kritz, James et ai, objecting to issuance of Liquor LICense to Broken Spur "",..",.."....,..........."".............. 213 19-Knights of Columbus requesting parade on May 31, 1975 ......'""....""".."....""",'...."""","'"",....,.."...."""""", June 2~Kennedy Mail Merchants Ass'n" proclaiming June 14th as Flag Day Salute to the United 'States Bicentennial 2-Keyway & Keymont, installation of stop signs re- quested hy Donna L, Smith ...."....,..""",....".....",,'.... 2-Klauer, James J,and Robert 'D" Granted Cigarette License and Class "c" (Commercial) Beer & Liquor License ....................,..""........""",'...."..",....",'......"'....", 250, 447 ~KennedyMaii Cinema I & II, Granted Cigarette License 250 9~Kieffer, Francis H" Sidewalk Construction 'Bond, submitted """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 9-Karigan's Restaurant, Granted Cigarette License ..""" 16~Koeiler, Hazel E" Granted ,Class "C" (Commercial) Beer & Liquor License ,..,..",......................"..",..,....,.. 23-Karr, Robert J" Granted Cigarette License 4 6 16 74 75 80 133 141 159 169 192 213 243 247 253 268 294 303 1!JI75 IND:EX~BOOK 105 SUBJECT P- 303 303 304 23~Koeiler, HazelE" Granted Cigarette License """""".... 23~Kopple, Harry, Granted Cigarette License "",m"""""" 23~ights of Columbus, Granted Cigarette License "",... 23-Krajnovich, Eliza,beth, Granted Class "C" {Commercial) Beer & Liquor License and Cigarette License........ 303, 306 30-Klauer, Don, o,bjecting to sale of optical goods in "Hospital Medical Zone" """"""""""......"....".."...... 310 3~K-Mart, The, Granted Cigarette Lieense ",..""....."...."" 318 30-KW1K Foeds Texaco Station, Granted Cigarette License 318 July 14~Kartmau, Louis, requesting to relocate neon sign close to street for the Wink Inn Motei ,.."..",..""".. 343, 419 21~Kintzinger, Kintzinger, VanEtten, Setter ,and King, Attorneys, requesting demoiition permit for build- ing at 110"1.14 W, 12th St, """""""",""""""""""'" 349, 419 21~Kirch, Ronaid, objecting poor Cable TV Service "" 350 21-Key-way Drive, objections to proposal to barricade same .....""""""",..,.."",....."""""......""",..""",,..,""""'" 21-Kiefer, Joseph p" Grauted Cigarette License ".."""""" Aug, 4-Knights of Columbus requesting week of Aug, 18 as "Mental,Handicapped Week" """""""""""",.."""""", 4-Key'Üity Investment Co" relative to zoning of Yiannias Property on J,F:K. Rd, """""",.."""""........'"".."""" 373 4-Kehl Court (A, H, Oeth Subd,) street iights on same"" 418 4-Kopp, Gene, Granted Cigarette License and Class "C" (Commercial) Bcer & Liquor License """""..""""".. 425, 628 11-Keyway Drive, petition of residents on same, submit- ted by Traffic Committee .......""",....""""",...."""",,' 11-Kopper-Powers Ford, requesting to hook up' to City sewer system ",..""....,....",......"",..,.........."....".."""",,.., l1~Kil1ge, George, appoInted .(0 Electrical Board of Esaminers ",-""..""""",..""...."""",.."..""""",..""",,...., 438 18-Kiein Estate requesting demolition of a ,building at 332 Bluff St, ...."..""....""....""""........".."......"""....",..,440, 450 18~Kennedy Mail Merchants requesting a Corvette Show on 'Sept, 131 1975 .."..""""""""",..""""".."..."",..,"""" Sept, 2-Kunkel, Da"e, relative to obtaining sewer in County for residents on OidMiil Road and Manson Road ~Kretschmer Tredway, opposing 4th st, peninsula Area redevelopment "",....""..",.."""""""""..""""",....,,""'" 15-Keas, Mary E,. presenting gift in memory of her brother to Girls Club "...."""....""""",...."""",....'..'.." 475 15~Keily, Joan, Notice of personal injury claim...".."""", 478, 494 15-Kopple's Market Inc" Granted Ciass "C" Beer Permit 489 29-Keystone Drive, Sunset Park ILl, Block 6, D,E,Q, ap- proving sanitary and functional features, water main eJ<tension for same """""""..""""........""...."...." 29-King, Attorney Michael, relative to Twin Ridge Subd, No, 2 """"",.."..""",.."""""..""",...""""..",...."""""'"..,, Oct, 7-Kueper, Vince, appointed to Rehahilitation Housing Commission """,....""""""",.",.."""",....""""".."',,..,"'" 7-Keily, Charlotte, appointed to Rehabilitation Housing Commission "",.."""",.."",..,...."",..........""""..,""""""" 13--llisting, James R" An Ordinance authorizing same to construct a chain barricade at 535 Hill st, (No Action taken on Ordinance, agreed to dose up cuDb cut) ..""""",...."...."""",.."""""",..,.......,"'"..."..""""",,.. 13-Koeller, ,Duane, requesting refund on unexpired por- tion of Beer-Liquor License ",..,....,..""",....",..""""... 20-Kaiser, Donald and JoAl1n C;" Asbury Springs, Ltd" approving the dedieation of an area known as "Hiil- crest Rosd" in the plat of same "..",..""""...."..."".. 548 27~Kopper-Powers Ford Inc" requesting annexation ,to City""""".."""""",...,........"",.."""",.."""..""".........."", 559, 633 Nov, 3~Kaiser, Donald J" requesting two street lights on Pasadena Dr, .."...."""",.........""....."",....""",....""",...",568, 578 17-Keegan, 'Mike, of Dubuque Ambassadors presenting Community Awards received from the State of Iowa 17-King, Mr, of Brice"Petrides ""ssociates relative to pro- posed contract for North-West Arterial..""""".... 353 354 373 432 434 443 450 464 491 503 523 523 527 523 583 587 24-Kelly, Francis J" on behalf of Nat'l Guard, requesting ground for construction of new National Guard Armory """"""",.."".."'..,....'....""""""....""""....""""",, Dee, l~Kano, Mrs, Terry objecting to rezoning for "adult / entertainment" "..""......"""""""""......""""",'.............. " " 8~Kre.(schmer, Fred, of 4th SI. Peninsula Area, sub- mittingGeneral Development Plan for area ...."""" 8-Kasek, Wm" relative ,to Candle Light Committee re- quest """"""""""""""""",..""..""""""""..""....""...."", 616 8~Kachevas, James, Granted Class "C" {Commercial) Beer & Liquor License and Cigarette Licensc "...", 304, 619 8-Koeperick, Lorrayne A, appointed to 'Community' Development Commission ...., "'" """""........."""""..", 15~Klauer 'Ûpticai requesting sale of opticai goods on their property at corner of N, Gmndview and Delhi and be rezoned to allow same ]9'75 INDEX-BOOK 105 SUBJECT Page 594 603 613 619 623 1975 INDEX-BOOK 105 ~CT L Page Jan, 6-c"'Low-Rent Housing Commission submi-tting minutes of their meetings ......,................,..,......................,......,..,.... 4, 51, 79, 120, 167, 173, 222, 349, 449, 492, 556,592, 634 13-Legion, American Auxiliary, requesting to seli poppies on May 23rd & 24th, ,..,....,........................,..,.........., 20 13-Lunêlh, Councilman, re'questing status .position of Community Development Funds ...,....,..........,....,....,.. 27-Leases for rental office spaces for Dept, of Community Development and Planning & Zoning increased ,..' 27-Landfill, pending. litigation and purchase price dis- cussed ......,......,..,..........,....,....,..,............,..,....,..,..........,.... 55, 114 F<>b, 3~Loras College, Alpha Phi Omega, requesting to dis- tribute tags to support "Shamrocks for Dystrophy" Drive on March 15, 1975 ..,..,............................,......,..,.., 3-LAW ENFORCEMENT CENTER BUTLDING, (County- City), Certificate of Completiou submitted by Urhan Renewal,........,........,........,........,......,....,...........,....,.......... 3-Lucky Stores, Inc" Granted Class "C" Beer Permits {3) lO-Law Enforcement Center, County Board of Supervisors requesting charge of maintenance of same ...."....,..," 65, 131 1Q.-"Location and Design Study", School Signal Improve- ment Project under Federal TOP]CS Program ....".. ..............,...........,......,......,..........,..,......,....,......,......70, 136,136, 230 1Q.-LOCAL OPTION TAXATION, polj<!ystatement .by the City,supporting the coucept of same ..,..,......,........,.. 75 14-Lobbyist for procurement of monies from State for funding Sewage Treatment Plant held in abeyance; Citizen's task force be appointed ............,..,..,........,77,317, 417 24-Leibold, Thomas, Clinton Federal Savings & Loan Assn.. requesting rezoning of City Lots 623 & 624, (ELKS Property) ............................................,........... 87,121, 156 Mar, 10-Lorenz, Matt, relative to "ConlHct of Interest" ..,......", 100 " 1Q.-Loras College Student Senate rcquesting permission to use fireworks, celebrating annual Dionysia Festival on April 25, 1975 ....................,..............,......,..........,...... 103, 112 10-League of Women Voters requesting formal annexa- tion policy for City..,........,.........,......,..,..............,..... 103 lO-Langman, Harold, opposing mini-busses ..,..,......,....,...... 110 lO--Long, Charles, requesting possible grant from govern- ment for .buses ....................,..........,..............,......,.......... 17-Lux, Scott, stockpiling of snow before thaw,..........,..,...., 17-Legaiservices, requesting financial assistance for same ....,....,..........,..........,....,......,..,......,......,....,..,..,........., 17-Lindahl, Barry A" appointed new assistant City At- torney, effective August 1, 1975 ..,..,..,..,..,..,....,....,.... 24-Leuger, Joseph Richard, Granted Class "c" Beer Per- mi!'..,..........................,..........,..,.....,....................,.............. Apr, 7-Lorenz, Matt, relative to involvement in Guideline, Inc, 127, 361 " 7-Loras 1'001, reiative to use for general ,public .........." 128 7-Leonard 'Oil Company, GrantedCiass "c" Beer Permit 137 21-Lundh, Councilman requesting consideration for for- mation of a Rehabilitation Housing Commission ,.., 159 21-Lytle, Dr" relative to demolition permit to demolish house at 1458 Locust Street, for -81. John's Episco- pal Church ,........,..........,....,........,............,.........,.............. 159 May 5-Loras Blvd, & University Ave" included in 1975 As- phait ,paving Project No, 1 ,......,..,..,......,..............,.... 177 12-Lott, 'II, J.. relative to dumping of sewage on their property..,....,........,......,"""""""""""""""""""""""""" 198 12-Loras.clarke, requesting homecoming parade on Oct, 12-Lor;;' ~~~gë:"ï:ëägë"'äii¡:ëë;;¡ëiïi"wiiiï"šä;;¡ë"'fö;:sä;' 200, 496 Jose Swimming Pool and Handbali Courts 202, 207,480,500 12-Langas, Phillip T" Granted Class "B" Beer permit, and Cigarette License ....,..,........,..,....,....,...........,......,..,205, 372 19-Library Board, advising of vacancy on same ..,....,......" 212, 243 20 53 59 60 61 110 112 113 115 123 159 1975 INDEX-BOOK 105 SUBJECT Page 19-Legion, American, Granted Class "C" (Commercial) Beer & Liquor License ....,....,..............,..........,218, 242,296, 338 27-LuckyStores, Inc" (4) Granted Cigarette Licenses """" 239 June 2-Leonard 'Ûii Co" Granted Cigarette License ......,........, 250 )" 16-Library Board, 'Providing for the appointment of Board / Members ........,..:..,......,....,.................,......,....,..,..,....,281, 321, 427 15-LAW EN1FOiRCEMiENT Telecommunications Plan Un- der a 28E Agreement, City to ,become a member of the Dubuque County same ..,....'....,....,..,........,....,......, 292 16-Love, Phillip R, Granted Class "c" (Commercial) Beer & Liquor and ,Cigarette License ..,....."....,...................., 294, 425 23--Lange, Elsie E" suspension of real estate taxes ,....'...... 298 23-Legislators, appreciation and gratitude for matching funds received to complete ,sewage treatment sys- tem ,....,...............,........,..,....,..,................,..................,..,..,298, 317 23-Lonas' Inc.. Granted Cigar~tte License ......,..,........'...., 304 22-Lange, James,Granted Cigarette License ,...........,....,..".. 304 23-Lenstra, Thelma, Granted Cigarette License ..,..,.......... 304 3Q.-Legion, American, Granted Cigarette License ..,......,...... 318 30-Loras Coliege, Granted Cigarette License ...."......,.., 318 30-Love, 'Kenneth Jerome, Granted Class "C" '(Commer- citl) Beer & Liquor License and Cigarette License 263, 320 July 7-Lundh, Councilman, appointed Mayor Pro-Tem ,....'.. 323 .. 7-Licciardi, Frank, 11th Street Neighborhood Assn.. relative to Community Development Program .... 326, 344 25-Lehmann, 60h, relative to RV section of Proposed Zoning 'Ordinance ,....,....,....,..,..................,......,......,..'...., 360 28-League of Women Voters ,by Betty Sacco supporting proposed Zoning Ordinance ..........,............""..,.......... Aug, 4-Low-Rent Housing 'Commission, appointments made to same """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 11-Lorenz, Director of Human Rights requesting amend- ment repealing Section 303 of the Human Rights Ordinance to include judicial review,........,....,......... ll-Ubrary Board, appointments made same ,.......,........,...... 18-Lottery, City, consideration to finance Wisconsin Bridge presented by State Representative Tom Gil- loon ..,..............,....,..........,..........,..,........,.........'................. Sept. 2-Leases on property and land, City Manager to have same indexed to reflect a cost of living increase S--Lock & Dam #26 on the Mississippi River at Alton, Illinois, supporting the renovation of same ............ 6-Lori Street extension, Louis J, Jaeger requesting in- staliation of two street lights on same located in Cherry Valley Sub, """""""""""""""""""""""""""" 470, 476 15-Lahey, Gerarda, Notice of Car Damage Claim ,........,.. 495 Oct. 7-Lease & Agreement, Dubuque Ðisposal Co.. requesting to renew same for property at 14th ,& Elm Streets 515 18-Lease, proposed, ,between Dock Commission and the Duhuque Barge & Fleeting Service Company.... 524, 558 20-LittieMaquoketa River and Catfish Creek, applica- tion of City & 'County for a flood plain information study along same, approved by Natinonal Resources 27-League of Iowa Municipalities advising if City wishes to host 1976 League Convention, submittal before Nov, 5, 1975 """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" Nov, 3--Lucas, Michael J" Jr, Granted Class "C" (Commercial) Beer & Liquor License and Cigarette License ........ 304, 574 IO-Lammer, Ben, relative to rezoning at 1660 & 1690 Asbury Ed, ,....................................,...........,....,................, 578, 622 17-League of Women Voters stressing need for adoption of a formal annexation policy.................,.................. 17-Lucky Stores, Inc" Granted Class "C" Beer Permit Dee, 8-Ludowitz, Daniel L" appointed to Community Develop- mentCommission """""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 15-LEASE, proposed five year, hetween Dock Commission and Dubuque County Conservation Society sub- mitted ,........,...................,.................,............,..,............,..,621, 633 15-Lundh, Councilman requesting update on Section 8 Housing Assistance Plan ..........................,........,............ 622 292 360 427 432 438 447 453 468 515 536 555 584 588 619 1975, INDEX-BOOK !lO5 SUBJECT 15-Lions Club requesting to conduct parade on June 5, 1976 """""""""""",..""..""""....,..........""""""...."".." 15-Legan, Donald R., requesting annexation of land in Beverly Pines in Table Md, Tw]>, ",.."....'"..."""",.. 22~LawEnforcement Employees, establishing and deciar- ing work period of same ,;,....""""""""...."......"""""", 2~Loras Coilege, granted Ciass "B" Beer Permit "",....", Page 1975 INDEX-BOOK 105 SUBJECT 623 624 639 641 Page M Jan, 6-Morrison Bros, Co" o,bjecting to future paving in the East 7th Street ,area by assessment """""""""""""" 6--Meyer, Leroy L, '(Roy), denial of claim .."""..""....",....", 6-Meadow Wood Drive, Richard Construction Co, re- questing to install boulevard 'type iights on same"" 6, 15 13-Morris, Mr, & Mrs, Rohert L" regarding lighting of a church parking lot in the Knob Hiil Sub, area ","," 16 13-Muscoso, Luis, objecting to me'thod used on removal of his dog """""'"..,"""....""""""",.."""""..""...."""", 17 14-Memoranda of Agreements, City Manager to execute same with various empioyee group organizations 24, 90 14-Medical Associates ):Iuiiding and parking iot, Council to meet to review potential of both 25, 141, 149, 280,320, 344 2Qc-.My.Cap Vend9r's property at 32nd Street, reclassifica- tion of same """""""""..""".."""..""""""",..42, 53, 2Qc-."Morocco, Jungwirth's," as a single famiiy residence distric" ..".."",.., ' ",....", """""""""""""" "" ",""" """" " 20~Marti, Philip G" requesting to purchase Lot 153 in Lennox Addition ""..,"""..,",..""",.."",.."""""",.."""" 27-Mðrting, Mrs, Mary Lee, o'bjecting to massage parlors Fe,b, 1Qc-.Meuser, Leo J" County Democrat central Committee requesting tribute to same for 36 years of public service "",...."",...""""",..""""",..""""".."".."..""""",65, 87, 91 l~Mettel-Byrne Addn" final plat of Blocks 11, 12 & 13, approved """""""'"..",.."..."".."",.."",.."""".."""""""", 71 24-Mayor's Industrial Çommittee submitting modification of recommendation con,cerning option with Ther- m91yne ,Corporation """"",.."""".."",.."..""..""",,78, 97, 134 24~Montgomery, Rose Marie, on behalf of G.A.I,N" Girl's Center, requesting financial support for same 79, 119, 125 24-Mini-Programs, John Grau, relative to same and plan of action ...."'"..""""""""'""""""",..""""""""""""",,,,, 79 24-Meier, David L" Notice of Car Impounding Claim ..""" 81, 175 24-Murphy, Joan, requesting refund on unexpired portion of ):leer- Liquor License .."""..""""""""""""""""""" Mar, 3-Meyer, Dennis, requesting to conduct a Pony Express Ride """"""",."'""...."""""""'".."""".."""""""""""",,,, 3~Mettel Realty & Investment Com" requesting to install ' s.treet lighting in Hillcrest Road and Admiral Street 1Qc-.Meeker, Fred & Ardith,objecting to possible tax raise of prO'perties they .own in the City"",...."..""""""", 10--"Milbrandt, Paul,objecting to street diverters on Washingion Street """""""""""""",.."""""""""""", lO-Macker, Mrs, Mary' L" objectÏng to poSsible removal of busses in summertime """'""'"""""""""""""..",, 1Qc-.Manternðeh Development Go" reclassificati9n of portion of land in Terrace Heights Mobile Hòme Park ",,102, 132 17-Merger of Park Board & Recreation Department re- quested ""....",..""""""..",....,.."",..111, 128, 244, 297,341, 443 24-Macker, Mrs, Mary L" objecting to removal of ,busses in summertime """"..,""...."""""",..,.."""""..""""""", 118 Apr, 7-Mercy Medical Center, FAA advising of a proposed 7~Ma~~i~(f"M;;:-e:ð~~uë;;¡¡¡;ïi"¡;ër;;¡i~~¡~¡;"ï~"ëöÏi;¡üëï"ä 129, 168 Walkathon on Aprii'12, 1975 """""""""..""",',""".."" 133 14-Mayor's Industrial Committee recommending reiief of conditions of T, Robert !binger property on In- dustrial Park. ""....""""...."""""..""""..",.."",.."""""".. 14-Medical Associate new faciiity, relative to the sale or dispensing of optical items and equiþment at same ...""",.."""....".."".."""""....""..",,140, 209, 222,255, 310 14-Medical Associates Buiiding, poSsible site for hoUsing City Government ,......,........""",......"",...."",,141, 149,280, 344 14-Moldenhauer, Karen, relative to beautification ",...."", 142 14~Mercy Hospital, relative to beautification """""""""""" 142 14-Manternach, Thomas Joseph, Granted Cigarette Li- Cense and Granted Class "C" Beer' Permit .." 147, 304 21-Metropolitan. Area Solid Waste Agency created """.. 149, 625 4 5 17 44, 84 44, 86 45 52,78 71 87 94 95, 101 99 99,119 100 139 21-Meyers, Donaid C" appointed as member o! 'Metro- poiitan Area Solid Waste Agency..,..,........,..,.............. 21~Mercharrts 'Mutuai Bonding Co" submitting their Cer- tificate of Authority to transact its appropriate business of Fidelity & Surety Insurance,............,...... 21~Miller, MaTý A.. Granted Cisss "C" (Commercial) Beer & Liquor License and Cigarette License .... 162, 295 21~Milbrandt, T, Paul, appointed to Advisory Commission 163 25-Moeller, Joyce L" Granted Ciass "C" (Commercial) Beer & Liquor License ......,........,................,..............' 165 28~MERGEJR, City-County Health Department, reports submitted on same .........,......,..,........................,......,167,297, 340 28~Mond, Robert L" appointed to Heating, Ventilating, Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Board ........".. 28-Mills, Richard D, etal, inquiry why no sidewaik on east of White '8treet adjoining Eimer's Fiorist in the 2800 Block ......................................,....,..,........................, 28-Miller, Harold, represented by Herbert J, Bisping, re- questing reclassification of Lot 10 of Block 3 in Mettel-Link '8ubd, ....,....,..,....,............................,..,..170,223, 298 May 5-Mason, Bill, relative to sports programming deletion by FCC ........,....,..,........,......,............................"....,..,......, 5-Mihaiakis, Phillip, Sidewalk Construction Bond sub- mitted ..,......,..,..,..........,........,..,............,......"..........,....,.... 5-Mt. Carmel Rd" included in 1975 Asphalt Paving Proj- ect No, 1 ..,..,..,..,......,......................,..,...."..,........,....,........ 5-Marco, Inc" Granted Class "C" {Commercial) Beer & Liquor License..................,..,..,....,..........,....,....,......,.. 12~Morton, James, Sidewalk Construction Bond submitted 12-Miller, Frank, relative to survey of citizens' attitudes and priorities ".."........"................,....,.....,.................... 12-Memorial -Day Committee requesting to conduct a par- ade on May 28th ......,....,...................,........,..,..........,...., 12--Moeller, Joyce L" Granted Cigarette License ......,..,...... 19~Meyers, Wiiliam p, & Laura J" Notice of personal in- juries claim ,............,....,.................,........,..............,......, 19-MadisonPark, requesting blacktopping under basket- ball net ......,...,..,.......,........,..,..""........,.........."......,..,....... l~MluÜcip.al Airport requesting approval of local funds for share of casto! constructing a 3" Asphalt Mat on NorthcSouth Runway..,.........."....,..,......,....., 213, 236 19-Marshall, Jackson M" Offering real ,estate to citý to be known as (iMARSHALL PARK) ..,....,..,................,215, 444 27~Murphy 'Park,T, Edmonds recommending closing of Grandview Ave, of same ............,..........,...............",.. 221 27~Manthey, Lila et ai, objecting to iraprovement on Paul Street .........,..........,............,....,............,............,:,........,.... 27~Molo, Bob, approving of paving of Rockdale Rd" hut requesting that truck traffic be prohibited ,..........,.... June 2~Monahan, Kerry L" Notice of " 2-Merchants Hotel, Granted 2-Meyer, Herman J.. Granted 2-Meyer, Kermi,t, Granted Cigar,",," !.dC"""" .........,...... 2-Miracle.,Car Wash, Inc" Granted 'Cigarette License ........ 2-Miller Neii Inc.. Granted Cigarette License ............ 16-'--Municipal AIrport report for year 1974 submitted ......., 16-Mazurek, ,Mr, & Mrs, Edward, authorizing same to construct a picket fence, (NOT EFFEJCTIVE DUE TO N'ÛN-ACCEPTANCE OF C'ÛNDITIONS BY 16-MOZ=~r;') wäi:ii'" ïiëtäii'" Št~;:ë;" 'ö,äiïiëd'" ciii'a~ëÙë License ........,........,............,:................,....................,........ 295 22-MadisOn Park steps" Bicentennial Project "...."....297,430, 537 23-Mihm, Bernard W" suspension of real estate taxes 298 23~Mescher, Vincent W" Granted Cigare.tte License ,......, 804 23-Mibaiakis, Shirley,Granted Cigarette License ..,...., 304 23~Morett, Merlin,Granted Cigarette License ..,..........'.. 304 22-Mr, '8teak, Granted Cigarette License ..,..............,...... 304 23-Meyer, Catherine M" Granted Cigarette 'License and Ciass "B" Beer Permit ....',..............'............,.............. 304, 305 1975 INDEX-BOOK IG5 SUBJECT Page 150 154 168 170 173 175 177 195 198 199 200 203 211 212 225 225 246 250 250 250 250 250 278 283 1975 INDEX-BOOK 105 SUBJECT Page 3~Meriwether, J, Bruce, relative to 1975-76 Chamber Program of Work ,....,..,..,.............,....,..,....................., 308 3D-Miiler, Delbert, et. ai, additional street iigbting for Westmore 'Drive ..............,....,..,....,....,..,..............,..,..,..,314, 323 30~Moldt Electric service, awarded contract for the Grandview Ave, & Highway No, 20 Traffic Signals 315 30~Mississippi Valley Truck Center, Granted Cigarette License ,......,....,...........,......................,....,......,..............,.., 318 3Q-Moeller, Joyce L" Granted Cigarette License """""""" 3,18 30-Meitl, Cyrii tN" Granted Class "c" (Commercial) neer & Liquor License and Cigarette License ........ 3'18, 320 3D-Myers, Russel! E" Granted Ciass "C" {Commercial) Beer & Liquor License and Cigarette License """" 313, 320 July 7~Mayor Pro-Tern, Councilman Lundb appointed same 323 " 7-Most, Rev, Wm, GoO consider further rebate from Cable for showing off nude dancer on same """""""""',,, 324 7~Mason, Wm" reasons for poor reception on Cable TV ..,......"..,......,....,..,........,..,......,..,..,......,..........,..,.....,...., 324 7-Min-ASAP, resolution to continue participation in same ..,....,..,....,....,........,................................,..........,........ 335, 336 7-Mihalakis, John, Granted Cigarette License and Com- mercial "C" Beer & Liquor License """""""""""""" 327, 512 l~oldt Electric Service, Inc" awarded contract for con- struction of University Avenue Pedestrian Cross- walk ..,..............................,............,....,..,....,..,...................., 21-Meyers, Donald R, appointed to serve the unexpired Council term of Allan T. Thoms """""""""""""""" 28-Meyers, Donald J\" submitting resignation as member of the Low'Re,nt. Housing Commission """""""""" 28-Marihart, Earl, relative to RV section of Proposed Zoning Ordinance ,........,..,......,..,..,............,..........,...... Aug, 4~Mental Handicapped Week, declared for August 18th " 4-Miller, Frank E, and Delbert G.. requesting vacation of portion of Daniels Street from west line of Bies Drive to east iine of Sylvan 'iDrive ....,........,........,....,421, 452 4-Manahl, Denny, Granted Cigarette License """""""""" 425 4-<Moldenhauer, Kerin, appointed to, Advisory Commission 427 18-MTC Appiiance Co, relative to subsidizing Key 'Line 441 Sept. 2-Miller, Ray, relative to obtaining sewer in County for residents of Old Mill Road and Manson Road "" 2-Maple Street, limited parking on West Side of same from 'East 17th Street to 18th Street """""""""""" 8-Mississippi Valley Truck Center opposing 4th st, peninsula Area redevelopment """""""""""""""""', 8-Morrison Bros" opposing 4th St, Peninsula Area re- development ....,................,....,....,........,........,............,..,.. 2-Moldenhauer, Wayne, relative to 4th St, redevelop- ment ........,.................,........,..,........,..........,....,..,.........".... 15~Mayor of North Tonawanda, New York, compiimenting b"havior of Drum & Bugle Corps while visiting lO-Met:o~~lfl~~ 'Šö¡¡;j"Wå'štë'Äïi;;iiëÿ;"šiï¡J;;¡ltiiiïg'ïüiiïüiëš 475 of their meetings .........................,................,....,....476,578, 583 29-Miiler, Joyce Ann and Carol Ann, Notice of personal injuries claim ......................,.........................,....,...........,.. 495, 557 29-Mueller, Raymond M" developer of "Twin Ridge Subd, No, 2" plat approved ......,..................,....,..,..,.............., 505 Oct, 7-Meloy, Mike appointed to Rehabmtation Housing Com- mission ,....,....,...............,........,..................,....,....,....,........ 13-Moody, 'Shirley,reiative to painting Julien Dubuque Bridge ............."............................,..,..,..........................,.., 20~Moss, Edna L" in favor of tri-color bridge """""""""" 2D-Motor Vehicles, An Ordinance prohibiting the driving, parking or storing of same in, on or over the Earth- en Dikes of the Dubuque Floodwall ..,......,..,.........., 2D-Murphy, 'Ûrviile p" Granted Class "C" (Commercial) Beer & Liquor License / 344 349 357 360 373 450 455 464 464 465 523 525 536 539 550 --~ 1975 INDEX-BOOK 105 SUBJECT Page 568 577 581 590 603 604 612 619 623 633 637 Feb, IO--iMoCarthy, Leo, Atty" s,!bmittinl! J>ropos~ls for Tele- prompter Cable TV, If rate mcrease 18 granted 64, 77, 81 Apr, 7-,-'MoDermott, Ronald, reiative ,to drainage problems that exist in Glenwood Court & Creston Street """""""" 7--iMcSperrin, Melvin B, and Riohard N, Stecklein, Grant- ed 'Ciass "c" CCommercial) Beer ,& Liquor License and granted Cigarette License """"""",.."""""""",.. 138, 318 21-McGrath, ,Steven, appointed to Advisory Commission 164 June ~Mc:Donald, A, y" Granted Cigarette License """""""""" 268 " 30-McCallister, Wilson, on ,behalf of Gibson, objecting to sale of optical goods in "Hospital Medicai Zone" " 30-MoMullin, Norman, Appointed to Library Board ",",,",,' July l~McTague, Kevin L" passing Civil Service tests for Police Department "'"..""""""""""""""""""""""",,, " 21--iMcCoy, Judy, relative to Affirmative Action Program Aug, 18-McCuliough, Ed, new manager for Teleprompter eahle TV"""..""""""",.."""""""""".."".."..""""""""", Dee, 8-McElihiney, William, appointed to Dock Board ""',,' " 15--iMcAleece Recreation Proposal and flood w.ll monu- ment proposed, Sharon Lee [)ull presenting report on same 1975 INDEX-BOOK: 105 SUBJECT Me Nov, 3--iMoidenhauer, Dr,:Wayne, invocation given by same 565 " 3-,-'Marshall, William, relative to illegal activity in alley east of 990 Althauser ..""",......"""""""""""""",..,....,568, 593 3~Marting,Mrs, ,Mary Lee, submitting a model "'Public Nuisance Ordinance" """"""""",...."""",........""........ 568 3-Moldenhauer, Dr, Wayne relative to Public Nuisance Ordinance """",.." """""..,......"..""",.... ,.. '....""""""..'.. 10-Meyers, 'iDonaid R., resigning position of City Council- man """"""",........""",.."......"""..""""""""..""""""""" 1D-Mur,phy, Orvilie 0" Granted Cigarette License ""..'..", 24-Miller, DelbeDt G" Sidewalk construction ,bond sub- mitted """".."""""""""""""",..""".............""""""",..", Dee, l~Mortenson, Mrs, Audrey, invocation given by same "" " l~Molo, Robert E" objecting to protruding mauhole and failure to erect truck traffic signs "".."",..""""..'"" 1-Milier, Dean, appointed to Human Rights Commission ~M¡halakis, Shiriey, Granted Class "e" (Commercial) Beer & LÌquor License """""".."",..""""".."""""".., 8-MacNider, William, appointed to Community Devel- opment Commission "..........""""""""""""",....",..'"",.. 619 15-Montgomery, Rose Marie requesting appointment to 'Community Deveiopment Commission """"""..'..'" 623, 629 15-March of Dimes requesting to conduct its annuai Mother's Day March during month of January, 1976 22-Moldenhauer, Wayne A. reiative to proposed five year lease between Dock Commission and Dubuque County .conservation Society ""....""..".."""""""",..", 2~Mettel-Byrne Addn, final plat forBlocks 16 & 17 ap- proved /) '""T=",,'~"""""""=, Page 133 310 321 340 350 447 619 623 -, Feb, 3-National Outstanding Young Farmer Congress for 1976, Jaycees bidding for same ..,...."""....",..'"........", 10-Nash, Ruth, reference to Interim Ordinance, as to waiting 1'eriod of demolition ,of buildings ,...."",.. 24.....J'1atural Resources Council, advising of presentation of reports on past and possible future Hooding along Mississippi River ..".."""....,..,....,..,......,..",......" 24-Neighborhoods, Council of 'Organized, recommending Block Grant Funds be uscd for rehabilitation of neighborhoods "....",....""...."..........,..",...."..,..,.."..,..".." 79, 125 24-NorthDubuque Improvement Association, by Dick Vorwald, reference to Block Grant 'Program, re- habilitation of neighborhoods ......,...."",.."".."....",... 79, 125 24-Neustadt, Harry, relative to beautification "....""""",.., 122, 496 Apr, 7-Ney, Raymond, Granted Class "C" (Commercial) Beer & Liquor License and granted Cigarette License.." 138, 266 " 14-Noon 'Ûptimigt Club, proclaim May 1 to 7 as "Re- spect for Law Week" .."",....""""..,..""",....."""..","'" 14-Neuwohner, Russ, representing Jaycees, relative to 'renovating Washington Park """"..",....""""""""""", 14-,iNorth-West Arterial roadway, proposed, Brice, 'Petrides & Associates of Waterloo to be consultants for study of same """"",..,..""""".."""""""""..145, 146,587, 596 21-National Cancer Day proclaimed for September 8, 1975 154 21~Naughton, Dennis, relative to Bicentennial Committee 159 25-"No Smoking on City Busses," Ordinance to be drawn up ........""....",..""""",..""""""""""",..".."",164,175, 211 28-Niensteadt, Charles, Notice of personal property dam- age claim """..""..""",.."""""",..""""""""""""..""""" 166, 211 May 5-Ninth 8treet and University Ave, Intersection, in- cluded in 1975 Asphalt Paving ¡Project No, 1...""",,; 12--Northwestern Bell requesting to push four inch pipe under Highway #20 east of Division St. and Wacker Dr, """"""""""""""","""""""""""""""""""'" 27-Nash Finch 'Co" Granted Cigarette License """,...."", June 9.....J'1ational Tea Co" Granted Cigarette License ""......""" .. 16-New Mellerey Abbey, offering facilities to hold Council meetings """"""""""".."""",........"""""""....""",..",,"" 16-Nemmers, Kay J" Granted Cigarette License ""..""" 16-Norton, James L" Granted Cigarette License "..""".. 23-National Resources Council, withdrawn from same proposed """""""",........"""""""...."""""""""""".."".., 23-Ney, Albert J" Granted Cigarette License """"".."""" 23~Nachtman Tire Co" Granted Cigarette License """""" 23~Nesteby, Charles, Granted Cigarette License """""" 23-Ney, Albert & Dolores Roeth, Granted Class "C" (Com- mercial) Beer & Liquor License ...".."",......,..""""""", 30-North Dubuque Industrial River Front Concept, Bob Dorothy relative to same """""""""""""""""""""""" July 14-Nebel, Roger & Carol Ann, Notice for personal prop- erty damage """""""".."",..""""""""""""".."""""".., Aug, ~Northwestern Bell, to excavate at 21st 'iSt, & central Ave, """"""..,.."..'........"""""","""",.."""......,,",,...,",..," 421 l~Naughton, Dennis, relative to 'Klein Estate requesting demolition of a building at 332 Bluff Street """"".. 440, 450 16-N,W, Bell Telephone Co" Notice of Claim for truck damage """..""""...."".."""""".."..",..."..........".....,......" Sept. 6-Norman, Wayne, supporting 4th Street Peninsula Plan " 15-North Tonawanda, New York, Mayor complimenting Drum & Bugle Corps on their behavior while visit- ing their City"..,..""""..."""""",.."""""...""...",.."""" 29-Nicks, Jeffrey J" Notice of personal injury claim ".. 29-National Tea Company, Granted Class "C" Beer Permit 1Q75 INDEX-'BOOK 105 -- SUBJECT N B¡¡ge 59 66 78 141 143 178 200 239 268 278 295 295 297 304 304 304 306 309 342 441 467 475 495 511 Oct 7-Nash Finch Company Granted Class "C" Beer Permit .. ' 13-Nabors Drug, granted Class "C" Beer Permit """,......, 20--Na~ir;ll'i!g~~t;S f~ro~yg~~ aEr.1~v1~1o:Ji~i\~~i~rUd~ along Catfish Creek and Little Maquoketa River 20--National League of Cities, Councilman Stackis dele- gated as voting representative for City at Annual Congress of Cities """"..""",..""..;......""",..""",;,;""", 537, 621 27-Neighborhood Organizations, recognition of same for membership on the Community Development Com- mission """"""'","',..""""".."""",.."""""""""".."""..... 27-North Dubuque Improvement Assc" membership on the Community Development Commission """..",.., 27-Nemmers, Kay Janet, Granted. Class "C" Beer Permit Nov, 10~Northeast Iowa River Basin, Water Quality Manage- ment Division advising of public hearing on same 579, """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""";"""""""""""""""" 590, 621 " 24-National Guard requesting ground. for construction of new Armory""""""",..""""""""""..",.."""""""""",.., 594 Dee, 6-Nugéjl!, Betty, appointed to Community Development Commission "..""",'""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 15-Neuwoehner, Russel, appointed to Community Devel- opment Commission """.."""""""""...."....."..""""",.. 22~North Dubuque Improvement Ass'n, Inc, requesting hearing on proposed extension of Central-White one-way couple" also proposed repaving in Jack- son SI. ..""""",.."""..,..."""""""""",;""",....."""""""", INDEX-BOOK 105 SUBJECT Pa~ 520 532 536 559 559 562 619 629 637 1975 INDEX-'BOOK 105 SUBJECT 0 ian, 6-0'Connor, Brooks and Company of Dubuque to audit Water Utiiity, Parking and Sewage Facilities for fiscal year of January 1, 1974 through December 31, 1974 ......,..........,..,........,.........."..........,..,................".., 13-0rdinance No, 1.75 Vacating a portion of Avoca SI. located west of west property line of the east 28' of the west 50' of the west 100' of Lot 2 of Mineral Lot 179, to Harold B, & Dorothy Demkier ..,..,.......... 13-0rdinance No, 2.75 Approving of fee schedule when. ever and as often as any corporation shall request the City to finance any project by the issuance of Industrial Revenue Bonds """"""',""""""""""""" 14-0perating Engineers, by Mr, William Sweeney, stat. ing union contract was ratified conditionally and they would honor rejection of contract ....",........".., 20-0rdinance No, 3.75 An Ordinance revising and re- establishiug a Buiiding Code for the City of Du. buque, Iowa, creating the office of Building Offi. cial, regulating. the construction, alteration, reo construction, removal, maintenance, use, equip. ment and inspection of buiidings and structures within the' City of Dubuque, Iowa; and fixiug fees for such inspection and providing for penalties for violation of. said Ordinance ,..............,,'................ 20-0rdinance No, 4.75 An Ordinance amendingOrdi. nance No, 59.70, commonly known as "The Fire Prevention Code for the City of Dubuque, Iowa: by repealing Section 1 thereof and enacting a new section 1 in lieu thereof to provide that the City Councii adopt the Fire Prevention Code recom- mended by the Western Fire Chiefs Association and the International Conference of Building Of- ficials being particulariy the 1973 Edition thereof 20-0rdinance No, 5.75 An Ordinance Creating and Es- tablishing Fire Zones in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, for the purpose of the protection of closely built commercial districts against the hazards of fire spreading from building to building, by supple. mentary restrictions on the construction permitted within such limits """"""""""""""""""""""""""""" 20-0rdinance No, 6.75 An Ordinance regulating the erect. ing, maintaining, repairing, servicing, installing, altering and inspection of signs within the City of Dubuque, Iowa; and providing for fees for such in. spection and providing for licensing of contractors, bonding for signs and penalties for violation of said Ordinance """""""""""",""""""""""""""""""'" 20-0rdinance No, 9.75 An Ordinance amending Ordinance No, 3.34, known as the 'Zoning Ordinance and Zon. ing Map of the City of Dubuque, Iowa," by amend- ing Article iV, Section 2, Subsection (i) thereof to include certain real estate to permit off-street parking, (My.Cap property at 32nd St.) .................... 20-0rdinance No, 10-75 An Ordinance amending and changing Ordinance No, 3.34, known as "The Zon. ing Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Du. buque, Iowa" so as to change certain property hereinafter described from "Multiple Residence District" classification to "Locai Business 'A' Dis- trict" Classification, (Annie Waller's Subd" Table Mound Park Inc, ......,..............,......,..,............,..'............ 20-0rdinance No, 11.75 An Ordinance amending and changing Ordinance No, 3.34, known as "The Zon- ing Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Du. buque, Iowa,", so as to include certain hereinafter described property, recently annexed to the City of Dubuque, Iowa, in the "Single Family Residence District" Classification, (Jungwirth's Morocco) .... Page 17 19 25 26, 351 37 37 38 42, 84 43, 85 44, 86 197. INDEX-'BOOK 105 -- SUBílECT Pa,ge 20-An Ordinance amending and changing Ordinance No, 3.34, known as "The Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Dubuque, Iowa: by repealing off,street parking as a suppiementary use within the multipies residence district as provided by Sub- section (i) of Section 2 of Article lV, and by add. ing a new Subsection (n) of Section I of Article II in lieu thereof to permit parking lots in the singie family residence district as a special exception upon authorization by the Board of Adjustment. NOT ADOPTED (My.Cap Vendor, 32nd St.) .......... 44, 85 27-0rdinance No, 7.75 An Interim Ordinance authorizing a ninety (90) daY waiting period prior to the issu. ance of a demolition permit for any building 10' cated within the Fourth Street NeighiJOrhood, Fen. elon Place Neighborhood, Third Street Neighbor. hood, Washington Street Neighborhood, Jackson Park Neighborhood, West Eleventh Street Neigh- borhood and Broadway Street Neighborhood, (The Heritage of Dubuque) ,.................,..........,..............,...., 52, 66 Feb, 24-0rdinance No, 8.75 Ordinance amending Ordinance No, 25.63 by repealing Section 9 thereof and en. acting a new Section 9 in lieu thereof ,to pro. vide for Fixing ,and Establishing Rates and .fees to be charged by Teleprompter Cable TV for Regular Subscribers and Subscribers aged 65 years and older, and enacting a new Sec- tion 26, a new Section 27, and a new Section 28 thereto to provide for Rebate in event of interrup. tion of service, to Provide for systems of Measure. ment Tests, and to Provide for Amount to be paid by Company for Local Access Programming, reo spectively; and repealing Ordinance No, 43.67, (CabiB TV increase) ..,.....................,....,..........,..,....82, 435, 447 24-0perating Engineers, International Union ,of, l'elative to casual Day Proposal..,....,......,................,....,........,.. 89, 135 24-0ky Doky #11, Thompson's Food Markets, -Inc" Granted Class "c" Beer Permit ,............,..,..........,.... 90 Mar, 3-0zark Air Lines, application to extend embargo be. yond expiration date of February 28, 1975, rela. tive to carriage of hazardous materials ..,..........,...... 93 10-0rdinance No, 12.75 An Ordinance amending and changing 'Ordinance No, 3-34, known as "The Zon. ing Ordinanoe and Zoning Map of the City of Du. buque, Iowa,"so as to change certain property from "Multiple Residence District" Ciassification to "Local Business 'B' District"classification, (Man. ternach Development Co,-Terrace Heights Mobile Home Park) """""................................,......,..............,..,102, 132 24-0rdinance No, 13.75 An Ordinance amending and changing Ordinance No, 3.34, known as "The Zon. ing Ordinance and ,Zoning Map of the City of Du- buque, Iowa," so as to change City Lot 623 and City Lot 624 in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, from "Multiple Residence District" Ciassification to "Business District" Classification (ELKS PROPER- TY) ,................,.................,.....................,..,...."..,..........,..,121, 156 Apr, 14-'Optical items, sale 'or dispensing of same and 'equip- ment at the Medical Associates new facility.......... 140, 209, ........,..,..",.........,..............,....,..................,...........,....,..,222, 255, 310 21-0rdinance No, 14-75 An Ordinance amending Ordi. nance No, 33-49 known as the "Traffic Code of Dubuque, Iowa" as amended by adding a new Sub- section 22 to Section B of Scheduie HI thereof to provide that Northbound and Southbound vehicles on Keyway Drive must stop before entering the intersection of Hillcrest Road ......,....,...............,..,...., 26-0'Dowd, Patrick T" Sidewalk Construction Bond sub- mitted 52, 66 93 158 168 --- INDEX-BOOK 105 SUBJECT Page 1975 May 5-0rdinance No, 15-75 An Ordinance amending Ordi- nance No, 36,55 by enacting a new Subsection E to Section 1 thereof to prohibit smoking in buses, and in any other motor vehicies hauling farepaying pas- engers operated by the Dubuque Transit Authority, City of Dubuque, Iowa .......,..,..",......""".."",...."",....,,175, 211 12-0ft Enterprises Inc" Notice of truck damage claim ...." 199 27-0rdinance No, 25-75 An Ordinance amending and changing Ordinance No, 3-34, known as "The Zon- ing Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Du- buque, Iowa," by amending Article IV, Section 2(h) thereof to include "Lot 10 of Block 3 of Mettel- Link Subdivision," in which professional offices or studios of a Physician, Dentist, Architect, En- gineer, Lawyer, Realtor, Insurance, Musician, or similar professions may be permitted (MILLER PROPERTY) """""" ",..,....,.."....", """"""""""""""""" 223, 299 27-0'Meara, Robert, in favor of paving Rockdaie Rd" re- questing thru traffic be prohibited ..""'"....",,"..,,..,.. June 2-0eth Court, block off same for June 6th ",.."..,....,....,.." " 2-Ordinance No, 16-75 An Ordinance amending Ordi- nance No, 33-49 known as the "Traffic Code of Dubuque, Iowa," as amended by adding a new Subsection III to Schedule VI thereof to prohibit the parking of motor vehicles on the East side of Rockdale Road from Mar Jo Road to Fox Drive ".." 246 6-0'Neiil, Wiiliam, Granted Cigarette License and Ciass C Commercial Beer & Liquor License "",..""............, 250, 490 2-Otting, Eugene, Granted Cigarette License .."...."'....,,, 250 9-0rdinance "ALTERNATE A" An Ordinance amending Ordinance No, 3-34, as amended by Ordinance No, 10-73, and known as "The Zoning Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, by amending Section 2 of Article IV-A thereof, known as the "Hospital-Med- ical District," so as to inciude the dispensing of Optical Goods by prescription as an accessory use wlthin Office Buildings in said District (Medicai Ass'n) (NOT ADOPTED) "",....,.."""..""",......"",255, 310, 311 9-0rdinance No, 26-75 An Ordinance amending Ordi- nance No, 3-34, as amended by Ordinance No, 10- 73, and known as "The Zoning Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, Iowa," by repealing Section 2 of Article IV-A thereof, and by adopting a new Sec- tion 2 of Article IV-A sO as to include the sale of Optical Goods as a use permitted by Special Ex- ception with the "Hospital-Medical District" (Med- ical Ass'n) ..,..",.."""".."....,.."""""""""..""",..........",..,255, 311 9-0rdinance No, 17-75 An Ordinance adopting a Charter for the City of Dubuque, Iowa, embodying the ex- isting form of government on Juiy 1, 1975 """,,'...., 9-0rdinance No, 18-75 An Ordinance amending Ordi- nance No, 4,33 being Ordinance requiring certain husiness and vocations conducted in the City of Duhuque, Iowa, to be iicensed by repealing the provisions thereof reiating to Theaters and enact- ing a new provision reiating to. Theaters in lieu thereof ,..,..,....""',......"'""""..",..,..,..""..",.."..,"'..,,,,,,.... 9-0rdinance No, 27-75 An Ordinance amending the Budget as approved hy Ordinances No, 1-74 and No, 38-74 """',..,..,",....,..""""..""..".."".........."........".." 258, 313 9-0rdinance No, 19-75 Ordinance appointing Transit Au- thority in and for the City of Dubuque, Iowa, and granting the powers and Fixing the Duties of said Agency"""..""",.."....""...."",......""..""""..,....."..""""" 16-0rdinance No, 20-75 An Ordinance establishing Air- port Commission of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, fixing the powers and duties of said commission 16-0rdinance No, 21-75 An Ordinance amending Ordi- nance No, 25 by repealing Section 1 thereof and enacting a new Section 1 in lieu thereof to provide 226 244 256 256 259 280 1975 INDEX-BOOK 105 SUBJECT Page for the appointment of the Board Members of the Carnegie-Stout Free Puhiic Library and estab- lishing the Eligible Age of said Board Members ".. 16-0rdinance No, 22-75 An Ordinance amending Ordi- nance No, 33-49 known as "The Traffic Code of Dubuque, Iowa," as amended by repealing Section 85 of Schedule VI and enacting a new Section 85 to Schedule VI in iieu thereof to prohibit the parking of Motor Vehicles on both sides of East Fifteenth Street from Sycamore Street to a point 950 feet eastwardly,..,.."...."..,..,....,..,..,..,.."....,....,....".. 16-0rdinance No, 23-75 An 'Ordinance authorizing Mr, & Mrs, Edward Mazurek to construct a picket fence, (NOT EFFECTIVE DUE TO NON-ACCEPTANCE OF CONDITIONS BY PROPERTY OWNERS) """"" 16-0rdinance No, 24-75 An Ordinance amending Ordi- nance No, 33-49 known as the "Traffic Code of Dubuque, Iowa" as amended by repealing Section A of Schedule II thereof and enacting a new Sec- tion A of Schedule II in iieu thereof to provide that drivers of vehicles shall stop at every intersec- tion before entering Jackson Street which is desig- nated as a through street from the North property line of East 12th Street to the South Property Line of East 24th Street and from the North Property Line of East 24th Street to the North Property Line of East 32nd Street ....,..""""..",..""......"..........,, 23-0gaard, Robert G, & Gertrude S" suspension of real estate taxes ,..""....""..,..,..,...."",.."..""..,..,.."",..,,..,..,.... 298 23-0SCO Drug, Inc" Granted Cigarette License and Class C Beer permit ".."..,"""".."..""","',..""."""""""""'..,, 304, 618 23-0tting, Eugene A" Granted Class "c" (Commercial) Beer & Liquor License ".."...."""',..""",...."""...."....,,, 306 30-0'Connor, Francis, for Finley Hospitai, in favor of hospitals being permitted to sell optical goods and supplies ".."""'......""..,.."",....,...."""..,..,..,,,......,..,, 310 30-0'Hara, Richard, Granted Cigarette License """"""""" 318 30-0yen, Coletta A" Granted Cigarette License and Class C Commercial Beer & Liquor License ".."....",..,318, 512, 611 30-0'Hara, John p" Granted Cigarette License """"""""" 318 30-0'Neill, Terry, appointed to Advisory Commission ..,.., 321 Juiy 7-0rdinance No, 28-75 An Ordinance amending Ordi- nance No, 37-65 known as the "Street Parking Meter Ordinance of Dubuque, Iowa" hy repealing Subsection 6,2,6 of Section 6,2 of Parking Meter District B thereof removing both sides of First Street between Main and Locust Streets from said Parking Meter District and enacting a new Sub- section 6,1.12 to Section 6,I of Parking Meter Dis- trict A to limit parking to 60 minutes at anyone time on First Street, both sides between Main St, and Locust St, ,..,..".."..,.."...."",....,..,..""..,.."....,..,..".., 326 7-0rdinance No, 32-75 An Ordinance establishing Com- prehensive Zoning for the City of Dubuque, Iowa, and providing for the Administration, Enforce- ment and Amendment thereof, in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 414, Code of Iowa 1975, and for the repeal of all Ordinances in conflict herewitb """"..""",..",..313, 338, 357, 359, 36I, 373, 374-417 14-0rdinance No, 29-75 An Ordinance amending Ordi- nance No, 33-49 known as the "Traffic Code of Du- buque, Iowa" as amended by adding a new Subsec- tion 28 to Section A of Schedule III thereof and by adding a new Subsection 23 to Section B of Schedule III thereof to provide that Eastbound and Westbound Vehicies on East Twenty-fourth Street must stop before entering the intersection of Jack- son Street and that Northbound and Southbound Vehicies on Jackson Street must stop before enter- ing the intersection of East twenty-fourth Street, respectively.... , 281 283 283 284 343 =-=--c=-~_.~-- -'----- 19'75 INDEX~BOOK 105 SUBJECT Page 21-0rdinance No, 30.75 An Ordinance amending Ordi- nance No, 33-49 known as the "Traffic Code of Dubuque, Iowa" as amended by repealing Section 16.9 thereof and by enacting a new Sectton 16,9 in lieu thereof, PROHIBITING. THE PARKING OF MOTOR VEHICLES IN BUS STOPS ........,....",.."".... 21-0rdinance No, 31.75, An Ordinance providing for the installation, location and protection of Swimming Pools in the City of Dubuque, Io'wa, and req"iring a Plan, Permit and providing for Permit Fees, and providing for Penalties for violations thereof ........ Aug, 4-0eth, A,H, Subd" City Mgr, recommending street lights on Kehl Court """"""""",,""""""""""""""""" 4-0rdinance No, 33.75 An Ordinance authorizing Louis Kartmau to construct one Motel Sign on a Single Poat (Wink-Inn) ......"",....",..,..".."""..,................"....,..,419, 420 11-0rdinance No, 34.75 An Ordinance repealing Section 303 of Ordinance No, 61.71 known as "Dubuque Human Rights Ordinance" and enacting a new Sec. tion 303 in lieu thereof to provide for Judiciai Re- view Enforcement ..".."""""""",..""""",..",....""..,..,'" ll-Orilinance No, 35.75 An Ordinance amending Ordi- nance No, 37.65 known as the "Street Parking Meter Ordinance of Dubuque, Iowa" by repealing subsection 6,2,9 of Section 6,2 Parking Meter Dis. trict B thereof and enacting a new Subsection 6,2,9 to Section. 6,2 of Parking Meter District B, in lieu thereof to limit .parking to 120 Minutes at any time time on Fourth SI., both sides, between White St, and Central Ave, and South side between Central Ave, and Iowa St. and both sides between Iowa St, and Locust SI. ,.........."........"",......"".."..,......"""""""'" 16-0rdinance No, 36.75 An Ordinance amending Ordi. nance No, 19-75 by enacting a new Section 11 thereto to provide that the Transit Authority shall be required to have at least one officiai meeting each month .."",....",......",..,....".."......"........,....""""..'" Sept, 2-0rdinance No, 37-75 An Ordinance amending Ordi- nance No, 33.49- known as the "Traffic Code of Du. buque, Iowa" as amended by repealing Subsection 14 of Section A of Schedule IV thereof and enact. ing a new Subsection 14 of Section A of Schedule IV in lieu thereof to limit parking of motor vehi- cles on West side of Maple Street from East 17th Street to East 18th Street ...."",....,.."......".....""",...." 2-0rdinance No, 38.75 Vacating a certain alley in the Downtown Urban Renewal Project Area .."...."".... 6-0'Connor, Atty, Francis, representing 4th SI. prop. erty owners, opposing redevelopment of area ..,.., 6-0rdinance No, 39.75 Vacating a portion of Windsor Extension (Sister of SI. Francis) .."",.."........"....",.... 15-0rdinauce No, 40,75 An Ordinance amending Ordi. nance No, 33.49 known as the "Traffic Code of Dubuque, Iowa," as amended, by adding a new Subsection 29 of Section A of Schedule III thereof to provide that eastbound and westbound vehicles on Bradley must stop before entering the intersec- tion of Rider Street and Bradley Street "..",.."".."", 25-0ptimist Club requesting week of Nov, 9 thru 15 be "Youth Appreciation Week" """"""","""""""""""'" Oct, 7-0rdinance No, 42.75 An Ordinance amending Ordi. nance No, 33.49 known as the "Traffic Code of Du- buque, Iowa," as amended by repealing Section 7,5 thereof and enacting a new Section 7,5 in lieu thereof requiring a driver of a vehicle involved in an accident to give notice of such accident to the office of the Chief of Police when the apparent total property damage is TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY DOLLARS or more ".."...."...."",..",....",,517, 527, 538 351 352 418 432 434 442 455 455 465 466 478 496 1975 INDEX-BOOK 105 SUBJECT Page 7-0rdinance No, 41.75 An Ordinance vacating that por- ¡~~ro;~:~~f :1¿'ff¿~r§~~Ji~~~f~~ ~~~h~e~~~~~~rr~ or Northwesterly 25 feet of Lot 25; Lot 2 of the Subdivision of the Northerly or Northwesterly 25 feet of Lot 24; Lot 2 of the Subdivision of the Northeriy or Northwesterly 25 feet of Lot 23; Lot 2 of the Subdivision of the Northeriy or Northwest- erly 25 feet of Lot 22 and Lot 2 of the Subdivi- sion of the Northeriy or Northwesteriy 25 feet of Lot 21 all in T, McCraney's Second Addition to Dubuque in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, according to the recorded plat thereof (Bethany Home) """" 7-0verpass. on Highway #20, City to allocate $250,00 toward the purchase of sign over same ..............".... 13-0rdinance amending Ordinance No, 181 by repeal- ing Section 7 thereof and Section 9 thereof and enacting a new Section 7 and a new Section 9 in lieu thereof, respectively, defining the Powers, and Duties of the Dubuque Dock Board (NOT ADOPTED IN 1975) ..""..",....,.....,.."..".........."",.."..",527, 540 13-An Ordinance authorizing James R. Kisting to con- struct a chain barricade at 535 Hill Street, (No Action Taken On Ordinance, Agreed to Close Up Curh Cut) """""'".........."..""...."..""...."....""",.......,....., 20-0rdinance No, 43.75 An Ordinance prohibiting the driving, parking or storing of motor vehicies in, on or over the Earthen dikes of the Dubuque Floodwall and providing for penalty for violation hereof ,....,..",.."..""..,....,..,..""",...."....",......,..""..".."",.. Nov, 3-0rdinance No, 44.75 An Ordinance amending Ordi- nance No, 39.65 known as "The Parking Meter Lot Ordinauce of Dubuque, Iowa" by repealing Section 5, Section 5A, Sections 5A1 and 5A2, and enacting a new Section 5, 5A, 5A1, 5A2 and 5A3 in lieu thereof to establish number and location of mu- nicipally owned parking lots and to establish time and parking meter fee and monthly rates (Near Ecumenicai Towers) "........,........"..",..........".." 3-0'Brien, Police Chief, relative to "Public Nuisance Ordinance" ,.."........,.."..".............."..""...."...."..,.."..""..,.... 3-0'Hara, J & P, Granted Class "B" Beer Permit ...."".... 17-0rdinance No, 45.75 An Ordinance amending Ordi- nance No, 33-49 known as the "Traffic Code of Dubuque, Iowa" as amended by repealing Subsec. tion b of Section 1 of Schedule 1 and enacting a new subsection b of Section 1 of Scbedule 1 in lieu thereof to provide that traffic shall move northerly only in the alley between Locust SI. and Main SI. from West First St, to West Fourth SI. and from West Sixth SI. to West Twelfth SI. ",....", 24-0rdinance No, 47.75 An Ordinance amending and changing Ordinance No, 32.75. known as the "Zon- ing Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Du. buque, Iowa" which amendments shall repeal, shall repeal and substitute new language in lieu thereof, or shall add new language to the Ordinances here- after described ,....""..........."..""""""...."""..""",,593, 623, 635 8-0rdinance No, 46.75 An Ordinance amending Ordi. nance No, 33-49 known as the "Traffic Code of Dubuque, Iowa," as amended by repealing Section 19,6 thereof and enacting a new Section 19,6 in lieu thereof to prohibit the driving of a motor ve- hicle without dear window vision '".........."".........., 615 8-0dden, Rev, Robert, appointed to Advisory Commis- sion ",..,..""....",....",.."....,....",.."....,.."....,................619, 629, 632 15-0peration New View submitting second annuai report of Governing Board """"""""......""...."......",.."......", 15-0dden, Rev, Robert, appointed to Community Develop. ment Commission 521 523 527 539 567 569 574 564 615 621 629 Jan, ~Parking and Sewage Facilities, and Water Utility, au- dit for fiscal period of Jauuary 1, 1974 through De- cember 31, 1974 to be contracted to O'Connor, Brooks and Company....",........,...."..,....,...................... 6-Planning & Zoning Commission submitting minutes of their meetings ......,..,..4, 50, 64, 93, 127, 222, 197,297,309, 341, 349, 450, 491, 537, 591, 634 13-Playground & Recreation Commission submitting minutes of their meetings ........15, 58, 93, 112, 128, 154, 243, 339, 429, 467, 524, 566, 613 13-Playground & Recreation Commission suggesting Five Flags Center-Ice Rink be considered ......,..,........., 15 20-Planning & Zoning Commission declining to recom- mend for or against reclassification of the My-Cap Vendors property at 32nd Street .."",..,......"..",..,.." 20-Planning & Zoning Commission recommending approv- al of petition of Table Mound Park Inc" requesting reclassification from Multiple to Locai Business "A" Classification, (W, side of RockdaleRd, north of Maquoketa Dr,) ..,..,......"""........,.."",.."",.."....".."...."... 20-Planning & Zoning Commission recommending "Jung- wirth's Morocco" be placed in Singie Family Resi- dence District, ,..""..,..........,......."......"",..,....",............," 20-Public Employment, City Manager submitting reso- lution authorizing Mayor to sign a contract for same with State Office for Planning & Program- ming """"""",,""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 27-Pubiic Employment Relations Act, proposed rules to effectuate the purposes of same .........."..",..",......,... 27-Planning & Zoning submitting an Interim Ordinance containing the staff report, "The Heritage of Du- buque" ,...."......,..,..............".."..",..",.."...."""..,""..,,..,... 27-Planning & Zoning, leased office spaces increased ..".. 27-Pizza Hut, Granted Class "B" Beer Permit .."......,...."", Feb, 3-Putnam St" increased lighting in Gay Street playfieid area ""..,....,......"........",..,........,.."..".."..",..,...."",..",..,,,.. 10-Powers, David J" requesting certain standards and requirements needed in order to be an auto dealer in the City......,....,..........,..""..,..,......"""",....""""...."".. 10-Planning & Zoning recommending approval final plat of Blocks 11, 12 and 13 of Mettei-Byrne Addn, ",'.. 24-Pornography, Mrs, Harold Bechen submitting copy of letter from Allen L" Donieison reiative to pornog- raphy ......,..",....",....,....,...."..""""..,..,",..,""....,.."..,......, 24-Parker, Gene, requesting to purchase property ap- prox, 36' facing Rosedale Ave, on the easterly side of Lot 1 of Rosedale Addn, #2 .."",....,....,..............,"" 87, 209 24-Professional Fire Fighters' Association agreeing to pay plan for period of January 1, 1975 through June 30, 1976 .."......,......,....",......."......"..,....,............,.., 24-Poiicemen's Protective Association agreeing to pay plan for period of January 1, 1975 through June 30, 1976 "..................",.."..",..",..",....,..",..,..,..",..,,"',..... Mar, 3-Pony Express Ride requested by Dennis Meyer ".."",.., " 10-Planning & Zoning recommending reclassification of portiôn InTerrace Heights Mobile Home Park per Manternach -Development Compauy petition ......".... lO~PolicefSchool Liaison Officer Program, appiication for grant and matching resolution for same submitted 10-Police Matrons, abolishing same from the City of Du- buque ..,..".."".."..""....""",..""".."......,..,.."..,..,......,........ 106 17-Park Board & Recreation Dept, merger requested ...... 111, 128, 244, 297, 341, 443 24-Plowman, Mrs, Jack, ohjecting to possible removal of busses in summertime ......""".."...,..........,....",............ 118 24-Parking Facilities and Municipai Sewage Disposal Works and Facilities audit reports for year end- ing December 31, 1974, submitted INDEX-BOOK 105 SUBJECT P 1975 page 42 43 44 46, 369 50 52 53 55 59 65 71 78 90 90 94 102 105 120 24-Planning & Zoning Commission recommending rezon- ing of ELKS PROPERTY"..",........",....,......,........"..,.., 24-Project PACE, Peggy Veteto, reiative to same ",..,"'~.., Å~ri. 7-Pregler, Walter, recommending beautification of me- , dian strip in Kerper Blvd, ..,..".."....".."...."...."",........ 127 .,; 7-Palmer Drug Co" Granted Class "c" Beer Permit ..".. 137 7-'Park Board to certify a vacancy on their Board ,...138, 139, 202 14-Planning & Zoning Comm, recommending establishing ~rst~~i~1c s~~~~~~~s P~~f~r~o d~~~lïl;,~~se,~~~,ti~~",~~ 14-Project Agreement with Iowa DOT for study of pro- posed North-West Arterial roadway""..................,.., 21-Peoples Natural Gas Co" requesting permission to ex- cavate on Loras, N, Grandview and Rhomberg ..,.., May 5-Pape, Art, requesting to block 2nd street from Main to Iowa during the Iowa Motor Truck Assn, 1976 Con. vention """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 5-Paul SI., included in 1975 Asphalt Paving Project No, 1 "....,..,........."..",....",..".........."..""""",....",...."""..177,225 5-Pennsylvania Ave" included in 1975 Asphalt Paving Project No, 1 """"""""""""""""""""""""""'"""""", 5-Papke, Gus 1., authorizing City Attorney to institute Eminent Domain Proceedings against same to se- cure perpetual easements for installation, location and Maintenance of South Dubuque Interceptor Sanitary Sewer ".."........".."......"......",..,......"...........",.. 190, 459 5-Planning & Zoning recommending approval of plat of Lots 1 through 16 of Block 12A in "Key Knolls Subdivision" """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 192 5-Presley, Franklin, Granted Class "C" (Commercial) Beer & LIquor Licenses ",.."........"..,....................195, 202, 206 12-Planning & Zoning, recommending approval of final plat of "Cherry Valley" (Jaeger) """""""""""""""" 200 12-Playground & Recreation Commission, relative to lease agreement with Loras College for use of San Jose Swimming Pool and Handball courts ........"".. 202, 207 19-Packing Company, requesting parking be prohibited on south side of 15th Street from Sycamore St, to two blocks east """""""""""""""""""""'....,............".. 212, 282 27~Peoples Natural Gas Division, submitting annual state- ment for 1974 """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 27-Peterson, Lloyd L" Notice of personal injuries claim 27-Pianning & Zoning recommending rezoning Lot 10 of Biock 3 in Mettel-Link Subd, to multipie-residence, professional office classification (MILLER) ,..........,.. 27-Pierson, Chuck, objecting to proposed improvement on Asbury Rd, """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 27-Pohlen, George William, Granted Class "B" Beer Per- mit ....,..........,.......,......".................,....",....,......,................,240, 343 June 2-Pickett, Joe, objecting to the vacation of Tower SI. .... 247, 323, 324, 418 2-Pride Service Inc" Granted Cigarette License (2) ".... 250 9-Planning & Zoning recommending Ordinance "Alter- nate B," providing for sales of optical goods as permitted by Special Exception """"""""""""'""", 254, 310 9-Paulson Electric Co" awarded bid for School Signal Improvement Project ..'..,....'..'..,......"'....,..........,....,...., 9-Proclaimer Certificate for Submission to the U,S, De- partment of HUD, authorizing execution of same .." 9-Paimer Drug, Granted Cigarette License ,......,....,......".., 9-Polfer, Joseph, Granted Cigarette License """""""""" 16-primary Road Extension Maintenance and Operation Agreement for period of July 1, 1975 to June 30, 1976 ,......,...............,....,....,....",....,......,..........,......,..,........., l~Parochetti, David, Granted Cigarette License """"""" 23-Plumley, Don, Granted Cigarette License """"""""""" 23-Ponderosa Steak House, Granted Cigarette License .... 1975 INDEX-BOOK 105 SUBJECT Page 121 122 142 145 159 176 177 192 200 221 223 223 225 262 265 268 268 278 295 304 304 1975 INDEX-BOOK HJ5 SUBJECT Page 23-Pusateri, Michael F" Granted Cigarette License and Class "C" Commercial Beer & Liquor License ",..",304, 320 23-Paradiso, Thelma & Gary Buss, Granted Class "C" (Commercial) Beer & Liquor License """"..,..",...." 306 30-Peoples Naturai Gas, submitting its First Revised GT Tariff Book to the Iowa State Commerce Commis- sion """,...""".."""""""""""""".."""...""""""""""""", 308 30-Pianning & Zoning, vacating portion of Lot 809 in A, McDanieis' Subd, to Leo Kringle """"",..",....""""" 310 30-Planning & Zoning Commission submitting prclimi. nary draft of comprehensive Zoning Ordinance,,313, 338, 357 30-Peoples Natural Gas, excavate on White SI. between 7th & 10th SI. """"""""""""""""",,""""""""""""""" 30-Paulson Electric Company, awarded contract for the Replacement of City Hall Electric Service and As. sociated Equipment """"""""""""""""",,"""""""""" 30-PHASE II-CONTRACT II TREATMENT PLANT IM. PROVEMENTSCONTRACT 1I B ..'"...."""""",.."""" 30-Planning & Zoning, vacating Lot 1 of Lot 1A in Town of Eagie Point in the City of Dubuque, Iowa to Du- buque Lumber Company"",..""""""",....""""""""" 318, 334 30~Paradiso, Joseph, Granted Cigarette License ...."""""" 318 30-Piayground & RecreatiOn Commission, appointments made to """"""""""""""""""""""""..."..""""",.."""" 321, 427 July 7-Puhrman, Merle W, et ux, Notice of property damage claim """",..""....""",.."",....".."""""""",..""""""""""" 325, 454 14--Peoples Natural Gas, rate increase announced ..""""" 339 14-Planning & Zoning approval of voluntary annexation of Zimmerman property on Rockdale Rd".."",....""" 21-Parking of motor vehicles in Bus Stops, prohibited "" ~l-Peoples Natural Gas, excavate on North Algona SI. "" '28-Phillips, W"relative to RV section of proposedZon- ing Ordinance ..""",....",...."..""""""""",..""""",.."""" 26-Peterson, Dr" University of Dubuque, relative to In. stitutional District section of proposed Zoning Or- , dinance ..'"",..".."....."""""",.....""""""",..."""..'",...."", 28-Peoples Natural Gas, excavate at 1501 Rhomberg Ave, 26-Program Agent, City to be same, for administration of the Comprehensive Employment & Training Act of 1973, Title 1I, Fiscal Year 1976 ",..",....""....,,'..,.. 369, 471 Aug, 4-Pierce, Merlyn C" Appointed to Advisory Commission 427 11-Penney's Store, protest of assessments of real estate 429 11-Pillsbary Company, protest of assessments of real es. tate """"""""",..""".."""....""".."""""......""",..""""...." 429 11--Peck, Donna Sue,' relative to needs of the Dubuque Symphony"",..""".."""...."""...."",...."""""""""""""" 430, 467 11-Pregler, Walter, et ai, requesting reinstatement of bus service on Shiras Ave, ,..""..,c",..""""""....""",....""", 434, 475 18-Paulson Electric Co" Notice of Claim in settlement of account of Waste Water Treatment Facilities """" Sept, 2-Powers, Dave, relative to obtaining sewer in County for residents of Old Mill Road and Manson Road "" 2-Puhrman, Merle property damage claim """"""""""" 2-Planning & Zoning; relative to request for vacation of Daniels Street between Bies Drive and Sylvan Drive and rezoning of 'Syivan Place" ""......""'"",,, 2-Planning & Zoning approval final plat of Lot 1 and Lot 2 of Block 15 in "Dubuque Downtown Plaza" 2-Planning & Zoning approving the plat of Lots 1.12, inclusive, Block No, 6; all in Sunset Park Sub- division No, 3, westerly extension of Keystone Dr, and north of Hempstead High School"".."".."""" 2-Petrakis Ball Park, recommending be rebuiid on City Island """"""""""""""""""""""""""""'"""...."",......,, 6-Petrakis Park and park around Shot Tower,Recrea- tion. Department submitting. comments on same .... 308 314 314 316 341 351 353 360 360 361 440 450 454 450 456 460 461 464 6-Pickett Brewery opposing redevelopment of 4th SI. area .."""""....,....""....""""""",.."""....,....,..""..""....",,.. 8-Peoples Natural Gas, excavate on W, 5th Street ...."".. 29-Peterson, Rev" invocation given by same """"""""""" 29;i-petrakis ,Ball Park, Dubuque, Sports Unlimited Inc" reo / questing solutIOn to parkmg at same """""""""""" 2!J.-Planning & Zoning approving final piat of Stone mil Community Subd, No, 1 """""""""""'""""",.."""",.., 29-Planning & Zoning approving final plat of Twin Ridge Subd, No, 2 """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 29-Planoing & Zoning approving final plat of Asbury Springs Subd, No, 1 """"""",.......",..'""......"""""...." 29-Pianning & Zoning approving final plat of Block 15 in "Sunrise Heights" """"""""""""""""""""""""""""'" 29-Properties in City, revaluations and tax structure, re- port given on same """"""""""""""""""""""""""" Oct. 13-Pricing in Arabic Numbers, Local 94, U,A,W, request. ing Ordinance to contain package that the package of every consumer commodity offer for retaii sale bear the price of same """"""""""""""""""""""""" 13-Pfalzgraf, Mrs, Helen, et ai, being cognizant of recent new zoning ordinance for property at 1660 and 1690 Asbury Rd, """",..""..""""""""""""".........528, 578, 622 20-Peopies Natural Gas advising of rate increase Nov, 19th """""""""",.."""""""""""""",....""",....".."..,536, 555, 565 20~Poiice Training, Matching Resoiution to provide funds for same """"",....."....."""""".."",......"""""""""""""" 20-Planning & Zoning recommending approval of plats for Hillcrest Road """"""""",...."....""""...."""""""", 20-Powers Place, portion of same dedicated to be known as "Hillcrest Road" """""""""""""""""""""""""""" 24-PRIMARY ELECTION, City of Dubuque's results held October 21, 1975 ...."""""""".."""""""""'..'""""",..,,, 27-Point Neighborhood Assc" membership on the Com- munity Development Commission """"""""""""""" Nov, 3-parking Meter Lot Ordinance amended; near Ecu. menicai Towers """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 3-Pasadena Dr" Donald J, Kaiser requesting two street iights on same """"""""..".."""""",.."......".."".."""... 568, 578 3-Potts, Gene et ai, objecting to A & W Restaurant on corner of J,F.K. & Asbury Rd, being made into a Drive.ln Restaurant """""""""""""""""""""""""""" 3-Pubiic Nuisance Ordinance, proposed, submitted by Mrs, Mary Lee Marting """"""""........"...."".."""",.., lO-Planning & Zoning Commission, relative to rezoning at 1660 & 1690 Asbury Rd, """..""""......""".."......",,578, 622 10-People's Natural Gas requesting to excavate on W, 5th SI. ......",...."...""""",.."""",'.."""...."......."""",......", 10-Paradiso, Joe et ai, objecting to rezoning at corner of Judson SI. & Asbury Rd (Seventh Step Foundation) 24-Planning & Zoning Commission submitting Ordinance amending Ordinance No, 32.75 (Zoning Ordinance) concerning new language """"""""...."""".."""...."" Dee, l~Pfohl, Roy, objecting to noise and fumes from garage located between 1st & 2nd Sts, and Locust & Bluff Sts, (Wenzel) ".......""""..,..........'"......"".......",........"", 612, 614 15-Pickett & Sons Inc" Joseph S, advising of closing of private road east of Brewery......",.."""""""",.......... 15-Pregler, Walter A" appointed to Community Develop- ment Commission """"""""""""""""""""""""""""" 22-Peoples Natural Gas advising of rate increase effec- tive with gas bills issued on or after January 19, 1976 1975 INDEX-BOOK 105 SUBJECT Page 465 470 491 496 502 503 507 509 513 526 540 546 547 552 559 566 568 568 579 579 593 621 629 632 INDEX-BOOK 105 -- SUBJECT 1975 22-Playgrouud & Recreation Commission requesting meet- ing with Council to discuss matters relative to the Orpheum Theatre ..,........"................,..................,........, 22-Pickel, Ardina M" Notice of personal injuries claim .... 22-Planning & Zoniug approving finai plat of Blocks 16 & 17 in Mettel-Byrne Addn, ..,........................,....,....'.. 22-Parochetti, David A" Granted Class "c" (Commercial) Beer & Liquor License Q Apri, 14-Quinn, Lucile Katherine, Notice of personal injury claim Pag<! 633 635 637 641 141 1.975 INDEX-BOOK 105 SUBJECT - Pa'g<! R Jan 6-Russo, R. N", appointed .city Solicitor for year 1975, ' and bond submitted ,....................,......,..,....................., I, 79 6-Richard Construction Co" requesting to install boule- vard type lights on Meadow Wood Drive """""""" 6, 15 6-Ring, Louis A" refund on unexpired Cigarette License 6 13-Roling, Giibert, Sidewalk Construction Bond Continua- tion Certificate submitted ............................,........,...... 13-Reed, Tom, Director of Finley Hospital, relative to proposal to obtain Industrial Revenuue Bonds for same ........,..,......,......,............,............,.."............,..,......,.., 14-Riley, Owen, Business agent for General Drivers Union,. objecting to. way of vote on resolution passed concerning union contracts """""""""""""" 20-Rossiter, Paul, in favor of proposed Building Code Ordinance ..................,....,............,..................................,.. Feb, 3-Ramada Inn Motor Lodge, Mr, Robert Hampton grant- ed extension for construction of same ........,........,57, 81, 95, 104, 270 IO-Revenue & General Obligation Bonds, City Manager submitting revised agreement with Paul D, Speer & Asso, for service in connection with sale of same 24-Roepsch, Mrs Joe, objecting to proposed Cable TV rate increase ,................,........,..,........,............".............., 24-Rosedale Addn, #2, Gene Parker requesting to pur- chase property approx, 36' facing Rosedaie Ave, on the easterly side of Lot 1 of same ,........,............ Mar, 3~Radabaugh, Mrs, Vaughn, Notice of Personal injuries claim ,............,...........,;,..,....,.........,..,................,..,..,..,......, 94, 169 3-Reuter, Stella L" Notice of personal injuries claim.... 94 la-Retarded Citizens, Inc" offering assistance in the de- velopment of a Housing Assistance Plan """"""""" 99 17-Recreation Depl. & Park Board merger requested ,..,111, 128, 244, 297, 341, 443 113 118 15 19 25 26 69 82 87, 209 17-Roth, Cheri, relative to GAI.N, 24-Ries, Mrs, George, objecting to possible removal of busses in summertime.."....,......,....,....,..,...."......,.......... 24-Republican Central Committee, recommending to con- trol city expanding programs to keep budget witb- in the current millage rates ..........,..,........,........,..,.., Apr, 7-Republican Central Committee urging merger of Park & Recreation Depts, ,....,..........,........,..,..,..,......,............ 7-Russo, Paul, relative to making Loras Pool available to general public ............,...........,....,........,..................,.. 7-Right-of Entry agreement with U, S, Army Corps of Engineers to allow construction of sidewalks along the floodwall """"""""""""""""""""""""""'", 14-Roy, Sally Jo,. Notice of truck damages claim """"""" 14-"Respect for Law Week," May 1 to 7 ........,..........,..,...., 14-Rotary Club, relative to beautification ..,......,........,..,..,.., 21-Reisch" Robert L" et al (76 signers) relative to petition of JanUn Plastic ..,................,....,....,..,..........,..,............,.. 21-Rehabilitation Housing Commission, consider forma- tion of same ""'.....,......,............,....,......I59, 301, 324, 344, 491 21-Richard, James, appointed to Board of Zoning Adjust- ment ..,......,............,........,..................,......,....,.........., 163 25-Reiner, James, appointed to Cable-TV Advisory Com- mission ....,..,....,....,........,....,..,......................,..,....,....,....,.. 26-Ryker, Karen, appointed to Cable-TV Advisory Com- mission ..,....,....,........,....,....,..,..,..,................,............,..,.... 26-Roth, Art, reiative to merger of City-County Health Department ............"....,..,....,......,..,..........,......,........,...... 167 28--Reuter, Stella L" Notice of personal injuries claim "" 169 May 6-Rupp, Joseph J" Notice of car damage claim ....,......,....175, 477 " 6-Rockdale Road, included in 1975 Asphalt Paving Proj- ect No, 1 ....,......,..........,.... 177, 225 118 128 128 136 141 141 142 158 164 164 -, - - -- 5-R & S Enterprises, Inc" Certificate of Completion cxe. cuted """""""""""""""""",,"""""""""""""""""""""" 5-Renier Piano & Organ Company, In"" Certificate of Compietion cxecuted """"",""""""""""""""""""""'" 12~Rommel, Rogcr W" Granted Cigarette License ",........, 19-Reilly, Mike, relative to San ,Jose Swimming Pooi agreement """""..",...."",.."............."......",...."......"""" 19-Runway, Municipai Airport requesting approval of locai funds for share of cost of constructing a 3" asphalt mat on North.South runway"""......"""""" 213, 236 27-Ramada Inn at intersection of Division SI. & Highway #20, agreement with Inns of Iowa, Ltd" for front. age road to serve facility known as same ""......".." 27-Roberts Smorgastable, Granted Cigarette License ,"'" June 2-Republican Central Committee, County, urging conser- vative roll in proposing to annex area to the City 2-Rockdaie Road, prohibiting parking on the east side of same from Mar Jo Road to Fox Drive ..",.........., 2-Rockdale Road, Requiring abutting property owners to make sewer and water and gas connections on same before improvement """"",............",...."""......" 16-Riverside Bowi, Inc" Granted Class "C" (Commerciai) Beer & Liquor License and granted Cigarette Li. cense """""""""""",...."""...."""""",......",..""""""""'" 294, 295 16-Reisdorf, Joseph Edward, Granted Class "c" (Com. merciai) Beer & Liquor License, and Granted Cigarette License """"",..",..,..,....".."..""..""......""""" 294, 295 23-Rembold, Eima B., suspension of reai estate taxes """ 298 23-Ricken, Leona G" suspension of real estates taxes ...... 298 23-Roeth, Dolores, Granted Cigarctte License """""..,......, 304 23-Revelle, Patricia, Granted Cigsrette Liccnse """"..",.., 304 23-Regal "8" Inn, Granted Cigarette License ............""""" 304 23-Roeth, Dolores & Albert Ney, Granted Class "c" (Com. mercial) Beer & Liquor License """",...."""",..""..".. 30-Richardson, Frank for Mercy Medical Center, in favor of hospitals being permitted to sell optical goods and supplies ..",....""""",...."..,..""",..""""""""",..""", 30-R & S Enterprises, Inc" Granted Cigarette License "" 30-Rommel, Roger W" Granted Cigarette License """".." 30-Ring's Fine Food Restaurant, Inc" Granted Cigarette License "..""""""""",..""""..,......"""""",""""""""""'" 30-Ring, Richard J" Granted Cigarette License """"""""" 30-Roshek's Depl. Store, Granted Cigarette License "...." 30-Rcvelle, Patricia, Granted Class "c" (Commercial) Beer & Liquor License """""",:"",...""""""""",...",... July 7-Ritz Lounge Iucorporated, Granted Cigarette License and Granted Class "c" (Commercial) Beer & Liq- uor License """"..,..""""..""""""",..""""...."""""..",..,337, 338 28-Rusch, Carol D" et ai, objecting to rezoning N, J, Yian. nias Property"""""""",..""""""..,...""..",..",..""".."", 28-Reid, Thomas, of Finley Hospitai, relative to Institu- tional District section of proposed Zoning Ordi- nance "",..'"" "".. ," , "".., """" ,......' ",....",..", ""...., ," ".. '" , 28-Recreational Vehicle section of proposed Zoning Ordi. nance be held in abeyance for one year ....,......"".., 26-REHABILITATION COMMISSION, establishing same and appointments """""......."""""""""""",363, 523, 563, 575 Aug, 4-Rawson, Thomas, relative to Dubuque-Wisconsin Bridge Project .."""",..........""""",..""""".."""""..""" 373 4-Ricketts, Karl p" Granted Cigarette License """""""" 425 4-Rettenberger, Max, Granted Cigarette License ".."".... 425 4-Roy, Sally Josephine, Granted Class "c" (Commerciai) Beer & Liquor License and Cigarette License "...",318, 427 ll-Revenue Sharing Funds report for period of Juiy 1, 1974 to June 30, 1975, submitted by Ass't City Manager """",..""",.."""",....""""""........",..""",..", 430 458 16-Rooney, A, J" objecting to poor reception on c~¡'ï~ ' television 1975 INDEX-BOOK 105 SUBJECT Page 184 184 204 207 235 239 243 246 250 306 310 318 318 318 318 318 320 359 360 361 440 18-Randall's International, Inc" Granted Class "c" Beer Permit ,..,"""..,"""....,"""""""....."",.."""""""",..,..,.."", IS-Recreation Department to check possible use of Fair. grounds infield or track for recreational facilities ScJI. 6-Recreation Depl., relative to Petrakis Park and park around the Shot Tower "..""....",..""",..",.."""".."""", " 8-River pollution and shigellosis, Advisory Commission submitting recommendations to remedy same """" 15-Richard, James, appointed to Zoning Board of Adjust. ment "'".."""""""""'"'"""""..""".."",.."".."""""....",,,, 29-Richard, James H" developer of "Stone Hill Develop. ment Corp," piat approved """'".."..""""",...."""""" 29-Richard, James H., developer of Block 15 in Sunrise Heights, final plat approved """'""""",.."""""""""" Oct. 7-Reilly, Mrs, Judy, appointed to Youth Services Board of Directors """"""""""""""""'"""""".."",....""..""",, 7--Rossiter, Paul, appointed to Rehabilitation Housing Commission """"...."""""'"""""".."..""""..""""",.."",, 7-Reisch, Chris, appointed to Rehabilitation Housing Commission """""""'"..""""""""",......"""",'.."""""",, 523 27-Rezoning for obscenity, oppositions ",....",..,,555, 585, 590, 603 27-Rupp, Jamcs and Merwin, Granted Cigarette License 561 27-Reilly, Thomas J" appointed to Rehabilitation Com. mission '"...."""""""""'"...""""""""",.."""""""""""",, Nov, 3-Recreation Commission opposing Use of Bunker Hill for snowmobiles ""..,..""""'"...."""""""..",.."""""..",,, 3-Roach, Jack W" appointed to Rehabilitation Commis. sion """..""".."""""",..",..."""""""""".."",..""",.."..,,,,, lO-Ramada Inn West, Granted Cigarette License "".."""" Dec, S-Reynolds, Attorney James, relative to rezoning in Washington SI. Neighborhood """""""".."""",...."", S-Rundle, Floyd G" appointed to Community Develop- ment Commission ""'"..""""'"..""""""""""""""",,,.., 22-Rehabilitation Funds, Councilman Brady opposed to same being used in target blocks """""""""""""" 22-River/Stream Pollution Technician, establish the posi- tion of same for city water anti.poilution ""...."""" "RESOLUTIONS" Jan, 6-Resolution No, 1-75 Providing for the appointment of a City Manager, City Clerk, and City Solicitor for the City of Dubuque, Iowa; providing for their bonds, and fixing their salaries """.."..".."""""""".. 6-Resolution No, 2.75 Designating "The Telegraph.Her- aid" as the officiai newspaper for the City of Du- buque """"""""..,...."""""'""......"",.."""""""""""..",,, 6-Resolution No, 3.75 Naming depositories for City of Dubuque funds for 1975 """""""".."",..""""""".."", 6-Resolution No, 4.75 Approving the City of Dubuque Financial Audit for the fiscal year January 1, 1974 through December 31, 1974, and the 6 month peri. od beginning January 1, 1975 through June 30,1975 6-Resolution No, 5.75 City of Duhuque 1973 Concrete Sidewalk Program, Schedule of Assessments """"" 6-Resolution No, 6.75 Ptüviding for the issuance of Street Improvement Bonds providing for the pay- ment of the assessed cost of 1973 Concrete Side. walk Project, in amount of $8,000,00 "..",'..'"""""", 6-Resolution No, 7.75 Granting Class "B" Beer Permit application ..,""..,.."..."""'"..,""".."""..",....""",........,,,.. 6~Resolution No, 8.75 Directing the issuance of Class "B" Beer Permit "'"..,""..,"".."..""""".."..,..,.."""""", 6-Resolution No, 9-75 Granting Class "c" (Commercial) Beer & Liquor License applications """"""""" 6-Resolution No, 10.75 Directing the issuance of Class "c" (Commercial) Beer & Liquor Licenses "",","" 1975 INDEX-BOOK 105 SUBJECT Page 446 447 464 467 489 503 509 523 523 563 565 575 581 616 619 634 634 2 10 12 12 13 13 INDEX-BOOK 105 SUBJECT Page 1975 13-Resolution No, 11.75 Disposing of interest in vacated portion of Avoca Street described, as: Lot A of East 38' of West 50' of the West 100' of Lot 2 of Mineral Lot 179 to Harold B, Denikier.& Dorothy Demkier ",..",.."",..",..",....""""",..""\",.."""..""",,..,..," 13-Resolution No, 12.75 Approving of the services of Paul D, Speer & Associates, Inc" as financial consultants in connection with applications for proposed issu. ance of Industrial Revenue Bonds "".."......"..,....,.."" 13-Resolution No, 13.75 Declaring buiidings located at 1085, 1091, 1095 White St, and 56, 72 & 74 E, 11th St, as dangerous to life, health and a public nui- sance and directing dismantling of same """""""" 13-Resolution No, 14.75 Granting Class "C" (Commerciai) Beer & Liquor License application .."""..".."..",..", 13-Resolution No, 15.75 Directing the issuance of Class "C" (Commercial) Beer & Liquor License "",..'"""" 14-Resl&~~~1e~~;,!~i1:5 w~~~t~oi~r;~~ ~~'h ~~IJ e~~~;~:~ benefits from Jan, 1, 1975 thru June 30, 1976 and to execute Memoranda of Agreements "".."""""""" 20-Resolution No, 17-75 Final Estimate for the contract for the Cedar Street Lift Station Valve and SluiCe Gate Modification, 1974 """"",..""""""""..",..,,""""" 20-Resolution No, 18.75 Accepting Improvement for the Cedar Street Lift Station Valve and Sluice Gate Modification, 1974 ",.."............"""""",....""..,"""....,," , 20-Resolution No, 19.75 Authorizing Mayor to sign a con. tract for Public Employment with State Office for Planning & Programming "",.."""".."..........""""",.." 20-Resolution No, 20.75 Fixing a date for hearing on pro- posed Hospital Facility First Mortgage Revenue Bonds (The Finley Hospital Project), Series A, and directiug Clerk to give notice of intention to issue the Series A Bonds """",.."".."..".."".."""",.."..,....,..46, 47, 48 20-Resolution No, 21.75 Granting Class "C" Beer Permit application .."""..""...."".....""",....""....,""""..,"""..,"'" 48 20-Resolution No, 22-75 Directing the issuance of Class "C" Beer Permit """"..""".."",...."""",""",..",...."..,," 48 27-Resolution No, 23.75 Authorizing the execution of amendments to leases for Suites 10,B and 411 in the Fischer Building, (Depl. of Community Devel- opment and Pianning & Zoning,) "",.."........"",......"" 27-Resolution No, 24.75 Accepting work performed un. der demolition contract No, 1.74 for the Downtown Urban Renewal Project, Iowa R.15, (Parcel 15-4) .." 27-Resolution No, 25,75 Authorizing the execution of an application for a City Spirit Grant to the National Endowment for the Arts "...."",..",.."..""",..""..,"",.., 27-Resolution No, 26.75 Granting Class "B" Beer Permit application """..""".."",.."""",..""..""""""""",..,,",,..,,' 27--Resolution No, 27-75 Directing the issuance of Class "B" Beer Permit """,..""""".."""""".."....""""""..,,,.. Feb, 3-Resolution No, 28.75 Authorizing an Extension of time in which R. Hampton and Co" Inc" is to commence construction on certain land in the Downtown Ur. ban Renewal Project, Iowa R.15, (Ramada Inn Mo- tor Lodge) """""""..., ""..".."".."..,""""'" """.........""", 3-Resolution No, 29-75 Soliciting the 1976 Outstanding Young Farmers' Awards Congress for the City of Dubuque by the Dubuque Jaycees "..,..""""""",..""" 3-Resolution No, 30.75 Authorizing the execution of a Certificate of Completion for Dubuque County (County.City Law Enforcement Center Building) .." 3-Resolution No, 31-75 Granting Class "C" Beer Permit applications .."""""""..""",.."""...."..,""'".."',,...........,,' 3-Resolution No, 32.75 Directing the issuance of Class "C" Beer Permits ...."..""""..."",...."",..""""..""""",.. 3-Resolution No, 33-75 Granting Ciass "C" (Commercial) Beer & Liquor LiCense applications 18 20 21 22 22 24 45 45 46 53 54 54 55 55 57 60 60 61 61 62 1975 INDEX-BOOK 105 SUBJECT 3-Resolution No, 34.75 Directing the issuance of Class "C" (Commerciai) Beer & Liquor Licenses "....."........"", 3~Resolution No, 35.75 Grànting Cigarette License ..""" 10-Resolution No, 36.75 Determining to proceed with the issuance of $4,250,000, HOSPiTAL FACILiTY FIRST MORTGAGE REVENUE BONDS (The Fin. ley Hòspital Project) Series A, of the City of Du- buque, Iowa """",..,""",.."",...."""""".....""""............", lO-Resolution No, 37.75 Authorizing City Manager to exe- cute revised agreement with Paul D, Speer & Assc, for service in connection with sale of City Revenue & General Obligation Bouds """""""""""""""""""" lO-Resolution No, 38.75 Directing the Cierk to publish notice that the Iowa State Highway Comm, has made application to the Federal Highway Adminis. tration for approval of "Location & Design Study" of School SIgnal Improvement Project """""""""" 10-Resolution No, 39-75 Directing the Clerk to publish notice that the Federal Highway Administration has given approval of "Location and Design Study" on School Signal Improvement Project """""""""" 10-Resolution No, 40.75 Approving the Plat of Blocks 11, 12 and 13 in Mettel-Byrne Addn, in the City"",..", 10-Resolution No, 41.75 Fixing Time and Place of Hear- ing to consider a Project for Financial Assistance sought from the Urban Mass Transportation Ad- ministration, and authorizing Clerk to publish same 10~Resolution No, 42.75 Granting Cigarette License """"" 10-Resolution No, 43.75 Granting Class "C" (Commercial) Beer & Liquor License applications """"""""""""" 10-Resolution No, 44.75 Directing the issuance of Class ,,' 10-ReS~r~ti~~0~~"~~~~J le'¡,rolt;i3t~~~.;~~~ng~s th~"'ëïiÿ supporting the concept of the LOCAL OPTION TAXATION ....""..,"'"'""""""""",..,..""..""",...""""",,, 24-Resolution No, 46.75 Expressing appreciation to Leo J, Meuser for his loyal and devoted service to the public in his capacity as Dubuque County Treasurer 24-Resolution No, 47.75 Authorizing execution of agree- ment between City and Iowa State Highway Com- mission relating to resurfacing of Dodge SI., and constructing a deceleration lane with traffic signal modification at the Devon Dr. intersection """""" 24-Resolution No, 48.75 Fixing Date of Public Hearing & directing Clerk to Publish Notice of hearing on BUDGET ESTIMATE """""""""""""""""""""""""" 24-Resolution No. 49-75 Authorizing City Manager to sign MEMORANDA OF AGREEMENT with majority of unions for pay plan during period of January 1, 1975 through June 30, 1976 """""""""""""""""""" 24-Resolution No, 50.75 Granting Class "C" Beer Permit application "".....,"'"......"...""""""....",..""..",..",....""", 24-Resolution No, 51.75 Directing the issuance of Class "C" Beer Permit ..",......,"'"..,""""""""....""..."",.....", Mar, 3-Resolution No, 52-75 Granting Class "C" (Commercial) Beer & Liquor License application """,....'""...."",.., 3-Resolution No, 53.74 Directing the issuance of Class "C" (Commercial) Beer & Liquor License "".......", 3-Resolution No, 54.75 Agreeing to sell Lot 1 of Block 12, Block 13, and Lot 1 of Block 14, in "River Front Subdivision No, 3" in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, to Thermolyne Corporation """""""'..""""",.. 97, 134 10-Resolution No, 55.75 Authorizing an extension of time in which R. Hampton & Co" Inc, is to commence construction """"""",......"""""",...""""".."""..""..,...", 10-Resolution No, 56.75 Authorizing City Manager to as. sess Garbage & Refuse Collection charges pur- suant to Section 5 of Ordinance No, 66.70 (Hansel, Seipp) / Page 62 62 68 69 70 70 71 73 73 73 74 7.5 87 88 89 89 90 96 97 104 105 INDEX-BOOK 105 SUBJECT 1975 Page 10-Resolution No, 57-75 Providing for cash funds for the PoUce/School Liaison Officer Program ..,...."........,.. 10-Resolution No, 58.75 Aboiishing the position and ser- vices of "Police Matrons" from the City........,......,.. 10-Resolution No, 59-75 Granting Class "B" Beer Permit appiication ....,..,..............,.........,..,..,....,..,......,............,...., lO-Resolution No, 60.75 Directing the issuance of Class "B" Beer Permit ..........,................,.............,..,......'......., 10-Resolution No, 61.75 Grauting Cigarette License ....,....' 10-Resolution No, 62-75 Granting Ciass "c" Beer Permit application .."............,..,..............,..,..,........,.."..,..,..,........, 10-Resolution No, 63-75 Directing the issuance of Class "0" Beer Permit ....,....,..,....,....,......"..........,..,......,..,...., lO~Resolution No, 64.75 Granting Ciass "C" (Commercial) Beer & Liquor License application ......,................,.... 10-Resolution No, 65.75 Directing the issuance of Class "c" (Commercial) Beer & Liquor License ,.............., 17-Resoiution No, 66.75 Authorizing the City of Dubuque, Iowa to finance their share of the Mass Transporta. tion Capital Improvement Grant from transit sys. tern funds ........,........,..............,........,....,..,....,................,110, 337 17-Resolution No, 67.75 Accepting the Warranty Deed for Gantz Property for LANDFILL PURPOSES ...... 17-Resolution No, 68-75 Accepting the resignation of Jo. seph p, Zwack as ""ssistant City Attorney effective March 15, 1975; and appointing Barry A, Lindahl as assistant City Attorney effective Aug, 1, 1975 ,.., 17-Resolution No, 69.75 Granting Class "B" and "c" Beer Permit applications ........,..,..,........,..,......,...."................ 17-Resoiution No, 70.75 Directing the issuance of Class "B" & "c" Beer Permits ..,......................,............"...... 17-Resolution No, 71.75 Granting Class "c" (Commercial) Beer & Liquor License appiications ,....,....",........,.... 116 17-Resolution No, 72.75 Directing the issuance of Class "c" (Com- mercial) Beer & Liquor License ..........,......,........,......, 116 24-Resolution No, 73.75 Approving Budget Estimate ex- penditures for extended period of July 1, 1975 to June 30, 1976, as amended ............,..,......,.............,....,119, 126 24-Resolution No, 74-75 Granting Cigarette License ........., 122 24-Resolution No, 75.75 Granting Class "B" and "c" Beer Permit applications ,..........,....,............,..,...."".......,..,.... 24-Resolution No, 76.75 Directing the issuance of Ciass "B" and "c" Beer Permits ..,..........,....,....,..:..,..,......... 24-Resolu\ion No, 77-75 Granting Class "c" (Commerciai) , 'Beer and Liquor License application ..,..........,..,/...... 24-Resolution No, 78.75 Directing the issuance of Class "c" {Commercial) Beer & Liquor License ....,........, 24-Resolution No, 79.75 Authorizing the filing of an ap. piication for a Community Development Biock Grant for the City of Dubuque ..,................................. Apr, 7-Resolution No, 80.75 Disposing of interest of "Lot 1 of Block 12, Block 13, and Lot 1 of Block 14, in River Front Subdivision No, 3 to Thermolyne Cor- poration for purchase price of $36,030,00 ................ 7-Resolution No: 81-75 Authorizing the City Manager to execute the memorandum of agreement with the International Union of Operating Engineers, Local 758 for period of Jan, 1, 1975 to June 30, 1976 ,...., 7 -ReS~~~~0%er:~e~2'6~t:- ~t~~~;nlta ~~eH~~~~a~f carm':::: relating to the installation of traffic control signais for school crossings at various locations witbin the City of Dubuque (No, 74.T.037) ..........,............,........ 7-Resolution No, 83.75 Approving Supplement No, 9 to Right.of-entry by the U,S, Corps of Engineers for constructionof sidewalk along the floodwall ......,.., 7-Resolution No, 84.75 Granting Cigarette Licenses ...... 7-Resolution No, 85,75 Granting Ciass' "B" & "c" Beer Permit appiications 106 106 106 107 107 107 108 108 108 114 115 115 116 122 123 123 123 125 134 135 136 136 136 137 11/75 "- INDEX-BOOK 105 SUBJECT 7-Resolution No, 86.75 Directing issuance of Class "B" & "c" Beer Permits ,..,........................,..,........,..............,.. 7-Resolution No, 87.75 Granting Class "c" (Commercial) Beer & Liquor License applications """"""""""""" 7-Resolution No, 88.75 Directing issuance of Ciass "C" (Commercial) Beer & Liquor Licenses ........,....,...., 14-Resoiution No, 89.75 Policy Resolution, estabUshing the Dubuque Historic Preservation Advisory Board on matters within the scope of Ordinance No, 7-75 14-Resolution No, 90.75 Endorsing Washington Park Re. storation by the Dubuque Jaycees """""""""""""" 14-Resolution No, 91.75 Authorizing the issuance of $4,250,000 Hospital Facility First Mortgage Reve. nue Bonds (The Finley Hospital Project), Series A, of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, for the' purpose of lending the proceeds thereof to thc Finley Hospi. tal to defray the cost to said Corporation of acquir- ing certain equipment and improvements suitable for use in its voluntary nonprofit bospital, the execution and delivery of an Indenture of Trust to secure said Bonds, the execution and delivery of a Loan Agreement between said City and said Corporation providing for the repayment of the loan of the proceeds of said Bonds, thesaie of said Bonds and related matters ,..,............,....................,.... 14-Resolution No, 92.75 Concurring in the selection of Brice.Petrides and Associates as engineering con, sultant for a corridor study of a North.West arterial roadway, and instructing the City Manager to pre. pare a suitable form of contract and scope of work for such study......,....,......................,..,..........,..........,.... 14-Resolution No, 93.75 Authorizing execution of agree. ment between City of Dubuque, Iowa, and Iowa State Highway Commission relative to preliminary engineering for F,A,U,S, Project known as North- West Arterial........,..,......,..........,..,..................,..,..,........ 14-Resolution No, 94-75 Granting Cigarette Licenses ..,.., 14-Resolutlon No, 95.75 Granting Ciass "c" Beer Permit application ....,....,;................................"..,........,........,...... 14-Resolution No, 96.75 Directing the issuance of Class "c" Beer Permit ..,..................,....,......,..........,.............., 147 " 14-Resolution No, 97-75 Granting Class "c" (Commerciai) Beer & Liquor License application """""""""""""" 14& 14-Resoiution No, 98.75 Directing the issuance of Class "C" (Commercial) Beer & Liquor License ..,..:........ 148 21-Resolution No, 99.75 Authorizing Mayor to sign the In. tergovernmental Agreement creating the Dubuque Metropolitan Area Solid Waste Agency with the County Board of Supervisors '......................,.............. 149 21-Resolution No, 100.75 Correction of Resolution 386.74 approving the piat of Block 1, Block 2 and Block 3 in Timber Ridge Addition, (Richard L, Henschel).... 159, 444 21-Resolution No, 101-75 Finai Estimate for the construc- tion of 1973 Storm Sewer Improvement Program .... 160 21-Resolution No, 102-75 Resolution accepting improve. ment for the construction of 1973 Storm Sewer Im- provement Program ,..................,........,..,...................... 160 21~Resolution No, 103.75 Accepting the resignation of Dominic W, Goodmann as a member of the Park Board, and expressing "Thanks" for splendid and outstanding tour of duty while in office ....,............, 21-Resolution No, 104.75 Designating May 3 to May 11 as "Beautify Dubuque Week" and month of Mayas "Beautify Dubuque Month" ,..,..,........,.............,..,....,.. 21-Resolution No, 105.75 Granting Class "C" (Commer. cial) Beer & Liquor License application """"""""" Page 137 138 138 143 143 144 146 146 147 147 161 161 162 INDEX-BOOK 105 SUBJECT 1975 -- 21-Resolution No, 106.75 Directing issuance of Class "c" (Commercial) Beer & Liquor License """""""".."" 25-Resolution No, 107.75 Granting Cigarette License ,"'" 25--Resolution No, 108.75 Granting Ciass "B" Beer Permit appiication "",..",.."""""".."""""",...."....""""',.."',,....,, 25--Resolution No, 109.75 Directing the issuance of Class "B" Beer Permit ..",....",.."..""""""""",.."""..""..,""" 25-Resolution No, 110.75 Granting Class "c" (Commer- cial) Beer & Liquor License appiication "..""..""..,'" 25-Resolution No, 111.75 Directing issuance of Class "c" , (Commercial) Beer & Liquor License ".."",..""".."", 28-Resolution No, 112-75 Granting Cigarette License .."" 26-Resoiution No, 113,75 Granting Class "c" Beer Permit appiication ""..",..""""",.."""".."""..",..",..,"".."......,,'" 26-Resolution No, 114-75 Directing issuance of Class "C" Beer Permit """"""""",..""""""""","',,"""""""""",.. May 5--Resolution No, 151.75 Requesting Congress and FCC to delete provisions relating to the blacking out of sports programming carried by cable television sys. terns ..."""""""""",......""",.."""""",.."""""',,....,,""""'" 5-Resolution No, 115.75 Submitting schedule of proposed assessnlents for City of Dubuque 1975 Asphalt Paving Project No, 1 ..'"..'"" """"..",.. """"..""", "",.., 5--Resoiution No, 116.75 Preliminary approval of plaus, specs" form of coutract, plat and other documents for 1975 Asphalt Paving Project No, 1 "",,""""""" 177 5-Resolution No, 117-75 Necessity for Improvement for 1975 Asphalt Paving Project No, 1 .."""",.."""""",178, 226 5--Resolution NO, 118'75 Fixing Date of Hearing for 1975 Asphalt Paving Project No, 1 "..""",:"""..""""".."" 179 5--Resolution No, 119.75 A Resolution of intention to issue not to exceed $1,750,000 aggregate principal amount of Industrial Development (Health Care Facility) Revenue Bonds (Bethany Home Project) of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, and calling a pubiic hèaring on the proposal to issue the bonds """",..", 5--Resolution No, 120.75 Authorizing the execution of a Certificate of Completion for Franchise Realty In- terstate Corporation "",...."""...."",...."",.."""....,"".." 5--Resolution No, 121.75 Authorizing the execution of a Certificate of Completion for Canfield Hotel, Inc, 5--Resolution No, 122.75 Authorizing the execution of a Certificate of Completion for Investment Planning, Inc, ..""""""""""""""""""""""""....""""'"..",,..,"""""" 5--Resolution No, 123-75 Authorizing the execution of a Certificate of Compietion for R & S Enterprises, Inc, """"""""",..,.."",..""""""".."""..,""'".."""',,..,,""" 5--Resolution No, 124.75 Authorizing the execution of a Certificate of Completion for Renier Piano & Or. gan Company, Inc, """""""""".."""""",..".."""',,..,"'" 5--Resolution No, 125.75 Authorizing the execution of a Certificate of Completion for Fischer & Co" In- corporated """""""""""""""""""""",....,"""'"..,",....," 5--Resolution No, 126.75 Authorizing pubiication of No. tice of Submission of the Community Development Block Grant Application to the US, Department of Housing and Urban Development "........"""",.."",'..' 5-Resolution No, 127.75 Authorizing execution of an An. nual Contributions Contract and General Deposi- tory Agreement for Existing Housing Project No, Iowa 87.2 """"",......",.."........"....,.."..".......""..""..,""'" 5--Resolution No, 128-75 Executing a Relocation Ease- ment and Agreement from Illinois Central Gulf Railroad Company in connection with the installa- tion of the South Duhuque Interceptor Sanitary Sewer ...."..",..""",..",..".......,,"'" "..".... ""......""""""".. , 5--Resolution No, 129.75 Preiiminary Estimate and ap- proval of plans, specs" form of contract, and all other documeuts for the construction of the Schooi Signai Improvement Project Contracts 1 and 2 .."" Page 162 164 165 165 165 165 170 170 171 173 177 180 182 183 183 184 184 185 185 186 187 188 5--Resolution No, 130.75 Necessity for Improvement for proposed improvement for the School Signal Im. provement Project """"""""""..""""",.."""""",..........188, 230 5--Resolution No, 131.75 Fixing Date of Hearing for the School Signal Improvement Project """"""""""""" 189 5--Resolution No, 132.75 Authorizing the Execution of a Community Development Block Grant Agreement for the City of Dubuque """"""""""""""""""""""" 5--Resolution No, 133,75 Directing Cit)' Soiicitor to in. stitute Eminent Domain proceedIngs to acquire a perpetual easement in reai estate, owned by Gus 1. Papke for proposed South Dubuque Interceptor Sanitary Sewer """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 5-Resolution No, 134.75 Directing City Solicitor to insti. tute Eminent Domain proceedings to acquire a pcr- petual easement in reai estate owned by Mr, & Mrs, John M, Sutton, for proposed South Dubuque In. terceptor Sanitary Sewer "....'"""...."""".."....".."""", 5--Resolution No, 135.75 Approving Plat of Lots 1 through 16, each in Block 12.A in "Key Knolls Subdivision" in the City of Dubuque, Iowa '.."........, 5--Resolution No, 136.75 Approving Plat for the vacation of the piatted ten foot (10') wide easement in Lot C, Block 12 in "Key Knolls Subdivision" in the City 5--Resolution No, 137.75 Resolution authorizing the City of Dubuque, Iowa, to finance their share of Air. port Improvements from the City's General Fund 5--Resolution No, 138.75 Authorizing the execution and delivery of certain documents in connection with the issuance and sale of $4,250,000 Hospital Facility First Mortgage Revenue Bonds (THE FINLEY HOS. PITAL PROJECT), Series A, of the City of Du. buque, Iowa """" """'" ".. """".. ""..""" ",..", """"""""'" 5-Resolution No, 139.75 Granting Ciass "C" (Commercial) Beer & Liquor License appiications """"""""""""" 5--Resolution No, 140.75 Directing the issuance of Class "C" (Commercial) Beer & Liquor Licenses "",...."", 12-Resolution No, 141.75 Appproving the plat of "Cherry Valley" Subd, (Jaeger) """""""""""""""""""..""..,,.. 12-Resolution (Recreation Commission) Approving pro. posed contract by the City & Loras College in con. nection with the leasing arrangements for SAN JOSE swimming pool and allied facilities """""""" 202, 207 12-Resolution No, 142.75 Approving Lease Agreement with Loras College for use of Swimming Pool, Handball Courts and Locker Rooms """"""""""""" 202, 207 12-Resolution No, 143.75 Accepting resignation of Domi. nic W, Goodmann as Commissioner of the Park Board and appointing Dvaid J, Willoughby to fill that portion of his term until the next reguiar mu. nicipal election """"""",..""""",...""...."",...."""'"",,,.. 12-Resolution No, 144.75 Granting Cigarette Licenses ""', 12-Resolution No, 145.75 Granting Cigarette Licenses """ 12-Resolution No, 146.75 Granting Cigarette Licenses ".." 12-Resolution No, 147.75 Granting Class "A" (Club) Beer & Liquor License application ..""""....""......"",..""", 12--Resoiution No, 148.75 Directing issuance of Class "A" (Club) Beer & Liquor License """" " " "..""..""""..'", 12-Resoiution No, 149.75 Granting Class "C" & Class "B" Beer Permit applications ".."....",..""",.."""".."..".."" 12-Resolution No, 150-75 Directing issuance of Class "C" & Class "B" Beer Permits "",...""""",.."...."....""""", 19-Resolution No, 151-75 (See Meeting of May 5, 1975) ".. 19-Resolution No, 152.75 Adopting and approving the Execution of an Acceptance of a Grant Offer from the Administrator of the Federal Aviation Admin- istration Acting for the United States of America to the City of Dubuque, Iowa, for the purpose of obtaiuing Federal Aid in the Deveiopment of the Dubuque Municipal Airport, under Project No, 8.19-0028.01 1]175 INDE4-BOOK 105 SUBJECT Page 189 190 191 192 192 193 194 195 195 201 202 203 203 203 204 204 204 205 173 213 1975 INDEX-BOOK 105 SUBJECT Page 214 214 215 216 217 217 217 218 218 224 226 227 228 230 231 232 234 234 235 235 236 27-Resolution No, 174.75 Authorizing the City of Dubuque, Iowa, to finance their share of Airport Improve. ments from the City's General Fund """"""""""".. 27-Resolution No, 175.75 Fixing a date of meeting at ) which it is proposed to take action for the issu. . ance of $125,000 AIrport Bonds """"""""""""""""" 27-Resolution No, 176.75 Providing for the advertise. ment of $125,000, Airport Bonds """""""""""""""" 27-Resolution No, 177.75 Granting Cigarette Licenses ...... 27-Resolution No, 178.75 Granting Class "B" Beer Permit appiications ..........,..,...."..............,........,..,....,....".........." 27-Resoiution No, 179.75 Directing issuance of Class "B" Beer Permits ,....,..............,..........,....,........"....,........,......, 27-Resolution No, 180.75 Granting Class "c" (Commercial) Beer & Liquor License appiication """""""""""""" 27-Resoiution No, 181-75 Directing issuance of Class "c" (Commercial) Beer & Liquor License """"""" 27-Resoiution No, 182.75 Granting Cigarette Licenses "" 27-Resolution No, 183.75 Granting Class "c" (Commer- cial) Beer & Liquor License application ,................, 27-Resolution No, 184.75 Directing issuance of Class "c" (Commercial) Beer & Liquor License """"""""""" June 2-Resolution No, 185-75 Preliminary Estate and approvai of plans, specs" form of contract for construction of Replacement of City Haii Electric Service & As. sociated Equipment ..,....,....'..",......,..,.."..,..,....,....,..".. 2-Resolution No, 186.75 Necessity of Improvement for Replacement of City Haii Electric Service & Asso. ciated Equipment "....,......................,................,............,248, 286 2-Resolution No, 187.75 Fixing Date of Hearing for Re- placement of City Haii Electric Service & Asso. ciated Equipment ..........,......,....................,....,....,....,.., 2--Resolution No, 188.75 Preliminary ,approval of plans, specs" form of contract for construction of Grand- view Ave, and Dodge Street Traffic Signals """""" 2-Resolution No, 189.75 Necessity for Improvement for construction of Grandview Ave, and Dodge Street Traffic Signals ,........,....,..............,........,....,..........,........,249, 287 2-Resolution No, 190.75 Fixing Date of Hearing for construction of Grandview Ave, and Dodge Street Traffic Signals ........,..............,......,.................,......,........ 2-Resolution No, 191.75 Requiring abutting property owners to make sewer and water and gas Connec. tions on improvement of Rockdale Rd, """""""""" 2-Resolution No, 192.75 Granting Cigarette Licenses ..".. 2-Resolution No, 193.75 Granting Class "c" (Commer. cial) Beer & Liquor License appiication """"""""" 2-Resolution No, 194.75 Directing issuance of Class "c" (Commercial) Beer & Liquor License """""""""""" 2-Resolution No, 195.75 Granting Class "c" (Commer. cial) Beer & Liquor License appiication """"""""" 2-Resolution No, 196.75 Directing issuance of Class "c" (Commercial) Beer & Liquor License """""""""""" 9-Resolution No, 197-75 Approval of the Permanent Transfer of funds ..,........,..,......,..,........,....,....,.............. 9-Resolution No, 198.75 Decision of Council upon objec- tions to plans, specs" form of contract and cost of improvements ..................,..,..........,................,.......... 9-Resolution No, 199.75 Ordering Construction for the construction of Washington SI. Traffic Diverters 9-Resolution No, 200.75 AWarding Contract for School Signal Improvement Project to Paulson Electric Co, (Project No, T.735.7(5) . 84-31) ...........,..........,...., 9-Resolution No, 201.75 Awarding Contract for School Signal Improvement Project to Paulson Electric Co, (Project No, T.735.1(6) . 84-31) ......,...................., 9-Resolution No, 202.75 Final Estimate for the City of Dubuque 1974 Asphalt Paving Project No, 2 River. front Subdivision No, 5 1975 INDEX~BOOK 105 SUBJECT 19-Resolution No, 153.75 Preliminary pians, specs" form of contract, piat for construction of Washington Street Traffic Diverters """"""""""""""""",,"""""" 19-Resolution No, 154.75 Necessity for Improvement for construction of Washington Street Traffic Diver. ters """"""""""","""""""""""""""""""""""""""""'" 214, 260 19-Resolution No, 155.75 Fixing Date of Hearing for con- struction of Washington Street Traffic Diverters 19-Resolution No, 156-75 Accepting reai estate from Jack- son M, Marshaii (MARSHALL PARK) ......,.............., 19-Resolution No, 157.75 Granting Class "c" Beer Permit applications ..,.......",..,..........................,.........,......,....,...., 19-Resolution No, 158.75 Directing issuance of Class "COo Beer Permit ""","""""""""""""""""""""" '............... , 19-Resolution No, 159.75 Granting Class "c" (Commercial) Beer & Liquor License applications ..........'.............., 19-Resolution No, 160.75 Directing issuance of Class "c" (Commercial) Beer & Liquor Licenses ,......,.............. 19-Resolution No, 161-75 Granting Ciass "COo (Commerciai) Beer & Liquor License appiication ,..........'........,....,.. 19-Resolution No, 162.75 Directing issuance of Ciass "c" (Commercial) Beer & Liquor License """""""""""" 27-Resolution No, 163.75 Resolution Approving Pro- ceeding with the issuance and sale of not (0 ex- ceed $1,750,000 aggregate principal amount of in. dustrial development (Health Care Facility) reve. nue bonds (Bethany Home Project) ..............,.........., 27-Resolution No, 164.75 Amending Resoiution No, 117-75 by deieting Asbury Road from the E,P,L, of Crissy Drive to tbe W,P,L, of Carter Road from the City of Dubuque 1975 Asphalt Paviug Project No, 1 .... 27-Resolution No, 165.75 Decision of Council upon objec- tions to plans, specification, form of contract and cost of improvements for the 1975 Asphalt Paving Project No, 1 """"""",,""""""""""""""""""""""""" 27-Resoiution No, 166.75 Ordering Construction for the City of Dubuque 1975 Asphalt Paving Project No, 1 27-Resolution No, 167.75 Decision of Council upon objec. tions to plans, specifications, form of contract and cost of improvements for the School Signal Im- provement Project ....,.."..............,......,..,.."............,....,.. 27-Resoiution No, 168.75 Ordering Construction for the improvement of School Signal Improvement Proj- ect ..........".........."..............,......,....,.........."............,"""""" 27-Resolution No, 169.75 Amending Resoiution No, 279.74 approving "Westcbester" in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, for the purposes of adding a Street Previous- ly Not Inciuded (Venture Ct.) ............,........,..,.........., 27-Resolution No, 170.75 Authorizing the submission of a request to convert a Section 23 Housiug Assistance Payments Program to a Section 8 Housing Assist. ance Payment Program ......"....,..................,..,....,........ 27-Resolution No, 171.75 Authorizing and directing the the submission of an 'application for a low income housing program under Section 8 of the United States Housing Act of 1937, as amended ............,..... 27-Resolution No, 172.75 Authorizing Mayor & City Clerk to execute agreement with Inns of Iowa, Ltd" for frontage road to serve facility known as a Ramada Inn at intersection of Division St, and Highway #20, 27-Resolution No, 173.75 Accepting Warranty Deed from Inns of Iowa, Ltd" for frontage road serving Rama. da Inn at intersection of Division St, & Highway #20 ,.........,......,........,................................:................,....,.. 27-Resolution (AIRPORT COMMISSION) Requesting City Council to proceed with the issuance and sale of $125,000 General Obiigation Bonds for airport im. provements 251 251 251 257 261 262 262 263 263 Page 237 237 238 239 239 240 240 240 241 241 241 248 248 249 249 250 250 251 INDEX-BOOK 105 SUBJECT Page 1975 9-Resolution No, 203.75 Resolution Accepting Improve. ment for City of Dubuque 1974 Asphalt Paving Project No, 2 Riverfront Subdivision No, 5 ".."...." 9-Resolution No, 204.75 Resolution approving a tenta- tive three year Street Construction Program and submitting same to Iowa State Highway Commis. sion "",.."""""",..",..""""",.."",....""""'"..,"""..,,,..,""'" 9-Resoiution No, 205.75 Endorsing the Dubuque Am. bassadors as Sponsors for the 1975 Iowa Commun- ity Betterment Program """"""",.."".."""""".."""'" 9-Resolution No, 206.75 Authorizing the Execution of a prociaimer Certificate for Submission to the U,S, Department of Housing & Urban Deveiopment 9-Resolution No,- 207',75 Final Estimate for the City of Dubuque 1974 Asphalt Paving Project No, 1 "".."" 9-Resoiution No, 208.75 Accepting Improvement and Directing the Clerk to publish notice for the City of Duhuque 1974 Asphalt Paving Project No, 1 .." 9.-Resolution No, 209.75 Granting Cigarette Licenses ".." 9-Resolution No, 210.75 Granting Class "c" Beer Permit application """"""""".."""""""""",""'".."""..,,",,....,," 9-Resolution No, 211.75 Directing issuance of Class "c" Beer Permit """,..""""""""""""""""",""""""'"..,"'".., 9-Resolution No, 212.75 Granting Ciass "C" (Commer- ciai) Beer & Liquor License application ...."",..""..' 9-Resolution No, 213-75 Directing issuance of Class "c" (Commercial) Beer & Liquor License ".."""..""....".. 9-Resolution No, 214.75 Joint Resolution by, hetween and among Board of Supervisors and City Council of Dubuque, requesting Iowa Natural Resources Council approve application for flood piain infor. mation study under provisions of See, 206, Public Law 86.645 (Fiood Control Act of 1960) ",.."""..", 16-Resoiution No, 215.75 Resoiution providing for the sale and award of $125,000 Airport Bonds and ap. proving aud authorizing the agreement of such sale and award, (Carleton D, Beh Co, of Des Moines, Iowa) """""""",..""""...."""""".."""""'"..",,..,,""""""" 16-Resolution No, 216.75 A Resolution providing for the issuance of $125,000 Airport Bonds and providing for the levy of taxes to pay the same "",..",..."""".., 16-Resolution No, 217.75 Awarding Contract for construe. tion of Washington St, Traffic Diverters to Fiynn Company, Inc, """"""""""""",..""""".."""',....",,..,,"'" 16-Resolution No, 218-75 Decision of Council upon ohjec- tions to plans, specs" form of contract and cost of improvements for the Replacement of City Hall Eiectric Service and Associated Equipment "",..'" 16-Resolution No, 219.75 Ordering Coustruction for Re- placement of the City Hall Eiectric Service and Associated Equipment ".."",.."".."""""",..",.."..,,""'" l~Resolution No, 220,75 Decision of Council upon ohjec. tions to plans, specs" form of contract and cost of improvements for the construction of Grandview Ave, and Highway #20 Traffic Signals """"""""".... 16-Resolution No, 221.75 Ordering Construction for the Grandview Ave, and Highway #20 Traffic Signals 16-Resolution No, 222.75 Preliminary approval of pians, specs" form of contract and all other documents for the construction of University Avenue Pedes- trian Crosswalk "",...."..""".."""""""".."""",........,,"" 16-Resolution No, 223.75 Necessity for Improvement for construction of University Ave, Pedestrian Cross. walk "..""".."""","'"""""""""",.....".."'"..,""'"..,,,..,,""" 289, 327 16-Resolution No, 224.75 Fixing Date of Hearing for construction of University Avenue Pedestrian Crosswalk """",..""""",.."",..""..",..."..,""""..,"""',..,,'" 16-Resolution No, 225.75 CORRECTION RESOLUTION to correct Resolution No, 363.74 approving the plat of Lots 1.13 inclusive all in West Ridge Addition in the City of Duhuque (Clarence Arlen's Place)".. 264 265 265 265 266 267 268 268 269 269 269 270 273 273 285 286 287 288 288 289 289 290 1975 INDEX~BOOK 105 SUBJECT 16-Resolntion No, 226.75 Authorizing the City of Dubuque to become a member of the Dubuque County Law Enforcement Telecommunications Pian under a 28E Agreement """""""""""""""""',""""""""""""" 16-Resolution No, 227.75 Matching Resolution providing funds for County-Wide Communications """"""""" 16-Resolution No, 228-75 Granting Class "c" Beer Permit applications """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" l~Resolution No, 229.75 Directing issuance Class "c" Beer Permits """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" l~Resolution No, 230.75 Granting Class "c" (Commer. cial) Beer & Liquor License applications """"""""" 16-Resolution No, 231.75 Directing issuance of Class "c" (Commercial) Beer & Liquor License """....""",..", 16-Resolntion No, 232.75 Granting Class "C" (Commer. cial) Beer & Liquor License applications """""""" 16-Resolution No, 233.75 Directing issuance of Class "c" (Commercial) Beer & Liquor Licenses """.."""".."" 16-Resolution No, 234-75 Granting Cigarette Licenses """ 23-Resolution No, 235.75 Awarding Contract for construc- tion of City of Dubuque 1975 Asphalt pavingproj. ect No, 1 to Tri.State "..""""....."...."""", " ""....""""" 23-Resoiution No, 236.75 Approving the Fixed.Price Com. petition Method for offering certain land in the Downtown Urban Renewal Project, Iowa R-15, for redevelopment by Private Developers """.."""",..'" 2:!-'-Resolution No, 237-75 Resolution authorizing the suh. mission of an application for a temporary Solid Waste Disposal Project Permit """"'""""""""..""", 23-Resolution No, 238.75 Granting Cigarette Licenses ",", 23-Resolution No, 239.75 Granting Ciass "B" Beer Permit application """""',..""""",...."""""""""""""""""""",,, 23-Resolution No, 240.75 Directing issuance Class "B" Beer Permit ".."""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 23-Resolution No, 241.75 Granting Class "c" (Commer. cial) Beer & Liquor License application ,,",,""","'" 23-Resolution No, 242.75 Directing issuance Class "c" (Commercial) Beer & Liquor License """""""""""" 23-Resolution No, 243.75 Granting Class "c" (Commer. cial) Beer & Liquor License application """""',""" 23-Resolution No, 244.75 Directing issuance Class "c" (Commercial) Beer & Liquor License .."....""""""" 30~Resolution No, 245.75 Awarding Contract for the Re. placement of City Hall Electric Service and Asso- ciated Equipment to Paulson Electric Company"" 30-Resolution No, 246-75 Awarding Contract for the con. struction of Grandview Ave, & Highway No, 20 Traffic Signals to Moldt Electric Service, Inc, ...." 30-Resolution No, 247.75 Final Estimate for the Phase II- Contract II Treatment Plant Improvements Con- tract lIB '""".."""""""""""""","'""""";"""..."""""",,, 30-Resolution No, 248.75 Accepting Improvement for the Phase II.Contract II Treatment Plant Improve. ments Contract lIB """"""'...."""""""",..""",..""""", 30-Resolution No, 249.75 Acknowiedglng debt of grati. tude by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, to Robert M, Carr, Richard J, Norpel, Sr" Thomas J, Giiloon, Tom Jochum and Tom Tauke, being State Senators and State Representatives, respectively, for the realization of the State Appro. priation Bill providing for the sum of $1,753,343, as an appropriation to the Sewage Works Construe. tion Fund of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, in its Waste Water Treatment Plant Facility""""""",..", 30-Resolution No, 250.75 Granting Cigarette License """ 30-Resolution No, 251-75 Granting Class "c" Beer Permit application "",..,"""......""""""......""...."""..""""",,...... 30-Resolution No, 252.75 Directing issuance of Class "c" 'Beer Permit ",..",......"..",.."......""..""",..",.."""""""", 30-Resolution No, 253.75 Granting Class "c" (Commer. cial) Beer & Liquor License applications """""""" Page 292 293 293 293 294 294 294 295 295 300 301 303 303 304 305 305 305 306 306 314 315 316 316 317 318 319 319 321 1975 INDEX-BOOK 105 SUBJECT Page 9-Resolution No, 203.75 Resolution Accepting Improve- ment for City of Dubuque 1974 Asphait Paving Project No, 2 Riverfront Subdivision No, 5 ............ 9-Resolution No, 204.75 Resolution approving a tenta- tive three year Street Construction Program and submitting same to Iowa State Highway Commis. sion ,......,....,..........,....,..,...."..,......,..,..,....................,........, 9-Resoiution No, 205.75 Endorsing the Dubuque Am. bassadors as Sponsors for the 1975 Iowa Commun. ity Betterment Program ..............,........,..,....,....,........, 9-Resoiution No, 206.75 Authorizing the Execution of a Proclaimer Certificate for Submission to the U,S, Department of Housing & Urban Development 9-Resolution No, 207-75 Final Estimate for the City of Dubuque 1974 Asphalt Paving Project No, 1 ..,..".., 9-Resolution No, 208.75 Accepting Improvement and Directing the Clerk to publish notice for the City of Dubuque 1974 Asphait Paving Project No, 1 ,.., 9.--Resolution No, 209.75 Granting Cigarette Licenses ...... 9-Resolution No, 210.75 Granting Ciass "c" Beer Permit application .......,..........,..,........,............,.......................,.... 9-Resolution No, 211-75 Directing issuance of Class "c" Beer Permit ....,......,....,........,....,......,............,..,........,....,.. 9-Resolution No, 212.75 Granting Class "c" (Commer- cial) Beer & Liquor License application ......,..",...... 9-Resolution No, 213.75 Directing issuance of Class "c" (Commercial) Beer & Liquor License ,..................,.... 9-Resolution No, 214.75 Joint Resolution by, between and among Board of Supervisors and City Council of Dubuque, requesting Iowa Natural Resources Council approve appiication for flood plain infor. mation study under provisions of See, 206, Pubiic LaW 86.645 (Flood Control Act of 1960) ....,........,.. 16-Resoiution No, 215.75 Resolution providing for the sale and award of $125,000 Airport Bonds and ap. proving and authorizing the agreement of such sale and award, (Carleton D, Beh Co, of Des Moines, Iowa) ....,....,........,..............,....,....,..........,..,......,..,....,..,...... 16-Resolution No, 216.75 A Resoiution providing for the issuance of $125,000 Airport Bonds and providing for the ievy of taxes to pay the same ....,..........,........ 16-Resolution No, 217.75 Awarding Contract for construc- tion of Washington SI. Traffic Diverters to Flynn Company, Inc, ,..............,..,..,......,..,........,..,..........,........,.. 16-Resolution No, 218.75 Decision of Council upon objec- tions to plans, specs" form of contract and cost of improvements for the Replacement of City Hall Electric Service and Associated Equipment ......,.., 16-Resolution No, 219.75 Ordering Coustruction for Re- placement of the City Hall Eiectric Service aud Associated Equipment ......,..................................,........ 16-Resolution No, 220,75 Decision of Council upon objec- tions to' pians, specs" form of contract and cost of improvements for the construction of Grandview Ave, and Highway #20 Traffic Signais ....,....",........" 16-Resolution No, 221-75 Ordering Construction for the Grandview Ave, and Highway #20 Traffic Signals 16-Resoiution No, 222.75 Preliminary approval of plans, specs" form of contract and all other documents for the construction of University Avenue Pedes. trian Crosswalk ,..,....,....,......,....,..........,......,..,....,....,...., 16-Resolution No, 223.75 Necessity for Improvement for construction of University Ave, Pedestrian Cross- walk ,......,....,....,....,................,..........,......,..............,..,..,...., 289, 327 16-Resolution No, 224.75 Fixing Date of Hearing for constructiou of University Avenue Pedestrian Crosswalk ..,..,......,..........,......,........................,..,........,..,.., 16-Resolution No, 225.75 CORRECTION RESOLUTION to correct Resolution No, 363.74 approving the plat of Lots 1-13 inclusive all in West Ridge Addition in the City of Dubuque (Clarence Arlen's Piace).... 264 265 265 265 266 267 268 268 269 269 269 270 273 273 285 286 287 288 288 289 289 290 1975 INDEX-BOOK 105 SUBJECT 16-Resolution No, 226.75 Authorizing the City of Dubuque to become a member of the Dubuque County Law Enforcement Telecommunications Plan under a 28E Agreement ....,..,......,..........'..'...........'...................., " /6-Resf~~~~~0~Oco~;7iJ.~~~tc~~m~;;f~~ti~~~ ,~~~~i~~~~ 16-Resolution No, 228.75 Granting Class "c" Beer Permit 16-Res~YEN~~tiWò'. 229~75"ï)ir~~¡¡iïg"ï;~iï~~~ë"'ëiäš;";'à; Beer Permits ........,........,..'..'..............,....................,..,....' 16-Resolution No, 230.75 Granting Class "c" (Commer. cial) Beer & Liquor License applications """"""""" 16-Resolution NO, 231-75 Directing Issuance of Class "C" (Commercial) Beer & Liquor LicenSe ..,................,.. 16-Resolution No, 232-75 Granting Class "C" (Commer- cial) Beer & Liquor License applications """""""" 16-Resolutlon No, 233-75 Directing issuance of Class "c" (Commercial) Beer & Liquor Licenses ......,....,..,......' 16-Resolution No, 234.75 Granting Cigarette Licenses ...... 23-Resolution No, 235.75 Awarding Contract for construc- tion of City of Dubuque 1975 Asphalt PavingProj. ect No, 1 to Tri.State ....,..,..,........,......"........................ 23-Resolution No, 236.75 Approving the Fixed.Price Com- petition Method for offering certain land in the Downtown Urban Renewal Project, Iowa R.15, for redevelopment by Private Developers ....,......,.......... 23_Resolution No, 237.75 Resolution authorizing the sub- mission of an application for a temporary Solid Waste Disposal Project Permit """"""""""""""""" 23~Resolution No, 238.75 Granting Cigarette Licenses ,...., 23-Resolution No, 239.75 Granting Ciass "B" Beer Permit application ......,........,....,..,.......,..,....,..,..............,......,......, 23-Resolution No, 240.75 Directing issuance Class "B" Beer Permit """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 23-Resolution No, 241-75 Granting Class "c" (Commer. cial) Beer & Liquor License application ......,..'..,..,.. 23-Resolution No, 242.75 Directing issuance Class "c" (Commercial) Beer & Liquor License ,..,..,..,.............. 23-Resolution No, 243.75 Granting Class "C" (Commer- cial) Beer & Liquor License application '.........,......, 23-Resolution No, 244-75 Directing issuance Class "C" (Commercial) Beer & Liquor License ....,......,..,..'.... 30-Resolution No, 245.75 Awarding Contract for the Re. placement of City Hall Electric Service an" Asso. ciated Equipment to Paulson Electric Company,.., 30-Resolution No, 246.75 Awarding Contract for the con. struction of Grandview Ave, & Highway No, 20 Traffic Signals to Moldt Electric Service, Inc, """ 30-Resolution No, 247-75 Final Estimate for the Phase II. Contract II Treatment Piant Improvements Con. tract lIB ....,................,..,..,......,....,......,....;..,......"............, 30-Resolution No, 248.75 Accepting Improvement for the Phase II.Contract II Treatment Plant Improve. ments Contract lIB """""""""""""""""""""""""""" 30-Resolution No, 249.75 Acknowledging debt of grati- tude by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, to Robert M, Carr, Richard J, Norpel, Sr" Thomas J, Gilloon, Tom Jochum and Tom Tauke, being State Senators and State Representatives, respectively, for the realization of the State Appro- priation Biil providing for the sum of $1,753,343, as an appropriation to the Sewage Works Construe. tion Fund of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, in its Waste Water Treatment Plant Facility..,........,........ 30-Resolution No, 250.75 Granting Cigarette License ,..,.. 30-Resolution No, 251.75 Granting Class "C" Beer Permit application """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 30-Resoiution No, 252-75 Directing issuance of Ciass "c" Beer Permit """"""""""""""""""""',.....,......",..,........ 30-Resolution No, 253.75 Granting Ciass "C" (Commer- cial) Beer & Liquor License applications ...."....,...., Page 292 293 293 293 294 294 294 295 295 300 301 303 303 304 305 305 305 306 306 314 315 316 316 317 318 319 319 321 INDEX-BOOK 105 SUBJECT 1975 30-Resolution No, 254.75 Directing issuance of Class "c" (Commercial) Beer & Liquor License ,..""......'"........ Juiy 7-Resolution No, 255.75 Decision of Council upon ob. jections to plans, specs" form of contract and cost of improvements for construction of University Avenue Pedestrian Crosswalk """" ".......'"..............., 7-Resolution No, 256.75 Ordering Construction for the improvement of University Avenue Pedestrian Crosswalk ,..",....",......"...."".."..,..,.."..",....""....,.."",...." 7-Resolution No, 257.75 City of Dubuque 197~ Asphait Paving Project No, 1, Schedule of Assessments .... 7-Resolution No, 258.75 Providing for the issuance of Street Improvement Bonds for the purpose of pro. viding for the payment of the assessed cost of City of Dubuque 1974 Asphalt Paving Project No, 1 7-Resolution No, 259.75 Approving plat of subdivision of Lot 1A in Town of Eagle Point in the City of Du. buque, Iowa ,....""..", ""..... ,......",.."..""""".."", ",..,..",.., 7-Resolution No, 260.75 Disposing of interest of Lot 1 of Lot 1A in Town of Eagle Point in the City of Du. buque, Iowa, to Dubuque Lumber Company.........." 7-Resolution No, 261-75 Matching Resolution to provide City Funds for Police Training Program .."""....,.., 7-Resolution No, 262.75 Authorizing Mayor to sign appli- cation for grant with the Iowa Department of Pub. lie Safety to participate in Mini.ASAP Program """ 7-Resolution No, 263-75 Authorizing the City to execute a Capital Grant Contract with the US, DOT for a grant under the Urban Mass Transportation Act of 1964, as amended, for purchasing new buses and equipment """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 7-Resolution No, 264.75 Granting Cigarette Licenses .... 7-Resolution No, 265.75 Granting Class "c" (Commer. cial) Beer & Liquor License application ,....".........., 7-Resolution No, 266.75 Directing the issuance of Class 'c" (Commercial) Beer & Liquor Lieense .............." 14-Resolution No, 267-75 City of Dubuque going on rec- ord supporting the concept of separate City Heaith Department from the Dubuque County Health De. partment, and that it retain its present structure 340,341 14-Resolution No, 268.75 Awarding Contract for the con. struction, of University Ave, Pedestrian Crosswalk to Moldt Electric Service, Inc, ....,...."""",..",..""....,.. 14-Resolution No, 269.75 Disposing of interest of the North 'h and South % of the East 33 feet of Lot 1 of tbe Subdivision of Lot 809 in A, McDaniels' Sub. division to Leo J, Kringle .........."""...."......"",.."".., 14-Resolution No, 270.75 Granting Cigarette Licenses ...... 14-Resolution No, 271.75 Granting Sunday Sales Permits applications """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 14--Resolution No, 272.75 Directing the issuance of Sun. day Sales Permits ",....,......"........",.."..' """,.... "..'......., 14-Resoiution No, 273-75 Accepting with regret the resig. nation of Counciiman Thoms and expressing grati- tude and thanks for services rendered whiie Coun. ciiman .."....'..'...."""..",......"..""".."",..""......."...."..",.." 21-Resolution No, 274.75 Approving the Plat of Lots 1.29 inclusive and Lot A, all in Hawkeye Estates in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, being correction of Resoiution No, 128-73 (HEFEL) .."",......,...."..........".. 21-Resolution No, 275.75 Granting Cigarette Licenses ".... 21-Resolution No, 276.75 Granting Class "c" Beer Permit application .."""..",.."",.."..........""..",........,.."",..""""", 21-Resolution No, 277.75 Directing the issuance of Class "c" Beer Permit ,.."....""""..".."......""""..........".."..... 28-Resoiution No, 278.75 Disposing of interest of Lot 1 of Lot 1A in Town Of Eagle Point in the City òf Dubuque, Iowa, to Dubuque Lumber Company...... 28-Resoiution No, 279-75 Declaring Intent to establish A Community Deveiopment Commission Page INDEX-BOOK 105 SUBJECT 1975 320 28-Resoiution No, 280.75 Establishment of a Rehabilita. tion Commission for the City of Dubuque, Iowa "" 28-Resolution No, 281.75 Declaring iutent to sell a portion of the Downtown Urban Renewal Project, Iowa R-15, to Dubuque Five Flags Center Fuud '..,........ 28-Resolution No, 282-75 Authorizing the Mayor of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, to sign a ietter stating that the City of Dubuque will be Program Agent for the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act, Title II Funds for the City of Dubuque, Fiscai Year 1976 "',.."""',.."""".."..".."..""..,...."..,....""",........",....,,,, 28-Resolution No, 283.75 Authorizing the fiiing of an Ap. plication with the Department of Transportation, State of Iowa, for a Grant under the Urban Mass Transportation Act of 1964, as amended """""""" 28-Resolution No, 284,75 Granting Class 'c" (Commerciai) Beer & Liquor License application ...."",..,.."",....",.. 26-Resolution No, 285.75 Directing issuance of Class "c" (Commercial) Beer & Liquor License ......,....,..""..,.., 28-Resolution No, 286-75 Granting Class "B" Beer Permit application "..""'"..",..,"""",..,.."""..,..",.."..........",,,..,.., 28-Resoiution No, 287.75 Directing issuance of Class "B" Beer Permit ',..,"""'"....,....",.......""..",...."..,.."..""..",.. 28-Resolution No, 288.75 Granting Cigarette Licenses ...." Aug, 4-Resolution No, 239.75 Final Estimate for CITY OF DUBUQUE 1974 Concrete Paving w/lntegral Curb Project No, 1, 10th SI. from Locust SI. to Bluff SI. and intersection of 9th & Bluff Sts, Contract No, 1 Traffic Signals & Signing """......,..",........"..........".... 4-Resolution No, 290.75 Accepting Improvement for CITY OF DUBUQUE 1974 Concrete Paving w/lnte. gral Curb Project No, 1 10th SI. from Locust SI. to Bluff St, and intersection of 9th & Biuff Sts, Con. tract No, 1 Traffic Signals and Signing """""""""" 4-Resolution No, 291.75 Transferring appropriated un. expended items from the budget period of January 1, 1974.June 30, 1975 to the FY '76 BUDGET ,,'....'.. 4-Resolution No, 292.75 Authorizing the City Clerk to publish proposed amendments to the Fiscal Year 1976 Budget and Date of Public Hearing """"""'", 4-Resolution No, 293.75 Disposing of interest of portion of Lot 1 of the Subdivision of Lot 809 in A. Me. Daniei's Subdivision to Leo J, Kringle '.."""",,'...... 4-Resolution No, 294.75 Annexing certain property to the City of Dubuque, Iowa (Mary R. Zimmerman's request) ",....""""',......"..,.."..",.."",..,..,...."",.."..,..,..",,, 4-Resolution No, 295.75 Granting Cigarette Licenses .... 4-Resolution No, 296.75 Granting Class "B" Beer Pcr. mit application ......"...."..""..,.."..,......"...."""",...."....", 4-Resolution No, 297.75 Directing the issuance of Class "B" Beer Permit ...."......"'"..",..,..,........,....,....""",,,..,.. 4-Resolution No, 298.75 Granting Ciass "B" Beer Permit application ,......"..",..,..""",...."'"..""..",..",...."""",,,,...., 4-Resolution No, 299.75 Directing the issuance of Class "B" Beer Permit "'"......""..""',..""",....",......"",....",,,, 4-Resolution No, 300.75 Granting Class "c" (Commer. cial) Beer & Liquor License applications """"""""" 4-Resolution No, 301.75 Directing the issuance of Class "c" (Commercial) Beer & Liquor Licenses """"""" 4-Rsolution No, 302.75 Confirming the appointment of members of the Low.Rent Housing Commission of the City of Dubuque, Iowa "..,",........"",..,..,......"....", ll-Resolution No, 303.75 Approving Officiai Report of Municipality for Municipal Streets and Parking for 1974 and the first six months of 1975 """""""" ll-Resolution No, 304.75 Granting Cigarette Licenses ...... 11-Resolution No, 305.75 Granting Class "B" Beer Per. mit application ".."",......""'".."...."""""""""..""",,....,, ll-Resolution No, 306.75 Directing the issuance of Ciass "B" Beer Permit 327 328 329 332 333 334 335 336 336 337 337 338 344 345 345 346 346 348 353 354 355 355 362 363 425 425 426 426 426 427 435 436 436 436 Page 363 367 369 370 371 371 371 372 372 421 421 422 423 423 424 424 425 8-Resolution No, 330.75 Preliminary approval of plans, specs" form of contract, etc" for improvement of 5th Street Parking Lot ""'" ".., """""""'" """".."....".., 8-Resolution No, 331.75 Necessity for Improvement for improvement of 5th SI. Parking Lot """"""""""""" 472, 498 8-Resolution No, 332.75 Fixing Date of Hearing for improvement of 5th St, Parking Lot """"""""""""" 472 8-Resolution No, 333.75 Expressing condolence to family and friend of Dr, Gaylord M, Couchman ...."......"" 8_Resolution No, 334.75 Authorizing the use of Urban Renewal Project Land for temporary off.street parking purposes "..""""""""",..""......""""".."".."",,, 15-Resolution No, 335.75 (See Page #470-Meeting of Sept. 8) "....."",.."""',..""'""'"..,..""..""....".."",,..',,,,,..,,, 15-Resolution No, 336-75 Preliminary Estimate, proposed plans, specs" form of contract, plat and etc, for construction of San Jose Swimming Pool Parking Lot and Access Sidewaik """"""""""""""""""""""" 15-Resolution No, 337.75 Necessity for Improvement for the San Jose Swimming Pooi Parking Lot and Ac. cess Sidewalk """"""",...."..""",.."""""".."""..",...."",480, 500 15-Resoiution No, 338-75 Fixing Date of Hearing and di- recting Clerk to publish notice for construction of San Jose Swimming Pooi parking lot and access sidewalk ..""..""""....,....""""".."..,..",....""".."""",....",, 15-Resolution No, 339.75 Ordering Construction for San Jose swimming pool parking lot and access side. walk "..,""""".."....""""""...,.."""",......"",..""......""",,,.. 15-Resolution No, 340.75 Authorizing publication of No. tice of an environmental review finding for the San Jose swimming pooi and access waik """"""" 15-Resolution No, 341-75 Appproving application of Ber- wanger Boiler Shop, Inc" to purchase land in Block 6, River Front Subd, No, 3, due to name error made in 1968 .."""..""""'""",.."""",.."""""..",,, 15-Resoiution No, 342.75 Authorizing the issuance of $1,750,000,in aggregate principal amount of the City of Dubuque, Iowa Health Care Facilities First Mortgage Revenue Bonds (Bethany Home Project) Series 1975 """"""'"..""",...."..""......"""",... 15-Resolution No, 343,75 Appointing a Zoning Board of Adjustment Pursuant to Ordinance No, 32-75 "..".. 15-Resolution No, 344.75 Granting Class "C" and Class "B" Beer Permit applications ".."",.." "" "'" "... " ,.. """ 15-Resolution No, 345.75 Directing the issuance of Ciass "B" & Class "c" Beer Permits ..,""..""'""".."",.."",,, 15-Resoiution No, 346,75 Granting Class "c" (Commer. cial) Beer & Liquor License applications """""""" 15-Resolution No, 347.75 Directing the issuance of Class "c" (Commercial) Beer & Liquor Licenses """"""" 29-Resolution No, 348.75 Disposing of interest of Lot 2 of 1 of 1 in Block 6, River Front Subdivision No, 3 in the City to Berwanger Boiler Shop, Inc, "",..." 29-Resolution No, 349.75 Decision of Council upon ob- jections to plans, specs" form of contract and cost of improvements for improvement for 5th Street Parking Lot ...."""""..."".."",......'""""..,...."""""..",.... 29-Resolution No, 350.75 Ordering Construction for the 5th Street Parking Lot """"".."""".."""..".."..""".." 29-Resolution No, 351-75 Awarding Contract for construe. tion of San Jose Parking Lot and Access Sidewaik to Tri.State Paving Company.."""........"",....",......" 29-Resolution No, 352-75 Disposing of interest of Wind. sor Avenue, as extended, from the northerlymost boundary of Davis Avenue, as widened, in the City of Dubuque, Iowa to the Sisters of SI. Francis ".." 29-Resolution No, 353.75 Approving the Piat of "Stone Hill Community Subdivision No, 1" (James H. Rich. ard) """""".."""'"....""..,""".."....""""""..".."..""..,.....,, 29-'Resolution No, 354.75 Approving plat of "Twin Ridge Subd, No, 2," (Raymond M, Mueller) 1975 Page 1975 INDEX~BOOK 105 SUBJECT INDEX-BOOK 105 -- SUBJECT 11-Resoiution No, 307.75 Granting Class "c" Beer Permit application """",.."""..""'"""..""..,..""".."..""..,"',,..,,'" ll-Resoiution No, 308-75 Directing the issuance of Class "c" Beer Permit .."""..""""""",.."",........"......""..".... 11-Resolution No, 309.75 Granting Class "c" (Commer- cial) Beer & Liquor License application .."""",.."...., 11-Resolution No, 310.75 Directing the issuance of Class "c" (Commercial) Beer & Liquor Licenses ...."..""" 18-Resolution No, 311.75 Petitioning Depl. of Transpor. tion of State of Iowa to repaint the Dubuque.East Dubuque Bridge red, white and biue .."",.. ,"" ".."", , 18-Resolution No, 312.75 Approving the delivery of Quit Claim Deed from Jackson M, Marshall for real es. tate given to the City (Marshall Park) .."",....""..", 18-Resolution No, 313,75 Correction of Resolution No, 386.74 and Resotution No, 100.75 approving Plat of Block 1, Block 2 and Biock 3, each in Timber Ridge Addition in City of Dubuque, Iowa (Rich- ard Henschel) """""""""""""....""""'""""....",,..,,""'" 18-Resolution No, 314.75 Granting Class "c" Beer Per. mit application "..",.."""""..""..",..""...."",....",..""..,," 18-Resolution No, 315.75 Directiug the issuance of Class "c" Beer Permit ",.."",...."",.."""""",.."..""""..",....,,' 18-Resolution No, 3~6.75 Granting Ciass "c" (Commer. cial) Beer & Liquor License applications """",....", 18-Resolution No, 317.75 Directing the issuance of Class "c" (Commercial) Beer & Liquor Licenses """,......, Sept. 2-Resolution No, 318-75 Approving a piat of a vacsted ailey in the downtown Urban Renewal Project area 2-Resolution No, 319-'/5 Approving a piat in Dubuque Downtown Plaza in the City of Dubuque, Iowa (Lot 1 and Lot 2 each in Block 15) """,....""",.."""""..""" 8-Resolution No, 320.75 Authorizing the execution of a contract for sale of land for private redevelopment with Dubuque Five Flags Center, Fund ",.."......""", 2-Resolution No, 321.75 Amending the Current Budget for the Fiscal Year ending June 30, 1976 as amend. ed last on (1st Amendment """"""""""""""""""""" 2-Resolution No, 322-75 Accepting delivery of Grant of Easement from Gus Papke for a perpetual 20 foot wide easement ".."""""""""""""","'"",',,"""""""""" 2-Resolution No, 323.75 Approving the Plat of Lots 1.12, inclusive, Block No, 6; ail in Sunse!Park Subdivi- sion No, 3, in the. City of Dubuque, Iowa (Schiltz Development Corp, """"..",......""""""""""..".."...,""'" 2-Resolution No, 324.75 Granting Class "B" and Class "c" Beer Permit applications "..""""..",....""",.."""" 2-'Resolution No, 325.75 Directing the issuance of Class "B" & "c" Beer Permits """...."".."""",.."..""..""""", 8-Resolution No, 326.75 Granting Class "B" (Hotei Mo. tei) and Ciass "c" (Commercial) Beer & Liquor License applications """,..",..""".."",.."",..,....""....,"" 2-Resolution No, 327-75 Directing the issuance of Class "B" (Hotel Motei) and Class "C" (Commercial) Beer & Liquor Licenses .."..""...."""""""""".."""".." 6-Resolution No, 9.3-75 (DOCK COMMISSION) Recom. mending certain improvements as PHASE I of a comprehensive development Program for the East Fourth Street Peninsula Area """""",""""""""""'" 8-Resolution No, 328.75 Disposing of interest of portion of Windsor Extension to Sisters of SI. Francis ","" , 8-Resolution No, 335.75 Supporting renovation of Locks and Dam #26 on the Mississippi River at Aiton, Illinois ...."......"" "..,.." "........"..'".. ""......",...... "",..'", "" 8-Resoiution No, 329.75 Authorizing the Mayor to sign a contract for Public Employment with the Iowa State office for Pianning & Programming, (CETA Title II) 437 437 437 437 443 444 444 446 446 446 447 456 457 458 459 459 460 461 462 462 462 465 469 470 471 Page 472 473 473 470 480 481 481 482 483 485 488 489 489 489 490 497 499 499 501 502 503 505 - 1975 INDEX-BOOK 105 --- SUBJECT Page Oct. 29-Resolution No, 355.75 Authorizing the execution and delivery of deed to Dubuque Five Fiags Center Fund for sale of land in the Downtown Urban Re. newai Project, Iowa R.15 """""""""""""""""'""""", 29-Resoiution No, 356.75 Approving the Plat of "Asbury Springs Subd, No, 1" (Powers and Kaiser) .........." 29-Resolution No, 357.75 Approving the Plat of Block 15 in "Sunrise Heights" in the City of Dubuque, Iowa (James H, Richard) ......"'...."....",..""",'....""....,, 29-Resolution No, 358.75 Granting Class "c" Beer Permit appplication """"""""""""""""""""",.."..""....,..",..", 29-Resolution No, 359.75 Directing tbe issuance of Class "c" Beer Permit """""""""""""""""""""""""""""', 29-Resolution No, 360.75 Granting Class "B" Beer Per. mit application """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 29-Resolution No, 361-75 Directing the issuance of Class "B" Beer Permit ..""",..""""......""""""....""""...."",.... 29-Resoiution No, 362.75 Granting Class "B" (Hotel or Motel) and Class "c" (Commercial) Beer & Liquor License applications ,.. """,....".."" """"""""'" ,.."",..", 29-Resolution No, 363.75 Directing the issuance of Class "B" (Hotel or Motel) and Ciass "c" (Commercial) Beer & Liquor Licenses """"""""",...."....""""'......",, 7-Resolution No, 364-75 Awarding Contract for construe. tion of 5th Street Parking Lot to Tschiggfrie Ex- cavating Company........"...."....".."..,.."""....",......,......, 7-Resolution No, 365.75 Authorizing the Execution of An Annual Contributions Contract with the United States of America for the conversion of a Section 23 Housing Assistance Payments Program to a Sec- tion 8 Housing Assistance Payments Program for 74 units .."..""""",..""",..,..",..",.."..,.."""......,..",..""",, 7-Resolution No, 366.75 Awarding Contract for purchase of Moduiar Unit Ambulance to Environmental Safe. ty Products, Incorporated """"""""""""""""""""'", 7~Resoiution No, 367.75 Granting Class "c" Beer Permit applications """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 7-Resolution No, 368-75 Directing the issuance of Class "c" Beer Permit ..""""""""""",'......""......",..'"....""" 7-Resolution No, 369.75 Granting Class "c" (Commercial) Beer & Liquor License application """"" """'" ,," "'" 7-Resolution No, 370.75 Directing the issuance of Class "c" (Commercial) Beer & Liquor License ......""...." 7-Resolution No, 371-75 Vacating portion of High Biuff Street for Bethany Home "",..""""",.."..""""....""""" 7-Resolution No, 372.75 Disposing of interest of that portion of High Bluff Street vacated to Bethany Home """'" ,"" "..""""",...."" "" ,....", " "".., '.. "",.., "" "",.., , 13-Resolution No, 373.75 Directing City Clerk to publish notice of public hearing on proposed form of lease between the City of Dubuque, Iowa, by and through its Board of Dock Commissioners and Dubuque Barge and Fieeting Service Corporation ....""".......... 13-Resolution No, 374-75 Decision of Council upon ob- jections to plans, specifications, form of contract and cost of improvements for construction of San Jose swimming pool parking lot and access side. walk ".. """""",.... "" """"..""..,..",..""".., """"'" " ",....,.. , -13-Resolution No, 375.75 Authorizing Submission of a Request for Release of Certain HUD Funds for the San Jose Swimming Pool Parking Lot and 'Access Waik ..,"""'"..,..",..........",..,......"""""".."",.."",..""""".. 13-Resolution No, 376.75 Preliminary Estimate, and ap. provai of plans, specifications form of contract and etc" for the construction of East 16th Street Water Main Extension across the East 16th Street bridge to Area "c" of Industriai Park "..""....".."..........'"... 13-Resolution No, 377.75 Necessity for Improvement for construction of East 16th SI. Water Main Extension across the E, 16th Street bridge to Area "c" "......" 531, 569 507 507 509 511 511 511 512 512 512 518 518 519 519 520 520 520 521 522 524 528 529 531 1975 INDEX-1JOOK 105 SUBJECT 13-Resolution No, 378.75 Fixing date of hearing for con. struction of East 16th SI. Water Main Extension across the E, 16th Street bridge to Area "c" """"" 13-Resolution No, 379.75 Granting Ciass "c" Beer Permit application ...."""..,""".."""".."""""..""",....""..".."..,,,, 13-Resolution No, 380.75 Directing the issuance of Class "c" Beer Permit ..""""""'"..".."".."""""..""""..",,,.... 13-Resolution No, 381.75 Disposing of interest of property in T, McCraney's Second Addition to Dubuque to Bethany Home """,..""""""""""""""".."..""",..",....,,, 20-Resolution No, 382-75 Final Estimate for construction of Washington Street Traffic Diverters Project "" 20-Resolution No, 383.75 Accepting Improvement for the construction of Washington Street Traffic Diverters Project """'"....""""""",..."'"",..""""""",.."",....""",,,,, 20-Resolutioin No, 384.75 Authorizing the Mayor to sign a Contract for the administration and operation of a Public Service Employment Program under Title VI of PL 93-303 """""""""""""""""'"""""""", 20-Resolution No, 385.75 Approving the appiication of the owners in Hawkeye Estates to vacate all plats here- tofore filed or approved, and the dedication and acceptance of any streets as located within said Hawkeye Estate (HEFEL) """""""""""""""""""""" 20~Resolution No, 386.75 Approving the plat and certifi- cates dedicating Lot 2 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lot I of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of "Powers Place" (To be known as HILLCREST ROAD) """"""""'""""""..,..."""..""""", 20-Resolution No, 387.75 Approving the dedication of an area known as "Hillcrest Road" in the plat of "Asbury Springs Subdivision No, 1" (Powers & Kaiser) """.."" """ ""'..".." """""""""'" """"'" "'" "",.." , 20-Resolution No, 388,75 Granting Class "B" (Hotel-Mo. tel) and Class "Coo (Commercial) Beer & Liquor Li. cense applications """""""""'".."'""",.."",..,.."""",,,.. 20-Resolution No, 389.75 Directing the issuance of Class "B" (Hotel.Motel) and Class "C" (Commerciai) Beer & Liquor Licenses ""....,"""'"..""..."..""""..",.."..""" 20-Resolution No, 390.75 Matching Resolution providing funds for Police Training, an Iowa Crime Commis. sion Project """"""""'"..",..,""""""",.."""""""""..""" 20-Resolution No, 391-75 Estabiishment of a Community Development Commission for the City of Dubuque, Iowa "',...""",..."""""""'"..,..""""..".."..".."......"""",,,,.., 27-Resolution No, 392.75 Urging serious consideration of an affirmative vote on the Dubuque Community School District Bond Referendum ""'".."""""""""", 27-Resolution No, 393.75 Approving lease between the City of Dubuque, Iowa by and through its Board of Dock Commissioners and the Dubuque Barge & Fleeting Service Company""""",.."",...."""........"""" 27-Resolution No, 394.75 Recognition of Neighborhood Organizations for Membership on the Community Development Commission (North Dubuque I!m. provement Assn" Washington Neighborhood Coun. cil, 4th SI. NeighborhoOd Assn" 11th SI. Assn" Point Neighborhood Assn" and West End Home. owners Assn,) ..,""""""",..".."..",.."......"""""""".."",.. 27-Resoiution No, 395-75 Annexing that parcel of reai estate described as Iowa Department of Transpor. tation Property and the Kopper'Powers Ford, Inc" to the City of Dubuque, Iowa (See Resolution No, 453.75) ......"........",....,......,....",....",..,..,..,..,..,....,........"", 27-Resolution No, 396-75 Designating the City Manager as authorized BargaIning Representative for the City of Dubuque, Iowa .."......,....",..,..,..............,......,.... 27-Resolution No, 397.75 Granting Cigarette License .....,.. 27-Resolution No, 398.75 Granting Class "B" and Class "c" Beer Permit applications ....".., "....."..........,......", 27-Resolution No, 399.75 Directing the issuance of Class "B" and Class "c" Beer Permits ,-:-=-.. ~._._-- Pa,ge 531 532 532 534 544 544 545 546 547 548 550 550 540 540 554 558 559 559 560 561 561 561 ---- - -- INDE4(-BOOK 105 SUBJECT 27-"-'Resolution No, 400.75 Granting Class "c" (Commer. cial) Beer and Liquor License application ..,....,...... 27-Resolution No, 401-75 Directing the issuance of Class "c" (Commercial) Beer and Liquor Lieenses,....,.... 3-Resolutlon No, 402.75 Decision of Council upon objec. tions to plans, specs" form of contract and cost of improvements, for eonstructión of East 16tb SI. Water Main Extension across the E, 16th SI. Bridge to Area "c" of Industriai Park ,................""....,........ 3-Resolution No, 403.75 Ordering Construction for East 16th SI. Water Main Extension across the E, 16th SI. Bridge to Area "c" of Industriai Park ..,.........., 3~Resolution No, 404.75 Approving the Article of Agree- ment establishing the Duhuque Metropolitan Area Transportation Study and authorizing the Mayor & Clerk to sign ............,............................,..,......,....,......,.... 3-Resolution No, 405-75 Authorizing the Execution of a Certificate of Completion for Eeumenical Housing, Inc, ........,............,..............,....,....,......,....,....,............,....,.. 3~Resolution No, 406.75 Approving the Proposed Corri. dor Location and Design Concept for a Mississippi River to Dickeyville Road in Graut County, Wiscon. sin ....,..,..........,.............,..............,..........................,....,...... 3-Resolution No, 407.75 Granting Ciass "B" & Ciass "c" Beer Permit applications ................"....,......,........"""" 8-Resolution No, 408.75 Directing the issuance of Class "B" & Class "c" Beer Permits ......,............,......"...... 3-Resolution No, 409.75 Granting Ciass "c" (Commer. eial) Beer & Liquor License applications ......,......'.. 3-Resolution No, 410.75 Directing the issuance of Ciass "c" (Commerciai) Beer & Liquor License ................ 10-Resolution No, 411.75 Accepting resignation of Donald R. Meyers as Councilman and appointing Thomas A, Tully Jr, as Councilman for the unexpired term of Allan T, Thoms, expiring December 31, 1975 .... 10-Resolution No, 412-75 Preliminary Estimates, and approval of pians, specs" etc, for Contract No, 8 South Dubuque Sanitary Interceptor Sewer.HUD. WS"Iowa.99 ..,....,..,..................,............,....,..,.................., 10-Resolution No, 413.75 Necessity for Improvement for Contract No, 3 South Dubuque Sanitary Interceptor Sewer HUD.WS.lowa.99 ,..........,..,..,........................,....,580, 598 10-Resolution No, 414-75 Fixing Date of Hearing for Con. tract No, 3 South Dubuque Sanitary Interceptor Scwer HUD.WS.IOWA-99 ,........,..........",.."",........,..,.... 10-Resolution No, 415.75 Granting Cigarette Licenses ,..,.. 17-Resoiution No, 416.75 Final Estimate for construction of the City of Duhuque 1975 Asphalt Paving Proj- ect No, 1 ,..,................,........................,..,......,...............,.... 17-Resolution No, 417-75 Accepting Improvement and Di- recting the Cierk to Publish Notice for construc- tion of 1975 Asphalt Paving Project No, 1 .............. 17-Resolution No, 418"75 Granting Class "c" Beer Permit application ..,..,.............,..,..,..,......,....',..........,................... 17-Resoiution No, 419.75 Directing the issuance of Ciass "c" Beer Permit ......,.............,..............,....,..,................ 17-"-'Resolution No, 420-75 Granting Class "c" (Commer. cial) Beer & Liquor License applications ..,.............., 17-Resolution No, 421.75 Directing the issuance of Class 'c" (Commercial) Beer & Liquor Licenses ..,............' 24-Resoiution No, 422-75 Relating Council Concern to Consultant on North.West By.Pass Route Study.... 24-Resolution No, 423-75 Authorizing the Mayor & City Clerk to execute a Contract for Engineering Ser- vices for a Corridor Location Study of a proposed North.West Arterial Roadway........,.........................., 24-Resolution No, 424-75 Awarding Contract for construc- tion of 12" Water Main Project over the 16th SI. Bridge between Area "'C" & Kerper Bivd, (Bra. conier) ,..,.....................,....,......,......,....,............,....,......,...., 1975 Nov, Page 562 562 570 570 571 572 573 573 574 574 574 577 580 581 581 585 586 587 588 588 588 595 595 597 24-Resolution No, 425-75 Decision of Council upon objec- tions to plans, specs" form of contract and cost of improvement for construction of Contract No, 3 South Dubuque Interceptor Sanitary Sewer HUD- WS.IOWA.99 ',....,......,......,................................,..........,.., 24-Resolutiön No, 426.75 Ordering Construction for Con. tract No, 3 South Dubuque Sanitary Interceptor Sanitary Sewer HUD.WS.IOWA.99 """"""""""""""" 24-Resolution No, 427.75 Approving the conveyance of contingent interest of the City for property in Wick's Addition to Roger A, Voss and Joyce Ann Voss ......,........,..................,........,............,....,..,......,........".. 599, 600 24-Resolution No, 428.75 Granting Ciass "C" Beer Permit appiication ....,........,........,....,..,........,.."..............,.."......... 24-Resolution No, 429.75 Directing the issuance of Class "C" Beer Permit ..........,....,......,............,....,.................., 24-Resolution No, ......-75 Estabiishing a moratorium on all rezoning requests, and instructing Planning & Zoning Staff and Commission to schedule no reo zoning request hearings on work sesslons during the next 120 days (except for those already set for public hearing and Council declared emergencies) (NOT ADOPTED) ,............................,..,.........,....,..,......, Dee, I-Resolution No, 430.75 Schedule of Assessments for City of Dubuque 1975 Asphalt Paving Project No, 1 I-Resolution No, 431.75 Providing for the issuance of Street Improvement Bonds for the purpose of pro. viding for the payment of the Assessed cost of City of Dubuque 1975 Asphalt Paving Project No, 1 ...... Resolution No, 432.75 Awarding Contract for Contract 3 South Dubuque Interceptor Sanitary Sewer HUD Project Number WS-IOWA.99 to Tschiggfrie Exca. vating ,......,..,......,..,....,...........,....,............"....,......,.........., I-Resolution No, 433-75 Granting Class "C" (Commer- cial) Beer & liquor license applications """""""""" I-Resolution No, 434.75 Directing the issuance of Class "C" (Commercial) Beer & Liquor License..,.............., 8-Resolution No, 435.75 Disposing of interest in Lot 1, except the southeasterly 48 feet thereof, of the Sub. division of "E, 7 fl. 10 in" of Lot 9, and Lot 11 and of N, 46 fl. 9 in, of Lot 13, Wick's Addn" to Roger A, and Joyce Ann Voss ,..,....................,........... B-Resolution No, 436,75 Granting Class "C" & Class "B" Beer Permit appiication ,..........,..........,................,...... 8-Resolution No, 437.75 Directing issuance of Ciass "C" & Class "B" Beer Permit ,..,.......................................... B-Resolution No, 438.75 Granting Class "C" (Commer. cial) Beer & Liquor License appiications """""""" -Resolution No, 439.75 Directing issuance of Class "C" (Commercial) Beer & liquor licenses """""""""""" 15-Resolution No, 440.75 Approving dedication of drain. age and Green Area in Lot 1 of 2 of 1 of 1 of 1 of the East one half of the Southwest One Quarter of Section 21, Township 89 North, Range 2 East of the 5th P,M, in the City of Dubuque, (Dubuque Community School District) """""""""""""""""""" 15-Resoiution No, 441.75 Matching Resol4tion to provide funds for Juvenile Justice Conference Training Project ........,................................."......,......"..........,........ 15-Resoiution No, 442-75 Approving the Intergovernmen. tal Agreement creating the Dubuque Metropoiitan Area Soiid Waste Agency as amended ...............,.... 15-Resoiution No, 443.75 Pubiicly thanking and commend- ing "The Teiegraph Herald" for its action in pub. iishing the City Council agenda """"""""""""""" 15-Resoiution No, 444.75 Granting Cigarette Liccnses .... 15-Resolution No, 445-75 Granting Class 'B" Beer Permit appiication ....;;............,....,......,..,..............................,....,.. 15-Resolution No, 446.75 Directing the issuance of Class "B" Beer Permit 1975 INDEX-BOOK 105 SUBJECT Page 598 599 600 600 594 604 608 610 611 611 617 618 618 618 619 624 625 625 626 626 626 627 - INDEX-BOOK 105 -- 1975 SUBJECT 15-Resolution No, 447.75 Granting Class "B" (Hotel.Mo. tel) and Class 'c" (Commercial) Beer & Liquor Li- cense applicatious ..,....,..,..,..,......,..,..,.."....,....,....,..,....,' 15-Resolution No, 448.75 Directing the issuance of Ciass "B" (Hotel.Motel) and Class "C" (Commerciai) Beer & Liquor Licenses ....,........,..................,......,..,..........,.... 15-Resolution No, 449-75 Granting Class "c" (Commer. ciai) Beer & Liquor License application ......"..,......, 15-Resolution No, 450.75 Directing the issuance of Class "c" (Commercial) Beer & Liquor License ,......"....,.. 15-Resolution No, 451-75 Granting Class "c" (Commer. cial) Beer & Liquor License appUcation ........."......, 15-Resoiution No, 452.75 Directing the issuance of Class "c" (Commerciai) Beer & Liquor License "",""""'" 22-Resolution No, 453.75 Annexing approximately 21.311 acres to the City (Kopper.Powers Ford property) (Repealing Resolution No, 395.75) ........,............"..,.... 22-'Resolution No, 454.75 Approving the plat of Blocks 16 & 17 in Mettel.Bryne Addition in the City, (Mettel Realty & Investment Co,) ..........,..........,..,.........."....,.. 22-Resolution No, 455-75 Establishing and declaring the work period for employees engaged in LAW EN. FORCEMENT activities and estabUshlng and de- claring shift trading policy......,..............................,.. 22-Resoiution No, 456.75 EstabUshing and declaring the work period for employees engaged in FIRE PRO- TECTION activities and estabUshlng and declaring shift trading policy..................................................,...., 22-Resolution No, 457.75 Granting Class "B" and Ciass "c" Beer Permit applications ............,..,..............'..'.... 22-Resoiution No, 458.75 Directing the issuance of Class 'B" and Class "c" Beer Permits ....,....,........",........,.. 22-Resoiution No, 459.75 Granting Class "c" (Commer- cial) Beer & Liquor License appUcation ......"....,..,.. 22-Resolution No, 460.75 Directing the issuance of Ciass "c" (Commercial) Beer & Liquor Licenses ,........,.... Page 627 627 628 628 629 629 633 637 639 640 640 641 641 641 1975 INDEX~BOOK 105 SUBJECT Page 5 6-Sewage and Parking Facilities and Water Utility, audit for same for fiscal year January 1, 1974 through December 31, 1975 ......,..,..........,......,.............. 6-Sidewalk Program for 1973, Schedule of Assessments, issuance of Street Improvement Bonds for same.... ....6, 7, 10 13-Speer, Paul D" & Associates, approving of the services of same as financial consultants in connection with applications for proposed issuance of Industrial Revenue Bonds ..,....,........................................................ 20, 144 13-Siattery, Robyn, reappointed to Youth Services ....,..,.. 22 13-Smith, Doretha reappointed to Human Rights Commis. sion ......"...."..................,..................,........,........,....,.."...., 14-Sweeney, Mr, William, business agent for the Operat. ting Engineers, stating union contract was ratified conditionally and they would honor rejection of contract ',..,.."....,..,......,....,............"......,........,....,..,..,...... 20-Signs, regulating the erecting, maintaining, repairing, servicing, instaliing, altering and inspection of same ....,..,..,............,....,..,....,..........,....,....,......,"'....,.."......, 20-Speer, Paul D, & Associates, reference to proposed Hospital Facility First Mortgage Revenue Bonds"..46, 68, 484 27~Stackis, Emil appointed to Area "c" Development Committee ........,..,..,............,'"..,.....".."..,..,..,..........",..... 51 27-Spirit Grant, City, application for same to the National Endowment for Arts ..,.................,........................,........ Feb, 3-Senior citiZôns, Area One Vocationai Technicai School, organizational meeting for those interested in services for same ,............"....,......",..,..............,..".., 3-Sutter, James J" and Joseph F, Davis, Granted Ciga- rette License ....,.."....,..",.... '............ ,.. """"""'" ,..........., , lO-Supervisors, County Board of, requesting charge of maintenance of Law Enforcement Center """""""" 65, 131 lO-School Signai Improvement Project under Federal TOPICS Program, "Location and Design Study"..79, 136, 188, 230, 262 lO-Sirloin Stockade, Inc" Granted Cigarette License """ 73 14-SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT, Citizen's Task Force be appointed for procurement of monies from State for funding same rather than Lobbyist ..,..,77, 298, 317 24-S0UTH DUBUQUE SANITARY INTERCEPTOR SEW- ER, Depl. of Environmental Quality extending construction permit No, 74.81.S for one year on same ......",.............."....,....,.............. """""""""'"" ,.. '..,.. , 24-Sweeney, Mr, Wm" Pres, of Locai #758, relative to Casual Day Proposal,...."..,........",..,..,.."..,.........."......" Mar, 3-Schilsky, Betty, Notice of personal injuries claim ",...., " 10-Strub, Raphael H., Sidewalk Construction Bond sub. mitted ..,........,",..................,....,......,....,........,.........."........ 10-Schwaegler, Mrs, Harold, notice of personal injury claim """"""""""""""""""""....,..............,....,......,......,..,101, 156 10-Seipp & Hansel, assessing garbage & refuse collection charges ..,..................,....,..........,..,..,......,.."..,..,..,....",....,.. 105 10-Schuster, Mrs, Leo, relative to enforcement of the lit. ter laws ..,........,....,......,........,........,....,...........,......,..,......, 112 17-Suess, Lucille A" Notice of personal injuries claim ,..,113, 592 17-Spielman, Mary M" Notice of personal injuries Claim.. 113, 280 17-Stecher, John J" requesting gas service at 1676 Mar- mora St, ............,...................."........,..........,....,...."......,.., 114 17~chwartz, Lawrence E. & Ethel M" Granted Class "B" Beer Permit and Granted Ci,garette Ucense "" 116, 268 17-Schumacher, Earl Edmund, Granted Class "c" Beer Permit ....................,.........,......,........,..,....,......,......,.........., 116 24-State Comptroller advising certifications filed after March 17th, it is appropriate to attach statement as to reason for faiiing to meet deadiine ........,.., 24-Sewage Disposal Works, Municipal, and ,Parking Facil. ities audit reports for year ending December 31 1974, submitted ' Jan, 22 25 38 54 59 62 78, 187 89 94 101 119 120 1975 INDEX-BOOK 105 ~-- SUBJECT Page 2~1. Patrick's Parish, Granted Class "'E" Beer Permit.." 123, 300 24-Sfikas, Pete S" Granted Ciass "C" 'CCommercial) Beer & Liquor License ".."........"""".."....................,.."",..".. 123 2~orensen, George D, & Mary Lou, Granted Class "C" (Commercial) Beer & Liquor License ..........."........... 123 Apr, 7-8olid Waste Agency, Intergovernmental Agreement for the creation of Dubuque Metropolitan same, submitted hy City Engineer ..'".."..",....'...."....,.."...... 129, 149 7-8piegel, William, Sidewalk 'Bond Continuation Cer. tificate submitted ....,..,............"..".....,..""",..",..".......... 130 7~Sinhold, Fred H" et al (50 signers) requesting parking be allowed on one side of Woodlawn only from in. tersection of Asbury & Woodlawn, north approx, 300' ",.."""",...."..,....",.."",............"..",...."........",..".."", 133, 340 7--Sidewalk construction along the floodwall, Right.of. entry agreement with U,S, Army Corps of Engineers 7 Stecklin, Richard N, and Melvin B. McSperrin, Granted Class "C" (Commercial) Beer & Liquor License ".. l~chi!tz, Joseph, recommending suggestion box for the -city,................""....""""..",....,.."".."....,.......""""", 14-8,treet Program for 1975 submitted by City Engineer 14-Smith, F, N, Construction Co.. GenerRl Liability Policy submiCted """........"..,.."".."".........."",....""..""""".."" 140 14--Schroeder, Ann, relative to ,beautification ..........""..,..' 142 14-Sierra Club, relative to beautification ",..,....'".."....,.."" 142 21-Stackis, Councilman, appointed to Metropolitan Area Solid Waste Agency......,....,.."....",.."........"......"""..".., 149 21-Spiegel, William, General Liability Policy submitted 155 21-8t, John's Episcopal Church requesting demoiition per. mit to demolish house at 1458 Locust Street ..".... 159, 164 2l-Storm Sewer Improvement for 1973 compieted ".......... 160 25-8chroeder, Donald G" appointed to Board of Appeals. Building Code ..........'................,.."......""".."",..,....".... 164, 619 25-Scull, LaVon, Granted Cigarette License .."..........,........, 164 May 5-Sports Programming deietion on Cable TV considered 'by F, C, C, ............"......".."'..""..............".."......",........,, 173 5--South Way & Dana Dr" Westchester Inc" requesting street lights for same ..",........".."...."..",..".."""".... 176 5-Sutton, Mr, & Mrs, Jo'hn M" authorizing City Attorney to institute Eminent Domain Proceedings against same to secure perpetual easements for installation, location and maintenance of South Dubuque Iuter. ceptor Sanitary Sewer "",.."",........,.."......".."..""......",191, 516 12----Schromen, Kenneth, Sidewalk Construction Bond sub. mitted """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 198 12-Smith, Melita A.. relative to removal of old street lights in iower end of town ......"",.."..."..",.."......""",.. 199 12-8igwarth, Rev" reiative to Washington St, Diver,(ers.." 200 12--San Jose Swimming Pool and Handball courts, lease agreement with Loras College for same "..,..,............ ............,..".."......"""......,........".."" 202, 207, 480, 481,500, 528 19-5wift Plumbing & Heating Co" Generai Lia:bility Policy submitted ............"..........".............."""""..,.........."",...... 210 19-8chroeder, Karl. Library Board requesting appoint- ing of same to board ......,............",..""..""",..""....,,'.. 27-Schnorenberg, Paul and Grace, objecting to proposed improvement for Asbury Rd, ..............,...."..",......,.., 27-8chwinn, Mrs, Lester, objecting to proposed improve- ment for Asbury Rd, ..,......",.."......",.."..........",.."........ 27-Section 23 Housing Assistauce Payments Program, authorizing the submission of request to convert same to a SEC1'I0N 8 HOUSENG AcSSæSTANCE PAY,MENT PROGIM:M ...."........."..".."......"..,.."........ 234, 518 June 2----Smith, F, N" excavate in First street "......'...."........, 247 2~Smlth, Donna L..et ai, requesting stop signs at Key,way & Keymont ......",..............,.."......""..........,..".., 2-'Sewer Connections, requiring abutting property own. ers on Rockdale Rd, to make same and Water and Gas Connections 136 138 139 140 176 212 225 225 247 250 9~State Auditor, statement for year ending Dec, 31, 1973, amI. of property tax paid to dties and towns in Dubuque County.."....,..........",..........,..",.."",..,..""....., 9-'Street Construction Program for three year, submitted ~Schlickman, Douglas, Granted Cigarette License ....".. 9-8chollmeyer, Paul W.. Granted Cigarette License and grantód Class "c" 'CCommercial) Beer & Liquor License ........".... ' """"""""'...., "..'......,..........",.... """""" 268, 306 9-Schulte, Albert J" Granted 'Cigarette License "...", 268 16-Savary, John L" Granted Cigarette ,License & Liquor License and granted CIRSS "C" (Commercial) Beer License ,.."",......",......"""......"""",...."",....,.."""..,,....,,.. 295, 306 16-8chneller, Mathias, Granted Cigarette License """""" 295 16~Schumacher, Earl E" Granted Cigarette License """""" 295 16-Schumacher, Joseph A.. Granted Cigarette License "', 295 16-8heppley, W, S" Granted Cigarette License """""""""" 295 23-8olid Waste Disposal Project Permit, authorizing the submission of an application for temporary same .... 23-Stecklein, Kenneth, Granted Cigare(.¡e License ......" 23--Spielman, Charles, Granted Cigarette License ,....,.. 23-Stampfer Depl. Store, Granted Cigarette License ","", 23-8utter, Joseph, Granted Cigarette License """""""" 23-8and, Donald T" Granted Class "C" (Commercial) Beer & Liquor License and granted Cigarette License ".. 306, 319 23-Spiege)halter, Melvin A" Granted Class "C" (Commer- ciai Beer & Liquor License ,....""..,..""""""""""....".." 30-8wimming Pool rate increase, Richard A. Fuerst objecting to same ....",......"""..,.."",..",.."'..........",,,,, 30~Strohm, David, Adm, Medical Associates, in favor of hospitais being permitted to sell optical goods and supplies ..,....,..,""...."",......",.."...."".."..",.."",........",,.., 30-8iade, Mike, objecting to sale of optical goods in "Hospital Medical Zone" ..,....."",.."....",....,.."",........",, 310 3D-Smith, Lowrie, Granted Cigarette License """'".."", 318 30~Schmitz, David, Granted 'Cigarette License ""","....,.. 318 3O-Stecklein, Richard N" Granted Cigarette License .."".. 318 30-Stewart, Gary 'G.. Granted Cigarette License ..",.."..,,'.. 318 30-'Schueller, Rita, Granted Cigarette License ........"...... 319 30-8ears Roebuck & Co" Granted Cigarette License ..".." 319 30-Shanahan, 'Francis J" Granted Cigarette License ,,'...., 319 30--Sirloin Stockade Restaurant, C\ranted Ci&arette License 319, 479 30-Sorensen, George, Granted CIgarette LIcense .."",..." 319, 4!79 30-8chwers, James, appointed to Board of Appeals- Building Code ".."......,..",.."......., 321 1975 INDEX-BOOK 105 SUBJECT July 7~Schromen, Ken, General Liability Policy submitted.." " 7-Street Improvement Bonds to be issued for payment of City of Dubuque 1974 Asphalt Paving Project No, 1 ......""..,.."...."""""""..""............"""""",..,....",..,, 14-Shanley, Donald p, and M, Jack DeChristopher granted Sunday Sales Permits ".......,..........""",..,..".."",....""", 21-8wimming Pools, ordinance providing for same,.."", 21-Swimming Pools, City, State Depl. of Health sub. mitting reports on maintenance & operation of same 28~Study Committee of Dubuque Board of Realtors, rela. tive ,(0 Agricultural Zone in proposed Zoning Ord. inance ,.........."..""""'"...."....",....."..,....,..,..",..,..",,......... 28-Sacco, Betty, supporting proposed Zoning Ordinance 28-81. Anthony Messenger, requesting to solicit maga- zine subscriptions ".."",..",.."'"......",...."'",,,..,,,......,,...., Aug, 4-"Sergeant Floyd," tugboat, planned visit """""""""""" " 4-Setter, Dave, relative to zoning on Washington Street 4-Safety Enh:mcement Project, DOT advising of letting of same ..",.."....,........",....,..",...."",........",.."...."",..""" 4-Schnee, Steven T" and Gene Sullivan, Granted Cigar- ette License .."",......"..,.."....",..,..",.."........."",.."....,,,.. 4-81. Columbkille's Church, Granted Class "B" Beer Permit ..,""..",...........",......"...."..,..",....,..........,..",.."......, 4-Sfikas, Pete ,s" Granted Class "'C" 'CCommercial) Beer & Liquor LIcense ""',....,....""...."",......",...."...."..""...., 4-Spielman, Helen, appointed to Advisory Commission Page 253 264 268 303 304 304 304 304 306 309 310 324 332 346 351 356 360 360 361 373 374 418 425 425 427 427 4~Schiotzhauer, Wesley, appointed to Library Board ........ 427 4-Sheldon, Joan, appointed to Low~Rent Housing Com- mission ""......,....""""....,..""""..",..,:,..,..""",..,...."""",.. 427 11-Social ServIces advising of public hearings on e.t~blish. ment of sociai service system """""""""""""""""" 429 11-8ymphony Orchestra, fractional mili bond referendum for support of same, suggested by Mayor Justmann 430, 467 ll-Smith, JoAnn, relative to needs of the Dubuque Sym- phony,..........""...................."",......,........,..,..,......",........, 430 ll-Shiras Avenue, Walter Pregler et aI, requesting rein- statement of ,bus service on same ........,..".."..",.."".... 434, 475 11-Sister Kenney Institute requesting to conduct their an. nual door to door drive in November .."............"" 435 ll-School District requesting permission to use aerial dispiay of fireworks for Sept, 19, 1975 ....".......... ll-Street Finance Report for 1974 and first six months of 1975 submitted by City Manager .."......",.."..........".., l1-Spiegelhalter, Melvin A, Granted Cigarette License 11-8eitz, Catherine, .appointed to Library Board ".......... 18-"Sergeant Floyd," tugboat, permanently moored in Dubuque Harbor ........",c.."""..",....",....,..".."......"..,.... 441, 449 Sept. 2-Sewer Lines, County Health Dept" relative to obtain. ing sewer in 'County for residents of Old Mill Road and Manson Road """""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 2....;Saele, Arvid H., relative to adopting ordinance to protect non.subscribers of cabie TV from inter. ference ,...., ",........, ".. "..",...........",.. "".."..""........ '..,..,.." 2-8chiltz Development Corpor"tion, approving the Plat of Lots H2, inclusive, mock No, 6; ail in Sunset Park Subdivision No, 3 in City of Dubuque, Iowa 2-8cherer, Emma Margaret, Granted Class "B" Beer Per- mit and Cigarette License """""""""""""""""""""" 318, 462 8~Shot Tower Park and Petrakis Park, Recreation De- partment submitting comments relative to same 464 8-Shigeilosis and river poilution, Advisory Commission submitting recommendations for the remedy of same ",..'.."..""..'..,............,..""",.."..",......""""",..,..",,'.. 8-Schuite, Robert John, Sidewalk Construction Bond :submitted """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 8~Sisters of SI. Francis, vacating portion of Windsor Extension for same ..,..................",......"".............""..... 468, 502 8-8ertoma Club requesting to seil light bulbs for retard. ed on Sept, 19 & 20 """""""""""""""""""""""""" 470 15-Senior High School, homecoming parade permit on Oct. 3, 1975 .............."......",..........,...."..."" ".. """"""'" 15-Setter, David, appointed to Zoning Board of Adjustment 29-Sunrise Heights, Biock 15, Water Main Extension, also permit for sanitary sewer extension, approval by DEQ ....",.. "....." ",.... ".. " " "............""" "..""...."....,..,..".." , 29-Shivley, ,Mary, Notice of personal injuries claim ............ 29-SI. Columbkille's Church refund on unexpired portion of Beer License '...... ,..".................. "..""............ "......,...., 29-Stone Hill Community Subd, No" final plat approvcd 29-Sisters of st, Francis, approving plat of "Stone Hiii Community Subd, No, 1" for same """""""""""" 29-Sunrise Heights, Block 15 in same, final plat approved oct, 7-8herkow, Frank, relative to establishing D,MA.T's, 7-"Safety on the Streets Week," proclamation requested by Insurance Women of Dubuque ........"......"...."......., 7~Sorensen, George & Mary Lou, refund on unexpired portion of Beer-Liquor License ..............,.."..""'....,,.... 13-Scovili, of 'Carodco, advis,ing of move to Rantoul, Illi- nois """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 13-Smith, JoAnn, relative to painting Julien Dubuque Bridge ..,......""""..",....".."......,....,..,..,..",.."..""...."",...." 525 13-Snowmobiles to be used in Bunker Hill, requested by Mayor Justmann ............'.."........,........,............"........... 526, 565 13-;'sewer facilities e"tension ou south side of J,F,K, Rd, to 32nd 'Street, requested by Carl W, Thumser ".. INDEX-BOOK 105 --- SUBJECT 1975 Page 435 435 436 433 450 451 460 467 468 479 489 491 495 497 503 503 509 515 517 517 524 527 13-8t, Columbkille's School submitting course of action to eliminate traffic hazard on Bryant & Grandview and Bryant and Dodge "....,""""..""..".."",......",....,.. 20--Spiegel, William, Generai Liability Policy submitted 20-8tackis, Councilman, delegated as voting representa. tive of City at Annual Congress of Cities """""" 537, 621 20-Snowmohile Assn" submitting proposal for rescue equipment and advice and requesting financial assistance .. """,'..,.. ,........",....",....,...... "" ".." """'"""""" 20-Schute, Donald, relative to A .& P Store to clean premises surrounding their property on Asbury 'Rd, 27-Smith, Wm, H" et aI, residents of Victoria Place, re- ques'ting erection of two street lights at intersection of Diane Court & Victoria Place and turnaround at end of Victoria Place ..........,..,.."..........",....,..........., 27-Schurbon, RiC'hard A, Granted Class "C" (Commercial) Beer .& Liquor License and Cigarette 'License ,....",3'18, 562 27-Spielman, Helen Ann, Granted Class "C" (Commercial) Beer & Liquor License ""'"........"..,.."..""",..",......"" 562 27-Schantz, Dean, appointed to Rehabilitation Commission 563 Nov, 10-Stimson, Terry, Notice of Personal property claim 579 " lO-Seventh Step Foundation, objection to rezoning in. tersection of Judson Dr, & Asbury Rd, for same 579 lO-South Dubuque ,Sanitary Interceptor Sewer, Contract No, 3, HUD-WS-rOWA.99, submitted ",...."....",580,597, 610 17-Smith, Lowrie E" Granted Class "c" (Commercial) Beer & Liquor License ,......""".."",..""""...."".......,,, 589 24-Scherr, Gertrude E" objecting to rezoning for "adult entertainment" ,....,"""',......",..,..""",...."..",....,.."",...... 24-Sawveil, Bob, rcquesting rezoning of Southern part of Washington Neighborhood '"....",....""",..""",..",..,..".. Dee, l-Schuiler, -Delores, !Notice of personal injuries claim 'by Blue Cross"Blue Shieid, subrogee ,....,....",..,..,......,.."" l~Street Improvement Bonds, providing for issuance of same for purpose of providing for the payment of assesscd cost of City of Dubuque 1975 Asphait Paving Project No, 1 ........",......,"",..,......",........""".., I-Soley, Susan, appointed to Human Rights Commission 8-Smith, H. Spencer, appointed to Community Develop. ment Commission ......,..,...."'"...."..""..,....,...."..,..",,,..,.. 8-Schiesl, Mary J" ,appointed to Community Develop- ment Commission ,.....,......".."..,..,....",....""",......"..,..".. 8-Shea, 1Jhomas D" appointed to Community Develop. ment Commission ,............",..,..,..,....,.."..""..",........."".. 8-Sanders, Donald E" appointed to Community Develop, ment Commission ..,...."........"......,....."""....",.."",..",.." 15-Section 8 Housing Assistance Plan, update requested by Councilman Lundh ..............,....,........,..",.."",........", 15-Schnee, Steven T" granted Ciass '"C" (Commercial) Beer & Liquor License "..,"",..",.........."........".."........", 15-Schumacher, Joseph A, granted Class "c" (Commer- cial) Beer & Liquor License ........"...."..""..,..",......".. 22-S1. John's Lutheran Cemetery Ass'n, requesting in- sl:ailation of street light on Davis Avenue """""""" 22--State of Iowa Public Employmeut Relations Board representing Dubuque Ass'n, of Professional Fire Fighters, Local #353 1975 INDEX-BOOK 105 SUBJECT ~"~""""'i',,.., .."",..~¥,o;,~~."+..,,...,û.., "......, "....,~.... :."L 619 622 628 629 637 639 Page 527 537 538 538 557 579 590 594 604 608 612 619 619 619 1975 INDEX-BOOK 105 SUBJECT T Page Jan, ~he Telegraph4Ierald, &ppointed the official news- paper of the City"",........""........."..",......,,""""""'" 6-Thermoiyne Co., City Solicitor advising renegotiations have been made with same ",...."...........""""..",....,..5, 97, 134 13~Teleprompter -Communications Corp" filing applica- tion for renewal of License of Business Radio Sts- tion KUX-87 ".."",..,....""".."..,......"........""...."..",..,..,.. 15 13-Tuily, Thomas, reappointed to the Human Rights Com- mIssion ,.............."......",....,.."..",..",......"......,..,""""""'" 22, 578 27-Thruput, Dock Commission relative to construction of whaft and dock facilities in Dove Harbor by same "....",..""......"......"..""""..""...."..,...."........,....",51,100, 127 15 57 Feb, 3-"The Becker Report" submitted by City iManagement " 3-Tri"stateElectronics Ass'n" opinion that TV signal supplied ,by TV.F1M Cable Co, stili unsatisfactory 57 3-TV-FM 'Cable signal and price iucrease, objections to same ...."".."",....",..,.."",..",....,......57, 64, 81, 111,438, 440 3-Tanktek Industries, objecting to proposed 4th street Redevelopment ,..,....,....",..",...."..........",",......,,""",..,'" 59 l~eleprompter Cable Co" swbmitting proposals for service if rate increase is granted ,....",....",...."..,64, 77, 81 la-Tower Street betweeu 6th & Wail Streets, in Dubuque Harbor Improvements Company's Addn" vacation of portion of same requested .by Fischer Companies, ..,....",..,.."""..""""......""........",65, 112, 113, 221, 247,323, 418 10-TOPIQSProgram, Federal, School Signai Improve- meut 'Project under same, "Location aud Design Study" ,..""""....".."""",.....,..""...."...."....70, 136, 188,230, 262 la-Transit System, applying for a grant under the Urban Mass Transportation Act of 1964, as amended for new buses ".."",..,......",..""....".."......,.."",.....,..,73, 110,336, 370 24-Thermoiyne Corporation, Mayor's Industrial Commit- tee submitting modification of recommendation concerning option with same "".."",.."""....,.."..,,78, 24-'I'hompson, Edna, relative to G,A.I.N"Girl's Center 24-Tieruey, Pat J" relative to parking area on Dodge Street ,........"....",.."........",..".."",......"......""..,.."....,""" 24-Thomas, William. Notice of Suit settled; $10,25 for Court Costs ,.."..,.."""",..,......""......",..""......"....,..,..,...... 24-Thompsons Food 'Markets, Inc., 'Ûky Doky #11, Granted Class "c" Beer Permit """.."....":........",......,....",,,.... Mar, lO-Terrace Heights Mobile Home Park, reclassification of portion of property in same, petition of Manternach Development Co, ......",......"..",..",.."".."......,....",..,...... 102, 132 " 24-Tax Asking cut by $225,000 ...."........,..""..".."..",......,..,,'" 119 " 25--Tax Asking reduced by 2 mills-$256,319 .."..,....".. " '" 126 Apr, 7-Tschiggfrie Zoning on Julien Dubuque Drive, council opposing ssme .."........"....,....""..,.."..""..",......"..",...... 128, 195 21-Thermolyue by Waiter JoJ;lUson, relative to beautifica- tiou of Kerper Blvd, Median ,......",.."....,....,........"..",,155, 583 21-Timber Ridge Addn" approving plat of mocks 1, 2 and 3, conection of Resolution No, 386-74, (Richard C, Henschel) ",..""".."""",.."........"",..."..",..,........""....,..",159, 444 May 5-Teleprompter Cable TV advising of sports program- minI( deietion considered by FCC ...............,..",..,.... 5--Truck Assn.. Iowa Motor, 1976 Convention to ,be held 5--Thompson's Food 'Markets, Oky Doky #11, refund on unexpired portion of Beer Permit ..",......"..,........ 5-Trleweiler, Mary, appointed to Cable-TV Advisory Commission ,.." , "...."....,..' "...." "......'"......"......".. "",..... , 12--Tuily, Tom, relattve to >Dubuquc Lumber Co.'s petition to expand their ,business ....",..."...."...".... """"..'"..",.. , 12-Thompson's Food :Market et ai, requesting one hour parking meters ou First Street, between Locust & Main ..""",....,..",.."..",.."....",...."........".....,..,..,..,...."..,... 200, 325 12-Tucker, Benjamin, relative to Liquor License for Broken Spur 59 97, 134 79 80 80 90 173 176 176 195 197 202 19-Trueblood, Terry. relative to :San Jose Swimming Pool .agreement '.........."""""""""""""""""""""""""'" 19-Transit Board, submitting minutes of their meetings, "..'"""......",..""""""",......"",.." 208, 339, 475, 492, 515,565, 591 19-Teleprompter, quarterly service report submitted """,,209, 339 27-Tri-State 'Sof.tbail Tournament, Granted Class "B" Beer Permit .........."",...."........",...."..",..""",........"...... 240 June 2-Thole, Cecelia, Noticc of personal injury ciaim ,..",.. 246 " 2--Tigges, J, G" excavate in Dana Drive ...." ""..,...... "....", 247 2-TRAFFIC SIGNALS, construction of same at Grand- view. Ave, & Dodge St, ......".."",..""..""....""....,249,287, 314 9-THEATERS, ordinance enacting new provisions relat- ing to same".."..,......"",.."..,..,...."..,..".."""",....".........,.. 256 9-Transfer of Funds, approvai of permanent of same 257 9-TRANSIT AUTH'ÛRlTY, Ordinance appointing same for the City and granting the Powers and Fixing the Duties of said agency"",.."",......,..".."",..,..,...."" 9~Tegeler, Earl, Granted Cigarette License "'....'...."..,,.. 9-'fsC'higgfrie, Raymond, Granted Cigarette Licel)Se "" 16-Thompson's Food Markets, Inc, Oky Doky #8, Granted Class "c" Beer Permit .."..'"'......,..,..........,.."",,........, 16--Tressel, Allen C" Granted Cigarette License """,...., 16-Thompson's Food Markets, Inc,. Granted Cigarette Licenses '(3) "......".."...."..",....,..".."....,.."...."..""",...." 23-Tri'State Paving Div, awarded contract for 1975 As- phait Paving Project No, 1 .."....."".."..","'...."",........" 30-Treatment Plant Improvements Contract II B, Phase TI'Contract II, for same has been completed .."........ 316 30-Trausch Baking Co" Granted Cigarette License ........ 319 Juiy 7-Tower street, proposed vacation to Fischer Companies 3,23 " 14-Table Mound Mo'blle Home Park Project, Water Main Extension approved for same by Iowa DEQ """....,, 341 14-Thoms, Councilman, submitting resignation effective Juiy 19, 1975 .."....""""..........",...."........",...."",.."""".., 348 21-Teleprompter advising crew checking microwave ".."" 350, 451 21-Teleprompter, DOT submitting grant approval for same to instail underground conduit system on Wacker ¡Drive "......,.."""..,..".."..""""",..",.."..",.."..,...." 356, 418 28-Turnquist, Ed, objection to RV section of proposed Zoning Ordinance .."".."..,......".."".."""""""",....,.."",.. 360 28-Tuily, Tom, Jr" relative to staff performanoe of Human Rights Dept, ,...."....",...."",.."",'.........'..""",,"'.. 361 28-Thompson's Food Markets, Inc" Granted Class "B" Beer Permit ,.."......"..""" "",....,..".."", Aug, 4-Tugboat ":Sergeant Floyd", planned visit " 4-Transit Board, appointment made to same ""'..""....,,.., " ll-Traffic Committee, submitting petition from resi- dents on Keyway Drive """""""""""""""""""""""" ll-Transit AuthorIty to set up their mectings on a monthly basis ,..".."......,....,..............,.."..",.."........"..,.. 434, 442 11-TV Advisory Commission requesting ciarification of Ordinance No, 8-75 regarding CommercIal Rates on television """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 11-Transportation Committee, Citizens,appointments to same """"""""""""""""""""""""""'..,...."""".."",..",.. 18-Teieprompter advising Council meetings will not be aired for several weeks, due to moving to a new location """"""""""""""""""""""""'"".."""......,.."...... 440 19-Tug:boat "Serl(eant Floyd" permanently moored in Dubuque Harbor .......,..""..,..".."""..""..,......,......"....... 441, 449 18-TeleprompterCabie TV, new manager is Ed 'McCullough' 447 Sept, 2-Thoms, Ailan T., submitting proposed paint job for Dubuque-East Dubuque Bridge ,.."..,..........",........'...... 2-Tri-State Paving Div" Sidewalk Construction Bond submitted ............,......"""...................,.."""..".."..........", 2-Topeka Inn Management, Inc" Granted Class "B" (Hotel Motel) Beer & Liquor License ....,.."......"", 8-Thruput opposing 4th St, redevelopment """..",..,..,,.. 1975 INDEX-BOOK 105 SUBJECT Page 207 259 268 268 293 295 295 300 372 373 427 432 435 438 449 4'54 463 46ij INDEX-BOOK 105 SUBJECT 1975 15-Transit Manager advisiug of reinstatement of bus on Shiras Ave, on school days ,..,..",.........."",..""".."..".." 29~Tri-State Paving Co" Division of Dubuque Stone Prod- ucts Company, awarded contract for San Jose Parking Lot and Access Sidewaik Project ""..".... 29-Twin Ridge Subd, No, 2 finai plat approved "'.....",, 29-Tax Structure & revaluations of properties in City, report given on same """.."",............""""",..,...."","" 513 Oct, 7-Talmo. Joyce L" Notice of Car Damage ,Claim """,,516, 592 " 7-Tschiggfrie Excavating Company awarded contract for 5th Street Parking Lot ",..""...."""..".."""""""..," 518 7-Transit Trustees Board, appointment made to same .... 523 7-Tuliy, James J" appointed to Rehabilitation Housing Commission """""""",..,..""....,..""",....""",......""......,,' 13-Thumser, Carl W" requesting extension of sewer facilities on south side of J, F, K. Rd: North to 32nd Street .."",....""....""""",..",.."""...."".."""..,,..,",... 20-Thoms, Alian T" member of D,O,T, expressing ap- preciation for hospitaiity extended to Legislative Visitation 'Committee while in City, Oct, 6th & 7th Nov, 3-Teleprompter Corp, et ai, Certificate of Insurance submitted ",.."..""""""""""",.."".."""",.."""""....",...." lO-Tuliy, ThomasA" Jr" appointed councilman to fill the unexpired term of Allan T, Thoms """"""".."" 17-Teleprompter advising of submitting certificate of compliance to FCC ...."..""......""",........"""...."",..,..,,' 17-Town Clock Inn, Granted Ciass "C" (Commercial) Beer & Liquor License "..'"""""....""""....'"""""""" 24-Teleprompter Ca,ble TV submitting a resolution for consideration relative to iiability of payment of copyright royalties on broadcast signals carried hy cable systems, (NOT ADOPTED) ",....""""""....",...." 24-Thompson's Food Markets, Inc.. Granted Class "C" Beer Permit """,....""",'.."..'"""""",.."""""....","',..,'" Dee, I-Turnquist, Neis, approving of Rockdale Rd, improve- ment, objecting to failure to erect truck otraf.flc signs ,.."..." "......"....""......,.."""""....", , """""...." "..'",.., 1-Tschiggfrie Excavating awarded contract for construc- tion of Contract 3 South Dubuque Interceptor San- itary Sewer HUD-WS-IOWA-99 project ..'"""",........ 8-Tegler, Earl John, Granted Class "C" Beer Permit .... 15-Thru-put, U.s, Corps of Engineers advising of ap- plication for Depl. of Army permit to reconstruct existing dock facilities at same ""......."""""""""", 15-Telegraph Herald, commended for publishing the City Council Agenda Page 54 1975 INDEX-BOOK 105 ..--- SUBJEGT_,- -~, Page U Feb, 3-Urban Renewal Project, Granting an extension of time for R. Hampton to commence constructIOn on cer- tain laud in same ".."",......""",.."......"""..57, 81, 95,104, 270 3-Urban Renewal submitting Certificate of Completion for Dubuque County (County-City Law Enforcement center Building) "..",..........,.."""..,..""",....",..,..,..""", 3-Urban Renewal, quicken the sale of land in their area 24-Unions, reiative to proposed Casual Day"..",...."",.....", 2~Unions, Fire Fighters, General Drivers, Amaigamated Union, Poiicemen's Protective Association, agree- ment made with ""....."""........"",.."",..",..",..""""...., Mar, l~U,S, Census Bureau, to take special census of the City in September, 1975 ....""".."...."" ".., """" """"..", " lO-University, 3100 Block of same, Frank Hardie Adver- tising Inc" requesting rezoning 'Of portion from Single Family to Business Classification "",...."",.. Apr, 7-United Spanish Americans Auxiliary requesting per- mission to sell flowers on April 25th & 26th "....""" " 14-University of Dubuque Campus Ministry requesting to conduct a Hunger Walk on April 26, 1975 """..".. June 16-UNIVEJRS~TY AVENUE PEDESTRIAN CROSSWALK construction of same """.."".....""""",....""""""",,289,327, 344 " 23-Udeihofen, Gerald, permission to ex,,"vate ...."""...."".. 300 23-Urban Renewal Project, approving the Fixed-Price Competition Method for offering certain land in the Downtown, Iowa R-15, for redevelopment by Private Developers ......,..' """......",....,....,...... """,.. ""', 3~University of Dubuque, Granted Cigarette License"...... 30-University Shell Service, Granted Cigarette License".. July 28-Urban Renewal Land, deciaring intent to sell a portion of same to Dubuque Five Flags Center Fund 367,458, 507 Sept, 2-US,S, Dubuque, plat of same presented ,by Hans Zurcher """'"........"""""....""""........"".."""...."""..,..",, 2-Unsen, John, relative to obtaining sewer in County for residents of Old Mill Road and Manson Road .."".. 2-Urban Renewal Project Area, vacating a certain aliey in same """"",..,"",...........""""""""""..,.."",.."""".."" 455 8-Urban Renewal Project Land, authorizing the use of same for temporary off-street parking purposes "" 473, 498 Oct. 13-U,A.W.. Local 94, requesting an 'Ordinance to contain package of every consumer commodity offered for retail sale bear price in Arabic Numbers ........"...... " 2~"United Nations Week" proclaimed for week of Oct. 19th thru 24th ..""""......""",.. "".... "",....", "........ "",.., Dee, 15~U,S, Corps of Engineers advising of application of a Depl. of Army permit to reconstruct existing dock- ing facilities at Thru.Put 475 501 503 Jan 27-Urban Renewal Project, accepting work performed ' under demolition contract No, 1-74 for same, (Parcel 15-4) 523 257 536 566 577 583 589 599 600 604 610 618 621 626 60 63 8-9 90 101 103 133 141 301 319 319 449 450 526 538 621 1975 INDEX-BOOK 105 --- SUBJECT v Page 4 17 53 168 192 212 232 253 296 298 304 304 309 321 342 421 440 455 464 464 489 513 1975 INDEX-J300K 105 SUBJECT Pa,ge Jan, 6~Voggenthaler, E, J, Co" objecting to proposed area of E, 7th SI. for beautification and paving .........,..,.., 13-Vacating a portion of Avoca St. located west of W,P,L, of east 28' of west 50' of the west 100' of Lot 2 of M,L, 179 to Harold B, & Dorothy Demkier ........ 27~V,F,W, requesting to hold Buddy Poppy Saies on May 9 & 10 ...."",.......................,........,....,........,..,....,...."" Fcb, lO-Vacation of portIon of Tower St, ,between 6th & Wall Sts in Dubuque Harbor, Harbor Improvements, Company's Addn, requested by Fischer Companies, ..,............"........,......"....,..,..".......... 65, 112, 221, 247,323, 418 24-Vorwald, Dick, of North Dubuque Improvement As. sociation, reference to Block Grant Program, reo habilitation of neighborhoods ....",....,.."........,........,.. 79, 125 24-Veteto, Peggy, relative to Project PA:CE ,......,......,......,.. 122 Apr, 14-Volkman, Mary, Notice of car damage claim ........ 141, 199 " 14-VanDuelman, Carl, Granted Ciass "c" Beer Permit 147 " 28--Viel'tel, Merle A" appointed to Heating, Ventilating, Air'Conditioning and Refrigeration Board ........,.., May 5-Vacating of platted ten foot (10') easement in Lot C, Block 12 in "Key Kuolls Subdivision," (Hlllcrest Builders) """""""""""""""""",""""""""""""""""""'" 19-Vize, Laurence et ai, requesting ,blacktopping of area under basketball net at Madison Park ..'................, 27-Vcnture Ct" amending Resolution No, 279.74 approv. ing "Westchester" in the City for the purposes of adding a street previously not included ..",.., June 9-Valentine Drive, street lighting requested on same 16-VanDuelman, Carl, Granted Cigarette License ..,........, 23~Vanpooling, recommended by councilman Thoms ........ 23-Village Inn Restaurant, Granted Cigarette License ,.., 23~Vincent, Brian, Granted Cigarette License ......,....,.... 30-Veterans Memorial Hall Complex, changing Five Flags concept to same ..........,....,..........................,................, 30-Vacating portion of Lot 809 in A, McDaniels' Subd, to ,Leo Kringle ..................................,..........,..............310,345, 423 30-Vacating Lot 1 of Lot 1A in the Town of Eagle Point, in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, for Dubuque Lumber Company......,..........,............,..........,............,..,.................. 318, 334 30-Veteto, Peggy, appointed to Youth Services Board of Directors ........,........,......"""""""""""""""""""""""""" July 14-Vorwald, Richard, relative to 4 way stop at Jackson & 24th 81. ..........,..,............,..'......,.............................., Aug, 4-Vacating portion of Daniels 8tveet, requested by Frank E, and Delbert G, Mlller """""""""""""""""""""""" 11-Vanguard Countertop, by Cleon Ehlinger, Notice of Ciaim ,........,........,'..,..,..,............,..,......,..........,..........,...... 432, 477 18--Van Do, Phan, expressing thanks reiative to courtesies extended aboard the River Rogue """""""""""""""" Sept. 2-Nacating a certain alley in the Downtown Urban Re. newal Project Area """""""""""""""""""""""""""" 8-Victor Gruen proposal, Dock Commission endorsing same """"""",,""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 8-Voggenthaier, E, J" opposing 4th st, Peninsula area redevelopment """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 8-Vacating portion of Windsor Extension for Sisters of 81. Francis ......,.....................................,...............,....,468, 502 15-Voeiker, 1Jhomas, appointed to Zoning ílJoard of Adjustment ..'......,....,..,.....................,.........,......,..........'.. 29-Valentine, Fred, relative to tax structure & revalua- tions of properties in City Oct. 7-Vacating portion of Jansen Street abutting property of Floyd D, Berendes ......,............,........,..................,.... 517, 579 7~Vacating portion of right-of-way of High Bluff Street, '(Bethany Home) ..........,..,.............""......,..,....,....,....",.. 521, 534 20-Vogt, Alois, submitted as representative for Girls Ciub on Community Development Block Grant Pro, gram, by Rev, Bries ..,..........,",............,............,..,..,..,.... 537 20--Vacating any and all parts of Hawkeye Estates (HEFEL) 546 27-Victoria Piacc & Diane Court, residents of same, reo questing instailation of two streets in area """""""" 557 Nov, 24-Voss, Roger A, 'and Joyce Ann, requesting deed to convey any interest the City may have in part of Wick's Addn, """"""""'........,........,....,....,..,........599,600,617 Dee, 8--Vorwald, Helen M" appointed to Community Develop. ment Commission ....,........,..,..,..............,......,..,..,....,....,.. 22--Vac&ting of aliey between Bradley and Grandview, requested by George H. Weitzel 619 637 1975 INDEX-BOOK 105 --- SUBJECT Page w Jan, 6-Water Utility, Parking and Sewage Facilities for fiscal period of J'anuary 1, 1974 through December 31, 1974, audit for same to be contracted to O'Con. nor, Brooks and Company,..""".."""",...............".., 6-Woif, Robert E" shop foreman of Morrison Bros Co" objecting to proposed paving of East 7th Street 6-Weber, Ben J" objecting to assessment for 1973 Side- walk Project ....",......"",..,..,....,..""",..".."..",.."""',,..,"'" 14-Wage Negotiations have ¡been reached by majority of the group organizations for proposed wage & benefit program for Jau, 1, 1975 thru June 30, 1975 24, 90 20-Willy, David, in favor of proposed Building Code Ordinance .. ".., " ",........"""",..".."......,..,....".... ,...."".... " 26 20~WaUer's, Annie, Subd.. classifying portions of same to 'Local Business "A" District, (Table Mound Park, Inc,) ....""..,.......",..........",...."""",'"......,..,..""..,......",..,'" 43, 85 Feb, 3-Wisconsin.Iowa Bridge, Councilman Thoms to com. municate with D,O,T, on proposed ,..........",.."......".. 63 " 24-Waltz, John "Hank", reference to Block Grant Pro. gram, rehabilitation of neighborhoods "..79, 118,119, 344 Mar, 3-Weydert, Ronald D, et al (36 signers) requesting stop signs at ,Foothill Rd, & Keyway Drive ..,..",......".." 95, 157 3-Woodworth 'Street, Mrs, Vicki Howard requesting speed laws on same ........"..,.."......"..,..".."............95,155, 174 3-Winsor, Richard B" Granted Class "B" Beer Permit and Cigarette License .."....,..""""""....",..""........96,107, 136 lO~Walbrun, Dale et ai, objecting to increase in prop. erty taxes """",.."..".."..,..........",.."......"",......,......,..".." 99, 118 10-Wilwert, Eldon, objecting to diverters on Washing. ton Street ......""",...."",..".."",..........,""""""""""""""" 99 10-Wahlert Ecology Students, expressing interest in "Earth Day," April 22nd ..,.."...."..,.."........,......,...."" 10-Watters, ,Robert, requesting rental of land abutting Gantz property"""..".."........,....."""".."""",....",.."..".. lO~White, William John, Granted Class "C" Beer Permit lO-Wiil.Co~Inc" Oky Doky #10, Granted Class "C" Beer Permit """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 17-Water DepartIpent Audit Report ending December 31, 1974 submItted ,..",...."",....",........ "",.."",'.................. '" 17-Wedig, Kathleen L" Granted Class "C" (Commercial) Beer & Liquor license 4 26 63 99 103 108 108 112 116 Apr, 7-Woodlawn & Asbury intersection, Fred Sinhold et ai, {50 signers) requesting parking on one side of Woodlawn north approx, 300' ......"....""..",............",133, 340 7-Waikathon requested by March of Dimes ...."",.."....... 133 14-Weber, Cindy, relative to beautification """"""""......,, 142 ~i-~~~~;:,gi£o~:/~~\e;~ ~~q~~~fii,~terob%u;~Ki~:s pä~t"öf 143 Lot 1 of Sears Rvebuck Sub, No, 2 "......,.."...."..,..".. 158, 453 25--Wagner,Judi, appointed to Advisory Commission ........ 164 28-Wastewater Treatment Plant report and investigation of same submitted by DEQ ..",......".."..,..""......167,174, 450 Msy 5-Westchester Inc.. relative to street lights on South Way & Dana Drive ..",...."....",........""""""""""""""""""" 176 12-WASH!INGTON ,STREET DlVERTER8 TO BE INCLUD. ED WITH 1975 S'I1REE,T PROGRAM ....200, 214, 261,285, 544 12-Wattz, John J, "Hank" reiative to Washington street Diverters ...." "..", ".. ,..........,..""..' ""....,................. "",..'.. 200 12-Willoughby, David J" appointed as commissioner of the Park Board, for that portion of the term of Dominic W, Goodmann untii next regular municipai eiection ......,.."..,......, """"........ ".. """",......., "........ ",......, 12--Walgreen Co.. Granted Class "C" Beer Permit "...." 19-Weitz, A, L., relative to "People's Bicentenniai Com. mission .......",'..'"""....".."..",..'"..,.."...,....",...."........,..... 19-Welsh Enterprise, Inc" Granted Class "C" Beer Permit 176 202 205 208 217 1975 INDEX-BOOK 105 SUBJECT Page 27-Weish, Clem, objecting to paving of Paul Street ........ 27-"Westchester" Amending Resolution No, 279-74 ap" proving same, for the purposes of adding a street previoUSly not included, (Vent,ure Ct,) """""""" 27-Walgreen Co" Granted Cigarette licenses """"""""'", 27~Wareco System of Iowa, Granted Cigarette license 27-Walsh, Thomas D" objecting to issuance of liquor license to American Legion """""',......".."",..,.......... June 2--Winsor, Richard B., Grauted ,Class "e" (Commercial) 'Beer & liquor License "",....,..""....".......,..".............. 251 2~Weish Enterprise, Granted Cigarette license """""""" 250 9-Washington Street Diverters, objections ,to same.."".. 260 9-Wunder, Eileen, Granted Cigarette License and Grant. ed Class "C" (Commercial) Beer & Liquor License 268, 269 16-Wieser, Milton L" Notice of Suit for personal injuries 280 l~West Ridge Addition, (Clarence Arlen's Place) correc- tion resolution to approve piat of Lots 1.13, in. elusive aU in same .."........".."..""""""...."",....,...... 16-WmCo, Inc.. Granted Cigarette License ......, "..""".. "", 16-Willenborg, Bernard, Granted Cigarette License '.."" , 23-White, William J, B" Granted Cigarette License ........ 23-Willenborg, Barney, Granted Class "C" '(Commercial) Beer & Liquor License ..",.."""',......".."........",...."....,,.. 30-Westmore Drive Subd" additional street lighting reo questedjn same 'by Delbert Miller et ai """"""'""", 314, 323 30-Wedig, Katbleen, Granted Cigarette Liceuse .."",'.... 318 3D-Wertz, Donald E" Granted Cigarette License """""" 316 30-Wong, Chuck N" Granted Cigarette License """""""" 318 30-Woolworth's, Granted Cigarette license """""""""""" 319 30-Weiner, Heien, Granted Class "C" (Commercial) Beer & liquor License and Cigarette License "",'............" 304, 320 July 7-West 5th SI. 'Steps approach to be donated ,by Regina Cooper Gilmore, rename as C'Û'ÛPER PARK "",.., 324 " 14-Wink Inn Motel, Louis Kartmen requesting to reiocate smaU neon sign closer to street for same ...."",....", 343, 419 " 21-Weig, Patricia, objecting to proposed barricades on Keyway Drive ..,"",....""'"..,.."""....""..,..,.."........,,...... 2S-Wo1f, Adoiph, relative to RV Section of proposed zon. ing Ordinance ..",.."..".."""......",......"..,.."....",,..,........ 28-Weiblein, Dr" of Wartburg Seminary, supporting pro. posed Zoning 'Ordinance "...."...."......",....""....",........" Aug, 4-Wisconsin"Dubuque Bridge Project, report given on same "...., ,.. ,....""""........,.. ",.."....,..,.. ".. "........ """""""", 373 4-West Side iBusiness & Professional Ass'n, requesting referral of action on proposed Zoning Ordinance 373, 509 4-Winsor, Richard D" and Ronaid T, Amundson, Grant. ed Cigarette License "....,"",....",....,...."",.."..",..,.."", 425 4-Watters, William J,. Appointed to Low-Rent Housing Commission "'"......,""",....,......,..,....",..",..""""..".."".... 427 ll-Wernimont, Ciarence, relative to reception received on television via ca,ble ..,....,...."............,..........,..",.."",.. IS-Waste Water Trea'tment Facilities, Notice of Claim in settlement of account for same "....,...."..",......"",..",.. Sept, 2--White, Dr,. relative to obtaining sewer in County for residents on Oid iMill Road and Mans'On Road ..",.., 450 S-Woodward, Wm" relative to 4th SI, redeveiopment .... 455 S-Windsor Extension, vacating portion of same for Sisters of 81. Francis """"""""""""""'...."",..",...."..,468, 502 15-Womeu's Club requesting to block off Alpine Street from W, 3rd to Melrose to conduct annual Picket Fence Art Show on Sept. 21, 1975 ....,....,......,........", 479 29-Wahlert High School requesting Homecoming Par. ade on October 9, 1975 .......... Oct, 7-Weiblen, Dr.. invocation given by 13-Water Main Extension across the East 16th Street Bridge to Area "C" of Industrial ¡park, construc- tion of same 225 232 239 239 242 290 296 296 304 306 324 353 360 361 438 440 496 515 531 1975 INDEX-BOOK 105 SUBJECT Page 20~Wilwert, Eldon, relative to Sn<>wmobile Assn, sub. mitting a proposal for rescue equipment and advice and requesting financiai assistance ....""""................ 27-Weitz, A. L" ohjecting to rezoning to .allow obscenity 27-Wisconsin D,O,T, submitting copy of drafi Eoviron. mental Impact .statement for proposed improve. ment of U!S, #61-1~,1 from Dickeyville, Wisc, to new City Island Bridge approach ",....."""""""".." 556, 572 27-Washington Neighborhood Council, membership on the Community Development Commission ...."""""" 559 27-West End Homeowners Assoc" membership on Com. munity Development Commission """""""""""""""" 559 Nov, lO-Water Quality Management advising of pubiic hearing for the Novtheast Iowa River Basin """",.."""",579,590, 6:11 24-Wiliiams, Willie of Sherwin.Williams objecting to rezoning to provide for "aduit entertainment" "',"" 590 ~Waltz, John J, "Hank", requesting rezoning of South- ern 'Part of Washington Neighborhood """",.."", 594, 616 Dee, 8--"Wastewater Treatment Plant Siudge Disposal" copy of same submitted by D,E.Q, .."""""""""""""".."""" 613 8--Wenzel .garage property at 124 Bluff st" Alfred Hughes, Atty, submitting report on same """"..""" 614, 632 8--Water Rates, proposed, Mayor Justmann requesting Staff's recommendations """"""""""""""".."""""",... 8-Wa!tz, John J" appointed to Community Deveiopment Commission """"""""",........"""""""",.."",...."",.."""" 6-Willoughby, David J" appointed to Community Devel. opment Commission ",..".., "".."......" ".."......"""",.."..", 15-Willoughby. David J" Public Officiai Bond submitted 28--Weitzel, George H., reque.ting vacation of alley be. tween Bradley & Grandview ""........"""""""""""""" 28--Work Periods established for Law Enforcement and Fire Protection empioyees ""..."",...."..""....""""""",,639, 640 22-Wertz, Donald E" granted Ciass "C" Beer Permit",..", 641 538 555 559 616 619 619 622 637 1975 INDEX,-BOOK 105 SUBJECT y Jan, 6-Youth Services appointments made "...""",22, 321, 418,427, 523 " 27~Youth Involvement, relative to Dubuque Ambassadors and Iowa Community Betterment Contest """""""" 27-"Youth In Government" program sponsored by YMCA. YWCA 51 Mar, 3-Youth Services Board of Directors submitting minutes of their meetings """,...."",94, 112, 173, 297, 349,450, 556 July 28-Yiannias, N, J" Property, objections to rezoning of same """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""",,359,361, 374 Sep,t, 28--Youth Services Program for period of Oct, 1972 thru June 30, 1975 submitted """"""',.."""""""""""""" " 29-"Youth Appreciation Week" Nov, 9 thru Nov. 15 requested :by Optimist Club "'"..""""..""".."""""",,, 29-Y's Men Club requesting Halloween Parade on Oct. 30, 1975 """""""""""""""""",.""""""""",."".".""""" ""',%(",.'7"Cè-;¡;:ê!C""""'" Page 50 493 496 497 1975 INDEX-BOOK 105 --- SUBJECT Page z Feb, l~Zimmerman, Paul, objecting to type of TV reception on outside antenna, due to leakage of T,V, Cable " 1:O-Zimmer, Isidore, represented by General Casualty Go" Notice of personal injury accident ""......",..".."", " 10-Zoning Changes for group homes, concern for same " 17~Zwack, Mr, Joseph, resigning the position 'Of assistant 'City Attorney, effective March 15, 1975 ....""""",..." May 5-Zurcher, John, requesting vacation of an ailey abutting his property on Marquette Place ".."""".."""""",'"" " 27-Zelinskas, Leonard, objecting to paving of Paul Street " 27-Zickhur, Doug, Granted Class "C" (CommerciaD Beer & Liquor License ..,......",..",......",..""......",....",..",.., 241 June 2-Zirkelbach, Betty, Notice of personal injuries claim"" 246, 254 " 16~Zickuhr, Douglas, Granted Cigarette License ".."""""" 296 " 23-Zayre Snack Bar, Granted Cigarette License ,""" " ".." , 304 " 30--Zoning Ordinance, Preiiminarydraft of comprehensive same, presented to Councii by Planning & Zoning Commission """"""..""""",....""..,....",,313, 338, 357,373, 374 July 7-Zimmerman, Mary, requesting annexation of her prop. erty at 2455 Rockdale Rd, """"",....".."""..".."""",326,341, 424 28~Zoning Ordinance, proposed, objectious to same ",..", """,..........,........,..".."".."".."......""",............,," 359, 360,373, 374 28-Zoning Ordinance, proposed, supporting same ".."" 360 Sept, 2-Zurcher, Hans, presenting piat from u.seS, Dubuque 449 " 15~Zoning Board of Adjustment, pursuant to Ordinance No, 32.75, established and appointments made "" Oct, 20-Zoning Adjustment Board to study Ordinance No, 32-75 for revision, to provide direct maii notification to people affected by rezoning of adjacent property Nov, 10-Zoutte, Marvin L" Notice of personal injuries claim Dee, 15-Zwack, Anton objecting to proposed rezoning of his property on northeast corner of 13th & White sts, 64 65 68 115 176 225 488 537 579 623 Regular Session; January 6, 1975 their bonds, arid fixing their salaries, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DU- BUQUE, IOWA: That the foilowing officers be appointed, subject however, to the right of the Counèil to deciare such offices vacant or remove the officers therefrom at the pleasure of the Councii with or without 'cause, and to be paid the com- pensation provided in the current budget and that the City Man. ager provide a bond in the amount of $5,000, and. the City Solicitor provide a bond in the amouut of $1,000 at their 'O,wn ex- pense and that the City Clerk be covered under the blanket Honesty bond of the City, , , City Manager Gilbert D, Chavenelle City Clerk Leo F, Frommelt City Solicitor R, N, Russo Passed, adopted and approved this 6th day M January 197'5, C, Robert Justmann 'Mayor Alvin E, Lundh Emil Stackis James E, Brady Ailan T, Thoms Councilmen Attest: Leo F, Frommelt City Clerk Councilman Thoms moved adop. tion of the resolution, Seconded by Mayor Justmann, Carried by the following vote: Yea~Mayor Justmann, Council. men Brady, Lundh, Stackis, Thoms, Nays-None, Mayor Justmann administered the oath of office to the Manager, Clerk and Solicitor, RESOLUTION NO. 2.75 Resolution designating the of. ficial newspaper of tI1e City of Dubuque, Iowa. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: That "The 1'elegraph Herald" a daily newspaper of general cir- culation, be appointed the official newspaper of the City, CITY COUNCIL OFFICIAL Regula'r Session January 6, 1975. Council met at 7:30 P.M, (C.S,T.) Present-Mayor Thoms, Council. men Brady, Justmann, Lundh, Stackis. City Manager Gilbert D. Cho.venelle. Mayor Thoms cailedtbe meet- ing to order and stated that this is THE REGULAR MONTHLY MEET- J1iIç. OF THE CITY CO'[1NCII" AND ALSO THE FIRST MEETING OF THE FISCAL YEAR, for ,the purpose 'Of acting upon such busi- ness as may properly come before the Meeting, 'Mayor Thoms ex- pressed his appreciation on being able to Serve as Mayor during 1974, At 7:35 P,M, Councilman Staekis moved to go into Executive Ses- sion for the purpose of electing a new Mayor, Seconded ,by Council- man Thoms, Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yeas~Councilman Brady, Just. mann, Lundh, Stackis, Thoms, Nays--JNone, Council reconvened in Regular Session at 7:59 P,M, Councilman Lundh moved that Councilman C, Robert Justmann be selected to serve as Mayor during the year 1975, Seconded by Councilman Brady, Carried by the foilowing vote: Yea~ouncil1nel! Brady, Just- mann, Lundh, Thoms, Nay~ouncilman Stackis, City Clerk Leo F, Frommelt ad- ministered the oath of office to Mayor Justmann, Councilman Lundh addressed the Council stating that Councilman Thoms did an outstanding Job during bis tenure as Mayor for the year 1974, The remainder of the Council concurred with the remarks by Councilman Lundh, RESOLUTION NO. 1-75 Providing' for, the appointme'nt of a City Manager, City Clerk, and City Solicitor for the City of Dubuque, Iowa; providing' for