Floraview Drive 1885 F1crav ew 1885 Montana St. 0 -Ed. Duster C -Glenn Carris Erect S.F.Fr.Dweflg.B.P. 434 7 -12 -57 12,000.00 B,of,A. Petn. Art. IX :Sec, b Subdivision of lot that d oes not front upon public street. Denied Docket No.20- 64 Const. Basement Garage to rear of S.F, r,Dwe11g.B.F'a 907 10 -1-69 400.00 0 -Cyril Burke C- DISCO Reside SFFr Dwllg, B.P. 742, 7/15/77 3000.00 1885 Floraview 0 -Cyril E. Burke C -Dan Maury erect 14x8 wood deck SF frm dwllg BP 4516 6/29/82 $700.00 0 -Cyril Burke C -L & S Enterprises reroof SF frm dwllg BP 6163 8/29/83 $1100.00