Garfield Avenue 1009 1009 Garfield Ave. I 0 -Carl G. Bauggartner C -Ray Mellsen Alterations & repair to 2nd floor of 2 fr. brick Dwelling. B.P. 56 4-13 -50 1,500.00 0-William Kelly C- Cletus Nauman Reroof fr garage B.P. 192 5 May 75 150.00 0 -John Horekeimer C- Ownwer reroof det garage, one side. of garage, SF RES BP24973 9/15/94 $300.00 1009 GARFIELD 0- Leonard Lewis C -Owner , t /o, reside (v), porch, rear, 2F, nsd BP 32811 9/15/95 $700.00