North Grandview Avenue 0190 190 N. Gre 9tie 0-E. isl Ge tena C -Owner 4eTOCP frame ' `,!ei1is B.P. 1616 10/24/42 4= c^ O- Ralph Gatena 800.00 Addition to side of S.F,Fr.nwellg. B.P. 850 9 o - Ralph Gatena Erect partial fnda SFFr Dwllg, B.P. 732,6/28/78 1000.00 O - Ralph Gatena Erect add to SFFr Dw11g,_B.P. 1341, 10/17/78..13919.00 0- Ralph Gatena C- Owner New roof on dwelling & det garage, sd, SF BP27194 11 -15 -94 $1275.00