Friends of the Mines of Spain Interpretive NAI AwardContact: Jeff Boland Tel. 507- 467 -2437 ext. 112 Email: jeffboland @eagle- bluff.org Mines of Spain State Recreation Area E.B. Lyons Interpretive Center 8991 Bellevue Hts. Dubuque, Iowa 52003 -9214 NEWS RELEASE National Association for Interpretation Region 5 REGION 5 HEARTLAND MINES OF SPAIN FRIENDS ORGANIZATION RECIEVES AWARD FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE The organization Friends of the Mines of Spain received an award for Excellence in Interpretive Support from the National Association for Interpretation Region 5. The National Association for Interpretation (NAI) is dedicated to inspiring leadership and excellence to advance heritage interpretation as a profession. Region 5 of NAI is made up of the states Iowa, Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Nebraska, South Dakota, North Dakota, the province of Manitoba, and the territory of Nunavut. The Award was presented April 16` 2011 at the Annual Regional Workshop in Pinawa, Manitoba. The award, Excellence in Interpretive Support, is presented to an individual member or nonmember, governing body, official, administrator, business, agency, or organization that has shown recognition of the value of interpretation through exceptional and sustained support. This support may be broad - based financial, administrative, or executive (or a combination of these), and serves as a respected model for other interpretive venues and contributors. Recognition may be for (but not limited to) sponsorship or support for interpretive programs and enhancement of interpretive facilities. The Friends Group of the Mines of Spain serves as an exceptional model to friends groups in the field of interpretation. Over several years they were able to raise 1.8 million dollars to expand and renovate the E. B. Lyons Interpretive Center through individuals, businesses, grants, and in -kinds donations of labor and materials. The Friends Group also supported the field of interpretation through the design of the interpretive displays that were developed for the new center, and by assisting with public relations, educational programs, restoration, and general promotion of the Mines of Spain. The Mines of Spain is a State of Iowa Recreation area located in Dubuque, Iowa. For more information about the Mines of Spain visit their website: http: / /minesofspain.org/ # ## For more information about the NAI awards program contact Jeff Boland at 507- 467 -2437 or email Jeff at jeff.boland(a eagle- bluff.org