1973 July Council Proceedings Special Session, June 29, 1973 Na,ys-None. Absent-Mayor Bitter. There being 00 further business Councilman pregler moved to ad- journ. Seconded by Presådmg Of- ficer Pro Tem Moldenbauer. Car- ried by the ÍiOll().'WÎ!lg vote: PreSiÌding Oti'ieer Pro Tem 10101.- demau<", Couœilmen J""tmann, Pregler, Thoms. Na,ys-None. AJbsent-Mayor Bitter. Leo F. Frommelt Cöty Clerk 376 od' ,viol.a1ion and deemIDg bimsellif , not guilty Of sucl1 OIffeose, or de- siring to awear and defend aga"",t the same, sball Vlithin 11wenty-lour period aweor all; the Police De- partment and pronuse to appear in the District Court od' Dubuque County, Iowa ÍiOr trail. Section 3. Tbe promons bereod' sball not in any manner a«oot the penalty, provi5iODS od' any oth- er Ordinance, or p"rt od' Ordinance. reaiting to the parking of vehicle< upon the SItreets, avenues, alleya or pulblic places. WlÍthin the City of Dubuqlle, fuwa' but sbaIl be \ cumu:l8lÜlVe od' til other c>rdinaOOCS Approved .................................. 1&'18 on the subject and ÍiOr the pur- pose of providing a moreconve- ~~;".:'nd '~""!"'I"':! method of I Adopted .................................... 1&'13 ~n......g s""" V10 "'uODS. Section 4. Parking violations- Inter-office Procedures The ofiEices od' the p,;¡;"e Depart- I ............................................................ moot, Dætæ Processing, Traffic En- gineer, wd City Treasurer are ~=:",~~e ,to.:m::~: I ............................................................ procedures to carry inJto effoot the provisio1l6 od' tJW¡ Ordlnaooe. Section 5. That an ordinances, or patts od' ordln-es, in coDlflict ::~~ h:'eb~ :::=.t od' such I ............................................................ Section 6. Tbat this Ord;nanee ~~:~=:~~;~':':. \ """"""""""ë~;;~~ï¡;;;~~""""""""" tion as by 1... provided. p,ássed, awroved and adopted tbiS 29th ":::n. eod'A. J:~de,~;'er \ Attest: .................:................................ Presiding Of¡fieer Pro C1ty Clerk Tem ' watter A. Preg¡ler ABan T. Tboms C. Robert JUSltmann Conneilmen ATl'EST: Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Published 0iffici"i1y in The Tele- gra(Jh-Her,ald newoPapeI" 1bis 2nd da'y od' JDiy, 1973. Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk 1t. HI Councilman pregiler moved tinal adoption od' the Ordmance. Second- ed by presiding Officer Pro Tern Moldenhauer. Carried W the 101- 1<liwing vote: presiding Of¡fdœt Pro Tem Mol- denhauer, Councilmen J""tmam>, p,regler, Tbil>ms. ............................................................ Regular Session, July 2, 1973 377 CITY COUNCIL OFFICIAL Regular _oion, July 2;. 1m. Council met at 7:30 P.M. (C.D. T.) Present - Mayor Bitter, Coun. cilmen Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. City Manager Gil- bert D. Chovenene. MI<yor &tter read ,the ca,J[ and Slta.ted thæt service thereof h I< d been dmy made .and Ulis Ì5 the regular meeting of (he Oity Oooncil ÍiOr the purpose of adJing upon I>ItC:iI busines.s as ml<Y properlly come beÍiOre h meeting, ()()mm""¡¡'3Ition od' Human Riglhls ()()lIlll1IÌ86ion ""bm>ttingminUiOO.s od' thcir meeting held on June iL4, 197ß, presented ÍiOr 4II1e re.oord. Councilman Pregler moved Iih"t lihe minutes be received and filed. Seconded by CounciliDlan Thoms, C...ried by he following vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen J""tmam, 1M0ldenhaner, P,regiler, Thoms . Nays-None. (J()mm\mÌc3ltion od' Low 'R e n t Housing Commission suD:>1ruitting minutes od' their meeting od' June 21;, 19m, presented and read, Conn. ci1mw Preg1er moved ,that the oomm1l1lk,a,tlion be received a, n d Jliled, Seconded by Couneiiliman Thoms. C...ried by the following vote: Ye:>s-M"yor BiaJter, Councilmen Jllstm""", Moldenhauer, Preg1er, Thoms. Na,ys-None. June 'n, 19'm To h Honorilile Mayor and Qi,ty Council I hæve mæde he fuÐowing ap- pointment;; to ,the Board of Hea,t. ing, Ventilation, Air Conditioning and Refriger"tiion. The appoint- meu:lsare fur a' ,three year period da<ing from Mare!l 16, 19'm. Mr, F"ank J. Schwartz a!1P<>inted ÍiOr a first term, Mr. Adri.... C, sw;Ætaw><>inted ÍiOr ,a' second term, I request your conlfiÎ11ml<üon od' these appointmenl:s. Gilbert D. Ohavenelle Çity Manager CounciDiman JUSltmann moved ai- firm"üon od' the æppomtmen~s. Se- conded by ,Councilman Mold_u- er. ,carried by <he foJ[OWIÍI>g vote: Yeas..."Mayor Bitter, Councilmen J".tmann,Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nays-NQDe. Jlme 21;, 1973 To <he Hono..hle Mayc>r - Members od' the Cj¡ty Council PIle...e ,bea_ed lIbat I hæve approved <he foalowing' sidewalk oonslrudion ,bond and des>re~ have your fiI!ng awrovalon sa'me, William LuGrain, We;;tern Sure. ,ty Company, Bond No.. 547811ó17, .6, 8.73, OObel'll: D. Ohavencile OityMwager Councilman Preg1er moved iiJing "wrmal s"bject to æpprov,al or the Clty Attorney, seconded by CoWllCiIIman l\foldeni>auer. Carried .by the i'oiIlolWing "'me: Ye:>s-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Justmann, Moldenbauer, Preg[er, Thoms. Nays-None, June Zl, 197ß To ,the Honorable M.ayor and Oity Council I request "",,_on to - ,the annual cOlllfereœe od' Ule in- ternational Çity Man"gement As- socialiion and !iwo dl<Y conference on Organiza,tion DevelOlPIDcut. The meetings ,will Ix> heid Sell>- ,tember ;n througlh ~tember 'n in Bostoo, GlIbel'll: D. Cbavenelle Qi,1Iy Manager CouncilmanPre,gler moved ap- pro""l od' Ule requ...t. Seconded .by CounciJLman Moldenhauer. Ca<- r'ied ,by ,the foJilc>WIÍng vote: Yeas-M"yor Bi1Jter, Conncilmen Jwstmann, Moldenhl<uer, Pregler, Tboms, NI<ys-None. June 'n, 1973 To ,the lIonor"Me Mayor and City Coune>! Mr. White h... arranged ÍiOr Jo- se¡ph Obr of lIbe Io\'Yoa State De- partment od' Environanental Qu,,¡¡,ty to a~tend COUIloil meeting July 2nd and disou.s5wiJth you the sawage plant progr"m. Mr. White bas also requested that Mr. Ombrurui and Mr. Dague od' H D & R be present. G- D.Cl>avenel1e Q¡ty Manager 378 Regular Session, July 2, 1973 May"" BItter moved ,\bat 1 h e __n be recej,ved and fîù!d and ,file Yules _ded in onler '" iet ...,..... _I ....w.eos the Coud ill tiIley so desire, Se- conded by Councilm- Moldenbau- <!t. Can-iedby the fo [C>WIÍng "ate: Yea.--M"yar 1IiMe", <Cwncilmeo J~tmllllll, '~er, Pn!gIeir, 'DImBs. Nay¡s.-Naoe. Mr. ~ Obr 01. 1he _a De- partment 01. 'Eo-...mal Quamy addn>soed 4he <Jouneü .._ve to !be s...age _ment plant and its present ,and future operation and NqUireun"'. The City ,will not be aiIlOlWed mlreat its sewage undec older and "'"" ....;"geot re- ~ and lI1e1'ObyavoOd eon- ~ of Ph.... ll. Tbe City mllOit meet miDimum efiiIIueot ..... dards and be .o<>mi>Ieted by April 1976. The lJity seems to be on sclIedui1!e. Ninety per ceøt od' eJf- fJuent'o bact.er!ia oxygen (B 0 D) must be removed by 1JII16. Under the old guidelines the plmt was designed for ooveoty fi,ve and SO per cent removai As to new gr8IllÚ! from the government they must ha~ indilstri<d I>"Y ¡bad!: provi- sions over ,twenty Y"ar period in amwer to " quesllioo raised of !be fa!imess to penalize the cilty by now n>qoiring redesign od' Üle plant at a œst 011 some four mil- lion do!!_. June 'If/, lII73 TO the Honorable Mayor and CIty C<>uneill On May 29Ih yon ooœidered a petition ÍiOr a peddler's lOceDSe re- quested by Mr. 1!ichard Steckel 00 booaV od' tbe Trl-Staite Inde¡¡en- dent Blind Society. Tbe m"tter was referred to the city manager ÍiOr re¡port and recommend.n. On June 4th Mr. Steckel c"me to tbe 00IIü:e and ~ussed tbe ,petition ...... Mr. Leo Fromme« and my¡seH. We sUUested a modi- fication lIS II<> Üle length od' me for wbîd1 Üle Iitoonse was requested and it """ omderst<>od ÜN>t " re- vised le- 01. pW¡IJion 'wou'ld be $tj)mitted to lI1e Oity CIedt by June 8th ÍiOr presentation ¡o """""u OIl JQae ¡Mh. The revised pettlioD ..a,s IIOt re- ceived, On June Wth I wrote ¡o Mr. Steckel. remindillg him of ,the siituation, TO dúe no reply bas been rec:etved. GIlbert D. Ohævenelle Qi¡ty ,M,anager CouooNman Ka_....er moved tiIlal tiIle commUIlliealtion be receiv- ed and ffied. Seeonded 'by Comu:il- mao Pregler. Canied by the i>l. lowing vote: y....-.J4~",r ~, CouDc:ümen J_, Mold.........., P..,gier, 'NIoms. Naya-None. Proof od' 'Pubiiea4Jion, eertôIIied to 1>y1l1e PubJiod¡er, od' Statemeot of. Receipts and disbtmse- ..J Iiost <Jf claims b' May lII73, pre- sented ÍiOr the reoord. Couocïaman MDlden!>auer moved bat be P<OOf of >1liJI\iIceAio be reeei- . n d filed, Seconded by Co~m.n Pregler. Carried by the ~ vote: Yea&-Mayor B<tter, Couneiùnen Jus'mann, Moldenl111'Uer, Preg¡ler, 'lboms. Nays--None. Commnnieaüon <Jf PIanDing & ZoaiQg Commissioo 511bmi1iting œro' 01. their minutes of the meet- ing held on June 20, 197,3, present- ed for the record. CouDcidmm Mdl- denhauermc>ved ,that Obe com!IlUD!i. catron ¡be reœived and ttled. Se- conded by Councilman Pregler. Carried by the foJlowing vote: Yeas-May"" Biitter, Councilmen J""tmann, Mdldenhauer, PregIer, Tboms. Naya.....Nooe, JUIIle 28, 1973 Honorable Mayor and Coune>ilmen '!be City of Dubnque Planning and Zoning Commis'sion bs reo viewed the Caradco petition ÍiOr v,,"ation od' the plaJtJted ,,!ley in the block 'bounded by Jlth, 12th, Jad<- son and Washington Streets. Tbe CommåssWn has noted that all od' the property wbuttlng this alley is owned by the petitioner and that the alley serves no pre- sent or ÍiOrsee"ble purpose as a public thoroughfare exœpt for utility purposes. It is the recommendation od' the Planning and Zoning Commission that suit"ble arrangernent be made to permit use od' the platted alley by the petitioner. orry PLANNœNG AND ZONmNG COMMISSION Da- J)jj temore, DervekJpment PiIumer Regular Session, July 2, 1973 31'9 Councilman Pregler moftd thaI I Crubewgh. ÌD an UDCteIe.miaed a- the commuuæaltion be referred to III<>UDt, ÍiOr perSMal qurœs re- the Manager and staIif ÍiOr investi- ceived byms. - miDor ""no. as gation aDd report. Seconded by the reslllt of falls from a bIufIf CounciJlman J"stmann. Carried by in Loois ~ puk .... June the foIJawing vote: 22, 1973, Presented and read. May- Yeas-Ma,yor Bitter Couocilmen or Bitter DWved t.hat the ooti.ce Justmann M01deOOa';"r Pregler od' claw be referred to the City Tboms. ' " Atlorney wr p- adio... Secon- NaYs-Nene. dedby Councilman Preg er. Car- ried by the ÍiOllawing vate: Yeas-.Mayor BItter, Counefilmen Justma,nn, Moldenhauer, Pregler, TbmllS. Nays-None, Proof od' Publicatia&, .ertlfled to by the Publisher, of n<>tiœ of bear- iDg to amend !be eurrent b1lÒg !t adopted November 6, 1972, present. ed and read. lLað>or Bitter moved tha,t tbe proof ... puIJlieaüoD be received and 5IBd. Secouded by Councilman Pregler. Carried by the fullmving vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen JustmaJHI, Moliieo!il!11er, Pregler, Thoms. Nays~None. Some discusSÌJ>n arose as to !he plæcement <>l firefighters at tbe Airport. Various member" of thc fire de¡partment a<fdire&Sed the CoUDcll by s>tam¡g the Mrp¡m is city awned property IUId should be mænnedby pr<>&ssionaJ: tire. fighters, rather thæn. inex¡>e:rl<!DCed belp tram the rank and tile a1 the Airport. lIfr. MOI!i<f expWned the position that the Airport Com. mission bas taken m the matter and' Staey Mtn'd'odr, a memf!er od' tile AÌI1>&rt eommi..iou, eon. cur"'" in' Mr. MOI!id'w PlUl. Mr, Molld stated that three men e<mId be hired for about þ,oœ, fur the balance od' the year and ibr $22,0lIO during eaeh od' the next - )J8ar'Ie Mr. MoUd said the men could be adequately trained and CDuld split the 16 botms a daJ, - days a -schedule. To hire ŒCI1Iar city firemen wouJd cost approxi- mately _000 per -- Some discussion also a"'se as to a siorth fire engine company bere in tire Oity, bow...... tile City II"mager .tated none W platttled fur 197[4. Counclllllm J- move<f to delete Hem Nlle3, Trame Engineer, MOtiOD died far laek of a _d. CouneNman Pregler moved fu de. lete $1&,000 ÍiOr .-Maining ....lIs, June 26, 1973 Honorable Mayor and City Council On June 8, 1973, claim of Loren H. EWinger of La, Motte, Iowa was Bled by Scherrer's Agency on behalf of said claimant and claiming damages to motor vehi- de in the amount of $288,20 ænd alleging ,said damages occurred on May 29, 1972 as the ,result of clai- mant's vehicle being ..truck by a city owned g.arb"ge truck at 905 Ne_, Sbreet ;" the City of Du- buquIo . 'I1WJS m'lltter w,", relferred fx> file appropriate City Agency who, on June 20, IJI13 advised me City At- tonrey that said claim had been amWaibly disposed of. Âccording,ly, it is th.. ree<>mn1f<¡- dation of the 'City Attorney that the claim of Loren H. Eblinger be denied. Original claim with Scherrer's Agency Communcation is returned herewith. R. N. RuSlSO CIty Attorney Mayor .Bitter moved approval of the reeoDl1!llenda,tion. Seconded by Councilman Pregler. Carried by the ÍiOil<>wing vote : Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen J,,"imann, Moldenhauer, Pregter, Thoms. Nays-None. Notice od'olaim of Doyle Fonley et w<, in 1ñe amount od' $14œ.43, for damage and expense incurred as lI1e result of a' s,ænitary sewer baiek-up at 773 .oody Drive on June 2, 1912, presented and read, May- or Bitter moved that the notiee of claim be referred to the City Attorney ÍiOr proper acliion. Second- ed ,W,CoImcilman PreøJer. Carried by the follGwing vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Juotmmm,. Moldenhauer, Pregler. Tboms. Nays-None. Notiœ of claim of Mel.VÙl L. 380 Regular Session, July 2, 1973 day od' July 19711. Joseph J. Bitter Mayor Allw T. Tboms Wayne A. Moldenhaller Councilmen A TTES'l' : Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Published officially in the Tele- græpb.Herald Newspaper this 6th day of July, 1973. Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Councilman Tboms moved final adoption of the Ordinance. Se- conded by Coundlman Moldenhau- er. Carried 'by the following vote: Yeas~Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Moldenhauer, Thoms. Nays~Councilmen J u "' t mann, Pregler. Proof od' P!JIblication, eerti1fied to by the Publisiler, od' o&eial publi- cation od' noliice od' pubilic hearing of plaTh' to ex¡pend its Revenue Sharin,g allocation for the entitle- merut ,period beginning January 1, 1973 and ending J,une 30, 1973 based upon an estimated total of $538,510 presented and read. No written objections were filed and no orol <>bjeetors were present at the time set for the pul>1ic hearing, Coune~man Pregler moved that the proof od' pub1ieart1ion be re- ceived and Iiiled. Seconded by Ma- yor Bibter. Carried by the fodloIw- lng vote: Ye..s~Ma~or B>tter, C<>uncilmen Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Na~s-None, Air Conditioning Barn ÍiOr $10,000, I this 2nd and $50,000 for Ha~bor Develop- ment, Motion died for laek od' a second. Councilman Justmann m 0 v e d that $18,000 be deleted Û"om the current budget "mendment for two retaining wan... Seconded by Mayor Bitter. Carried by the fol- loWlÍllg vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen J""tmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Na~s-None. ORDINANCE NO. 36-73 An ordinance amending the bud. get os approvad by Ordinance No. 1.73, said Ordinance ba'ving been previously presented and read at the Council meeÜIlg od' June 11, 1973, subject to public hearing, pre- sented for finol adoption, Ordinance No. 36-73 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE BUDGET AS APPROVED BY ORDINANCE 1-73. WHEREAS, IT IS NECESSARY TO AMEND THE CURRENT BUD- GET FOR ITEMS OF SPECIAL ANn IMM,EDIATE NEED !iii THE AREAS OF PUBLIC SAFETY, EN. VIRONMENTAL PRO TECTION, PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION, RE- CREATION, LIBRARIES, SOCIAL SE~vroES FOR THE POOR AND AlGED, FJIi['ANCIAL ADMINISTRA. 11IVE ANiD E1IIN~OIAL 1M - PROVEMEm'S. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT OR- DAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE OITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWiA: That the unexpended portion of the 1972 Entitlement Period Funds od' the State and Loc.m Fiscol As- sistance Act of 197:2 "vail,.ble as od' this date not appropriated in the origin"l budget æpproved by Ordinance 1-73, or ooy supplemen- t,,1 ordin:>œe to date, are hereby allocated wd appropriated for pay ment of neee"",,'ry eJliPenditures od' City government m ÍiOlloWlÍllg fund and amount; and to that end the appropriation od' funds are hereby authorized to wit: Fund Increased Appropriation Revenue Sharing Trust Fund (41) TOTAL, increased Appropriation $762,300,00. Passed, adopted and approved ",.,'" June 28, 1973 To the Honor,able Mayor and City Coune'ii Aittaehed ;,;a eo,py of an "mend- ment to ,the tr,atfffi<: ordinance pro- viding ÍiOr a, stop sign at Kelly Lane and Fremont Alvenue,and RandanM Bradiey Streets. A3oo attached is a !ettIer od' ex¡¡ilaootion frOllIl Obief O'Brien. Tbe orom""ee ..mendment will. be presented at yom meeting od' Ju:ly 2nd. r recommend ibM it be adopted. ,Gilbert D. CbaveneJlle City Manager Mayor Bitter mc>ved that the communication be reee1ved and Regular Session, July 2, 1973 381 filled. Seconded by Couœilm,an Pregler. Carried by the foll1owing vote: Yeae-Mayor B>tter, Councilmen Jlusl.mann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, TboIl1/!. Na,ys-Noœ. AN OilillINANCE amendmg Tra.OOic Ordinaooe No. 33-49 b~ add- ing a new oobseetion 7 to Section C od' Schedule III dlereod' and a new subsootlion 26 to Section A ()f Schedule III to provide that we.tibound vehicles on Keilly Lane mUSltstop at Fremont at KeIlly Lane interseetioo and e"sdlound and westbound vehicles 00 Brad- ley &tree! must .stqp before e~ter- ing the intersection of Randan and Bradley &treets, presented and read, The or<tilIanee w,," fu1l1y ædqpted and later ()n re.oonsidered by motion od' Councilman J.USltmann stressing the lOÌDit od' coillootlive authority. Seconded b~ Councilman Moldenhauer. Carried by dle fol- lowing vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Cotureinmen Jws'¡mann, Moldenl1auer. Nay. - Councilmen Pregler, ThOITh<, M..yor Bitter moved that the Or- dinance lie on the table. MOOion died for J,a"k od' a second. Counci1man Jœtmann moved that the si,gœ ,,!ready in place be rernc>ved. Seconded by Coun- cilman M()ldenbauer. Vote on the motion was as ÍiOllow.: Yeas - eouœ¡'¡men J_ann, MoJdenhauer. Na)"s - M,a~or Bitter, Council- meo Pregler, Tb<>ms. Petition od' Swiss Vaillley Bacl1e- lorettes, 4-oH Club, requestin,g per- mission to sell stationery from door to door, during the week of Ju:ly 8th thru the 14th, preseUlted and read. Mayor BItter moved approva~ and referred to the M,anager. Se- conded by C<>uncilman Thoms. Car. ried by the following vote: Yea&-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Jnstmann, MoJdenhaller, Pregler, ThC>IDS. Nays-None, Petition od' Peoples Natural! G... requæting pel1DlÌs:SiÌonto exlC8vate on Rose &treet to repair a' leaky I sernee, presented wd read. Coun- cilman Pregler moved appro\'aI! od' the peliition. Seconded by Ma~or Bitter. Carried by the Mlowing vote: Yeas-M,ayor Bi,tter, Coonicilmen JUSltm..nn, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Tboms. N"y~one. Petition of Lor.. College Stu- dent Sen..te requeS!ting permisSiion to cond...t a ,parade 00 October 13th, "" part od' their HomecOOl- ing aotivities, preseUlted and read. Cooncilman Pregler moved that the petition be approved and re- ferred to the Mana,ger. Seconded b~ Mayor BItter. Carried by the -ing vote: Ye..s-M,ayor Bitter, Councilmen Ju&tmann, Moldenhauer, Preg[er, Thoms. Nays-Nooe. Petition of }1irst Natioo..l Bank requestIDg rezoning the property at 2222 Wbiite Street being the SIy 30' od' WIly 'h of Lot 311 in L. H. Langworthy Addu. to provide ÍiOr oJif.,gtreet p-g and to re- mæin in M~tiple Z<>ning Cla",,;'¡¡' camon, presented and read. Conn,. oilman MOldenhauer moved that the petition be referred to the Planning & Z<>lling CollLlIÙSSiÌon. Se- co.nded by Mayor Bitter. Carried by the fOIll<>WlÍng vote: Ye...-M.ayor Bitter, Counciilmen Jusl.mann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nays-None. Proof od' Publication, certified to by the PubIisiler, along wì1lh re- ce1pt ÍiOr cel1tiiied mail, od' ootice od' public hea~ing to Mr. Bernard Olarusky to conSiider City M,ana- ger'. reporil; on rondition od' dela- pldated buiIldin.go located at 701 ROOmberg Ave. on the E. 7i1' od' Lot 36 COOk's Addu. pre<ented and read. Mr. Bernard Olansky addressed the Cooneil rel&üve to the buildingis located at 701 Jthomberig Ave. Mayor Bitter moved that the proof of publication and cer.tÜied mail receipt be received and med. Seconded by C<>uncUman Pregler. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Cotureiilmen JUSltmann, Moldenhaner, Pregler, Thoms. N"ys--None. 382 Regular Session, July 2. 1973 RIiSOLUTION NO. 228.73 WiHEMAS the Oity Manager b... reported to the City Cooncii - the buildings and premises located 0" the East 7a feet d. Lot 36 Cog ¡,s Addition, in Üle Cjj,y of Du- buque, DUibuque County, Iowa, are dangeroos to life anod bealIh be- caw;e of their condition and ÜlaJt demaœ ¡,..¡ been made !>y h<m - Bernard O\anJSky, P.O. B<>x ø, lIIiain Post OØiee, De< Moines, Iowa 50000, ... owner od' s,a;d pro- perty ltIbat 1fIe rendition romplæined od' be corrected and that said OIWDCr bas EaiJed to ~t the oondiibions wili!in the tlime provided !>y the llØtke; and, WHiFJREIAS on June 1Jl, 1m, the City C<>tIrwiI set said report down for ,hearing at 7:30 o'doel< P.M. Centrol Dayüighlt Time July 2, 1973, in the Oity Council Cba111lber in the Ci,ly Hal¡ in the City od' Du- buque. Dubuque County, Iowa, and directed ,the City Olerl< to ~ve nooce od' said hearing; and, WlHElREAS it IIIPIP"U\' by reIJUXn od' ocr,",," IlOtW on file in tihe re- cords od' lihe City CoI1nciII that no- tice of said hearing was given by sel'Viag by Reg¡ißiEred MæI on June W, JS1S, and by publli:ation iD the TeI!!g~apHienùd n- ... June W. 1973, and, WRE)REAS polflSuant to said no- tåce on <>rder of the City Counci'l . pubtile hearing ...as held at 7:30 o'clock P,M. Central Dayligl>t Time on July 2, JS13, in Üle (Jit¡< CouDcIl Chamber in the City HaU in the ~~ ~eD=e'ofI,::' ~~: I scribed real estai!e were aflforded an OIPIP<>rtunity to be bœrd and wimesses ooneernmg the condition od' the property and the ha~ard wao. heærd; and, WHOO&F.A& the CoImcil h... du:ly considered the testimony of the wi.tne",es and viewed the premises ...d bas reached its determination. NOW, 11lfE¡REFORE, BE IT RE- SOdNEID BY THE CITY OOUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, roWA: Section 1. That the structure¡ kIWWD as '1«1 B:bc>mberg A-e, i j¡aøt 1iI. feet of. Lot 36 Cog ¡,s MdI- tioft, in the ~ of Dubuque, Du- buque Couuty, Iowa, be and the s,æme are here!>y found and de- c],a.redto be dangerous to life, health and pro~ and a nuisance. Section 2. That 11116 CiAy MaIlIIIger be and be Is heNiby autiJœized and dirooted to ca""e the slime- ture known ... 701 m..>mberg Ave- nue, Ea>st 711 feet of L<>1: 36 Cooks Add,i,tion, in the Ctiy od' DUibuque, Dvbuqne County, Iowa, to be dis- m-ed and l'<!.D1DVOd. Section 3. Tbat u¡pon co1D!!lellion of said work, the Ciity Manager sha1i ""~ the cost _oo! to the City Clerk. Section 4. That upon receipt of iWd cer,lifi<:ai!e of cost from the City Manager, Ihe Ciity CIerI< shan thereupon eer,1ify s,aid cost to the County Auditor od' Dubuque Conn- ty, fuwa, and it sha d be coUeeted with and in the s..me manner as generol property taxes. Section 5. That the CI1ty Olerk be and is hereby dù"eeted to re- cord '" certified copy of this Res<>- lution in the ofi£iee od' the CouUlty Recorder of DUibuque County, Io- wa. Pæssed, adqpted and a¡p¡proved this 2nd day of July, 1973. Joseph J. Bttter Mæyor W.w.teJ: A. Pregler A!J1,an T. Thoms Wayne A. MoldenhanElr C. Robert JUSltmam Couw:ilmen Atteslt: Leo F. Fromme1lt City Clerk Councilman Thoms moved ad<1P- tion of the resolutiœt and a!!ow two weeks be6>re receipt od' bìdB to aJOOw s,ale by pul1Cl>aser or own- er to submit a plan and proper hood. Seeooded by M,ayor Bi,tJIJer. Gamed by lite WIowing vole: Ye...-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Ju"tn>MlD, M<>1dellbau..., Preg1er, Tl><>ms. N"y.--. Proof od' PubW:ation, certified to by the publisher, along with re- ceipt ÍiOr certified mail, od' ootice of public hearing to Walter B. & Joyce H. SomeflS to consider City Manager's report on condition od' delapidated buildings Jocated at 1648 - 1650 - 1652 Washington St. on Lot 109 E..t Dubuque Moo., presented and read. Regulax Session, July 2, 1973 383 No written objee-tions were re- ceived and no oral objectors were P"ISCIIt i11 the Council Chamber at Uk! time set lor the hearinß. OoubciIman Moldœbauer m 0 v e d that the proof and mail receipt be received and filed. Seconded by OounciJanen J_ann, Molden- hauer, Pregler, TIIoona. Nay.s--None. RESOLUTION NO. 229.73 W'HEREASthe City Manager has reported to \be City Council \bat IJ/¡e buildings and premises located on Lot 1<19 Ea.t lJuIOOque AddIitfun, in the City of Dubuque. Dubuque County. Iowa, are dangerous to life and health because of their condition and that demand h... been made by him upon Walter B. Some,... and Joyce H. Somers, J.5981h JaekSOll SIreet, Dubuque, Iowa 52001, a. owners of said pro- perty that the rendition complain- ed od' be corrected and lIIat said owoors have failed to correct the CODditions within the lime pr",ido- ed by 1fIe notice; and, WHEREAS on June 11, 1973, the City Council set s'aid report down for hearing at 7:30 o'eJoek P.M. Central Dayligbt Time July 2, 1973 in the City Council Chamber in the City Hall in the City of Du- buque County, Iowa, and directed the City Clerk to give notice od' s,aid hearin¡¡, and, wm;JR¡EAS Ìit aPIPeam by return of se...... now on file In the reo cords of the City Council that no- tice of seld hearing was given by serving by Registered Mail on June 13, 1973, and by publication in the Telegraph-Herald newspa- per on June 14 1973, and, WHERE>\!) pursuant to said no- ti"" on order od' Üle City Council a pulJiic hearing w... beI1d at 7:30 o'clock P.M. Central Daylight Time on July 2, 1973, in the City Council Ohamber in the City Hall in the City od' Dubuque, Iowa, at which time the owner. od' the aIbove de- scribed real estate were afforded an opportunity to be heard and witnesses concerning the condition of \be property and the hazard was heard; and, WHEiREAS the Couneil has, du:ly considered the te&timony of the _eases and viewed the premises and ha-s reached its determina- tion. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RE- SOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: section 1. That the structures known as 18411-1650.,1652 Wasllington Street, Lot 109 Easlt Dubuque Ad- dition, in doe City of Dubuque, DOOuqu<> County, Iowa, be and the same are hereby ÍiOUIId and de- "lared to be dange""" to life, health and property and a nui- sance; Section 2. That the City Manager be and be is hereby authorized and directed to came the structure known "" 1&l8-16õ1}..1652 WaS1bington Street, Lot 100 East Dubuque Ad- <lition, in the City of Dubuque, Dubuque Dubuque County, Iowa, to be dismantled and removed. Sec:tion 3. Tbat upon COmpletion of said work, the City Manager shall eertHy the coot \bereof 10 the City Cl"rk. Section 4. That upon receipt of said e>ertificate of cost from the City Manager, the City Clerk shall thereupon certify said cost to th~ County Auditor od' Dubuque County, Iowa, and it shall be collected with and in the sæme manner as general property taxes, Section 5. That Üle City Clerk be and is bereby directed to re- cord a eertified copy of tbia Re- solution in the oj'fu,e of the County Recorder od' DUibuque County, I. owa, p....,.¡, adopted anod approved this 2nd day od' July, 1973, Joseph J. Bitter Mayor Waner A. Pregler Allan T. Thoms Wayne A. Moldenhauer C. Robert Justmann Conneilmen Attest: Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Councillman Moldenhauer moved adoption od' the resolution. Second- ed by Councüman Pregler, Car- ried by the following vote: Yea's-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nays-None. RISOLUTION NO. 2311-73 PRELIMINARY ESTIMATE and approval od' plans, specifications, form od' contract, plats, and aU 384 Regular Session, July 2, 1973 other documents for the coœtruc- tion of 1973 STORM SEWER 1M. PROVEMENT PROGRAM which includes the ÍiOllowing speeilie pro- jects: Carter Court, Atlantic Street at Dexter, Pennsywania Ave. - Chan- ey to Flora Pa~k, Suœet Park cirlcle æt Owen Court, Cortez Street West Way æt St. Celia, Key Way, West Way at Graham Circle, J.F. Kennedy Road "t PennsY'lvania - Catch BaSiins, Lennox a,t pennsyl. vania, Stoneman Road at J.F. Ken- nedy Road, Carter Road at lUdge Road, .Maryville Drive, North Booth 'Street Catch Basins, J.F. Kennedy Road at Pensylvania - Multiplate Extension, Kauf man n Ave. at Ma.rywood, North Grand- view Ave. - golf course, .Mary- ville Drive storm sewer alternate b..e bid in an estimated amount od' Base Bid $235,829.75 .."d æn alternate bid od' $251,201.55, pre. sented and read. Councilmæn Pregier moved adC>p. tion od' the resolution. Seconded by M"yor Bitter. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Cound1men Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler. Thoms. Nays-None. (Neces.ity for Improvement) RESOLUTION NO. 231.73 WHEREAS, propœed plans, ope- cåJficatioœ, and ÍiOrm of contract ha'Ve been duly p_ared and ap- proved by the City Council od' the City of Dubuque, Iowa, and are IWW on fi!le in the ofi£iee od' the City Clerk mowing among other thing¡; the following: (1) The plan od' su.cl1 i.m¡prove- menJt. (2) An eotimate of the cost od' the im¡provemenJt. 1979 STORM SEWER IMPROVE- MENT PROGRAM wIlkh ine!udes the ÍiOllowing spe<:iWic projeeto. Oærter Court, A1JIwtie Street At DeJ<ter Poonsylvanla Ave. - Chan- ey to Flora Pari<, Su"""t Park Circle at Owen Court, Cortez Street We<t Way at St. Celia, Key Way, West Way æt Gdoahallll 0Izcle, J.F. Kennedy Road at PeIm~vanla - Catch Basins, Lennox at Pennsyl- vania, Stoneman Road at J.F. Ken- nedY Road, Carter Road aJt Ridge Road, .Maryvllle Drive, North Booth _Ca~ B..in., J.F. """" Kennedy Road at PennsywarJJÍa . Mu:ltiplate EXitensioo, Kauf man n Ave ..t Mary,wood, North Grand. view Ave. - Golf Course, .Mary- vine Drive stC>rm sewer a~rna,te base bid. BE Irr 'I'HiEREFOIRE RESOIN' ED tbaJt the City Council on its own motion, deems it advisaiJl.e and neeessæry ÍiOr the pu¡'¡;" wel. fare to make the berein mentiOŒl- ed im¡provement, and unless pr0- perty owners a,t the time oIf the final! conSiideramm of tis propos- ed resolution h"ve on file WIÍ1ih the City Clerk, <JhjeetioDS to the amount od' the cost od' the im- provemenJt, they shall be deemed to have waIved all objee1iions there- to. Said improvernenJt sham be con- straœted and done in accordance with the pIa... ænd s¡peeifiealtiiOŒl5 wIliC>b have been awroved by the City Council and are now on få:le Vli61 the City Clerk. That the cost and ex¡pense of maldng ""id Im- provemenJt wiJi be paId from the Road Use Tal< Fund. The above resolution w.. inJtro- dI1eed, ..wroved wd ordered plac- ed on me with the City Clerk this 2nd day od' Jllly, 1973. Approved and placed on file ÍiOr mOlal action. APPROVED J~ J, Bitter Mayor Walter A. Pregler Aaan T, TholDS Wayne A. Mo!Idenhauer C. RoIJert Justmann Councilmen ATTEST: Leo F. Frommellt City Clerk Couneilman Pregler moved ap- proval of the resoJution. Seconded by Mayor Bitter. Carried by the fol!owing vc>te: Yeas-M,ayor Bitter, Councilmen Jusmnann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Tboms, Naya-None. (Fixing Date of Hearing) RESOLUTION NO. 232.73 WHEREAS, the City Council od' the City od' Dubuque, low", has gliven its preliminary approva[ on the proposed plans, speei¡!ica!i"..., and form od' contract and placed. same on file in the ofiEice od'the Regular Session, July 2, 1973 385 City Clerk ÍiOr public inspection ÍiOr the 1973 STORM SE.WER IM- PROVEMENT P.ROGRAM whiel1 includes the f<illQwing specific pr0- jects, C:>rter COurt, Atlanti.c Street at De1Oter, Penns,y¡"ania Ave, - Chan- ey to Flora Park, Sunset Park Cil1dle :>t Owen Court, Cortez SI1reet West Way at St. Celi'a, Key Way, West Way at Gdoaham Circle, J.F, Kennedy !!<lad "t Penns.ylvama - catch ba,SiÌ"', Lennox at Pennsyll. vama Stoneman Road aJt J"F, Ken- nedy Road, Carter Ro:>d at Ridge Road, .Maryville Drive, North Booth Street Catch Basåns, J.F, Kennedy Road at Penn.)"lvania - mul1;i¡p1aJtie extensi<>n Kaulmann aJVe at Marywood, Nortb Grand vie w Ave. - golf course,' .Maryville Drive storm sewer ~ternate base bid. BE IT THEThEFORE RESOLV- ED th:>t 001 the 6th d..y od' Augæt, 1973, a pnhu., hearing wi][ be at 7:30 P.M, in the CotmCil Chamber od' the Oity of Dubuque at wIlkh time the objectors ÍiOr the proposed improvemenJt may -,., ænd make Objeetioo to the _ed pia"" ænd s¡peeiñ"ations, ÍiOrm of contract and cost od' s'ald improve. ment, and ,the City Clerk be and he is hereby directed to caUs<e a nooce od' time and place od' suclt bearing to be published in some newSiPaper published in the City od' Dubuque, Io<wa wbich shall be not less than ten (10) days prior to the day mxed ÍiOr its OOI>SIidera- tiOll, and the City Clerk be and be is hereby dñ~eeted to have pub. , li5lhed the notice od' pendency for I said im¡provemeut, and the City Clerk is hereiby directed to adver- tise ÍiOr proposals to the contrac- tors for the construction od' the "hove mentioned improvement. ,Pas<sed, adq¡>ted and approved thi.s 2nd day od' July, 1973. Joseph J. Ritter Mayor Wdter A, Pregler Allan T. Thams Wayne A. Moldenhauer C. Robert Justmann Cooncilmen, A'lTEST: Leo F. F'rommeM City Cle11k Oo\mcilmæn Pregller moved adC>p- lion of the resolution" Seconded by Mayor Bitter, Carried by the wlilowcing vote: Ye..s-Mayor Bitter, Councümeu Justmann, Moldenh...."",Preg,ler, TholDS. ' Nays--None. RESOLUTION" NO. 233-73 BE IT RESOLVED by the' City Council of the City of Du!bnque, Iowa, thaJt the fuIllowingha.virig complied will1 theprovisWn. od' law rel,,1Iing to the Sale od' Cigare- ttes will1 the City od'DulJUque t- O\Va, be ,g,ranted a permit to sell OIga,re\tes and Cigarette .p a > e rs within said City. Marsba'll & 1!etty Birch, ll!8llJodge &reet. . Mærshalll R. Blreh, Jones & LocUst Street. ' Charles Clay, 5iÌ5' Kennedy MaM, CarouseISnad<Ba~, 555' J.,F. Ken- uedy Road, '.' Fraternal Order od' Eagles, 11~5 Cenlnry Driv~. ' Henry Gerdis, Jr. 90 S. 'ù;o""t Drive. Henry',s Drive In, 910 DOOge Street. Lor..s Co][ege, 1450 AHa, Vista, Oharles R. Nesteby, 32nd & 'CCfltral Avenue. James L: Norton, 902 M'aIn Street. Mrs. Geor,ge Soh""er, H8~ Iowa Street, Bemard W\Ilemborg, 1301 RIlom- ,berg Avenue. ' Ur,sllla Drake, 1097 J,...kson Street. Ray F1leekenstein, 3275 Central Avenue. Raphael WjJ]¡]jam Gdoant, 3050. AS- bury Street, Richard J. Hante1maoo, 902 M,aIn Street. M'ary A. Miner, 700 East 16 t h Street. Herman J. Meyer, 3355 Penr..yil- "ania AJvenue. ' Dennis K. Manahl, 32Ol Central Avenue. John C. NeI1mei~ter, 729 LincoI11 Avenue. Osco Drug, Inc., 700 Main Street. EaO1l Tegeler, 23i11 Windsor AJveooe. Donald E. Wertz, 1545 S, Grand- view Avenue. Lorraine Gordon, 2ßIðl Ce n t r a I Avenue. Ronald D. Ad.""., 2195 Centr,a Avenue. Donai<! C. ß<fiImeyer, 1100 lÃ1æ<JIIn Avenue. Marian Bridge, 139 Locust Street Grandview Avenue Drúg, 4IJ8 N, a.-amdview' AJvenùe. 386 Regular Session, July 2., 1973 iI<lI>et't P. Kelly, 1l1li1 Maio Street. Shir!1ey MiOOIakis, Sl4 - 18111 StneL A.Y. IIfII>DclIIIIIk\ lUg. Co., 1I.I1II .. Pine Street. Richa,rd N. Stecklein .. ](eh!D D. Md!¡perrin fIiO Weot LoeuI!II Street BeMriee W,Øier, 1400 Cen1lMI ""'I-'. Eugene A. 0UiÐ(¡, 161!9 FJm Street. Obuck N. Won¡, 378 Main Street. Br_m....., lac. 1306 DeiIÎ. Doria Biekona, 48B Central AvenlJ~ BE J(l' l'iUR1UJ!I! ft BESOLVED that tire bImds filed wid! 1be lip- pli"..tioo be ap¡mIVed, Passed, ad<1Pted and awroved this 2nd day od' Ju:ly, 1878. Josepb J. B>tter . iMeyor Widtø' A. P<NgJet ABan T. TbomI W1aYJ\e A. MoIdeIIbauer CounciIimOu AmIIl!BT ; Leo F. Frommelt City aorIt CounciiJnan P<egIer moved adoI>- tion od' the resoilutioo, Secouded by Mayor BMter. Carried by tire foYowmø vote : Yeas---.Mayor BiItter, Couoc:ümen MoJdenhaiue¡r, Pre@ler, 'l'bomo. N&ya-,Counci1man J_'IIIII1. ReSOLUTION NO. 234-73 \WŒ<REAS, app!,lcation. ÍiOr Li. quor licenses ha,ve been submitted 10 till. Council for approval and the same ha<ve been examined, NOW TImBEFORIE BE IT BE- SOLVED by tire City Council of the City od' Dubuque, Iowa, 1II1a.t tile feIJowiDI app\ieallion. be grant- ed and license< iasued upon the œmpI!anee with t:IIe term. of the IOWA UQOOR CONTROL ACT- CKAiPTER 12i>-aa ameuded by the 65th General Assembly, lß'111. CLASS HC" (COMMERCIAL) BEER LIQUOR LICE!MSI! Kenneth Jerome Love, 802 Centr..1 A"cuue Eugene A. OtfiDlg, l689 Elm Street P-.l. adopted and _ved this 2nd day od' July, 191:1. JGseph J. BItte:t iM..yor Walter A. Pregler Allan T. Thoms Wayae A. M.._auer ,""" C. BObert J_nn ~ AtIe8t : Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Counei1man P,regler JOOved adop- tion od' the resolution. Seconded by Mayor Bitter. Carried by the folklw\ni vote: Yea&---Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Ju.tmæm, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Tboms, N~s-None. RESOLUTION NO. 235-73 WHEREAS, applicatiòJ>O for Li. qlror lie....... were filed by the 1IIitJrln n_ed applicaUlts and they ha"e reeeíved the 8I1I>rov"¡ od' thia Couooil, and WŒiREAB, the premises to be oewpied by .uch applicants were inqecied and ÍiOund to comply with the State L&w and all City ordi. nances rel6Vallt \l!erfl<¡ and they _e filO!d proper bcmdo, NOW rnEREFORIE BE IT BE- 9OLV'IID by !lie Ctty Council od' Dulbnq1M, IoWa, that 1he Mamger be autboriaed to cause to be Is- aued to the ÍiOllowing named 1lJllll1i- nnll a Uquor UeeDM. CLASS "c" (COMMER.CIAL) BeER LIQUOR LICENse Kenneth Jerome Love, IMI2 Iowa Street Eugene A. Otting, 1689 Elm Street ,Passed, adopted and appr<wed this 2nd da~ of. ¡my, 1m. .1cMeph 1. Bi- lIayor Waites" A. Pregler Ailan T. TbÐt111I WaYM A. Moldenllauer C. Rðbert J...- OotDlldllllft Atte",: Lee> F. Frommelt CIty ClerII: CotmeiImlll> Pregler - adop- tion of the re!lOlutiOll. Seconded by Mayor Bitter. Carried by the fo_g vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, CouncMmen Justmaoo, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nays-None. Numero"" comptænts bave been received relative to the Local TV Cable Company as to the raduc- tion od' television statio... ..t\'i~ed for V!Ïewing and being paid for , by local subscribe.., Evlden1Jly ser. ì vico &om two Cilicago stations that carry bsseba!l game. bave not Regular Session, July 2., 1973 been restored see a transmitting tower has been blown dC>wn in a storm sometime In June. Coun- cilman Pregler movO!d that the TV C~ matter be reierred to the City Man"ger and Staff. Seconded by Couucilm..n Moldenhauer. Car. ried by the following vote: Yea.s---Mayor Bitter, Councllmen Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, 'l1w1lllt. Nays-NOne. Budget ana]yst Michael Brooks advised the Council and reques'ted for awroval to imp1ellleDt the se- cond sta>¡e od' the Police Record Study prepared by Baxter, McDo. nald & Smart. Councilman Mol- denhauer mQved approval. Second. ed by Councílmall Pregler. Carried by the ÍiO1\owing vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Jætmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler. Nay.-.CoWlej ¡man Tboms. Tbere being no fnrtber buSiÌUess CoUDcil~ Thoms moved to ad- journ. Seeooded by Cooocilman Pregler. C..~ by tbe foll<>wing vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Ju$lm'ænn, Mold<lllhaner, Pregler, Tho_. N"ys-None. Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk 381 Approved 19'13 Adopted "'-'.'-OO"""""""""'" 1&'13 .."......."...'...........-........................... """""""""""""""""""""""""""'" '.'...........'..'...............-....,................... ,......................................................... """"""""""""""""""""""oo,-"'oo'" Councilmen Attest: """"ëïiJ'ci;;;¡;:""""""""""" 388 Special Session, July 9, 1973 CITY COUNCIL OFFICIAL Special session, July 9, 1973. Council met at 7:30 P.M. (C.D. T.) Present - Mayor BiHar, Coun. cilmen Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. City Manager Gil- bert D. Chavenelle. Mayor Bitter read the can and stated that service thereof had been duly made and this meeting is called ÍiOr the purpose of con- sidering final adoption of the Re- solution of Necessity for the con. structlon of the North Algona Sani. tary Sewer, 8 inch, between Uni. versity Ave. and Lor.. Blvd. and ""ting upon sucl1 other busmess æs m"y properly rome before a regular meeting od' the CounciL Councilman Justmann moved tbat the rules be suspended in order to let anyone present ad- dress the Council if they so de- sire, Seconded by Councilman Pregler. Carried by the foll(}wing vote: Yea,s-Ma-yor Bitter, Councilmen Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Tboms. Nays-None. Mr. Richard Bond and Gene Krieger, chemists from the Du. buque Packing Co. demonstrated a potentiol method whereby it w(}uld be possible that the Pack- ing Co. increase their removal of pollutants and thereby reduce the load ro the City treatment plant. Minutes of the Playground and Recreation Commission (}f the i r meetings (}f May 14th and June 1, 1973, presented for the record, Councilman Moldenhauer moved that the minutes be received and filed. Seconded by Mayor Bitter, Carried by the following vote: Yea.....Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nays-None. Communication od' National Ac tion Council extending an invita- tion ro "ttend the 1973 summer eonferene>e from J,uly 16th to 20th on the University od' Dubuque Cam pus', presented ood read. Council man Pregler moved that the com. munication be received and filed, Seconded by Mayor Bitter. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Justmaon, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thc>IDS. Nays-None. A verbal request wæs made w the Mayor ro stretch a ba,nner across University Avenue to adver- tise the National Action conference on the U of D campus. Mayo, Bitter moved that the request be granted. Seconded by Councilman Justmann. Carried by the follc>w. ing vote: Yea,s--Ma,yor Bitter, Councilmen Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nays-None. Communication od' JOhn W. Sut ton of 2850 Bur[ingion Street rela- tive to the Obvious shortage 0' man )()Wer in the Police Depart ment, presented and read. Coun, cilman Justmamt moved that th Ponce Chief submit a report on the Sutton letter to the Council for investigatic>n and report. Se, conded by Councilman Moldenhau- er. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Moldenhauer, Pregler. Nays - Councilmen JU&tmamt, Tboms. Some discussion arose relative to expediency of testing, both writ- ten and pbysical, c>f applicants t the Police De¡partment. Councilman Pregler moved ro re fer the matter to the Manager and Staff and request the CiviJ Service Commission and Pension Board to help expedite the matter of examinations. Seconded by Councilman Moldenhauer. Curied by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmec Moldenhauer, Pregler. Na,ys - Councilmw Justmann, TbC>ms. Communication od' Tbe Western Casualty and Surety Company sub- mitting a certified copy c>f Power od' Attorney to execute bonds for Frank R. O'Connor, presented and read. Councilman Pregler moved that the Power of attorney be re- ceived and filed. Seconded by Ma. Special Session, July 9, 1973 389 yor Bitter. Carried by the follow- ing V(}te: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nays-None. June 29, 1973 In ""eordanee with the provi- sions c>f Chapter 365 (}f the Code of Iowa" 1973, the Civil Service Commission conducted Promotio- nal Examinations on April 13, 1973 for members od' the Fire Depart ment. The following members c>f the Fire Department have passed the written, and in some cases ,,!so local and or"l examinations with an average of seventy percent or better. ASSISTANT CHIEF DIVISION CHIEF Badger, William ,,&1.(1% Winter, Carl"" 80.7% Cherrier, William 77.3% ASSISTANT CHIEF-TRAINING Miller, James 80,3% FIRE MARSHAL Lyncb, Wil:Iiam CAPTAINS Miller, William Deckert, John link, Lyle",." " Udelbofen, Gerold Simon, Tbomas ' Andresen, Pau:l Andresen, James McCoy, John , Pregler, John Weber, Edward Kann, Ronald 84.5% 83.0% ,81.5% 81.0% 80.3% , 76.8% 76.5% ,,76,0% ,73.0% 72.8% 71,5% LIEUTENANTS Potter, Frank, 78.7% Jc>chum, Wayne , 75.7% Melssen, Joseph 75.3% Lampe.., John 74.7% Theis, Richard 74.3% Colemw, Edward 73.3% SuIlivw, Daniel 73.3% Voss, Kenneth" , ,73.0% Husemann, Vern 70.0% Steil, Gerald 70.0% EQUIPMENT OPERATORS None. AJiI promotions on the Fire De- partment should be made from this Jiot. Gerard B. Noonan Chairman Marvin A. VanSickle LC>nis F. Faulæh Civil Servi.,. Commis- sion 75.3% Attest: Leo F. Frommelt Clerk Subscribed :>nd sworn ro before me this 9 day of July 1973, Violet Savary Notary Public Councilman Pregler moved that the communication be received and filed and made a matter (}f record. Sec(}nded by Mayor Bitter. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nays-None. June 29, 1973 To the HOoorable Mayor and Members od' the City Co<mc:ü In aeeordaooe wi,th the prov!- s""", Of Cbapter 365 od' the Code od' Iowa, 1973, the Civil Service Commission oondooted Promotion- ail Examinawmß on Apr:iil 26, 1973, lor memibers od' the Police De- partment. Po:1iee Departmeot have p.... e d the written, and some cll8eS also ol'all exaorninadiom, with an aver- a'ge od' seveUlty percent or better. CAPTAINS Ma...., John ......................._.......90.7% Kisting, Mark ..........................-116.0% Eg3Il, Patræk ............................85.3'% Hynes, James ...-............-.........,82.7% Oswaild, Cyril ....................-.......83.3% Sjobakken, Gerold %................80.7% Vande11Meulen, Cærl ......,.........80,0% Golinvaux, C. J. ..,.................78.0% Hirsen, Gerald ............................78,0% IAndauer, Edwin , '" 76.7% Pa,ar, Frederick ....... .............-..75.3% Purcell, James ...........................-74.7% SERGEANT Gæbson, William .... ..................116.7% Kisting, Mark ......._....................85.3% Steven;¡, Joim ..........._-...............85.3% Oswald, Cyril ..........................&3.3% H'iI\och, Geraild ................,...........82.0% SjObakken, Gerald ..........-.......-.82.0% ~erick, Hai'Vey ....--.....---......80.0% Lindauer, Edwin.... ...............78,0% P'..ar, Frederick ..............--........77.3'% Cheney, J'ames ..............."...........73.3% Herburger, Gerald ................73.3% DETECTIVES Gibson, Wi1l4am ..,............"..,....86.7% Frederick, Harvey .....-.............,76.7% Lynch, Leo ..........................,...74.0% Herbw-,ger, Gerold ...................113.3% 390 Speci~l Session, July 9, 1973 All promotioDS ( Il the pdldee De- partment sIloWd be made from this Jdst. RespectiullY swbnù11ted, Ger..rd B, Noonan Cbairm~n Marvin A. Van Sickle LQw.s F. Faut¡sK:h Cöviil Service Commis..on ATTI>ST: Leo F. Frommeit Clerk Subscribed and sworn to before me this 9 day od' JuJy 1973- Wolet Sa,v,ary NoI.ry 1'1JbI;ic CouMilman Pregler moved t1>at the _uni:cwWoo be received and Jiil<id æud made a mætœr od' record. Sec<mded by MaYor Bitter. Carried by the ÍiO1i1<>wing vote: Ye"s~JI4,¡¡,Yor Bitter, Councilmen Juslimaoo, M:oildenhauer, Pregler, Tholl\<!. Naya---NOOIÐ. Jmy 6, 1973 To '!be Honor~e Mayor and Members od' the City Council 'l1bis ;,; to advise that I have ar>proved the foa!ooWng sidewalk ronstruetion bond md desire to h.."'" your a¡pprovol on s¡¡me. ClaYODCe Ostrander, We s t ern Surety Company Bond No, 5488840. Gilbert D. Chavenelle City Manager Co1mci1man Molderm..uer moved filing approv,ol su:l>jeet to æpproval <II lI1e City Mtorney. Seconded by Mayor Bitter, Carried by the f<il- lo'WIing vOIle: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, CoUDCilmen J,ustmlll!ln, ~er, Pregler, 'Ibems. Nays-NC>Be. mænd on April 16, urn tbiat lI1e City Attorney be £Urnished full it>- ÍiOrmaüon legaMiDg the ooture and eJOtent od' the injuries w£lered by her, "nd that no """h in'formation was fuJrnished, Accordingly it is the recom- mendaüQJl od' the City Mtorney ÌII aœwd_e WlÍth otaWtory au- thority that s,aid claim be dC1lied. O,,;g,inad etlaOm is returned here- with. R. N. lWIsso City Attorney Couneilman Justmann moved 0(1- prC>V,a[ c>f the recommendation, Se- conded by Couneilman Moldenh~u- er. Cærried by the foJaowmg vote Y...s~M,ayor Bitter, Coune>ilmen Justma"", MoJdenhauer, Preg!ler, Thoms. Nays-None, June Z!!, 19711 Hooorwble Mayor and City ConneR On May 7, 19'13, Mrs, June 101, Adams od' 9S5 Cedar Point Court, Dubuque, Iowa Jiiied "lIoim against the City in the æmO'llll1t od' $498.7!1 claiming saW ~-ges c>ccurred to a' building OW!1.ed by her ..t 5Z1 Rhomberg Aveneue and aUeg- iog said d..mages OCOOlTed ..s the redt od' a --or bacli;u¡>. This matter was referred to the O(Ipropriate City Ageooy who made an Inves1Jigation thereof md re- ported by le\Jter to 1iW 0Ifi!iee of no liiabillity on the part od' 1he CIty, and in view of the ÍiOrð OÍ!>(!, jJt Is the rooommeDdaJtioo of the City Attorney 1ihat the claim od' Mrs. JI1lle M. Ad..... be demed. Origin,,'l claim 10 I;'eturned here- WlÍtb. R. N. Ru- CIty Mtorney Mayor Bitter moved a JprovaQ of June ZI, 197G the reeommeooatioo. Secooded by lÜ>Ð!>l'alMe Mayor and City Co1l!Dril QJ<mc:ilman MoJdemauer. Cærrled OlIo February 23, Jß'/[, M:rs. Rù:- by the fol1OM!ing vote: urd Ki"¡¡er od' 417 College Street, Yea,s~M'ayor Bitter Councilmen tiIis dty, Jii3.ed claim l\!lainst the JuSl\m-. lIf,otd.....;er, heeler, CJ.ty od' Dubuqe for damages as Thoms. $. ¡'eSuit od' a«1 aNeged fan 011 :N'a~ J,anuary 30, urn at tbe northeast ' . QQl"1ler od' Um~ty and Gaen Oak. ! July 3, UI73 U. matter was relferred to the ' Honoraible l\Ii.y~ a«1d Qity Couœil o;ty Attorney who mad'l all II>- On June lil, ¡1m, Jd>n L. Fang- v~!lætioo thereof and made de- man of 768 W 8Ib Street Jii3.ed Special Session, July 9, 1973 391 oIaim agamst the Oity of Dulbnque nanee to be read on three separate ÍiOr reimbursement at $25,00 WibÎdl daY's be waived. Seconded by COU1l- be bed tø pay ÍiOr ooDlIDiing bis cilman ThoMS. Cti'ried by the £01- Cltt "" ordered by thé City Health lowing vote: DepartJnent and lMer,it WitS Ie...... Yeas-ayor Bittco', Councilmen ed !hat 11 nI¡,.,¡<lenti4"..tkm lIa d Justmænn Mold~uer Pregler been made of 11 CM wbit!b. bad Tbome. ' " bitten a ebiId. Nay...-Nolle. TIlls rnatt.er VI'" referred to the CIty Attorney "",,,0 made an lm>es!II- ORDINANCE NO. 37.n galJion thereod' alld baa been in- AN ORDINANùE MlfENDING ÍiOrmed that the matter baa been ORDIN.ANCE NO. 33-49 KNOWN amicwbly adjuated and the City AS THE "TRiAFFIC CODE OF Mtorney hereby reports malt no DUBUQUE, IOWA" AS AMEND. further ."fion needs to be taken ED, BY ADDING A NEW SUB. by the City. Original claim Is heI'e- SECTION 7 TO SECTION C OF with rðfJumed. SCIIìEDULE ill THEREOF AND ResP<lC1lful!1y sUbmM1ted BY ADDING A NEW SUllSEC- R.N -.. 'TION 26 TO SECTION A OF CIIY' MOOmey ~~ ~T ~=Ö~ Mayor Blttet' Im>ved aI 1 >ro\'alod' VEIOOLES ON KELLY LANE the reoommelldaUon. ~ by MUST STOP BEFOJtE ENTER. CQ111bCQmaft Tboh;, CarrIed by tile JN1G THE INTERSECTION OF folloWlÍng vote: P_ONT AVENUE AND KEL- Yèàl1-Ma)'of' mtter, eo.m.,¡imen ~¡;UN~~ ~~~: JustmaN>, Moldenhau<!r, p",.g¡er, mCLES ON BRADLEY STREET Thorns, MUST STOP BEroRE EN'l'EB- Na,ys-None. ING THE fNTERSECTION OF RANDALL S'I'1tEE'l' AND DRADLEY ST~EET RESPECT. fV:eLY. NOW TRERFORE liE IT OR. DAINED BY THE cITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section I. Tbat Ordinance No, æ-49 kMWIl as the "Ttaf6c Code of Dubuque, Iowa" as amended be and the s'arne i. hereby amend. ed by adding a new subsection 7 to Section C. od' Schedule III thereod' .. ÍiOllows: "SCHEDUIJE III C. Westbound vehicles, must stòp before entering tile inter....tion od': 7. FremoUlt Avenue and Kelly Lane." Section 2. Tbat Ordinance No, 33 49 known as !he "Traffic Code od' Dubuque, low,," "" ameuded ed by adding an_subsection 26 to Section A of Schedule III thereof "s fol1ows: "SCII)EDULE ill A. EamJbound and WeS'lboUlld veo Meleg, IDUSI stop betoré entering ,tile blteroeetion <III: 26. R""dan Street and Bradley Street. " ORDINANCE NO. 37.n An Ordinance emending Ordinence No. 33-49 known os the "Traffic Code of Dubuque, Iowa" os amend- ed, by ackling a new Sobsectlon 7 10 Section C of Schedule III thereof and by add'ong a new Sob. section 26 Ie Section A of Schedule III thereof to provide that west. bound vehicles on Kelly Lane must stop before entering the intersec. tion of F,remont Avenoe and Kelly La- end that eastbound and west. bound vehicles on Bradley Street must stop before entering the in. tersection of Randall Street and Bradley Street, respectively, presented and read, b<!óng brougl¡Jt foI1W"rid tram rneeling of Ju:ly 2, for recon9ideration. Couneilroan Justmann moved !hat thé reading just had be con. sidered the first reamng od' the Ordl......ce, Seconded by Council- man Thoms. Carried by !he follow, ing vote: Y~Mayor Bitter, CoomeRmen Ju9tmalIll, Molden-, Pregler, TIIoIDS. Nays--None. Councillman Justma"", moved that the rule requiring an Ordi. II !' II II III III III I l~ III ¡II III III II I III , !!i I, ,I! I 'II 1\ III 'I II! II! 392 Special Session, July 9, 1973 Passed, approved and adopted ~ 9th day ()f July, 1973. Joseph J. Bitter Mayor Walter A. Pregler Allan T. Tboms Wayne A. Moldenhauer C. Rabert Justmann Councilmen ATTEST: Leo F. FroIllllIlelt City Clerk Published officially in Tbe Tele- graph-Herald Newspaper this l2tb day od' July, 1973. Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk It. 7-12. Conneilman Justmann moved final adoption of tbe Ordinance. Seconded by Conneilman Thoms, Carried bY' the following vote: Yeas-M"yor Bitter, CouncilmeL Justmann, Moldenhæuer, Pregler, Tboms. Nay&-Nonc. ORDINANCE NO. 38.73 An Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 46-72 by repealing Section 19 thereof and enacting a new Section 19 In lieu thereof fixing and e.. tablishing hours in which alcoholic beverages or beer may be sold on Sunday, presented and read. Coun~ilman Tboms moved that the reamng ju&t had be considered the first reading od' the Ordinance. Seconded by Councilman Jus, t. mann, Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nays-None. ,Councilman Thoms moved that the rule requiring an Ordinance to be read on three separate days be waived. Seconded by Cooncil. man Justmann. earried by the fol. lowing vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen JustmlmD, Moldenhauer, Pre~ler, Thoms. N"ys-None. ORDINANCE NO. 38-73 AN ORDINANOE AMENDING OIIDINANCE NO. 46-72 BY RE. PEALING SECTION 19 THERE- OF AND ENACTING A NEW SECTION 19 IN LIEU THERE- .. 0, OF FIXING AND ESTABLISH- ING HOURS IN wmCH ALCO HOLIC BEVERAGES OR BEER MAY BE SOLD ON SUNDAY NOW THEREFORE BE IT OR- DAINED BY THE CITY COUN- OIL OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section 1. Tbat Ordinance No. 46-72 known ... the ordin_e reo gulating !be sale and consumption od' 'beer and iÜquor in !be City od'Dubuque, Iowa, be and the same is hereby amended by repealing Section 19 thereof and enacting a new Section 19, in lieu thereof as ÍiOllows: "Section 19.... PROHIBITED SALES AND ACTS. No person holding" Iiquor license ()r beer permit nor biB agents or employees sbaU do wy od' the fi>nowing: (1) Sell, dispense or give to any intoxicated person, or one simulat. ing intoJOOa,tion wy dcoI1olic Ii. quor or ,beer. (2) BeN or di_Me wy alcoholic liquor or ,beer on the premises covered by the license or permit, or pernrlt the consumption there- on ,between !be hours ot 11w<> a.m. and six a.m. on any weekday, and between the hours od' two a,m, on Sunday and six a.m. on the foN()wing Monday. A holder of a liquor control license of Class "B" beer permit granted the privilege of selling aieoho1ie liquor or beer on Sundays may dispense or sell such liquor or beer between the hours of noon and ten p.m. on Sunday. (3) Sell "l~oholic liquor or beer to any person on credit, except with a bona 1iide credit card. This provision shall not apply to sales by a ~Iub to its members nor tosal.. ,by a hotel or motel to bona, fide registered guests. (4) Employ any person under the age od' eighteen years old in the sole od' serving of alcoholic liquor or 'beer for consumption on the premises where sold. Persons between !be ages od' eighteen and twenty-one shall be "llowed to serve or clear alcoholic Hquor or beer as an incident to a mea,¡ if !be business od' selling ÍiOod or other services constitutes more than fifty per cent of the gross business od' the licensee od' per, mittee. (5) Sell, give or otherwise sup ply any' a1eoho1ie beverage ()r beer 393 Special Session, July 9, 1973 to any ,person knowing or baving I reasonæble cause to believe him to be under legal age, or permit any person knowing or hævmg rea. son"ble cause to believe him to be under legal age, to CO1I6ume any aieoholic 'beverage or beer, (6) In the ca'se od' a retail beer pernrlttee, knowingily tC> allow the mixing or adding od' alœhol or any alœholic ,beverage to beer or any other beverage in or abO"~ his place of business. (7) Keep, or all()w to be kept, gambling devk:es' ()f any kind or description on the premises or place od' ,business od' the Hcense ()r pernrlt h()kler, "contrary to I...," Ordinance No, 34-73 is hereby repealed. Passed, approved and adapted this 9th d"y od' July, 1973, Joseph J. Bitter Mayor Walter A. Pre¡j!er Allan T. Thoms Wayne A. Moldenbauer C. Robert Justmann Councilmen ORDINANCE NO. 39-73 An ordinance authorizing Mme, Radio & Television Service to con struct two marquees at 1599 Cen. tral Ave. ' presented. and read. Councilman. Moldenhauer moved that the reading just had be con. sWered the imst reading of the Ordinance. Seconded. ,by. Council. man Tboms. Càrried by the follow. ing vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nay&-None. Co1WlCÏIJIIlan MoJOOnhauerIOOVed that the rule requiring an Ordi- naooe to be read on three separate days be waived. Seconded by Coun. cilman Thoms. Cqrried by the fol. lowing vote: Yea.s-Mayor Bitter,Coun"ilmen Justm<lnn, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Tboons. Nays-None. ORDINANCE NO. 39-73 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZ. ING Miller Radio & Television Ser. vice TO (JONST~UCT two mar- quees at 1599 eentral Avenue, in the City of Dubuque, Iowa. NOW THE~EFORE BE IT OR- DAINED BY THE OITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section 1. That Miller Radio & Television Service as owners of the premises known ... Ny, of N one-fifth of City Lot 4M in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, be, and they 'are hereby granted the reo vocable permit and authority to construd and maintain marquees under the terms and COnditiOlDB set forth in this Ordinance. Section 2. That such constru". tion shall be done in accordance with plans heretof()re submitted by permittees and approved by City Manager, under the supervision and direction of the City Manager, 8IIld in llICCA>rdanœ wiUl alii appli. cable state and federal laws and regulations, and the Ordinances of the City od' Dubuque. Section 3. Tbat the permission herein granted is eJ<¡>ressly "on- ditioned on permittees agreement to: a) Assume any and all liability for daiinages to pernoM or pro. , perty wbielh may' result ftooon lI1e ATTEST: Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Published officiaNy in The Tele- graph-Herald Newspaper this 12th day of July, 1973. Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk It. 7';¡2. Councilman Tboms moved final adoption of the Ordinance. Sec- onded by Councilman Justmann. Carried by the following vote: Yea.s-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nays-None. Communication of Dubuque In- sulation and Siding Co. requesting permission to construct two mar. """"" on the east and norilJh ele- ti"œ od' the Miller Radio & 11V Sel'Viee at 1599 CenJtral Ave. pre- sented and read. Councilman 10101- denha,ner moved that the commtmi. cation be received and filed. Sec- onded by Councilman Thoms. Car- ried by the following v()te: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nays-N()ne. 3Q4 Special SessiOll, July 9, lS'i3 -- and ssid -- œ.el¡y eove. Danis aM a¡p:e"'" lOOt to asseri such alai.. .., delose againsl the City od' DuiInu¡",.. i& the evooat iii daim asseoW tor ,...sonal ¡,.. jÐrie& and-ot p~ c!Ilaoage ag...st the --11.. ari.&U>g ov.t c>f or i» an! 1II6J C>I)_IIHI 'ldth \11ft \øe;a\io... iMt.a1lo.~, ~ IWn. ~" r",- an4 ,~ 1lJI""'" od' the faó1ilY MeW. peT- roittold. Section 6. 11û 0v<tiI0a- _baD !J<Ie<Im", eØee»... .. tM ri~ts her4Ull4ler ~e \eo lIi!ler Radio &. TeIo>vi....". 8."".co ""hi ¡ this Or- ~ II¥ ~ ....... by the City ~ an. tilt œr- aaQ conditions theread' accepted by per. miU¡m¡¡ by aece(!tanee <lUdo~ on this Ordinance. Paso;ed, approved ""d adl>pted this 8\1¡, da¡¡ od' Ju<)¡, ~. Jose;ph J. Bitter Mayor Wolter A. !'regler An. ~. Tho.s WailH' A. Mol<tenbauer C. ltqbert. Ju~ann Councitlnen ATrrEST: Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk ACCEPTÞ-1\It1; OF ORQVM.NCE NO. 3U3 Tbe undersigned llaviu read &'lid being fa,lI)ililU' with tn terms, and conditions of tNðinanœ No, 39-73 hereby, for themselves, their sne- cessors or assigns. as omlers' of tile ..buttmg pr<>perty, accept the ...."e am:! agree to be bqund by the eomtitioils 8,JId agree~ theroID c>o!tIaòned to be )erforl!led by ~ttees, Dated T.1Ð>-'III Miller 'Radio & Telewsiol1 Seniee BY: G, Joseph Miller P!1Osident ~¡¡¡ ¡itd otfi~ ill tile Te!,e. ¡raoph-Heral4 N_aper this 13th day of Ju:ly w:13. Lßo F. Frommelt City Oteri< eJOiostealce, IMatioD, _liIaOOn, ~..__eef 88id -n¡o.-.; To) ~ pa:lt oa loeIIalf od' the City od' IJW¡uque til SUDlS wbOd the City of Dub- tI8>Il - QIoIj,ptØ .. pIQ b~ "- ef 1lioii 1iJ>bi\i1y j¡apellf>l& -- the City od' ~e fM ......... <If aIIð' llind r~, trOll ¡ the ið- o:Wu, iMtaUa\iœ. .-.ren«'. construction or mainten- iii S!IIÌ4 -"'eel, se.~ by IIDY ~or~_"'b¡f~ cident or othelWiisc, to ddeØ at its Gwn expense e<i ... be- ha!If od' said Oity any claim aøàlts ... Qty fJl -'I"" adsinI 01It of ... ..,.tioI>, ¡,.. staII8IieD, .,.¡-, """"tru- 01" ,"'..- ol ~ ..d tot. po.:II -rea_aWe -y' Ieee therefOr ; e) on. DKlem&lfy ;md J18Id City '" Dùu- - n<I korml... from any and aU claims, 10..., liability and expense fIJr injaries to tlW'd per5Qn.. at àmaQes to pr~ of tllird pw_s, or fer d:wn"ge to 0»1' 1>roporly od' City <>f DuiI1llque ~ !DaY oeeur as a result of 0" ill (OWIeetioJl Vlith the !Qcatlon. iD&taUation, e 0 11- strucüoll, !lIaÌIJi\eÐ.all<:6 "aQ ro- pair of tb<1 fa.c:ìlity, """It <If im. prevement ~rl1ÙUed Ih~. Section 4. That the permisoion bero:i.. I"an1led i. 4 X M"es,sly ~oodi. tioned 1I )QIl perlDittIIU f" r the r IOgreemORt that i;JIould UI<t right aJJ<l privilege her... graalOd be relliCÌD<IiId er revolted by the City CQunci), I*'nt\~, 01" their sw:- eo"""" Í8 intar4St, '" E>\V1ICN of tIw IiIIIWni p:GpU'ty, ~"'U wit1\iJ¡ teø ('111) ¡ja:f'l aftir recei¡>t of writ, ten notiA:. if- tal" City Jd;¡,na-g6¡", Sl) to <10, at their 0\\IIl UIPÐDIe, remov. ui<l raarqu- and and in \lie e-t of tII,,1r failure so to do, the Ci\¡r of Dubll<¡U41 SIiIaJl be authori¡ed to re_ve.ai4œar- q-,ú~~tm4 dis¡1ose of 1M same, $>lid the pw. JX1J.tteeI ""ltU lIave no clUln a! inast the City 0\' iU ace&t$ ÍiOr damas". \ It. 7-}3 resulting frolU the relDova~ of said Oouncllman Mol&mhauer moved marC l.l6e8. final adoptlcm of tile ~-, tee"'... J. Permi- eo.....nt j Seconded lIy CoIJDcoItm." Thoms, and a-gree tIIat tile revoo..ble per- \ Carried 11'1 tIaa fellowlnl ..,ta: ndt bereu>' . gr. anted does not e Oft. V""""'. Mayor 1IItter, OowIollmen st:ltate an appro....! <>f the design, Justman, Mol<leBllauer, JlrelIer, ereI:tiOll, Ioioatkln, eoœtl'U(!tiOOl, re- Tboms. pair M m""""""'" <>f Aid faoility Nays-None, ',It'1< Special Session, July 9, 1973 395 PetitibnOfDu. bnquolnsu:lation I <and SidIng Co. requesting pmni... SiÌon to instaU . &tore l11Ia,rqnee on theBOUtileastete¥'llÜon of the building knOW!> .5 the Ten Pin Tap ,at 601 lUwmbergAve., pre- sooted 'anAl read. -Councilm"D 10101- desh.t:uer <IWV.oo that the petitjoo ,be received aDd filed. Seoonded by Cøotncilman Thoms. Carried by the ~ng ..oIe: Yeas-Mayor Bitter,.oouncilmen ,Jufltmann, Moldenhauer, TbMns, Na¡<s-:;Noìlè. 'Abstained-o(Jouneiman .Pregler. OROINANCE ,NO. 40-73 AnOrdl........ Mllhorizing Tb e Ten Pin Top, Joseph " Irma S. Reisllorf, _n""', ,'"' construct '" marquee 'at 601 Rhombel' AM. ~sented saQ ,read. Councilman Moildenha:uer moved - thereadq jusithsdhe '01>11- oidered the J;irs\ >eading od' the Ordinance. Seconded by Councll- man Thoms, Carried bð' ,the tol lowing vote: Ye_Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Jnstmaun, MoIdenœuer, T,ib,o,m s. ,Nays-;None. Albstamed--COUOO;Jman Preglor. COnnclbnanMold<m'hauer mo-ved that the 'rule requiring an :Ordi- """"" w be 'rem Gn th- sepante da:ys be waived.'SeœtJ.dedby Coun- o¡¡man Tboms. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yea!!--1Ifayor Ø¡tter, Councilmen J\l!Itmaom, Môlde!!lu;uer, Thorm". Nays-;None. Ab.tained-GouneiUMn -Pregler. ~RDINANCS NO. 40.73 .AN .ôRD1NANCE A-UT-nO'R- IZlNG '!'..,nPin Tap.Joseph .", Ir- .ma 8. ReiÏJsdoI1f ownet'5 TO CON- STRUm a mørquee at GOO. .IU1om- berg ,Ave. ,NOW _OIU: ,BE JT .oR- DAlNÐDßY'l'HE CI'l'Y COUNCIL OF 'I1HIE .cl'ffl" .oF DUBUQUE, Iow.\: Selltion 1. Ti>a4; .Joseph'" .Irma S. '~'Il'S,_of!he pre- mioes 'kn<>Wn "-8Mt J od'-29 Cook's Mðn. inlhe .(J ty òf Dubuque, -- IGwa, be, and they are hereby;gran. ted the rev<>cable p4tIIl!\ 1ItId 'Im- th<frltY 1:0 _t J8tld _In'1iain .akl 1\1!aYt Ulje lDId<lr ctIre ~terIll8 aM 'éUnditlo\t1sset :fO1'lhIn ~ Ordi- lialtoe. _tioln2. 'ft/a;t 'óUl:h,eonstrudion shall be ;dG!l8 ,in ~ :8Üb, pia... heretoÍiOre.uiJmäted .by per- lllittees JaniI. app- by 'GiW Mu -, 1D1der the_em- mu! diooctinn 4Jl tile Çj ;y K:8nager, JaniI. in aorordaooe - til appW:,¡,1i\e sAlate om! ,feder!a¡j, t",- me! .regula- tiom,and the O-anœs od' 'the Oity od' Dabuque. Section 3. That the permisown herem gratrted is -expresSly 1!OIldi. tioned en permittees aßreement to: a) ,AJssume any ana. all ~ for damages to pefSOJlll>r ,pro- perty which may xe<!Ull from the eJd&tew:e, location, JnotaJla1lion, construction or m..mtenanee of ,.,aid marquee; b) To pay OIl behllllf of \he City od' Dlrhuque ail sllll1s wlrlcla the City od' Duhuque man become oblig- 1>0 pay .by creaSOll tJi the liability imposed upon the CitY of ,DubIlI¡ue ÍiOr ;dam- Of any iIoind restùtiDgfrom :the Iooniion, instaòlŒtion, e\Ùs1&nc:e, construction or mainten...,. <If ,Aid 'ma>QU<lO, -.me<! .IJir ,any !Person orpersans, ;caused ,by ae>eident or otheMriæ, :to defend ,at its ()IW¡fl 'm<pen.......d om lbehaH of :said ,City my -aßainst the CitYod' DubuqueariBjag out ,od' the h!c:ation, :Install_, ens- teDIJe, cc>IlßtrHlCtion 'or mainten- anoe of said """'QUee and to - reasonable -l'DtI!r ,!fees thereJìJr ; Indemnify ,end hòll! -City of Du- huque free and hørmless from any alTd 'Iill 'c¡'ilms, loss, lia- bfilty ani! 'Cxpen...for injuries to fhird persons or 'damages to property of ihlrd persoIl.!;, Dr lor damage to any pro¡perty 'of 'City od' Dubuque wliich may 06l:ur as a result od' Gr in=e<!ti\JD 'WIth '!Im 1O'O<ltion, AastlilllniDn, construct1Œ11, maløtenance and repair od' ,the facility, 'work or improvem<mt ¡permitted ,herein. ~lion 4. 'That the perroi""ion 'herein granted 15 ,_r_ly ~na;- tiMed UIpOn ,permitt".,. 'further a- greeme<lt ,- 4mùl<I the'1i!ìllt and privilege herein çlfljtedbe 'r e- Sll!Ì!ldOO. '{II" 't'èvok<lll. ~ the Cìty CGuncil, þet'ndttoes,'!II" 'lhelr 'I!UC- oessors in interest, as OWlærs '<if the abutting,prupetty, .mall within ten (10) daYB"afterreŒlpt of writ. ten nòtil!O from 'tile Cìty Manager, so to do,àt 'Öleir """,,, ;"xpense, 396 Special Session, July 9, 1973 ~~:n"tveod' ~:ei~~~~:~ a::.d :, u: I the City od' .Dubuque shall be au- thorized to remove said marquee, at permittees expense and dIi_se od' the same, and the permittees shall have 00 claim against the City or ita agents ÍiOr dam..ges resulting from the removal of said marquee. Section 5. Permittees covenant and agree that the revocable per- mit herein granted does not consti- tute an approval ()f the design, erection, location, eonstrudion, reo pair or mainten"-nœ od' said f...ility and said permittee hereby cove. nants and 'agrees not to assert such claim or defense against the City of Dubuque in the event of claim asserted for personal ,injur- ies md-or property damage a. gainst the permittee arising out of or in any ,way connected with the location, illo'!tanation, construc- tion, design, repair and mainten- nanee od' the facility herein per- mitted. Section 6. TbJs Ordinance sihall become eJjfective and the rights hereunder accrue to Ten Pin Tap- Joseph & Irma S. Reisdorf when this Ordi""nce hæs ,been adopted by the City Council and the terms and ,conditions thereof accepted by permittees by acceptance endorsed on tbi<; OrdInance, p....sed, awroved and adopted this 9th day of July, 1973, Joseph J. Bitter, Mayor Allan T. Tboms Wayne A. Moldenhauer C. Rdbert Justmann Councilmen ATTEST: Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk ACCEPTANCE OF OROINANCE NO. 40-73 The undersigned ha,ving read and being famiJiar ,with the terms and conditions of Ordinance No. 40-73 hereby, fortbemselves, their suc- cessors Dr "ssigns, as owners of the abutting property, accept the same and agree to be bound by md agreements, therein con- dition. to be performed by per- mittees. Dated 7-10.73 Ten Pin Tap BY: Irma S, Reisdorf Property Owner Publisihed officially in tile Tele. graph-Herald Newspaper this 13th day od' July 1973. Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Councilman Moldenhauer moved final woption od' the Ordinance. Seconded by Councilman Thoms, Carried by the following vote: Yeas'--'Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Justmann, Moldenhauer, Tbonw. Nays-None. Abstained-Councilmm Pregler, Petitioo od' Optimist Club r e . qnesting permission to soli cit funds to finance the initial phase ()f the Dubuqe Children's Zoo, pre- sented and read. Councilman Just, maon moved that the petition be referred to the Council and the Mana,ger. Seconded by Councihnan Moldenhauer. Carried by the ÍiOl- lowing vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Justmann,Moldenbauer, Pregler, Thoms'. Nays-None. Petition od' Optimist Club r e . ques,ting per_ion to sell gar. bage bags in the Town Clock Pla- za on June 14, 1973, to support their youth work activities, pre- sented and read. Councilman Thoms moved that the petition be granted and referred to the Mana. ger. Seconded by Co u n cilman Pregler. Carried by the following vote: Yea's'--'Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nays-None. Petition od' Frank Hardie Ad- vertising 1nK:. reqllesling a refund of $54,00 for sign and electrical permits which were paid for but nevoer used ÍiOr three Hardee D11ive In RestæuraIWs, said refund ap- proved by the Buildiug Depart. ment, presented and read. Council. man Pregler moved approval of the refund and the Anditor in. structed to issue proper w"-rrant. Seconded by Counciiman Tbœns. Carried by the ÍiOlloWlÍDg V()te: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Jnstmann, MoldCllllb"uer, Pregœr, Thoms. Nays~None. Proof of Publication, certified to by the Publisher, of Notice od' hear- ing on resolution of Necessity for coostruction of NDrth Algona' San, ,italY 8" sewer be1Jween Umv_ty Special Session, July 9, 1973 397 Ave. and Loras, Blvd., presente. d I and read. No written objections were filed and no oral objectors were pooseUlt in the Council Oh..m- ber at the time set for the public hearing. Councilman Moldenhauer moved that the prood' of publica- tion be received and filed. Second. ed ,by Councilman Tboms. Car. ried by the followmg vote: Yea;;-..,M'ayor Bitter, Coune;;Lmen Justmann, Moldenbauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nays-None. Statement ()f City Clerk certi. fying that notices of hea,ring were mailed by certified mail to pro- perty ()wnerg od' record on the North Algona s'treet sewer project md swbjeet to asseœment, pre- sented and read. Councilman Mol denbauer moved that Statement be received and filed. Seconded by Councilman Thoms. Carried by the ÍiOllowing vote: Yea's-Mll(}'Or Bitter, CounlCliImen Justmann, Moldenh"uer, Pregler, Thoms. Nays-None. (Necessity for Improvement) RESOLUTION NO. 201-73 WHEREAS, proposed plans ¡ pc- cImcations, form od' contr...t, plat and sehedu:le h"ve been duly pre- pared and approved by tbe City Counci:l od' the City od' Dubuque and ue now on me in the offi.ce oil the City Clerk sIrowmg :<mong other tb.inga 'the fo1i1O1Wing: 1. Tbeboundaries od' the district, if my. 2. The sire and kiind of sewem. 3. Eacll k>t proposed 1>0 be as- sessed together with a v&uætion !IiJœd by the 00IIIriI. 4. An estimate of the cost of the proposed im¡provement, stat- ing the same ÍiOr eacll different type of oomtroc,tion and kind od' materiol to be used. 5. In eoob caoe the amount there- Of whicl1 is estimated to be ,,"'sees- ed ngainst eoob Jot, ÍiOr the N<>rth Algona Sanitary Sewer 8 inch be- Mtest: tJween Univemty Avenue md La- Leo F. Frommelt ras Boulevard. City Clerk BE IT ~RE RESOIN- Cooncilman MOIIden1r..uer moved ED that the City Council. on itls ñn..l adoption od' the resolution. own motion Dr upon petition of Seconded by CounciJ.man Tbol1lß. property owners, deems itadvù¡- Carried by the follOWlÍng vote: able and necessa,ry ÍiOr the pub1ie Yeas'--'Mayor Bitter, Councilmen welfare to make the herein men- Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, tioned improvemeUlt, md u n I<!s5 Thoms. property owners at tbe time od' Nia,ya-None. the final! consideration od' this pro- p<>sed resolution ¡'..ve on me WlÍth the City Clerk objecti""" to the æmouUlt od' the pro¡posed -- mentis, they sihaR be deemed to have waived all objections thereto. Said improvementls shtil be con- s1:n1eted wd done in aeeordanœ with the plans and speci£ics1io.ns which ba-ve been prepared tbere- ÍiOre by the City Engineer Wlhich have been awroved by the City Council. and are now on file with the City Clerk. That the cost and eJlpense od' making said improve- ment wm be a&Sessed upon wd ngainst til privately owned pro- perty lying within assoosahle ms- tance provided by I.... and in m- ..mount not to eXJCeed the amOODl! provided by I...., pro¡perty wiJi. be assessed whether tbe same abuts tbereon or is adjæeent thereto ac- cording to area and in proportion to the s¡peciol benefits eooferred tbereby, and any deficiency sihall be paid out od' the sewer ÍiOnds, Sewer bonds. sihail be isaued and sold in antiJcipation of deferred pay- meUlts od' """"""mentis when a con- tr...t has been performed and ...- cepted and the proceeds thereof used to pay the Ciontr"-'C1or. The ra>!wa,y p<>rtion of any street or assessment district shaH be assess- ed to wd paid by the r.wway company. The above resolution w,," intro- dtæed, a~roved and order ¡>laced on fHe with the City Clerk this 11Ul day od' June, 1973. RECORD OF FINAL ADOPTION The ÍiOregoing resolution was ft- "aIIly p&<;sed and ad<>pted, as pro- posed by the City Council this 9tb day od' July 1973. Jooepb J. Bitter Mayor Walter A. Pregler Allan T. Thoms Wayne A. Moldenhauer C. Robert J""tmann Cotmctimen ~ Specla1 sessHm, J'àly8, '19173 W..TteIr A, .J\r~ All.... T, TIóil- W,a~ 'A. MOOd;,"a..'" C. Robert JUBit.- COOnciImeb _i- ..f C_cll upon obi'" 'llèllls '10 """", ",eeificatiohs, form ~ contraat ami cetl: of Improve- ment.. «'ESO\.InIONNO. i36-73 VÆlÈJbEåS, þNI¡poSed pIam aÐÍI ~ifi"aÜbM àII1Ö forù1 of eon- 'fòI" Ihe èòlhStrue- df NOI'ih Al- göna Slmit",ySewer8 mœ-Be- _00 Unwersity .A1\>ènue an<! bbr- ' !I.s iBoUlèVard. ha.... -been awroved , tiy the City Oö1möil ol the City '<if J))ubUqtle afld '¡>III>Iœ.!Wtiee ¡¡¡>ven 'A1s pioovidM by Cb",pœ¡r 2S df the COOe <if Ibwa, -lOIio, pertaôning f¡() fjI1ibliè oon- wd _&,and 1IIè 1ime and <p'løit<> fixed rot ihe (Orde'rlng 'Consttuttion) hlôàriDg od' .. <>b!jOOti- to .aiI! RhOLI:J'I'fON Nò. tf7.73 píklm;, í;¡p<ici1!Iéa- <jr oontralct Iior BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CI. :ot' oèòØt Oif$OOl1 i:IiJII>rovemeIils, said Tv ootJNC:IL OF TImmy OF - beiiig 1Jbis 1@h 'dayol July DUBÜ(tuß ihat pntswant to a 're- lØ73, mil sol1itioil of _SSiity N!J. 201-73 ~AS, the City Council met wIDcbwas du~ PlrSSed by this '!h~'¡lseiSOiOnthi. 11th day Council, 'for the Ndr'tIh Algt n.aSani. ,tJ! ~1JJy, 19'Íß 1>1 1:30 o'clock P.M. tæry Sewer 8 inch, between Univer- 'ait the Coundi Ðb!ambers in the ~i!y Avenue iind Loras Bòulevard CItY HaM ifOir jj re purposeod' hear. beånd tbe sa'tne are beteby !Jr- 'ing aIi. l"ter\!5ted parties and C<íI>- i dered. and C?nstructed ~y 'this òidetmg al1iY and 'aM objectiOlhS Councl1 upon lis own moho!> and 'W1b!eib b""'" _filed to the pro- with ttr 'Witbotit the þ1!ñti"òn of 'pIIs<!Ö. 'þlaM $ÐclfficállJIDns or eon- l'ropérty. ownetS. All the work ttS~ ÍiOr .'00, criSt <Íf ihe ;m- sball be constructed In 'aecòtilance J tovement herein desOO/Jed wdwith The plans and specif!catiolls pr$lSed tiJbe made; and heretòfdre ai!¡j¡>tèi! ani! :líòW!Jn iil.. WiHIEJ'RiEAS, aU inlterested pames In. the - c>ffi.,.¡ff theClty 'Clerk. nave boon given 'an oiP!P<>rtunity BE IT FURTIIER RESOLVED to be be..ro and aM obj-- th~t the. cost and eXpense, ,of the ",moo 'há¥e 'bee" dùly weighed aod sBld improvethe'!1-', be þald, '!tit by 'cOOSiiiiereil; Jl()I\v, ihererore levymg - sp e c..l, asses~ents ~ - ,"- ,-&iiälhllt :che 'ÞtWâ4iely ðW!1ed ,pro- HE IT 1Œ80lN:EID by tile City party lying within the as'seÒS6ble €oum:ilol. tà~ aty ,of D<Jt>uque, 4iStänce 'fI'ôIn ihè impr<i\'èmoots tlhataM ~oos wbiicb have bee!, Whether su\Jh proþetty ¡i,¡¡ut u[>on mad~ .anJdSed to Iihe ,pla"", specl- .1Jhè aa;me<Jr ,lWe 'llddal!ent!bere- -tic,ati<ms, oontraJet fur. or cost od' to, according 'to ihe ,:area !bereof sa,d LmprovemeUlt ,hereID'deseribed ,ánd ,In þN>p<irtiôn [f¡() the -OIpeciai and proposed to be made, be and benefits coofèrreil -andálíy:de. the same herebjl overruled and 'ficl""ey will be paid <Jut 'ðf [the '"'00 p\a!as, s¡pooifieaöons ood ÍiOrm sewer ,funds, od'the city. PayMent od' oontraJet beret<>fOre IIiI1Proved are will be made 10 'lI1econtl'OOto'r hereby ado¡pted. outod'funds reali:led from 'the sale BE IT 'E'u,R'l\HE}R RESOINEID ol sewerboMs to be iSS>ued in that tms resoluti<m cemaining the 'I>nticipalioo od' deferred payments dec>ision of tms Council - aU <>f _..IM"" 'lIS 'P"Jv1ded <boy' '1"'" objections wiIid1 ba.... belmfilled aliter the >wOñ: 'ba¡¡, 'been ,oom¡$ted to the plans, speclltilcàüoøs and and accepted by the 'City COunciL ÍiOrIIl'od'cO<lt 's&id impl'O'iement be BEn 'FURTHE1t RESoWED made am_rod' ,permweUlt re- that the :City Cletk be and be coroln eooßee!IioI1 WlÍft1 ~;m- , 'Is liêrt!liy olderedll.nd diteeted'to provlmleot. I a\¥fertiSefur 'þropOSIMs furtJìe con. :pa.OOd, a<l$teQ and _ved ' 'rittOOtilln Oif 'övìitiôús improve- .. lltb'6\íý'<!f;JùIlý 1978, \ Ihe!íts ber.~ini>.'roVided~'.fo.r in. the Joseph J. Bitter manner 1>Ì"Ovided ¡¡y I....., !be ,said Mayor ,imp'tó-ts "h..n be completed A_: Leo F. FcoDLmélt City 0Ieri< èouœi!man ~nhaoUer moved adoption od' ihe resÒlulioa. Second- ed byèounei1.moo 'Ì'OOIns. ear.-ied by the ~ vote: Ye...-Mayor Bitter, eounci;Jmen J"",tmann, Moldenhauer, Prè¡gl\er, 'l1bom.<; . -..-.- - . "'." -_..SJ¡JÇ<i~ S~i~ July 1\ 1973 300 on W' lw¡f¡¡re 3(} </lay", aft,er I!Otiee 10< IIro<:eed. - ~n \;w;"ed. BE rr J'tJR11I:Ji)R< RESOLVßÐ that tbis resolutioD beiRg deemed \Il"g_tal j'lti.n>J!!II~-_ty iò.aJ.I " iÐ bee ~ ef(eq ¡ ir<1m aJ1< , IIíItef . pa_g. - a4!1pt,Î<>a by the Oil!! Co~ Passed, ao\o¡oœ<I aM awroved this 9tJ , Iiay, of July, 1973. Josqlb J. ~ Mayor Walter A. Pregler AIm T. Tbøms Wayne A, JIIoIde¡IQ- C. lWt>ert JlISt- ~dImea A_: Lee> 1'. ~ ~ty Clerk Cø1¡ndl_n :Moldel*a"e.r moved adoption od' \he reso\lItiQß. Sßco¡¡d- ed by Coq¡¡cilmaIL tIlolllS. Carried b1 the, !\>tloWÙIg vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Coun,cilmen .J\¡&tmann, M»ldenhauer, Pr~ler, 'I'I10l1l6, Nays-None. ~ a, 1m To !lie HOnor&ble Ma~ an<! City Cø1!JOCil T\le Co1lStr\lC'tion of Town Clock P'ale, Ph... II, Section It, Elec. tricel a¡¡d \Wr]¡; incidental thereto in and for the City od' Dnhuque, Iowa bas been substantially oom- pleted in aecordanee with plaas, specifications ",nd tlIe <Josot¡o""t by and be11ween PawseBElectri<! Com pany of Dubuque, I_a and the City of DubUflue, Iowa, Gilbert D. Obavenelle ~ty JlJanager Mayor Bitter moved that t b e communication be received and filed, Seconded by Councilman Thoms. Carried lIy the following vote: Yeas-Mayer Bitter, Councilmen Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Tboms. Nays~None. FINAL ESTIMATE RESOLUTION NO. 238.13 WIØJltEAS, the contract for the Town CIoek Plaza, Phase II, See. tion II, Eleetri<!al hu been eorn- pleted an4 tJ\t Qity J¡:!!&ineer \las submi~ ~ bd \>WIDa\<! !!bow. ing the cost thereof inc!udÌI\g \be cost of estimates, n..~, mwec- \jA¡oi. '18" Pr~aI:iag the a~nt and pl'l>t, l1 )W' the.reme, BE IT ßE OLV~, b,y the City Council of the Ci.\y, 'IÍ Dubuque, Tbat tI!I>. f!GI't 0(' 1111!4 improve. ment is ~1'W c e~_ed to be $63-.QI!3..\\J,. Ti>a ¡ NoM <1l u.. _t thereof shall be as......able upon private property and $62,063,81 aha!.! lie paid from the I'roje<!t Expewli- ture Account od' Downtown Urban Rellewa,1 Fund of t,b.e City of Do- þuque. fassed, a<I.pled aM approved this 9tb day of J.~, ~. ~plL J. ¡¡It.ler MayQr Walter A. Pregler AlJian T, TbOIllÆ Wayne A. Mœdenltauer C. :aøbert Jw;i¡¡¡- C"J aoil~ Atle"': Leo. F . 1i'W~1 City Clerk Councibnan ,""""a IDO.v<:d ~ lion od' 1ibe res.<>h1tion, Se<)onded by Councilmllt P1:egler, DarNed b,y the following vote: Yeas-Mayor :!»tt<1r, CelHleilmea Justtna...., Molderrhauer, Pregler, ß1oms, Nay~-1\'one. {A Resolvtion Accepti". Impr.".",e..t! R&SOLUTIQN NO. ~.13 WHEREAS, tile eoatraçt fw the Town Clock PIa'za, Pbase ~, Sec- tion 11, Electrkal h!\S ~n oom- pleted and the City Manager has examined the work anB Wed his fe_. stating that the same II.. I>een eompleted aeeording to the ter.... of the eootr¡¡,Ø, pl- and specifications and recommends its acce¡>tallee, now th~ÍiOre, BE IT RESOLVED, by !be City Council c>r !be City of Dubuque, that the recommendation of the City Manager be approved and thot slcid Ìl;nprovement be "nd the .!!me i< ~rel>y aooepted. BE IT FVRTHER R¡;:80LV];:D, that the City Treasurer be and be i~ hereby w.recteg to pay 19 the OOI\lractor UPQ\l the : Jþove de- scr1j¡ç¡ iQ\Pl'Ðvemeat ill alllO\lIIt equal to !be amouIlt \If his con- trae~ less any ret~ pere\m\1\~ Provilla<l for therei1l, 400 Special Session, July 9, 1973 paæsed, adopted and æpproved this 9th day od' July, 1973. Joseph J. Bitter Mayor Walter A. Pregler Allan T. Tboms Wayne A.Moldenhauer C. Robert Justmann Councilmen Attest: LeD F. Frommelt City Clerk Councilman Tboms moved adop- tion od' the resolution. Seconded by Councilman Pregler. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Tbom". Nays-None. Proof od' Pub1ieation, oortified to by the Pub1isher, ()f Notice of Hear- ing for the purpose od' considering the authorization ()f the execution od' proposed agreements for the purchase od' a parcel od' Urban Renewal land to Lome Iœ., pre- sented and read. No written objee- tions were filed and no oral objec- tors were present in the Council Chamber at the time zet for the public hearing. Councilman Preg. ler moved th"t the ,proof of publica- tion be received and filed. Second- ed by M'ayor Bitter. Carried by the following V()te: Yes-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler. Tboms. Nays-None. RESOLUTION NO. 240-73 Authorizing the execution of a contract for sale of land for private redevelopment with Lorice, Inc. WHEREAS, !I1l\'Iuant to Resolu- tion No. 185-73 dated June 4, 1973 and" Notice of Public Hearing pnl>li"hed in the Telegraph-Herald, a newspaper of general cireuJiation in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, on June 7, 1973 wd June 14, 1973, City Council met on the 9th day of July, 1973 at 7:30 o'clock P.M. Central Dayligbt Standard Time, in the City Council Chambers, City Hall, Dubuque, Iowa, to consider the propom to dispose ()f the inter- est of the Clty of Dubuque to Lot 1, except the North 43 feet thereof, in Block 5 in Dubuque Downtown Plaœa, also known as the South 144 feet od' Dis¡position Pareel 2-6 of the DC>wntC>wn U.,ban Renewal Project, Iowa R-15, to Lorice, me.; and WHEREAS, pursuant to said re- solubion a copy od' the RedevelIJP- er's Statement ÍiOr Public Disclo. sure and a copy od' the proposed form od' Contract for Sale of Land for Private Redevelopment was placed on file in the office of the City Clerk for pub1ic inspection; and WHE-REAS, the City Council of Dubuque, Iowa overruled any and all ()bjeetions, ora[ and written, to the propC>sal to diS!POSC of said interest od' the City of Dubuque in the above described real estate to Loriee, Iœ; now therefore 'BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section I. Th'" the M:>yor and City Clerk be and they are hereby authorized to enter into .. Contract for Sale od' Land for Private Re- deveJopment in accordance with the terms of the Dis¡poSiition Do- cuments governing such sale with Lorioo, Inc. ÍiOr fue real estate known as Lot 1, except the North 43 feet thereof, in Block 5 in Du- buque Downtown Plaza in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, eootainilllg 22,00II.008 square feet, subject to soovey. Section 2. Tl>at said parcel of real estate shan be sold for $2.50 per square foot for a total price od' $57,245.85 subject to fin"l survey od' the land to be conveyed. P"æsed, approved and adopted this 9th day of Ju:ly, 1973, Joseph J. Bitter Mayor Walter A. Pregler Allan T. Tboms Wayne A. Moldenhauer C. Robert J,smam> Councilmen Attest: LeD F. Frommelt City Cierk Councilman ,Pregler moved adop- tion of the resolution. Seconded by Mayor Bitter. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Tboms'. Nays-None. 401 Special Session, July 9, 1973 RESOLUTION NO. 241.73 BE IT RESOLVED by fue Oity Couœi;! <>f the CÌIty od' Dubuque, IOIWa, th"t tbe following haW>¡¡ oomp]Jied WlÍth the provisions od' - relalling to the sa[e of Ci- garettes Wlitlhin the City of Du- -buque, IOIW,a be granted ~'Pém1it to se1il Oig,aretWs and Cigarette papel1S within said City. Gerold C. KiTehØJerg, 3185 'Central Avenue Pizza Hut, 2675 Kennedy Road Ronald J.' Ha",", 1000 EM! Six- teeJ>th Street ClIIINl L. Jobnson, 1543 ~ol Avenue Stuart Ma(¡f¡s, 914 Dodge Street BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the bonds mlled with the "1'- plicatbm be approved, P'a&Sed, adopted ..00 approved this 9th day od' Jtdy, 1978, Joseph J, BtlJter Mayor Walter A. Preg1er Ai11an T. Tom. Wa,yne A, Moldenhauer CoUllCilmen Attest: LeD F. Frommelt City Clerk Mayor Bitter moved ad<>P1ion od' tile resolution. Seconded by Coun- .,ilman Pregler. Carried by fue foI¡ owing vC>te: YeOis-Mayor Bitter, Counci1men M<>Idenhauer, Pre¡¡ler, Thoms, Na,ys-CoUlreidiman J,nstmarm, RESOLUTION NO. 242.73 WlHEREAS, aw]Jicatioos for (SUNDAY SALES PE'RMITS) ba,ve been submitted to this Couœil for approv,ol and the saJme have been examined, NOW 'l1HERE,FQiRE BE IT RE- SOLVED by the Oity Council od' tile Oity od' Dubuque, Iowa, that the following a[J¡¡>!ieatiorus be grant. ed ..00 pem..ts issued upon the comp1iance with the terms of the IOWA UQUOR CONTROL AJCT- OHAPTER 123 OF THE 1973 CODE OF IOWA AS AMENDED BY THE 65'l1H GENERAL ASSEMBLY. M'ary A, Miller, 700 East Six. - Street R. J. ROo"', 1000 East Sixteenth Street P,....ed, adC>pled and a¡pproved ì this 9th da,y of July, 1973. Jose¡lh J. Bi,tter Mayor C. Rabert JllStmann Walter ^' Pregler Ail1an T. Thoms Wayne A. Moldenballer Co1lll>CÜ1I1en Attest: Leo F, Frommelt City OIerk M'ayor Bitter moved adiJ¡ption of the res01ution.' Seconded by C0un- cilman Pregler. Carried by the foJOOiwing vote: Yeas-M,ayor Bitter, Counci!Jnen J,nstmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, 'l1boms. Nays~oDe. RESOLUTION NO. 243.73 WHEREAS, ,a[J¡¡>!ieafJibns fur (SUNDAY SMÆ)S PERMIT\S) were filed bÝ"the w;fum named æppli. c,ants ..00 they h....e rooeived tile approvalod' tllis CJounci[ and, WHEREAS, the premises to be occupied -by such', a¡pp1icatllts were inspected and ÍiOund to oo~y WlÍth the State Law and all City or. dinances relevant thereto and they ha,ve filed proper bonds, NOW 'I1HEREFORE BE IT RE- SOLVED hy fue City CJounci[ od' Dubuque, Iowa, that the Manager be au1Jhorized to ea.... to be issued to tbe foI¡ owing named a~p]JieanJts a (SUNDAY SAJLES PERMIT). Mary A. Mmer, 700 East Six- teenth Street R. J, Haias, 1630 E,M! Sixteenltb Street Pa,ssed, adopted and aJp JIroved !J>is 9th d"y od' J,tdy, 1973, Joseph J, Bitter Mayor C. RObert Jnstmann Walter A. Pregler Allan T. Thoms Wayne A. MoJdenhwer Councilmen Attest: LeD F. Frommelt City Oierk Mayor Bitter moved adoption od' the resoIubion. Seconded hy Coun- cilman Thoms. Carried by tlieÍiOI- l<>wiing vote: Yea,s-M'ayor Bitter, Councilmen Justmaoo, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. - Nays-None, 402 SpeciAl Session, July 9, 11173 Sect"'" 1. ADOPTIONS. The City od' DIlbIIque, Iøwa, elee1s by this rellC>lutiOn 10 aet uÞder and be Oübj8lrt to Ib& pro..iSiÌ- of the ÍiOllowingdivisiollO, or patU od' di- m.ï0llB 011 Oh...,.r 1088 011 Iåo Actß of the Sixt:)?-FoGI1:h _a General A,oøembly (1972) Nt forfh below ... euUlorified by Divisinn I, Sec- tion 9, of Chapler UI!8, Di.Llion VII, Part 1 Division VII, Part 2 P....ed the 9th dtty of July, 1973 and _roved ,this II1II day od' July, 1973. Coonmuruimtion .,¡ QbiCif <If Pc>- lice ~- 1. O'Bri.. m resI >OM. to a verbsJI requœt pl'eViously sub- miJllted --niDI tbe operation od' tile I!irø4ben liD B8Ab8IreYer ta- vern 00 W. 9th ~ opeooted by RIdtòÑ 1, l!iaal\l!l:mann, rela. tive to f¡req- COJIIIIIlainlts, <luriog the past year, ænd requestin,g Ooun- cil to .ct date of. he8dDg prœeIlIt- ed and read. <Jotmd man 'lboms moved 111:<\ the City Manager md City ~ prepare proper 110- !!lee to ~ m tmd set 1he bearillg br Jo1ý 3OIh and the ~. citor prepare propet pr<>eee/lings SecoÐdM by Oouncltman Preg!.er. Oanied by tie lc!!OIII\in« vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Jus,tmann, Moldenhauer, Pr~, Tboll\li. Nay~. Some ~on amse as the leng¡!h cd t1me being CQbSUmed in ftle eom¡p.JAll:lon 01 the PfoIti buIJ.ðing at 8th &. ~ \Vitin lI1e Urban Councilman Pre~ler moved adop. Renewal ~. Coun<:!&man lion of ftle resolution, Seconded ~ m<>ved 1I1e!t the matter be by Mayor Bitter. Carried by the ref~ 10 lI1e Oity !lC>kiiM"" foUowtng vote: _iew and prwer proocedm'e and Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Couneilimen ~ 01 ftte pro¡>e'l'ty, Second- Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler ed by 00urId1l1lØt Maldenh.Uèr, Thoms,. ' Oattied by tIN! ~ voœ: Nays-None. Y~M'ayor BlitJter, eoundltnel1 Mo!denhaœr Pœ Ier Tboms ,Couneilman JulltmaDn made NaYß-CoUÍYciiman instma~, mentio~ of street excavations that ate being left open beyond a rea. ~ PftIi8r movød that sonable loog¡th of tiDne during the tibesew. a f'OO'Dleat betwceo tile course of eollStrU"tlng this year's City od' Dulbuque aoo 1be City od' street progrMtIJI. Ma,yor Bitter mo. Aoburybe W>led unIIl lI1e time ved that the matter be referred od' a special meeting to be caBed to the Engineering Department and lot' Frid"y July 13, 1IJ13 at 5:00 the City AUonwy. Sooonded by ö'c!œk P.1\!:, SeeoIlded by coon- Councilma<> Juotma'nn. Corried by ~mall JU6IIm!\!lIl. cMTied by the the folli>wing vote: wlliliwinit me: Yea..-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Yeas--'Mayor I!åda', Councilmen Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, J-aun. Mo1den!lau...., Pregler, Thoma. Thoms. Nays---None. N..y~. At 10:M p.M. Councilman Preg- RESOLUTION NO. 244-73 let ""wed to con\>ene in e1teeutive A Resolution electing to act under ~sinn for the plJI"PO'e <rf con~ider. and be subject to certain divi. In¡¡ per_litle. In opIJOint!ng sions and pam of divisions of the member$ to the Transit Allthorlty, City Coœ of lewe. known es the Seconded by M.yor Bitter, Car. Mme Rule Act. Chepter !GlS of riM by !be foIl~ vote, the ..ts of the sIxty-fourth Iowa Yeas-Mayor BItter, Cooncllmen General Assembly (1972), to utili.. Jtl$tmann, Mc>!denIø.ller, pregler, - provIsions deemed beneficial Tboms. .. the CIty end its citi...... Nays-'None. Be It Resol"ed by the Council I At 11:25 P.M. the Council r~c>n- of the City od' Dubuque. Iowa: vened in t8¡ular ""'011 and Ma. Joseph J. IIdtter Mayor Walter A. Pregler An... T. Thom. Wayne A. Moldenhauer C. Robert Ju!>tmalln Councilmen A tte!It: Leo F. lI'romIßelt Clerk Special Session, July 9, 1973 yor Bitter 11>""00 to adjourn. Se- conded by Councilman Pregler. Caœried by the ÍIIIW\1oing vole: Yea's-Mltyor Bitter, Co~i¡mell Ju..tmallll, Moldenhauer, Pregler, TItomo. NaySo--"None. Leo F. Frommelt CIty OIert 4t3 ApproYeÀ -.-...........--... 1&'13 Adopted .................................... W3 ............,..,....................................,.. ""....................'.-.........,............... """"""""""""""""'00""""""""""", "'-""""--"'~-""""""""""""'" ,.,',....,...,...,.......'................................ ~undllDlm A.tlest: """'ëit;'ck;;£n-............ 404 Special Session, July 13, 1973 CITY COUNCIL OFFICIAL Special Session, July 18, 1973. Council met at 5:00 P.M. (C.D. T.) Present-Mayor Bitter, Council- men Justmann, Moldenhauer, Preg- ler, Thoms. City Man_r Gilbert D. Chavenelle. Mayor llitter read the call and stated that service thereof had been duly made and this meetiog is called to consider an agreement to provide adequate sewage facill. ties for the conveyance discharged by !be town of Asbury into !be catfish interceptor sewer, and act- ing upon such other busine", as may properly come before a regu- lar meeting od' the Council. Members of the City Council of Asbury along with their attorney œ.scussed their sewage problem. Councilman Pregler moved that the City Manager be authorized to sign contract including adden. dum No. 11 and No. 12. Seconded by Councilman Moldenhauer, Councilman Pregler moved to li- mit debate. Motion died for lack of a second. Councilman Tboms moved to ta- ble the motion. Seconded by Coun. cilman Justmann, Vote on the mo- tion was as follows: Yeas - Councilmen Justmann, Thoms. Nays - Mayor Bitter, Council- men M<>ldenhaner, Pregler, Councilmw Thoms moved to amend the original motion autho- r;"ing the CitY M'anager to sigu the contract including adden- dum No. 11 and No. 12, by a,greemg to "mend item 12 and also :>gree ÍiOr a speedy trial with Asbury, only refuse hookup until verdret od' the jury comes in and paid for and dropping Stouse from Par"graph 12. Seconded by Coun. cilman Justmann. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - CounlCilmen JUlStmann, Mdldenhauer, Preg],er, 'l1bo1ll$. Nays-Mayor Bitter. RESOLUTION NO. 245-73 WHEREAS, applications for (Sunday Sales Permits) ha,ve been snhmitted to this Council ÍiOr ap- proval and the same ba,ve been examined. NOW THEREFORE BE IT HiE. SOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA,that the foN<>Wing applica- tions be granted and permits- is- sued upon the comp]i<lnce with the terms of the Iowa, Liquor Control Act, Ch..pter 123, of the 1JI73 Code of Iowa æs amended by the 65th G.A. 1971. Class "C" Commercial Beer.Liquor License Creslanes Bowling Inc., 256 S. Mæin St. Class "B" Beer Permit (Sundey Sales) St. Elias The Prophet Greek Ortho- dox Church 1075 Roekdale Road Pæssed, adopted and a,pproved ¡¡,;." 13th day c>f July, 1973. Joseph J. Bitter Mayor Wa,lter A. 'Pregler Allan T. Thoms Wayne A. Moldenhauer C. Robert Justmanu Councilmen Attest: Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Mayor Bitter moved adoption œ the resolution. Seconded by Coun- cilman Pregler. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nays-Nc>ne. RESOLUTION NO. 246.73 WHEREAS, applications for (SUNDAY SALES PERMITS) were i!iled by the within named appli. cants and they bave received the approv"l od'this Council and, WHEREAS, the premises to be oC'Cupied by such applicants werc inspected and ÍiOund to comply with the State Law and aN City Ordi. nances relevant thereto and they have filed proper bonds. . NOW THEREFOR.E BE IT RE- SOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF DUBUQUE, IOWA, that the Man..ger be 'authorized to cause to be i&sued to the ÍiONowing named applicants a (Sunday Sales Per. mit). Class "C" Commercial Beer.Liquor Permit Creslanes Bowling 100., 255 S. Main St. Special Session, July 13, 1973 Class "B" beer permit (Sunday Sales) St. Elias Tbe Prophet Greek Ortho. dox Church, 1075 Rockdale Road Passed, 'adopted and approved this 13th day of July 1973. Joseph J. Bitter Mayor Walter A. Pregler AliIan T. Thoms Wa'YDe A. Moldenhauer C, Robert Justmann CounciJmen Attest: Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Mayor Bitter moved adoption of the resolntiOn. Seconded by Cowl- cilman Pregler. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Ju&tmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, TboJns. Nays-None. Tbere being no further business Councilman Pregler moved to ad- journ. Seconded by Councilman Thoms, Carried by the following vote: Yea-s-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen J,,"tmann, Mod'denhauer, Pregler, Tboms. Nays-None. Leo F. Frollll!Ilelt OIty Clerk Appr<>ved ..,.."..,....,....""..,.........,1973 Adopted ......................................1973 Councilmen Attest: City Clerk 405 406 Special Session, July 16, 1973 are OBly 1!weDty ÞOe acres left, north od' <he BroW!> Publ1smng Co. MT, Dor0tI>y &aid we need another OFFICIAL l'Iarit boecoa,us. we ha... E!IOOUgb ap- Specia.1 Session, July 16, 1973. ~~.: ~:.~ ,,::..t :. = Council met at 7:3°. P.M. (C. D."!") sent site. ~ 11.... 9:J.ooo some Present-Mayor BItter, CouncIl. diseu..ion that a l¡uoge industry men Justmann,. Moldenhauer,. Pre- (Ca,radeo) JD.~y be interested in gler, Thoms. CIty Manager GIlbert the entire reJ¡\aining tr...t od' ~wen- D. Chavenelle. ty :iji¡ve aø'<!I&. Mayor Bitter r.ead the caU and ~m :\'r<ij¡l\er moved that stail:ed that s_we bhe!""'Í h ~ d the M'anager a1>II ~~, wd Engi. !",en, duly made and tis !'looting neering 'De,partment consider &u:l>- ~s caned To condu~t a publIc hear- dividing ,the ""mað;ø¡ing par,* of Ing on the rezonIng of the West land, Seconded ,by Coo¡¡¡cilm:¡n Mol- 4th and Bluff Street area,. and denhauer. ,Carried by the foJ1<>WIÎUg aeting upon such other busmess vole: a's ma,y prWerly oome beÍiOre. a' Yea.s-Ma.yor Bitter, eooocilmen regu:lar, meOOing od' the Council, Moldwlihauer, PregJel', Councilman Pregler moyed that Nays-CooolClilman J 11 8 t mom the rules be suspended In order 'lbœnß ' to let afilY'Olle present address the . CouncH ¡æ they so destre. Seeood. ,CommllDication od' Muscular D~- ed by Councilman Moldenhauer. trqphy A<ls<JlCliations od' AJmerik:a tIlJc Carried by the following vote: advIsing that their dr'tve for funds Ye...-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen is .~heduled fur NovemW 3,111-73, Justmann, Moldenhauer, Preg[er, prese",1Jed a¡;¡d read. ~... Thoms, Preg[er nwved ~t drive be e¡p. Na'ys~None. pJ.'c>ved and reier.ed 1.0 tbe City Mr. Rdbert lJoos, Manager od' Mana,ger, Seeondedby Counc~ Tele¡prompler 'l1V C..ble, addressed Moldenhau.er, Ca).'rled by the {d- the ConncN in defense od' not being loiwing, VOIle:. ., aMe 1.0 servi<:e fue ærea viewers Yeas~Mayor BItter, Counei))imen with two channels out of Chicago. Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Tbe inter,ru¡pted service ha!s been Thoms. due to tile ~aet thæta TV tower Nays-Nœe. at R.ocl<Jford has been blown - Communi<:ation of tile City of in a SItorm. Mr. Laos ¡>romised Guttenberg, eJrtenmng an invita- that <he company haJs promised tion to alitend a dedication cere- to ¡begjn repairs and comþ!ete them m.<>ny od' theGl1ttenberg £lood con- durdng the CO1IDSC od' neoot week. trol project 00 Angust 5, 1m, pre- Mi<:rowave Servi<:e Co., wbieh sen1Jed and read. Comæiilman Pre- owns tbe tower, has re¡peatedly g .er moved that the in"ütioo be pronili;ed to re¡pair the rower bull: received and filed, œ¡pies be se"t 00 work ha,s been done to date, to the CouooH members, ænd May- Councilman J""wann m 0 v ed or Bitter re¡present the City. Sic- that the verbal! re¡port be received conded by CouncHman MOildenhau- and the City M'anager and City er. Carried by the ÍiOllC>WlÍng vote: M\.orney look after our interest. Yeas-Mayor Niter, CoUMilmen Seconded by Counctlman Mold- J...tmauu, Moldenilauer, iPregller, hauer. Cærried by the fuMowing Thoms. vote: Nays-None. Ye...~Mayor Blitter, Councilmen Printed Council proceedings for Justm..nn, Molldenhaller, Pregler, ,the months of Ma,rch, Apriiland Tboms. May 1~3., presented for approya[, Nays-None, M.ayor Bitter moved approvol of Members of the Dock Boærd and the Council ,proceedinglS alS prinœd, Mayor's Industriol Committee ad- I Seconded .bY Councilman Pregler. dressed the 'Council relative to fue Carried by 1ihe following vote: remaining sa[ealble land in the City: Yea,s-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Industrial Island, Dubuque Indus- ! Justmaoo, Moidoohauer, Pregler, triol Bureau Ma'n,.ger, Robert Do- ' Thoms. ro1I!iy, told the ,Council that <here Nays-None. CITY COUNCIL 1t.."." Special Session, July 16, 1973 407 ComllNmlica,(ioo of Iow'a Conser. ...óion Commisoion, addressed fjo Dc. W~e A M_œuer, reques- ting wack <ODd ,cost estimates 00 1ile restoratioo or reco""trnction od' the. p...- City HØJ11, presoo1Jed ..,.¡ read. Coo.iooÜma.. MoldeDilau- er moved dl.t the eommuni<:a,tioo be referred to the Cotul¡clq. Se- oooded by ()ounci],man Jus~mann, Carried by the foMowing vote: Yea.-J\{ay<>r Bitter, Councilmen J""tmann, Moldeœauer, Pre¡¡ler, Thoms. Nay,s-Nooe. July 13, 1973 To 'I1he Ik>norable Mayor and Members oil the CIty Cound1, '" ~ordænce ....1Ih \be prC>Vi- - of Qhap\.er 365 of the 11m 00de of IOiWIt, the Oivil Serv>ce Commission CIOnducited entræooe e- ""m!natioDs of April 12, 1973, ÍiOr the Police DeiP",-, The foJl.owing named app1b!mts hAlve l'I'ssm b<N1 the wrttt.en and pihYSiÌcal ex..minations and are IIet'e by eer1IDed for a JIpointment 10 the Po1>oo Department. s"briet, Wdliam M,nn n'.95% Steinmann, Mbert Cw., nnwm.81% O'Brien, Paul Cwmnmnmnm'm-..8O% Respediú!iy Sillbtnitted, Gerard B, Noonan Ohairmm Marvin A. VooSielde Louis F. Fautooh CiW1 Servi<:e Commission Attest: Leo F, F'rommelt 01erII: Subscribed and _om to be!ore me this 16th day od' J,uly 1973. Vliclm SlWary Notal'Y Public Councilman Moldenhauer moved that the communication œ receiv- ed and m,aðe . malJter of 1"éOOrd Sðéonded :by Counciiman Pregler, Carried by the foIn/>Wing vote: Yeas-M'ayor Bit1x!r, Councilmen Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thotl1S. Na'YIS...,N(}ne. Commllniea1lk>n of City Manager r...snbmi1iting inventory items od' the MuniICi¡>ai Court, eoooisting od' furniture and ac¡uipment and a IiiISt of """"truction and instaMaiLion work items, ÍO<m<>11lypresenAed aJt bhe CooneåiI meetiBg od' June 18, 1117<3, and requæliing I>"Nnisoion to sUibmit to 1Ihe - oil S~ for payment, presented and rea.1. Councilman Pregler DllJVed lIIæt the permissioo be granted. Second- ed by Coun&maö Molde!lllaller. CarrIed by the ioHøWIÍlIg -: Yœs-Mayor Bitter, Oouncit!nen J.ústmann, Mó!denhauer, Pregler, TI>o IDS, N"ys--None. N<IIi.èe oil claim od' Donàld J. Flè<\ge, in fŒ IIIIlOUIlIt of $154.00, ÍiOr "'" da'11lag1! reéelved ... the - of bis 00>r being Jrtl'tJcl!: by à OitY <IWtIed gæ<bage vehicle on Ju:ly lil, 1973, presented and read. Councilman MoIdenhll'llër moVed thæt the no1Jiœ od' claim be referred to the City Attorney ÍiOr i1westiga- tion and repo1lt. Seconded by Coun- cUman J""tmaom. Carried by the 1Io.I1owing vote: Yea.s-oMay<>r BiiUoer, Counci.tmen Justmann, iMoIdenhaller, P.-e¡ \er, TOOms. Naya.-Nooe. Notiee of Snitt od' Sœan ~ada- baugh, in the !IItllount of $15,500, foe personol ~uriCIS reeeiwed, oleo property damage incurred, as the result od' her ear plunging over the cliff, 0« Cornel! Street, on April 14, 1973, ,presenAed aJJd read, CoolI£j[man Moidenilauer mov e d tb.æt the noMe<> od' suit IJe referred ro the City AtItorney lor mv...li- gaiLion and report. Seeooded by CoImdlman JuSltmaoo. Carried by the foJlOlWing vote : Yeas-M,ayor Bitter, Cooooilmen JuSltmIWß, Mó!d_æuer, Preg[er, TboDlll. Na'YlO-None, Communi<:ation od' City Attorney recommending that i£ the Council intoods to insIIitute revestiture pro- ceedin¡ s that the Manager be dir- eCted to deliver a notiœ \!¡poD FiB. elber& Co. to complete contract within three monililS and if this b! not done then institute proper proceed!1>¡ s !to real!< mre property in the Urban Renewal "'ea at 8th & lJocùSlt St. presented and read, Councftman Moldenha u e r moved that the commumcaliion be referŒ"ed to the nom re¡ lÙlalr meet- ing ,selbedu:l9d for July 30th. Se- 408 Special Session, July 16, 1973 conded by Couneå1man Pre¡¡ I e r. Carried by the following vole: Yeas-Mayor Bilter, Coum:ilmen Jnstmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, TIloms. Nays-,Nooc. Some discussion arose... to a Siid_aJk "butting the F1isd1er pro- per!ty at 8th Street as to being very hazardous to pedestrillll trd- lic. Counci!.man TOOms moved that the mætter be referred to the En- gineering Department ÍiOr in"e&tJi- gailion andrep)lt. Seconded by Couneilman Moldenhauer. Carried by tile following vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, CounCilimen Jnstmaoo, MoIdenI1auer, Pregler, Tboms. Na,ys-None. Prood' od' PulJlicaüoo, oorti!ied ttJ by the Pubu..ib.er od' notiee od' pub1i<: hemng on a proposed Ordinance a'mending Ordman.ce No. 3-34, knOWlD ... the Zoning Map and Zoning Ordinanœ od' the City od' Dulbnque, by induding in Article W Section 2 (11) thereod'an area desc,ribed "s ÍiOUows: Artide IV. Section 2 (11) _mona! offifiees or studios od' a physician, dentist, areMteet, engineer, l~er, reol- tor, insurance musician or similar prod'eSISiÌons within Ute following de- scribed "rea: LC>t 2 od' Walk e r BluM Street Place; LC>t [ and LC>t 2 of Rink Place; LC>t 1 and LC>t 2 od' Evan Place; the e",t 27.5 feet of LC>t 2 od' City Lot 610; the west 28 feet of Lot 2 of CLty lJOIt 610; Lot 1 od' lJOIt 3 <if <1ty Lot 610; lJOIt 2 od' Lot 3 od' <1ty lJOIt 610: LC>t 4 and Lot 5 od' City Lot 610: the east 1118.3 feet od' the West 1~0 feet of LC>t 6l0A and LC>t 6O9A; the west 51.5 feet of the west 170 feet od' LC>t &lOA and 6O9A (except part in dri,,_ay), presented and read. Conooilman Pregiler moved that the proof od' puli>lication be receï". ed and fiaed. Seconded by May\)r Bitter. Cattried by the fo¡]¡k,V/ing vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitler, Councilmen Justmam, Pregler, TOOms. Nays-None. Abstæined-fu1neilmal1 Molden- ha.uer. Communication of Russell and Ruth Nash reiteraful,g 1beir desire to iDiVest time, money and :labor in the restoration od' the 4f1b Street area, presented and read. Council.. man Pregler moved thæt the com. m1lIliC..tion be received and flied. Seoonded by Councilman TOOms, Carried by the ÍiOllowing "ole: Yea&-;Mayor Bitter, CollIlCÜmen Justmam, Pregler, TOOms. Na}1s-.None. AJbstained--Coundim'an Molden. hauer. CommuIllication od' KaÜlleen 101..." terpole, Attorney, submitting a pe- tition containing ill! Siignaiure ob- jecting and protestiog enactment od' the 0r<Iiinam:<> ... proposed ÍiOr meeting od' Ju:ly lIIth, 4th & Bluff Street area, presemled and read, Counei.lman Pregler moved t h .. t the eommumcaUon and petitions be received and fiaed. Seconded by Councilman Tboms. Carried by the foHowing vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Conneilmen Justmann, Pregler, Tboms. Nays-Nooe. Abstained--<Joouncilman Molden. hauer. 'Mr, Wa'yne Norman spoke in fa. "or od' the rezoning also Sue Stei- ninger. Attorney Kadlleen Master- pole, Ford Hurley, Mary O'Rourke, Mrs. Reardon, Mrs. Hul1ley, Wa,yne Mills, Mrs. Ann Hoppman, Dor. rance Pitz, Mrs. Tikalsky and Herb Kiedlfer tilspoke agæinst the re- 1Joning,aJl bt!ing r""idents or form. er residents od' the area. Attorney Mike King 8P<>ke in fa"or ... a r~resentaüve of Oærdina[ Iœ. Councilman J...tmann moved to rcimpose the ru:l"". Secooded by Councilman Thoms. Carried by the foßOWIÍDg vote : Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Counciilmen Justmann, Pregler, Tboms. Nays-None. Abstained-Couneilman Molden. hauer. Tbe CoImc:i[ allowed some lime ÍiOr reoo1Jta[ after whieb time Conn- cfulman Thoms moved to SI1S¡>end the rules. Seconded by Mayor Bit. ter. Oarnied by the f~ "ole: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, CouncIilmen Jœtmænn, Pregier, Thoms. Na'ys-None. A.bstained-oCouncfulman Molden- ''auer. An Ordinance Amending Ordi- nance No. :h'I4 krown "s the "Zon. ing M,8P and Zoning Ordd,nanee od' Special Session, July 16, 1973 409 the City od' DuI:>uque, Iowa" by Amending Article lV, Seetlion 2 (b)thereod' to in<:lude certain de. scl'ilbed reail estate in which pro- fesSiÌOnaJ! Oifi&:e or studios od' a pbyadiclioo Denilist ArchItect En- gineer, L8IWyer,Realtor, In's u r. ance, Musician or siD1ÌJ1,., profes- mons ma,y be permi,tted. and fur. ther des<:ribdng rules g\lvernjng the issuance of suell ~iol permi1Js ... may be a_rired by the Board of Adjætment, pursuant to Jïnding and determlinatioo by the. City CotmcIi\ of the eXlisteœe od' .. DÏs- tieet having Historòcail and arobi. teelllral sigomcanœ, in lIIC<:<mIanee 1Mith Art.icle IV, Seictåon2 (1) of said Ordlnaooe No. 3-34. (W,4th and BIluff street ..rea), pr""eDJted and read. Cooncilman Justmann moved a- dC>ption of the Ordinance, final a. do¡ptioo however be deferred untiJ the pul1!Ï.C hemng on Resolution Designating strnctures on certain property ..t 4th & muff ... hiIotori- cally and arehitecll1rtily si,gni¡fi. cant. Seoonded by Councilman TIloms. Carrlied by the loIIow:in,g vote: Yeas-Mayor ROtter, Councilmen Justman.., Pregiler, ThOIDB, Nays-None. Abstained-Counlcilman Mo!Iden- hauer. A Resolution d""tgnaüng smœ- lures on certain hereinafter de- scribed pro,perties ... historiea~y and ærclJitecturaMy s i g nifieanIl, purwant to the reqw....nronts od' Ordinance No. :!8-i10 (W.i ¡1Jh & Bluff street area) preseUlted ..nd reoo. Counedlntan Pregler moved that a public bearing be held on the Re. solution on Augæt 6, 1973, at 7:30 P oM. in the Conneil Chamber at the Ciity HaM and the Clerk be directed topnbJish notice od' same a. required by laJW. Seconded by Mayor Bitter. Carried by the ÍiOI. l<>Wingvote : Yea.....Mayor Bitter, Councilmen J,ustmann, Pregler, 'lbC>ms. Nays-None. AJbstained-Councilman Molden- hauer. Petillion od' Colt 45 Drnm & Bugile Corps requesting permission to /wId a parade on Sunday Septem- ber 2, 1973, presented and read. Councilman Jætmann. moved ap- provail of the petition and that it be relferred to the City Manager, Seconded by o"unciiman Pregler, Carried by the fo!ilo~n,g vote: Ye..s-Mayor Bitter, CounciJ.men Justmann, Moldeubauer, Pregiler, Thoms. NiaYlS-Noœ. PeIWoo of EJgeIiro¡f Fuueral Ser. vice requesting perun¡isoion to use twelve feet od' city-<llWDed propert¡y at the soufuwest comer of 1Øth & BluH Street fur. addiIiioD!aI park. intg use, P- and rea~. 'CowIciliman Pregller moved tJl>at the petiti<>n be referred to the 101,.... ager and SlfJaIfif, Seieondedby Co- wman Jætmann, Ca~ried by the fuMowing vote : Yeas-oMa'yor BiWter, Counicümen Justnwm, Moldenbauer, P~r, Thoms. NaYIS---<NODIe, Petition of SeíJw¡lte CoD8tructioo Co. requesting pemlisoion IX> exca- vate in city streets, presented and read, CotLDCßJnan Pregler moved awrovol od' the petition subject to approval od' the Engìneer i n g D<\partment Seconded by May 0 r Bitter. Carrtied by the fIo.lIo<wing vote: Yeas-Ma,yor Bitter, CooneìJ.men Jnstmaoo, Moldenhauer, Pregler, TbOIDB. Na'ys-None, Mr. Rabert Metelak od' the Op- timist OIub od' DuI:>uque requested permission to in"ugurate solicita- tion ÍiOr the ChiJldren's Zoo proje.ct, as per petitdon submitted on Ju:ly 9, 1m meeting. Mr. Metelak an. nooneed that it wou!d not be a door to door solicitation. Council. man Moldenbauer moved to auth0- rize thesolicitaüon od' funds ÍiOr a cbildren's zoo project æt Roose- velt P.ark beginn¡ing Ju:ly 20th ÍiOr eight da,ys and the Oity Manager worI< Wlith the ()¡>tin1ist Clubs. Se- conded by Councilman Jus~mæn... Carned by the foJiowing "ole: Yeas-May<>< Bitter, o"uneßmen Ju\!;tm"nn, Moldenhauer, Pregiler, Thoms. Nays-None, Mayor Bitter further moved au- thori.aJtdoo od'. solicit..tdoo with the understænding thæt the CLty in no way gua~aIlJtee aœeptanJee of the maintenance of the 7Jooas reques- ted by the Qptd,mist Olu[¡s. Se- 410 Special Session, July 16, 1973 ronded by Cooneiilman Pregler. Ca- rried by tbe toILlowing vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitler, Couœümen Justm"lUl, M<oildenhauer, Preglier, '!11orJ,m¡o. N&JI'---.NoDe . Petition of Runde'" 0lIo- Up- holstery Iœ., by Leo A. McCarthy a~y, reqOOlltlÐg cJedi,caöon od' easement...... at and in around the property m 70 Southern Ave., """'tIly dri>geway ........ to the re- spdve buiId\Сg6, prC5ented and read, (J<HUldlman Pregler moved !hot IIie pei&n be reIe.-red to the M_ager and SIIia4j!, Seconded by Ma)'Or Bitter. Carried by tbe 1oiI00000ng vote : Yeas-Mayor BiLliter, OoaDt:iImeo J_aM, Moldenhauer, ~, '1110..... Nays-None. Petæioo od' Riidge Motor & Ma- chine Co. requesting the paving of East l2tih !!I4"eet and ..]SO ,that the w<>rl< be placed on the City - Improve.- ~m as SOOIß as poes!b!e, presented and read. C<>tmcllI1NlD Pregler moved that ,the pe1ition be referred 110 the City EftgiMer. Seconded by M,ayor BitJter. Carried by the M- io'9OIng .....re: y.,...-M1lyor Bitter, Councilmen Justm-:>nn, MIIldenllauer, PregIIer, Tboons. Næys-None. Petition of J. A. Md:JuMongll, objecd:ing 10 the poor caiJle TV operation and reqoosting aclion if possibli> to remedy the situation, main ctJncern is the mi,..¡"g od' bdl games from Cbicago, present- ed and read. COunci!.rnan Pregler moved thæt the communication be re<:cived and filed and a oopy be seIlIt to Mr. lJoos manager od' the lo.cai TV c.ab!e company. Second- ed by Mayor Bitter. Carried by the fo1[owing vote : Ye_Hayor Bitter, Councllmen JUBtmwII, MGIdenI1auer, Preg[er, ThoDlil. Nays-None. Petition of lOOn Kennedy et al (111 signers) ~esting :parking on both aides of Wwon AJve., norIth at U.......,.jty to W. 11M> Street, presented and read. OonncIiJman Pi'&¡ Ier !1lIM>d that the petition be n'!fierTed to the City M,mager and ~ DspartmeUlt for inv..- li,gation Itnd repol1t. Seconded by Mayor Bi<tw. Carried by the foI- 10'Wing .....re: Yeas-Mayor tlitte.r, COunci1men Jnstmarm, MoIdmbauer, PregIler, TbmIl!!. Nay.s--.Nooe. RESOLUTION NO. 247.73 WiHEREMS, lnIten;tate Power Company by letter, dæted Mardi 1, wm, <>ff<>red 10 sell and wan.sd'er to City od' Dubuque aU 01' tbe real and person;ail bus trans¡porta. lion p~rty, indlOOing the bus barn at Mth Street, aU items of any kind associated Mth the b"" operatioIlß, wi1h the ex.ception od' one tru.ck, ÍiOr the sum od' One ($1.00) Dollar such to become ef- fecJive AAJgœt 31, 1978: and W!HEREiAS, City od' Dubuque has conduded an election and the elec. torate has aw>'ovedthe æequisition of said bUlS sY"tem by the City od' Dubuque, IOWa; and WiHEiRIEJAS, the Ctty Council of the Oity 01 Dubuque, Iowa deems it in the best pwblie interest 1hat saM ofi£fc od' _ate PoIwer Com- pany conltllined in its letter to City od' Dubuque, Iowa, daœd Much 1, wm, sboold be accepted. NOIW 'DHiEREJFORE BE IT RE- SOINEoD BY THE OITY COUNCIL OF 11IIiE OITY OIF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section I. That the offer of the Jonter&tate Power Company c 0 n- tained in its letter ,to City od' Du. buque, Iowa, dated Mareb 1, 19'm, ÍiOr the sale to theŒty od' Du- buq.ue, Io~a od' thes'æid bus sya~ tem indudiing the rea! and personal bus trans¡portation property, includ- ing the bus ham at 24!th Slreet, ail items 011' any kind associated Wlith 1he bUis operatiOl11S, WlÍth the e~tion of one ,trw:k, for the sum od' One ($1.00) DOOlar be and the same is hereby a=ted. Section 2. Thæt 1he City Manager be and he i. herby directed to ÍiOrth;Vlith comml1me,..te WlÍth In- terstate p"""" Company in writing advising .aid Company od' the City's acceptance od' i1B oIIfe!r contained in the letter from ...id Compan, to the Oity of Dubuque, dated Mardl 1, 19'18. Special Session, July 16, 1973 411 P,as,sed, _ve4 and IIIIIopted this 16th day 01 July, 1JI7a. Joseph J. Bitter M,ayor Wayne A. M<>ldenhauer Waiter A. Piregler .YI"" T. Thoms C. BWert Jnstmann COuneilmen AIlmEST: Leo F, Frommelt Oity Clerk M,ayor Bitter m"",ed adoption of the res<>llution. SeeoIJded by Coun- cilman Moldenhauer. c..med by the foJloWling vot>e: YeSIS-May<>r BOtter, Cou""ilmen Juotmann, Moldenhauer, Pre;gik>r, '1110ßl6. Na)'IS-NOOt!. RESOLUTION NO. 248-73 Authorizing the execution and de. livery of Deed to Lorice, Inc. for sale of land in the Downtown Ur. ban Renewal Project, Iowa R.15. WHEiREIAS, under dl>le od' July 13, 1973, a CoDtra<>t for tile Sale of Land ÍiOr P"¡'vate RedevelopmeUlt was entered into by aDd. between Lori.., Inc.; and WHEREAS, Lorice, Inc. has rompIied willi the <o!IARtioM od' .aòd Cootræct and IJ..s re¡uested the City 01 Dubuque e- aDd deliver to them - Deed ÍiOr the land dooorIibed herem below in the Dame od' Loriœ, Iœ.; n- -... fore BE IT RESOINEID BY '!'HE CITY COUNIOIL OF 11HE CITY OF DUBUQUE, :!ffi\\A: Secfion I. Tbæt the 101:>- wd City Clerk are hereby authori>!ed and directed to exeootle a Deed to Lorlce, Inc. 1m the .ad~ od' the South 1J4i4 feet od' Pa...el 8 od' Block 2 in the IJownt<nm Ur- - - Pro;ioot, Iowa R-15, I IegaJ]y des<:ribed ø Lot 1, except the NœtIt 43 feet then!of, in Baock 5 in DDbuique Dow.- Plaœa in the City of ÐIIIb»que, Iowa. eon ta i n i n g 22,908.338 square feet. Section 2. That the Dirootor of the Dep:¡rtment <if JWusâlg and nedeve1apment 15 hereby "uthwiz- ed and directed te deliiver said Deed to Lori.., Inc., of Dubuque, Iowa, upcm receipt of the pu<chase price of $511,2115.85. Peosed. 8A>roved :md adopted this l&1h day od' Ju:ly, 19m. J~ J. Blilter Kayor WaY1M' A. MoIdeDba..... Wder A. Pregler Al/,an T. 11homs C. Robert .Jnstmann CcIaDeiImeu ArImEST : Leo F, Frommelt Clty Olerk Mayor Bitter moved ado¡ptàoo od' the resoltrtion. SeeoDded by C<>un- oilman Moldenhaller. Ca'l'TIied by the ÍiOIh1iWIing vole: Ye..s~Ma- Bitt..., COuneiJ1men Jl1stmam, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Th<>ms. Na':fs-None. RESOLUTION NO. 249-73 WHEJREAS, ,the City at Dubu. que aDd. Dubnqœ COUDty, I_- have negotiated the ternia 01 - ment regamng U. -þjIion oi the regullaltions oi parl¡im,g and pH- Ioing m<>ter vioillliOÐlS withiD the City and prov\dùJ¡g "'æt the City a,grees to provide to the Coonty the ser,vice.s, perwnnel and admin- istraöon faiQ;¡¡¡'¡¡"" for the taking of boIJds, JiMs, aDd oonrt co.sts in respect to !IlOYins trafiie YÍo- laoiio<JJs aDd ooverlinc the terms of COwtty'. a;¡reernent IC> råmiDuae City Jio,r the l"'OVÎiÎOnB od' sueh ......ices, _rmeil aDd ~; and ~, ærm od' Agreement, marked EJdAit "A", pœ¡pœed to be entered - betweeø. Oily 01 Dui'Juque, Iowa and DUbuque Cœn- ty, Iowoa sbDuid be awroYed; NOW 11HEIREiFORE BE IT &IE- SODV'EIl> B'Y mE CITY OOUNCIL OF THE om'Y OF DUiBUQ'tJIE: IOWiA: Section I. 'l1bat the Agreemeut by and between !lie City of Du" buqlle, I'.o¡wa and DlUbuque COwtty, IO'Wa terms od' whieth an! set ÍiOrth in EJObibit "A" ùtad!ed hereto and by ref""""", """'" a part hereol råaJting to the re~a1Jion od' parking and pa<rting meter vio- lations and other matters be IIiIld the same is hereby _ad. Section 2. TIrat the Mayor and Cí.b' Clerk be ..,.¡ they are wethy autJlrorized aDd direøted to eooeeut.e by the faHowing vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Conneibnen Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Naj'1s-Conneilman JuSitmann. 413 412 Special Session, July 16, 1973 said Agreemeot for and on beihalif I od' the City. Section 3. Tbat a certified copy od' this Resuduliion together wi>th Agreement 8Itt:1ehed be filed in the oУi,ce od' the Distri<:t Court Clerk in ænd fDr First Judicial DiiSitrict od' State od' Iowa, at the Duibuque County Courthouse in the Cityod' Dubuque, Dubuque COunty, Iowa. I P..ssed, approved and adopted Ibis 16th day od' Juay, 1973. . JOSEIPh J. Bitter Mayor W:rl!er A. Pregller Mlan T. Tlwms C. Robert Justm""", Wayne A. Moldenl>auer CoW1<:Ümen ATTEST: Leo F. Frommelt Oity Clerk M,ayor Bitter moved adoption od' the resœntion. Seconded by Coun- cNman Moldenhauer. C",rried by the following vote: Yeas~Mayor Bitter, Councilmen JUSltmaoo, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Th<>ms. Nays-iNone. RESOLUTION NO. 250-73 BE Iœ RESOLVED BY THE OITY COUNOIL OF 'l1HE CITY OF DUBUQUE, roWA: That tbe following baW>¡¡ complied wi>th the prOvimODS of IIlIW relating to the saJ<! od' cigarettes within the City od' Dubuque, ro.."" be granted " permit to sell Cigarettes and cig- ",rette papem WlÍ1ibin the City. P!billIip R. Love, 1701 Centtal Ave. Patricia G. ReveRe, :m6 Jad<ooo St, Be it _er resolved that the bonds filed wilb the applications be approved. Passed, adopted and approved Ibis 16th day od' July 1973. Joseph J. Bitter Ma1W Walter A, Pregler Allian T. 'I1boms W,"'yne A, Moldenhauer Councilmen Attest: Oity 0IerII: Councilman Moldenhauer moved adoption od' the res<>luliion. Second- ed by eoon.:ö!Iman Pregler. O:mted ':" Special Session, July 16, 1973 P,aossed,.adopted and approved ¡they. have . roe. civ.ed the approvol Ibis 16th day od' Ju:ly 1973. od' tbiis COuncil, wd Joseph J. Bitter WHEmEAS, the prem;,;es to be Mayo~ oœupied by such applicantJs were Walter A. Pregiler inspected and found to comply with Allan T. Thoms the St..te Lww and all City or- C. Robert Justmann dinances relevant thereto and they Wa,yne A. Moddenhauer h..ve fiiled proper bonds. NOW Cotmcdlmen 'l1HEREJF1OR¡E BE IT RESOLVED A_: BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE Leo F. Frommelt CITY O'F DUBUQUE, IOWA: City Clerk Thall; lihe Manager be authorized Couœilman Moldenhauer moved to came to be issued to the 101- adQPtion <>f lihe resolution, Second- ~ n_ed app1fuaOO¡ '" Liquor ed by CounciJm",n Pregler. Carried pern»t. by the ÍiOliowing vote: CLASS "C" COMMERCIAL Yeas-Mayor Bitter, CoondImen BEER & LIQUOR LICENSE JuSitmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Mister KeIlys, 1001 Mom St. Tho.ms. Ob<>rol Club, 2776 Jackoon St. Na,ys-iNone. Pas&ed, adopted and approved - 16th dily of July 1973. Joseph J. Bitter Mayor Walter A. Pregler AJilan T. Thoms C. RObert Juslma"" Wayne A. Moldenhauer Councilmen RESOLUTION NO. 251.73 WHEREAS appJôJcations ÍiOr Beer PerroW¡ have been submitted to this eou""iil ÍiOr approval. and the same h..ve been e"..mined; NOW THEREFORiE BE IT RESOLVEiD BY 'l1HE OITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA; 11hat the foNoWlÍng a¡ppIIiea- tion begŒ'anted and" permit be issued ~n the eompllance with tbe te~ms od' the ordinances od' the City. CLASS "B" BEER PERMIT Dubuque Jaycees, MMJleeee Field Passed, adopted and "pproved this 16th day od' Ju:ly 1973. JOSEIPh J. BlLIter Mayor Walter A. Pregiler Mlan T. Tboms C. Robert J,ustmann Wayne A. Moldenha,u<>< Councilmen RESOLUTION NO. 253.73 WŒlEiREAS AppJic""tions for Li- quor permits ha..e been submitted tothhs Council ÍiOr approval and the .",me hve been examined. NOW 'l1HERE'FORE HE IT RE- SOLVEiD BY THE CIIT'Y COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, roWA: Tbat the ÍiONowing applica- tions be granted and licenses is- sued ~n the eompJianee wit b the te~ms ollihe Iowa Liquor COo. troll Act Chapter 123, a's amended by the 65 G.A. 1973. CLASS uC" COMMERCIAL BEER LIQUOR LICENSE Miisler KeIlys, HID Main St. Cbora[ Club, 27116 J,aekson St. P'assed adopted and approv e d this 16th day of July 1973. J<lSep!l J. Bitter Mayor W,olter A. Pr~er Mlan T. Tlwm. C. Robert J<hS'tmann Wayne A. Moldenhaller COuncilmen A_: Leo F. Fromm~t City Clerk COuncilman Moldenhauer moved adoption of the reoolutton. Second" ed by Coundlman Pregler. Car- ried by the foilowing vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, COuncilmen Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Tboms. Naye>-None. Cooncilman Tboms moved that tbe St., Engineering Department ",nd Building Departments be di- rected to review the Medical As- sociates Buildings as to potential use od' City property. Motion died for lack of a second. Councilman Pregler moved that in ligbt od' the remarlrs made about the Medical Associates building and in order to get an unbiased opinion that an outside consultant be employed to review the Me! dical Assodates buildings as to p<>teDti,,1 use for a city ban. Se- conded by COuncilman Tho m s, Vole on the motion was as' follows: Yeas-Councilmen Pre g 1 e r , Thoms. Nay~Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Justmann, Moldenhauer. Motion failed. Mayor Bitter moved that the COnneil go on record"" being "pp- Attest: Leo F. Frommelt City Clerlr Cooneilman Moldenhauer moved adoption of the reso!.ution. Second- ed by Councilman Pregiler, Carried by the following vote: Yeas-M"YDr Bitter, Councilmen Justmaoo, Moldenhauer, Preg1er, Tb{)ßlS, Nays-iNone. RESOLUTION NO. 252.73 WHEREAS, awlWa,tions ÍiOr Beer permits were filed by the wi>thin n_ed IliPlPlicaUits and they l>ave received the approvol of this Coon- c'il; and WiH'EREAS, the premi.... to be ocoo¡pied by such app1icaUlts were in.,peeted and ÍiOund to com¡>ly wi1ib the ordinances of this City and they l>ave :filed proper bonds. NOW 'l'iIm1tEFORIE BE l'I' . !fE- SOLVED BY THiE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: '!bait the Manager be anIibo11ized to cause ,to be issued to the foRow- lug n:<med a¡ppIID",nt '" beer permit. CLASS "BU BE'E'R PERMIT Ðubuqne Jaycees, MMIleeee Field AitI:eot: Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk CouDJCi.lman Mo1denhauer moved adoption od' the resolution. Second- ed by CouociIman Pregler. Car- ried by the following vote: Ye..s-Mayor Bitter, COunedlmen JUSltmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Na~one. RESOLUTION NO. 254-73 WHEREAS ",ppllica1lions for Li- quor permits h"ve been filled by the Vlidlin naaned applican4Js and 414 Special Se¡sion, July 16, 1973 JUly 12, 1973 Honorable Mayor and City Council In lieu od' the joint meetillg be- tween Couœil, Board of Dock Com- missioners and the Industriol Bu- reau, wbicb was plæmed, but ne- ver held due to sebeduJing con- flicts, I write to worm you of several Pres6ing matters rega'rd- ing .ane od' land in DI1II>uqne Ind...- trial Park, as' I see them from tile Industrial Bureau office, At the ,present time, the Bureau is holding applications and requests from five ÍlI1DS desiring to build plants ÌTh Dubuque Industrial f'ark. Three c>f these firms are prepared to build and in fact, are in critical need od' new facilities, Since 1962 when the Mayor's In- dustrial Committee was formed, and until January of this, year, the MIC bas successfully ha,ndled all land sale rooommendatiOlls to City Council. Over 30 transactions were guided to culmination by eight dJfferent mayors and eight different chairmen od' the Doc k Commission. Also, to their credit, there has never been a split vote on any matter coming beÍiOre them, and to my recollection, never a split vote on Croncil in passage of recommendations' to proper pro- ceedings. When the MEC began in 1962 there were six plant facilities in Special Session, July 17, 1973 415 CITY COUNCIL ooed aa 10 the purcl>ase od' the , Medical Associates Building and being iI> favor od' rem<><J,e1ing City Ihl!. Seconded by C 0 u n oilman J1I!IImaun. Carried by the follow- ing vote: Ye..,.....,M'ayDr Bitter, Councilmen Justmann, Moldenhauer. Nays-Councilmen Pre g I e r , Thoms. 'lbere beinI! 00 furlber busiTheas COuDeßman Pregler moved to ad- jÐ1mI. Seconded by Mayor Bitter. Carried by the fGllawing vote: Y..a.~)(ayor Bitter, CoUllcilmen Pregler, Tboms. N<ays-Councilmen J u . t maml, Moldenhauer. Leo F. Fromme!!. City CleM OFFICIAL S/Mcial s..slon. July 17. 1973. Council met at 7:30 P.M. (C.D.T) P_ent-Mayor Bitter. Council. men Justmann. Pregler. Tbems. City Manager Gilbert D. Chave. nelle. Absent-Councllman Moldenhau- er. Mayor Bitter read the call and stated that service thereof h" d been duly made and this meeting is called for the purrpose od' discus. sing a course of action as to the proposed sale of the remainder of acreage on the Industrial Is- land and acting upon such other business as may properly come beÍiOre a regular meeting od' the Couœil. Approved .................................. 1973 Adopted .................................... 1973 ,.,..,..."'...........................-......-......... """""""""ë~~;;cl¡;;;~;:;"""""""""'" ..................",..................................,.... Attest: City Clerk. Area B of Industrial Park. Tbere are now 19. Since 1900 there have been 47.16 acres sold for more tban $250,000 which went to gen- eral fund. At the present time, tax revenues from property in Area B assessed at $2,630,000 are bring. ing in $352,420 annually, By way of review, this back. ground data 00 Area, B (tile por- tion l!onded for in 1955) sboold indicate more than a modicum of S""""'" in prC>lIWtion and develop- ment of the area. It &ho1l1d be noted here that ap- proximately 30 aer... remain to be sold, and that adequate buyers are avæilaible. Tbio could mean at least a qnartel' ol " million dollars in city roffere by !be end od' this summer. With a pre88lng need for revenue from all side.. this money could be put to im- mediate use. 11> the I>eginnin¡ we spoke about pressing matters. The... include: 1. Subdivisiion policy decisions OD the rema;ning ""reage. 2. Ingreø'and egr.... to this area. 3. Sewage and water extenS!ÌODB, 4. Iùillroad easement abandon. ment. 5. Accomodation of rail avail- ability to one pros¡pect. 6. Dæir"bility od' two prOllCrty t.-ades to ~ O'tha" t e - naw. 7. Land price ad;iUSltmenb. 8. EnvironmeiDtal controJs. 9. Beautification od' Kerper me' diaD. 10. Lon¡¡ range ex.pansåon of area. The Indnstrial Bureau executive rommittee desires an Immediate audience before your body to dis. cu.ss these and other .amffication, conceru:lng industrial development in the greater Dubuque ",rea. Due to the fact that c>ut od' Wwn marutgement will be in Dubuque Wednesday. July 13 with their en- gineers to discuss ¡..nd parcels par. tially negotiated on, we ex.pressJy deS!Ìre to meet with you on Monday or Tuesday, July 16 or July 17, DUBUQUE INDUS. TRIAL BUREAU Robert E. Dorothy HANAGER CoUDCtlmaD Pregler moved that the rommumcation be received UId Special Session, July 17, 1973 416 Special Session, July 30, 1973 417 Councilmw Pregler moved that Mayor Bitter be authorized to con, tact Caradco to find out if they would be interested in the purchase od' land on the, Industrial Isl"nd or any part c>f the City. Seconded by Councilman Thoms: Carried by the follOWlÍng vote: Yeas-'--Ma'yor Bitter, Councilmen Justmaun, Pregler, Thollh'!. Na'ys-None. AJbsent - Councilman Molden. hauer. Tbere being no further business Councilman Justmaun moved to adjourn. Seconded by Councilman Prej ler. Carried by the ÍiOllowing vote: Yea8-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Justm:>nn, Pregler, Thoms. Nay.....None. Absent - Couooilman Molden- hauer. filed. Seconded by Mayor Bitter. Carried by the following vote: Ye"s-Mayor Bi,tter, Councilmen Jnstmann, Pregler, Thoms. NaY8-None. Absent - Counci1man Molden- banet. Mr. Robert Dorothy, Duane Mor, tenson, F. Schreliber and Wm. Mc. Ellhiney were in attendance. Councilman Pregler moved that the rules be snspended in order to Jet anyone present address the Council if they so deSiire. Seconded by Cou11idil1man 'l1boms. Carnied by the folloWlÍng vote: Yøas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Justm:>nn, Pregler, Tboms. Nay.....None. Absent - Cowæilman Molden- hauer. Mr. Robert Dorothy showed a layout of the area in the Industrial Pari< th"t is olin "vailable. It would be feasible to sllbdivide the land into various p81"Cels and it was stated that "t le...t three dif. ferent companies are interested in the purchase of the land. The City Manager showed some concern as to the servicing od' these properties with sewer and water. If this be the case ;t wæs generally agreed that induotries locating in the area \VO1lld be obliged to pay ÍiOr their oown sewer and water. It was ge- nerally agreed that the option to subdivide be kept open wbich land was kept intæct pending a decision by Ca1'adoo to relocate c>n the pro- perty. Mr. Dorothy indicated to the Council that Caradco is no longer interested. Couœilman Pregler mc>ved to go into executive session at 9:18 P.M. to allow the Industri,,1 Bureau to reveal prospective purchasers' in the Induotrial Pari<. Seconded by Mayor Bitter. Camed by the fol- lowing vote: Ye...-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Justmann, Pregler, Thoms. Nlaya~None. Absent - Couooilmw Molden- hauer. At 10:16 P.M. the Council recon. vened in regular session and the Mayor sta,ted let the record .how that prospects for purchase od'iand in the Industrial p"rI< was dis- cussed. CITY COUNCIL Communicatioo of Urban Rene, wad Director adviaing tbat Mr, Wayne Norman will be present at the meeting to submit a pro, gr... report on the Five Flags Center Project. Mayor Bitter moved that the commuuicatioo be received and filed ænd the rules suspended in order to let anyone present address the Council jf they so desire. Seconded by Council. man Pregler, Gamed by the fol. 10WlÍng vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Col1læi1men Jus,tmann, Moldenbauer, Pregler, Thoms. Naya-None, Mr. Wayne Nor,man addressed the Council by s'tating that the cost of the FÏve F'lags Civie Cen. ter would be aooroximately T\vo million one hundred thousand dol. lam, and covèr the enJtirebloek of Fourth, FIfth, Locust and 101m, The Orpbeum Theatre and a new eJ<hibitioo arts building would be in the east hall od' the block, "long with surface parking. Between fif- ty and one hundred thousand dol- lars wou:ld be spent on the initial phase, to repair the roof of the Orpbeum theatre and tll'Ckpoint the east "nd south walls. Exhibition arts building would be the see>ond phase, No time has been set on the remaining steps, surface park. ing, interic>r of the new building, multi medœa presentation in the promenade, Mr. Wm. Woodward stated that the mwti-media pre- sentation wou:ld be housed on the north wall od' the five fla'gs level promenade, Balœnies would sur, round three sides of the prome nade and would serve as fire exits and would also cootain art, gal- leries. Mr. Richard Slattery stated that several multi ,purpose rooms are contemplated for ...ts, crafts, mUSiÌcal rehearsal., theatricals, vi- sual and performing a,rts. The goa' is set for e>ompletion od' the east block by 1976. OFFICIAL Session. July 30. 1973. met ot 7:30 P.M.' (C.D. Special Council T.) Present - Mayor Biller, Coun. cilmen Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler. Thoms. City Manager Gil. bert D. Chavenelle. Mayor Bitter read the call and stated th"t ,serV'ice thereod' had been dwy made and this, meeting is ealled for the purpose of re. viewing conditions of sole with Fis. cher & Co. as to the purchase of Urban Renewal land at 8th & Locust Street in the Urban Re- newal area, and acting upon such other buSiÌness' as' m...y properly come before a regwar meeting of the Council. Communication of Planning & Zoning Commission submitting mi- nutes of their meeting on July 18, 1973, presented for the record, Councilman Justmann moved that the communication be received and filed, Seconded by Coun.cilman Pregler. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Ju5'IJmaM, Moldenhaller, Pregler, Thoms. Nays~None. Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Approved ...............-............,.. 1&'13 Adopted .................................... 1&'13 .......................................................... .n..........."""""""""""""""""""""" Communication od' Fire Chi e f Dunphy in reply to Councilman Pregler's rem..rks "" a previous meeting by submitting a reV'iew of the borne ÌD&pections dudng the 18at eigbt years by the Fire De- partment, also submitting a report od' the National Commission on Fire Preventic>n and Control emphasiz, ing built-in fire safety, measures which can detect and extinguish fire beÍiOre it grc>ws large enough to c"use a, major dhs.asJter, pre- sented and read. The Fire Chief addressed the Council citing all aspects of fire inspections, Coun.cilman Justmanu mc>ved that the communication be receiv- ed and filed, Secc>nded by Couœil. man Pregler, Carried by the fol. lowing vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen JllStmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler. Thoms. Nay.....Nooe. ....................,..................................... .......................................................... ..,....................................................... Couneilmen Attest: """"""""'ëitÿ"ëïu¡:""""""" July 24, 1973 To the Honorable Mayor and City Council I herewith submit the reports I of the City Trea'surer, City Auditor and Heailllh ~nt, as we![ I as a li.t od' claims paid, fur the month od' June 1973. , Gilbert D. Ohavenelle City Malla,ger ,", a 418 Special Session, July 30, 1973 Councilman Pregler moved that the reports 'be received and filed. Seconded ,by Mayor Bitter. Oarried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Conncilmen JUstmann, M()ldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Naya.-None, Ju:ly 19, 1m To The lÍiOOOrabae M'ayor and City Councilmen A INhtn'ber od' compi,aiUlts halve been recelÎlVed reg"rding !be condi. tion od' a, buililing and premliseo at 1781.J:~1I3 Central Avenue, Du. buque, Ioiwa. On February 1, 1973, an inspec- tion was mæde by the Hoosing DEpartment of a two srory, two family and business brick strue. ture, At tblis time the structure was ÍiOUnd to be in ViÌœation od' theilfuJimum IJou.mg Code and there is eJOCessive deterioration from lad< od' genClMl maintenance, On Ma,y 25, 1973, an order was sent to' the owners od' record to dismanille the structure and clean "" the premises. These OM'Ders are Mrs. MiJdred Koeb[er, 1~63 Central Avenue, Mrs. Elma Rembold, 1358 BeimoUlt -to St. Pet- Luth- eran Cl>ureh e-() Board od' TrUSIt. ees, 3200 Asbur,y Ro'æd, aU in Du- buque, Iowa 52000.; Mrs, Janann, Anderson, Mr. MiC!bael Anderson. both Old Lantern Road, Danbury, Conn. 00810; Mr. Robert Wendell KoehJer, Mr. Roi>ert Kevin KOeh. ler, Ms. Lori Ann Koehler, all from 4 Wilmett Drive, Normal, M, 6176J. Mrs. Virginia Rembold, 521 So, River Street, Auror", IIi. 60538; Mrs. Le1Ja Mae Crowley, 11162 E, 3rd Street, Apt. 17, Long Bead>, CaIŒf. 00800; Mr, Gary Rembold, 432 - L16 Place S.W" FM>rett, WaSb 9Il2OO.. This order has not been com- plied with and I recommend to the Oity Council that the provi- SiÌons Of OrdinalllCe No. 35-õ2 be forced and th"t the ()wners od' saM buüding known a. 1781- 17æ Central Avenue, and Joeated on N 17', 4" at Lot 4 od' City llit 675 "nd S U!', 111" od' S 15', 8" of Lot 3 od' City Lot 675, City ()f Dubuque, Iowa, be reqlÚl'ed to 'I dismantle said budlding and clem up the prenrises. I Gilbert D. Chavenel!e City Manager Councilman Moldenhauer moved thM a' public bea,rdng be set on September 4, 1973 and the City (]Jerk be ins4:ructed to puiJlisil pro. per nottee. Seconded by M;ayor Bit. ter.Carried by the foIJowing vote: Yeas-May,,", BiLlter, Couneiilmen Jætmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler. Thoms. Nay¡s-None. To The Honorable Mayor and City Councilmen On, February 1, 1973, an iœpee. tion was made od' a vacated frame diweIJing by the lÍiOusing Depart- ment knOlWIl as 1785 CeUltral Ave- nue, Dubuqlle, 1000a. Severa[ vio- lations od' the Minimum Hoosing Code wel"1' noted, a,nd on Apr:il 18, 1973, a letter was sent to the owne", or r«ord, Merlin F. and Rosemary Hohmann, 3ßO Olympic Hgts., Dubuque, IOwa JíC!OOl. At this time above unit was posted as unfit for buman c>ccupancy. On June 4, 1m, an order was sent to !be owners of record, Mer- J.in F. and Rosemary Hohmann, 3ßO Olympic HgIts" Dubuque, Iowa. to dismantle and clean up the pre- mises. This order bas not been com. plied WlÍth and I recommend to Ule ,~ Conncil tl>at the provi- sions od' Ordinan<:e No. = be end'oreed and the O!\VIlCll1S od' .,aid building, known as 1785 Central Avenue and JoeMed on tibe Nl'. 9" od' the S lIS', 8" od' Lot 3 of City Lot 675, N Z1', 8" od' Lot 3 od' the City Lot 675, City od' Dubuque, IOIW'a, be required to dis- maÐlble said buildings and clean up the premises. Gilbert D. Ohavenel!e City Manager Councilman Moldenhauer moved that a pubJi.e bearing be set on September 4, 1976 and tibe OLty Clerk ¡be illstructed ,to publilsi1 pro. per notke, Seconded by M<ayor Bit. ter, Can'ied by Iile foJiowing vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, CoUllicilmen Justmann, MoldeuiJauer, Pre~er, Thoous. Nays-Nooe. J,u:ly 211, 1973 To The lÍiOno~..ble Mayor and Oity Councilmen On February 2, 1969, and Much 16, 19711, inspections, were made Special Session, July 30, 1973 419 by the BuiJdingDepartment of a I Notice od' cllllim od' Helen M. vacated ..tr""ture known as 000 Carr, mthe amoWIII: od' $26.05 ÍiOr E'ast Sevenltib Street, TIris ;building c'ar damage ioourred as tibe resuilt w,," damaged by Ñ"e, never re- ¡ od' said oar dr<iJ1ping mto a hole paired and has deteriorated to an in Stetmore .treet on July 8, 1973, unsafe. unstighllly and anatWaeti"e presented and read. Coune>ilm,an nuisan;:eand a menace ,to the nei. Moldenhauer moved Iil..t tbe ellIIi!D Ix>rhood. be referred to the Oity SOOciItor On June 1 197ß a letter was fur inveslllg'ation and report. Se- sent to ~ G. Arntz, Agent, eonded by Mayor Bitter. Ca,rried C.M, St. P. & P. R.'R., 3rd & by the fulIQwing vote: Central Avenue, Dubuqlle, Iowa, Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Couooilmen notifying Mr. Arntz od' the comJi- Ju.tmann, Moldenhauer, Pre~er, !ion of the structure, and reques- Thoms. ting Iris company to volunta'rily Nays-None. remove tibe buüding. Ndtiee od' datm od' Mrs. Sally On June 8, 19711 a ,letter "'as Harkey, in an undetermined a- sent to Robert ,G. Arntz, Agent, mount, ÍiOr personal injuries re. C,M. St. P. & P. RR., 3rd & ceived ",bile rimng in a ear that Centr~1 Avenue, Dubuque, Iow.a "'as stmrek bya I8ire truck at no?fymg Mr. AJrlJltzoo ~move,tJhis Loras aud lo\\^.. Street on June buddinglirom Ule prel11llSeS WIlthin thirty (30 da~s od' the receipt of 28, 197ß, presented and reæd. CoUl>- .L' . leg-" ~ ..-."d cilman Moldenhauer moved that ~s nottce or- av~onw~ tibe claim be referred to the City be commenced. Solicitor for inveslõgation..oo re- The ,Building Department h a'.s J>Ort. Seconded by Ma,yor Bitter, contacted Mr. Arntz and ,asked if Carried ,by the fullowing vote: he wa:s the ,proper person to hand!le Ye..s-<Mayor Bitter Coun;:ilmen this matter. We were as'sured tbat Justmann Mold"'¡'a~erPreg¡ler he was the p""",r party. Thoms. ' " On July 12 iW73, an Order was Nays-None, sent from the City Manager to July 13 197ß Roòert G. AJrntz, Agent C, M. St. n bIe M ' ' P. & P. RR, 3rd & Centrol Ave- ~onor.. a,yor and City Council nue Dubuque Iowa to disman1ie You have referred to tbe City tbe' ,structure'and 'clean up the Attorney tbe matter od' enfurcing preIDtses witJhin ten (10) days, ac- the c<>lJltNrot pl"OVisiolLS of the sale cordiing to City Ordinan;:e No, 35- od' Uriban Renewal Property by the 52. City of Dubuque, I<ma 00 FiJSeber 'lliis Order has not ,been complied a~ Com¡p~y and pur~ant tbere- with a,nd I recommend to the City ~,I. WI"'" to...I)JDlt the fol. Council th..tthe provisioIll'! od' Or- !owmg infurma<l:ion. dinan;:e No. 35-.52 be end'orced and On the 22nd of October, 1170, the owners of tJhis -ding known the City od' DuiJuque, tbrougib its as 300 Ea,st Sevenltib Street, and M'ayor, executed and delivered a looMed on Lot 18, BOOck 30, Du- Quit OIaim Deed oolWeying 00 Fis- DUque HarlJor Improvement Com- mer & Co. certæin property in pany Addition, City od' Dubuque, the DDwnt.own Urhan Renewal A- Iowa, be ,required to dismanllle saW rea, described as, ÍiO]¡Jows: bwldingand clean up the premises. Tbe southerly 11.2 leet of City GillIbert D. Cha..eneJle Lot 147 'and Lot 1 od' City Lot City M'anager 146 in the Oity od' Dubuque Iowa, aJCCOrding to the United State s Councilman MOildenhauer moved Comm;soioners' Plat of tibe Survey that a pul>lic hearing be set on of the Town od' Dubuque Iowa September 4, 1973 and the ,City and Book of Plato #34 p.;ge 255' 0lerII: be mstrueted to ""blish pro- records od' DuiJuque ~y Iow~ per notice. Seconded by M.a,yor Bit- ÍiOr the total sum of $30:983,58. ter. Carried by Ule fo]¡Jowing vote: Said Deed also con"'ms " Sl¡>ecific Yeas-M,ayor Bitter, Councilmen covenant providing that it is, speci- Justmann, Moidenhauer,P'regler, ficaJly agreed that the Deed is Thoms. 'æ\so owbject to all the terms, pro- Na,ys-None. visions, eovenanto, conditions and 420 Special Session, July 30, 1973 restrictions contained in a certain agreement entitled "Contr""t for Sale od' Land ÍiOr Priva,te Rede- velopmeUlt " which wa's executed by the City od' Dubuque and the Fischer & Co., dated October 8, 1970. At Seclion 4 01' s'aid contract, there is a provision in substance that sta,tes tllail co_oo ÍiOr the improvements shaH be com. menced in any event within eight (8) months from the date 01' the Deed "nd e,.c~t as othel'Wise pro- vided in the AgreemeUlt, shaH be Coundlman Pregler moved that completed wi,tbin eighteen (1 g ) the City Man..ger iDif<mm Fischer monlJbs after such da,te. Said eight. & Co. to comply with completion een term would h..ve terminated within 90 days and if not start in April od' 1972. revestiture proceedings. Seconded At Section 305 od' said contract, by Counci!man Thoms, O"rried by it i. s¡pecifieally provided that sucb the ÍiOl1owmg vo~: . agreements contained in the Deed Yeas~Mayor Bltter, Councl~men be considered agreements and Moldenhauer, .Pregler, Tboms. covenants running with the land Na~s-Councrlm"n Juslmann. and they, shou:ld be bin~g for Mr. Claude Ma,rch, od' Fischer the benefit of the cc>mmumty and & Co. reassured lJbe Council that sh"l1 be enforceab!e ,by the local they would finish the building. publilc agency ..gainst the Redevel. .. oper and its 'a..igns and successors .The repalI" of a SIdewalk act the to or of the property or of any F'lscher property wacs coDSldered pa",; thereof or allG' interest ,1terein, ::.~ ~u:~:~nbePf:~: a::':Vr~d At section 704 of said contract, ferred to the Council meeting of en,litied "Revesting Title in Agency Awgwst 6, 19m. Seconded by Coon- Upon Happening of Event Subse- ci[man Mu:ldenhauer. Oaæried by quent to Conveyance to Redevelop- lJbe fomoWlÍng vote: er "said paragraph provides that Yeas-M"yor Bitter, Counci1moo in the event that subseqnent to Justmann Moldenhauer Pregler conveyance of the property and Thoms,. ' " pric>r to completion of improve- Nays--None. ments, thl the Redeveloper shall default in or violate his obliga. lions with re.poot to the corn;truc. lion of the imprc>vemellts including the nature and dales for the be. gimùng and completion thereof, or sha:ll abandon and s' u b stantially """pend the cc>n<truetion work and any -StJd1 def"ult, violaltioo, aha... donment or suspenSiÌon sball not be cured, ended, or remedied wi- thin three (3) months if the de- fault is with respect to the date for completion of the Improve- menta after written demand by the Ageocy so to do, then the Ageuey .hall ha-ve the right to reenter, take possession of the property and to terminate the es- tate conveyed by the Deed to the Redeveloper and that said property sbaW revert to loçal publiA: agency. M it is the intention of the City Council to institute such reves'ti. -,.,- ture proceedings' then, under such cir,cumstances it wou:ld be the reo commendation c>f the City Attorney that yoo direct the City Mana,ger forthwith to deliver a notice or written demand upon Fischer Inc, to complete said contract within three (3) months, Ujpon the - velqper's faiJiure so to do, then the appropriate proceedings may be commenced to re""quire the property. R. N. Russo City Atlnrney July 25, 1973 Honorable Mayor and City Council On February 7, 19712, Vdolelt E, Strand od' 683 V'"nderiJilt Street, this city, notified the city that she had fallen on an icy sWew3ilk in front of 997 Locust Street on J'anua,ry 20, 1972, Tbis matte.- was referred to the City Atiorney who has made an investigation thereof and the in. surance carrier for the abutting property owner has, paid s'aid clai- mant in order to secure lease for $62.20 releasing the abutting owner and the City of Dubuque, of which sum the City's eontributory sum is $31,,10. It is the reeo.mmenda, lion of the City Attorney that said settlement be approved and that the City Auditor ge instrneted to draw war,rant payable to American States lœw"nce and trao&mit Special Session, July 30, 1973 421 same to the CIty Attorney for de- livery to said company. Original claim is returned here. with. Petition of Herbert Goedken re- questing a hearing on his claim ÍiOr roadway repair a,t the rear od' 8t7 Kaufmann Avenua, wbiob w,," filed 00 March 30th and de- wed in June, presented and read. Councilman Pregler moved It.at the pelition be received and filed and ,referred to the City Clerk to advise Mr. Goedken that he would be he"rd al the meetmg od' August 6th. Seconded by Mayor Bitter. Carried by the ÍiOllowing vote: Yeas-Mayor BÏitter, Councilmen JustmMlD, Moldenhauer, Preg'ler, Tboms. Nays-None. R. N. Russo CIty Attorney M"yor Bitter moved apprc>vaJ of the recommendation. Seconded by Councilman Pregler. Carried by the ÍiOIIO'wing vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilman Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Tboms. N"ys~None. July 26, 1973 Honor"ble M'ayor and City Council re: Fischer & Company Inc. :<butting pro petty On J"n~~er19, 1973, Roger A, July 19, 1973 Gunderson of 84 Main Street, this HOnorahle Mia~ city, through big attorney filed with and Councilmen the City his notice od' claim for Tbe City od' Dubuque Naming personal in:jury alleging said in- and Zoning Commis,sUm has held jUl'ies resulted as, the resu:lt of "pnbilic hearing on the petition a fall while watking on the ea,sterly of First Nation&[ Bank to inelnde side of M'ain Street near the inter- property at 2222 Wbite Street with- section of First and Main Street in the provisions od' subsectioo (i) on January 15, 1973 and ..I'leging ad' Article IV, Section 2. This pro- said f"TI resulted from icy condi. perty i. legally descr>bed as the lion of the sidew3ilk thereat. SC>nthenly 30 feet od' the Westerly This ma,tter was referred to the 'h od' Lot :n in L, H. lJang'wor- City Attorney who has made an tlhy',s Addition in the City od' Du- investiga-tion of s,aid matter "nd bIlque, Iowa. This property is clas- has conferred WlÍth the a,tiorney sified in the Multiple Residence for said claimant and with the Z<1ning Dii.strict. The inclusion with. insurance carrier for the abutLng in suØ>seetion (i) of Arücle IV, property owner; and claimant Seiction 2 wou:ld permit it to be through his attorney has made an used ÍiOr OOIf.,street parking in as- c>Mer of settlement in the amount soeiation willi the braneih bank ope- od' $750,00, od' Wiblieih sum the :<but. rated by the petitioner. ling owner has "g,reed to pay $375,- , . , 00 md the City's' contribution to ~p<>s'tion to this request was said settlement sum is $375.00, 11 rals':" at the public hea~, Tbe is the recommendalion od' the City petition od' libe, obJec~rs lS attach- Attorney tl>at said odI1ier of settle- ed. The pl'llloC<pol objector stated meUlt be approved and tl>at the hi.s co"",,", for the potentiolly de- City Auditor !be ins,trneted to draw trw"",al eMeet that the propos,:" w..rrant payable to Roger A. Gun- padctn;g are~ may ha,ve on his derson and transmit same to the adjOJrnn,g residence. It was deter- City Atiorney for delivery upon mined that thrs objee,tion c~ld be receipt of duly executed relea,ses. ovCl'Come. throwgb tbe,pl'OV'1",on od' Ortgin"l Notice od' Claim is reo pro¡per visual screemng between turned herewith. the proposed parking area and ad- R N. Russo joining residentia! properties. Va- cÙy Attorney rious ~sals kr this sereendng Mayor Bitter moved approval of .were discussed ,act .the public hear- the recommendatioo, Seconded by lng. The ~lSSlOiIl was assW'ed Councilman Pregler. Carried by b;; tlhe ~titioner and by the pnn- the ÍiOllowing vote: , c¡,paI objector that a mutualLly &c- Yeas-..,J\byor Bitter, Counciimen ceptable ...rangement CGuild be de- JUSltmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, ve1qped, Tbc>ms'. Based OIl th- -W'ances, the Nays-None. Pdannmg and Zoning Com.1nissIion Special Session, July 30, 1973 Special Session, July 30, 1973 Dœk Board, and Robert E. Doro- thy, M'anager od' Dubuque Indus- tria~ Bureau, rerommended on Oc- tober 20, W72 to the O1ty Cowreil of the City of Dulbnque, Iowa' that the applic,alJion to J>Urrclhase ce1i>ain city-owned real estate ;by L. C. Rig! S and kssociates, Inc. of Du- buque, Iowa for the purpose od' constru<mn¡¡ and eree1Jin¡g there<>n a buiJdlrug cont"iniÌng approximæte- ly 4,000 square feet be approved, and therea1ter 00 April 4, 1973 said reeommendalJion was col1JC<Ull'- red in by Jose,ph J. Bitter, Mayor od' O1ty of Dnbuque, Ww3; and WHEJRiEJAS, the City Couœm od' City of Dulbuque, Iowa, bas e"a- mined soaid applOOalJion and s,aid recommendation by the Mayor's Industrial Committee and find th"t the sa~e of.add real est"te should be approved; and WlIERiÐAS, said reol ,,",ate sowght to be purcha.ro by L. C. Riig! S "nd _iates, Ine, of Du- buque, Iowa is described and known as: Lot 2 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of B1œk 5 of "Rive11front SUlbdivi&ion No. 3" in the O1ty od' Dubuque, 1o'\Va, ...eol'ding to the recorded plat thereof NOW 'J1HiEJRiEFORIE BE IT RiE- WINED BY THE CITY COUNOIL OF THE OLTY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section 1. That the aq:¡¡pfu:ation od' L. C. Rigg;s and Associ>ates, Iœ. od' Dubuque, Iowa to >W'CII>ase a parcel of city-<>wued rea! estate in the OLty of Dubuque, 10 ,w a wbic:h reol esta,te is deseribed and known as: Lot 2 od' Lot 1 of Lot 1, od' Block 5 od' "Rivemoot SubdivÌSiÌon No, 3" in the O1ty od' Dubuque, Iowa, ...cording to the recorded plat thereof be and the s"me is hereby approved upon the follmvirug terms and con<J>tions : 1. Tb..t the s,aid real! estate be sold to L. C. Riiggs and Assœi"tes lœ, of Dubuque, Iowa for the eon- sl\rUction thereof od' " new buNding eoUltaining approJcimately 4,000 sq. i feet. : 2. That tJhe s,ole priee ÍiOr soaid ; reol es,1Jate sha1l be $.20 ¡>ersquare fnot in the tota-l amount of Eleven 11hous3nd One Hundred Fidity One and Thirty Six One Hundred ful- lars ($11,15!l,36) for the 1.:18 ....es 423 422 J,u:ly W, 1003 and the receipt od' One Thousand ($1,000.000) DoIIa"" as down pay- ment is herewith acknowiedged by the City. 3, Thæt construcmon od' s'aid bum- ding s'ha,1l be commenced within one (1) year of adoption and the piass3'ge od' this ResolulJion and shalll be completed WlÍthin two (2) years od' deli""ry od' deed "nd upon tamnre so to do or failme to make im. provements to the !"nd within one (1) year by the L, C. Riggs and Msociates, lire., pnrei>aser, then said reail est"te shall automatiJcallly revert to the City of Dulbuque, Iowa and ¡>ureI>ase pI1iee, Jess 00- ma'ges, shall be refunded to the J>UreI1aser. 4. That the eonsmlC>tion of an buildings, yards, parking lots, fenc- es and ancillary improvements sha,!1 be constructed in con f 0 r- manee with existing O1ty codes, and manllifacturing process carried out in aœord with City ordinlaœes, 5. That the City of Dubuque, Iowa r- a perpetual easement for eJcicotin¡g w"terlines, existing s'a- nita.,. sewer and storm sewer lines and for u1ilities, together wit b rIght od' ingresc. and egrê.s to re- pair, inspect and maintain t be s'ame. 6. 'l1h"t "ll utilities and services to _sed buildings be """""cted at buyer's ex¡pense, Section 2. That the Oity Clerk be and he is be~by autJhorized and directed to publish notice of intent to dispose of interest in rea! estate as is by la,w required, Passed, approved a,nd adopted this 30th da'y od' Ju:ly, 1973. Joseph J. Bitter Mayor W,olter A. Pregler AJIlan T. Thoms Wayne A. Moldenlrau.. C, R<>I>er-t Justm"nn A'l1TEST : Leo F. F'rommelt CityCler\¡\ Cooocilmæn Pregler moved ad<J¡p- tion od' the resolution 'and a public bearing be set ÍiOr September 4ith. Seconded by Councilman 11homs. Carried by the f"llawing vote: Ye..s-M,ayor Bitte.r, Councilmen Justmann, Moldenhauer, Preg1er, Thoms. Nays-None. b... voted unanimously to recom- mend approvol od' - petition. CITY PiLANNING AND ZONilNG COMMISSION Daniel Dittemore DevelOlPment Planner Couneillman Pregler moved that the communicalJion be received wd filed. Seconded by Mayor Bitter. Carried by the fol!.owing vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Justm..nn, Moldenhauer, Pr,¡gler, Thoms. Na}"s-None. An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 3-34 known as the "Zoning Map and Zoning Ordinance of tbe City of Dubuque, Iowa" by amend. ing Article IV, Section 2, Subsec- tion (i) thereof to include certain described real estate to permit off street parking, (2222 White Street), presented and read. Cotmcmman Pregler moved thæt the readirug jUSlt had be considered the first reading of the Ordinaœe, Seconded by Mayor Bitter. Carried by the follOlWing vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Counci[men Justm"IID, MoIdenh..uer, Pregler, Thoms. Na~s-None. Col1!lIOilman Pregiler moved th"t the role requirinlg an Ordinance to be read on three sepærale d"ya be wai,ved, Seconded by M"yor B\t1Jer. Carried by the fulloWlÍng vote: Ye...-Mayor Bitter, Coune>ilmen, JustmaIID, Moldenhwer, Pregler, Thoms. Na,ys-Nooe. Couneiillman pr,¡gler mo"ed thæt a puJb1ie heæring be held on the Ordinance on August 20, 1976, "t 7:30 P.'M. in the Coumeil Oh- at the ~y Hall and that the City Clerk be instructed to pubJish n0- tice of the heær¡ng in the manner required by I.... Seconded by Ma- yor Bitter. Carried by the fuIIow- ing vote: Yeas-Jlbyor Bitter, Counoomen J~maIID, Molœmauer, fu*er, Thoms. Nays-None, RESOLUTION NO. 255.73 WHEREAS, the Mayor's Indus. trial Committee, composed of Dr. Wayne Moldenb"uer, III..", Mayor, Fred Schreiber, Chæirman c>f the HonoraØ:>le M'a'yor and Councilmen The Dwbuque Planning and Zon- ing Commission has held a public hearing on the petition od' Rœnae, Incorporated ÍiOr Locol Business "B" eI...siiica,1Iion on their 7.m2 acre wact iœated east of DivÌSiÌon Street and south od' Dodge Street (U.S. IÐg,b:wa,y 20), m tJhe Oity od' Dubuque, Iowa. The legal de- oorjptioo of tJW¡ prqperty Is at- t..ooed. The CommisSiion has, noted that tIDs prOl ler.ty is located within an area thæt is, prese11illly zoned for commercial use. PI1ior to its an- ne"atioo to the City, the prqper,ty had been zoned in the lligbway BuSiÌness classil£ication of the Du- buque County Zoning Ordinance. No orol or written objection to 1Ihis petition was received at the public bearing, It is the unanimous reoommenda- tion of the Dulbuque P-laooJng and Zo'nm.g Commission that the pe- titJion od' Rom..., Incorporated be approved. CIrl'Y PI.ANINlNG AND zomNG COMMISSION Damel Dittemore Development Planner Coum:illman Pregler moved that the recommendation be received and filed, Seconded by Mayor Bit. ter. Carried by the MlOWlÍng vote: YeaJs-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen J"stmmn, Moldenhauer, Preg1er, Thoms. An ordinance amending and chang- ing Ordinance No. 3-34 known as the "Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map of the City of Dubuque, 10. wa", zoning and classifying terri. tory recently annexed to the City of Dubuque, Iowa as a "Local Business 'B' District which real estate is hereinafter described (Ro- ma.), presented and read. Councilman Pr$er moved that the reading just had be considered the finst reading of the Ordinance, Seconded by M"yor Bitter. Car- ried by the foliowin¡g vote: Yc"s--Mayor Bitter, Councilmen MoWenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. N"ys-'C<>unlcålman Justmaoo. Councilman PregJ.er moved. thai! the ru:1e requiring an Ordinance ,......-,*,.' 424 Special Session, July 30, 1973 to be reM on lmee _arate days be waived. Seconded by Mayor Bitter, Carried by 1Ihe fuIJowing vote: Yeas-Mayor Bi1JlJer, CoImc!iimen MoJdeDihauer, Pregler, TbC>ms. Na.y.s--ü¡unci!man Jwotmann. Counci1man Pregler moved thiat a publi~ hearing be held on the Ordinance on August 20, 197ß, at 7:30 P.M. in 1Ihe CoIlnci'l Cha,mber at the City Hill ænd that the City Clerk be in.otmcted to pulJlioll no- tice 01 the he "'ring in the manner required by lalW. Seconded by Ma- yor Bi1JlJer. Camed by tile f<1JIo!w- ÎI>g v<lle : YeOJSo-..oM"yor Bitter, CouDCÜmen Moldenhauer, Pregller, ThOolll\S. Na~m"'" Justmaoo. PetitiOD 01 Tom Leibold & As- sociaœs requestiDg rezoning from Single Faanily Distrjci Cl...ifica- tion to Mu:ltiple D1>1ricl Olassifu:a- tion 01 Lot 2 01 1 01 3 01 51, Ma.ry's !'Ia~e, presented and read. Counciilman Thoms moved th",t the petition be referred to tJhe Plan- ning & Zoning Commis'SiÌon. Se- oonded by CoIlneiilman P~egler. Carried by tJhe ÍiOlIowin,g vote: Ye...-Mayor BÏltter, Councilmen JlLstmann, Moldenbauer, Pregller, Tho_. Naya-None, Petition 01 Pooples Natural Gas requesting permi&<ion to """a,v..te in Rose street to repaiir " leaking main, presented and reM, Coun- cilman Pregller moved a,pprovol 01 the petition. Seconded by Ma,y<», Bitter. Carried by the £oIIowing vote: Y"",,-Miayor Bitter, Councilmen J"swann, Moldeœauer, Pre'giler, Thoms. Niays-Nooe. Petition of Daughters 01 Union Veterans, Ma.ry Agard TeUIt No. 35, reqllesting permission to con- duct a tag day on September 15, 197ß, prerented and read, Coon- ~man Pregler moved _rOYal 01 tile petition and s"me be relferred to the City Malliager, Seconded by M,ayor BiJtl:er, Carried by the M- 1OIwing vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Couneiameo Jwstmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Tboms. Nay&-NOIle. Petition 01 HiiJ<:rest Builders Inc. reques,ûng ""cation 01 utility ease- meDt between 14 3 BIoek lOA ænd Lot 4 Block lOA in, Key KnoHs Suibdiiw..ion, pres-ted and read. Councilman Pregiler moved that tJhe peti1lioo be reCelTed ÍiOr pr0- per proeeediJle,s. Seconded by Ma- yo.: Bitter. Carried by tJhe JioHow- in¡¡ vote : Yea¡¡-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Justmann, MOIIdenilauer, Pregler, 'I1h<mw;. Na'yS'-Nooe. July 19, 1111S Honorable Mayor and Cooneilm... The DW>uque nanning and Zon- ing Cœnmis,sioo h... reviewed the petition 01 Mr. and Mrs. Merle Goerdi ÍiOr voluntary anne""tion 01 an eleven (iIJ.) ...re tr...t 01 lænd described as fuIlows: Loti od'Lot 1 01141 of Lot 3 011' Lot 1 011' 1Ihe Sub d;M,sion ()f Lot 1 01 Lot 1 01 Lot 1; æod Lot 2 01 Lot 1 011' Lot 1 of Jlfinorad Lot 324; in Section 1.2, 'fuwnship 39 North, R:mge 2 E,a.t 01 the 5th Principal Meridian in Dubuque County, Iowa; and Lot 1 of Lot 1 01 Jlfinerol Lot 323, and Lot 1 of Lot 1 od' Lot 2 01 Mineral Lot 323, and Lot 1 01 Lot 1 01 Lot 2 01 Mineral Lot 324; and Lot 94 in O'Neill'. Riverview in DUbuque Towmhip, Dubuque Coun- ty, low"" according to the record- ed pla,ts of said respootive Subdi- visions. Tbis property is located west 01 Sheridan Road alld oortil 01 Hogrefe Avenue, and is service- alble by the C>ty's saniltalry sewer and water systems. The bulk of this property is se- pa~ated from the present Dœuque City 1Imits by the platted rights. od'-way of Hogireie Avenue and Sbe- ridan Road. These roadways are within tJhe jurisdiction 01 the Du- ooqlle County Bow 01 Supel'lVi- sors. The SltalØ! bas revlielwed Wis sdtoo- tioo WIW1 the Dulbuque County En- gineer. He has made a, recom- mendamoo, in his attached letter oil Ju:ly 3, llllS, tJha,t the annexamoo of Hogrelfe Av""ue, Burd"" Ave- nue, and a portion 01 Sheridan Road wou:ld be appropri",te. Tbe Dubuque Planning æod Zon- ing Commission bas reeommeoded Special Session, July 30, 1973 425 thalt the petition of Mr. and Mrs, Merle Goerdt be "pproved on con- dition tJhat the property c'æn be made col1ltignOllS to the City lin1its throngh an awropriaJte annexa,tdoo of County road rights-of.way. This ænne1<atdon cannot be ima>Iement- ed without a concur~ent action ()f the Duibuque County Board 01 SU" perviso.m to pe.tdtdon for tJhe an- neJOaltion 01 platted street right-of- w",y as noted. In order to proceed with consi- deration 01 this matter, we hereby request your authorizatdon to sooli- cit a' petition Jirom the DuI>uque CouUlty Board 01 Supervirors ÍiOr annexation, of thœe roadways, We h"ve "Iso attached a letter ÍiOr thi. purpose. CITY P'LANNi!NG AND ZONING COMMISSION Daniel Dittem()re Development PJanner Councilman Pregler moved an- I thoriza-tion. Seconded by Mayor Bi- tter. C",ried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Pregler, Tbom.<;. Nays....councilmen Jllst m ,'" n n, Moldenhauer. Petition from the County Board 01 Supervirors in behalf of lIfrs. EJIsáe Lang ÍiOr sus¡pension 01 taxes 00 account od' ()Id age or inifiimlity 01 the pro¡perrty at 904 Lincoln Ave., Lot 'l:l Hoopers Addu. in tile City of DuIluque, Iowa, presented and read. M"yor Bitter moved approva,1 and directed the Olerk to sign. Seconded by Co1mcilman Tboms. Ca.-ried by the fu1Iowing vote: Yeas - Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Justlnann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nays-None. Petitioo 01 Ohaœlles R. H"as re- questing a refulld of $225. on the une1Oplired portion 01 Cla... B Beer per,mit No, Jß&7, .. he bas dis- OOIlItinlled business on 6-<16-73, pre- sentro and read. Coun<:i.lman Pre- g1er moved tJhat the refund be graUJted ænd the Auditor issue pro. per warrant. Seconded by M'ay<», Bitter. Carried by the following Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen J..,tmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nays-None. Petition 01 River Va,lley C. A. P. requestinlg permission to pre- sent a formal requesil: for financial SlliPl\>OI"t with River Valley Ine. be- !i'iuning November l,l973thru Oc. tober 31, 1974, presented and read, Mr. James Plættænd Judith :Broo- ken;¡ presented their P_ed bud- get to the Council f<», the coming yea.r. Co'uneilman Pregler moved tbat tbe pe-tition be received and filed, tabled alld referred to the City Council. Seconded by Council- m"" Justmann Carried by tJhe fol. Iowimg vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Couneillmen Justmann, Moldenbauer, Pregler, 11Iwms. N",ys-None, Petition OI! Mi"hael Remake!, et .,¡ (14 signers) reqnes,ting in"esü. ga,tion 01 nuisance existing at tJhe Site Servå<:e Státion ..t 1367. Dodge St,involving þoisonoos g,ag fumes which OCCUll" at the tdme 01 loading the tænks, from gas tank truelm, presented and read. CoImcWnan Justmann mo,ved that the petition be refer'red to the Manager and Staff ÍiOr investigation alld report, Seconded by eo.mcilman Preg1er. Camed by !he following vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen J'ætmanu, MOJIdenha,uer, Pregler, Thoms. NaYis-N""", Petition of DepaO'tment 01 Re. ocea.tion requesting permission to use W¡lbrecJ,t Lane, F1lora vie w Drive, MeIield Drive, Bunker Hi¡¡ Road, Green Street, PelJlhSY¡!vania Aveooe and two p",k roads on August 26, from one to four P.M. for Bicycle Fun Day, presented ami reM. Councilman MOJIdenhauer moved tJhat the peti,tion be granted contingent upon coo r d i nation through the Mana,ger'. oM-ceo Se- conded by Councilman Thoms. Ca. rried by the following vote: Yea.¡¡-May<», B1tter, Coouic.i1men Ju..tmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Tlhom5, Na:,ls--None, RESOLUTION NO. 256-73 WHEREAS, Runde's Custom Up- holstery, Inc. h... petitioned the City 'Council 01 the Oity of Du- buque for the granting of an ease- ment for ingress and egress' in, over and ac,ross Easement "A" 'and Easement "B" as shown on plat hereto 'att"'c:hed, ma,rked Ex. hibit "A" and made a part hereof; and 42& Speci¡¡l Session, July. 30, J:Q1(l WiILIiIBEAS, tàe City CoWleil of PerIL IIoad ".¡tb, Toledo. Street, a tJrø cny of: Dubuque fiDds that dist........ 2,8 feet, saòd ............,¡ a"""" .... DOlt I1&- \VHJElt1MS, 1IIJ<ier 4åe prev- "-:I: 1au.e mailltenaDOe 01 ,pob- of IlesQÖllti... ND. 131I>'Iil, Th<>maa WI ~a:l' 'and...t 1IIIid- ease- J. Dl:mtemadt & s.n.s """'en 01 lJIþ\s, tiIøu:Id. 00 1/l'aJW!d¡; Terr""e Heigllbt M<1IIilt H<m18 NOW 'l'ØÐBEFOllil BE; IT RJ!ì, F1u'k:, ho,.. CQll6~ .. 8IIIIlt1at:31 SQl.¡1('1ID BY 'l1IR: CI:l'Y CO\JNCIL .-er, and QIi" 1JIŒ: CJœY OF Ð'lJlWQUE:, 1flW1I!&IiS, 1àe Ci~ EiDCineer "!WAc' 11.... itIspeeted tile - IIld tàe SoctIM .. net tile petition af Clty Ma- ...... l'OC",mmonde<! -"'"€u9II1,,, UpI\oli>ter:\", lbe, it. 'acœptanee, and ÍiOr the granting of a.. .....ment ~Aß" tàe II'Ir~ qn- b!> tile etty of D1I1Mu¡u<t of an dII<' s,aid. "r~. bas r¡¡<111 witb ........ ... ~ and' ogre.. the City CoUl>lli, ¡ .. eertüi.d ¡¡4t.e.. in, over and across Easement ~A" 1IIIiJ j¡.liÒ<IWiII8an the ¡¡:¡pounts paid and Ea..,ment "B" Ie .".." en iu. eoDII¡¡C\¡iœo ".¡tII. co¡W.ruC'Ü.On of ¥taœ...t 1Oat, .--W E¡¡J jI¡it "A".aiI! .-'. inclU<ling, eUll!ineetin;¡ aq4 ....' a IIM't fw<I<jf by reo and U O /lI<'ti~n fllilS. but eJtClullin!, ~I) IC, lie aM. tàe. -- it. hlll'eby the City sha're of con~t.J¡u¡ >.¡¡oo ca'l 1I!!ICQYect, a- tIIa~ "aid Ru8de's fQ¡; tàe use af ll'iP<I 1110 e¡œess 0.1 CIi&tfIIn \! ¡~:t\. 1ne. -..u. pay 8 inches diameter. Tbà j)taL _1 !.bot. C~ of ølilltintt <iaià _so has been estæblisbed in. tJ\e. amount skd pay ~r<IWgaød' puillicatin. 01 $1i1,æ!,24. QQO/¡¡, ~ tho} !iWIl of þ,QQ 1» Section I. That .aid sewer is Ci~ of 1;Iob_, ~ at1d sllall herelby ....:epted by the CIty of ...w.taÎII ~di "_men! ,",en sull- DUl!ll.q1le.:md thAt 1àe S'ame be j!lll1i. t >, alii!' IIWWU. _lIto]ø. her<:.~ 11; PW11<: "'!Wet und~r tile ca.t.c4 1IIIe1leia. eJOcluslve cbarge and (\Ont.ol of SeÛÌO l 2. 'I;iIat 1Ibe City Glerk the City 01 Du:bllque, lowa. b& qI/. Iw is àltl:cbY, orwed. I\Ild Section 2. That hereafter any ~t¡¡,oI¡ to ..~ ooti4:e tQ be p~' person or persons desiring to con. Ji.hed of the mtent 01 th<l ç¡ty neetwith ~d, _<\1" sl.lodl fi%st <>f Dubuque, Iowa tel dOf;p sc of a»P!!Y to \1be City Kan~et for in~r"",t ~n real estate as is by -~, to <II> '" an<L "ud1 ¡>er' 1- req'l'red. ~. sbail be 3l"lntQd U{ <m con. P_d. appro""" and adopted ditiM~ tm,t the' appij¡:ant sball pay tms 3Ot/l, $y of July, 19'13, to, 1tle, City ~"" for 1Jbe ..,. J_h ;Po llitle<" QQ\Ult ... tàe Thoma- J. Kanter ¥ayor Delt " ScIM. a eoooe<>1ioo ehar¡e Walter A. ~r a~ sbo- ill tJrø fQl!OWÙlII prQ.rated Atlan, '1'. /I'I1omø cQ_moll ~ Q( asS< ~. foot. Wayne A. :Mobl..mauer age, a ¡¡o ~ny ¡¡pp1ieaat . <les.ires C, IIo Iert -- W ¡¡eoV<I his ll'<llHilrty 4<1J)!le<:Üllg CInmcIJmeII to _11 sev¡CI:, wllj¡ch prQperty is not within the corporate lirni.ts of the Üty 01 Dubuque, sball aUl)eX the "ame to the City of Dubuque volu~ a's a CIOlldÎiIiÌ<m _e. dent to such connooliion: PERU ROAD SAM/TARY SEW1IR LlNB Lot- No., Subcf" Prent Foot- and Connection Charges 2- & 2-1-1, Mineral Lot 324, 69 ,....................,$ 51/4,37 1-1-1~2-1.1-1-1 & ~l-t, - eral Lot sœ4, 272 ............ 2,3t3.OS 2-1-601-1-1.1 & 1-1-1, l\fkle.. al Lot 324; 1M .......,on..... 1,~U9 1-1-6-1-1-1-1 & 2-1-1, Miner- al Lot 324, 220 .........;...... 1.1195.10 :N;-1-1.1.1 '" 2-1..},Mi,*a1 Lot 324, 132 .................... 1,137,00 -: !>eo. p, Fremmelt Clty-Clerit C8<DIilmAn Pfegoler ,""""ed adoP' tion ot tile '~Jllì:on and a pubJ4c hearing 'be set for Septe~ ,th. Sooonded by CouneiJ,mall Thoms, Carried bY tIu: ~ vot~: 'j(ea'~lItayor Bitter, CQ1W:iLmen ,rnst!llal)l1, Mold\mllauer, Preg.¡¡,r, Thorn¡¡. Nay~None. RESOLUTiON NO. 217-73 ResolulJoa aceeptlllll tJrø fifteen ¡"",b Pero ltoad; SanitarY -p, eàl>&lftoteŒ £r<>II\ the $>uth\Q8t 0rIm6r ofW J 01 Georg.. Nift's SUbdivisioll to the intersection of ~iIIII Ses",on, J..Iy 30, 1973 m 2'M-l.2-1.;J-l-1.1-1 &2.1-1.. Mineral Lot 324, 50 ........ '30.70 2-2~~~'ì;¡-i:, ~.1:..~: ßO.70 12, Clark's Sub, 264 ........ 2,2"4.12 15, Clark's Sub, 157 ..........1,352,41 2.13, Clark's Sub, 220 ........ 1,895.10 2.1.13, Ctarlt'\i SUb, WI .... 1,240,43 2-2-4-1-1-1-1 8< '2-1-1 Minèt'- at Lot 428, 86 .-'.............. ~.18 2-1-1'2-'1-1-1-1-1 & 2-1-01, Minerai! Lot iI28, 134 .... 1,154.29 2.U-2+1.1-1-1 4< &-1-1, MÙIet'al Lot 3:K,'¡¡ "....... 77.53 1-2-1-2-4-1-1-1-1 & &-1.1. Milleral Lot 324, il28 .... 1,964.61 2-1.1-1-1-1-1+1-1-1-1 & .?-1- I, Mineral Lot 324, 50 '>.. 430,70 2-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-4-1-1-1-1 4< 2.1-1, Mineral wt 324; 50 ..,...,............................... 430.70 1.1-1.1-1-1-1.1-1.4-1-1-1-1 " 2-1.1, Mineral Lot 324, il5() .....-"'M.............",..,,... 2,153.52 2.1-1-14-1-1-1-4-1-1-1-14< 2- 1-1, Mineral Lot 3Il4, 53,30 ."...".....""..."...".." 456.55 So,83'.2-I-I-1"1.141-1-i-l & 2-1-1, Mineral LGt 3I!4. 88 ."......"".""...."..""",..." 714,97 No. 17'.2-1-1-1--1-1-4-lo1.1-1 & 2-1-1, Mineral Lot 324, 17 """'"""........",..........,.. 146.44 2-1-1.1-1.4-1.1-1-1 & 2-1-1 Mmenl LIlt 3'M, '5 ...: 646,06 2-1+1-'1.-1--1 '" 2-1-1 lIi1ner- 01 Lot ~24, 100' ".......". 1,378.25 ~1.1+1C¡'1-1 & .2'1-1 Min- eral (,e>tJ24, .z .:........" 215.35 2-1-1-1-1-1& 2-1-1, MÎl!.eral L&t ,324, -81 ..".."..."......... 697,74 1- " 2-1-1, Mi>leral wt 324, 690 ..""..."..... 5,943.72 I-I, F.nmk Bauck Place, 137 """""."...."..."..".....". 1,180.13 2.1, Frank BauckPlace, 89 "...""..."..."..".....".."".. 766.65 2, Frank Banck P11lce, 161.. 1,386,87 A, 'rerrace Heights, 91'0 "" 7,!r3S,82 1'!, Terrace Heíglìts, 310 .... 2,670.37 M3, North Ðuòuque, fOO .. 861.41 '842, North l'Jubnque, 106" 861.41 'm'l., North I'mbtrt¡ue, 100.. 861.-41 532, North DUbuque, 56, 490,70 531, North Dubuque, 50.." 43(),70 536, North Dubuque, 50 .." 430.70 529, North Dubuque, 50.." 430.70 528, North Dubuque, 56 .... 430,70 5Il7, North Dubuque, 50.... 430.70 1. O'Neill's Add. North Du.bu<!'!e, 50 "..",............ 430.70 Totals 41 Parcels of Land 5,954 lin,!t. $31,288.24 .51._.24 ov... 5,954 "= $I!.614OS12 50- 3. TUft the City Clerk be and. he as, Jlereby "UÜl- wd ditŒtedto ....ord a' .cerllified ~ 01 thi& _elutian .in làeod', fiee 01 tire Clfnmty Berocderof Dubuque CIf>rmty. I_a. pa..!!ed, llOOpted and ~..j this 30th d"'f ~ J~, lW. Joseph J, Bitter iJ[1114>r WaIter A. Preg1C)C Áh'J>I If. Th- Wayne A. Moidenblluet C. Bobert Jursm.BlUl Coon.t:11m... Attest: LeG 'F. FI'D!II>1Delt City Clerk Councilman Moldenbauer mav«l adoption 01 the resolution. Second ed by Councihnan l'tegler. Car- ried by the ÍiO!lbwmg vote: Yeas--:M:.ayor 1!dtter. CouncHmM Justmauu, MuldenlraU1!r, Pregler, Thoms. Noys-Nooe. RESOLUTION NO. 258.79 WHEREAS, Dubuque and Aroury ha've been negotiating fo): some time re¡ardmg Ülè sewage iacili- tie. of 1\sbury MIl Üleme1bbd for dispoS6l <>f &aIDe and the oo.t thereof; a"'¡ WHEOOAS, DûlAA¡ae and Asbury In¡,~ T_u.e terms -andP">' visions of an agreement to W1itlng con,,"rning .said sew>aigé facililies, and a copy of whicb ag,reement, marIred E>'Moot "A", is bereto at- t""hed and by r~ n....de a part hereof; and WlŒREAS, '1he City Co'unctl <>f 'the City of Do!ntque, Iowa at its meeting of the 13th day of .TuIy, W/$, adopted, by a unanimous vote a 'Mo1!ian authorizing the Ci'ty llla. nag!!!' to e~ecùtes'aid contract for alld on 1I1Ñrallf ~f the City of Du- buque; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City ~ Ðu1mqoe, Iowa shou:ld rati'fy 'andcOnfirm th~ ac'tiOllaf the City M~..a;g-eT In ~xè~u'ling s,aid coutrad for and on beb,,1f of the City !If ~boqUè, I_a; NOW TIm'ItEFOltE B'E IT RE. SOLVED BY THE ~ COUNCIL OF'I'HE ClT'r 'O"F' DUBUQUE. roW.A: SecliOltl. That 1bI> written agree, - .,- bito tly a1IKI beIIween 428 Special Session, July 30, 1973 the City Gf Dubuque, Iowa and I Town 01 A"bury, Iow,a, wbicb agree- ment, m"rked Exbibit "A", is' at. tached hereto and by reference made a ,part hereof be ..nd the same is hereby approved ..nd the executiGn of said contract for and Gn 'behalf of the City by the City Manager, Gilbert D. Cbavenelle, be and the s'..me i. hereby ratified and eonIfirmed. Section 2. That the City Clerk be and he is hereby authGrized and directed to transmit certified COpy 01 this Resolutic>n together with a copy of the ..greement at t...bed to the Clerk of T<>Wl1 Gf Asbury. Pa,.sed, a¡pproved and adopted this SQth day of July, 1973. Joseph J. Bitter Mayor Walter A. Pregler AJlan T. Tbom. W..yne A. MGldenhauer C. RGbert Justmann Councilmen Atte.t: Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Councilman Thom. moved adop- tion of the resolution. Seconded by Councilman Moldenhauer. Car. ried by the following vote: Yea&-M..yor Bitter, Councilmen J ustm..nn, Moldenhauer ,Pregler, Thoms. Nay&-None. July 19, 1973 Honor..bleMayC>r and Councilmen The Dubuque Pl"nning and Zon- ing Commis,sion has reviewed a series Gf three (3) final plats of mook 14 in Dubuque Downtown Plaz.., to bring certain pub I i c rights-of-way mto conÍiOrmanee with the U.ban, Renewol Plan, wd for implementiog the sale of Block 14. The City Planning and Zoning Commission h... approved these plats, The approval 01 the City Council is hereby recommended, CITY PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Damel Dittemore Developmeu:l l'1Ianner Couoot!man Moldenh..uer moved th..t ,the rommUIliÌlCation be re- ceived and filed. Seconded by Ma- YC>r Bitter. C..rried by the fGllow- ing vote: Yeas-M..yor Bitter, Couœilmen Justmann, Moldenhauer, P~egler, Thoms. Nay&-None. OROI,NANCE No. 41.73 An ordinance vacating portions of certl,in streets and alleys in the downtown Urban RenewII Pro- ject area, presented and read. CounlCilmanMolidenhauer moved that the reading just had be considered ,the fi.st reading 01 the OrIdinance. Seconded by CounciJ.- man P,reg¡ler. Carried by the fol- 1<>winIg vc>te : Ye..&-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Jus'¡¡mann, Moldenhauer, Pre,gler, Thoms,. Na,ys-None. COunetlman Moldenhaller moved Ibat the ru:le requiring an Ordi- nanceto be read on three separate days be 1Maived. Seconded by Conn- cilm..n Preg,ler, C..rried by the ÍiO!lowing vote: Yeas-Ma'yor miter, Counetlmen Justmann, Moldenhauer, IPl"(Igler, Thoms. Nay's-Nooe. ORDINANCE NO. 41-73 V~CATlNG PORTIONS OF CER- 'l1AlN Sl1RiEETS AND ALLEYS IIN THE DOWNTOWN URBAN RE- NEWAL PROJEiCT AREA. WHEREAS, ,under d..te of Juiy 2ii, ilOO7, the City 01 Dubuque and the Umted Slates oIf America en- tered moo .. Loan and Capital GraUlt ,Con!l1act for the undertakiinlg 01 the DowIJltDwn Urban ReneW<l>l P~ojoot, Iowa R-1S; aOJd WilIEJREAS, the City 01 Dwbnque, pur"uantoo the Urillan Renewail Pian for said Project, ba,s acquired rea,1 est..te, relocated &lte occu- pants, demolished and removed site improvements, and has other- wise prepared certain iwd fur re- UlSe purposes; and WHEJR>EJAS, in order to dispose of said land for redevelopment in aee<>rdance ,wi1h "aid Urban He- n- Pian, it is necessary that por,tions 01 certain ,.treets and 8!1- leys in the Project Area be va- c"ted; and WHEREAS, ,lbe Plæming and Zo- nin¡g Commission of the City 01 Dubuque, Iowa, has recommended Special Session, July 30, 1973 429 the """aJliion of .aid portions 01 I Published olfi£ieiany in Tbe Tele. streets and ,aaJeys in Üle City of graph-Herold Newspæper Üliis 2nd Dubuque,a;s, "aid "mets "nd par. day of 4'\u&ust, 1973. tions 01 '>Ileys are no longer need- Leo. F. Frommelt edfur pwblic riglht-<J!f..w,a'y purposes, CJerk now therefore ,Counetlman Moldenhauer moved 'B,E IT ORDAlNED BY THE final adoptiGn 01 the Ordinance. CITY ,OOtJiNiC.IL OF THE 0lTY Seoonded by Coundlanan P,regler. OF -DUBUQUE, IOW4'\: 'Oarried by the fo1loowing VGte: Section 1. That that part 01 an Yeao--Mayor Bitter, Councilmen origjnol public alley in the City Jllstmann, Moldeomauer, Pregler, 01 Dubuque, Iowa, cGmmencing at Thoms. the norihea.sterly rorner 01 City Nays~None. Lot 16, l>eing Üle pojn,t of begin: RESOLUTION NO. 259.73 mng, thence South 22 d~gre,:". 30 Approving I plat of portions of East 241L.31 feet a!lon'g, sa.d ongwaJ! vacated streets and alleys in the souihM'esterly alley line, Üle""e Downtown Urban ,RenewII Project North WI degree.. SQ' ¡>Ins Dr rom,," Area East, 30 feet 00 the o11igdnai north- ea,oterily..lJ!ey line thence North \WIER>EJAS, ,under date of Ju:ly 22 degrees 30' ,W;"t 24[,24 feet 2ii, '196~, the City 01 Dnbuq~e and oloDg .sa,id origÙlJai nortbe"sterly the Umted States Gf AmerIca en- aUey tldne to the northwesteriy cor- tered mto a Looanand CapItal ner 01 City Lot 185, th_e South Grant Contz,...t for the undertaking f>1 degrees 30' plws or minus West, of the Downtown U"ban Renewal 30 feet to the point 01 begil>l1ing, Project, Iowa R-1S; and be 'and Üle same is l>ereby v...ated.WHEREAS, the ,City of Dulbuque, Section 2. Tba.t that part 01 origi- pnrooa¡¡¡t ~ the YrbWl> RenewaJ! nol Iowa Street in the City 01 Pla'~ for saW p~Ject, h.. v,.....ted Dulbuque, Iowa, oommencing ,at the ¡><>r1¡ions of certam streets and a!l- Northeasterly rorner of City Lot leys 00 propa~e land ÍiOr reuse pur- ilÆIõ, being the point 01 begi.mJJng, poses,: aOJd thence South 22 degrees SQ' East \VHElliEAS", plat S1lbdividing 241.;Jl feet ..Iong said original south vac"ted pormO1l6 01 streets and ol- westerly street line of lo1Ma Street, leys into city i<>is to ,the City 01 thence North f>1 degrees 30' plus Dubuque, Iowa, ha,s been e"..min- or minus. East, 25,05 feet to the ed by the O1ty Counctl of the City new southwesterly street ¡me 01 01 Dubuque, Iowa; and said IGwa Street, Ülence North 22 WHEREAS, s'aid l'1Iat h.. been degrees 30' West, 241.31 feetalon,g e,...mined by the Pil"llIliÌng a, n d the new <outhwesterly ,street ¡me Zoruin,g Com_on 01 the City of of .aid Iowa Street, thence SoUÜl 'DuI>uque, governing the suixlivi- 61 degrees 30' pins or minus West, siGn 01 real estate m the City 25,04 feet ,to the point of beginning, of Dubuque, Io.wa, now therefore be ,and the s,ame is l>erelby vacated. BE IT ,RESOLVED BY THE Section 3. That Üle City Clerk CITY ,COUNCIL OF THE CITY be and he is hereby authorized OF DUBUQUE, lOW4'\: aOJd dirooted 00 ftle a copy 01 Section 1. Tbatthe ¡>Iat dall;ed this Ordilrance in the Office 01 July 14, 1973 subdividing a vacated the ,County Recorder in and for portion 01 Iowa Street into City Dubuque County, Iowa. Lot 186A in the City of Dubuque, Passed 'approved ..nd adopted Iowa, by Oui ,F. Bartels, a Ii- this 30th' d..y 01 A<n¡¡ust, 1973. censed Prod'es,SiÌooal Civj Engineer Joseph J. Bitter and Land Surveyor, be and Üle Mayor S'8!me is hereby a¡pproved. Walter A. Pregler Section 2. That the plat dated Aßan T. Thoons July 14, 1973 subdividing a vacated C.R<>bert Justmamu portion of a pwblic ..lley inoo City Wayne A. Moldenh..uer Lot 187A in the City of Dwbuque, Councd.lmen Iowa, ,by Carl F, Bartels, a licensed ATIEST: Prod'essionolCivj Engineer a n d Leo F. Frommelt Land Surveyor, be and the same City Clerk is herby awroved. m Special 5'-i,,", J~1y :10, 1973 '.geðil>h 'I. That the May~ wd WHEREAS, said. platOOftlforms OIty ~k beaM 'lbey are IærebY to!Jhe la"'" ¡¡¡f ~ Stale 01 l<>wa, ..uthorized and: dir<!lCteìi «> eJœICute an4 tile ò'l"di}>- of the City said plllt fur 'an4 01'1 bebarnf 01 ¡¡¡f DuIN<¡uè, go_Dill\! !be subdi. the City of Dubuque, low,a. v.i;¡j¡jt> <if N,at ""tate in 1II1è City S41diClfl 4. 11h"t the ()¡ty Clerk of :Dubuque, Iowa, n;m tllèrllf- beaM be Í/¡ her"by Ilu.thorized .ß:E IT RESOLVED BY THE M1/I ~ I.<> :I'ile a ""IPY 01 CiI'I!'Y COUNCIL OF THE cl'rY fuis Resoöilti!Jioo in the 0I!fiJce of OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: 1I1e 0òI'mt'y Recórder in aM ÍiOr . Section I. That the plat dilted DalitJque Q>unty lè1W,a, July 14, W73, <if the StIibdii'vi.o.oo p,..ssed:>ppr;ved and 'átloþied QIÍ. City. Lotf3 in the ,Ci.tyof ßu. this 3Oth'day of July :f~'It! ...que, I<>wa and œ 1II>e SuibdOVli;;¡ion J h JmC . 01 . City ,J.ot 186, in lb. City of íM~' fit Dubuq..... I<>wa, ,by Carll F.B.... tt;ls,lierosed Prod'essiol>1M Civil En. W8>l1lor A.Rteglel- gineer and Land Surveyor, be and ~:eTÀ~~enha\lft' the same i., liereby approved.. ;\;, K<>OOrt J...Im""" , ,Section 2. TIoat the iMo,yor and 'OoUBci1men OilY 0lerIt he ..ad they are hereby A~: ...oohorized :md diti!ded to execute Leo F. Frommelt Slli<! ~ilt for and on behailf 01 <Jity Clerltthe Clty œ Dubuque, low..,. Secli"" ~ That the City Clerl< be all4he is herceby _rised 311><1 _ted to &èa ""II'y 01 W. Be....-*, ill. the tJffice of 'the ,CouUltyRecord<m" in and for Dubuque County, I_a, and in the ~lIice 6Í the Oity A_SOl" in and Ædr lIlè City 6Í Dubuque, Iowa, .......ed, 111'1>1'0- "nd "dopted 1IJig 30dl day 01 J¡;ì[y, 19'13, looeþII, I, 'Bitter ..yar W~ A. Pt-eíil... AUIIn T. 'I'bo.m.s Wayne A. MoIcIènha'1ret" C. MWrt Jostmalln O<tulllèiltllèn AT'I1EST: Loo F. ~omm«t City alerIt Councilman MoMenhauer moved adoption 01 the resolution. Second- edhy CoUDCiiliman Pregìler. Car. ried ñy the fo1OOwing vote: Ve...-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen J"stmann, Moldenl>a-uer, PregIèr, Tboms. Nays-None, 'CotmciJJnan Mol<leubauer moved ad<1Ption of the resolution. Second. ;,it ,by CoU'llci~IDIan Pr'eg1er, Carried I>y1l1" foll~w1ng 'VOte: Yeas-Mayor B-itter, Counci~en J\1sjrmann" iMoidenl1àller, Pregier, 'l'I1ol11s. Nayg-None, RESOUJTION NO. 260-73 Sllbdl-ng _ain lot& .in the ~_lJr- Renewal Project Area for pulolic r~t-of....ay and other pu'1'Oses 'lViHE!R;EAB, under date d July 26, 196'1, 1he City 01 Dubuque and :tile Unibèd States 01 Ameri£a en. tI!I'ed intO a Loan and Capillal a..ant iCoDliract for the undertaking '04' 1m! DMmto"'" U>!ban Renewa! hojeCJt, Io'Wa 'It;;!!>; and WHFJRÐAS, The Öity oil DIlbu- que, pursu1iñt to the Urban Renew- 111 Plan for «aid Project, has .... '1¡Ui.ed ...1 _te, rek>cated site _~al>ts, d_~ and remov- ed ,,¡tè il11pl'O'Vem;m'ts, ,and h... 0- ther,wi;sé :¡pròþal'ed certain lalldfbr "t'e\i5é f>utp'œes; i!IAid RESOL\lTION No. 251.73 Wßìl!:¡RiEIAS, !l plal subdivIding DediftlboO tar"" lots In the cert",in tdts iIo:r ptlbl'ièrig11t-od'...ay Downtown Urban .JtoeRwwal Project ilnd o\ibðr tíU-- lias been ex- Area - 'Str..t "","poses MMfted bY Ülé City Cooncil ad' 1I1e WHÆJIŒåS, UBdeor date of Ju:ly City ò!' DIIb/lqtre, -; aniil I 26, t!J&7, thè City {jf Dubuque and Wl1:ØR:ÉM, "aM ¡>bat ba., bèèn thè um~ ,Starnes ¡¡¡f America enter. e'jthminM,bythe Plalit>!n:g and Zo- ed into a Loht> ¡,:911 Capital Grant n1nrg t:ommi..ibn<if 1he Öity 01 Contr...t for the Ilndertaki!1g '01 Dnibuq\!e, 10Wla and 'has it!! lip. the D<>wntown U>!ba<n Renewal Pro. proval endo"sed thereon; ftd ¡ect, Iowa R-il5; 11M 431 S~al Se!I&ion, July 30, 19.73 WHEJRE¡AS, tile City: of Dubuque, ~. lùII>...t ~<mn p~aat: t» 1/le" T.!lIi>aø Renewal Cowt<ùlDlW Plan for said:~ hits acquired A'I!l1EST: real estate, relocated site _. L... F. F""IllJIUtlt pants, demolished" alld l'4IIßQved Oity QI...k site improvements, - has C>ther. C<lÐneiilmß", ¥ojo øbaaer ~ """., prQl!arAld, QW;ta.in land fur re. a4opäQII <Ii the r~olutí<¡¡¡. k"ond. US<IJI'U1IOSeS; a>IId EId ." Co~a~ PI:<iI!Ier, Ca¡,. ~ a * dedil:ating riod bJ>. !lie fDMQWing v.: certadn 10M fur ~"I'\UIPœ4I6.. Ye~"" Bitt4ll; <;;O>meÜ~ ... _mined by 1ihIt Qity C<mnk:iIl JUlllmlalllt, lIWdenlta_, J?soeg ." of 1U CIty Dutluque, I<twa; and TàQmo, \WÐ!IREIAS, a said pIo.thas been N-...N_. e"ami.ned,~y.tbe l'~ and Zon. RftOUrrlOH NO¡ 26t'n lI \ Coll1IIl<S'SIOn- of the" City ad' Du- Approvinø or plat i~ Dubuque huqu.e, IO'Wa, and' 'lO.S its a(>¡pr<wal Downtown Pt..a In, "- City of elldorsed thereon,and Dubuque Iowa w.~ said ¡¡Iat c<lDiforms WHERÊAs, 1II1der cLW> of July to. tilelai\ll:S 01 the State of Iow.a, 26" 1961, tile. Oity, 01 Dubuque and ",nd the. or<tinances. of the Oity I the Unilild Sta,tes of America en- ~ DubuqUl', gOVet!lWI:: the eubdi- tered into lAUUl and C" P i tal Vls!.On. 01 real estate 111 the City Grant Contract for the undllrt.ak.in¡¡ ot Dubuque, lI>wa, nO'W theretfore of the Downtown Ul'ball Benewal BE IT RiJj;SQi,,\\EID ¡¡'Y ~ H E Project, Iowa R.15; ando Cl'f1l CQUNí;H, œ THiE CIlIY WHER.EAS, the City of Dubuque, Oili' DUBUQUE, IOWA: !>1lrsuant ro the urban Renewal Section I. Tllat the plat dated Plan for sai.d Project, has a~qudr. July ~ !Im\, d.e< jcatiÐS L<It. 2 01 ed real estate, relocated site oc. the Suilliiv;,.,¡on ¡¡(:City Lot 13 in cu¡¡a..t., demo!Lshed and removed the City of Dubuque, Iowa,:>Ild site improvements, and h. c>ther- Lot 2 01 the Subdiv<sion of City wise prepared certain land for reo Let U!8 in tile City 01 Dubuque, use purposes; and Iowa,by C..-IF. Ba~els, licensed WHEREAS, a ¡>lat 01 Block 14 ProlœsionOOJ! Civil Enginear and in Dubuque De-town P¡¡"s<>lIeing IJand Surveyor, b. and the ""me comprised of Lot 1 6Í Subdivjs¡on is hereby awroved, and the de. of CIty Lot 13, and> of City Lot dleation 01 gaid Lot ÍiOr public 14, alld od'City Lot 15,a,nd 01 street purposes as - ~~r~et City Lot 16, and of City Lot Xß7A, with easements for public uillåties and of 'City LoI1 185, ood of CIty ..s the .same 81P1>e.r~ on said plat, Lot 188, and of CIty Lot 187; aDd of be and the same are hereby ac. Lot 1 01 Subdivision of City Lot copted. 188, and 01 City Lot 188A, each Section 2. That the Mayor and in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, he. City Clerk be .and tbey are hereby beell' e,..mined bY' the City Cc>uu. authorized and directed I.<> execute oil of the City of Dubnqne, Iowa; said plat for and on behaH of and the City 01 J)ubuqU<!, ma. WHEREAS, said plat coofOrms Section 3. That tile City Cl""k to the Io,w& ~f !be State c>f I~a, be and he is herolby aU'thorized and the ordinan.,.... of the Cii?> and diræ1Jed to . " copy 01 of Dubuque, governmg. the .Uibdi. Ibis ResolulÅOD in the Oô!!ce 01 Y1S'lOn of real estate III the CIty 111. ClJunty R~"" in and for of Dubuque, Iowa, now therefore Dubuque County, Iowa,and in the ,BE IT RllJSOLVED BY TH E Otfflee of the City AsseSSOi' ill and CITY COUNCIL OF TIlE CITY for the Çity of Du.h1u¡ue, Iowa. O~:'U~~¡,,¡,I~~~;at of Block P>a.saed, approved ~ adapted 14 in DubUtlu<l Dow~ P~a Ibis 30th day of July, 11173. in the City of Dubuqu~, Iowa, Jooseph J. Bi~ dat<td Jv!y 14, 1(11'3, by Car! F. M~ Bartels, a, ItC<llllSOO ~iOOal Walter A, Po-egIw Civil EU8in,eer anI!. Land Survey. Abn T.TI1!IIM or, be and the -, i. bereby Wa,ne Å. ),!oI.delllr- 'approve<!. 432 Special Session, July 30, 1973 Section 2. That the Mayor and I City Clerk be and they are hereby authorized and directed to execute .aid plat for and on behalf of the City of Dubuque, Iowa. Section 3. That ,the City Clerk be and he ;,; hereby au1>horized and directed to file 'a ropy of this Resolution in the Office 01 the County Recorder in and for Dubuque County, Iowa, and in the Office of the City Assessor in "nd for the City of Dubuque, Iowa. Passed, approved and adopted this 30th day 01 July, 1973, Joseph J. Bitter Mayor Walter A. Pregler 'Allan T. Tbom. Wayne A. Moldenbauer C. Robert Justmann Councilmen ArI'TEST : Leo F. Frommel1t City Clerk Councilman Moldenhauer moved adoption of the 'resolution. Second- ed by Councilmw Pregler. Carried by the following vote: Yeao-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Justmann, Mc>ldenhauer, Pregler, Tboms. NayS'---None. RESOLUTION NO. 263-78 BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City 01 Dubuque, Iowa, that the ÍiOllowing ba.ving complied with the provisions of law relating to the s"le 01 Ci.- g"rettes within the City of Du- buque, Iowa, be granted a permit to ..111 Cigarette. and Ciga~ette pæpers WlÍtbin said City. Ore.lanes Bowling Iœ., 200 South Main Street. John R. Hirsch, ZOO West Tbird Street. Merlin Morett, 3198 Central Avenue Rich...d E. Pdmer, 2600 Dodge Street. MaiX Rettenherger, 900 Doli g e Street Judith A. SChiel, 2199 University Avenue. ' Phillip Langas, 1105 Laras Blvd. BE IT FURTHER RE~VED that the bond. Wed with the ap, plication be approved. Passed, adopted æod _roved this 30th day of July 1973. Joseph J. Bitter Mayor Walter A. Pregler kHan T. Tbomo Wayne A. Moldenhauer Councilmen Attest: Leo F. Frommel1t City Clerk Counœman Pregler moved adop- tion c>f the resolution. Seconded by Councilman Moldenhauer. Car- ried by the following vote: Yeao-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Moldenhauer, P~egler, Tboms. Nay,s-Couneilman JUSltmann. RESOl:tJTION NO. 264-73 WHEREAS, applications for Li- quor Licenses have been S11bmitted to this Council ÍiOr approv"l and the same bave been examined, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RE- SOLVED by the City Council. of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, that the full1O'W1ing a¡pp]åcation be grant- ed and JiJc"""e iosued 1JIlOn the oompoJ<anee with the teMIIS 01 the IOWA LlQUO.R CONTROL ACT- CIMlPTEJR 1ßI1--'as ..mended by the 64ith Ge!lJ8rd k""emb!y, 197~. CLASS "C" (COMMERCIAL) BEER LIQUOR LICt:NSE James Joseph Klauer, 1&46 Asbury Road. lmperiallJanes, Ine, 35œ Stoneman Road also Sunday. PaSoSed, adopted and "pproved this 30th day of July 1913. Jc>sepb J. Bitter Mayor Walter A. Pregler Allan T. Tbom. Wayne A. Moldenhauer C. Robert Ju.tmann Councilmen Attest: Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Counc~man Pregler moved adop. tion of the resolution. Seconded by Councilman Moldenhauer. Car- ried by the fo1Jowing vote: Yeao-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Tboms. Nays-Nooe. RESOLUTION NO. 265-73 WHEREAS, æpplieations for Li- quor Licenses were filed by the within named applic8Ðts and they have received the approval of this Council, and WHEREAS, Üle premises to be ooc~ed by sucI1 app1icants were Special Session, July 30, 1973 433 inspected and found to complèY WlÍth State Law 8lld an City ordinances relevant thereto IIlId they have fil- ed proper bonds, NOW 11HEREFORE BE IT RE- ~V'ED by the City Council of Dubuque" Iowa; that the Mmagcr be authorized to cause to be 1s- sued to the follo.wing named ap- plicants a Liquor 1icea6e. 'CLASS "c" (COMMERCIAL) BEER LIQUOR LICENSE J.."es JOJIepb Klauer, 1&46 Asbury "lfoad. .' . " ",,', ',' Imperial Lane., Iœ. 351M Stoneman Road also Sunday Sales " Passed, adopted and'. apP~o~ed this 30th day of July 1973. Joseph. J. Bftter' JUyor Walter' A. Pregler AUan T. 'lboms Wayne A.Moldenbauer C. Robert JuMnia1lJ1 ColIJM!ii;men Attest: Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Colll1clman Pregler moved adop- tion of the resolution. Seconded by Mayc>r Bitter. Carried by the fo1lowing vote: Yeas-Ma'yor Bitter, Councilmen J"&!mann, MC>ldenbau..., Pregler, Thoms. Nays-None. RESOLUTION NO. :N6-73 Appointing Tr.nsit Authority In .nd for City 01 Dubuque. low. WBERiEAB, On June 26, I97II, the" e1eetoNite of 1he City of lJ1¡. buque, I_I> voted in fa""r of the P1'OlP<>oa1 thæt the Oity 01 Dubuque, Iowa aeq1rlre a Transit Sya.¡em from the Interstate P-er Com- psny; and WŒŒJRIEAS, pursuant to and in acœrdanee with Cbapter 38GB 01 the 1m Code 01 rowa" a Transit Autilority shou:ld be 'appointed, and WRERE~, the mayor 01 the City of Dubuque, Iowa has DOmed the following named foil' th~ fx>I- lowing terms 01 yea.. to said Tran- sit Authority: , Doris M. Riekena for a term of "two (2) ye...s, Chester 8<>10- maó b>t II tenn of three (3) years; Ge,or,ge E. Deininger ÍiOr a term of ÍiOur (4) yeazoa; NOW mEREFORE B'E ITRE. SO!JVEiDBY THE' 'CIIl'Y COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, roWA: Section I. Thæt the a!>P<>intment to the Dul>uque TrimSiÌt Authority of the following : Doris M. Rieke... foil' a ternn 01 two (2)~.... Oh...œ., So1omlJn for. ~""ter,m 01 th.ree (3) years, George. E. I>einmg... for a term 01 four (4) ye..... œmmenoclng Au- gust 1, 11m 1M> IIlId ,the same i~ hereby ",*,1'<>ve4, ratified. æod coo- finned." Section 2. Tba~ the fOregoing ""- /nfèìfSball. qùa/ iy' bY' takiJ!g ,,¡œ¡.. oath of o£fice æod 1OOIg" surety ÇOÐJpanylJond ÏII ,the princi¡¡>a1 a- ",óúnt of $1000.00 fu~avorof".the City of Dvbuque, Iowa.. in, tbe, ,ofJfiçe 01" \be OityClCll'k. .,," ., ~,~¡on,~. That ~ salary foil' ead, of the f<>rego;n,g¡nembers 01 fJ)Ie Trans;.t Authority be and the' ...me is fiXed in the 8ßnount 01 $300.00 per year. ' Pa&;ed, _roved ...nd adopted Ibis 30th ", day of July; 1973. JOS<\PI1 J. Bitter MllyÓr w..ít"", A. PtegIer .wan T. TbOln8 -Wayne A; Moldenhauer C. Robert JllStmann Coum,oümen A'I'I1EST : Leo F. Frommellt City Clerk, CouneillDan Prègler moved adop- tion of the -oIlIlion,. SOODUded by Mayor Bitt"". Carried by the foHowing vote: Yeas-Mayo.-Bitter, Councilmen Justmann, Moldenbauer, Pregil..., Tbc>ms. Naya--'None, Juily 'ltl,' 1973 !JonoralJlle Mayor Members 'Of 1he City Cotmci[ To a....st us in ..-riving at a finsl eoume 01 action for the hous- ing 01 City Government, I would oiier . the foIi1OWÌ111 1'èøoIuti0l10 : ' ~ed, fÌ1at IÍ1e offIC>ês of the Buiiiding DepartmMt, Uman Re. newal, and ~lanning and Zoning pro¡periY belloog within" City !Jan. .R~, thllt the oM..... 01 tile Pi'*' DeiPartment, Rec:reat!oD De- þ"a1tment, street Del>artment, Fire ~_ent, Dod!: Co"" miæion, CIty Solicitor,' and '"the Pollee ~ partl11ent, being adequately Mùsed 43oIi Special s-iou. July 30, 11l73 oW.aIde City Rall IIIId-o~ planned for, may stay outside Clt]' Baa prQ¡lllr. R~_~. Wayne". lIciIl4eIl8.autll', Ð.D"s. Q.Q' CeUlllCilaao Q!UI!,cit-1\ '!1III.m611¥1V4 , 1111111 till! ~TJIo!!).u!liça" , 'b4 ~m all4 ftle.c!; ~e4.l>y C!IuIIdmIlll a-~ ~.C_"J4 b~ tbA ~ 1IQte, Yea's..:..Mayor Bitter, ~ I'j: !p,., Pr.<l1Q.\. , ,....,...:..C_--- ~ ~~. -"r ~ ~811 Mqt- _.U<ll" 1110"'" ~0Ji Qt till! ~. SecoÍ\'lled by ..YO¡; 'Bit- ter. Carried by I1ëfollllw!ll\i"Q!é, , Yea&-lIIal<Îr Jmler, Çoo ÐdÌ¡n~ .TustInl llD. ~Auer. ~ .,- CQun¡:j.\p ¡an Pregi e r , Tboms. QøtDcHDlao ~. JIlO'ftMt .at the Cit]' H~ prQ}>ooition' lie .. mitted III .... citiMAi ÍiOr a re- ferendILm. Seeonde4 b1r Coutreil.- maD 11IIw. CIIifJ'iøI IIY the fol- IC>WlÍng vtit': ~il...... Maldenbauer, Pregler, 'JtIo"",. Nays-Ma,.,.. -, ~ J_ann. JuiJ 216, 1813 HoJ! )~ J"", '1. Ntft JlI. "f liIabuøI& Re: LoceI l'Iood _tee- 1ion proje" StateD, 1II~ &is.,"" RI98r, DtttMIque, IIJooa. ' Thank you ÍiOr tit. -- 1 re- ..bed from ~ Oity Engineer, John L. WIlilA!, dAt,eg 19 J<j¡¡ 1911\, ...,.~tinI¡¡ tile coW(lile ¡¡d St. 111 portion ~ refer~ed I.'roje<:t. :¡,¡, --ÐQeIle& "". ~ No g.IIWioJIIS, ~ ~1I1JI'II ., ~ ed lit 1M ~. <WI! ei ~. 'l'kis lette.r. s<:IIt t¡¡ you III c:¡u1i. ft<idœ!li!, is ¡¡our fQ<JP<lI, l@Qe <If: tr.....w 0( 1B _Pi.wd W:j i, Q! w !be C1t}' at ~1J.CI!IA foI; ~sllmptioll <If o¡¡er~til'n m4, !!I; þl- ~Iic".,11 r,~~, '., ,\11., ~- r~!W",..r - ¡W:. ;"g by ,1!1~ A.rtmc. l~ ,~.. " In «~ '!It!! ¥1IÎt\IIe-- Ma!l!lJll tile eøa,. ~,~ Pl!Qtedi,- W..rlu; Dubuque. laws" baft preVÌ.OllllliY been fluDsluocl t¡¡ YOl8r ¥'r- W\Ii¡t¡t. smc""'¡y ~UI'8, Walter H. JOlms&n CoIoøei, QIqIs of I!:DgIi- ne... DWrW EIIfiDeer M.yOl' MIler IIl0'ed 1I ,:it h "". mmunieadM be ~ed IUd made a 'matter or r"F'lr4. seèood- ed 1>1 ~. Preø8er. Cu- rled .,. .. ~ "0"" , Y",,"-llfa,or Bitter, ~Uleil J~\III" MIol¡) w¡haAAl". ~, 'l'IIoJllj . . NsY<l--NIIIIII. Mayo¡> .itl¡or JbO'Y8d ... tile Couneii ~, 1M" authorized and dirooted to 6UImIü þree more na-mee .. the. 0iØ: Sllicitor and Oity Pla- ...atta .mstitution for *- ~rtaIiøP'eommittee. Motiedift Þ ... <4. It second. There beinill III> ......... business Couœj/m'an Tboms moved te .. journ. Seeoo<led 1>,. Jla.yOl' ] ftter. Carried by the ~ wt.!: YOIIIa-&ayw BiItI>t, Q ø¡ Qi:Jaen ~, IfìlldllA/l wv, p~, 'L'IIoJu. Na,ys-<None. Loo V. -- CIt o 4:leIII:. Approved ...................................11173 A<Iopied ......................................111'P8 ............,.........................................."... ....-................."""""""""""""""""" .........-..........-..................".............. ............................................................ .....n"'."""'-""""'.""'~;;~~~ii;;;~;;" A.ttìeSI: """""'ãi;'a¡¡"""'-"':'" Regular Session, August 6, 1973 435 CITY COUNCIL OFFICIAL. Regular session, August 6, 1973. 'Council met at 7:30 P.M. (C.D. T.) Present - Mayor Bitter, Coun- cilmen Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. City Manager Gil- bert D. Chavenelle. Mayor Bitter reoo the caM and .- that serviieo ,thereof had been du:ly made and IIH. is the regular monthly meeting 01 the C",wlCliil calded ÍiOr the PI11'P<>se 01 "",ting UIP'On sUlCih b""in... as may pro¡¡el1¡y come beOOre the meetWg. AugUSIt 6, 197'3 An ap¡¡llù:wtlioo for pumhase of a paœel 01 city land ill Dulbuqlle MIJ1DIi\:di¡>ol Indus1ri..l Park h... been reccived by this oommtitJtee !rom United Paœel Service. This mrnn is presently qll!srtered in a' buililing on HiuJfif Street wilkh, dlUe to ex¡pans1Î.on a,nd dewe1<J¡pmenrt 01 servÏice, ba,s been c>UIt.¡grown and is inad"'lt>ate for the fu:ture, In addition to providmg jobs ÍiOr 11i-!!O perOO"" wrrentJ¡y, United Paœel wilil coIJOltrucl a œIW build. ing 01 ap Jl1"Oximateily 10.000 sq, Ðt. and ooUltinlle to O!ߣer a badly need. ed pilase of pa<œei delivery in and out of Dubuque, se1'vicing IDdustry, refJail, profesoionail and resideIll1ii..1 sectors of the city. ~t is therefOre the rerommooda- lion of this body that OounlCil tJake the following a¡cItiion: 1. Thwt a parœi of land mea. ""ring æpproXlimateily 200 x 450 feet be platted in ùot 2~-il of Block 5, Itivetilronrt Sulbdivision No.3, City 01 D1JJbouque, Iowa and sold to United P'areei - of Omaha, Nebrasllia. 2. That this land be ..,ld to Unit- ed Pa,rcel Service fur $.20 per square ÍiOot, pm special ass....- ments whieil WlÍIi! a«:Icrue by virtue 01 street :md utility improvemenlJs. 3. That ailil builiJings, )'ards, park- ing loIJs, fcooes andanciUalry im. provements be oonotructed In oon- form>ty with city codes, and or- diDlll",,"". 4. That const1nJJc'tioo on said buiITdings commence WlÍthin one year, and be completed not later than two yeal'lS from date 01 de. livery of deed. Mo\YOR'S tNlDUS'lIRLM. OOMilII:IIrJ1'EEJE Jos<1Ph J. Bitter, M'ayor Bili! M<)iEJLlIJiney, Obai!r- man IAA* Board Robert Dorothy, Mgr., Indætrla! Bureau ,Oouncilman Moildenhaoor moved that the rom.muniMlJion be receiv- ed and filed, SiPlProved and relfmred for proper p"""'edings. Seconded by Councilman Pregler. Carried by the fulIowing vote: Yea5--'Mayor Bitter, OollJ1lCil.men Justmann, Moldenhauer, Preglcr, Thorn.. Nays-.None, AJngUSlt 6, 1m An a¡¡>plicalJion for purcòaise of a pa,reeI 01 city land in DuilJuque MWlIi~ Lndus1ri..1 Park b... been received by IIHs commiH)tee from Iowa Coaches, Inc, rowa Coaeiles fi~st al'!Plied for pureI1ase of city land in 1968, o\t tlbat IJime no sOte w... ævai~a ¡]e in the pari< su.ìtin,g this requlire- meUit. I1he buiJding noIW boooiing this firm is inad"'luate and pres- a dangerous and potential*, ba- .ardous traffic oondi,lJion on EJ¡gbth Street. The oompa~ operates a bus line on regular roILtes and s~hedules £rom Dul>uque to Sioux Qity ænd !rom Cedar ~apids to Pmirie du ChIen. They em Jl\oy 18 fulJl time and 5 part tliJne pel'lSOns and provide a vital and important function in Dubuque's over~l tran- sportation ~stem, Iowa Ooaeile,s wm use their land for the ereetim> of a building tlbat \VIiI! prov:ide oror,ag,e ÍiOr buses, maintenance mops and o¡llke, 1\ is the recommendation 01 this body tlhat CotmIcil take the follow- ing ""tion: 1. '11IIat a piarcel of land of 8ŒJ- proximately one acre be pla1IDed in Lot 2-2-il, Block 5. RiveI1front SnbdiMisioo No, 3, City 01 Dubuque, and sold to Iow,a Ooaeiles of Du. buque, Iow,a, 2. That this land be sold to Iowa OolliCl1es ÍiOr $.20 per square ÍiOOt, plw; speICIiaI assessments covering street and utility improvemenlts. 3. That aJil bulJdin¡gs, yiards, pari<. ing lots, fences and awrilla~y im.