1973 November Council Proceedings 572 Special Session, October 29, 1973 Regular ..ssion, November 5, 1973. Council met at 7:30 ¡P.M. (C.S.T.) Present - Mayor Bitter, Coun. cilmen Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Tho"",. City I&nager Gil. bert D. Chav_lIe. Ma.yor - read tile cail ,and sœted that serwdœ thereof bad been duly made and tms is, the regular monthly meeting 011' the Oity Oouncil œßed for the pur. )Ose OII'actingU(X>n such busine.. as may properly come beifore the meeting. OoimrnunWaition 011' GeniI: Witten. berg _sing that M'ary Jo i\VWy, presideDlt 011' the .Dubuque Art Ass'n ,..;M preseDlt ,the -quette 011' the mas! apprqpriate piece 011' sculp- ture fio¡r fuwn 0100k P!1a..a," as selected by ,the jwdges fio¡r theFi"" F.ag¡s Scuipture Competil!ion, pre- sented 'and read. :Mayor BiU.er 1IlO!VCd that the roles be -_nded in order to Jetan¡yone present address the Councü 011' tl1ey so desire. Second. ed by Oouncilman Preg[er. Oar. ried by the foJnowdÐg vote: Yea-~Mayor 1Bi«er, Oouncilmen JUS-1m, MokJemauer, Pregler, Thoms. Na,ys-oNone. Mary Jo WWey presen¡ted the maquette upon completion 011' Wlbich {)ounctamo.n Jusl-nn IDOIVed thiat the maquette be """"IIted :with lIP- preci'ation and the commUDJieation 011' Mr. W;rotenJberg be received and fiJed. Seconded by Oouneßman Moll. demauer. Oarrted by the foJnowdÐg vote: Yeas-OO:,ayor Biitter, Counellmen Jus!mann, 'Molldenbauer, Preg¡ler, Thoms. Nays-iNone. CommtmiCiatinn 011' Pro¡jecl Oon" cern Boa.rd member pari! V. 'Riley, diocuSlSiing the oole 011' publlic trans. po11tatIDn in .Dubuque especiæJly as it .-. tlhe older se~eI1It 011' our popUJIatinn, presented and read. Co\UlJCÜman Juslmann m<>ved that the communilJation be receÍJV. ed and fiaed ,and re!!erred to the Than..t Auth<>rity. Seconded by Mia- Regular Session, November 5, 1973 573 CITY COUNCIL C<>uøcllman p...,gler moved that the Mayor' be authorized to sign tile applIcation lor funds for River I VaJ1ey Inc. .. an od'ficia1 respònd. ¡ng to 10Nll, contingent upon City Manager funding and approving said ¡¡rant of $<1,000. Seconded by Councilman Thoms. Carried by the ioIIowing "ote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Oouncilmen JuøtmaDII, MoldeWuluer, pre¡¡lar, Tboms. NIIys-iNone. Th.... being no fudher business OouncUman ,Jus""'a"" mo"ed to adjourn. Seconded by Mayor Bit. ~er. Carried by the loi1omiog vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitler, Councilmen ,J\uøtmanD, Moldenballer, Pre¡¡ler, Thoms. Na~. Leo. F. Frommelt Cit;v Cluk OFFICIAL ARJrofH ..........................................:I9'T4 Ad<Jpted ..............................................1M4 .......................................................... .........-""........................................... .........-........-..................................... --...-............................................... """"""""""""""""'C;;W;;;¡¡;;;-~;'" ............................................................ Cit;vC1erk ,..." . yor Bitter. Oamied by the - irug "ote: Yeas-.Mayor Bitter, Oouncilhmen Justmann, Mo'ldenhauer, Preg[er, Tboms. Nay¡s-iNone. ¡Oommunication 011' Northwestern Beß ,ad,,¡sirug that they ha"e filed to.s reillecting a .gon""al ioorease in phone ~ates wjtJh the !O!wa Sùate Ooimrnerœ ,Oomnd.osion and re- quOSltinig the Oommis.òon for a bearing, presented and read. lOoun- C!Ì<man Pregler m<>"ed that the oommunic.ation be reœived and filed. Seconded by Mayor Bitter. aa'rried by the fo~ vote: Ye..~M'ayor iBitt"", OounciLmen Juslmann, Moldenhauer, Pregiler, Thoms. NIa\j'1s-iNone. lII<lyor Bitter furtller mwed, af. ter some diroUS<IÎ<>n, to go on re- cord registering a protest and they ,be obliged to sholw ea.""" _ver keep opliioo open a. to met proof. Seconded by Oon~man J u ~ t. mann. ¡Carried by the -g vote: Yeas.....;MaY\Jr iBitter, Ooun_en JllSItmam, Moldenballer, Preg¡J.eo-, Thoms. N1a,y¡s-...None. iNOi\fCIIlI>er 1, 1mtJ lfono".ble 'Mayor and Meml>erlS 011' the City Oouocil Pilease be infio<rmed that I hawe approved the foiMOIwing IJondo and ¡Jdlicies and desi..., your aw>roya< on ..æme. SI'DEW~LK CONSl1RUCl1lON BONDS RIllY MciD<>nand Oonstructi<>n Co., lIIel'ICIhants ,Mutual Bonding dated 0c1xJiber 23, 197B. Da.vid G. 8<""111, Western Oa.,uM' ty & Surety Company, dated Oe. wber :!4ith, I1OOß Bond No. ~1!I4S. GE'NE:RAL LlABILilTY POLolCY WORKMENS COMPo Ray lIIclDonMd Construction 00., BiWmin<>u. Oa,sua¡¡ ;yOolp., daled 1~tol6-i2J3.;7I4PolNo._. GENERAL LlABIL,ITY AUTOMOBIL,E Ray MeDonaM Oonstruction 00., J3ituminoos OasulWiby Ool'lP., dated :Iß.i2J3--I1B to 10.æ-m4 !Poll No. GA 7118301. Ginibert D. Oha'\fOOeMe Oity Man,ager ,Oouncilman Pr~,ler llWIVed mIting appro"a,1 011' the bonds and poIlicies aOld ",ad. OoImci!imau PN8Ic mQVed tbat tile peitltinII be Teifen'ed to 1M -niDog & Zonmg c..m. mi~siooand City MaJ¡oager. Secood. ed by !Mayor Biitter. Carried by tæ ioJIIoowillC voW: ,Yeas'-iMJay<>r Bitter, Oonncümea J"'¡""""" 'KOO!enhauer, Preg¡ler, Th<>ms. !Nays-None. Petition 011' Siste:r>s <>f St. FraooJ ¡ requesllng reronlng 011' property nortll 011' ;¡)ayi<; Avenue and sou4Jh of the o<>rU1er1y. (Jity Limits to permit Mlli\tiJplelliol>Oing I>ev<Wp. DleI1it, !>reo¡ented and read. 00UIr ,*k...ao MoldeoQaU!!!: moved tbat the petil!0I1 be Nfem>d to lite ~.......mg &. Zonmg CJomrnåssIioo, Se. conded by 00uÐJciI¡m¡a1l Pfeøier . Carried by the foiWwing vote: . Yeu-'Mayor Bitter, Qourroi[men Juotmaoo, MoWenllawer, Preg¡Jef, Thoms." NIay,-N()I1e. eJII IÎN.tiOI1 011' >Is s-ye... open spaces develcpmeI1lt pi¡u>. The ptan now .before you ...as œafu>d to conliorm to federai poog,ram requiremen1s, and is -- for the pa- OlI' re.~aiJ>i1>g oW' eligibH.ity ,to reo "OÓJVe gNnt..""aid Mid.. The purdla>se o,pt¡;on on the Reed property expires on December 3a., 1BIæ. M&tcbin¡¡¡ funds, in the amount of $10,000, ha,ve been con. diitiona,!iIy a¡p¡proved, and wi![ be released u¡>oo s4Jate a!1PfO"a.l of this 6-year ~eD opaœs develop- meI1lt plan. Submössion 011' the pian must be authooized by the City OoUllci1. W.. therefore urge your prompt aOO¡ptÎ<>n 011' the MtaclIed Resolution. GtiU>ert Ð. QhaweneUe Oity ~au.a¡ger Oonooillll1l8Ð Tbeoms moved tœt the commwliclltion be recei..oo and iiled. 8eeonded hy ~:q>U" iBitter. Càrrled by tbe -..g vote: Yewo-Mayor Bitter, Oonn",¡'¡men '¡"s4aI>a"", ,KoJdenilauer, PNgiJer, Tho_. N,ay_~. R,&SOLUTION NO. 356.73 ~ ithe City <>f .DUbuque's eligôbiMty to pariicipate in Land and W..t,er Oonsal'V'atOoo FWld ¡>ro- IIra- espi.red on .June SO, 1973; aad V/IIIIERIE¡AS tbe E. B. Lyons Thus! ..... estaiblililed to be used fur the ¡JIIl'cl>.... of pwbJi(: parllioods for tile CIty 011' Dubuque; and WŒIiERJEiAB tile Oity Ooutllcil 011' the City <>f Dubuque, rø..a has a~ed an option _ment to ¡pnrohase proper13' known ... the ,Reed prqperty in _on 6 011' Du. buque TOIWDSIhip, Dubuque OounIty, [ow,,; and '\WIIEìl!.EIAS the said pW'chase is _cd by the truslees 011' lI1e i£. B. Lyons Estate; and WBliU!JEAS lI1e Qity Oow>cii 011' Öle Oi.$y. of Dubllque, -.., finds md~_theaty- ,8I1pI.y fur " federaol ..cq"- grant ill colJlleC'ti;on with the pur. cbaJIIe <>f the ahcf;e dl>OllC1'ilbed. to SUJJI!Qri and eXIIood the resources <if lite E. iB. L)'OIIß E_; and ,WHFdIIEiAS "" B1>IPIication reo queatiDg sudlfeòeo"al ~ng - ...... a Jp1'(l'O'Od by the Qty Coomcil Of the QiIty of Dubuque, -. ]!f,ay ŒI4, lØIII and "",. sub- 574 Regular Session, November 5, 1973 Regular Session, November 5, 1973 575 suI>¡ject 110 ~ of the City Attorney. Seconded by Oounci[!11JaII Thoms. Oa.rr!ed by tbe ~ vote: Yea.-ayor Biitter, Oouncünmn JustInann, Koldemauer, Pregier, TIIomo. Na'}"O-None. 'N<>tiœ of _ai ~ eWm <if Mooi'ea R. _er, In an 1111- det!ernnåood amoUJllt, for iJIôn¡riœ re- œi..ed in a tall on . de!ectWe si-..u< at aBIh & Elm street on s.pe.mber 9, 1978, preoeI1Ited and 1'I!Ød. 0MIDcÜmm> Pregler moved !bIN. the IIIOIJìce 011' da:im be referred to lI1eOity SoIiei1lor tor \Jm!oIIIi¡ a. - ami r<!! >Ol't. Seconded by Coon- cHma.. J_. Oamied by Ole fuIlOWlÎ<Jg vote : Yeas-iMayor Biitter, <Jo<mdimen ~""""" M<JiIdøÐb-, PNJgIer, TIw IDS . N,,~. PeIiti<m <if Jolm '/if. Pia1rid< M.ID. requeSIÖIIg a són1PIe 8yøOOm 011' sIIag. gered stroot traMc Ii Jbt eoDlrol to provide more I'alPid Iftm!dt througih the City, the end result _uld be les8 ¡dlut1lon, less \ as CO!llSumpition aDd I..... frusItrIation, !>resented "Old read. 00undIimIaD M<J1denbauer mewed ,that the pe- tition be l'eII'e1Ted to the City Ein. gtneerand stadIf. Secooded by OoooeiiIm:an PI'<og)er. Oarried by die iIoJlOlWliDg wte: Yeas~]!f,a,.... iBi1l1lor, 00uDciIImen J,,-, }fuldeÐbo¡uer, P!reIiJ¡er, Thoms. NIoys-iNOI1'1. Petiü<>n 011' FideY lWspiW SdIooI 011' Nursù1(¡ requesting peI'ilDission 110 seJl oaoòIes, candy aød sta. tionery, on a house to house basis from N<>veœber Ðth to December Uth ~978, presœted. and read. Co~m"" PIegiIer m<>ved appro. v,~ of the pel¡iäon providitJII it is done in conlformty with Oity ~. &>conded hy OowJciI¡man .J",,\.mlam>. OaI'ried by the ~. ÌIIC vote: Yeas~M"yQ1' Bitter, OoUJ1ciLmen Jusl_ml, 1{oldet1bauer, PreI¡ ler, 'l'Mms. Nays-iNone. Petition o! l'Nnds P. 'Raymond requesting \'aCætIDn 011' a l'O"'tIi<>n <if land designated "crossIWaIk" be. tween llis property aOld that 011' bÏ\9 neig¡hl¡or, Donald Galli...., off Oberokee D~, to provide fio¡r CO!>- stmclioo of a aNllle, presented NO'lerol>er 1, 1#13 Honorable Mæyor all<\ CLty Oouncii Copies af allecteallon and Open' ~es Plan for the C¡;¡y' 011" Du. buqueare enclosed fio¡r yoW" reo v:iew. AI.soalJ!adIe<l, lor yonr ....... s.lderaö<>n, ," a ~ Res<IIu' tion alil'irmfog both the por¡pose of this ¡tan and you<r reooogmtion <>f It as an interim guide to the future de\fek>pm8l1t of tbe City'. recreation aDd ~ces re- """"""". We hope to diioIeuss tiIis ,w:itil ,yoo at your meeting 01 No- vember 5, [978. '!be cInmmsla- sarrouoding the subrnòoslon of ,tb1e plan "IIT. rant d.rifieatioo. The iE. B. Lyon's - - dedieaW to the Ciity of Dubuque lIW1'O"1m,a1>ol.y <me year ago. It -.. ~ !bat the ,.-."...,.,. of the J!:Iotaœ rouId be multJplled by ,matcb:ing tIIeom with g,<ant...,.,.ld funds a~abk! from øte and fedeNl SOIIII'œS. A eommitment to IIOek l~aJ pro. g'l'am ~ wws made in yoor 'Res>oIUltion !No. 1QOil3, ,wiIieI1ep. proved the acqui- of tbe 3>1 ..,.,., !Reed property 1100 auUwri!Zed tbe submiæion <if aD """"1ion for 51)¡(, m,atclrlÐg funds for tbat pro¡ject. iIIt \\oss suhseqoeolJlo1 Ieamed - the City fil Dubuque had lost i1Js ei>gilñMty to participate in the fe. dera.l lJalld and Water OoDSer'Wl> - Fund P"'I!I'BilII _ause of the ,miu.ed to the Iowa CoœeI'lV'ation ()ommi<;,sion ; .0Id WIH!i!JIIIlMS the - 00"""""". .tion OoIllll1låæion approved B' a, i d project awIIi.œtinn u¡>oo oondiition Uoalt the Q;Q> ol Dubuque'- eIiei. bility to pa11ticipate in Land and Water Oonserw,ation Fund pro- ~"ms be ~; am WiIIIEmEAS Ole re-establlisihment <if said eJ;eibiIity required sui>. mission 011' a new reereatinn and qpen space plan; and WHEJßJEAS . new R.........a"n and Open Spa... Plan, arotJaChed hereto ws ExWbit A, h3lO been pre- pared and .ubmiu.ed to the Iowa Conservation Oommilsslon fio¡r the purposes <if ~ the Oi- ty 011' D~ue'. eIig1iþiMty for par. ticipating in iJand and Water Oon. ser."ation !Fund p1'Qg['aJIDS; and WIIJIERIEW) the Iowa, {)onserva. lion OommiS<lÎon n<Jll:ilfied ,the City 011' Dubuque on OcWber 'la, 19711 that the Recreation and 0 I' " 0 Space PIIan for the Oi ,y 011' .Du~ buque has, been round adcqwate for the pu1' pOOe of renelw:ing Du. buque's ~biiliity to pa1ti.cil'ære in the Land and WIa.ter Oo""""""öon Fund; and WiIIJEIR,E¡AB 1he ror;."a {)onse""". lion Commission notiiIiied the City <if .Dubuque on Ootober 12, 1973 Ölatt he DldMIque Lyons I'axk ..,.. qlJlSÕtion pro¡ ect wID be -..,ated ~n receilpt <if -~'aJtiOO thai the Oity of Dubuque has oŒfici,,![y a""'Wlied and approved the lie- creat.ioo and Open Space P1an (Ex. ¡,¡¡¡,,¡t 1.\); NIOW mEmEFORlE BIE J!I' RIE. SOINIEID tJbat the City Oounci[ 011' the City of Dubuque, row", does bereiby a<>Ce;Pt and a¡>pl'O're the Re. creation and Qpen Spaœ P!1an for the - do r_WsI>ing C>he Citr af Dubuque'. e!ig¡ibiI>ty to par. ticipate in IJand and WiIIW Oon. servation Fund _oms. Œ'oasBed, approved aDd adopted this the 5th dæy af _mber, 1973. .J01SeII>h J. <IIótter ~0J70l' Wailier ¡A. Pregler \/\Moo T. 'I'IIioorus W,ayne A, Moldenhauer C. Robert Just_nn CouncIi[men -: !Leo F. -.melt (Jj ¡y Clerk Yea.-IMayoc Bitter, ¡(JoUDCiimen Jus"",ann, Molldenbauer, Preg¡ler, Thoms. iNay&-<None. Attest: Leo F. FrommeR ¡City Clerk Mayor Bitter mo"ed adoption 01 the resolution. Seconded by Coun- cilman Moldenhauer. Carried by the lollowing vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Moldenhauer, Pregler, ThOms. Nays-.Cooncilman Justmann RESOLUTION NO. 358-73 WHEREAS, applications for Beer permits have been submitted to this Council for appro"al and the same have been examined; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RE- SOLVEoD by the City Oouncil of the City 01 .Duboque, Iowa, that the following æpplications be grant. ed and permits issued u )On tho cœnpJ¡;ance .with the terms 011' the ordinances 011' the City. CLASS "B" BEER PERMIT Mrs. Marian J. Bridge, dba Ma, nan's Beverage House, 139 Lo- cust St. 576 Regular Session, November 5, 1973 Regular Session, November 5, 1973 577 Counellman JustIna"" Ißl()ved adopti<>n 011' the resolution. Second. edby M,&yoc _. Carried by the fo1lo:wing vote: Yeas~Mayor Biitter, Councilmen Justmann, MOI1dooI>auer, Preg¡ler, Thoms. Nays-iNone. Resollution recommending tlhe iMia.yor and City 0Jerk to e"""ute the required documents in c<>noec. ti<>n :with an ap¡paroaJtion for Fe. der,s!, G~aDlt under the !:.and and W,ater OonserV1ation Pmg¡ru;m. Whereas, the Dubuque lIark Board 011' the City 011' [)ubuque, row", ,and the City 011' .DuiJuque ha. aeoo¡pted an qplion agroomeDlt to ¡>urcbase property kn(jwn as tlhe ,Reed PropeIity in Section 6 Of Du- buque T<JIWD.S!!Op, Dubuque ,Ootmty, IOM1a, ,and Wherea,s, oaid .puŒ'Ci>ase is s¡pon. I so-red by the Trus!ees 011' the E. B. Lyons Estate. ' Whereas, the Dubuque Pa,rk Boa<d 011' tihe Oit)' 011' Dubuque, lOIwa, finds and deœ~m¡nes that the city ,adopt the Recreation and Open ~œ lP~an for a lede.ra! acquisition grant in conn-on witil the purchase Of .the "hove describ- ed to &upporltand exItend the reo sourœs 011' tihe E. B. Lyons Eisltate. NCIW tilerefio<re be it Resd'led by the [)ubuque Pal'k lI<>aro 011' the Oity 011' Duboque, IOW1S: [. That tihe City 011' Dubuque, Iowa, should adopt tihe Recreati<>n and Open SlPace Plan for leder,,¡ æs,sistaœe for the purchaoo ,abo'Ie described. ~. That the Mayoc and City .Ole<k be "Old they are hereby autllorized and directed to ""ecute the reo quired dooumenfÆI in connection with the app!i.eation for "uoo æc" quisition g1l'ant. Fredericl< R. Aq>peIl Ohait1mao, DuiJuque Poark Board Thomas G. ScI1rop Vice Chairman .Dominic W. Goodmann Secretæry Dated: Now. 2, 197!I Oou""~ma.. l'<eo!IJer mClVed that the resolution be receiJved a.nd £iled. Seconded by Mayor Bitter. ~ Carried I>}' tihe folliJIwing vote: mediate requirement lor regaining federal grant funds. .Dubuque Dock Oom. mission Wm. McElThiney Councilman J_nn moved that the communication be receiv. ed and filed. Seconded by Mayor Bitter. Carried by the lollowing vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Justmann, Moldellhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Na~OIIe. RESOLUTION NO. 357-73 'BE IT RESOLVE.D by the City Oouncil 011' the Oity 01 Duboque. Iowa, that the following having complied with the provisions 01 ¡a,w relating to the sale 01 Ci. garettes withio the City of Du- buque, Iowa, be granted a permit to sell Cigarettes and Ciga.-ette Papers within said City. Richard A. Schu~bon, dba Sir Ri. chards, 1091 Main Street BE IT FURTHER RESOLVEoD that the bonda filed with the ap- plication be approved. Passed, adapted and approved this SIb day 011' November 1973. Joseph J. Bitter Mayor Walter A. P.regler Allan T. Thoms Wayne A. Moldenhauer Oouncilmen No-.rember 5, 1973 Mayor and City Council 1 am advised of your intention to consider a Recreation and Open. Spaces Plan for ad<>ption at your meetiog of this evening, Novem. ber 5, 1973. lam further advised 01 the wish 01 Councilman P<'eg. ler that a representative 01 the .Dock Commission be present to respond to certain rec<>mmenda. tions 01 that p\an as they relalte to property and programs <>1 the Commission. I have diseussed this p\an with the stad!! 01 the Planning and Zon- ing Commission, and was informed by them 01 the scope and iotent of the plan as being an effort to regain the City's eligibility to receive federal grant funda lor pur' chase 011' open.space land. I under. Slband that the recommendations of the plan are to be taken only as a general assessment of local recreation needs, and that your adoption of it does not bind the Oouncil or Dock Oommission to its specific implementation. We reo cognize that several of its rec<>m- mendations bear directly on mat. ters 01 concern to this Oommis. sion, including the future develop- ment 01 McAleece RecreaUon Area., Area "C" and the 4th Street Area. The Dock Commission is aware that there are competing interests to be addressed i.n re- sol...mg the ultimate use and de. velopment 01 these areas, and that the plan now before you is net intended to assert a pre-empti"e claim to them. The Dubuque Dock Commission loob lorward to opportunities to discuss the use and development of properties in its control with all persons and groups interested in the future 011' the ;Dubuque Ri- ..eriront. The R.eereation and Open- Spaces Plan siIouId be a uo<!fuIl tool in furthering this effolt, and the Dock Commission is pleased to take this document under ad. "isement at this time. Insofar as I understand that the plan is not binding on the future poogram 01 lI1e Dock Board, I would eJOPress no objection to y<>ur adoption of it this evening as 11 is an 1m. CLASS "C" BEER PERMIT Thompson's Food Markets, Inc., dba Oky Doky #6, 1256 Iowa Street Nash Fin"h Company, dba Ware- house Ma.rket, JFK Road 'Passed, adopted and approved this 5th day 01 November 1973. Joseph J. Bitter Mayor Walter A. Pregler Allan T. Thoms Wayne A. Moldenhauer C. Robert Justma.... Councilmen Attest: Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Mayor Bitter mo"ed ad<>ption of tbe resolution. Seconded by Ooun. cilman Moldenhauer. Carried by the following vote: Yeas--Mayor BitJter, Councilmen Juslmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nays -iNone. RESOLUTION NO. 359-73 WHEREAS, applications lor Beer permits were filed by the within named applicants and they have received the awroval 01 this Coun. cil; and WHEREAS, the premises to be occupied by such awlicants were inspected and lound to comply witih the ordinances of this City and they have filed proper banda; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RE. SOLVE/D by the City Council of the City 011' Duboque, Iowa, that tbeManager be 8lUtborized to cause to be issued to the following named applicants a Beer permit. CLASS "B" BEER PERMIT Mrs. Marian J. Bridge, dba Ma. rian's Beverage House, 139 La- .cust St. CLASS "C" BEER PERMIT Thompson's Food Markets, Inc., dba Oky ;Doky #6, 1256 Iowa Street Nash Finch Company, dba Ware- house Ma<ket, JFK Road Passed, adopted and approved this 5th day 011' November 1973. Joseph J. Bitter Mayor Walter A. Pregler Allan T. Thoms Wayne A. Moldenhauer C. Robert Juotmann Councilmen 578 Regular Session, November 5, 1973 Attes!: Leo F. Frommelt Oity Clerk Mayor Bitter moved adoption of 1be resolution. Seconded by Coun. cilman Moldenhauer. Carried by the loUowmg voœ: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Ju.tmaun, MoldenhaUer, Pregler, Thoms. Nays-iNone. RE'SOLUTION NO. 360.73 wiH!EIR¡E¡AS, aWü<oatio... for li- quor ,ùicensesllla.ve been submitted to this lOouoo~ fio¡r a'PlPOOWiII and the same h: fe beßD""a.mdÐed, NOW 11HIEŒIiEFORE. BE JIf RE- SOilN,ÐI). b¡T the City Oouncit 011' the City at' Dubuque, kJiWa, that "the fo!!owing ~ . be 81>- ¡proved and licenses ......ed ~ the compliance with the provisions at Oha¡pter Jæ., Aots at the first 'Reg-war Ses.sion, Mth Gener>al. AiJ. sembly. CLASS "C" (COMMI!-~IAL) BEE!!. AMD LIQUOR 'l'OiWn (JIock hm IDe., dl>", T<>wn Oloci< . Inø, Nesler OeI1lter, 8th i& Miain Rooakl J. Hla',..', dIba oR. J.'. 'Wheel House, !WOO IDas! 1IIth St. John F. Giym>, dba JOOnny's ::Dap, 700 East.. 16th St. Jeanette M.KooQger, cIba J ,& RTap, .01 Rh<>mI>erg Ave. ¡p",..oo, adopted and approved this ~th day 011' N<>vembe< ilOOB. Jioseph J. mtta Mayor Waiter A. Pre¡ ler .AI1an T. Thoo» Wayne A. Moildenhauer C. IIobert Justmann Oonnci\meo AJttei;t : Leo F. Foommelt City Clerk Mayor - Bitta 1IlO'1Ted adoption 011' the re~tio¡l. Seconded by Oonn- oi~man iMoldeIlih,uer. Carried by -the f<Itlgw;ng vote: Yea,s-Mayor BItter, OonnciJimen Justmaoo, MQ1denhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Na~,-'None. RESOLUTION NO. 361.73 WHEItEAS, aJPI>lLcations for Li" q'cr Liéenses were f\iled by the w:lh'n named a,p¡¡rlioants and they ha¥e received the Id'PfOW!II 011' this 'c<>uncil, and WHEJRJEIAS, the lpI'emise& Ix> be oocu¡¡rled by """'" ,appiioanto were lnspecot.ed aDd i!oUDd to ""mp~ Wlitlh tile State LaIW and ail Oity Ordi- nances re_1it thereto and they hIi'Ve filed pocper 1Joi>d&, NIOW 'l.1HIEI\oEFOlU!: BiE IT RiE- SOIIJVIE)D by the ¡Oity OouDw 011' Dubuque, _a, thetlbe Manager be authorized to cause to be isoued Ix> \!Ie l~ no-mod awJiœnts a Llqllor I..i!cenæ. ,CLASS "C" (COMM&ROliAiL) BEER AMD L'IQUOR Town Clock Inn, Jne., dIba fuwn (1I<>ck Inn, N...,.Cootei', IItJ¡ ,& M-alD 'Ro1I",ld J. H""", ..... R. J.'e iWbeeI Blouse, 11IlOO Eut 16th St. JoMl F. G1yM, dba J<>ImnY'. 1'81>, '100 East 1ØIh St. Jeanette M. KA'<>eger, <l>a J. ,& 'R. 'l1a¡p, 48l; ~ Me. ¡Passed, aOOpted' and aJPPfO\'ed this 51th day. ol N~ lIm. Joseph "J.BiIiter 'Mayor Waker A. Progl« AIII,-n T. rrhotœ iW'ayne A. MoJdenbauer C. 'Robert Justmann ICounciImen Attesl: Leo F. F'rommellt <JiIty Clerk Mjayor Bitter moved ado.ption oil the resowtion. seconded by Con<>- ci!.man Moldemauer. (J ¡a'ried by the folilawiÐg V<>Ie: Yeas--M'ayor Bitter, CouncÜmen Juotmann, Moloomauer,Preg¡1.er, ThomS. N,ays-Nooe. iOommUDJicaotioo Of "'ìI/1atcbdoJg1s" ~ddressed to AroI1IbìsboP JaD>'!S _J. Byrne requesting in,,~1ion as '" ~e use at v,æœntdloces<ln and" or ROman Oa~ reIi8kRIl order real ~ hoI.di!Igs wi,th\tI tile Oity ,.. to housing ~ for low. income elderiJ.~, presented ,and read. CounciimmJ- -movedtbat tll.8 œ.muni<\&UOO be relen-ed Ix>tbe ~ Hr>œiÐg lOomm,;".,;on. Søoo8ðed by 00uDCil. man PregW'. Ouried by the fOl. l<>w:i1l8 v<>te : y~~a~ Bi'ilter, ~men Jws!manft, Mcidemauer, Pregier, Tk....s Na¡>s-<N'ane. ¡Ooltncilmen Pregiler """""'- to override tbe M,ayor's \'OlIo 00 tbe Regular Session, November 5, 1973 ~ IDdotuzbing the Peace 01'. diDmce. Seconded by Oounci!.man J.ustm,am>. V<>te 00 the mation was ... loli.""",.: Veaos - OoUÐdiimen Justmann, 1II<>ldeDhauer, ProglOl'. Nays-May", Bi<ter, Councilman 'l'Iron>s-. JrfIayor Biuez directed the City clerk to calli a meetiJ1g on the proposed nisWrIbinIg the Peace or. dinance fio¡r Wednesday evemng BIt 7:00 o-oJod: P.M. 00 November 7111. Mayor 1!ii1ller moved Ix> di....,t the Oity SoIiOÎi1Ðr and IPIIatming ,& Zoning OommÍMioo to dr1aft a daos "A" busine&'! ordinance to exdude Drive-in -Rest.......nœ from æa.. "A" funing OIa..mœlåon. M<>tion died lar lack of a- secand. 'IIhere l>eing no _or _ness o,uneiiliman JooI- 'm<>ved Ix> a<ljoum. Seconded by Oouncilman Pregler. Carried by the foIiowing -: Yea.~Mayor BItter, Oon_en JlJ8tmann, M<>ldenhauer, P~r, TI1<>me. , Nays--<N<>œ. LeaF. FrommeJit City Oteri< Approved 1974. 1974. Adopted ..-...................................-........................ ....................-...................................................... .............................................................................. .."......................~........................."""""""""" """""'.""""""""""""""'Cõüñëïïñïë;;""""" Attest: """""""""""""ëïtÿ"'ëï;~k"" 580 Special Session, November 7, 1973 CITY COUNCIL OFFICIAL Specials_ion, November 7, 1m. 'Council met ,at 7:00 P.M. (C.5.T.) P...- - Mayor 'Bitter, Coun- cilmen Justmann, Moldenhauer, 'Pregler, Thoms. City Manager Gil- bert D. Chav_lIe. ,Mlayor 1!ii1>ter read the ea~aml stated 1Jbæt sCI!'VIÌce thereof bad been dUll(y made ,and tms meeting is called fio¡r the PUTIPOS" 011' con. sidering adoption of an ordinance prohibiting tDlsturbance of the Peace and aetiolg upon such otller I I>UIIÌIIA>SS as may pr<>POriY come, bt!fio<re a regU1\u meeting of the Oonncii. OItDINANCE NO. 51-73 An Ordinance Prohibiting Distur- INonce of the Peace; Providing for the Preservation of tha Pub -I i c Peace and Safety; and Providing 'Penalties for the Violation He.... of; and R_ling Ordinance No. 14-58, presented ami read. Councia.mm Pregler m<>ved that the reading just bad be considered the fimt readiÐg of the Ordinance. Seconded by Oouneilman MoldeJ>. hauer. Oarried by the foI11<IwiI>g ,,<>te: Ye.......-Mayor Bitter, OouneiJmen Juslmam, 'Mo1<!eDbauer, Pregler, Thom&. Nays-iN<>ne. Cooodiman Preg(er m<>ved that the rule requiring an Ordinance to be read on three sepa..ate days be ""awed. Seconded by 001lJlei[. ma" Moldenbauer. Oarried by the fo1lK!wing vote : Yeao-Mayor Bitter, CouncRmen JuS1tmann, Moldenbauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nays-INone. ORDINANCE NO. 51-73 AN ORDINANCE PRmnB1TI:NG DISTURBANCE OF THE PEACE; PROVIDING FOR THE PRESER- VATION OF 'l1HE PUBLIIC PEACE AND SAiE'ETY; AND PR£)ViIDING PENALTIES FOR THE VlOLA. TION HEREOF; AND REPEAL- ING ORDINANCE NO. 14.58. NOW THEREFORE BE IT OR. DAINE.D BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section 1. No person :within the corporate limits 01 this City sball wilfully disturb the peace and quiet 011' others by loud or exces. give noise, violent or obstreperous conduct calculated to pro"oke a breach 011' the peace. Section 2. No person witmn the corpora-te limits 01 this City shall suffer or peNJlit in ;my. house or upon any premises owned, OCICU' pied, possessed or controlled by him any hallooing, quarrelling, fighting or unosually loud or e". cessive noise in such a manner ca1culætedto provoke a breach of the peace 011' others, or tlhe public quiet 01 the neighborhood. Section 3. No person within the corporate limits of this City shall enga.ge in a fight with another, or assault, strike, or attempt to assault or strike ano1her, or in. me or defy another peraon to fight or quarrel. Section 4. No person within the corporate limits 011' this City shæll disturb or iDtermpt any public meeting or laWlfiW. assemblage 01 persons by violent or ohstrepeoous conduclt, or by making unusually loud or excessi"e noise the iDtent 011' wrooh is to be disruptive or to provoIœ a breach 011' the peace. Section 5. No person within the corporate limits of this City shan ring or sound any bell, auction bell, gong, or similar device upon the streets <>r aileys :witmn the City, or in front 011' any place 01 business or dwelling house, or upon any vehicle fio¡r the purpose 011' advertising any auction or other sale or event, in an offensi"e or unnecessary manner so as to dis- turb the peace 01 others. Saction 6. No person within the corporæte limits 01 this City shall resist or obst1'l1ct, or in any way interfere wi1!l any poNce o!Ificer, ()r member 01 the fire depart. ment in 1I1e performance 0/' anY official duty. Section 7. Any person who vio. lates ¡my 011' the provisions hereol shan, UiJOn CODVictiOD. be puniolled by a fine DOt to e"ceed One Hun. dred .Dollars ($100.00) or impri. sonment DOt to exceed thirty (30) days. Section 8. II any rule, section or part 011' this Ordinance shall be held to be invalid or uncon. stitutional by ;my rourt 011' com- Special Session, November 7, 1973 581 potent jurisdiction, such invalid. ity or unconstitutionality sball not affect the validity 01 the remain- ing pa"ts 01 this Ordinance, and the Oity Oouncil 01 the City of Duboque hereby declares that ii would have passed the remaining parts 01 this Ordinance if it had known that such part or parts hereol would be declared uncon. stitutional or illegal. Section 9. Tbis Ordinance being deémed urgent and in the interest of pUblic peace, health, safety and con"euience, sball be in lorce and eilfect lrom and after its final pas. sage and adoption by the City Oonncil and Publication as pro- vided by law. Section 10. Ordinance No. 14.58 is hereby repealed. Passed, approved and adopted this '11th day 01 No"ember, 1973 Joseph J. BItter Mayor Walter A. Pregler Wayne A. Moldenhauer C. Robert Justmann AIIm T. Tboms Oouncilmen A TrEST: Leo F. From.mei1t City Clerk Published officially in the Tele. graph Herald Newspaper this 13th day 011' November, 1973. Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk It. 11"13 OouncilmanPregler moved final adoption of 1he Ordinance. Second- ed by Oouncilman Moldenhauer. Oarried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pi"egler, TOOms. Nays-None. There being no further bus.iness Oouncilman Pregler moved to ad. journ. Seconded by Councilman Tboms. Carried by the followiog vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Oouncilmen Justmano, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nays-None. Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Appro"ed .................................. 1974. Adopted .................................... 1974. ""","""""""""""""""""""""""""'" ........................................,................... ",,"""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ............................................................ Councilmen Attest: """"'ëïiÿ'Ci~~k""""""""""'" 582 Special Session, November 13, 1973 CITY COUNCIL I OFFICIAL Spacial sMslon, Novem,ber 13, 1973. Council met at 4:30 P.M. (C.S.T.) Present - Mayor Bitter, Coun. cllmen Justmann, Moldenhauer, Preglar, Thoms. City Manager Gil. bert D. Chavenelle. Mayor Bitter read the call and sta.ted that ser-.r;.,e .thereol had been duly made and this meeting is called for the purpose 01 ac. cepting the canvass of the regular election for Councilmen arxl Park Commissioner held' on November 6, 1973, from the County Board of Supervisors, and acting upon such other business as may pro- perly come before a regular meet- ing 01 the Oonncil. P,roof of Puoblication, certified to by the Publisher, of Sample Ballot 011' the Regnlar Municipal election held on November 6, 1973 for Councilmen and Park Commis- sioner, presented and read. Mayor Bitter moved that the prOof of publication be received and filed. I Seconded by OonncUm'an Pregler. Carried by the following "ate: Yea5-'Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. 'Nays-None. Prool 01 Publication, certified to by tlhe Publisher, of N\:>tice 01 Elec. tion on the adoption 01 a public meaoure to remodel the City Hall and contract indebtedness not ex- ceeding $560,000 and issue bonds, Pi"0sented and read. Mayor Bitter moved that the poood' of puobtiea. tion be received and filed. Second- ed by Councilman Pregler. Oar- ried by the folloWÙlg vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Oouncilmen Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nays-None. DUBUQUE COUNTY AUDITOR MUNICIPAL GENERAL ELECTIONS HELD NOVEMBER 6, 1973 SectioDS 50.24, 50.27, 50.28, 50.29; Chapters :¡g.,5'3; Chapter 363 I, Harold P. Meloy, .Dubuque Oounty Auditor and Commissioner of Elections, do hereby certify that I on Tuesday, the 6ih da'y of No- vember, 1973, munkipal elections were held for each 01 the cities of the county and the city here- mafter specified and further certify as lollows, to.wit: 1. The canvass of said elections were held "t 9:00 A.,M. nn Mon. day, the 12th day 011' No"ember, 1973, by the County Board 011' Suo pervisors In their office at the Oounty Court Ho1¡se; 2. Tha,t the decla....tion 011' elec. tion hereinbelow set...ut 01 whom the canva~sers hereby deteNlline to be elected; 3. That the original tallý. lists from the various cities and the city herew helow specified shall be deti"ered to the Coonty Com. missioner 01 Elect.ioDS for filmg and recording in the election book 01 said Oommissioner and same is hereby declared certified; 4. That election cel1tific"tes sball be delivered to each 011' the per- sons herein declared elected under the ouw,ial seal 01 the county, such certificate being presumptive evi- dence 01 his electi<>n and qualifi. cations. CITY OF DUBUQUE FOR MAYOR (not applicable) FOR CITY COUNCIL James E. Bmdy Alvin E. Lundh Emil Stadds FOR PARK COMMISSION Frederick R. Appel FOR TREASURER (not applicæble) CITY HALL BOND PJl.OPOSITION OR QUESTIDN Yes, 4,008 mtes; No, 5,5412 votes, Proposition Defeated Cel1tified; Harold P. Meroy County Auditor Commissioner 011' Elec. tions Attest: Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Mayor Bitter mo"ed tI1IIt the communication be rec.."ed and made a matter 01 record. Seconded by Cooneilma:n Moldenhauer. Car. ried by the loUowing vote: Yea,s-.Mayor Bitter, Oouncilmen Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nays-None. Oouncilman Pregler moved that the rules be suspended in order to let anyone present address the Special Session, November 13, 1973 Oounci1 if they so desire. Second- ed by Mayor Bitter. Oarried by the follDwing vote: Yeas-.Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pi"egler, Thoms. NaYs-iNone. Attorney Wm. Fuerste, repre- senting Roger RDmmel, who owns the property "t the corner of J.F.K. and Asbury, who intends to con. struct a restaurant on the pro- perty, addressed the Coun,,;l by requesting the issuance of a build- ing permii from the Building Com- missioner. Mr. Fuerste recited the pertinent sections from the Zoning Ord1nance covering the issuance 011' building permits and slated that the Building Commissioner in this ease is being stopped from doing his lawful duty. AU they want to do is to run a res!aW'an,t as al. lowed under Article "A" of the ZoDing Ordinance. Mr. Eldon Weidenbacher, a, near- by resident to the property, ob- jected to the construction of a Drive-In restaurant. He did state that the lesser 01 two evils would be a sit-down restaur8lllt, how.....er he still objected to the odor prob- lem coming from any type res- taurant. Mr. Ambrose Herkes of 3275 As. bury objected on tbe basis that the traffic would be uncoDltroll. ahle. He was of the opinion that it would n<>t be a sit-down res. taurant, and strongly objected to any type restaurant, on the par- ticula!1' corner in question. Mr. Gene PotJIs, a neig.hhor adjacent to Team Electronics, was con. cerned "bout the safety of chil- dren, and strong consideration shonld be gi"en to the safety to all hoth children and adults in I the ar"". Councilman Thoms moved that the IUies be re.instated. Seconded by Oonncilman Moldenhauer. Car. ried by the lollowing vole: Yea5-'Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Juslmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nays-None. 583 Councilman Pregler moved that tbe matter be referred to the City Mana,ger and staff for a report back to .the Council at the brieíf. ing session scheduled for Friday P.M. Nwember 16, 1973, and that the order issued to the City Clerk to publish notice 01 a public hear. ing on a proposed Ordinance amending tbe Zoning Ordinance reo pealing Section 1 of Article VA and enacting a new section in lieu ihereol to delete restaurants, cales and cafeternas as a permitted use within the Local Business District "A" Classification be rescinded. Seconded by M"yor Bitter. Oar- ried by the following vote: Yeas---Mayor Bitier, Councilmen Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nays-None. There being no further business Oooncilman Thoms moved to ad- journ. Seconded by Councilman Pregler. Oarried by the following vote: Yea'5-'Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nays-iNone. Leo F. Frommelt Oity Clerk Appro"ed .................................. 1974. Adopted .................................... 1974. """""""""'--..-.....-......................-.-........ """"""........-....-............-....--.......-..-... """""""""'-""-'-..-..-.......-..-.............. """""""""'-"""-"""'-""""......-................. """"'."""-""""""""""""'ëöïiïiõiïïiiëiï'" Attest: """"""""""""'ëitÿ"ëï;;t"" 584 Special Session, November 19, 1973 CITY COUNCIL OF,FICIAL Speciel session, November 19, 1973. Council met at 7:30 P.M. (C.S.T.) Present - Mayor Bittar, Coun- cilmen Juatmann, Moldenhauow, Pregler, Thoms. City Ma...ger GO- bert D. Chaveneile. Mayor Bitter read tile call and sta,ted that ser\fice therecd' bad ,been duly made and !his meeting is caMed for the purpose 01 con- ducting a public hearing 10 con- sider authorizing proposed agree- ments for purcha.. of Urban Ra- newal land to R & S Enterpri..s, and ""ling upon sucb other busi. ness as may properly come be- lore a regular meeting 011' the Coun- cil. Communication of Playground & Recreation Commission submitting minutes 01 their meeting 011' No- vember 5, 1973, presented" n d read. Mayor Bitter moved that the communication be recei"ed and IDed. Seconded ,by Councilman Mol. denhauer. Carried by the following vote: Yea".....MayorBitter, OonncUmen Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. iNays-None. {)ommunication of Chamber 01 Commerce being resolved that the three gO\fernmental units sbould consider and Brody their slrueture before making any decisions on bow to permanen~bouse them, to determine long range needs and ex..mme all separate 'buildings, a campus plan, a joint administra. tive building or any other pro. posal that may be authorized by Cbalpter 28 ('E,)Oode 01 lowa, pre. sented and read. Councilman Woms moved that the communication be ...retted to the ind'ormal meeting scheduled for November 27til. Seconded by {)oun. cUm-an ,Pregler. Carried by the lollowm,g ""te: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Justma"", Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nays-None. {)ommuniemon 011' Yootil Ser. vices sul>m1ttin¡g the "æme of Wi[. tiara lJandon Jr. as an appiOOant to tileir Board 011' Directors, pre- ,seDlted aoo read. Oounellman PreIg. ler moved that the communli<!... tion be referred to the Oooncil. Seconded by Oounci[man J II S, to mann. Oarried by the ton<>:wing v<>le : Yea,s-OO:"yor Bitter, Oonnci.!anen Justma...., Moildeilihauer, Pregiler, Thoms. N..ys-iNone. ',OommUDJication of .Dubuque Transit 'l1ruslee Board Slta!.iJl¡g that their fuel afuJltment wm be øur- tailed and requesting a meeti<lg :witil the C<>uncil to disooss budget as to present and prewious qpe- rwons, preseI1lted -and read. Mayor Bitter moved that the e<>IDJ1I1I]IIIÎ- cation be l'eIC<!IWed aoo IDed -and that the Pouncil meet with tlhe Board on Monday ewening, N"".",. her 2ÐIh and the meetin¡g be scb.,. dUJIed fio¡r seven O'clock P.M. Se- conded by {)ouncmman Pre¡gle.r. (Jarried by the follKJiwing ,,<>te: Yeæs~",yor Bitter, Oouncilmen Justmann, Moldenhauer, Preg¡ler, Thoms. Na)'s-iNooe. Commuœcation af State Auœtor Smith subIl1litting oopy 011' Audit Report of the ma!ior Dis!aster OIaim SllbmirtJted ~ 10, 1Q'1II, beiIIIg the b~ance due in the amount 011' $5,00:1.&, presented and read. Ma. yor Bitter m""ed that the com- munication be receiJved and fiied. seconded ,by OonnciIman Preg¡ler . OaNied by the foJnowdog vote: Yeas-<Mayor Biitter, PouneUmen Juol:maoo, Moldenhauer, Pregl!er, Thoms. Nays-iNone. N<>vember 2, 1Q'1II To the Hon<>rab1e Mayor and Members 011' the Oity {)ounci! In ~ance witil the provœ.ions 011' Chapter 31!5 011' the 1Q'1II Oode of Iowa, the Civil!. Service Com. mission oondueled eI1ItranlOO emmi. nations <>n Se¡>tember æ, flQ7I3, fio¡r )O<IÎtioos 00 the Police Depart- meI1lt. The Mlclwing named a¡ppIiœnJts hawe 1'....00 both the written and physieæl e"aminatious and are hereby œrtiJfied fio¡r "R"OmtmeI1lt. lliedricl1, Timothy R. ....--.....m.S!'" Rehak,Th<>mas IF. .._m.......---m...BO% Gerard B. Noonan Chairman lJouis F. E1au/Jsch MMIVin A. V,anSicirle (JjJVÜ Service OommiS<IÎ<>n Special Session, November 19, 1973 585 Attest: iLea F. Frommelit 0Ierk - and sworn 10 bef<>re me this 6th day 011' Nowember, mil. Jolin F- Notary Public .!I[,ayw Bitter moved lIbat the communieatioo be received and made a, matter 011' record. Seicond" ed by Oou_an Preg¡ler. Oarried by the fol!Olwing v<>1e : Yeas~,ayor Bitter, Oounci!men J<>stmann, MlJIldeilihauer, Preg¡ler, Thoms. NaèYS-iNone. November 2, 1&7B To the Honorable Mayor and Members of the Oity {)ounci[ iIn acoordance IWlÌtil the prow- &ions 011' Ohapter 31!5 of the Oode 011' rOl\\1a, the Oi..-i[ Se1wice Oom. rni&si<>n condUJClled eI1Itrance ex¡a. minati<>us on September 19, 1&7B fio¡r positions on the Fire De¡part- mont. The fo1OOIwing named person ""'" passed both the written and ~. sWaI ""amdootious and is herelby œrti£ied for appoin\.meI1lt. Weidemann, Michael A. ....--mÆ% ,Geraro B. Noonan Chairman Loois F. E1autscl1 MarVin A. V,anBickie iOiwil Se1'Ivjœ Oomm>osi<>n Attest: iLea F. Frommelt Oled< SuIbseribed and """""" 10 before me this 6th day 011' N<Wember, 1003. John E1angm,æn Notary .Public Mayor - ID<>ved that the communication be received and fiied and made ,8 matter of re- cord. Seconded by Councilinan Pregiler. Carried by the foßOIWing v<>le: Yeas-Mayw' Bitter, Councilmen Justmann, l\Ioldenbauer, Preg¡ler, Thoms. Nay&-Nooe. November 5, 111173 The H'ooorable Mayor and lMembers 011' the City {)ouncii In accordanœ - the pl'O\'Ô5'ions oil' Ohapter 31!5 011' the I1Ø73 Code of [ØwB, the Civil!. Service Coon- ....S<lÎon conducted Bus DrilVer em- minations <>n October 9, 197B. The lollowing named appOOanta have JIIIJSsed the _itten eJ<a,mina. lions and are hereby œrti1!ied tor appoiDltment. Kimplle, Jonætl1an 1M. .....--------- Heribst, Gar~ Alan .....................- Nauman, R","",M D. .....-----........90% Halberlrorn, J,ames J. ..........m..Æ% Stewart, Terryi E. .....................- Schmitt, John C. ....-......-....--...--Æ% Cal1pOI1iter, R.tcbard L. .m--........II4/J(, {)ox, .David L. ................................II4/J(, !lope, .DonaM J. ...................---......II4/J(, Darling, l><>naid A. --------..--mm_- Gerard B. Noonan Chainman lJouòs F. F1au1Jsd1 MU'V\ÌI1 A. VæJSid<Je Oivil!. ~ce C<>mmiSlSiion Attest: iLea F. ,Firommelit Olerk S-- and swwn to before me tms 6th da¡y of N<>veJIIIher, 11B13. John E1a~an N<>tary PuiJlJic M'ayor Bitter moved that the oommtmieatinn be received and filed and made a m'atter 011' re- cord. Seconded by {)o1HlCit.man Pregiler. Carried by tlhe fu8o!win¡g vote: Yeas-M'ayor Bitter ,Councilmen Juslmaoo, Moldenhauer, Pregier, Thoms. Nays-iNone. November 15, :urm Honorwb1e lMayor aoo City Counci[ l herewitil sUbmit the reports 011' the Olty Auœtor, Oity Thea- s u r e r, Water SupenintendeDlt, Hea,lth iDepartmeDlt, ,as \fJØU a. a I.ist of claims paid, tor the IIlOIIÖI 011' October il97II. Gßbent !D. Oha'\'eneJ!e City Manager .!I['ayor Bitter moved ,that the re- pont¡s be recei'\'edand -. Se- conded by {)otmoo.man Pre¡gIler. C..ried by the folillowlin¡gv<>le: Yeas-M,ayorBitter, Cooncilmen Juslmaoo, Moldenhauer, Pre,gier, Thoms. Nays-None. November 16, 11!173 To the Honorable Mayor and ,Members of the Oi-ty Council [ ha'\'e ,approved the foIllowing ,bond and poIIiciesand - your awrovat of same. 586 Special Session, November 19; 1973 SI,DEWALK CONSTRUCTION BOND J'ames M. Hennessy, Mercl>ants Mutua! B<>nding 00., November l, :l97ß. GENE'RAL LlABI,LITY POLICI-ES Harold Mold< ~., d,J¡.,a Moldt Eliectric Service & Lighting, M,aintenance. AMP Nicy No. oosœs American States Insurance Workmens Oomp. Po1roy No. we , W4-IIOO {)omprehen.ive Cat&strophe Li..bi. -lity Pol. No. '\)OL 00$,'m Gi~bert.Dc Cha"eneMe City :M'aooger Mayor Bitter moved lihat the bond ,and ,pooticies be BŒ>proved ..,¡,.. jeot to æppoov,al 0If the CityAJt. torney. Seconded by Oonncilman PrE\g,ler. Carried by the foJloowing v<>te: . 'Yeas--<Mayor Bitter, {)ounctlmeo Juslmano, Moldenhauer, PreglN, Thoms. Na,ys-None. November J.6, 1971! Honorai>le Mayor and' OounciR.men The City 0If Dulbuque P!1annmg and' Zoning Commtssion has re- viewedlihe petition 011' Mr. Fl'an. cis P. -~aymond requesting va~,a. don of a "croSOlWadk" abutting bis property "",,,00 is described a,s Lot l 0If Sub 011' Lot 7 ,and Lot 2 0If Lot 8 in Dubuque Homes Subdti. visioo No.2 and Iooated ,at iI.Øl Cherokee .DriJVe in tile City 0If .Du. buque; ,Iowa. ms request i& 1for the vaeation 0If pro¡perty 10 feet wide and 'IIIPProxim'ately 325 feet in deptl1 .wocb -aa.sowbottB )IOO- perty deooribed ,a. ,Lot 2 0If SuI> od'Lot 5 and Lot 1 011' Lot 6 011' Dubuque H<>mes Subdiviodon No. 2, located at :I2ß Cherokee nri"e and owned by Mr. .Donwld J. Gal. fiart who has g¡""" written co.... currence to Mr. Raymond'. pe- tition. The Commi.osi<>n ha. determined that the ,al>ove described pr<:>perty serves no present or forseealJlle need as a "e""""",,a-lk" -and ha-s no objections to its "acation. CITY PiLANlNlNG ANn ZONIING ~ Daniel Dittemore . íDevel1opmeI1lt P1anoer Oounciman pregler ~ tilalt the communieatioo be rei!erred to tile ,Manager ,and Sltaiðf. Seconded ,by -Oouncilman Thoms. Carried ~ tile fOOlO\Ving ""te: Yeas--<Ma~r Bitter, Oouneillmen JuSlimænn, ,Moldeilihauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nays-,None. Novemlber 16, :l97ß Honorable ,Mayor and Oouncilmen The City 0If Dubuque l'iaIlDiing and Zoning Commi..i<>o has, re- viewed the petition 011' Mr. John Zurooer -requesW¡g "aeation 0If a platted alley ,abutting big ~ ,at 21>40 M,arquette P1ace in the City 0If .Dubuque, ICll'l'a. The {)ommssion has determined that this adley serves no present or f<mseeal>le p_e, as a pubiUc thoroughfare,and has recommend- ed that the adley ,be -"aeated slJib.. jeet to àppoopriateag¡reemeI1lt with adij,acent property owners , CITY iPLANlNiliNG ANn ZOiNIJINIG OOl\fMJlSSI()N naniel Dittemore J)evelOlpmeI1lt Planner ,Oouncilman 'P~r moved that the communication be relfarred to the Mana,ger and Sltaiðf. Seconded by {)ouncilinan Il'lrom.. Parried by the following "ote: Yeas-,ayor Bitter, {)oundlmen Jus,tn>ann, MOI1deIlihauer, Pt'egiler, Thoms. Nays-iNone. {)ommunication 0If ,A,ssistaDlt Oity Mana,ger concurring with-the idea of reducing the time of parIWIg meters 00 both sides of Ulth <Itreet between Oentr&l A"e. & Iowa Street from ~ hours to one h<>ur and increasing the ~ate to 10< per hour, ,and ,aiJso recommending that the siJOtoon ten h<>ur meters in tile pamng I<>t <>0. tlhe south side 011' City Hall not be reduced to one hour meters, presented and read. {)ouncilman Thoms m<>ved that the Cil3' Manager prepare proper Qrdinanœ. Seconded by M:wor Bitter. Carried by the fo1- lowi.,g ""te: Ye~ayor Bitter, Oouncümen Justmann, ,Moldeilihauer, pregler, Tho-. N,ays-iNooe. Communication of Walsh Stores being of. the apinioo that no me- teroad¡jaœnt -to i>.u~ shopping ,areas sboUJId be Jon¡ger -than one 'hoar, more "lpedJfica!iy the meters boated on 'Iowa Street I>etIween Special Session, November 19, 1973 I1.1th and '1.~til and on lOOl between of a sew>er bacl<u¡p in the base. Oentral and White and meters on ment 011' his home. ,Oentral Avenue, presented and - This mailer was re:erred to the read. Oouncmman , )homs m<wed . a-ppropriate City Agency who bas that ,the. c<>m. mtmic.ation be receiJV' made an investiigatioo. thereof. and ed and filed. Seconded by Mayor reported by lelter to this office ailter. Carried by the foßowing of no Ha,bility on the part of the vote: City and in view of the forego!n¡g, Yeas~lIfayorBitter, {)oun~ilm';n it is the recommendation 01 the Ju.tmann, Molœnhauer, Preg[er, City Attomey that said e1aim be Thoms. denJed. l\Ia,ys-None. Original cIllrim is returned here- October 311, 1973 with. H=able . Mayor and City {)ouncp On October 1IL, J197ß, .Don J. M,an. ders of >4B100ßege Street filed elaim ag,:Ünst the Qi.ty of .Dubuque in the amount 011' $3D.00 and a:\Ieg. ing said dama,ges ooeurTed on ()e. lobar ~O, 1971!, as the resUJIt 011' his striking tile jagged edges 01 a brollen standard 011' a street sign as ,the claimant was entering a serviœstation on the northwesl còrner' ofl4th-and Oentral Avenue. This matter was reierred to the City Attorney M'ho ha. investigated same and bas conferred >With the Street .Department 011' the Cil3' 0If Dubuque and witil the claimant. Said claimant has made an oMer 011' ...ltlement of "aid claim in the -amount 011' $L5.ooand in view of the fio¡re¡going, it i. the recom- mendation that said oMer of settle- ment be- accepted, ,and that the City Auditor be tn..troeted to draw _warrant pa~able to '.Don J. Man- ders iri the amount (}if $15.00 and transmit s,ame to the City Attor. ney fur deli-very IJ )OI1recejpt 011' duly executed releases. ()riginai claim i. ....turned heire- with. R. N. Russo Oity «\ittorney Oonndlm'an Juslmann moved ap- pt'O\'al 0If tbe recommenda-tion. Se- :coOOed by lOou.neilman Molldenhau- "'". Carried by the loUowing vote: Ye8J&-'Mayor Bitter, Oouncitmen Justmaoo, :Moldenhauer, pregœr, 'Th<>ms. N~None. Noverul>er ~, 1973 H<>noral>le Mayor and Oity Oooncil On Oct<>ber 12, :1JII7ß, Çball'ies P. Cox 011' 0070 St. Anne Drive, filed claim .a¡gaIDst the City 011' nubuque in the amount 0If $J¡!S.68and al. leging -said damages occurred on ßeptembar 16, 19111 as the result 587 R. N. Russo Ciiy Attorney Oouncilman Jus,imannrnoved BŒ>' ,provo! 011' the recomniendati<>o. Se- conded by lOouncj,\man Moldenhau. er. Carried by the following vote: Yeas_a~r Bitter, {)ouncilmen Justmann, MokJenhauer, PreglN, ThOIDlS. N'ays-Nooo. Noveanber8,19'13 Honor,able Mayor and City {)ouncii ' On iAugusl 21, 1973, Richard V. Hamel; et ai, &S plaintiffs, com. menced ,an action agaiast the City of !Dubuque, Iowa and Donald Ban. dy, Building Commissioner, in. the District Court 011' !Dubuque {)olÍnty, Iowa bearing ,Equity No. sæ4O and said aetion being a petition fur ,M'andamus ,to cam¡pe\ the i...usance of a buildia1;g j>ermit 00' the Plain. ilifs . The building permit 'sougllt for the ÙJeation of 'a resta-urant fa. ci¡¡'ty on Lot A 0If Block æ of Key Enolls Su:bdiJVi<;ion in the City 011' Dubuque, iIowa. The building permit requested was denied by the ',BuiJ<ljngCom" ~ioner at the ðire<>tion and ..,. quest 011' the City iEngioeer'. 011" flce .uI1Itß ",me contending mat'- bet\reenthe parties were resolwed, priIlCipally .. relatin¡g-toa matter 011' -tJweIve foot ri¡gIl'l..Olf-<wayacqui. silion. The ma,tter -was relfèrred 00 the Oity Attorhey ...hoprepared -the necess,ai¡y defenses thereto and in the course 011' the negotiations be;- tween the parties' it appé.... that the di«erences between the 0i13' Engineer's ofifice and the Plain- ti'llfs ha,ve been resolved to' the satis£aooon of the Oity ¡Engiáleer'. <JIfIfice, and a,=rdingl¡y, the plai.... tifd's dismissed theiracli<>n at Plain. tills' costs on September 20, 1&73. 588 Special Session, November 19, 1973 iID ..;ew of the foregoing, and I ""thing further belnØ required of the City Attorney's oßfice, this mat- ter is considered roncluded and I am ret;ornilJg herewitila roPY of Original iNotiee with Petil.ion attached. R. N. 'RUSSO CIty åttorney (Jounci!;Iœn Justm..... moved that the communication be .....,.,;,V. edand fiiOO. SeCOnded by 00- ci[.man Thoms. Carried by the lid. lOwing vote: Ye........Mayor Bitter, {)ouncilmen J ""\.ma",,,MoIdenhauer , p,.,.gIer , Tho.ms. iN"'YIS-iNone. !Notice 011' cIIlrim of IIJemafd J. s;hireman, in the am<>un< of $!I!8.Il3, for "ar damage ïooUrred wbHe in tlhe process of uniJOadinl! remse -at the Oiity 1andEiJi on September iI5, 100II, presented and read. Ma~r Bitter moved that the notiee 011' claim be referred to the City Soli. citor fur ~Ii<>" and report. SecOOded by OounciJ,mæn Molden. hauer. oarried by ,the lo!DøWÏI>l! vote: Ye........Mayor mtter, C<>unwmen Justmann, ~uer, PrePer, ThomS . iN,ays-iNone. Notice of claim of ~e P. ZUnI' haf, in the ,æm<>unt of $(16.46, for ear damage in<>~ as the re- sUJIt of sI;.riking " water byœant, acroso from iI.tœ Delhi Street, ()Il ()ctober r!Ií, 19711, preseI1ltedand read. Mayor Bitter mo"ed that the notiee of claim be referred to the Oit)' Solicitor for investigation and rep>rt. Seconded ,by ¡(JouDci!.man !Moldenhauer. Oarried by tbe ~ lowing vote: y~ayor Bitter, ~men Jœtmann, \Moldenhauer, Pre#er, Thoms . Na~""'" NI<>ti<:e of Suit of J,ænet K. Me- te1ak, in tbe am<>un< of $00,000 for personai inliuries received in a IfæJll on a def¡ecti.... sidewalk ..t 25180 Glenview Oircle <>n JUDe 3, 1001!, presented and read. (Mayor Bitter offi<>...oo that the notiee of suit be referred to the Oit)' S0li- citor for propel' aclion. Seconded by {)ouncl[man Moldenhauer. Car. ried by tbe foJIowing vote: Yeas-M'a~r Bitter, Councilmen J""tmann, MO'ldenhauer, ¡>regier, Thoms. Nay..-None. An Ordinance 'Fõooinfg and estab- js ¡in¡g monthiy permit lees to be iJaid by every persoli fim1 or 00'" p<>ration oPOfal.iIlll! a mill< plant and bringing iU1Io or sending inIto or recei,,;ng in the Oity of Du. buque, Iowa, miJk or mill< pr0- ducts and repealjng OrcJinance No. S2,'/C!, presented ,and read. 0<>01>- eNman pree!er m<>ved that the reading just bad be con"~ the fir>sl reading 011' the Ordinanœ. Se- conded by Mayor Bitter. Carried by the fallowing vote: Yeas-OO:ayor Bitter, ~en Jus-, lMo!denI>auer, ¡pre¡¡!er, Thoms. - Na:Yl8-iNone. iOounciilman preg¡ler mo"ed that the ruJe requiring an Qrdinanœ to ,be read OIl three _rate da:Y18 be wailved. Seconded I>y M~ Bitter. ,Carried by the ~ ""te: Ye........Mayor Bitter, ()ouJJclrnen Justmann, .M<Ji\denhauer, P~, Thoms. Niays-iNone. {)o1J1lciWan ¡pre¡gi.er m<>ved that the proposed ()r(ti!>a:Iree be set aside for ~er consideraöoo - ill tile Oouncil meeting of iN<>"""" ber 00th. Seconded by !Mayor Bit- ter. Carried by the fußi()IWiÎng ""te: Ye......-Mayor Bitter, <JounciI.men Justmann, Moldenhauer, Preig1er, Th<>ms. Nays-iNone. An Ordinance amending Qrdi. naniee !No. 33-<49, kn<JiWn as the Thd- fie {)ode of the CIty of Dubuque, fuWa' by ~ "ul:>seC'lion æ 011' ScheduØe ÐV therecd' therelby re- -IIIO'IÔDI:the two b<>or time zone on uniJVer<lÎty Avenue !irom iJrving sIreet to Asbury Street, preseI1lted and read. Oounci!.man P r e II t e r moved tbM tlhe reading juot bad be comidered the first reading of the ()rdinaooo. Seconded by iMa~or Bitter. Oamed ,by the fo1!owiing ,,<>te: - Yeæ,......MO\Vor Bitter, CowJciDiInen Juslmann, M<>Idenhau.. , ~ , Thoms. Nays-iNone. Oc>undlman PreI!Øer moved 1I>at the .ure requiring an Ordiance to be read on three separate da~s Special Session, November 19, 1973 589 -be ,w,ai-ved. Seconded by Mayor BiJtter. iOairried by the follKJlwing rote: Y.,.,....,M-ayor Bitter, Oounci!men Jœtmann, MO'ldenhauer, Pugier, Th<>ms. Nay,s...-;None. Councilman ,Preg¡ler moved ibM the proposed Ordinance be set aside fio¡r further comideration un- til the Oounci[ meetilJ¡g of Novem- ber 26th. Seconded by IMayor Biit. ter. Carried by tbe fußioming v<>te: .yea,......M~ -Bitter, Co\UlJCÜmen Jœtmann, MoJdeni>auer, p~, ' Thoms. Nlays-iNone. An Ordinance amending Ordi. nan"" iNo. ~, knClWll> as -the Traf. fic Oode 011' the City od'Dubuque, I_, b,ý ~ .subsection æ of ~ VII ,ænd enacting a new subseclion æ 011 Scbedme Vii, in lien thereof to prohibit parioUJg on the s<>utIh ..de of Um""",ity Aweooe irom GiMiam street to a point lLor east of the !WeSt line 01 Au!bum sIreet and 00 the nortl1 side of U..."en;ity ~ from lm'as Blvd. to p_1"ama, oA...... nue, presented and read. {)ouooillman ~ moved that the reading jœt bad be considered the first reading 011' the Ordinance. Seconded by Mayor !Bitter. Car. ried by the fo1i<Jlwi¡ng w<>te: Yeas-<Mayor Bitter, Oouncfimen Juslmann. Mo!deilihauer, preg¡ler, Th<>ms. Nays-iNone. Oounctlmæn lI'reIgi.er moved that the rU1\e requiring an ()rd;n¡anœ to be read on three separate days be wai,ved. Seconded by !Mayor Bitter. Oarried by the foJrowing !VOte:' Yeas-Mayor Biitter, CounciiJmen Justmann, lMoIdenhauer, Pregler, ThmIllS. iN~one. Councilman ~er nwwed tbat the propœed Qrdinaooo be set aside fur furtber oonsiderwon un. 1Iilthe Oooooil meeting 011' N<>vem' ber æt:h. Se!ooI1ded ,by Ma~r Bit. ter. Carried by -the fo]hJIwing vote: Yeas-,MO\Vor Bitter, Oouncümen Jœtmann, !Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. ~a-y"...JNoœ. An Ordinance Ficrlng and eøtab- liJsbing J,ees fur the issuance of permits fur the' oper..tion of Food Ser,vœe E)staibliromeU1\s in the rny of .Dubuque, ~a; and re¡peæ!ing Ordinance No. 140-172, presented and read. Oouncüman Pre¡gIIer moved ü>at the reading ôœt bad be con- -sideredthe fiŒ1sl reading of the, Ordinance, Seconded by Mayor Blit. ter. Oa-rried ,by the fu!roming vote: Yeas-M'ayor !Bitter, Oooooilmen Justmann, Mok)enbauér, ~, Thoms. Na:Yl8,...<N<>ne. iOounciJ.man l're¡Øer mowed 1Jb¡at the nJle requiring an Ordinanci! to be read on three se¡parate dO\Vs -be 'Waived. Seconded by Mayor Bitter, Oatried by the folli>wini! vote: Yeas----.MO\VOf !Bitter, Oouœillmen Jul9tmann, Moldenhauer, PregILer, Th<>ms. Na~s~None. {)ouœi>mæn Œ'regIler moved 1I>at the pooposed Ordinis""" be .s e t a",ide fur further comideratinn un- til the Councü meeting 011' Novem. ber æth. Seconded by (MO\Vor-mt- tor. Carried by the foJikJlWing vote: Yeas-Maýor Bitter, Cowrllmen Justmann, Moldenhauer, ,Preg¡ler, Th<>ms. Nays-iNone. Petition 011' FondeJil & Sons' re- questing >ermissioo to excavJe in p~"auia Avenue at 3100 to make Water conn_OM, pre- sented and read. Mayor Bitter moved al'll'OO"aa 011' -the petition. Seconded by Oounellman MoJœn. bauer. Carried by the fol!owing vote: Yeæs---Ma~r Bitter, Councilmen Juslmann, !MO'l<ienbauer, lPre ler, Thoms . Na~s---None. Petition of IOIWIa Norfuwe- Deve1<J¡¡m1ent Oor¡poration request- in¡g permiæioo to in- street ¡;gbts in MOOr Oaks SuI>di"",i<>n, presented and read. Co~n Pregler moved ,ap¡¡>Im18À 011 the pe. tition subject toa¡pproval of the of the petition sulJiject to the ap- prov,al oIf the City Manager. sec. onded by M,æyor Bitter. Carried -by the 101l<JWing "ote: Yeas~a~or Bitter, Coonci1men Justmano, .M<Ji\denhauer, Pregler, 'l'hoims. Nays-None. !Petition of Robert L. Strohmeyer at al requeslti"g "No Parking" on one ..ide of Kiaulimann ¡A",enue be- tween Carter Road and iEJver¡green BOO Special Session, November 19, 1973 Special Session, November 19, 1973 591 V.,.....-M,a- iB--, 0mmdIim... .1_, Ifoldenl>auelr, PzegIer, Thoms. N..~. PeH~nM ~n~Food M'arltets ilnc. reques;;ng a- NIund 011' $100. on the un""l'h'ed porik>n 01 0Ies B - P- No. C. 1'IIM, ... tbey ""'e' - diseoalinaed buSlin- on No-"'or B, IØ, pre- seøtecl and reacl. ....,.,..1Ii«er m<Wed - the ..elu1!d be @ I'IIIIt.ed Bed the ~ iDSC!rU<lled ,â};.. sue -- ............t. I!eoònded. by O<Iund!man -....maUer. 0Rrried by the fofuw;ng vote: Ye..-M~r iBiJtte<', iØmmoIImen JUBt1na1ll1, MoIldeIlbaiJar, Pi'_r, 'fbotnI¡, Na~QIIe. Petilliœ> of. iBQbeIt P. iteII¡y. re- qu.eotù:lg .. l'8fÒÐd ell $50., iJII tbe ~ pmü... M.~ Li- ""'*' No. 3111 ... he bile tIj¡oc:o&. ÖIIW!d _meso.. 00 Ncwemt.oer, 3, 1008, ~"-I MIll _d. iM- _r .~ Uaat !be ~ he graat.ed ami ,1IIe ~ ..... pro- pel' . -.rant. SeccoIdect by eoun. emnan MoIdenhoUAlr. c.rr;ed by the fu1Wwing ..... : yeaoo-<Jtl"yor iBOtIer. ~ JutItmann, MoIdenba<Jer, ~, TboIll6. Na~. Proof 01 ~ eertiIiied tIo 'by the Publliib.et-, 01 DOIiœ of ileal" ing to COOIIiclør ..a.ol'ÎZÍll(l pro. posedagreemenls fio¡r purclaase d. Utban oReneWlal pr<JII8lty lit 11!5 0eI>tra( tIo R '" II ~ Inc. ~ aDd read. Nt> wri1ten <>1Ji ed.ioos ........ tiled and no <>I'M ~ were pre- sent at the time set for !he potik heaxinlg. ~ro,an p~ moved ftJat tile proof' of p1Jl!j]icalion be """""V- ed and tiled. Seconded by Ma¡or iBiIJIer. iOaJ'ried by !he fdIkjwlng vote: - Yeao-Mayw Bitter, 'OoIrodBmen J<uo&tm:ano, KoldeoheW>r, ~, ~. Nayo-Hoœ. IUiSOLUTION NO. 362.73 A~izing tbe Exec:uHon of a Con. treet for Sale of wnd for Private Redevelopm- WIth R & SEnter. "'*-; inc. ~, punnlantfJO JœMJID. tioo No. m-GII dMed 0cti0IIer 8, aø'1Ø and "' Nofu:e 01 p.- ŒJea<r. me p1Jlbtisbed m Œ'åe Tel~ .!bald, a n_r of general dJ'elJilati.oo in the iOity 01 .Dubuque, kfowo. on Octd>er 1&, iIØIB ,aDd Oc. W>ei' 23, 1irnI, C>W CouDcil met .... tbe19tÄ dllY 01 Nov_, IIØ13 at 7:30 0' qIod¡: l' M. Ceotral. Stan. daird . Ti.me. je IJhe . City iOouncil Chamber.. ~ iHaH, ¡Dubuque, Yo- ",a, to consider the pro )Ooad to dispose of the iI1lterest 01 the Ç¡ity 0If .Dubul¡u.e to !Jot 3 of BiIock 6, eJOœPI ÜIe NoNll ;\6 feet thereof and ~ the - 65 feet there- of; and Lot 1 of - 6 in Du. buque IJo<wnitoIwn ~""'a, also iwoIwn ao DiSlposòtioo Puœi 14A of the Downtown Urban 'ReneiW'aJl Projoot, løwa ~15, to R .. S Enterprises, ÚIC.; aDd 'IWIiEREAS, pMS1!ODt Ix> said re- sotI1ltion a ""'N 01 the RedeoeIlop. er's Statement fio¡r ~Iie iDisclo- æxeand' fa ""P'1 01 the proposed form cd' OoDItrac.( for Sare cd' \Land for PrilVate Redevelopment w. s placed on me in the od'ii~e 011' the City 0Ieri< for >IIIbJk impectioo ; and ~ IDe City OøI1Ireii cd' DUbuque, .w&, 0IWJHIIIhd ~ and ail object¡ìo..., ""at and wr'itIten, to 1Jhe IlO1IC!OS8l to ~ of oaM _lit « tile ~ cd' 1Dubuqœ in tbeaillo... ðesEribed real .- to R & S Enierpriae., 1Dc..; now Öleréore DE 1rl' lWSOLV!EID B,y 'NIiE C1'DY OOUNOllL OF '11B!E 01rl'Y OF D1JIBUlQUE. IOW<\.: Section 1. That the 1If.aym- and Oily iCIe* be and tIIey are bere. by MttIIoriœd to euIer jn¡to a Oon- tract for &aile 01 IAmd for Priv>ate Rede,,~ in """,""",ance with tbe ........ of. the -DispoaÖtiIm IJœu. - gur.oerlllÏD& oooIt oaIIe with Ii of; S. Dlterpriaes, IJ1c. for the real eat... - as Lot 3 cd' BJock 6, except the Nortll 15 Iieet IiIereai ad .....,pt the. South 65 teet Ibereof; MIll Løt 1 of BJoock 6 in Dulbuque IJOIwntolwn PiNa in the Ciity 011' .Dubuque, -. """.. tainil1g 1,!Ø,1ØI 1iI ,IW'e lieet, s..1>- jeet to SIU1"V~. -- 2. n.t ooic1 parcel 011' noai esœte oioaIIl be ookI for ..IiO per square iIIct .. a toIJal priœ .. $111,IØ.82 aUb;eet to £mat aur. 1IeY CIIf tile land to be -ere<!. _t, pæsent.ed and read. iJII",.,.. -.. m<>ved that the petiIioo be .-nod to 1be. City -111..,- and 'trllðc DeparIt.ment iœ' in.....uga. lion ...a _it. 6eøoodad by Coom- d\.mm )(¡o dmh¡ao'O!'. C&medby ibe to!&oIwing .. : y.......x"y<»' -, OouœSmen -, MaIcIeBI1- , Pregier , 'n-.. Nays-iNone. Petition of J<>oo AmeS et oil re- questing .~ of 1I1edley be- - .Rbomberg & IAnœ1n Awe. In 1ibe ...-- ImDdNd block, pre- ....a a'ndread. M~ BJ.0t« """,ell «tat 'IDe potitl"" be I'E&ned to -the Oity Mi_er ,and stJdf. ~ tJI)' fOoW d{""", :MokIen. baMr. 'Oarriellby 1!Je. fo!IIoov!ng vote: Yeas-<Mæyor --, CoonciIomen -"", Ma&cleIllhauer, Pft8Ier, 'Jboonu . N'-.-.-. Petition ell Key City In-eDIt Co. ~ annexatloo of w.aelCl1te.r lPIiaœ in Center Grove in Dubuque 'Dwp., preBeoJted and ....ad. J\lJayor æMter _...00 tINIt the petition be referred to tile PI!ano niDog and ZoDing Oommi..Wft. Se- conded' by ~ Preg¡ler. Çarried by the fJOl!ØwdDg vote: Ye".....,JllaYar :lUtter, Couooilmen JUlStlnann. iIok>ldeniha""", P<eeler, 'I'OOJ Js. N".I""-'~OO8. iPietition of OoII1'ad<1Jerr PIwIJb. ing and Heating [nc. requestiJlg ~ fJO -... "n JJF.K. Boad ~ iPeœJyl"""¡,. aW Wadœr Dri... presented ."d reacl. ~r Bitter mewed titat the po- Wi"" be .,roved. Secoodad by ~man Prfl8ier. 0ar1'ie4 ~ tbe !IJi1.IoW'.iJl¡ /Vote: Yeu-M~ Bi~, (Jouooiim~ 1""""" MoIdoonhaüer, l'NIf!ÌiO!l, 'I1Iooø. N.".~. ~on .. IftloJDllOOl"'" ],I'ood Morl<eIs lee. requestløg a refund of ~. Oft 1I1e uneqlired lI'CdO<m 011' cigarette IIœ-Nð. JIIB, ... ~ - ~ued ....- on Noooember ~, ØØJII, presenIied and read. M~r Bdtter _ved that 1ibe refund be gNlnted ,and 1be AudiWr -..red to - pr<JII0I' warrD. Seoonde<1 by <Ooun;c!lm'8ll MokJen. _uer. camed bJ ÙIe Io!IIOIwing -: P....oo, --ed aDd adapted thic; J9th ÒII\Y <If November, 19711. Joaeph J. Bitt« :HayoJ' WaiIter A. P.-èg~er Ailan T. 'lbomo WB)'1Ie A. Moldellhauer C. Robert .JUSltmmn Co~ Attest: Leo F. Frommelt CiQ' 0erII: ,o..eflman PuØer moved adop- tion of the ræGlUItion. Seconded by Oo~mm Thoms. Oarned by the foJlowing -: Yeas~ayor BiiI:ter, Oo.-ö1lllen .JnsImaDn, 1II<>kieJI8-. Pre¡¡\er, '1'10>"",. Nays--. NOftdIIIber J2, 1m To the HDnanlble M~,.,.. and Oity ()øuJIeil 'l1bis is 110 advise you thaIt 1be City 011' Dubuque 1ØIII Oonø'ete P a"ing with Init.eig1I1al CwI> Pro. jed No. 1, ~an<Mew Avenue from the S.¡P L. 011' Whelan Street to the S.IP L. 011' Delhi Street, has been ~eted in ,a~ ...th lIle Oity of Dubnqne pIa... and s¡pecilfuatinns. Y, therelfore, recommend the ac. ceptane<\ 011' the ..rove na,med pro. ject. GiJlbe1"!. D. Qha"eneUe City MIWaI(er CouneilmanPreeler IOOVed that lIle œromunieatinn be receirved and filed. Seconded by <M~ BiitW. Carried by the fioJ/owfug ,vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, OoUDCilmen J ""tmann, l\IokIenlIa.uer , Pregler, Thoms. Nays-iNoœ. FItMi. ESTIMATE ItE50LUTIOH NO. ¡Q.n ~, 4Ibe - far the CIty <>Í Dubuque - Co- PIlVi1C with 1øIe8rai {)orb 1'Nject No. 1 =doioew ÀWnUe from tbe S,¡P .L. of Wh- Street 110 the SoP L. <If -Delli - haø been eolb¡><leùd and IDe 0iI.y ~....... - .1IlmñtJt.ed Ins tiuaol esümate ~ the - thereolf iodudine the coot <If elÖmates, -, in. ~ ODd prepIIring .. ....eo. ment aDd 1>1... oow ~e, ,!!IE ]'l'RJEIiI()I,V,EID, by the Oity Council 011' the City of Dub_, 'IbaI the cost of Hid improve. ment is hereby de\emrined 10 be $300 ,oV/ß.sIí. 592 Lot 1-<1- of Mineral Lot ~ Lot 241- 011' Mineral <l»t 115, and the . East 'h 011' Lot & of Mineral Lot 115 (except the Northerlly 1lI5 feet thereof), in the ~ oil .Du. buque, [owa, is platted as iLoIs. 1-& iDciIusiIv'eand Lot 5A of West Hill S1Jb< ;visdon in the City 011' Dubuque, Iowa, by L. J. 90- 'as Owner there- of; and Whereas &aid plat bas been .".a- mined by tbe City P!1aooing and Zon;ng {)ommiOlSion and approved by .aid iJody; and Whereas U(X>n &aid plat awears a street m be known as Lo- Court and ,also easements lor pub- Me utiJlities M>iIicb tlleOMler upon .aid pilat bas dedic- in the pull>- tic forerer; and Whereas said plat bas been found by the City CoUIJd¡ ro conIform to the Statutes and Ordinances reo lating thereto exœpt that tbe .treets, ha"e n<>t been reduced m erade or pawing, sewer, ,,"ater or sid_aab instaUed therein; NOW rI1ImRÆIFORIE, BE ID' RIE- SOIiVlElD ~Y rmE 0lTl1Y OOUNKJIIL OF 'l1ÐiE Œ11Y OF !DUiBUQUIE, JIOiWIA : Section 1. That tile dedieailion 011' Lo- Court, together witil tbe easements for pubII¡ic utilities ùl as the same a-- ,upon said plat; be and the S'oIIIlc are hereby accepted 'and that &aid streets be and are herElby es1balisIled as pUlb- lie streets in the City oil Dubuque; Section 2. That the plat of Lot 1-<1- 011' Minel'ai Lot 45, Lot 241- od'M1nA>r,a{ Wt 45 and East 'h of Lot 6 of Mineral Lot 45 (eoœept the NOItbel1ly 1lI5 feet tbereolf) in the City 011' Dubuque, fulwa, and ,WhiOO wmi hereafter be knOIwID as iLotJs 1-,9 inclusive and Lot 5A 0;/ west Hill SubdiW>ion in the Oity of Dubuque, r"","", is hereby ap. proved and tbe ~r and Oiit¡y Cleri< .are hereby autilO11ized and direeted .m endor,se the ap p1'\)'\'Ol of the City of .Dubuque upon said plat providing the Owner 011' said property, hereinbefore "",med, ....,. cutes !Written accepIianœ hereto at- tadled, agreeing : 8. To reduce Lo- Court to grade as shown by the proiEiJles submitted with the plat. b. To suriace Loretfu Court lor a widtil 011' ~ feet with 8" Ro!Iled Special Session, November 19, 1973 Special Session, November 19, 1973 593 That $85,¡ ffl.æ 011' the cost tlhere- of sbaY be .......a!Jile upcn pri- vate propexty and $2ii1,œt.1Jß sbaIJ be paid troon tbe 'Road Use Ta" Fund of the City 0;/ nubuque. Passed, adc,pted 'and a¡pproved this 19th day oil November W13. Joseph J. Biitter J4Jayor W'alter A. Pregler Allan T. Thoms Wiayoe A. lIfo[denbauer C. Robert Justmann Oouncilmen tile oontraetor from the-. to ,be realized £rom the sale of Street lffiŒ>l'<>'V<'meI1it bonds issued upon the above described improvement in amouI1it equal to the amount of his contraet, 1.... any retained perceI1ltage ¡provided for therein. Passed, adopted andawooved this 19th day of November, W13. J<>seph J. Bitter Mayor WaIter A. Pregler Alli!an T. ThoIlJJS W¡ayne A. Mol_auer C. Rolrert JuOitmann Councilmen Attesl: Leo F. Frommelt CitY Oleri< AtJtest. {)ouncillJ)1'an Pregler moved aMp- Leo . F FooIJlllllel,t tion 011' the. resoIlution.. Seconded Oity aeri< by Mayor B<tIter. Oa.""ed by the {)Oundlman Pregler mo"ed adop- folOOwing .vote: lion 011' the resolDltinn Seconded Yeas_~r llitter, Conn_en by Oouncit.man Pre,gl';". Oarried Jwslmann, Moldenbauer, Pregl.er, by the fomowing vote: 'Ibo=. Yea&-<Ma~ iBitlter, Cooniciii.men Nays-None. Justmann Moldenl..uer Preg¡ler (A Resolution Accepting Thoms.' " Improvem- and ,Directing the Na~--None. Clerk to Publish Notice.) November 16, :!JJTS RESOLU'I'ION NO. 364.73 Honorable M'~r WllliERíElAS, tile coI1ltrwt for the and Oonncilanen Oity of . .Dubuque [9'73 Ooncrete The Oity 011' .Dubuque ~amñng Paovin¡g with fute,gríal 0urIb Pro- and Zoning ,Oommission hIllS' re- ject No. 1 G~andJvie!W Avenue m.m viOjWed the tinal ¡p1Jat 0;/ West Hill the S.P.I... 011' Whelan Street to Swbdi....ioo in the Oity of Dubu- the S.P.IL. <>If .Delhi Street ha.s been que, i!owa. The {)om_ion has completed ,and the City Maooger found that the plat conforms to ha& e"""mined the ",,1'1< and filed the a¡p¡>ooved preJiminary plat fio¡r his certioiicate stating that the same tmsaTea. h""been completed aecording to [t is the recommendation of the the term& 011' the contract, p]¡ans Com_ion. that tlhe ~at be ap- and S >CcifiJcations and recommends proved 'suJbjecl to the conditions its acœ¡ptJance, nOlW therefore, set fortlh ,by the City En¡gIineer BE ill' RJESOLViEID, by the Oity ill his, 'attad1ed Oetter 011' Novem. {)ouneil of the City of Dubuque, 'ber UI, J91II. that the recommendation of the 0L'l1Y PIUANNIIINIG AJN1D Oity Manager be approved and ZONll'NG ~ thiat said i.In¡pt'<wemeDlt be and the [)allliel Dittemore same is hereby aœepted and the iDevelqpmeDlt PJianner Oity Engineer be and is hereby ~man Pregler m<M!d that directed to prepare a plat and tile recommendatinn be rece>ved schedule shoowin¡g the lots or ¡par. and£illed. Seconded by Oouncilmian eels 011' rea{ estate aUlbject to a.. Juslnrann. Oarried by tbe fo.IJðwiJI¡¡ sessment for said impoovemeDlt vote: and file .the same in the oiI'ãce Ye_ayor Bitter, {)Ouooilmen of the City Cleri< subjoot to pub- Juaima"", Moldenbauer, Pregiler, ilic inspection and said 0lerI< shall Thoms. upon receipt 0;/ sud>. plat and sch... Na~-iNone. dule p<JibIllisI1 the n<>\ice 011' the 00- RESOLUTIOt! NO. w.n cil.'s intention to levy special a.. ,Re...lulion Awroving tho Plat of sessments therefor, .as required ,by 'Lots 1.9 Inclusive and Lot SA of i<aIw. West ,Hill Subdivmon, ell In tho ÐiE I!r ~ RiEJSOiIN'ED, I City of ,Dubuque, Iowa: thæt. the City ,!"",aaurer be and Wbereas"there ba8 been filed be '" hereby directed to pay Ix> with the Oity ,Oieri< a plat in wilidl: .., Stone Base, :!'AI" Aispbaltic 000- crete Surtface, and Standard <Jon- crete Corb 'and Gutlter. Ail 011' the furegmn¡g sihall be e<>nsttneted ae. oorœng to the 1- ,Oity 011' Du- buque s¡peciIfieatioJl\S. e. To iDOJl¡æß sddewallœ 00 both sides of Loret!o Oonrt in accor- danee with the Oity of iDubuque Standard apeci!!iœtions for Per,ma. nent Sidewalks. d. rro install ,,"ater mains in ac- cordance with the plans submitted ,with tms plat. e. To _alii sanitary seIwers and sl<>rm sew..... in accorda""" with plans &ubmitted -.ith this plat. f. To insball .the sanitary sewer and water house Jiaterads fio¡r each rot to be bebind the property line. g. To construet tile fio¡reg<>in¡g im- provements in acoordance willi plans and ~eations aw"",ed by the City Manager ,and under tile inspection 011' the Oity Eqineer. b. To maintain all street fun,. provements and sewer and .water mains fio¡r a ¡periOO 011' four (It) .years from date of its a~tanee. i. To coostruct &aid impro",," ments prior to November 30, JBM. j. To provide the fore.goin¡g ....... slructioo and maintenance at the ex¡pense 011' tile Owner. and fu<Itber provide that L. J. ScbHtrzas Owner of said Subdå- vioion secure the ¡>el'IIiol'mance 011' the fore,g1Oing ooootin... by pr0- viding security in such $UIDiO and with sudl sureties as -f be 01> œptalble in the aty M'aœger. Section 3. That in .the - L. J. - sihaJi! ~a;¡ Ix> execute the acce¡>tam:e ,and provide security provided lor in -on 2 hereof within forty..¡fii.... (115) cla)"S from the date oil this Resolutioo the >oovisions sbail be null and void and the acce¡>fJance 011' the dedica- tion and a¡p¡>ro\'al of the Plat sba!II not be e«ective. I\assed, adopted and approved by recorded roJiI call this 19th cliaiY 01 NO\'ember, 19'73. J""ÇIh J. Bitter iMiayor Walter A. Preg]er A1Ian T. Thoms Wayne A. Moldenbauer c. ,Robert Jusmnann Oounci1men Attest: Leo F. Frommelt 'City Clerk 59i Special Sèssion, November 19, 1973 Special Session, November 19, 1973 595 ACOE>PTANCE 'OF RESOLUTION NO. 365-n 'L.' J. Schiltz ha",ng read the term. and """ditiODS 011' the fore- goin¡gResolu- No. 3115-'II! and ,being faroilia. with the oon!enÚl thèreot, l1erooy aœ<Øs the same atNa¡g¡r- 10 þerfunn. the ccmdi- ö"n.stherein r"'luiftd. . L. J. SciJjb M'11EID N<>"ember 18, 19'Iß. Th: "LeaF. F'rommel1t Oity Clerk " This' is to cemœy !hat the se- ""'rity . pr<wided by the lo~ng RJES()ILUTl1K>N NO. _'II! has been fu,mished by the owner<. C,: Dated at' Dubtique, lmM,tms day 011' "....""""" 1973; Gilbert D. Cbawne]¡\e Oity Manaoger . CoundimaniPre@1er lOO'Ved aoop.- tiOÌlod' the """"Iution. Seeonded by CtIuílci1ffi'an Justffi'ann. Carried '!Jy fh<,folloWilig -: Yea'~Ma,yOr"Bitter, Oonnci\.men 3lli>tmann, MoRlenhauer, Pregler, Tlwms. , Nayi;---Nooe. c'OoWiei1ma'¡~t.. J,ames Br,ady '&ddressed the CounœLas being in objection to die Pf'1 )OSed resol... tion to improve the City Hall and "".sled tha< tl>ere shouid be time . to stndj the' pr~smon. Oounoo. man . e;ect AI: Lundh u1'lged. delay.. :.untH you find out what the build- 'ing is 'to be used !or. COOl1ciIman Pr~er m""ed that the resoll1l!iíon be tabled fiortwo 'weelos.-"JIfotion died fior Lack 011' ',a """""do , . NiEOE5SITY FOR IMPROVEMENT IlESOLUTION NO. 366.73 .' -_\lÆiAS, the Peoples aid "Nk)" ,on the issuaooe 011' bonds înthe -amount od'$fijO,OOO lor full .reno"",ti"'. od' ()it,» Hall, and -~, Mle are being oaMed upon to ron_r a1t<itIlate,. uses ~or Cit¥, Hall, aa weLl a's alter- nates fur houamg GIfð' Govern- ment, and, WIßER¡E¡\S, City Ha]¡\ doos not co~ . J!!i,\h the. SIMe or Iooal bu!Jdù1¡g co4es, and WiHl'lliEiAS, c:JoIJo>truction costs 're constæotly on the rise. NOW THEREFOU HE. ID' RE- SOLv;ED BY 'l1HE 0I"l'Y OOUNlCllL ...." OF 'l1HE CIl'YOF nUl8UQUE, IDIWå: Section 1. Tbat theOity 00UÐci! deems it ado!iSGliille. and ~ for the public weJ¡£are '" Un )""" Cit;y HaJj in complia..- 'lllith ØiIJaiIe and Jooa. building œ<leso Section 2. rIbat said i...,...e- ment of Cäy Hall sIuIli>e <loDe in acœrœ..... with .tIIe pI-- ,~ ~_ed¡'y the OilY En¡gineer, ,Wlbich are to be "!II> proved ,by the City ()oomcä, and that the cost of maöJ.g said - _ement maR be paid oat <if ,Revenue ShariJl« F'unds. !p......oo, adopted ,and _ved tlJia lIIth day of ~ 19i7B. J'ooeph J. Bitter -yor ~. Rdbert Jæim.."" Walter A..Pregler Wayne A. iMo1denbauer OmndImen CoImcilnum Thoms moved ado¡>- !iQa . of the resolution. Seconded by Mayor Ritter. Carried by !he Iollinring wœ: , YeBS-'-ld"",r .IIiit6,. Oouncilmen 110-, Pregler, TlDms. ,Na~eüman JWmaml. RESOLUTION NO. 368.73 ~a~ationsfurBe~ perIiIits. ha.>e been subnútted to this 'Connell fior appronl and the '~e ,lIave been examined; NOW . THEREFORE DE rr 1IIE. OOLV'EID by the City OoD1lCil 01 !he City 01 Dubuque, Iowa, tINlt !:he 1.QUoWing aJNIIica1ions be grant; edandpOil"IIlits i""ned upon tbe COffi'plianèe . with the terms of the ordfuances.of the CIty. CLASS/'C" BEER PERMIT :¡W... J(. iIJ¡arij¡g, ciba HaO'ti¡g .Drng Compall)', 700 Main, Town Clock PLaza Helen 1Il. Hartig, dba Hartig Drug ~y, III Locust Street Helen M. Hamg, dba Barti¡g J)ru¡g CompaJOY, 2255 .John F. Kennedy Road Heien M, Hartig, dba Hartig Drog Compan.y, 2225 C~àl Avenue .1 Passed, adopted and s.pproved. this 19th. ¡Jay od' rJo"e.mber 1973. .ToliØPh J. BlUer 1I[ay... . Wa1t~ A.Preg1er Allan T.' Thoms WayneA. Moldenhauer C. ROOett J_ann Oouncilmen AtteiÞt: Leo F. I"roll11lI1eJt City Olerl< 100unci~man. Moldenhauer moved adoption of the'resolutioD. Seœnd. ed by ,Ooun<ii[man J-ann. Oar. ried by the fiodIJowin¡g' vote: Yeas-Mayor Biitter, OOunellmeD Ju&tmann, Moldemauer, Pre¡gler. Na)'S--<CounociÆman Thoms. RESOLUTION NO. won BE rr RESOLVED by the City Council 011' the CÜ17 of 1>IIi>uIque. lowa, that thefullowing baYing com;>tiei with the proYiakmaof law . telatlDgtotJre sale of Ci- garettes within tbe City of Du. buque, Iowa, .be granted a pel'""t to sell Cigarettes and CigareUe P,¡¡,pers within s.ai4 City. lDwrie B. Smótb, db. 22Ðd Street TaIp,. 52l East 3'lnd Street Dol>ald E.. SiIJø,' cIba pøncleroaa Steak H"""", 2031} .JolIn. F. K..... ned¡y Roa<l BE U FURIlJIfER RESOLn'D that the iJoads" filed with the. ap- pÜc.mon lie app<W>ved. Passed, IIdaptøi and qI II9Yed this 19Ib day of Nov"""""'r 11113. JoøepItJ. BiJteI' Mayor Walter- A. 1Teg1er Allan T. Thoms W..,.... A. MoI1deultauer Councilmen Attest: Leo F. Foomime'l.t '. City Clerk C<>uncillnan Thoms mo"ed adop. W>n. of the resolutWn. Seconded by1l'Iayor Bitter. Carr.ied by the 10lWwing "ote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Oooncilmen .Ju1!tma"", Moldenhauer, Pregler, ~oms. NIIY"-iNone. RESOLUTION NO. 369-73 WHDIE"-S, appiiè8lions for Beer pem1ÜS were filed by the within named a>pplicau.ts and they ha"e received the _val 01 this Coun. cil; and WHEREAS, the premises to be oœalpted by sucl1_licants were inspected and - to comply with the ordinances of !his City and e>eyhave fited proper bonds; NOW THE:R.EFORE BE IT RE. SOLv:E1> by the City {)ouncil of Attest: Leo P. F1'o>mmtiIt City C1en: I the City 011' Dubuque, lowa, . that the Manager be autborized to cause to be issued to the foltowmg named appücants a B- pernill:. CLASS "C" BEER PERMIT. Helen M. Hartig, dba Hartig ~ Company, 700 Maw, ,ToQ ,Cl",* Piaza . JWea. M. Hartig, tU>aHa4'l'&Prug Company, 97 Locust Street Helen M. Hartig, <lba Ha!'1ig D""g Oompany, 2255 John F. Kennedy Road Helen M. Hartig, dba Ramg,Drog {)ompany, 2225 Ceutral Avenue P"""ed, adopted and epptm'ed 1!û. 19th day of No..emher lillI, Joseph J. Bitter Mayor Walter A. Pre!iler Allan T. Thoms Wayae A. Moldenbauer C. . Robert SustmalUro Oowleilmea AtteSt: Leo. F. FromIilèlt City' Clerk Còtmciliri,," Thð"'" movedadop.- tiOD . 011' the ..."...¡1uti",,; .Seeonded by Mayor BiUe<-. Carried by tbe follO'lring_: Ye.--MayorBitter, <JouøciImen Juòtmánn. MOldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. ' Nays-None. RESOLUTION NO. 310.73 WHEBEAS,a~tWn. for Li. quor U""",""" beve,been submitted to this Oouncil,ror appooval and the same ¡a"e heeD ""amined, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RE. SOLVED hy the City, Council 01 the ,City 011' Dubuque,. Iowa, that the following "PPlications be ap- proved and license. issued.- the compliance with U>e pro,,;sions of Chapter 131, Acts of The First Regular Session, 6&th General As- sænbly. . CLASS "C" (COMMERCIAL) BEER AND LIQUOR .LJCEJÌI$E Lowrie E. SmiIiI, d.ba .:¡: nd. Street Tap, 521 E. 22IId Street RapbaelW. Grant, dOO ~ Clùl>, 3OSO Asbory Road, . Passed, adopted and appoo"ed thi-s 191h day of N.,.,.,.".,.,.. 19'Iß. J<>Se >h J. IIItter Mayor WaXer A. Pregrer Allan T...." Tbonis Wayne A.Moldenhauer C. Robert JustmallJl Councilmen and eafeterlia in Locai Busin- "A" Business District Classilfiea- tion; and WŒmREiAS, the CiJty 00Imc:il of the Oity of Dubuque, -.. bas determined that sucl1 ordinæ>ce re- peaMÐtI the Zonång OrdiDance in question is 110 k>nger ÏÐdil>ated. NOW 11IIiEIRIEFORiE BIE Jrr BIE. SOLWX> BY 'l1HIE OIWY romrom.. OF .'l1HIE OIWY OF DUIBUQUIE, JIOIWiA: Section 1. ,Tbat 1he first reading 011' ordiœn.ce held by the City Couno cß 011' UIe Oilly 011' ,Dubuque, IoIWa on certæin ordinance providing Iør the repeal 011' Zoning OrdiJ>ance 011 Oit)' 011 Dubuque, IOIWa wbidl pel'mits .the loœtiOD 011 eate, eat... te,,;,a and resta11l'aot in Local Bu- siness "A" Busineo.s District 0Ia... SIifi""tioo sbonld be set _de and held fio¡r oangbt and cow 011' thds Resolutioo should be trammiltted f<>~ to ÜIe Pilaooing and Zoo- ing Oommissio!> 011' 1he Oity. 011 Du. buque, Ìk>wa. ,Pasoed, _roved and adopted tms 19th ~ 011' NOI'letnber, 1Bl8. .fuseph J. Bitter iM,ayor ,Walter A. Prelgter Allan T. Thoms 'I\1a~e A. MoIdenbauer C. lIOOeIt Juslmann OouI>cilmen ta\l11aDlt or other eating estalJlliOO. ment. Seconded by OouncßtnWl Moldemauer. Oamed by the fol. loWing V<>te : Yea~~or Biitter, Counci1meo Justmann, M<>Idemauer, Pregler, Thoms. Na~ooe. {)Ouneilman Moldenhauer IIlO\fed that the Ordinance as amended be referred to the ¡Planning & Zoning OommilSlSion. Seconded by (Jouncmman Preg[er. Carried by the fa-..g ,vote: Yeas-Jlayor Biitter, Oouncilmeo Justmann, Moldenbauer, P<eg[er, Thoms. Nays-iNone. ¡(JOImciLmoo Justmannmoved that the rUJIes be suspended in order to let 'anyone present ad- dress the Counci! ilf they so de- sire. Seconded by ¡OounciWoo MoJr denbauer. Oarried by tile _. ing V<>te : Y~,ayor Bii1lter, (Jouncilmen Jus1Jmann, M<>Idenbauer, ~er, Tboms. NIIys-iNOne. Aittorney 'I\1m. Fuerste addreos- ed the (Jounci! relati"" to receï",. ing a' building per1IllÍt to construct anA i& .W Res1Jaul18nt on the cor- ner 01 Asbury and J.F.K. Road. ,Mr. Fuerst< agreed that bisciient is sulJ¡ject to the Ordinance as pro. pœed. AI!! they - to do is qpe. rate a resmUl18nt as a1lk>iwed un. der the preseDlt restaurant eLa..;. fiœtion. Some meotion ..as made 011' Ordiinance No. 3-'70 which pro. hibits the issnmree 011' a buiJding permit to the OWIIler 011 rea! estate forwmcl1action bas been !niti!ated fio¡r the >1I1pOSe 011' securi1!l: ,a zon- ing l'e<!1a&s;¡¡¡;eation. Attorney Fuer, ste stated thai! they are not asking for a reclassd!lilJation, and therefor the Ordin<WJC'e is not a!JlPl1WaIble in this partiemar ea.... Mr. Am. brose iHerkes...d FIldon Welden- bacher, neiglljbors in the ar"", and who fol'lIIlerly objecJt:ed to the erec- tion 011' a Dri~ restaUI'aDlt ad. dressed the Oounci! by wi1lb<l!<ww- ing tbeir ojjjeOOons previously _de, when they were assured that ,a. Slit-<lJown reslaUNInt would be conslructed on tile comer 011' J.iF.lK. .& Kennedy. Councilman P~ IIlO\fed thiat the idea 011' the proposed oond re- fereodum fio¡r the co_c1:ion 011' 596 Special Session, November 19, 1973 Special Session, November 19, 1973 007 Attellt: Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Councilman 'l1boms """,ed adoP- tion 011' the resolntion. Seconded by Mayor Bitter. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Oouncilmen Ju&tmanD, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Na)'s-iNone. RESOLU11ION NO. 371-73 iV/IImRIE1AS, appJieati<>ns for Li" quor lùiœœes were filed by the witlhin named appIdeants and they ba"'e reœi"ed the 8PlPl'OI\'ai 011' thds OoImc:il, and IWŒmRiEIAS, the premi- to be œcupied by sud1 appiiœI1its were inspected and found to c<>mply witil the Slate Lww and a11 City Or- dinances rele\'aÐlt thereto and they blWe filed proper oonds, NOIW mERiEFOBIE BIE In' BIE. SlOINED by the Oit)' OoUlJiC'il 011 iDuIKIque, IOIWIa, that the Manager be aulihorized to cause to be is- sued to .tbe !dI!owing Darned appli" œ,oIs a ~ Liceo.e. CLASS "C" {COMMIORCIAL) 'BE'E,R AND UQUOR L.ICENSE LoIwrle E. Smillh, dba 22nd Street 'I1ap, Ii21 E. 22nd Street Raphael! ~. Grant, dba l.uot eJoo, 0050 Asibm"y Road ,Passed, .adopted and appnwed tI>ÌiS 19th da,y 011' N<>vember 1Bl8. Joseph J. Bitter iMafGl' '\\1ùte1' A. Preg8.er ,All.." T. 'l11otm1 wayne A. MoJdeobauer C. Robert J- (JoU!IeÜmen Attest: Leo F. F'rommel!t City Olertl: ~ Thomsll1O'l'ed adop- tion 011' the resolutioo. Seconded byM~ Biitter. Oarried by the foll<>winI¡ - -: .ye~yor' Bitter, OoUDcilmen Juslm,aœ, 'Mmdenbauer, Preg8.er, 'I11oImo. Nays-iNone. RESOLU11ION NO. 312.73 1\V!I£ElIJEW!, the Oity Council of the Oiity 011' .Dubuque, lOIwa at iœ meeting 011 tbe 2nd day 011' OeOOI>er, 19'13, held Its fi11St reading 011' or- dimt""" to repeal tbe proviSIÌIOIIIS of the ZoDing Ordinance permitt. inIg the Jooatinn 011 restaUl18nt, eale A_t: Leo F. Frommelt ()it)' 0Ierk lOounci1mlan J.us.tmaon m<Wed adopt;oo 011' tile reso1uäoo. Second. ed by Oo\UlJCÜman Preg¡ler. Oamied by the follOlwing V<>te: Yeas-<!4,ayor Bitter, ~meo Justmaon, !Moldenhauer, ~r, Tboms. Nays-iN<>ne. An Ordinance amending 0rdIi. nonce N<>. 3-34 known as the "Zon. in¡g M,ap and Zoning Ordiinanee of the Oity 011 Dubuque, -.. by AmendiÐg Article X thereof by re- peating the deliiniti.oo 011 a IJiri¡ye.[n Restaurant and enacting a new def'init:ion 011 Dri- .Restauraot; ,presented and read. Mayor Bii.tœr moved that tlhe Or. dinaooeslhoui.d be amendeda. fol. 1owis: On second !iDe ai!ter sbaII me...; shall Insert the words a 1'estaurafJlt or otIher eating; on the s;1O!D line after words a<ijaceI1lt thereto or DiEIùETE " -- and ins.rt in lieu Iihereod' a res- indoor skialiing and 'atietic iacffi. ties, and ,also the proposed. 5ICUIIp- lure piece to be. placed in the .Downtown Plaøa area ,be referred to. the PLanilling & Zoning Oom. ,It\issi<>n for review. Seconded by {)ouncmman [boms. Carried by the loHowing "ote: Yeas_ayor Biitter, Oo1U1ci&men Juslrnano, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Th<>ms. Na~s-None. Comrntmieati.on 011' OounciimaÐ JUSliJrnano adMsin¡g hi<; coßeagues on the Oouncil thai! he bas com. mtmieai!ed witil Mr. WIt\. B<1ab- ham, Assiismnt to the Director 011' the IoIwa Conservatioo Oommi.. sion with r...peet to utiM..tinn of Area "C" a. a State Pari<, .was presented and read. Counctamo.n Juslrnann moved that the com. mUDJieation be receï",ed and fi,led. Seconded by Oouncilman Molden. homer. Carried by the fußWwing' vote: Yeas-Jlayor BWIer, Oouncilm"" Juslmann, Moldenhauer, Preg¡ler, ~hoons. Na~s-N<>ne. , There being no lurtIher.- Oo~men !Pregler m<>ved to ad- journ. Seconded by Mayor Biitter. Carried by the fodlowin,g vote: Yeas-Jd'ayor Bitter, Oounci!men JustInano, M<>Idenbauer, Pregler, Thoms. Na~s-None. Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Appooved """"""""""""""""" 1974. Adopted """""""""'-""""""'" 1974. ................-.....-................................................ "-"""'-"'-"""""""""""""""""'-""-""""" "-""""""""""""""""""""""""-"-"'-""'" ................................-.......................................... """"""""""""""""""""Cõiïiïëiïñïëñ"""'" .......,.................... Attest: . ""'Citÿ"'ëïerll: Nay¡s-None. Communication at PlaIlJline '" :Wning Commission .ubmittingm. nut.. at their meetii!lg 011' November 14, 191!1, ¡presented and read. Coon- cilmanMoJdenbauer moved 1bat the communication I>e received MId WOO. Seconded by .Mayor !Bitter. Carried by the foiIowùIg wte: Yeas Mayor !Bitter, CounlCli!men JUBtmann, MoJdenbaUAll', Pl1! fler, 'l1boms. Nays-iNone. Proof at ,P1>hIiœti0l>. ~ed to by the PuiØàer, oJ. JIeceipIs, J)i&. bur,semoots and üøt at daima i<>r October 197B, presented end read. Oow>ciilman MoIIdenbauer moved that tile poood' at puW.,.wm' be reœi..ed and fiiIed. Seconded by Mayor Bitter. Oarriedby the M. lowing vole: y..........ø.ayor BitteI', <JowIeiùneII Ju.tmann, Mo!denbauer, ~*" Thooui. ~Nœe. G. cD. Cha^",nell.e City Ma"3iIler Councilman PreigIler moved ap- IProYal <>1 the reocommendatinn. Se- conded by Mayor Bdtter. Carried by the fuRCIIVIne'/Ote : , Yeas-Mayor BItter, OoonciJmen Justmann, MoJdenbauer, Pregler, Th<>ms. Nays-None. N<>vember 211, I1IJI7B 1'0 the HolilOnlble Jlayor aad Cib' Cow!cil I reI.IIrn to you the petition of IIerDIIl'd RueIIS 0Bd othen request. Íft8 a treØie IIÎCI>Bii at the into<'- _lion oJ. L8ras &1tieYu'd am AJte Vi. Street, and a eapy ol a letter from the city engineer ia wàieh he <Ieect'ibea 1i1e situation. I l'6COII>DH!tId ÜIoat tbe petition he deIIied; ltMIlely, I>ecauae the a,p,pooacl1 to !he intersectioo OIl Lor"" ¡,¡ so ~t ÜIoat a .;paa insta1ola&n ¡,¡ not l'I'acücal. GiUbert D. ObaYe1lA>lle OityM_er Councilman '11I1on>amaved 'appro- \'al af the ~datioD. Se. conded II)' :I4ia- lBitter. Oarried I>y the fuUOIWing ..ate : Y~r iI!åtIa, Cou11Icilmen Justmann, ~, l'reg er, 'Ibo-. N'a~""e. N<>tiœ at daim at Mal'll...et J. S~ in the ........unt af $æ.OO, far persen. ill¡juries receôwed iÐ a fall ,at the foot at J.8th '" OentraD. .we. st.e¡p<¡ on Odoi>er 15, 1I.Ø73, presented and read. Couaciln>an Pregler JIJIO'Ved .that tile notice 011' cl...m be referred to the ,Oity åt. torney for mvestigaÖOll and repcrt. Seconded ¡¡y OoIInciJanian J u " t. matII1. Carried ,by tile fuJl<JlW'in¡g v<>te: Yea.-.M~ iBitter, ()o\lllWmen 5Q8 Special Session, November 26. 1973 Special Session, November 26, 1973 599 CITY COUNCIL OFFICIAL SpodaI iooMn. Nov""'" 216, 1m. Councu mat at 7:00 P.M. aT.) ..~ - May¡or B_. ColIn. cilonen J-. ¡Moklonha-, Pregler, Thoms. City Maneg... Gli. bertD. Chav"'le. ~ mtter read 1i1e ea!t and staœd 1bat _ce !herecd' bad i>eeD ~ _de ,ænd Iœ' meeting is cded for the - 011' con. sIdering edopliøn of e .R_Iulion fixing claN of Maring In pl'II IOOOd PoIluIion Re- Bonds, Inter. staN Power Co., Project Series 1m, 'and aebing 11(>011 sud1 <>!her busbl.... as m..y properly come before a ~ mootine of lIle Co1lMU. OI>m.cilmm Pn!gier """,ed tlJ:at the ro{es be suspended in order to let myooe pI'4!Sellt addrðS>S the Councü ¡,¡ !hey "" desire. Second. ed by ()ounci!man Thoms. Oarried by the ~ ~ote: Y..-~r Biitter, CouooiIImen Jusotmann, Moldemauer, py",gler, 'l11o"",. Nay&-iNone. <Jb.ester Sok>mM, G<>orge .Deinin- ger and DorisRdelœtlla, members 011' the Dubuque Trr1a....it Authority addressed the Oouncil relw^", to the bus """"",tion and more par. til>U.larly ,to dIEOr budget de6cit. Key Line, whicl1 incidentaßy seems ù> be tile new name 011' the transit "",""", anticipet,es a deficit of $390,000 for ~ year. The Thansit Board seems to I>e in agreemeI1lt the* titey will be $1Jj6,OOO øhol'l alKwethe ,"'mouI1it ol $225,000 ..1. ready awoopriated ù> run the sys. tem. Mr. Solomon seemed to be 011' the o¡pi.nJion that defiicitß ""n be g¡rad"a~ red!1~ed in tile years ahead but stated that tile board needs more money now to keep the .yo¡Iðm operating. Oouooilman Thoms mo-.red 1hat the matter be referred back to the Ci~ Manager tosearoh out funding area. m the present bud- get. Seconded by Oooncllman Mol.. denhauer. Carried by the fu][ow:ing vote: Yeas_ayor !Bitter, Councilmen Jwot.maun, Mo1denbauer, Pregler, Tho"",. N<m>mber 2S, 1$1t Honorable Jbyor and City Co~ In oròer to ¡»an W the Oity 011' ,l}ubuque's ilIlIB ú"",cial audit, r request that the local cerWied pui>tic -.mWIIiII fir... af 0'0c>J>. nQr, BrooI<.s and ColI\Pany be em. pJoyed to audit .the tra...actiODi of the Water, Patlrilll8 F'acüities and ~ Reøt,w Funds; and tàat "II other ft1ocIs and .tranœc. tions ,be audited by the Auditor of the Sta,te 011' IQIWa. A resolution to that effect wi,I! be submitted to you dter January 1, 1974. Na""'JlØ:>er 28, - Honorable M,ayor and City Council A request baa been recei-.red from ~ No~ .De\'elop- ment Oorporntion Ix> -alidh'e &tree! liJ¡htB in Arœr 0 aIœ SíJI>. div:ision. The ",rea bas been investleated and it is recommended .that filVe 175 watt mereury ,""par type iftx. tures on metal standarðs be in- stalled at the loNoiwill8 locatio",,: 1. On !property ¡;"., between 1Il4li and = S¡pm¡g ~aky Road 2. On property line between - and :n~ Aæi>or 0ak6 nrwe 3. On property line between - and :nœ ArIbor 0aI0s Dri... .. On ¡property !.ine I>ebmen 3!n2 and 3JJJ6 AaWr Oaks IJri"" 5. On property line between sœ& and :nO! ArOOr Oaks iDri"e Your -"al 011' these ÍIIIIWIia, tions is requested. GHbert D. Cba..eneIJe City l!4_r Ootmcllman iPl'e \ormoved ap- proval of the recommendatiGD. Se- eooded b,y <Mayor 'BItter. OarrNd by the follOlllling wte: Yea,g.-.M,ayor Bitter, Coundtmen Justmann, :Molàonhauer, 1'n8ier, Thoms. NII}!S-iNo..e. J1IStmann, Mokleabaue.r, l'reØet, 'lboms. NaYl~None. Notice 011' claim of J\obert S. Ru<;gmtz, in the amount 011' $15.110, for car Wunaee inœrred as the result <>1 driving into a hole in the street in the SOOO block of Kaudimann åve. on U-oo,73, pre- seI1Ited and rea4. Counc.ilman Preg. ler moored tilat the notice of claim be relerred to the City Attorney for investieation and repcrt. Se- conded by ~ Justm.ano. Carried by the I'dIlowiÐig ....,te: Ye........Mayor BdUer, Councilm... Justmann, Moldenbauer, PfCII!er, Thoms.. N"ys--None. Notice 011' clai... 011' Obic",," aDd No-stern TranoportaltiQ" Co., in the amount of $'5,58I..Il5, iIwd... ing .Dooald E. 'Robinson, as a :£œ. law up claim filed in September, a.the result 011' 'an _deDIt IWbicb oœurred on Jul~ 1ß. Œ97ß, at the railroad intersectiœ from Kerper Blvd., to Œ'lbruput Terminal, pre- sented and read. Councilman, preg. ler m<>ved tilat the notice ol et1.aØI ,be referred to the City Attorney for i1westIg,ationand report. Se- conded by Councilman Juslmann. Ca'rried by the faJrowmg vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Counellmen Justmann, Mo!denbauer, Pregler, Thoms. N"y.~None. ORDINANCE NO. 52-73 An Ordinance Fixing and Estab- llahfng MonItaIy "ermit F- to be "aid by Every .Penon. FIr.. or Col1lOration Opereting a MIlk "Iant and Bringing Into or Sanding Into or Receiving in the City of D<j)uque, Iowa, Milk or Milk Pro. ducts: end RepeaUng Onlln.ance No. 52.72, said Ordinance hav:in¡¡ been previously presented and read at the Council meeting at No"em. ber 19, 1973, presented for PInal Adoption. ORDIHANCE NO. 52.73 kN ORDINANCE F'IXlNG AND ESTAIBILŒ&ING MIONl'HLY PER. MIT FEES TO BE PAID BY EV. EoRY~BSON, FIM( OR COR. PORATION OPEItATING A MILK P\liAINrl' AM> BltìINGiNIG INIOO OR ~ IIN!I'O OR lII!XJEIDV«NG IIIN mE œry OIF DUIBUQUIE, roWtA 'MIIDK OR MiIILK PIROJ). UJàrs ; ANìD ~ 01I>W . NC'\INIOE NO. 50111!. 600 Special Session, November 26, 1973 NOW THEREFORiE BElT OR- DAINE.D BY THE CITY OOUN. CIL OF THE CITY OF DUBU. QUE, IOWA: Section 1. Every person, firm or corporation that operates a milk platit and ,brings into, sends into, or receives in the City of Du.. buq;¡~, lowa, milk or milk pro- ducts, as herein defined, shall pay a monthly permit lee 011' two (2.00) cents. for eadl one hundred (100) pounds 01 such milk or milk pro. ducts authorized to investigate the "",curacy .01 the ,permit lees paid hereunder. On or i>efore the 20th dltY of each month, comm~ncing w>tih tlhe 20th day 011' January, 1974, the permittee shall file with the City Treasurer a. slatement I showing amoonts of milk handled in the preceding month together with its remittance for !he full amount due. An additionoai ten (10 per cent) .per cent penalty shall attach for lailure to pay such fees when due. F,ailure to .pay monthly permit lees. wben due shall be grounds for re"ocation or suspen- sion 011' the permit. Any .person, firm or corporation who ShaH have paid a fee to any IDJUnicipality which enforces sIan- dards equivalent to the require- meI1lts 011' this ordioance shall be :~~ 1: ~t~-:~edag:=1.. ~~ I .the amouDit so paid but not in excess of two (2.0<) ceDlts per one hundred (100) pounds 011' milk or milk products. Pro\'ided howe"er, tlhat in order to be entitled to such credit, the p~rmit holder shall first exhibit satisfaICtory evidence 01 such payment to such other municipality and that such muni. cipality _ds reciprocal erediits against its lees for am- paid to~e City of Dubuque, I<>wa. SeeMon 2. That Ordinance No. 52-7œ is hereby repealed. Passed, approved and adopted this 26th d"Y 011' November, 1973. Jos~h J. Bitter M.ayor Wa1ter A.Pregler Allan T. Thoms Wayne A. Moldenhauer C. Robert Justmann Councilmen ATTEST: Leo F. Fro...-Jl; Oity Clerk Published officially in the Tele. ; graph Herald Newspaper this 29th day of November 1973. Leo F. F,rommelt City Clerk It. 11c29 Councilman Pregler moved final adoption of the Ordinance. Second. ed by Mayor Bitter. Carried by the lollawing "ote: Yeas-M"yor BItter, Oo\1ncilmen Justm"nn, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nay......None. ORDINANCE NO. 53-73 An Ordinance Fixing and Estab- lishing Fees for the Issuance of Permits for the Oparatlon of FoocI Service Establishments in the City of Dubuqua, Iowa: And Repaallng Ordinance No. 14-72 said Ordinance having been pre\'iously .presented and read at the C""""ü meeting of November 19, 1973, preseDlted lor Final adoption. 21-iNOVEMiBER coUNCIL . ORDINANCE NO. 53.73 AN ORiDINAINOE FIXING MID ESTABLISHING F'E'ES FOR THE ISSUAiNOE OF pERMlTS FOR THiEOPE.RATlON OF FOOD SEIR- VIIIOE ESI1AIBIlJlSH'M IN '11I!IE OITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA; AND nm>EiAiLING ORDINANCE NO. 14.72 NOW THERJEFORE BE lT OR. DtAIDNED BY THE OITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: SecHon 1. That eaICb applic'ant for perm>t to operate a 1000 ser. vice estaiblishmenlt shan pay the sum of Thirty .($30.00) IIollars p~r year in advance. Section 2. That the applicant for a temporary food service estab. nmment peNI1it ma [ ~ " (,ee of Fifteen ($15.00) .Dona!!'s per week and forinter\f&ls 01 less lhian a week, the applica,nt shall pay the fee 011' Five ($5.00) Ð(¡Jlars per day lor ouch permit. Section 3. That Ordinance No. 14-72 be and !he same is herebY repealed. Passed, adopted and approved this 26th day of No"ember, 1973. Joseph J.. BItter Mayor Walter A. 'Pregler Allan T. Thoms Wayne A. Moldenhauer C. Robert Just.maoo Cooncilmen Special Session, November 26, 1973 601 ATTEST: Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Published officially in the Tele. lI1'aph Herald Newspaper this 29th day 011' No"ember 1973. Leo F. Fromme>< City Clerk it. 11.29 Councilman Pregler moved final adoption 01 .the Ordinance. Second. ed by Mayor BItter. Oarried by the following vote: Ye.......Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Juslmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nay......None. An Ordinance amending Ordi. nance No. 33-49, known as the Traf. fic. {)ode 011' the City 011' Dubuque, Iowa by repealing subsection 23 011' Schedule IV and e...cting a new ,subsection 23 01 Schedule IV in lieu thereof removing the two hour time zone on University A"e- nue from Irving Street to Asbury Street, presented and read, said Ordinance ha..mg been pre\'ioosly presented and read at the Conn- <:11 meeting 01 November 19th, pre. sented "nd read. Cooncilman Pregler mO\fed that the Ordinance be tabled until the meeting 011' December 17th. Second. ed by M,ayor Bitter. Carri<>d by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Oouncilmen JlI1SWlann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms . Nays-iNone. An Ordinance Amending Ordi. nance No. 33-49 known as the "!l'raœ.c Code 01 Dubuque, Iowa, as amended, by repeallnØ subs..,. tioo 29 011 Schedule VII ,and ""act- ing a new subsection 29 01 Schedule VII to ¡>rombit parking on the south side 011' University A"enue from Gillia,m Street to a point one hun- dred "nd two feet east 011' the east line 01 Auburn street and on the IIOdh side 01 Uni"ersity Avenue from Loras Boulevard to Peimsylvania avenue, said Ordi. nance having .been pre..,;oosly pre- sented and read at the Oonnell meeting 011' No"ember 19th, pre. sented 8I1d read. Cooncilman Pregler moved that the Ordinance be tabled until the meeting 01 December 17th. Second- ed by Mayor Bitter. Carried by !he foJ1owing vote: Yeas---Mayor Bitter, Oouncilmen Jus\.mann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nays-iNone. An Ordinance kmendiog Ordi. n"nce No. 33-49 by repealing sub- section 105 011' Schedule VIand enacting a new subsection 105 to &hedule VI in lieu th~reol to pro. hibit parking 00 the north side 01 Kane Street from Ken Court to Tina Ridge and on the south side from Tina Rid.ge to Chaney Road, presented and read. Councilman Pregler mo"ed that the reading ju$t had be consider. ed the first reading 011' the Ordi. nance. Seconded by May<>r Bitter. Carried by the following "ote: Yea.......Mayor Bitter, Oo\1ncilmen J""tmann, Moldenhauer, P'regler, Thoms. Nays-'None. Councilman Pregler mo"ed that the rule requiring an Ordinance to he read on fur.. s~par.ate days ,be wai"ed. Seconded by Mayor Bitter. Carried by the lollowing "ote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, OouncUmen Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nays-None. Councüma,n Pregler moved that the Ordinanc~ be tabled until the meeting 01 .December 3rd. Second. ed by Mayor Bitter. Carried by the follawing vote: Ye".......Mayor Bitter, C<>uncilmen Jusl:mann,Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. N~s-INone. Petition of Dubuque Realty reo questing rezoning 011' Lot 1 011' Sub. 01 Lot 229 Union Addn. Lots 3, 4 and 5 01 Stout's Addn. 011' M. L. 54 "t 289 S. Locusl St. from Two F,amily to C<>mmercial Zon. ing Classification, presented end read. Mayor Bitter mo"ed that the petition be referred to the Plan. ning & Zoning Commissoion for in. vestigation and report. Seconded by Councilman Pregler. Carried by the following vote: Ye..~Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Jusbnann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. N"ys-NoJle. Petition of J.omes J. Gruber re- questing rezoning of Lot 1 of Sub. 011' Lot lA 01 .Dennis Dorgan SUb. fr<>m Multiple to Business B to aœomodate oM.slreet PM']dog, .pre- 002 Special Session, November 26, 1973 ¡¡eDIted and read. Oonncilman preg. .ler ,moved that the ,petition be reo ferred to the Planniog & Zoning Commission fur iove,ligation and report. Seconded. by Oouocilman Mo,IdeDhaùer. Ca¡rried by the 101. lowing "me: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilmen JIII8itnwmn. Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nays-None. Petition cd Robert P. Kelly reo qnesting a refund of $63U5 on the' unexpired portion 01 Beer- Liquor License No. C.S749, as he has dis<:olltinued business on N... ""-,,IL !4a,yor Bitter mored that the vember S, 19'73, presented and refund be granted and the Auditor instructed .to ÍSSIIAj proper warrant. Seconded by CouIIcillnan Moldell- hauer: Carried by the lolloming vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, Councilman JustxllanJl, Moldemauer, Pregler, Thoms.. . Nays~o,\e. October 25, lØ73 To the Honora'Me Mayor and City . . iQQImei! The Nortb M¡¡qua Sani.~ry Se- wer, 8 inch, ,between Univer<lÎty .Aivenue and LorasBoulev...<I, a di¡¡.ta- of Ø'l4 ofeet, h... been com. I'le~ sul>stoøtially in ~ance witl> plall<iand spøcjfieatinns by 'l's~rie i:.xøll'\'aliÐe of i()ubu,. que, IOMOa. Gi1bert D. 0bIwend1e Ç>t,y~ Councilman Pregler moved that the communication be reoceWed and filed. Secondeò by 00uDcl1man Moll' del!hauer. Ca1'rieò by the ü\C>wiÐg vote: :YèQ,s-Wiayor Bitter, Conncilmen Ju>swann, iMoldenbauer, Pregiler, Thoms. .N'a,s-Son8. FINAL ESTIMATE ~E$OLUTION NO. 373.73 ~EAS, the coUJIract for the North AJl¡gona Sani.tary Sewer, 8 iuoh, ,between Uoiv..."s;t:¡r Avenue and Lana.s ~'ard has been '1Om¡Meted and the CityEDiioeer ha,s .."bmitted his final estimate shotwing the cosl ther8l>f including 'he cost of estimates, notices, in- , ec!;on,and. pre¡¡lari~ the as. e .ment and plat, now therefore, BE rr1tESDLVED !by the City o,uncil of the City of i()ubuque, That the cosl 011' ,said ~ meat is hereby ~urlned to be $5,811!.117. That $4,1i70-,* of tile cœt ij¡ere- of .'noli be ,......,..,I)leupon prj. v.ate property and $I.-.W si>.a~ be paid from the ....,,;tation !Fund 011' the Oity of IDubllque. Passed, 'adopted and ~ thio 26tIh day of NovemI>er !IØ7S. Joseph J. iBi1lter M,ayor W!adter A. Pre&!ler AMan '1'. Thoms Wayne A. lIItoldenhauer ,c. ,Robert Justmanu Councilmen Atte,t: [,00 F. _me&! City 01erk iOouIIoeiIman ,Pr<>gierI11OYÐtl ad~ tion of !lie resolution. SecoIIded by <Joun,cÜmáJI MoIde"""". 0- ried by the foI1owiDg -.ole: y~ Bitter, CoIJJ>cõ1mc J_""", MoldeJJllaU8l', PreØIer, 'I'homa. Nayc-Nooe. (AR_luIieoI Accaptlnl Impro".meøt and Dlredtllfl the Clerk to Publish Nolte.) ItESOLUTIOIt NO. 374-73 ~RJIIJ'AS. 1IIe coI1itract tor the North Mgona Sanitary Se\Wr, 8 indL, between Univer"ity A..- and Loras !!on!.eva.-d, bas been completed and the City r&f~ ha& emlDrined the WQ!k and filed his èertilmeate "toting tttat the ",'...ne ha.s been oompleted according to the terms Of the ~, Plans and "pelCilieS'ÜO1lß OBi ~s its a~ ,.. 1henIIor.. II!IB 00' 1IJI!8(]IùVÐl> i>Y 1M at}' CowIcil of the.,œ, 011 ~ue, tBaI the NOO.....-datiOO of 4be City MaJl&llel' be a¡¡pr<W<Id aM thatso.id i~ be and the same .. hereb7 ~...d tile o;ty 'EI>gineer be """ Is ~ directed IÞ _re " plat - scheòuAe ai1<>wiI\II the lots or par- ee.. of rea! _Ie ..,,¡,¡ject... ..... "",,1Il6ßt 6>r ftid im..ro.,...",DI ODd file th<I. _e ill the .,¡¡¡"e of the Q;\Jy <JIerk ~ IÞ po¡W.i¡e im¡pecli""and. saW ()l",* shall: 4IP' on receipt of..... ¡lid and IIICb&- dule pulbllish the no~ of the iOouI>- oil's intention to ~.y special as. _.s.m....ts~,a. req1drcd Ir1 law. m; Jlr FUiRTHIER 1IIESOlN'ED, that the aty T.-easurer be ODd Special Session; November 26, 1973 603 he .. hereby directed to pay to the eontractor from tile lunds to be reatized from the sa,le 011' sewer boods is&ued U(X>n the above de. ~bed Impro-vement in amount equal"" theamòunt 011' his eon. tract, !eMI any retained percent. provideò (or 1it<>r«n. passed, ,adopted and awroved t!rls æth day of. Nòvember, ŒØm. ~ J. Bitter lKæyor iWoMer A.Pr<!l¡ 1er Allan œ. Thoms Wayne A. Moldenhauer .c. Robert Justmann Councißnen Attest: Leo F. FromDW>h, C¡ty Cieri< <JounelìlmaD Pregiler moved a<lop- - of the .....wtion. Seconded by ()ounci1man Motdenhauer. Oair. riec!..by the.~ ~: YeIiS-.1Ia.yor øtte\', Councilmen 11>_, M~uer, Pr<!eler, '11Iolrul. N.iy,,-None. ReSOWTION NO. 375.73 1WiiÐ!JREAS. lIIIe Oit)' of Dubuque ~s secured an easement from II- l.ino!.. CèntfJ14 GuJI R,ailroad Com. pat13 in connection 'With the jnlltal. mttoo 011' Sn nndefll1'OlU1d sanitary &eWer; and iWIIIIEBEAS, wd Easement .Aiilreement oiIOuId be -- and de1Weq thereof be ~1>od; NOIW, rItiEIIIIEIFOtI, ilIIE l1r HiE. SOIJVIi1D BY 'l1HiE 0J1I!Y OOUiNlOlL OF '11RE iOI.I1Y OIF DUBoUQUE, IIO'WIA : - 1. '!bat tile IJuement AeMement by ...<1 -II I!IHIIois Centl'llll Gu!If Railroad CompalllY and theaty of iDubuq",e, Iowa, dated _'bar II, 1!rn!, be and the same i. hereby 1I{)II<OIYed. 'Sec1ion I. fIbatthe Mayor and CIty ()IerIo be. and 1bey are hereby auliboriœed and directed to execute sai.4 ~- .AereemeDl for and onbeha~ of tile .Oity of IDnbuque, I_a u>d 1ih"" deJ:iJyery of the Grant of EalemeJIt is accepted. _tIon 3. ~t the CIty ()lm be and he is hereby authorized alld dIrèØIed to eaUile said Grant of Euement to be recorded in tile oMce of tile lDoIiouque Cotmty IIecorder. PaOiSed, approved and ad<>pted this 2I3th day 011' N<wember, lØ73, Joseph J. Bitter .. 1M<>yor Wa,lter A. Pr.,g¡ler Allan T. Th<>ms rwayae A. Moldeilihauer C. ,Robert Juatmann eo"""iI- Attest: [,00 F. F'fflmmel.t Oiw (Jim C<>uncilman Pregler mo"e(\ """"" tion of the resolution. S-ded by Coun~m.n MoIdeIJ!tauet. Oar- ried by the fo!o1ol\vmg vote: Ye~ayor BIttel', <Job!IocöIJiIeII Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pl'eIìeler: Thoms. Nays....Nooe. Nóve!Rber 2'1, l!II'3 To the !ltonoraMe Mayor and Oity. Council ; [ am asI<in4I your -"",ad on thetentatiwethree year .treet con. structi<>n program. ' This prognani must be submitted to the State by .December. .1Otb in order to recei.... our abareol the State ,Gaa6line ~""... for meet. rejated purposes. 'This ÞrotI<'am may do<¡ "" mama, ed any time at oua- discretion. , Theco.t 011' lIIIese >1"oerams wi1I. be witbin our proposed. budget lo~ the next Ulree yean. Gilbert D. ChaweneI1e Oity M.mai ¡er tC<>unclImm Thoons, 'moved that the communication be receIved and filed. Seconded by <JounçiIŒìwln P,.,¡gler. Oa1Tied by the fuJlOlWfug vote: Yea&-<M*yor 81M..., ..~ Juslm_, MOOIenIIauer, ~, 'I'bolll$. N.a.Y&-N<>ne. RESOLUTION NO. 316-13 A Ruolution Ap o......... a. Tonte. tive Thr.. V.ar St..- C- tion Program and SubMlttinl S...,. to tba Iowa Stata Highway ~ mission . . WHEREAS, the ol&e of .th. Oily Engin- bas prepared, In a."or. dmee with ÍI>StrUdÍOJlS lroIn. the CIty Manager, a tentative streat couatruclion program for lIIIe .years 19'1', 1975 and 1976; and WHElREAS, said constructioÎl poogram oball .be filed. Wlith the Iowa Sta,(e Hlgbway CommlswÌ1 by Dæembet' 10,lØ73 for the pur. 604 CoU1\ool Reven.... Bonds (Interatate Power Company Project), Series 1973, in the principal amount 01 $<1,400,000 (the "Series 1973 Bonds"), to finance the coat of the .Project, all in """orda""e with the poovisions 011' Chapter ß9 of the Code of 10""', 1973, as amended (the "Act"); and , WHEREAS, in view of rising con. struction costs and the general l1ealtil and wel£aœ 011' the inhalX- tants of the City, it is considered essential that the Project be under. taken 8Jt the earliest practicable date, BOd as an inducement to the Company to proceed :with and complete the Project, it is con- sidered necessary and dð5i1'abIe that the City poovide satisd!actory assuraDCes that the proceeds of the sale 01 the Series 1973 Bonds will be made available to fina""e the Project; BOd WHEREAS, It is deemed neces. sary and advisa'bIe for the reduc. tion, pre"....tion and elimination 01 polJution 011' the air in and near the Oity and the .promotlon 011' the general heùth and welfare 011' the inhabitants of the City, that the pollution control facilities be ac. quired, impro\fed BOd equipped, as aIforesaid, and that the City take such action as may be required under applicable statutory provi. sions to authorize and Issue the Series 1973 Bonds to finance the cost 01 the Project; and WHEREAS local capital is not available lor the de"elopment.of the Project and it is proposed to pay the coat thereof through the Issuance 011' the Series 1973 Bonds pursuant to the provisions 011' the Act; and WHEREAS the "",,egate 011' tlhe renta.1s paya.ble under the Sublease Agreement proposed to be entered into by and between the City and the Company will be not I...... than the a"...ge rental coat for like or similar facilities within the com. petiti"e comm"",ial area;alld WHEREAS the aggregate cost of the Project bas been deltermined to be not less than $<1,400,000, and it is proposed to pay the cosl 01 the 'Project, t<> that amount, through the issuance od'the Series 1973 Bonds In that amount, but it is first necessary' t<> conduct a public hearing on 'the proposal to iæue the Bonds, "" required and provided by Section 419.9 of the Act; NOW, THEREFORE, Be It Re- solved by the City Counctl 01 the City of Dubuque, Iowa, as foil"ws: Section 1. Thai this Council meet at the Cooncil Ohambel'S in the City Hall in said Oity on the 14th day of December, 1973, at 4:30 o'clock P.M., at which time and place a publlc hearing shall be held on the proposal to issue Pel- lution Control Revenue Bonds (In- terstate Power Company Pooject) , Series 1973, in the amount of $4,400,000, a,s referred to in the preamble hereof, BOd at which hearing all local residents who ap. pear sha'lI be given an opportunilty to express then- views fur or against the proposal to issue the Series 1973 Bonds. Section 2. The Oity Clerk is here. by dn-ected to give notice of in- tention to issue the Series 1973 Bonds by publication at least once not less than fifteen (15) days prior to the date fixed for the hearing in The Telegraph Herald, a legal newspaper published and ha...mg a general circulation with- io said Oity, in substantially the fullowing form: NOTICE OF INTENTION TO ISSUE POLLUTION CONTROL REVENUE BONDS The City Oouncll of the City of .Dobuque, in .Dubuque County, 10' wa, will meet on the 14th day of .December, 1973, at the Council Chambers in the City Hall, .Do- buque, Iowa at 4:30 o'clock P.M., for the purpose of conducting a public hearing on the proposal to issue Pollution {)ontrol Bond. (In- terstaie Power Company Project), Series 1973, of said City, in the principal amount 011' $4,400,000, bea.fing interesi at a rate or rates not exceeding seven per cent (7%) per annum, for the purpose of defraying the cost, to that amount, of a projeci consisting 01 acquiring a leasehold interest in certain structures, equipment, improve- ments and other factlities usefu] for bhe purpose of reducing, pre. venting and eliminating pollution of the air in and near the City and an easemeni in connection therewith. These bonds, wben is. sued, will be limited obligations and will not constitute general ob- llgations of s'aid City nor will they Special Session, November 26, 1973 pollO of aUocating Road Use Taxes to municipalities; and WHEREAS, thia Council bas re- viewed the teDtati"e street con- struction program of the City of .Dobuque, Iowa NOW THEREFORE BE IT RE. SOLVED BY THE OITY COUNCIL OF THE 0IrrY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: That the teJJtative three year meet coœtroction for the years 197', 1975 and 1976 as prepared by ÜIe City Engineer, ,be and the same is hereby approved and the City Manager is hereby directed to forward the required docUDlents to the Iowa State Highway Oom. lIlÌSIIÍon. Pessed, adopted and appro"ed this 26th day of. Nowmber 1973. Joseph J. Bitter Mayor Walter A. Pregler Allan T. Thoms Wayne A. Moldenhauer C. lI.obert JustInann Oouncilmen Attest: Leo F. Foommelt City Clerk Oonocllman Thom. lmWed tlrat the resolution be adopted and reo lerred to the Transportation Com. mission and Ad..ïsory CommIssion lor consideration. Seconded by Councilman Pregler. Carried by the folli>wing vote: Yea......May<>r Bitter, Councilmen JU6tmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nay......None. RESOLUTION NO. 117.73 RESOLUTION fixing a date for Moring on -- Pollution C0n- trol Revenue Bonds (lntarstate Po- wer Company Prolect), Series 1973 WIHEREAS the City 011' .Dubuque, in the County of .Dubuque, State 01 Iowa (the "City"), proposes to acquiI'e a leasehold Interest in cer- tain atructures, equipment, im. pro"ementB and other laeilities useful lor the purpose 011' reducing, prIWenbg and eliminating poilu. 1ion 01. the air in and near the City and an euement in connec- tion therewith (.the "Project"), to sublease the Project to Interstate Power Company, a Deliaware cor. poration (.the "Company"), to he used to reduce, prevent and eli. minate air pollution in and neaT the City, and to issue Pollution "',"' Special Session, November 26, 1973 605 be payable in any manner by taxa- tion, but sa,id bonds will be pay- aJble solely and only out 011' the revenues to be derived from the subleasing of said pooject to In. terstate Power Company, a .Dela- ware corporation, under a Sub- lease Agreement ,between said City and said Oompany. At the time and place fixed for said public hea,ring all local resi- dents who appear will be given a.n opportunity to express their views for or agaiost the proposal to issue said bonds. By order 01 the Oity Council, Novemher 26, 1973. Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Section 3. That all resolutions or parts thereof in conflict here- with be and the same are hereby repealed, and bhis resolution shall be effective furthwith upon its pas. sage and appro"al. Passed and appooved November 26, UI73. Joseph J. Bitter Mayor Attest: Leo F. Frommelt Oity Clerk Councilman Preg[er mo\fed adop- tion of the resolution. Seconded by Oouncilman Justmann. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-,Mayor Bitter, Councilmen Justmann, Moldemauer, PTegler, Thoms. Nays-None. 1 RESOLUTION NO. 378-73 BE rrr RiESOILVED by the City {)ouncil 01 the City 01 .Dubuque, Iowa, that the foßowing having complied with the provisions 011' law relating to the sale of Ciga- rettes witllin the City 011' Dubuqlœ, Iowa, ,be granted a permit to ..,U Ciga'rettes and Cigarette Papers within said City. Gerald E. Miller, Sr., dIb.. The Pink Pantlher Lounge, 24:17 RJhomberg Aw., (MyÇap Vendors) BE rrr FURTHER RESQINEl) that the bonds ftled witil the ap- pllcati<>n be aPlPro"ed. Passed, adopted and approved this 26th day 011' November 197'3. Jose¡¡jh J. Bitter Mwyor Walter A. Pregler Milan T. Th<>ms Wayne A. Moldenhauer {)Ouncilmen 606 Special Session, November 26, 1973 Attest: Leo F. Fr<>mmellt City Olerk Mayor Bitter moved adoption 011' the resolumon. Seconded by {)o¡m,. cilman Pregler. Garried by tIhe foll<>wlin¡g vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, {)ounciil!Ilen MoJden¡hauer, Pr~er, Thoms. Nay&--lCouncilman J""tmann. RESOLUTION NO. 379.73 WlHERJEiAS, applicatiros for Ii" quor licenses ¡'"ve been ¡pubndt!ed to this Oonncil £Or a¡pprovld ænd the s.ame have been emmined, NOW mERlEFQlI¡E BIE IT RIE- SOIN1EID by 1be Oity Oo""";¡ oil the Oity 011' Dubuque, I<>wa, that the fuM,()WÛ]Ig .a¡pp]öeations be ap- proved and ,licenses issued upon the eotnpli,anœ 'WlÌth the pr<>'Ii..ons 011' Chapter 1311, Acts oil the First Re¡guíla'r Sesoion, æth Gen""al AS>- sembly. CLASS "C" (COMMERCIAL) BEER LIQUOR LICENSE Gerald E. l\lliler, Sr., dba The Pink Pantiler Lounge, 2411,7 Rhomberg Ave. Town Clook Inn Inc., dba Town Clook Inn, (Sunday Sùes), Town 0J00k P,laza Passed, adopted and a¡pproved this 26th day 011' November 1973. Joseph J. Bitter M~or C. Robert JuswalHl Walter A. preg¡ler ADan T. ThoIDS Wayne A. Moldenhauer Oounc g¡men Attest: Leo F. Foomme!t Oity Olerk Mayor Bltter moved adoption 011' the resolution. Seconded by Ooun.' cilman Pregler. Carried by the foo1Iowing "ote: Yeas.-.Mayor Bitt,er, Oouncilmen Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Na,ys-None. RESOLUTION NO. 380-73 WiHEREiAß, ap,pn.,'ations for Ii. qu<>r licenses were filed by the within named applicants and they ha.ve received the awoo"al oil tis Council, and WHEREAS, the premises to be occupied by such applicant,s were inspected and found to comply :witil the State Law and all City ordi. nances, relevant thereto and they ha,ve filed pr<>per bonds, NOW 'l1HEREIFWIiE BE IT ItE. SOlN'EID by the Ci1¡y Oooocil of .Dubuque, Iowa, that the M,anager ,be authorized to cause to be is. sued to the loliowing named ap,pli. cants a liquor Liœnse. GerOlid ,E. Miller, Sr., dba The Pink Panther Lounge, 24117 Rhomberg Ave. Town Clœk Inn, Inc., dba Town 0J00k Inn, (Sunday Sales), Town Gloel< Plaza Passed, adopted and al'Pl'oved this 26th day of November 1003. Jœeph J. Bitter MII3'Ol' C. Robert Juslmann W'ælter A. ~ AI!oan T. Thoms Wa~ A. Moldenhauer Oonncilmen Attest: Leo F. FoommeU City OIerk Mayor Bitter moved aOO¡ption of the resolution. Seconded by Ooun. cilman Pregler. Carried by the foJWw!in¡g vote: Yeas-Mayor Bitter, {)ouncilmen Justmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nays-iNone. Qommunic'ation <>f F. J. Schrei. ber requestin¡g that he not be re- aq>pointed to the fuel< Oommi<;. sion, presented and read. Council. man Thoms moved that the com. munic,ationbe relerred to the Ooun. cil. Seconded by Councilm'.... Mol" deooauer. Carried by the following vote: Yeas~ayor Bitter, Oouncilmen Justmann, Molden!hauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nays-iNone. There bein¡g no further business Cooncilmau TholDS m<>ved to ad. journ. Seconded by {)Ounci1lman Pr~er. Carried by the followin¡g vote: Yea's~,ayor Bitter, Oouncilman J ustmann, Moldenhauer, Pregler, Thoms. Nay's-None. Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Approved Adopted Special Session, November 26, 1973 607 1974. 1974. ............................................... Attest: Councilmen ëitÿ"ëïë~k"