Arts & Cultural Org funding req "'; August 28, 2004 (.' Dear Members ofthe Dubuque City Council, I have been a volunteer docent for Dubuque's Museum of Art for the last four years. I am a mathematician "by trade" but I recognize how important art and other cultural endeavors have been in my own life. It has been a real joy to communicate the enthusiasm I feel for art to the second graders of our elementary schools. Each full groups of these young people come to the museum and listen to the docents tell them how wonderful it is to have a museum like ours right here in Dubuque. It is exciting to see their eyes light up as we show them the significant features of Provincetown Art, point with pride to our collection ofIowa's own Grant Wood, and focus on Galena artist Beth Bird's hand-colored etchings, the Ballad of the Red Shoes, and so much more. My volunteering at the Dubuque Museum of Art has been a growth experience for me as well. It is a delight to study the exhibits and to be taught by the museum's able staff prior to my work with the young people. The public often has the opportunity to hear a lecture by a featured artist and visit the exhibits at minimal cost. I have, in the above paragraphs, been trying to convince you --as if you needed convincing--ofthe importance of Dubuque's Museum of Art to the Dubuque community and its environs. To continue its service to Dubuque and its people, the Museum and its talented staff need the financial support that the city council can make available. You are to be commended for the efforts you have already made~ It has come to my attention that you- I. approved the formation of an Arts and Culture advisory committee 2. approved the application process of an art and culture district 3. approved $35,000 to be distributed for special projects via a competitive grant process. The next step, which I pray you are willing to take, is to provide operating support by allocating the $250,000 to cultural organizations, in particular to the Dubuque Museum of Art. Thank you for your consideration. Sin. cerely, ~ 7 ¿ ~. ,1 ,1/1 / <-4'~ ~ I'/U~ Page I of! Jeanne Schneider From: "Ed Babka" <abkab@attglobal.net> To: "Teny Duggan" <jschneid@cityofdubuque.org> Sent: Tuesday, August 31,2004 4:16 PM Subject: Arts Grant Dear Mayor Duggan, As a member of the Dubuque Museum of Art Board of Directors I have been asked to contact you to ask that you approve the $250,000 funding to establish an annual Arts and Culture Operating Grant Program for Dubuque's Arts and Cultural Organizations, at your goal setting meeting session on Sept. 12-14. I think it is import for the quality of life in Dubuque to have a viable Museum of Art. As I understand it Dubuque is one of the few cities our size in Iowa that does not get some financial support from their city. I think tha any business thinking of moving their operation to Dubuque would want such things as a museum of Art, a Symphony Orchestra, and a Perfonning Theater. Also it is very important for tourism. I hope that you will feel the same way and support the $250,000 funding grant. Respectively, Ed Babka 8/3 1/2004 Page I of I Jeanne Schneider From: To: "Cynthia Nelms-Byme" <cbyme@dubuque.net> <jschneid@cityofdubuque.org>; <aem 1 O@mchsi.com>; <danielnicholson@mchsi.com>; <jmarkham@Cümerenergy.com>; <rbuol1@mchsi.com>; <jconnors63@mchsi.com>; <patriciacline@mchsi.com> Wednesday, September 01, 200412:08 PM Art funding Sent: Subject: Dear Mr. Mayor & City Council members: I can't tell you how important I think the cultural arts are to our city. As a volunteer at the Dubuque Museum of Art, I have had a flfSt-hand view of how much tourists and Dubuque residents appreciate the exhibits at the Museum. I get so many wonderful comments from visitors when I welcome them to the Museum. Besides being a quality of life issue, our arts organizations add to the economic development of our city. It's amazing that we have the quality organizations that we do, considering that the city has never given any financial support. How much more the arts could flourish with approval of the $250,000 funding to establish an Arts and Culture Operating Grant Program for Dubuque's arts and cultural organizations. Besides the economic benefit, I know the young people of Dubuque really love the arts organizations, and gain much from them. The different art programs that are geared towards our youth do a lot to educate and broaden their views of Dubuque, our state, our country and the world. Because we are a progressive community, we should not be the only city in Iowa that does NOT contribute to our cultural organizations. It is an embarrassment for Dubuque, which has done so much in the past few years with the riverfront development and other projects, to ignore what is very important to very many people. Thank you for supporting the arts in our community by approving the funding to establish the Grant Program at your goal-setting session on September 13-14. Cynthia Nelms-Byrne (c' 9/1/2004