No Parking req Alley Alpine Nev . . To: Mayor & City Council, We the undersigned property owners, are petitioning for a "No Parking" sign in the alley that extends from Alpine to Nevada behind the Kingsley and Resnick residences. It is necessary to keep this alley open 24 hours a day in case of emergency. On the south corner of the alley when driving in, that property is owned by Helen Brown, 349 Nevada, Lot 5-007. Whenever her son Gary comes home(he lives in Wisconsin) there is a problem. This has been an ongoing dispute with parking in the alley, thus blocking it. Mr. Brown feels he can park his car or car and trailer in the alley and other people should be able to drive around him. However only approximately 10 ft. or less of the alley is driveable. Police have been called many, many times and the most recently on Aug. 1,2004 the police suggested we petition for a "No Parking" sign in the alley to correct the problem. That alley is the only access the property owners of Lots 28-015,29-016,2-006 have to get into their garages or parking area. All the petitioners listed have property abutting the alley in question, Thank You, Bob & Kay Kingsley 393 Alpine ~~1 AIPin;ar ~- ~ ~ /-.<¿<¿ OrzCUtJ DaG\. & Mimi R~iCk 375 !'rine. - ¿¿~ ~ '-Þ[~~(;£ Cy & lone Kon. rad~~ ~39lt;~a . ~~}!/I'~~ .J IhLucf¡~ cc:City Clerk City Manager Attachments: Maps f Ii , ------ .. ~O :61 :21 ~661 '01 . JeH u6p' e~20I\u5p\eJ5\:1 t... ".".. 10- 260 ~ . SÅ’PAGE I 10-260 SO-, . g NêVA~ZO -005 --