Hillcrest Road 3131 3131 H4llcrest Road 0-Martin Luther Home C-Heitzman Const, Co. Erect Luther Manor Building B.F. 703 9-20-67 6 0- Luther Manor C- Midwest Contractors reroof comm. bldg. BP 4551 7/2/82 $13261.00 0- Luther Manor C -Willy Const. erect frm add to nursing home BP 5362 3/7/83 $2,067,400.00 s y 0- Luther Manor C -Reg flauman erect 12x20 canopy on frt. nursing facility BP 9645 3/5/86 $1265.00 3131 Hillcrest 0- Luther Manor C -Max Smith Const. erect - 22x 9 rtet — brlcgar. , n t0569 8/14/86 $17,077 00 0- Luther Manor C -Steve Behr Const. alter. to inter. of nursing home BP 11408 3/2/87 $15,000.0 0- Luther Manor C- Inter -State Contr. rer u u f s eu t i u i r s of nursing trome - B P 1523fl 5 ± $ 0-Luther Manor C- Midwest Contractors frm, sheetrock - nursing home BP 15814 8/23/89 $915.00 0 - L uttrer - Mar o7 �Stgve Behr Ern s t . inter. alter_ to make 2 bed unit, nursing home_BP1772_4_____._. 10/3/90 $2000.00 3131 Hillcrest ,f 0- Luther Manor C -Total Structures inter. alter., seal smoke barriers, nursing home BP18755 6/11/91 $1300.00 0- Luther Manor C -Kluck Const. — 'rater: alter to rsi Yrome 8P - 1 - 98T 3/1/92$3000 00 0 =L - ut - her - M - arror - Nurs fn C-Owrrer erect fndn for future addition BP21209 10/19/92 $N1A I_ 0- Luther Manor Nursing Home C_ Owner erect addition to nursing home, suppl. BP21329 11/6/92 7-$-24-6;325.00 3131 Hillcrest 0- Luther Manor C -Kluck Const. reword and add — on - o exist canopy, nursing nome UP23199 12/6/93430011 00 0- Luther Manor C- Rafoth Sheet Metal rep - air splits n es, ep roof, nursing home RP245_03_8/18/9_4_$ 3500_0-00 0- Luther Manor C- Steven Ulstad install foundation for future addition, nursing home -- B`P - 33904 1 2f 1 - 5j%jn a -- - -- -0-Luther—Manor- 0-Steven H1 - er ' erect addition _for Alzheimer_s patients_ _on ex_i-s_t, fndn nursing home BP34210 3/13/96 $1,148,000.00 3131 HILLCREST 0- Luther Manor C- Midwest Auto. Fire Sprk extend exist sprk cyst for nursing home BP35140 6/14/96 [4,660.00 0- Luther Manor C -Jim Giese Comm. Roof. reroof, repair Comm. BP35411 7/12/96 $40,000.00 0- Luther Manor C- Gerardy Const.__ remodel inter., partition for library, nursing home, BP38263 2/11/98 $13000.00 0- Luther -- Manor C-Giese Roofing Co. reroof nursing home BP41050 11/12/99 $2986.00 0- Luther Manor C- Gerardy Const. erect 7'x23' canopy entrance on back, nursing home apts. BP42615 11/27/2000 $19000.00