Jackson Street 1856-1866 4S Jackson Street O. Excel Photo Service Alt. Int. 2 Story Br. Bldg.B.P. 486 6 -10 -63 500.00 0. Dubuque Acoustical Co. Remodel Interior Brk Bus Bldg E.P. 883 10/26/73 1,600,00 Remodel Interior Brk bus. Bldg. B.P. 162 4/1/74 800.00 Alteration to Brk Bus. Bldg. B.P. loo8 11 -8 -74 2000.00 B of A pet. for variance from Art. V, Section .5-106 & Art V, Sec 5 -104.4 to waive off - street parking require- ments - (See Board Minutes) Granted Docket 23 -76 1856 -66 Jackson _O-WilliamKlauex Add of (1) apartment & All. to bldg for garage, B.P. 730 7/27/76 2000.00