1972 October Council Proceedings Regular Session, October 2, 1972 CITY COUNCIL OFFICIAL R"1Iular Session October 2. 1972. No Members of the Counc,U Be. ing Pr- the Meeting was Ad. journed Subiect 10 call. Loo F. Frommelt City Clerk Approved 197- Adopted 197- Councilmen Altest: .................................................. City Clerk. 459 --- !i!llll~íllllll~~I.I! 460 Adjourned Regular Session, October 3, 1972 Adjourned Regular Session, October 3, 1972 461 CITY COUNCIL OFFICIAL Adjourned R"1Iular Session, Oct. ber 3, 1m. Council met et 1:30 P.M. (C. D. T.) Present - Mayor Moldenhauer, Councilmen ,B I It. r, Jus!mann, Pregler, Thoms. City Manager Gil. bert D. Chavenelle. M,ayor Moldenhauer read tile eaH and stated that service thereof has been duly made and this is ,an Adjourned Regular Meeting of Oct. ober 2, 1m, called for the purpose of acting upon such boon.... as may properly come before the meeting. Copy of communication to the Iowa Highw-ay Commission from C. J. Spahn, of Spahn & Rose Lumber Co. suggesting a- perimet- er type freeway four lane 500 and four lane 611 to Interstate, .present. edand read. Councitman Pregler mo""d that .the communication be referred to tile Coundl .and elm. sultants. Seconded 'by Mayor Mold. enhauer. Carried by the foll<>wing vote: Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer, Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann, Pregler, Thoms. Nays-None. Communication of Sacred Heart Parish Finance Committee \>bject. Lng to the proposed £reeway as to the -present Couler Valley align. ment, .presented and read. Coun. cilman Pregler moved that the communication be referred to the Council and consultants. Seconded by Mayor Moldenhauer, Carried by the foll\>wing vote: Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer, Councilmen Bitt e r, Justmann, Pregler, Thoms. Nay.-None. Communication of Rev. Ed. Kol. ; fellbac!>, pastor of Sacred Heart I Church, showing concern as to what the proposed _ay route would do to the Sacred Heart School, with possible loss of the new convent building, and sugg. esting consideration of alternate rout... for the freeWay, presented and read. Councilman Pregler moved that the communication be referred to the Council and consul. tants. Seconded by M'ayor M"ld. ~~uer. Carried by the following Ye... - Mayor Moldenhauer Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann' Pregler, Thoms. ' Nays>-None. Communications of Earl J. Bock of -13120 Rhomberg Ave. Suggesting various routes (brn the city to cure traffic problemo of our owo m"king, advising to take a second look at the Freeway route and to the knock-down œ-Oig-<>ut pro- gram of the Highway Engineering Department, _presented and read. CüUncilman Pregler moved that tile communication be referred to the Connctl and consnJ<ants. Sec- onded .by Mayor Moldenhauer. Car- ried by the foll<>wing vote: Y...... - Mayor Moldenhauer, Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann, Pregler, ThOms. Nays-N<me. Communication of Mrs. Glen U. delhofen of 2411.7 Broadway given seven rea- for correction of the Dog Ordinance, or at least its in- terpretation, aß the result of im. pounding her d<>gafter biting her child, presented and read. Mer the Council was assured that the case is being looked into Council- man Pregler moved that the com- munication be received and filed. Seconded by lIayor .Moldenhauer. Caniedby the foLlowing vote: Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer, Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann, Pregler, Thoms. NayS'-None. Communication of Muscular Dy- strophy Associations of America advising that the Dubuque Chapter wili 'hold its regular annual drive November 5th, ,presented and read- Mayor Moldenhauer moved appro. val subject to approva! of the City M-anager. Seconded by Councilman Pregler. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer, Councilmen -B it t e r, Juotmann, Pregler, Thoms. Nays-None. Communication of CathoJic -Moth. ers Study Clubs being somewhat disturbed that ~onsideration was being gi""n, or at least suggested, to charge a $5.00 fee for the use of pavillions and shelter houses at Dubuque parks and -swbmitting a resume of the fine work done by the Mother'. clubs in keeping the parks dæn project in order to keep mamtenance costs down, to prevent any chaœging or fees for use of the ;parks, presented and read. Councilman Bitter mov. ed that the communication be re- ceived and med. Seœnded lIy May- or Moldenhauer. Curled by the following vote: Ye", - Mayor Moldenhauer, Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann, Pregler, Thoms. Nays-None. September 29, 1972 Dubuque City Council To the Members of the City of Dubuque Conference Bo&rd: RE: Protest of a'ssessment of rea-¡ estare owned by Duane C., Irvin L. & Judy A. Koethe (Eagle Point Apts., 3100 R.homberg Ave., Ham's Add. Lots 2IYl & 208). On May 17, 19'm, Oi protest of assessment on the above prq¡>erty Wl>S filed with the City Board of Review, tIlrough their attorney, Thomas McKay. The petitioners stated they purcha-sed the property August 31, Jg¡O for $393,000. The Assessor had an actua! value of $534,503 on the -property. The Board of Review dehied the petition and the decision wa-s appealed to Dis- trict Court. -Before My Court a~. tlon, the Boa.-d of Review -was in session for 1972. On ,May 18, 1972, a protest was again filed with the City Board of Review. At this session, the Board reduced the actua! vahle from $534,503 to ~,829. ThIs decision wa's also appealed to District Court. Before going into Court, City Sol. icitor Romolo Russo and I con. ferred with Thomas Va!entioe, pro- fessional appraiser with the Con. tinental Appraisal Co., ,as to what the fair market value would be at the present time. .Mr. Valentine and I went through the apartments with Mr. Duane Koethe and reo ceived an income and '"'Pense statement fram him. We then con- f~wit\t Mr. Russo -and Ile pre. s&nted the 1l'oethes' aÍ'lØl'Dey, Th0- mas McKay, with the following recommendation. That tile aetual value be reduced from the Board of Review's figure of $4125,829 to $tO5;OOO."'. Me&ly aOld the Ko- etlles acœpted this allfer and I would recommend to the City of Dubuque Cooference Board that this settlement for the ye81'S 197il and 1972 be approved. Ja'mes J. Gregory City Assessor Councilman Bitter moved that the communication be received "nd moo and made a matter of reo cord Seconded by CouncilmM Pregier. Carried by tile following 'rote: Yeas - Mayor M<>idenhauer, Coundlmen Bi Her, Justmann, Pregler, Thoms. Nay&-None. CommunicaÜ<>l1 of IJN!KJE!F sui>- mitting plans for the operation of thedr drive on 0ctIdJer 31st and requeoliing that a specified grou¡p of junior high children be allowed to collect in the Town Olock Plaza and the Kennedy .MaH "fOas, pre- sented and "ead. Ooomcilmm ¡Preg- ler moved that tile communica. tlon be received and fiJed. Second. ed by Councilman 'I'homs. Oarried by tile foHowin¡g vote: Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer, Councilmen Bitter, Justmann, Pregler, Thoms. Nays - Nane. September 25, 1972 To the Honor<libJe Mayor and City C'>uDlcil I herewitll snhmit tile re¡>orTts of tile City Auditor, City ,Treasurer, Water Superintendent, Healtlh De. paTtment 8ß well as a list of cIaåms paid for the montll 0If Au. !lUSt Jg¡2. Gilbert D. Cha~lle c;,ty M,anager Mayor MoJdenhauer moved- that the repoIits be received and filed. Seconded by Conncilman Bi1ltm. Canted by the foUowing 'rote : Yeas - Mayor Mold_uer, Councilmen Bitter, Justmann, Pregler, Thoms. Nays - None. Se¡p!ember 26, 1!172 To the lJonoMb'le Mayor and City Council l"m returning to you tile -pe- tition of Mrs. Heidenreiœ request- iDg tbe use of eity trucks. I am e!Ido8Ù1'! . ~ of . 1- from Cletus Ailen whicb e"'Plains the arrangement he has made 00 serve Mrs. Heidenrei"h's group. GiJbert D. Cba~ O ¡y V:anacer COUDcilman Pregler moved a¡p- provl> of the M,ana,geor's action. Seconded by Mayor MaJdenœuer. i!~IIIIII~III~fI! 462 Adjourned Regular Session, October 3, 1972 Carried by tile iO1lowing vote: dinance and that the only stan. Yeas - Mayor Mo1denllaue:r, dards for development and opera. Councilmen B; tt e r, Justmann, tion that Ihe City could eOfOIlCe Pregler, TOOms. would be the minimum standards Nays - None. of the Mobile Home Park Develop. Communi~..tion of Board of Ad" ment Policy. justmoo!, by George E. Delnin' d. That tI1ose minimum stan- ger, ChairmancalJmg for a Maring dards set forth In the Mobile Home on OcWber 5, 1972, in response P,ark Development Policy are In. to a petition from tile \MerCY Me. suOOicient to provide for the pro. dical Ceoter requesting tile Build" tection of existing environmental ing Commissioner to isSue a build. "a~ues of tile area, and would ~il ing perm>t for the construction of to provide for the optimum de. a pb}'sicians oÐfice building with veJopment of this site. fwcilities for dispensing and sale The Commission has determined of drogs, presented and rea d. that the proposed zoning reclassifi. Counciiman Bitter moved tilat the cation and modular home develop- communication be received aDd ment coòcept is not an -aeceptabJe filed. Seconded by Mayor Molden. proposa'l for Ibis site, and has bauer. CaNied by the foU-owing voted nna-nimouslY to deny the pe. vote: ti>tion. Yea,s - Mayor MoJdenhauer, cm'Y pilJANNIIiNG AND Connc~men Bit t e r, Justmann, ZON$NG QOMIMJSSlON Pregler, Thoms. Daniel Dittemore Nays - None. Development Planner September 'Iff, I972 Councilman Pregler moved tbat Honorable Mayor tbe ,planner be directed to hold and Council Memhers a meetWg witll tile St8l!f, Build. The City of Dubuque P'ianning ing Department and Counc.l1 and and Zoning Commission has con. Mr. Davis. Seéonded by Council. sldered tile -petitioO of G. M. and man Bitter. Roll Oall. on the mo- M. Company for reclassiffuation tion was as folJoWS: of tbe NiE'I. of the NIE'!. of Section Yeas - Councilman BiltJter, Mia. 16, T89N, R.:Œ of the !Jth P.M., yorMoldenhauer. In tile ~ of Dubuque, Iowa, froDI Nays - Councilman Justmann, Siingle Fa~ Residence to Mul. Pregler, Thoms. tiple Residence classification for Motion failed. stated pu<'!>OSOS of developing a ()ouIIcilman Thoms -moved to ae. modular home communitY. cept and ,approve Ü1e report of The Commission has reviewed tbe Planning & Zoning Commission this prOPOS~ and bas concurred and refer to the Planner to work in tile fo\JoW[ng oiJSOI'Vations: with-Mr. Da.,;s. Seconded by Conn' a. 11hat ouI>stantial "slues h""" cilman :?regler. Camed by tile been estæb1isbed In Ibis area by foJ1l>wing vote: virtUe of tile existing sing1e fa,milY Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer, residential use, developable topo- Councilmen Justmann, Pregler, gr>8phy, and nætur"l amenities, Thoms. such that tI1is site could support Nays - CouncRman Bitter. bi¡Ø1.quality devetopmoo! for al. Mr. Daniel Dittemore, l)eVeJop. most any type of residential use. meot Planner, submitted an ex-ten. b. That any development pro- .we review of transacotions and posed for tbe site must aSSure consultations with Mr. Davis of maintenance of the environmental the G. M. and M. ComPSny for values already present In tbe area, reclassi£ication of the area loeæted and tI1at a proposal for a modular at W. 3i2nd Street and J. F. K. home cem,munity would be wppro. Road. priate oD'Iy where ex:c~ionally Mayor 'Moldenhauer '!loved that bi¡Ø1 standards of development and the rules be suspended in order operation could be assured. to let anyone preseot adórJ>sS 1he c. That the proposal of G. M. Council if they 00 d...ire. Second. and M. CompanY must be admlnis. ed by Counclhnan Pregler. ear. ter"" 1;hroUgh the mobile bome ried by tile following vote: park provisi<>nS of the Zoning 0<. Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer, Adjourned Regular Session, October 3, 1972 463 Councilmen B; t t e r, Justmann, Pregler, Thoms. Nays - None. .Mr. Daw. submitted his ideas along with house plans for a site cleveloipment at the corner of 3I2nd St. & J. F. K. Road. They would cater to Adults only. The area must be developed as a' tract. The Investment would be a;bout one mil. lion doHars, plus the ]and costs P'lanto put eight units on an a~re. Cluster the units and use the furest for parks. The units would he pur. chased at a price of $12,000, plus a moothly ren~sl of $50. Mr. Earl Mason addressed the Council by stating tIlat they woo1cl be willing to >Ut In writing as to the pr0- vision of amenities. Petition of Darlene M. Weigand et al (49 signatures) dbjecting to the reelassific'ation of the property at the northeast earne.- of 312m! street and J. F. K. Road from Single F,a'mi[y to Multiple class!. fi~ation, presented and read. Coun. cilman Pregle.- moved ,that tile ¡pe. tition of objection be referred to the Planning & Zoning Commission fur consideration when they con. suit witll Mr. Da'w. on the modu. lar home concept. Seconded by Councilman Thoms. Carried by the fo1Jow!ng vote: Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer, Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann, Pregler, Thoms. Nays - None. Petition of Rohert M. Meyer et aI {[09 signers) supporting Plill IJangas In JUs effort to dbtain a class "B" beer Jicense in 'a class "A" zoning ela,ssificatlon, propel1!y located at 1[05 Loras Blvd., pre- sented and read. Councilman Bit. ter moved that the petition be reeeived ,and ffied. Seconded by Ma.yor Moldenhauer, Carried by the fullowing vote: I Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer, I CouøcUmen Bit t e r, Justmann, P-regler, Thomo. Nays-None. Mr. Phil Langas addressed tile CouDCil soJicit[ng SUJIPOrt to -alJow the sale of beer under a Class B beer license. September 28, 1972 Honorable Mayor and Council Members The City of DubuquePlannlng and ZonIng Commission -has made a review of proposed amendments to tbe Local Business "A" classi. fication of tile Zoning Ordinance and to Ordinance No. 4111-72 provid. ing for the sale and consumption of beer within areas classified Local Business "A". l! was reported to the Com-mts. sion that thesea-mendments were drafted for the purpose of resolv. ing tbe 10ng.stan<Üng request for permission to sea bee.- at 1[06 ,Loras &ulevard, In premises pre. sently zoned Local 'Business "A". The Commission has consisteøtly resisted earlier petitions to reclass. ify these premises to a zoning district permitting the opera,tion of a tavern, finding that ta..erns or other business uses not now permitted on those premises would be Incompatible with the surround- Ing residential area. The _Ii... lion of the proposed amendment would ha've basically tile sa'me ef. fect on tile neighborhood as a zon- ing reclassifiC<lltion. The Commts. sion has, therefore, determined tllat this amendment is contra.ry -to tbeir judgement on tihis matter as it ha-s been eJOpressed on four previous øca"ions. The Commission is also -are that the Proposed amendment would have a potential aPIPlication witihin all areas now clasaified L0- cal Business "<A". Like the Laras Boulevard -area, many of ti1ese dis. tricts are contained ,within resi. dential neighborhood". Adoption of the proposed amendmeot would In. vite pressures for the establish- ment of ta,verns In those zones without providing any rigid salfe. gnards for the protection of a' reo sidential environment. It is the unanimous opinion of the P1anning and Zoning Commts. sion that efforts to accommodate the operation of a tavern at 1105 [,oras &ulev>ard or at "ther areas zoned for Local Business "A" would compromise the best inte- rests of the immediate neighbor. hood and of the community at large. fl'I1e commission ha,s urged that you reject this amendment. CITY PILANMNiG AiNID ZONJiNIG OOMIMJS&roN Daniel 'Dittemore Development Planner Cooøcilman Pregler moved that the recommendation of the Plan. ning '" Zoning Commission he ..p- proved and the Langas petition 464 Adjourned Regular Session, October 3, 1972 be denied. Seconded by Council. the location of the premises 01 man Thoms. Roll call on the mo- a Class "B" Boer Permit within tion was as follows: a local Business "A" District das. y.eas - Councilmen Pregler siflcetion. Thoms. presented and read. Nay~ - Ma~or Moldenhauer, Mayor Moldenhauer moved that Councilmen. BIt t e r, Justmann, the reading just had be considered MotIOn failed. the first reading c>f the Ordman"". ORDI'N;ANCE NO. 53.72 Sec~ded by Councilman Pregier. An Ordlnanca amending end CarrIed by the foll<lwmg vote: changing Ordinance 3-34 known as Yea~ - M~yor Moldenhauer, the "Zoning Ordinance of the City Councilmen B' t t e r, Justmann, of Dubuque, Iowa", By repealing Pregler. . Section t of Article V-A thareof, Nays - Cou""ilman Thoms. and adopting a new Section 1 of Ma.yor Mo1d<;nhauer moved that Amc:!e VA In lieu thereof, to clas. the rule requmng an Ordmance oily restaurants, cefes end cafe. to be read on three separate da~s tori.. as u- _rate and dls. be walved. Seco~ by Cound!- tinct from retail stores, end to ma'.' Pregler. Carned by !be fol- permit the .ale end consumption lowmg vote: of beer there,l", under certain _. Yea~ - M'~yor Moldenbauc<, cifled c_ltions. Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann, Pregler. pr~:Um:d J:::'~ann m a v e d Na.ys - Co<mcilinan Thoms. that !be reading just had be con. Mayo~ Mold<;nhauer moved that sidered !be first reading of the a ~bltc hea,nng be beld on the Ordina:nce. Seconded by COuncil. Ordmance on November 6, 1972 man Bitter. Carried by the fol. at 7:30 P.M. m. the Councll lowing vote: Chamber ~t the Clty !Ian and Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer, that bh<: City ?lerk be 1UStruC~ed Councilmen Bitt e r, Justmann, to publish notice of. the heanng P~e¡¡1e~ 'l1homs m tile manner reqUlred by law. NaYS' - Non~. Seco'.'ded by councilm.an Pregler. Councilman JustmaWl m 0 v e d Carried by the EoIllowmg vote: that the rule requiring an Ordi- Yea~ - M~yor Moldenhauer, nonce to be read on three se. Councllmen B 1 It e r, Justmann. parate days be waived. Seconded Pregler. by Councilman Bitter. Carried by Nays - Councilman Thoms. the foJ ,owing vote: September 25, 197e Yeas - Mayor MoJdeDl>auer, Hon. Ma,yor Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann, and City Council Pregler. Thoms. On July Z1, =, MO's. Loras Nays - None. Hosdl of 1955 Garfield, this city, Councilman J"ustmann m 0 v e d filed claim on beha'lf of her dau!lh. that a hearing be held on the ter, Linda HoSch, against the City Ordinance on N0'7"mIber 6, 19'1'2, of Dubuque in an unspecified in the Council Cbamber at the amount, alleging thO!! said da:ugh- City HaJi O!! 7:30 P JM. and that ter chipPed a front tooth on July !be City Clerk be instrUcted to 25, 1972 as the result of hitting publish notiCe of sa.me in the man. a tooth on the ladder while climb' ner required by l"w. Seconded by ing out of the Dubnque Municipal Councilman Bitter. Carried by the Swimming pool. funowlng vote: This matter was referred to the Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer, a¡;propriate City Agency who made Coun>eümen Bit t e r, Justmann. an investigation !bereof a:nd reo Pregler, 'l1h<>ms. ported by letter to this office on Naya - None. Septemher 19, 19'1'2 of no liability or negligence on the part of tile ORDINANCE NO. 55.12 City of DUibuqu.. and in view of An ordinance amending Ordinance the foregoing it D the recommenda- 46-12 by .--aling SectIon 4 thare- tion of the City Attorney tIlat the of and enacting a .... Section claim of Mrs. 1.0.... Hbsch 011 be- 4 in lieu thereof to provide tor half of Linda Hosch be denied. Original Claim is returned here- with. Adjourned Regular Session, October 3, 1972 465 R. N. Russo City Attorney Councilman PreglCT mowó a,p. prova¡ of the recommendation. Se- conded by Mayor Mol_auer. Carried by the fotiowing vote: Yeas - Mayw Moldenhauer, Councihnen Bit t e r, Juotmann, Pre¡¡ler, '!'boms. Nays - None. September 22, 187'2 Honorable Mayor and City Council Rayomond L. Marilin of 31170 Ka1!f.- mann, this city, filed cla.m a,gainst the City of Dubuque ..Deging da. mag... in the Itmonnt of S60.00 caused to his motor YeIIicle on September 13, 19'1'2 as the result of striIring. a patch of rock. and I mud on the street on RooMaie Road "ear the 2000 blod:. This matter was referred to the City Attorney's of.lfice ..bo investi. gated sa,m" and checked with the Street Department and finds no actionable negligenœ on !be part of the City of Dubuque as !be wasl1<lut had been caused by ex. tremely heavy rains that occurred that date. It is therefore the re- commendation of tbe City Attor- ney's odjfice that said c1!aim be denied. Original Claim is returned here- with. R. N. Russo City Attorney Councilman Pregler moved ap- proval of the recommendation. Se. conded by Mayor Moldenhauer. Carried by the Mlowing vote: Yeas - J4'ayor Moldenhauer, Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann, Pregler, Thoms. Nays - None. Sel>tember 22, 1972 Honorable Mayor and City Council On September 15, 1972, E. D Forslund of 899 Eane Street, this city, filed claim against the City of DuOOque alleging he struck a trenched eJ<ca,vation on North Grandview 200' north of Kaufmann on September 1-1, 1972 and tIlereby causing damages to bis motor ve- hicle in the amount of $-171.00. 'Ilhis mattCT was referred to tile I City Attorney's oIflce _ch has reviewed same and finds no liahil. ity on the part of the City of. Du. buque sin~e at said time and pI- said street wa'S under construc- tion by Fondel! and Sons and said cla.imant has since been ref..rred to said contractor. In view of. the f.oregoing it is the recommenda. tion of the City Attorney that saM cla.im be deuied. Original cw,m is returned here. with. R. N. Rnsso City Attorney Councilman Pce'g1er moved ap- proval of the recommendation. Se. conded by Mayor Moldenhauer. Carried by the following V<Jte: Yea.s - Mayor MoIdenhau..., CouDcilmen B it Ie r' Justm""", Pregler,. 11IIoms. Nays - Non". Notice of claim of Steven E. BOihl, in an estimated amount of. $99.66, for car damage incurred as th" result of driving into a ditch on Da,vls Aivenne on Sep- tember 15, 1972, jIi"...ented It n d read. Mayor MoJdeDhauer moved that the notice of claim be reo ferred to the City Solicitor fur in>vœtiP1:ion ,800 report. Seconded by Councilman Pregier. Oan-ied by the f.ollowing vote: Y"as - Mayor M_nhauer, Councilmen Bitt e r, Justmann, Pregler, 'I1homs. Nays - None. Notice 01. claim of Robert J. Arensdorf, in the amount at $600., f.or damage incurred "" the result of a brobm sewer line at 350 Kaof- mann Ave. on June 10, UJI12, pre- sented and r"ad. Mayor MoJden- hauer moved that the notice of claim 'be referred to tile City So- !i.citor fur iDvestigationand report. Seconded by Councilman Pregler. Carried by tile follGwing vote: Yees - Mayor MOldenhauer, Councilmen Bit t e r, Justm-ann, Pregler, Thoms. NayS - None. Notice of claim of M"". Tom Schnee for .property damage and expense incurred in the amount at $2f5.00, as the result of a city wall caving in on her property at 920 A1thauser Avenue on Au. gnst end and additional damage sustained on September 12, 1972. Mayor Moldenhauer moved that the no1i~e of claim be relf.erred to the City So1icitor for investiga. tionand report. Seconded by Coun- 466 Adjourned Regular Session, October 3, 1972 cilman, Pregler. Carried by the \ following vote: Yeas - 14<\,yor MOldenhauer, Councilmen Bitt e r, Justmann, Pregler, Thoms. Nays - None, Petition of James ;p. and John W. Riley, by Leo A. McOarihY attorney, requesting rezoning of lA>t 14 in Dreibelbie. Addn. 1<>- cated at the comer of RIIomberg and StaÆford, from Two F'amilY Classification to Business "'B" clas. sification, prMOOted and read. Councilman Pregler moved tbot the petition be relerred to the Nanning .,ZOninI! CoJlunissi<>n;Se- conde<l 'by CouncilmaJl Bitter. Car. ried by the f.ollc>wl1>g "vote:, Yeas - Mayor'JlDldenhauer, Councilmen Bitt" r, Jusbmann, Pregler, Thoms. Neys - NOOe. Petition of Donna L. Ma'as et 01 (31 signers) as residents of Jack. son Street reqlle5tlng a'nest of all trdfic ,violators f.or impr<>perve> hide starts-camess & rØckless drivin1!-driving while under the in. fluence, Oif a controlled ~nce' I endangering lives in genera'l.speed in "",,"ss of 100 m.p.b. (no street add- poseible 24th . Jacl<son Street area), preseøted and read. Councilman p,re,gler moved that the petition be referred to the Ci.ty Manager and staff for investiga. tion and report. SecOnded byCoun. ci1manThoms. Carried by the fol. lowing vote: Yeas - 14<\yor Moldenhauer, I OouDcilmen B ; It e r, J"""mann, Pregler, Tboms. N..ys - N<>ne. Petition of Y Men's Halloween Parade Chairman requesting per. mission to schedule the Amlual Hall-- ¡>aTSde for the com. mllnity on Monday night ()ot.dber 30, 1911! p....ented and read. Coun. cilman Bitter moved approval of the petition subject to æpprov"l of the City Manager. seconded by Mayor Moldenhauer. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer, Councilmen Bitt e r, Justmann, Pregler, Thoms. Nays - NOOe. RESOLUTION NO. 3O7.n Resolution accO lling and providing lor the execution of a p.-od Urben Planning Grant Awilrd WlHEItEU\S, under Section 70-1 of the Housing Act of -1954, as amend. ed, the United StatM of Ameri<:a ('herein called the "Government") bas tendered to the Ci.ty of Du- buque, Iowa (herein caRed the "'Planning AgeDCY") a proposed Urban Planning Grant !.ward un. derwhich the Government agrees to make' a """nt to the iPla,nning Agency to aid in ftnancing a Pro- gNlm, designated Program No. 10- wa.P.171; and WIIJIE)RJÐAS, the planning Agency bas given due consideration to said propoaed Grant AlWard; and \WJ!E¡RIEJAS, the Planning Agency is dulyautho~. under and pur. suant to the Constitution and laws of the Stale of Iowa, to undertake and carry out said Program and to accept tile Grant Award: BE Jfl' RÆISOLVED BY the Oity Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa ,AS FOLILOWS: Section 1. The proposed AlWard, designated "Con,prel>ensive Nan. ning Assistance GNnt, program No. Iowa.¡>"¡71", consisting of Parts I, III, a'ad lillI, under and suibject to the provisions, terms, and conditions of wbicl1 the Go. vernment will mate an Urban Planning Grant under Seetion 701 of the Housing Act of 1954,' as amended, to tile Planning Agency to aid in financing the cost of program No. Iowa..?-I1:/Il, situated in Dubuque, Dubuque County, I0- wa, is hereby in al1 respects ac. cepted . Section 2. The City Matta,ger is hereby authorized and directed to execute "",id Gra:nt Award in two countertparts on hehallf of the Plan. ning Agency, and the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to impress and attest the official sea¡ of the Planning Agency, if a,ny, on each such counterpart and to for,ward such coùnterparts to the Department of Housing and Urban Development, together with sud> otl1er documents relative to the acceptance and execution thereof as may be required by the Government. Section 3. The City Manager is hereby authoriaed to ~le requtsi. tions, together with necessary sup- porting dOcUments, with the G0- vernment, from time, to time as Grant fund. arerequlred, request. Ing payments to be made to It Adjourned Regular Session, October 3, 1972 on account, of tile G, ra, n, , t provided 'I' P, ,assed, a, pproved and ado, pled for in the AlWard, and to do aud this 3rd day of October, 1972. perform all other things and acts Wayne A. Moldenhauer required to ,be done or performed 'Mayor in order to obtain suci1 payments. I Walter A.I\regler Section 4. The Planning Agency ARan T. Thoms agrees to abide by aR of the pro- C. Robert Justmann visions, terms, a,nd conditions of Joseph J. Bitter said Gra'nt Alward. Councilmen Section 5. This Resolution shall Attest: take effect this da,y of October Leo F. Frommelt 3, 1972 . City Clerk Passed, approved and adopted Councilman Pregler moved adO >- this 3rd day of October, 1972. tion of the resolution. Seconded Wayne A. Moldenhauer by Councilman Bitter. Carried by Mayor the following vote: Walter A. Pregler Yeas - May,or Moldenhauer, Allan T. Thoms Councilmen B ¡ t t e r, Justmann, C. Rabert Justmann Pregler, Thoms. Joseph J. Bitter Nays - None. Councilmen RESOLU1'ION NO. 309.12 That this Counci'l go on record stating that it is our present and foreseeable intent not to disturb the residents of the Colder Valley neighborhood by the introduction of a ~reewaY"Xlpress<way link in that area, presented by Coundl- man Justmann. Councilman Justmann moved for adoption of the resolution. Motion died for læck of a second. Councilman Pregler m"""d that adoption of tJhe resolution be re- jected. Motion died for lac,k of a second. October 2, 1972 The Honorable Mayor and City Council Re: City of Dubuque, Iowa Sewer and Waterworks Improvements Center Grove Sanita,ry Intercep- tor Sewer Contra~ I Section 1, Waterworks Improvement. Moderniza-tion Contract II Sec- tion 1. Feeder Main EJrtension Contra,ct 1I Sections 2, 3 and 4. On September 26, 1972, at 10:00 a.m. bids for the construction of the above described projects were received. F'>Ilowing is a summary of the bids received. Center Grove Valley Sanitary In- terc..ptor Sewer Contract I, Sec. tion 1 The lowest and best bid received was submitted by the M. F. Goerdt Construction Company of Dubuque, Iowa. The total bid W!8S $253,600.72. Their bid was 6.6% below the En. gineer's estimate. Attest: Loo F. Frommelt City Clerl< M'ayor Moldenhauer moved adop. tion of the rerolution. Seconded by Councilman Pregler. Ca,rried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor MoJdenhauer, Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann, Pregler, Thoms. N..ys - None. R'ESOLUT'ION NO. 308.12 ~, Dubuque Packing Company has executed and deliver. ed a perpetua!l easement for the constrUlCtion, operation, and main- tenance of a storm sewer, dated September 21, 1972; and Wlll!ERŒJAS, delivery of said easement should be accepted by the City of Dubuque, Iowa; NOW 'l1HERiEíFORiE BE IT !liE. SOliV'ED BY TIllE CITY (J(JillKJI'L OF THIE CITY OF DUIBUQUE, IOWA: Section 1. That perpetual ease. ment of the Dubuque Packing Com- pany, dated September 21, 197(! covering the foIlowing described real estate, to-wit: The Southerly 1,300 feet of Lot 2 of of lA>t 2 of River Front Subdivision No.4, according to the .Recorded Plat thereof which bas been delivered to the City of Dubuque, Iowa be and th~ same is herelby approved and de- livery Is herewith ""Cl\Pted. Section 2. That the City Olerk be and he is hereby authorized and d.rected to record the same In the records of Dubuque County, Iowa. 467 468 Adjourned Regular Session, October 3, 1972 illl~II~II~II.ill~li. Adjourned Regular Session, October 3, 1972 469 (Awo,rdlng Contract) haw been submitted ,by contrac- RESOLUTION NO. 310.12 I tors fur the Contr,act U ¡Watel1WOrks WiHEiItE1AS, sealed proposals Improvement Feeder MaJÌn E><ten- have been SUibmitted by contoo,c- sian. Section 2, West 3and Street; tors fur the Center Grove Valley Section 3, ¡Park Hi1l; Section 4, Sa'nitary lnterc'lptor Sewer -1972, Hig!1way #;!O pursuant to Resolu- MUD Project Number WS-Iowa-99 tion No. 2SI4-J12and notice to blddèrs pursuant to Resolution No. J!56.,72 PIlhlished in a newspaper pubJished and notice to biddens published in said City on Augnst aI, 1972 in a newspaper ]>t1blisbed in said and August 18, 1!J12; and City on August 11, um and Augnst ~,said s"a:led propo. 18, 1!J12; and sals were opened 'and read on Sep. WlHEJRŒJAS, said sealed propo- !ember:l.6, 1197!!, and it bas been sals were opened and read on Scp- determined ,tbat tile hid of 114. F. tember :1.6, 1972, and it ha's been Goerdt Coostruetion Co. of IDubu. determined that the bid of M. F. que, Iowa in the amount of Goerdt Construction Co. of Dubu- ~,,445.50 wa's the lowe5t bid for que, Iowa in the amount of the furniohing of all labor and $253,OOO,'7!! was the lowest bid for materials and per{orn1ln,g the w<>rk the furnishing of all labor and as Prov:ided for in the pl~s and materials aud performing the work specifi"OItions; now, thered'ore, as providoo for in the plans and ,BE ur ,RESOLVE;¡) ,by the City speej£[cations; now thereIfMe, Council of the City of IDubuque BE IT REEOùVED by the City that the contract for the above Council of the City of Dœbuque mentioned improvement he award- that the contract for the above ed to 114. F. ,Goerdt Constroction mentioned improvement be />Ward Co., Dubuque, rowa subject to the ed to M. F. G<>erdt Construction approval of tile Department of Co., Dubuque, Iowa, subject to the Housing ánd ,Um.an Development a¡pproval of the DeplWtment of and the M'anager ,be and he is Housing and Uroan Development hereby directed to execute a eon. and the Mana,ger he and he is trlrot on lbeha]ll' of the City of Du. hereby dkected to execute a con buque for the "<!mplete perfar- tract on hehaji of tile City of Du- mance of said work. buque fur the complete perfor BE ur I!1UiRfI1H!Em RiESOINEiD, mænce of said work. that upon the signing of saJÌd con- DE lII' FUil!IrßjEJR RJEBOLVED, tract ,and the approval of the eon. tbat upon the signing of said con- traciors bond the City Treasurer tract and the approval of the con. is ,authorized and instructed to re- tractors bond the City Treasurer turn tile hid deposits of the uú- is authorized and iMtructed to 1 successful bidders. turn the bid deposits of the un. P'assed a'nd adopted this 3rd day successful bidden. of Octoòe.-, JØl2. P""sed and adopted this 3rd day Way"" À. Moldenhauer of October, 19'1'2. Mayor Wayne A. Moldenhauer Walter A. P,regler I(ayor Allan T. 'I1boms Walter A. Pregler Councilmen A!!lan T. Thoms Attest: Councilmen Leo F. Frommelt City ,OIed[ Councilman Pregler moved adoI" tion of the resolution. Seconded by Mayor Moldenhauer. Carried by UIe foBowin¡ ,vote: . Yeas - Mayor iMoldenbauer, Councilmen Pregler, Thoms. Na'ys - Coon-cilmen 'Bitter, Just- mann. (............. CC!n!roct) >RESOLUTION NO. 31S-72 ~, sealed prOl><>Slllls ha,ve been submitted by eontrac- ton for Contract U Waterworks We recommend tilat the Contl'act Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer J, Section 1 be aowarded to the Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann' M. F. (Joerdt Construction Com- pregler, Thoms. ' pany sulbject to tbe concurrence Nays - None. of the Department aI. HiJusing and Proof aI. Publication, certitied to Urban Development. by tile publisher, of Advertisement '1Jhe City sha", of the construc- foc bids for the eoostruetion of tion of thia sewer is inclnded in Center Grove Va}[ey Sanitary In. the 1972 budget. terceptor sewer, presented and Modernization Contract ii, Section read. Councilman Pregler moved I that the proof of publication be The lowest and best bid received received and filed. Seconded by was submitted by WesliÞbal and Mayor Moldenhauer. Ca-rried by Company of JOanesv'&le, Wisconsin the following vote: alld l)ubuque, I-a in tile total Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer, amount of $555,000.00. '!be Engl. Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann, nee<"s elllimate W8l! $6115,000.00. Pregler, 'lboms. We recommend that the coolir'aCt Nays - None. be &<warded as recommended by Proal. of Publication, certified to our engineers; subject to tile final by the publisher, 01. MNertisement concurrence aI. the Department of for bids for """.....,tion of Water Bouing a<>d Uz¡ban D",,<\1Oþlllent. Worm Improvements, 1972 Feeder Feedor M8In Extensions Contract Main E"tension, presented" n d U. Sedlons 2. 3 and 4 read. Councilman Pregler moved '!be lowost and best bid reee;~ that the proof of puhlication be was submitted by M. F. Goerdt received and fi)ed. Seconded by eonstrUctiGn ComplWY aI. DW>uque, May« Moldenbauer. Carried by Iøw.. The tied bid for Sootions the following vote: 2, 3 and 4 was $t4II,tI!45.50. The Y,eas - Mayor Moldenhauer, EngiIIeer's e" t i m a, t e was Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann, $4IIII,SII6.50. Pregler, Thoms. We rœommend that ... CoJItrIlct Nays - None, ]1, SectioDS 2, 3 all<! 4 be &>warded proof of PubJ}eaÜon, certified to all recommended by our eng;neers, by tbe Pulbiisber, of Ad;vertisement øubject to the ~ coneurrenœ for hidJ¡ for eonstmction of Con- of the Department 011' Housing and tNCt JII-Seetion I for Waterwor's UI'ban IJevelq>ment. Modernization 1972, presented and We ba"" analy:oed the cash Bow read. eouneitman P'regler moved projected in the Water Department tIlat the proof of pnbliœtion be for the year. 19'12 a,nd ~. Our received and filed. Seconded by analYsis at tIrls time indleat... a Mayor Moldenhauer. Carried by tota:l 1Iftilab~ cash balance fur the ~ng rote: the two year period, applicable Yeas - Mayor Mohlenhauer, to 1his cons1ruA:tion, of $l,O65,!194.H. Councilmen D ¡ t t e r, Justmann, The totli eost of these improve- Pregler, Thoms. meats tOO&y, iDeludmg engineering Nays - None. and contingency is $l,aæ,23<4.50. Mr. Dick SeØltz objected to the UtiJIizin¡g $63,640.48 01. an e"pected Council retatlVe to the tie in me. _,460.00 HiUID reimbursement, tiled used in the bidding procedure. the entire imp""",meBt JII'O1! ."8Ð1 Mr. l'*Ul Ombraøl of H. D. & can be financed. R. stated that In hi. opinion tbat In general, we are pleased with everyÜ1ång iJ; in peIiect ...der and the bidJI as reeeilved on the pro- it was a choice on the part of jeGI 1114 It ill - ~mqlelllia. the 'biddera. tion tIlat a~ J'tIIdatio.. Cøun<\iImIà BiWD" ..,...edtø taII- he pasoed a'Warding sa,me subject Ie action to a.wHd ttfttil next week. to HiUID <:ooeurrenee. Seconded by Couneilnmn Jus t- Gilbert D. CIIavenelle mann. RoU cali on the motion was City 11-- as foJlaws: ConnCiiman Pregler moved tbat Yes - CoImcibnen mtter, JIISt. the oommunica,tiou he received and mann. filed. Seconded by M'ayor Molden. Nays - Mayor Moldenhauer, bftCr. Oat'riad by the foli,owIng Counciùnen pregler, Thoms. vote: Motion faUed. Mtest : Loo F. F'rommelt City Clerk C<>tIDCHman Pregler moved adop- tion of the reaolution. Seconded by Mayor Mold.....,.. Oamed by the follow1ng vote: Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer, Councilmen Pregler, Thoms. Na'ys - Couooilmen ;¡tter, Just. 1IIIInn. ' (Awarding Comract) RESOLU1'ION NO. 311.12 WŒIEREIAS, sealed proposals 470 Adjourned Regular Session, October 3, 1972 to sell Qigarettes and Cigarette Papers witl1!n said City. Rudy Dittmar, 1646 Asbury Road David E. Zimmerman, iIJ97 Clarke Dri¥e BE lfI' ,FlJIR'l1ßiEm RiESOLVEID that the bonds filed ,wiUl the ap- plication be 'approved. Passed, adopted and approved this 3rd day Of October, 1972. Wayne A. Moldenhauer Mayor Waiter A. Pregler Allan T. Thoms C. Robert Justmann Joseph J. Bitter Councilmen Modernization.19'l2, Section I pur- suant to Resolution No. 250-'12 and notice to bidders published in a newspaper published in said City on August '11 .19'l2 and Augnst18, 1972; and WIHE~, said selded propo- sals were opened and read on Sep. tember 26, 19'12, and it has been determmed that the ,bid of West- phal & Co., Inc. of Dubuque, Iowa in the amount 01. $555,000.00 was the lowest ,bid for the fornishing of ,an }aborand materials and performing the work as ,provided fur in tile plans and specifications; now therefore, BElfI' RESOlNiEID by the City I Attest. Council of the City of Dubuque Loo . F Frommelt that .the contra"¡ for the above City 'Clerk mentioned ,mprovement be _am- Council,man Pregler moved adop- cd to Westphal II:< Co., inc. Du- tion of the reS<ilution. Seconded b,U, que, 'Iowa SUb,¡ect. to, the a J- \ by Cou,ncil,<m,'an, Bitter. carried, b,Y p",val of the Department of ROIlS' the following vote: lUg 'and Urban Develop~e~t and Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer, the Manager be and he is hereby Councilmen Bit t e r Justmann directed to execute, a,' contra<Ct on I Pregler, Thoms.' , behali <>f the City <>f Dubuque ,f<?r Nays - None. tile complete performatæe of saId work. ,R,ESOLU11ION NO. 314-12 BE lfI' FU1R1I1HIEŒt RiESOLVEID, W!HERE)AS, 8JPPlications for Beer that upon the signing Of said coo- permits ha<ve been submitted to tract and the approval of the ron. this Council for approval and tile tractors bond the City Treasurer same halve been eumined; NOW is authorized and instructed to re- 'I'!mRiE!F0RE, turn the bid deposits of the un. BE 1'1' RESQiLVIEID by tile City successful bidders. Council 01. the City of Dubuque, Passed and adopted tms 3rd day Iowa, that the foDmving appJiica. of October, 1m. tions be grauted 'and ,permits is- Wayœ A. Moldellhauer sued upon the compliance with the Mayor terms of the ordinalliCes of tile WaIter A. Pregler City. Allan If. Thoms C,~ "B" BEE!R PE,RMIT Coutæilmen Donald C.Brimeyer, UOO lJincoln Attest: ~~ "C" BE'ERP'EIRMiT Loo F. Frommelt . ' City Olerk Natlonal Tea Company, 2013 Cen- Councilman Pregler movedadop- tral Avenue . tion of tile resolution. Seconded Kopple Market, Inc" 1008 Umver. by Mayor Moldenhauer. Carried ~lt~ Ave,nue . by tile following vote: MISSISSlppl Valley Milk Prod. Assn. Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer, Inc.-, . ~ Centra~ Avenue CoUnc-ilmen 'P,regler, æhoms. MlSslSS>ppl Van~Mi1k ,Prod. Ass,n. Nays - CoUncilmen Bitter, Just. I~., 2:111 ~m~sor. Avenue mann Holiday on DIstributing, Inc., SO5 . Dodge Street RESOLUTION' NO. '313-12 Holiday on Distributing, Inc., 1401 BE ¡lfI' I\IESOLVIEID by the City Central Avenue Cooncil of the City ,of -Dubuque, Holiday Oil DiatrilJuting, Inc., 400 Iowa, that the following hONing Rhomberg Avenue complied with the provisions of Holida'y Oil Distributing, Inc., 1685 18iW relating to the sale <>f Ci- J. F. Kennedy Road garett... within the City <>f Du. Holiday 011 Distributing, Inc., 9&1 buque, Iowa, be gl'8nted a per,mit Dodge Street Adjourned Regular Session, October 3, 1972 Nabors of Iowa, Inc., 1920 Elm Street Passed, adopted and _roved this 3rd day of October, a972, Wayne A. Moldenhauer Mayor Walter A. Pregler Allan '1'. Thoms C. Robert Justmann Joseph J. Bitter CoUncilmen Attest: Loo F. Frommelt City Clerk Councilman Pregler moved adop- tion of the resolution. Seconded by Councilman Bitter, Garried by tile following vote: Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer, Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann, Pregler, 'I'boms. Nays - None. RE'SOLUl'ION NO. 315.12 WŒŒJREiAS,app!ications for Beer permits were filed by the within named a'pplicants a'nd they ha,ve received the approval of ,this Coun. cil; and WHEiREIAS, the premises to be occupied by such applica,nts were I inspected and found to comply with the ordinances of this City and they have filed proper bonds; NOW rnEREFORE BE IT RIB- SOLVED by tile City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, that the Mauager be authorized to cause to ,be issued to the following named applicants a'Beer permit. OLASS "B" BEER PE'RMIT Donald C. Brimeyer, 1100 Lincoln Avenue C'LASS "C" BE,ER PE,RMIT National Tea Company, 2013 Cen. tral Avenue Kopple Market, Inc., IOO8 Univer. sity Avenue ! Mississippi Valley Milk Prod. Assn. Inc., 1546 Central A"enue Mississippi Valley Milk Prod. Assu. !nc" 2:111 ,Windsor Avenue Holiday Oil D>stril>uting, Iuc., SO5 Dodge Street Holida~ Oil Distributing, Inc., ,1401 Centra'l Avenue Holiday Oil Distributing, Inc., 400 Rhomberg Avenue H"liday Oil Distributing, lire., 1685 J. F. Kennedy ,Road ROli,'d ay Oil Distribn, tlng, Inc., 9&1 I Dodge Street Nabors of Iowa, Inc., 1920 Elm Street 471 BE IT FURII1HiER RIESO<L\\E[) that the honds filed ,by such appli. cants be and the same are hereby approved. Passed, adopted and apprcwed this 3rd day of o.,tober, 1972. Wayne A. Moldenhauer Mayor Walter A. Pregler Mlan '1'. Thoms C. Robert Justmann Joseph J. Bitter Councilmen Attest: Loo F. Frommelt City Cilerk Councilman Pregler moved adop- tion <>f the resolution. Seconded by O<Nmdman Bitter, Ca1Tied by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer, Councilmen B; t t e r, Justmann, Pregler, Thoms. Na'~s - None. R'ESOLUTION NO. 316-72 \WJ!ERœ)AS, applications for Li- quor licenses have been submitted to this Council for approval and the same ha<ve been exa'mined, NOW 11HEI!iEœ"OR.E BE IT RE- SOlJViEID by the City COuncil 01. the City <>f Dubuque, Iowa, tha't the following 'sp¡l[ica'tions be grant. ed and licenses issued upon tile compliance with the terms of the lIOWA LIQUOR OONl'JIOL AOn- OHtAlPI1ER l31-as amended by the 64th Generaly Assembly, 197I1. ClASS "B" lHOTEt. OR MOTE'L) BEER & L;IQUOR LICENSE Anthony A. & Bette O. Helling, 701 Dodge Street CLASS -'C" (COMMERCIAL) BEE!R & LIQUOR LIC'ENSE Doris TIgges, Zl7IJ Ja~son Street Jeanette M. Kroeger, 401 Rhom. berg Avenue Cyril John Fries, 201 East -d Streel Passed, adopted and approved this 3rd day 01. October, 1972. Wayne A. Moldenhauer Mayor WalterA.Pregler Mlan '1'. Thoms C. Robert Justmann Joseph J. Bitter Councilmen Attest: Leo F. F1romm<!it City Clerk Councilman Pregler moved adop- tion of the resoJution. Seconded . 472 Adjourned Regular Session, October 3, 1972 bY, Co ,undiman ,.Bitter. ca,'rried , b,y \ co,uncilmen, B i tt,e r, J, ustma:nn the following vote: Pregler, Thoms. ' Ye.. - Mayor Moldenhauer, Nays - None. Councilmen Bitter, Justmann, LooF.Frommelt Pregler, Thoms. City C1erk Nays - None. ,RESOLUTION NO. 317.12 \ APproved WIH1EŒtEAS, applications ior Li. quor licenses were fIled by the within named applicants and they I Adopted have received the approval of this Council, and WHlEiRJEN>, the premises to be occupied by such applicants were inspected 'and foun,d to comply with ! the State Law and all City or- dinances relevant thereto and they have filed proper bonds, NOW 'J.1HE¡R¡EFORJE BE J!l' RJE. SOilNED by tile Oity Council of ~~n:,i~~¿z:a\.oth:;u~e ¡:a;:g:;. ! sued to the following named ap- plicants a Liquor License. CLASS H'B" (HOTE.L OR MOTEIL) IIIEE,R & LIQUOR UlCENSE Antbony A. .s. Bette O. HeHlng, 701 IJodge Street ;~: ~C~;I~t~èl~~~;J I Attest: Doris Tigg..., zrn¡ J,ackson Street Jeanette M. Kroeger, 431 Rhom. berg Avenue Cyril John Fries, 201 East 22nd Street Passed, adopted and approved this 3rd day of October, 1972. Wayne A. MOldenhauer Mayor Walter A. Pregler Allan T. '.l1homs C. Robert Justmmn Joseph J. Bitter Councilmen Attest: Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Councilman Pregler moved adop- tion of the resohltion. Seconded by Councilman Bitter. Carried by the follDwing vote: Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer, Councilmen B; t t e r, Justmann, Pregler, Thoms. Nays - None. There helng DO further business Councilman Pregler moved to ad- journ. Seconded by Mayor Mol. denhauer. Carried by the iollow- lng vnte: Yeas - Mayor Moldeubauer, 197- 197- Councilmen City Clerk Special Session, October 16, 1972 CITY COUNCIL OFFICIAL Special session, Oclober 16, 1972- Council met at 1:30 o'clock P.M. (CJD.T.) Present - Mayor Moldenhauer, Councilmen Bit t e r, Justma..., Thoms. City Manager Gilbert D. Chavenelle. AIosant - Co....."...... Pregler. MaJ'Qr ,Moldenhauer read the call and stated that service thereof had heen duly made and tIlis meeting is called fur the purpose of setting a dale of hearing on the 1973 Bud. get E"ómat. of Expenditure., a,nd acting upon a Resofution authorlz. ing the sale, Issuance and delivery of Project Notes In the principal a..- of $I,125,OOG. and the eoc... cuHon of Requi$it!on Agreemant No. 5-12 In connec:tton witf1 Urban R-al Pro ect I_a R-15, and acting upon such other business as may properly come before a regnlar meeting of the Counctl. Commun;cation of N. J. Grete- man submitting his resignation as a member of the :F1ire and ?'>lice Pension Boa'rds, preæ- .. n d read. Councilman Bitter moved ac. ceptance ol tbe resignation with regret àndsuggested that the Ma. yor send a letter of appreciation for services rendered. Seconded by Councilman Thoms. Carried by the fo~~:~ng ~~a,yor M<>JdenhauCT. ! Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann, Thoms. Nays - None. Aibsent - Councilman Pregler. Communication of Dub u que Pacidng Co., by Mfred Hughes at torney reque!ltJng the vacation and conveyance of Ma'ple Street be- tween 16ti1 and 17th street, pre. sented and read. Councilman Bit- ter moved that the com'mun;cation be refe,rred to the Mana'ger am' Planning & z"ning Commiss;on. Se- conded by Councilman Justmann. Carried by tile following v<>te: Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer, Couneilm... Bit t e r, .Tustmann, Thoms. Na,ys - None. Aibsent - Councilman Pregler. Communication ci Jerry R. Kra. mer of 860 IPlea'sant St. objectin,g to the proposed Couler "'alley cor. , 473 ridor freeway and taking is'sue with Councilman Pregler's endorsement of the Proposed freeway, presented and read. Councilman Bitter mov- ed tIla,t the objection he referred to the Council and consultants. Se. conded by Councilman Justmann. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer, Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann, Thoms. Na,ys - None. Absent - Couneihnan Pregler. Petition of William P. Fransen et al (15 signers) objecting to the ,present proposed routing CO'lTidor tnown as the Couler "'alley align- ment presented and read. Coun- ciI'man Bitter moved that the ob- jection be referred to the Coun. cil and consultants. Seconded by Councilman Justmann. Carried by the foH<>wing vote: Yeas - Mayor MoJdenhauer, Councilmen Bit t e, r, Justmann, Thoms. Nays - None. Absent - CoundIman Pregler, Communication ci Low-R e n t Housing Commission submitting minutes of their meeting beld on Seiptember "lJI, 1972, ,presented and read. Councilman Bitter moved that the minutes be received and fi1<!d. Seconded by Mayor Molden- hauer. Carried by the followin,g vote: Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer, CouncilmenB í t t e r, Juslmann, Thoms. Nays - None. Absent - Councilman PreglCT. Communication of Ronald J. Her- rig, a member of the Governor's Committee on tile employment of the hand1œpped, requ..ting an a- mendment to !be buiJding codes to accommodate physically handi. capped and elderly, presented and read. Coundlman Justmann moved that the communication he refer- red to the Mana,ger and Building Commissioner. Seconded by Coun- cilman Bitter. Carried by the fu}. lowing mte: Yeas - M'ayor Moldenhauer, Conncilmen Bitter, Justmann, Thoms. Nays - None. ~bseDl - Councilman Pregler. Communication of City Manager swbmitting a proposaq from Ros- siter & Ha'mm, architects, eowring study and design for renoV'atjon 474 special Session, October 16, 1972 of the City Hall and reœmmending that the first phase oil the wor!< be authOrized, presented and read. I Mayor Moldenhauer moved tb&t the rul... be suspended in order to let any""" present address the Council if they.. d...ire. Seconded by Councilman BItter. Carried by the foIlIOwing vote: Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer, Counci1meu Bitter, J,ustm..nn, Thoms. Nays - _. Absent - Councilman Pregler. Mr. 118m Rossiter exp1ained to the Council wbat bis mm intends to do ... to the r-en<MIItion of the City Hd. Mayor MoldeDbauer moved ap- proval of the proposal and author. ! ized a:n eJ/ipenditure of $41)00. being the coat CJIf the first ph- of tile renovation. Seconded by Council. man Justmaun. Carried by the fol. lowing vote: Yea:s - Mayor Mdldenhauer, Counci1men Bitter, Justmann, Thoms. Nays - None. Absent - CounCilman Pregler. Commumcaltloo of City Manager advising that a permit h... been issued to the J)obuque J'aycees for sale of apple butter and honey on Saturday October il.4th, due to ! the lateness of the reque5!, pre. sented and read. Councilman Bit. ter moved ratification of the Ma- na~r's action. Seconded by Mayor Moldeøhauer. Canied by the "'1- lowing vote: Yeas - Mayor M'>ldenihauer, CounciJ¡xnen B ¡ tt e r, Jnstmann, Thoma. Nays - None. Absent - CounCilman Pregler. Communication of o;ty Manager submitting comprehensive liab,lity policy of William Becl<er & Sons ! StaDe Co., presented and read. Counc~man Bitter moved flling ap- pro""¡ subject to approval of the o;ty Attorney. Seconded by Mayor Moldenhauer. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Ye... - Mayor Mol<Ienbauer, Councilmen Bitt e r, Justmann, Tboms. ;NaY$ - None. AbseIl! - Councilman Pregler. ()etober 3, lØ12 Honorable Mayor and City Council ünSeptember 5, ¡gm. priseilla E. Dreesens of l296'h Central AV<!- nue, this city, tiled craim against the City of Dubuque In the a:mount of $129.613 and claiming damages suftered to her motor vehicle on August 23, JIm! as the result of striking a large unbarricaded hole in the street from which steam was a}legedly escaping and ob- scured visibility of the area. This matter was rel!erred to the office of the City Attorney who has Inves!igæted said matter, checlked with the Street Depart- ment md COJIIIe1Ted with the clai. mant who has made an offer of settlement In the amount of $129.613 a:nd In view of the foregoing, it is the recommendation of the City Attorney tbaIt said offer of settle. ment be ac,cepted and the City Auditor Instructed to dNI'W war. rant payable to Priscilla E. Drees- seas In the amount of $129.613 and foIlWaro sa'me to the o;ty Attorney "'r delivery upon receipt of duly ex:ecuted releases. Original Claim is returned herewith. R. N. Russo City Mtorney Counc~man BItter moved appro- v'al of the recommendation. Se. conded by Mayor Moldenhauer. Carried by the foRowing vote: Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer, C'>uncillmen Bitt e r, Justmann, Thoms. N..ys - None. Absent - Councilman Pregler. ()c1:ober 4, 1972 Honormle Mayor and City Council On Augnst 11, 1.972, Julius A. Welu of 5116 O'Ncill Street, this city, filed claim against tile City of Dnhuque In the amount 0' $1Œß.86 and alleging said damages occurred to the basement of his home on Augnst 1, 1972 as tile rMult of backuip of sewer caused by City workmen breaklnga' bit In the sewer line and In attempt- Ingto~r~e$aidt~,Hooóed his basement. This matter was referred to the appropriate City agency and the City Mtorney was advised on Sep- tember 22, ¡gm that said claim bad been satisfied In full. In view of the foregoing, it is the recommendation of the City Attorney tIlat the claim filed a. gainst the City of Dubuque be de. nied. Special Session, October 16, 1972 Original claim is returned here. Nays - None. willi. Absent - Councilman Pregler. R. N. Russo Petition of Fondell & Sons re- Ctty Attorney questing premission to eJOca\'<8te Councilman BItter moved appro. in John F. Kennedy road between val of the rec<>mmendation. Se- Kennedy Circle and Pennsylvania conded by Mayor Moldenhauer. Ave. for water connection for Du. Carried by the following vote: buque S<avin~s And !Joan, presented Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer, and read. Coun~man Bitter Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann, moved appro",,! of the petition sub- Pregler, Thoms. ject to approval of tile Engineer Nays - None. ing department. Seconded by Coun. Absent - Councilman Pregler. cilman Justmann. OaITied by tile Notice of claim of John P. Theo. fol1owlng vote: bald in the amount of $29.05 for Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer, car damage incurred as the re- Councilmen Bit b e r, Justm~nn, suit of striking a 'protruding (lb. Thoms. ject while unloading a load of reo Nays '" None. fuse on the city landfill on Septem. A'bsent - Councilman Pregler. ber 21, -1972, presented and read. Petition of Wahlert High School, Councilman iB<ittermoved that the by Michael Sullivan, requesting a notice of claim be referred to the permit to conduct a parade for City Solicitor for proper action. Homecoming on October 19, Urn!, Seconded by Mayor Moldenhauer. presented and read. C'>uncilman Carried by the following vote: Bitter moved approval of tile reo Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer, quest subject to a jproval of the Councilmen B i it e r, Justmann, City Manager. Seconded ,by Coun- Thoms. cilman Justmann. Carried by the Nays - None. following vote: Absent - Councilman Pregler. Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer, Notice of claim of La..-onne Ry. Councilmen Bit t e r, Justm~nn, an, in the amoung of $27.92, for Thoms. car damage incurred as tile result Nays - None. of dri,'ing Into a protruding pipe Absent - Councilman Pregler, that was heing used as a barrio Petition of Noon Optimist Club cade in tile Urban Rene<wal area of Dubuque, requesting pe.-mis. near Kartgan's parking lot, on Sep- sion to conduct a door to door tenrber 29, 1972 presented and read. sales c,ampaign to seD tra'sh oogs, Counciiman Bitter moved that the on Octaber 21st and 22nd, to raise notice of claim be referred to the fonds to support youth activities City Solicitor for prope.- action. of tile clwh, presented and read. Seconded hy Mayor Moldenhauer. Councilman Bitter nwved approva'¡ Carried by the following vote: of the request suhject to ap. Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer, proval of the City Manager. Sec. Councilmen Bit t e r, Justman", onded by Councilman Justmann. Thoms. Carried by the following vote: Nays - None. Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer: Absent - Councilman Pregler. Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann, Petition of Mrs. La'Vern Pape Thoms. et al (~13 signers) objecting to Nays - None. the proposed location of a trailer Absent - Councilman Pregler. court æt Peru & Sheridan Roads, Petition of Are:>! One Vocational as requesting by Mer! and Mar- Technical School, requesting per- ga'~ Goer<lt, presented and read. mission to sen glitter plaques for Coundlman Justmann moved that field trips and educational purpos- the ,petition be received and filed es during October, November and and refer to prOceedings for annex. December in tbe lnformaUon cen- ation of the are", to the Planning lor and Pedestrian¡way of the mall, & >Ioning Commission. Seconded presented and read. Councilman by Councilman Bitter. Carried by Bitter moved approval of the pe- the fullowing vote: I tition swbject to a,pproval of the Yeas , - Mayor Moldenhauer, City" M,anager.. Seconde, d by Coun- Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann, cilmen Justmann. Carried by the Thoms. following vote: 475 476 Special Session, October 16, 1972 ....-- - -'-----------"-- Yeas - Mayor <Moldenhauer, , Finley HQme Addn. be changed Councilmen Bit t e r. Justmann, ! from its present '])wo Family to Thcms. Multiple Residence District district Nays - None. permitted use (,h), presented and Absent - Councilman Pregler. read. Councilman Bitter moved Petition of E<llsworth fQr CQn- that the petition ,be referred to gress, campaign manager Dede the Planning & Zoning Commis- Breslauer, requesting permission sion. Seconded by Councilman w use an area adjacent to the Thoms. Carried by the following town clock Plaza fountain on Oct- vote: ober 3()th and November 4th, for Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer, a meet the ')e<>ple cofifee presented Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann, and read. Councilman Bitter mov. Thoms" ed approval of the petition subject Nays - None. to apprO'/al of tile City Manager. Absent - Councilman Pregler" Seconded by Councilmen Just. Petition of Harold B. Welter reo mann. Carried by the following questing a refund of $18.75 on the vote: uneJOpired portion of c:lass "c" Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer; beer permit No. :14, as he has Councilmen Bit t e r, Justma11n, discontinued business on Septem- Thoms. ber 30, 1!172, presented and read" Nays - None. Councilman Bitter moved a,pproval Absent - Councilman Pregler. of the refund and the Auditor be Petition of "Left Guard Drill instrocted to issue proper warrant. Team" requesting permission to Seconded by CounCtlman 'l1boms. sell Liberty Chimes, to help pay Carried by the fQDowing wte: for equipment, transport"tion and Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer, uniforms presented and read. Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann, Councilman Bitter moved approval Thoms. of the petition subject to "pprO'/al Nays - None. of the City Manager. Seconded by Absent - Councilman Pregler, CQuncilman Justmann. Oarried by Petition of HaroldB. Welter re- the following wte: questing a refund of $75. on tile Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer, uoeJOplred portion of cigaretre Ii- Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann. cense No. 225, as be has discon- Thoms. tinued business on September 30, Nays - None" urn!, presented und read. Council- Absent - Councilman Pregler. man Bitter moved approval of the petition of 'Finley Hoopita'l reo refund and the Auditor be instruct- questing that Lot 1 of 2 of M. ed to issue proper warrant. Se. L. 1M; Dot 1 of 1 of Boxleiter's conded by Counci1man 'Dhoms. Oar- Sub. of Lot 1 of Caroline Box- ried by the following vote: leiter'ß Sub. of M. L. 1.60; Lot Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer, 6 in Sidonia Hosford's Sub.; South Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann, ~' of Lot 5 in Sidonia Hosford's Thoms. Sub. and Lot 1 of 1 in Finley Nays - None. Home Addn. be changed from its Æbsent - Councilman Pregler. present Multiple Residence D i s- Petition of Schiltz Construction trict to Multiple Residence Dis- Co. requesting permission to ex- trict permitted use (h) and Lot cavate in J. F. K. Road to install 2 of 1 of 1 of 2 (}f 2 of Boxleiter's sewer and water to service Dot Sub. of Lot 1 of Caroline Boxleit- ¡ 1 and 2 of Block 14 in Wes.slide er's Sub. of M.L. 160; Lot ,1 ' Manor Sub., presented and read. of -1 (}f 1 of 2 of :I of Boxlelter s Councilman Bitter moved approvai sub. of Lot 1 of 081'<lline IBoxleit- of the petition SIIl>ject to approval er's . Sub. of 'M. ~. ,160; Lot 7 of the City Engineer. Seconded by m Sidoma Hosford s Sub.; Dot 2 Councilman Thoms. Carried by the of 2 of 2 of Lot 2 of M. L. 160; following vote' Lot 2 of 1 of 2 of :I of Boxleiter's . Sub of LoU of Caromne B<>xleiter's Yea~ - M~yor Moldenhauer, SUb: of ,M. L. ~; Lot 31, the Councllmen B, t t e r, Justmann, West 25'8" of Lot 30, the Ea<St Thoms. 24'4" of Lot SO. Lot 29, Lot 28, Nays - None. Lot 26, Lot æA, Lot 18 all in' Absent - Councilman Pregler. Special Session, October 16, 1972 477 Octoher 16, urn Honorable Mayor and City Coundl At a recent Council meeting you referred to the City Attorney and to the City Manager communica- tion from 11hruput Terminal, In'c. and Newt Marine Service regard- ing the levee property on the nort!h side of the Dubuque Ice Harhor. I have made an investigation of this matter together with tile City Manager and I believe that the ordinance purporting to g;ve tbe use of said property to Dubuque Boat and Boi1er Works should 'be r"pealed and the City claim s'aid propemy as its own. In the event of any legal chal. lenge and to the ordinance sub- mitted for your adoption which would resillt in legal decision ad- verse to the best interests of the City of Dubuque, then in such e- vent, I adv;se the City Council that Eminent D<>main proceedings be instituted to acquire said pro- perty. R. N. Russo City Attorney Councilman Ritter moved that the communication be received and filed and being in full concurrence with tbe City &licitor. Seconded by Councilman Justmann. Carried by tho following vote: Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer, Councilman Bit t e r, Justmann, Thoms. Nays - None. Absent - Councilman Pregler. ORDINANCE NO. 56-12 An Ordinance repealing Ordinance of the City of Dubuque, Iowa a. dopted March 21, 1901 purporting to vacate and grant the use 10 Dubuque Boat and Boiler works (now known as Dubuque Boat & Boile, Co.) of a portion of the levee property on the North side of the Ice Harbor In the City of Dubuque, Iowa, presented and read. Councilman Justmann moved that the reading just bad be con. sidered !be 1!trst reading of tile Ordinance. SecQndedby Council. man Bitter. Carried by the fol- lowing vQte: Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer, Councilmen B; t t e r, Ju&tmann, Thoms. Nays - None. Absent - Councilman Pregler. I Councilman Justmann moved that tile rule requiring an Ordin- ance to he read on three separate days be waived. Seconded by Coun. cilmM Bitter. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yea's - M,ayor Moldenhauer, Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann, Th(}ms. Nays - None. Absent - Councilman Pregler, Councilman Justmann moved that a public hearing be held on the Ordinance on No"emher 6, 1972 at 7:30 o'c!ockP.,M. in the Coun- cil Chamber at the C;ty Hall and that the City Clerk be instructed to publish notice of the hearing in the manner required by 18<W. Seconded by Councilman Bitt e r, Carried ,by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer, Councilmen Bitt e r, Justmann, Thoms. Nays - None. AJbsent - Councilman Pregler. RESOLUTION -NO. 318.12 WHEiRE¡As the Ctty Manager ha,s submitted a BtIDGm ES'!1liMA'!1E a's provided in Chapter 24 of tile 197,1 Code of Iowa and the City Council has been duly considered and caused to be prepared the budget estimate for expenditures for the fiscal year beginning Jan. uary 1, 1973 and ending December 31, 1973, as a basis fQr the tax levy for the year lIm, and said budget having been dul~ approved by it. NOW THiEJR:EJFœ!iE BE IT RE. SOLVED by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa: That said Budget Estimate be and the same is hereby ordered filed in the otifice of the City Clerk of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, and the date of the public hearing is hereby fixed as the 6th day of NQvember, 197~, ..t 7:30 o'clock P.M. Central Standard Time in the Council Chamber at the City Hall. BE IT FlJiR'l1HER RESOLVED that said Clerk be and he is hereby directed to cause said budget esti. mate of ex:penditores to be pub- lished in the official newspaper of the City of Dubuque and the officia'l notice to ,be given of tile time and place, when 8'Ild where , said Budget ,Estimate ,will be con- i, Sid, e red by sa,l,'d Council for final adoption at which time and place taxpayers will be heard for or Special Session, October 16, 1972 479 Special Session, October 16, 1972 Mayor Moldenhauer moved adop. tion of the resolution. Seconded by Councllman Bitter. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer, councllmen Bitter, Justmann, Thoms. Nays - None. Absent - Councilman Pregler. proof of Public'ation, certified to by the publisher, of notice of sale of project notes in the amount of $1,725,000., Fifth Series, May 4, 1973 maturity, to aid in finan. clng Uroban Renewal Project, pre- sented and read. No written objections were filed and no oral ()bjectors were pre- sent in the Councll Chamber at the time set for the ,public he,ar- ing. Councilman Bitter moved that the proof of publication be received and flied. Seconded hy Councllman Thoms. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer, Councilmen Bit t er, Justmann, Thoms. Nays - None. AJbsent - Councllman Pregler. RE,SOLUTION NO. 320.12 Authorizing the .ale, issuance and delivery of Project Notes in the aggregate principal amount of $1,125,000 and the execution of Re. quisition Agreement No. 5.12 In connection with the Downtown Ur. ban Renewal Project, Project No. Iowa R-15 WílJ¡E[tEAS, the City of Dubuque (herein caned the "Local Issuing Agency") has entered into one or more contracts (,which, together with any supplements thereto ()r amendments or waivers of any provisions thereof, are herein call. ed the "Contract") with the United States of America (herein ca:lled the "Government") providing for a loan by the Government to the Local Issuing Agency for financing the ""ba:n renewal, l"w,rent hous- Ing or redevelopment 1'roject (s) described in the Contract and here- in c:>!ned the "Project" ; and WHEiR:ElAS, pursuant to adver. tisement for the receipt of pro- posals for the purøhase of tile Fifth Series 1JJ72 of Project Notes (here- in sometimes called "New Project N"tes") of the Local Issuing Agen- cy aggregating $1,725,000, which appeared in a Notice of Sale pub. lished on September 26, l!I7ll, and 478 October 3, 1972, in the Telegraph Herald in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, and in The Daily Bond Buy- er in the City of New York, New York, proposals for the purchase of the New Project Notes in the form approved by the Looo'l 10- suing Agency were received, open- ed, and canvassed at the time and place mentioned in said ad. vertisement, to wit: at Council Chambers, City Ran, 1Mb and Iowa in the City of Dubuque, Iowa: 52001 at one o'clock P.M. E.D.S.T. on October 11, l!I72, which proposals are as follows: Name of Bidder, Mellon National Bank and Trust Company, Interest Rate, 2.95% Principal Amount, $1,125,000, Premium, $22.00. Name of Bidder, The First Na. tional Bank of Boston, Lehman Brothers, Inc., ,Interest Rate 2.97% Princlpal Amount, $1,725,000, Pre- mium, $45.00. Name of Bidder, Central Na- tional Hank & TruSit Company, In. terest Rate, 2.97% Principal Amount, $1,725,000, Premium, $2.00 Name of Bidder, M,arine MId. land Municlpals Co., Interest Rate 2.98% Principal Amount $1,7'25,000, Premium, $52.00. Name of Bidder, Bank of Ameri- ca N.T. & S.A. Bankers Trust Com- pany, Interest Rate, 2.98% Prin- cipal Amount, $1,725,000, Premium, $72.00. Name of Bidder, Salomon Bro- thers, Morgan Guaranty Trust Co. of New York, Interest Rate, 3.00, Principal Amount, $1,n5,000, Pre- um, $7[.00. NOW TIm~EFO~E, BE IT RIE. SOONEiD BY THiE 0lTY OOUNClIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE: Section I. The a:foresaid publti- caUon of the Notice of Sale and the form and contents thereof as so published are hereby in all re- spects, 8!pproved, ratified and con firmed. Section 2. In order to provide funds to pay eJ<penses incurred or to he incurred in the develop. ment of the Project, or to refund, renew or extend its outstanding Notes issued in connection there. with, the Uoca,l Issuing Agency hereby determines to horrow the sum of One Million Seven Hundred 'Dwenty Five Thousftnd Doll a r s ($1,,705,000) and issue its negotiable Project Notes therefor. Section 3. The Local Issuing Agency hereby ratifies and ap- proves the form of each proposal hereinafter in this Section 3 enu. merated for the purøha'se of tile designated princ¡Pal amount of notes :>!nd determines that eaøh such proposal <>£fers to 1'urchase such Note's at the lowest interest rate and is therefore acCtlpted, and said Notes are hereby awarded to the purchaser, as follows: Principal Amount, $1,725,000, In- terest Rate, 2.95% Purchaser. Mel. Ion NatIonal Bank and Trust Com. pany. Section 4. EJacl1 Note shaU be dated Nowmber 8, 1972, shall be pay,a,ble ... to both principal and interest to beaTer, on May 4, l!I7B, and, pursuant to each proposal for tile purchase of said Notes berein- :>!hove accepted, shaH bear the rate of interest per annum, payable at maturity; shall bear the numbers and be in the denominations; and shall be payable as to both princi. pal and interest at the incorporated bani< having trust powers or in. oorporated trust company, as fol- lows: Purchaser, Mellon National BanI<: and TruSit Company. Numbers, 1-3, Denominations, $100,000, Interest Rate, 2.95% Numbers, 4-,7, Denominations, $50,000, Interest Rate, 2.95% Numbers, 8-46, Denominations, $25,000, Interest Rate, 2.95% NUmbers, 47-63, Denominations, $10,000, Interest Rate, 2.95% Numbel1S, 64-79, Denominations, $5,000 Paya'ble At, The Chase Manhattan Bani<, iN.A. in New York. NOne of such NOtes shaH be v>a. lid until æfter tbe bank or trust company at which it is payable shall have signed the agreement, appearing on ea:ch N"te, to act as paying agent thereof. Each such Note shan be executed in !be name of tile Local Issuing Agency hy the manual or facsimile signature of the Mayor and City Treasurer of the Local Issuing Agency and sha:ll have the co"POrate seal of the Loc:>!l Issuing Agency impress. ed, imprinted or reproduced tIlere. on and attested by the City Clerk, and said oMicers are herehy au- thorized and directed to cause said Notes to be properly executed. Section 5. Each such Note sball against said estimate, sam ,pu:b- llcation to be not less than ten (-10) days before said date of hear- ing. Passed, adopted and a'pproved this 16th day of Oøtober, 1002. Wayne A. Moldenhauer Mayor C. Robert JuSitmann Allan T. Thoms Jœeph J. Bitter Councilmen AtteSlt: ùeO F. Frommelt City Clerk Councnman Bitter moved adop- tion of tile resolution. SeCOnded by Councilman Thoms. Carreld by the following vote: Yea:s - Mayor Moldenhauer, Councilmen Bitt e r, JuSitmann, Thoms. Nays-None. Absent - councilman pregler. RESOLUTiON FOR DISASTER DECLARATION OF SEPTEMBER 26, 1912 NO. 319.12 BE IT RESOLVED hy City coun- cil of Dwbuque, Iowa, that A. G. Heitzman, City Auditor, is hereby authorized to execute for and in behaK of Dubuque, Iowa, a pub- lic entity established under the \a"'s of the State of Iowa, this a,pp¡icationand to file it in the approprlæte State Qifice for the purpose of obtaining certain Fed. eral financial assistance under the Dlsaæter Relief Act (;PuhJ5:c !JaM' 600, 91st Congress). p.a'ssed and approved tIlis 16th day of ()etoI>er, l!I72. Wayne A. Moldenhauer Mayor Allan T. Thoms C. Robert Justmann Joseph J. Bitter eouncllmen Attest: ùeO F. Frommelt City Olerk CERTIFICATION I, ùeO F. Frommelt, duly ap- pointed and City Clerk of Dubuque, Iowa, do herebY certify tIlat the above is a true a,nd correct copy of a resolution passed and a1" proved by the City Council of Du. buque, Iowa on the 16th day of October, 1002. Date: October 17, l!I72 Leo F. FrommeJit City Clerk 480 Special Session, October 16, 1972 be in substantia1ly tile form of deposited with the paying agent HUlD-OOlO, which is incorporated or agents for such Notes. herein by reference, and sha1! he Section 8. The proceeds derived ~,ecured .~y an agreement entitl~ from the sale of the New Project -ReqUlSltIon Agreement No. 5.72 Notes together with such amount (herein called the "Requisition of other funds of the Local I . Agreement"), in substa?tiaY! t~e suing Agency as may be necessar;, form of HU[).9OO3, which is m- shall be applled, simultaneously cor,porated J.1erem by reference, to with the receipt of said proceeds, be ~ntered mto between the Local in accordance with the provisions Issumg Agency and the GQvern- ~f the Requisition Agreement. ment. Section 9. The City Treasurer Section 6. The Requisition Agree- is hereby authorized and directed ment shall he executed in the name to send promptly a letter to each of the ùocal Issuing Agency by paying agent for the New Project the manual or facsimile signature Notes In substantially the form of the Mayor of the Local Ls. of HíU\D-S004, which is incorporated suing Agency and shaY have the herein by reference, and to trans- corporate seal of the Local Is- mit therewith (a) the New Project suing Agency impressed, imprinted Notes for which the addressee is or reproduced thereon and attested the paying agent for delivery and by the City Clerk, and said of. payment and (1» a signature certi- ficers are hereby authorized and ficate and receipt, in accordance directed to cause the R>equisition with the terms of said letter, and Agreement to be properly execut. to take such other actions as may ed. be required to complete the de. Section 7. For the punctual pay- ¡;~ery transadion in accordance ment of the princip:>!l of and in- WIth the terms of the letter to teres! on the New Project Notes, the paymg agent. the Local Issuing Agency hereby Passed, approved, and adopted expressly and irrevocably promises thiS 16th day of October, 1972. to pay any sums which may be Wayne A. Moldenhauer received from the Government pur- Mayor suant to the Requisition Agreement Allan T. Thoms relating to such series of Project C. Robert Justmann Notes and said Agreement, when Joseph J. Bitter executed by the Government, is Councilmen hereby declared to he and is here. Attest: by assigned by the Local Issuing Loo. F. Frommelt Agency for the benefit of the holder CIty. Clerk. of holders from time to time of Counc1lmæn Bitter moved adop- the New Project Not.... All contri- tion of ~he resolution. Se<;onded butions, funds and amounts au. by Counc1l.man Thoms. Carried by thorized or required by tile Con- the followmg vote: tract to he applied to the payment Yea~ - Mayor Moldenhauer, of Project Loan Notes (referred Councilmen Bitt e r, Justmann, to in the Contract :>!s "Project Thoms. Temporary Loan Oblig<ltions", Nays - None. . "Ad<vance Notes" or "Permænent Absent - COOncllman Pregler. Notes") as Issued in connection October 3, 1972 with the Project are hereby irre. To the HonoraJble Mayor vocably pledged to secure tile pay- and City Council m<!Øt lit the prineip8i of and inter. I hereby submit the attached est to maturity on the N"'" Pro. Sheet No.1 incinøive sbowing a ject Notes. SUch pledge and the schedule of the proposed valua- lien created thereby shall cease tiOIiS assessments for the construc- and terminate when monies or in. tion of the Asbury Park Subdivision vestment securities .,.,.,...rtib\e into Sanitary Sewer 197~. cash not later thsn the maturity J""" L. WhIte, P. E. date of the New Project Notes, City Engineer sufficient and for the purpose of Councilman Bitter moved tbat paying the prin<Îpa1 and interest the communication be received and to matnrity on sueb Notes, are filed. Seconded by M'ayor Molden. Special Session, October 16, 1972 481 hauer. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - M!OY')r Moldenhauer, Councilmen Bitt e' r, Justmann, Thoms. Nays - None. Albsent - Councilman Pregler. RESOLUTION NO. 321-12 BE IT RESOLVED by the City Councl! of the City of Dubuque, Iowa: Section 1. That the attacbed sheet Number One is hereby determined to he the schedule of proposed assessments for construction of the Asbury Park Subdivision Sanitary SeM'er 1972, and the vawations set out therein are hereby :>!pproved. Passed, adopted and approved this 16th d'ay of Octe>ber 1972. Wayne A. Moldenhauer Mayor Mlan T. Thoms C. Robert Justmann Joseph J. Bitter Counctldnen Attest: Loo F. Frommelt City Clerk Councilmæn Bitter moved adop- tion of the resolution. Seconded by M,ayor Moldenhauer. Carried by the following rote: Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer, Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann, Thoms. Nay,s - None. Aobsent - Councilman Pregler. RESOLU1110N NO. 322.12 Approv;al of preliminary esti. mate, proposed plans, specifica. tions, form of contra~t, plæt and aU other documents, for the con- struction of an eight inch (8") sanitary sewer from the existing manhole in St. Celia ,Court, norther. ly to the southerly property line of Asbury Park, tIlence easterly to Lot 2-:!-2 of Asbury Park, to be known as ASBURY Pk'\iRK SUiB- DJ!V\IiS[()N SiANiLTAcThY SEW E R- 1972, at an estimated project cost of $lß,5I , .49, pre5ented and read. Oouneilman Bi«er moved ado¡>- tion of the resolution. Seconded by M,ayor Moldenhauer. Carried hy the following vote: Yeas - Mayor M<>ldenhauer, Councilmen Bitter, Justmann, Thoms. Nays - None. Absent - Councilman Pregler. C,Nec_ity for Improvement) RESOLUTION NO. 323.72 WiIIiEJRE~, proposed plans, ope. cifiC!Otions, form of contra'ct, plat and schedule have been duly pre. pared and approved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque and are now on file in the oIifice of the City Clerk showing among other things the following: 1. The boundaries of the district, if any. 2. The streets to be improved. 3. Tbe width of such improve- ment, and the size and kind of sewers. 4. Each lot proposed to he as. sessed together with a valuation fixed by the council. 5. An estimate of the cost of the proposed improvement, stating the same for each dmferent ty,pe of construction and l<ind of ma. terial to he used. 6. In ea:ch case the amount there. of which is estimated to he as- sessed against each lot, for the construction of Asbury Park Sub- division sanitary sewer.l972 from the existing manhole in St. Celia Court northerly to the southerly property line of Asbury Park, thence easterly to Lot 2-:!-:! Asbury Park. BE IT mEiRiE!FORIE RJ;;SODV- EID that the City Council on its own motion or upon petition of property owners, deems it advis. able and necessary for the public welfare to ma'ke the herein men. tioned improvement, and unless property owners at the time of the final considemtion of this pro. posed resolution ha<ve on file witll the City Clerk objections to the amount of the proposed assess. ments, they shaD he deemed to have waived all objections tbereto. Said improvements shall be con. structed aud done in accordmce with the plans and specifications which have been prepared tIlere- fore by the City Engineer which have been a'pproved by the City Council and are now e>n file with the CIty Clerk. That the cost and expense of malcing said Improve- ment will be assessed upon and against all pdvately owned pro- perty lying within assessable dis- tance provided by l8IW and in m amount not to exceed the amount provided by law, property will be assessed whether the same abuts ,!lli!III~~~ill~illll 482 Special Session, October 16, 1972 thereon or is adjacent thereto ac. I cording to area and in proportion to the special beneiits conferred thereby, and any deficiency shan be paid out of the sanitation sew- age rentai funds. Sewer bonds shall be issued and sold in anticipation of deferred payments of assess. ments when a contract has been performed and accepted and the proceeds thereof used to pay the contractor. The railway portion of any street or assessment district shan be assessed to and paid by the rai1way company. The a,bove resolution was intro- duced, approved- and 0 t de red placed on file ,with the City Clerk this 16th day of Oétober, 197I!. Approved and placed on file for final action. Wayne A. Moldenbauer Mayor Allan T. Thoms C. Robert Justmann Joseph J. Bitter Councilmen Attest: Loo F. Frommelt City Clerk Councilman Bitter moved 8iPpro- v:>!r of the resolution. Seconded by Mayor Moldenhauer. Carried by the following rote: Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer, Coundlmen Bitter, Justmann, Thoms. Nays - None. Absent - Councilman Pregler. (Fixing Date of Hearing) RESOLUTION NO. 324.12 WHEiRlEAS, the City Councii of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, has by Resolution No 3122.712 given its prelimInary a¡pprovlrl on the pro. posed plans, specifications and form of contract and placed same on file in the ofifice of the City Clerk for public inspection, for the construction of ASbury Pari< Sub. division Sanitary Sewer.. 197I! and, W'HIEIREAS, the proposed Resol. ution of Necessity for said Improve- ment bas been introduced and is now on ftle in tile City Cl"rk's oeIice for ,public inspection, BE Irr THEltEFOThE RIESOIN. ED that on the 13th day of Novem- her HI'/:!, a public hearing will be held ai! 7:30 o'clock P.M. C.S.T. in the Council Chamber in the City of Dubuque at which time the owners of property subject to assessment for the proposed im. provement may appea'r and m:>!ke objection to the proposed plans and specifications and proposed form of contract and at the same time to tile boundaries of the pro- posed Resolution of Necessity and the City Clerk be and he is hereby directed to cau,", a notice of the time and place of such hearing to be published in some newspaper published in the city of Dubuque the last of which sho:lI be not less than two (2) nor more than (4) weeks prior to the day fixed for its consideration and unless property owners at the time of fina:l consideTation of said resol. ution have on file with the Clerk objections to the amount of the proposed æssessment, they shall have been deemed to have waived all objections thereto, at which hearing the Council will hear such objections and enter on record its final decision thereon. P.assed, adopted and approved this 16th day of October, 197I!. Wayoe A. Moldenhauer Mayor AHan T. Thoms C. Robert Justmann Joseph J. Bitter Attest: Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Councilman Bitter moved adop- tion of the resdlution. Seconded by Mayor Moldenbauer. Carried by the foUowing vote: Yeas - Mayor Moldenhooer, Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann, Thoms. Nays - None. Ahsent - Councilman Pregler. Octolber 6, 1972 The Honorable Mayor and City Council This is to advise you that Sani- tary Sewer constructed in Liebe Street between J,ackson Street and Washington Street for a distance of 3æ feet, bas been comPleted substanti:>!lly in accordance with plans and specifications by M. F. Goerdt Construction Company of 3055 BrunlSkiH Road, Dubuque, 1. owa. Gilbert D. Cba....nelle City Manager Councilmæn Bitter moved that the communication be received and filed. Seconded by Councilman Thoms. Carried by the following vote: Special Session, October 16, 1972 ---,----------- Yeas-M,ayor Moldenhauer, Coun- cilmen Bitter, Justmann, Thoms. Na'ys,None. Absent~uncilman Pregler. FINAL ESTIMATE RESOLUTION NO. 325.72 WiHE,REAS, the contract for the construction of Liebe Street Sani- tary Se,wer 8 inch -- 1972 has been completed and the City Engineer has submitted his final estimate showing the cost thereof including the cost of estimates, notices, in- spection, and preparing the assess. ment and plat, no,w therefore, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the cost of said improve- ment is hereby determined to he $2,961.76. That $2,961.78 of the cost thereof shaH he assessable upon priv,ate property and none shall he paid from the Sanitation Fund of the City of Dubuque. Passed, adopted and approved this 16th da,y of Octoher 1972. Wayne A. Moldenhauer. Ma'yor Allan T. Thoms C. Robert Justmann Joseph J. Bitter Councilmen Attest: Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Councilman Bitter moved adop- tion of the resolution. Seconded by Councilman Thoms. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Moldenhauer, Coun- cilmen Bitter, Justmann, Thoms. Nays.None. Absent~Councilman Pregler. (A Resolution Accepting Improve. ment and Directing the Clerk to Publish Notice.) RESOLUTION NO. 3U.12 WŒIEREAS, the contract for the construction of Liebe Street Sani- tary Sewer 8 inch-1972 has been completed and the City Manager has examined the work and filed his certificate stating that the same has 'been completed according to the terms of the contra'ct, plans and specifications and recommends its acceptance, now therefore, BE IT RESOLVE-D, by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, ---- - -- 483 , that the recommend.ation of the City Manager be approved and that said improvement be and the sa:me is hereby accepted and the City Engineer be and is hereby directed to prepare a plat and schedule showing the lots or par. cels of real estate subject to assess- ment for said improvement and file the same in the office of the City Clerk subject to public inspec- tion and said Clerk shall upon recei,pt of such p'lat and schedule publish the notice of the Council's intention to levy special assess. ments therefor, as required by la'w. BE IT FURmHER REJSOINEÐ, that the City Trea'surer, he and he is hereby directed to pay to the contractor from the funds to he realized from the sa'le of sewer bonds issued upon the above de- scribed improvement in amount equal to the amount of his con- tract, less any retained percentage provided for therein. Passed, adopted and approved this 16th day of October, 1972. Wayne A. Moldenhauer Mayor Allan T. Thoms C. Rohert Justmann Joseph J. Bitter Councilmen Attest: Loo F. Frommelt City Cierk Councilman Bitter moved adop- tion of the resolution. Seconded hy Councilman Thoms. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer, Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann, Thoms. Nays - None, Absect - Counciiman Pregler, RESOLUTION NO. 321.12 BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, that the following having complied with the provisions of law relating to the sale of Ci- garettes within the City of Du- buque, Iowa, be granted a permit to sell Cigarettes and Cigarette papers within said City. Lyle Whalen, 3() Locust Street Violet Savary, 1689 Elm Street BE IT FU'R11HER RESOLVED that the honds filed with the appli- cation he approved. 481 Session, October 16, 1972 Passed, adopted and ",pproved this 16th day of Octaber, Hm. Wayne A. Moldenhauer Mayor Allan T. Thoms C. Robert Justmann Joseph J. Bitter Councilmen Aittest: Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Councilman Bitter moved adop- tion of the resolution. Seconded by M,ayor Moldenhauer. Carried by the fallowing vote: Yeas - M'ayor Moldenhauer, Councilmen Bit te r, Justmann, Thoms. Nays - None. Absent - Councilman Pregler. RESOLUTION NO. m-n WiHE~E)AS, a.pplications for Beer permits ha,ve been submitted to this Cooncil for ~pproval and the same have been examined; NOW THE!ltEFORJE, BE IT REiSOilNED by the CIty Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, that the !allowing applica. tions be granted and permits is- sued upon the compliance with tbe terms of the ordinances of the CIty. C,LASS "B" BEE-R PE,RMIT Viol"t Sav,aTY, 1689 Elm Street C,LASS "c" BEER PERMIT Florence E. Cbalder, 113 Main Street P,assed, adopted and approved tbis 16th day of October, 197~. Wayne A. Moldenhauer Mayor Allan T. Thoms C. Robert Justmann Joseph J. Bitter Councilmen Attest: LeI) F. Frommelt City Clerk Councilman Bitter moved ad<>p- tion of the resolution. Seconded by Mayor Moldenhauer. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer, Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann, Thoms. N",y,s - None. Albsent - Councilman Pregler. RESOL TION NO. 329.12 ~EAS, applieations for Beer permits were filed by the within named a!>plicants and they ha,ve recei""d the approv",l of this Coun. cil; and WlHlEiREAS, tile premises to be occupied ,by such applicants were inspeoted and foond to comply witb the ordinances of tIlis City and they have filed proper bonds; NOW 11HEIRÆ)FORE BE IT RE. SODV;EID by !be CIty Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, that tbe Manager be authorized to cause to be issued to the following named applican~s a Beer permit. CLASS "B" BEE!R PERMIT Violet Sa-vary, 1689 Elm Street C,LASoS "C" BEE'R PERMIT Florence E. Chalder, 113 Main Street BE IT FR'JIHEJR R,ESOINEID that tile bonds filed by such appli- cants be and the sa,me "'Te her.,by approved. P:>!ssed, adopted and a'pproved this l&úh day of October, 197~. Wayne A. Moldenhauer ,Mayor Man T. Thoms C. Robert Justmann Joseph J. Bitter Councilmen Attest: Leo F. Fromme'lt City Clerk Councilman Bitter moved adop- tion of the resolution. Seconded by Mayor Moldenhauer. Carried by tbe foilowing vote: Ye'as - Mayor Moldenhauer, Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann, Thoms. Na)'s - None. Absent - Cowrcilman Pregler. Counci1man Justmann moved ccmmunlcation throu¡ h the G<>ver. nor in requesting the State Liquor Commission to aIIow two liquor outlets in the City, by retaining tbe present llquor store to serve the downtown and north end are:>!s, besides the new fa'cility now being constructed on tile west side of the city. Seconded by Councilman Bitter. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer, Councilmen Bit t e r, Justmann, Thoms. Nays - None. Absent - Councilman Pregler. There being no further business Councilmoo 'I1homs moved to ad. journ. Seconded by Councilman Bitter. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer, Special Session, October 16, 1972 coun,cilmen Bit t e r, Justma,nn, I Thoms. Nays - None. Ahsent - Councilman Pregler. Leo F. Fromme],¡ City Clerk Approved 197- Adop~ed 197- Councllmen Attest: City Clerk 485 ,,--"--- 486 Special Session, October 24, 1972 CITY COUNCIL OFFICIAL Councilmen Justmann, Pregler Thoms. ' Nays - None. AJbsent - Councilman Bitter. Communic,ation of Carl F. Wan of Guttenberg, Iowa, suggesting that speed trap signs be placed at the stop light on J. F. K. & Mbury, also larger than normal speed limit signs on the down- grade of J. F. K. from the 2500 to 2800 blocks, pr""ented and read. Councilman Pregler moved that the communication be received and filed. Seconded by Councilman Justmann. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer, Councilmen Justmann, Pregler, Thoms. Nays - None. Absent - Councilman Bitter. Proof of publication, certified to by the publisher, of Statement of receipts, disbursements and list of C'laims for September 1972, pre- sented and read. Councllman Preg- ler moved that the proof of pub- lication be received and filed. Se- conded by Councilman Justmann, Carried by the foRowing vote: Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer. Councllmen Justmann, Pregler, Thoms. Nays - None. AJbsent - Counc¡[man Bitter. October 18, 1972 To the Honoraible Mayor and City Councll 1Jhe ,accompanying letter from Veterans of World War I of the U.S.A. was received, requesting permission to hold a "Ta,g Day". Saturday, November 4th. The date requested preceded the regular scheduled meeting and be. cause of ,this, permit 11m was issued October 18, 1972. Gllbert D. Cha,veneUe City Manager Councilman Pregler moved rati- fìca,tion of the Manager's adion. Seconded by Councilman Jus t- mann. Carried by the following vote: Yeæs - Ma1<)r .Moldenhauer, Councllmen Justmann, Pregler, Thoms. Nays - NoOne. A,bsent - Councilman Bitter. October 24, 1002 To the Honorable Mayor and City Councll I have a,ppointed Robert L. Mond Special session, October 24, 1972. Council met at 4:30 P.M. (C.D. T.) Present - Mayor Moldenhauer, Councilmen Justmann, Pregler, Thoms. City Manager Gilbert D. Chavenelle. Absent - Councilman Bitter. M,ayor Moldenhauer read the cili and stated that service thereof had been duly made and this meeting is caRed for the purpose of ap- pointing members to various boards and commissions and ading upon such other business a's may properly come before a regula,r meeting of the Council. , Communication of Mrs. R. C. \' Buelow sul>mitting her resignation as a member of the Board of Zoning Adjustment, pr""ented and read. Councilman Justmann moved I that the resignation be a,ccepted with regret and a letter of a,p. preciation be sent to Mrs. Buelow. Seconded by Councilman Pregler, Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer, Councilmen Justmann, Pregler, Thoms. Nays - None. A,bsent - Councilman Bitter. Communication of Library Di- rector Fullmer, that if exceptions can be made, consideration for reappointment he given to mem- bers of tile Library Board, pre. sented ,and read. Councilman Preg- ler moved that the communication be received and filed. Seconded by Councllman Justmann. Carried hy the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer, Councilmen Justmænn, Pregler, I Thoms. Nays - None. Absent - Counc¡[man Bitter. Communication of Low Rent Housing Commission submitting minutes of their meeting of October 17, 1972, presented and read. Conn- cllmau Pregler moved that the eommunioation be received and fil. ed. Seconded by Councllman Just- mann. Carried by the foUmvlllg vote: Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer, Special Session, and Merle A. Viertel to the Board of Heating, Ventilating, Air.Condi- tioning and Refrig,er'ation. These appointments are for a term of three years from March 3, 1973. I request that you affirm these appointments. ,Gilbert D. Chavenelle City Manager Councilman Pregler moved ap- pl'ova'l of the appointments. Se- conded by Councilman Thoms. Car- ried by the foilowing vote: Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer, Councilmen Justmann, Pregler, Thoms. Nays - None. Aibsent - Councilman Bitter. Mayor Moldenbauer moved the following appointments: Robert L. Mond and Merle A. Viertel to the Board of Heating Ventilating & Refrigeration for tIlree yea'r terms to ,3~16-75; James W. Grant, Rev. I Robert P. Odden and Virginia M. Perry reappointed to the Low Rent Housing Commission to s..17-75, three year terms; Dona,ld R. Me. yers to 8-17-75 to repla'ce William J. Witt; Dr. James Clark to the Airport Commission for a six yea'r te,rm to 9-14-78 to repla'ce Robert Woodward. Councilman Pregler moved ratification of the appoint. ments. Seconded by Councllman Thoms. Ca,rried by the following vote: I Yeas - M,ayor Moldenhauer, I Councilmen Justmann, Pregler, Thoms. Nays - None. Aibsent - Counc¡[man Bitter. October 19, 1972 lfun. Mayor and City Council On August 2, 1972, Dennis D. Palm of 1940 Winnie Court, this city, filed claim "galnot the City of Dubuque in the amount 0 f $1, 6().04 and claIming said d a- mages occurred on August 2, 1972 :>is the result of a sewer ba'ckup causing flooding to his basement. This claim was referred to the appropriate City Agency who in- vestigated same and reported to this oIifice of no actiondJ!e neg. li-gence on the part of the City, I and in view of tbe foregoing, it is the recommendation of the City Attorney that said claim be denied. October 24, 1972 487 Original claim is returned here. with. R. N. Russo City Attorney Councilman Justmann moved ap- proval of the recommendation. Se- conded 'by COuncilman Pregler. Carried by the fallowing vote: Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer, Councilmen JMtmann, Pregler, Thoms. Na,ys - None. Absent - Councilman Bitter. October 19, 1.972 Hon. Mayor and City Council On August 4, 1m, Ray Grimm of 1789 Adair Street, this city, filed claim a,galnst tile City of Dubuque in an unspeciiied c,laim a'nd claim. ing said dama'ges occurred on Au. gust 1, 1972 as the result of a sewer ha"kup caU£ing flooding of his basement. This claim was referred to the appropriate City Agency who In. vestigated same and reported to this ofifice of no actionable neg. ligence on tile part of the City, and In view of the foregoing, it is the recommendation of the City Attorney that said claim be denied. Original claim is returned here. with. R. N. Russo City Attorney Councilman Justmann moved ap- proval of the recommendation. Se- conded by Councilman Pregler. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer, Councilmen Justmann, Pregler, Thoms. Nays - None. Absent - Councilman Bitter. October <19, 1972 Hon. Mayor and City Counc¡[ On AU¡ Ust 4, 1971!, Louis J. White of 1790 Adair Street, tbis city, filed claim against the City of Dubuque, in an unspecified amount claiming damages to his basement and its contento as the resu1t of " sewer bac-kup on Augnst 1, 1972. This claim wa's referred to the appropriate City Agency who made an Investigation thereof and reo POrted to this office of no aetlon- able negligence on the part of the City, and aocordingly, it is the recommndation of the City Attor. ney that said claim be denied. 1~1II~111 .i Special Session, October 24, 1972 .original claim is returned here. I dation, of the City Attorney that with. said claim should be denied. .original cla1m Is returned here- with. 488 R. N. Russo City Attorney Councilman Justmann moved ap. pro\'al of tile recommendation. Se- conded by Councilman Pregler. Carried by the f<>Jrowing vote: Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer, Councilmen Justmann, Pregler, Thoms. Nays - None. Albsent - Councilman Bitter. Oetober 19, 1972 Ron. Mayor and City Council .on August 4, 1972, John T. Ku- besheski of 229 N. Booth Street, this city, filed cJaim a,gamst the City of Dubuque, cl<>lming d a- mages occurring on August 1, 1972 in an estimated amount of $350.00 and alleging same occurred as the result of a sewer backup, and flood- Ing his basement. This matter wa's referred to the a,ppropriate CIty Agency who in. vestigated same and reported to this office of no actionable neg- ligence on tile ,part of the City, and in view of the foregoing, it is the reoommendation of the City Attorney that said cla'lm he denied. .original claim Is returned here- with. R. N. Russo City Attorney Councilman Justmann moved ap- proval of the recommendatiGn. Se. conded hy Councilman Pregler. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayo.- Moldenhauer, Councilmen Justmann, Pregler, Thoms. Nays - None. Absent - Councilman Bitter. .october 19, 1972 Ron. Mayor and City CGuncil .on August 16, 1972, Thomas J. Bardon of 2M5 White Street, this city, filed claim ægainst the City of Dubuque, claiming d"ma'ges in the a'mount of $l16.4!iand aUeging said damages occurred on Augnst 2, 1972 as the result of a sewer backup. This matter w:>!s referred to the æppropriate City Agency who in. vestigated sa,me and reported by letter to this office of no action. able negligence Gn the part of the City. It is therefore the recommen. R. N. Russo City Attorney Councilman Justmann moved a'p- proval of the recommendation. Se- conded by Councilman Pregler. Carried by the following vote: Ye'"" - M,ayor Moldenhauer, Councilmen Justmann, Pregler, TIIoms. Nays - None. Albsent - Councilma,n Bitter. October 19, HI7\! Ron. Mayor and City Council .on August 4, -1972, Cla,ra A. Me. yer of 1800 Adair Street, this city, filed claim agaiinst the City of Dubuque in an unspecified amount claiming damages to her ba,semenl on August 2, 1972 as the result of a sewer b:>!clrup causing flooding of said basement. This matter was referred to the appropriate City Agency who ha-s made an investigation thereof and has reported to this office of no adlona,ble negligence on the pa,rt of the City, and accordingly, It is the recommendation of the City Attorney that said claim be denied. .original claim is returned here- with. R. N. Russo City Attorney Councilman Justmann moved ap. proval of the recommend,,-tion. Se- conded by Councilman Pregler. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer, Councilmen Justmann, Pregler, Thoms. Na,ys - None. Albsent - Councilman Bitter. .october 19, Hm Ron. Mayor and City Council .on May 31, 1972, Leath and Com- pany of 656 Main Street, this city, filed claim against the City claim- ing dama-ges in an uns, >Ccified amount and alleging damages on ,May 22, Hm caused by basement flooding due to a filled trench In front of ,said store causing water to come intG the -basement. Sa,ld claim was referred to the appropriate City Agency whG in. v,estigated same md reported to this G jfice by letter of nG action. able negligence on the part 01 the Special Session, October 24, 1972 City and in view of the foregoing, It is the recommendation of the City Attorney that said claim be denied. .original claim is returned here. with. R. N. Russo City Attorney Coun'cilman Justmann moved ap- proval of the recommendation. Se- condedby Councilman Pregler. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer, Councilmen Justmann, Pregler, 'l'homs. Nays - None. Absent - Councilman Bitter. .october 19, 1972 Hon. Mayor and City Council .on Augnst 30, 1972, Gerald S. Brandel of I2Œ Cortez Drive, this city, filed claim a,gainst the City alleging damages of $56.41 caused to his motor vehicle on August 20, 1972 a's the result of the door being scratched whi'le it was pa"k- ed near the Riverfront Pavilion in Eagle Point Park in Dubuque, Iowa. This matter was referred to the appropriate City Agency who in- vestigated said matter and report- ed to this office 'hy letter of no actionable negligence on the part of the City and in view of the foregoing, it is the recommenda- tion of the City AttGrney that said claim be denied. .originaI claim is returned here. with. R. N. Russo City Attorney CouncHman Justmann moved ap- proval of the recommendation. Se. conded by Councilman Pregler. Carried by the fol'IGwing vote: Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer, Councilmen Justmann, Pregler, Thoms. Nays - None. Absent - Councilman Bitter. .ootober 19, 1972 489 This matter wa's referred to the appropriate City Agency who in. vestigated said matter and report- ed to this office by letter of no actionabIe negligence on the part of the City and in view Gf the foregoing, it is the recommenda'tion of the City Attorney that the claim of DameI L. Schmit be denied. DriginaI cJaim is returned bere. with. R. N. Russo City Attorney Councilman Justmann moved ap. provaI of the recommendation. Se- conded by Councilman Pregler. Carried by the fullowing vote: Yeas - M,ayor Moldenhauer, Councilmen Justmann, Pregler, Thoms. Nays - None. Albsent - Councilman Bitter. October 19, 1972 Ron. Mayor and City Counlcil .on Auguot 2, 1972, Fred Noah Smith of 1960 Winnie Court, this city, filed cIa,im against the City of Dubuque claiming damages oc. curring on sa,id date at his home a's the result of a sewer back up caused by bea;vy ræins and claiming damages in the estimated amount of $1735.00. This matter was referred to the appropriate City Agency who in. ve,tigated said matter and rßport. ed to this offiee by letter of no n.,gJigence on tbe part of the City and in view of the foregoing it is the recommend'ation of the City Attorney that the claim of Fred Noa'h Smith be denied. .origlna,l Claim is returned here- with. R. N. Russo City Attorney Councilman Jnstmann moved ..p- pro\'al of the recommenda,tion. Se. conded by Councilman Pregler. Carried by the following v<>te: Yeas - M,ayor MGldenhauer, Councilmen Justmann, Pregler, Thoms. Nays - None. Absent - Councilman Bitter. .october 19, 1972 Hon. Mayor and City Council On Auguot 2, 1972, Daniel L. Sehmit of 1935 Winnie Court, this city, filed claim againot the City Hon. Ma'yor of Dubuque claiming d,amages oc- and City Counci'l curring on said date at .aid ad- .on Augnst 2, 1972, Thomas J. dress as the result of a sewer Krause of HI25 Winnie Court, this ba'ck up caused by heavy rains city, filed claim a'gainst the City and claiming damag"" in the es- of Dubuque in the ..mount of $710.00 timated "mount of $593.00. and claiming said dama'ges 00. 490 Special Session, October 24, 1972 curred on August 2, 1972 as the result of a' sewer baclwp causing flooding of his basement. This claim was referred to the appropriate City Agency who In- vestigated same and reported to this oEfice of no actionable neg. ligence on the part of the City and in view of the foregoing, it is the recommendation of the City Attorney that said claim he denied. Origin:>!l claim is returned here- with. R. N. Rus'so City Attorney Councllman Justmann moved ap. prov':>!l of the recommendation. Se- conded by eounciiman Pregler. Carried by the fò1lowing vote: Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer, Councilmen Justmann, Pregler, Thoms. Nays -None. Absent - Councilman Bitter. Notice of cIlalm of' Daniel M. Betts and J. ,Po Sandman, in the amount 01' '1000., for car aama'ge incurred as the result of drivine into a' trench in the construction area at 3120 S. Grand",ew Ave. on October 14, 1972, presented and read. Councilman Pregler moved that the notice of claim be re- ferred to the City Aittorney for investigation and report. Seconded by Councilman Justmann. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer, Councllmen Justmann, Pregler, Thoms. Nays - None. Absent - Councllma,n Bitter. N'>tlce of claim of George B. BueIl, in an undetermined :>!mount, for persona!! injuries received on a city sidewa'ik at 1240 W. 12th Street on September 15, 1972, pre- sented and read, Councllman Preg- ler moved that the notice of claim he referred to the City Attorney for investigation and report. Se. conded by Councllman Justmann. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer, Councibnen Juøtm81lU, Pregler, Thoms. Nays - Nk>ne. Absent - Councilman Bitter. Petition of James C. Miller et al re<!ue5!ing InstaUaliion of a street light In the 700 block of Provi. dence Street, presented and read. Councllman Pregler moved that the petition be referred to the City Manager and Electrical Inspector for investigation and report. Se- conded by Mayor Moldenhauer. Carried 'by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer Councilmen Justmann, Pregler: Thoms. Nays - None. M>sent - Councilman Bitter. Petition of Duane A. Chase and Marie Sullivan requesting rezoning of the property at 1710, 1726 and 1740 Asbury from Two Famlly to Multiple Fami'iy cl"ssiñcatlon, pre- sented and read, Councllman Preg- ler moved that the petition be re- ferred to the Planning & Zoning Commission. Seconded by Mayor Moldenhauer. Ca'rried by the fol- lowing vote: Yea,s - Mayor M\>1denhauer, Councllmen Justmann, Pregler, Thoms. Nays - None. Absent - Councilman Bitter. Petition of Peoples Natura! Gas requesting permission to excavate at 605 W. 11th Street to repair leak in service, presented and read. Councllma,n Justmann moved approval of the petition. Seconded by Councllman Pregler. Carried by the following rote: Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer, Councilmen Justmann, Pregler, Thoms. Nays - None. Absent - Councilman Bitter. Petition of The New March of Dimes requesting permission to conduct a "Mothers Day" march in January 1973, presented and read, Councllman Pregler moved approval of the petition subject to approval of the City Manager. Seconded by Mayor Moldenhauer. Carried by the following vote: Ye"s - Mayor Moldenhauer, Counci'imen Justmann, Pregler, Thom.s. Nays - None. Absent - Coundlman Bitter. Petition of Fondell & Sons Inc. requesting permission to excavate in E. 3I2nd Street between Jack. son and ra,ilroad viaduct, present- ed and read. Counci'iman Pregler moved approv,al of the petition sub. ject to approval of the Engineer- ing Department. Seconded 'by Ma. yor Moldenhauer. Carried by the following vote: Yea's - M,ayor Moldenhauer, Special Session, October 21, 1972 491 Councilmen Justmann, Pregler, Thoms. Nays - None. Absent - Councilman Bitter. Petition of Hill<:rest Builders Inc. requesting permission to excavate at 2O'T5 Kennedy Road for water main connection, presented :>! n d read. Councilman Pre,gler moved approva'l of petition subject to ap- proval of the Engineering Depart- ment. Seconded by Mayor Molden. hauer. Carried hy the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer, Councilmen Justmann, Pregler, Thoms. Nays - None. Absent - Councilman Bitter. Petiton of Mary Annice Miller requesting a refund of $37.50 on the unexpired portion of Cla,ss C Beer permit No. 1825, as she has discontinued business on Octoher ! 17, 1972, presented and read. Ma- yor Moldenhauer moved approval of the refund request with instruc- tion to the Auditor to issue proper warrant. Seconded by Councilman Pregler. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - M,ayor Moldenhauer, Councilmen Justmann, Pregler, Thoms. Nays - None. Absent - Councllman Bitter. Petition of Violet Savary request. ing a refund of $150. on tbe un. expired portion of Class B heer permit No 1Bœ, issued to Theodore Kanavas, deceased OclJober 9, 1972, presented and read. Mayor Molden- hauer moved approval of the re- fund with instruction to the Auditor to issue proper warrant. Seconded by Councilman Pregler. Carried I hy the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer, Councilmen Justmann, Pregler, Thoms. Nays - None. Aibsent - Councllman Bitter. Petition of Violet Savary request- ing a refund of $50, on the un. expired portion of cigarette liœnae No. 65, I.sued to Theodore Kana. vas, deceased October 9, 1972, pre- sented and read. Mayor Molden. hauer moved a'pprovaI of the re- fund with Instruction to the Auditor to issue proper warrant. Seconded hy Councilman Pregler. Carried hy the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer, Councilmen Justmann, Pregler, Thoms. Nays - None. Absent - Councilman Bitter. RESOLUTION NO. 330.n WHEiR;ÐAS, applica,tlons for Li- quor licenses have been submitted to this Council for approv,al and the same have been examined, NOW '!1IlE,RiFOtRiE BE IT R'E. SOlNE,D by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, that the fat owing applications be grant- ed and licenses issued upon the compliance with the terms of the IOWA LIQUOR CONrrRoL AiCT- CHiA;Pl!'ER 131-os amended by the 64th Genera'l Assembly, 1972. CLASS "C" (COMME,RCIAL) BEiER & LIQUOR LICENSE Charles J. Spielman, 2401 Windsor Avenue P'assed, adopted and a'pproved this 24th day of October, 1972. Wayne A. Moldenhauer Mayor C. Robert Justmann AHan T. Thoms Walter A. Pregler Councilmen Attest: Loo F. Frommelt City Cleric CouncHman Thoms moved adop- tion of the resolution. Secondèd hy Councilman JUBtmann. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer, Councilmen Justmann, Pregler, Thoms. Na,ys - None. AJbsent - Councilman Bitter. R'ESOL11ION NO. 331.12 WŒJjER1EAS, applIcations for Li- quor licenses were filed hy the within named appliunts and they have received tile approva'l of tIlis Council, and WŒmREAS, the prentises to be occupied by such applicants were inopected a'nd found to comply with the State Law and all City or. dinan~es relevant thereto and they have filed proper bonds, NOW ~ BE IT RIE. SOINÐD hy the City Council of Dubuque, Iowa, that the Manager be authorized to cause to he is- sued to the following named ap. plicant. a Liquor license. CLASS "C" (COMMERCIAL) BEE'R & LIQUOR LICE,NSE Charles J. Spielman, 2401 Windsor Avenue 1!II¡I~~ml! 492 Special Session, October 24, 1972 Passed, adopted and approved this 24th day ()f October, 1972. Wayne A. Moldenhauer M'ayor C. Robert Justmann Allan T. Thoms Walter A. 'Pregler ,Councilmen Section 1. That the City Council 01 the City of Dubuque, Iowa for- mally goes on record beseeching the Governor of the State of Iowa the Honorable Rohert D. Ray, t~ èi:ectly intervene for and on be. half of the City of Dubuque, Iowa with the I()wa State Liquor Con- trol Commission to prevail upon "aid Commission to allow two li- quor store outlets in Dubuque, Io- wa, that is, one new facility as proposed to be Jocated on Dubu. que's west side and the retention cf the present or simila,r retail liquor outlet to serve the down. to,wn area, the north end area and the Rhomberg Avenue neigh- borhoods. Section 2. Tbiat tbe Governor 01 the State of Iowa is herewith in. formed that it is the consensus of the City Council of the City of Duhnque, Iowa that the tWQ retail liquor store outlets In the City of Dubuque, Iowa a,re essen- tI:>!lly necessary in tile best in- terests of preserving the publIc purse as well as rendering a ser. vice much needed to the inha,bi. tants ()f the City of Dubuque, Iowa and thereby eliminate the costly excursions to the precincts beyond the territorial lImits of the City 01 Dubuque, Iowa to satisfy the demands that should properly be satiated and competently served within the City of Dubuque, Iowa. Plassed, approved and adopted this 24th day of October, 1972. Wayne A. Moldenhauer Mayor C. Robert Justmann Allan T. Thoms W:>!lter A. Pregler Councilmen Attest: Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Councilman Thoms moved adop- tion of the resolution. Seconded by Councilman Justmann. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer, Councilmen Justmann, Pregler, Thoms. Nays - None. Absent - Councilman Bitter. R,ESOLU1'ION NO. 332.72 WHiE)RJEAS, the City Council 01 the City of Duhuque, Iowa desires to exert its best e£forts in order to insure and retain a State retail liquor store outlet be located in the Dubuque downtown area; and WŒJ;EŒ\!EIAS, tile City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa desires to express its gratitude to the Iowa Liquor Control Commission for its decision to locate a new retail lIquor facility on the western side of Dubuque, Iowa; and ~, the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa' is ever mindful of the faet that this neW location wili in effect work a direct, distinct hardship on many of the City's elderly and others who do not own vehicles but who live In the historic downtown area extend. lng northward to the city limits; and Wfl,EòRJE;AS, the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa desires beseech the Govern()r of the State of Iowa to intervene on the behaU of the City of Dubuque, Iowa in requesting that tile State Liquor Control Commission allow two ro. I wa Liquor Store Outlets in Dubu- que, Iowa, that is to say, one new facility in Dubuque"s west side and tbe retention of the present or similar outlet located in the downtown area to serve the down- town area, the north end area and RhQmberg Awnue nelgbhor. hoods. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RJE. SOLVl')!) ,BY "mE CITY COUNCIL OF 'l1HIE CIIl'Y OF DUBUQUE, IOWA; Attest: Leo F. Frommelt City Clerk Councilman Thoms moved adop. tlon of the resolution as a com. pletion of motion adopted at Coun- cil meeting of October 3, 19'12. Seconded by Couneilman Pregler. Camed by the fo1l'>wing vQte: Yea's - Mayor Moldenhauer, Councilmen Justmann, Pregler, Thoms. Nays - None. Absent - Councilman Bitter. Councilman Pregler moved that the Boards and Commissions of the City meet in the City Ha!l at the time of their reguJarly sche. Special Session, October 24, 1972 493 duled meeting's for the benefit of Pregler. Carried by the f()!lowing the general public. vote: City Attorney Russo recommend. Yea's - Mayor Moldenhauer, ed that the idea be referred to Councilmen Justmann, Pregler, the Council aud staff for considera- Thoms. tion. Seconded by Councilman Just- Nays - NQne. mann. Carried by the following Absent - Councilman Bitter. vote: Leo F. Frommelt Yeas - Mayor Moldenhauer, City Clerk Councilmen Justmann, Pregler, Thoms. Nays - NQne. Absent - Councilman Bitter. Communication of Sisters ()f St. I Adopted Francis requesting rezoning of a pol'tion of land located n()rth of Da'Vis Avenue from single family to multiple residence district Clas. sification to be used for a child development care center, present- ed and read. Councilman Pregler moved that the communication be referred to the Planning & Zoning Commission. Seconded by Mayor Moldenhauer. Carried by the fol- lowing vote: Yea's - M,ayor Moldenhauer, Councilmen Justmann, Pregler, Thoms. Nays - None. Absent - Councilman Bitter. There being no further business Councilman Justmann moved to adjourn. Seconded by Councilman Approved I Attest: 197- 197- Councilmen City Clerk