Minutes Cable Teleprog 10 5 04 MINUTES OF CABLE COMMUNITY TELEPROGRAMMING COMMISSION MEETING OCTOBER 5, 2004 CITY HALL ANNEX CONFERENCE ROOM # 2 MEMBERS PRESENT: Maria Araeipour. Sr. Carol Hoverman OSF, Paul Kohl, Jennifer Tigges MEMBERS ABSENT: OTHERS PRESENT: Burton Everist. Two seats remain vacant on the Commission Jim Barefoot, Mediacom Merrill Crawford, Cable Franchise Administrator Ms. Tigges called the meeting to order at 5:42 p.m. 1. Acceptance of the Agenda. Upon a motion by Sr. Hoverman, seconded by Mr. Kohl, the agenda was accepted as published. Approval of the Minutes of the September 7, 2004 Meeting. 2. Upon a motion by Mr. Kohl, seconded by Sr. Hoverman, the Minutes of the September 7,2004 Commission meeting were approved as distributed. 3. Public Comment. There was no one present to address the Commission. 4. Access Equipment Expenditures. Mr. Barefoot told Commissioners he had nothing new to report. He led a brief discussion on the possible expenditure of the last $6,000 of access equipment for temporary studio camera functions until the new source of access capital expenditures becomes available through franchise renewal. The Commission briefly discussed possible grant opportunities and the rapid change of video technologies and associated prices. 5. Access Programming. Mr. Barefoot told Commissioners about a new access user who plans to produce programs tied to reporting of the Telegraph Herald, but giving different perspectives or more in-depth analysis. Mr. Barefoot commented on several examples of copyrighted material appearing in access productions, for which the producers have insisted they have obtained permission for usage. Mr. Barefoot called Commissioners' attention to a new series on quilts and quilt makers as well as renewed program activity by Loras College. Mediacom Cable Franchise Renewal. 6. Mr. Crawford told Commissioners that a meeting had occurred earlier in the day between an attorney representing the City and one representing Mediacom, focusing on trying to reach agreement as to the overall PEG access and I-Net investment of the cable operator in the renewed franchise. He discussed with Commissioners his perception of parallel or compatible views between Mediacom and the City as to the migration of video and audio production and distribution to digital signals, with greater future emphasis on production by one or two individuals using non-linear personal computer-based production tools with relatively fewer and more specialized emphasis on multi-camera "live" studio-type traditional television production. He told Commissioners that, pending the outcome of the meeting earlier today, he expected to begin scheduling small group briefings for members of both cable commissions in the near future where more detail as to Mediacom's offers and the City's counteroffers could be shared and tested with Commissioners to make sure they are compatible with evolving community cable-related needs. 7. Mediacom Cable Report. Mr. Barefoot distributed a photograph and brief article regarding a group of foreign exchange students who had visited Mediacom and conducted brief interviews with each other as they learned about PEG access television on cable. He noted that Mediacom's building is currently in the process of receiving a new roof and that as a result, it is difficult to gain access to the building through the rear entrance, particularly after business hours. He also distributed a copy of an article in Iowa Cable News, a newsletter of the Iowa Cable and Telecommunications Association, quoting all or part of an editorial or letter to the editor from the Iowa City Press Citizen criticizing the number and similarity of PEG access channels in that community. 8. Cable Franchise Administrator Report. Mr. Crawford distributed copies of a brief article from Government and Video magazine regarding the use of licensed or copyrighted music in local productions, and also distributed a letter from Mediacom announcing the planned addition of KWWF, a UPN network affiliate broadcast station, effective November 5, 2004. He also commented briefly upon other channel changes resulting from the KFXB dropping of FOX network affiliation and beginning instead to carry CTN network programming on Channel 14. Mr. Barefoot noted that the move of the local origination channel to Channel 22 is consistent with that specific channel placement of LO on most Mediacom systems in the area. 9. 10. MC/cj Future Agenda Items. It was noted that the first Tuesday of November is election eve, and therefore, it was the consensus of the Commissioners to schedule the November T eleprogramming Commission meeting for the second Tuesday, November 9, 2004. Adjournment. Upon a motion by Sr. Hoverman, seconded by Mr. Kohl, the meeting was adjourned at 6:44 p.m.