Enterprise Zone Certifications D~~~E ~Y4-~ MEMORANDUM October 25, 2004 TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Council Members FROM: Michael C. Van Milligen, City Manager cc, SUBJECT: Application for Enterprise Zone Certifications Expansion of the City's Existing Enterprise Zone - 1 and Enterprise Zone - 2 The City currently has two enterprise zones. Enterprise Zone - 1 includes the majority of Census Tract 1 and covers the downtown and riverfront areas. Enterprise Zone - 2 is located generally in the Central Avenue/W. 32nd Street area. At the time of initial designation of zones, only industrial development was eligible for benefits. Housing development is now eligible for benefits. Enterprise zone designation provides State incentives for new development that include tax credits, refunds of sales, service and use taxes and supplemental new jobs training withholding credit. City incentives are also permitted. The City is eligible to include 6.17 square miles in total enterprise zone areas. The current enterprise zones cover 1.73 square miles. Economic Development Director Bill Baum recommends City Council approval to file applications with the Iowa Department of Economic Development requesting an expansion of both existing zones to include all eligible area. The State will no longer certify new enterprise zone areas after July 2005. This expansion would increase the total area to 3.37 square miles. The proposed expansion of EZ - 2 would include the entirety of Census Tract 5, all of which meets the State's Enterprise Zone eligibility requirements for per capita income of $12,648 or less and family poverty rate of 12 percent or higher based on the 2000 census. The former Dubuque Casket Company building on Washington Street is included in this expanded area. The proposed expansion of EZ - 1 encompasses the neighborhoods north of Loras Boulevard on the east and west sides of the Loras College campus. This area is Block Group 1 of Census Tract 7.01 and is the only other census subarea, outside of the area being added to EZ - 2, that meets the State's Enterprise Zone eligibility requirements for per capita income and poverty rate. I concur with the recommendation and respectfully request Mayor and City Council approval. /1/1 I) / 11 Ii / l \ lV /(['1 . t \,tL'-. Michael C. Van Milligen MCVM/jh Attachment cc: Barry Lindahl, Corporation Counsel Cindy Steinhauser, Assistant City Manager William Baum, Economic Development Director David Harris, Housing and Community Development Department Director CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA MEMORANDUM October 25, 2004 TO: FROM: Michael Van Milligen, City Manager ~ Willi,m B,"m. Economi, DeWopm,'" Dioed... ¡¿!¿J£~ . W-/ Application for Enterprise Zone Certifications i Expansion of the City's Existing Enterprise Zone - 1 and Enterprise Zone - 2 SUBJECT: INTRODUCTION This memorandum presents for City Council review and approval two resolutions approving the filing of applications with the Iowa Department of Economic Development (IDED) requesting Enterprise Zone Certification to expand the City's existing Enterprise Zones by adding additional areas that meet the state's eligibility requirements. The completed applications are attached to this memo. BACKGROUND The City currently has two enterprise zones. Enterprise Zone - 1 includes the majority of Census Tract 1 and covers the downtown and riverfront areas. Enterprise Zone - 2 is located generally in the Central Avenue/E. 32nd Street area. At the time of initial designation of zones, only industrial development was eligible for benefits. Housing development is now eligible for benefits. Enterprise zone designation provides incentives for new development that include tax credits, refunds of sales, service and use taxes, supplemental new jobs training withholding credit and property tax exemption. The City will continue to offer only a 10-year one dollar per year property tax exemption that protects the City's ability to use tax increment financing in coterminous urban renewal/enterprise zone areas. Also, in portions of the Enterprise Zone - 1, the existing Urban Revitalization program allows a 10-year 100% property tax exemption on new assessed value for residential projects. This memo proposes an expansion of both existing zones to include all eligible area. The state will no longer certify new enterprise zone areas after July 2005. The City is eligible to include 6.17 square miles in total enterprise zone areas. The current enterprise zones cover 1.73 square miles. This expansion would increase the total area to 3.37 square miles. DISCUSSION The proposed expansion of EZ - 2 would include the entirety of Census Tract 5, all of which meets the state's Enterprise Zone eligibility requirements for per capita income of $12,648 or less and family poverty rate of 12 percent or higher based on the 2000 census. A local housing developer has asked that the zone be expanded in order to provide incentives for a proposed housing project in Census Tract 5. The developer would like to adaptively reuse the former Dubuque Casket Company building on Washington Street between 1 ih and 18th Streets as an elderly, assisted living facility. He will seek low-income housing tax credits and utilize the City's existing Urban Revitalization tax exemption program but would also benefit from Enterprise Zone benefits. More discussion needs to occur on this project to determine the prospect of a mixed income development. The proposed expansion of EZ - 1 encompasses the neighborhoods north of Loras Boulevard on the east and west sides of the Loras College campus. This area is Block Group 1 of Census Tract 7.01 and is the only other census subarea, outside of the area being added to EZ - 2, that meets the state's Enterprise Zone eligibility requirements for per capita income and poverty rate. RECOMMENDATION I recommend that the City Council adopt the attached resolutions authorizing the filing of the applications for Enterprise Zone Certification for the expansion of Enterprise Zones - 1 and 2. The benefits of zone designation provide additional financial development tools for the City and developers as we seek to attract and stimulate eligible housing and job creation projects in the community. ACTION STEP The Action Step for the City Council is to adopt the attached resolutions. attachments RESOLUTION NO. 414-04 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF AN APPLICATION WITH THE IOWA DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT REQUESTING ENTERPRISE ZONE CERTIFICATION OF AN EXPANSION OF THE EXISTING ENTERPRISE ZONE -11N THE CITY OF DUBUQUE. Whereas, the State of Iowa Department of Economic Development (IDED) is taking applications for the Enterprise Zone program to provide benefits and incentives for redevelopment and reinvestment in areas of a community that meet certain eligibility criteria; and Whereas, the City of Dubuque, Iowa has identified an area which meets the eligibility requirements; and Whereas, the City Council of Dubuque, Iowa has determined that said designation and certification of an expansion of the City's existing Enterprise Zone - 1 will benefit the local economy through the creation of new investment and new jobs for area residents; and Whereas, the City of Dubuque, Iowa is eligible to submit an application for the Enterprise Zone program. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section 1. That the filing of an application for Enterprise Zone Certification to expand the City's existing Enterprise Zone - 1 is approved. Section 2. That the schedule of value-added property tax exemption for this Enterprise Zone shall be One Dollar ($1.00) per year for ten years. Section 3. That the Mayor is hereby authorized and directed to execute, on behalf of the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, the appropriate Enterprise Zone application. Section 4. That the City Manager is directed to submit the application to the Iowa Department of Economic Development together with such documents as may be required. Section 5. That, once the expanded Enterprise Zone is certified, a copy of this resolution and all supporting documents be forwarded to the City Assessor. Passed, approved and adopted this 1st day of November, 2004. Terrance M. Duggan, Mayor Attest: Jeanne F. Schneider, City Clerk RESOLUTION NO. 415-04 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF AN APPLICATION WITH THE IOWA DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT REQUESTING ENTERPRISE ZONE CERTIFICATION OF AN EXPANSION OF THE EXISTING ENTERPRISE ZONE - 2 IN THE CITY OF DUBUQUE. Whereas, the State of Iowa Department of Economic Development (IDED) is taking applications for the Enterprise Zone program to provide benefits and incentives for redevelopment and reinvestment in areas of a community that meet certain eligibility criteria; and Whereas, the City of Dubuque, Iowa has identified an area which meets the eligibility requirements; and Whereas, the City Council of Dubuque, Iowa has determined that said designation and certification of an expansion of the City's existing Enterprise Zone - 2 will benefit the local economy through the creation of new investment and new jobs for area residents; and Whereas, the City of Dubuque, Iowa is eligible to submit an application for the Enterprise Zone program. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section 1. That the filing of an application for Enterprise Zone Certification to expand the City's existing Enterprise Zone - 2 is approved. Section 2. That the schedule of value-added property tax exemption for this Enterprise Zone shall be One Dollar ($1.00) per year for ten years. Section 3. That the Mayor is hereby authorized and directed to execute, on behalf of the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, the appropriate Enterprise Zone application. Section 4. That the City Manager is directed to submit the application to the Iowa Department of Economic Development together with such documents as may be required. Section 5. That, once the expanded Enterprise Zone is certified, a copy of this resolution and all supporting documents be forwarded to the City Assessor. Passed, approved and adopted this 1st day of November, 2004. Terrance M. Duggan, Mayor Attest: Jeanne F. Schneider, City Clerk Attest: APPLICATION ENTERPRISE ZONE CERTIFICATION Proposed Expansion of Existing Enterprise Zone - 1 CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA October 18, 2004 CERTIFICATIONS I, the undersigned, on behalf of the City identified herein, hereby submit the following application for Enterprise Zone Certification under the provisions of 1997 Iowa Acts, House File 724 and extended by 2000 Iowa Acts, House File 2540. I certify that the City has complied, or will upon receipt of approval by the IDED Board, with all applicable laws of the State of Iowa for Enterprise Zone Certification. Further, all action on the City's part, such as appropriate resolutions of its City Council for the execution and delivery of Enterprise Zone Certification Applications, including signatory authorization naming the undersigned officer of this City authorized to execute this Enterprise Zone Certification Application, has been effectively taken. I certify that all information, representations or statements provided to the Iowa Department of Economic Development (IDED) in connection with this application are true and correct in all material aspects. I understand that by submitting and signing this application I am certifying on behalf of the City that Enterprise Zones will not exceed 1 % of the total area of the county where my City is located and that boundaries of the area to be designated as Enterprise Zones are under the jurisdiction of my City. Terrance M. Duggan, Mayor City of Dubuque, Iowa Date APPLICATION INFORMATION City Name: City of Dubuque, Iowa Primary Application Contact Name: William Baum Primary Contact Title: Director, Economic Development Department Primary Contact Organization Name: City of Dubuque, Iowa Primary Contact Address: 50 W. 13th Street Dubuque, Iowa 52001 Primary Contact Telephone Number: 563-589-4393 Primary Contact Fax Number: 563-589-1733 OFFICIAL CITY CONTACT WHERE THE ENTERPRISE ZONE IS TO BE LOCATED (if same person as above, so indicate): Official City Contact Name: same City Name: Address: Telephone: Fax: County Name Where City is Located: Dubuque County APPLICATION INFORMATION REQUIREMENTS I) Eligibility Criteria: The proposed expansion of Enterprise Zone - 1 lies in Census Tract 7.01 Block Group 1 and meets the following eligibility criteria: a) The area has a per capita income of $12,648 or less based on the 1990 census; and b) The area has a family poverty rate of 12% or higher based on the 1990 census. Census Tract 7.01 BG 1 Per Capita Income $8,758 Family Poverty Rate 13.6% Supporting documentation provided as Attachment 1. The proposed expansion of Enterprise Zone - 1 includes the remaining census area that meets the eligibility requirements of the Enterprise Zone program. Potential housing activities in this area may benefit from the housing benefits now provided by the Enterprise Zone legislation. II) The total amount of land in a City designated as Enterprise Zone cannot exceed in the aggregate one percent (1%) of the total City area. However, cities may have more than one Enterprise Zone. Please complete the following questions: Total area of the county in square miles where the City is located: 617 sq.mi. Total area of the county in square miles previously designated as EZ: 1.73 sq.mi. (this includes existing EZ - 1 and EZ - 2) Total area of the county in square miles that is being requested to be designated as EZ - 1 in this application: 2.78 sq.mi. Total area in acres of this proposed EZ -1 area: 1774 acres III) Please include a legal description of the proposed EZ. Provided as Attachment 2, which is a revised legal of EZ - 1 which incorporates the expansion area into the legal description. Also, the application must be accompanied by detailed area map(s) showing the boundaries of the proposed EZ. Provided as Attachment 3, with the expansion of EZ - 1 identified. IV) This application for Enterprise Zone Certification must be accompanied by the original copy of the City Council resolution requesting Enterprise Zone certification. Provided as Attachment 4. F:IUSERSIPmyhreIWPDOCSIEZIEZ1 expansion.doc ATTACHMENT 1 Per Capita Income, Family Poverty and Occupancy Status for Iowa, It Counties, Census Tracts and Block Groups: 2000 Universe: Persons, Families and Housing Units Per Capita Area Income Percent Total State of Iowa $19,674 774,246 46,641 6.0% 1.232,511 83,235 6.8% Dubuque $19,600 23,199 1,133 4.9% 35,505 1,815 5.1% Census Tract.1 $14,545. 488 87 '17.8% 1,879 387 20.60/.' Block Group 1 $15.353 214 26 12..1% 474 58 12.2% Block Group 2 $13,586 100 16 16.0% 364 70 19.2% Block Group 3 $10,825 98 35 35.7% 416 88 21.2% Block Group 4 $17,258 76 10 13.2% 625 171 27,4% Census Tract 3 $17.448 521 10 1.9% 858 29 3.4% Block Group 1 $17,516 312 5 1.6% 539 16 3.0% Block Group 3 $17,360 209 5 2.4% 319 13 4.1% Census Tract 4 $18,844 939 86 9.2% 1,594 78 4.9% Block Group 1 $18.229 295 63 21.4% 418 11 2.6% Block Group 2 $17,107 356 11 3.1% 513 20 3.9% Block Group 4 $20.387 288 12 4.2% 663 47 7.1% Census Tract 5. $12,593 1,011 137 13.6% 1,862 143 7.7% Block Group 1 $15.092 212 22 10.4% 329 0 0.0% Block Group 2 $13,525 290 22 7.6% 481 47 9.8% Block Group 3 $13,402 182 23 12,6% 332 29 8.7% Block Group 4 $10,616 121 38 31.4% 319 43 13.5.% Block Group 5 $10,.022. 206 32 15.5% 401 24 6.0% Census Tract 6 $16,359 758 50 6.6% 1,349 72 5.3% Block Group 1 $15,429 209 19 9.1% 380 22 5.8% Block Group 2 $14,825 277 24 8.7% 601 47 7.8% Block Group 3 $18,093 272 7 2.6% 368 3 0.8% Census Tract 7.01 $12,693 619 44 7.1% 1,134 74 6.5% .... \BIock Group.1 $8.758 V 199 27 13.6% V 389 36 9.3% Brock Group 2 $17,670 122 10 8.2% 338 29 8,6% Block Group 3 $16,033 298 7 2.3% 407 9 2.2% Census Tract 7.02 $24,180 805 33 4.1% 1,417 84 5.9% Block Group 1 $28,617 177 3 1.7% 302 18 6.0% Block Group 2 $24,125 167 12 7.2% 316 21 6.6% Block Group 4 $17,397 289 14 4.8% 545 37 6.8% Block Group 5 $32,628 172 4 2.3% 254 8 3.1% Census Tract 8.01 $26,924 1,223 48 3.9% 1,775 58 3.3% Block Group 1 $26,533 130 9 6.9% 188 3 1.6% Block Group 2 $35,075 456 14 3.1% 632 28 4.4% Block Group 3 $25,653 302 4 1.3% 397 10 2.5% Block Group 4 $18,830 206 21 10.2% 336 10 3.0% Block Group 5 $17,446 129 0 0.0% 222 7 3.2% Census Tract 8.02 $26,867 941 23 2.4% 1,235 36 2.9% Block Group 1 $25,589 229 7 3.1% 339 19 5.6% Block Group 2 $30,084 441 6 1.4% 510 17 3.3% Block Group 3 $22,816 271 10 3.7% 386 0 0.0% Census Tract 9 $17,309 1,030 61 5.9% 1,499 44 2.9% Block Group 1 $21,453 185 7 3.8% 268 2 0.7% Page 1 of 3 ATTACHMENT 2 City of Dubuque, Iowa Enterprise Zone - 1, including expansion area. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Commencing as a point of reference at the intersection of the centerline of Terminal Street with U.S. Highway 20 (Dodge Street), said point being the point of beginning; Thence westerly along the centerline of Dodge Street to the centerline of South Main Street; Thence southerly along the centerline of South Main Street to the centerline of Railroad Avenue; Thence southwesterly along the centerline of Railroad Avenue to the centerline of South Locust Street; Thence northerly along the centerline of South Locust Street to the centerline of Dodge Street; Thence southwesterly along the centerline of Dodge Street 1500 feet; Thence northwesterly on a line perpendicular to Dodge Street a distance of 300 feet; Thence northeasterly on a line parallel to Dodge Street 1100 feet, more or less, to the east toe of the bluff (said point being approximately 300 feet westerly of the centerline of Bluff Street); Thence northwesterly along the toe of the bluff (said line being approximately 100 feet westerly of the centerline of St. Mary's Street) to the centerline of West Third Street; Thence continuing northwesterly along the toe of the bluff between Bluff Street and Raymond Place and Prospect Street to the intersection of University and West 9th Street; Thence northeasterly continuing along the toe of the bluff to a point approximately 120 feet in perpendicular distance from the centerline of Bluff Street; Thence northwesterly continuing along said toe of bluff westerly of Bluff Street to the centerline of Loras Boulevard; Thence southwesterly along the centerline of Loras Boulevard to the centerline of Wood Street; Thence northwesterly along the centerline of Wood Street to the centerline of Rosedale Street; Thence northeasterly along the centerline of Rosedale Street to the centerline of West Locust Street; Thence easterly along the centerline of West Locust Street to the centerline of Kirkwood Street; Thence southwesterly along the centerline of Kirkwood Street to the centerline of Cox Street; Thence southeasterly along the centerline of Cox Street to the centerline of Clark Street; Thence northeasterly along the centerline of Clark Street to the centerline of West 1?,h Street; Thence northeasterly along the centerline of West 1?,h Street to the centerline of the most westerly railroad tracks in Pine Street; Thence northeasterly along the centerline of said railroad tracks running parallel to Garfield Avenue to the centerline of Lincoln Avenue; Thence easterly along the centerline of Lincoln Avenue to the centerline of Volunteer Drive; Thence southerly along the centerline of Volunteer Drive to the centerline of Hawthorne Street; Thence northwesterly along the centerline of Hawthorne Street to the centerline of Kerper Boulevard; Thence southwesterly along the centerline of Kerper Boulevard to a point 340 feet in perpendicular distance southwesterly of the centerline of Hawthorne Street; Thence southeasterly along a line 340 feet in perpendicular distance southwesterly of Hawthorne Street to the centerline of Harbor Street; Thence southwesterly along the centerline of Harbor Street and extension thereof to the centerline of the floodwall/levee; Thence generally in a southern direction along the centerline of the floodwall/levee on the westerly side of the Peosta Channel, Mississippi River and Dove Harbor to a point of intersection with the centerline of U.S. Highway 20 (Dodge Street); Thence westerly along the centerline of U.S. Highway 20 (Dodge Street) to the point of beginning, containing 1774 acres, more or less. -I I ~/ - . ~ N ATTACHMENT 3 APPLICATION ENTERPRISE ZONE CERTIFICATION Proposed Expansion of Existing Enterprise Zone - 2 CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA October 18, 2004 CERTIFICATIONS I, the undersigned, on behalf of the City identified herein, hereby submit the following application for Enterprise Zone Certification under the provisions of 1997 Iowa Acts, House File 724 and extended by 2000 Iowa Acts, House File 2540. I certify that the City has complied, or will upon receipt of approval by the IDED Board, with all applicable laws of the State of Iowa for Enterprise Zone Certification. Further, all action on the City's part, such as appropriate resolutions of its City Council for the execution and delivery of Enterprise Zone Certification Applications, including signatory authorization naming the undersigned officer of this City authorized to execute this Enterprise Zone Certification Application, has been effectively taken. I certify that all information, representations or statements provided to the Iowa Department of Economic Development (IDED) in connection with this application are true and correct in all material aspects. I understand that by submitting and signing this application I am certifying on behalf of the City that Enterprise Zones will not exceed 1 % of the total area of the county where my City is located and that boundaries of the area to be designated as Enterprise Zones are under the jurisdiction of my City. Terrance M. Duggan, Mayor City of Dubuque, Iowa Date APPLICATION INFORMATION City Name: City of Dubuque, Iowa Primary Application Contact Name: William Baum Primary Contact Title: Director, Economic Development Department Primary Contact Organization Name: City of Dubuque, Iowa Primary Contact Address: 50 W. 13th Street Dubuque, Iowa 52001 Primary Contact Telephone Number: 563-589-4393 Primary Contact Fax Number: 563-589-1733 OFFICIAL CITY CONTACT WHERE THE ENTERPRISE ZONE IS TO BE LOCATED (if same person as above, so indicate): Official City Contact Name: same City Name: Address: Telephone: Fax: County Name Where City is Located: Dubuque County APPLICATION INFORMATION REQUIREMENTS I) Eligibility Criteria: The proposed expansion of Enterprise Zone - 2 will now encompass the entirety of Census Tract 5 and meets the following eligibility criteria: a) The area has a per capita income of $12,648 or less based on the 2000 census; and b) The area has a family poverty rate of 12% or higher based on the 2000 census. Tract 5 Per Capita Income $12,593 Family Poverty Rate 13.6% Supporting documentation provided as Attachment 1. The proposed expansion of Enterprise Zone - 2 is desired at this time to allow the inclusion of the entire Census Tract 5 in the zone. At the time of the original zone certification, housing benefits were not available. Proposed housing activities in Census Tract 5 would benefit from Enterprise Zone designation. Since the existing zone includes portions of Census Tract 5, it seems logical to expand the zone to include the entire census tract which meets eligibility requirements. II) The total amount of land in a City designated as Enterprise Zone cannot exceed in the aggregate one percent (1%) ofthe total City area. However, cities may have more than one Enterprise Zone. Please complete the following questions: Total area of the county in square miles where the City is located: 617 sq.mi. Total area of the county in square miles previously designated as EZ: 1.73 sq.mi. (this includes existing EZ - 1 and EZ - 2) Total area of the county in square miles that is being requested to be designated as EZ - 2 in this application: 0.59 sq.mi. Total area in acres of this proposed EZ - 2 area: 376 acres III) Please include a legal description of the proposed EZ. Provided as Attachment 2, which is a revised legal of EZ - 2 which incorporates the expansion area into the legal description. Also, the application must be accompanied by detailed area map(s) showing the boundaries of the proposed EZ. Provided as Attachment 3, with the expansion of EZ - 2 identified. IV) This application for Enterprise Zone Certification must be accompanied by the original copy of the City Council resolution requesting Enterprise Zone certification. Provided as Attachment 4. F: IUS E RS'Pmyh re IW P DOCSIEZlEZ2expans ion.d 00 ATTACHMENT 1 Per Capita Income, Family Poverty and Occupancy Status for Iowa, It Counties, Census Tracts and Block Groups: 2000 Universe: Persons, Families and Housing Units Per Capita Area Income Percent Total State of Iowa $19,674 774,246 46,641 6.0% 1,232,511 83,235 6.8% Dubuque $19,600 23,199 1,133 4.9% 35,505 1,815 5.1% Census Tract 1 $14,545- 488 87 'H.B%. 1,879 387 20.6%. Block Group 1 $15,353 214 26 12.1% 474 58 '\,?2% Block Group 2 $13,586 100 16 16.0% 364 70 19.2% Block Group 3 $10,825 98 35 35.7% 416 88 21.2% Block Group 4 $17,258 76 10 13.2% 625 171 21.4% Census Tract 3 $17,448 521 10 1.9% 858 29 3.4% Block Group 1 $17,516 312 5 1.6% 539 16 3.0% Block Group 3 $17,360 209 5 2.4% 319 13 4.1% Census Tract 4 $18,844 939, 86 9.2% 1,594 78 4.9% Block Group 1 $18,229 295 63 21.4% 418 11 2.6% Block Group 2 $17,107 356 11 3.1% 513 20 3.9% Block Group 4 $20,387 288 12 4.2% 663 47 7.1% ..,.Census Tract 5. $12,593'" 1,011 137 13.6% V' 1,862 143 7.7% Block Group 1 $15,092 212 22 10.4% 329 0 0.0% Block Group 2 $13,525 290 22 7.6% 481 47 9.8% Block Group 3 $13,402 182 23 12.6% 332 29 8.7% . Block Group 4 $10,616 121 38 31.4%: 319 43 13.5%' Block Group 5 $.1.0,022. 206 32 15.5% 401 24 6.0% Census Tract 6 $16,359 758 50 6.6% 1,349 72 5.3% Block Group 1 $15,429 209 19 9.1% 380 22 5.8% Block Group 2 $14,825 277 24 8.7% 601 47 7.8% Block Group 3 $18,093 272 7 2.6% 368 3 0.8% Census Tract 7.01 $12,693 619 44 7.1% 1,134 74 6.5% .BIock GroU L1 . $8.758 199 27 13.6% 389 36 9.3% Brock Group 2 $17,670 122 10 8.2% 338 29 8.6% Block Group 3 $16,033 298 7 2.3% 407 9 2.2% Census Tract 7.02 $24,180 805 33 4.1% 1,417 64 5.9% Block Group 1 $28,617 177 3 1.7% 302 18 6.0% Block Group 2 $24,125 167 12 7.2% 316 21 6.6% Block Group 4 $17,397 289 14 4.8% 545 37 6.8% Block Group 5 $32,628 172 4 2.3% 254 8 3.1% Census Tract 8.01 $26,924 1,223 48 3.9% 1,775 58 3.3% Block Group 1 $26,533 130 9 6.9% 188 3 1.6% Block Group 2 $35,075 456 14 3.1% 632 28 4.4% Block Group 3 $25,653 302 4 1.3% 397 10 2.5% Block Group 4 $18,830 206 21 10.2% 336 10 3.0% Block Group 5 $17,446 129 o 0.0% 222 7 3.2% Census Tract 8.02 $26,867 941 23 2.4% 1,235 36 2.9% Block Group 1 $25,589 229 7 3.1% 339 19 5.6% Block Group 2 $30,084 441 6 1.4% 510 17 3.3% Block Group 3 $22,816 271 10 3.7% 386 0 0.0% Census Tract 9 $17,309 1,030 61 5.9% 1,499 44 2.9% Block Group 1 $21,453 185 7 3.8% 268 2 0.7% Page 1 of3 ATTACHMENT 2 City of Dubuque, Iowa Enterprise Zone - 2, including expansion area. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Commencing as a point of reference at the intersection of the centerline of Central Avenue with West 1ih Street, said point being the point of beginning: Thence northeasterly along the centerline of West 1 ih Street to the centerline of the most westerly railroad tracks in Pine Street; Thence northeasterly along the centerline of the railroad tracks to the centerline of Stafford Street extended; Thence northwesterly along the centerline of Stafford Street to the centerline of East 22nd Street; Thence southwesterly along the centerline of East 22nd Street to the centerline of Windsor Avenue; Thence northwesterly along the centerline of Windsor Avenue to the centerline of 24th Street; Thence southwesterly along the centerline of 24th Street to the centerline of the former Chicago Great Western Railroad; Thence northwesterly along the centerline of the former railroad bed to the centerline of the City of Dubuque corporate boundary; Thence following the corporate boundary southwesterly, northeasterly and again southwesterly to the centerline of Central Avenue; Thence southeasterly along the centerline of Central Avenue to the point of beginning, containing 376 acres more or less. ATTACHMENT 3