Kirkwood Street 1037 1037 Kirkwood B.of A. Petn. To waive side yard re Art. 2 Sect. 3 b for attached garage to side of Dwe llg.. 3 from side lot line. Granted Docket No. 52-64 B.of A. Petn to waive side yard requirement Art. II Sect. 3 B 5 from side lot line. Docket No, 6 1_64 0. Chas Kerchmer C. Geisler Bros. Reroof S.F. Br. Ven. DwellingB.P. 5 7 -24 -64 445.00 C. M. P. Kluck & Son Erect Carport Sdie S.F. Frame DwelingB.P. 990 12 -1 -64 - _ C. Ed Pppenthein - 900.-00 -- Alt. S . F . Fr. Dyv _ B . P .87_6 12-2-68 2