Library Board Trustees UpdateCarnegie-Stout Public Library Library Board of Trustees Update From the Meeting of October 19, 2004 Dr. Len Decker from Loras College Center for Business and Social Research and his assistant Lisa Grinde presented the results of the Community Survey. Results of the survey can be generalized to the entire community with a 95 percent confidence level. The Planning Committee will begin discussions at their November meeting on the next steps and actions required based on the survey. Susan Henricks will contact City Hall to arrange to be on a Council agenda to present the survey to the Mayor and City Council. The Library Board approved coffee service in the library. Two flavored coffees, one regular, one decaffeinated and hot water for tea will be offered at $1.00 per cup; one free refill. This will be a self-service cart. Patrons will purchase a cup and lid from circulation. The coffee service will be evaluated after three months to determine how much staffing the service requires, whether library visitors like the service, and how much revenue is generated. A policy will be written and presented at the next Board meeting for approval after which the service can begin. After discussing residency policy at length over several meetings the library board approved a new policy created to best meet the needs of the library. The Library Director will reside in the City of Dubuque, or within 6.5 miles of the city limits. A restriction on residency will not apply to other library personnel. Friends of the Library reported a record book sale of over $6,000. The silent auction of celebrity memorabilia and three original works of art by Kate Van Duzee contributed nearly $2,000 to this total. Arrivals for the silent auction continued to come in after the sale and will be kept until next year with the plan being to repeat the auction. Meeting room policy was revised to change the goverrnnent rate of a flat $5 fee to apply only to the City of Dubuque and to charge the non-profit rate for other government agencies. The library board approved that a letter be written to the State Library indicating people who reside in Dubuque County and do not pay for library service will not be allowed borrowing privileges at Carnegie Stout. Twenty-five percent of the budget year has lapsed with 26 percent of the budget expended. Some areas are higher due to yearly maintenance contracts being renewed requiring full payment. The Library has partnered with the University ofIowa in a grant to bring Arts and Culture to communities. The grant was awarded and we will be able to bring an original play to Dubuque called Shoedog. This play evolved from an essay which was a memoir of author Stephen Bloom (Postville: Clash of Cultures in the Heartland). The play was written by Bloom and Brian Cronk and has received very positive reviews. Five Flags Theater will furnish the theater and the Friends ofthe Library will pay for the Five Flags staff to cover the event. The play will be Saturday, November 6th at 8:00 p.m. at Five Flags. Tickets are free and can be obtained at the Library or Five Flags. Positive Excerpts trom the Library's Community Study: .100 percent of the respondents who reported using the library indicate they are very satisfied to satisfied with their library experience. ."very pleased with the library" "very fine library" ."the library is awesome" ."important service" "it's a great service" "library is very important to our community" ."asset to the community" .".. .used the library for over 50 years and am grateful to have it." ."I like it, it fits my needs." Library Board of Trustees Michael Shubatt; Board President Susan Henricks, Director Alan Avery, Vice President Mary L. Strom, Board Secretary J.L. Felderman Sue Lindsay Kristen L. Smith Tom Tully