2003 Asphalt Paving ProjectMEMORANDUM November 9, 2004 TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Council Members FROM: Michael C. Van Milligen, City Manager SUBJECT: 2003 ACC Paving Project FY 2004 - CIP 300271 Acting Public Works Director/City Engineer Gus Psihoyos is recommending acceptance of the Fiscal Year 2004/Calendar Year 2003 ACC Paving Project, as completed by River City Paving, in the final contract amount of $799,398.80, which is a 25.7% increase from the original contract in the amount of $635,720.81. The additional cost incurred for the project was due to the substantial increase in bid quantities as a result of unforeseen conditions, such as severe subsurface conditions and pavement deterioration that resulted in more work than was originally anticipated. There were also change orders in the amount of approximately $48,200 for changes that were not in the original project scope. These change orders addressed modifications to the storm sewer system, watermain improvements and additional concrete curb and gutter work with accessible ramps. The Fiscal Year 2004 program will use $174,503.52 from the Fiscal Year 2005 program, which may impact the number of streets done in this year's program. I concur with the recommendation and respectfully request Mayor and City Council approval. Michael C. Van Milligen MCVM/jh Attachment cc: Barry Lindahl, Corporation Counsel Cindy Steinhauser, Assistant City Manager Gus Psihoyos, Acting Public Works Director/City Engineer MEMORANDUM November 8, 2004 TO: Michael C. Van Milligen, City Manager FROM: Gus Psihoyos, Acting Public Works Director SUBJECT: 2003 ACC Paving Project FY 2004 - CIP 300271 INTRODUCTION The enclosed resolutions provide for the acceptance of the construction contract for the 2003 ACC Paving Project. BACKGROUND The 2003 Asphalt Paving Project provided for street improvements and asphalt resurfacing for the following locations that are included in the Five-Year Street Program: Street From To 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Garfield Avenue Windsor Avenue Stoneridge Place 8th Street Iowa Street Marshall Street Burden Avenue Windsor Avenue Locust Street 14th Street Elm Street Stoneridge Place End Hill Street 17th Street DISCUSSION The 2003 ACC Paving Project has been completed by River City Paving, Division of Mathy Construction of Kieler, Wisconsin, in the final contract amount of $799,398.80, which is a 25.7% increase from the original contract in the amount of $635,720.81. The additional cost incurred for the project was due to the substantial increase in bid quantities as.a result of unforeseen conditions such as severe subsurface conditions and pavement deterioration that resulted in more work than that was originally anticipated. There were also change orders in the amount of approximately $48,200 for changes that were not in the original project scope. These change orders addressed such items as modifications to the storm sewer system, watermain improvements, and additional concrete curb and gutter work with accessible ramps. RECOMMENDATION I recommend that the City Council accept the improvements and the final contract be established at $799,398.80. BUDGET IMPACT The project cost summary for the 2003 ACC Paving Project is as follows: Engineering Estimate $657,898.70 58,109.37 95,880.46 Bid Final $635,720.81 $799,398.80 58,109.37 $95,880.46 $62,927.75 $789,710.64 $862.326.55 Construction Contract Contingency Total Project Cost $811.888.53 The project funding summary is as follows: Total Project Funding $862,326.55 $862.326.55 (2003 ACC Paving Project) FY 2004 Annual Street Paving Program The Annual Street Paving Program is entirely funded by the Road Use Tax Fund, Sales Tax Fund and DRA Distribution Funding. The project overage of $174,503.52 in the Fiscal Year 2004 Street Program will be transferred and reduce the available budget for the Fiscal Year 2005 Street Program. This will require the evaluation and possible postponement of street reconstruction projects currently scheduled in Fiscal Year 2005. ACTION TO BE TAKEN The City Council is requested to adopt the attached resolutions accepting the improvement and establishing the final construction cost. Prepared by Robert Schiesl, PE cc: Dawn Lang, Budget Director RESOLUTION NO. 420-04 ACCEPTING IMPROVEMENT Whereas, the contract for the 2003 ACC Paving Project has been completed and the City Manager has examined the work and filed his certificate stating that the same has been completed according to the terms of the contract, plans and specifications and recommends its acceptance. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section 1. That the recommendation of the City Manager be approved and that said improvement be and the same is hereby accepted. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Treasurer be and he is hereby directed to pay to the contractor from the Fiscal Year 2004 Annual Street Paving Program in amounts equal to the amount of his contract, less any retained percentage provided for therein. Passed, approved and adopted this 15th day of November, 2004. Terrance M. Duggan, Mayor Attest Jeanne F. Schneider, City Clerk RESOLUTION NO. 421-04 FINAL ESTIMATE Whereas, the contract for the 2003 ACC Paving Project has been completed and the City Engineer has submitted his final estimate showing the cost thereof including the cost of estimates, notices and inspection and all miscellaneous costs. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section 1. That the cost of said improvement is hereby determined to be $862,326.55 and the said amount shall be paid from the Fiscal Year 2004 Annual Street Paving Program of the City of Dubuque, Iowa. Passed, approved and adopted this 15th day of November, 2004. Terrance M. Duggan, Mayor Attest: Jeanne F. Schneider, City Clerk City of Dubuque - Engineering Division Final Payment Form PAYMENT NO: COUNCIL FINAL DATE: PROJECT NAME: 2003 Asphalt Pavin9 Project IFY 04) Gameld, Winsor, Stone Rldge, 8th StreeL Iowa Street CONTRACTOR: River City Pavlng- Dlv. Of Mathy Construction BID ITEM DESCRIPTION CONTRACT AMDUNT: 1 1103.0200 Excavation, Unclassified 2 1103.0210 Excavation, Header 3 1105.0103 BackfiliTopsoil 4 1201.0100 Graded Stone Base 5 1301.0902 Cleaning and Preparation of PCC Base 6 1301.0925 ACC Full Depth Repair Patches 7 1301.1101 ACCLevelingCourse 8 1301.1301 ACC Surface Course (PG 64-22) 9 1301.1400 ACC Hand Patching 10 1301.1800 Adjustment of Fixture 11 1301.2100 Asphalt,Surfacln9ofDrivewayandPatches 12 1303.0102 Pavement Scarification 13 1402.0500 Removal of Concrete Pavement (wi curl>s) 14 1403.0301 Remove and Replacement of PC Concrete Curb & Gutter 15 1404.0554 PCC Sidewalk, 4", Remove and Construct 1501.1010 Sanitary Sewer Pipe, Repair Location: Windsor Ave 16 Pipe Repair #A 17 1501.2280 Sanitary Sewer Manhole, Rjng (Frame) and Cover 1501.2370 Sanitary Sewer Manhole, Replace, Complete Location: 18 Manhole No. #2 19 Manh"e No. #2-1 20 Manhole No. #3 21 Manh"e No. #4 22 Manh"e No. #8 23 Manh"e No. #9 24 Manh"e No. #10 25 1502.2115 RCP Stonn Sewer 15" 26 1502.2201 Stonn Sewer Manhole, 60" Complete 27 1502.2510 Stonn Sewer, Intake 101-B 28 1503.2719 Water Valve Box, (Street) Replace Upper Sections and Lids 29 1503.2720 Water Valve Box, (Street) Replace Middle Sect.,ns 30 1602.0100 Sodding 31 1705.0100 Saweut Concrete 32 1705.0200 Asphalt Sawcut 33 1801.0000 Pavement Marking 34 Instalting 110)5" PVC duct containin9 4@ ,- PVC innerduct 35 Pull Box (sidewalk) 36 2000.0000 Traffic Control November4,2004 $635,720.81 II UNIT II UNIT COST I CY 12.00 438 CY 25.00 SY 3.00 390.16 Ton 10.50 623.2 SY 0.33 49314.37 SY 55.00 187.18 Ton 40.20 2732.15 Ton 41.00 4488.8 Ton 70.10 730.6 Each 250.00 96 Ton 70.10 110.39 SY 3.36 20374.81 SY 6.00 143.25 LF 22.00 1944.33 SF 5.00 3901.57 LS 1,444.00 1 Each 250.00 26 LS $ 5,465.00 $ LS $ 7.450.00 $ LS $ 5,745.00 $ LS $ 5,180.00 $ LS $ 2,595.00 1 $ LS $ 2,165.00 1 $ LS $ 2,225.00 1 $ LF $ 30.00 519.53 $ Each $ 1,925.00 1 $ Each $ 1,325.00 22 $ Each $ 75.00 50 $ Each $ 85.00 $ SY $ 12.50 445 $ LF $ 3.00 $ LF $ 2.00 828.8 $ LS $ 1,200.00 $ LF $ 18.50 4874 $ Each $ 750.00 11 $ LS $ 13,600.00 1 $ TOTAL AMOUNT EARNED TO DATE - BASE BiD: I $ 5,256.00 1,170.48 6,543.60 16,273.74 10,294.90 109,832.43 184,040.80 51,215.06 24,000.00 7,738.34 68,459.36 859.50 42,775.26 19,507.85 1,444.00 6,500.00 5,465.00 7,450.00 5,745.00 2,595.00 2,165.00 2,225.00 15,585.90 1,925.00 29,150.00 3,750.00 5,562.50 1,657.60 90,169.00 8,250.00 13,600.00 751,206.32 I 37 E-1 Tree Removal LS 800.00 1 38 E-2 Driveway Removal and Replace SF 6.05 525.6 39 E-3 PCC Curl> and Gutter LF 20.50 163 40 E-4 Stonn Water Curl> Box Each 99.00 5 41 E-5 Item No. 25 - Cost Adjustment, RCP Storm Sewer 15", Added Depth LF 14.00 519.53 42 E-6 Item No. 27 - Cost Adjustment, Stonn Sewer, Intake 101-B, Extra De, Each 2,284.33 4 43 E-8 Item No. 27 - Stonn Sewer, Intake 101-B Special Each 2,447.50 1 44 E-7 Item No. 27 - Add - Storm Sewer, intake 101-B Special, Extra Deep Each 2,608.13 1 45 E-9 PCC Full Depth Patch SY 39.00 63.98 46 E-10 Exploratory Digging Each 258.00 6 47 E-11 Limestone Backfill Ton 7.10 12 48 E-12 PCC Sidewalk, 6" (Handicap Ramp) SF 8.80 663.41 49 E-13 Excavate Rock Storm Sewer LS 1,486.10 1 800.00 3,179.88 3,341.50 495.00 7,273.42 9,137.32 2,447.50 2,608.13 2,495.22 1,548.00 85.20 5,838.01 1,486.10 50 51 52 53 54 E-14 E-15 E-16 E-17 E-18 LS Each LS LS LS 55.00 35.00 2,815.00 3,357.20 600.00 Repair 4" Laterai Concrete Catch Basin Lids Catch Basin Restoration Water Valve Repair on 8th Street Repair 8" Sanitary Sewer on Windsor. 1 18 1 1 1 TOTAL AMOUNT EARNED TO DATE -CHANGE ORDERS: 1 $ TOTAL AMOUNT EARNED TO DATE: 1 $ TOTAL DUE CONTRACTOR: ENGINEERING: TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST: CERTIFICATE OF THE CITY MANAGER: 1$ 799,398.80 I 1 $ 62,927,75 1 1 $ 862,326.55 1 55.00 630.00 2,815.00 3,357.20 600.00 48,192.48 1 799,398.80 1 I hereby certify that the above statement shows in detail the co~ect(il°~J:)t~Ork reqU~~the above ;mprovement. APPROVED: }~ t~"" ~/ , APPROVED: Gus Psihoyos, Actin9 Public Works Director City of Dubuque, Iowa CERTIFtCATE OF THE CONTRACTOR: contractor for the above improvement, does hereby River City Paving- Div. Of Mathy Construction Ø-/~ /Jlk'¿:--;p ~~ ~ ;UXI t?Ý , The undersi9ned, River City Paving- Div. Of Mathy Construction accept the above "Total Due Contractor", as full settlement for all claims for said improve!"ent. CONTRACTOR: BY: TITLE: DATE: