Minutes Human Rights C 10 11 04 DUBUQUE HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION MINUTES OF October 112004 Commissioner Murray called the meeting of the Dubuque Human Rights Commission to order at 4:17 p.m. on Monday, October 11, 2004, in Conference Room 2 at the City Hall Annex. Roll Call: Present: Sarah Davidson Patricia Foster Evelyn Jackson Carine Murray Penny Ehlinger Lou Oswald Bill Ross Absent: Judy Giesen Vince Vanden Huevel Staff: Kelly Larson Guests Jim Jarard, Mary Gassman, and Dave Patton were in attendance as they are interested in serving on the Commission. Approval of Minutes Commissioner Jackson moved to approve the August 9, 2004 meeting minutes as submitted. Commissioner Ross seconded. All in favor. Review Plan of Action for Established Goals 1) Welcoming New Residents - Corine, Patricia Members have been discussing different communities, particularly the African American community. They had planned an event in the park, but it was cancelled as the park wasn't available at that time. The brochure has been translated into Spanish and will be available at the Library. America's Promise contacted the subcommittee to get participants for a panel discussion during the Faith Summit scheduled on October 23, 2004. 2) Human Rights in the Schools - Evelyn, Lou The subcommittee will be meeting with principals on December 1st to discuss juvenile violence and parental concerns. 3) Sexual Orientation - Bill, Judy, Vince Commissioner Ross, Giesen and Vanden Huevel met with Mike Van Milligen to discuss the letter sent to the City Council in response to their concerns of the Chamber mailing, and the need for more clarification. Bill presented a handout with key points that were discussed. 4) Disability Awareness/Education - Penny, Lou, Sarah Survey letters were sent to six area businesses. Managers conveyed that the letters were friendly and were well received. Follow-up reports will be sent out citing positive aspects of their accessibility along with non-compliance issues. Discussion on September Goal SettinQ Options to raise awareness: 1) go to people with disabilities and educate about the complaint process; 2) check to see what is being done nationally and statewide; 3) possible outreach through colleges/advisors/social work; 4) possibly speak on radio shows; 5) speaking engagements with focus on specific audiences such as those who may need the services of the Commission; 6) may need to consider variety of approaches - i.e. paper does not reach all; 7) constant sensitivity to educating the public on what we do while we do what we're doing. Commissioner Foster suggested asking someone from the state or other commission to come in and educate the group on other initiatives. Discussion on September 13th Memo from the Director ReQardinQ Hate Crimes Discussed possibly using PSA's, billboards, and brochures to educate the public on hate crimes. Commissioner Oswald moved to ask the City Council for $57,000 to be used for staff enhancement and outreach to educate the community. Commissioner Foster seconded. It was suggested to use the funds for billboards, brochures, and interactive sessions with the public. Commissioner Oswald amended his motion to read $18,000 instead of $57,000. Commissioner Oswald called the question. Roll call vote: Davidson Ehlinger Jackson Murray No No Yes No Oswald Ross Foster Yes No Yes Motion lost 4 - 3. Caseload Report Kelly summarized the September Caseload Report. There were fifty-nine intakes, four cases in backlog, six cases in active investigation, four cases in mediation, one case in administrative law judge review, no new cases were filed, and seven cases were closed. The case synopsis involves disability discrimination in the area of housing. Chairperson's Report No report given. Director's Report Kelly provided a written report highlighting past and future initiatives. She reminded Commissioners Oswald, Murray and Ross that their terms were expiring and that applications are due to the City Clerk by November 29th - New Business Commissioner Foster announced that Jane Elliott will appear at the UWP campus at 7:00 p.m. in Velsey Commons. Adiournment Commissioner Davidson moved and Commissioner Jackson seconded to adjourn the meeting. All in favor. The meeting adjourned at 6:03 p.m. Minutes approved as submitted: Minutes approved as corrected: