America's River Planner "Masterpiece on the Mississippi" Our river city is a truc work of an-fi'om the bluŒrop gingerbread mansions to the natural grace of the wide and powerful river below. This masterpiece, however, is a "morion" picture-there's a lot to do in Dubuque. Your group can hike, bike, canoe, ski (downhill, cross-country, or water), or run hases at the Field ofDretrrns movie site. They can gol( shop, rour museums, visit farms and major corporations, and enjoy our fabulous Victorian architecture. And although we're known fin our turn-of~the-century charm, Dubuque is a modern masterpiece, witb high tech amenities and hltsiness services, sophisticated accommodations and restauranrs, and sparkling new enrenainment and gambliug options. Visit our historic 200-year-old river town-and hold yom next meeting in a thtiving, conremporary city. Dubuque Area Chamber of Commerce Convention and Visitors Bureau .100 Main Street, Sui" 200 I'D, [\0' 70\ Dubuque, Iowa \2001 (\6.1) \\7-9200", 800-798-4748 Fe", WebSit« Directo" Sue RegiooaJ SaJes Manage" Anne Hei,,', MarkeÚng Manage" Amy Link, LocaJ SaJ" Sarab SaJ" & Services (\6.1) \\7,1 \91 Meeting Services Ow experienced and entbusiastic stall' will meeting-..and gee rhc host view of ocn Mississippi," . Convention . Local teansponariun euucoding . Registration a,;sivranŒ . Name rags and jumbo ,u,'angen,ents . Spouse prugwms and tom commi"" g,cning a""lahle Group Tour Services Om knowledgeable staff is ready to assist you in nrslOtniÚng ,( com 10 fit you" gwup's needs, development tn",erials-- slid" and photos . Video . Em"liari""ion coms . Hub and spoke options available . A"istatKe in "~arcs li'om a,ea and ""iliries counseling . I'mmoriooa! CD-mtn Iowa Welcome Center 500 Main Str-cCl, Sui" 100 Jowa \2001 m 800-798-8844 DUBUQUE, IOWA The Mesquakie Indians Following Dubuc]ue", dead., the reclaimed the Mines of I"r rhe;, own, In rhe gcwemment licensed ,he s"de, to mine lead in Dubuc]ue a,"a, By 1829, over 4,000 had been issued ro;wbs d;eic fortunes in lead hills, In rivalries with r", rwd Sank into rhe War. As of rho Mcvquakie ceded the ,nea we now cW ro rbe govemmenr. In 1833, the ",'ea wow oll,eialiy opened I", settlement as the city 01 Dubuque. Recent History Dubuque's cicy limits have f,om one mile to the eighteen squace Downtown underwent ur,ban cenewal in rbe I ')70s, Witb himnic atchire"u,'e River, a major Midwesrrourisr cnm",ioo, In the ,'acing rwd a civerboat casinn ceerred mo;'e tomist Dubuqoe a thriving town; mote than 60,000 it home, ESCORT TOUR TIDBITS Dubuque County Courthouse Centul Avenue and 7,h Sneet, Dubuque, lowr;, architect F,'idolin Herr and buih in 1891, rhe Courthouse on Cet",al Avenue rn 7th SO"" of Bearrx An; is a fine Classicism Compoved of India"" limestone, brick, ,md molded rem, ctma, thc' courthouse f"'ntues dome a 14-lè>or sutue of Dubuque County Old Jail Sch Stteet and Cenual Avenue, Dubuque, Iowa, Built in 18\8, rhe mucrucc is cunmucred of guy native limestone with cast iwn columco, window, and doo;' feames, The building awarded I.andnwk starns in 1987, Iowa, \82-(,4%, Also known the 4rh Stteet Elevaror and rhe wmld's shorTest, sreepm, scenic railway, E,'wed in ,he lift i; 2% feet in length, rmd devaces 18') I"" 4th SO"" ro Fendon Place, which oll"s a view of Iowa, Illinois, and Wisconsin, Julien Dubuque Monument 011' Ceandview Avenue rmd Julien Dubuque Drive, Dubuque, Iowa, (\63) \\6-0620, Shot Tower Comme"ial StTCCr, Duboque, lowr;, Shot -I""" ""wds on rhe rived""" a,; a uoique ro the munitions indumy The [Owe;' product,d lead shOt during rhe War. TOUR SERVICES Mississippi River Museum Dubuque Guide Service I~(), Box 266, 350 E"vr 3td St., Dubuque, Iowa \2004-0266, \\7-954\ ot. 800-226-3369, Fe", (\63) \83-1241. inlü@,'ivennuseum,com Let rhe Dubuque Guide Ser'vice all yout. Dubuque ",wel plans, Om mined guides wifl shar.c unique at.chireerur.c ,md stop rbe ar amaerions of you,' choice, Each tout. is to tbe needs fmm the Smiœ, River Museum Aquarium Bradley Jo Charter 76\0 Route \2 S, (563) \88-2308, \88-2.130, City of Dubuque Trofley Service The City of Duhuque has emharked on a to with rhe Rim, mirment, offering ,idcs emy and Parr of Dubuque A,'eas, October. Far.cs a,'e $O-sO gees, $1 ages 18-64, Afl day Dyersville Area Chamber of Commerce 1100 16rh Avenue Coon SoutheaSt, Dyervvifle, low" \2040,(563) 87\,2311. Fa" 87\-8391. [-mail, Galena Trofley Tours & Trofley Depot Theater 314 South ~hin Street, C,de"", IlIinoiv 61036, Fa" (81\) 777-1283, Web Site, Gerry Murphy Tours & Travel PO, Box 141.1, Duhuque, Iowa \2004-1415, 800-974-7714, Fax> (\6.1) \82-437\, E-maiL Web Sire> v"vw,callmmphy,com -Iwo hum Dc,luxe Duhuqoe 00 om webvire, ar the & Main Strem, tOne hote,!v \99-6666 or on CD available Ii" Vi.viuns Center at sdecrcd """,erions, Tri-State Travel 20 Wcsr, PO, Box 307, Galena, fllinois 6103(" m 800-779-4869, Fa" (81 \) inliJv"ttivwermvel,wm, Web Sire> www."ivrater",vcLwm, Trofleys of Dubuque, Inc, PO, Box 1522, Dubuque, Iowa \2004-1522, (\63) \\2-28% m 800-408-0077, Cunmct, Don N,wman Afl aboad the tmfley Ii,,' a mur of Dubuque, Resecve the I"r the one hom nan"red tom Ot use the to yom gmup hom hotel to meeting place. We ar.c 'eunions, shopping, ,md dinnr-r amund rhe ar'ea, We a narrated rhe Welcome Cemer at 800-798-8844 Ii" he>ued and mdoved Ii" ,ates and p,'imiry am daily AIR SERVICE Dubuque Regional Airport IJl)OO Aiqnm R""d, 61 South, Dobuque, Iowa 52003, (\63) 589-4]27, Fa" Weh Sire> www,l1ydb'j,com, Come to Dubuque by air. lr's quick and convenient. . Twelve mimmcs limn downtown Dubuque ,me! many of the 'iii-State's sites and atrracrions, . Cmund avaibble, by Amc;'ican O'Ha,e Airlioes to & Ai"P°n, COMMERCIAL AIRLINES American Airlines/American Eagle Airlines IlO(H) Ai"P°n Road, Dubuque, Iowa \2003, 800-4,)3-7300, Web Sire, www,aa,com, CHARTER AIRLINES Charta ire, Inc, 1'0, Box 288, (\(d) 6\2-70.38 m Iowa \20.3\, E-maiL c!u,ui,'ecaJ,wl.com, Priester Aviation 1061 Wolf Rd" lllinois60090,(847)\J7-lU.3, 4\9-0778, Sire> wwwp,ievterav,com, ,mdyp""ptievte,av,com, GROUND SERVICE Miracle Limousine & Shuttle Service 285 Locusr Sr., Dubuque, Iowa \20()J, (\63) \83-\700, Weh Sir" wvvw,mirac!clinwuvine,cotn, (See also 1iwt Snvices,) AUTO RENTAL Avis Rent-A-Car 11100 Web Sit<" wvvw,avis,com, Brad Deery Motors, Inc, 112 N, Second Sr., Iowa \2060, (\63) 6\2./,900 m800-S\S-UI3,F,;" 6\2-6403, Web Site, wvvw,b,addcecycom, Enterprise Rent-A-Car 1605 Associates Patk Deivc #1O4B, Dubuque, Iowa \2002, (563) 583-8000, (563) 58,).37')3, Web Site, wwwentet.pt.ive,com, Mike Finnin Ford, Chrysler, & Jeep 3600 Dodge St,eer, Dubuque, Iowa \2003, (\63) 5\6-iOIO, Fa" (\(>.1) \\6-846\, E-maiL sfinnin@linnitnutOs,com, Web Sire www,linninamus,com, Runde Auto Group 780 Route 35 N, East Dubuque, Illinois 6102\, (815) 747-3011. Fa" (8] \) 747-772], Web Sire www,mndecbmoler.com CATERERS Big Apple Bagel 167\ Jnhn F. Kennedy R,m!, (\63) \\7-3170, Fa" (\63) Iowa \2002, The Bridge Restaurant & Lounge 31 Lncusr Smcc, Dubuque, Iowa 52001. (\63) \\7-7280, Creative Catering/The Garden Room Cafe 801 Davis Avenue, Dubuque, Iowa \2001, (%3) \82-\100, Fa" (\63) \84-1801. Eagle Country Market 1800 Elm Street, Dubuque, Iowa \2001, (%3) \83,8\85, E", (\65) 583-1004, Hy-Vee Food Store 5\00 SHeet, Wa'Teu Plaza, Dubuclue, Iowa 52003, (%3) Fa" (\63) \83-9752, 239\ NW Ane;-;al, Iowa \2002, (\63) \83-2] 9'), Fa" (\65) 582,3\48, www,hy,vee,com, Kalmes Restaurant/Enterprises, Inc, 100 Nonh ~hin Street, 1'0, Bas 66, Sr. Donatus, Iowa \2071, (163) 77.1-2480, Le" (163) 773-8460, Web Site www,bhnes;'Cstaunnr.nee Key City Coffee Company 3110 C;srle Woods Ln.. Dubuque, 1nwa Fa." (\63) \57-2162. Web Sire, \\7-21 \8, La Gastronomie Catering 107\ West 3,d Sneer, Iowa 52001, (56,J) \88-4\07, Fa" (\63) \88-4507, akswissWnKhsi,com, Web Sire, www,lagavrwnomiecarering,cnm Rafters Restaurant 2728 Rd" Suire 1000, 4800, Fa" 556-(,0(,6, F-maiL Inwa\2001,(\63) \56- Shot Tower Inn 390 Locust SuTer, Dubuque, Iowa \2001, (\63) \\(,-106 I. Fa" (\(,3) \\('-U54, Sugar Ray's BBQ Restaurant 9\1 MainSr., Iowa \2001, (\(,3) 58.1-9\90, Fax> sandeevcia@msn,com Web wwwsugmaysbbq,com Zach's Oven 3 U\ Cavcie Woods Lu.. Dubuque, Iowa \2002, (\6.1) \83-2070, Fax> (\(,.1) \83-2070, F.-nuil, zachsovcuè",wl.com, PRINTER/COPY CENTERS Copyworks 1% Wacket Plaza, Iowa \2002, (\65) \57-2679, bx> \\7-2004, copywo,ks(a)mchsi,com, Web www,copywo,ks,com, Printers Plus 107(, Fa" (\63) luwa\20tJl, \82-7\87, Tri-State Blueprint & Framing Co, 696 Cennal Avenue, Iowa \200 I, (\63) 556-3030, Fax> \\6-1 \2\, u'iblue(¡"acnincnet, Web Sire RENTAL SERVICES Great Sounds Audio-Video ,3349 Daykin Cuun, Dubutlue, Iowa \2002, (\(;3) \\6-0135, Inside Décor Rental 2999 N, Cascade Rd" low" \200.1, (\(;3) 582-0202, Fax> (56,J) \8\-2222, E-n",il, Web Sire www,dubuque.16\,com, Pratt Audio-Visual & Video Corporation 200 3,'d Ascuuc SW, Ceda,' Rapids, Iowa \2404, 800-332-\414, FaX) (.31 'J) 36.\-2476, F.-mail, ccggcc@l',anav,com, Web Sire) www'fmmas,com, Premier Linen & Drycleaning, Inc.. 461 WeSt 9th Sneer, 1'.0, Bo, 6\6, Dubuque, Iowa 5200406\6, \83-91\3, Fe", (5(,3) \\(,-7910, Web Site" Selco, Inc.. 15 SoUth ~hin Sneer, Fa" (%3) \\6-24%, Iowa \2003, (\63) \\6-2434, scÏco@mwci,net, Spielman's Event Services 1580 Point Road SW, PO, Box 6003, Ceda, Rapids, Iowa \24()6, Fa" (.319) 364-5207, E-mail, ma,'k@)spielmans,com, Web Sire, www,'pieimans,com, United Rentals [Jr-., lowa\2002,(\6.1)\\7-Sl8l, FaX) (\6.1) bbc;stlc;é"uLCom Web Sire, www,ur;itc'd,cntals,com, SECURITY SERVICES ADT Security Services, Inc, 2800 46th Sc., Suite Rock Island, Illinois 61201, 800-883-9664, FaX) I.J09) 788-8226, Email, chrisbrooks(â'adr.com, Web Sire, WWw",dLcom, Per Mar Security & Research, Inc, %0 Ccdat C,oss Rd" Iowa \2003, (\63) \\6-2404, F"X) \\6-2646, Email, Web wwwpennatsecmiry,com Security Products of Dubuque \06\ Wolff Road, I~O, Box 181, Dubuclue, Iowa \2004-0181, (\65) \56-4422, FaX) (\6,J) \sc,-4l \0, Illinois (,1028 excel" w,nt,,' the eeconmucrcd Leam about herween AmCtieanv and early settlers that geew intu the Black Hawk wac îi,day rhe t,m comes to life thmugh Living HistOey Interp,nive p,ogtams, toms and special e'tnlV, Bell Tower Theater/Event Center 2728 Road, Dubuque, Iowa \2001 www,bciitowe'theatee,net ,uund, The T,i.srates' newest community thence. schedule inl",.marion, , Best Shot Paintball PO, Box 5(J78, Iowa \2004.5078 \88, I 077 hesrshoté<)mcleodusa,ner Web www,besrsboqnineball,com chis exciring ""m with hiends, family, eo.wurkerv wooded setting, yea, ,ound, weath", pettnining, . Admission tce aecc>sib!e packing Celebration River Cruises 2\01 Rim De.ive, Moline, Illinois 612(,\ (509) 764.19\2 m 800.297.0054, Web si" wwwee\ebcarionbdle,com Open Cdebnrion Belle is a dduxe, 800 riveeboat; the la'gestluxUty timbo", excu,sion ivtississippi Rive;, Ou,' nuises on the you rlorougb some 01 ooc aeea's moSt'. hi,;ro,'ieally ,Kccssible . Meeting . Motmcoaeh . Reservatioos Chestnut Mountain Resort 8700 W"" Chestnut Road, 1'0, Box 6.328 Catena, Illinois (,10.1(,.(,.328, Hotel inlèm"atimv 800..397. 132(J, Ski conditions 800.798.0098 Fav 777.1068' [.nwil; inl,,<"'che,smUtmrn,eom Sic, www,chestnunntn,eom the to Sf. bttiek" Day fè>, skiing, ,md can ,uns, a se'tn am a 47\.[;mt VwiG,1 chop, ,Iv lifts, che" su,-bee 100% snowmaking OVl'> 100 ams, Also available; rental ski ,school, nigbr skiing, "lpine slide, tennis COut'S, excmsions, ,md nattu'e . Admission tee . Meeeing facilities . Mococcooch . Rcvcrvacions Iowa 52003.9\04 Cave Assoei",ion, Ceca' Rive> Road Czipar's Orchard 8(,10 Route \2 SoUth, Dubuclue, Iowa \20m \82.747(, owned Utchaed, avec lè",ty House olIc.-, a apple pies, apple b,ead, ,cod am & in Sepccmbee. . hee admission . Motoccoaeh . 1imts Diamond Jo Casino 400 Eave ,hi Sueet, 1'0, Bov 17\0, (,90.2113 ut 800.\82-\<)\(, . Fax; Iowa 52004.17\ 690.2101 bbck 24 Bus Dickeyville Grotto .10\ We" Main Sneet, Dickcy,ille, Wiscon.sin 5-,80S 5(,S.1119' [.Mail, thnmgh lèom1'J2\.I'J.10by Wemcms, Ie is " Genion in smne, mona" and btight coloced objen.s~collcw'd m"""ials I'tom all nxu (be wo item.s 'He ""riclu"" Six ,Iuincv and Stations of the Cmss, by do,ution . Guidc'd roues "",ibble, ccscrvacinnv ,cquiced acœs.sible parking . Picnic ublcv nmby Dubuque Arboretum and Botanical Gardens 3800 Arbmetum Iowa \200 I \S62100' Fax; www,dubuqucadm.-ccum,com Fca'mes in rhe United SUtCS, 1mb Walter lJwa,-f Conifer Collection, Scour the newest addition, che [apanese Card, & weekend, in Nomnb" & p"mining), Daily roms of six hislO,ic di,:rinv fi'nm Ctbk S'Iu,;r'e, Corpor-a'e bookinp and spe",,1 occas""", Rescmtioco accepred, Dubuque, low" 1"u, Assueiation, AmeciGw Bus Dubuque Museum of Art 701 LocuSè Sneer, luw" \2001 (\63) \57-18\1 . Web Sit, wwwdbtpn,eom Open ""1" uons ,wd leeru,e" ,wd . Admissioo lee acccvvihie hnlid"vs, Offer-, speei,,1 cxhibi- ,¡n "nn';"lly well", worhhop', toms, r"cility is ;""bble Iin p,'ivate mo", . ResCt'Vl"ions II" doccm-led IOU".S Dubuque River Rides 5,d Snccr lee Harbm, Pon of Duh",]",', (565) \83-8093 or- 800-747-8093 . E-mail, bo",sGAlubuqu"ivcn-ide"eom Web Sire low" 52004-127(, 58\-0654 dinner, p,'ivare "nd 2 & hour' color- lunch cruises, Ivlake the most of yuw visit, let help you tbign " p"ckage with irinw,iev II.., museums, city lOurs, om "wa,'d winning mbor-Clum, shopping or " hisrmic rour ofG"len", . Admission lee . Motocco"ch . Rescmtions Dubuque Thunderbirds Hockey Five Flr"s Civic Ceru", PO, Bo, 1083, Dubuque, 1083, (565) \\7-1228' 1\65) \83-1649 E-mail, db'lthunde,bi,dséDI,oumil,com Web Sire, See"onal Seprembet With tlwi, own icc' "t the Mrnne.'ow Iowa 52004, M,uth, C"ll¡l" "mev, Flags this League ""m ofletV exciting pby "nd enrwa,nment. Eagle Point Park Shim Avenue, off Rhombcrg Amwe, (\63) 58')-4263 to O,tob", This 1(,4.""" ,ive,' and p,ovidev ,md Narive stooe . Admissinn lee DobulJue, low" \2001 overlooh the view, of Iowa, Wisconsrn, ,;re av"ilable bv 'Tsm"rion, . Mecring . ,\]orcmo",h lmking Farley, Dubuque Speedways 27317 Olde Fa,ky Road, low" \2046 (5(,3) 744-%20 .. Fer" (\65) Web www"mrnon'p",motions,nt,eon, Both home co cae nciog I"t the NASCilR hobbv stoeh, nwdtlieds lwd pw-s,t;cks, bee models 'HOd special C'VC'n;" Seasonal, erll fi.., times, . Admission ke . Meerinn . Mnto"c~ach parking Fenelon Place Elevator \12 Fenclon Place, (\65) \82-64% . Web Open Apcil I to length and Place This ""'que The C,hlc Co" twck is 2% leer in 189 II"er from 4th SUcct ro Fenclun is ,he world's shor,en, Sleepest scenic .rcce"ihle observation deck> p",king . Memhmhip' E'Slern lowc;li;urism As.)'Oc"",on Field of Dreams, Left and Center 50518 C"lfCoorSt, Road, low" 5204() (563) -rael\63) Web Site, Open I to .10, CJ 'Lm,-6 p,m,l ,'vkmoria[ J)c;y rh,ou"h J)C;y weekend, ') to sunset. 110m; of the Cho;, Playm "I' hdd ell;"wm, souw"ni,'", conccv.,io", bmi"" toUtS, 'HOd corpo,atc' events with Chosr'" ,vdrnisvion, - Ftc.,. Ghost bt Suncbys June ro SeprernbeL . Reverca,ions . Member.vhipt wi,h yoor group Field of Dreams Movie Site 2899\ Road, Iowa \2040 0" . Fa" (\63) 87\-725:3 infü@)fodmoviesite,mm, Web Site, www,fodmoviesite,com Open I ro Nowmber 30, A baseball diamund carved imo d" heart fomily form, whc>'Y rhe nomi- nared movie wov ir; the summc; of 1988, ro oor [Hm, om baseball our ¡¡"Ie piece of beaven on wrb, Enjoy rhe and quiet 99-year-old fomily làrm as vir on the 0" walk rbe Insev, Don'r forget your bat, b,dl, and srep-on go ide service for groups of 20 or mOt'e requit-edl accessible Iowa Touri.vm Assoeiarion . Meeting . Morot'COach . Resccvarions Galena Cellars Vineyard & Winery \1\ South Main S"ee¡, G,dena, Illinois 61036 (81 \) 777-3.1.10 ot' 800-397-wine' Fa" (81 \) E-mail, wine@galenacelLus,com Web Site, www,galenaeellacs,eom Gilt shop in the summer ,rnd làll for rours, wrnerv over- fmir and table wines, Wine ,,"sting and of gift ar Main Sereee sture, Gwup tours ovailabk at rhe win,,-y, ;ix miles limn duwnwwn Galem.. . Guided toms available, resmarions r,,¡uired . Handicapped accessible Galena Trolley Tours & Trolley Depot Theater 3 I 4 Suurb Main Srcect, Galena, Illinois 610.16 (81\) 777-1248' Fa" (81\) 777-1283 Web Sire Open General Zebulon Pike Lock and Dam (No. 11) Lock ,md Dam Rnad, Duhuque, Iowa \2001, (\63) 582-0881. Thc' lock and dam is operated by rhe U,S, Army of Engineecs and complcrcd in 1937, Ir measmes and comains simen gates, ar 2 'I,om 'He a""lable accessd)le D Gerry Murphy Tours & Travel I'D, Box 1413, Dubuque, Iowa \2004-1413 (\63) \99-66660" 800-974-7714' Fa" (\63) \82-437\ E-mail, info@cdlmurphy,cum . Web Si", www,calirnurphy,com Open year-rounel 9am to 6pm, Twer hour deluxe toU' on CD, a""lable for on our website, de Visitorv Comer ar .1rd Srcee¡s, fine horclv, ,md selected ,Hnanions, Mmder Mystery and Vino,'i,m dinners avaiLvble ht uf20 or more r'eservarions required mev available lee The Grand Opera House 13\ West 8rh Srceer, PO, Box 632, Dubuque, Iowa \2004-063, Box olE", \88-130\ Business olEce (\(,5) \88-4.1\6 Fa" (56.1) . Web Sire, Open Oldest the"" in Dubuque Rich in history Call for up-to-date inf, nution, . Admisvion fee ,wcessible . Meetinv . Moto'c~)Jch ¡""king ",ccssible parking Mathias Ham House Historical Site 2241 Lincoln Avenue, PO, Box 266, Dubuque, Iowa \200't-0. \83-2812 or 800-226-3369 1-0crobc;'.JI,The l8\6lralianarevillaofMachias ics Victorian h,rnishings, ,'ene", the splend. of anrcbdlum ,dong ,he . Admission . Meeting fàciliries . Motorc""ch . Reverv,uions . Membership' Iowa '[,"'tism Assoeiarion Mazzuchelli Exhibit/Sinsinawa Mound Center \8\ Road Z, Sinsinawa, Wisconsin \3824-970 I . Fa" 1608) 748-4491. veaHound, museum rathe, Stunuel ~ an cady Iralian missio"",-y ro t"eo miners, A Luge coofèmue cenlet, and meeting moms are lucared on-sire, Editics . Motorcoach . Reservocions . Handicapped accessible Mines of Spain Recreation Area 8991 Bellevue Heights, Dubuque, Iowa 52003-9214 \S6-0620 . Web Sire National Histo,ic ~Kcessible (limited) pocking National Farm Toy Museum 110 16rh Avenue COU'T SF, . Fa" Iowa 52040 olfmn the serious collet- ,md enjoy the new National Mississippi River Museum & Aquarium 3\0 Ease .1rd Snwt, Pan of Dubuque, 1'0, Box 266 Iowa \2004-0266 Of' 800-226-3369' Fa" (\6.1) \83-1241 www,nvecmuseum,com, Opeo YCtu-round, to rake ao 00 the Enjoy exhibits ,) moll rhmugh the Eoch visir is a Huly inle,'acrivc "¡weien,, where visitocs can gtT "up close and pnsonal" with live "inns, hecome ,md cuntmllocks tmd dam.s, Tow' the .ma,obot" William and warch as a hoar is bunched into rhe Mississippi Rive>. . Admission fee accessible- pa,'king . Rcsmarions rcquesred and infrnmarive his Duboque, Iowa \2002-2\98 Fuo Ir,,' all ages at this roller skare and tolb Gmups welcome, . Admission accessible parking Sundown Mountain Ski Area 1699] Road, Iowa \2002 1\63) m E-n",iI, infr,@)sundownmm,com Web Sire wwwsundowomrn,com Open late November th,ough mid-lvLU'ch, The io the Midwesr wclcomes yOU with nms, and f,ve chair lilTs, Ski it r;) bdievc it' . Admission lee ,Kcevsible- ski reson mrical drop, Iowa -¡r"nism Associt"ion Trolleys of Dubuque PO, Box 1522, Duboqoc, Iowa \2004-1522 \\2-2896 or 800-40S-0077 . COnttOl) Don Ntnrmao ycar,muod, All aboard rhe trolley I"r d ooscalgic tom of Reserve rhe Holies frn rhe ooe hour odrTaced historic tour or use the to shc;ttIe your gtOUP Irom hotel co meeting We are I"r convcmions, ",unions, shnp- and dinner' partic" or around nNtare ",'Cd, We a narwted one hnur the Welcome Ceocer at 800-798-8844 fr". "re heated and enclosed ¡<". yea, rates and over daily 'citv tours, fer, , ~ . 1\1oto"U>dch . Reservations Victorian House Tour and Progressive Dinner EO, Box 266, Iowa \2004-0266 \\7-9\4\ n" . Fax, vw-mund, back in rime comse m,:al in ¡"ur hnmes, available ar group's re'¡nest. . Admi;sinn . emu!,si", 1(;-50 . ,lylnrCHcoach . Reservations \83-1241 a special [ìce- emerrainment Wherlm you weu" " IOO-yc<,,-old inn with view of tolling hills, you'll 10",,1 "",tM"I"" "",& I,m-I)"I""!,,, I,m ¡-bntmd I,d"" ""' (:Oom",M""",,'" \100 '"" " u I'n WO-dOO"OOO (,1 IOU 121' jS 21', Be>< tnn tUn,c¡", 11'1,m R,ud, Me" on the Mississippi Rive; (where Iowa, Wisconsin, and Illinois meet), and we'll meet yom needs, Om beililies nfler all tbe bigh tech amenities yoo need, yet they reflect rhe dun" of our Victor'ian town, I"" In' 30n "'III 2S11 IBO [\0 [\0 I,sllO 1,500 300 160 1.11011 ,,11 sO 60 211011 20 10 ",oqo"&R",[,,Ioo ",Onll I"II",["" ISO ',000 Iv I') sliOO ~I , 14 2,3011 1211 [2 ""r11l0 II IS 16 21 [\0 Sp" "mvl 6011 COLLEGE & UNIVERSITY MEETING FACILITIES fm a meering ¡¡'ciliry-cmd cnmosphece and access to isn't a majnr conwn,~..çonside' meering al a Dubuque-ace" college or Imivcrsiry, finest equipment Imd Clarke College 1))0 CLoke Dci" )2001 Loras College 1430 Alea Vis", low, \2001 Nortbeast Iowa Community College Duhuque "",I 1\63) \88-678'1 [-m"il, icuni"blum"'dorkedo Web Sire w~~,d",kuah, Cm"a", þmie Blum W,b www,,'¡ecvdo Cn"""" Ba,b O'H", AMERICA:S RIVER ATTHE PORT OF DUBUQUE Afrn yeat's of planning ,md srudy, rhe Rive;- is a cenaissance at rbe "Po'r in Iowa, The amazing, Amccica's Rim museum and encwainment is rhe unly place nn rhe ent;,e 2,400-mile mcrch uf rhe that capruces ,be histotical, cnvimumenwl, educational, and teneariunal majcsry of the civer', ~~ GRAND HARBOR RESORT AND WATERPARK 3\0 Bell SOTCt Dubuque, Iowa \200] (\63) 690-.4000 E-mail, smuranévgcandrive,ren"r.com Wehsite, Pbtinum LLC Sue Moran The Gcand Hatbur Reson and Watnpo;k off", 193 moms with dr.am,nic views of the river, a lull-secvi" ceStanwnt, enteoainment ve,'vires, and l1exible conf"cnre low" rim indom warnpa,k bruces hond",\' of aqoatic in a lom-vcmy, 2\,000 sqcwce fao< pby o;'ea, Accommodations, Equipment, and Services '.11 suircsinc!ude ofeithn the of Dubuqoc 0' the Mississippi Rice, luxur.ious mnm inclodes a bait icon and . Rimwalk Resraunnt and with 200 sear.s ,md additional seasonal patio overlooking the River, . Have fun in om Boar aud Bcoilcr- 2\,000 sqoa'e but Lundy Ii", wareTlmk l('aru,'ing om I(no Sto'y Huck Finn II W,oedi", Tceehouve with \00 gallon warec bucker every nine minmes, a vor"k in au, watnpark intmcrive ,o'",de with squ,ue of l1exible special g'oup wcv avaibble, hH' all agcs, conl,reo" space with . Indoor .skyway to rhe new G,'and Rive;- Center. . Walking distance to the Nrnional Mississippi River Mo.seum ,md sbops, rivCtwalk, and ,'ivnbo", cavin GRAND RIVER CENTER \00 Bell Street Dubuque, Iowa 5200 I (\63) 690-4\00 Web vice, www,gnndeivcccentec.com Dieecm,' of Sales, Guod River Cent'" Sue Moun, smoun@gwncl,'ivcccenter.com Cwo!, Sales Kmi Paulson, Sales The Cnod Rive, Ceo tee fcotmes an desrio'Hioo on the Inoks Riv,,! This" "",,-olCrhe-an" meeting and social event bcilicy is capable of servicing rhe oeeds of gmup.s a.s small as a 10 pmoo execmive boa,'d ,meat Ot ,0 Luge as a .1,000 social ,eceprioo, speed inter"'t sotdlirc conlÚence hook-op, decocatiom 0' ent"taioment pecfoemcts all cao be a"anged by tbe exceptimwl ","vice staii Social banquCLS up to 1,000 atreode" will be by the heaurilicl "ice; views pm- vided by the 1100e to ceiling walls in tbe r'ivmide pre-fuoction space, om 86,000 .scpace fccr of functional meeting rhe RimCenrc,'willbehosrtomaoyofthemost p,'estigious Midwest mening evems, Fountain Level I Tbm ace \00+ hOtel moms within tb"e blocks of rhe C;,'and Rim Cent"', including rheee full smice horcls... the Gmod Hacbot Revon, Holiday 100 and Julien 100, Withio a convenient 5 miourc shunk eide ao additional .100+ ¡"II ",'vice hurel moms ,He available (Best W"tero aod Besr Westen> Dubuque Inn) 1o, a g,aod total of om 800 service hotel moms, Thm ace a wicey oflimircd smice hotcls hum Mainsray Suites m I Jc,mland Inn.., totaling nee",ly 1000 moms, B""S'" Th""",, Ciò>voom [hllmom S,dm, A 100 140 Ballmom Salm, B l)O 170 00 Ballmom Saloo c: 2(cO In g"lImom Saloo D 26() 192 [hllmom S,dm" A.B,C:,D SOO 1,200 600 M",log Room [ 136 200 100 Room 2 136 200 100 M""riog Room \ 136 200 100 Room 4 136 200 100 Mwiog j 1\6 200 100 Mccrircg Room (c 1\6 200 [00 Meeriog Room.s 400 6110 5tHI Roo,"" 4(, ,,00 600 300 E,hihi, (150lthIOgo",hs) 2,2\0 3,31, 2,1100 Rim Room !to 1\0 70 Level 2 FIVE FLAGS CIVIC CENTER 4rh and Maio Succtv Dubuque, Iowa \2001 (\63) \8942\4 Fa" 1563) \89-43\ 1 Paula Jo Wolle 5fhg,(ihiryofèlubuque,u(g The Theater An elegant IocaÜon ID( culrunl 0' busiuess gachnings of any rype, 71 L maio 110m, mmaoinc' box 38; 32' x 28.\', (mm cu,tain line co 10' "I"on and mtmbk ""ge eXlr'mioo, with 2 overhead ba,rens and eyelnnnn. sound, paging, and cuing syVlerm, with computerized contml btwd, "couvrieal . Scene shop opens direcrly on vrage, . Dressing moms below ch,ough vrai,s uo sides ,Kousties and unob,SU'ucred th,oughoru ,wdito,ium, . Cunvmient lording . Cenemu,s sprKe r<" "hea,sa!s, ,ccep,ions, r",dVlOtage, The Arena lor game ..Hockey game 2,4\8 -Rock """er' \,200 . MOte chao 27,000"1, fr. opeo to ao alrirude of 3\' 'com HoOt ro . Regolation Hoo,', . 100'cmdlrsofbgbtddivnedrotbearenaHooL pmare ro rhe arena HoOt, . Supnb ,round 'porr, 0' pA . Complete cuing rmd intercom . Underground walkway ro the Holiday 100, % TOTALSEATINGr'" "r , r,,', ~~:. ' THEATER HOLIDAY INN DUBUQUE/GALENA On-site Facilities . R"vrauwm . Lounge . F;tness . Bos;","ss Cent"" . Indoor pool . I\o,mlwom . Came Web An,li",;on" Iowa Gwop 'Ii "vel Ass",;,u;on, N",io,nI'I;,o, Association, Amecic"n Bns Associacion, Ea.vtecn low" 'I",n;sm Association, Iowa of ,boci"rion Lxeco,ivcv Di",ctor of S,de" Jacque Cenml Man"gn, g,iao Hutchins Accommodations, Equipment, and Services . 193 with clnlk . Dance . Compurec jacks . Tahlc ski,ting . Sue'e"", . V;den . Podiums cop and flooc) . F,xccnsioo cords punchers . Mo"luCC h"""ds . P,ojeuion "quipme'nt . Sound . Cordless lcvd w;,h conmTge "" '" \0 so \0 L- BEST WESTERN DUBUQUE INN 3434 SHCCl Dubuque, \2003 (563) \\1,-7760 Ot' 800-747-7760 Faxc (\63) \\6-4003 I.-mail, Wcb Sic" AHiliatioos> low" As;ociation, Associarioo, American Bus luw" 1üucism Associa"on Accommodations, Equipment, and Services . 1\4 gue>[ moms assiStance . Microphones VCR . Podiums . Ovechead p,ujecwcs . Suecn . Slide pmj"w,'s . Ch"lkboa,d . TD[)Y . Flip clun . E"cmive board rooms atcessorres smeo ,md moniwcs . Wheelch"i, . Ptoicnu, table . Fue bot b,eakti.sr M-F ¡i" wi,dess imemct On-site Facilities . -];vo ,esuu,a,m . Sauna . ",uu.i . Cable rdevisiun club pool . Game mum JULIEN INN 200 Maio Srcect Dubuque, Iowa \2001 (\63) \\6-4200 "'xc (56:3) 582,\023 Assistant Genml Ivlanage" Michelle Roling Sales Manage" '[',is!u S"ines AI1,li"tium, Iowa Hospi",lity Associarion Accommodations, Equipment, and Services . 137 gueSt ,ooms . Regimatiun avvisunce . Microphunes I"og,ams and wucs . Podiums (cable top & flon,.) . mmsponanon . Proiectioo sueens . Message center smice . Dance . Extension cords . Handicapped ",œ$Sible On-site Facilities . Live enterrainmenr . Cable relevision . Rescauranl Ronm . Mccring & Boatd Ruom.s Lower' Levd Cb" "ee'" R ,,0 úU 100 úU 00 ¡,o ')0 - ')0 400 \00 280 3\0 m 100 30 jO 10 1s "I sO 100 ,0 ", ',0 "" ", ,r> "" "" Fim Flam Second FloOt' BEST WESTERN-MIDWAY HOTEL \2003-\204 (\6.1) m SOO-3%-4.192 F", (\63) \\7-7692 Web Site www,midw,yhoteldubu'lue,com G"",al Daniel G,uh Sales Manage" Hoef" Sales Randy Heodricks Ban'luer Catening Manager'. T,ici, Komen Accommodations, Equipment, and Services . \ I guest moms . Cnunesy nacopo'tation . Micmphooes to airpnn and "niuus . Podiums a"""tOco . PA sysrem . bee high-speed lmer-net . Smens . Chalkboacds . Flipchans wirh nudrecs . Ove;head pmjecrncs . Slide . Marker bo,ud . Data ports . 42" ",een television, VCR . In-mom television, VCR, cof1èe maker . hee En and local calls, photocopying . Ad"mœ ,egimatinn On-site Facilities . Rcmarinn area . Indom pool . Sauna . Whirlpool . I'nol Bar . Came mom . Rcvnmanr 10' sri 10 " '" " BRICKTOWN BANQUET AND RECEPTION FACILITY 200 r~l ~ ;]...1, "".."'."'.,'."",',',"'",1"""'",.'.',".".',,"..'.,"..'.'"'.'."":".".'..'".."¡,""""...,:""""."""","'.""",.".'..,."".,," '1""."" " '. " ' '.. L , - ~ , I, '" r l-l: "" ( t [, 299 Main Street Dubuque, Iowa \2001 (\63)\82-06% Fa" (563) \83-6461 E-mail. rammy,iBtickrownDubuque,con, Web site. www,BricktownDubuque,com CEO. Scott A. Neuwoehner- Ihnquet !vlanage" '1àmmy L Thnnnv The Bricktown Banqucc and Reception làciliry, locarcd in the histo,- ically renovated Conper- Wagon Works building, sirs io the hean 01 ,he Historic M,in DisrriCt ar ,he entrance to Amer-icis Rive>. B,'icktown lean"" The Blacksmn Gtill (, 220 b,ew pub ,'estauwm), Tbe Undengmund Ba, and (Dubuque's ban), the on-sire B,ewet-y, ,nd banquet làciliricv, W"gon Wmks Room and The Ccyswl Room, Conwniem dnwmowo loc"ion within disranœ to ,he Holiday Inn, Julien Inn, Five Thccuer and Cen,er, Diamnnd Jo C"ino, Gnmd Resnn and Watenlmk, and 400-sp'ee parking camp, On-site Facilities . 2 Banqnet ,ooms . Bccwet-y tll \00 10' "" "" 10 "" "" 30 20 10 200 L~ [1 - ' I I I rL......, ~- . Niglitclub/;pnrrs I"" . Lnunge Equipment and Services . I'A System . VCRIDVD . In ,oom stem) . P,i"tte It"" . Pnivate Remnoms . Rcsta,uanr . Fax . Copiec . Idevisions . Pmjecrion smens . Ibndicapped Accmible The Crystal Room DUBUQUE COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS 14\85 Old Highway Road Dubuclue, Iowa \2001 (\(,3) 588-1406 (\631 \88-1162 I.-mail, slundgccnè7'dbc¡EÙLcom Web Ccnml \Üoag" , Lundgreo idcal fl"ibiliry, All E"iliries cao up co yom ,ec¡ui,cments and mininnl "miniu,", al'ply when 'cnlingslncc hom the Dubuclnc Connty Faiegwnnds, On-site Facilities Grand Ballroom (17,600 fL1 . Wuod . Hear and ai" conditiuning . Kitchen ",ci1iri" . Walk-in coob . Srage and .sound sysrcm 4-H Community Center (lJ/,OO sc¡, fL) . H"" and ai,-condirioning . Kirchen . Walk-in coob . Slage a",1 sound . Ccealive Ans Ccntu (4,OOIJ . Be" ,md ¡,,,is<>! (20,OIJO "1, f,,1 ,mdvhowbaw (46,1% co",1 VCI' Ii,) . Ha,d-.sud:"ccd pat'king lor wilh elewiCJI oodm II" camp"'s Special Features . % of ",aibble OutdOOI space . Covered glambcmd sealing in glandvcand ,md hc'VC'«ge . On-sirc FOUR MOUNDS INN BED {; BREAKFAST melLh of bluffline overlooking Rim, Fom Moonds Cent'" pny- vides a di;rinnlve .swing ¡¡" meetings aod Builr in 1908 hy Chic'go a,chircCl Law,cncc Buck, n""lon home completely I'CSCO,nI in 1995, With (>4 wooded Mounds olJèc.s .seclusloo and ,v perfect ph"T Ii" yooe maccgic planning m meering, 490IJ Pc.,u Road Dubuque, low« 52001 (565) \56-1908 Fa" (\(>31 \8\-0281 ion(iJlÒnnnonnds,mg Web wwvdlvulmoumkmg Manage;' of Ion and Conli'cence Ccoln' Ma,lc' FiuCeccrld Accommodations, Equipment, and Services a.s.slmnce . Ovechead pwjenm . Slide pmjccto' . Pwleninn . Flip chans . Ropes cou,se . Cnnlng . Lodging . Fax . I.-mail On-site Facilities . River nverlnoks ends lXtvilioo . 2\-elcmem wpes cmn . 64 wooded . B & lJ.stvle ",commodatinns so DIAMOND JO CASINO 400 E, 3ed Sleeer 1'0, Box 1750 low" \2004-]7)0 (\63) 130' 800-\82-59\6 F"" (563) 690-2010 WebSicc, AIJiknioo" low" A",Ú"ion, N",;onal '["m ,bociarion, Americ"n Bus Assoánion, Iowa Society of Associ"rion Sales Managec Loci Bahl Equipment and Services . PA syscem VCR . L"d . Name . Full dining . Handicapped accc.s.sible . Ebalols/escdarms . Podiums . Coat cheek Second Flooe On-site Facilities Ponside Focilirv . Diamood 10 LighthooSé' Geill . HighSre"ks Reswmaoc Ii" p,'ivatC, h",erion.s . Dockside casino gaming Ree", DUBUQUE GREYHOUND PARK & CASINO 18\\ Gtwhnund 1\,,-1< Deive PO, Bod I 90 Dubuquc, Iowa \2001 (\63) \82-3647 oe 800-37_J.3647 Fa" (\63) \82-9074 Web site Sab E-nuil, Keleher Equipment and Services . Five,)6" televisioo mnnitms . 1,ve) rdcvisioo monicors . '1"'0 12' diagonal tixcd-f,'""w sC>'(cns remme-coon oiled LCD mul(imcdia pcojcccms system . Podiums boaed . Ropes com" . Caeer'ing . Lodging . E,nnil On-site Facilities . Dancel1om(I\'x1\i . Full dining smices in Winnccs Rcsramam Special Features . 600 slol nnchincs . Simulcast geeyhound vea,-,ound . Live ""'ng . Gilt >/' LÐ- THE CAPTAIN MERRY GUESTHOUSE .199 Sinsinawa Avenue East Dubuque, IIlnois 6102\ (81\) 747-.1644 Email, innkeeper@captainmen-ycom Web sire, Innkeepe" Zach Accommodations, Equipment, and Services . Commodious Two-Room Snites (600-800 sq, ft.) Each furnished wirb fine and queen or hivare matble, whi,'lpool (with separace «nd in-floor hen, separate bedrooms, with si" desk, intemer, DVD/VCR, gas nr wood",we; ccntcal ai,' with ,nne conn-ols in-room, We also offer one lundicap accessible g,ound floor guemoom with king adjumble bcd, room . In-bouse Cbef Restamant open to the p,m, and ptivare HISTORIC ACCOMMODATIONS Downtown Dnbuquc Conran Person, innkeeper ar ;my of rbe following inns Tbe Hancock House B & B \\7-8989, Bcd Chambcc" 9 Web wwwthehancockhouse,com The Mandolin Inn \\6-0069, Bed Chambers, 8 innkccper@mandolininn,com Web Site www,mandolininn,com The Redstnne Inn & Suites (\63) 582-1894, Bcd Chamber" 1\ E-mail, info@rhmdstoneinn,com Web Site, www,rheredstoneinn,com The Richards House B & B \\7-1492, Bed Chamber" 6 infü@rhericha,dshouse,com Web Site www,rberichardshoose,cnm Total Guest Rooms: 38 Because work envitonmenr is ditectly ,elated to Dobuque's Hisroric Accommodarions ate rbe hold twe;ns, small conferences, and seminars, meeting neetls in am private, peaceful im", Accommodations, Equipment, and Services Conveniently located in Dnbuque's downtown hiwnic dimicrs, these historic inns have .18 luxurious, bed chambecs combined, Cucious patin" arc available meetings; ddicious meals can be served in dining tooms, . Full breakfàsr mom ,'ones) . hinerary planning assisrancc . Meering moms with breakout moms available . Catering aHangements . Business Friendly Fax, and copying service; on High-,speed inrernet anywhere.. pub tOO' ,r perfect swing and carer ynur event reuninn, whole house renul with m busi- ness meering in our 11m",,1 moms, inlonnal pub. m sun-uund sound Thearer is Set up to surf rhe and for powccPoinr p,'csemarions, . Free off men ceHificates, concie"ge midweek specials, gift hom [OweL . Coming Fall 2004, "The Annex" Fearuring an mom ;;nd world class day spa' M,micures, pedicuces, facials, n",ssages of all type,s, cuts, coloLs, and styling, Also perfect for weddings; rose ga,'deo and gazebo. all for Ct,,> MISS DUBUQUE CRUISES 3",1 Sn-cer, Ice Hatbm, Pon of Dubuque PO, Box 1276 Duhuquc, Iowa \2004-1276 (\63) 5S3-8093 m SOO-747-S093 Fa" (56.1) \8\-0634 E-nnil, boa"é"dubuquc>'ivmidcv,com Web Site Sales 'bnag'" [hi< Equipment and Services . PAsysrem accessible low", deck Second D,,'k Amngcmem On-site Facilities . Full-service bar lowee deck . Food service available on barb deck> Special Features . Private chactm . Admi,'al's Cabin on deck on the Mississippi River' viewing windows on decks . Convenicm I""king . Mutdcc Mystery Ct'uives . Captain's narration uF the . Fi,",w",.ks m,ive Main Deck Anangemem SPIRIT OF DUBUQUE SIGHTSEEING AND DINNER CRUISES 3,d Street, Ice Harbor, Port 01' Dubuque PO, Box 127(, Dubuque, jowa 52004-1276 (\6.1) 583-8093 or SOO-747-8093 Fox> (\63) \8\-0634 E-mail, boars@dobuquerivcttides,com Web Site, www,dubuqucciver.,.idcv,com,com Sales Manager, Nancy Websrer Equipment and Services . PAsystem 12\ 12\ accessible gangway aod lower deck On-site Facilities . Full smiœ bal.s on both deck> . Dance Hoor in . Food secvice nn bOth decks Special Features . Gif, shup . Cruises on rhe Rive,' "",mion uf rhe river . Privare charters . Fi,eworks cruise . Large viewing windows on lowee deck . Covet'ed open-air deck . Conveniem . Live' an~ an ~ UPPER DECK ~ GRAND OPERA HOUSE 155 8th SoTer 1'0, Box 632 Dubuque, lowo \2001 (\6.1) 588-4356 Fax, (\63) \88-3497 Websirc ,'beme ,'vlanag" , Office Sheci Eichho,'n Box DIke Bill ilumltmo Buil, io 1889, tbe Gwnd Open House 1m long playcd , rule in DubuCJltc', ,'ich rlwaltic.l histOry The Grand, home Born nllers a mod"n "pm and r,'iendly supcr'b live enrmainmenr. Features . Cormnienr i"ltking . Excellent acnustics . Yc"r'mond elimo" conltol . Handiuppcd accessible . Cooce"ionv s 20' . Aptor" \' Ic,rltng of64(r ,nr,;n ¡¡nu" 41\; balcony, 2.11 Main Floo, Ihleony Level Foonh Fluor THE IRISH COTTAGE & FRANK O'DOWD'S IRISH PUB 98\3 US Hwy 20 Grlcna, illinois 61056 (81 \) 866-28,,-7474 Weh www,rheirishcoltagc,cmn i,'ishii'thcieishcotcage,com Perched ,u);nngst Calen,'s hills, Thc ¡"ish ,m escablishnwnf that ou, Ce!cic Culru", Blamev Stone laciliry will ,ccummndare g'uups of up co Juse [,um rhe bonks of rhe might) curiously ,eminisccnr of Ireland, this channing hcilicv is the best to cxpe,ience thr' huspirrdity, ser-vice and enr,,- Wi,h (rhemcd after- eoch and in Ireland), Wild Dav King Lir Pool & toom ond on oud;cnric pub, ,my m"'ing m' evenr is ",r'( to be nnhrgwable! CHESTNUT MOUNTAIN RESORT 8700 West Chesmut Ro,d Galena, Illinois 610% (81\) 777-]320 or SOO-.J97-U20 Fa" (81\) 777-1068 E-mail, info@ch",tnutmt",com Websi", www,chesrnunnm,com Cene,al Manage,s bin Sab Manage", 10'" lubgen, Michael Mmphy Stoff,egen Accommodations, Equipment, and Services . 128 . Slide pmjwOt . I'mjwiun vereen . I'Asystcm . Miuophone . Podium assisr"ncc VCR Main Level Upper' Level STONEY CREEK INN 940 CaÎcna Squace D,'ive Caicna, lIIinoi.s 610% (81 \1 Rese",oionso 8IJO-6\9-222IJ Fa,,(8l\)777-6762 E-mail, WehSitl" Geneoi Manager', Coig lous Sales ,md Cuest S"vi,,'v Manager', On-site Facilities . Ski "..a . S,wna slide' lawL'; cental . Cifì . Indou,' pool, Chai,' . Miniarme . .'>Iuumain . Volleyb,,1i naiL, ,i,b . Live t'ntenainmem Lower Level S"ph,mit, I-lein,' Om newly ,..modeled, unique Nonhwoods lodgc déco" verst", ,md innedible value ,v rndy exp"ience, Accommodations, Equipment, and Services . 76 guest moms . Overkvd pmjecror . Flip duns . Podium . I'mj,'nion vereen . îelevivionlVCR On-site Facilities . Indoor pool . In-mom movies . ExecciVl' mom . Norrhwoodv Frequl'Ht I'r"vdcr' P,ogom . Complimemary continenl<,1 b,'CakLvSt . 24-hom liesh coHee . Data pons in each mom . 10 thcntc mires . Ficeplacc, whirlpool, ,md bunk bed moms available 'bohR""", ~ L Main Level EAGLE RIDGE RESORT & SPA U,S, Roure 20 Galeoa, Illinois 61036 (81 \) 777-2444 DC 8IJO-99S-633S Fa" (8] 5) 777-044\ Web Si.., (;eoml Diemoe Affdiarion" Accommodations, Equipment, and Services . SO guest tooms . Podiom . Flipdnn . 3\0 "son silla.s . l'cmablc $Cage' Lase; pointe; . Oserhn,d pmieno, . Pads and intensity system peocils . Micmphooes hullerio . Lectern . Whiccbo,ml . Tdevision, VCR . Easel . Slide p,oieclor . Remo" control cords . Name tags . 'j,ipod smco . C;s"tCef CD pbye; On-site Facilities . Ctovv-countey ski teails . Resraurants . Hay ,ides . Hoc"back "ides "ides . Kids' ptograrns . Boaring . Fishing . Hiking tr'ails . Biking . Fitness cent,,' . Golf Acodemy . Ski . Ice . Sleds . S,uon tiok 63 holes . Tennis . Swncchifr Sin (,00 ,<, '10 121) U2 lil) no 'sO 201) " 200 1(, SO " 'm lól) 201) 2' Main Level GOVERNOR DODGE HOTEL & CONVENTION CENTER 300 Business Highway 1\1 PLmeville, Wisconsin \38] 8 (608) 348-2.301 Fa" (608) 348-8\79 E-nuil, Web On-site Facilities . Revuw,'ant . Lnunge . Live enten,Ùnment . Pariu deck . Indnor puul . Whitlpool . Sauna . C,ble rebisiun . Jacuni sui" . Handicappe'd accessible . Came' mum Located just rh,Ct blocks horn rhe' University uf Wisconvin-I'lattevilk, the C;ovemor locuiun Ii", g,uhetiogv wirh a large ball mum that can down into duCt vc¡ume meeting Accommodations, Equipment, and Services . 7.3 . Exrcnsion co,'d, VV.5lCm . [Jaw pons equipmem . Cupy machine . Fas machine . lable ski;,ting . Sewen.s . Full . [1cw" HUOl . Easels ,Old Hip elmrv . White board . Pndiums . Video . Cable accessible . Porrablc stage/l",,' a,'eo SINSINAWA MOUND \8\ Cuun,v Ruad Z Sinsinawa, Wisconsin \3824-9701 (608) 748-441] (60S) 748-4491 wi;cles> intemct Web Sire, www,sinsinawa,org Cumacc Sheila i-Icim H""k"", R"""" 1("""" Accommodations, Equipment, and Services . 84vinglc beds . Full dining' Golf COULse . P,ujwor equipment' Audiro,'ium (nmby) . PA & pudium. Clnpel . Hiking & notute speed In"m", . Museum trails & chalkbtmds . Lahyrimh . Handicap accessible Clv'l"" H",am AuditOrium Hnirage Fim Floor ]1111 "" 2110, iOO SIlO ,1111 7s11 sll ,n 1111 NfA NfA 211 \0 '" (,0 SAMPLE DUBUQUE ITINERARIES The Dubuque at'ea bas much to orb yuur gmup, The." are jUSt suggeStions..-toucv can be cuStomiœd to meet yom need,s, Fm mace infnnnation (rimes, meal optiun,s, etc.) cnncacr the attraCtions numbm a" the Dubuque Are, Visito,'s Fall Foliage luwa Creat Rivet Road Lunch - B"iebacl>'s Couuuy Dining C,ilw'S Apple Occhard Iowa Welcome CentCt Spirit of Duhuquesighrseeing Ct'ui" I"tcdlmgtl' '('Ioure 8 Toying Around Nariunal Emn loy Ivluscum limr hdd of Dr""", movie site Luneh - CUUnt'T JunCtioo Doll House Mu.seum I"tällmgth o('toure Ó I"un Arts & Culture Itinerary Dubuque Ad,otcrum & Buldnical C;",dens Cable Cn Square Elevator Dubuque Mnseum nf An Rocco Bucb An.s Ca1by ¡"td Imph o('tm"e 9 1/21,mm A Day in the Great Outdoors Eagle Point I'at,k C'y.Stal Lake' Luoch .. Ponds Mill io rhe Mines of Spain Recreation A"," ¡i;üdlmgih ,ftc,ur,' Ó %0-1 HJO am IHJ(J-lle.JOpm Ll5-,HJO pm 3el\-,H\ pm 4JJO-\,30 pm 'HIO,liHO am IOA\-1 130 am 12,J\-L45 pm 2,OO-.J,(J() pm CHJO,liHOam IOA\-1130am I L4\-LOO pm LOO-2,I\pm 230-YJO pm 7,OO-JO,O()pm 'HtO-9,30 am 9A\-!(H5am I UO-HJO pm 1,30-YJO pm Student Tour C'YStal Lake C'tVe m Mines 01 Spain Recreation Area Lunch - National Mississippi River Museum & Aquarium N,nional Rim Mus,",un Duboque Rive; Ride.s li",d lengih of'tom',' 8 Vi hmm Downtown Day Coffee ae Cat,' <'vbna Java Dubuque Museum of An Shopping dnwntown Lnncb - Yom chuice Duhuque Rive; Rides Ft,cc time Dinn..'" On uwn Live thert.. at the C,and Opera House' I"tullmgth o('toore 14 huon Wagering Delight Di,unond 10 Cosinu (Lunch) Cabk "Jewel & p",k làrallcngth °ltou,,' 8 Imun 9,00-IO,OOarn ltHJO-IUOa' lIA\-LOa pm I ,OO-.H)(J pm YJO-\30 pm R,OO-9,OO am 'HJO-10,30 am ](HO-12,OOpm J leOO-1 ,30 pm I ,30-,HO pm ,LJO-4,30 pm \,00-6,30 pm 7,00-10,00 pm Noon-nO pm ,HO-5,OO pm 6JJO-8,00 pm KEY Attractions 1 Am"id; Ri", Compb 9 1l 12 13 14 1\ 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Meeting Facilities A B", W"",oUttbO4'" 100 B Hotel K C 28 L D M N E 0 9 l' G Q R 14 Pa,' 16 H T U 23 Cent" ¡,'" B & B 23 Five Flog; Th"uc',/A""" 24 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 Map I Map 2