Proof Claims Revenues Sept 04 Acush~~ o. ¡>.damS POt HO jpI- tal, 75.09;. Added TOUCh Embloldaty lid. 304.e6; Addoco Inc, ~.707.oo; Ad- ~:[)eSt':i~.19;~ 212.94; ..;:¡'vaneed BUsI- ness Systems Inc, 350.00: t'{~ ~...::~: ~~~g~i ~~ ~erI~'OO¿P, AIr ~.~If.~I~ ~5~;=nlGK~: ,=-,I,~~;~., o:: Inc. 869.28; All-' ~~4~RI; ~I S~~: 245.00; AII\8nC8 MedICal, ~£"'.~ij¿\7~~erE~;;¡;{: . neIY . 1,247.32; :~" ~eR:à~~'~;'o~~~~ Continental Safety Equi~- I ment,31.42;COntrolled""- cess of the Midwest, I ~~~2; 1~~.~31 ~ ,Systems Inc, 5,_.00; Copyw0rt<8, 911.60; COlI»' rete ExPreslllOflioe. Prod- ucts, .2,251\52; Country Club Coffee, 85.00; g:,~:,rp~~ndp~ Inc, 95.94; Crealive Date Products, 137.68: CfedIt BureOO Enterprl... Group Inc, 10.00; Crescent Elec- tric, 913.34; Cuee Inc. 203.51; Cummine GreaI , Plains, 224.06; CumulUs I aroadcestlng, 3,360.00; Cw¡>rj<$ SOlutiona, 35.00; D&D Superior Concrè!e Inc, 13,325.00; D&K Prod- ucts, 2.090.00; DA Print- \nl~~¡¡g~; 8:"n: J .?":1t~: chard. 4,541.99; Danka, 474.30; Dallid A Nesa, . ~~~~; 35~~\d Da~~~ \ Ehlinger, 26.:!'4-, David P Haupert, 31.75¡ Dallid P Schuster, 93.75; Davis suntUri. Inc, 1,004.53; Day- Timere, Inc" 96.43: DBO ~~~;='R""Mt:n~~: 80.49; [)èborah A FlI~. 225.75: Deborah K. Baskins, 109.00; Delaware Co Solid WOS\e CommI&- sion, 681.61; Delta Dental Plan of Iowa, 2,126.30; Demeo, 1,493.65; DepI of Public Dafenso. 306.00; ~;¡8~00; ~~~: ates, 12,979.55; Diane L. Conley, 5,000.00; Dicta- ß~:t $"".~; ~~ Safaty Co. 124.74; Dixon ~:en'L~~; W~~~ Hume Leather Gooda, 80.15; Donald J Vogt, 19.94; Donald R Long, 55.5P: Donut Boy, 52.50; Dorr.QIlver Elmeo Usa Inc, 640.00; Dougles' B Wat- ters, 36.00; Drew Cook, 1.470.00; Drew Cook & Sons Excavating Co Inc, 24,110.65; Drive Uno Inc, 1,067.69; Dubuque Adver- tiser. '403.93: Dubuque Area Chamber of Com- meroe, 143,521.25; J)ubu- . ~a~'~i~~ ~~~ f=~: ~:ö~~ Dubuque Bank & Trust Company, 447,221.75; Du- ~~ Du~=f ec:~~: ~u=IC:'n\Y IÀ~~~ ~o:~ =: ~~ I)ubuqUO Coon\)' Exte.. sion, 7.241.97; Dubuque ~.~H=e = Recorder, 697.20; Dubu- .-..,,-~,~ . f2,71j!.81: Ou~CðUf1-. ~u~"1\r. 2F:'=: ~O~~, 1~~Du=; Home Builders & ABaocl- atos, 60.00; Dubuque Hose. & Hydreullca, ~~~~.7tc~T668~~~ Dubuque Jeyc"', 300'.00; Dubuque Leedef, 46.00; Dubuque Main- Umit- ed, 11,021.50; Dubuque Police Piotectlve ABan, 1,640.00; Dubuque Prof " ~:~:r.J:r;UbUque V~;g I'OS!','. Nu..e. AiIoocIatlon. SØ<. I~: 2,363.13; D~ . s R.oct. Con- .175.00;, "01, 375.00; Com- Supply, munlty .' Union, 195.33: American Trust & 64,524.36; Durrant Group ~=::'.ior~-: ~~;,iv80.~~'!f"" U~~; SOC,- 145.00: ,American 19,91b.00; Dwaine H Wör!dn9t)oi..e6.00;Âmos Prine, 5.11; Dwyerlnstru- ~~~ gu.~~~ ~~:~"';;,¡,~~~9.~~ 1n~!'~~:gg:, ~~~ntha~Co~~~ = ~~~1~=: ~~Æ~v'~bSCÖ~: 100.00; APe1~vin9 & tion Servlca, 610.00; POJ1<~'ðI~ _e, 75.00; ~f3d Fooda~~r'~; I;~ ~Booka, y-Walker 24,138.63: .01: Efanz wo, 78:00; t K Jour- 37.67; ,AtI1\a11Oa, 6,350.00; nals, Ellis E. Atlast Fluklf'Q'Her, 293.18; Hermon, 506.00; E",basaY Av ~, 73,111.46: Boker Su~es Hotel On the River, & TeylorCo Books, 443.52; Emergltech Inc, 16,469.14; Boker & Taylor 6,725,00; energetics MId- Company, 733:05; Barbara wOS\ COmpl'esaor Co, H. A 657.19; Enslow Publishers Motor Su Inc, 542.25; environmental ~~ 34.80; ~:'~~~~~m~~ ~:: Schmlnaky, 460.00; socIates, . 126.45: expori- t'ò!ãFlw:.Sm~~S =ta\5Ò'!ó"o~FM~; Nth/_lnC,I.ro8.93: Hardwere, 120.98: -Fecleral Big A AuIOPorts. 664.93: Expresa, 900.10; Finley . BI~ RIver, 24;00: Bill Boll, Business Heal1h, 62.25; ~,.2~; ~~:: Logm Þi~~ S~~hl'DU~3.:: chev\oieI, 1,242.14; 297.98; FIve'One 0tJ.'1"", =-.:Tepe I~~:: ~o¿:~~:~In~~ ~~.'3,0~ Br~~ ~r:'c~-:,soi:~~fe~o:'~ fr=~.~i.:3"54: ~~g$"ó: =~~n~69I~i: Br_Inc. 2O9.il7: BTS Force America, 905.62; , Let>onatorlos Inc, 3,723.00; Footaf Coech Sales. Inc, ~,'i"2~&~~:~~I:: ~;tT:';,F~&;.~~u~~=rF8~~ aIAffaIrs,Inc,7tØ.OO:BuaI- Inc, 2,791.80; Fronk Mur- ~~~e~"ri'~erV+~ 6"lo.0~~ns~~qu1~~~¡ r$~~..'::i~~ :n 7'~~~~~I:J~ .!f'g~; , 1,229.79; C and T Lawn &. 705.00: Frlodman Insur- ~1'f1.sb~o.lo¿a: ,~;~~~:l31K~~IS~~ 4,030.00: CanV8$. Prod- eorporated, 164.00: u"'- Inc, 216.00; capstone Gordner & Asaoolates. r~~l¡, 2m~~~ ~:eo3g~¿2: Gagery A ò1::"n: SvstemslO¡:, 24.9S0.oo; 1,125.00; Gateway 2000 ,,"" r:nmmunicationa Inc, ~_a!2!:"..~n!~....t.; 379.62; Hònder1OA Truck equipment, 33,336.00; Hendricks Feed & Seed Co Inc, 812.75; Her~age Micro- film Inc, 226.38; Hewlett Packard Company, i;~~~~e:.~~I~~~~ Star Redevelopment LLC, 266,782.00;HodgeCompa- ny, 250.00; Hoffman House Restaurant, 29.75; Holiday Inn, 144.45; HolI- ~%c~:n Ex&~d":;Y 61 L~~: 347.15; House of Trevel, 1,022.70: Husslmplement, ~~i~ÓO~~I~~t~ Natural. Reaources, 3,300.00.: IA FF Fire Pac Ckoff, 104.92: IA Public Emplymt ~ebC Reltns As- soc, 150.00: ICMA, 14.95; \~~~"':rloJ~~3ò'ro~~ ~~, ~~"ê:o/5~ I~~~~~à Solutions Co, 1,014.95; IUIA Center-Independent Uvlng, 350.00; illinois De- partment of Revenue, 220.12: illinois State Dls- buraemant Unit, 34.79: Im- ports Ports. Dist11butlng Co, 3$3.50; Independent Ins Agents of Iowa, 120.00; Industrial Services Inc, 5,699.06; Info USA Inc, 5,770.00; International Code Council Inc, 180.0.0; International Parking Insti- tute, 515.00;.' Interstate Compenles Inc, 59.64; In- ~t~~ In~~~:'C ;r~~~: trtcai Insp, 90.00: Inti Un- ion ,of Operating Engl- nee", 930.30: lova, 180.00; Iowa American Wa- ter Works Assoc, 450.00; Iowa Business Machines Inc, 390,87; Iowa Depart- mentof Public Heal1h, 350.00; Iowa Dept of Eco- ~gm lowe g::,fl:~:r~: ral Resources, 91,692.99; Iowa Environmental Coun- cil, 75.00; Iowa Environ- mental Hea~h Assoc, 140.00: lowe Ubfery Asao- 'ciatlon, 126.00; Iowa Nahro. 565.00; Iowa News- pape" Inc, 234.10; Iowa One Call, 473.40; lows Park & Recreation ABaOC, 16,103.75; Iowa Prison In" duatrles,I34.39;.lowa Pub- lic AIrports Asaoclatlon, 294.00; Iowa Rural Wfrter Associfrtlon, 565.00; Iowa ~':te ¥r~~~~~:O'go,; j~~ IPERS, 124,936.23; IWI Motor Parts, 1,096.06; J&B Enterprises LLC, 670.00; J&J LandsoaplngJPooi Sa<vlce, 90.00; J&J Tree Servica, 1,500.00; J&R ~~~~.24; JW ~':JP~g~: 17.36; J&D Johnson, 124:95; Jern" E Jacobeen. 3,136.28; Jernes J A(tholer, 105.00; James J Greves, 254.00; - R.K\UOSI18I' Ropair, 133.65; Jemlesoh Compe- ~~5.~:68; J~~e E P~=: 50..00; Janet Evarts, 47.00; Janice E Relttinger, 6.00; Jay F Hanson, 115,00; JB V....e~, 60.00; Jean ~:':'3.5Q; Jeâ~.~ Jeannetlè M. Udell, 58.60; Jeff Stiles, 109.84; Jeffrey J ~'fo~n50~\~~; J~m't. ~i~:;th,2~g.î8:' J;~'þre~ 50.00; John G. Blsdorl, 60.60; John J Koppes, 94.50; John K Splinter, 50.00; John ~ Klostermann, 1,0.72.65; j~~g ~:~.r,5,~~g~\ John Strub, 2,650..00.; John T Digman, 63.83; John W Perry, 125.00.; Jeleen A Patterson, 75.07; Jolynn K Davis, 764.75; Jo- ~re3.3t JOu7~~le~entl~~i Inc, 1,745.52: Joyce E Conno.., 530.00; JP Sch",""an Inc, 400.00; Juanita A Hilkln, 264.65; Julie Weldin. 17.0.0: Julien's Journal, 800.00; Justin L emst, 25.50; Jym's Bar, 75.00; Kanses City Star, 1,647.60; Kathy A Hubanks, 36.25: Kathy ~x"£"~ro~~~:~~ ,~3~m Kelly Jo Neyan, 642.00; Kelly S Ambrosy, 170.70.; ~~~}~~~~ rrn:.~: 76$.76; Kevin S Flmstohl,' 69.311: KevIn $m~h, 53.50; K~ Ci1 WIndow Cleanln~, ~:: 20¿2:1: ~~t~;'."Þ.~~: motive Industries Inc, 124.56; Kim A Herrig, 160.00; Kiwanis Club ofDu- ~~~~' S:~~~~4,~~~P~o"c~ Materials Company, 1,652.30; Koflo Corp, 57.00.; Kremer Pe" Con- trol, 175.00; Kueny Archi- tects LLC, 9,616.30.; ~~'g¡¡~~u~f~Z~IkI~~~: los Co Inc, 102.26; Kwik ~~cod MartT~i:~i~¡~~: 1,490.00; Labor Ready, 1,809.30; Lagestronomle, 667.00; Lamar Te... Part- nership, 3,109.00; Lamve" LLC, 2,160.00; Landmark Structures I, ~P, 61,736.51; Language Line Services, 79.95; Laura B Ca..tens, 717.37: Laura Deckert, 200.00; Lawrence A Vlze, 1,054.00.; Law- rence H Pauly, 60..00; Lawson Products Inc, 200.66; ~eland Consulting Group, 2,500.00: Leseo Inc, 2,606.30; Losleln Trucking, 6,550.00.: LexianeXlslM",,~e.w ~n~- 166.24; Mercy Medical Center, 350.82; Mercy Ra- ~~~t~erri~ E g~~,;'¡'!,"~: 250..63; MFPRSI, 244,141.75; Michael G Felderman,; Michael J Brekke, 69.75; Michael J Sullivan, 189.00.; Michael S Kluck, 202.50; Midland Communications Inc, 1,010.04; Midway Ho- tel, 642.00: Midwsat Busi- ness Products, 604.56; Midwest Meat Distributors, 1,261.00; Midwest Sales Co, 976.77; Mike Finnln Ford Inc, 1,132.20; Mike 1.1 Steve, 53.45; Mike R Denman, 134.62; Miller and Van Eaton, 2,370..04; Miller Electric Supply Inc, 946.02; Mi~neapolls Hilton ~fi~I,& 4~~lg~~~iq~f~C.~ò~ Mirscle Car Wash Corp, 244.29; Miriam H. Mclaughlin, 57.26; Mo- hawk Mfg & Supply. 1,333.38; Molecular Ex- pl'ess loc, 222.56; Molo Oil Company, 1,573.60; 1.1010 Sand & Gravel Company, 96.66; Monster.com, ~~~~~M"f~~~ S~:~38eo~ Motion Industries Inc, 141.74; Mulgrew Oil Com- psny, 21,203.34; Municipal Pipe Tool Co.. Inc, 4,092.92; Municipal Sup- Wh~~c~~~~y~~;,ra~t~~: Myers-Cox Co, 1,592.64; Napa Auto Parts & Supply, 299.93; National Fire Sprin- kler Assoc Inc, 65.00; Ns- tlonal Malo Street Ganter, 1,151.00; National Water- works, 1,203.00; Nauman Nu..ery, 3.531.50; Neumeister Animal Hospi- tal, 225.00; New Urban publications Inc, 69.00; Newton Valve Service Divi- sion, 1,309.25; Norbert Ro- ling Estate, 155.66; Norlab Inc, 159.60; NorsoIv Sys- tems, 93.20; Northeaat 10- 4~3.7~~~:;'.:'~~% 10~~1~:: sel Ltd, 87.62; Oak Ridge ~:;el &D:P';;trdS'lrsg~\ Onmedis, 2,490.0.0; Dptl- ~~O~I~s ~e ,,7~~p~?~ ~~orn~0~r695gg~~~~~~ 5,456.00.; Oxmoor House, 32.91; Pack-N-Shlp, 32.33; Paddle lor the Presi- dency fnc, 50.00; Padgett- ;r:~mJ;'n;;;, ~î~S~; Þ:'"m~: la M Schmitt, 295.14; Park Unive..ity Enterprises Inc, 179.00; Patricls A Felderman, 4,762.00; Pat- rick Marsh, 50.00.; Paul F Schultz, 369.97; Paul J Horsfall, 216.50: Paula 0 Gieseman, 501.58; Paulson Electric Company. 494.68; Peggy L Eppler, 25.31; Pent.. Technolo- gies. 1,154.90; Perez, Marcos Antonio, 25.00.; Periectlon DIi Cðtnpany, 26,619.32; Patroleum Equipment & Service. 34.16; Petty CashlUbrary. 42.96; Petty Cash/Rec Dept ~elsure Servcs, 166.57; Petty Cash/Water Pollution Control, 42.34; ~~~Q~~~:y Cé~~~~~~g: 192.62; Plastic Compo- sites Co, 290.71; Platinum Hospitality LLC, 671.16; ~nfg~5; p"?;dyne :g~: 3,368.00.; porUen Con- struction Inc, 1,204,334.19; Pramier lin- en, 1,713.22; Prevost Car Inc, 817.46; Prime" Plus, 1,246.Q7; Project Concern Inc, 2,876.63; Public Safe- ty Center, 57.89: Pyxis Re- fractories Inc, 1,815.00; g~~t?il¿j~~~; 5g~;:\ Dex Media East LLC, 1,931.68; R&R Products Company, 163.97; RS Stover, 2,174.0.1; Racom Corporation, 3,320.40; Ra- . ~~di~UbU~~~¿~:' 8;gg~\ ~~~~~O; ~~nda~'1"f""~~: en, 147.00; Randel J Roy. 160.50; Recaro North America Inc, 439.54; Re- corded Books LLC, 1,072.90; Reed Minerels, 162.46; Regional Help Wanted.Com Inc, 93.00.; Register Printing, 1,456.40; Rels Envlronmao- tal, 506.50; Rental Re- sesrch Services Inc, 24.50; Rental Service Corporation ~~~i'a~~6~0~e~g~s~ ~~: search Technoloy Interna- tional Co, 4,170.00; Ri- chard A Nienke. 242.80; Ri- chard F Grothe, 56.25; Ri- ~~a~g; Ri~~~~'R ~~¿:~~: 136.50; Rlchsrd W Jones. 179.50; Richardson Mo- to", 972.52; River City Paving, 344,567.42; River e~t~to~o~~~à~I;1 ~I~~ Rnow Inc, 196.76; Roed- ~~¡;;~PÉe~i~;y~ ,~;gõ~: Robert J. O'Brien, 741.67; Roberl M Green, 152.20: Rockford Register Star, 962.12: Rockmount Re- search and Alloys Inc, 407.05; Roeder Implement ~r~' li~gJò:g¿~'~n~I~ShJ Turner. 94.50; Ross A Ball. Sr, 251.26; Rotary Club of Dubuque. 300.00; Roy A Berry, 67.50; Rudzlanskl's Business Equipment Co, 49.00; Ruth A ~~~~~ou~~.8~:.90èa~~~ Heart Church, 125.00.; Ssdler power Train & Dubu- que Sprin9, 6,511.74; O.'M,,_",..n Coro. 374.90; Change-Makers Inc, 110.74; Standard Insur- ance Co, 35.96; Standsrd ~~b".g~~ Stand~âm£~g~: Inc, 1,271.53; Staples Cred~ Plan. 391.22; Star Uniforms, 5,139.24; State Chemical Mfg Company, 290.51; State of Iowa Insur- ance Div. 100.00; Steel Mart, 510.52; Steve Cook, 215.53; Steven D Radloff. 16.47; Steven F Pregler, 45.36; Steven ~ Olson, 180.50; Steven M Fuchs, 144.00; Steven N Eastvedt, 743.10; Steven R Ulstad Ala,; Steves Ace Hardware. 996.96: Stewart Construc- tion Company, 172,40.4.25; ~~i~~g~~e'ë"f~~~l!;ir~?~~~~ ~~~:00;Stump1~~R~~¿: tion Inc, 24,352.30.; Sub- stance Abuse Services Ctr, 3,097.50: Sun Turt loco 63.04; Sungard Pentsmation Inc, 7,750..00.; Superior Credit Service Inc, 195.51; Superior Weld- ing. 736.81; Swana, 116.00.; Swiss Valley Farms, 1.424.17: Tandem Tire & Auto Service, 2,160.11: Taylor Pharma- ~~'5.0~~OT~~~gra~~e'Her~~: 5,050.37; Terminal Supply, 136.36; Terracon, 1,013.25: Tast America Inc, 2,; The Battery Center. 79.95; The Camere Store, 77.90.; The Clt Group/Commercial Serv- ic", 2,90.9.57; The Gale ~~0~~~:9~~6~;; T~~eG~~ Wilson Company, 378.0.0; The Iowa Law Review, 45.0.0; The ~ocksmith Ex- press, 267.75; The Medl- cineShoppe0706,717.12; ~~~~s'fsJ~;c~~:'~~cig~ ,cribed to before me, a Notary Public in and for Dubuque ( Thermo King Quad C~1ee .., <7J-4 d f (fJd;2 ) 20 ,J d- Inc, 1,177.96; Third party o<OV(/ ay 0 ,./ ' ~. Solutions, 13.19; Thomas J Ritt, 900.0.0; Thomas L Pregler, 41.0.0; Thomas P Reed, 51.32; Thomas P Swift Jr, 6.400.00.; Thomes Ritt, 10.0.00: Thompson Coburn LLP, 2,512.44; Thompson Publishing Group, 395.0.0; Thrae Hun- dred Main L~C, 3,505.79; Three Rive.. FS Co, r~Ó~~8:~~~?nyEJ ~~~~: ~~~~~hOIZ, 6ii~nhJire En: vironmental Sarvices Inc, 1,730.54; Tony J Steffen, 77.25; Top Grade Excavat- Ing Inc, 1.400.00.; Total Ad- ministrative Services Corp, 16,574.74: Total Backflow Resoureas Inc, 550.00; To- tal Mslntenanca Inc, 1,515.16; Total Plumbing & ee~:~cij;I~I~:2~~~g\ V~~ and Parking Control, 3,646.30.; Treesurer State of Iowa '~EA, 1.30.0..00: Tresaurer-State of - 36,406.53; Tri State Com- panies, 306.17; Triplett Companiss, 68.0.1; Trophy World, 317.50.; Truck Coun- tty of Iowa Inc. 2,751.40; ¿;;,c~~~~~~ 103.,Et¡~~~~~ Cellular Mobile Telephone. 4,446.65; Ulina Inc, 30.1.70.; Uniform Den, ~~~¡~e~i~::1ufnc~:r~ Unitad Clinical LaborOto- ries, 13.33; United L8bOfO- tories Inc, 370.64; Un~ed Parcel Servic&-Iowa, 10.1.51: Uniled Rentals, 15.50; Un~ed States Post- al Service, 5,0.00.00; Un~; ed Way Services, Inr;, 936.66; Univar Usa Inc, ~~~~:~; I~;~,er~.o~ Van Meter Industrial Inc, 63.48; Veenstra & Klmm ~r;s~,9¡;c" \ ';;~IOCJ~O.%; Verizon Wireless, 266.31; ~~~~x2~~fò~~1 ~~reL 5'~~~he~~:~15J9.~~~~lnl~ ~ Neyens. 135.00: Voca- lional Services, 214.34; Vohne Llche Kennalo Inc, Voice of the Hawkeyes. 44.90; W. W Grainger Inc, 387.51; Walmert Community, 152.0.9: Walser Movers Inc, 7.389.75: Wartburg Theological Semlnery, 221.22; Wash Depot Inc. ~¿;h~;d~~~~~\~~r.: ble Wildlife Inc, 650.00; fa~~J::~bÓ~:\v~:fu"; Service Internfrtlonal, 447.00.; Weber peper Com- pany, 2.237.51; Weldon Tire, 141.00.; We~er. Stor- age Equipment Co lno. 285.0.0; Walu Priming Com- pany. 666.31; WaiuPump- ing Service. 145.00; Wandy Galazln, 5,000.00; f5~S6~1 J7:'~~ S= Service -- State Cont, 6,600..0.0.; We" Group, 1,20.0.10; Wastern ume, 12.751.90.; Weatphal & Company, Inc, 1,957.57; Westphal Reporting LLP. 89.0.0: White BearTypewri!- er Excg,lnc, 48.75; Whlta Front Faed & Beed, 9.60; ~~~~00;aw4 Sc~,o~~~; William BRoss, 94.35: WIl- scn Brothers Inc, 1.76; Winger Constructlon,lnc, Wisconsin Park & Recrealion AssOC, 2,935.0.0; Wcodword Com- ~:â~~~~ ~r\'ntl3,1~~: ice, 1,672.00.; wo'(3 of God ~~~~:~e~0~2~~::'t'- rox CorporatlOh,í ,306.28; Zee Medical Service, ... _. ..__.~".- ATE OF IOWA fBUQUE COUNTY {ss: CERTIFICATION OF PUBLICATION 1 Haverland, a Billing Clerk for Woodward Communication: oration, publisher ofthe Telegraph Herald,a newspaper of gt ished in the City of Dubuque, County of Dubuque and State fy that the attached notice was published in said newspaper, ,: October 28, 2004, and for which the charge is $254,01. c...-éL '-"- --.--"' Dubuc¡oe - woods, 1,SOO.00; Dubuque Home Builders & Asaoci- ates, 80.00; Dubuque Hoee & Hydraulics, ~~~.7~~':"668~~; Dàbuque Jayceee, 300;00; Dubuque ~; 48.00; Dubuque MaIn_Umlt- ed, 11,021.ðII;' Dubuque ~~ôo~ue ~ ;~'1.:'~UbuqU. V~n~ . Nurse .~atIon, ~,363.13; D_RootCon- ~;,~~.qo¿~U~ 64,624.36: Dunrent Group Inc, 380.00; Dutrac Com- r~~U.O();Cred~oIn~""~ Prine, 5.11: D1òýerlnstru- ~If~~=~~.~j 3,pthelrest . Coç:r~ ~~"Æ~~~r~bSO<> ~: tlon BoNica. 610.00; Econc Foods, 295.10; Ed M Feld ~Ipment Co Inc, ~~~5åo,' J¡~;~~ Inc, 49.95; EJemant K Jour- nals, . 87.00; Ellis E. Hamlon, 506.00; Embssay . Sufies Hotel On \he River. 443.52: Emolgltech Inc, 8,725.00; Ene<¡ OlIcaMId- west eompr8O8Ol' Co, 857.19; Enol"" Publishers Inc, 542,25; environmental ~=~~~m~ ~"'Z:: socIatas, . I~U5, experi- mental Airoraft Associ&- tion, 150.00; FM Jaegor HardwOtO, 120.96; Federal ~~.. ~~: :r~ Finley Hcepilal, 873.46; m~96;~bn. D~,;: ¡"oc~.~t:C¡¡~=~ ~~tt,c:,:~e, Flf9.o:~ ~~grJ: . =~~n~69~: Force Amerloa, 905.62; Footer Coach Sales, fhC, 75.74; Four Mounds Fou.. dation, 300.00; Four 0... Inc,. 2~60; F¡"nk Mur- ë'Jo.OÕ;'j!fíns~~uJ~~ Inc, 7,349,64; Fred Jack- son Tuckpolntlng 'Co, 705.00; Friedman Insur- ance, Inc, 7,317.00; GaJI ,McMahon. 83.00: GaJIs In- torpOI'ated, 164.00; Gardner & Associ_, ;)J'æ¿2;GageryA 6:::".: 1,125.00; Gateway 2000 Meior ÞioCOunts, Inc, 25,Q1SU9' Go< DuIIuqUo Truck n,:¡. Centon!, 7,209.46; GDC EntarprIs- es, 36,482.00; GE COpital Info T- Solution, :~ G.~ Drtvers & ,3,091.00; Ge- Dttvers "CredII UniOn, 7,640.00; 'GED Corpora- tion, 432.10; GeoSOul'OO Inc, . Gerald F He Peter 1f¡~.. Cs"t,~Jinal 0, no: ~:iff.~~2; G~J"s SJ>O!]~: 5,957.60; Gordon P VOtsoh, 15.80; Govem- ment Flnanca OflIcare As- ~uJ~i~; ~ tt~~ 343.44; Grend Harbôr Re- sort and. Watar . Park, ~~~~"" DU=, es LC,394.55: Coffman As- 21,675.00; Green Auto soclateelnc, 7,424.00; SuP!>iY, ..4õf;S9: "'&', ~~~= ~u,:n ~i':15in~ tion . ';'~. CO , 50.00; H&M Realty LLC, 5,280.93i"éò1íéén 1,360.01); Heberkorn Auto 11.76;<:ot\éen Center, 4,427.00; Hach 12.00; CoIònlel ChemICal Company, ~~es Inc, ~4~e:~~~ 6~~ 4,316.94; Communications Hamlfion Manufacturing, EI1\I1neerIng Co. 21&.56; Hams Motor 10;957.891 eo.-<:! ROed Sports, 943.27; Hart~ =.ent ¿,~:~ ~ ~~~~ W.1.; Quarterly'lnc, 35.45; Condition, 139.40; -- ~r.~~~struction~ m~:o~::nltye ~::e& Products, 18~; Connie Trailer; 1,7~; Health ~;~~O~~~~:. ~~¡:e~~~g ~,5l~~~~ ed EieClricel' Distributor. Inc,' 9,905.79; Henderaon 130':e8;C'Onso1I~ Man- ,Manufaèturing Co Inc, ~t:~ ~; ~:"b~}'~~:gg:, Angola C SImon, 142.50; AnIXler Inc, 533.11; Apco, 100.00; Ape! P.vl~ & Parkl~t Servlca, 75.00; ~~,'!f3~2J>:~~ 24,136.63: ArctIO Ice of Io- wa, 76:00: Ashworih Inc, 37.87; 'Athlatica, 6,350.00; Atlast Fluid PoWer, 293.18; Av ""eI, 73,111.48; Bake< & Taylor Co Books, 16,469.14; Baker & Taylor ComPany, 733:05; Billbara ,J.~7~n'; 423.78; Ban Banjamln B Schmlnsky,460.00; ~r~rJFI . W.;;~;b,:~. Nth/AmerIca Inc, 1Jst08.9a; Big A Auto Parts: 884.93; Big RIver, 24.00; Bill Boll, 155.25; Bill MIllar logging Inc, . 220.00; I rij Chevrolet, 1,242.14: Books onTape Inc, 12.00; Bowman Producta, 837.72; BladIay Iron Works, 3,015.00; Brent E Schueller, 110.62; Brown Traffic Products, 3,643.54; BrownellalhC, 20e.o7; BTS lab9ra\orIes Inc, 3,723.00; ~,~J~~B~.=~t~:: alAffalrs,lnc, 7eII.00;Buel- ness Refatenca Services, 409.50; ¡¡U81n... ToIe- ~~ Book SW~';"::i~~: 1.229.79; C and T lawn!. ~r.':,n l"i'i.~~.1o¿al~ 4,030.00; . Cenlills . Prod- ucts Inc, 216,00;. Capatone Pre.., 1,741.30:. Carol Lonoy, 2p4;~h Systems Inc, 24.99'0.00; CBG Communications Ino, 6,362.70; ~CDW . Govern- .~~ 150.00; Cedar Rapids Gez- ttto In<, 201~ Cedar~ lay Corp, 1 l.::sj~\hŠ.80; Inc, Clawell, F Goddard, 203.06; Charles StokOò, 50.00; 1,j4e,as;. T_,.20354.00; ply CorporatJQn, _As~~~~ Rpr," 245.80; CIndY Heneon, 9.00; Clnt.. FIrat IIJd&Sa1Oty,21.1Ið;City'of ~:".a.47' Traesu~ Jay F HanSOf, 1 5,00: JB Vaassen, 60.00; Jean ~~~350; Je;.~ Jeannette M. lIdell, 56.eó: Jeff StlIee,101l.64; JeffnIy ~ ~~~~æ; ~X Grotz, 292.60; Jerry K FI-h, 30.00; John Frey, 50.00; John. G. Slsdorf, g~:~: fJ,~ ~ ~=: 5O.00;JoI1n L ~ffl¡;" ~~ John S ZOnner, 296'.00: John Strub, 2,650.00; John T Dlgmen, 63.63: John W Perry, 125.00: J-.. APa\teriIon, 7M7;' Jolynn K Davis; 764.75; Jo- =3.3l Jou~ti~ Inc, 1,745.52; Joyca E Connors, 530.00;' JP Schenman' Inc, 400.00; Juanlts A HI1i<1n, 264.85; Julie Weldin, 17.00; Julien'e.'-, .800.00; Justlnl.-Bmet, .2õ.60; ~~'~~'1~~Jo~ A Hubanks.. 36.25; Kathy t~n~ro1i~~;~t,~m Kelly Jo Neyoo, 642.00; Kelly S Ambroey, 170.70; ue, 292.3 : Keyatona Auto- motive IndustrlaS Inc, 124.56; Kim A Herrig, 160.00; Klwanla Club of Du- ~~~' S~~~.~~':: Materials Company, 1,652.30; Kotlo Corp, 57.00; Kramer Pest Con- tro1, 115.00; Kueny.ArthI- tacts LLC, 9,816.30; ~~m~~u:¿~~~~: 108 Co Inc. 102.26;. Kwlk =ood ~'Ial\=:: 1,490.00; Labor Ready, 1,809.30; Lagastronomle, 687.00; Lemar Texas Pm- nershlp, 3,109.00;, t.amvest LLC, 2,180.00;Lendmerk Structures I, LP, ~~~};~~~~in~ Carstens, 717.37; Laure Dockert,200.00; Lewrenca A VIze, 1,054.00; Law- renca HPauly, 60.00; lawSOf . Products Inc, 200.66; leland Consufilng Group, 2,500.00; Lesoo Inc, 2,806.30; L..lein Trucking, &,550.00; Le,"sneXiIIII4etthew Bend- f;:ns37S~';¡', Lifel~~J.ra~ ~~gr' s~~~ns ¿:: 20,737.16;. Unk Hydreullc & Sú~, 262.45; lInk'e ~~' ~~ ¡J~ Gon,.taz,.2.554.93: LogI- ~~ Im~:~;,' 30~gg¿.~ Lowes Companies Inc, 444.70; LyieSumekAsaoO¡" ates Inc, 2,920.00; Lyons Tree Care, 616.00; Mac Tools, 75.00; Medlson Newspaper lno, 511.50; ~7~~3B.42: s;..r"ower :~~: 1.450.40; Maquoketa Val- ~. EI":C ~orp'D?:S~: 17~; Martan . A. Cavanaugh 61.60; Marfl thaG Sacchlni, 26. tin Equipment, ~~ E. i;'.;:ead~ ':0.: 455.00; Mery Thill, 32~00; Master PItching Machine Inc, 180.61; Matt A Ivory, 31.50;' Max Smfih Con, structlon. . 3,963.50; . Me Goy,"" Heo'dwNe, 280.44; ~~g.~~I;d SuPP~L~ ~~~m~~~n~~:~~~~ 215.07; Medical Asaocl- ates, 3,912.40; Melnoka Mufflare. 558.71; Moil- Mcem..l, 400.00; Menards . Lumbo<' Co, 329.37: Meroy Family Phar- ~:~;D<i=i Pë...~ ~= .~1!!:5 . & . ServIce, ~.~ CaohILIbrary, 42.96;' Petty CashlR*: ~fh ~~~reCas~':; Pollution Control, 42.34; ~1h~= C=..~: 192.62; PIMtic C0mpo- sites Co, 290.71; PJatjnum ~:=tr,t,l& 67111 27,ð2tt05: ¥!ho; 3.3.,00, Con- struction Inc, 1,204,334.19; Prem~ Lin- en; 1,71~.~; ~.COf \"Ë e,òV)!tt~ 'Iù8, 'l~è~,š'I6.~~ Iy Center, 57.69; PyxIs Re- fractor1es Inc, 1,815.00; =?llJJ~f2;= DexMedia I!aet. LLC, 1,931.68; R&R Produota Company, 163.97; RS Stover, 2,174.01: Rçm Corporation, 3,320.40; Ra- ~~bT.d~; 6~:~: ~~r,0;~5m1i:l: ~gò.1ò: .oo~~ JN~ Amertca Inc, 439.54; Re- còrded Books lLC, 1,072.90; Reed Minerals, ~~.eo':..~~~ 9~~ ~~~; Rels EnvI::=: tal, 508.50: Rental At- MOI'Ch Services Inc, 24.50; Rental Service Corporation =a:60do~~ ~ ~:¡h ~hr.I%.b'ò~: chard A Nlenke, 242.60; RI- chard F Grothe, 56.25; RI- g~a6rg; RI~:;.\"R R='~: 136.60; Richard W Jonee, 179.50; R~hardson M0- tors, 972.52; RIver CIty Pavin9. 344,587.42; River c~one, 6,260.51; .Rlver ~~ow I:".~~%; ~~: ~~~1f~~~ ,~~:~ Robert J. O'Sl'lon, 741.61; Rober! 1.1 ~, 152.20; Rockford Regjster Ster, 962.12; Rockfnount Re- aearch and Alloys Inc, 407.05; Inc, 1, er,l, Tumer, Ball, ~Ùb~~¡;~;= .~~~ ~ Berry, 67.50;. Rudztanskl's Bu.lne.. Equipment Co, 49.00; Ruth. A ~~~ou~~J~,80~ Heart Church, 125.00; Sadler Power Train &Dubà- que SorIno, 6,511.74; Satetv.KleeñCorp, 374.90; Saf-'I'-Flow Industrl.., 793.00; Bolnt Mark'. c0m- munity . Conte<. 2,090.28; Sandi J.' Hutchcroft. 339.20; - Fagan. 41.50; Schindler Elavalor Corp, 633,09; Schmelz Pre- cast Concreto Mfg. 649.50; Scholutic In<, 432.30; SohöoI Bus Sales Coo 'Inc, 111.53: Schuntacher Elevator Co, 1,390.60: Schwertz Plumb- Ing; 1,337.00; Scott A Coulson, 843.00; Scott A Runde, 15;050.00; Scott C. Warren, 234.34; Scott H Englemen, 12.00; Scott J NeyenS; 196.40; Scott Printing, 4¡843.42;Sacond Genaratlon of Iowa Lid, ~\~:~;oo-, ~p~! ucts Inc, 1,463.00;- Staffl"g ServiCes, 612.00; Se1co Ino, 1,958;10; Servlcemaeter-Barlflald Seven Hills, 2,165.83: Sherrl A Thelson, (147.00); Sh8!WIn WIlli"". Compa- ny, 325.34; Shirley Andresen, 40.00; Shred-It- WI, 59.25: Sid's Beverage, 42. Perrine, Albrl Simon's Fire epaIr Inc, 3, . Trucldng ~(s:,~i~~~I~~.~;~: :~~ ~~~~~; &s::;,ae: Rosa Lumber, 7,004.06; ~~J.~g; Spreltz~:t~~: 39,600.00; Stacey J Moore, 77.50; StacY No- ble, SP.OO; Standard =TS\:'~= panlee, 306.17; TIIpIett CompanIas, 68.91: Trophy WorId,317.50;TruckCoun- try oflowalnc,2,751.40; Tschiggf11e Excavatl"9 Company, 103,164.41; US Ce1Iu1or Mobile Telephone, 4,445.86: UtIno Inc, 391.70: Uniform Den, =~:~~:fm: UnIto'If'Cllnl~'~ rI88¡,.13.33; U_- =IJnc, 3W~I= 1,778.90; UnI- oi Northern low", 700.00; Van Meter Indus\1'I8I In<. ,63.48; Veenstr8 & Klmm ~,9~;c21i5~~Ioce%.~~~ Vertzon Wlralesa, 266.31; ~x2~~m~~1 ~L =¡'~;~~9.~~:m~ L Neyene, 135.00; Voca- tional ServIces, 214.34; Vohne UchO - Inc, 100.00; Voice of the Hewke~, 44.90: W. W Grelnger Inc,' 367.51; Walmart Community, 152,09; W-. Movers Inc, 7,389.75: Wartburg Theological Semlnery, 221.22: Wu/1 Depot Inc, ~~~fr~~':.r.: :ev:+IdIH~~; e:.~~ T. Lew!::1o0.00; Westher ServIce Internet_I, 447.00; Weber Peper Com- '!:~' 14~'.~: ;S~~~:~ ~.ooe:w=nti~ 0:;: r.ny, 688.31; Welu lliump- ~ndy ~~;" 5,~g:gg: ~~~~ ~= ~~ - -- State' Cent, 6,800.00;. West Group, 1,200.10; WeBtem Ume, 12,751.90; Wastphal & Com~, IOc,. 1,957.57; ~~r.~~~~: er Exca,lnc, 48.76; WI1Ita Front 'eed & Seed, 9.80; ~~~too;a\V~ Sctlc."r~¿: WIIlIàm B Rces, 94.35: Wil- son . Brothers Inc, 1.76; Winger Constructlon,lnc, 1,200.00; Wlsoonsln Perk & RecraatJon Asaoc, 2,935.00; Woodward Com- monlcatlon Inc, 3,150.00: t;'~oci':~~ o~d ~:e~ot't~ill9':d~ ~:. ~' 1~~: 223.94; Zep Manufactur- ~Jm 1W~ Z~p;rl~uf~ tal, 6,676,8'#.77: Kannath . J. TeKlppe, Finonce Direc- tor, City of Dubuque, lowe. ~óf- ~= T'=~'T.7irn6~:"tt cen... & PermitS, 77.279.35;lnt~ovemmen- :: s:~~c:~ '~.ke~a'ò~'~ Cherges to Othar Govern- menta, 14,851.81: Flnos, Forfeituree & Penalty, rm:'~~~~~~~ cellaneous, 108,44~.23; ~K~~123; R~:.~e~~: Imbu-ta, 240,269.23; TC>I81 lor -. 6,627,305.06. Kenneth J. TeKlppe Finance Director ?i~o%~UbuqUe, ~a