Minutes_Cable TV Teleprogramming Commission 6 7 11MINUTES OF CABLE COMMUNITY TELEPROGRAMMING COMMISSION MEETING June 7, 2011 CITY HALL ANNEX — 2nd FLOOR CONFERENCE ROOM #2 MEMBERS PRESENT: Pauline Maloney, Sr. Carol Hoverman, Jennifer Tigges, George Herrig. MEMBERS ABSENT: Alan Vincent. Two seats are vacant on the Commission. OTHERS PRESENT: Jim Barefoot, Mediacom Craig Nowack, City of Dubuque Ms. Maloney called the meeting to order at 4:08 p.m. Acceptance of the Agenda Upon a motion by Sr. Hoverman, seconded by Mr. Herrig, the agenda was accepted 4 - 0. Approval of the Minutes of the May 3, 2011, Meeting Upon a motion by Mr. Herrig, seconded by Ms.Tigges, the Minutes of the May 3, 2011, meeting were approved 4 — 0. Public Notice There was no public input. Access Equipment & Expenditures Mr. Nowack presented two requests for funding from the City of Dubuque. The first request was for $15,000 for a Windows 7- based, 64 -bit computer /non - linear editing system to replace a four - year -old editing system. The proposed system will have the latest Matrox hardware and Adobe Production Premium software. Sr. Hoverman moved to approve up to $15,000 for the system. The motion was seconded by Mr. Herrig and approved 4 — 0. The second request was for $12,500 for four energy efficient LED Lite Panels Sola 6 fresnel lights, stands, and transport cases. These lights, plus the LED flood lights purchased five years ago, would give the City two sets of portable lights (key light, fill light, and back Tight) for remote productions. Mr. Herrig moved to approve up to $12,500 for the lights. The motion was seconded by Sr. Hoverman and approved 4 — 0. Mediacom Cable Report Mr. Barefoot updated the Commission on production activity at the public access studio. He helped the school district produce programs for the two high school graduation ceremonies. He discussed incorporating video production infrastructure with the school district when and if Dalzell Field is renovated. He also has been in contact with the University of Dubuque about increasing their public access video production. Cable TV Report Mr. Nowack provided an update on program production for CityChannel 8 now in full swing with the video production intern on board. He also discussed a meeting he had earlier in the day with the school district about upgrading the district's cable channel scheduling and capabilities. Adjournment Upon a motion by Ms. Tigges, seconded by Mr. Herrig, the meeting was adjourned at 4:50 p.m. 1