JFK HWY 20 Cedar Cr Intersectio Page 1 of 1 Juanita Hilkin Sent: To: From: meyersdbq [dmeyers1@mchsLcom] Wednesday, November 10, 200410:02 PM rbuoI1@mchsi.com; amichalski@cityofdubuque.org; dnicholson@cityofdubuque.org; jmarkham@cornerenergy.com; jconnors63@mchsi.com; pcline@cityofdubuque.org; jschneid@cityofdubuque.org; ctymgr@cityofdubuque.org Subject: INTERSECTION OF HWY 20/JFK ROAD/CEDAR CROSS ROAD City Staff and Councii: I live and work in the First Ward area and travel Cedar Cross Road to JFK and back numerous times daiiy for both business and pleasure. I applaud the City Councii and City staff for the roadway improvements in this area. In traversing this intersection I have witnessed numerous near-miss accidents. The problem lies in the two lanes crossing Hwy 20 from Cedar Cross Road to JFK Road. Drivers are using the center lane to cross Hwy 20, then once across the intersection are turning east on University from that lane (the lane nearest the median). The lane nearest the median is meant for north bound traffic only and does not permit a turn to the east. I would request at a minimum that pavement arrows, identical to those on the Cedar Cross side of the intersection, be placed on the JFK side of the intersection immediately after crossing Hwy 20. These arrows would clearly identify the inside lane for north-bound travel and the outside lane for either north-bound or east- bound traffic. Another option would be signage attached to the traffic signal mast arm identifying the outside lane as the only option for a right turn onto University. Thanks for your time in considering this concern. Dave Meyers 835 Council Hill Drive Dubuque, IA 52003 (563) 556-0238 11/11/2004