E-Community Program - ESAC December 15, 2004 Mayor Terrance Duggan and City Council Members City Hall 50 W. 13th Street Dubuque IA 52001 Re: E-Community Dear Mr. Mayor and Council Members: The Environmental Stewardship Advisory Commission was presented with information about the E-Community Dubuque Program by Mr. Mark Henning at their December meeting. After discussion and reviewing the program, the Commission voted to endorse this program that involves a partnership between Alliant Energy and the Dubuque Area labor Management Council, which will serve as the local organization to host the E-Community Advisory Committee. Since the E-Community Program is intended to involve all levels of the community, including area industries, businesses, government agencies, educational institutions, non-profit organizations, and residents, the ESAC feels it is a worthwhile effort to promote energy efficiency and reduce energy expenditures. We further recommend that the City Council endorse the E-Community Program on behalf of the City of Dubuque. Sincerely, /17 ~1(Ll&,?~//a!/-c.."/ / John Nemmers, Vice-chair Environmental Stewardship Advisory Commission e E-ComlJl~!lity ~ ~~~:t!{ Mark Henning E-Community Dubuque Coordinatol P.O. Box 892 Dubuque, IA 52004-0892 Office: (583) 558-0576 Fax: (583) 558-0576 henningm@peoptepc.com ,"-Communi",. A Pa'""Nhlp afDALMC and Alliam EM"" The E-Community Dubuque Program promotes Community Excellence by supporting: The wise utilization of Energy Enhancing public & private Energy Education and Awareness Safeguarding the Environment Promoting Efficient practices in all forms, from energy efficiency and renewable energies to waste minimization and adjusting everyday behaviors, and Identifying and helping to create Economic Opportunities and Development through energy efficient practices, the effective use of resources and the implementation of improvements. The comprehensive goal for E-Community Dubuque is to stimulate awareness in energy efficiency, renewable energy and environmental protection. Through collaborative efforts, the Dubuque community can recognize and strengthen wise energy management and efficiency improvements. E- Community Dubuque will offer a holistic approach, emphasizing the importance of the whole and the interdependence of all the parts, to meet our current and future energy needs. We know that energy efficiency is proven as the most immediate and economical solution to energy concerns. It costs less than 2.5 cents per kilowatt-hour to implement energy efficient solutions, versus 4 to 10 cents per kilowatt-hour for new energy through traditional fossil fuel generation. The E-Community Dubuque Program Action Plan initial phase objectives will be to decrease the community's overall electrical consumption, according to Weather-Normalized usage data from 2003 by approximately 3,074,000 kWh (0.436%). Additionally, identify and then encourage having efficiency measures installed or procedures initiated to reduce energy demand by over 1100 KW. These results will be achieved through supporting and facilitating energy management, efficiency improvements and educational initiatives to support the community's low-income, residential, commercial, industrial, governmental and agricultural consumer energy needs. By collaborating the programs, resources and people in place with Alliant Energy, Aquila Inc., the Department of Energy, the Iowa DNR, the Iowa Energy Center and strategic partners of the Dubuque Area Labor- Management Council and E-Community Dubuque, these goals are realistic and attainable during the contract period. The Action Plan is deliberately structured to accommodate revisions and updates and as utility and other rebate and incentive programs are introduced and/or changed. The Plan anticipates expansion therefore as initiatives are completed, additional and new projects will be integrated. The E-Community Dubuque Program will adjust as the program continues to evolve and mature. E-Community Dubuque recognizes that Iowa imports 97.3% of its energy resources, making the state almost completely dependent on outside sources of fuel. Utility companies, such as Alliant Energy, public facilities, businesses and individuals have made investments to improve energy management practices, which have already avoided millions of dollars in additional energy costs. Through technological innovation, demonstration, implementation and education initiatives, E-Community Dubuque will encourage the Dubuque community to boost energy efficiency efforts and the payback increases well into the future. The Iowa 2002 Comprehensive Energy Plan is to reduce electric and natural gas consumption statewide twenty (20%) by 2010. In accordance, the E-Community Dubuque Program, it's partnerships and strategic alliances, will aim to support the State of Iowa realize this target to help to ensure affordable and secure energy supplies that minimize environmental impacts for current and future generations. In Dubuque, as with most communities, the principal barrier is the effective distribution of information regarding the benefits of utilizing energy efficient practices and incentive programs by consumers. Energy efficiency is the least-costly and most immediate method to meet energy supply issues. By reducing the amount of energy needed to run homes and businesses, those dollars can be reallocated to important activities within the Dubuque community. The majority of small, medium or even large sized businesses, organizations and area residents, don't have time to be energy experts in addition to all their other duties and responsibilities. E-Community Dubuque can assist in finding the best energy saving solutions for Dubuque energy consumers. By setting reasonable goals and taking practical first steps to realize measurable reductions in energy usage, the community will curb expenditures, improve productivity, enhance overall comfort, Increase economic profitability, advance employment prospects and safeguard the environment. E-Community Dubuque will emphasize to the Dubuque community consumers the importance and profitability of implementing energy efficient procedures and provide assistance in identifying energy improvement projects and what action is required for the performance of such projects. Identify energy waste and what can be done about it. Explain how new technologies and renewable resources can save energy, money and improve productivity. . Assist in developing individual energy efficiency plans. . Facilitate locating qualified trades to help implement the energy plans. . Describe how to utilize incentives to get energy improvements underway. . Help realize additional savings by looking for the ENERGY STAR label on lighting, computers, refrigeration equipment, motors, electronics and other products for homes and businesses. . Discover new resources and information with access to training, education and other utility, state, and federal programs.