Mintues_Housing Commission 5 24 11MINUTES OF HOUSING COMMISSION MEETING DATE: 24 May 2011 TIME: 4:00 PM PLACE: Housing and Community Development Department 350 West 6th Street, Suite 312, Dubuque, IA 52001 Chairperson Kapler, following staff assurance of compliance with Iowa Open Meeting Law, called the meeting to order at 4:07 pm. Commissioners Present: Jim Holz Amy Eudaley Judie Root David Kapler Lisa McCallister Patricia Rogaskie Commissioners Absent: Ricardo Woods, Regime Ronek, Dorothy Culbertson, Dorothy Schwendinger, OSF Staff Present: David Harris Janet Walker Aggie Tauke Ericka Lessears Public Present: Kelly Larson, Mike Elliott, Amanda Hohmann, Alex Komya, Barry Lindahl Correspondence/Public Input None Old Business Preparation for the HUD Audit Barry Lindahl, City Attorney explained the letter that Crenna Brumwell sent to all Commissioners regarding the upcoming HUD audit. The purpose of the audit is to determine if the City is in compliance with the federal civil rights laws. They may want to talk to members of the Commission. Crenna put together a list of questions to anticipate any concerns about the audit for the Commissioners. Planning for Joint Housing — Human Rights Commission Goal Setting Kelly Larson, Human Rights Department Director, introduced herself and Mike Elliott from the Human Right Commission. He is the liaison between the two commissions in the event that the commissions would like to work on joint projects. She would like to see the commissions meet to talk about the results from the Iowa Civil Rights Commission survey on disability discrimination. Kelly also explained the public forum that the Transit Advisory Board and Human Rights Commission are having on August 15 at Comiskey Park and invited the Housing Commission to participate. It is focused on getting public input on transportation issues but also to have the commissions talk about what they do and reach out to the public. Judie Root volunteered to attend the Human Rights Commission meeting on June 15 to represent the Housing Commission. Commissioner Rogaskie joined the meeting at 4:43 pm. Amendments to HPRP Homelessness Assistance Prevention Program Administrative Policies Commissioner Root asked about the motel/hotel voucher and why people cannot go through shelters. She felt that it could be a waste of money to put a family in a hotel when they can stay at a shelter. Amanda Hohmann, from Project Concern, explained that the shelters cannot accommodate families with children and that they can stay at a hotel for 30 days but the shelters can only accommodate for a certain amount of time. David Harris did mention that the staff recommendations have not been reviewed by the City Manager. Commissioner Holtz motioned to approve staff recommendations for amendment of HPRP Policies. Commissioner McCallister seconded. All present in favor. Motion passed. Information Sharing Complaints Received Commissioners received a summary of the complaints the Housing Department has received since the last meeting. Adjournment There being no further business to come before the Commission, the meeting adjourned at 4:53pm. Minutes taken b Ericka Lessears Recording Secretary esgectfully submitted by: David Harris Department Director