Minutes_Environmental Stewardship Advisory Commission 8 2 11MINUTES OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL STEWARDSHIP ADVISORY COMMISSION AUGUST 2, 2011 5:00 P.M. CITY HALL ANNEX, 1300 MAIN, CONFERENCE ROOM # 1 Chad Oberdoerster called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Wayne Klostermann, Chad Oberdoerster, Mike Buelow, Aditi Sinha, Ed Cawley MEMBERS ABSENT: Gayle Walter. One seat remains vacant STAFF PRESENT: Mary Rose Corrigan, Don Vogt, Jon Brown Mary Rose Corrigan completed the Certification of Compliance with the Iowa Open Meetings Law. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Mike Buelow moved to accept the Minutes of the June 7, 2011 meeting. Wayne Klostermann seconded the motion. There was no discussion and the Minutes were approved by a 5 — 0 roll call vote. TEST AGENDA: Wayne Klostermann moved to approve the agenda as published. Aditi Sinha seconded the motion. There were no changes and the agenda was approved by a 5 — 0 roll call vote. ITEMS FROM COMMISSION: OLD BUSINESS: 1. Car Wash Policy. Mike Buelow attempted to contact the Hillcrest Board Chair, but that person has not called him back yet regarding car washes. He did notice that Hillcrest did have a car wash in a different location on their property. Chad Oberdoerster wondered whether the City was helping to develop sites to hold car washes. Dean Mattoon reported via e-mail to Mary Rose Corrigan "I am in the process of conducting experiments with different types of filtering devices to see what is the most effective, cost effective of helping to reduce heavy metals from the wash water." I am still awaiting results on certain criteria and when I have the study done, I will share my findings with the ESAC." 2. CHICAGO HEAT PREPARATION ARTICLE. Chad had distributed Changes in the Air regarding Chicago changing what they plant and how they are preparing for the future of higher temperatures. The Commission discussed potential policies for the City to adopt in order to aid with climate change preparation, i.e., green roofs, especially in TIF projects, and requiring pervious payment on new development, not allowing new construction to water drainage off the property, Tight reflecting pavement, etc. Wayne Klostermann stated that the UDC falls short of addressing rain and storm water and preparing for climate change. The Commission suggested bringing someone from Planning to a future ESAC meeting to discuss the UDC and how it addresses preparations for climate change. NEW BUSINESS: None ITEMS FROM STAFF: OLD BUSINESS: 1. Plastic Bag Update. The City Council approved the staff recommendation on July 5, 2011 for the plastic bag policy. This was distributed earlier to the Commission. Staff will now work on education and implementation of the plan. NEW BUSINESS: 1. Consent Decree. Todd Shoemaker, Engineering Department, gave an overview of the City's Consent Decree with the U.S. Department of Justice. All City employees have to be informed of the Consent Decree and Commissions are also being informed for their information only. ITEMS FROM THE PUBLIC: No one was present to address the Commission. CLARIFICATION OF TASKS: Mary Rose Corrigan will schedule staff from Planning to discuss UDC and climate change. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS: UDC /stormwater capture, car wash policy update, plastic bag update. NEXT MEETING DATE: September 6, 2011. ADJOURNMENT: Mike Buelow moved to adjourn the meeting. Wayne Klostermann seconded the motion. Motion was approved by a 5 -0 roll call vote at 5:50 p.m. MRC/cj