Claim of Michael L. Hansen , . , . BARRY A. LINDAHL , CORPORATION COUNSEL MEMO To: Mayor Terrance M. Duggan and members of the City Council Date: May 1, 2000 Re: Michael L. Hansen Claimant Date of Claim Date of Loss Nature of Claim Michael L. Hansen 5/4/00 5/3/00 towing expenses reimbursement This is a claim for reimbursement of expenses the claimant incurred as a result of an alleged illegal towing of his car from his private property. According to the report of Chief John Mauss of the Dubuque police Department, the claimant's vehicle was towed from property he believed to be his own; however, it does appear that the claimant was parked on private property owned by another person and who requested that the car be towed. It therefore appears that the towing charge was appropriate. It is therefore the recommendation of the Legal Department that this claim be denied. BAL/cg cc - Chief John Mauss cc - Mr. Michael L. Hansen \/j 'er:hnqr:O eO!j!." <; '."c: "lr"\ ,J\../ "," - ".'0 SZ :~ Wd OS AVH 00 03/\i:;jJ3t1 1 9 6 eye II. It Po P L II. Z II. D II R TELE ~19 58~'.11~ r UQUF. low^ 52001 c _ m, i I b, Ie. q'';' x ~ I? 5 8 ~ ' 1 0 4 0 \"Jmwcl.net Dubuque Police Department Law Enforcement Center P.O. Box 875 Dubuque, Iowa 52004-0875 Phone (319) 589-4410 Fax (319) 589-4479 nmcny~~ DUB E ~~~ .' . 11 May 2000 Barry Lindahl Corporation Counsel 196 CyCare Building Dubuque,lA 52001 RE: Claim of Michael L. Hansen Dear Barry: Enclosed is a copy of a report from Officer Harper regarding the towing of the Hansen vehicle. The report was not filed at the time of the incident because it was treated as a tow from private property owned by Kathy Bauerly, the complainant who called for the tow. I note in the letter of complaint dated May 4th by Michael Hansen that his description ofthe lot dimensions is not consistent with the plat for the lot. I confirmed with the County Treasurer's Office the legal description of his property, which is the south one-half of the south one-fifth of Lot 479. The plat of that lot shows that the south half of the south one-fifth would extend 25 feet 6 inches north from 11th St. and 100 feet west from White St. I also confirmed with the County Treasurer's Office that James and Kathy Bauerly are listed as the owner of the first two lots immediately north of Hansen's property, which would include the north one-half of the south one-fifth of Lot 479, which I believe would include the north side of the building where the Hansen vehicle was apparently parked. It appears that his parking in that location and the towing of his vehicle stems from his misunderstanding of the lot dimensions. Service People Integrity Responsibility Innovation Teamwork I have spoken to Mr. Hansen; who states that he did talk to Kathy Bauerly after he wrote the letter and filed the claim, and that she did advise him that was her property and he states that he no longer parks there. He has asked his attorney or his real estate agent to check the legal plat to veritY the property dimensions. John J. Mauss JJM/mb