Minutes Conference Bd 3 9 04 FEB-24-05 THU 02:11 PM DUBUQUE CITY ASSESOR FAX:563 589 7807 PAGE 2 City Conference Board Meeting March 9, 2004 In aecordance with the l>>:ovisions of. Chapter 441.16 of the 2001. Code ofIowa, the Dubuque City Conference Board met in the Dubuque County Supervisors Chambers, 4"' Floor Court Hotlse, 720 Central Ave., Dubuque, Iowa at 4:00 p.m. The purpose of the meeting is the adoption of the Dubuque City Assessor' B budget for the fiscal year 2004 - 2005. Meeting was called to order by acting chairperson Ann Michalski at 4:02 p.m. Roll call was I:.aken. Those present were: City Council: Roy Buol Patricia Cline .John Markham Ann Michalski School Board: Donna Bauer!y Karen Behr Supervisors: Eric Manternach Donna Smith Jim Waller Also present were John & Mary Ellen Ganshirt, City Assessor Rick Engelken and Deputy Assessor Kim Reittingel'. The first order of business was to approve the minutes of February 17, 2004 meeting of the City COJlference BOllrd. A motion was made by Mr. Waller and seconded by Mr. 8uol to approve the minutes of that meeting. All members voted "Aye." Motion callie<!. Mr. Engelken then presented the proof of publication of the fiscal 2004-2005 City Assessor"s proposed b\ldget. A motion was made by Ms. Smith to receive and file the Proof of Publication, Ms_ Cl.ine seconded the motion. All members present voted "Aye." Motion carried. The next item on the agenda is the CoJlectivc Bargaining Agreement. Mr. Engelken indicated that the contract had been settled with the wage increase at 3.5%, which is the same as some of the city and ,"'(lWlty groups, which already have been settled. Mr. Waller made a motion and Ms. Cline seconded the motion to approve thc collective bargaining agn:x:ment. All members present votcd "Aye." Motion carried. FEB-24-05 THU 02:12 PM DUBUQUE CITY ASSESOR FAX:563 589 7807 PAGE 3 A discussion was held on the upcoming vacancy of the County Assessor. Paul Thomsen will be retiring at the end of this calcndar year. It was decided that the city conference board will hold 11 workshop to discuss thc combining the city and the county assessor's offices intoonc. This meeting will be held sometime this summer. Acting chairperson Ann Michalski then asked if the City Assessors office had received any protests against the City Assessors proposed 2004 - 2005 budget. Mr. Engelken responded that there were none. Ms. Smith then made a motion to adopt the budget for the 2004 - 2005 and Mr, Buol seconded the motion. All members prcselll voted "Aye." Motion callied. Mr. Engelken then gave the conference board an update on the reappraisal. Not having any old business, Mr. Markham commented on positive comments he has received on the new website. As there was no further business, Mr. Waller made a motion to adjoum the meeting. Mr. Markham seconded the motion. All members present voted" Aye." Motion carried. Meeting aC(iourned at 4:24 p.m. i. ~'