Shot Tower Area Abstract - 4th St. etc. =~ Me =r i~ II ;~ ~~ ~~ II II t) <;::, ~ ~ ~ ~ '< o = cr :: ~ :: to C1 o :: ::: ~ '< l:::l Q R<> ~ R'" l\j l\j ~ c+ 1:-1 g.c:.!:.-'~f-'~OCOO~ ~ CD 0 0' to.... c+ 1-1' U .0 c+o ~0~Q)0l ~ ~ Ii 1-" ('I) Po l\j ::s R<> ~ to ..... 1-1. "p.. I-l <:A ~ P ~ .. 1-I'.i3I b::l f-I Pi' :::s '0 f-I Q) 1-1' t:.d b';; 1-1' Ii W ::s f-I I-' f-I ;:$ C/.l 0 1-1. 0 ~ Pi' c+ <I I-':::S bj... C+~(l)...:z f-I COf-l P"' ~ S b:l t<t bf ... ... (]) Po CD {I.:J H 0 f" :3 f-I Pi' /-I c+ H J::-l QI1c+f-I J-l 00 ..... p.. /-I... f-I c+ ("I- c+ C~ 1-1' U CO ro <<:: t-t 0 ::s ... t"i 0 r::.. 0 H:l /-I l\j OScol:::lbfc+ 0 H:lo',,-~OCDt-tc+ (]),.-o'c+ 00 Ii Po. ro J-I c+ p. .. CO · f-I Q) - ....- t:::r '-'3 a Iii -,,~. .~- =: "';.,m~:;tl I"'m" i"'.1~..,' _ ","f! ,~~ ".Io.,g :! ~". ,',:! "Ji -1'15 ,f~ II ,=: H E': :.: i: 1:: == ;= '.; r" ., I '( Ij ill:;' ~I 'il: I' IU i!n:, i :i; I I" !, 'i:'11 ,Ii'I' t llf J r", I~ Ir;'II", 1'" ' 'j: 111111 ri;: 11 rl. ., , lot' '~, t' '1, ~l,ll r;i!,; i: ~I:;i Ill" ..':: ~!; ...... """~ .. i--I o ~ ~ - .-.. ..J '"'-~, ,~ , \ \ ~ .;c;- (,.. .,,1.:'. J ' <~ \:-.. -,J~r ....,';.,,/ :r,'?:r:::' .t 4,"1 ..... ", t..... " . ...... I' ...... .... g,. aM. II. ... If... '1).. tit atilt II, ....... ., ... aa .. ... It .. _,.... It " " '. '. It 11, U. 11, ... lA. II, 1" 1', at. 1', .. Il, ....... II. ... 87.. .. .. JOt 11, lit II, M. _. ... _..,.. ......, ,.. 1 tit W. .... -, .. 1M. II, ..... at. It, 10, II, . ...... Jl14C1C 111 ...,. 1. .. .. .. ...1. .. ... II. LN 18 ... it .. BS.d ... Ill" _.. .,.. ..__, '....-nrrt. 44t"'" .. It.' 1ft 'I.." .... 'lW~" *,......... I18t4iYi._ Lt. .. '. .... II. Ilf''''' ~a. ... lI. 1.6, 1',18 ... 1. .. .~ U II ..... .~."""'..t a~', 441&1."-' aU ._ ..,,'" _._. ..._ ., ....... ..4 ...... .t 10.. I ;. .... .... ......1... .. 1,...4 __ .....-., ",.,... '" h... .. ., .. at ... " . .. .. fill'" ....... " -, , --------' -" ;' r =- ~'-"1 -' """"".<.".' '.' '- ../ .--, """- .( - .. .~ , -~ -..~ .----..---- \. .~ ~ ~, ,) !I' ..r--' ..... Wbere lty i't a. ppear s t.ha't t\d.l paJMnt baa been made by .$014 Jla70r a.nd Al4ermen ot the o.ity of Dubuque,. Iowa, aocordi., \. the proTislona ot the 4.' of 00agre8a at the 24th day of Apr 11 1820 entitled "An Aot making futiler prOTiaiol1 for the aal. of the Public Lands. aDd a1ao of the Aot ot O~.a of the zr4 ot lBroh 184'1. entitled "AD AO" to a.uthor 1_ the o on8' it... 4 &uthorltiea ot the 01 i7 Of DUbuque. .. the state ot Iowa. to eat.r oer~in Islands between tbe landJag ot said at. and .Ma1a abumel crt 1tbe .i.818s:1pp~ Un%', tor t.be Lot HO. S Eastot 0&11&1 ot Stotloa 19. in Tcnmllhip 89 BortJ1 Of DaDse 3 East. (ad other la_d.a) ia the D:1strict of La.nde subJeot toaale at DUbuque. IOwa, wh.tah aald traots have been purchased by the said JilQ'or and AldllrJl8n of the City at Dubuque. Iowa.. Qert1fled by I.H.Jl_le, Aot1llg O~is81oQer of the General Land Oftice (Seal) B'o"em'ber 12, 1903 to be a true copy. ~1~::~~~ ,~ ",1 The t1I1ited statea of AJler10t\ b7 the President, Jame. x. Po:1k. S.H.1AUghlill.,Reoor4er "~ of the GeD8ral Land ~t 10e '0 Peter A. LW~r a.e JiflQ'or aI1d W'Uliam !La aOljb1ns. WU11am s. CU.llam,Uw18 L. Wo04, .0. .I~.'t xo.r.. OtDTaD and )(iobael ........... as A.1c18n.n of tbe 01ty of DUbuque or DUbuque Oounty, Iowa ) aeoorder of the General 1.altd ottloe be a Vue oopy. The Urllte d ataMe of JUaer IQa by-the Pre sideDt, )lUlarcl :rUlaare. :I. S.ferI'Yt: ltGool'4er of tbe ~ral Land Oft ioe. To , l II ! ~ }, John B.-raen, :D7or of the City of Dubuque, a.nd E4.ward Lanaworth.y. Robert, Ro4ser., 108 )).:a,uII:1. Dav14 :Deoeker. Ht.tak 3..U.., Lero7 >>.RMdall. aaA.14erJIen of aa.1d 01., U1 tae Oounty of Dubuque. Iowa } f h :~l ~ '. I I,,~,,', [~' p; L\ i,L '1: \ Ii:. . '1' J ']1 I~'.' "' U' I ~ .~ I' , " 'j \ United State. of _rioa by ,be Pree1dent,J'raIa1c1ia Ple~ee. 1...Granger,aeo..-:rder of Oeneral Land Of:f':1cte, 1'0 'own of Dubuque the C1t18. of B pro... 1. d iDtb.e . eball be t, 4..I'1d here 1hlbuque, In'~at .. 17 ,\ ~.' _. ~ - let ," i~" "-~. ::...~;~~',;'!:' ~.. ..,.- -l. ~ - Bk. 76TL-512 Oopy of Patent Dated hbruary 1, 1&18 .Ued. J'amary 14, 1914 ~or Lot. lfumbe..4 1, . ant! 3 of traotlonal 8..t100 191a Town.hip at JlO1"th of :R&\nae ' 3 lI&8t of \he 6th P.M.. 111 the D1.triot of Lands subjeot we at DU.buque, Iowa, o~1\~1n1ng 149 a.Gree and. '5/100 of an aore. Certified by L.~.o.r~r (Beal) October 4, 1913, to Bk. L.15-15 Oopy of Patent :Da te4 Xq 4, 1852 :rUe4 ]love.mber 17, 1903 ) lIk. 66'rL-66 Oopy of pa.tent 1lated october 1', 1855 Jl1184 lal1U.ar7 2!l. 1904 Ibere.a by anAo' of 00n"_.8 roved. :rebruary 14, leU tleel "an Aot tor the r811= eTGWn ot BelleTie., _4 . state of Iowa., it I.. ef said &0'. "!bat there 01'&:.8 of lll'lrl1rJgtoa aa4 ,. on the :Miae :t8.ippl. R1TO ... .' ... "~' ...... .... .;:";'..~7"}., ",.~"" ',.,$.""__,,,,.(.,_.~....,,~,,,.,,,,,~_~,. ~.,' ~.",? . ..,,:,~ ..2,!irillJ, I' -~ '..'.. . '. \....... '. ", '.' . . . . ".'. .... ~ ''', '; ., . \. 'j; .1" ~..\~\. ~'l\, .. '.1/'~0~itl \V~n\M ~ 'HI~!;\~"h:" ~~.:. '.~..il~ ;-~ ,....t or _ld Olti... r..ene4 by the A.D' of .4 .11.117, 18JG t... la.. Ptl.... lt1&o It. -= _. for other >>."1". _.. \ct. ..ta... ..tv.. _......nl.. 1fh1. ... baTe tObe4 _e..'o, ... Sa tr..' the"", t. .. u.P"''' et ta ... .nMr .. the oorporau ..'borlt..or 8&14 Q I".. ...,. dt....-. -.4 "bat, t. _, ... ... '\ld....., IJhall ->>eJl'at. ... a rel1aqu.la..' oaly .t "be J"jpt or the "I... S...... .. alld to sid P....... .tad IbaJ.l .... .... ..... ..u.., '...I"Jab" ot third p8r8_ '....1.. e. r tbe ..theM. CAN et,.......~ \nil.. .'" ~ '"' nl>J..' ,. ti1e -...- AU ..nu,.W .. ..n...,- .... .. .. .oeae-l !Mad. Oftl. _ .. 88",_ ft.ral ., WI. .. __. the 11'4 _y ot 00'0.. lUo., ..thelaa4....aoe4 .. 1814..1t_'"""1. _. ......tlofts II ."1". .. t'ol~oY.., .-1,.. ill I ("1'. toU.. ..t.. a.nd bounds "801' Aptt_ .1011.....t80u_ bo_-I7.t ..1g1_1euw~ of Dubuque "heN __ a.........._ r.ln, ""'* fd tat, ...t..t:ntIU.wr. at JOY _... JIIlUI'.,."" ~oe ftrlllQlg by '9'8rri.. .our... aad dl.t...._ to the llor\h 81d1t of ''U:l sWe.t) __._ If.~. .,.,. ..t 101t f'e.\to the, W.at ai48 of the .....1. ..n. .or~ 8cJ.t- 1Ia8t a3OO. 2/lS: r.., t.o _. lionJl , bounda17 . or \he -i.J1fta1 SVy., of ])8'*1-,. ..n. >>orth.,.. .., 8'1....."'.'.....' "..O......lJIW.... -*......rJ..........."C. .-.... t..be .,,:1_ , Ihu*.... of.. ..8., .. lB..... iJ....t Blft.., ........- .. ......, 4t'Ja t.., al8q ,.. ri.' 'bMJc of lllWI', .... aeNtA& .. .'1 t.., aleas'" r1111' 'IHudt. of .aw.. .'.'. ...-... 1Iu. loot.., &10,,__ rtsht __ fir ."1", ,_... s._ ,- ...., 1" I.e' &1_ _be rqll' ...... fit atNr,. _e. south 11- lIaat 44 t.., ..__ ..., ei. of ... ~'.'''..' .. 8_.th .... .....\ 14M t.., .. .... ..-.la .ta ~ (.. ...... .,. ~l_..o.... ..ad di..... )"111. pl_ of .,tama. 1 _ow I'll" 1'., ,.., in oo..*n"oa of the pftm:18,. ea4 fa '....0..... . ot the _. .4. ...'1011 of the ato~._14 a. ot, appro.... OIl 14th.. Ml. ....t M. .. ..'ft87.'. . leU. 'Mr. 1- h... relJaqul.1W4 UIl." \0. ... ,. ...14 ,.. fit ~" all be r.igbt of .. Va1\84 a.,.. 111 _4 .. -$4 pH_II. w'm no .muar t.o aIt.., ,. r$8l1- of t.hird ,...,.. the..._. .. ,. ,be u. thenot', at.. 1ha11.. .be au'bjeot. to .. ...'1. llaft _d t. hold the _."t _tlwt, . i tit &11 the r~..J pr *"118g8_. ~1'\1.e aDd ";p\I'rM___. / of "".OGn. ..tut-t ..eHlUS'\o'bll..... _to ~e..W TOWQ et ])Ubuq_.. to... .IQ.....",.m ...lI __ a8the ~...t._..~l't.. ...14 fJ.l... .,. cU......._ct _e1l the Wl'JU ... ...I.t.....MN....tor. ...! .... . ..titl... I.B,,_I.. AAtiIIB l.m....... of the. Gell.ra.1 ]';aIId. arts.. (seal) '''ar,. U. 1904 t. ..... t:rut. ..... I , I II" ~, Otv.et ~., -J ..........u.......-, -",,,.,. P.'.....wt.4, _ftl'cJer ("al ) ,. 1M.... ..,....-_, Lla.ll1 (11&11'.. '1'h.,.. a.WUND, Z~ x..Laape._, ~_1ll.'.. 10._ Alt...r ....~ ...._. urre.. I... ..Jlar--' '1'..4 and Sol. L -.aa..-aso ...4 laNd _rSl 15, 18" :rUed lIo.8er I'. 1856 -"_.-:-- . \ ,- , ) __._, a oer... qr.ement __.... .4.....4 ""0 )(arch I. 1111. .. aIId ....... MuO!'" L~."'. 1....10 01_le, ,~._.. I.WU-..'I... t..IAns- . 0.1.(111 .~-_f I...ph . 4l.....r __r... 11'1g, Alire" JlODlIut:l.el In. :BeaJ-. '."004 _ "]"A...o,"_ . jaJlt1e.. . tirat pui. _4 City of uu..~, part,. of se.... Part. ......... I. t .... agree. $D and. -~' 2. //f , ------ , / L-~' , /~ /~ ~ '/~i''''',,^- ,~o(,-",,1'h_tiiJJ.1J( I!J f1lW~"'-'.-. ,- ,--~ ~_ ,. _*' ....e_llt tJuL, it _14 peril. of tint part ........,......CII'Il. ........ ...iIl ..k. ...1.4.sa Mooad ..Ot.1on ., .ta.......'.t...lt. to tl11 ., n'tA.._ tUl..... ,. s"''' .. theCl>>- of D8uque ,,.. 1'-. .........1_ with Grange a..."l _oon_ 'to the 1.. 1aa4. aa4 Salar14a to. 'the maw .......... ", '..'. )d. ".1..'1~~*"". 80 "bat ..... .--... . of.' .' _U ,. a..., __ fUlttfl .. 4 'be .. &1....1 "j.tll ,u. )Up. 8tlJ!'tue ..... 1ft 1._ ., ...1_-, an'" oq..... -1da*IJ of . ....Stie4 CAN . ".re _i4 "" ...., ..1"... t... 44 1.. ,.. .U.A) t. .. "".-,'.Deaa4 1a t.' ... ....'" ._. of ..oon4 ,... -..44 ....J' .. ,. _" 1*1"1.,. I/IIl .. tt.., p.' _,_t101."t .. ... ...... .. ...... we... .,0#>>4 .. ............... .. P'OUD4 __.. ,. .. .. ....,. t:lt_ the 1.... _ 'Ile. .... Rin.. ,. "1114 0"....'.. .__t... IAt..... fa "._11.. 80=100 t..t .. ......... _.. .. .... of .. .4 .-.11." WMftam. it bath '.. ........ 1lMl'. ..... ......' _.14'..'........ .'."".' p.n.'. -.'.'" O......I&ed 1fi.. ,-lIt "" of the ........i .,.,_.4 111I ,...,.atq .... ..iDs .. ._ .....st"......_ .1. "'''' or...... '" ....i.rat10D _.'..'..... ............. _.. .....". ....;......... ........... -..11. aU O_."iY.".. ..,0 8a._.4. X....1U. .'. J-..... ....... '. '_.... ...: 1Ja..... ie1a. ". '. Gluk. .... :p__ftI. _.'. n. .."11_.. .,-. .. L.JNIp__, O...~_., t....... _.U. ,,,,. ......... dAtIl'.. ....... .... f.."".,.,... . .Jaa, .dhe4. ........ ".... .... "11.\... ...... ..4 sel.... ~~. t.. t.l1P_ ........ __ _.. ....... _.. ...4 _....__ ...... 01"'.1ICl 0_:._ ,~...._ 8__. of .... ....i.,. AU.,_ .....4 __e.. ,... 8tb s...t t,r_. U. II.......... ..... ...\1M..... .. __"I ,et ..JIia....l..-:t:-~a*.n:r. _. tM Ori81Da1 ... 1-__ -.' It. 1,0.... . ..... ..4:LOOt..t .. ...... -. .. ..... of _. d'~. ' ~_ ..~_ _4 Yal-aa. .... wite.... . l." U.._"'k _4 ,... ..., .Jah .u.. ....' '.l!Iur4'J1' a.'fU..(....,..s.) .. ..,. w.. ..... .U.. t... ,... t.aa.....__ ...... Jab wU.. ' C.z......... C-.,.Q..) ... I...,......a .Ift, ,.._ IJIU.. ..., .1......, Ida _-, ' ,........7: . ........, .4 ~ .." ...... .' '..- ..... .... . a'-ht-... .... .U., AItn.....Sel. _4 ...,. ..... 'Ill.. wst_, ,.............. -.W- .u....... J...... .-4 -.N. .U., Itl...~ ....... .. ,... _18 wft.. ,. Ihlbuque IlArb.. Q. Jl)U''''' ... .... .. .... ...._.,. 181V ftl... A..-' 21. 18&' AU. '.. :rl_*, "~1a an4' ...ree. J.a .. t. .. te1~ ....1M4 ....., fit _4 .. ........ Ia,' .. (I..... _tv .fIt Jbtb\q-, l..,t....1'..ul "be....4 "'.... ,. ad ,.th S"". ,.... .. .1.... .. th.e ._ '-"'ll_ .. .,..1saSpp' ... to tM...iabal 01.$7 It""" ...,$ a ltt,.. _ 'UIe -.Ja .1.... ..4100 f.., .ia ...... 1M_ . pan of" the .14, _.1, _.. \be .- ._.....1'.." ...... ".,...... to .. 'bI' .. C,_tit __q_ ..e. ..... _ .. .I8tb....7 or .rU, ~_____>i, r' / p: ~ "'" ., -'bllqUl, ...,. 8aYU a.wt.tllrD, ..., .,' AtU.. ............ .......(..-.1) . ft me. &.$'13 >>e" =... .tobeX' 12, la5' .. . 4 .,.."3 18, 1858 ....... the 01_.01 D\lbUq,1ae. laS_Mot X.... a..iuque ~__ S1JIHft..at. 0.. 414... It. .18eG. .....,.w . ......" at _.t.t~ wiUl . .'. r.u_ LI.IIaPor.,.. 1.1. ~f"t 1.__ osa_. Ale.ad.r __ft_. tt__7.-tJl8" .AJ.tId...1el. ".... "JIM. lIe"_'I. ....4 ..4 Sflcm .. r.... __.,.. .~ the Oity at _.que, ter .. ~=-rf__nce .t ...1Il "*Ia tJa8. ...tnou...r ,....... ........ ek... Sa ,he 'Oi.'" ....... f. .1401-'. .... .....iM""1__".o1'.. ,be .14 0''',. 'ot WlH1q. 414 .... to c....,. to. ,be per... a,bove u..c ...... .....1...,.. IUId p..... ...~_ .0 t_ _id 01',. of ~.t. ....,hta1t.1'1J' ....1Il.4 . _MaeNemen". ...4 Wbe...a, -." .c::-' . a....... ........11_.... 1t'i'll.othoro, h.llr:ftt ftp1arq"e.w- ,.,..4 .... 1.-" .....___ w"..~ 1"_ of Xo-ia.... ....,. __ ...__ ,., altlle fit. .. ~q. ~bOl' _""_.t .... .. ...... ....14 Clt)" of DUbuque....... "'.ptel.U'4 .......4 ,. W8D ..... .. 'be .4_ ""._ W1''- 0.....' at..... ....... _4 ......, .. '.14 .......tio..........d ill t_ aU .l"".' .._., _.. ._ ..... .. _1*'_ ____1 .aft...t _... .. _w. tit, of' ....... atd ~. _14 ~U8 lfI4.Ybo1" ..,........, a... ..... ,. ........ 'C~atbe __t 0: 1.... tit ."~ .... '._ ........ .... tilt .1i....fIt>>tlb.. ..,. 4, 188'7' ............ \ht... _4 .~ .. .taltr. baft. _lille, 840""" aU,. _ ....1'.., Ua ,. _1'''0 oon'baot aa4'. ....... tbUetn 4esor1'bect to tbe -Jd DU'buqUlHat-boJ' IIIprcwe_ot eM' U4 WM1teaI. ,_..14 01\,- ~ ~qu..'tO" ,writUn o."ot with le,.. P. 'lI,Z"Jay-aat o't.b8ra __r .te of SanuC"1 21, 188' ......4 t~ ..11 1.0 _ 14 ..,3117 an4 ,,'there oeJ-ta. ..1 . etaw ancl .......17... _. ... '-'..dJ... ....._.'he 'l"",...rv... '.WJUCh the _..14 ~_ ~ __.....t h..__ ..lt1fa4,.. 'f1:r". of their _'-8 0'"'' "'.Jlla,u4 ......t_ t.. . _id I.... Jt tt_rle7 ~ __.. __ ........17 lIloorporatea _1"0 III aooo...1'1_ with'tM 1._ ., So. Ia.. a O_rv_daJ> '" .... sad '.18 or .. ~ ...Val _rwe..t e... aU 1Ibanut" ,be -.1.4 hbuqu. _....1 ~.." 0.... .......... h. I.... P. J'arle, &ad .,_..d1 .. .....t of ..141.... '._1"" aQd otbe.ra la tbe 1d4; _tt". .atr..tot 1_"'" 10. 181'. _ t. 1__ aDd ....... _nia ......ta4, aad ".It.". ' '. be. _id t..o co...!.. _1'......4 .._ a 1_ _......n th-.4UtU'edhoa tholia. .8- orl"bH in t.be at4. ...Jot" _ba., ..QI.'Sy.17 ter 'the >>tatpoe. of '''.4" ."''-tal.la,.. aio., tor.. .ea\e o_'ftlllenoe of tb.e ,.'td..k. ... _n'... lit O.a14enti.. "." >>hml... u4 the furthe _*""t.. ot... .. ., tll,AIOO.OO .. ~ pai4."" t_ ])ubuq... ..,... _nv_at 0... 1M .fd4 &Sit,.., ___ ... bll"91t7 pant tUl4 ..WI .. ,- aU ~U. Bu'Nr ~ro.....' 0.., the t.U.. .. ..-.r.... _....ad.. "'.'. 17_ an4 'be ins ill theaa1<1 c:tV of .bUque, .. \1!Ie CI III tbt a\ak of Iowa. de.- ..11Mt4 an4 'b..dI.. ' noms .. the '.., 11M fit Lo' 11. sa t.he " "'1'. tile "8'" ot a!' ,J ~., '<, '\Ie:,.. ~ '; ,( i ~..'. :.\'." ~.'.'.~.\\; '." ;~,~.,\u '~"~\~ ~ liitlli~. ';f" ::~ 2"~. ~ ) t I II 'i /^...... //, ~"..i~.... ~ .~ ~ r J , , ~. ~}f;~'(!~\(. " ~ "~po ..~. " ~:...\ ~.. '. 'i'~..'. ..."" :'. \ \:.'. .. "'J~. '\'~..1:..ll \ . \\':,A'\ 1'1 ~ III~i\~.,l;:" l~~ ...:...Jj~I''''' j -. "': A -~ ..u. .,..:d _uti). of '._ sVe.' _bla ..... .141.. of ai4 110" u.1.. >>01' the., fit .. _14.Dalmq - '!fIU"b." _row_a" Got, ...... ..row. .. 4. dai7 of .,. 181', ~. _.tH17 &1_ ill. ..... .r ea14 a.U.,. to tbe centre of' 'ower Sve.t per .. ... "o..wA. ~. .er~X'17 alalia the centre of 'l....r .....,. ,. tU .... of .'" a....' ._,. .. atoreaaid, 'hen_ ...-2.r ".'the ASteotSoaanda101l8 the oon.. of 'theWe.' io CAN- In'.te,,, 1.. - .- _Sa oharmel of' the JU...1..1ppl alar ON .ene .._1'&7-1.. 1.. "a"'~ 1.. -'..Mid to 1ihe .u._ ... fill 8. ......, 'peUle .. .,....14. ,Un_ _.t.:r~ &1... .. ..._ .. fit ....., ateftaa14 to '- _nblat" ..n... tit %.0" .. no _.0....08 w1th ..ural.." a.".. '<<mar.... .. ot ,the,.. tit .~uet_ thtllOe ..tberly &lollS ttut Baa' l_ et .1d Lot 610 to \he 'Sou..aB't ooneref .a14. t.ot 510. .... ....1'17 alo. .. .... .11.1..... ....ot eald, tot ]1.0.510 to the. seuthWest ''''1' ot ..... to\510. .... ..thlr1:r aa .thight line to the ......, 0..... .ot ...., 404.. tltIl10e 8.\.r17 &1_ the ea..' line o( _14t.o' ........ _*a.t 0"" at -.14.J,ft 404,. the.. we.J:'ll a.J.ofJB .... SOUth 1_ Of Lot 404 t. tU ao."lIt own.,.. .tJ,o, 404, tbea. aou\blllY In " IV....' 1.. te th,e JrOI'......\ ........ '8"0.' tot..,". . _. th.... 8_.. ....J'~ a1R8. .... Ua.. .ad line at L."'lt. DU. ... .. .. tbe pI.t\oe at -81.-_,_ eavjag aU ....rvir1a fiOlll ,. abo.' Mle aad oOllveya_ '0 ., _14 ait,. .t ~U. ...... "1_" t. . ..... ~. aU ala. a ""'" ot 1_ .,. .. ,.14le...... .a. ...4 a_. de........<< Ul*1 '.he ma. p Of ... _14. JttI1hIl. ....Mr ....ova..t. Co.. at....tel. U- -"'ias .... ftHr't" *0 the :mid Qt...,. ., Dubu.qUl _ exclu.1....r..ttt to 1-.,.. "SU1af' ..ad 0011..' ...u:rtaae .... .., ,ewi of .. at.. ..1;d......... at.. ..... 3aI4 .......... betas aU1>>J80", W .aU ju1'4l.o .... .. __'a pertaJDw ,. ..ad .....attoa .. -. I I.. I ! I ., , , J' ,/ . . r r. t 1 ! ~ . ....4 of JaOftueratioM I, .... II,. .... "..4 If .wu.l..oflM.,....ioJaot "D\lbuque Har_r _H"f'8a...' 1...._...._..4 .-.11 '. 18S0. tiled. Jfar. It ).818, _I G17 ....1...... ..... ....~'W,. ,,_que Bar1l" _...,._ut 00. 284... ......1e., ". ..... \be ._~........ ..... t of ,Va. street ill 01t7 ot1*taaque. ......'1ou tit ...:1......to. ..... '0 ba.,. .:1.1 p_rs paa.4 _ ...'e, etc. .-. orfl_..,t the 0"'81'4'10. \0 be 4 hesi.at. ...taI7. fn........ .... & :Bo..... ofl ~otor.. .....t.~ aMok -. bt ..000,"_ .a. . S.... to 'be 41'1'1*d jaw..... of '1000.00 e.... nb.. to ....JO'!I8I'Q --.. h_' a. 0."'7 J".al .....,. ., CU"'"JUl.. of .w ..tat. to .... .... ..... .de1' ot :Boar4 ., ._..... .. .......... 'b7 \b.. Ph.IAln' aa4 ,,"ntloatM .....'.U'iM'. .fltSt...~ 80M _..a1 et _. C.... ... ...t* .,......te.....-n.rfif .....1_. to .. -., trca ..~,. ...".. ~ \' ~. '~ "T" Page 9 - Shows record of P o~ t1Dubuque Harbor Co's Addition - f~d Feby 23rd, 58~'", c; .~ ~~~ G: .~ ~~ ~ /, ,~ V: Ii I ) f r , \ I IJ'" I:> I The Dubuque Harbor Improvement Company he y certify that the disposition of the land as exhibited b~ th's plat is made with out free consent and in accordance with our desire. Witness our hands and seal of Company this 27th day of January A. D. 1858. A. McDaniel "}res. (SEAL) Wm. Hyde Clark, Sect. Apnroved by City Council 4th May 1857 P. W. Crawford, Recorder I \ ,~! I -, 6. ~~...LlIIl~:"~~:,,_-.:.,~,' '. I ~ r, I' I ! I 't ~r i t " I'. i' \;,1,. [ - r, ill:., 't ',{ ,It.~~~,\:~ !1'~i'~18)":~ ;~;., ':':_j.~'A.. '-~ ,', j I I,~~,. ~ Dennis A. Kahon, and Margaret ~ lIahonT hie wife, ~ to r Aaron Lawrenc6 to aeoute .6,000.00 ' ~ ON 180 all the rigwt title interest and MahonJ' 1n the lots :Numbered 20 and 21 Harbor Improvement Oompan.vle ground. See Release Following. Bk. 81-451 Mortgage Dated Kal 12. 186'7, '11ed la, 12, 185'7, the following described lands ,to-wit: Inter alia, estate of s814 Pennis A. In block 9 of the Dubuque J.,iah &.Davi8 and ) aobert ..Shirley. Exeoutors ) of the Estate of Aaron Lawrenoe) Decld. ) lo ) D. A. Kehone, ) Bk. 221-25 Release Dated Jovember 23, 1868, 'iled Febru5rl 24, 1869, Whereas on the 12th 'ay 0'1 May A.D. 1867, D. A.Mahone, and llargaret hie wife of Dubuqu.e Countl' Iowa exeo'O.ted and delivered to .&.rOD Lawrenoe of Hillaborough Coun~ State of lew Hqmpshlre, a mortgage on certain re~l estaie in Dubuque 01il Iowa thereln mentloned aDd described, to seGure 'he indebtedness therein mentioned and described: whioh sai4 Mortgage was fIled for record on the 12th day of Mar A.D. 186'7 in the Mortgage 1'800 rds of Dubuque OoutT Iowa. and dulT re- oorded in Book 10. 8 of Mortgages PBge 451 bl tbe recorder of said COl1rl'tl'. And whfJreas the indebtedness tllerebl a .oured has been satisfied and paid. ifherefo re in cons iderstlon of the premises and of the pay.ent of the indebtedness therebl seoured we J.G.Davi8 and Robt K. Shlrle, of lil11sborough OauntT State of Be. Haapshire smd Executo rs 0 l' the Estate of said Aaron Lawrenoe deoeased. do hereby aOknowledge Satisfaotion of said Kortgage aDd release, oanoel, and diSCharge the anme trom the reoords. Dubuque Karbor Improvement ) Oompa~. b, John Bell, Prest. ) j, ttest Wa. Hyde Olark 3eo1 ) (8eal) ) to ) Jonathall lioups ) Con81d. .1,251.72 ) Bk. 5!L-516 Warranty Deed Dated ----.,oKone Aoknowledged Jlerch 26, 1858. .filed )laroh 30, 1858. ~he following desoribed premises to wit Lot Bo. 2' in Blook Bo. 9 on Oommerolal Avenue on tile lands of the B81d Dubuque iarbor ImprovementCoap8l11' 8S shown by the plat of seid ;Lande" recorded in the of.fioe 01 the Reoorder of Du.buque Countr &. btate of Iowa in BOOk f, Pages 8 .. 9 of the Records of Dubuque cOWlt,. L_ .. Dtlbuque Harbor Improvement ) OompaDT. br lolUl Bell Prest. ) b1 John ,. B1der 5e07 (seal) } (' to ) ," ,',~ Jtn.. Pratt } The :following desar! bed ~ C0118i4. fl.500.00 ) prellis.. to witt. Lot Bo. 1 IDB10clt Bo. 10.1.12 tht. 18Ma ot the Sa14. tt ....tlbl1que Barbor l.pro....nt OOJlPany 1a the OUI1' of , I l)l1bugue a' 11f .., ~1. PlAt ot Baid Lnllde f Recort\ed 11'2 the offl.. of the Reeorderof, bubuque Countl in Book' PagesS .. t of the ~.oord. of Dubuql1e COlln'J'. ' ~ "-.;,:;1,.,~, '" ~"\;' ,... ': ~' ,,' ..~...\ \. ~'\:." \ )'1/":. ,.."..... '" ~ '1' J I' ~\1'1 Q ji:':~~,.~ ,'.. ~ -.....; -I " ::.:... ;. ~ _.A.....;, ~- Dubuque BarboI' ImprovemeD$ OQapaQI b, lohn Jell,Prest: br JoiUl ., .Rlder 8eo1' (Seal1 " 11or80e Smead OO.lut d. $2.660.00 Bk. 6t$-6'78 Vfarrant,. Deed Dated 'ebruuy 24, 1859, filed ~ebrua77 28, 1859, ~ ) \ # ) } Bk. '7!~566 Warrant; Deed Dated love.ber 10, 1859, '11e~ IOTeaber 11, 1859, lhe fOllowing d~acrlbed pre.ises to w1t: Lot 10.6 in Bloak .0.' and Lot 10. G 14 Blook 10. lOon 't the Lends of the :s",ldDubuqu. liatbor Improve. _11' O.paDl int!. a1 ~y of Dubuqlle a8 Shown bl pla tot Sa14 Lands :a.coretu in 'heotfl" of' ,All I,oorder of DubuQ.l1e' Ocant1 in look f })a,ttS s. t of the Beoorls of Du.u.que Cout;,. ) ) ) ) ) !be following desorlbed ) pre.ls.. to; Lot 10. 22 in . block 10. 9 011 the land8 ot the ssld 1I11buq.. Barbor Improvement OOlAP8ll1 in the Cltl of Dubuque 8S shown bl plQt of said land reoorded 1a the off1ee of the. Re- cortler of Dttbuqu. Oount1 in book 'J Page. 8. 9 of the reoord o~ DubuqueOout7. Dubuque Harbor I.prove.ent OOllpaD7 })T JOM Bell, Pres. b1 lohn '.Rller ~eal (Seal) '0 ~" J oae ph 08$1 bl Conald. 11,260.00 Bk. 8fL-43 warrant1 Deed l).a\ed 118roh 1, 1859. '1led Janusr, 5. 1860, Dubuq ne Harbor lmproverae nt Companl) Bk. br JOD ae~l, Prest.. bl' .1..,. ) Bider Seo, (Seal) ) to ) Levttrett A. Lull ) (JOllrd: 4. f3,800,oo ) / OD tbe 1sIl8 of the Dub Dubuq ue Iowa, a8 a. ot 'he Recorter 0 of Dubuq... Ooot . "' 8fL-609 W8rran~ Deed Dat.d Bovember 7, 1860, 11led Rove.ber 12. 1860, !he following desoribed pre.ises to w1t, Loti .0. 12. 13, 14 1n Blook Bo. 10 oTe.Dt C.paDT 1n i.b.e Oltl o~ ds reoOrd.4 ill the otfioe ., page 8n. 9 of tile Recorda : r ~~ Dubuque Barbor laprovement ) Bk. Sn,..616 Warranty De.d Oom~aD1 by John Bell Prest.) Dat.d lIovf1mbn' 14, 1860 t bl-J.V.R1der. Se~ fSea1) ) '11ed Bo,.aber 15, 1860, -,y to ) Isu. Robinson ) The following desoribed ~N CO.lls14. ta.900.00 ) premiBes to wit: I.ots B08. 108M 11 1n Blook 10. 'I 1.o1;s Boe. 15 and 16 in Blook lio, 8 ana Lote 110.. 3,. and 38 111 Ilook 10. .. on the laDd. 01 the Dubuque iarbor Improvement Goarpany in the 01 t;' of Dubuque, IowH,. ss showl1 by plst of said Lands rsoorded in the offioe of the Aeoorder of Dubuque Count1 1n Jook !. pages a . 9 of the reoords of Ducuque Oount,. ~ ..;; ''-',,~,~.., ~'l \ \t '~:r Wi ... ..''''''''\~:, \~ . ~/r.." .\..'L \l.\'~'N !i[~'7,~,,~ ;:~ _2~- Dubuque Harbor IJRprove.nt l ~0IIf:"f ~ Wfl::~ 8::;11 ~::~ f. 1 to ~ BenjulD R. Oampbell ) the tollowlng described GODsld. .4.000.00 ) preml... to wlt, Lot Bo. S6 In Block .0. , Lot Bo. S In 1100k .0. 10 and Lot .10. 21 1D Blook Jlo. 15 on the lande of "he Dubuque Jferbor lutproftment O_panT 1n the Clt7 01 Dubuque 10" SB shown by plat of Bald. uu.ll!a, recorded In the offloe of tbe Beoorder at Dnbulue Oounty In Book ! pages 8 & 9 ot the Reoorde o t Dn'buq ue . Count,. ."-- ""."j Dubuque Harbor Im.prove_D" Compal1J' by Iou ~ll Ptest. by J.V.R1der, 3801 (Seal) to Jullua I.. GraT.. 000814. .5.460.00 Bk. SfL-625 Warranty Deed Dat.d BOT..ber 1, 1860. .Pl1ed BOTember 19, 1860. ) ) ) ) ) 1 Ik. 8fL-626 WarreDtl Deed Dated IOTe.ber 21. 1860. 111ed .ovember 21, 1860. The fol1owln~ descrIbed ,remls.. to wits Lote .08. 82 and 23 in Blook 10. , and Lots Jos. 3 and 11 In Block .0. 10 o~ the ,lands of the Dubuqt18 Harbor Improve_nt CODrpsDJ" 1n the <Ii t.v of Dubuque f Iowa, as shown by plat, of 8814 LaDas reoorded 1n the office of the Reoorder of Dubuque CountT in BOOk ~ pages 8 & 9 01' the Re- cords ot Dubuque Count1. Dll'buq ue ll.4rbor Improvemen.t ) ., Oo.p.., b,. John Bell, Pres." ) b, J.V.Rlder, Bee,. (8eal) ) *0 Boraee 8beac1. 00"'814. 12.700.0 10 OD the lands of Dubuque, Iowa, otfloe of the Beoor of the Records of Dubuq Bk. 91'.1.-21 Warrant1 Deed Dated Deoember 3, 1860. Jile4DeoeJllber 6. 1860, fo1low1ng de.oriMd ... to w1t' L.. a.lll1 , in Block Jo. y...Dt 00. 111 th. olil lands recordec1. In the Iowa in Book T pages 8 . 9 9. Jull118 x.. Gra.e. all' .;. ()' Ll1ol' C.Grave.. hl"'l:te -.... I. to R.'.w. Graves OOD.14. 13.500.00 . lo.k"l and lots 3 aAd 11 III Blook 10'818. Lot 84 in iloek , together wi. sa all the 1Itprove,.nis t.l1ereOA, allia the Dllbu.que Hal"bor Impro....nt COB addition to the Cltr of Dubuque, (a180 other prope rt,) . ~/ ~: "I'. '...." ";"\;".'.(, ( ; A ',\ ~'ll 1 \\ ''':-., ~ ',.. ~~;l":' "'.1:.,\ U ',\\ "A \.~ ~ jll~I;~~.~ I I.- ;~~ ,~.-....~'~.. -~_. ) Bk.. 1011.-345 fial"rant,. ...4 ~ Dah4)le.v 12, 1862, l "-le4 Ilay 19. 1862. The followiDg prem1ses to w1.: Lots 22 and 23 111 <0,." '""W> .'WL- KOrBee a~e84 and Cornelia %;J.bleacl'~ hi, w1fe to Cha.....y J .0..... Coneld. '500.00 ~ Blt. 12~;t;-76 Warranty Deed ~ Dated .oTe.ber 19, 1863, l '11e4 JatlJJ.ar7 22,' 1864. ) ~ !he tollOWi.ng desari bed pre.lse. ~ wit: 11. ~t. wiie Oil SOllth 6id. of Lot 110. 2 and lot :ft. ....14. on Borth f;)lde otLot Mo. a ilSBlook >>0. 2 and Lot 50. 6 1n Bleck 10. '8114 LoteBos. 6. " am' 1nJloek lio. 10 all In Dubuqlle Harbor Improve..nt Co.panJ Addition to the Cltl of Dubuque and state of low. . ! ,. '''f..o "-4IP f/ItiUI Dubuque B.erbor I.prov...nt' ) O~ b7 John Jell, Prest. ) bl' I.V.Rlder See,. (~ea1) ) ~o ) Wl111.. W1148 J The fO'l1owing desoribed Co..14. 11.100.00 ) premIses ~owlt: to', Jo. 19 in Block Jo. 10 on the lands of the 1>ubaq l1e BarboI' .L"'J)rove.nt OOJl'rpan, in the Clt1' l\! Dubu'lue. Iowa.. 88 shown b', p18 t of sa 14 land reoorded in the om... of 'he lieoo~4er of Dubuque Countt 1n Book ! Rages 6 .. \) of 'he reoord. of Dubuque County.' Bk. 12!L-13' Warranty Deed Dated august 10, 1860. 'i1ed )le\)ruarl &9. 1864, ;"" t,,.; t,,;it Jame8 Aobinsoll all! ) Sarah C.M.obl.nsol1. Ale wlte. ) l>>.vltiAoelDClark.thelr ) .&tto....,. in faot ) to ) J o..ph .... iboabe r, COAslA. .300.00 Bk.13fL-266 Warl"an V Deed Dated ~ebruary 17, 1866. FI1.d Februar; 20. 1866, All the :to 110wlng d 8.ori bed pre.lses 811;08'e4aa4 belng \ Jl the ,Gount.v 01 Dubuque and .' .. it. ::ra:o ~liioc~o:sl In the City 01 Dubuq "'bu.,. . aa.btW 1--. .........;:: r James Robinson and Ua~ O.Robinson his wife, to " '. ':~ Lincoln Clark I f I ~ ) ) Bk 16'l-140 Power of Attorney Dated April 19, 1861, 'iledJul1 15. 1861, For me and in our name 8 to Sell all .and ani property real and peraona1 belonging to us or either of U8 111ng in the State of Iowa and to exeoute all ~nT deed Or deeas necessary to oonve7 tl tie to the purchaser or purohasers the reof. ~./ ~~~~}~/ 5'{\'\,,',', \ t ", ~ ':":"',t,.., 'j \ ';,.,- 'I :1<~-~, ~ \i'~I'~'~ ::G;..- - ~j! Ohanoy J.Oumings aud r:!.Oumings his wife to Joseph A.Rl~berg Conald. 0.00 Indesed: RhOJDbtrg. ) ) ) } } ) it 13tL-321 Warrant7 Beet Dated Karoh 11, 1866, )'i1ed Karoh 11, 1865, The following desoribed premises to wi~: , Th.. South 11t feet of ~ot Jo. 21 in Blook Jio. 2 end the Borth lot feet of Lot Jo. 3.10 Block 10. 2 and 1.0' 10. 5 in Block 110. ." !nd Lots .loa. 5. (; and 7 in Bloot 110. 10 all 1n Dubuque Rarbor mproTeme.nt Oo'l9an.y' 8 Add! tion to the a1tl of Dubuque. Iow3. Joaeph A.1ihOllbe. and ) Os tba:riJ18 Rho.." rg h Is w Ite , ) to ) . ;' Alfou& Bhoaberg ) 00~81a. tilO.oo ) the following described . , , premiae s to wi t: The South 11t fee" of ltot Ito. 2 in Bloak Do. 2 and the Borth 10* feet 0 f Lot 10. 3 in ~loQk 50. 2. Lot ~o. 6 1n Block 10. , and Lots Bos. 5, 6 aDd , ia Block Bo. 10 Lots los. 10 and l~ in Blook Jo. ." and Lots 10. 15 and 16 in Blook Jio. 8 Lots lio,. 3'1 and 38 ill Blook .0. 9 in the Dubuque Harbor 1m.proTeaents Oo.pslll' AddItIon to the 01tl of Dubuque, And aloQ Lots Bo. 9 in Blook mo. ." 111 the above named ])ubu.qu8 Harbor lmprovements CompaDl' B Additlon to the Clt3 of. Dubuque. Dubuque County, Iowa~ ~, Alfous Rho.berg, (eigns L. Alfous Rhomber~) - - to Catharlna Rhomberg Cons:ld ..960 .00 ""-. .... lUte 131'1.-432 Warrant, Deed Dated J..prl1 2f:h 1865, JIIiled, Ka.r 1, 1865, Bk. 161'1.-440 Warranty Deed Dated July 2, 1666, ~lled ~ovember 8, 1866, The South lli feet of Lot , o. 2 In Bloak Bo. 2 and ; f.. i :, ~ ~~.;t'~,(" 'f f t."\. "" ','~\'. '.' ~,,", :':'.':' ".' " .. ..... 11- /-,~. .. '~~~t:., U ',t,\.'A' M , !ilt1\;~..~ :', ~ ....<<.Jr..:. ~-- J I .-! ; ~ J t' .----~,~~ the Borth lot teet ot Lot 10.3 in BlookBo. 2, also Lot 10. 5 1n Blook Jo. '. and Lots 5p6 and' 1n Blook Bo. 10, Lots B08. 10 snd 11 in Block :Wo,.. , BM Lots Bo. 15 and 16 in Blook, J.iio. 8, Lots 10. 37 and 38 1n ilook Bo. 9 in the Dubuque Barbor Improv.- ment Oompanlte Ad~it10n to the City of Dubu1U8 an~ also Lot 10. 9 in Blook Bo. 7 1n the above named Dubuque Harbor Improvement ollpaD7 to th. 01tl ot Dubuque, Dubuque Countl. State of Iowa. _'" ~dJ Dubuque Harbor IlIpro.....e nt ) Co.palll' b, John Bell. Pres. t. ) Atte$t John V. Rider Se.,_ ' ) ( Seal) ) , to ) Dunleith ~nd Dubuque Bridge ) Compan,. ) Oon$14. $3,000.00 ) Bk. 18f.L-49 Warranty Deed Dated .o.....ber 24. 1868. 111ed lovember 50, 1868, All thet portion of the lots and lands of the eflld Du lmque He rbor Improveuent Company' 8 . Additlon to the oltl' ot Dubuque whioh Ilea within two lines drawn p~rellel to and one on Eaoh ~ide of the Center line of the rol1-~08d track located and now being oonstructed aoross the said addition by the party of the eeooDd pArt h.ereto making a strIp of 100 fee t in width rl1ll- ning-frOll the Westerl1 side of lots Boe_ 5 and 34 in Block 11 10 the ~outh.rl1 l1ne of 8sid bdfltion where tbe same is interseoted by the sa14 rail road track. Except1ng from thls cOnvelaDoe Blodk Bo. 18 of said A4~ition and the ~treets whioh are Includld within 881d parallel lines but conv.,lng all the rights, title .tu2d interest of said party of the first part to suoh ""10"a't,or 1i"~..-'_.",_"." ,HkE.'..a. nd Streets as lie within said lines. Setd Centre 11'1'lr~<i ,,>tre-olt runs troll a point in the interseotion ot 01ark ~treet wr\h the Levee in ssid addit10n 30 feet froll the moat Southerl.1 oorner of lilook 2 and 54 feet froll the IIOSt Eas'hrl1' ~ctn~r of Blook 3 1n &Bid addition 1n a continuation of 'the ~.nt.r line, of the bridge now betng conatruoted aoross 'the said lUBslBolpp Riyer lorth?3 degrees Westll15i- 1eet to point in lot 38 in Blook 17 of said A4dltiotl snd thence 011 8.. OUrT. of 955 fee.t radius throug the South Westerl1 line of s81d addition crossing the S W line of lot 5 in Block 29, 2i fee' Southessterl.v from theoorner of lots 4 and 5, in said Block: 29 as !larked 1.914 out 8nt' locatecl. on thtl map hereto annexe4. I I I I / / / I / / / I / / / n.~ ~~:/ t~,2~l..,~i~'f~'I'f .\"\,~I\~, ). c":.,~ . T~\i\~ !11~\I"~,.,h"" . . 1,-'- ;:~ -........~..-... ~ ~ ~ x I \ i( I r 'r t , 1 i.1 / ,... ~'l /f/v~~/ ~) t ii....~~~_,. ~~"...~..,~_...~..~ ',-_. - I ;-{ j L ~ ~~ ~ ) I J " t j. !' , t , , I , , ,L. "._' foro;' ~ , In the Katter of tll. :Cstat. ot J.... Prat' , Deoe....d Probate Record 33, Page 361 Shan tbat J..... Pratt 4.i.4 10..... . . , ber l~, 186'1. l.aring Hannah Pratt t wido.. and the tollowiq h.~r.: Elisabeth Radford, a 8i.t.1" and A.4aa tal.... and.. !wait.., neph.... aDd Mary 8U'01&, ante... Bp1'lp Pratt i8 appointed A4a1n~.tn.t~1s aad qualified, &114 appolatmentooaflnae4 r.bru&17 4. 1888. Oa De._"'~ 5. 18" a will 8. pre.ented which ..... refu.ed pro1>&'. JaaUU7 8. 18.. Widow f1184 petitio. asking for oae-ha.1t of the ..tat. as 4e._4 dle4 chlldl.... ~_ .tat__t 1n p.tl ttOD and Report of Adalal.. tntnx. .tate. 1ih~' Sannah prat, 1. enti t1.d ~o otle-half. q,lsabeth Re.dtord., ADn Bell. Ruth M.111u8J', TbOllla. Pratt, Roben Pratt, , Chrietopher Pft" &ad. Wl111~ Pratt -._ 1/30". and.. Pra" , a1nor llelr of 1ntho..., Pratt, deOe&SN. 1/3Oth, MalT IIlglenonJa, Jolm lfa. IC1gg1e~nh and A~ben lb.aslt,wonJl., alDor helJ:" of Jaa."lalenortJh 4eo....el, _aoh l/80'h 1184 Aa.. Twa1t.., '11111_ halt.., IlUJ Aaa ltenAall _ell...., Spence ....h 1/80..11. Enate 0108" at llUoh 'lera 18"S. I. th. .atter of th. letat. ot Probate Reoord. 3S, Page 690, SIlo.. that Aclaa TWIll te. _ :':"j' appo1~te4 OuaJ'cli.. ot Wa. )tn.". Iliad. K.,. ~ggl...nlh Job Wa. 1Ciggle....:rth _4.llHn "1lff1....rth, lliaor., hell'S of ~.... Pra" oa. .lp:rll 11. 18'0; lfa. Pratt, .1DO~. Ma:r, tialenortJa, . .1'0_ .... (figgl.....:rth and. 11Nn tiggl..wonh, ainod aeoo:rcl a1eo stao_ that th~ Ian thr.. D...4 p.:r... &2'e ableJ:' hell'. of I.. .a1..wo:rth, who a. a .1.'.1' of J.... Pratt_ 14. \-"....; . ,~-~ '~.........."'"",'~.~',I"." t'\~\\." '~;;:\:I~,,( '.( '~'.., C,,\.,, .....;:-: ,~:ll~. '" ...'J!?':....~i::.. II '1,\ <~\1'1 Q jil"I;\~,,~ 'I. ;-:'" :',;' ;: ~-,~---;I .... ~ Adam fwal1;es, Wm. ~alteB & ) Elizabeth Radford ) VS ) Hannah l'ratt, Ann Prat', ~h08. ) Pra~~, authMilner, ...Pratt, ) Bobert Pratt, Ohl"i.to,})her ) Pratt & Wl11iam Pratt Minor ) a.ira of Anthon, ~ratt decd ) Marl' Wigglesworth, John W111iaa ) Wigglesworth end Albert ) Wigglesworth Kinor heirs of ) Jail. Wlgg1esworth 4.04 liar, } AM Xenia 1. aDd Je.J1DI' Spence ) .~~~'~-;""'-""'-- ~ -...........~ ....,..-- ...... Circuit Court, Dubuque County. Iowa. ~uguat 18, 1669. T. C. Robert appOinted Guardian ad litem of Wm Pratt minor he 11' of AnthoDl Pre. 1;t deed and for Mar;, John, William and Albert Wigglesworth aiDOrs. Ootober 26. 1869, Alonzo .... ~ragin appointed referee in said oause to report upon the tlt1e to the reel estate belong- ing to estate of Ja_e Pratt aecd and tbe re.peotlTe ints".'. o~ the legatees therein under his will Enfr ltpOU the law and faots in the 0888. Ootober 29, 1869. ~hls oauss coming on to be heard on the report of Alonlo Cragin re fa :rae 4u.lJr appointed by the Court to e xflmlne ana report upoa tbe iitle to the real Propertl deeeribed in said Petitio belonging to tAe estate ot sald James 2ratt ~eed to the respeotive .hare and interest of e soh of SA. Id ~rtie8 to the sHme. and the parties aforesaid appearing bl their e.ttorJlftl8 aD! said minora bl their Guardian Ild 1iiem !.'C. ~i.oberts and the report of 881d retere;: being ooosidered and understoOa wherein 1t is found that s~id Jamal Pratt died testate eelzed 1n fee of the following described real estate tbat 1s to &aI, lots Bos. 3 in Blook 3 and lot 17 in Block 8. and lots ~3 and 34 in Block 9 and lot 1 in Blook 10 in the Dubuqae Barbor Impro'Yemen t OOllpa!\VB A.dd 1 tion to the 01 t,y of Dubuque, Iowa. lot 10. 1 in Blook 2 and Dorth 14 teet of lot Bo. 2 in Bloak , in the Dubuqne Harbor Laprovement Oompany' a Addl tiOD to the 01 t10't Dubu.que, Iowa. And it being further found by said referee that the r.sp.~tive parties to thls suit by law and the terms of the w111 of said lames Pratt Oecd sre owners of and entitled to the ~ollow1~ .arts of the above deser1"' real estate '0 wit: iSnDab Fratt wielo of sail aeod 1/2. . Ell.abeth lla4:toM, ~nn Bell, Ruth 'Ulnar aietara aad fb.... ira_t, ~oDer'Pratt, Christopher iratt, Wi111am ~ratt brothe~s of said James iratt dead e&CA 1/20 pDrt. William Pra~t aiaol' aad hell' of Anthon, Pratt deed sai4 Antho~ be1ng a brother ot 881d James .fratt deod 0118 1/20 part. Jlnl"Y Wlggleoworth, (lohn !1111ea Wlg~1.8.ort.b. anA Albert WlrglellWorth m.inor heirs of Jane ~iggl.8WO:r'h deed (8814 Jane we.S B eter of sa 1d Ja_~ Fratt) each 1/60 part, Maa '!waitea, William Tw81tes. 1481" ~nn knitsle aM Nani Spence hell'S of KarT !waites deoel (881d K8ry Twsites was alater of Jane Pratt deo) .80h 1/80 part. It is .herefore ordered ani ad~udf ed that the report of the referee be approved and oon:firmed and th~ __ 1s her.lay approved and confirmed and that the sbares and in.. tere.1a of the respeotive parties in said property are as found bl 8s1d ":ret.. and 1_ 18 further ordered ttUlt partition be made 8000 Ingl1. sad W1l1i8. a G. Watters and George Ioung are ~'/ -~.'I' ci~'. ". ~ ~~ :.ll i ,i~\~~i\ .~ ql~\i\~..~ j~;' ~.A1A.J';I'"'' ~. I f - ~.~ ..- ............. '--"-',....,,,.,"'...,._,.0... ,~~~~ ~ hereby appointed reterees to aske partltion of sald real propert, a.ong the partle. atoreaaid aOCOrding to theIr requisite share. and interests 88 a:toresala. .o.....b.r 3. 186' Beter... appointed 1.11 thie 08\18e report that no part1 tlon oen be made wi thOU' great and manifest pre :udlo. to the 11' b1te1"esta. It ie 'herefore ordered ad judged and de- creed bl the Oourt that tbe real estate be sold and the pro- oeede distributed to the owners thereof the parties the reto 1.11 the proportions name in saId order and deoree and that sa14 referees prooeed to eell tbe 88me at publio auction and that the, report ss14 8ale to the Court. Januar1 19, 18'0, Alonso Cragin appointed referee In 88id Oaus. to report upon the title to the real estate belonging to Estate of James ~ratt deod. January 24, 1870, Alonzo Cragin reported upon tltle to the real estate 1n thIs cause and the 1nterest of the parties thereto and upon the whole 08se and the Courtbelng full1 advised 1n the premises. It Is ordered adjUdged and decreed \1 tbe Court that \be said report be and is hereby approyed and oonfirmed. W.. Ooates. Wm. G. Watters and George Young appointed ref_raes .. make partition of ssid real estate and that the, report their proceedings to this Court. January 26, 1870, ieferees report that 881d real estate oan not be 41vi4e4 bew.een the ownerS thereof without grea1 aDd manlfest ~eJudioe to thelr interest. Court orders s81e ot 8ai4 real e.'ate and the prooeecl. be di.tributed to the owners thereof' In the propOI'\1011 named 1n 881d order and decree end that ss14 referee. proce.. to .ell the .ame at public Quoilon to the hlgh- e.t bidder for oash and that thel report ssid 881e to the Court. ietere.. Beport of Bale. Refer... report that on Deoe.ber 28, 186~ siler 4ue nO.".ioe eto the,. sold 't-be undl.,i4ea 3/8 of ....1!""~... ...&_..a.t_"IllI~.'1IiII i.D'er alla. Lot Iloe. 1 11'1 Block 2 and Borth 1" feet ot Xaot 10. 2 in Block 2 11\ Dubuq_ BarboI' IaproV'..ent Ooa- psD1". AtdltlQD to the oltl of'Dubuque. Iowa. Being the propert, owned by James .Pratt" Co. at the t1me of the desth ot Ja... Pratt a!l4 . known 88 the BooNale lUll proP<<'rtJl' to Adam Twa1 te. for 11.,000. 'ollowing aescribed parcel ot Bald real estate to w1 t= Lot 10. l' in Blook 8 (tor kl) aD! Lot 1 11l Block 10 (for .25.)1n the DUbuque Harbor Impro.,..ni OompaD3's Add1tloJl to John iter for 866. 'ol~owtQg desorlbed real eetate to wlt: 1,0' 33 and 34 in :Bloak I) 1n l)ullque Ia:rborlllproyement OOJIPaDT'. Add! tlon to the 0 itl of Dubuque, Iowa to .il..W.XeDller :tor $103. April 6. 1870, fhis oause c.oll1ng on to be heard upon report ot Willia. Ooate8, W.. . ,George Ioug referee. hereto- ,;. ~, ..~,~ ~ ,!... M~'. ""..... ,_ .."'''''....' ........---J.... ~..~.~-).f" ~'7,:m~ , 'K.I' '..' '.'. . ~ . ~ '::, -~ ',.. ' I' . \. .~-\ .: ;'.~... - "'~..~.h '^U \ '\~\1IiI ~ jr~!~'~..(<:" :: ~ -::fi~- tore appointed and &tinoted to sell tha real estate 8et out in the euppl...nia1 petition in ssld cause and it appearing to the Oourt that the law 8Dd the prevlous oriel'S of thia Oourt in reterenoe to the 881e ot 8&i4 propert, hay. be~'n fulll oompllea with. and that 88il real estate was Bo14 to !..O..Boberts and !.Ia. N TW8itea they being the higbest and be8t bidders, therefore. Ii B.theretore ordered al~o.dged and deoreel bl the Court that the 8$1- ot sai4 real .etate and aa14 report be and is hereby approT- el alld oonfirmed aIl4 8ald reierees are direoted to exeoute de'eda to 8814 purchasers as per 8aid 1'8p9rt and sale and the t thel return the same to this oourt for tts approval. April.", 18.,0, 'hi8 oaus. ooming on for hearing (end the repo,,, of 8ale haying been previoue1.v 8o.b.1tt.4 8nd approved', the Court) the 4e.4s are now presented to the 00ur1;1n saId eau. and it Is ordered bl the 8am. that 6aid deed be approved an4the reterees be discharged. l' ~v j \ i I II ,:...,'J ,"._ William OOates, Wl11iama. Waitere and George Xoung, iteterees to John Pier ) ) ) ) ) Bk. 19!L-332 Referee'8 Deed Dated Karoh 28, 1870, . 'iled April S, 1870, ~ ~d 'j j :\ Where8s in an aotion at par~ltion in the Clroiut Oourt of the State of Iowa in and for Dubuque County, where8s Adam Twaites, Viill1all !waltes and Elizabeth Red.ford were plaintiffs and Ki1l111811 Pratt: Ann Bell fhoma8 Pratt, ~uth K1lner: William Pratt, Robert Pratt, Chri8tophe Pratt. Wl11iam Pratt JU.l1or heir of AnthOll1 Pratt deoeased; liar, Wigglesworth: John Williaa Wigglesworth and Albert Wigglesworth, minor heirs of Jane Rigglesworth deoeased; KBr8 Ann 1tend8l1 and bllol 8)enoe weJle defendants, the ssil parties of the flrst part were on the 29th 48y of Ootober A.D. 186' dull appointed by s81d Court 8S Referees to 118kepflrtl tlon of the following desorlped rea: estate to witt Lot Bo. 17 in Block 8 and lot 1 1n Bloak 10 in the Du.buque HarbOr ,IIIlprove1'l8nt Comp8l11' s Addl tlon to theOit, of Dubuque Iowa, together with other lieal Batate situate 1n the oounties of Dubuque Delaware Blaokhawk and S10nz 1n anid state. desoribed 1n the petitIon tor partition, tiled 1n sa14 onuse and it appearing to 881d Relerees that a partition of said prem.lses oould no", be med. without great prejudioe to the owners, ~7sald oourt ordered 8814 Referees to sell 8211d pre.ise. and sai4 referees glye foul' .eeke notioe e10. and d1d Deoe_ber 28, 1869 ae1l at publio auotion the atoresaid Real Estate to lohn Pier t he following deecribed paroe18 of 881d 1aft4. Lot Jlo. l' ill Bloek 8 (fort41.00) a_lot 1 ill. BIoot 10 (tor las.ao) In the l)l1buque Bat'bor Improvement Co' B !.l.dltloD' to the Oit" of Dubuque 10", 1n all for tbe 8um ot '66.00. th::p~:;:f 1~1~1r..it. ~1J....',:..,... .... -.' 14 tb.er~;::. of the Cirouit Court 1n and for said 00 ~~.: ' ..."}:L".;;~;;~"~:~,)4;1~:' ~.;~::~" ,;I':'t~~';~~:;: :~/!.~ . ;;';{l>~l'~~~Ji' li' ?,~~;::.\~~~,:":~,:~..~:':~,;~~2f.,S ','i,'~ '~;-~~)t ~,fhi';.".}~i~'f:;1i1..~fi'.' ..;;::r~"~l~~!~ ~,.r' ~./ -r",'"., '>::;\r,I"{ '.~'...\ '..\ \, ~..~..Il:..., '~~..""'i,~ \. ',"'A.'\ ~ . ~\I~II"~'~ :~ ~ __.4..J.;,-~ -~ .look 10 In tbe Harbor (lIt, of Dub'Gque State ot ~ ) ) ) The follow ing described . pr..ise., to wit~ Loi Improvement CoapaJ.tT Addition to the lows. Bk. 24!L-289 Warrant1 Deed Vated .laauar7 19. 18'14, .riled Jlarch 28, 16'1-6, 1:",," 1(0'" Wil1i.- Wilde aDd K.R.Wilde, his wlfe to Ingram lCennedy &t Dq Cons 14. '150.00 a1V !:rea.urer "1I...Grl..o14" ) '- ) Jrank Rho.be rg ) Bk. 25!L-2'6 Tax De.d Dated 8epte.ber 30. 18'11. 'iled .love.ber 18, 18'14, The following desoribed real Yropertl r vIs: Lots in Blook (3) 2 (4) 4. 6. " 9 ~D4 10 Blook '1) 1 (8, 111, BDd 18 (9) 21 and 22 (10) 3, 4, 8, 9, 11 and 15 In Dubuque Karbor Improve..nt 00. Act!!_ to tbe City of Dubuque, sit- uated in the Oitl of Dubuque and ~tate of Iowa, was sold for tax for 1864 on September 14, 1666 to hank Rhoaberg 1br f12.&t bei. the whole amount of taxes. interest and oosts the due and, remaining ..pall on 8s1d property tor the above desoribed Lote InDubuqu. ""'blm,. 00. Add. to Oitl of Dubuque whioh "as the ]p Bet quanti', b!.dfor. and P88lDent of said sum having been by him made to the said Treasurer, the said Propert1 was strioken 0 ft to hi. at that prioe. Bow theretore .e11 and conveyunio the _ld hank RnGllberg etc. Citl Treasurer ~.W.Gri8Wo14. ) to ) , .frank Rho.berg ) Bk. 26!L-27'1 Tax Deed Dated Septe.ber 30, 18'11, '11e4 lovember 18, 16'14. The following d esori bed real propert1. vil~ Block (10) Lots 16. 1'7 and 18 (12) Lot 34 B100k 14 Lots 22, 28 Blook 16 Lots 18. 19, 20 81, 23, 24 and 26 Block (16) 2, 3. 4 and 6 Blook (32) 12 Block (8) 19, situated in the 01t, of Dubuque am State of Iowa, was subjeot to taxation tor the ,ear A.D. 1863 and sold for tax tor year 1863 on Kovember 14, 1865 to Frank B.b.o.berg tor 144.84 being the anole amoUIlt of taxes, interest and oosis then due and remaining unpaid on saId propertl for the whOle of the above desorlbed lots in Dubuq1le Har. Imp. 00. addition to the Oitl ot Dub. which was the least quantltl bid for. and P83.-nt of said sum having been by hilll Dl6de to the said Treasurer tbe said pmpery was atriobn off to him at that p1'10e. Bow theretore sell and oonve, uto 8aid frank RhOllberg, eto. ------------ r ! L -: - ....., FJj';j ~/ ~..'\.' \ \. '" ~. '~.'~;:. ' (',{ .''11'':.... ,..'....:, \.~ 1~:'A\i ~ IP 1l1;~Y~,,~~ II!, , . . ," ,~~ _A....-;I".,. ~~ f ~! f: l ~ - r lU i Ilf lLiII ''Me i' itlI' l'l>''''''''':..''", .. Clty i:essurer ~.W.Grlswo14" l 'rank Rhombe rg ) Bk. 26TL-278 Tax Deed Dated 8e~tember30, 1871, Pi1e4 lovember 18, 1814. The following describe! real propertl, vis; Blook 2 Lots . 8 Block <<3) 5 Blook (4) 10 B. (8) 14 and laB (9) !O and 21 B (10) 3 and 11 B. (4) "B. (14) 22 and 28 Block (15) 23 and 24 (32) Ie in Dubuque Harbor Improvement Co. l~ddition to Dubuque eitr situated in th$ Citl of Dubuque and S'a1;e of Iowa, WR.S .01d for tax for lear 1861 on Bove.ber 14, 1866 to J'rank Rhomberg for .8.44, being the Whole amount of taxes, interest and. 00,8t8 then due and remaining unpa id on 8sid propertl for the .ole of tbe aboV'. described lots in the Dubuque Harbor Improvement 00. Addition to the Oitl of Dubuque which wtlS the lesst qusnt1tl' b1d for and p,,..nt o-t said Bum having been by hi. Jft8de to the said Treasurer, the said property WBS striok8n off to hi. at that price. Bow therefore sell and conve, unto sald frank Rhomberg, etc. ;~. City Treasurer ".H.W .Griswold" ) v to ) Frank Rho.berg ) Bk. 25Tl.280 !ax Deed · Dated September 30, 1871, Filed November 18, 1874, The following desoribed real frope~tl vis: Blook (3..) "Lots 6 and 9 (4) 6 and 10 (7) Lot 1 Blook 8) 14 and 18 Block ftt 20, 21 end !t J(10) 3, 4. 5, " 8. 9, 11, 16, 16, 17 Bnd 18 Block 12 Lot 34, Block (14) 22. 28 Block (15) lots 18, 19, 20, 21, 23, 24 end 26. Block (16) 2, 3, 4 Block (32) 12 in Dubuque Har. Improvement; 00. Add. to the Oi t,y of Dubuq ue, situated in the City of Dubuque and ~tate of Iowa. was 801d for tax for lear 1862 on Dovember 14, 1866 to hank .i.{homberg tor 124.24, being the whole amount" taxes, intenet and costs then due and re..ln1ng unpaid on 8814 propertl for the whole of the above des- oribed lots in the Dub. Karbor Impr. Co. Add to the Gitl of Dubuque whioh was the least quanti tl bid for, and palment having been made the said propert; was striokel1 ott to him at that prioe. 110. therefore sell and oonvey unto said 'rank Rhomberg, etc. ,. elt, treasurer ~.W.Grl8Wold" ) to ) Prank Rhomberg ) Bk. 26!L-fal !ex: Deed Dated ~eptember 30, 1871, Jll1e4 )love.ber 18, 18"'. !he following described Teal P:-Opertl v1s: Lots in Block (10) 17 and 18 Blook(]2. Lot 34 (14) Lots 22, 28 31, 32, 33 (15) 16 19 and 20, 23, 2t},and 25 (16) 2, 3, 4 (32) 12 in Dub. Ha ~ i.provemlnt 00. Ad~. to the 01tl of Dubuque, sltuat.e~.,\"~~!~~, ' ~Ubuqu.. and State of Iowa. ,;.,'firD,<i>rj;' ~~ ;:'l;',;j_~\~"-. x;",,' :.:~/(...::",;.,.:, ------~-------- was sold tor tax for Tear 1864 on Iovember 14, 1865 to Prank hhomberg for $9.55, being the Whole amount of tase8, intere.t and ooats then due and remain1ng unpaid on B81d property fo r / the whole of the above de.oribed Lote in Dub. ll~rbor Improvement Co. Add. to the City of Dubuque, which wes the lesst quant!t, bid tor, and palment of said aUJD haTing been made the said property was stricken off to him at that prlce.~.i~~ low there- tore sell and oonveT unto said J'rank Rhomberg, etG, ,_' "'_,I' 01tl Treasurer "H.W.Griswold" ) to ) 1l1rank Rho.be rg ) Bk. 26fL-282 Tax Deed Dated Sept.mber 30, 1871, 11led .November lS, 1874, fhe follOWing descrIbed real fropertl T11: Block 3 Lot Do. 2 (4) 6, 7, 9, 10 (7) 1 (8) 14, 18 9) 20,21,38 (10) 2,3,4,8,9,10 & 15 in the l>ubuque Herbor Improvement 00. 444. to the City of Dubuque, sltuated In the Oit1' of Dubuqo.e and State of Iowa, was sold tor tax for year 1863 on lfovelllber 14, 1865 10 Frank Rhoaberg for tl4r.09. being the whole smount of taxes, interest and costs then due and reM8inin~ unpaid on stll d propert.1 for the whole 0'1 the above deecrlbea. late ill Dubuque Hn.rbor Improvement 00. Add. to the (lit1 o't Dnbu,,: '08, which was the least quanti" bid for, and paTment haTing been mad8 ~h. seld property was strioken off to hi. at that prioe. 1'Iow there- tore 8811 and come, unto the said hank RhoJllberg, eto. , Oi ty !rea8urer "Jl.W .Griswold. ) to ) 'rank Rhomberg ) Bk. 26ft-BS4 fex Deed Dated September 30. lS'l. 'lled Ioye.b.~ 18, 18'4, Ihe fOllow.l~ desorlbea real rropert,y TiI1.. Lots in Blook (8) 14, and 18 C 16) 22 and 23( Blook 3) 5 and 9 (')8 (e) 20 (4) 10 (9) lots 20 an4 21 (22) 1 14) 28 and 29 in Xhlbuque Harbor Improvement Oompany's Add. to the Clt1' of Dubuque, situated 1n the Clt, ot Dubuque and State of Iowa, W8e sold tor tax for year 1860 on 1I0Tember 14, 1865 to haDk Rhomberg tor '16.35. being the w.bole a.nmt of taxes, interest and 00st8 then due and remaining unpaid on eald propert, for the whole ot the abOTe desoribed Lots in the Dubuque llarbor I.proTemen' OODl'pany Ad.d. to the Oit.v ot Dubuque. whioh was the lease quantity bid for, and pay.nt having be.n _de and said p1'Opert1' WEIB strioke off to hill at that price. Bow therefore sell and oODTey UDto tbe said 'rank Rhoaberg. e10. \.,. ....." 21. :. ~./ -t'.'..,I' '.....'. ....'. ~. ;:. "; '. , I'i ~ .. \ r:-::.\\ , , )'~'Ol:.' \:~. '..;/r;,."".....l.'~ ' ('\'~\l';I li:';(~,,~ >11 ~;. i~; _,~.....!,;:~.. ~- 'I ;&.. -~- ..... /'1.'; ,.. Pier ..4111t__tn.. Me 'Wite. Bk. 25~70 Warn.aty Deed Dated lauuary 9. 1815 JUed la.nuary 23, 1875 fbe fOllowing described. pG1il1aes to.Wi. tol Lot No.1 ) IA Block 10 10 Dubuque ltarbor Jmp:tO'nm.en tCompa.n1' &I 4441t10D aocording to the recar<led pat thereof. To Peter ~r ~ Oawa1d.. 1100.00 t. tba Clty afDubuque. Iowa, Pei.r ~r unci :DQrotl:t.ee, hi8 w1fe, To Bk.. 30..371 llortgage Dated lanuary. 91 1315 ~ U6d iTUly 23. 1875 I.. Pier 'the tollow1ng desar.ibed pem! Be S to'!'l'w1 tl Lot Do.l . fo ..cure $250.00 ) Block llo.lO b Dubuque llU''ltor b4lrCtvement Compa.ny's A4d1t1on to the 0ity Of Du.buque.lows,.aaoording to the reoorded ,lat fit .aid Add1tlGa.tosether with tbe ~ove:ments ~berGon. canceled 011 !4a.rg1n OC'ober a',1f179 by "301m Pier- ~, Kertneq A Dq, orin K.~_ &: )bos.OotE. 1rlB;2:'a..a, hi. w ite I .nona1t1.' _... lit. Qe"a~1a 'f., ld.. wife. and. \V.1t.~ R. 3JJl-485 xortgage ~ted December 15t 18'15 "Ued April 21, 1876 !he following describe4 pr(UD.1ses situated in th$ Qounty of DUbuque a.ndstate or.. J:O\f.a.!~.w1tl Lets l3t:14....1,5. 16.1'1,18 and 19 in BloOlC U. LQt8 4.8,,18,80121_22. a3.24.25,.2G.2'7.28.2g.~.3.. . 32.J! 14..35,36,37.. Ie 38 :BloCk 10, Lot.,50 3: 32 in B10ak t. and all that part of Lots 6,?,8,9.10,11 & 12 in Block 11 not h~etotore conveyed to Dubuque " Dunleith .]3r1dSe Oo.,by said Harbor IlQI)rovement 00.. and Lot fi 1D :Block 1 (and" ther property) all 1n DUb'aq ue Ua.rbor I:mp1."ovem.ent Oompany-s A4dition to the C1t,. of Dubuque,Oounty o:f DUbuque. atate ot Iowa. Oanoeled on l~gin of neoord 1aaUlU"Y 10. 1880 by "lohu DeU. Jr..t. t 1\.H. ])u.Ca.. A tte.t. I. V .lt14er ,secty. . fo Dubuque llarbor Iqj)rovemB nt C_a1l3 to .eour. t4500.00 ) ,. ~'. ~. J V .1.WU1Lams ..'J.Teaaurer ot 1U000U.G (JO\II~, Iowa. ,-, lOlm V. Bieler ) Bk. 27T'~205 'ra.x Deed 1)atred. AprU 20, 18'76 .Ued Apr 11. 28, 1876 t Ollow 1ue; de QO%." ibe 4 . fIl ft;al pr opel" ty .4 in the Oounty ot tt.o __t ton aa f olloWln ot 110.16 Block ...10 ..10 to~ \he ;year8 18Ga. lS". Lot Bo. 28 Blook 1'0.14. ...... ..4 JAR ...1& .. t. the 78an 186 Lot 11'0.18 .ook .o. 21. ~./ t.'..\' '\..' \ '. '.. "- ~ ". :;~ ":.: \ "',.1(' { .. . ".i- \1 "\~ ~ , .\:~~.~,,~ H'~""~":~ :: ~ -2,,.. _...~ ;';'11." ~ ~"'-,,~.~.~ .....,.~..~,...~~.,";4 ",,,,,,,,., .~ +~..ol.: ., ..;..,.... .. . .......,...'~.., '-"- ....-.. > fl,)r the yenrp 1866, Lot lio. 18 Block Ro. 15 for the:ie~3.ra 1866, Ldt Bo. 19 Block l5 to~ the years 1866, Lot 1'0. 20 Blook 15 for tile yenrs 1866 Lot 10. 14 Block 10. 8 for the .7etlrs 1866, Lot 1~0. 18, BlOC1t:&o. 8 for the years 1866. Lot lio. ~m Block No. I, Lot No. 21 Block Ho. 9 for the years 1866, Lot No.3 Block Do. 10 tor the years 1866, Lot No.4 Block No. 10 for the years 1866, Lot No, 8 Block Do. 10 for the years 1866. Lot Ho. 9 Block No. 10 for tho years ,1866, all situated in Dubuque Harbor Company's Addition to the Oity ot Dubuque, sold August 3, 1868. to John V, Riler, ~2.42 for Lot ~o. 16 Block Bo. 10 whioh wae the least qu- antit.1bid for..he sum of $2.42 for Lot Ho. 16, Blook 10.10 which was the least quantity bid for, the Bum of i2,42 for Lot BOa l' Blook .0. 10 which was the least quantity bid for, the sua of tZ.42 cents for Lot Bo. 18 Block No. 10 which WBB t~ least quantity bid for. the sum ot $2.42 oents, for Lot No. 28 Block No. 14 ',vhlch was the lea.st Q.uantity bid f~; th~ sum of ~;2.42. for Lot No, 18 Block 10. 15 which wss the leHt3t quanti t.v bid for; the sum of $2.42 for Lot Eo. 19 Bloak No. 15 which was the leas' qua.ntit,y bid for; th.e DUIll of i2,45 for Lot Uo. 20 BlOck :No. 15 which 1,\'118 the least 1uantl ty bi~ fo",; the sum o:~ '2.42 for Lot 14 Bloak :No.8 which was the leflst quantitl bid for; the sum. of $2.42 for Lot No. 18 Blook No.8 which was tho least ~uantlty bid tor; the sum of $2.42, for Lot 140. 20 Dlock Bo. 9 whioh was the lenst quantity bl~ for; the sum of $2.12 for Lot No. 3 Blook Bo. 10 wh,1eh was the least quantity bid for; the Bum of ,2.42 for Lot SlO. 4 Bloak No. 10 whioh W"lS the lenet 'lu9ntlty bid for; the aum of '2.42 for Lot No. 9 Block No. 10 Lot ~o. 8 BlOCk Eo. 10 which WBB the least quantity bid for; all eltuated in Dubuque Harbor Company's Addition to the City of Dubuque. the said several sums last Shere1nbefore mentioned, being tho highest and beet sums bid for eAch ot the lots or pHt'oels of re111 estflte respecti vel.V' mentioned and desoribed th: r8with; And pnyment of the said several Bl:Jna of money having beflD by him matte to the sDid TrH1SUrel', the said respeotive pieoes o:f p!'o:;:>erty wereeaoh separately strioken off to him at the respective prices aforesaid. How therefore sell &nd convey unvo the said John V. aller, etc. ~.4.Willlams, Ire8surer of Dubuque Coo.nt.v. Iowa. to JOhn v. .ttider ) ) ) ) Ek. 27TL-208 rr"JX Deed Dated April 20, 1876, 'iled Anri1 28, 19'6, The following desoribed pi~ces of resl property, sit~\ted in the Ccunt.v of Dubuque, a.nd ::itate of Iowa, were eAch sub.1ect to tan.tion ae follows: Lot 1'10. 14 :Block l~o. 8 for the ,ears 1866, :Lot Bo. 18 Blook No. e for the .venrs 1865, Lot Do. 20 Block No. 9 for the ,eal's 1866, Lot 10.21 Block lio. 9 for th& yeArs 1865, L~ 10. 3 Bl"k Bo. ~?{,~~~~r:;,1866' Lot 10. 4 B100k 10. 10 ~~SQ~.1~;{~~1~ 22. for the years 1865, Lot 1>>0. 8 Block JJo. 10 fOt" the years 1865, Lot .No. 9 Block Do. 10 for the y eac s 1865. Lot Bo. 23 .Block 10. 15 for the year'S 1865, Lot No. 24 Bloak !io. 15 far the yeers 1865, Lot~o. 2 Bloak Bo. 16 for the years 1865, Lot No.3 Block Bo. 16 for the ye~rs 1856, lot l~o. 1 block ,No. 16 for thG 1e~rs 1865, Lot No. 37 Block No. 17 for the years 1818, Lot hOe 38 Block No. 17 for the yePors 1865. Lot Do. 12 Bloak 10. 32 for the yeers 1866, all situated in Dubnque i~rbor mprovement Companl's Adaition to the 4ity of Dubu.ue. Sold August 3, 1866 to John V. hider, the sum of $3.11 for ~ot No. 14 Blook 10. 8 whioh wne the least quantitl bid for; the sum of $3.11, for Lot Bo. 18 Dlock 10. e which was the least quantity bid for; the sum of $3.11, for l..ot lio. 20 Block 9 whioh was the least quantity bid fa:; the sum of $3.11, for Lot 10. 21' Block Jlo. 9 which was the least quantIty b 10 for, the s_ ot ....11. for LotIo. 3 Block bo. lQ which was the least quanti tJ bid-for; the eUIIl at $3.11 for Lot lio. 4 Blook No. 10 which was the le~st quantity bid for; the sum of $3.11, for Lot Xo. 8 Block >>0. 10 which wAS tbe leaat quanitl bid for; the sum of f3.11, for Lot 10.. \1 Block 10. ~O whioh waS the least quantl.tl bId for; the llUID 0"1 .1.34 W~~ft~~~~.~.~a)~...,_a_lJ~k.'.~'..~~~_~._~_..' tor Lot 50. 23 Bloc it :No. 16 l,hich Vi'A8 the 1B sst quanti t.v b 10 for, the sum 0 f $1.34 for Lot Bo. 24 Block no. 15 which WAS the le oat quantity bid for; the aum of $1.34 f0r l.ot 110. 2 Blook ~Io. 16 which W~9 the least quantity bid for; the sum of ;1.34 for Lot bOt 3 Blook No. 16 whioh was the leflst quantity bid for; the Bum of ~1.34, fOl' Loi lio. 4 Blook ~o. 16 whioh was the b cst quantitl bid for; the Bum of $1.34, for Lot .No. 37 Block No. 16 which "{,fJ s the: 10 s s t quanti tl bid for; the sum of $1.34, for Lot No. 38 Block ~o. 17 which was the leRst 'luentity bid for. alld the sum of ~1.36 for Lot lio. 12 Blook no. 32 all s1 too ted in Dubuque Harbor ImproveJJlent Company's addition the aeid several sums last hereinbefore mentioned, being the highest and best sums bid for each of the lots or parcels of renl estr,te respeotivelY mentioned !J.nd described therewi th, 11m payment of the said several sums of money having been by him made to the seid Trea.aurer, the suld res'Pective pieces of prapecty were each separate1.v ~tricken off to him at the respective plec~H'l afore- said. Bo therefore sell and convey unto the asid John V. uicer, etc. _c. ~. '" V. J. Williams, Tre~su1"er of Dubuque Count" Iowa to John V. Aider ) ) )0 ) " Bk. 27TL-21l Tax Deed Dated April 20. 1876, 'iled April 28, 1876, The following described pieoes of real property. situated in the Gounty of Dubuquf3 and. State of Iowa, were each subject to taxation as follows: Lot Bo. 15 Bloo~ Bo. 10 for ~he YeflrB 1865, Lot Do. 16 Block 10. 10 for' the .1 ears 1865, Lotio. 1'1 Block 10. 10 for the ye ars 1865, Lot Jo. 18 Blook No. 10 ~~o~!}~;~",,!,; 66. Lot Bo. 28 'Block 110. 14 ~(;/~.::/~+~~'~P,~ _,.;' . " I ~. "'., ~ c.... _ ~ ., .",,,,... \ ~~ll.' ~.;;:~~ -K.\' '. ,''. \,.' ... ~. ':',,~, ~.I,.. ,( .'. \\,~ ~ . ...~'$. ~....~~. ~.~ ~' '. ""~\ 'j\' . . !I!~(< ~'C-:- ;: ~_~...J';I'~. for the years 186~, Lot ~o. 18 Blook No. 15 for the ye~~s 1865, Lot ~o. 19 lilook .i.lo. 15 for the years 16G5, Lot ~o. 20 ~lock .10. 15 for the sears 1865. L~~ Bo. 6 Bloak No. 4 for the years 1865. Lot 40. 7 Bloek 10. 4 for the years 1865. Lot io. 9 Blook NO.4, <:ANN ot No. 10 Blook Bo. 4 tor the years 18~5, Lot Bo. 1 BloC}k No. for th~ gear~ 1866, Lot No. l~ Bloak ao. 7 for the yeqrs 1865, all situsted. in >>ubuque RS:lrbor Improvewent CompaD1's ~ddition 1;0 the Clty of Dubllqlle. Bold Aup;ust :3. 1868 to John V. Rider, '3.13 for Lot ho. 16 Block Jio. 10 whioh was the least qus:tlti tl bid frr. the sum of $3.13 foe Lot "'0. 16 Block lio. 10 whioh was the Je fiat quanti ty bid for; the S11M of '3.13 for Lot .1\0. 17 Block .tIo. 10 which was the least quanti ty bid for; the Bum of $3.13 for Lot 10.18 Block ~o.. '10 which was fihe least quantitl bid for; the 81111 of ~3.13 for ~ot ~o. 28 Blook ~o. 15 whioh was the 1888t quanti" bid for; thv sum of *3.13 for Lot hOe 18 Block Ho. 15 thioh was the least quantity bid for; the sum of $3.11, for. Lot Bo. 19 .block No. 15 which Wf'B the lea.st quantity bid fer; the sum of $3.16 for Lot Jjo. 20 Bloak lio. I5.whioh was the lenst l.uantity bid for; the sum of it:4,65 for Lot .bo. 6 Block jo. 4 which ';{~:S the least quantity bid for; the sum of $4.65 for Lot No.7 Block No. 4 Which !!,,:s the le::.'ut quantity bid for: the su.:Il of :$4.65 for Lot 9 Block ~o. 4 ~hiBh WElS the least qunntl ty bHl for; the sum of .4.66 for Lot lio. 10 DIeck. No. 4: whioh WAS the lc~)et 1uantity bid for; the sum of i4.65 for Lot ~o. 1 Blo~k io. 7 whioh WAS the leamt quantity bid for; the sum of ~4.64 for Lot Ao. 14 Block 110. 7 whioh was the lElf:.st quantit,y bic1 for; the sum of ---- dollars I'lnd ---- oente, for whioh W~iS the V'last (lUantity bid for, all situated in Dubuque Harbor Improvement Company's Addition to the City of DUbuque, the said several sume last hereinbefoFe mentioned, being too hlghcE't Ilnd best BumS bIn for eaoh of the lots or pRrcels of ranI estate reepeotlvel.Y mentioned and described therewith. And payment of the sBlr1 several BUIIlS of money having beell by hill made to the sald lire ~sure]', the Sf'. id rtispeeti ve pie COli of property 9/ere esch separatelY stricken off to him at the respeotive prIess afore- said. Bo the refo:"e sell at!d convey unto the saia John V. Ryder e to. 't, lot Ingram, Kennedy & Day, to J. A. LihoDlberg To 86Ctl.re 01,000.00 ) } ) ) ~k. 31M-49l Mortgage D!1tetl J}..pr11 27, 1876, ?iled Kay I, 1876, The tollowing ieBcr1 heel premises, situa.te in Dubuqoo Count1'. Iowa. The South 111 :tent of Lot 2 find the Borth lOt feei of lot :3 in B10Qk 2. Lots 5, 9, 10, 11, IE ~-'nd 16 in Blook 7, Lota 15 and 16 in ~lock 8 find Lots 37 and 38 in Dlook 9. all in the Dubuq ue Bnrhor ImproTeme nt ComparJY' 8 Addi tioD to the 01 t.v of Dubuq.U8. Iowa. find a.ppurtenanoes thereto. (Jalloeled on ma :..~t:.!;~.'_,h,1877 ,bl !t ~ . ,. ~~ . "::~ .... lihombe rg . , . ", 'f!:" ~ .~. ;",~"+ I ~ '. " ! . .., t~~~.:;- "'~~~;t~i;c;.~.~t~!}; :;~ ~-..;:f'::I\.".'.~t.G~\:-'~'-'> ~ -., , - . . -.. -. .- -. . .. ". ..~ - '. .. -",,', ~=".,;,., . ~.-............. ~~ "" Dubnque Barbor Lnprovement ) Coarpan" b..v JOftn Bell, Prest. ) Attest J.V.Rider. See 7."No Seul~) to ) Ing~am. ~enne01 and Day, ) ConslA. i4,750.00 ) Bk. 27fL-251 ~arrant7 Deed Dated Deoember 16, 1875, liled ~uy II, 1876. ~,/ .~~ '.'\ ',.'... '.... ,. ~~ ~... /,. 5. ~: \..' ( '.'. ~..I. .'" ~ \ l5'!:'I\ , , 11- -'\ ~ ~ .. ')'~'~.t. ~ . \'A,\ ,,,. ~ li!_I:~~j.,~ ,I, ~l'. : ~ ~:~. The following desoribed premise St to wit: Lot8 13. 14. 15, 16, 17, 18. & 19, in ~look No. 11, ~n~ Lots 20, 21, 22, 23. 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34. 35, 36, 3'1, & 38, in Block 10, and Lots 4, 8, ~ . 15, IG, 17, & 18 in .tlloolt No. 10, and Lota 1. 13, 14, 17, IB, 19, 20, & 21 ip Blook Ho. 7. and Lota HOB. 24, 25, 26, 28, 29. 30, & 32 in Blook ~o, 9 ond Late Hos. 54, & 55 in B100k No. 12, and all thatpltrt of Lots 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 &. 12 in Blook 140. 11 not heretofore conve.ved to the Dunleith am Dub\lque Bridge GomVlnl, all or said LotH b€ln~ in the Dubuque H!\rbor .l,l1lprovemEOt Gomp8!lY .rl.(IJ(,ltion to thp. CH.y cf Dt;buq,t..e. 10l"Ja. DubU1 ue Hf; rbor Improvemen t ) uompany, by John Bell, Prest. ) .. Attest J.V.Rider.Seo'y."lio ~ea1") to ) Ingram, Kenneay & Day. ) Conaid. $1.00 ) Bk. 27TL-252 Quit Claim Deed Date(! Jf:'nllary 3. 1876, FIled Mel 11, l8?6. The following desoribed premises, to wit: Lote 1, 2. 3, 4. 5, 6, 7, e. 9, 10, ll, 12 & 13 in ~look 12 and Lots 1, 2, 3, 4. B, 6, 7, 8, 9. 10, 11,12, 13, 14, 15, 16.17. 18, & 19 in Block 9, and Lota 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, Y. 10, 11, & 12 and 17, in Block 8, and Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,.k 10, in Blook 1 all in the J)ubulue Harbor Improvement Gompflny Addition to the City of Dubuque, Iowa. J. A. RhoDlbe~ ~nd Catharine Uhollberg hie w ite to a.a.Ingram, Donald Kennecy tilnd Wm. H. Day, Conald. 11,100,00 ) } ) ) ) ) Bk. 2'1TL-263 -tarrant; Deed Dated April 26. 18?6, Illed 1&191 11, 1876, The tollow!ng d esoribed premiaos. Ai tua tad in the County of DubuClue Am. state of Iowa, to wit: fhe ~outh 11~ !e~t of lot 2 & the Hort~Ot teet of lot 3 1n blook: 2, Lots 5. 9. 10, 11, 15 and 16 in blook ?,Lots 15 and 16 in block 8 and lots 37 sna $8 in Block 9 all ill the Dubu.que iisrbor Improvement GompallY's a.ddition to the Gl~Y 0'1 Dubuque, Iowa. .~i ...,... 11. ......11; a.~1 ""l'$Ilt7 :Deed ....'" (*la. .;..~) h'M4 1\\17 6, 18". t. .11.." 1141 a5. 1. avp JIa". . ftJ~~~:w= :'.;1"4 a..14. '100.00 ) .1.- t. tM Dubu,. 'lIIr\or _1'0".' ~'. 44cU.tiOll to the Q:1t1 of ~buq>". .1_"4 ... .. Gount7ot Dubuqn_.iIt the-stat. ot l'OW&. > ,,tI ',. ~~-/ .~-~... .......... ....'..'" '.~~ ..r '-'lllrn(~ ";' 't",-"", ~"; 'j >~\..\ ~'Il'_ '- \1- ----'\~ ~ r I+~. ~:.'~....t.,.B I ~\,~' '" ~ H'~'i~_.;;: ;:; ~.A.Jil'-' -~ ., ';"'~ .~ I.\:I.8t4 art in anet JlaGhel "'''t ilia trUe, to o. 11. Insraa, >>. ."<11' _4 w. H. _ ..'"4. 11.00 to tbe 41tJ' of :Datntq_. I..... . c,~ JI' .i;, i I Dubuq lie lfarbor IIQpro'Ament (J~. ,. tohn.11. ft.,i.ni. Atied, lohn V. Ri.... :>". se.e_.,. <.0 ..al) "0 'ohn 'f. RI4.~ O..ld. ""00.00 I 1 ) Bk. tm..a41 had .aw4 lu1;1 25, 18" 'ile" tUb' .6, 18'. ,. t011.,,_ .e. 01' 1bl14 ''''1.., ,... t. Lot 1$ ill Blook , . .. Dulmque Barb_X.... ..., .....,..,... AdcU.11.. ) me. a'fr,.a5, "a.n'a1'1ty De e4 Dat.d. _oember 11. 18'" JUed Aquet '1. 1'" ,. tOll"_, ... o ir'be4 pal.' ,....... t; lao. If.. as .... II .. :It.ok ... 9 .-4 Le' . 'I ltt 110d... 16 .. DabaqU _11.. x..cm..' O..,aay. 4441'1.. te tbe 0.'7 Of 1'*buque t I... ,j ..,' ,.- 'f. ~ .... ) -- ~'1'1 ,..1' In"''' 1)004 .,~ t. 1\_lIt ~ ,.lfe. ~ ,..._11. ).. )....' 'to t..".1t ~\ ,.a. 18'11 ~ tp.JlII6:f ..., 'Jllll to~U1& ..s01'~ "1 00. ) ~o;).'~~J'r..i.-, ...u. .. .. 16,).61.' ... ,.a ",',81.0- ,.0 .p. $a -._11.- ~I# ~f/IIIIA' 0.......,.,. AAdS,ts,.. 11.0 \>> 0''\1 tl 'JU;b.."\JI,, 1--" \ ..'"'.~ ..~,::;.........~."............i<'t"':."'." .i..,~.~' .~. \.' './ \. ..... f . < ~-~.~ '," -~~\\\ t ..,)~""",,,~, ;. ;\,;~~~\~ .~ \\\\i~~<,~ '" '~ ~\ :'~'~ l ~p ~_:,,""'''-;l''''' -~~ lolU1 'f. 1\1~"t and $1& o. 1\s,..r. .,.,.. "s,to. __ ~". ..~"" llOe4 ..._ ~a\ :h \&". ,.."." .....' 1,.&. 18'1' 'Jllll UWI"Ul6 ..s01's,...<1 ~ I{enne6:f . _ ...-..... .itaatea ... - 0".S,40 .-0.00 ) ,.~-: :;:::,.~ ~:~ &$ e.1l4 $$ ... 'J).oOk . t.n 1)\1bUll.\1ll ~ JIIlJto".",.d (l..,p&ft1 · ~t.S,0Il to .. OS,W of ~\l.' ~. 'Ie <."" '-,,:.,; ,~) ..? o. L ...... 11. .-- attA- 'fl. \t.. - p. ~"... ....."..'1.... 116.... ..-" ~. ~. ".,.... AMPttt. "' ..... _ f.'i1A"-." fill...... .~... -o.t Il~..'. . ...... 0..... .. -....., . ...- ..01 ... .. ,....,,"'. 0_S,4. tathllO r::.::r", ~ ... 'J).o-' '1100 . ... .. _~ ~ ..,r......... ..,.,..tIIfI".. A4f.i.U" \0 t.1l&. 01.11.1 of ~. 1IflI&" ,. l~t.lllf,II .., .... ,s;:l.p. .__. \IU ,.il.. i . ~ -- ." ~ In the Matter of the Probate Beoord 16. Page 455 Sho... "-at Levere'" A.. Lull 41.84- .Estate of 011 or about NO"lI1ber17, 1874, lntestate; t_t he lett no he1rs Leverett A. Lull, Deceased exoep't h1s brothers and sisters and the1r descendants, h1s rather and mo'ther be1ng both 4.a4; that he lett personal property 111 Dubuqu Coun'Y, 10_. or about the value ot $6000.00 and real as'tate to be adm1n1stered >upoe. Edward 11.. Lull and Jolla H. IMll are appo1n.tea. .i.dm1n18 tra~ s letters issued and notioe of appo1ntmat g1ven. At the March ter.m 1883. sa1d Administrator tiled report stat1nS. among ot&r thlngs that "All the heirs _ sald estate are now and 1ulV8 tor several Jeers been of age"'. but sal' report nor the reoord ot said estate" do not give the llaMa ot sa1d he1rs. At the 1Ial''.rerm, 1890, 1t be1Dg sl1oWD. to the Court 'llat the .Ail... m.1n1strators of sald eatate, E. A. Lull and J. H. Lull were beta dead, Gharles H. Lull was appointed A4m.1n1stra~ debonls non. tl1ed bond whlBh was appl"OTe4 and l.etters 1ssu.ed. Nothlng further done. COsts all pa1d. In the Matter at the Probate Reoord 18, Page 62 Sllows probate ot the WUl ot Estate ot Jo.eph OgI1bl deceased, Ootober 30. 1865. Ulaabeth M. Og11b;y Joseph Og11b1', Deoeased appolnted,'xeoutrlx and eXBlpted from 81 vlng bond, and duly q ual- itie. and giTes notloe ot ber appoin1al.ent. WILL ... I. Joe_ph 0811by, ot the 01t1 and Oouaty of Dubuque in tlle State 0 t Iowa, 1n Tlew ot tbe unoertalnty ot lUe and being des... 1rous ot providing tor the dIspoa1 tlon 8J1' oare ot 1lf1' property and buslness and be1ng or sound, disposing mind, do make and declare thls my last will and testament. 1st. I do hereby devise and bequeath to my slster Rebeooa Og11by of German't01lD., Pa. $2500.00 in United states bonds now deposited w1th the state Bank and $1500.00 in .ash be1ng 1n all $4000.00 to be held by J'Jt1' 8aid slater 1n trust tor the ~1l1t benetit ot her- selt, my other slster Mrs. Am1 R1oll.a:rda 8J1d Mrs. lJsnNl);& Sharpless w1 th entlre poworand 41soretlon 111 JI17 8a14 s1aterRebeoca to approprlate tor such purpose the 1noome ar1s1ag trOll aaldmoney from time to t1me as It aoone8 and to use as DlUoh of the pr1a- clpal as she mal" deem proper or neeessary ~eretor and an \he demise of JQ' said slster Hebeoca tken all 01' sa14 money so devised to her ln trust rema1ning \U1upen4e4 sa all 'e...tinct to JQ' sa14 slater Ann R10hards and Hannah sJaa"'less share and allare al.1ke and their heirs. - ~ 2d. I hereby gIve. devise and grant to my 8a1d beloved wlte Elizabeth )I. Ogl~by a~l the rest. res1due and remainder of my estate both real and personal after pa;y1ng my just debts and olable agalnst my estate, to haye and 'to hold the same in trust tor the uses and purposes ~herelnarter stated, to.it: 1st. to provide trom. the rents and inoomes ar1sing from. ... same tor the oomfortable support and maln tenance of her..lt and our children untll they shall respeotlvely attain to the age of majority as fiXed by law and tor their su1table educat10n as she :may judge proper. 2d. I hereby expressly authorize and empower my said Trustee to grant and convey by proper deed 1n her own nama to the Bca rd 28. ':'.'':;'<_''~ ~,,''''.\;.~.~~c ~ -. . ......-""a.... ~...', '.-. .~ . ;c..~.,.:-.." ".;..... .';""";; .'" __,. -"".>,'''''''''"',.....''''..'''<''~ ."b.,_' .'. __.,_ "_."' _ ........;;:..:.~._~~~;_~~. "'.~....~'""" "_~__."'~,,~~ Dub\ql1e HErber lmprovement ) Company, b~ John Bell, Prest. ) ..at".::est J.V.Ridec, ~ec'.v,(l.~',0esl)) to ) onuthan houps, ) Con~ld. il.oo. ) ~'/ t.'l \ '.~.... '. ,~ It. ..... '~.. \', .~ ,'r l( ':j' '" \, .".... , '.. ,'j~., ~....t ,D '11,\,~\l'I ~ Ii! ~1~~I':i:-:' :~- in Block ~o. 9, hnd Lot No. 21 in Improvement Company' 6 il.ddi tion to Dnbu'1 ue Harbor Improvement Gompanr,b.v JOhn Bell, Prest. ) ALSohn V.Rlder, 8ec',.{no ~ea1)) to ) O.R.lngram, D. Kenneny and ) \;. lie Duy, ) Coneid. il.oo ) Improvement Company's Ad01tion to the Iowa. ) ) ) ) ) ) Kre. Elizabeth R.uorr,nee ) Ogilby, l:\ daugh.t.er ot sald dee'd) 8t hod a13 the value of f200. to ) a.pply on her shDre of the r:etate) of said Joseph Oo.'Jlby, decIde ) , ) Elizcbeth M. Og11bl, Trustee of the ~6tRte of Joseph O~ilby le.te of Dubuque County, Iowa, deo'd, un~ar the last will & testament of auid decIde to Ek. 27TL-472 ~ult Claim Deed Dated October 21, 18'6, Filed October 24, 1876, The fol1owln~ a escribed premises, to:wit: All the Inte rest. if any we have in ~,nd to Lot No. 51 Dlock liIo. 11 in Dnbu/l::to Harbor the City of Dubuque, 'loVIs. Bk. 28TL-144 ~uit Claim Deed Date~ M?y 2, 1877, Filed May 2, 1877, The following described Eremises, te~wit; Lots ~o. 33 and 34 in Block No. 9 in the .DubWlue H!'rbor City of Dubuque and State of Bk. 28TL-150 Deed Dated M~y 4, 1877, Filed May 4, 1877, Under ~ in pursuance of the power to me granted 1n & by eaid last will as suoh 'fruatee, hnve apportioned n nl'l ~ran ted, The f0110wl ng desoribed premises tow1t: I..ot .No. 6 in Blook No. 2 and Lot no. 22 in llloek No. 9 ln the Dubuque &.rbor Improv~me:lt Compan,y'sAddition to the City of Dubu1ue ln said Count1 &7 ..,tf'. te; 'lnd as suoh 'l:rl1stee for the purpo se '1 fv res;iid I do herehl grant anclconvey to aRid Ellzabath H. Horr all the Est(lte, right, title enCl. interest tha t the 881d Josepb O~ilby had in 8. to said real estate at tile time of hIs de[.tth, a.nd ~ll the ri6hL, title ,. interest 1 as such Trustee and individuallY. have in and to saId real .state~ ~t:a'lfln~ot said Joseph bg11by w111 be found re- oorded in Rrob81;e Re'" . t page 83. ....:l._,~ .~_"-=- l V\, r , ) .~- .~' ~li3~beth H.Horr and J.t. ~orr h9r hu~band (aig. Joseph L.Horr) to ~ O.d.Ingram, u. ~nnedy & oN .J:i.De.y. Gon~id. $200.00 The following (!et;Jor 1 bed premIses" to-wit! Lot No. 6 in B100k No. 2 and Lot No. 22 in Blook No. 9 in the Uubuque Hnrbor lmprovement Company'a i.d~ltlon to the City of ~ubuq l~ In se Id County ~ ~t~) te. ) ) ) ) ) } ) Ek., 28TL-159 ~arr.nnt1 Deed Da~ed UqY4" 1877, li~ed ~nl 4, 1877, ,~. N~.u.!':~~~:'~~'~l( , , ~~ '....', '.... \....'.' '.' ...,..... ~ "", ';..... .,~' ~'f\~,\l, . c;,)~~~, ;~ jl\ltiI7;,~\,,'.A I 1 '~1~ ::0~. WilJ,1aJilCoa1#ea. William G.Watters) erod Geor ge ~ oung, f\e ferees ) to ' ) J\. vi. kmle r ) Bk. 213 TJ-391 he feree' 3 Deed Dated ~arch 28, 1870, Filed August 3, 1817, ~herea8 in ~n aotibn of }~rtitlon in the C.trouit Court of the j.) tf.1 te of Io~a in and for Dupu'1U6 Couaty whe rein Ada. Twaltea et a1 va Hannah Eratt et aI, sHld p';rties of thE:: let "P8.rt were on the 29th dJl.Y 0 f vctober 1869 d u11 appointed by SHld '.jonrt (,f:; Referees to m':ike partition of the following \ieBCr'i~e(~. Real Estate tv wit: Lots Nos. 33 and 34 in Dlock 9 in the Dubultle BlArbor Improvement GOfJ1P~l.lJ' addition to the City iJf Dl;bu.'luo. Iov.s., together vith other Real Astute and 88 no p~rtition coult'! be made SAid OOitrt on l~ovemb€ r 1:5. 1869 ordered s'ad Referees to sell said premises.a.nd ,,-fter a.Jvertlsln~ 2nme died Deoember 28, 1869 ael1 8sm~ to A.W. Kemler .for tl03.oo -- tJndsaid oourt approV'Elll saId 8Hle.-- liow sell pnd convey etc. Lots l.os. 33 "'nd 34 in Blook 9 in the Dubl1'lue hRrbor Impron:'mtnt Gompany addition to the Glty of .lJllbulue, Iowa, for the 30m of $103.00 L'Lit bein(~ the highest '.nd beat bid therefor'e. ~o app~ov~l utt8ryhed. .. 1>'WJDa1D ......1"8' !. "he 1'Ubl1o ~ ) me. 61TL-IS6 Uti_Vi" fhrora VI 4>>1' U 2f, 18t4 I'Uo41i1Jr11 28, IBM ... tU-.' ~ nom .. oath .1'0" an4 say ,bat :n-a.Dk X. 'tJ:l~.J-. who Deo_ber 11 18'. ..... to I. A. lthorIberg 1..ot8 2.8 .. , Sa Block & and Lo'. 4.',taD4 .10 Sa Block 4 DUbuque Bar'bor ~:ro"..n' 9_1*1Q't. SddltloJl to .~ alt)' fit Dubuque (..e B...4 40t~~J ts .., 'brother and. tdentt.l "l'h \he :frank I~rs "bo ~u1n4 t 1tl. ,. aa1d 1.. b7 !as ....... aeoon .~..."'..O._ 281). Dat,.biram D..-JiB ... 4 .........d. ,. OathaJtlna Ih"JtB I'crrtab.r 11.1a. .. ..... :Blook U and Lot 1 ... 12 . BJ,ock a o,t. .A.441t1on (... 1'1TL-fia7 ..,......4 hi, w - \Z(..p) 4.Bhoabel' 8 a.nd o.thar1Da. 1lh ...4 1m Pas. 468 are husba.. aa4 "ite ' J." . '"" ~;/ 2~...'\\ -. . \.... ....., \ . ., '~., ~', '1~. ~t ':{ t-'\I '''\~", " .I~~\\'~' .~ 11'1~~\~i'~ l ,. ,'" ,y\ ; ~ ;. ~ .-:..1.;i :-. .~ " ....: -", - '^ -. .- " A. w. Dille" ..4 arr AD Kea'ler, ..U. 01 sa14 A. VI. &PIJle" JUt. 19TX,-aM Qui" Olam De.4 Dat" JUly 31, 18" I'U.4 Auguat 4, 1'" De. tollewilla ....ri1'l.<1 p"'8111.. '...w1'. Lot. 3S. aad M . Blook . .... tU D'ttlJuQll. ".1' _9.......t 0""",-, A.cldltlota t. the 01\7 ar DIl......... Iowa. -t. 0. I.- l.qI'a1Il, :D. 1&.._ aa4 I'.Ii.x..y C.-let. $1'1.00 ) 7. x. ....1'8 an4 :rUomena ilia wit.. Bk. a9fI..-Aa Q,U,1' Olaa Deed Date4 .0......1' 21. 18'18 1'11_4 1'0.....1' 2'. ltft the foU-willls .....1_4 >>....1.... t..wi\' taMr al1a. <<-..14. .... ) Lot.. aM. I' ia B1I:8', LoU 4.8....,&.1.1.'.1' -.4 J.8 ia Do. 10 aU .. DUbuque BaIt'bor 1.').1.......'0.,.,'.. 44cU. -. lon to ,he 01\7 f1t _uque. Iowa, _001'4_ ,. \he ..80...4 plat tb.eftot .. To o. H. J'ASr-. D. lOulnfu17. ... .. ... "'tel' ,..... an. ~.tb._, JU'. Wite, Jk. ~l Waftlal'lt7 :D.... -teA 00__ 2, 1." :ro.. Got"r a'. 18,. To loba ps.r tile foU..:LnS Mscribed pre~8e. attuate4 ta ~. aon.ald. '.0.00 0"'7 ot Dabuque aDd state fit Iowa. to-wI" 1.0\ Bo. 1 ta B1.0* Jr.. 10 1Q. Dubuque !ta.rbor __'N.nt COlllP'87t. AddtUoa tee ,he 01ty at Du'bllque, Iowa,. &oooJdlllS to \he recorded ,1&\ .t _14 Acldlt101h I... Pur ,. Oau.utal .... .. D. ...... ...tp.ae >>&'."'.-1'7 IS, 1_ J'U*l I....,. 0, 1810 t- r.UotQ.q ".aa.4 ) ........ _.au" Ia ... 0.... 1",. ,...11. Lot ue *;-:-u:n;-r'. A441\1_. '..... We... 10 ..... "0.00 ... 1 .. 11.. ... ....r. ". .. 1.-. - '"-- -., ~', .,' "'" .h ,.-il.; ........ ",,,--_. .'~ ~..~.y...;.;;.," ,,,,,;;k. ..... . '. - ~ -. ,.',,, .~..."... ..~... .., '........ .",", ,,'.. , , JltaWq,. ~ ........mlllt ......,1.. Jell, ,,"It., ..,. Ie:'''" R14Ir. ..,. (seal) ale.. III'tL-U' TllAft'anty Deed D..te' 4t1guat 7. 1880 ftle4 Deouber 13. 1880 !be tello"_ de.. _.1be4 premia..., t~1't 1'.ot. ... ao ar.t4 . .. ) Bloolc 9 in lhtbuque Barb- 1IlJr00000rtt O~" MdttSoa to the 01V ftf Dubuque. IOW(lh . .... .." i.. .~ G'F!' m tt. In#- and 0....1. L. h.18 wite. me. Ift:L-Jst ~.1 t Ohill 1lee4 1'0 __..laa1ler all ~ ... .. tter>>o.ttoa 4t47 """'.'.4f _4 -..UM uft.r tbe la_ Id th. state ot "~OOl1.:bI: .. . D..:ld .rmeq _4 ...~ .... hi. wU-., Ik. n.188 Warran'\Y need Dated l'Iarch. 26{. 1881 J'U'" a,. 00. . 881 ,.. tollowiq .scribed 1-.48. real eetate aIld pr...... iMa, .itua., lying and be- Ing _.' tb.e. Ooua., of Du.buque ,. ... ata.... .. .t Iowa. '. ~ to-.' wit. ,.. eqal. UluUYi4e. W 3 part _4 ,etl... .t a.U tat. fell..... IDa letorl.be. lM.... &lid. phm1B "~J" . .tate alia. 1.0". 1 to 10 in BloClt l' Loti 2O.S1JU.23,24.2I, ae.","8f.,H.,:51.ie.aa.M.a5.:SG,37 ,aDd II in 110a t, Lot. ',8,t, 15.16..,1!..1.18.... ,19.10. .". 81 2'1, ......29..10,....11..32.33. .Mf!3.5.36, " ... .. . Bl.. .12.11.14,15,46.,17 _4 18, aM l' . Bloc 11 .JlpOft_nt Oo~'. A441t.... to ,be . ,. the plat '.reO:. t. ....1 .. J'JUlaa;y sr.. vt.llJN1anr. Goor,. W.>>ulatO' and 1.Jb".iah I_it. "0.00 ) r ". ..~""",~~~,,,=,-,, ~.i. ~~ ( , ""1 x. Jm1an:r 81".. nd D17. h'. ,,11'e, _ K. DulS.!17 aDl '.0. .( . is- Nt. b c. llhl. "it., ~ _i'.i. (It o. 11. J)Ul.any aDd him>> 11.. his wtte. CAN ..'ie~ __lah;qcl ON . ..... J.d- .U.. a.n.1d8 Deed. D. .".4 A,...r i1 8.5, 1881 l'11e4 ~ 20, 1881 th6 roUowl,ng de.. .1)e4 landa, real .a\&te _4 ...-Ill... s1tuau ,171M aa4 :".1Dg tit tbl oount)" of hbU,._ the stat. ot 10-' 'Oft!t. the equal undlv14e4 ~'-J/I p. &r. t and. PQr'tloa .0'1 &1. 1 ". :bt te110wma 4G21O%':tlMd 10t.'t. land'" and. pftml"'1. to-wt. later alfa. tot 8 m 310 ok 1. Lilt. 10,11,.1&, Ut14. atSt.8e.."t. 001&.14. .1.00sa.~:t30*1;J.:f...aQ2.al. ,I4,a5,SG.a. 7. and. a )lOok II Let. 4.8,9. 1.,.,1.' 6.17.1~t..19.~fl1,22.23.24, 25.26. ,2?..,.a.. .e.2t.H...1,.... a., MS. "M.,J5, 16,3.' _<1 35.: Ill. m..o...olt... 10'. Lot8~,;,.'1.8.'.J;:O..11.1!;e..,)2...1I.. .14.. .15.1." . ..1 ". ,. 18 aDd It It1 BlootU all 1n Dubuque lIUbOt .'. . .._nt 0.,__.. 4cld1:tloD to tu Oity of DU:buqua.. aooom..tag '0. plat _...of. ft ..,t.:n Laber 0... .. ..,...'1. ........ ._1' ~l-.et"te fit Wla00D8m. . ~ ,. ~,' .~me Ith_~nts and I... A.. bib' ):uUlband. ,. Bk. 38'11r-Q.4 W-.r:ra.nty Deed h~'" ~.t ~. 1881 111.....__t5. 1881 1'b. tc410wilag 4... attt_. p"~'8 &1_aM4 ) ill the OO\t1$,'" of Dubuque e4 s'tate of' Iowa, to-wit. Lots 5.. and '1 Sa 1\1.ook lIo. 10 :In ,be DUbuque ftp.rbGl" Imprtffeaent CCIIIP_..,.l'l 4441t10. to the Olty of Du.buqlle. a40ol"dlfta tot. Moo...4 plat thereOf. WUliam It. Dq C~14. $100.00 . .. Ik. ~..o Quit CU. Deed __4 4>>811." I, 1883. ,l1ed 4U8uet 5, 1881 Be tG1ldas ..- ori'-<< ,.....t.-wi t. a..ld, $2..00 ):r... 1.6 and , .. 81.. . '. . ..' . 1. .' ,11Ubufl-' ~. bpNft. _It' 0"". Ad41tlon to the Oity of._'." 10-. .e~H!as to Ul.......dP1at..r.ot. "". x. lis..... aatd. ...._. hie .!te. ~~'- h ..~;_ L .., ~""'"""'"~ "l'".~*"",.._~.."";'I'-"''''-~''--~=''':o--*~~P'"'''~ ""rr -.~...~",..~~~- , "'~-----~~. -""'" ,.....___'1"<..,.,."~.,~..",'''"' '+~_i~""-.__\..,~..,,..,.:_._!1'O~, ""'"~,"""r;";"'''I;:;~ .- ~'---"'.. lo.bn par aa4 Bl........ Ida' w.o. .. ~ ........"7 ..4 ) ....... .......... 1" '8Il1 . a...., ......... _. .... .. r.1l.ow4Jl& ..... p':i'M6......... ....,*4 ill......",..... ... ...,. ., s.... ,.....t. .t 11'0..1 .. 1l1ook Jr. 10 . 'the ~_ ........ _....... 0.....,.,.. 4441_1....0 __ (U... .r ~... To .. ~..f.::.: W. 8. DIir ~ ~;.~.'. "v .:.~,,,}.~, I. / AI' ;t:'; '1-' . .,~~\~'\:, \1 I q,li,,() ,1j ~ ,.,." ~,.~........ ;:~ -,::;li''.-- e._i4. '100.00 , ~) me. aau...-1U ......... a.... .......a......... 14. M8l ..Q.... 00-"111.. 18, 1881 i:t'..... ...1a. '140.00 ) :~~...:'.== . ... ..... ,.,. __.,..au I.ot. . ... ....\.IJa 1ll.ck.... 10 of ......... ....,.... .... .. .,.... ........', .......:.. ""..'" AMi....... .. c:it, ., DIdluquef ........... .. .. .....;.4 . ,1&t 01.14 aUitt_. . ". ,... s__ ...,... B. ~ ti--U, ..1....Z'. .. . .. / a. ~na .....'" :De.el au.. __.. 11. ~881 ftl~ ~... ):,It . .... , , . t'be, 1.).1.... .... ..... _....... ai.aW .... ........, _.... aM s_.'ftI .......... Lot , ... . .. *. ...,lI'" :D\1buquI ~ _ro"UIHU" o~'. j,M'...'o.ai17 fit Dtlbuque, .....1.. '.. .. ......... plat., ..... AWl.... tu._ .-... art""', Ida .u.. 70 'I. H. .,. . .....14. 1'...00 ,. BeU _4 1'.... ,.. Ida' wtte. ....... ..... I,ot ... 11 .. lllHk ... 1 *,u. .. .. IS a." ~u, . ""'_" De'" ..... .on"Jtll, 1_ :ru- 01.... -,. a.- _'~...._J.bI. .....................: .......... -. ... -.. ._. ., ............ sta. d s...to.4't ...~ al&&, . ...... -"WI'lUII.. ..... ;. t. o. I. .... OCcCcc cCc C cCc C cCc C cCc ccc C ccc cCcc C ccCc ccc ,oc cc: c cCc c cCc C cCc C cCc C CC C ccc C ccCc~o c ~c C C C ~ ~n'.. ,""- ~'-" " --,,: ~..... I -- . . ~~,/ ~jr~{'~, -~'\.\',.'\..t...~.,-... ~:.}.. I,' "~I.1'1c"S.i"\ ~ '\~~'\ \.) . . \\i~I" "'~/~ :~ l. _"":4-..!;I~" .~ tortet.4. ...... , .. ~., ~ty ])e.' _. '. .... ._.-1' .:.:W. ).11881 'U... ...,Oh I.'. ltal the toUO'tttAe ... ..... tbe4 .-!... .eltu-"" ta .. i__v' fit _~ a.'Il<< a.-- of loa. "...:.t t. ...te '1.a _1). Sa '81oP ... 1. _"_men" c.,aaJ.' ...\i.tie1\ W .. elt.to,. of ) .....tt. .......a .,." Cl~. tdJI. ".-. 'to Wit 'P-. 1JtJ1I' INbMue ...... :Dub~-, ~ ....rua :a. GJ,Ia_. .n4 )fary O. t .... wU'.. '0 114- 1:. ........ .... ~ Ct. 1ft.... . ...f.... '1.00 ) a. 1~66 Q.1dtCllam :Deed. _'" ,... <a.. r:f 311 IBM )'U" ~cn 16, au .,. followinS ...,1be4 ~JdM. ..-1I1,t s.o- lI'o.~ .-' 11 Sa 1110.- ... 10 ta .."._ ~rl."O'f'",r3. O~'. ..441"10. to .. C 1\1 of DUbuq.ue, S.... 1ul111' K. .a... ..~" Q,Ult (J).a11a .e.. Date,. << ,a/."-'1 5,).- JUeA )Uli!ob. Ie. 1882 AU ca11* 1"ipt. title _4 laur..t 1ft and to tb8 t.u....- .....".4 "&1 f..'. .t.... .-d l1't.ng Ia' ,.....u. C iV- o.a',.. au4 stato. fd 1-. "tilt :LO'. .... $ .... 11 (Ill .1....... lO... JlUliRlq.. ~ ~"IIIlln\ G~'. Ad4itlOll ,. tbeott7 ., _Wl..t 10-' -to 'oba, Y. as.4U' _4- ",. a.., 11.18 ...u.. ..a14. tlOO.00 "1'" .~WI (a..'.x.) ... $..... )de ..it., ,D M.... It. ...... ... 'J,lMIV C. CJ1:'8!.... tbJ.8 1f&t., ) .. ~. Q.u1\ 01aSa De." >>a.... ,e.JlUC7 6, 1882 riled aJloh 16,18&8 "be tea.lowiD& ...ibed ,__..- .....1.. t.o" 1I.a.1 ._ Uia In.- ... 10 Dubuque __-.nt c~t8 aMi'" ... .. 0 36. _1~ll\I\~ .it ~._,--,,<~.~,. .~~~ ~,.....'- 1~ I -. 14ft-I 'fUTIUIQ- heel >>au' ....... 84. 188l rlJAcl ., 12, 1_ De tel1.__ ....De.. ~.. ",wl'. ,. Un41T14ed ~_ Va fit. .....Gt P'W'\a ., ..- ...lIt".""."121..ao.,11. 0..14. .1'.00 ) 11._. aI .. .... '* Jil"que lfIU'1lU x......- ~t. 4,441""0 ... 04tJr tit Dubuque as lie ..t.r1J' fit the DJabuque &: DUde.. "U8I 0.....-. 1tau.r... tl'ao' .. DOt. Il..tot.. _...,.. t. -U Br:l.dafl COIIlPaIlY. Da"""...,'" .:ne........ tM,. 11. ftII, fOU__.....1-4 Jft....~,..,... ~ Q__fIt _.._ .aU .1"'" . . . or I.., ~'l .111"" ,~la, Lo" 18 tn n.. If.. 10 all m Dubuque ........ _:rOft.at C..,aay'. A4I41'4011 t. 'Ile ct", or .DUbuque. 1.-. ' . hbuq.......Q. .......,. ..__.... .'. XJ9. ..%1 %I...OT......llt.. C ...,. ..., :.. IIU..,......'. .,.." ., .y..a.we......tuT '''al) to G. I. .Le.... laobelor. h I.....' L-'", C....., Ce.14. t4OO.00 .......__ .........t ,~... ltr ,._ a.u..P1'.".t At t.at. t.V' .8$481"..''''. · t , (sealJ BIt. MfJ,-ll1, W'arl'an.ty Deed. ) I i Ii r ! i me. "fW. ........tl\7 Dle4 .a.t. '._ ... ._ ...... lb. '.1'. '."." ' ..... 188l -'U. -,cBj"'uea to 1_ toU.... ....r {beet '......i\U&.... ~ Cu.ty 1'... 8. ....14.", "",.a. ltaw ot. X~ 0._1. '&11.00 ) Jr:t'U.fttlJ ie:: =~=:" , .. =='..':f;~...-~ue 1f",1. BrJ.... o~vt. liP' ., .., ... U" ...ll. to -U "l-4ae. a~ ._.Block 11. a11.,......'....'._. ,.na~ lmp:rtlMatnt. ~" A441tS.. to t.be Cit7 .fIt _........X... 'f. H.___" . ,.B.>>at:."'. ..It-. \r ) f. '''.4 x.__.. G ...1. . of 10_. t....i t .. ......- ...-. ot Dubuque. to.. ,. Ilk.~" .......-,. DMd ~"= ~ ~..1=- ' .'oll._ ".or:1bed . ....., 11& \he ., :D.-.. .,.S.. a aU. Ia aJ4Q 10 I44t.U.. \0 the CI tt~ l. ~,- , .'^",,, ~ c_'. - , .~...~ ~... ',r.-""",-. , "~.- ~,._',.. BJc. J4u..-w', .~~))Ied. ___4 lIovember 10. 1882 ftld bftJl'l.lMr 14, 1.882 the f' allow .bas.....1..4 pam.. a~t._te4 in _ O-..tr of Dtlbuq,. aJad S_w ~ Iowa. J *'''-''''.' "4.i:'.ia4 ., IS of x.o~. 12. 13 an4. 14 . .. me. 10 ia _bu,. ilU"tfR x.,:.. o__nt. C~t. 4441\1. to the <lit)'. .et Dalnl4. 118.. 10.__ !be p:roperW'. .".0..,.4.. atterlte4 'b7ua .. b8in ot Le<rentt 4. LUll, _."4. .. Mn;...I1~ SJec'dAl w_ _.4 a..," $Ip"1- 14) 188a PU.4 ......%' '.1888 .. teU.... ..... ...1.4 ,-.11I1.. 81tt.Ude4 ID . the a..v of _bu. ..... Sk. of Iowa., '....1t. ....v1.4 1/1 or part. .O't Lot. Jr04.. ea.>>.24t25~aG..a.'1,aa.8g,H.u..aa _..4 31 11m. a_v.. -11 .t tM1M1twI.- . J-.. .1-.1* :&rl.... ..utl..:t....sp.\ ot War... the ..... ....... . .. _. oh. fit. ea.. 14 1.01... .... M.l'l convey." ,. ea14 Dr!'" a~ .. .B100k ... n _ DII'btlqtle anor I1II>rOft- llent O...."'f.AQd1t... to 't.tle. Ol.ty flit DtlbuClu., 10't'&. ) .. M~IM "~lSIlty Dee4 >>&.4 1141' 13, 1882 -,ne41 >>eo..h" 2'. 1882. Qe .101101flJlS ..... or1",*4 "....... aM ...lid. ...t, .t\..... .. .. Cit7 .... GttUllty of lJa..... M4 S..... .t 1.-. to-wi'. 2nwr alia. thtJ roll.".. ,..1d. ..,010.00 ) Lot. au~ pa.r'bJ of 1'''8 .. _nt ~'.AM1tl.on t. _14 C&~~8-=,:r.W'. :to.. ,'a ~t.J1 ""......13...._.... .2. 61. av..... ......30.ll.......aa...J4.3S..14. _."." ... ...._.. Bl....tS..."...IA>.. t.'!.8.,.9t1. 1..116.1. "..18. ,1.....t81t~.. . .a~,:U.t26.I" 1t......IO,I1..18..1I~4.$~IO.3'.18 '" 111.. 101 __ p'" .f Jdl.. ........ '.8. ..,..1O....J.1M41 . ,__ DtI. __.'. .... 1J6.f. ...'..... . ......... t ... ... .4- A ~.J'll -lilt .... ... 18 l.' III .... U, ....&Y,.. 41. 'fiI. . .>a..."............. .11. U _413 .... ---, ..... .,.. ..t.....,.4- ..... c.. . I I. , X,..".... IaU .... ltaWiat JM1.1. .1'Ua ..,Be. lobQ .. INU _4 lIlo1'7 :a'f LtaU.h.ts wite. 1fo St.M&.\r4 x....1' 10lJPl.D1 0...14. ....00 ~'I"/ ~.. I~\~:J~-,_ ~"/:/ ': II ..~.\.\....'.\'~ ."'.l\~.. .... ..... . .~.' '~\\. ." "'.. . .~ ~"", '\"...~.... '\ '~\,1i l,ll~i\~..~ ;~ ~ ..~<<..Ji!'~. ~ ,..... L IbJela (....:r1.4) ft 8taadarcl. r.wu'b.r 00. (Ions 14. 'GO,oo ...tre L_be~.. ftl Jlau1a . 1Ilaool'1lilSU. f b,.O.u. %Di;I'aa, ...ldent. "" 0... KGr~on. ae..ta.Q' (Seal) _4 W.B.~ aud Jq... 41&.. T.R-.hl. wite, To 8t$n4ard Lumber 00. ~ ? ) II. 64- }-: CS) ~ ~ <[ -J \j I'....... oJ ~ Bookaf Plats, Pa e 331, Sho Lots Block 11 Fil d for rec :t- ~ S~ s record of plat of "Subdivision of Imp. Co's Addition '.--' ".; l" 4' U1 d :: :2. ::: " ::: 2 ::: S'2.5~ " 2 = 5Ei.t5 ~~ ~ ~ ::: ~ 1-= V) S.ol!- " ::: ~ 20,(01 :: ~ ::: l".'30 :: ~ 1 .... :: ("1,011- -" l1J 55.~1 Z ::: - 0.. 2 2- 1 :: 38.5:!. '.2"3 ::: 2.2 21 " 2.0 " q,.q-::, ~ 1'1 ::: Wl.Sb :l 13 I03.1Q " ~ 14- 1t'>2dle. :< ~ 15 11'0 ::: lic to ~_ _ [ ~. .. /1 .. (9 ls) ci 10 '\ ~ 19u. The above platnis a correct re of the lots 1 to 15 i.nclusi ve and of 1 t.s 20 to inclust 11 Dubuque Ba:tbor Oompany's Add! ion to Jb! 01 ty of pla~ed and ~~~dk~Sr17th, 1 83.c~he,' ed, lines of sy of Du'b{).qus''& '~lieth Bri e ~clnpan " Wm. H. 'E ana S\U',~ ~i~"~--'''"''-~.\ .~~-.'" '4~.'- ~ bd1vie10n of all in Block buqu' e as . j ow the right ~ ~_~ ... ~ ___ .--<1..... ~~_ The above platnie a correct re of the lots 1 to 15 1.nclueive and of 1 t.s 20 to inclusi 11 Dubuque Harbor Oompany's Add! ion toth City of pla~ed and ~~~dk~Sr17th, 1 83.c~h~ ed lines of sy of Du'bliquel~ 'bUnlieth Bri e 'tYompan Wm. H. 'E ans Sur. . .. . ~~ii~- ~.-. -, ~i' ________....--- 40. {,If- :: :2. " "3 2 4 S'2.5~ ::: 2 5 1 5e.I5 ~-IT: . , 1 ~ ~ ::: ~ 8 5.0 I!- ~ 20.<01 ~ i.".'30 1 :!'\ ~ ~ q,.q-::, 3- :l. 1'1 \ b I \ Cf'1.56 :l 13 I03.IQ ~ '4- I t'>8.ge. ~ 15 (1'0 }-: CS) ::: :: :: ~ ~ <[ -J \j " ::: " :< ::: ,to .. /1 .. (9 lr) ci IC} 19u. 2- 1 :: 38.5:!. '.2"3 ::: 2.2 21 2.0 ubdivleion of all in Block buque as ow the right ~ to~.. I ~_._.. / J "'..' ..~ ,--~~.~.",,- LO\\l_ .. walJ!al" anA . ..,.... Mr ..~ me. 341'1.-0'14 Warranty Deed Dated De.ember 26i. 1882 ;rUed. 3 azm.ry 9.883 The tollow1Dg de... 01"4.be4 premise. .ituate4 0._14. .111.00 ) 1a the Ooua". ot Dubuque a.II4 &.,. of' 10_. '0.-"W1'. Utl41'9'14e41/1 pan or Loq 12. 13 _d 14 .m BlooklO m Du'bllque .... IIIIu!ov...t eo.parv-.a Addition to ~ City of Du))uque. Iowa- The ..operty helreby conftyed was inherited by .. as heir or LeV_"" 4. Lu1l.t de....d. t& S~4ar. ~r 00. ".. O. ..._'Milt8, 0""7 _..... a. MTL-181 fax Deed Dated Octob.r 5, 1882 :rUed Ooiobe:r 5. 1881 The following .aoribed property in "he "out, of :Dubuque &.4 s..t. of X.II" we" each aubjeot to taxation for the ,.ar 18'13 as follOWS; Inter al1a,Lob 1,2,3.4,10 16 Block la, Lot. 18 ..4 l' in :Blo ck 1'7 all in DUbuque Harbor 1'l.oJrovement Oompaay'. Addition to the Oity of Dubuque. AU a...ssed to un1caCl'lJl owner. tor 1'.he ,ear 18'3. All 81tuated in tbe 01ty of Dubuque .. tAe O....ty of' Dubuque and state 01" low... So14'Ootober 5, 18'4 to w.. H._uager. TO WU1.... aillbasel' R.nry A- S~, 01V treans-er. .. 1421.-432 talK >>ee4 Dateci ....... 3, 1882 :rUed I'OYtDaber a, 1882 ~. ,... 'to j '11111am lI1nVacer 2M fol1owag ,...lbe4 81t._4 .t.n tbe ait7 fIl 1Mb_ in t~':v -:1:n:~~:~1Id ata.eot Iowa. we" 8U.bJeot to \&;Iat.iOft for ,.ears 18'1, 18'2 U418,a J'",,-.\"ft17 as toU..... Jater al.1a,Lota 1, 2, .3, 4 -.414 ill 31..11 aaI.ot,. J4 aad 19 . Blook 1', alJD_.te4 .. the .............. ..ue Hub.. _nwmetl\O_.s ..,... Adt11\101l '.0 the 01t7 of ___. . S014 ..0.....1' .1. 18'4 to ... RiDtr.r. , . . ...- ~ ~ lJ.. ...... ..4 .... a., lU....".,. .. 'HU'r.' L. ....... .. .~. of Lt".. ....,..1\.......4. " ft Ik. ~ 'l,u1. 01a_ Deed Da\ecl(ao 4&_) ok. 4.... .1a-11, 1886 .dleoember 21, 1885 . . AU fUl' rllh'. 'itl. staa4aft laM ..rest i1l ..4 to tbe .11..ma.....i....4 real COlla"'" ".'..taM 81'.t.. 1l'as la . . . Dtabwl\W 00__ ... S_te of ......ria. ".U,n.a.. VI fit lD". U, J.s,uC''' la 810. 10 4ft the Dawque ...... Iap","_"t C....._t. 44<11tlft to ,be ct.tT ot ])'u'bUq_, %0.. 40. "--''''''-''-~~'''-''-'"''~~'-~--'~-~'~~~--~~~.,,~~ ~-.....,,---~ '..",_r,""".~.'''''".._-:-~A~''''''''' -",-\,",;",~,?!''''' "fl'''''''''' "'.. .~~.-", ~~;.:::l;'~-::l~t:~1::~~~b;~~~~.i~~::; ,tao: B1.tr...~, hl. wite. Joh.~. Bla~hg~i~~Jd.il..rt1lI~. ..' H1.'~t~meclf Julle Bla"rag.l'.a..,. ,...;...~.,....~ '. ......, huabaacl, '&11 of Rn'l......, ~ 'u 11~"tt,~$.~'._~I' Kb.a.lIlUftC.. :rrtnaK....-.l.QUl 'reri.... ~1"".~'ail.'Jlt..i.... .... , B1a.. '.he.......'..'...'.. .......... ......rtt. ....A..'."Ifi........'...ftift8'......... ..............hi ... ......r..... '........~l.........i.O'f... . Jhi." .........~...~.. ......'....:....'.. ......."'........:............. ;....1' 11qd.R of "en"___. oe~. 1ajt.yt,,,4'.h ~:t,...,.t"'" . ., . O~U.'.'. _........~. ~4....... ......,-.1:.....:..............--.. -. .... .....>'".. '".-.' '~.. ....aU....... ..........,.......... . .. ..'.... _4 .~~..,_U~_'... ......~..tt..~t'.~..'&a..... OOlWUJ)t-=-., la.. .....' '.....'td. ........ ..:..ot..'..x.'~.............. '...~...,...".b.......":...;,....v......" 11a.*~... '...tOm.,~to. ..... :"'. '..... '.' our ~..'.".' ...;f))1..~....".. ...........;~.... ,..~,;_.. ..... 'e. ".1.. ...., "',r-. all.'... '~..1.J~!if'=au.... ..,.. aU of ... .~ ~ath ."'''!il7 ..... .,.,. ...,' '~'~II'+wl" :r.te......to. .~ .~.~ the wfi1 ... JMl .' to,. .. .. of .. ...,... . ....... d" lS................... '~...I&"U. .............'. '.......'................~. t....". .!L................'..... ".....'..... .t. _. '.' tB........... ; .t.., to_. 'fu.....'........,..". -7 ..~___..,I. Ql~~..tt.,.t{.l....;;le.;paat, M1p.blr....-U a14.P'op.~.~r..,;.....;"f)~.._'1IJ..".... 9~.. .tad....:. . ..' ::l:'r.-r::.tt ,~ ~Jl'lo."~.' ah:-tIl-:' t5:..'4.ttr:;I'.... and ~,... of ..1.... to .ate.. ex...t.. .....,tr1.... ""'.11" ." good. .....,fled.., d.eta ......,..... t01''\be' ..... et.'llftC'" or n'UlQ., ao~bot ...ua.u.'" 1-.. f..b.ttl.......t' .'. ol~t~..... .............~.t,...~ tt&a.11 4....:\!., ',.'. ii~.,.laft'''.~tl~' our. aau.... a.'._.. '. .~., . ... ..flat........l... '.".' _.' ...:r.. .to.. ..... e. y~. ld.. ......... . ...., '.'. t........ '.'., '...... .:,...... ~.' '..".' ..'.' .... .{t. . ad....... .... ...~.............. '. ...... .... .'....1a '..he. n...l_..... .....'.............., ..... .'.". .., ...J..........'........"... f ,.. -.u. ao 1.f Jlill~1f r "".,1& fItU. ~. of' ~\dt. _"._-'1.. ..... .., .~" ....... .... an400an'llld.1ac all ,u._~_. a"tom., or her StitJ.tI'tu,., Jf lawf"allJ' .. ...... to " 40u b7 'f'1rtue h.".eof. O"U.1I1allMR .~.- . ,J1JI"....lOB '.' . '~*'I.:UlI!~l" 'tIll, -... ,.....1101, 11I111. RlraU.,." .. '.'.. .' '. . ' . ~a:..=~'~::..:--1::'e4bIc Ther.fon. bow 111. a.. ...,. The..r....''!.. !~~~()....~.___ ~.~n". 01. .~ook. 0.... ~. .........AtIl.... ....... .... ........ .~ln.t_ "aJUl app61Jltecl, aacl .. IU........~ ~t.,.....lta.t.~ an~ appo1.' 1:.111. 1Ii.'rag_Itot Dtl:_11l .~ o_~. ." Uta...... ~..:i.~~~=It~V:;;t~~~~, ~~~.. .~' / ... ....U\'I&"?.~wt*':~~o,~, ..... .. ..~,et.,.. i.~~-tr~y~'="":iC;:I.. PUl.tll~~...,. u.m ..*.,..,."~tt~-1...r. . '=ra,~.;'>' P~.;~~~tOf .,,-Ptj,". ...,~!;:.'.=:... ..,;t.t*''',.,~'t'... ~~~..~~. .....'...."..." '. ,.~.:..... '.. '-... '.'. f'tllll......'.. ...~..........'.'.;. il...~;L..~.... ......>..>.....~... ':".. .............. ."....D.".':tI..':.. ,.;'............ ". .... ." .~ sa....' f.~r." ~~..""',. ..... ...,~.<...:........;"........... Tm.~::r~r."~ ." ....:. . '" . ..' '.' .. ..... "",' : 1......0. '...i~uon...'..".. .t..,.~.,..C)"....:~ ""..".::', ......... ..............".. ........... ........ ......'......'.........,;;;;a.....'.'.... .,.... ......1!11..............."............... ......-................. .......... .......... ...... ., ..',.,.....................'................ '.........>.. ~=,t;~\:a."':~iL' .... ..~..!.::"~'., ~.f~" : ~>' ".'. ..... ......~ _........ .".-at... _... .~.' "".' '.. ....t1Jl.........~ .loDow1.M~..... ",lte ...odlaC to . ....... . . 41.. "". .'..".'.... ....,. : ',;c,~" .... -'j 'i' -", .~._.'_..'-'..::';":' ~- .."";:":;'01 , . , In the )(atter of the Probate Reoord, 101, ~age 623 Shows that,.. ~ntrager tiled. la Eetat. of Dubuque Ooua'y, Iowa, on or about sept.ber 1, 1908, lnte.ta.te. 11111_ B1atrage:r, 4eoeued Petlt10a .t Ea111. Hlnthgez for appolDtaent of AdJalJl1atratl1.:z atat.. that 4eo.a..4. left ao widow. he aeye,.. hayUlg been mauled, and lett' , J'l1.edzloh JI1atngu of Reutl1ag8ll, X1ar- of 1fa.errteaberg, Ge1"ll_ II1na Blatr.._. % haJ"'.. of 8~tigart, · I · JOhana HiDtrage ot Reut11._ · · · · Oaou 111.'1'.... ot W1a4Jlook. a.run South Wee' Atnoa Iallle lf1a'..Z'. of DalNque, ~owa .' BenhaH1Dl..qe:r of .atl1q4hl, lClag40a of Wuentenberg. Ge%'ll&D.J' RoMJ" 1I1at..,.. ot ....,tgut, .. · · lulla Jlintnger R.... of Ret:ttl1as.. .. · · ohlldnn of .1. d.eoea..ed brothel" Robert Btntrager aa his hei:r. at law aad ...i-. ot real e.tate, the exact de.oriptlon of .hlob thi8 petttioaer oould. aot state. Eadl1. Hlntl"~.:r ls appointed Administratrix, ba~4 i. ... of teooO.oo 111e4..4 ':lotio. pub11shed. ln Tl....Jounal OSl08 a ...k for three weelta, the flrs' lnse1110B 0' Sept_ber 5. 1909, and ~he la.toa Sept...... 19. 1909. naa.lRe~n fll.4 August 1", 1910, appro...." 'by Robt BoaSOB. D1.tr1.'. Ill. ....., sept._bel' 8. 1910. 1_1a1.trat#1x dlacharp4. bond r.1....a. ..tat. olo..d. anel co.,. pald.. Oollateral XDb.eJ1.tance 'ax pald. t , c ~-~ ... / F:r1e4r1Ob Hiatrager aD4 Len~'B1Dtrag.rt hla wife, lo~p.a Il1nt".ageJ:, ....rr1e4. , B.rtha Riatfager. \UlIlar:rlM. , Julle JUat.ftI8l" Ra.. aD4 Ball Reuaa. ~er husband., fl.1 of aeu.t11aPB, ill the 11ag401l of Wues-tt_M_ I.-ar. lUna !l1aingu haJ"'as u4 Carl ~rqt"t he:rllusbea4. and Roben B1a'ftger aad. j'JJld.a R1ninger, JUs wife, all of Stuttgan. 1. the 11rag40a of 1'u.en."'t.berg, G.1'IIaDJ' 91M. -4.83 POUR OF A nORl" Dat8el Onober 5. '1908 flIed. Ooto~ra. 1901 Wher.as, "l~ll...'~lntrage:rJ late of Dt,tbuque, 1D. the OQ_ty of DawCpae and Ita'e of Iowa, 1. the Unl ted State. of .la.rica d184 la aal4 Do- b'\lqq. Oo1l1lty. 10.. on 01 .'bou' 8ept.1.1908. Intestate act wa. at the t1lle of 1l1s 4.-tt, the owner of ...ulcus real Jroperty oonelst1q ohlen, of lad.e t 01.,. tOft and ...111age lot 8 '01.th81' 1d th "he ll1J)2'o...ente 'hereoaaad iaterest. and equitle. In auoll real propeny tbe .... being 81 tuated., .e tbe.. gzanto:re are advi.... ch1.n.J' 1a the 00.'" ot Dubuque ...48tate of 10... but 8C?J1e of it possibl, 1. othe". 8Ountl.. of sa14 *,at.~ and Iher.aa. tbe underalsae4 7rie4r1oh Hilltrage.!", Joha1ma alatr<<S.~' Bertha BintragR, Julle RiJltl"ager Reus., K1na HintftgU .,.,_... and Rob..t Blnvagu. 'together dthOnu Ht.atrage'l' of W. 1Jl4llo*. ,...' GeIlUa SoUthwe.t Afi't.., and Eal11e Hlntrager or DulNque.Iowa. ,httect Statea of "er10a,' are the aole helrs at law of the s&14 WI:a;11.. 1I1.trage~. d...a.e4. and .a su.oh heir. haY. "OOM tll. ...n 1a equal ahar.. ot all the :real prop_"" left __ ~ _tt .1. tile 4_." 01&11 ille gn.ators he"la to gi.... to 8&14 IIIl11e".""," ..'~1.'. PO"S" '0 ....... aa4 to ..11 ihe1'r .a14 propeny eo 00Idac ,. th..aa4 '0 aot for th.. 1. the proteotloa to Zal11e H1atngU 42. - r ~, Gbarles L LUll aad. B.B.. I Bk. 88TL-S&2 Qu.it Cla1m Deed Me wit., .. Jlatltd 4Uguet 4. 1884 1'0 I .1.1.84 :Deoember 21, 1885 81landar4 L\IuIber Co. .... All .t1Jt1r right, ti. t1e and ".Nst .tn an4 to the follow- Oenaid.. $1&00 IJJ. ....l'btd Pea.l estate, _.a"4 Sa Dubuque :'01l1l", ~N and SM". ., X-... to-w1t. .. la,ll _4 14 fa B.look 10 lit the ~ lfu"bo Japrove..' O~'. A~it1_ 'to tb.e Oity fit Du~. .. __ being the "I -,.....1.,4 III ... .r -.14 1_48 _d ,. &bU. aa' tn_rea' of Obarl.. B. Lull afl .U to the 1I.taie of r..ftfttt A..Lttll.4eoeaaed. All our r1sht. t1 tle .ad Interest in and to th$ tOllow- :LnS described premises ..18. Inter alia, Lots 20 and 21 tn Block 9, LoU a aftd 10 in Blook 10 and. Lot. 6 and 10 1n BloCk 1.1 all in Dubuque Harbor IIq)rovement Oollpany's Addition to the () i ty of l)U buque, Iowa.. ~" " '\<".. ::;'~\r II '", :~.....\ c......,. \_~\- .. ~. "11.'.. \. . c. Itc."....., . . >;'n":. ,.~"'~. .II. ";.U r ~~~ \1'iI ~ II!tilt~.~ -' ~ ~., ,.;:.;... ;-~~ .J.PnaJc 1. RbtIa1Mra aa4 PIlU...... Ilia _11'.. To "': ~. , 1. A. RhcIDlberg Oorle1dAJ tIOO.OO' H. Dr1n~1 Treasurer, ['0 /' J ann J. Brad.ley ~ ) ) ~ ) Bk. 40TL-51 'lul t Ola Un Deed. Dated. De<.tember 12, 1874 ftled :Jeln."uary :I, 188' I ) ) ft. "1'1..-336 TMUUrftt 8 Deed Dated Deoember 4, 1907 . :rUed Deoember 4, 190' Where.s, the fol1owmg pie.. f1l real $. tate liJ 1 tua 'ad 111 the CJ1ty of Dubuquo, in the Oounty of Dubuque and 8'.".01 Iowa, were eaoh su.bje.,t to ,.."1_ tor the year 18i8 a.s fOllow.. In:.1'' alia, Lots 18 and 1t :in :B10Gk 1'1 in DUbuque Ifal'b01' IIIprOTeDllnt 0....,.-. Addition to the C1t7 of Dubuque. Sold Deo.S..1899 to J'eIm 1.:8ra41e7 .. fOllow.. the sum of 12.15 for Lot 18 f.a Block 17 and the sua ot t"15 t or LOt 19 in BloQk 17 in said :i)u'buque Harbor _rov.DIm' (J~t. 4d.ditiOtl. lMa 1. Bradley and aarrie, bi. wit4, Tt II "'_.lob. lUa_... t .... IUaw_. .. .r8bazma lUntftClr 080u lIla~~. Bertha Km.. lUn-'ser. ~.. Mun and lIaU&e U 0.a1d. $1.00 "t'1. ale..n.-iM 'iuitOlaim Deecl Bawd Zanuary 20, 1909 I'Ued l&bUary' 21, loot All Otlr I'tabt. t1 tle and .1"..t s.n and to the tollow- . I-orl'bed real estate. %ute" aUa. Lo te 18 la>>,look I. 'I 1n Du 'buque ~"."bt C...ny'. tioa to the elt7 of Dubuque Iowa. all 8.t.t-.te4 10 the COUllt,. of Dubuque and state of Iowa. ,~.~-'~_..~""-~.--~~'- aa"'" ~ a, 1111 .11.4 August _.1911 1M tol1".1 ".orlbe4 ,.rGi... .1 tuated ill DUbuque COlll1V. I... t...w1". Sater ~~, 1.0". 1.2,3.4.5,&",,8.., 10,1.1,12,1&.14,15.1G.l'.lS,,19. ...1...a~.24,a5,26.1'.J8,29. $O.a" . al,34,35,36,3' ana: 38 ..u.. ,I . 10' III 1*bwt. . Harbor 11111'-...' C_....,'. AddS t1_ m the Cit,)" of :Dt:bwlu.G. -+80 x..ot a Of .. .staa_ft x,..-r C'....,.ta lUb41visJ.OJl of to:- 6 1-. It _clue1." 11_., '1 .. ~\lq. Rubor JlQproY.... t c:_.. A,4cU.tlO1S 1r1 tile. ut'Woth'buq,tle. X~,- al. Lo\ 1 ot Ole s.... ". ~ Lot aa. J,ot 1 .. t tho SUb'. fit. 14t &'i, %.Ot 1 of .. SU'b'. .t LOt M, Loi 1 of t.he ad'. .t LOt ai, Lot 1 .ot t. a.' 0." of .1,. ot .'.' Lot 1.'. ot the $U.'b~ 11 tIt.'.:La. t. "".. Lot 1.... ot .tb.e Sub'lI et'Lot. 28. Lot 1 ot .. $l1)tll ot Lot ..tot 1 of ..au.... or s..' .. Lot I. of 1b..su\'a et L." a, . Lot 1. Of "SUb'. - Lot. la, Lot.1 of _. SUb11l Of Lot 33, ..u.tA Jq.oOJt J.1 Of .. lM... lfRb_ _ro.._nt~f. A.d41tloa .'.. 01t.7 " 1M_... x.... ...01'4.... to the S ;b.. 10n of 8&1d Lot.. ...001'...4 ia >>ook at pla.. .... 111. " '-I. .....1. KIa.......1' .... . u.. ....... Ill.. wste. IOMana B1r&Vaaer, UJIIl9,J!Ir hel. ." Bert_ lI_tr.....1 ..-nt.d, lU1ia ain tap!' ,Be.... and: .u 1le1l..,berbUsbe.nd, .. JUat~ ft~ and ~1 Jft7ias. .M:r 1UI8bart4, .0"">>" a.v..,. aM. ftt_ a.tr......, td.. wit .., C),oar H~trap.: 1', ....n.te4.. t _ lbl11.ta ."Uapr. tb.a b' A'tone7 1a 'dt, _d MUM ll.t.Dl....r. -..,.rrie4, .... p..... cOilatituttu. 'aU fit \be heir-I of "111lam 'BIa..._. .......d. to ...futd. I.lI.II'b4. OGIIPaD7 eoa.sld. $110.00 ~~,,*,"I '/ ~':F.'!~I' . , ..""., , <"\' . + '. A...I. "'\". '. ~.. .:, 'l,. \ .. \\."\~ . \. ."~~ ,'~ .'> .~ . \. '~\;':I;. \ ,. ,,., 111";< '.....'.,.;...... '1 '-'.\1. ::G~ \8 \0 8_..,.4 J;laber O~. '. Gnp.n'l'-t. .. .. _. B.>>G'. ..el..n \, b7 O. W .>>ul..,. t seor-eta.ry. (8ea.1 ) To .~Qbael R. 1OQart.~ '1.00 8t "_1' aooel aDd _lu.l. ..alMJ'attoD _. '~I. w~nty 1>>.4 "'ed4>>rU as. 1110 :rUed 4P1'n 1tJ, 1910 . !he tOU_tas.....1be d. ...1.... . Ii tuat.. ... hln.lque OCdql. t7, 10_.' t041 ,. Lo" .... 1..1 at 3, 4. ... l' ... 1I.1o......oJc .......JI. .1J:...,..lJ.....a.4~....'. .... ........'. 18... ...... Slook ... 1'1 all ., .'.. 1fU-' ~...... .._ C__" AUi'l.. \0 .. CltJ'ot DUbu.q_. ~. ) ..'a':u.MI 'I-arrant,. Deed ! ) [ .~: .. ...: ...... .~-. ~~.~ .~~.. . ~_..-=.~-~~~ I=:~'-~':~'=:=.=~:'~~= ~~.~~:~.'~.'~ '..-:r~e,.,!' 1Ito""'~ .~, ...... ...........=.,...(.:1) ...,..., .. 1'" ..... .~, It' ltll to , .....,.--...... ...,.., a. .....,. ........"~1 (~.. ..' ,~ '. ..' ..... ." ..'" . .....,..,. ~-' , -........'......) .... fit '..... ~,t ~ ........... .... ...... .... .' ....- . ',' & .., ...... ..... ~.... '. ,,. ...., .'. .... '. ..(nrl~l...I4U".... tt'::I.~,ft.j 0 ::oar:: ::=-:-&:'=:'1::1.-0::. ........ ..... .'.,....1.'''... '0. the os.... fit.... _""11. e.'., .1..... .. . d......., %At 1 fit 'Uut . ....,. ., Lo,.. .... .., lot tbe ....1..... .t'lA, ......". .........1.1....... '__. .. .......,......-.......'..., ~....~. '" ....... "f~~ .. .. Olt;r -- -==.... ... ..." 1::r:-~ .. .p".... 'w.,....'.t:....... .!:....=.............-=.-=:-. .~. ....~. :Er.' .:.:.~. $a:::; ... ...... .... .,,,,,,'.0 . . ' :. .....ao. ... _ot., .t ......... Iowa. . . .;.- .'- ... ,...... .-,_...-.., , . w..... .... ~w ,.,. .. 11" .... .......ltl1 . . ..... .. . ...--.1 ...J4.... ....,.... ..." ..... 1147 11, a_ ;:,_.~... . __ IIn,._ t.. t. "......- r.,_..::.~r=. ... ........ ..... . ... Jr"I4. 81 ,.. "..- .. .... .........,.. .- _..... ...... .....n.rf.Qtt,..".,...... ....j'.... _.... W.JI ......... .,.,t........ ..'....... .,.triM ... .~J'q..,.., ....._ ,.u ...1.....'1.1~. tit ___, ........ .m.. .... ...pI... . ..t.~""". ".....1\1 ......... . ......................... ..1._.... "'... m..... "~~.'..' .. '._.' .... '.'..... _. ;'..' ..'.... ...1'.'. .....'.~...' .....~... '.. .......' ",- .ls........ ~. :.. ...... .... ..... It.... 0._ .... lit. ..Nt. '. .... ". ".'. ....'....'...,..J:C:I. ". ' :'."'. ...... "'. ". N, -'-al'." .. 1tJd1 -,., . . i' .... ...... " · ,'. . · ..,.:.",.,.....-. -,..,...'.._..~~~.'. . ,.-- ~~:r"" ,.~...,... ." .. ......... f..........' .,.. .. ..............w'...... ........ at.... _. .........."......t..........u..~.,rrJjJtr. ........... _. _. . ...~.....~.. '.'. ............. . ...... '-U...' P........ ..., _,. .. .... I_dl j ....... ............ ..... ..., we -':at- ...iP\._~....l.t._l.. ....,.. :=. .... . .. ...- --- .. ....... ... -- ..... ... ...... .tIle ie '" ..u, ................... ....... .. _ .It.... ..... ._ .'.=~.'" ---..'" . ... .... .......,.. --:, fi \ 'i5f I W. B. ..,., ., ... ~:/ ~'~~~'I'l il;.,\, ""., ' "~'.\..:.','.\.'. ~".':'.l\', .. . .... II., ~ ~_ _ 1~.. . '~.Ii:. ~ i' \ ",'\A\,... ~ l!i~i'~,,~ I ~I",... ,~~ --'....;;, ~ .. , I U \f{ .Jl..,...."._..... :liii.1 ,. ..__'-_4 ,....1.4 <W. H. _ .. .....triq hue-. ... ...,......... ,lulIr'.", __ _4" 1IR ..-.. .... .~ ... all4 1M' ...,. pe...... __1 u.... .. ...tn, ..,vt bel' ,.,--,...... .' . <.' _... ., . ';ploW wnan""'" 1IeVmc cia" t1d3 21. lOUt... -.t4 ........ ...... C~ttDabLtfl-., 10-. ti4 .."., ... iDe __.ilJde4 u.-.l a. ........ ...\hU ..s. ._1" PI"OPefta' aU of ~be hal .,...,._ ... ..."ibed, aD4 .....a lncenm..t1on with ~ ~ 'IV' the ._..iSNl4. JIiOball 'L ~ troa th. S..dDd ~"'J' C..... 01'_ __.i4.. '".,....,..... .~. _.raSpt4 __..... ........4....t. '~., . 1......... _bail' ."...... ..' . wt.& the u.tA. __,'II:.IhI1" CI.n~ .. .. .t4 ........ _. ....lcJlt.~4a. a..... __.. " . fM........r ,c~.. troll , all S.iUilltr aad ,blj.gaf,1oa _.r~' .......". _.... ': ..i_. 11 .4 ......."'..._tnecl ill tuatG~ts...4..4 -- - . $.~"'" :r.._r C....,.. ... ~au'j _. 1110..1 It. ~_ "'4 Ala" ___tbit Ide .Sf-. t. .....1..., .. he11'1 ....aU.........., .. feal _...., _nilaW.. ...~.... ........1;.." t. ,...J... ... ~ .. f1l. $1.00. bNlI paW _- . .14 ., .1l.J)ay ... ......... .. .... k~r Cmlnu.... .. '.....' ., .ml. ,. . ...by .._wl..... .... b...."y t.... ____. .... 41".. _.. .14 W. K. .....,. AmI 81-''''4''. .-.... .........., ~_.. ... aU )IAbUltr ,. 81""_ .. I. u " tII,.ot. .. I..... ... "0'-'" ..... ....l'M4 .P. ,...., .-- -br ..._11I '. _14 ,'~'''''P' ...._,. 1Jt1.. - ...V.....- ....14-"" .............ho. .iT\Y.1t. ........'. JAIl' ,..... ..4 .,ue ...~.... 1,"$11\1 ,. .aU .taptlUd ..... I~. .. ,...... ....' lla_ :Deea. -.... .,...." III' 1').1 .u... _.t_. >>u AU I'. ,&skt. tlU8 _. ............, Ja_.... ..~....... . .,..... 41"~<< ..4 ...... ..tel' . .1-'. .r;,- .. ....' ..... .,........, ........ .:.. ...u.n.'_ " ."..,.. .. ........ ,,"1"., '. '=. ......, '."l._.. ~ ..,14 ' . .. .1Ib. .Jalpotaent ~'. .444.1. ,"_ 110 *. ct." _ D'4lb...... x...,'. ..,. .... feU.',,,-, ...... .t ...n ...., .. 1,.. H__.' .....'.... , of a..IA ...... __ ,. ....la. ...... .an.' ......13- C.-rotal ....,. .. __. fit ..., ....' u Ilia MrtMtt1l' of c.....c1a1 ...... .....u.r-...... ..,:,. 1M --'iRe' .t.,.... _ 1t1.. nrr.ia1 a..... ... 8114 ....... ..... U. 8100k II. ..,.,. ....'.4 ,. .uA7 ..... ....... ... "aU ...... ,.. _. . ... _alt. ...... ..., , ....._ to.. ....~ ,. ""I' ....,. ale. 41 ., .. . ,..... at D*...a. Stree' ...... ~ O~, ...,..,.... ..,. ... .u..... · ~ =::.~.t:::i~. 10 ]UOWl .. -._ ;"_...~,, ~'/ '~,' I.e. ',. it- ':~I. :{ \ ~;'l\, ,c~,'\ _'\~.. :. .I~..')~. ,:.:~.. ". U JI'\'~\~~ !I1~1~\~~..~ ~~;,::. ... all tat :po..'1_ Of '....r a..., a.nJl ot >>1aaoaa1 sv..t _4 aU, ...t p,.~io. of. tile .... 1.... uwth Of "'ollorth 1.. _. '..' ..... 4. flit Lot.' .... .' a a _-. 'l. ue 1iIar'.". or. Improv... nt C~f. ..4-diU... t. p-atee ..I-me the ~j..tl.. to .....7..14'IOP.:rty to in. 01t.,. of DubUque ..& prOT!_'" ... tu .4......,. $aid t.U.t7 fit D\1l)uque vaoat1ag _lel property tal f... of this paa~or a4".d :rebl'u.a.r1 21. 1888, "1D8 now ....ter J,XY Gt the aeY#,MdO!d1anoe 8 of 1Mlo:! the a I. ty of Dubuque, l~. me. '1~" (\\1:1, Claim Deed Da~e4 00. ,_be:r 85". Ul0 :rUed JtaY 13. lt~6 AU '!Jab- right, tl tl. aDd. lutene' An and to the teUowhlg ..crlb.d prem1.. ) 81__,.4. the OOtUSt,. .of ) DtlbaqM &Il4 state or Iowa, ,....1d" 411 ~t ,et of ft- S...,. .....11e. ....... x.t J.aaloOk 8. aD! ;Lo1"1 1 to 4 be. .o3Jd..... . 1ft Block 1, .. ~ue _-. 1IW000aaent C.....,.. 444#.'1.. to the 01t,- Qt.. JIlbuQ.u.'t X.-... "1aOt A.11 tbat ,17' ..tau..... et tllUoh 11.. -.. .......Il.J.o. 1..0'.. B1ook. .'.......04 :r..K .12. 31.>>." * '1...- Dtl_., .. ~ _l'~t o~t.. Ad4it1oa to tM, CtJ of Duln1ClUI, I.... '.t... 4- 4U. ~ ~, prtot.. aJtJc.' ....... ., .. li.. be.... ...n 1,. ". . or Block 12 an4 1:.0' 1'_ ... t .. :Dt;t'buqlle lfan_ Jl.....m... ~...ft......t 0....'.,. .A.cldltlo1l ". theO.ltY'...~...Dtl..huque, 10.' I _i4 '.-11 of land tat.eta' to 1M iaCluu4 1n. 'tbe .... '''"f., .as ....or ~tlon' 'b.'" port.... of . .....t.. ill ea14 4441 .loa ".JsDI1.te4 .. ,t. plat of ... i4 WbuquI Barb.. ~O'f" neat O~'s, .\441"'.. ba the .... a'bove u..4. &~ a.~ of _1011 baw .... ....-.tota". __l..}, al.. ".. WldiY14ja ... ball of tbe ttllow.. aJJA,..and ~,. of __t.4....t. '....It.t et that par' or t1'8 aU., Irs :81$0:12 bl __.. lfarbqr _1'.,.... _at C~t. A,Adition to tilt Oit7 of Dalltuque,. 10_.' o.-no1ng ., .. 1... ...~4 &lftl. .14 all.,. at tl:uJ .ater17 e488 et Lot al. .. .Ullook ..t!'''' aDit18. to tn. leuath of *&!fl aUa,. _. 4... ....de...~d..._.. '.be.. __. ...... ..........'11'. _..a... ..a'-ELI. te..,.~. t.o th. . ...U...\er17 .Q4 " -.1'''1--' ... ot 'hi a.1187 . Blo~.t'.a_ 8 et t. _i4 Du'buque BU__"....."t 0.,..,'1 4441t108 to. 'lbe. Ott7 ot Dlibuque.I... aad otlo ._ of *",k","11 $'14 ~_'J' 8u..'a $8 -iA AMitl._ aa Ie __._4 with. 1m.. tx.n4_ .14 alle,. .. _14 Bl.-. 12_ . ad 8 ~O.. h14 .8VeeD. (.t. aaid .u.q a" pan.ot....,. fa, wb.1oh tbl8 trQdlv Ue4 Olle halt ........... '. 4. o Oil. ft..784 "#.D8 ...11..... ..,. an4. au.......... on.., tbe ,.lat ot,_U ~ue_'01' XDVrOTa.nt O.palQ".,AA41tlo1l an4 tex- ." '. a:u..7 Ia. Blook 12) bavUaa ~.i1 h_etotor~ yaoa'."}. ..-14. alJ.e7 .... ...taot ....\. ia which an \Dl41YlM" .. Mll..... .....1"...'.... be. r ,,"l1Is _cler _ter... lit 1.. ~"4 .......... ,_., . uftiB awlta ...a1__ ... to hA... __ r . . pant to the gran.., _4 I'. &a. . C .e,. the o.barmel .'....1 L.~\b7 &84 ADaU JOOUtlV',ll18 wite, fo tIll_ Jllt.Vie o~. .. oorporat 1_ of l'N'bUque ..._. S,-'. of :Iowa 0.ai4. $1800.00 . ~ ," ~"'~~"~~""''"'"""""'~~'Y''''',_"",,,". > z:?!"""~''''''''''''-~~'' '\ d..." _'~.~o~.'.."'""-= ~-,--~~~ "-.. - .. tM_ttn ;pet et ... l_d Sa *1. .ai4 ... halt l..rea' 1. . -...aYfQ'e...t...... $84.... aa.8o. '.. -. "~.' . "Ill. ......~. - .~.....1.... .... ..... ..... ,., . ".00Jc J. " .$4 ..... ....... ..........t CUm lJPIIr'. AdGJ.U.. .. title to...,. i. ... ...."~ ..,..a ...._tag _<1. .'...... W ....1 to"" "i'bOUt .... to . t.... ___tor-. _4 to 1M eo ...... .' to _..._ ....,... tal. pop..", ._4 .. .... pan_e. "08 lilT. 8ft. .. JDc. ~ "U"~Ult7.... "W Getoller 14t 1.. 'lJ.e4 4UCWJt 8, lilt ..:.....flefttl.. .. ... _tt ....00 ea4 '"- flaribt...., "'01." .__"rl"4"tk.'.~ .- .,.... ..~.,. .f _.. ....... ....m.. ... ..... Ia. ....4... .,. '_. 4 ...... *.... .t'ft..',........... ..11...,....... ......' ....tAl....."".. ..~'. tal t~ _...... ~""i__ ...... ..... GI... .... ....~.... _. aod 8t&.......... ot ..... t... '.. ..SO,..... .,,... ......... . -'1' '-.0* ..... _..... 8..1ft .....'. '. :1-* at ...... --.. '. a. , =...~... ,'iII.t.. ... ,....'. ....'.JAJ_ ~_~ii\:.r.:!t::m::;:V autl:.... r::=. Alto Si'" . '.. .' '- .:n:I III..". 1I10d e ad1 f.n. ~_..,._...........Olm'.,.'. 4tdtt.... .. tbAOI. of lJIIabv.4U'. ....I'd.. to ,.0."" plat of .,.14 =1::'0::.. :r- ...,i ..... 41_. eo laid 1'. .... 'r.:; ::'s:a:::~~:~$f-:.",:-:be-:~~,: ~..., "'4erl_.. BI._D.. f... .. wail... aM I. IlMl' Wa.U1.. ~.'. ....at..... 0". -'14_.. ~.. '. 8. 8.._..' au. ....r...Wt..t.I..t~t. :14.. an. '.. a.,... at -..". .. ."18 sa a" to au "*' ''''..'''111''.'''''1'' 1.0, 11 .... :11... _.. ....a.ft4... ,....I'...t.8....,.. U.. ........ .... :^.' U. .......u................ ....... ......t.... the. _. ....1' Of' aal4Dell ~... d*o aU. tI "llmlll.....1 8,",,' w.. .. _. .'.7.. O. t. ita. ......o.....u.....".. "\Ja Ie. U.'. .... e. t.... e..,..b'. 'W..'..... _.... . """"),7 1lllt fit ....... .at . AI.. aU tMU"aa...... .. r__ ...... .'n. ..-..., 1'" .. .....- ..,..... ='=~~:;:. ~-~~-:'~:Jyu.g.t .L~:;..:.. 41 ........ . '._. .a....~..............t. ...~.-~M;!.w..........'... ........... and. I.... .,'.$........ .... 10 '1ft BleOk 1, Ud III aD.' ,. ......... of Ii_I' or C'1~ ....., "'tDa ..rtheJ'17 trOll thl Va"" .. ~.G.a.lt. arid SQUtherlr ... Ja.ook '.41.. .. .W ........ 'II" 'b.'. "I'%.ot I .. ...1 &ad.. _t':'J4e4 V4 "..e.tt. a.........,. UMf atIttr .Ia..~. . aa4 .. tat .. of ~.... .....t. Iao,lu'" ..... ....t.. d .111_ It ..... .... ''''1' ....,.. ...... '. ..~\l.~_... ._ ..... '..." ....t. ._4 _ .......... . ..... .. .. taM..... ...... ~.1 ..... fit... .... ., .. X1c.bael K. uoaartq .1::..i8-..... La..,CU.. ..").'. .au. <<1 ___.. 1111 ...sre... ... AOW '01m.. waUer. ",...". .. >>. 11...11, .Tames ....uia. .t 'obn lU,ar W&llJ.., fwate... t..id. ttOOO.OO .to. 19.00 'I.e.....'."..... ) ,,'t"~' _ .A. ~u ... 1./JIa4a b8:reby oon~.,.d fOJ' - per10d of 20 IlIOn~. f!/IIlI. .. ~ot', all 111 1l,,00oa>>~d by hiS ebIIU, ,..ol11ne1"1 .... 'tIllUdJJlllllt nmae of 1<1\10\1 &ff 1I101.uAed 111 t.ll.1' oon".;7II' oe .....t. on1.1 .uch of th-... ~). :elIl'-1I111P- t.!lot p8Jll18.' ..t. _ .l!S>>~U- of ...14 pS1'1odt . ~ ......14 ._te." . ...... ."..... ...._ ..,.. ~1l' ., aau.lte.et. ~ of e.J1 ..-.11101'" ___ _ t.b8 ..p~nan".' 1ot.., pi!o1!" 01' lO" _l laa4._r.b1 cOIl,,"e4. . . "~\'\"~.:.'\..', . ~ '" ~.'.~ J.:: .:!: '.~ ~"y ~., )''''. "'~." '~ ':'~~ti::,~\',"( i7,1. 'T"'~'A\~ w~~~..,~ t \ '"j6>-,. :~.... _...~..~' f_....~ ~ ,..... ~1'. "'....1!1Ok ... .. 10...... .-*'"' ..~~}'&Ill. ......:t.U.. ....,. . ,.. l\....~. ..a.~.1:." 'l:f'O.ll'" ...te4 00\0'*';- 1.4. ttll! t- 4U. ... . .. .' 1'_on 'U" QO\O\Iltr all. ".11 . ~14 ........,.t 10th Oe, fOW-tal \1:'.<<$'11 .~. ,'. ft of l.lIIl.d 111 ..,.d C01Illt1 sad 8\&"8. t....1\. 'Lo- 6 t,o ),0 .~ 1h ..-\111 1110"81," t.all"ok 1, &).80 . . ~ . ..... ., t....p\1Illl ,. ..... .__00 __ ..,\ ~ of _111 'A-' . \~?/ . .' :.-~ CJ~t. O;:al .....\11 .1lQ\IUque ~1"'~' ..... 'bIO\ .~t. of _"11 It"0k8 ..~11 ,.. l)U&~ a."t. n \1:\8 11~ .14If. ... a)llIIIl1 \lPOA ttlit1Jl8.t. Ql'vie." of ~. ~ ..~...t. oOl!lll""l" ....,.... fill .,...u..,1... _lr.ef. AlSOt.ot.. 11 t.o · 1I0\h ....~ . ~ . all bl 1lIl1I11que 11a1'bGl' x.roT811l1Pi\ C~' · i.4l4lt........ .... \118 Of.t.7 of JlIl1Iuquo. ..dfa,1Dl> \0 - lr...,.4It<1 p).a' f/l' ..... AdA""" ~o"." aU. ta\8:re.'''' -",T8 111 _4 '0 all'.'. .t. ,a'l"'. Q.t 11811'-'\ apJO.1'" tAt. 13.ta :IlloOll: · ... _._ _."'.. J.o. ,. 12 ...11<1 13 ta :IllOOk 'I lI. the c.nter of ...1d:Be 13. ...lI. Al'"' aU t.aten.' in o-,"iIO'l. st.r." tr- tliI8 center .,. ita t.all__.lli!l1l dt.h JlG'l.1 ...-" ...."d~ t.. '\'18 ....t..1I'~ ,... 01 w"- ~"1l4 lit A).1Io a11 o,ar tater..' ill, .'tCl'tl\l1'S1;lrO.' c....~....,'.,....--... 1".".. .11:088. ot' .... I ..- ., ost.e1l4$DS'. . . nor.....tber17 \it .. S"~ ~.. of. __ e.11Ily ta :Illock 8. Al.' aU ~ _"""lI' tn... ~...'..' .'1..... ._t.J!lO'Cl\'.1Ja..terU tr- ....... ~olld. .looll: 2 _..... . ..a."..... .11.....q~... ..0........ ..' .....i_~ .1.0,....4 .' 'It .~, t e.u4 10 . ._~ .....~.. ta U1 ,lie.' ~ of . '. - ~1I: 8".' ~il1S ..~ t'l'ta" \tllO\" till __ 111ta.1. Qerlc\r&l ....11,.., eat. a.._...... _~b'. f......1l1.. ..ok'.. Al.. .... a -. te}' .......\ for \)lI.... ..t.8 ...... t.t\ . s.1l).oiI1C :t. __ _ _"....... V4 SQ1II7IOO'fOJ' """ .........' sa .. ..u.. tn 'J1olllt 8 .4. $:A 1'art ot 'toaltlr s..-" 1IlO1ucllI4. ...__ . ___.... of ,!lot ..Wy ta Wok . ...... ...14 .,GIOr ..." w ..,._ ...., 1.' of BlIIolt 1 ..u ta))UbUlll18 1JIIi>'1It1l! x.roT.- .-' O~. '. n'. t.441t.l- ... ...... "01 \\'18' vlI't. 1;1I81'0ot ... .."" ........_ __"of.' ..llj\. ........' ~n' ,!lotlrota' t , t \ .. \~ . - In Relation to Estate ot M. H. Mcoart_ 4...... Distrlet Cour'. Dubuque Oount;r. low. .... ~.., .'0. It ap,..raUat K.-B.,. )IoOar,"", died De....r 6. 1180. lM.'ri:ag . l..t wUl .. ......... _loll. after 4.. ..t10e was aG1".d to probate by sa14 court _ tu 10~k 4&,. of JaaUU7, 1111. ' . S&14 wiU ~n".8 as to11o.. t-, B7 paraarapk a or 8a14 will, ke 41.u.. aIl4 ..que.'. to1lJ.. ..11'., .AlUla ac"'lI:1. 11'1 lieu .t'ller 41..1lnlt1... .... 10... 1Bterest 1n Ja.1.~.'. oel-tea real .."te..'pl' ,...., :IJl que.'ioa. ""...,.._1 prep.t,. "I. a1ao t..,s.. .......'ll '0 her a .'Utl....,......,..,.., ~ zaMl _. J~. Dr both .a aU -1 el"., to ....'1'. ,,\11. \M~eal ....... .....,. "..1... .. Mrtlle h11n...t1l.11-4 '1ll 'ftlue or. aU 'h.' rflal ... )d'1IOnal estate .t _1011 I _1' be ..1z" at the ts. ot .. t..'h.- hraa:ra,.. 8, " u4 5 pertain ,. personal prop.."_ Para&r'ap au 18 .. follows.- -AU. _Jul... 1:".88' . 884. "8i..4U or ., .....! :r.al..... .,e,,_e.l I ...- y1..... .__.~. .. -. L' Kooaray ~1.. ..... .... that JII7 .~re .. tll1.1.e'.. .,. .r_l,.. '" ~ 'b........ .. tn. tJrlttuP QfJ. oaplUJ. "ok. of .., .~ .. ,unlll ....... prOyu..." . . Ia Paragraph 11 he llOJIbIa'.. aa4&ppeia'. 111e. ohJ.14.J"- Peter H. MtOerth.7 .. Oarl1oA. JiloOartJq w1D. hl.'" U. 18." .~ J. Wet, ~tDr8 of hi. w1ll. "'..+1." ~...pJl U as toUo_~ ..,.. ~.. or'hia ., ,WI, .u1 .. ..'...1.... .....u .... oon"1 ..,. '~."'t.. lIe1oqUl8 .. rq ..... eM ..,. ..'..a.. .. eet a,.,n. to .,-.ite, _4er the __..lel..- .,.1...,uu...1d...... ou1 the, .ut1aorl" ot ~. ..., N7 40 .. s.a* ..__1.. W ..a 08 41....tl_... . oa 1.....,- U. 11., ~ .~. Carl.... .._,~ ana FraU: 1. wart ..we .._.tel; ~...r. .t tat. .._..~. -,. 4'l47 qual. 1..ti.e4. f. ~ ........req......1HI,.-.. '. ...... ...... ,...~.. ..................... .....'.. their appebltlaea. .,. J1_U",U" of.. ... la. tll. T~ Herald .... . w"k .tv. ... ......J... -. .. rv"-' Pl1J*-- lid kviq ltMn' "*__, ..... ltl1. ' . Oil :r~ 18. Ba. YjJ.la1 ...,..t ...ru..., ....... ..u 1....1....... .... ... ~.t."'-- .1tJl..Ua.~ ~..ltaJl.. ~.. . \ .........t _ti.. or...... _ fU-. ; !. oa ~ al. 1.le. 'Saal BQU' ... .ppro.,... .... 1"'.1- butioa"'''''. . . On MP'Oh II. 1'88..__1". 4i8d.aF'" 1lJlR ,.....,.... bela... .fIt ~." ...~. -..a., ~ C..,." .. f.SlIB, 1'. 1"...1.,\ '. \11...., ....... WI\1t ~.:t' ,. '~R t..... ReMS:.' ot II. 11. ....,. 0....., - f114. ,. . ..', A'~ t............... to., - ___$. ..;,;". 50. A OIJ-taSu .W~ cia. c1'_.14'th~.ot OD'ober A..l>. 1915 _,..4 _ 108 Ihllal1Ar" .....-. B. Wa;UI.. ftI.d.erk4c: ."1..11 and'. 1,,,:WaUi.,, . _.... ., the Allt.. HendersoJl lleJDQrial 488ociat:1ento Jl1,~1 U.lIcOA:rtbr' ." reooro.d in :Book 102 page 246 of _M JIortpgta,oorde f/l nubuqUl COU1\t)'.. 10-. hav1ag been PAl4 1a fUll. 1. he"'tV' nl.a._d. . >>.. fftIM:,eSpecia).8T Dle4 ])a__ 4UP,t 26. 1'''. .11.4 :lowab81' ... '-ft, ft. e... foUow t..DC...... "'. .... ,,,4- 11'_.'" e1 tuate4 tI .. . Couaty tit. :J)Ubuque .u ..te Oi.,. t# Dt1\n.lqu.. 1018. to:rtlll..-.t..",.,. .r,.. .. to pu-k ,upo..a,toal)'. , 10 b.~.cluld.... ill .10*1. , .~.. .......1 a4'1. ...,tlas $1.00 A other '004, . that >>.n of saW b1o.. .. 1'&1,lesa1 &lIUtf101.." 00_'4. .... 'lw7 'tbe Ul-.b ..n\JIal a&11...., '0., .or tb.e~. 1"11 Ie :DUbuque Bri4ae C_I\AJ. and that p&3tt of -U :tU.oaks .fao1u4tcd. sa D~OMl S1:reet. to tbe R1sb :ar~. ..a a_wa up. the. )1.' or palt. of Du.bUque lfar'ber J:mprOTe_I'1$O~.'. A(\diti.. .. Sub41v1IJlon __!'tot. . . '. .. . Also Lot.).3 to 24 beth bolua... ltl Ji).oc_ IS a.11 . aubtlQ.u.e Harbor IJQpt.'W_..., c~ts AAditiOra ,. _. C.t.*,. or ~".., "O'01'dl1l6 to 1'..oHe4 Plat "t..14 4441t1-. . Uso allr~.f. title a.nd. tater..' wid,. ... bavt ill .. toe.U tlat. ))al1 of "11 Sveet, ..o'$.~ '''.'.. 11 fa Bl.OS.... .. 8 aad... ". .,'....8. 1'. I.e.". la.... a_.,... ~. !D Blook' to the Cell.rot _ld :Bell a...~. Ala. auet Oomerola.lstre.t t.-om ...,.....>>.,t.. ."",o'~_d_-'U 8...t, easterl,. to tbe eaa'e'11 1.. *It DJ,ooJafl aa4 Ij. 4.1. aU our intere.t 1n !per. av..t froa .. ~ou.er111_...tIt Blook . ud , edel'lcl1ng .o~'.n:'1rto .~ .11'.1'17 line .ot .~ aU.,. tn :BloCk 8. U.ao aU .our .111"1"'.' taU, 1....... fro.', ...'_1'11 trom the a43olll1tt8 :alo.., .. .'......1'17 ea4 of O{I,.1 tr... .~ Stitt'. and Lot. 6..'_8.' ",114. 10 .. B1o. I. II III _ &1.1.*' ;tart fit IU."!' _ Clark Mr..t 17'~"~~ .'rOll1 the .....01 the lU.o"_ centra.1 Rail ' .out.bel'1J. fit. Bloak ,. .-.. a .ter ea...ment tor bO . ,'l.ok 1... anI. an. _ctl'9' 1". 1/4 tat'r.8tf'~ tft Dlock 8 aM ....., ,." Of ,.. 8 . ."012 of the ~ . B100lc 8."-0 ' , we" liae of B1Nk .l" all in D$uq,ue I 444.1'108 all _..,. the plat thereof reol aa --,1',10.' ...... Warranty exoep\1ag lot. and 1_48. \C0t Carle ton ;,:oCarthy.. EXecuta 1'S ( of I~sta.te of lti. B.JfooartlJY. ) ditoeased, l ( 1 ) TO 'trustees of the All1son.. Henderson .cnnorW Assoc1a.t1on 101m It, Waller. Jn4erlok ~ I.. st... 8..11. 1'''. "WaUa. '. _4 J'ohIl Rider Wallis, tn..'. .', .,. of the 4l118..tlen4lr... )leur W A8socstt.tloD ~q' "'e _.4 .'. 23,. 19a:&. Jl11 ed Apr 117. 1921 51. 1. fO'el of DubuaUA . .1, . " . ..a :'_1'0_4 J'elJruary 14. 1818 ;J '''~1e.4__.an .lot t_ the relit. . .~..lIeU.T_,_4 -..--...... ct.. "reas, 1 twas agre 2. ~.~-"r _.--~ --~ ............~_._-_..-..... --" ~--~-------- .--'-------- J~ ."'---~~'"""'7""'--'T~'"'"'I"""-''''-':''-'''''''''''''____''''-'''''''''''_=~-''''''--~~"",,:'''''''''''',"''~F" -"--'-""""~,,.-,~,,,,,,,,,-~- ,.~' '~"~"'r::'",~..-..-""...,.--~~____~;".. ~.......... "'" .. ..~ ~__~.. ~..,"""",~,~ ~ ............ --I........' .................... of .... at ..,,~, . . .'1 a..... b. ...........'.'... ....... . of.>.. ....,...Lt.II.... ......_.,..,' .... .JI-_ "",-..\!I._ .... lit "'1M', ........ . 1.....IlI'=-- .w.a.. .4..,... B . ...u.......... Hi fit. tilt All"'......... -...... .....,.' .......,. . ....... ., ..........~. ,'. ..... I. ~.....~...~..~ ..:.......~.,. ~..,.~...~' . ..., ~~~ 51. "I, 'the tollow1ng d&scribed real estate. l31tuated 1n the county of Dubuque. Iowa. to-wit. Lot 6 to 10 both inolusive J.nBlook 1. Alflo 13100ka a and " exoeptiag \bat :>a.rt of sa,id 13100k ovn.lGd by the Illin01s Oen1;:ral Ratl"", Oompany 'or the Dunle 1111 .. Dubuq ue Br 14ge C e>>n.pany, aDd. that part ot .1d BIOOk: inolu4e4 in Diagona.l street to the Hip :Br idge as shown upon the plat or plata of DUbuque Ha.rbo:r Improvement Company. a Add!tioa or Subdivision thereof'J .180 Lote 13 to 24 both inclu..l.... 111 >>,look S, all in DUbuq. .Harbor Improvement Oompa.ny'Q Addition to the City of Dubuque. 800001'4- tug to the recorded plat Of sa.id Adc.1t1on; D,lso all right, t'1tle an4 interest whiGh grantors have 111 a.nd t <) all that part of Bell street opposite Lot 13 1n. Block a and opposite Lots 12 a.nd 13 il.. Bleck " to the center of $aid Bell street, Also aU 01' CommeroiA'T s....t from the oenter of t\. 1ftteneot1on \vitb. :Bell s'reet ea.sterlY t.o the ea.sterly line ot :8lock8 1 a.n4 2' and aU Of' grantors tn.rest in Towel" street from the southerly linea of Bloclaa 2 and '1 .xten4- ing :tTortherly to th.e southerly lme of the .11ey u.. Block S, also all of srantore tater.at in the 1e,"$ Iron. easterly t.... the a.dj o1n1ni Block I of ,he ea.aterly end of OCDJBtrola.l stN." Also LotI 6..'.8,9 and 10 in :Block 1: Also aU t..'1atpart of ItS:..!' or Cla.rk stre$t 171ng northerly from the: track of the Illinoia Oentral Ra.llway and southerly from Bloak '1, al90 a. _terea....at tor boats over Lot 5 in Block 1 and an individual abEt fourth ~tereot for an ea.sement in the alley :1n Bloak 8 a.nd. in tbat ;par. of TOVlel" Stl'ect,. inoluded withm an extension of the ally .. ~lock 8 across said ~ower Sireet, to the we~t line of nlock 1. a.ll in DUbuque Harbo!- ~oft_nt, OompB:tJ;1' & Addition as sbown by the pl~,t there~ and..,. aaend!lenta hereto and vacation$ therein. This 4ee4 1* <<mil 8ubjeo' to a mortgae;' held by >>.l1.JIoOu,"", or his osta.te 1n the sum of $2100.00 whtoL the 01t;yof Dubuque aesumefJ . The intention or this deed Is to oonvey to the City of J)ubuque the aboye d.escr1bed real ..tate absolutely and fore.,.J- sUbj eot to the pt"ov1s1on, howe..... that tbe said Oity ;ahaJ.l ......6.. sai4 prQ,porty to pe'U'k purposes and develop the same as a IlIUIOI'2A1 to \fUlt_ I. 4111son (lad. DaTU a. Henderson, honored citiZen. of DU'tU.lque. "'1t11 tlle further qual:l.f'1oa.tlon 'tha.t the Oity -ball haft the r.1ght to .. .aid J'bpeJftyto other tban ,.,rk purpOIMS, but . . ld oity should dtltatre te 41ver. t. \lee ot '*.he- tan >>ark ptarpO.... and devote the 101p.1 1ft .~t.r. then _id property , 4/tJtil. of the appJ'801..ct _lu~ thereof a, pJ'et era\)l,. a ,aa, In lohn R. Wa.ller, lJ'rederiok E. Bissell, tames X.Wallis and 'r~~ ,'3ohn Rider Wal11s,!rttstees / . : . \~.' . ot the .Ullson-Hende1"eon " _emorial Assocfat1on, of J)Ubuqtte Oounty, Iowa, CACN 8ig. Al11$on-1!enderaon emorial Asaocie.t ion, by John R.Waller. Frederick Ed1ssell. 1ames R.Wa1l18 to1m Rider Wallis,Trustee.,) ~,. ~!mE!m{ ,. .' '~f.l\ ~,.., - ~"~. .~. :: '" '.,'i 1; i. (,~'~. \\,' ~.\' ilLs . \'~(~\}IiI ~ jl"tl\IZ~. ,~i\i.;1c.A l'l;"~T:~ ::0:'" ~o , :', " t. ~., I' : ,~ " 01 t,. of Dubuque Ii Iowa, a Jtlmic1pal O~ort:1.tlotl $1.00 & other good. valuable and sutf'101ent consideration " , .1 j 1 I i ,I .t } .~ I ~ Dle. 8STI,.194 Correated wty Deed :nil. t.e d Bt.rQh 10, 1921 :rUed AprU 14. 1921 ) \ ~ 82. ( \ \ '''' ot Du'buqua ,... .( ........ ""'"'----,__.. I. ' Onere.a pro_4 Jlebruary 14, IBM <It:.lJld, "an Ao", ter the relief '-#..1le.l1eT1e., uel - ......t. 'j"~ ~"A. ~ ~ "'rea., 1. twas agr / ,., j ,'.~ '1.0no'" 0.1"> ....'" ~ C" /"tit, ""r>'","" .-.,"" -,.....(' "''"'' .,.,...",,., '" .,,' ....... ... 1;:Jo~.....,.,~ ..... . ......"-,j.-..r,..,~.,..), ~.., ~......' ..... "'~'.~ ,"::""4......;Jf...".+ ...-i ',;,::. '~" ",,'" G1'ty tor cOUi::eroll'.l pUrp01JeS thUD 4/Gtlw ;):: tlle selling price reoeived thflr.f'or oh.rl.ll be 4.iver~d to suoh rt mcIllOrial. And we. as 5,'rustees wc..rrant and defend, ~tc. ThifJ deed 16gi'iren to oorrect n deed executed by the gr.'<:.:\utora herein to the G1i.y of DUl>uque on A.ugust, 26, 1916,'m.tlflled for record with the County RElcorder on l'o~mbor 24, 1'16, :$2.50 Rev. S~) .ean. CAN ON All r 19ht" t 1 t:te and in tere st - the t ollow- 1ng described premises loaa.ted 111 theOounty of Dubuq ue and State ot Iowa, to-w1tJ. Lots 20 to 38 both inoluded 1ft Block 9, Lots 1 to 38 botA 1n01u$u1 in Bloak 10, Part ot Lote 20 to 38 both included . Block 11, part of Lot 34 in Bleck 121 Lot. 36 to 56 bo~ tD,o n484 in 810 ck 12". Lota 1,2,3,4,15 and 16 1nc1u.,11V. in B1.ocJc 13, Lo\8 11 and 19 'both tnc1l.le:1T8 In Block 11,. Lot 5 in Blook 1 all in Dubuque Ha:l"bo~ Improvement OClQaIV's dcutton to tbiI Oit,. of DUbuque, .usoLot 2 in standard I._be.. O~Qy Addition to the <U.ty of DUbuque. aooo:rdlbg to tlae Noorde4 pla.te ot -.1d A441 t 10th ~~\? ~,'.~.:..:.~'..,.u...~~.':;;t..l(.. 'It' .\.\ 't-!"'11o ,?~t~ :~ H'~i~.,f<' :~ .1 :I.~ ~ I '_ .......'..~""i A.a '-~ hr.\ \." \ Peter H. MoOarth:r, Oa.rletOtl ) .cOar~ and Frank I.Ward. 1 Executors of t~ last wW at M.H.JIoOarthytdeoeaeed, ( s 19. -Jrat1k 1. \lard. Pe "I' H.KoOar thy, carle ton )loaa.r~, ft) aoknowle4ge I "Fra.nk J. "ard. ) Executor of the last ""11 or ) 1l.H.Koaar~. deqease4, } Carleton UCOarthy and P.'ter ) KoOartq -..) ) ! ! ) To K. H. BOoa.r~ a~. a Oorporatloa at Dubuque COUDty t staM of Iowa, $1.00 & other good and. 'falua'bJ.e. oons ideh~101l Pewr'L ItOcartbv, Oarletoll JIoOar\br and _'_ '__~ 1.W'_"" ..outo1'. fit tile 1&8" wW of .*L~"'. ...8...... To Jl. R. .Oar~ OOJQpatlY, a corporat10J1 of DldJuq,ue Genav. state ot Iowa. tl.OO 4r otba~ '004 aM tIllua'ble oOIl.1.11a't1_ 35 to 50 both in i.cla.1ft 11& B :1., . Lot 5 1r.l 111 Addltion to the 01t C~ Addition to plats of 8a1d Ad41tion. to'Wrl of Dubuq lie __.....,......r ,'>- llt -~:"-.l- Bk. 8aTL-5o&O QUit Olaim Deed Da.ted Maroh 20. 1922 JUed November 13. 1921 I JIk. S8'.rI.oollOa ~u1t C;La1m n.ll<l l I ) Dakd Jlaroh 20,: 19. Plle4 Jlebruary 28, 1923 The t 911_ as desoribed. ,,"mi.. l00a\ed 111 the Cowaty ot Dubuq... and. .State of IOR, t~11u Lots 10 'lo a8bo~ iIlolu.4 111 Block 9. 1to 34 botb. 1~q11aa.d ill Blook 10, pari of Lo ts 3) \0 U botb. lnol,lad.,d 1tl Block U, par~ o:t Lot M tas 'be Bast 100 teet rt.r ta Block 11, Lot. '.3.4.15 _d. 16 iacluslY4t 1ft Blook XucPron_ rat Oompan.,y t III t 2 ... .staaclard L."r que.ao.,rding to the reoorded 53. roved. hlll'uary 14. le$3 t.led fttJ,n Aot for the relief ,IJ 'own ot lJe11e",u., ea. state of.... -. It ... . .,.. id. ao', -.. ...... uS.1eaof lhu"1,*'_ ... IIIIIl .~ Mise !seipp! ttt... h ~:.., ~;~tm"ffi ,{J '~,'\'\. ',~ ". '~..,:\!. \,' "01'. y~, ~ "~"f. ..1';"1. '\ ~,~' ',111 Ililll;'~'i,,~ .I; '~,. ~~ ~ ~_.;Ji,-.t... ~ .,... . , President (a.ok.J\lll't.~ JlQOartn;,) ) >>.,1ie4 Jleoember 11. 1923 ; '; and Justin lioCarthy.gecret.at'y ~ lil. .....1' 13, 1923 q To ) 'fbe fOllowmg .acr1'be4 \ \: \ ) J"a1.' s1t.ted lD Dubuque ~ tel' H. Ucoart_ ) ....'1 Xo.. Lot 2 ., ) SkadJuicl I.umber Oompany $1.00 &: other val.constel.) A441t1011tL.". 20 t. 38 $20.00 Rev.stp.oar.b ) ...._ inolusive In .look '_ Iao.a .. to 38 both inclusive 1n Blook 10~ par'. of Lot. . to 13 both 1ac1ul!Il"'8 ia Block 11, Lots lt2,3~4, and 1$ ift Bloek 13. Lot. 19 add JOb Blook 14,1,ot8 .8 and 19m Blook 1'. Lot G .. Block 1. All the a.bove lota a ltuated 1a 1*bw1u. _~.1' liDp1"OWmen t Oompany" Addl tion DUbuque, 10_. parts ot Loti eo to &3 ... MClIN .,.oUi... ally 4es41"1bed as 1'0110..1 1.ot 1_ ~t ,20, Lot 1 at Lot al. Lot 1 ot Lot 22, Lot 1 at 1..ot 2J. Lotlot Lot 24, Lot 1 of Lot 25, Lot 1 of Lot 26, Lot 1 of UJt 21. Lot 1 of to' 28. !.ot 1. of Lot 19. Lot 1 of Lot :SO. Lot 1 of :Lot. al.. LOt 1 Gt Lot sa aa4 Lot 1 . of Lot 331n nook 11. ~ "_1: 'ft. *oar~ ! .. ~8 Quit Olaim DHcl .. . BatH J)eeeah8J' 11. 1923 rued. ,.bJua.ry 24, 1928 ) AU tba 11" right, t1 ,lit } ... tn te1"8 at in arid to tb8 I loUp1.. "..1be4 real ..,., to-wit. AU a11q. ..... ~~:.:.~t=:...:..t $1.00 . other yal.cona1d. C->>_ Ad41tloa, D1lbuq. le-. .. tolloW'81 1M fA.... , h.' ,eaat.rlv tr.. au' a4jo1ning Lot 5 in Blook l' 80180"""'1" sW.et' oppoal" J,.ot Ii ** Block 1. aJ.ao Bellsvee' .ppoel. x,oi 18 jJlBlook , an4opp881'h Lot,. 1 a.nd as !nlUo Ck 10 to .the ....a.r ot...i4 atree \, also Q~c1a1 street trOll the "-'01 ,it. ._"*0\10a wi'....... 8....' to the _nur ot 1t. 1"t"'Rotioa ..1tb.:BeU S-..t, al. the ane7 1r.l BloulO .1'0 IU:.... ._., ....1- :Lot. SO to . ltoth inClusive 1a D100k 101 0.180 ....he Lot, 2 o~ S~ In.."" (J-.pany Add.'.1tloa m 1I10Qk 11 _4 OIPOS1",. tot.e 18 and 1. ill .o.ole 1'1, and oppo.1te Lots 1,2.~ and. . . 1l1ootlL a180 PUle stree' OIpoe1te lAta 20 to 38 both :I.aolulve tr1 Blook U, $oleo that.>> ,art ut )larket street oppoaite Lot 1 of Lot &G in Block 11' and all or *1"ket Stl'eetnorth of a 1m. h_ the cell.r of the aU.,. sa Block 17 enen4.d ae088 liar,,' S....t to the Center of' t1w alley ,111. Block 11 to the South .1M of C..-"oial str..", al. tbat part ot arbt suee".- IDt 20 :la."Blook , t. the _nul" of the ..eet, BlooJc: l'oppoalte Low 18 and 19 also the" 1~ Lot. 1,2.3,4 .._416 also00DDel"otal ,Ok la to the .ustar of the street, 1a).t 1..r..t iI'l tb8 aUey 111 Block r_ the oenter of ... aneys lnte1'llect1. exten,.4 ea8'8r13 tlr<*Stl the center of the a1 e" r ofite tatereaction with :Sell atreet. fo " --~. .. K. H. KoOartby 00., at XMbuque Ooun,t,..state of lema, b)t. l\I:E'a. >>:.1J:.lloQaJ'tAJ'. vUe pnsldEtnt (aok'........ MCCarthy ) "by J'U'3ttn MoOartby,Seoretal1', ,.'1 I r l! r ,( ~ ~ '" Ii ,: I. !: i Ii , ~ "I 'Ii l!, It, ~I [i _}l\ ~: It, , 54. ,,~.... ,. Ql tle. at B J~T~"d .1I1....tbe.. . ebo - ~d he. re.c . '--~,.. ... 1-' ,~.- I . 8Y an Ad of 0011"... rovec1 J'e.ua!7 14. 1811 \114"_ Ao' tflr the relMt "... of Bel1eT1e_, ..a atat. of 1""-. ...... fit -14 a.', ... tat. ".01'.._ Bvl1q_ .... .. the }U.....,...,p,S .... .. v , " f01ft1 of Dubuque ~ l't .j ~ &~ ~.~}:ri!!lll~ / r.\\.. '. '. ~ ';~::;""t'.{ \'''s. ^ ~ 1'1,l"';.~, ' ",,\ .if"'. .. ,.\,n'H :"I~~:,,(-t"I ,I', ~I':':" ;':~l Articles or Incorporation 01" 1be -Standard Lumber COmpany" were fUe4 to%' Ne0l'4 ,.. f. 1888 . Record tit , InoOl",pO'rat 10M a >>lI88 210. ' IDcorpontor.. -the Bllplre L\IJt.blJr Ooapal'l' of Bau 01a1ft, YU..oor....!__!.. 'ft. DQ" sad a. t. tIuIUX"e.. ObJeot. ,. VlV't ..11 arad-.nutao'" lumber. to 'bu7 -.4 .en .1....... Capl'-l _Wok to .. $300,000.00. Aft.b. to be cOn4u0t8, b,. Board of >>tt..tore -ortloera to be a Presl dent. sea-etaJ.7. A88i..tarst leue'ary aa4 trea.surer. Oorporation to baft a corporaw Hal. Duratior1 ., from APr11 18. 1882 to tb"et 'I'e"_. ot la.nuarYt 1887. AJDen4mebt to Article. fUed Sa..., I, 188'1 -re.._ same for a.n add! t lon 'en year.. ,A,Mndment to 41">>1.. fUe4 'anu..,. It, 189' .. re___ eame tor an a4dit!oa .. ,ear. and , -.the. aert1tlcate of 11....1 fit Ar\1Q1ea of standard tuber Ocapany were tiled. septeder 16, 1'" ... .. ,"oOl'ded 11'1 Book 5 of Incorporations paS' eu. 1&14 Artioles proTt.&n ItenewaJ. f or a ,. r 1_ of 20 y....... ft_ 1141 3, 190'7. Same obj..t a.e 1ntO!'~ ettOlee. Oa.pita.l st 001$ to be 1600.000.00- Sa.:me ottloers. To bave oorporate ..a.l a.nd Pnst4en-t a.nd Secretary'. uecute allo(llTeya.n."ot real ....t.. Art101.. of lIl_Jr,poratloa .. ... .... H. ~t__ Oel})a!U'-."e fUed. for ftto." ,,-11. I'll . Reoord. Of Inc.,o~&tlo1te f >>*&e ",. 01)3eotl to J~.e. lea.., ..11 _lid *a1 :fa "al . atat". Duration. 20 1"ar. tr_ :tIJUtch 15. 181L Of'tloertu President. V10e presid.ent. Sec,..tary and Treasurer. . All. .'.4"_ o'OI1Te7QD088 a.nd otMr Ulstrumeuta 11'1 writing affeot InS I'Ia.l. .etat., ~1" . ~d by the President or in his a'baenoe bv the Vide 'PNetdea't an. seoretary. (Jorporatlon has DO oorporat.. ..1. 55. .. <:1\1.. fit D' ~1'!!~3-: ...... .... .~..at "1 _of ..11........_4 S.... tit I.... "... ......,. -14 ad, "'-'_n It'''. at awl"-_,,. ~'~JIU81....pp" .". .. '--"'-,;,.-" - ~,- -- ~.- - - -'- ~ b .. _..~, ~ .' "" ".,.," :." :. ". '..' ,.," ..,.........,........ .', ' " . . . '. .'" . . '. , ftter L.~_. '..' ...... --- .. . c..J ............._ .. , .~. -".' ". .111......... of... ......... .I..........C-...... ......011. .... ..~.'.. . ':T.-::t.:r-.:u.- '.., .. ......, ,. -.1.--- Q.. '1.. ,. .... ...\t1. ...i".l. ' . ~~, ~ '\'\, 1.1; 'I i . \., ~,~1)..; .E.7!" t.t.. u ,.\. 'A,' .lIiI , d'Il'I"~;, ~ -l! .....~ f' ;:; -~:".J.i:,:';" --~----, me. 97TL-43(\ Q.u1 t Cla im Deed. kted :february 13, 10. 'ilea. February 24 t 1988 All the 1T r ight.tttle ud interest 111 a.nd. to the follow'me; 4esGl"1bed real eatate. to-w1t. Stree'. and alleys in Dubuque liat''bor Improve_ u 1; COlll.PMY'. Add1 tton Dubuque, IOffat ae t o1.1Mnt. In tl1.e levee front e...r:17 trom and a.djoin1ng Lot. IS in Blook 1, a180 ''-'ower 8...._ , ep>>ol1te Lotdl in >>look l' _............'..... .'11... ....... '. .". "'".... .S..... L.G" 18 sa.. Block 9 and opposite Lo'. 1 .... ta 111*'" I. _. "ater III said streett aJ.80 O~o1a.1 a......... ....,...'...,.h....... .........lj:,.....................'.......,.......7.,..._....'...:\ ..... la.......". 880t ton 1t1th lIArketswe.... et to .. __ ., 'l. ..."....~. with Bell atreet, also t1W alley ....-* 1f, " . ll"" ...., .,..,1ie Lot. 20 to 38 'both ......... '...a..._.... .............. _.'. .........."..., .... .....101............,".. .1'_ Lot 2 of ,Standard Lull.... .~., . '. A14i'''. ....... 11 amtlJpoelte Lota 16 and 19 .. . .... ., ........ lAt.. 1. a. I and 4. in Bloak 13. alae P'*..... . ...............:...X-.... 1..,.....',......0."... ~Jd 18.' beth inclusive 1n BlOO.k U ... "".Ii .'. ..' . it ...-t ....., OIJosite Loi 1 of Lot 20 ia Block U aDd. . '.. . . fit ...., ..., .GiIt Of a line from the oell.l" of the .u..,._ ....'1.,...... ..... Jfarket sueet to the M,,_r of "&118' .. ... U _._. south ald. ot Cozzmarica.l S,*,d, also Qat .1lI'\t4 ..... ....., .._1te l.ot 20 11\ Blook 9 ~o tbe Gente _.'.... _...itl. ..............','.....6.'&3,... '...111. ..' aJ.lD. ..... ,ta Block l' oppo.a.1te Lots J.8 an.d '" a1IM .. aw.. "'1_.1) oppoeite Lots 1, 2. 3. 4 and 16 ., .. ,.._ ....... ,.._.t. :tot 16 Ul Blo<\k 13 to the oen.r of.. '. ....... .........'..... '.'. ........'.. -......1fl.O.... ...... ....... ..lYl..4d. _.outb. one half in.l'....t m the . ...u.t .. MNi . ..... a .Waiaht line from the oentel" of - ""'. ........ wi.'arJlet .street exiend.ed easterly through. .. ..11'.1 .14" .. UJ...... to ,. onter of its interseotion with MU ......,. ... ,."ft ...... ----. '- ...;;.. I. ...U. .1. JIk, 4ttt.WM Re1eolut1011 la-29 ..4 lanuary :.7, 1_ .U.. lanuat"7 16, 19. ) A. l"eeGlutlon "olatJdng ~ tba t llu"jttlon of . outer ",..b'.. ...~1l' ".1ook1. 1Q Dubuq\.t8 ttarbor lmpl'O'ftment ,...,."',. .iMj.UJh I.. fJt It.., 8th sveet and all tlJlt .pan of .... ,.., .. \JIj ._fIt Jltabuque. lying _tween Lot 1 III Block .,...... 1 ... .. ..... ... >>ubuque Ra.rbor~ro"mellt O.Patl7'. 4Ia'*'\:a ....... .... .'.." .. of the alley be'"eea a~ U.-.o1&1 a...t:.., ..... 'a" ,8U.4' huJW kat lihSv.et}. :tl "'" .ty in the reoollda of \.be &'~).'''d1ngtbe title to the ~....1"1....... kat 8th at) ... 'aat.r~ WI." ... . ... . -..v'. 4441UOIl and m ...,. "'tIII '. . C1ty of Dubuque in and .. 8&14 &1_ r., . .. oe aeary and a4T1sab18 to 4801a.;; .._~ ... ,'_:a.e outer fA"". to 'be 1n ,he City ot ~ 1lu1Nq.., .. 56. A ., JlU"_ 1"0...4 Jrellruary 14. 1883 t1l4 "an Aot ~.. the 1'el18:- Town of lJtl1eT1e_, _4 - state of 1"'.. It .. ., aa ld aot, ..._.._ 01't.. of Burl_too all''- ... ..~!le' lU.ss1aa1ppl Jtt... ia '" .~ ~ -"--~'-'~ -- --------~-"=.._...- ----- -.-..~~- ~~ ~ " """, ~I ~, '\' :!t.. I' " '~,l.",'\" ~ll,~ , ','1'7':' 'r', II '\.<~\~ ~ llllll;'~,,~ ,>I ~ '~I ,_';' ;:~ -..-;......,;:, .. ~~ " .......... "'" Ut:'l.r .t. 6 'lI on .r~ t;ap.;f.r \'>'u,Y Cl.U u. Jj' . J . rrar d.r~ cuto rs of the EstlLte of 11.H.MoOB'rthT, dec~aeed. (they a1l stsn & a ok. pe re ooa.lly and not L.S :mxecutora) Dated February 13, 1928 Filea. FebruU'y 24. 1928 , ) ) All th8iT :right. title &ad tater.at 1.tl and to the tellowmg 4e.elbed real eatate. to-w1t. streets and alleys in J>\1buque Jlarb()2J lmprr.wemeut COJIpal17t,. 4441 ttOIl Dubuque, IOWat as tolleN'llt In tita levee hont eas..'17 tram and adJ oin1nB to t5 m Blook 1, alao 'tower atre._ oool1t. Lotfl in Blook l' a.J.ao Bell street, opposite Lot 38' tIl Block 9 and oPP, os1te Lou 1. and 38 1n Block 10 to the OInter Of sald street' also Oommeo1a1 ,street trom the center of1te tn.r..ot1on ..ith :ua.rket street to the center of it.. inter....tlo. ..lth Bell itreet, alao the aU.,. in :alock 10' alaa Biver .....t .IUll1" tote 20 to 38 'both inclusi'Vt in B100lt 10, alae .,P'8"_ Lot 2 of Standa.rd Lumba>> Oompa.n;y Addition m,' lllook U and, "'011". Lot. 18 ai1.d 19 1ft Block 1'7 a.nd t>>J'o81te Lo.. 1, a. I and" 111 Bloak 13, also Pine st>>, eet OJpos1te LO, t,' 8), [~~t as both .inclusive 111 Block U also that part of J1nrlcet a....t 81J.os'1te Lot 1 of Lot 20 1ft Bloelc 11 and all of ark.t Su.e' Dor_ Of a 1ine from tbe oen tel" of _ alley in >>look 17 extend" acro.. Jarket Bveei to the cenar ot the a11e,y in Block U to _he south std. of OOlZllllr1ca,1 st...., a1_ that part of' *r_t 31m.' O.l)JOtd,t. 140\ 20 in Blook 0 to the .... of said street, a,leo the aUey ill m.ook 17 opposite Lote 18 an4 19, a.lso the 0.11.,. :In 1510'* 13 .poatte Lots 1. 2, 3, 4 and 16 also a..rc1a.l stn... O1',o.1te tot 16 m :Bl~ 13 to the center of the street. aleo the Wad1...1.... south one half inwrest 1D the alley 1n Bloak9 SOt1thot a attraicht line frmn the cen.r of ..- au.yts 1nter..ot1on "lth 'arllet 'Sweet exten.d 6&st.erly 1i\roush the oenter of 1be alley to the _n_r of its inters6otion with Bell street. '1'0 lI1.R.llcOru-t.hW Co. I $1.00 & other valuable consideration Oity ot Dubuq'tlt f lit. 41'111.Iloo434 ReleOJ.uUoa la-all ) To 1'be Publio ...... 1a1N&17 :,'. 1.9 .U.' lanwary 16, 1929 A reea1utlon "Oltd..._.S ~ that >><":i.-tic.of t1w M... Uvee l7iD1 easterlY fit lJloQk 1. ill Dubuq lie Harbor IIQprove.ment COa;;Ianyte A441t101l. ..t.h t:1t Ea.. 8th S\1.-eet Slld all t5.t pa:n of 'onr strtet in the 01ty of, Dlib'tlqU$. 171ng betw... Lot 1 la Blo. e IltoD4 Lots 1 to 4 m >>lock l.,nu'8u.QU' lIarborIQroYement OGlllparqt. Addition and ex'\end1q 8on"rl ot the alley 'bet.en 0,[ l.r~o1a1 S.eet (now Baet 'th ,"',' .' Sbeet (II. ..t 8th S"."). """eaa. there,;" 'T ia' the 1'800 rda of \be a1_1' Oouno 11 of ' 1ns tbe t 1 t 1e to the O1ditr x.e.... b'.laat 8th 8t) aDel euwJ'17 ot nO" 1 Dub _'a 4441t1oD and .. oNer to attm , City Of Dubuq. ill ..4 to said wter Ie.,.. ..eary e.Ild a,Avis.ble to ".1r.an the ownerah1p and., title' outer La.,.. to be 111 "he City fit Dubuque. and 56. ~ 1'0 ,... of Dubuque lbereaa 1'17 an Aot of a..... ro1'84 J'e.uary 14.1811 tle4 "an Aot tor t.he relief fl'lnl ot Bell.Tift.lDea state of lowa-. .... .. .t -1d "ot, -.'..... Clt...t Bul_tea ... 011 the, lU.ae1..tppl. at...., .. _ ,~c_ n "n,_ ~ ~"_ _..n_ r-- ~ t'\",.. t . ~. i'~..- , ~'. ,(. _ ~, . ...\\.:,~,. I .,' '4";,.' "'\'~ $",. II \~\~~ \~;:~\,.~ ,I, ~1.1. . 'I,.,,..,. ,:~ 'y Vlbereas, in th,e YBare 18" and l888 .,..".8"8.t 1ntb.e 01\7 of Dubuque 'ftS vacated by tbeO lty c...n of .~4, CU.", and: the riCht to use tbo aame \Yf.\8 pal1tt4 to ...... IteDne.. .uct Dti3 and ""their stW.8ao~. sttU14ari r.*"*r Co~. tide "!pt, b.o_~r. to ....aiaaw at' tbe ..ftl1. of It ,..-- .. upon 1he abando1'lm!tnt of the use of the pnal... ."lQa up. 14. street for manufaoturing purpo... for .... Gonr-e.tl_ UB, and Wbe:reae. said standard Lumber c:~ 414 abaa4-_ n.oh JLftm1ses for un.nufaoturing purpo8ta 1a ltUqd lI. !t.1Io0fU'~ _.. tbe GUOoe.,8or b1 tntere.t ... aK t. ,he ~al ..ta- ~ 'b7 lI&i4 standard Lumber o~ ..4 111 191" W qui' o1a:Jm deed .14 LH.. Oar~ pret.enaed to conveY' his latlJJ"e.t 1n an4 to .4 Tower street to the Dubuque E1.c,ovl. _..,..." ,be _eCle..esor or tbe L"1tereta.te Power Oompal17, wtul".d. .. truth aM 10 laot _14 1I.H.MaOarth;Y bad no such title or ta...~..t1D and to auab. _cated portion of Towor streot :tIt4t _ could cODve7 tbe ..... '0 $laid Dubuque Eleotr1o Oompaay. sad , Whereas, some contusion and uno.,"',.a.aty hall ar~n .e to the rleh t . and tl tle of \h$ 01 ty or DUbuctue lD aDl' to sa i4 ftoat.4 __.lon of Tower streot l3'1nG betweoD Lot I., la Block 8 ..4J.e\. 1 to 4 in Blook 1 DubllQue Rarbor ~......." .~. Ii Addl'lo1l _4 extending northerly ot the alley be""een O....rqia:J, au.,t (IiOW lIa1St '1th street) _4 8th.Str.ett_. _at 8th SbeGt) .4- breu',-:eaid .. K. BOar_ bas a...ue4 and there 18 no oae with authority to 1'Qoonve1' aa:1d,Towel' s...t to the City ot Dubuque. as priv1ded fQl~ :In the o;rQnanoe a40pted 1n 1800. _d. Whereas, it 18 deemed ad't1-.bl'''7th1, GOUlIeU tor.o...~ laid va,ented port.ion of Tower. str..t '1Uld ......, the rlght all" title of t:tJ3 City of DUbuque in aD4 t,o ..14 ....t.d pOrtion or Tower street in order that au()h right e.nd title be established as aga. mst the adverse or oontllC'."ins $- fit anv.. otJler p_tl" Bow Tberetore be it "801ve4 .. the01tTOouaoU. of tbeClt7 or >>u.buque. tbat theexol1l81ve r1Sh' .'d t1\1. \0 the ou.w.. left. be a.nd the same 18 hereb7 atfl-.d and .etabl:l.lheC1 in the ait,. or Dubuque 3.nd a.ny rights herEltof'01"e ...__4 to aqv part1.". 't'O .. Game or to the use thereof be a.nd the ... are bareby "..oked. Be it further resolftd that exelutd.....rSght and title :b\ aftd. k TGWer street qing between Lot 1. la 13104k . and Lot. 1 \0 4 m.'. . BloCk 1 Dubuque HarlloJl' Improvement 0..... ,...._.. t.... A. 44...t$l._ ...... "'.' _dendin€J northerly of the 801187 "_.O",~ ,....:1(.. "at '1thstreet) and 8thSt:reu~t (......... a.at) ... .4 ..., __ 1s hereby aft 1rDIt4 aades\abllelul4 III '1M 01'7' ,., h"_ an4 a.ny r1,ht. herett:f'ore aranted '... .. ,.u-...t.... _.. t. .............1' '0 tbe uee thereot be and the aa.JQe &\"e heft'b7 ftTole." titrUd U. __ aGel' or IUOOeaS-OI'B m 1D\erest to sa14 L 11. )100._ .. ."".by 1"elea.sed of the obligation to ..cuM.... C.TeJlWl- '0 _14 01 ty of' DUbuque as 1n tbe ord~" ot If. ,",,1_d.. :Be it further resolved that the City 0111:'k 1M aat b.. i. bareb;y direoted to SUe for reoord. in t. ott1" ,tthe Reo....r of Dubuque. Iowa, . oert1t1ed 00P7 ef' til.1I"f.'t1utt... Paluu.d, adopted and approve4 ~h1.. ,.'., of. 1_......7...,1... ~,. H. .... ~... ", -......r. .~ of the Gt~y at..' . Attest. 30m S\ube f. '-,_un-. .~ 57. .. <:1t,1.. fit >>"'Y~d 111 ". be.. .... ab"'~ . d ber ..... - .' '. at .. 1 l't' ~ ~.____--_..~_... . _A.._ _ ___...L:. ..~. ::- - <r...,11man Meuser mowed the adoption of the resolution S8oOl'l484 by Counoilmon Bohuokeri. lalla17 14, 1929. state of Iowa, County of Dubuqu~..sfJl X.. 10m Stuber, do hareby oertify that lam t,le duly a~n)o1DM4 ~1:r1e4 and acting olerk of the City of lAlbuque" 111 the aotmt1Md state aforesa.id, E:\'1d as suab. Olerk I haft in rrq 1~.....1,.nor bave atioeas to the reoor4s of tile prooeed:1.nga at the 01ty Oouncll at said City. I do further state that the hereto a"tadb.' He.olut 10n ....... .... .....airu. and correct oow.r. the Resolution. adepte. ...... "'9 00un011 at a. _.1_thenar .he14 <<l tb! ?th .., .., S.1.fu.ary t 1929. , . ......1mony whereof, I hereunto set 'lq hand and affia.l- Ma1 at Dubuque, I OWf\ , t.hia 7th day of Jan\t&r7. 1929. 101m stuber. City Olerk. (~1) of the 01tY' Of .1hitqUe. Iowa. ftWn an no Ju...n1ie or ad,'. pend:lag 11l the D1str1ot ......t J..-,. iD -aM ror W'buque CDW'lt7, atN.t1agthe titl. ,-- '.. -10 .. property .. que.t10lh .. attaobraents bave been levied upon, nor ha'f8 any olaw tor _Ghan:1 ot. ..1 ana bee a t :1le4 agaimlt the sa.me. .0 D.O":1_ of o1.a_ for u. s. ,. Lien filed alaine' Pet.er .. .eQar~ s.n tbe Oounty Recorder'. Offloe. ..-.... ,",~ ("7'< '-.;,w ,,:.'" .... Ifo ..arch __ u to lu.dBJaents. Tax L1eD8, :Bankrupto :SAIs. .,.., in the united states Oourt. '...- ~_i': f..a. . !Gee are all paid .. Lot. 1,a,3,4 1D :Block la, Lots 18 and 11 &a.81. '.OG.k 1.'.f5........t.L.d " ~1Ila~o 33. in Bl.ook 11. Beo_d ba1f' .,.", .".. tt.... iu ]Ilk II Lot I s.n Bl1cl' Lot 16 In BlooJ( '.1 !iota- 3. to 38 mBloak 10 lD Dub.Harbor Improv.... _.t 0.'1",44. 10 Lot 2 lrl Standard I.wIllIer 00'" A,4dttl011 naaJaa ~. klanoe of ... an all J&14. .. upa,ld Speoial ..a. 58. ft'M rewuary 14-. 1813 lLtJ.IjJ "an Aot t_ the rel1ei -Mft#' -l_+eT1e.. ..4 ~ ~<<.. ... 1.4'-.... , 2~~~~.~,~j~1 ._lal~~;~ -E .~:'. Whereas, it waB_~gr~~e~~~__ 2. . ____,,- '\ ,'~ .~- ,..-"'''' , ~ _ _9\......~"'.. ~ . ......--::: --__~ ~_________.___......A.-._~~_ ___~ _____ _~ __ _--/ _\. ~ -- >>ubuque, 10-'. Ootober 29th. 19$1 at 8.30 4.X. w. hereby oert1fy tilat we have eX8.1l'd,ned the ...48 ot Dubuque 00Wl1;7. Io_. for entries atteottag i1'1. to not 8 _ Block ltI.ota 20.21,22,23,24,25,26,2'1. ..21,30,31.32,331.14.35..36.3' and :sa m Bleck 9, Lote 1,2, 8.....4...,5. ....4..,?......8........'~.O. -'. ,.1.12.,13. .~,14.1. 5,.1. 0'17.18t.1'.91.1O'21.' 22.., a,24,d..aCS.a'-.21..,,30,31. 32.33. 34.35.36,37 and 38 in moOk 10, Lot 1 of Lota 2O,21f22.23,24.25,26.2'1t28.~n~.ao. 8.31 aad U in Block U. Lots 1,2,3,4 and 16 111 Block 13. ~ot.18 and l' .. :Block l'1 all in Dubuque Harbor I1qprcmunent 0'.,.,... A4d1t101l' and Lot 2. Qf, Standard Lumber O~ Addition, being a SUbdiv1$:1on of Lots 6,7.8",10.11.,12. 13.14,15,16,17,18 and 19 1n Block 11 1n Dubuque Harbor 1lqproyement Oompany's J\dd1t1ora, all 11'1 the 01ty of Dubuque, CJOWlty of DUbuque aDd :state of Iowa, and have f'oUlld tbe .. all 1. ., terth on 1be preoed1l1g tit'y-elgb.' (5S) JIlIa'lIa or tal. 4'bJ1~t of .'rlU.. . ~1dI.1. /. .~~ A>>~ . I~ ; r j ,.. .. .,,>>-- I'Mrea. by an .tot of C...... roft" J'ebruary 14, 1888 <It.J.teJ. "an Aot t. the reliet - --4l'''l~.ley1ft, _4 . -.......... -;;.". "-- -~ ~ -:::;:, "I'~..;'M"'r---- ',-.-"."""",.,...,....., 2. Wbereau, it Was ag ~__.T~...-" ._,..-c"'-\ F/ .---- ...- -~-. -.. .---~--_.-----_.~- '''~-''''.~---''~''1m::0l] ~." Resolution 2-29 ,~ A J.'8S01ut1on 1'oOl.t'iirdng aU thfit portion of the cuter I,&VN) lylnt; 81!H3tol:Ol.y of Hl.oc}~ 1 ill :.:,tl.bu<;.uo Hurbor Im~)rowr:lElnt CompaliY' a Addtt ion south ot 1;s2t 8th t:.tJtt'ictt;. and nll that pert 01' ~i>"el' ~tree1; in tho Gi ty of DubuqU8 ~1bB between Lot J. in Blotl.k 8 and Lots 1 to ~ in B3..0ok 1. L't1.buq.lle Harbor Irapl'OY6rtl611i C0Il'11)8ny's Addition end 6xt.lld11lbnartharl~r ot the aUey bQt\,een COPlIlQrGl111 ~,~ree"t (IiOlV :;flet 7th street) and 8th ~itreet (H~ Sa~t 8th st~eet). I 'NH.:;:r;A~. th$rct exiuts SOlIe unoer\abt.t7 111. the r~oQrd8 of the 01.~ OQuuo1:lo1 the 01ty of :iJUbuquG rogs,...dlnB tuo titlo to the Cruter lAV.. ~1n(~ ~utll of ath;.,t~ot, (na2 :;ast. 8th ~tl'..'t) aM eester1l' or Block 1., JJubUq,U6 l!nrbor IlIlP>>OV6t1('tUt OOQ~u i,,4di lion Euld In order to nf!'lrm the rlchta a::ld title of the oity of Dubuque 1n and to Bald outer .Levee it 1a cteomea. neoessary and adv1aeble to 4.8olare the ~l:u.er8h1'p arld title of aaid OUtur .Lovee to ~ in tb601-;~ Gt 'JJu.buque: bud ,1t::lU::J.8. in tho .;Teare 10.,6 oDd 1888 Tower ,.Jtreet l.n the City of Dt..u'u.q,;.tO .'1sa vaouted by the City Counoil ot aaid 01 ty nna, tho r1t.J~' to uaG tho ~tH:jO was t.,rmltou to IUt.iram, K6;:;.ne4.;r and Day end to their 12UcCeetHll".\:.,. stadard Lurfoer GOf1l'Ol1Y, thiu r1cht, hO.'I8.er, to tOrfainete at tte exph'f'tlon of 25 year. or u.pon the abamlorJ.ment o:f the 'U..8. ot the l'.rclIlaeo 9buttillt~ upon Lj~id Htroot for t'1~.lnufnct;urlng pUl"pOae. tb2- threu oon2e"'lt1"~...erB; and 'rms.ft}~;\cl, t,;ald ...ta1l(l~r<1 LuL'loor C:om,aay did nbanuon 6ueh premisee for r'lnnnfOt'Jtl.rin,g l.Jurposen in 1911 and t.:. H. rteCAJ'"thy- beorH:lO tho euO<)ee..r in interost in ,,,n<1 t:J the riH'll eet:.-, te o,m.edby- said ~itcnd!'trd IJW'ltber {jor:tT'~r..y Bud in 1916, 'o.:T 'l',it n"Laln ttfied, Rf1 j d ; . H. !JeCarth,y pretended to OOHVIJ:! 111s 111t6r~st in lmd, to l.:.t'"i ';CO'del" ...trO(1t tothe lribtH1Ue >:leotrio G~"'f'rw, the !};,:"edeQ6SS(;r of the In tert: 1<1le ?c.wor ~On')fm:r _ .'horo&S, in tl'Uth f.\ul it.. :L'uot t ua~Ut d. H. :cCnrthy a no ~ 00h title OJ.' 1n't.ro::t in ~:m to i:ruoh VHC!.itottportion of " ;';er..trfJet Lhnt Yo could convey tho '..ie..c to t_4.d(i"mOll.- q.U.6 aootric COnIH~li.Y; r"nd ':'tl:'1:,t+;~.~.~. .OM oonfunton and \UlCcrtt.;1n.ty h~H; firi~,on Be to the right 8,1<1 1.j 1,1.6 of the al t~( of Dtibuc(,.:;'6 in m:,t to u'l!cl vec tod port ion 0 f :!.'or:ur ::trent l:rlng 'tet'7em~;/lt 1 in ;31oc.k a a.~d. :Lots 1 to 4 :.~l"Uock 1, DubllqUtJ n8rborIm1'll~ovw '(F!t (,~"mny' SA<l<U.. t ion r.:1(i sx-;;end1ng northel-ly ,j of the elltty outwoon COTltlOrciru. f:; treat ("'0\1 ';(,l;,t 7th .3trC'3t) n~~(l 8th 3tre at Olcm &aut Otb ,; tre ot ) and, I \mh:Rl:~1\.Sf l1~Hl U. H. /lo0n1-thy he8since died. lllld tlw-.t; IE no ono t.h outlwrity to reconvoy ~a1d '.:m':ter ..,troot to the cjt~r ~lf nubu~;.uc. 8S oI"uv1d6(li?or in the Ol"tUnEllCO tid.optoC, in 1888; I1nd <"I[ ,'A;j, it i", Cloonan ndvisf'O.l..6 by thiu cowlcilto racJ.tdm said YSCritoG. portion of '...O,/Ul" ,treot nllll 8SUol"'t tJiO r1t.ht nL.(~ Ut.L0 the clty 01' tnuiU6 in HHl;~. to billa. vr,o:: tad j)ortion o.t S:o.,.for "tre!;t in (;rdQr t h!t l.H.lOfl rieht and. t1tlo be tlatnbli ehed fHi fiU~ ln~ t the adverse or oonflic.rtl1'l(; cJ..olma of atlY otb.Ol" party: . - ~- r /,,'-" I UeBolu.tlon '2-~~9. I i\ J.'oso1.ut1on 1'eol.t'iir:ling all thnt portion of the cuter :LaYN) lyll1l: &eatol:01y of 13l.ock 1 in T'Yibu<;.uo HHrbor Improwmeut CompaliY' a Addtt ion south ot l;.u~t 8th t:.uaet. al'1<l aU. that pcrt 01' ~o"el' ~t"ot; In the City of Dubu.qU.8 ~1b8be'tween Lot J. in Blotl.k 8 lU1l.1. Lots 1 t.o fr in B3..0ak 1. DU.buQ.Utl liarbor Irapl'OY6rtltlni C0Il'11)8ny' B AMi tlol1 end exten411lG northerl~; of the aUe"J botween C4PaIIorolnl ~.tree1it (Iw", :;$et 7th .&treet) ~nd 8th .itreet (n~ 3a~t 8th St~6et). 'Nlrr;:C;A~ t th$r'4t ex1a\8 some Wloertabt.t7 111. the reoQrda of the ol~ QQuno1:l ot the 01\y 0: :iJUbuque roga~dlna tuo titlo to the Cluter lAY.. ~1n(~ ~utb of ath;....t~et, (na2 ;;ast 8th :,;,tl'e8't) aM eesterl, or alock 1.. JJubu(lU6 1!8rbor hlp>>oV6t1lmt Oom~ i\Mi tion and 1n order to nfflrm the r1chta a~ld title €If the oity of Dubuque 1n end to said outer ].evee it is tteomed n.oe8aar~ 3n.(1 auviaeble to 4aGlare the cwilu.erahlp qnd title .of asia. Ou:tur l,QvEle to ~ in the oi~ of Du.buque: and , ~ -, "ft1 ,,~ 1 ilr~~II;:.AS, in tho Jeers 16'16 0.04 1868 ~lo\'ler ,.,trect In the City of Dl..llU\.iUU waa V&OLited by the City Counoil of snld 01 t.1 Dud tho r1Lh1t 'tic usa tho um:Hl was t,rnn.tod to Illtjram, K~ned;r and Day end to their t;ucoeesort,. stadard LW:loor Gon;.auy, thiu ri(;ht, hO.98YSrt to torm$n~te at tLe explrf'tlon of 25 yoars 01' u.pon tho sl:uu:td,cn.ment of the u.ee ot the pre.lsos ob1.lttint?,"i upon oflllj. Htreet for f'1unufflol;u,ring pUltp0868 1:02' three ooneo'Cuttft ~...erl!l;i a~ ~ } k ~9 7j r I I m.r.'::::ifr;i\S, sald ...tond.ard :LumiHtl' Company did nbanc.on lfO.ch premfl6e for rHlnnfoQt~ rin,t) )}U..rpOlHHl in 1911 n,nd l.~. H. ?ioC tu.thy becrH1Q tho auooee..r in in'toros"t in ,l'}nd t::.J 'the renl etetD te o,JrlGdb:r Geld ~)tr.U'1A!lrd l.JW'noer GomT"~.ny ~m.<1 in 1910, by ill,it nl.oll"'l {leed, eahli. H. ~!(JC.orthy pretel1.t'l.ed to oollve:r~ his. illter{'1st ill ami to ;';:['l.;,t'L ?o,;/(u'.,t;ro('lt to tho lrlbul1ue ~aeotric COt"'-'~r\y. thOI}l"'aden6SSi)r or the..Intcrnl<'te r \.;OI'1~"f.ny. ,'t;oro8e, in truth Nld Ul feet t .:'Bl (t ,E. Ii. ;cunrt'ny tl no u ",all ti t~8 01' :tut.ro:;t in l'1'nn to lJueh VPcDtcd portion. of ':-(i:vor ..treet tlwt 10 could (;onvey t;,a ~~{l,,:O to DElHi.:iHbu- cFta:laotr 10 )()j;ptiny; f~.nd I '\ , I 1 ~. 'ft!h~,tW:;'t3,.O_ oon1"tlt!ton a:nd ur...aort;;1nty hal:, 01'1:::011 De to the r1f~l.t B\~d t:'itle of the alt~,r of Dub\1q\.l6 in m;.{t to f;f1id vnc tod portion of !J:'ov!fjr :;tr-ent l;r1nfS br,b16e:l"ut 1 in ::3lock fi. a.-ill rIots 1 "';0 4. ~..n "'.loGl~ 1, DubullUIJ Harbor Impl"ovunont C~'m..ny' tl JHl(t!. t ton nnd ex'~e:nd1ng northel.ly II. -" of the oJ.ley outweon CO?lt1orciru Ltreet (7'cti-/';a,1; 7th ..;trnet) anti 6th ~ Street (l{fmBuut oth .' t~t'O(lt ) and, nn:a.t:A.S. cIi1!{1 U. H. i1aOnrt117 Maalnce died tl;;ld tlw"a IE no oue ,it th iluthor1 t~f to reconvoy ~a1d '.~01.':Jer .. trol!t to the c1 ty :,'f Dllbnc;.,\:Lc t I 8" provided fGX' in the ",.dirwllC0 a,lopte", 1n 1088; nnd .J~). 1 t L.;. deQr"lo(l advit.lfol.e by th1~ Gou.ncil t C\ !'{H1J.tdm aaid vsc:nted portion oj;' '''':o,}or ,treot mld assert the l"it)lt .'11;.(: U.tl.6 tIle clty ofD;:co\ti.iu.e in n;~ti to twin vno:,tod portion ().~' :'t.wmr .,trc';t in ordor tlu:t such riGht o.n(~ tltj.e be tlntn'bliuhed os u{nin~t thea(lverse or oonflictlnt; cl.elm.a of arr.:; ot:;'Ol' pnrty: ' ...- r ~ ,~ r - ,.-..~ Res04.ution ;'2-~~9. , I 11 HSOJ..ut1on 1"tJoLfilw.J16 aU thatport1on of the cuter levee ly1l1l; 8:Eu3tOl::Oly of 131.oc}~ 1 III ]lub'\l.qu0 Herbol' ImproYGl':1snt Complm1" S Addlt ion south of l~aat 6th htJro4t" aM. aU that ptlrt or~'o".l' ~tre.t 1n tlul 01 ty ot l>UlMulue ~1b8 between Lot J. in nlook 8 am'1 Lot.a 1. t.o ft in B190k 1. DtlbuQ.)le Harbor IQProvemtm~ C(epetq'a A<1dltlon. and at~11~ north~l.~; of the alley botween ~rolnl ~i'tree't (ltoiV Dflet 7t.h &tNet) ..nd 8th ~itreet (Ii~ ;.;a.t 8th S~Jffln). '.1Ur;rr1AS. ther. 8x.lll\8 aOll8 unoertafAt7 111 the 1"6401'd1l of the o1i8 00Wlo11 ot the 01\3 0: Dubuqu.e roprd1l'l6 'tha tJ.tlo to the Clute~ lAY.. 11'1ng GQUtll of 8tl.L~tl'.4te~. (noB ~:;ast 8th ttl'Mt) &n4 e8.te~l.;r or BloW:;. 1. .Dubu.cl'Wl J!nrbor Iap.voV6t:umt C~ li.4A! Uon alld 1n order to nfflrm the r1chta 81'10. title €If the city of Duhuque 1n and to 381d ()Uter LeTee it 18 cleomea. nee.,saarl' and a4v1aebla to4eolare the (>>~I1e:r81l.1p and title of ua1d Ou:tur JAV1Ht to DO 1n theo1~&t Dubuque: .and <1r:;:;Ri~.AS, in tho Jearl! 1876 anA 1888 Tower .Jtreot In the City ot.Lrt..bu~uo ..,sa VflOQtad. by t,he City CU1Ulo11 of said 01 ty und tho rich.' to uaoth.o ~t.lJ:Hl was t,ran.ted to IIltiram. K6:...ne4:r and }}ay end to their ::;UCCtHHiH:r.t,. sta.at.ard LurJ.oor Conp6l1Y. thh,; right, hovIIYer. to torm~te at the eXp1rl~tlon of 25 yoaraor upon tho abandonment of tIle u.e. of the pNalS6s abutthl.t: upon (JstQ. LJtreot for MaDutncturmg purpose. 1bJ' three ooneetnltift it~erl!l; aud 'ilIt.t::f-u:,;A~. L3.01d ...tandard lAmluer Com,~ did abanc.on such premises for rlunnfoot...r1n,g ;,mrpofwfi iu 1911 and :.~. H. ~:oCtu.thy becnnlo tho aUOGes..r 111 intorost in ,g,ad t::; the re!ll. 8atfi. to o,;n.edb:r B~1d ~t.1!ndftrd lJw'I.tber- Goml't!.rty lW.d in 1916, by ql.it nlrd.l""l doed, ae$d ; . H. !iaCtlrt}1V prctou(led to oolivey his 1llterf~6t 111 Dnti to;,;t! '::.'o"/er"treet. to the Imbnque:-:leotr-ic G~~"f'lt\1, tho lJrane06ssor ()!the Interr;Ln ta J:)cIWf.~r I..opp.any, .,heroae. l.n truth Emu in fI~ctt ut1!{\ L~. H. ;ClinrtI\Y h~Hl n.o lU00h title 01' 1nt..rcl't In ~~1rl to uu.oh V!,cc.tod portion. of ~:':;:'fflr "treet tlwt Yo oonoid convejo' t~ia ;';8,:0 to ~1(L dubu- cptG ;lootr ic.:oJ;pnny; find. 'r't!:";'t~>"3..0III8 oonf'najon and \u.l.Oortn1nty hat:, nrl::wii 02 to the rightE!:td t,:t t~e of ,the oJ t~f of ?d.buq\'l~ 1? G1Hl to eel1<1 ven too. P?rt i,on of foi'ov:~r:,trant J.ylng betwee:l J.. in :31ou.K. a mld 1..ots 1 to 4 ~,l1acGk 1, DubuQ,UtJ llarbor ImlH,"o'\7()i",ont LOM'16.n.:/t i! ,HliLL t ion nnd extending !lbrthel~ly ....... 0'1 the aLLoy outweon. Gmltloroiru. ;jtreet (7"O'rl;lLt 7th ..treet) nn.(l Bth ~tro6t (Tft)W Mot Oth ,\~~re6t) and, dHr;m~ASf C~11(1 U. H. i'ioOIli'th7 he.s!nce died and tlW.'3 IE no one t.h author1 ty to reconvey ~a1d '2ower ...,tront to the <:i ty "f nubuq_1.LO. I 88 prwlded for 1n the eNtin.nce ailo!'tc<\ in 1888; end ,:.\:.:.:>, it 1;.;. deOf'ltl(l ndvi!J~'bJ.e by thlL council to reaicdm 8a1d vscnted portion ot' ''':o,:u1.'' ,treat m4i SBJ:l8l4t tile rit.1it m~(t U,tJ.o the city ot bu.que ill tW.':' to G~.ll(l vt'H)[,ted portion Dl' :}of(Or i.,trE'r;t 1n order tl~!t suoh riGht nwi title be eutnbliehed ou arc 1n~t the adverse or 6onfllotinc claim. of f!'iJy 0 thOl. pDrty: f ... PaBa 2. NO! TIF~'i{:1!'O R'~ ImRESOLV}~D by the city oaunc i1 of the City of Dubuque that the exclusive right Bnd ti tie to the Outer I.evee be and the sae is hereby affirmed and established in the city of D'.lbuque and rmy l'iGht~ hal'eto~:ore granted to any pe rties to the barne or to the use thc:....eot be and the esr:e a1'o hereby revoked. Be It :further re:;;olved that exclusive right find title in end to Towel" street lylnL between Lot l in BlOCk 8 and I~ts 1 to 4 in Block 1 ~lbuque Harbor Ibprovenent Company's Addition end extending northerly of the elley between Commeroial stroet (novr '::a st Ith street) and 8th street (now :~flBt 8th ",treet) be and the same 113 hereby affirmed and established in the city of Duouque and any rit~lts heretofore grunted to any IJDrties to th.e B6b.e or tQl.he use thereof be and the same are hereby revoked and tho suocessor or successors in interest to said M. H. FcCarthy are hereby relessed of the obllw~t ion to execute any conveyonce to ~~f:!:J. c1 cIty of :)1Jb'Uf~ue as in the Ordinance of 1888 provIded. Be it fu:rther r:.,; solved the;. t the ci t'J (; J.3r:t;. be end he i B hereby d.lreoted to file for record in the off1". of the Recorder 01' Dubucue ;~oulltJ. IO/fH. 8 co::'tLfioo. copy of this resolution. l'assed. adlJj)ted 8-:1 np)rovGd tld.e 7th I.t8~f of ,Janl1.ary, 1929. r &~~~ ~g ~~-J~ ~~ oun~en. "'0 .~ Atteat:..../.Jk .~ /// el '.. ..ler. // [/./ Councilman Meuser moved the adoption of the resolution. Seconded by Councilman Schuckert Carried b~T the follovving vote. Yeas Ma;Tor Maclay. Councilmen Mc:rvoy. Meuser. Schuckert. Yount. NallS Nonco 'I t', r','0, e.V;. .. f QTit~ of ~uh1UJU~ .(] JJ oum D. OHN STUBER CITY CLERK January 14th 1929 'ta t'e of Iowa ) ) ss Jounty of Dubuque,) I I' I \ I I Dubuque in the County and State aforesaid, and as such Clerk I have I I do hereby certify that I am the duly 4Ppoint . and acting Clerk of the Oity of in my ptssession or have access to the records of the proceedings of the City Council of said City. I do further state that the hereto attached Resolution #2-29is a true and correct copy of the Resolution adopted by the City Coun- cil at a session thereof held on the 7th day of Jauuary 1929. In test'mony whweeof,l hereunto set my hand and .~f1cia1 seal, a t Dubuque Iowa this I,If... t( day of January ..~------- "'t'1. ~\ t1:l~ ; '. . ; \~'\ y~i 'C.: ; :: ....~....,I,'. \::~..~ ,,~:';J' \"'.. y~,' ~"."" \.~.~. ~~ ; " if ~",,' ; ~~i i~ ~~ ~~ \\-. r. ~ N \ ~ .---. 'l" ~, - ";~ ,.... ~ (, I ll. 11 il )11 ( 1 ~ . ...-'_....-- ~,k..~- ,. INNER It Kl!NN "ST. LOUIS #3026 13720 .ABSTRACT OJ? TITLE '1'0 5 in Block 1; Lots 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37 and 38 in Block 9; Lots 1, 2, 3, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13" 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35,., 36, 37 and 58 in Block 10; Lot l of Lots 20, al, ,22, 23, 24, 2lD,! ',. 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32 and 33 in Block 11,; Lots, 1, 2,3" 4:" and 16 in Block 13, Lots 18 and 19 in Blo0k Il" all in Dubuque Harbor Improvement Company's Addition; and Lot 2 of Standard, Lumber Company Addition being a Subdivision of L,ots 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, l~t l5, l6, 17, 18 and 19 1~.Block 11 in Dubuque Harbor Improvelmnt Companyts Addition, all in the City of Dubuque, County of Dub~que and state of I~wa. ill '. If " Notel Said de8c:ribed lots are loca.ted upon property conveyed by Patents as set out at Nos. 1, 2 and 3 of this Abstract. ,l ;1' j ~ ' Whereby it appears that full payment has been made by said Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Dubuque. Io~ according to the provisions of the Act of Congress of the 24 th day of Apr il 1820 entitled -An Act making further provision for the sale of the Public Lands. and als 0 of the Act of Congress of the 3rd of March 1847, entitled -An Act to authorize the constituted authorities of the City of DUbuque, in the state of Iowa, to enter certain Islands between the land:ing of said City and Main Channel of the Mississippi River. for the Lot lio. 8 East of Canal of Section 19, in Township 89 North of Range 3 East (and other lands) in the District of Lands subject to sale at DUbuque, Iowa, which said tracts have been purchased by the said ~or and Aldermen of the City of Dubuque, Iowa. Certified by J. H.F1mple t Acting Commiss ioner of the General Land Office (Seal) November 12, 1903 to be a true cOPYo l/'./ The United state s of America. by the President, .Tames K. Polk, S.H.Laughlin,Recorder of the General Land Office ) ) } ~ Peter A. LOrimer as Mayor and ~ William H. RObbins, William S. ) illtam, Lewis L. Wood, Amos ~) tlkhews, Morgan Curran and Michael MCNamara, as Aldermen Of the City of DUbuque of ) DUbuque County, Iowa ) .' -,.;,- To ~:/ ~~'~(" - ~, ',' ,''',(, \\ .{ ~.,,', \ ~".' ", . ~', e .'.~. "'~'.l. _ " - ,.<~' ~'" ' "."-, ,,\\~,1" .Ii,':'" H \'~\1Q ~ !II~I~~.;~ ~ ~ ~ _..,;:....J~I '-.... -~ Recorder of the General Land Office be a true copy. ~e United states of Amsl"ica by the President, Millard Fillmore, E.S.Terry~ Recorder of the General Land Office, ,.~} To John HJlmerson, Mayor of the City of DUbuque. and .Edward Langworthy, Robert ROdgers, John D.Bush, David Deeeker, Hugh B.Glldea, Leroy D.Randall., a.s Aldermen of said City, in the County of Dubuque, Iowa } '1J~i tad States of America c. by the President,"&'ranklin Pierce, J' .If. Granger, Recorder ~-; of General Land Off ice, To Ek. 76TL-5l2 Copy of Patent Dated February I, 1848 Filed J'anuary 14, 1914 For Lots Numbered 1, 2 and 3 of fractional Section 19 in Tovmship 89 Uorth of Range 3 East of the 5th P.M., in the District of Lands SUbject sale at DUbuque, Iowa, containing 149 acres and 75/100 of an acre. Certified by L.~.C.Lamar (Seal) October 4, 1913, to I ~ ~ ~ ~ ) Bk$ L.15-15 Copy of Patent Dated May 4, 1852 Filed November 17, 1903 Bk. 66'1'L-66 Copy of Patent Dated October 19, 1855 Filed ~anuary 27, 1904 . Whereas by an Act of Congress proved ~ebruary 14, 1853 i tIe d "an Act for the. relief e Town of Belleview, and e state of Iowa-. it is of said act, -That there e Cities of Burlington and on the MiSSissippi River in 'Ii ! E 0; I ~ Town of Dubuque the Cities of B provided in the s shall be, and here DUbuque, in Iowa, the 1 ~ ~~l:mn1Jl( , . ~, ',\\"" ~ I 'I , . ~...I :....~~, '.'~. ~.'ll:... .. '1~."\\'~.lI"~ .~ \ '\~\. ~ 111~1;\~.~ " ~ /';"" ;~~ -.......;;i ~ front of said Oities, reserved by the Act of 2nd July, 1836 for a publio highway and for other public uses, together with the accretions which may have formed thereto, or in front thereof, to be disposed of in such manner as the corporate authorities of said Cities may direct, -and that the grant made by this act shall operate as a relinquishment only of the right o1~ the United sta.tes in and to said premises, and shall in no manner affect the rights of third persons therein, or the use there- of, but shall be subject to the same.- And Whereas, by a survey OW", eturned to the General Land Offiee by the Surveyor General at ubuque, and dated the 3rd day of October 1855, the land embraced by said reservation and accretions is described as follows, namelya !, I (here follows metes and bounds deser iption Which starts a.t South boundary of original survey of DUbuque where same intersects the right bank of the MissiSSippi River, at low water mark, and thence running by various courses and distances to the North side of 7th street) thence Horth 67to East 101t feet to thelyest side of the canal, thence North 2&.to East 2300 2/12 feet to the North boundary of the original survey of Dubuque, thence North 67to East 87 feet to law water mark on the right ba.nk of the Mississippi River. thence South 22to West 453 feet along the ri@Lt bank of River, thence South 180 We st 291 feet along the right bank of RiTer, thence South 1.00 Bast 1.00 feet along the right bank 01' River, thence South 50 East 177 feet along the right bank of River, thence South 210 East 44 feet to the east side of the canal, thence South 26to West 1444 feet to the margin of a bayow (and thence by various courses and distances) to the pla.ce of beginning. Now Know Ye, that in consideration of the premises and in pursuance of the third section of the aforesaid act, approved on 14th day of February, 1853, there is hereby relinquished unto the sa.id Town of Dubuque, all the right of the united States in and to said premises but in no manner to af1'ect the rights of third persons therein, or to the use thereof, but shall be subject to the sa.meo ~'o have and to hold the same, together wi t~ all the rights, privileges, ~nities and appurtenances, of whatsoever nature thereunto belonging, unto the said Tovm of DUbuque, to be disposed of in such manner a.s the corporate authorities of said Town may direct, and upon the terms and conditions hereinbefore reci ted. Certified by ~.H.F~le, Acting Cammissioner of the General Land Office (Seal) ~anuary 22, 1904 to be a true copy. J 'f . r, I aJ City of Dubuque.. by David a.Wilson,Kayor, ItAttest. P. W.Oraw:ford, Recorder (Seal) To :Bk. 3TL-230 Deed Da.ted April 25, 1.856 Filed Ifovember 27, 1856 ) Whereas, a certain agreement was made and entered into March 3, 1.855, by and b.tween Lucius H.Lan~lorthy, Lincoln Clark. Thomas S.Wilson, James L.Lang- ,tpy, C.~.Cummings, ~oseph , Alexander Anderson, anning, Alfred MCDaniel MarSh, Benjamin F.Wood on M.Langworthy - parties he first part, and City of ubuq ue, party of Se cond Part a Whereas, it was agreed upon and rl' " ~i ,I if' ni [ !~ ~ Lucius H.Langworthy, Lincoln Clark, Thomas S.Wilson, ~a.mes L. Langworthy, Cummings, Joseph Alexander Anderso Fanning, Alfre d ~a.m3 s M.Jla.rs h, Be Wood and Solon M. II .,'J U , tJ ! 'j 2. ! , ! 11 ! I I ! ,.".1 '\ i 'f' t- . t "\ ! 1/ :\ :~, ,i J provided in said agreement that if said parties of first part wouJ.d perform and do certain work described in second section of said agreement, to-wit I to fill out with earth filling, 7th Street in the City of Dubuque from its intersection with Orange Street, according to the low lands and islands to the main channel of the Mississippi River, so that the surface of sa.id 7th street tpus filled should be on a level with the high surface of sa.id ~ow lands and islands, and construct bridges of a specified ~ ind where said 7th street intersects the old land (so called) d the main slough, thenc:and in that Case the said party of second part would convey to the said parties of the first part by sufficien" deed or deeds as soon as work s:pecifiad QS completed all the ground between 7th and 8th Streets from the levee on the .Main River to the old City Limits, except a, levee on the main slough and lOa feet in breadth, be ing a part of the old canal; and Wherea.s, it hath een made to appear that said parties of first part have complied with their part of the agreement aforesaid b){ performing and doing 'the work specified. Now, the said City of Dubuque, in consideration of the premises, gereby grant, sell and convey to said Lucius H. Langworthy, Lincoln Clark, Thomas S.Wilson, J'ames L.La.ngvlOrthy, C.J .Cummings, Joseph Ogilby, Alexander Anderson, Timothy Fanning, Alfred McDaniel, James M. Marsh, Benjamin F.Wopd, and Solon M. Langworthy, the following described lands and premises, lying and be ing s i tua tad in the City a nd County of Dubuque, and State of Iowa, to-wit: All the ground between 7th and 8th street f.rom the levee on the main channel of the Mississippi River to the Original Oity limits eXOJ'Pt a levee on the ma.in slough and 100 feet in breadth, 'be ing a part of the old canal. Lucius H.Langworthy and Valeria, his wife, ',.., Lincoln Clark and Julia. A., t. his wife, Thomas S.Wilson (aak.T.S.) and JIary W., his wife, Jame S L. Langworthy and Agnes, his wife, C.J.Oummings (sig.J.C.) and S~ia, his wife, Joseph Ogilby and Elizabeth, his wife, Alexander Anderson and Sarah, his wife, Ttmothy Fanning and Elizabeth, his wife, Alfred MCDaniel and Mary A., his wife, Ja.me s M. :Marsh and Ann,his wife, Benj~in F.Woods and Ann, his wife, Solon M.Lang- worthy and Julia, his wife, To Dubuq ue o onwny I 1 l Bk. 8-92 DEED Dated March 7, 1857 Filed August 21, 1857 All our right, title and in terest in and to the following described tract of land and premises in the Cit,. and Cpunty of Dubuque, Iowa, to-wi tl All the ground between 7th and 8th streets from the levee on the main Cba.nnel:'_of the M.ississippi River to the original City Limits, except a levee on the main slough and 100 feet in breadth, being a. part of the old canal, being the same property conveyed to us by the City of Dubuque by deed dated on the 25th day of Apr il, 856. 3. ~/' City of Dubuque, by David, S.Wil6on. )(8\1or, Attestl R.W.CraWf'ord, Recorder (Seal) G To ~ l ) Co.) Bk. 8-373 Deed Dated October 12, 1857 Filed January 18, 1858 Wherea.s, the Oi ty of Dubuque, in state of IOwa, did Maroh 3, 1855 enter into a contract in writing with Lucius H.Langworthy, C.J. Cummings, .Tosepl;1. Ogilby, Alexander Anderson, Timothy Fanning, Ali'red McDaniel, Jarres M. Marsh, Benjo F. Wood and Solon M. Lang- ~rthy, of the City of Dubuque, for the performance of sertain work in the construction of streets, ilavees, etc., in the City of Dubuque .tor sa.id City, and in consideration thereof, the sa id City of Dubuque did agree to convey to the pers ons above named certain real estate and premises belonging to the said City of Dubuque, particularly described in sa id agreemen tl and Whereas, the said persons above named, with others, have regularly incor- porated themselves in accordance with the la.ws of Iowa into a company un der the name and stlJl.e of the Dubuque Harbor Imp rovement CO.J and Wherea,s, the said City of Dubuque have accepted and approved the work agreed to be done by the written contract afore- saidl and Whereas, the sa.id reservations expressed in the said writt.en contract have been and are hereby by mutual agreement between the said City of Dubuque and the said Dubuque Harbor Improvement 0'0.. Changed to correspond with the plat of lands of said Compaxl)' approved by the City of Dubuque May 4, J.8571 and Whereas, the above named Langworthy and others have assigned and conveyed all the ir interest in the written contract and the premises therein described to the said Dubuque Harbor Improvement Co. and Whereas, the said City of Dubuque, by written contract with .Tesse P. Farley and others under date of January 21, 1857 agreed to sell to said Farley a.nd others certain real estate and premises lying South a.hd adjoining the property which the said Dubuque Harbor IInprovemm t Co., are entitJ.ed by virtue of the ir contract of March 3d, 1855; and v~reas, the said .Tesse P.Farley and others have regularly incorporated :themselves in accordance wi th the laws of Iowa into a. Company under the name and style of the Dubuque Central Improverrent Co., and whereas, the said Dubuque Oentral Improvenent Co., have race ived from .Tesse P. Farley and others all the interest of said .Tesse P. Farley and others in the said written contract of .Tanuary 20, J.857 and the lands and premises therein described, and whereas, the said two companies have agreed upon a line between them di.f:rerent from the line des- oribed in the said written contract respectively for the purpose of extend ing streets, alleys, etc., for the greater convenience of the public. !low Therefore, In Oons ideration of the premises and the further consideration of the sum of $12,000.00 in abdn paid by the Dubuq ue Harbor Improvement Co., the said City of Dlibuque does hereby grant and convey to the said Dubuque Harbor Improvement Co., the f.'ollow- ing described premisds, to-wit, lying and being in the said City of Dubuque, in the Count e, in the state of Iowa, des- cribed and bounded as mmencing on the east line of Lot 512 in the nt where the centre of an Improvement 4. ;\ \ aJ.1.ey next south of 6th street strikes the said line of said Lot 512 as per the map of the said Dubuque Ha.rbor Irqprovement 00 t S grounds, approve d the 4th day of May l857, then ce Easterly along the centre of said alley to the centre of Tower Street per the map aforesaid, thence Northerly along the centre of Tower street to the centre of 6th street per the map aforesaid, thence easterly in the direction and along the centre of 6th street to the low wa.ter line on the main channel of the .Mississippi River thence northerly along :low water line aforesaid to the south side of 8th street per the map aforesaid, then ce westerly along the south side of 8th street aforesaid to the northeast corner or Lot No. 510 in accordance with the United states Government map of the Town of Dubuque, thence southerly along the East line of said Lot 510 to the Southeast corner of said Lot 510, thence Westerly along the south line of said Lot No. 510 to the Southwest corner of said Lot 510. thence southerly in a. straight line to the Northeast corner of Lot 404, thence Southerly along the east line of said Lot 404 to the Southeast corne r of said Lot 404, thence Westerly along the South line of Lot 404 to the Southwest corner of Lot 404, thence Southerly in a straight line to the Northweast corner of Lot 514, and thence Southerly along the east line of Lots 514, 513, and 512 to the place of beginning, saving and reserving from the above sale and conveyance to the said City of Dubuque a tra.ct of land for a market square, and also a tract of land for a public square as marked and designated upon the map of the said Dubuque Harbor Im;provemmt Co., aforesaid. Also saving and reserving to the said City of Dubuque the exclusive right to levy. regular and collect wharfage upon any part of the afore grantedvemiseso The afore granted land and premises being subjeci to all public uses and easements pertaining to and incumbent on the same. \' ! \ "I"'" I ./ Re cord of Incorporat ions I, page :;3, l..,/"" Shows record of' Articles of Incorporation of "Dubuque Harbor Improvement Company- dated March 7, 1855, filed March 9, 1855, " and duly acknOWledged. 1st. Name,'to be Dubuque Harbor ImproveIOOnt Go. 2nd. Object to be the improvement of 7th street in City of Dubuque, construction of bridges, etc. 3rd. To have aJ..l powers granted by statute, etc. 4th. Off'icers of the corporation to be a President, Secretary, Treasurer and a Board of 5 Directors. 5tho Oapita.l stock to be $80.000.00. 6th. Stock to be divided into shares of $1000.00 each. 7th. To have power to take, hold and convey real estate and conveyances of real estate to be made by order of Board of Directors and deeds signed by the President and authentica.ted by certificate of Secretary and the seal of' the Oompany 8th. Private property of stockholders to be exempt from corporate debts. - ---v~ ,,~ i 'Deed Rec0rd <~!I Pa - C'i Addition" . _ . Filed Feby 23r 58. ~ /? Scale 250' - 1" ~ '% ~ ~ f;?~ 6, ertify that s plat is made ur desi re. 7th day of January J Dennis A. M8hony 8.nd _ Mahony his wife t ~;I to .d.aron Lawrence To secute ~6tOOO.oo The followin~ described l~nds ,to-wit: Inter alia, ilso all the ri~ht title interest ond estate of sRid Dennis A. Mahony in the lots l'umbeced 20 r~nd 21 in blo ck 9 0f the Dubu'J ue Harbor Improvement Cor.nJanyls ground. -- See Release Following. Marg~_t re t l ~ } l)) ~ Bk. 8M-45l Mortgage Dated fuRY 12, 1857, Filed May 12, 1857, r\' r L.~~ 'C \lk~10 ~,~l",,, ~'~}~(' . '1;"\ . ~. '; ,( . ~~",l :c, \! '., ~ .~, 'II :.,' :. "..,~" .,~..fi. lu i l'({'A\ M ~ lil~\~\~"h: ;~; .....J..:":.... --~. ; r. .AiL "_~' Josiah G.Duvis and ) 'Robert K.Shirley, Executors ) of the Estate of Aaron Lawrence) Dec'd. ) ~o ) 'Vihereas on the 12th 0_ ay of' D. A. MBhoney ) May A.D. 1857, D. A.Mahoney __ and Margaret his wife of J.)ubuq, ue County I01!r[< executed and de Ii ve red to aron Lawrence of Hillsborough County JtEte of l~eV! Hampshire, a mortgage on certain real estate in Dubuque City Iowa therein mentioned a nl desc:i bed, to secure the indebtedness therein mentioned and described: which said Mortgage vms filed for record on the 12th day of May A.D. 1857 in the Mortgp.ge re co l'd s of Du buq ue County IOW~l t and duly re- corded in Book Ho. 8 of Ivlort CS~; ge s .Page 451 by the rec ord er of sa id County. And whereas the indebtedness thereby secured has been satisfied and paid..;.'herefo:re in consideretion of the premises nnd of the payment of the indebtednes2 thEreby :.:,ecured \"e J. G.Davis and Hobt M. i:.lhirley of riillsborough County ,;jt~:~ te of New nr.:mpshire ,':lrJ d Executors of the Estate of said .Aaron L[lwrence dece8seB, do hereby acknowledge .:)8 ti:::::facti on of said Mortgage and re 1 en se, c~)nce 1, and dischar~e the snme from the recoros. Bk. 22M-25 Rele~lse Dated November 23, 1868, Filed February 24, 1869, oX .. , Dubu1ue Harbor Improvement Company, by John Bell, Prest. .JL , ~. ttest Wm. Hycle Clark Secy ( Seal) to Jonathan Houps Consid. $1,251.72 Bk. 5TL-5l6 Warranty Deed Dated -----None ~cknowledged March 26, Filed Mnrch 30, lr58, 1858, J'" f"'l ~he fOllowing described premises to wit Lot No. 27 in Block No. 9 on Commercial avenue on the lands of the said Dubulue H.nrbor Improvement Company as shown by the plat of said lands & recora ed in the office of the Recorder of Dubuque County &; utate of Iowa. in Book T, Pages 8 & 9 of the ~ecords of Dubuque county. , 7. ~, Dubu~ue Harbor Improvement Company by John Bel1lPrest. by J.V.Rider, Secy Seal) to James Robinson Cons id. $8,900.00 Bk. 8TL~6l6 Warranty Deed Dated November 14, 1860, Filed November 15, 1860, ~/ ~.'I\ "".... '.. ~..." ~:^ '.1..,'" IN~"\,\~ II'~I'~'~ :~.~ --.,.;Ji,''''. --L-~- The follovrinR' d escri bed premises to wit: Lots Nos. 10 ~nd 11 in Block l~o. 7 Lots Nos. 15 and 16 in Block l~o. 8 and Lots Nos. 37 and 38 in Block No. 9 on the lands of the Dubu1 ue Hnrbor Improveme nt Company in the 01 ty of Dubuque, lowe, as shown by plat of SFid Lands recorded in the office of the r~ecorder of Dubu'lye County in Book T, pages 8 & 9 of the records of Dubuque County. The following described premises to ~it, Lot No. 36 in Block no. 9 Lot No. 2 in Block No. 10. and Lot hOe 21 in Block No. 15 on the lands of the Dubu~ue Harbor Improvement Company in'the City of Dubuque IOWF], as shown by plat of said Lands, recorded in tr,e office of the rtecorder of Dubu"ue County in Book T p2~es 8 & 9 of tt.€ :a.ecol'ds of Dubuque County. The fOllowing described premises to wit: Lots ~os. 22 E~d 23 in Block No. 7 a~d Lots 108.3 and 11 in Block No. 10 on the lands of the Dubu1ue n':crbor Improvement Comnany in the 0 i ty of Dub lque , Iovra, a s shown b7 plat, Df 08 id LEI nl:1 ~c. ec:o ed in the offi ce of the Recorder of Dubuq ue County in Book T p~)(:-es 8 & 9 of the Re- cords of Dubuque County. ~ Dubuque Harbor Improvement Company bl fohn Bell Prest. by J. V. Rider ~ecy (Seal) to Benjamin H. Campbell Consid. $4,000.00 .....,i, ~ t\ \h.., ~::~, t~> \.... vW: _\'. ",:-<< ' :). , \ 1 '. ~ \"1,,, l\-::t V< Dcbuque Harbor Improvement Company by John. BelIr.. Prest. . by J.V.Rider, jecy deal) to Julius K. Graves Consid. $5,450.00 ~. Dubuque H&rbor Improvement Company by John Bell, Pres. by J.V.Rider, decy. (deal) to Horace Strlead Consid. $2,700.0 ja.... "'., 1 1 l l l ) Bk. 8TL-625 Warranty Deed Dated November 1, 1860, Filed November 19, 1860, \-.., ..-".. \",\ ) ) ) ) ) ) Bk. 8TL-626 Warranty Deed Dated November 21, 1860, Filed November 21, 1860, Bk. 9TL-21 ~arranty Deed Dated December 3, 1860, Filed December 6, 1860, 10 on the lands of Dubuque, Iowa, office of the riecor of the Records of Dubu e following described lees to wit% Lots and 7 in Block No. vement Co. in the city lands reco roed in the Iowa in Book T pages 8 & 9 9. ~ ~.. - vz Julius K. Graves and Lucy C.Graves, hi~ife to R. E. Graves Consid. $3,500.00 -;~;; \..~ ~~/ ~~;~tlTIn~}_, \1\.' ~.\'l: H..~," I '~~.' '~...:r ":" \ ~ ".''A'1\iII ~ II~I,',~,,~ ~ ~ *60.....J~;........ ; -:- ----~. ~ ~ ~ ~ ) Bk. 10TL-345 Warranty Eeed Dated May 12, 1862, Filed Mny 19, 1862, The following premises to wit: Lots 22 and 23 in 10 also Lot 24 in Block 7 thereon, ell,in the Dubuque the City of ~ubu1ue, (also Block 7 and lots 3 a~d 11 in Block together ~th all the improvements Harbor .J..murovement Cos adcli t ion to othe r proPe rty) . 1L~ (il+ , V\ Horace S~ead and Cornelia :;jinead, his wife to Chauncey J.Cumtlngs Consid. $500.00 ""t ..;" ~ ) ) ) ~ Bk. 12TL-76 Warranty Deed Dated November 19, 1863, Filed January 22, 1864, The following described premises to wit: Ilt ft. wilke on.,South Side of Lot No.2 and lOt ft. wide on North Side of Lot ~o. & in Block No. 2 arid Lot No. 5 in Block No. 7 and Lots Nos. 5, 6 and 7 in Biock No. 10 all in Dubuque Harbor Improvement Compapy ~ddition to the City of Dubuque and state of Iowa. ~ Dubuque Harbor Improvement Company by John Bell, Frest. by J.V.Rider Secy (~ea1) to William Wilde Consid. $1,500.00 ..) , ...., 1"...- ) ) ) ) ~ ) Bk. 12TL-137 Warranty De~d Dated august 10, 1860, Filed February 29, 1864, The following described premises towlt: Lot Noo 19 in Hlock No. 10 on the lands of the Dubuque Harbor .J..mprovement Company in the City of Dubuq ue, Iowa,.. as shown by pIa t of sa id land recorded in the office of the hecorder of Dubuque County in Book T Pages 8 & 9 of the records of Dubuque County. ~ James Robinson and Sarah C. hobinson, his wife, by Lincoln Clark, their attorne,V in fact to Joseph A. Rhomberg Consid. $300.00 'J ' I'l.....y ",.. Dubuque Harbor Iowa.. Bk. 13TL-266 Warranty Deed Dated February 17, 1865, Filed February 20, 1865, \ ~<l \ \ ~J(,( 0'.:. ~\ if (' . f b 'y ~\ e All the following described premises situated and being in the county of Dubuq ue and te of Iowa to wit: Lots 37 and 38 in Block 9 in n in the City of Dubuque, >0<_':" :, .. .. ~''':i;!i1'~f!i:~~T;q!?~~:. ;" I . , ;:'.J :!,~:li nrui:~1.ti.J!: ~H !! ;~~;fJ~~~.(jijl~l::::!~'~~*.:~tff!a~" ::1i.r~~~'::l j:t:'!i~~ ~ ;1ti~;!:-"g:. I:.:' L i.' . . .. . _. . ~!:;:m I I' ' ) i#rql~:I!:.Iil~i:lifJffl!~lilj./~~I:!:;ff~"I'.1 I., "I~'I!'J1m1!1,'ffi I; "III~'HjlJ;inr:1",: , l.ff.linpi{i"; mn~t:'~ltb.lpil1r il~.;W~I: l!;ji'~li'" ~,,~j.;rr"~. ~b...:','; :~...' .., I,. ';il :,'::: ': 1!:r.P~J"ij'I" :_1',/1:1' . ", 1!ffif.:1 ~.jJ!l)1J'!:l,l~..,'1 I) , 'lj'1l!" ,I, Hl'i.:J<UI" 'I ,l.:,!HHI::':'-:11..1.11 , .:j:. '::'~N;l',:!.'l' . :,:... I '.. t\, . f ~ _i '~./ !\~i~!~{ , ~"\~ ~' ':, '~.\~.~~~ J t!!. . "\1, ,., I' ^.';:,... ~~~~. "".'~.i;.. ,.II '\'\~~\lIJI ~ 111~~~,.~ ~~~ ~,"~':I'~ ~ ~. .~.~. ~, ~.)J ',/, ~'.... '" /" ~ . \ 'ti.... James Robinson and Sarah C.Robinson his wife, to Lincoln Clark ) ) ) ) Bk 1~r-140 Power of Attorney Dated April 19, 1861, Filed July 15, 1861, For me and in our names to Bell all anrt a.ny property real and personal belonging to us or either of us lying in the State of lows and to execute all any deed or deeds necessary to convey title to the purchaser or purchasers the reof. Chancy J. Cumings and F.S.Cumings his wife to Joseph A.Rohmberg Consid. ~700.oo Indexed: Rhomberg. ) ) ) ) ) ) Bk 13TL-32l Warranty Eeed Dated M8rch 11, 1865, Filed March 11, 1865, The following described premises to witt The South lIt feet of Lot No.2:. in Block lio. 2 and the North lOt feet of Lot No. 3 in Bldck ~o. 2 and Lot No.5 in Block ~o. 7 ind Lots Nos. 5, 6 and 7 in Block No. 10 all in Dubuque Harbor mprovement Company's Addition to the City of Dubuque, Iowa. Joseph .d..l~h~mbeJg and Catharina Hhomberg his to Alfo"s Hhom1?erg Consid. $950.00 Bk. l3TL-432 ~arranty Deed Dated 4pril 28, 1865, Filed May 1, 1865, VI ife , The following described premises to witt The South lIt fee t of Lot No. 2 in Block ~o. .2 and the No rth lOt feet 0 f Lot No.3 in Block No.2, Lot No. 5 in Hloc~~o. 7 ~nd Lots "T'" 'J.I Nos. 5, 6 and 7in Block Tho. ~O Lots Nos. 10 and 11 in Block No. 7 and Lots No. 15 and 16 in Block No.8 Lots No. 37 and 38 in Block No.9 in the Dubuque Harbor Improvements Company Addition to the City of Dubu1ue, And also Lots No.9 in Block No.7 in the above named Dubuque Harbor Improvements Companyts Addition to the City of Dubuque, llubuque County, Iowa. alfons nhomberg, (signs L. Alfous Rhomberg) to Catharina Hhomberg Cons id. ~950. 00 Bk. 15TL-440 Warranty Deed Dated July~ 2, 1866, IHled. Hovembe r 8, 1866, South lIt feet of Lot 2 in Block Ho. 2 and ~ :~'.\' ....- .",,' -,;"", -... ,.;.m ::.:l~ ',i '{/ l\':I,\ .~;'\l, \ '. \, \;,., , "~~~~i '~ III~;\~ .~~ ;~; ~.A..J.;:':-.. -~,- ~). " .... , 1 r I I the North 10~ feet of Lot No.3 in Block No.2, also Lot No. 5 in Block No.7, and Lots 5, 6 and 7 in Block No. 10, Lots Nos. 10 and 11 in Block Ilio. 7 and Lots 1'10. 15 and 16 in block_l~o. 8, Lots No. 37 Dnd 38 in Biock No. 9 in the DubuQue ili1rbor Imurove- ment Company's Ad8ition to the City of Dubuque and ~lso Lot No. 9 in Block No. 7 in the above named Dubu1ue Harbor ~mnrovement ompany to the Qiity of Dubuque, Dubuque County, StDte of Iovra. Dubu'lue Harbor Improveme nt eompany by John Bell, Pres.: Attest John V. Rider Secy. ( Seal) to Dunle i th f;nd Dubuq ue Bridge Company, Cons id. \;3,000.00 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Bk. 18TL-49 Warranty Deed Dated November 24, 1868, Filed November 30, 1868, All that portion of the lots 8.nd 1 and s of the S8. id Du buq ue lia rbor Improvement Company's addition to the city of Dubuque which lies within two lines drawn pArallel to and one on Each lJide of the Center line of the rai1-roG'd track locaten and now being constructed across the said addItion by the party 01: the second part hereto making a strip of 100 feet in width run- ning from theilesterly side of lots Nos. 5 und 34 in Block 11 to the 0outher1y line of said i.d" i tion where thEf Borne is intersected by the said rail road track. ~xceptin~ from this conveyance Block No. 18 of Sc:.id Adclition and the 0tre{\ts which are included within said parallel lines but conveying all the rights, title ond interest of said narty of the first part to such POl'tiU.nSOf th~ laid ~lQ~k and Streets as lie within soid lines, SRid Centre line of said track runs from a point in the intersection of Clark Jtreet with the Levee in said addition 30 feet from the most Southerly corner of block 2 and 34 feet from the most ~asterly corner of Block 3 in SRid additIon in a continuation o~ the eenter line of the brIdge now being constructed acrose the said Mississippi River North 73 de~rees ':,est 1115t feet to point in lot 38 in Block 17 of s81d Ad~iti6n and thence on a curve of 955 feet radIus through the 00uth h'esterJ,v line of spid adcU tion crossine the S W line of lot 5 in Block 29, 2fr feet Gouthwasterly from the corner of lots 4 ~}nd 5 in said Block 29 8.S ,marlmd Ifc'id out and located on the map hereto annexed. 12. ' '7'r ,{ -, ." ~ 111/ ~ ~:; ~ 7 ~' '--C; I IJ'~'/ IT' 13. -:'/ ",9 ~ ~ /1J/ ~ ~;; ~ 7 ~" '~I ~'~ \V"s ~'l Pj' ~ '~l ~ ,01 (/) rn 13. I J t t i i ~ j '" :i"'~ 'il ~ " it , I( I I I If i! >..:. .t. :..L.__ ...-' .... ~~_. ...LL~ ....;...:.._ ~. ~ In the Matter of the Probate Record 22, Page 362 x Shows that James Pratt died Novem- Estate of ';;, .;.1 ber 13, 1867, leaving Hannah Pratt, widow, and the f81lowing heirs: Elizabeth Radford, a sister a,nd Adam Twai tes and Wm. Twai tea, James Pratt, Deceased nephews and Mary Bixton, a niece. Hannah Pratt is appointed Administratrlx and qualified, and appointment confirmed February 4, 1868. On December 5, 1867 a will was presented whi eh was refused probate January 6, 1868. Widow filed petition asking for one-half of the estate as deceased died childless. 4- statement in petition and ~eport of Adminis- tratrlx states that Ham1ah Pratt is enti tIed to one-half, Elizabeth Redford, Ann Bell, Ruth Millner, Th8mas Pratt, Robert Pratt, Christopher Pratt ~~d Willi~~ Pratt each l!aOth and Wm. Pratt, minor heir of Anthony Pratt, deceased, 1!20th, Mary Wigglesworth, John Wm. Wigglesworth and Albert ~igglesworth, minor helrs of Jane Wigglesworth, deceased, each 1/60th and Adam Twaites, William Twaites, Mary Ann Keudall and Nancy Suence each 1!.90th. Estat e closed at March Term 1.973. In the Matter of the Probate Record 25, Page 590, Shows that Adam Twaites was /' , ' d Estate of appointed Guardian of Wm. Pratt, minor, Mary ~igglesworth, John Wm. ~ig?lesworth and Albert Wigg1eBWorth, mino,rs, heirs of James Pratt on April 11, 1870; Wm. Pratt, minor, Mary ~ggleBworth, John Wm. Wigglesworth and Albert Wi g::;lesworth , minors Record also shows that the last three named persona are minor heirs of Jane ~igglesworth, who was a sister of James Pratt. 14. r ~~- ..~,,....,' J< , , '_.J .t. ~i/ ~~;'~~I' / '"', '\":;t-- I ',' -~;..l ';!S,....~.. ~.\\:.'. " '. c,~.j:~... .II"':' ,~ \ "'\~\1II ~ !Ii~i'\~,.f(' ~: ; ~,.AcJ.:.:" ---L.....-- ~..,,- .~ ,,~...~~.- ~'.~. ~ ~... ~ ""''>P-' " """,-,';J< '.no; ""'" ''''''' -"-0... -' ""'..--~ r"'''-'' Adam Twaites, Wm. Twaites &: ) Elizabeth Hadford ) vs ) Hannah Pratt, Ann Pratt, Thos. ) Pratt, Huth Milner, Vim.Pratt, ) Robert Pratt, Christopher ) Pratt &: William Pratt Minor ) lieirs of Anthony Pratt deed ) Mary 'iViggle sworth, John William ) Wigglesworth and Albert ) Wigglesworth Minor heirs of ) Jane Wig~lesworth decd Mary ) Ann Kendale and Nanny ~penee ) Circuit Court, Dubuque County, Iowa. August 18, 1869, T. C. Robert appointed Guardian ad litem of ~m Pratt minor heir of Anthony Pratt decd and for 11ary, John, William and Albert Wigglesworth minOrs. ing the the October 26, 1869, Alonzo Cragin appointed referee in said cause to report upon the title to the real estate belong- to estate of James Pratt decd and the respective interests OI legatees therein under his will and upon the law and facts in case. October 29. 1869, ~his cause coming on to be heard on the report of , - . Alonzo ~ragin referee duly appointed by the Court to e xl::lmine and report upon the title to the real property described in said Petition belonging to the estate of said Jbmes Pratt decd to the respective share and interest of e a.ch of SF.. id. parties to the same, and the partie s afo resaid appe~~ring by the ir attorneys a nd said minors by their Guardian ad litem T. G. .i.\.obe rts and the repo rt of sa id referee being conslderea and understo<ld wherein it is found that r:rid James Pratt died testate seized in fee of the followil1g described real estate that is to say, lots Nos. 3 in Block 3 and lot 17 in Block 8, and lots 33 and 34 in Block 9 and lot 1 in Block 10 in the Dubu~ue narbor Improvement Compa~s Adnition to the city of Dubu~ue, Iowa, lot No.1 in Block 2 and North 14 feet of lot No.2 in Block 2 in the Dubuque Harbor Improvement Company's Addition to the city of Dubuque, Iowa. And it being further found by SRid referee that the respective parties to this suit by law and the terms of the will of said James Pratt decd are owners of and entitled to the following parts of the above described real estate to wit: Hannah Pratt wi<low of said decd 1/2. Elizabeth uadford, Ann Bell, Ruth Milner sisters and Thomas Pratt, riobert Pratt, Christopher Pratt, William Pratt brothers of said James Pratt decd each 1/20 part. William Pratt minor and heir of Anthony Pratt deed sald ~nthony being a brother of said James Pratt de cd one 1/20 part. Mary Wigglesworth, John William l;iigglesworth and Albert Wigglesworth minor heirs of Jane ..igglesworth decd {said Jane was sister of said James Pratt} each 1/60 p8rt, Adam Twai tes, William Twa i tes, Mary i.\.nn Kend,sle and Nan~ Spence heirs of Mary Twai tes decd (said :Mar,V Twa i te s was siste:L' of JRne Pratt dec) each 1/80 part. It is therefore ordered and adjudg- ed that the report of the referee be approved and confirmed and the same is hereby approved and confirmed and that the shares and in- terests of the respective parties in said property are as found by said referee and it is further ordered that partition be made accord- ingly, and William Co t'j: am G. 'Ivatters and George Young are .ST hereby appointed referees to make partition of said real propertJ among the parties aforesaid according to their requisite shares and interests as aforesaid. November 3, 1869 Referees appointed in this Cause report that no partition Cfin be made .without great cwd manifest prejudice to their interests, It is therefore ordered adjudged and de- creed by the Court that the real estate be sold a.nd the pro- ceeds distributed to the owners thereof the parties thereto in the proportions name in seid order and decree and that said referees proceed to sell the same at public auction and that they report said sBle to the Court. .., January 19, 1870, Llonzo '-'rag-in appointed referee in said Cause to report upon the title to the real estate belonging to Estate of James rr8tt decd. January 24, 1870, ""'lo.nzo Grap,'in reportec1 upon ti tIe to the real estate in this cause CinCl the interest of the parties the~'eto and upon the whole case and the Court being fully ndvised in the premises. It is ordered aCljudged and decreed by the Court that the said report be and is hereby ap-proved and confirmed. Wm. Coates, Wm. G. Watters and George ioung appointed referees to make partition of said real estate and that they report their proceedings to this Court. January 25, 1870, rteferees report that suid renl estFte cen not be divided between the owners thereof without .rc:reet and manifest ~ejudice to their interest. Court orders sal~ of said real estate and the proceeds be distributed to the OViTIers thereof in the proportion nt'lmed in snld oroer and decree ~'nd that said referee s proceed to sell the srlme at public aucti on to the high- est bIdder for CAsh nnd t ha t they repo rt sa ift snle to the Court. Referees Report of Sale. rteferees report that on December 28, 1869 after due notice etc they sold the undivided 3/8 of .8.1l.1U"'.llk ~kl~~~~ inter alia, Lot Nos. 1 in Block 2 ~nd North 14 feet of Lot No. 2 in Block 2 in Dubuque H~rbor Improvement Com- p~ny's Addition to the city of Dubuque, 10'.78, Being the property ownen by Jame s Pra tt & Co. a t the time of the de8 th of Jame B Prat'); and known as the hockdale Mill property to .AdJ'tm Twai tes for $1.l-,000.Fo110wing <'lescribed pa:t;cel of sriid real estate i... to wi ,~; Lot l~O. 17 in Block 8 (.for ~41) a nd Lot 1 in Block 1U\: (fo? ~25.)in the Dubuque Harbor .lmprovement Companyrs Addition to John Pier for $66. Following described real estate to wit: Lot 33 and 34 in Block 9 in Dubuque Harbor Improvement C9mpany's Add! tion to the c it.? of Dubuque, Iowa to A.W.Kemler for $103. April 6, 1870, This ceuse coming William Coates, Wm. G. " heard upon report of toung referees hereto- .~~."",.~--,,~~_--..............._~_.~._,~~~~._.."..~~ --.. ~ ~.......,..-,.~,-~_.._..__._--_.__...--- /' fore appointed and directed to sell tm real estate set out in the supplemental petition in said cause and it appearing to the Court that the law and the previous orders of this Court in reference to the sale of said property have be n fullY complied with and that said real estete was sold to T.C.Roberts and ~dam Twaites theybeing the hi;hest and best bidders, therefore. It is therefore ordered adjudged and decreed by the Court that the sale of said real estate and said report be and is hereby approv- ed and confirmed and said referees are directed to execute deeds to Baid purchasers as per said report i.nd sale and tha t they return the same to this court for jts approval. April 7, 1870, This cause coming on for hearing {and the report of sale having been p~eviously submitted and approved by the Court} the deeds are now presented to the Court in said cause and it is ordered by the same thnt said deed be approved and the referees be discharged. ~ William Coates, William G. datters und George ioung, rteferees to John Pier Bk. 19TL-332 Refereets Deed Dated Merch 28, 1870, Filed April 8, 1870, Whereas in an action of partition in the Circiut Court of the State of Iowa in and for Dubuque County, whereas .Lo.d1:,m Twaites, 'iiilliam Twaites and Elizabeth Radford Vier~ plaintiffs and Hannah Pratt: Ann Bell Thomas Pratt, nuth Milner: i/illiam J:>ratt, Robert Pratt, Christopher Pratt: iHlliam r:catt Minor heir of Anthony Pratt deceased; Mary Wigglesworth: John William Wlgg~sworth and Albert Wigglesworth, minor he irs of Jane ~iigglesworth decea.sed; Mary Ann Kendall and Mancy Spence were defendants, the said parties of the first part were on the 29th day of October A.D. 1869 duly 8lpointed by said Court as rteferees to make partition of the following described real estate to wit: Lot hOe 17 in Block 8 and lot 1 in Block 10 in the Dubuque Harbor Improvement Compi3.ny' s"addi tion to theCity of Dubuque Iowa, too-ether with other 1"ea1 Estate situate in ,;he counties of Dubuque Lelaware Blackhawk and Sioux in said state, described in the petition for partition, filed in said cause and it appearing to said Referees that a partition of said premises could not be made without great prejudice to the owners, ud"said court ordered said Referees to sell said premises ~nd said referees give four weeks notice etc. and did December 28, 1869 sell at public auction the aforesaid H8a.l Estate to John Pier t he following described parcels of said land. Lot No. 17 in Block 8 (for $41.00) and lot 1 in Block 10 (for $25.Go) in the 1ubuque Harbor Improvement Cots il.dnition to the iJity of Dubuqu.e IO\l\~.t in all for the sum of ~66.00. that being the highest and t bid therefore. Approved April 7, 1 Judge of the Circuit Court in and for said Co ^ . .9 lcBlock 10 in the Harbor Ci~y of Dubuque State of ) ) ) ) ) The following described _ premises, to wit: Lot lmprovement Company Addition to the 10''11'1. \ Bk. 24TL-289 Warranty Deed Dated JaDuary 19, 1874, Filed March 28, 1874, .. ~ 0-. William 'Ni1de and M.R.'Nilde, his v'ife to In~ram,Ken~edY & Day vons .J..d. v150. 00 ~ Ci ty Treasurer to .:b'rank .i.-i.hombe rg "H. W. Griswold" ) ) ) Bk. 25TL-276 Tax Deed Dated ~eptember 30, 1871, Filed November 18, 1874, V.: The following described real froperty, vlz: Lots in Block f-3)"2 t4) 4, 6, 7, -9- e:~ff Block 7) 1;(8) l~, ar}d 18)#(9) 21 and 22,;(10') 3,4,8,9,11 and 15 in Dubu'1ue H&rbor .1.mprovement Co. Add. to the City of Dubur:ue, sit- uated in the City of Dubuque snd ~tate of Iowa, was sold for tax for 1864 on September 14, 1865 to l!'ronk Hhombe rg' for ~12. 50 be ing' the whole amount of taxes, interest and costs the due and remaining unpaid on snid property for the above C!escribed Lots in Dubuque llar'l;:imp. Co. Add. to City of Dubu1ue which vn,s the Je DSt quanti,ty bid for, and payment of Bnia, sum having been by him mnde to the said Treasurer, the s8id ~roperty was stricken off to him at that price. Now therefore sell and convey unto the said Frank Rhomberg etc. x City Trersurer "H.W.Griswold" to :; :',! .l!'r&nk ;:thombe rg Bk. 25TL-277 Tax Deed Dated September 20, 1871, Filed November 18, 1874, The followinp' ji escrl bed real property, viz; Block (10) Lots 16, 17 and 18~{12flLot 34 Block 14 Lots 2?, 28 Block 15 Lots 18, 19, 20 al,~3, 24 and 25 Block (16) 2, 3, 4 ~nd 5 Bloc~ (32) 12)Block (8) 19, situated in the City of Dubuque and State of Iowa, was subject' to taxation for the year A.D. 1863 and sold for tex for year 1863 on November 14, 1865 to IPrank Rhomberg for ~44.84 being the shole amourlt of taxes, interest and costs then due and remaining unpaid on said property for the whole of the above described lots in Dubuque Har. Imp. Co. addition to the City of Dub. which w[-;s the leustluDntity bid for, and payment of said sum having been by him made to the said Trebsurer the s[1,id property WEcS stricken o:ff to him at that price. Now therefore sell and convey unto said Frank Rhomberg, etc. \~, .~. ~ ':~. 4;J City Trea.surer "H.W.Griswola" ) to ) Frank Rhomberg ) Bk. 25TL-278 Tax Deed Da ted 8e ,.;t embe r 30, 1871, lHled November 18, 1874, ~ \."1,.", ..t;....'t,l,.(,. ',,-/ ., \' ~"\l\, !~';~Ji..!~~1 1"111",-" l\iII .1, p......:' .' ~..~ ,'~ .1-'1. _~~~~~I ". ( The..fQllOWingdeSC~~ed real i~0~~~t18 ~~(~) ~50~~d22~0~~t~~ ~J-~~~ii~)c~ 1:)(1~ B~(:~d 28 Block (Un 23 and 24 (32) 1 in Dubuau~r Improvemen't Co. Addttion to Dubuque City situa ed in the City of DUbu,que and State of Iowa, was Sold for t&X for year 1861 on November 14, 1865 to Frank Rhombetg for $8.44, being the Whole amount of taxes, interest and costs then due and remaining unpa id on sa id property for the whole of the above described lots in the Dubuque Herbor Improvement Co. Addition to the City of Dubuque which W8S the least qUI'l.ntity bid f?r and p,yment of said sum having been by him made to the sa.id freasurer, the saidoroperty was stricken off to him at that price. Now therefore sell and convey unto said Frank Rhomberg, etc. ;A n, . 0;... City Treasurer "H.W.Griswold" ) to ) Frank hhomberg ) Bk. 25Tl-280 Tax Deed Dated September 30, 1871, Filed l~ovember 18, 1874, ~ The fOllowin~ described real rroperty viz: Block (3) Lots 5 and 9 (4) 6 and l~ (7) Lot ~.B10ck 8) 14 snd 18,Block 9~ 20~ 21 and ~~',B (10) 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 11, 15,16,17 and 18rI3lock 12 Lot 34, DIock (14) 22,28 BIQck f-15) , _lQts 18,19,20, 21~~ 23,24 Bnd 25, Block ('16) 2,3,4: Block (32) 12)in Dubu<1ue'liar,. 11provement Co. .ci.dd. to tlie City of Dubuque, '/SItuated in the lIity of Dubunue and .)tate of Iowa, was sold for L " ~ tax for year 1862 on November 14, 1865 to ~'rank .l.\homberg for 'jj>24.24, being the whole amourJt Of taxes, intenat and costs then due and remaining Ullpa id on said property for the whole of the above des- cribed lots in the .uub. Harbor Impr. Co. Add to the City of Dubuque which was the least quantity bid for, and payment having been made the said property was stricken off to him at th.at price. Now therefore sell and convey unto said Frank Rhomberg, etc. ~ City Treasurer "H.W.Griswold" to 1:!'rank Rhomberg Bk. 25TL-281 Tax Deed Dated September 30, 1871, Filed November 18, 1874, The fo~ing described real property viz: Lots in Block (10) 17 'and 18~ck (~) Lot 34 (14) Lots 22, 28,_Ql, 32, 33 (15) 15 19 and 20, 23, 2~,and 25 (16) 2,3, 4.(32)-12)in Dub. Harb~r improvement Co. Add. to the City of DUbuque,-srtuate of Dubuque, and State of Iowa, ".'- >, '" "'., ~ ..~......, ,;,;m,.,..,~,. '../ " .\' ...... '''''..'' '. ~ I '/ · ~. ,-\ ~':iil' ',. ;~~.i'j,l.i,"!:U 'li1l1"V ,1'iI ~ '\ ~"~ ;~~ _...:c.J,.':":':" _~I was solo for tex for yeAr 1864 on November 14, 1865 to Frank Rhomberg for ~9.55, beinG the Whole amount of taxes, interest and costs then due ana remaining unpaid on said property for the whole of the above describea Lots in Dub. Herbor Improvement Co. Ada. to the City of J)ubuq ue, which wes the least quantity id for, and payment of said sum having been made the said property was stricken off to him at that prlce.~.l.~ Now there- fore sell and convey unto said Frank nhomberg, etc. . .' ~. ,.. / City Treasurer "H.W.Griswold") Bk. 25TL-282 Tax Deed to ) Dated ~eptember 30, 1871, irnnk Rhomberg ) Filed ~ovember 18, 1874, ~,Q ~?-_,~~:L..) _ The fo110.JL~l1g described rea 1 property viz: dl~ck3 Lot No.2 (4) 6,7,9, 1,Q.Jl7j 1 (8) 14,18 {9} 20,21,38 (to) ~~, 3, 4, 8, 9, 10 &; 15 in the Dubuque Harbor Improvement Co. Add. to the City of Dubu(lUe, situated in the City of Dubuque and State of Iowa, W8.S sold for tax for yenr 1863 on November 14, 1865 to Frank rthomberg for ~14.09, being the whole amount of taxes, interest and costs then due and remaining unpaid on sm 0. property for the whole of the above o.escribed lots in Dubuque Harbor lmprovement Co. ada. to the City of Dubuque, which was the least ~uant1t1 bid for, and payment having been made the said property was stricken off to hiIh at that price. Now there- fore se 11 and convey unto the said 1!'rank Hhombe rg, e tc. v< l t. City Treasurer "H.W.Griswold" to .b'rank Rhomberg Bk. 25TL-284 Tax Deed Dated September 30, 1871, .b'iled November 18, 1874, U( '~ .~ t~ ,-j'~ j1 . The f,Q.J..~..aescribed real property~. : Lots in Block (8) 14and 1B\C[~~d. 23, Block (3) 5 and 9 ('7)8 (S) 20 (4) 10 (9) ,lots 20,ana 21U22}, 1 l14) 28 p,nd in Dubuque Harbor Improvement Company"s ;,dCt. to the City cf DnbuC!ue, si tua ted in the City of DubuQue nnd Ste te of Iowa, was sold for tax for year 1860 on November 14, 1865 to Frank Rhomberg for w16.35, being the whole amolrnt of taxes, interest nnd costs then clue ancI remaining unpaId on SE id property for the whole of tt~e above de sC.' i bed Lots in the Dubu1 ue Hi rbor Improveme nt Company ...dd. to the City of Dubo!ue, which we s the le~ise quantity bid for, ancl, payment havil1g been!J1Fde and said prorerty vms stricken off to him at thst price. liow therefore sell and convey unto the saId Frank Rhomberg, etc. L .&,",~~..-.......~.~- \ Zohn Pier and Elizabeth, his wife, Bk. 25TL-370 Warranty Deed /i. To Dated .January 9; 1875 Filed January 23, 1.875 "'W~, , ~,~ ",:,:m,;\;~, "I' / "\, '\'; c. I " ",.1',',\', ','~" "'11', ," . \l\~. , ~ !,?":, ,'So," ~ \~;\:A\~ ~ 111~11'~,;:r' :~ ~ _~..J';f". -~---.-- Peter Junker The fOllowing described ) premises to-wit: Lot No.1 Oonsid. $100.00 ) in Block 10 in Dubuque Harbor Improvement Company's ,Addition to the City of Dubuque, Iowa, according to the recorded plat thereof Peter Junker and Dorothea, his wife, To Bk. 30M-371 Mortgage Dated january 9, 1875 Filed July 28, 1875 Ll", ....' John Pier 1'he fol1.owing described ) premises to-wit: Lot no.l in To secure $250.00 ) Block No.lO in Dubuque Harbor ImprovelOOnt Company's Addition to the City of Dubuque, Iowa, according to the recorded plat of said Addition,together with the improvements thereon. Canceled on Margin October 27,1879 by -john Pier- \ v Ingram, Kennedy & Day, Orin H.Ingram & Mrs.C.E. Ingram,his wife, Donald: Kennedy and Ge mrginia F., his wife, and W.H.Day Bk. 31M-485 Mortgage Dated December 15, 1875 Filed April 27, 1876 )f(,":~ \,>" The fOllowing described /1, To premises situated in the County of Dubuque and State Dubuque Harbor Improvement of Iowa,to-wit: Lots 13,14,15, Company 16,17,18 and 19 in Block 11; Lots 4,8,9,15,16,17,18,20,21,22, To secure $4500.00 ) 23,24,25,26,27~28,29,30,3l,32,33 34,35,36,37, & 38 B1.ock 1.0; Lots 24,25,26,28,29,30 & 32 in Block 9; and all that part of Lots 6,7,8,9,10,11 & 12 in Block 11 not heretofore conveyed to Dubuque & Dunleith Bridge Co.,by said Harbor Improvement Co., and Lot 5 in Block 1. (and other property) all in Dubuque Harbor Improvement Company's Addition to the City of Dubuque,County of Dubuque, State of Iowa. Canceled on Margin of Record .January 10, 1880 by "John BeAl, Prest., D.H.Im.Co., Attests J.V.Rider,Secty". ".~ V..J.Williams,Treasurer of Dubuque County, Iov~, Bk. 27TL-205 Tax Deed To I Dated April 20, 1876 Fi1.ed April 28, 1876 John V. Rider following described .as of real property . ted in the County of tto taxation as follows: ot no.16 Bloqk No.IO . ~or the years 1866, 1866,~t No. 28 Block No.14, Dubuque and st Lot No.15 Bloc for the years 18 Lo t No.18 Block lio. 21. .~ , r ~" ~':I}~I' / K,,\,' r.\ '.,.!t. ~~.1 ,:." \;\~;r'~i '~ \ir~;'~:< ::8". for the years 1866, Lot ~o. 18 Block No. 15 for the years l866? Lot No. 19 Block 15 for the years 1866, Lot No. 20 Block 15 for the years l8~ Lot"no. 14 block No.8 for the ~ars 1866, Lot No. 18, Blo~o. 8 for the years 1866, Lot No. 20 Block No.9, Lot No. 21 Block No.9 for the years 1866, Lot No.3 Block No. 10 for the years 1866, Lot No.4 Block No. 10 f~T th~ years 1866, Lot No.8 Block l~o. 10 for the years 1866, Lot l~o. 9 Block No. 10 for the years 1866, all situsted in Dubuque Harbor Company's Addition to the City of Duburtue, sold August 3, 1868, to John v. Riler, ~2.42 for Lot no. 15 Block No. 10 which w~s the least qu- antity bid for? the' sum of $2.42 for Lot No. 16, Block ~o. 10 which was the least quantity bid for, the sum of $2,42 for Lot No. 17 Block No. 10 which was the least q,uantity b'iC\ for, the sum of Sji2.42 cent s fo,%>Lot 1'0. 18 Blo ck No. 10 wh ich ",a s the Ie as t ~uantlty bid for,~he sum of $2.42 cents, for Lot No. 28 Block 1';0. 14 whi,ch W8 s the least quant i ty b 1Cl for; the sum of 02.42, for Lot No. 18 Block No. 15 which was the least quantity bid for; the sum of ~'2.42 for Lot 1~0: 19 Block No. 15 which vnlS the least oLuantity biG for; the sum of ;.;2.45 ~r Lot lI'o. 20 Block No. 15 which vm s_ the least quant i ty bin fQ..E.j) t he sum of ;~2. 42 for Lot f4 Block ~o. 8 which was the le8st quantity bid for; the sum of :t\i2.42 for Lot No. 18 Block l~o. 8 whichwas the least rtuantity bid for; the sum of ~2.42, for Lot lio. 20 Block No.9 which was the least quantity bid for; the sum of $2.42 for Lot No. 3 Block No. 10 which was the least quantity bid for; the sum of ~2.42 for Lot ~o. 4 Block No. 10 which W~3 the least quantity bid for; the sum of ~2.42 for Lot No.9 Block No. 10 Lot No. 8 Block ~o. 10 which 'Nas th.e leDst q,uantity' bi0 for; all situater in ..uubu1ue Harbor Company's Addition to the Gity of Dubuque, the said several sums last Xhereinbefore mentioneo, beilv~ the hiC'(hest and best sums bid for each of the lots or 'parcels of ro;,l estnte respectively mentioned and described th rewith; .....nd payment of the said several sums of money havincr been b.V him I118de to the s'1id 'rre8surec, the said respective piec9E of nroperty were each separatelY stricken off to him at the respective prices aforesaid. Now therefore sell and convey unto the said John V. Ri&er, etc. ~ 1l...J .\1illiams, mre~tsurer of Dv_buq ue \Jaunty, 10\'\'2. to John V. .l.\ider The followin~ described pieces of re;tl property, situated in the Countv of Unbar'ue, and i:Jtrte of IOW8" were er,ch 3t"bject to taxation ~s follOV1S: Lot Ho. 14 Block No.8 for the ye-8rs 1865, Lot :No. 18 Block No. 8 f~r the yf;~"1 r> ~865, Lot l~? 20 Bloc t: lio. 9 for the yen 's 1865, lot 10. 21 ~lock ~o. 9 for ~ne YG~rs 1865, Lot lio. 3 Block No. 10 for the years 1865, Lot BO. 4 Block No. 10 I ) B~. 27TL-208 T>lX Deed ) ~ated April 20, 1876, ) ~iled Anril 28, 1876, ) I) "i L... L.~'_~""__~..'~"'-L""""''''''''''''''''----''~'-- ~~.....,--- ----=------ - -- -~~--~--_._-_..._'""-'"'-~--""-"-""~- ---~...,.-~-~~-- for the ye~rs 1865, Lot boo 8 Block ~o. 10 foe the ya rs 1865, Lot Eo. 9 Block No. 10 for the yecrs 1865,aot No. 23 Block Ho. 15 for the yea~s 1865, Lot No. 24 ~lock No~5 for th~ years 1865, Lot ~o. 2 Dlock Do. 16 for the years 1865, Lo~ hOe 3 Block No. 16 for the years 1856, lot 10. 1 block Na. 16 for the years 1865, Lot hOe 37 Block No. 17 for the yebrs 1865, Lc~ 10. 38 Block No. _ 17 for the yef':rs 1865; Lot l~o. 12 Block lio. 32 for the yee.rs 186~ alls1tu:.';ted in Dubuque Harbor .improvement Company's .Ado ition to the ",.Qi ty of :Opbuque, Sold .Augu.~t 3, l8~8 to John V. rua er, th~ sum of ~3.l1 for J..ot No. 14 Block ~o. 8_wh1ch W~)S the levst quantlty bla for; the sum of 4?3.1l, for Lot J:i o. 18 Block No. 8 which was the least quantity bid for; the sum of $3.11, for Lot No. 20 Block 9 whIch ViDS the le.-st quantity bio. for; the sum of $3.11, for Lot Ho. 21 Block Ho. 9 w~lich yrc)s the lec'st quantity biC' for, the sum of $3.11, for Lot:No. ..3 Block hOe 10 which was the least q,uanti ty bid for; the sum of ;;;;3.11 for Lot l~O. 4 Block :1::0. 10 which was the least quantity bid for; the sum of .\;3.11, for Lot No.8 Block No. 10 which was the least quanity bid for; the sum of ;;p3.1l, for Lot No.9 Block No. 10 which was the least quan1ity bid for; the sum o~ $1.34 mkX~}~~X~X~M~.~i~)x~i~xieKf~xm~x~' for Lot No. 23 Block l~o. 15 which WRS the }east quantity bi(l for, the sum o:f $1.34 for Lot ho. 24 Blockl:~o. 15 w'rJ.ich was the leflst quantity bid for; the sum of $1.34 for Lot ~o. 2 Block No. 16 which was the least quantity bid for; the sum of ~1.34 for Lot ~o. 3 Block No. 16 which was the least quantity bid for; the sum of $1.34, for Lot No.4 Block No. 16 which was the Je ast quanti ty bid for; the sum of ~1.34, for Lot IJo~ 37 Block Ho. 16 which WflS the }e Bet quantity bia for; the sum of ~1.34, for Lot No. 38 Block 1.0. 17 which was the le8st quantity bla for, and the sum of ~1.36 for Lot No. 12 Block l~ o. 32 all s 1 tua ted in Dubuq ue H~' rbor Improvement Companyt s addition the said several sums last hereinbefore mentioned, being the highest and best sums bid for ench of the 10 ts or parcels of reBl estfite respectively mentioned and described therewith, I"nd payment of the s f:3id several sums of m:mey having been by him mHde to the said Treesu.cer, the sbid respec-'cive pieces of property were each separately ~tricken off to him at the respective pieces afore- SR id. 1\0 therefore sell and convey unto the said John V. .l:\.ider, etc. ~ A '~ . V. J. ~illiams, Treasurer of Dubu0ue County, Iowa to John V. nider ) ) ) ) Bk. 27TL-2ll Tax Deed Dated April 20, 1876, Filed April 28, 1876, The following de scribed pieces of real property, s itua ted in the County of Dubuque and State of Iowa, were each subject to taxation as follows: Lot No. 15 Block ~o. 10 for the years 1865, Lot Ho. l~ Blook No. 10 for the years 1865, Lot No. 17 Block No..lo~r the years 1865, Lot No. 18 Block No. 10 65, L t No. 28 Block No. 14 "..~"-......,...,..~~~~""""",~~,,,c. r.' ~-~.~' - ~ .~ ~~ ~~~;~Ium;-, / ,;, \'..' i"& '; If 'j - ~.\ .....~ \, ~... ~II:. " · "/,1":... ,,~. ". u l\'~\i ~ \i!~I'~"';",,-, '1, ,.:~. ;,~ 1: _.-::J.:,:';~ -~.. for the years 186~, Lot No. 18 Block No. 15 for the yea~s 1865, Lot No. 19 Block hOe 15 for the years 1865, Lot No. 20 Dlock No. 15 for the ye~rs 1865, Lot No.6, Block No.4 for the years 1865, Lot No.7 Block No.4 f6r the years 186W5 Lot N~. 9 Block No.4, Lot lio. 10 Block No.4 f'or the years 1865 Lot i~O. 1 Block No.~ .:\or the years .1865, ,Lot l~o. 11 Block o. 7 for the ~Tears 1865, 1 situated in Dubuque Harbor mprovement Gompany's Addition to the Ci ty of Dubuque, sold August 3, 1868 to John V. Rider, $3.13 I for Lot "'.0. .15 Block No. ]p which was t.he least quantity biB fer ; the sum of :j);3.13 for Lot 1.0. 16 Block jo. 10 which W&s the least quantity bid for; the sum of $3.13 for Lot ~o. 17 Block No. 10 which was the~.le8st quant. ity bi...d foy'; the sum of :jp3.13 fOC:iJ;ot No. 18 Block ~o. 10 whic~ was the least quantity bid for; e sum of $3.13 for Lot NO. 28 Block hOe 15 which was the least quanti ty bid for; the RUin of $3.13' for Lot 1~0. 18 Block No. 15 iihich was the least quantity bid for; the sum of $3.11, for Lot ~o. 19 .Dlock No. 15 which was the least quantity bid for; the SD-m o~ $3.16 fo r Lot l~o. 20 Block l~o. 15 Which was the leas t quantity bid for; the sum of $4,65 for Lot l~O. 6 Block No. 4 which wa.s the lettst Quantity bid for;' the sum of $4.65 for Lot No. '7 Block No. 4 'which y<las the least l1uantity bid for; the sum of $4.65 for Lot ~ Block J.~o. 4 ~hich was ,the least quantity bid fo r; the sum of :jp4.~5 for Lot l~O~ 10 Block No.4 which was t..he..le8s. t qUan,tity bid fojj the sum of ijp4.65 for Lot J..~o. 1 Block No. '7 which was the lea,st <].uantity bia for~ the sum of $4.64 for Lot l~o. 14 Block l~o. 7 which was the least quantity bid for; the sum of ---'- dollars and ---- cents, for which was the least quantity bid for, all situated in :I:)ubuque HFirbor Improvement Company's J:lo.ddi tion to the City of uub uq lie, the said severa 1 sums 1aRt here inbe fore mentione d, being the hLc;he st and be s t sums biel for each of t he lot s or pHrcels of real estate respectively mentioned and described therewith. and payment of the said several sums o~ money having been by him made to the said Tre':surer, the said respective pieces of property were each ~eparately stricken off to him at the respective prices afore- said. ~o therefore sell and convey unto the said John V. Ryder etc. \X Ingr~m, Kennedy & Day, to J. A. Rhomberg To secure $1,000.00 ) Bk. 3lM-491 Mortgage ) Dated April 27, 1876, ) Filed May 1, 18'76, ) Tne following described pre mi s e s, sit ua t e in Dub uq 00 County, Io\'a. T~'le South Ilia feet of Lot 2 ~1.lld the North lot feet of lot 3 in Block 2, Lots 5, 9, 10, 11, 15 and 16 in Block 7, Lots 15 and 16 in Block 8 and Lots 37 and 38 in Block 9, all in the Dubu1 ue ibrbor Improveme nt Gompany' s ~iddi tion to the City of Dubuque, Iowa, ;ind appurtenances thereto. 1877 by A. lihomberg". x , It :" Dubuq ue Harbor Improvement } Company, by John Bell Prest. ) Attest J.V.Rider, Sec1y."No Seal") to } Ingram, Kennefy and Day, ) Consid. ~4,750.oo ) Bk. 2'1TL-25l Warranty Deed Dater Decemb(r 15, 1875, Filed M~y 11, 1876, ~ ;;, \,",..,'" :1",' ,~, ""','1,,' / A.' .ioaiI' " , - \\ ~;\\\ \ =\~, ~ .1,:':" ,H II 1111<'-' ,lliI , ", '."~ ;:~~~. The following described nremise s , to-wit: La ts 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, & 19, in Block No. 11, i'DO Lots 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 2'1., 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 3'3; ~jL1x, :::5, 3~, 3'1, & 38, in Block 10, and Lots 4, 8, 9, 15, 16, 17, & 18 in ~lock No. la, and Lots'l, 13, 14, 17, 18, 19, 20, & 21 in Block .J:~o. 7. Dnd' Lot's Nos. 24, 25, 26, 28, 29, 30, & 32 in Block 10. 9 ~;nd Lots has. 54, & 55 in Block 10. 12; ana all that pErt of Lots 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 & 12 in Block Ho. 11 not heretofore conveyed to the Dunleith and Dubuque Bridge Corrrpe,ny, ,ell of s;',.i.a Lots belnS' in the Duauque :Uprbor ImprovemEnt Comp8ny Adcition to the City of Dubu~ue, Io~~. /: -~. ..., Dubuque Harbor Improvement } Company, by John Bell, Prest. ) Attest J.V.iider,~ecl,."No ~eal") to } Ingram, Kenn~dy & Day. } ConeId. $1.00 } Bk. 27TL-252 Quit Claim Deed Dated January 3, 1876, Filed Mey 11, 1876, '^\ .. The following clesc:r;.ibed premises, to wit: ~Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,11,12 & 13 in Block 12 and Lots 1,2,3,4." 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, & 19 in Block 9:,) and Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, & 12 and l~, inBloc~8~ and Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, &; la, in Bl'ock 1 811 in the :DubuC!ue Harbor Improvement Compeny Addition to the City OT Dubuque, Iowa. ;x The following described premis es, s1 hm ted in the COU!lty of Dubuque and state of IovrfJ, to wi t~ The South lIt feet of lot 2 & the Uortl)'iot feet of lot 3 in block 2, Lots 5, 9, 10, 11, 15 and 16 in block 7,Lots 15 and 16 in block 8 and lots 37 and 38 in Block 9 all in the Dubuque HB.rbor Improvement Company's addi tion to the City o~ Dubuque t lav,a. J. A. Rhomber.rand Catharine Rhomberg his wife to O.H.Ingram, Donald Kennery and Wm. H. ,Day, Consld. ~l,100.00 ) } } } ) } Bk. 27TL-253 Warranty Deed Dated ~pril 26, 1876, b'i1ed May 11, 1876, ~_;. 1,. ~ Benjamin H. Oampbell, widower (sig. ~.H.C~l) To , ... >':..1 .' ~.;#\;~:-\*,;i<:, l ~ ) ) Bk~ 27TL-341 Warranty De ed Dated July 5, 1876 Filed July 25, 1876 Hugh Mar tin Oonsid. $100.00 Company's Addition to the County of Dubuque, in the The following described real estate: Lot 36 in B10ak 9 in the Dubuque Harbor Imp rovement City of Dubuq~e, situated in the state of Io'wa. A, Hugh Martin and Rachel Martin, his wife, , , ti..Ji To o. H. Ingram, D. Kennedy and W. H. Day Oonsid. $1.00 to the City of Dubuque, lowa. ~/ Dubuq ue Harbor Improvement Company, by John Bell, President, Attest: John V. Rider, Secretay,y (no seal) To ;I . Jolm V. Rider Oonsid. $4000.00 l ) l ) ) Bk. 27TL-342 Deed I Dated July 25, 1876 Filed July 26, 1876 The follow ing de s- cribed premises, to-wit: Lot 36 in Block 9 in the Dubuque Harbor Impro'l'& ~ent Company's Addition I j ) B~. 27TL-359 Warranty Deed Dated December 11, 1875 Filed August 7, 1876 The follow ing de s- cirbed premises to-witl Lots No. 23 and 35 in Block No. 9 and Lot 25 in Block No. 115 in Dubuque Harbor Improvement Company!) Addition to the City of Dubuque, Iowa. r ~ '- ... ... '- --, . - - , x ~ \ '{ ,,\% ~iJ,\ 5(' ~"~ I'" \~ II 1 . J"ohn V. Rider and .' Viola Sa RiCier, his wife, ) Bk. 27TL-371 Q.ui t Claim Deed Consid. $1.00 ) ~ated August 1, 1876 Filed August 18, 1876 The fOllowing de scr ibed premises, to-witl Inter alia, Lots Numbered 4,8,9, 15,16,17 and 1~ in Block 10 Company'a Addition to the To all in Dubuq ue Harbor Improvement City of Dubuque, Iowa. 't .Tohn V. Rider and Viola G. Rider, his wife, To Bk. 27TL-372 Warranty De ed Dated August 1, 1876 Filed August 18, 1876 Ingram, Kennedy & Day The fOllowing described premises, situated in the ) County of Dubuque and State of Iowa, to-wi tl Lots IIos. in Dubuque Harbor Improvement Company's of Dubuque, Iowa. Consid. $200.00 23 and 35 in Block 9 Addition to the City v<, Jgnathan Roups and Filisie Roupe, his wife, Bk. 27TL-374 Warranty Deed To Dated August 16, 1876 Filed August 18~ 1876 , , o. H. Ingram, D. Kennedy andW.R. Day Consid. $250.00 ) ) The following des- cribed premises, situated in the County of Dubuque, and State of Iowa, to-wit: Lots No. 27 and 31 in Improvemen t Company' s Addition Blook No. 9 in the Dubuque Harbbr to the City of Dubuque, Iowa. ;1 27. \l J~ - In the Latter of the Probate Record 16, Page 455 Shows that Leverett A. Lull died ~state of on or about November 17, 1874, intestate; that he left no heirs Leverett A. LUll, Deceased except his brothers and sisters and their descendants, his tather and mother being both dead; that he left p~rsonal property in Dubuque County, Iowa, of about the value of ~6000.00 and real estate to be administered upon. Edward A. Lull and John H. Lull are appointed Administrators letters issued and notice of appointment given. At the Maroh term 1883, said Administrator filed report stating. among oter things that rtAll the heirs to said estate are now and have ~r several years been of age". but said rep9rt nor the reoord ot said estate do not give the names of said heirs. At the May Term, 1890, it being shown to the Court that the Ad- ministrators of said estate, E. A. Lull and J. H. Lull were both dead, Charles H. Lull was appointed Administrator de bonis non, tiled bond which was approved and letters issued. Nothing further done. Costs all paid. In the Matter of the Probate Reoord 18, Page 82 Shows probate of the Will of Estate of Joseph Ogilby deoeased. October 30, 1865. Elizabeth M. Ogilby Joseph Ogi1by, Deceased appointed Exeoutrix and exempted from giving bond. and duly qual- ities and gives notioe of bar appointment. WILL - I, Joseph Ogi1by, of the City and County of Dubuque in the state of Iowa, in view of the unoertainty of life and being des- irous of providing for the disposition and oare of my property and business and being of sound, disposing mind, do make and declare this my last will and testament. 1st. I do hereby devise and bequeath to my sister Rebecoa Ogilby of Germantown, Pa. $2500.00 in United states bonds now deposited with the state Bank and $1500.00 in cash being in all $4000.00 to be held by my said sister in trust for the joint benefit of her- self, my other sister Mrs. Ann Riohards and Mrs. Hannah Sharpless with entire power and disoretion in my said sister Rebeoca to appropriate for such purpose the inoome arising from said money from time to time as it accrues and to use as muoh of the prin- oipal as she may deem proper or neoessary theretor and on the demise of my said sister Rebecca then all of said money so devised to her in trust remaining unexpended shall descend to my said siste Ann Riohards and Hannah s~aless share and share alike and their he 1r s. 2d. I hereby give, devise and grant to my said beloved wife Elizabeth M. Ogilby all the rest, residue and remainder of my estat both real and personal after paying my just debts and claims agains my estate, to have and to hold the same in trust for the uses and purposes ~hereinafter stated, towit: 1st. to provide from the rents and inoomes arising from tB same for the comfortable support and maintenanoe of herBel! and our children until they shall respectively attain to the age of majori~ as fixed by law and for their suitable education as she may judge proper. 2d. I hereby expressly authorize and empower my said Trustee to grant and convey by proper deed in her own name to the Board 28. ~.:...--:.':,...~ ot Education of the City of Dubuque the South 1/5 of Lot 445 on Northeast corner of Clay and 12th streets in accordanoe wit~ke parole agreement with them therefor and to receive the oonsider- ation to be paid theretor. 3d. It is my desire that from the time my ohildren shall respeotively attain to the age of majority as fixed by law my said trustee may apportion and convey to such ohild such portion of my said estate so held by her in trust as would be equalto the portion of such ohild as heir at law of my estate, provided how- ever my said Trustee shall then deem and consider it all tor the interest of such child then to have and receive the same and such reoeipt shall be in full satisfaotion of all claims of suoh ohild on my estate as heir at law or otherwise. But in case my trustee shall not then deem it for the interest ot such ohild to reoeive such portion by reason of incompetenoy to manage the same prudently or for any other sufficient cause in her judgment, then the said trust estate as to the portion or portions of suoh child or children shall oontinue until my said Trustee shall in .er discretion see proper to olose the same by transfer to sueh ohild or ohildren res- pectively or by some suitable appointment on her demise oontinue suoh trust during the natural life of such ohild in some Trustee by her appointed and in oase of tae oontinianoe of said trust as to any ot my said ohildren after the age 0 maturity such ohild while such trust remains shall only be ent tled to have and reoeive from such trust, reasonable provision for support my said trustee may judge proper and neoessary. 3d. I do hereby oonstitute and appoint my beloved wife Elizabeth M. Ogilby my E~eoutor of this my last will and testament and desire that the proper letters may be granted to her therefor without re- quiring the surety as provided by law. Witness my hand this 24 day ot september, 1865. Joseph Oge1by Reoeipt5 on file of Rebecca Ogilby for legacy ot $4000.00. Receipts of Elizabeth R. Horr (formerly Elizabeth R. Ogilby), Josephine Ogilby and Joshua Ogilby only children and heirs ot Joseph Ogilby deoeased for sums of money and personal property from their mother Elizabeth M. Ogilby for maintenance and support and they join in asking that her final report as exeoutrix be approved and that she be 4isoharged. Final report dated July 9, 1875 states that she qualified, etc.. as required by law, that no claims were filed, that she paid the legaoy in the first olauses of the will mentioned, and has managed the proper~y and estate, paid expenses, collected the rents and profits and used the same so far as neoessary for the comfortable support of herself and children (who are now allot full age) as provided in the first and third subdivisions of the second clause of said will and as all said property is in her charge as trustee she asks that she be discharged as Administratrix which is done september 30. 1875 and estate closed. 29. ~ '"' .......... ~ ---~T"'llIJi. Bk. 27TL-472 ~ult Claim Deed ~ated October 21, 1876, Filed October 24, 1876, The following cescribed premises, to-wit: All the Interest if Rny we have in f-nd to Lot Ho. 31 Block No. 14 in Dubu~ue Harbor the G ity of Dub t1que, 'Iowa. Bk. 28TL-144 ~uit Claim Deed Dated 1:sy 2, 1877, ~ilea May 2, 1877, The Iollowing described premIses, to~wit' Lots no. 33 and 34 in Block No. 9 in the j) ub U0 ue He rbor City of Dubuq~e and State of Bk. 28TL-150 Deed Dated MRY 4, 1877, Hilec Muy 4, 1877, Under & in pursuance of the P01f'8 l' tv meST"- n ted in & by sfdd lest "will as such Trustee, hfve apportioned ! no ~ral1ted, The follov.i ng described u:t8ll1ises towit: Lot No. 6 ln Block No. 2 no Lot Bo. 22 in Block No. g in. the ~ubunue Harbor Improvement tjompany' s. ">.dcU tion to tl1e C it.>' of DUb u"!.ue in said County & ,-,tElte; 2nd as such i.'rustee for the nUi.'pcfG,foresJid I 00 hereby grant und convey to 3"10 ::aizabetl' :n. 1.:1.01': nIl the Est~ite, right, title an~ interest thut tie s~ld Joseph Ogilby h~d in & to ~aid repl est~te at the time of his death, and ell t~e rl~ht, title & interest I as such Trustee and inClvidul;lly, hLve in-&no to said real est'. te _ The last will. of said Joseph Ogilby will be found re- corded in 21'0 bEl te Hec at pa';e 83. """) .. J' ;1/"\.' x . Dubuq ue E>.:rbor .Lmprovemen t ) Company, by John Bell, Pre~.'. ) ~ttest J.V.Rider, ,",ecly,{Do Seal)) to ) onathan Houps, ) Cons 10.. :j;;l. 00. ) ~..;~./ ~i~~ll~ f 111'l\I~; 'K"- :':; _.A..j>;:~ ~ in Block ~o. 9, ana Lot No. 21 In Improvement Gompany's bddition to ..>( Dubu0ue Harbor lmnrovement Company,by John Bell, rrest. ) & John V.Rider, Secly.(no 0eal)) to ) O.ll.Ingram, D. Kennedy and ) W. H. Day, .. ) Consid. 'l,i1.00 ) ~; '\ .' Improvement Company's ~d0ition to the Iowa. ~ ) ) ) ) ) ) Mrs. Elizabeth J.Horr,nee ) Ugilby, a duugh~r of said dec'a) Rt and as the value of ~200. to ) apply on he r s b'cre of the Estate) of said Joseph C~ilby, decIde ) ) Elizabeth M. Ogilby, Trustee of the Estate of Joseph Ogilby late of Dubll~Lue County, Iowa, decla, under the last. will & testament of Si; id dec I d. to ~~ c_ c. ~_c_c.'"_ - ~~~==::~~ ';' ,0 ~liz2beth ~.rlorr nnd J.L. Horr her husbLnd (sig. JO:3sph 1.l:iorr) to O.h.Ingram, ~. Lennedy & 'j .n.Day , Con8.id. ~;200.oo Ek. 2BTL-159 .jarr~'nty 'Dee5, Dated Uny 4, 1877, FileR May ~, 1877, IX \ ~:, ~in2i'ffi:!ml( " / ~ '\I"~, ~"'" ';. .:1 ~i~~.j !"~"~hb: ~.~ The followin~ described premises, to~~it~ Lot No.6 in Block ho. 2 and Lot no. 22 in Block No.9 in the Dubulue Hnrbor Improvem6 nt COmfJany' s -.d'; i tion to the Ci ty of liubu1ue ln sald County ~ ~t~te. x Vlilliam~Coa.pes, ',dlllam G."iatters) Fnd Ge or gc ::l oung, He fere e s ) to ) A.'d. Kemler ) Bk. 28TI-391 Referee's Deed Dated M~rch 28, l870, Filed AUgust 3, 1877, 'Vlherens in an action of Partition in the Circuit Court of the >Jtl"te of IO~D in and for Dubuque County wherein Adam Twaites et 131 vs Hannah l'ratt et aI, said p~lrties of the lst })art "vere on the 29th day 0 f October 1869 duly appointed by sl':.id Gourt 88 neferees to mFke partition of the following described Real Estate to wi t: Lots Hos. 33 aYld 34 in Block 9 in the Dubu'1ue Hr,rbor Improvement Gomp~ny addition to the City of Dcbw;,lle, Iov.a, together vith oth.er heal Lstate C'.nc 8S no p'rtition could be made SAid court on HOVef.:lber 3, 1869 oroered. said 1{eferees to sell SLiL(I premises,Dnd 8 fter acl ve rtis In;s s"me died :Jecembe r 28, 1869 se II s;~] me to i;~. Vi. Zemler .for ~103.oo -- ~nd said court approved said sRle.-- Now sell 'no convey etc. LOiJS J..os. 33 !'nd 34 in Block 9 in the Dubulue .rllrbor Improvement Company a(ldition to the City of Dubu'me, Io'",7"~, for the sum of ;Jpl03.oo th<::t beln,7 the hi(~"hest Iwd best bid t'lcrefoce. ~o approval att2ched. . Dominic Rhomberg To The Public ) ) ) Sworn to April 26, 1894 Filed April 28, 1894 0.., Bk. 5lTL-555 Affidavit Be~ first duly sworn on oath depose and say that .E'rank X. Rhomberg who December 12 1874 deeded to J. A. Rhomberg Lots 2,5 & 9 in Block 3 and Lots 4~7,9 and 10 in Block 4 Dubuque Harbor Lmprovement Company's Iddition to the City of Dubuque (see Record 40TL-5l) is my brother and identical with the Frank Rhomberg who acquired title to said lots by Tax Beed (see Record 25TL-276,278,280 and 282). That .Tohann RhOmber....g now d.e....~. ...~~.a.I.~'3...~~. ..d.Wh..O d. eeded to Catharina Rhomberg November 15,1867 Blo~. ,{~ and 38 in Block 11 and Lot 1 to 12 in Block 5 .~~. '~~~::,',~(~t Co's Addition (see 17TL-537) surv ive d hi s w i:r~; ; .,...........,............".".~..'..'..,I!..c,...'..D4J.:.......~..:....."..~.:;..~.. ..........~:........ '...:..::..'.'.'..~.:.....,.......ha t.T ( 0 seph) A.Rhombe r g and Ca thar ina Rhom . f',-';~'~~f{~,)' cord 16TL page 468 are husband and wif ,'''','c li':' ',.<;,~,: ?i':~~.t~~if{,~:l.~.;:~i~~ Vi'>. . ;J::':,; The following described premises, to-wit: Inter alia, Lots 22 and 31 in Block 9; Lots 4;8,9,15,16,17 and 18 all in Dubuque Hazbor IIli>rovement Company's Addition of DUbuque, Iowa, according to the recorded plat 0\ A~ W. Keml.e r and .Mary Ann Kemler, wife of said A. W. Kemler To ~/ ", ',..0,:, ",;" l( , , <, '\ ..:;t.;., " 't{~~l lir~!,\~!"f<" l '.. "l'~,' ::~ -..:.......;;....... ~ O. W. Ingram_ D. Kennedy and W.H.Day Consid. $175.00 F. X. Rhomberg and Filomena his wife, ~ To ~ \~~I~.k{.~o ~~"(" i, ~ 'II ~,..} C'-iC ''''' ~ '~>lt~) o. H. Ingram, D. Kennedy, and Wm. Day, Consid. $81.62 in Blo ck 10 to the City thereofo v\ Peter Junker and Dorothea, his wife, To ,-, ) } Bk. 39TL-394 ~uit Claim Deed Dated July 31, 1877 Filed August 4, 1.877 The fOllowing described premises to-wita Lots 33, and 34 in Block 9 in the Dubuque Harbor Improvement Company's Addition to the City of Dubuque, Iowa. Bk. 29TL-538 Quit Claim Deed Dated November 21, 1878 Filed November 29, 1978 ) ) Bk. 30TL-53l Warranty Deed Dated October 2, 1879 Filed October 27, 1879 John Pier The following described premises situated in the Consid. $500.00 ) County of Dubuque and state of Iowa, to-wit: Lot No. 1 in Block No. 10 in Dubuque Harbor Improvement Company's Addition to the City of Dubuque, lowa, according to the recorded plat of said Addition. t>, John Pier To Catherine We imer To secure $200.00 No. 1 in Block No. 10 Canceled on I ) ) Bk. 38M-435 Mortgage Dated January 5, 1880 Filed January 5, 1880 The following described premsies situated in Db~que County, Iowa, to-wit: Lot Harbor Company's Addition. 27, 1881 by :f;herine Weimer. 32. ~ Dubuque Harbor Improvement l Company, John Bell, Prest., by "ohn :: Rider, Seoy (seal)l Kennedy & Day ~ ) Consid. $250.00 ) Bk. 32TL-116 Warranty Deed Dated August 7, i880 Filed December 13, 1880 The fOllowing des- cribed premi ses, to-wit: Lots No. 20 and 21 in Block 9 in DUbuque Harbor Improvement Companyts Addition to the City of Dubuque, Iowa. Orrin H. Ingram and ) Cornelia E., his v;ife, } Dated March 28, 1881 To File d Apr 11 27, 1881 Empire Lumber Company, a ~ All The following de s- )C~~ \..,..... "t ~ corporation duly incorporated} cribed lands and real estate \\. \ ~~ th~~ ~ and organized under the laws situate, lying and be ing in ,+,ol.H... iMr~(~}, of the state of Wisconsin the County of Dubuque, in ~~:"J~.\," ;..j ) the state of Iowa, to-wi t: ~.,~ \~:... \ $1.00 & other val.consid~) AJ.l the right, title, interest {'O),'.",';. ti, a.nd claim of said parties of NJ.Jl\~..~",)) the first part being the equal undivided 1/3 part of all the follow t+~ \ t;:.. described lands and prenlises, to-wit: Inter alia, Lots I to 10 in "2-'" J,./v~\.>_Block l;'(Lots 1 to 38 in Block $,; Lots.4,8,9,15,16,17,18,19,20,21, ., . '. ~.. . 22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,and 38 in Block 1Q; ~~~".t';:)t'{)!f Lots !Tos. 6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,1'1,15,16,17,18 ~nd 19 in Block 11 all in Dubuque Harbor Lmprvvement Company's Addition to the City of Dubuque, according to the plat thereof. The follow ing de sar ibe d lands, real estate and prem- ises, situate, lying and be- ing in the County of Dubuque in the state of Iowa, to-wit: The equal undivided 1/3 part and portions of all the follow ing described lands, and premi to-witl Inter alia, Lots 1 to 10 in Block l;~Lots 20,21,22,23,24,25 26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,and 38 in Block 9; Lots 1,8,9, 15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22 2 26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36, 37 and 38 in Block 10 " 0.11,12,13,14,15,16,17 and 18, and 19 in Block 1 . Improvement Company's Addi tion to the ,;~ to the plat thereof. ~:~2f!}) ~:/ 'k\:~. :fJti I ~\;;.~\1'1 ~ 1111l1!~.,~ :0~ ,~ _II ~ " \.. ~. Donald Kennedy and Georgiana. F., his wife, '.It. ~~, To Daniel M. Dula.ny Sr., W.H.Dulany, George W.Dulany and J.R.YcVeigh Consid. $12863.00 'A ". 'l-I,/.~l , :'Q~~f~ ~V'"'Ic- Bk. 32TL-389 q,uit Claim Deed I ~ J ) ) Bk. TT-165 Warranty Deed Dated March 26, 1881 Filed May 20, 1881 The following des- oribed lands, real estate and premises situate,lying and being in the County of Dubuque in the state of' lowe., to-wit: The equal undivided:1/s part and portion of all the following described lots, lands and premises, to-wit: Inter alia, Lot 5 in Block l~ Lots 20,2l,22,23,24,25,26,27, 28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37, and 38 in Blook 9; Lots 4,8,9, 15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35, 36,37 and 38 in B100k 10; Lots 6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17, 18 and 19 in Block 11 all in Dubuque Harbor Imppove:rmnt o ompany , s Addition to the City of Dubuque, according to the plat thereof. The fOllowing des- cribed premises situated in the County of Dubuque and State of Iowa, to-wit: Lots 5.6 and 7 in Block No. l~ in the Dubuq~e Harbor Improvement Company's Addition to the City of Dubuque, according to the re corded plat thereof. ~. Dant1 )[. Dul.a.ny Sr., and Mary, his wife, 'tIm. H. Dul.any a.nd T. C. (sig.Talitha C.),his wife, Ge o. W. Du1any and Fannie M., his wife, essie~. McVeigh and zzie, .his wife, ~ - .." "" N..,. t ' ;, ~~ ~ 1'\ ~\\: 'I'j' 'I I}~~'~. r !i,~;,\~\~I~ .' '-.<4 >~... .,~ --:...~..::..... -~----. To Emp ire Lumbe reo 0.' a.. oorporation organized under the la.ws of State of Wisoonsin. Consid. $1.00 tX. Catharine Rhomberg and .Jos. A., har husband, Q.. 0,.1'" To William H. Day Oonsid. $300.00 ;t F. X. Rhomberg and .11omena, his wife, To William H. Day Consid. $1.QO ment Company's~ddition to the City to the Recorded Plat thereof. j j l Bk. TT-l68 Deed Dated Apr 11 25, 1.881 Filed May 20, 1881 ) ) Bk. 32TL-6l4 Warranty Deed Dated August 3, 1881 Filed A.ugust 5, 1881 ) ) ) Bk~ 32TL-615 Q.uit Cla.im Deed Dated August 3, 188l Filed August 5, 1881 The following des- cribed premises to-wi tl Lots 5,6 a.nd 7 in Block 10 in Dubuque Harbor Improve- of Dubuque, Iowa, according The fOllowing des- cribed premises situated in the County o-r Dubuque and State o-r Iowa, to-wit: in the Dubuque Harbor Improllement City o-r Dubuque. . The following des- cribed premises situated in the County of Dubuque and state of Iowa, to-witl 10 of" Dubuque Harbor ImproveD:e nt Company's of" Dubuque, according to the recorded ~. ~ohn Pier and Elizabeth, his wife, To ~J W. H. Day Consid. $500.00 ot No. 1 in Block No. 10 Company's Addition to the Campbell, widower, J( To Ja.ckson strane Oonsid. $140.00 Lot Bo. 2 in Block Bo. Addition to the City plat of said addition. ~< Jackson strane and Emma, his wif'e, To ~ " _..".....,.0.'"_' ~.'.~:,.r.,,'~~'f::.c~.:~.,"~E*,Ai,;:;;:::: ~..;,~~~~~~ . .,.>.,-.-."""-....... -.,'....;..:"" ~ l L ) ) Ek. 33TL-Bl Warranty Deed Dated S9Ptember 19, 1881 Filed September 30, 1881 I ) ) Bk. 33TL-l:ll Warranty Deed Dated September 14, 1881 Filed October 18, 1881 Bk. 33TL-l:l2 Warranty Deed Dated October 13, 1881 Filed October 18, 1881 W. H. Day The follow ing de s- cribed pr-emises situa.ted Consid. 1140.00 ) in the County of Dubuque a.nd sta.te of Iowa, to-wit. Lot Ho. 2m Blo ck No. 10 of Dubuque Harbor Improvement Company's Addition to the City of Dubuque, according to the recorded plat of said Addition. \Xi John Be 11 and Hannie T.. his wife, j I 1 i I :i ! ! i t u To c. ;r. Lesure Consid. $500.00 Lot No. 10 in Block No. Addition .0 the City l ! ) Bk. 33TL-119 Warranty Dee....d~ -8 17l, ~-;t .:; "t ~ Dated October 15, 188J. ~> ~tt[, Filet! October 22, 1881 ~,b\~,,'f~,'c '1 The fallowing described premises situated in the County of Dubuque and state of Iowa, to-Witl~_ter a~~a;> ubuq ue Harb or ~01l8men t C ompanyt S - -~~------------ -~~---.-".. --"-~'"..~'-.~"""'-""~:.\ ~..., - ~. Julius K. Grave s and Lucy C., his wif'e, Bk. 33TL-465 Warranty Deed Dated December 31. l8al Filed March 16, 1882 .j To w. H. Day The fOllowing described } premises situated in the ) County of Dubuque and State of Iowa, to-wit. Lots No.3 and 1;1. in Block No. 10 Company's Addition to the City of Consid. $366066 Dubuque Harbor ~rovement Dubuque, Iowa. ~, !) Bk. 33TL-466 ~. ) ) quit Cliam Deed Rufus ]I . Grave sand lIIlary C., his wife, \,~, \..: To Dated January 31, 1882 Filed March 16, 1882 Julius K. Graves and Luoy C. Graves The following descf'ibed premises to-witt Lots No.3 and 11 in Blook No. 10 in Dubuque Harbor Improvements Company's Addition to the City of Dubuque, Iowa. Consid. $1.00 ~ John V. Rider and Viola G., his wife, Bk. 33TL-467 Quit Claim Deed Dated January 5, 1882 Filed March 16, 1882 . " To Julius K. Graves All our right, title and interest in and to the Consid. $100.00 ) following described real estate situate and lying in Dubuque City and County, and state of Iowa, visa Lots Nos. 3 and 11 in Blook Ro. 10 in Dubuque Ha.rbor ImproveIll3nt Company's Addition to the C:ity of Dubuque, Iowa. if Frank Rhomberg (s ig.F .X. ) and Fi1.omena, his wife, Bk. 33TL-468 Quit Claim Deed Da.ted January 6, 1882 Filed March 16, 1882 , t ,j To Jul iue K. Gra.ve sand Luoy C. Graves (his wife, The fOllowing described premises to-wi ta Lots Nos.3 and 1.1 in Blook No. 10 Dubuqu: Harbor ImproveIlJ9 nt Company's ) addition to the Ci The following described premises to-vVitl The Undivided i/2 of so much of parts of Lots 22.23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31, 32,and 33 in Block 11 in Dubuque Harbor Improllenent Company's Addi tion to the City of Dubuque as lie southerly of the Dubuque & Dunl.eith Bridge Company's Railroad tract and not heretofore conveyed to said Bridge Company. 1 Bk. 34TL-131 Warranty Deed Dated .nmeaSl4. 1882 Filed June 24, 1882 ~ ) premises situated in the County of Dubuque and StatE\ of Iowa, to-wi tl ~ter ali8) ~ Lot 10 in BloCk No. 10 all in Dubuque Barbor Improvem~nt Company's Addition to the City of Dubuque, Iowa. The following described premises situated in the City of Dubuque and State of Iowa, to-wi ta Inter J.1ia. the undivided ~2 of part of Lots 22,23,24,25, 26,27,28,29,30,31,32 and 33 ly ing sou the rly of the Dubuq ue & Dunleith Bridge Company's Right of Wa:y and not conveyed to said Bridge Company in Block 11, all in Dubuque Harbor Improirem.nts Company's Addition to the City of Dubuque, Iowa. ...'. ",-" ~. .~, ~ ,~ DUbuque Harbor Improvement CaR~ pany. by JohD Bell,PreSident'l Attest. J.V.Rider,secretary To (Seal) ! Ingram, Kenne dy & Day } ~ ~,/ ~rl,~:.JV : ~..'A\,i ~ '11~,1!'~,~ I' ':"~ w......:.....;--.. ...:~--- Consid. $17.00 \-f? 7- .).~."). d.~ .iIl~ lure. ba.che lor. ~.s ~~.,:~,d'1t~~ 1"' ''f..,~,\( i...\' To r;~~ " .. v , ,." (. " '~JJ",~,.Jt;;,'~, Standard Lumber Company Consid. $600000 ~, ' l. '" ~ Dubuque Harbor Improvement l Company, by John Bell,Prest., Attest: J.V.Rider.Secy., To (Sea.l) I ;Tames H. Shields ~ ) ) y~ Consid. $185.00 ~ W. H. Day and Lydia T.R.Day, his wife, To Ek. 34TL-9 Warranty Deed Dated September 24, ~88~ Filed May 12. 1882 The follow ing described Bk. 34TL-163 Warranty Deed Dated S,ptember 22, 1881 F il ed JuJ.y'-:12.:c 1882 Bk. 34T~172 Warranty Deed Dated Ju~y 13. 1.882 Filed JUly 14, 1882 Standard Lumber Co~ Cons id. $1400<~ , ,J of Iowa, to-wi t I( in Dubuque Harbor of Dubuque, Iowa. ,1he following described 'ses s&tuated in the of Dubuque and state 11 all in Rlock 10 dition to the City Dated September 14, 1882 Filed December 7, 1882 The foll.owing des- oribed premises situated in the County of Dubuque and state of Iowa, to-wit: Undivided 1/2 of parts of Lots Nod. 22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32 and 33 lying South- erly of the DUbuque & Dunleith Bridge Compa.ny's Right of Way the same being so much of said Lot as has not been conveyed to said Bridge Company in Block No. 11 in Dubuque Harbor Improve- ment CampanytsAddition to the City of Dubuque, Iowa. ~ Edward A. Lull and Harriet Lull, his wife, John H. Lull and :Mary E., Lull, his wife, \:,. ',.J ... To standard Lumber Company Consid. $220.00' Improvement C~ts Addition The property hereby conveyed of Leverett A. LUll, deoeased. "- ~' .Jame s H. Shie 1 ds (unmarried) To ~ Sta.ndard Lumber Co. Cons ide $60.00 'i .Emp ire Lumbe r -- of Eauo1aire) ~ ':,~ ~i Wisconsin., by O.ll.Ingram, ) ~r~,I~ President, by Chas~ Horton, ) '~~~,iJ~(J~t ~~~~;;;r~niS;;~la~~R., ~ .~ \~\1.."'O"11".Ioi:.f't~8 his wife, ) ~ ~~ 4'1 I ) ~~. \1:b "2. \ A.JJ~\ ~e, '\ 1 Y''4Y~\,~'~~'t .iSt.,a.nda.rd L~er Co. ~~, ~\1~Ff/ . Consid. $60,000.00 ) ) ) Bk. 34TL-447 Warranty Deed Dated November 10, 1882 Filed November 14, 1882 The following desoribed premises situated in the Oounty of Dubuque and State of Iowa, to-witt llndivided a/5 of Lots 12, 13 and 14 in Block 10 in Dubuque Ha.rbor to the City of Dubuque, Iowa. was inherited by us as heirs Ek. 34TL-513 Speoial Wty Deed ~ ) Bk. 34TL-554 Warranty Deed Dated July 13, 1882 Filed December 27, 1882 The following des- oribed pr'emi sa s and real esta.te situated in the City add County of Dubuque, and state of Iowa, to-witt Inter alia, the fOllOWing Lots and parts of lots in the Dti"Quque Harbor ~ro~~- ment C~anyts Addition to said City viza(Lot 5 in Block 1;3~ Lots 20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32..33,34,35,36,37 and 38 in Block 9; Lots 4,8,9,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26, 27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38 in Block 10; suoh parts of Lots 6,7,8,.9.10,11and as the Dubuque Harbor Improvemen t Co., ha e Dubuque & Dunleith Bridge Co. and Lo . d 19 in Block 1~; Undivided t of 25.26,27,28,29,30,31, 32 and 33 in 1310 Improve man t Company have not conveyed h Bridge Co. 38. ~\ Louisa L. Walker and Benjamin, her husband, Bk. 34TL-574 Warranty Deed >; ~... To Dated December 26, 1882 Filed ~anuary 9, 1883 standard Lumber Co. The following des- ) cribed premises situated Consid. $110.00 ) in the County of Dubuque a~d state of Iowa, to-wit: Undivided 1/5 part of Lots 12, 13 and l~ in Block 10 in Dubuque Harbor Improvenent Company's Addition to the City of Dubuque, Iowa. The property hereby conveyed was inherited by me as heir of Leverett A. Lull, deceased. ~. To i ) ) Dated October 5, 1882 Filed October 5, 1882 Wm. G. Watters, Oounty Treasurer Bk. 34TL-351 Tax Deed William liintrager The fO'llowing described property in the County of Dubuque and state of Iowa: were each subject to taxation forhthe year 1873 as follows: Inter alia,Lot~ 1,2,3,4,& 16 Block 13; \.,.Lots 18 and 19 in Blo ck lTJ all in Dubuque Harbor Improvement Company's Addition to the City of Dubuque. All assessed to unkno,vn owners for the year 1873. All situated in the City of Dubuque in the County of Dubuque and state of Iowa. Sold October 5, 1874 to wm. Hintrager. To I ) ) Dated November 3, 1882 Filed November 3, 1882 J< Henry A. Schunk, Oity Treasurer, Bk. 34TL-432 Tax Deed William liintrager The f0110wing described p1ececof real property situated in the City of Dubuque in the County of Dubuque and State of Iowa, were subject to taxation for years 1871, 1872 and 1873 respecti!~y as follows: Inter alia, Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 16 in Block l~and Lots 18 and 19 in Block 1.7~aJ.1o)dtuated in the Dubuque HarDor Improvement Company's AdditJ.on to the City of Dubuque. Sold November 3, 1874 to Vim. Hintrager. , ' Frank E. Morgan and Emma. S., his wife, and Harriet L. Morgan, heirs of Leverett A. Lull,deceased, ) Bk. 38TL-334 q.ui t Olaim De ed To Dated (no date) Ack. Aug.1.8-31, 1885 led December 21, 1885 All our right, title interest in and to the ollowing described real estate situate lying in DubUQue County aDd State o:f Lots 12,13,an<r 14 in Block 10 in the Companyts Addition to the City of 2\, standard Lumbe Iowa, viz: Undivided 1/5 of Dubuque Harbor Improvemmt Dubuque, Iowa. ~} ~.~~ J>< ". -.: . ''', ~ lf~.~ ~ .: In the Matter of the Probate Reoord 101, Page 633 Shows that Wm. H1ntrager died in Estate of Dubuque O@unty, Iowa, on;A~r about September 1, 1908, intestate. William B1ntrager, deoeased Petition ~f Emilie Hintrager for appointment of Administratrix states that deceased left no wido., he never having been married, and left Friedrich Hintrager of Reutlingen, Kingdom of Wuerrtenberg, German~ Mina Hintrager Freytag of Stuttgart, II II " " Johanna Hintrager of Reutlingen tI " II " Oscar Hintrager of Windhook, German South West Africa Emilie Hintrager, of Dubuq~e, Iowa Bertha Hintrager of Reutlingen, Kingdom of Wuerttenberg,.Germany Robert Hintrager of Stuttgart, ff II " II Julia Hintrager Heuss of Reutlingen tf" tf If children of lis deceased brother Robert Hintrager as his heirs at law and seiz~ of real estate, the exact description of which this petitioner could not state. Emilie Hintrager is apuointed Administratrix, bond in sum of $6000.00 filed and notice Dublished in Times-Journal once a week for three weeks, the first insertion on September 5, 1909, and the last on September 19, 1909. Final Report filed August 14, 1910, approved by Robt Bonson, District Judge, September 6, 19l0. Administratrix discharged, bond released, estate closed and coats uaid. Oollateral Inheritance Ta.x paid. - Friedrich Hintrager and Lena Hintrager, his wife, . Johanna Hintrager, unmarried, Bertha Hintrager, unmarried, Julie Hintrager Reuss and Emil Reuss, her husband, all of Reutlingen, in the Kingdom of Wuerttemberg~ Germany, Mina Hintrager Freytag and Carl Freytag, her hUSband, and Robert Hintrager and Frida Hintrager, his wife, all of Stuttgart, in the Kingdom of Wuerttemberg, Germany to Emilie Hintrager 91M.--483 POWER OF ATTORNEY Dated October 5, 1908 Filed October 23, 1908 Whereas, William Hintrager, late of Dubuque, in the County of Dubuql and State of Iowa, in the United States of America died in said Du- buque County, Iowa, on or about Sept.1,1908, intestate and was at the time of his death the owner of various Teal property consisting chiefly of lands, city, town and village lots together with the improvements thereon and interests and equities in such real propert} the same being situated, ae these grantors are advised chiefly in the Oounty of Dubuque and State of Iowa, but some of it possibly in other counties of said state, and Whereas, the undersigned Friedrich Hintrager, Johanna Hintr~ger, Bertha Hintrager, Julie Hintrager Reus~ Kina Hintrager Freytag, and Robert Hintrager, together with Oscar Hfntrager of Windhook, German Southwest Africa, and Emilie Hintrager of Dubuque, Iowa, United States of America, are the sole heirs at law of the said William Hintrager, deceased, and as such heirs have become the owners in equal shares of all the real property left by him and it is the desire of all the grantors herein to give to said Emilie Hintrager a Complete Power to manage and to sell their said property so coming to them and to act for them in the protect1o~ 4]) ""-"'--,-.~,." - - - """'",----- ""=:~:'"L~.:~c:~iCi.~~ ...,..",......,~~ possession, renting and disposing thereof. NOW THEREFORE, Know ~ll Men By These Presents: That we, Friedrich Hintrsger and Lena Hintrager, his wife; Johanna Hintrager, unmarried, Baertha Hintra,ger, unmarried, Julie Hintrager Reuss and Emil Reuss, her husband, all of Reutlingen, in the Kingdom of Wuerttenberg, German~ Mine. Hintrager Freytag and Carl Freytag, her~ husband and Robert Hintrager and Frida Hintrager, his wife, all of stuttgart, in the Kingdom of Wuerttenberg, Germany, have and each of them have made, constituted and appointed and by these presents do make, constitu'8e and appoint Emilie Hintrager of Dubuque, in the County of Dubuque, in the State of Iowa, our true and la.wful attorney for us and in our name,place and stead and to our use to do each, any and all of the following things, and each, any and a.ll of the things requisite necessary and incidental thereto with reference to any and B.Il of the real property belonging to us or ~~yof us and whether the same is situated in the County of Dubuque in the State of Iowa, or in any other county in said State, viz: to grant, bargain and sell .aid property or any part~thereof or any interest or equity in said property or any part thereof for such price and prices and on such terrr.s and conditions as she in her judgment shall deem best and in case of sales to make, execute, acknowledge and deliver good and sufficient deeds and conveyances for the same either with or without CDvenants of warranty and in such form including quit claims as she in her judgment shall deem bSst · · · · hereby giving our said attorney full power to do everything whatsoever requisite and necessary to be done in the premises as fully as we or any of us could do if personally present with full power of substitution and revocation, hereby ratifying and confirming all that our said attorney or her substitute shall lawfully do or cause to be done by virtue hereof. Oscar Hintfager 9li,f.-505 PQ(VER OF ATTORNEY Dated October 22, 1908 Filed December 16, 1908 ~. I. ,l '.," i., to Emilie Hintrager Contains SBme recitals as preceding power of attorney d8WU to "Now Therefore, Know All men by mhese Presents: That t, Oscar Hintrager unmarried, elf W'indhook, German Sot.:th West Africa, have ~ade, con- stituted and appOinted, and by these presents do make, constitute and appoint Emilie Hintrager of Dubuque, in the County of Dubuque, in the State of Iowa,my true and lawful a.ttorney for me and in my name, place and stead and to my use to do each, any and a.ll of the following things, and each, any and all of the things requisite, necessary and incidental thereto with reference to any and all of the real property belonging to me and whether the same is situated in the County of Dubuque in the State of Iowa, or in any other county in said State, viz: to grant, bargain and sell said property or any part thereof or any interest or equity in said property or any part thereof, for such price and prices and on such. terms and con- ditions as she in her judgment shall deem best and in case of sales to make, execute and acknowledge and deliver good and sufficient deed: and conveyances for the S~lle either with o~without covenants o~ warranty and in suoh form including quit claims as she in her jddg- ment sha.ll deembestj &0., &c. (Acknowledgment not good) Note: Another Power of Attorney from Oscar Hintrager to Emilie Hintrager, is of record in Dubuque County, Iow~, 9lM.-635, dated February l8, 1909 and filed April 29, 1909, containing' same recitals and granting same powers as 9lM.-505 above. Acknowledgment not quite according to statute. ~ ~~., ~, . ,::,;'~l 't ~ ~......, '." ",' '. ' ~\'\. ~. ~ '; 1( '",. \ P;'II \,,~ I 1~'~' ' I l\::.A" ~ \ ..L \ ~ \1' Jill ,y ,lQI ~ , ~' ,'4 .'~ ;~~ _....4fI...t~~,I,.... .~ V( , " '>:../ ~ 'f... _' ( ..~"f\~:.i ~\ \..-~~l:' 0. ~\\ (1)...i. ,J"i~~' "'). ,-\"",,^,l"". .,,~,\ \ ...., .~ ,LU'l.} ~. All the ir right, ti tle and interest in and to the follow- ing described real estate, situated in Dubuque Iounty, and State of Iowa, to-wit' ~ots 12,13 and 14 in Block 10 in ,the DUbuque Harbor Improvement Company's Addition to the City of Dubuqaeo The same be ing the undivided 1/5 ahare of said lands and the share and interest of Charles H. Lull as heir to the Estate of Leverett A..Lul1,deceased. All our right, title and interest in and to the follow- (;ng desc~\bed premises Yizt ~nter al~~Lots 20 and 21 in Block 9, Lots 2 and 10 in Block 10 and Lots 6 and 10 in Block 11 all in Dubuque Harbor Improvement Coilpany's Addition to the City of DUbuque, Iowa. Charles H. Lull and R.H., his wife, .... ';. -\ I.O..j .. To ....'"j;,;i ) ~ ~ ) Bk. 38TL-332 ~uit Claim Deed Standard LUllIlber Co. Consid. $11Q.00 Frank X. Rhomberg and Phi10me na, hi s w if e , 'fo J. A. Rhomberg Consid. $200.00 H. Brinkman, Treasurer, .' , , To ./ ..,. John J. Bradley Dated August 4, 1884 Filed December 21, 1885 ~ l ) ) Bk. 40TL-51 'luit Cla1m Deed Dated December 12, 1874 Filed February 3, 1887 l ) ) Ek. 69TL-336 Treasurer's Deed Dated December 4, 1907 Filed December 4, 1907 Whereas, the fOllowing piece of real estate situated in the City of Dubuque, in the County of Dubuque and state of Iowa, were each subject to taxation for the year 1898 as follows: Inter alia, Lots 18 and 19 in Block 17 in Dubuque Harbor Improvexoont Company's Addition to the City of Dubuque. Sold Dec.5,1899 to John j.Bradley as follows: the sum of $2.15 for Lot 18 in Block 17 and the sum of .2.15 for Lot 19 in Block 17 in said Dubuque Harbor Improvement Company's Addition. John J. Bradley and Carrie, his wife, To Friedrich Hintrager, Mina Hintrager Freyta Johanna Hintrager, Oscar Hintrager, Bertha Hintrage Hintrager, Jul Reuss and Emilie Consid. $1.00 42. I Bk. 69TL-564 t;lui t CIa 1m Deed Dated January 20, 1909 Filed January 21~ 1909 ~1 our right, title and 'nterest in and to the follow- described real estate, , : Inter alia, Lots 18 in Block 17 in Dubuque Improvement Company's tion to the City of Dubuque Iowa, all situated in the County of Dubuque and state of Iowa. Book of P1ats 5, Page SB9 Shows record of Plat of "Lots 1 and 2 of the Standard Lumber Co's Sub-Division of Lots 6 to 19 inclusive, Block 11, Dubuque Harbor Improvement Co's Ad ition. - filed April 27, 1908 \ \ '2.,1 \ \ :2.2- \ 'l'3 ~4 ~5 :26 '?21 ~S 2<1 30 31 32- 33 ~u. 35 3ln 31 38 ~ n . --- '~-' -"'~~ ~o -d z m (Jl -;-/ 51":" /q r- IB 0 ~ /1 -% 16 r W ~ ---~--- - or -p- n ;;, 15 t:l.. C;-P r ri- p 0 14- - r ~ f: (\) ~ 0- A (ll 0 , I~ er.- - 10 CJ\ C :1 q ~ (J) :l 1 s 4- 3 t. 2. 13ELL ST Dubuque, Iowa, April 20, 1908. The foregoing Subdivision of - 6 to 19 inclusive of Block 11, Dubuq e Harbor Improvement Co's Addition to Dubuque, Iowa, as appears on his plat is with the free consent and in accordance with the desire of the undersi~d proprietors. Standard Lumbe~ Compa~i P t per Wm~.Day Jr. v ce- res (SEAL) It George W. Dulany, Sec'y 43. ~""~'p';;',:j;.~;'""'~~:.i'C~;if.~'''.~>d;'~''':'~-6,,~~g>\,,<~;,,.~-,.,;_. ,~s,;,.l:-':",.,-".c.'.;- Book of Plats 5, Page 389 Shows record of Plat of "Lots 1 and 2 of the Standard Lumber Co's Sub-Division of Lots 6 to 19 inclusive, Block 11, Dubuque Harbor Improvement Co's Ad ition. - filed April 27, 1908 1- U ....~ MARKET \ 51":" /q r- IB 0 ~ /1 -% 16 r (J) ~ it __~__u__ or -.P~- n ;;, 15 t:l.. C;-P r ri- p 0 14- r ~ f: (\) ~ 0- A 13 (ll 0 , ~ I~ C/l er.- - <: t " ~ - CJ\ c :s q ~ (Jl -;-/ ~o '2.,1 \ \ :2.2- \ 'l'3 ~4 ~5 :26 '?21 ~S 2<1 30 31 32- 33 ~u. 35 3ln 31 38 1 iD (J) :l -d z m s 4- 3 t. 2. 13ELL ST Dubuque, Iowa, April 20, 1908. The foregoing Subdivision of - 6 to 19 inclusive of Block 11, Dubuq e Harbor Improvement Co's Addition to Dubuque, Iowa, as appears on his plat is with the free consent and in accordance with the desire of the undersi~d proprietors. Standard Lurdbe~ Cowpanxi P t per Wm~.Day Jr. v ce- res (SEAL) II George W. Dulany, Sec'y 43. The follow ing described premises situated in Dubuque Count~, rowa, to-witt Inter alia,~Lots 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, 10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19, 20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29, 30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37 and 38 slIm Blook 10 :l,n Dubuque Harbor Improvement Companyt s Addition in the City of D:Ubuque, also Lot 2 of the Standard Lumber Company'SI Subdivision of Lots 6 to 19 inclusive in Block 11 in Dubuque Harbo~ Improvemen t Company's Addition in the city of Dubuque, Iowa, also Lot 1 of the Sub'n of Lot 22, Lot 1 of the Subtn of Lot 23, Lot 1 of the Sub'n of Lot 24" Lot 1 of the Subtn of Lot 25, Lot 1 of the Sub'n of Lot 26, Lot 1. of the Sub'n of Lot/27, Lot 1 of the Sub'n of Lot 28. Lot 1 of the Subtn of Lot 29. Lot 1 of the Subtn of Lot 29, Lot 1 of the Sub'nof Lot 31, Lot 1 of the Sub'n of Lot 32, Lot 1 of the Subtn of Lot 33, all in Block 11 of the Dubuque Harbor Improvement Company's Addition to the City of Dubuque, Iowa, according to the Subdivision of said Lots recorded in Book of Plats page 331. ~ j ) ~ Friedrich Hintrager and . '. L:in:a. Hintrager, his wire, .1.. I'. ",. JOAAnTta. Hintra.ger. unmarried, Bertha Hintrager, IlnlnA.'l"'ried, Julia., Hintrager ,Reuss and Emil Reuss, her husband, Iina Hintrager Freytag and Carl Freytag, her hu sband, Robert Hintrager and Frida Hintrager, his wife, Oscar Hintrager, unmarried, by Emil ie Hintrager, the ir Attorney in Fact, and Emilie Hintrager, unmarried, (the grantors constituting all of the he irs of Wi11iam Hintrager, deceased,)--. / To 'W~../ ~'~, '~'~:"};~'~(,' ~\ \. .t..1!f! ':'1\.' .'." \1 ,'~_ 1 ~.~ " '. . ~...~ ....~' ti. I, ..\~ 1';1 jj !I'~I"~.,;,<< : ;. _ :-:'J; ',.._ --- sta.ndard Lumber Company Consid. $650.00 21 ;1 I j ~ ~ standard Lumber Company, a Corporation, by W.li.Day, President, by G.W.Dula.ny, Secretary, (Seal. ) " - To :Michae 1 H. McCarthy $1.00 & other good and valuable consideration ~ Bk. 73TL-263 warranty Deed Dated April 25, 1910 Filed April 27, 1910 ,..c::::: ,/,,/ The following described ,premises situated in Dubuque County, Iowa, to-witl Lots Hos. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 16 in Block }fo. 13 and Lots No. 18 and 11 in Block No. 17 all in DUbuque Harbor Improve- ment Company's Addition to the City of DUbuque, Iowa. } ~ ) l I ~ ~ ) ) Bk. 73TL-54 6 Warranty Deed Dated July 25, 1911 Filed August 9, 1911 The fOllowing described premi se s s i tua te d in the County of Dubuque, and state of Iowa, to-wit: Inter alia, LLot 5 in Block 1 of Dubuque Harbor Inprove- ment Company's Addition to the City of Dubuque, also Lots 20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30, 31,32,33,34,35,36,37 and 38 in Block 9 in Dubuque Harbor Improve- nent Company's Addition to the City of DUbuque, Iowa, also Lot 1 of the SubdiVision of Lot 20 and Lot 1 of the Subdivision of Lot 21 both in Block 11 in Dubuque Harbor lmprovement Company's Addition to the City of Dubuque, Iowa, also Lots 1,2,3,4,15 and 16 in Blo ck 13 in Dubuque Harbor Improvemen t Company's Addi ti on to the City of DUbuque, Iowa, also Lots 18 and 19 both in Block ~, in Dubuque Harbor Improvement Company's Addition to the City of DUbuque, Iowa. Whereas iay a general Warranty Deed dated July 13, 1882, signed by WoH.Day, Lydia T.R.Day and Empire Lumber Company filed for record the 27th day of December,1882, and recorded in Book No.34 of 'l'own Lots on pages 554,555,556 and 557 of the records in the recorder's Office of Dubuque County, IOwa, the sa id W. H . Day and ~dia T.R .Day, hi s w:i:fe, a nd the said Empire Lumber Company conveyed to the Standard Lumber Company of Dubuque, Iowa, among other property the following described real estate situated in Dubuque County, Iowa, to-wit: Inter alia, ~ot 5 in Block 1; Lots 20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33, 34,35,36,37 and 38 all in Block 9;, all in Dubuque Harbor Improve- ment CompanytsAddition to the City of ~ubuque, IoW~ and Whereas said deed contained a stipulation of seizen and warranty as follows, -and we do hereby covenant with the said Standard Lumber Company that we are lawfully seized of said p premises, that they are free from all liens and incumbrances, that ,re have good right and lawful authority to sell and convey the same, and we do hereby covenant to warrant and defend the same premises against the~ims of all person whomsoever.",and Whereas, the sa ''''~N is dead, she haVing died :' "';t-.<r.'~:;:{~:7~':~~'~- \j;J~~~r'>~:~~ ~, standard Lumbe r Company, a Corporation, by W.R. Day, President, by G.W. Dulany, Secretary (Seal) To -<~ ~_.~, )JAt ~~ ~.:" ~I\'"' . ~tf~'}r~ ~( '", ~'. ". ....... \"\"'~''''''~.' \:.. ..~' "~ 'So" ~ I\~'~\~ ~ jll~i"~,~ ::~ ......J~:.i'~.. ~ MichaBl H. McCarthy $1.00 & other good and valuable consideration 1 M.ichael H. McCarthy and Annie KcCarthy, his wife, ~ '.:: 1'0 \\"'~ ~.-" - \..t F"- ..,~~~ ' '"", ;{J-- ' ,J- w. H. Day, et al Consid. $1000 ~ j ~ J ) ) Bk. 73'fL-547 Special Warranty Deed Dated July 25, 1911 Filed August 9, 1911 Bk. 73TL-549 Release of Warranty, etc. Dated July 25, 1911 Filed August 9, 1911 ) ) inte state and the said W. H. Day her surviving husband and Ann Richardson. her mother, were and are her sole and only heirs and the only persons entitled to receive any of her property, and Wbsreas by a special warranty deed bearing ,date ~uly 25. 1911, *he said Standard Lumber Company of Dubuque, Iowa, did convey to the undersigned Michael H. McCarthy, together with other property atl of the real property above described, a.nd Wbereas in connection with the purama.se by the underSigned, :Michael H. McCarthy from the Standard Lumber Company of the said property, the undersigned have agreed for themselves, their he irs and ass igns with the sa id Empire Lumber Company and the said W. H. Day, Ann Richardson and Empire Lumber Company from all liability and obligation under sa.id contract of seizen and varranty contained in the a.forementioned deed to the Standard Lumber Company. NOlI THImEFORE, we, llioha.el H. :McCarthy a.nd Annie McCarthy his wife, for ourselves, our heirs and all graDtee~ of the real prcperty hereinbefore described, in consideration of the premises and the sum of $1.00 in hand paid by the saidv1.H.Day Arm Richardson, and Empire Lumber Company, the rece ipt of which is hereby acknowledged do hereby forever release and discharge the said VI. H. DB\Y. Ann Richardson and Empire Lumber Company :Crom any and all liability or obligation so far as it affects the lands and property above described arising from. under or by reason of the said stipul.ations or covenants of' s.!!,en or warranty contained insaid deed above mentioned from said..H. D"", lqdia 'f.R.Day a.nd _ire Lumber Company to said Sta.ndard Lumber Compa.ny. ~ i. Standard Lumber Company. ~^ a Corporation, by W.B.Day, President, G.W.Dulany. Secretary (Seal) Bk. '13TL-548 Quit Claim Deed Da.ted 1uly 25, 1911 Filed August 9, 1911 1'0 Al.l its right, title and interest in and to IUahael H. McCarthy the fOllowing described real esta.te. Inter alia, $1.00 & other good Be ) also the vacated streets, vaJ.uable eons ide rat ion ) alleys, a.nd other public places situated in said Dubuque Barbor Improvement Company's Addition to the City of Dubuque, Iowa, as follows: So much of Bell street as lies between Blocks 8 and 9 of said Addition being the portion thereof lying northerly of Commercia.l street. So much of Market street as lies northerly of Commercial Streett The alleys in Block 8 and 9. The portions of Seventh and Cpmmercia1 Streets north and abutting Lot Ro. 15 in Block 13& Wa.shington street an alley between Washington and Wa11 Streets from High BD w called Fourth Street EXtension to Bel Street to Tower Stteet; a.lso All that t east of Di~ona1 street and all that portion of Tower street north of Diagonal Street and a1l that portion of the outer levee north of the liorth line extended of Lot 7 Block 2 in Dubuque Harbor Im,provell'Bnt Company's Addition, the gratee assuming the ob~lgations to reconvey said property to the City of DUbuque as provided by the ordinance of said City of Dubuque vacating said property in favor of this grantor ad~pted February 21, l888, being now Chapter LXV of the Revised Ordiances of 1901 of the City of DUbuque, Iowa. Kichael H. McCarthy and Annie Mccarthy,his wife, To Bk. 79TL-399 ~uit Claim Deed Dated October 25, ~9l5 Filed May 23, 1916 \Vl All their right, title and interest in and to the following described premises situated in the County of Dubuque and State of Iowa, to-wi ta A1l that part of Tower street which 1ies between Lot 1 in Block 8, and Lots 1 to 4 both inclusive in Block 1, in Dubuque Harb~ Improvement Company's Addition to the City of Dubuque, Iowal also, All that part of Bell street which lies between Lot 1 of Blbck 9 and Lot l~' in Block 8,. in Dubuque Harbor Improvement Compa.ny's Addit,ion to the City of Dubuque, Iowa; also All that part of l\&:t.rket Street which lies between Lot 1 of Block 12 and Lot 19 of Block 9 in Dubuque Harbor lIDprovement Company's Addition to the City of Dubuque, Iowa: (All said parcels of land intended to be included in the ~hree foregoing descriptions being portions of streets in said Addition designated on the plat of said Dubuque Harbor Improve- nent Campany's Addition by the names above used, and all of which have been heretofore vacated); also The undivided one half of the following alleys and parts of vacated streets to-wit: of that part of the alley in Block 12 in Dubuque Harbor Improve- ment Company's Addition to the City of Dubuque, Iowa, commencing at a line extended across said all~y at the westerly edge of Lot 23 in said Block at right angle~ to the length of said alley and extending thence Ea.tEirly and,}Joutheaster1y to the s outheaste end of said block, a nd of the alley in Block 9 and a of the sa id Dubuque Harbor Improvement Company's Addition 'to the City of Dubuque, Iowa, and of so much of .Market, Bell and Tower Stree ts in said Addition as is embraced wi thin lines extending said a,lley in said Blocks 12, 9 and 8 across said streets (the said al1ey a.nd parts of streets in which this Und iv ide d one half interest is conveyed being alley and streets shown on the plat of sa.id Dubuque Harbor Improvement Company's Addition and (ex- cept the alley in Block l2) having been heretofore vacated). The said alley a.nd parts of streets in which an undivided one half interest is hereby co y ed being under water, it is understood and agre tee herein and ita assigns are to have the r s grant to the grantee, and its assign deepen the channel Union Electric Campany, a corporation of Dubuque County, state of Iowa Consid. $1000.00 ) ) r on the entire part of the land in v.nich said one half interest is conveyed, and also to dredge and deepen the channel across Lot 5 in Block 1 of said lJubuque Ha.rbor Improvement Company's Addition the title to whiCh is not conveyed. Any such dredging and deepening of channel to be without expense to these grantors and to be so done as not to damage the adjoin- ing property owned by these grantors. $1.00 Rev. stp. can. In consideration of the sum of $9000.00 and the further sum of ~3000.00 represented by the note and mortgage therefor of even date herewith, in hand paid by * * *in Trust for Allfson- Henderson Memorial Association conveys the following described premises situated in the County of Dubuque and state of Iowa, to-wit: Lots 6 to 10 both inclusive in Block 1, aJ.,so Blocks 2 and 7 excepting that part of said Blocks owned by the Illinois Central nailway Company, or the Dunleith & Dubuque Bridge Company, and that part of said Blocks included in Diagonal street to the High Bridge, as shown upon the plat or plats of Dubuque Harbor Improvement company's Addition or Subdivision thereof. Also Lots 13 to 24 both inclusive in Block 8 all in Dubuque Harbor Improvement Company's Addition to the City of Dubuque, according to recorded plat of said Addition. Warrants except any and all taxes on said lots and lands * *j And the said Michael H. McCarthy and J\nna McCarthy, his wife, hereby releases aln quit claim to the said John R. Waller, Frederick E. Bissell, Ja1ms H. Vlallis and J'ohn Rider \-lallis, ttrustees aforesaid, any and all right , title and interest which we have in and to all that part of Bell street opposite Lot 13 in Block 8 and opposite Lots 12 and 13 in Block 7 to the center of said Bell street. Also all of Commercial Street from the center of its intersection with Bell street, easterly to the eAsterly line of Blocks 1 and 2. Also all our interest in tower street from the southerly lines of Blocks 2 and 7 extending northerly to the southerly line of the alley in Block 8. Also all our interest in the levee front, easterly from and adjoining Block 2(the easterly end of Commercial street and Lots 6,7,8,9, and 10 ~n Block 1, and in all that part of River or Clark street lying northerly from the track of the 1.C.R.R. and Southerly from Block 7. Also a water easement for boats over Lot 5 in Block 1 and an undivided 1/4 interest for an easement in the alley in Block 8 and in tlmt part of ~ower street, included wi thin an extension of th ,,~ in Block 8, across said 'J.'ower Street to the west Ii in Dubuque uarbor Improve- ment Company's Ad pat thereof, and any aIDendmen ts there ~_"_,~ And the said M. H. llcCarthy shall~:~1:~~!!tss ion of so much of the . i'~~{: ;1:~~~::" ?;'~::,:;f{~~,::t~, ::-..; <: ,>-'- ,:~'f;;~ ~"f: ,;;:: :. ... .'7;i;:,{~;d; ;c. $.r:.)it~<lt'~" ' ,.1~, ~#t~~ ~" J~'\,~, '~\;' .",,, A.\ : .,....... ~" "'.1. \, \'.' . \\,~~. . lA~'~~ ~ if~~'~.,,~ ! ~ ~l"~ :~,... ~_.'''','' '~ John R. Waller, Frederick E. Bissell, James a.Wallis. and John Rider Wallis, 'trustees, :Michael R. McCarthy (sig.M.R.Mccarthy) and Anna McCarthy, his wife, Tel -::J ~ ~ Consid. $9000.00 etc. $9.00 U.S.RevoStp.cano ) \ ~ } ) Warranty Deed Bko 79'lL-418 Dated October 14, 1915 Filed August 8, 1916 lots and lands hereby conveyed for the period of 20 months from date hereof, as is now occupied by his sheds, machinery and bUildings, none of which are included in this conveyal ce except only such of them as shall remain upon the premises at the expiration of said period. And the said trsutees, grantees herein, assume the payment or satisfaction of aJU unpaid city taxes on the appurtenances, lots, parts or lots and lands hereby conveyed. T~e fallowing tracts of ~and in said County and state, to-wi ta Lots 6 to 10 inclusive in Block 1, also Blocks 2 and 7 (excepting that part 0'& said Blocks owned by the 111ino1s Cen tral RaUw~ Company or the Dun- .1e ith Be Dubuque Bridge Company, and that part of said blocks ,,' ~:~jfncluded in Diagonal street to the High Bridge, as shown upon "'Jr' the plat or plats of Dubuque Harbor Improvement Company's ,~ addition or Subdivision thereof. Also Lots 13 to 24 both (\ 'I....' inclusive in Block 8 all in Dubuque Harbor Imp rove men t Company's >;:pY ,/>f.f'/'Addition to the City of Dubuque, according to the recorded plat ,I1/,;.J of sa id A.ddition. Usa any and all interest we have in and to \. ", I ,)~ all that part of Bell street opposite Lot 13 in Block 8 and ,~>'j '-J opposite Lots 12 and 13 in Block 7 to the Center of said Be II street. ~so all interest in Commercial street from the Center of its intersection with Bell street, easterly to the easterly lines of Blocks 1 and 2. Also all our interest in Towar street from the Southerly lines of ~ocks 2 and 7 extending northerly to the Southerly line of the alley in Block 8. Also all our interest in the levee front, easterly from and adjoining Block 2 the easterly endcof CommeRcial street, and Lots 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 in Block 1, and in all that part of Biver or Clark street lying northerly from the trac1C of the Illinois Central Railway and Southerly from Block 7. Also a water easement for boats over Lot 5 i. Block 1 and an undivided 1/4 in terest for an easement in the alley in Block 8 and in part of Tower street, included within an extension of the alley in Block 8 accuss said Tower Street to the lIest line of Block 1 a.ll in Dubuque Harbor Improve- ment Company's Addition as shown by the plat thereof and any amendments the..!eo!" a,n,. d vacations therein,. .. ^' ~ '" \ ~ ~>':'>.,;'-.'iR..... \ \ \ ~ '> ~ ~, ~-~A. ~- ~. \) \ t\"l. . John R. Wa1.ler, Frederick E. Bissell, .Tames H.Wallis, and John Rider Wallis, Trustees for Allison-Henderson llemorial. A.ssoc ia.t ion, ~ To -' Michael. H. McCarthy To secure $3000.00 6% ~ ! ! ) Bk. 102B!-246 Mortgage L'~d II' I Dated October 14, 1915 Filed October 23, 1915 ~... - ;-5>-- t\ In R.la~1on to Estate ot Dlstr1.' Court, Dubuque Coun~)' , Iowa Reo. 146-a6~ eto. i ~~- \,' M. H. McCarthy deceased, It appears tut M. H. 140000tlQr dled Deoember 6, 1'81, leav1ng a last wl11 and test....t wh1ch, atter due not1oe was admitted ~o probate by sa1d Court on tke 10th day ot Jaauar)', 1121. Sald wll1 proTides as tollow.:- B7 paragraph 2 ot sa1d Wll1, he d1vlaes and bequeaths to hl. w1te, Aana MOcarthf, 1n 11eu ot her d1str1butive .hare or dower Interest ln h1s estate certa1n real ..tate, otJLer than that In que.tlon, and peraonal propert)'. "I. ala. deT1se and bequeath to her a suttlelent _unt ot Dl7 propert7 real and personal, or both as she ..y e1eot, to oonstltui w1th the real e.tate abeTe dev1sed to .er the full one-third 1n value ot all the real and personal estate ot wh1ch I ma)' be se1zed at the time ot ., death.w Paragraph. 3, . and 5 perta1n to personal proper~y. Paragraph s1x 1s as toll.wa:- WAll tJa.e re.' and zoe.1tue ot 1A1 eatate, real anA per.onal I clo- "1'1" and Nquea th ~ tile K. H. MoOarth~ Corp.XJ.~ 1.~to the e.4 that D7 wlt. and 011.114renB&7 re.elve ~.e propert7 beque.~he4 to th_ ~:tarough ~ll. oapital s~o~ .f ~hat .-'07 as herein bet.re prev1Aect.w In Paragraph 13 he nomina~es and appo1nta h1s ohlldren P.~er H. MoCarthy and Carl ton 1l4oCarthy w1 th h1s .011 1n law Frank J. Ward, exeoutors ot h1s will. ne 15'h paragraph is as tollows:- "fte exeouters ot this J'A7 1a8t w111 are autherlze4 to sell and convey any real estate belong1ng to 117 esta"e and. not dev1aed and set apar' to ~ w1te, under the proTls1ons ot th1s my w111. w1tk~ out the auth.or1 ty 0'1 Cour~, but may do so in th.e exerolse ot tlleU' own disoretion." OIl .Tanuary 12, J.921., Peter H. :McCarthy, Oar1.ton McCarthy and Frank .T. Ward .ere appo1ntedExeoutors o~ sa1d estate. ~7 dul.7 qua.l1~led, save the required bond, and pubJ.18aed notioe .~ the1r appoin1iaent 'by pult1.1...tlon o~ the ..... in tJle T.1esra})A H.raJ.d onoe a ...k ror tare. oonseoutlv. .eeks tiLe ~lr.t pub11o..- tiOD. aaving been January 1..... 1.921.. On February 18', 1.922, Final report was t1led, show1ng all lega01es 008ts and ola~s pa1d, together with collateral, tDher1tanoe taxes. Wa1ver ot notioe ot hearing on tile. On Februar7 21, 1922, Final Report was approved and d1str1- bution oraere(. OD..M&rOA 23, 1922, Eze.u~ors disoharged upon ~ura1ng oyer balanoe otuset. to 'tlLe L H. KoCart.y C..pany ad tUilll 1~. re.elptthereo't together w1th reoelpt tor.tto~D.e7s tees. Reoe1pt ot M. H. ..Carth)' COIlp&Dl' on t fie. ~~I. J_1J~1ilOA;f~ 11___'.-- 50. A ce r ta. in Mor tgage da. te d the 14 th day of October A.D. 1915 executed by .Tohn R. Waller, J"ames H. Wallis, Frederick E.Bissell and J"ohn RiderrWa.llis, .rustees of the Allison Henderson ::Memorial Association to Michael H. McCarthy and recorded in Book 102 page 246 of the Mortgage Records of Dubuque County, Iowa, having been paid in fUll, is hereby released. The follOWing described premises situated in the County of Dubuque and state of Iowa, to-wit: Lots 6 to 10 both inclusive in Blo c1c 1 also Blocks 2 and 7 exceptinl that part of said blocks owned by the Illinois Cen tra.J Ra.ilway Co., or the Dunleith & DUbuque Bridge Company, and that part of said Blocks included in Diagonal street to the High Br idge, as shown upon the plat or palts of Dubuque Harbor Dnprovement Company's Addition or Subdivision thereof. Also Lots 13 to 24 both inclusive in Block 8 a.ll in Dubuque Harbor Imprvvement Company's Addition to the City of DUbuque, according to recorded plat of said Addition. Also all right, title and interest which we have in and to all that part of Bell street, opposite Lot 13 in Block 8 and opposite Lots 12 and 13 in Block 7 to the Center of said Bell Street. Also all of Commercial street from Jthe;";cetite:c of its intersection with Bell Street, easterly to the easterly line of Blocks 1 and 2. Also all our interest in Tower street from the Southerly lines of Block 2 and 7 extending northerly to the southerly line of the alley in Block 8. Also all our interest in the levee front, easterly from the adjoining Blocks 2 the easterly end of Commer- cial Stiaet, and Lots 6,7,8,9 and 10 in Block 1, aln in all that part of River or Clark street lying northerly from the track of the I11inois Central Rail.wa.......... y...."'...........~....nn~..,.. .....so..u. .....t.herly from Block 7. Also a water easement for bo~Jtt~~:,A, jn Block 1, and an undivided 1/4 interest for a.:~'Utj~",ll'1:~'~~~;l\ry in Block 8 and in that 1?art of Tower S . ,," ...>,,,,~;~!~~~,~;i~tension . of the alley J.Il B~ock 8,acro J.'........,'~Ci)'"~.,..~.... ,..J:.~,;..~...~~.....'...' 'lVe.. st l~ne. of BlOCk. 1, aJ.l in Dubuque H"" '..,,- ,.~~~:~',:'.,,~~fs Addition as shown by the plat thereof an . fljfttt,.reof and vacations therein. Warranty excepting ,:..._.;.a'~d"lots and lands. l~..,"';~;'~;'-'; 51. :x Pe ter H. McCarthy, ]Y..J. Ward, I Carl.e ton McCarthy" Exe cu to rs of Estate of M.H.McCarthy, deceased, 1 ) ) To rustees of the Allison- Henderson Memorial Association {J., Ifohn R. Waller, Frederick ) E. Bissell, .James R.Wallis ) and .John Rider Wallis, Trust- ) ees of the Al1ison-Henderson Memorial Association To City of DUbuque, IOwa, for park purposes, only. $1.00 & other good, val,legal & sufficient consid.) Bk. lllM-304 Release Dated March 23, 1921 Filed Apr il 7, 1921 Bk. 79TL-478 Special Wty Deed Dated August 26, 1916 Filed November 24, 1916 The following de scribed real estate, situated in the County of Dubuque, Iowa, to-wit: Lot 6 to 10 both inclusive in Block 1; Also Blocks 2 and 7 excepting that part of said Block owned by the Illinois Central Railway Company or the Dunleith & Dubuq ue Br idge C oInpany, and that part of sa id Block included in Diagonal street to the High Bridge as shown upon the plat or plats of Dubuque Harbor Improvement Company's Addition or Subdivision thereof; also Lots 13 to 24 both inclusive in Block 8, all in Dubuque Harbor Improvement Company's Addition to the City of Dubuque, accord= ing to the recorded plat of said Addition; also all right, title and interest which grantors have in and to all that part of Bell Street opposite Lot 13 in :Block 8 and opposite Lots 12 and 13 to Block 7 to the center of said Bell Street; Also all of Commercial street from the center of its intersection with Bell Street easterly to the easterly line of Blocks 1 and 2; and all of grantors interest in Tower Street from the Southerly lines of Blocks 2 and 7 extend- ing Northerly to the Southerly line of the alley in Block 8; also all of grantors interest in the levee front easterly from the adjoining Block 2 of the easterly end of Commercial street: Also Lots 6,7,8,9 and 10 in Block 1: Also all that part of River or Clark Street lying northerly from the track of the Illinois Central Railway and southerly from Block 7; also a water easemen for boats over Lot 5 in Block 1 and an individual one fourth interest for an easement in the alley in Block 8 and in that par of Tower Street, included YJithin an extension of the ally in Block 8 across said Tower Street, to the west line of Block 1, all in Dubuque Harbor Improvement Company's Addition as shown by the plat thereof and any amendments hereto and vacations therein_ This deed is given subject to a mortgage held by M.H.McCarthy or his estate in the sum of $2500.00 which the City of Dubuque assumes. The intention of this deed is to convey to the City of Dubuque the above described real estate absolutely and forever subj ect to the provision, however that the said City shall devote said property to parle purposes and develop the same as a memorial to William B. Allison and David B. Henderson, honored citizens of Dubuque, "lith the further qualification that the City shall have the right to divert t ""'P~ said pJropertyto other than park purposes, but . id city should desire to divert the use of her than park purposes, and devote the s 'ci~l in character, then said property s 4/5ths of the appraised value thereof sha , preferably a park, in ~ dOhn R. Waller, Frederick E. Bissell, dame s H. Wallis and dObn Rider Wallis, Trustees -......- \' of the Allison-Henderson Memorial Association, of Dubuque County, Iowa, ~ (sig. Allison-Henderson emorial Association, by dObn R.Waller, Frederick E.:Bissell, dames H.Wallis ~ohn Rider Wallis,Trustees) . _ - '~.'~ l'- ~ I.,..........., :... .,.,lli!AJ -:\ I" ' ", " .'. .\' "\ ~, I 'I <I" ~"\l ' j~/~~...1.J:.. U 11'IlI,,ylll ~ :'.', ~..~ ;"-7' _.........;"t~,':.;,.. ;~ T"o City of Dubuque, Iowa, a Municipal Corporation $1.00 & other good, valuable and suf~icient consideration f I, Iii li "I II ill . ,d ...1'..111 " I H 1:1 I, 'i i( Ii r ( l ~ j ~ 1 l ) Bk. 88TL-194 Corrected wty Deed Dated March 10, 1921 Filed April 14, 1921 honor of said citizens, if, also said property be sold by said City for commercial purposes then 4/5ths of the selling price received therefor shall be diverted to such a memorial. And we. as Trustees warrant and defend, etc. This deed is given to correct a deed executed by the grantors herein to the Oi ty of Dubuque on August 26, 1.916, and f lied for record with the County Recorder on November 24, 1916. $2.50 Rev.Stp.Can. Peter H. McCarthy, Carleton ) J[cCarthy and Frank .r .Ward, I Executors of the last will of M.H.McCarthy,deeeased, ( s ig. "Frank J". Ward, Pe ter H.McCarthy,Carleton KaCarthy,-) aamowle dge a "Frank .r. Ward, ) Exe cu tor of the las t wi II of ) M.H.McCarthy, deceased, ) Carleton McCarthy and Peter ) McCarthy --- -) ) ~ ) l ) ) All right, title a.nd interest - the follow- ing described premises located in the County of Dubuque and State of Iowa, to-witJ. ~ots 20 to 38 both inc luded in Block ~ ~ots 1 to 38 both included ,m Blo ck 1.Q.,j Part of Lots 20 to 33 both included i,n Block l.l., Part of Lot 34 in Block 12, Lots 35 to 55 both included in Block 12, Lots 1,2,3,4,15 andJl6 inclusive in Block ~ Lots 18 and 19 both inclusive in Block 17, Ll:ot 5 in Block ~a.ll in Dubuque Rarbor Improvement Compat13t s Addition to the City of Dubuque. Also~ot 2 in Standard Lumber Company Additio'Q.) to the City of DUbuque, according to the recorded plats of said Addition. ~ _~~.....'I\'\..".."'.' ".,.,.....,..':;r;'t,\..;l~, (" / I\) ..... 'l~ I ~ " .~\\ ~-';\\\I l~\~~~i:..D l"IlI,,,"v"" ~ ,I,. .....,','.... .. "":~ f''f' ;~ ~ __~.J~:.,.:..:_ -~'~- To M. H. McCarthy Company, a Corporation of Dubuque County, sta.te of Iowa, $1.00 & other good and valuable conside~ation Peter R. McCarthy, Carleton McCarthy and Frank .r .Ward, Executors of last will of M.H.McCarthy, deceased, . ~ To M. H. McCarthy Company, a. corporation of Dubuque County, sta.te of Iowa. $1.00 & other good and valuable consideration , ~- 35 to 55 both in inclusive in Blo 17. !kot 5 in BI Addition to the Cit Company Addi tio~ to plats of said Addition. tM I ! ) l ) 53. Ek.. 88TL-540 Quit Cla1m Deed Dated March 20, 1922 Filed November 13, 1922 Bk. 88TL-602 Q.uit Claim Deed Dated March 20, 1922 Filed February 28, 1923 The follow ing described premises located in the County of Dubuque and state of Iowa, to-witl ILo~_~Q_,:!i.9_ 38 both ;j.nnlucled......in Block 9.# 11 to 38 both includEfa-"'!n-"'"" Blo ck 1.0,1 part of La ts 20 to 33 both included in Block 11, part of Lot 34 be ing the East 100 feet , reof in Block 12, Lots 2,3,4,15 andLJ:6 inclusive in Block Impr'ovenent Company's at 2 in Standard Lumber que,according to the recorded The follow ing descr ibed premises situated in DUbuque County, Iowa.,Lot_2 o~ Standard Lumber Company ~Additio~ots 20 .to ~8__ ooth inclusive in Block ~ t-'.-'0313 . ...........- ~ J,o _~._l.._t,~.. 3 ::J.IQJJiP , jpOlllR;ve in Block 10' d>arts of Lots Z-O tli'~33 both "Inclusive in Elock 11., Lots 1,2,3,4. and 16 Blook 13 Lots 19 and 20 in Block 1.4. Lots 18 and 19 in Bock 17, Lo B 1 All the above lots situated in Dubuque Har or Improvement Company's Addition Dubuque, Iowa. Parts of Lots 20 to 33 is more specific- ally desdribed as fo11owsI Lot 1 of Lot 20, Lot 1 of Lot 21, Lot 1 of Lot 22, Lot 1 of Lot 23, Lot 1 of Lot 24, Lot 1 of Lot 25, Lot 1 of Lot 26, Lot 1 of Lot 27, Lot 1 of Lot 28, Lot 1 of Lot 29, Lot 1 of Lot 30, EDt 1 of Lot 31, Lot 1 of Lot 32 and Lot 1 of Lot 33 in Block 11. ' All the ir right, title and in terest in and to the following described real estate, to-wit: All alleys and Streets situated in Dubuque Harbor Im,proveme nt Company Addition, Dubuque Iowa, as follows' The Levee front easterly from and adjoining Lot 5 in Block 1; also Tower street opposite Lot 5 in Block 1; also Bell street opposite Lot 38 in Block 9 and opposite Lots 1 and 38 in Block 10 to the center of said street; also Commercial street from the center of its intersection with Market street to the center of its intersection with Bell Street, also the alley in Block 10 also River~ street opposite Lots 20 to 38 both inclusive in Block 10; also-opposite Lot 2 of Standard Lumber COmpanYAdditiO~ in Block lil ~d opposite Lots 18 and 19 in Block 17, and opposite Lots 1,2,3 and 4 in BloCk 13, also Pine Street opposite Lots 20 to 38 both inclusive in Block 11; also that part of Market street opposite Lot 1 of Lot 20 in Block 11; and all of Ma.,;k~t street north of a line from the cen tar of the alley in Blo~k 17 extended across Market Street to the Center of the alley in Block 11 to the South side of Commercial/Street, also that part of .Market street 0 osite Lot 20 in Block 9 to the center of the street ; ,in Block 17 opposite Lo ts 18 and 1.9 also the . site Lots 1,2,3,4 and 16 also Commercial st lock 13 to the center of the street; a . half interest in the a.lley in Block rom the center of the alleys intersection extended ea.sterly through the center of the aI of its intersection with Bell street. (' ~ ~f:,~:;:;:~\'~l;- ~4~;C~\ V .<'.... 'f '-< r f M.H.HcCarthy Co., 1 by J!X's.Y.H.lleCarthy. Vice President (ack.Anna McCarthy) and Justin McCarthy,Secretary I. To ~ ~ -,,"-, " ~/ ~{.\.'~ .....,c.,. ,..'~.' ..~,'... :' "11,'''- \, ^'~, ~ 'I'~~\' ~ i .~ 11'1,,\(t\,,~ I I """""".. :~ ~ _.;.....~lt;I'A. ';; ;,...-:..- Fe ter H. McCarthy $1.00 & other val.consid. 820.00 Rev.stp.Can. M. H. McCarthy Co.. o:r I Dubuque County,state of Iowa. by M):'S. M.R.McCarthy, Vice President (acktd.Anna McCar thy) by Justin McCarthy,Secretan, J, l ~ ) To Pe ter H. McCarthy $1.00 & other val.consid. Bk. 93TL-595 Warranty Deed Dated December 11, 1923 Filed December 13, 1923 Bk. 97TL-438 Quit Claim Deed Dated December II, 1923 Filed February 24, 1928 ~ Articles of Incorporation of the wStandard Lumber .Company" were filed for record June 9, 1882 in Record of Incorporations 2 page 210. Incorporators: -The Empire Lumber Company of Eau Claire, Wisconsin, W. H. Day and C. J. lasure.1t Object: To buy, sell and manufacture lumber, to buy and sell lands, etc. Cap'ltal stock to be $300,000.00. Affairs to be conducted by Board of Directors - Officers to be a President, Secretary, Assisstant Secretary and Trea.surer. Corporation to have a corporate seal. Duration - from April 18,1882 to first WedneSday of January, 1887. ~- ~ ',"~ J~' " ' ~,,' '<, ,\",u~':i,~\)' '1"" "'~.I' 'I,,"','" ...,'~ '.:"."".'1\:" " ,. c"~\' ~" J... U '\.' '~'.. ~ !11~\0\~,~ ;~; -,.:..~~i~'.-~ -~:.- Amendment to Articles filed January 8, 1887 - renewing same for an addition ten years. ~ndment to Articles filed January 29, 1897 - renewing same for an addition ten years and 6 months. Certificate of Renewal of Articles of Standard Lumber Company were filed September 16, 1907 and are recorded in Book 5 of Incorporations page 511. Said Articles provide: Renewal for a p3 riod of 20 years from July 3, 1907. Same object as in former articles. Capital stock to be $500,000.00. Same officers. To have corporate seal and President and Secretary to execute all conveyances of real estate. Articles of Incorporation of the ":M. H. McCarthy Company" were filed f or record March 11., 1912 in Record ,< . of Incoppora.tions 6 page 137. Obj ect: To purchase, lease, sell and <Bal in real estate. Duration: 20 years from March 15, 1912. Officersl President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. All d..ds, conveyances and other instruments in writing affecting real esta.te, shall be signed by the President or in his absence by the Vice President and Secreta.ry. Corpor.ation has no corporate seal. , "- .-.,.,'# ,~ Fe te r H. 1{cCar thy. Carleton McCarthy and F.J.Ward~xecutors o~ the Estate of M.R.McCarthy, deceased, (they all sign &: ack.pars onally and not as Executors) Bk. 97TL-438 v- (lui t CIa i.m Deed Dated February 13, 1928 Filed February 24, 1928 All the ir right, title and interest in and to the fOllowing described real estate, to-witl Streets and alleys in Dubuque Harbor Improvement Company's Addition Dubuque, Iowa, as followsl In the levee ~ront easterly ~rom and adjoining Lot 5 in Block 1; also Tower Street opposite Lots5 in Block 1; also Bell Street 'opposite Lot 38 in Block 9 and opposite Lots 1 and 38 in Block 10 to the center of said street; also Commercial street from the center of its intersection with Market street to the center of its interesection with Bell street, also the alley in Block la, also River Street opposite .'Lo.ts 20 .t 0 38 both inclusive in Block 10; also opposite Lot ~ of Standard Lumber Compa.ny Addition in Block 11 and opposite Lots 18 and 19 in Block 17 and opposite Lots, 1, 2, 3 a.nd 4 in Block 13, a.lso Pine street opposite Lots 20 "to' 38 both inclusive in Block 11 also that part of Market Street opposite Lot 1 of Lot 20 in Block 11 and all of Market Street north of a line from the center of the alley in Block 17 extended across Market street to the center of the alley in Block 11 to the South s ide of Co:rnne rical Stj:eet, also that part of Market street opposite Lot 20 in Block 9 to the cent~ of said street, also the alley in Block 17 opposite Lots 18 and 19; also the alley in Block 13 opposite Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 16 usa Commercia.1 street opposite Lot 16 in Block 13 to the center of the street, also the undivided south one half in terest in the alley in Block 9 south of a straight line from the cen tar of the a11ey's intersection with Market street extended easterly through the center of the alley to the center of its intersection with Bell street. To M.R.McCarthy Co. $1.00 & other considera.tion ~ ) } valuable C1 ty of Dubuq 116 l ) Ek. Afft.2-434 Rels01ution #2-29 Dated January ._7, 1929 Filed January 16, 1929 .; .~- To The Public A resolution reclaiming all that portion of the Outer Levee lying ea.sterly of Block 1, in Dubuq ue Ha.rbor Improvement Company's Addition, south of East 8th street and all that part of Tower stneet in the City of Dubuque, lying between Lot 1 in Block 8 and Lots 1 to 4 in Block 1, Dubuque Harbor Improvement Company's Addition and extending northerly of the alley between COmbBrcial street (now East 7th h Street (now East 8th Street), Whereas, there onty in the records of the City Council of arding the title to the Outer Levee lyi East 8th at) and easter of ~ock 1 Dub any's Addition and in order to af'firm t e City of Dubuque in and to said Outer Lave essary and advisable to decla the ownership and title tel' Levee to be in the City of Dubuque, and 56,. ~Seal of the City of At"testa John Stube Whereas, in the years 1876 and 1888 Tower street in the City of Dubuque was vacated by the City Council of said City and the ri~ht to use the same was granted to Ingram, Kennedy and Day and to their successor., Standard Lumber Company, this right, however, to terminate at the expiration of 25 year. or upon the abandonment of the use of the premises abutting upon id street for manufacturing purposes for three consecutive ars, and Wherea.S, said Standard Lumber aompany did abandon such premises for manufacturing purposes in 1911 and M. H. McCarthy ,became the sucoessor in interest in and to the real estate owned by said Standard Lumber Company and in 1916, 'Iry quit claim dee4. said I.H.Me earthy pretended to convey his interest in a.nd to said Tower street to the Dubuque Electric aompany, the predecessor of the Interstate Power Company, whereas, in truth and in fa.ct said M.R.Mcaarthy had no such title or interest in and to such vacated portion of Tower street .that he could convey the same to said Dubuque Electric Company, and Whereas, some confusion and uncertainty has arisen as to the right and title of the City of Dubuque in and to said va.cated portion of Tower Street lying between Lot 1 in Block 8 and Lots 1 to 4 in Block 1 Dubuque Harbor Improvement Company's Addition and extending northerly of the alley between Conme rcial street (now East 7th street) and 8th street (now East 8th street) and WhereaaiJsaid Y. H. McCarthy has since died and there is no one with authority to reconvey said ~ower street to the City of Dubuque, as privided for in the ordgnance adopted in 1888, and Whereas, it is deemed adYisable by this council to reclaim said vacated portion of 'l'ower street and .assert the right and title of the City of Dubuque in and to said vacated portion of Tower street in order that such right and title be established as against the adverse or conflicting claims :6f any other party; lfow Therefore be it resolved lIy the City Council of the City of DUbuque, that the exclusive right and title to the Outer Levee be and the same is hereby affirmed and established in the City of Dubuque and any rights heretofore granted to any parties to the same or to the use thereof be and the samB are hereby revoked. Be it further resolved that exclusive right and title in and to Tower street ~ing between Lot 1 in Block 8 and Lots 1 to 4 in Block 1 Dubuque Harbor Improvement Company's Addit ion and extending northerly of the alley between Commeroial Street (now East 7th street) and 8th street (now East 8th St~et) be and the ~e is hereby affirmed and established in the City of Dubuque and any rights heretmfore granted to any parties to the same or to the use thereof be and the same are hereby revoked and the successor or successors in interest to said M. H. McCarthy are hereby released of the obligation to execute any conveyance to sa.id City of Dubuque as in the Ordinance of 1888 provided. Be it further resolved that the City Clerk be and he is hereby directed to file for record in the office of the Recorder of Dubuque, Iowa, a certified copy of this resolution. Passed, adopted and approved this 7th day of January, 1929. John H. Maclay, Mayor, y F.Schucker, voy, r, t,Councilmen 'F' t'": ~;). }_ r r,J,; . ,:." . , , " (""'.';'" i, _ ,~~_I"'I \~ <L.~ J--' /"'1:;., ~ ~/" ".\1 . r" , ":-,,~,,,~f.~ ;'l. ,,- .. ...~. f" ",l,!." -, ~',..;rr'!"Yr\ I ... ....1' ;. " ~,_cp.,~i:~~!'~'~ ~,Y;:;~\. -', ~';' lI'., .1/Qr!!:f.Sfl''f'~lJl ~.f.s hh..ifr~: 1'Ji.J:;',. ~"~~,- <:" . ~ ~?~-" .~~'II$III'''' "-... !.:--:"l\)~~,'" ~-\2> ':../j':l~~SS.--J\.::J~:...i '~~8J;!"";L.:..'ill'::..:c<}, , 'A1~' '~"i.~~"YI?II.A?\ \.:..../.f')l,L... 72[;,'''l' ~r"iff" .1)/, "~~/;".,'_'", . JI/* .,:';-':::,,--~--- ''''("J-{ -'I ~ . ': ClU'f. ',j,")', . ~;/ t~~lllt H!~f\~<'ff< ;~ ~ _~..;,t;I''''' '~ Councilman Meuser moved the adoption of the resolution Seoonded by Councilmen Schu~erto ~anuary 14, 1929. state of Iowa, County of DUbuque,ss: I, .Tohn Stuber, do hereby certify that I am the duly appointed qualified and acting clerk of the City of Dubuque, in the County and state aforesaid, and as such Clerk 1 have in my possession or have access to the records of the proceedings of the City Council of said City. I do further state that the h~reto attached Resolution #2-29 is a true and correct copy of the ReSOlution, adopted by the City Council at a see8ion thereof held on the 7th day of January, 1929. In te stimony whereof, I hereunt 0 set my hand and off icial seal at Dubuque, Iowa, this 7th day of January, 1929. John Stuber, City Clerk. (Seal) of the City of Dubuque, Iowa. ",. i'" There are no Judgmen ts or suits pending in the Distr ict Court of Iowa, 'in and for Dubuque County, affecting the title to the pr operty in que stion. No attachmen ts have be en levied upon, nor have any cIa ims for mechanic's liens been filed against the ~e. No notice of claim for U. S. Tax Lien filed against Peter m. McCarthy in the County Recorder's Office. ~.... ~ !fotel Ifo search made as to Judgments, Tax Liens, Bankruptcies, etc., in the United states Court. Taxa s. Taxes are all paid on Lots 1.2,3,4 in Block 13' Lots 18 and 19 in Block 17; ~tt~Q~ ~~~sliQQto 33 in Block 11. Second halflon to~s "20 to ~8'in Blk 9; Lot 5 in Blk 1; Lot 16 in Block 13; Lots 1 to 38 in Block 10 in Dub.Harbor Improve- ment Co's Add. &: Lot 2 in Standard Lumber Co's Addition remains unpaid. Balance of taxes are all paid. No unpaid Special taxes. Dubuque, Iowa, Gctober 29th, 1931 at 8130 A.M. We hereby certify that we have examined the ecords o~ Dubuque Coun~y, Iowa, ~or entries affecting he title to not 5 in Block 1; Lots 20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27, 28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37 and 38 in Block 9; Lots 1,2, 3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21, 22, 23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37 and 38 in Block 10; Lot I of Lots 20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30, 31,32 and 33 in Block 11; Lots 1,Z,3,4 and 16 in Block 13; Lots 18 and 19 in Block 17 all in Dubuque Harbor Improvement Company's Add it ion;; and Lot 2 of Standard Lumber Company Addition, being a Subdivision of Lots 6,7,8,9,10,11,12, 13,14,15,16,17,18 and 19 in Block 11 in Dubuque Harbor Improvement Company's Addition, all in the City of Dubuque, County of Dubuque and state of Iowa, and have found the same as is set forth on the preceding ~ifty-eight (58) pagM. ~t ~1tle. ~fdll ./ bf- ABS~ -, J" .;';"': A BSTRACTOF TITL~ PREPARED BY DUBUQUE COUNTY ABSTRACT CO. TO THE FOllOWING DESCRIBED REAL ESTATE IN DUBUQUE COUNTY, IOWA: Lots lumbered Twenty (20) to Thirty-eight (38), both inclusive, in Block line; Lot Five (6) in Block One; Lot Sixteen (16) in Block Thirteen; Lots One (1) to Thirty-eight (38), both inclusive, in Block Ten; all in Dubuque Harbor Improvement Company Add- ition to the City of Dubuque, Iowa; and Lot Two (2) of Standard Lumber Company Addition to the City of Dubuque, Iowa, from October 29, 1931 at 8:30 A.M., to the date of the Certifioate hereto appended. J.J. .;hown I." the o#cial ~eC07td; 01 daid l6o',l1lty duljecl to Ie?ol "?'Ward. 1111' ~1:amillotion4 a4 to !!lJeedJ, J{0~t?a?e4, fj;uJt !!lJeedJ, rSxecuto~ 4, Jdmini4t~ato~"4 o~ -fjua~dian'4 Phtle.;, crion/liclin? criol1ve"jonCed, !?J'J((}tate, !?J~oceedin?J, !?Ja~tition and PlJome1t $"itd, uUec~anic'; fllel1J, /JJond;, dU~. ment.;, Jttaehment4 andcrihance~"j [A,;t4 ill the PlJidt~ict criou~t olPlJutu?ue criount"j, held at PlJutu?ue, Soma, mmila~ liend in the ~i4t~icl and crii1tcuit criou~t4 01 tile United Ylate4 l1tan';e~ijtled 10 daidcriounl"j. (lkdetted by andft1t7'a1ted /o1t: Peter H. MoCarthy Dubuque. Iowa. <\;S~"" .....~. ..~, <1) . .' ~~'1l"?~,,~"f' .,L~';~!Lo;..Il..},-,,~,',." ~ ,:_~~.: '~'-. ". ~ I"" 7eter H. McCarthy, party of the first part, To Contract for Deed Dated Dec. 23, 1933 Filed June 10, 1936 CODs'd. $15,000.00 Mortgage 140 Page 103 Department of Public Docks of the City of DUbuque, Iowa. ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT MADE THIS !Ird day of December, 1933 between Peter H. McCarthy of the first part, and Dep- artment of Public Docks of the City of Dubuque, Dubuque Co- unty, Iowa, acting by and through its duly appointed Comm- issioners, of the second part, the following described real estate, situated in the County of Dubuque, Iowa, to-wit: Lots numbered 'wenty (20) to Thirty-eight (38), both inclusive, in Block Nine; Lot rive (6) in Bloak One; Lot Sixteen (16) in Block Thirteen: Lots One (1) to Thirty-eight (38), both inclusive, in Block Ten; all in ~ubaq.a Harbor Improvement Company Addition to the City of ~ubuque, Iowa; and Lot Two(2) of Standard Lumber 00- mpany Addition to the City of Dubuque, Iowa, according to the recorded plats of said respective additions, for the sum of Fifteen Thousand Dollars (110,000.00), the teras of sale being as follows: to-~it:- Said second party shall pay to said first party the sua of Five Huadred Dollars, <1000.00) on or before December 1, 1934, and a like 8am on or before December 1st. of each year thereafter until the entire purchase price has been paid, all of such payments to be limited to and paid out of funds under the Jurisdiction and control of said second party, its suc- cessors and assigaa. Interest Shall not be charged upon the purchase prioe named herein llntil January 1, 19~9, and begin.ning with said January 1, 1939, interest shall be computed at the rate of four 'er cent (4~) per annum, payable annually, upon the amount then still oweing upon this contract. Interest shall always be computed upon the amount remaining unpaid, due allowance being given for prior payments upon the principal. lothing herein shall be construed to prevent the second party from making larger payments upon the principal at any time during the life ot this contract or from paying the entlre balance remaining unpaid. In the event, however, that said second party, acting within its proper Jurisdiction, should use, or permit the same to be used, said premises for industrial, commercial or muni- oipal purposes, theft the amount remaining unpaid upon this contract shall become due and payable, and said second party shall payor cause to be paid to the first party said sum theft remaining unpaid, either in cash or bonds or other legal evi- dence of indebtedness, and ~ 11 ~reeg that said first party will accept such bonds or other legal evidence of indebtedness as payment in full of said sum then remaining unpaid, said bonds or other legal evidence of indebtedness to bear Four Per Cent (4%) interest, payable annually or semi-annually, shall be in the same denominations and extend the s... period DUBUQUE COUNTY ABSTRACT CO. ~r PAGE.._n. .m.___m._ "------, ,.~",._, Item No~m 1 oontinued as is proTided tor in this contract, unless the parties here- to mutually agree otherwise. This oontract and all of it. provisions shall apply with equal force and ..tect to and be binding upon the suocessors in interest, heirs, legal representatives or assigns of said first and second parties hereto. n ~ ~ree4 that the first party sball pay all taxes upon said premises levied and assessed thereon in the year 1933 and becoming due and payable in the year 1934, but, there- after while this contraot remains in toree and effect, sucb taxes and charges shall be paid by the seoond party. It Is, Further, Agreed that seoond party shall take possession ot sald premises immediately upon the exeoution of this contract. It Is, Further. Agreed that the second party shall have the right to demand of the first party at any time whilethls contract is in force and effect that he execute a Warranty Deed of said premises to the second party and it, when such demand is made, the whole ot the purchase price has not then been paid, such deed shall forthwith be executed by the first party aad D8 placed in escrow, together with this contract, and be delivered to the second pa~ty, when the termaot this contract have been complied with by the second party, the escrow agent to be selected by the second party. .ow, it the said second party pays the sum as above set torth, in the maDBer herein stated, then said party ot the first part, shall, at his own cost, execute and deliver to said second party, upon surrender of this contract, a Warranty Deed ot the above described premises, together with an Abstract of Title showing good and merchantible title thereto. And It Is, further, Agreed that in case any payment, either of principal or interest, remains unpaid for a period of thirty (30) days after the same shall beoome due, and a written no- tice shall be given to said second party in the manner provid- ed Dy,law, and the default is not then made good, then and in that case, the whole amount unpaid on this contract shall be- come due and payable, and such delinquency in payment, or the tailure in other respects by the party of the second part to perform the stipulations of this oontract, or any ot them, shall entitle tne party of the first part to all rights and privileges guaranteed to him and provided for by the laws of Iowa, and the party ot the second part shall thereupon lose and torteit all payments made under this contract. This contract is in duplicate, one copy of which shall remain with each party to this contract. When any payment is made on the contract, the party paying the same shall take a duplicate receipt therefor from the party ot the first part. Si~Bed: Peter H. McCarthy, party of the tirst part. Dep- artment of public Docks of the City of Dubuque,Iowa. By: ,. S. Fawkes, Prest. J. A. Kerper, Secy. and Al- bert Wharton, Commissioners. DUBUQUE COUNTY ABSTRACT CO. p AGE_____~_h_n__h__ l:em NO. .L COn v. - -. --_.._.._~ ------- Ack: ,. S. Fawkes; J. A. Kerper; Albert Whar'ton~--'C".~-~------~__.. issioners, December 23, 1933, ot Departmeat ot Public Docks ot the City ot Dubuque, Iowa, betore a Rotary Public Dubuque County, Iowa. Botar1al Seal. 10. 2 OLD AGE ASSISTANCE TAX: IVV Peter H. McCarthy, years 1934 & 1935 PAID; Tax tor the year 1936 NOT PAID. It tax tor 1936 is paid during month ot May, 1940, total amount will be .2.94 No. 3 DELINQUENT PERSONAL TAX: Peter H. McCarthy, Poll tax tor the last 1/2 ot year 1930 and all of years 1931 and 1932 in total amount ot $1.85, NOT PAID. --------- No. 4 PERSONAL TAX & MONIES & CREDITS: Peter H. McCarthy, years 1939; Total tax $101.70 plus $1.14 penalty making total tax of $102.84 if paid during June, 1940 I NOT PAID. / // // ,.. / // / DUBUQUE COUNTY ABSTRACT CO. PAGE. __..\'1.--...______ cCfnli.-----~-~-- Ack: 7. S. Fawkes; J. A. Kerper; Albert Wharton, Comm- issioners, December 23, 1933, ot Department ot Public Docks at the City ot Dubuque, Iowa, betore a Rotary Public Dubuque County, Iowa. Notarial Seal. . 10. 2 OLD AGE ASSISTANCE TAX: lij Peter H. McCarthy, years 1934 & 1935 PAID; Tax for the year 1936 NOT PAID. It tax tor 1936 is paid during month ot May, 1940, total amount will be .2.94 No. 3 DELINQUENT PERSONAL TAX: Peter H. McCarthy, Poll tax tor the last 1/2 ot year 1930 and all of years 1931 and 1932 in total amount of $1.85, NOT PAID. ----NQ:-,r--- PERSONAL TAX & MONIES & CREDITS: Peter H. McCarthy, years 1939; Total tax $101.70 plus $1.14 penalty making total tax of $102.84 it paid during June, 1940, NOT PAID. / / / // / // / // / DUBUQUE COUNTY ABSTRACT CO. PAGE.. _ _ .\'1_____.___--- ~- - ~- .-,.,;~,.;\t~'-~"~~&...i"",~:.:.;..-~_:; ~.-~i6t_........~:.., ,_.. ...... ' 't S~ t.:i,.;,i.../---- TAXES: PERSONAL TAXES: JUDGMENTS: f ! I I I ~ . l ~ CERTIFICATE: UNREDEEMED TAX SALES: None - GENERAL TAXES ve marked paid up to and including those for theyear 1929. First 1/2 of Tax for 1930 PAID; Last. 1/2 of 1930 and tax for the following years NOT PAID: 1931, 1932, 1933, 1934, 1936, 1936, 1937, 1938 and 1939. SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS: None- There are no PERSONAL TAXES on the Delinquent Tax List or OD the Tax List for 19 39 for the whole ot Dubuque County, Iowa, against the following named partie. which are liens on the premi.es detcribed in the Caption hereto: Excep t: see items Nos. 2 & 3, page 3 of this abstract. Peter H. McCarthy. There are no unsati.fied JUDGMENTS, or SUITS PENDING, in the Dis-I trict Court of Dubuque County, Iowa, indexed against the following ~ed parties, which are liens on the premises de.cribed in the Caption hereto. Peter H. McCarthy. State of Iowa l Dubuque County, S SS. WE HEREBY CERTIFY, after a careful examination of the rec:orde oe Dubuque County, Iowa, that there are no other liens or encumbrances in- dexed, and no proceedings or instruments of writing on record, in said! County, affecting the title to the premises described in the Caption heret(\ except as herein set forth. We make no certification, however, .. to Judg- menta, Liens, Bankruptcies, or any other proceeding. in United States. Courts, not transcripted to the District Court of said County, unIes. shown by Special Certificate hereto attached, nor as to Chattel Mortgages and! or: Bill. of Sale describing Fixtures or Growing Crop.. Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, thi.......29..th.....day of.........April............................ ...._ A. D., 19....40..., at.....B..:.3.0....,A.....M. DUBUQUE COUNTY ABSTRACT cn, Inc. By~..;z:&kk,~:._._...., Sec. & Treas. MM....ftft 4 Page................, u........_.. _"",",:';~ l]J,,;l/;;b~/--L./\i~:~,..,. ......,.,J<.ol.-.".,r... ;(;j~I(~ i~~..~~~~. ','~ . . :. ~. .\ !it' 'l~'" '''',~ . . :'1. ~'. ,