Minutes_Cable Community Teleprogramming Commission 11 1 11MINUTES OF CABLE COMMUNITY TELEPROGRAMMING COMMISSION MEETING November 1, 2011 CITY HALL ANNEX — 2nd FLOOR CONFERENCE ROOM #2 MEMBERS PRESENT: Pauline Maloney, Sr. Carol Hoverman, Jennifer Tigges, Alan Vincent. MEMBERS ABSENT: George Herrig. Two seats are vacant on the Commission. OTHERS PRESENT: Craig Nowack, City of Dubuque Sr. Hoverman called the meeting to order at 4:08 p.m. Acceptance of the Agenda Upon a motion by Ms. Maloney, seconded by Mr. Vincent, the agenda was accepted 4 - 0. Approval of the Minutes of the September 6, 2011, Meeting Upon a motion by Mr. Vincent, seconded by Ms.Tigges, the Minutes of the September 6, 2011, meeting were approved 4 — 0. Public Notice There was no public input. Mediacom Cable Report No one from Mediacom was present to provide a report. Cable TV Report Mr. Nowack provided a report on the recent activities of the Cable TV Division, including recently completed productions and programs now in the works. In one week recently, the Cable TV Division completed 11 programs. He updated the Commission on the status of some equipment, including the LED lights that need to be returned for a minor repair and the storage server which is now failing. He reported that Samantha Bacon, the summer intern, recently injured herself in an accident at home. Adjournment Upon a motion by Mr. Vincent, seconded by Ms. Maloney, the meeting was adjourned at 4:35 p.m. 1