Minutes_Environmental Stewardship Advisory Commission 12 6 11MINUTES OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL STEWARDSHIP ADVISORY COMMISSION DECEMBER 6, 2011 5:00 P.M. CITY HALL ANNEX, 1300 MAIN, CONFERENCE ROOM # 1 Chad Oberdoerster called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chad Oberdoerster, Mike Buelow, Aditi Sinha, Stacy Splittstoesser, Gayle Walter, Wayne Klostermann MEMBERS ABSENT: One seat (youth) remains vacant STAFF PRESENT: Mary Rose Corrigan, Don Vogt, Jon Brown Mary Rose Corrigan completed the Certification of Compliance with the Iowa Open Meetings Law. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Aditi Sinha moved to accept the Minutes of the November 1, 2011 meeting. Gayle Walter seconded the motion. There was no discussion and the Minutes were approved by a 6 — 0 roll call vote. TEST AGENDA: Mike Buelow moved to approve the agenda as published. Aditi Sinha seconded the motion. There were no changes and the agenda was approved by a 6 — 0 roll call vote. ITEMS FROM COMMISSION: NEW BUSINESS: 1. Oath of Office. Chad Oberdoerster administered the Oath of Office to Wayne Klostermann. 2. Green Roofs. Wayne Klostermann presented two handouts on green roofs intensive vs. extensive. He explained that the life of a green roof is typically 40 — 50 years. The City did not do a green roof on the new firehouse addition construction. Discussion occurred around using green roofs as an incentive for TIF in Dubuque. Mary Rose Corrigan will investigate this with other City staff. OLD BUSINESS: 1. Climate Change and UDC Discussion. Todd Shoemaker, Civil Engineer, and Kyle Kritz, Associate Planner, discussed the Unified Development Code (UDC) and Stormwater Management. Kyle discussed requirements for single developments and also larger ones, including the point system. Kyle added that the future is geared more towards watershed management as opposed to just stormwater management in municipalities. This is similar to Eric Schmeichel with County Conservation working on the Watershed Project. Todd Shoemaker explained that Engineering will, hopefully, rely on updated rainfall data to base the calculations, approvals and design on for development. Kyle stated that the existing built environment does not apply to the Unified Development Code or Stormwater Management Plan. Therefore, we need to look at going back to improve on existing places. Chad Oberdoerster brought up the idea that incentives for green practices, i.e., Chicago requiring green roofs to get TIF. He thinks Dubuque should look into this because stormwater runoff has implications for water quality while also making environmental and economical sense. ITEMS FROM STAFF: OLD BUSINESS: 1. Updates from Jon Brown and Don Vogt. Jon Brown gave an update on Wastewater Treatment Plant construction. Don Vogt discussed methane at the landfill and a possible Hormel purchase of methane if they are able to get grant funding for the equipment. NEW BUSINESS: ITEMS FROM THE PUBLIC: No one was present to address the Commission. CLARIFICATION OF TASKS: FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS: Stormwater Management Plan. How the stormwater management fee is calculated based on BMPs (Best Management Practices). UDC /sustainable practices for receiving TIF. NEXT MEETING DATE: January 3, 2012. ADJOURNMENT: Mike Buelow moved to adjourn the meeting. Wayne Klostermann seconded the motion. Motion was approved by a 6 -0 roll call vote at 6:25 p.m. MRC /cj