Minutes Cable Regulatory 5 11 05 .. MINUTES OF CABLE TV REGULATORY COMMISSION MEETING MAY 11,2005 CITY HALL ANNEX CONFERENCE ROOM # 2 MEMBERS PRESENT: Charles Ellis, Chairman, Ron Tigges, Walt Webster MEMBERS ABSENT: Michael Pratt. One seat remains vacant on the Commission. OTHERS PRESENT: Kathy McMullen, Mediacom Merrill Crawford, Cable Franchise Administrator Mr. Ellis called the meeting to order at 5:31 p.m. 1. Acceptance of the Agenda. Upon a motion by Mr. Webster, seconded by Mr. Tigges, the agenda was approved as distributed. 2. Approval of the Minutes of the December 8, 2004 Meeting. Upon a motion by Mr. Webster, seconded by Mr. Tigges, the Minutes of the December 8, 2004 meeting were approved as distributed. 3. Public Comment. There was no one present to address the Commission. 4. Status of Telecom Projects in Dubuque. Mr. Crawford had nothing new to report. 5. Franchise Renewal. Mr. Crawford told Commissioners that the City Council had approved the terms of the proposed franchise renewal agreement, the Cable Right-Of-Way Ordinance, and the renewal of the hub site lease with Mediacom. The Commission discussed the process and elements of the documents. The agreement and Ordinance will take effect upon publication in the Telegraph Herald. 6. Mediacom General Manager's Report. Ms. McMullen reported that she is in the process of developing spreadsheets to assist in the management of the various obligations and timelines under the new franchise. Mediacom will increasing the maximum download speed of its cable modem service from 3 megabits per second to 5 megabits per second at no additional charge, and will be introducing a premium 10 megabits per second maximum 1 . download speed service for an additional charge. Also, alpha testing of voiceover IP telephones will begin this month and Mediacom will be installing WI-FI transmission equipment in the downtown and Ice Harbor area for the upcoming America's River Festival, and then will configure a permanent WI-FI "cloud" over a similar area for public use. 7. Cable Franchise Administrator Report. Mr. Crawford told Commissioners about the receipt of proposals for a feasibility study of a possible municipal communications utility for Dubuque. The City Council will be asked at the next meeting to approve a contract for the conducting of such study over the summer months. 8. Future Agenda Items. Time will be devoted to future agendas to focus on elements of the new franchise agreement and Ordinance. 9. Adjournment. Upon a motion by Mr. Tigges, seconded by Mr. Webster, the meeting was adjourned at 6:15 p.m. 2