Minutes_City Conference Board 7 18 12City Conference Board Meeting July 18. 2011 The Dubuque City Conference Board met in the Dubuque Board of Supervisors Chambers. 4th floor. Dubuque County Courthouse. 720 Central Avenue. Dubuque. Iowa. The meeting was called to order at 4:00 p.m. by Mayor Roy Buol. The purpose of the meeting is to ratify the Collective Bargaining Agreement with the union employees. Roll call was taken. Those present were: City Mayor Roy Buol Joyce Connors Kevin Lynch School Board: Craig Beytien Otto Krueger Supervisors: Eric Manternach Daryl Klein Also present were Mr. John Ganshirt. Negotiator for trhe Dubuque City Conference Board and City Assessor Richard Engelken. lNIr. Ganshirt gave a presentation on the bargaining unit contract. He requested that the Conference Board ratify the contract. A 2° o raise for the four union members was the only change in the contract. Ms. Connors made a motion to ratify the Collective Bargaining Unit Contract for the fiscal year 2011 -2012. Mr. Manternach seconded the motion. All members voted "Ave:. Motion carried. As there was no further business. Ms. Connors made a motion to adjourn the meeting. lNIr. Lynch seconded the motion. All members present voted "Aye." Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 4:10 p.m.