Minutes_Dubuque County Emergency Management Commission 11 8 11Official Minutes of the November 8th, 2011 Regular Meeting Meeting Called to Order The meeting of the Dubuque County Emergency Management Commission was called to order at 1900 hours by Chairperson Mike Wuertzer. Roll call was completed with the following commission members in attendance: Brian Arnold, Tim Pins, David Boardman, Wayne Demmer, Gene Hosch, Brad McAuliffe, Mike Wuertzer, Tom Berger, and Roger Oberbroeckling. Approval of Minutes The minutes of the August 2nd, 2011, meeting were approved on a motion by Brian Arnold and second by Brad McAuliffe, motion carried. Old Business Severe Weather Recovery Tom reported on the recent flash flooding event and gave a breakdown of the damages incurred. The changes in the FEMA individual Assistance program were discussed. In order to get FEMA Individual assistance at least 250 homes with major damage or being destroyed. Tom also assisted Chief Brown with an after action report for the city response. A meeting with the manager and various department heads will be held at the end of November. A review meeting will also be held this month with Project Concern on the results of the State IA program. Cross Border Training Exercise Tom is part of the Exercise Design Team that is planning a communications exercise with counties along the Mississippi River in Iowa, Wisconsin and Minnesota. The full scale exercise is set for March 1'` and Dubuque County will be the host county for the Iowa responding agencies. The exercise will focus on communications plans and not so much mitigating the incident. The next meeting will be in Winona MN in December. More information will be presented at the next meeting. Other Old Business — None New Business Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan Update Due to the recent disaster, DR -4018, we are required to certify our Part B Hazard Mitigation Plan and our Part C Recovery Plan. The plans were presented. They were most recently certified in February due to the disaster of 2010. A motion was made by Roger Oberbroeckling and second by Gene Hosch to certify parts B and C and submit to the State Homeland Security and Emergency Management Division. Motion Carried. Federal Emergency Management Program Grant (EMPG) All of the paperwork and required reports have been uploaded to the State for reimbursement. This would be to request the $39,000 allocated from the federal government to the commission through the state. The period covered would be from October 1St, 2010 through September 30th 2011. We still have not seen any payments from the State. We are now in federal fiscal year 2012 and the grant application for this period is not expected to be available until April or May, which is half way through the grant year. It is expected that this grant will continue to decrease if not go away in the future. Dubuque County Multi- Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan Application has been submitted to FEMA and the plans submitted under other grants have been approved. We are currently awaiting the official close out of the grants for Dubuque County, Dyersville, and Dubuque. It is anticipated that once the open grants are officially closed out, the state will award the grant for us to complete the MJHMP. This will be coordinated by ECIA. Other New Business — None Committee Reports Budget Committee Tom presented the committee with the proposed FY2012 -13 budget. There are numerous unknowns with the budget for FY2013 including when we will receive federal money, if the city and county will approve the requested increase of $5,000 per entity and what the future holds for the federal grants. The committee did work on the proposed amendment and the next years grant and that was presented to the commission. Increases in salary for the EMA Director, janitorial expenses, building maintenance expenses and radio surcharge are scheduled in for FY2013. The committee will meet again in the first couple weeks of January to review the first six months of expenditures, check on the status of the local and federal funds and determine the need for an amendment to the FY12 budget or not. A motion was made by Roger Oberbroeckling, second by Brian Arnold to accept the budget committee report and allow the committee to meet again to revise figures at the six month period and file the appropriate public notices and paperwork to conduct a public hearing at the February 7th 2012 meeting. Motion carried. Vehicle Replacement Committee Chair Wuertzer updated the commission on the vehicle replacement committee work. The committee is proposing to keep the 2005 Ford Excursion to best serve the needs for the interoperability radio equipment as well as pursue a new four door pick up from a local dealer. Specifications for the vehicle will be worked on, but the committee would be willing to pursue an end model truck from the lot should it be in the best financial interest of the commission. It was also decided that until the federal money is received, the funds in the vehicle replacement fund may be needed for cash flow purposes. Good of the Commission Upcoming Training Events Tom reported on the activities of the Training Operations Committee and the recent classes. The firefighter one class is underway with a good turnout. EMT classes are starting throughout the county and another one will be starting at NICC in January. Tom will be hosting the four day FEMA Communications Leader (COML) course, which provides training for individuals to work at a disaster to provide interoperable communications between different agencies. The COML's would establish communications plans for incidents and work with the IC at incident scenes. Hazardous Materials Calls Tom reported that there are two outstanding hazardous materials bills pending. One has been turned over to the Dubuque County Attorney for collection and violation of the Dubuque County Code of Ordinances as the responsible party is refusing to pay. The other incident occurred last week and will be billed out when all expenses and reports are collected. Open Discussion Brian asked for an update from Supervisor Demmer on the status of the closed bridges in the county. Supervisor Demmer provided information about the status of the various bridges that were damaged by the summer floods. Discussion was held on the FEMA national test that is scheduled for November 9th, 2011. It will be the first test of the top down, national approach to activating the Emergency Alert System. Next Meeting The next meeting of the Dubuque County Emergency Management Commission will be held on Tuesday, February 7th, 2012 at the Dubuque County Firefighters Association Regional Emergency Responder Training Facility at 7:00 p.m. in the West Classroom. The public hearing for the FY2013 will begin at 7:00 p.m. Adjournment A motion was made by Roger Oberbroeckling and seconded by Gene Hosch to adjourn at 1948 hours. Motion Carried. Respectfully submitted, Thomas I. Berger, EMA Director Future Meeting Dates Tuesday, February 7th, 2012, 7:00 p.m. at training center Tuesday, May 1st, 2012, 7:00 p.m. at training center Tuesday, August 1st, 2012, 7:00 p.m. at training center Tuesday, November , 2011, 7:00 p.m. at training center