2 27 12 FY 2013 Budget_Washington Tool Library HandoutThe Washington Tool Library is a valuable resource dedicated to building community and fostering sustainability by providing residents with tools to help them maintain and fix up their homes and yards. In keeping with the Goals and Priorities of the Dubuque City Council, the Washington Tool Library helps support diverse, livable neighborhoods and fosters community pride. We loan a wide variety of tools to low- and moderate- income community members free of charge, which benefits Dubuque residents by reducing the costs of maintaining and improving the places in which we live. We are an all- volunteer library of home and garden tools. It's a lending library, but with tools instead of books. And it's more than that really. We are a community -based resource run by your neighbors for your neighbors, and we feel that our organization serves a vital need to the Washington Neighborhood Strategy that is a top priority in the 2011 -13 Policy Agenda. We loan tools to community residents so they can perform simple home maintenance, tend to their yards and gardens, and learn new skills in a safe and affordable manner. In FY2011, 508 households registered to borrow tools from our library. In FY2010, 518 households registered for a Tool library card. 2,067 tools were borrowed in FY2011 and 2,217 tools in FY2010. 1,211 new and repeat borrowers used tools in FY2011, and 1,307 borrowers in FY2010. Year -to -date for FY2012, the tool library has issued cards to 202 residents who have borrowed 348 tools. We have had 288 repeat borrowers checked out an additional 539 tools. Of the FY2012 borrowers, 37% are in the extremely low income range, 63% in the low income range, 71% in the moderate income range and 46% were female head of household. By providing a wide variety of tools for individuals, the Washington Tool Library encourages sustainable urban living, which is in the Mission Statement of the city council's Goals and Priorities. We also see the Washington Tool Library as an important part of the Safe Community Initiative, which is one of the high priorities noted. We provide a way to reduce consumption by sharing, and this helps build a strong and vibrant community. Our goal is to be a community resource to provide home owners, tenants, long -time residents, and newcomers with the tools they need (and the knowledge to work the tools!). The tool library has become a valuable community resource that serves well in the Goals and Priorities of the Dubuque City Council. By providing funds for our library, you will be investing in the improvement of the quality of life and safety of many Dubuque residents. You will be helping us build community by ensuring the tool library has enough financial resources to keep our doors open. Our volunteers assist city residents in annual registrations, verifying income status for eligibility and issuing library cards, as well as maintaining inventory of the tools and keeping them in working condition. In the 2026 Vision Statement, it says "Dubuque is a progressive, sustainable city..." The mission statement encourages our city to deliver excellent services that support urban living and contribute to a sustainable city. Tools + sharing = community + sustainability. The Washington Tool Library would appreciate your financial support, so we can continue to foster sustainability by providing tools to Dubuque residents, and thereby supporting the Goals and Priorities of the City of Dubuque. Thank you. Tom Oberhoeffer, President, Washington Tool Library November 16, 2011