Jim Gibbs - Long Range Planning Commission Resignation FROM DUGGAN REALTY PHONE NO. 5890839347 Ma~~ 20 1999 10: 19AM P1/1 -, 1037 Kirkwood Street Dubuque, Iowa 52001 May 17, 1999 The Honorable Terry Duggan Mayor of the City of Dubuque City Hall. 13th and C~ntr~l Dubuque, low1.l 52001 Dear Mayor Duggan, As you are nware, I waR re~cntly appointed to the Dubuque Historic Preser.vation Commission and I look forwl'!rd"to serving on this commission with much enthusiasm. However, I have been currently serving on the Long Range Planning Commission and I do not feel that I can serve both. Ther~fore, I respectfully submit to you and the members of the city council. my resignation from the Long Range Plannin2 Commission ~ffeetive this date. ReSpeC\f~~ J m Gibh~ 0 \..0 1..0 ;:::+: :x :0 0'< ;po c ,0,. -c m CT ~j Cl) N () C 0 r, --:.- 111 _~_..c c wO' s-o ;::;.. :::::: 0 ::n: ~- )> --. m -h 0 o' CD .;;-