Environmental Stewardship Advisory Commission Agenda 05 04 99 e e MINUTES OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL STEWARDSHIP ADVISORY COMMISSION MAY 4,1999 4:00 P.M. () \D CITY HALL ANNEX, 1300 MAIN, CONFERENCE ROOM # 1 O~;; Mike Buelow called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. g- ~) :: .0 ~ 0'\ Katie Gustafson, John Bennett, Beth Lynch, Cindy Post, MikiB~ow , :bb ~O :x Peter Simon )> ~ ::: o' .. CD Ul N :0 m o r11 t?1 o MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: STAFF PRESENT: Mary Rose Corrigan, Don Vogt. Paul Horsfall, Jon Brown Mike Buelow completed the Certification of Compliance with the Iowa Open Meetings Law. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Cindy Post moved to approve the minutes of the March 2, 1999 ESAC meeting. Beth Lynch seconded the motion, there were no changes and the motion passed unanimously. TEST AGENDA: Beth Lynch moved to accept the agenda. Cindy Post seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. ITEMS FROM COMMISSION: OLD BUSINESS: 1. Environmental Status Indicators. e Mary Rose Corrigan stated that she thought the Commissioners could do a prioritization process by naming their top five indicators. Beth Lynch asked what it means to "pick and indicator?" Mary Rose stated that she thought that had been discussed in previous meetings. Mary Rose stated the Commission could compile a report to the community and provide information on the indicators chosen. Beth asked for information on what is already being monitored. She stated that she felt that the indicators that were already being monitored should be kept. Mike Buelow asked which departments monitored which indicators. The Department of Natural Resources monitors air (smokestacks once each month.) Paul Horsfall stated that the DNR has some data from current monitoring and offered to ask them for Dubuque's data. Mike Buelow stated that the environmental literacy of citizens is an important indicator and that the Commission has not done much on educating the public. Cindy Post agreed. John Bennett stated that the ongoing monitoring will go on no matter what because some of it is required by law. He agreed that the data from current monitoring should be included and Cindy agreed. Mary Rose said a report could be compiled stating what data we have and do not have. John Bennett asked about goals of current monitoring. Jon Brown stated that the goals in his area are to meet and operate within required limits, not reduction. John Bennett asked about how to provide information. Mike Buelow stated that the report would go to the City Council. It should include all the data possible and what the Commission feels are concerns. A discussion took place about the various environmental status indicators. Beth recommended reporting everything that is currently monitored and prioritize what isn't being monitored now. Air, energy conservation, surface water, pollutants, land use, greenspace, municipal water, lead, storm water, solid waste, transportation, and industrial energy use were all named as some important indicators to consider. Beth will try to get information on industrial energy use (she will check with Alliant.) John Bennett will check with Maquoketa Electric. Mike Buelow will take air quality (radon, etc.) Mike Buelow asked that we start compiling all the data we already monitor and be ready to make recommendations on other indicators by August 1999. Mary Rose stated that staff will start compiling everything in one location. NEW BUSINESS: There was no new business. John Bennett asked about the process for appointing new Commissioners. ITEMS FROM STAFF: OLD BUSINESS: 1. Deer. Mary Rose Corrigan stated she had submitted the deer management plan to the IDNR with one slight change at the IDNR's suggestion. The change was regarding the incentive program: 1 adult doe harvested will give the hunter 2 chances in the drawing, and 1 non-adult doe harvested will give the hunter 1 chance in the drawing. 2. Solid Waste Management Plan. The Commissioners all stated that the Plan was very good. Beth Lynch moved to endorse the Solid Waste Management Plan. John Bennett seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. Mike Buelow will sign the letter of endorsement for the Commission. NEW BUSINESS: 1. Risk Management Plan. Jon Brown provided information about Dubuque'S risk management plan and the organization compiled of various industries in the Tri-State area that are affected. The purpose of the presentation was to make the Commission aware. ITEMS FROM THE PUBLIC: There was no one present to address the Commission. CLARIFICATION OF TASKS: Gather information on environmental indicators: Beth and John - energy conservation, Mike - air Cindy - DNR John & Mary Rose - Cancer Mary Rose - land use NEXT MEETING DATE: July 6, 1999. No June meeting due to lack of quorum. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS: Environmental status indicators and deer. ADJOURNMENT: John Bennett moved to adjourn the meeting. Beth Lynch seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. Meeting was adjourned at 5:20 P.M. MRC/cj