Michalski, Ann, Letter - Bds/Commissions Page 1 of2 Jeanne Schneider - FW: From: To: Date: Subject: "Ann Michalski" <aemlO@mchsi.com> <jschneid@cityofdubuque.org> 01/30/20068:28 AM FW: -----Original Message----- From: Ann Michalski [mailto:aemlO@mchsi.com] Sent: Sunday, January 29, 2006 9:34 PM To: 'Juanitahilkin@dtyofdubuque.org' Subject: Dear Friends, I'm sorry that I cannot be with you this afternoon. An old and dear friend (since 1950) died this weekend in Chicago and I have gone to the wake. I had planned to go to the funeral tomorrow, but I can't work it out with the commitment for the Iowa League of Cities program on TuesdayIWednesday so I will be back very late tonight if you want to reach me. I have visited with Joyce Connors and she should be able to share any additional information with you regarding my various assignments over the past ten years. With the exception of Dubuque Main Street, I have served on all these boards since January of 1996. I was originally also on the DRA Board but was happy to give that up when John Markham was elected and was willing to serve. I would prefer NOT to serve on the DRA board. I would be willing to serve on other boards which may need members at the conclusion of this exercise, particularly GDDC and Conventions and Visitors' Bureau. This is the status of my service on these boards: DUBUQUE METROPOLITAN AREA SOLID WASTE AGENCY: I was appointed for "length of term" and wish to continue serving. I am currently the senior member of the three person board and I think it would cause a real problem for staff if I did not continue as one of the two city representatives. DUBUQUE MAIN STREET LIMITED: I went on this board about six years ago when the mayor found himself unable to attend their 8 a.m. meetings. I have been a very active member, attending board meetings very regularly, successfully working to include the city council representative as a member of the Executive Committee, volunteering for Main Street activities, attending many of the state-wide training sessions, and attaining a considerable level of credibility with state level staff. I also served on the group who developed the Downtown Plan. The board has expressed a desire for me to continue, but I understand that other council members may have a particular interest in downtown and will not oppose someone's desire to have a place on this board. FOUR MOUNDS: I have been a member of this board since coming on the council in 1996. I have been very active and the Foundation has expressed a strong interest in having me continue. I am very interested in the work of the foundation (both historic preservation and human service involvement) and ten years give you a considerable degree of expertise. The hardest thing about being on this board is that they are not very good at following their "fixed" schedule for board (every other month) and committee (altemate month) meetings. To be honest, it is rather annoying, as is their difficulty in assuring a quorum, though this has improved greatly since Chris Olson has become Executive Director. Anyone interested in serving on this board needs to realize that meetings - especially Board meetings - tend to run rather long and they are, basically, on the same day as council meetings. DUBUQUE INITIATIVES: This also is a "length ofterm" appointment. In 1996, when I began, I was the only city council representative. A few years later, the by laws were amended and two additional council members (one of them the mayor} and the City Manager were added. The board is staffed by the City Director of Economic Development and his assistant. I need to tell you that when I told this board that I would be willing to give up my file:IIC:\Documents%20and%20Settings\jschneid.000\Local%20Settings\ Temp\XPGrp W... 01/30/2006 Page 2 of2 seat they expressed some concern since the mayoral position would be new and, should I leave, so would both city council positions. I am willing to make this change, but I wanted to let you know the background. OTHER INITIATIVES: DMATS: In addition to the regular DMATS commitment, I serve on the TAG (Transportation Advisory Group) which studies the transportation needs of disabled and low income persons. This group has been meeting regularly over the past year and a half and has had some signifICant input to planning for this population. If it is decided to have a liaison to the Library Board, I am very interested in this position. I was a student librarian at Clarke for four years, an assistant librarian in two of my teaching positions and have been an extremely strong supporter of the Library since moving to Dubuque and, especially, since being elected to the Council. I would like to suggest that the Council have a liaison to the Downtown Planning Group, as it has to Long Range Planning. If another council member would like to go on the Main Street Limited Board, I would be very interested in this, or if I continue on the Board, perhaps another council member would be interested in serving in this capacity. I hope this is helpful and wish you a good workshop this evening. Have a GREAT trip to D.C. Ann file://C:\Documents%20and%20Settings\jschneid.000ILocal%20Settingsl TempIXPGrp W... 01/30/2006