Minutes Human Rights 12 12 05 DUBUQUE HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION MINUTES OF December 12,2005 Commissioner Giesen called the meeting of the Dubuque Human Rights Commission to order at 4:18 p.m. on Monday, December 12, 2005, in Conference Room 2 at the City Hall Annex. Roll Call: Present: Penny Ehlinger Judy Giesen Bill Ross Marcos Rubinstein Vince Vanden Huevel -..-., Absent: Evelyn Jackson Jim Jarrard Patricia Foster Dave Loney Staff: Kelly Larson Bill Blum Carol Spinoso Approval of Minutes Commissioner Rubinstein moved and Commissioner Ehlinger seconded to approve the meeting minutes of November 14, 2005 as submitted. All in favor. Caseload Report Carol summarized the November Caseload Report. There were forty-seven intakes, six cases in active investigation, five cases in backlog, one case in mediation, one case in the public hearing process, two cases in administrative review, there were no cases closed, and three cases were filed. The case synopsis involves allegations of race discrimination in the area of public accommodation. Chairperson's Report Commissioner Giesen asked commissioners to sign thank you cards that she prepared for Sid Scott, for having facilitated the goal setting session, and Chris Doyle from the Multicultural Family Center, for having provided an update on activities at the Center. She also thanked Commissioner Ehlinger for her work on various subcommittes; especially her diligent efforts on the disability/accessibility awareness project. Director's Report Kelly provided a written report highlighting past and future initiatives. Subcommittee Reports: Josh Castro from Project Concern is considering serving on a subcommittee. He requested that agendas from the sexual orientation and disability subcommittees be sent to him. 1) Multicultural Education Committee - Marcos, Patricia Due to travel plans for both Patricia and Marcos, Marcos will schedule a meeting in January. 2) Disabilitv/Awareness Committee - Penny The committee met on November 29 to brainstorm educational ideas and opportunities. They plan to create a booklet, establish a speaker's bureau, and form survey teams. More committee members are needed from the commission, so that the goal is more viable and manageable. Penny is willing to continue serving on this committee during the transition period. 3) Sexual Orientation Committee - Bill, Vince The subcommittee discussed financial aid for materials and joining other established groups such as Faces & Voices and PFLAG. Their main focus will be on education and will plan to establish a presentation outline. The Commission needs to review the proposed ordinance amendment and also ascertain when the Commission would present the amendment to the City Council. Marcos suggested that this discussion be continued at next month's meeting with the full Commission present. Commissioner Rubinstein moved to change the January 9th meeting to January 16th. Commissioner Vanden Huevel seconded. There was discussion about commissioner absences on the 9th. It was decided to keep the meeting on January 9th to omit any confusion for newly appointed commissioners. Commissioner Vanden Huevel withdrew his second and Commissioner Rubinstein withdrew his main motion. The next subcommittee meeting is scheduled for January 17th at 3:30 p.m. in Conference Room II. 4) Faces & Voices - Penny, Marcos Nomination forms for the CommUNITY Award for Diversity Initiatives in Business will be forwarded to the judges this week and they will have until January 6 to select the recipient. The award will be presented during the Martin Luther King Jr. Breakfast on January 16. In parting, Penny encouraged commissioners to be a working commission, not to just attend meetings, but to take charge and stick to the issues to get things accomplished. In January, with a full commission present, every commissioner will sign up to work on at least one subcommittee. Select a DCAP Reoresentative Kelly stated that Lou Oswald had served as DCAP representative and with his departure from the commission, will need to be replaced. Commissioner Ross moved and Commissioner Vanden Huevel seconded to appoint Commissioner Rubinstein as the new DCAP representative. All in favor. Commissioner Foster remains the altemate representative. Discuss Leaislative Priorities and Iowa Leaaue Breakfast Commissioners Ross and Rubinstein volunteered to attend the Legislative Breakfast on February 23, 2006. Further discussion was tabled until the January meeting. New Business Commissioner Ross encouraged commissioners to contact County Supervisors at 589-4441 regarding the imminent closure of the Gannon Center due to financial shortfalls. Adiournment Commissioner Ross moved and Commissioner Ehlinger seconded to adjourn the meeting. All in favor. The meeting adjourned at 5:43 p.m. The next meeting is January 9, 2006. Minutes approved as submitted: rP Minutes approved as corrected: .~ '