Kenworthy, Jane resign from Arts Comm ~UI .:.:. II.. Ub U/:U:.:IP ~alr~ax ~~mpnon~ Urchestr ./U~~~./U~Ub p,1 ---c: February 7, 2006 :-1 City Clerk City of Dubuque Dubuque, IA '.,:; Dear Sir: I write to thank the City Council for the honor they bestowed on me when they appointed me to the Arts and Cultural Affairs Advisory Commission last year. I regret that at this time I must resign from the Commission. Since I have taken a job out of the State I will no longer be able to fulfill my duties and wish to resign now in order to make it possible for someone new to be appointed. I want to thank the Mayor and the City Council for the trust that they placed in me. I was pleased to serve and wish to commend my fellow commissioners for their fine work and dedication. I especially want to note the fine work of staff member Jerelyn O'Connor in facilitating the work of the Commission. The residents of Dubuque are the richer for the arts and cultural amenities the City supports. With very best wishes to the Commission for its continued successful work, .-. . l'lery respectfully, . ~ ~ ~ V~~ --= Ja ""EKenworthy . l